Search results for: inspiratory muscle training
3216 Strategies by a Teaching Assistant to Support the Classroom Talk of a Child with Communication and Interaction Difficulties in Italy: A Case for Promoting Social Scaffolding Training
Authors: Lorenzo Ciletti, Ed Baines, Matt Somerville
Internationally, supporting staff with limited training (Teaching Assistants (TA)) has played a critical role in the education of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Researchers have notably illustrated that TAs support the children’s classroom tasks while teachers manage the whole class. Rarely have researchers investigated the TAs’ support for children’s participation in whole-class or peer-group talk, despite this type of “social support” playing a significant role in children’s whole-class integration and engagement with the classroom curriculum and learning. Social support seems particularly crucial for a large proportion of children with SEND, namely those with communication and interaction difficulties (e.g., autism spectrum conditions and speech impairments). This study explored TA practice and, particularly, TA social support in a rarely examined context (Italy). The Italian case was also selected as it provides TAs, known nationally as “support teachers,” with the most comprehensive training worldwide, thus potentially echoing (effective) nuanced practice internationally. Twelve hours of video recordings of a single TA and a child with communication and interaction difficulties (CID) were made. Video data was converted into frequencies of TA multidimensional support strategies, including TA social support and pedagogical assistance. TA-pupil talk oriented to children’s participation in classroom talk was also analysed into thematic patterns. These multi-method analyses were informed by social scaffolding principles: in particular, the extent to which the TA designs instruction contingently to the child’s communication and interaction difficulties and how their social support fosters the child’s highest responsibility in dealing with whole-class or peer-group talk by supplying the least help. The findings showed that the TA rarely supported the group or whole class participation of the child with CID. When doing so, the TA seemed to highly control the content and the timing of the child’s contributions to the classroom talk by a) interrupting the teacher’s whole class or group conversation to start an interaction between themselves and the child and b) reassuring the child about the correctness of their talk in private conversations and prompting them to raise their hand and intervene in the whole-class talk or c) stopping the child from contributing to the whole-class or peer-group talk when incorrect. The findings are interpreted in terms of their theoretical relation to scaffolding. They have significant implications for promoting social scaffolding in TA training in Italy and elsewhere.Keywords: children with communication and interaction difficulties, children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, social scaffolding, teaching assistants, teaching practice, whole-class talk participation
Procedia PDF Downloads 973215 Role of Leadership in Project Management
Authors: Miriam Filipová, Peter Balco
At present, in Slovak and Czech Republic, the education within the field of Project Management is carried out either within the higher education or via commercial entities, whilst the most used contents are the commonly used methodologies of project management. Obtaining a diploma after completing a university degree or a training certificate does not automatically mean the success of the project or the success of the project manager. The importance of leadership and soft skills in project management is either not included at all within the training of project managers, or it is only partially reflected. From the methodology perspective, the most important things during the preparation and management of the projects are preparation of the project plan, resource planning, and project realization in accordance with the chosen methodology. However, the key element on which the success of the project depends on are the people – whether they are team members on the supplier's side, the stakeholders, or the end users. This research focuses on the real needs of working project managers, on the development of their strengths, expertise, skills, and knowledge regarding leadership and soft skills. At the same time, it looks into identifying the elements that they consider to be key to the success of the projects they have managed and successfully delivered. The result of this research is the input for creating recommendations for a comprehensive education of project managers in the field of leadership and soft skills.Keywords: project management, leadership, soft skills, education, academic degree, certificates, skills, talents, knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 1613214 Determining the Awareness Level of Chefs and Students on Food Safety and Allergens in Kano State, Nigeria and Ankara City in Turkey
Authors: Balarabe Bilyaminu Ismail, Osman Cavus, Fügen Durlu Özkaya
This study is aimed at determining the level of awareness of chefs and students of food science and technology on food safety in general and allergens in particular. To get appropriate data, a questionnaire comprising of 19 questions covering many food safety issues and allergens in foods were used to collect information for the study through face to face interviews. Interviews were conducted for 284 people in Nigeria and Turkey. Sixty-eight percent of respondents from Turkey; 31.3% were students and 68.7% were chefs. Thirty-one percent of respondents from Nigeria include 33.7% students and 66.3% chefs. The result of the study indicated that most of the findings of scientific studies on food safety issues have not been directly applied by the people working in the food sector. Additionally, the knowledge level of the gastronomy and culinary arts students on food safety and allergens are significantly higher than the restaurant chefs that prepare the food and serve it to the public. The study, therefore, concluded that proper training of food business operators is critical to ensuring the safety of foods and control of allergens.Keywords: allergens, food safety, questionnaire survey, training
Procedia PDF Downloads 3633213 Case Study of Human Factors and Ergonomics in the Design and Use of Harness-Embedded Costumes in the Entertainment Industry
Authors: Marielle Hanley, Brandon Takahashi, Gerry Hanley, Gabriella Hancock
Safety harnesses and their protocols are very common within the construction industry, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has provided extensive guidelines with protocols being constantly updated to ensure the highest level of safety within construction sites. There is also extensive research on harnesses that are meant to keep people in place in moving vehicles, such as seatbelts. Though this research is comprehensive in these areas, the findings and recommendations are not generally applicable to other industry sectors where harnesses are used, such as the entertainment industry. The focus of this case study is on the design and use of harnesses used by theme park employees wearing elaborate costumes in parades and performances. The key factors of posture, kinesthetic factors, and harness engineering interact in significantly different ways when the user is performing repetitive choreography with 20 to 40 lbs. of apparatus connected to harnesses that need to be hidden from the audience’s view. Human factors and ergonomic analysis take into account the required performers’ behaviors, the physical and mental preparation and posture of the performer, the design of the harness-embedded costume, and the environmental conditions during the performance (e.g., wind) that can determine the physical stresses placed on the harness and performer. The uniqueness and expense of elaborate costumes frequently result in one or two costumes created for production, and a variety of different performers need to fit into the same costume. Consequently, the harnesses should be adjustable if they are to minimize the physical and cognitive loads on the performer, but they are frequently more a “one-size fits all”. The complexity of human and technology interactions produces a range of detrimental outcomes, from muscle strains to nerve damage, mental and physical fatigue, and reduced motivation to perform at peak levels. Based on observations conducted over four years for this case study, a number of recommendations to institutionalize the human factors and ergonomic analyses can significantly improve the safety, reliability, and quality of performances with harness-embedded costumes in the entertainment industry. Human factors and ergonomic analyses can be integrated into the engineering design of the performance costumes with embedded harnesses, the conditioning and training of the performers using the costumes, the choreography of the performances within the staged setting and the maintenance of the harness-embedded costumes. By applying human factors and ergonomic methodologies in the entertainment industry, the industry management and support staff can significantly reduce the risks of injury, improve the longevity of unique performers, increase the longevity of the harness-embedded costumes, and produce the desired entertainment value for audiences.Keywords: ergonomics in entertainment industry, harness-embedded costumes, performer safety, injury prevention
Procedia PDF Downloads 943212 The Effect of Positional Release Technique versus Kinesio Tape on Iliocostalis lumborum in Back Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Authors: Shams Khaled Abdelrahman Abdallah Elbaz, Alaa Aldeen Abd Al Hakeem Balbaa
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of Positional Release Technique versus Kinesio Tape on pain level, pressure pain threshold level and functional disability in patients with back myofascial pain syndrome at iliocostalis lumborum. Backgrounds/significance: Myofascial Pain Syndrome is a common muscular pain syndrome that arises from trigger points which are hyperirritable, painful and tender points within a taut band of skeletal muscle. In more recent literature, about 75% of patients with musculoskeletal pain presenting to a community medical centres suffer from myofascial pain syndrome.Iliocostalis lumborum are most likely to develop active trigger points. Subjects: Thirty patients diagnosed as back myofascial pain syndrome with active trigger points in iliocostalis lumborum muscle bilaterally had participated in this study. Methods and materials: Patients were randomly distributed into two groups. The first group consisted of 15 patients (8 males and 7 females) with mean age 30.6 (±3.08) years, they received positional release technique which was applied 3 times per session, 3/week every other day for 2 weeks. The second group consisted of 15 patients(5 males, 10 females) with a mean age 30.4 (±3.35) years, they received kinesio tape which was applied and changed every 3 days with one day off for a total 3 times in 2 weeks. Both techniques were applied over trigger points of the iliocostalis lumborum bilaterally. Patients were evaluated pretreatment and posttreatment program for Pain intensity (Visual analogue scale), pressure pain threshold (digital pressure algometry), and functional disability (The Oswestry Disability Index). Analyses: Repeated measures MANOVA was used to detect differences within and between groups pre and post treatment. Then the univariate ANOVA test was conducted for the analysis of each dependant variable within and between groups. All statistical analyses were done using SPSS. with significance level set at p<0.05 throughout all analyses. Results: The results revealed that there was no significant difference between positional release technique and kinesio tape technique on pain level, pressure pain threshold and functional activities (p > 0.05). Both groups of patients showed significant improvement in all the measured variables (p < 0.05) evident by significant reduction of both pain intensity and functional disability as well as significant increase of pressure pain threshold Conclusions : Both positional release technique and kinesio taping technique are effective in reducing pain level, improving pressure pain threshold and improving function in treating patients who suffering from back myofascial pain syndrome at iliocostalis lumborum. As there was no statistically significant difference was proven between both of them.Keywords: positional release technique, kinesio tape, myofascial pain syndrome, Iliocostalis lumborum
Procedia PDF Downloads 2323211 Identification of Landslide Features Using Back-Propagation Neural Network on LiDAR Digital Elevation Model
Authors: Chia-Hao Chang, Geng-Gui Wang, Jee-Cheng Wu
The prediction of a landslide is a difficult task because it requires a detailed study of past activities using a complete range of investigative methods to determine the changing condition. In this research, first step, LiDAR 1-meter by 1-meter resolution of digital elevation model (DEM) was used to generate six environmental factors of landslide. Then, back-propagation neural networks (BPNN) was adopted to identify scarp, landslide areas and non-landslide areas. The BPNN uses 6 environmental factors in input layer and 1 output layer. Moreover, 6 landslide areas are used as training areas and 4 landslide areas as test areas in the BPNN. The hidden layer is set to be 1 and 2; the hidden layer neurons are set to be 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8; the learning rates are set to be 0.01, 0.1 and 0.5. When using 1 hidden layer with 7 neurons and the learning rate sets to be 0.5, the result of Network training root mean square error is 0.001388. Finally, evaluation of BPNN classification accuracy by the confusion matrix shows that the overall accuracy can reach 94.4%, and the Kappa value is 0.7464.Keywords: digital elevation model, DEM, environmental factors, back-propagation neural network, BPNN, LiDAR
Procedia PDF Downloads 1453210 Psycholgical Contract Violation and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction Level: A Study on Subordinate Employees in Enterprises of Hanoi, Vietnam
Authors: Quangyen Tran, YeZhuang Tian, Chengfeng Li
Psychological contract violations may lead to damaging an organization through losing its potential employees; it is a very significant concept in understanding the employment relationships. The authors selected contents of psychological contract violation scale based on the nine areas of violation most relevant to managerial samples (High pay, training, job security, career development, pay based on performance, promotion, feedback, expertise and quality of co-workers and support with personal problems), using regression analysis, the degree of psychological contract violations was measured by an adaptation of a multiplicative scale with Cronbach’s alpha as a measure of reliability. Through the regression analysis, psychological contract violations was found have a positive impact on employees’ job satisfaction, the frequency of psychological contract violations was more intense among male employees particularly in terms of training, job security and pay based on performance. Job dissatisfaction will lead to a lowering of employee commitment in the job, enterprises in Hanoi, Vietnam should therefore offer lucrative jobs in terms of salary and other emoluments to their employees.Keywords: psychological contract, psychological contract violation, job satisfaction, subordinate employees, employers’ obligation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3253209 Technical and Vocational Education and Training: A Second Chance for Female Returnee Migrants in Nigeria
Authors: Onyekachi Ohagwu
Human trafficking remains a pressing issue globally, with Nigeria serving as a source, transit, and destination country. In response to this crisis, the Edo State Task Force Against Human Trafficking (ETAHT), in collaboration with local partners and international organizations such as the International Organization for Migration, has implemented various initiatives, including technical and vocational education and training (TVET) programmes. This research article examines the effectiveness of the ETAHT TVET programme in providing a second chance for female returnee migrants in Nigeria. Through qualitative analysis, including in-depth interviews and case studies, the study evaluates the impact of the programme on participants' lives, socio-economic reintegration, and empowerment. Findings suggest that the ETAHT TVET programme plays a significant role in empowering female returnees, fostering self-reliance, and reducing the risk of re-trafficking. The article concludes with recommendations for enhancing the programme's effectiveness and scalability.Keywords: Edo State, human trafficking, TVET programme, female returnee migrants, empowerment, socio-economic reintegration
Procedia PDF Downloads 593208 Effect of Minimalist Footwear on Running Economy Following Exercise-Induced Fatigue
Authors: Jason Blair, Adeboye Adebayo, Mohamed Saad, Jeannette M. Byrne, Fabien A. Basset
Running economy is a key physiological parameter of an individual’s running efficacy and a valid tool for predicting performance outcomes. Of the many factors known to influence running economy (RE), footwear certainly plays a role owing to its characteristics that vary substantially from model to model. Although minimalist footwear is believed to enhance RE and thereby endurance performance, conclusive research reports are scarce. Indeed, debates remain as to which footwear characteristics most alter RE. The purposes of this study were, therefore, two-fold: (a) to determine whether wearing minimalist shoes results in better RE compared to shod and to identify relationships with kinematic and muscle activation patterns; (b) to determine whether changes in RE with minimalist shoes are still evident following a fatiguing bout of exercise. Well-trained male distance runners (n=10; 29.0 ± 7.5 yrs; 71.0 ± 4.8 kg; 176.3 ± 6.5 cm) partook first in a maximal O₂ uptake determination test (VO₂ₘₐₓ = 61.6 ± 7.3 ml min⁻¹ kg⁻¹) 7 days prior to the experimental sessions. Second, in a fully randomized fashion, an RE test consisting of three 8-min treadmill runs in shod and minimalist footwear were performed prior to and following exercise induced fatigue (EIF). The minimalist and shod conditions were tested with a minimum of 7-day wash-out period between conditions. The RE bouts, interspaced by 2-min rest periods, were run at 2.79, 3.33, and 3.89 m s⁻¹ with a 1% grade. EIF consisted of 7 times 1000 m at 94-97% VO₂ₘₐₓ interspaced with 3-min recovery. Cardiorespiratory, electromyography (EMG), kinematics, rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and blood lactate were measured throughout the experimental sessions. A significant main speed effect on RE (p=0.001) and stride frequency (SF) (p=0.001) was observed. The pairwise comparisons showed that running at 2.79 m s⁻¹ was less economic compared to 3.33, and 3.89 m s⁻¹ (3.56 ± 0.38, 3.41 ± 0.45, 3.40 ± 0.45 ml O₂ kg⁻¹ km⁻¹; respectively) and that SF increased as a function of speed (79 ± 5, 82 ± 5, 84 ± 5 strides min⁻¹). Further, EMG analyses revealed that root mean square EMG significantly increased as a function of speed for all muscles (Biceps femoris, Gluteus maximus, Gastrocnemius, Tibialis anterior, Vastus lateralis). During EIF, the statistical analysis revealed a significant main effect of time on lactate production (from 2.7 ± 5.7 to 11.2 ± 6.2 mmol L⁻¹), RPE scores (from 7.6 ± 4.0 to 18.4 ± 2.7) and peak HR (from 171 ± 30 to 181 ± 20 bpm), expect for the recovery period. Surprisingly, a significant main footwear effect was observed on running speed during intervals (p=0.041). Participants ran faster with minimalist shoes compared to shod (3:24 ± 0:44 min [95%CI: 3:14-3:34] vs. 3:30 ± 0:47 min [95%CI: 3:19-3:41]). Although EIF altered lactate production and RPE scores, no other effect was noticeable on RE, EMG, and SF pre- and post-EIF, except for the expected speed effect. The significant footwear effect on running speed during EIF was unforeseen but could be due to shoe mass and/or heel-toe-drop differences. We also cannot discard the effect of speed on foot-strike pattern and therefore, running performance.Keywords: exercise-induced fatigue, interval training, minimalist footwear, running economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2483207 Farm-Women in Technology Transfer to Foster the Capacity Building of Agriculture: A Forecast from a Draught-Prone Rural Setting in India
Authors: Pradipta Chandra, Titas Bhattacharjee, Bhaskar Bhowmick
The foundation of economy in India is primarily based on agriculture while this is the most neglected in the rural setting. More significantly, household women take part in agriculture with higher involvement. However, because of lower education of women they have limited access towards financial decisions, land ownership and technology but they have vital role towards the individual family level. There are limited studies on the institution-wise training barriers with the focus of gender disparity. The main purpose of this paper is to find out the factors of institution-wise training (non-formal education) barriers in technology transfer with the focus of participation of rural women in agriculture. For this study primary and secondary data were collected in the line of qualitative and quantitative approach. Qualitative data were collected by several field visits in the adjacent areas of Seva-Bharati, Seva Bharati Krishi Vigyan Kendra through semi-structured questionnaires. In the next level detailed field surveys were conducted with close-ended questionnaires scored on the seven-point Likert scale. Sample size was considered as 162. During the data collection the focus was to include women although some biasness from the end of respondents and interviewer might exist due to dissimilarity in observation, views etc. In addition to that the heterogeneity of sample is not very high although female participation is more than fifty percent. Data were analyzed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) technique with the outcome of three significant factors of training barriers in technology adoption by farmers: (a) Failure of technology transfer training (TTT) comprehension interprets that the technology takers, i.e., farmers can’t understand the technology either language barrier or way of demonstration exhibited by the experts/ trainers. (b) Failure of TTT customization, articulates that the training for individual farmer, gender crop or season-wise is not tailored. (c) Failure of TTT generalization conveys that absence of common training methods for individual trainers for specific crops is more prominent at the community level. The central finding is that the technology transfer training method can’t fulfill the need of the farmers under an economically challenged area. The impact of such study is very high in the area of dry lateritic and resource crunch area of Jangalmahal under Paschim Medinipur district, West Bengal and areas with similar socio-economy. Towards the policy level decision this research may help in framing digital agriculture for implementation of the appropriate information technology for the farming community, effective and timely investment by the government with the selection of beneficiary, formation of farmers club/ farm science club etc. The most important research implication of this study lies upon the contribution towards the knowledge diffusion mechanism of the agricultural sector in India. Farmers may overcome the barriers to achieve higher productivity through adoption of modern farm practices. Corporates will be interested in agro-sector through investment under corporate social responsibility (CSR). The research will help in framing public or industry policy and land use pattern. Consequently, a huge mass of rural farm-women will be empowered and farmer community will be benefitted.Keywords: dry lateritic zone, institutional barriers, technology transfer in India, farm-women participation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3753206 Relationship between Deliberate Practice of Dribbling and Self-Regulatory Behavior of Male Basketball Players
Authors: Daud Abdia, Aqsa Shamim, Farhan Tabassum
In order to achieve specific goals, basketball players have to use different skills to enhance their motivation, one such skill is deliberate practice. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between deliberate practice of dribbling and self-regulatory behavior of male basketball players. For this purpose, a sample of 108 basketball players using stratified sampling was taken from public and private sector universities. Sample was divided into two groups that are experimental (n=54) and control group (n=54) using comparative experimental design. Experimental group was involved in the training of deliberate practice of dribbling for 5 weeks. Amounts of weekly practice activity and Self-Regulation of Learning Self-Report Scale (SRL-SRS) were used for self-regulatory behavior to collect data after the deliberate practice. The reliability of amounts of weekly practice activity was found to be 0.852, whereas SRL-SRS was found to be 0.890. The results of the study indicated a strong positive correlation between deliberate practice of dribbling and self-regulatory behavior (r=0.755, n=54, p=.000). Whereas, paired sample t-test; t(53)=1.37, p < 0.005 shows statistically significant improvement in the self-regulatory behavior after the training program of deliberate practice from 3.02 ± 0.64m to 3.21 ± 0.75m (p < 0.005). It was concluded that in order to enhance the self-regulatory behavior of basketball players we should work on the deliberate practice of the players.Keywords: self-regulatory behavior, deliberate practice, dribbling, basketball
Procedia PDF Downloads 1743205 Views and Experiences of Medical Students of Kerman University of Medical Sciences on Facilitators and Inhibitators of Quality of Education in the Clinical Education System in 2021
Authors: Hossein Ghaedamini, Salman Farahbakhsh, Alireza Amirbeigi, Zahra Saghafi, Salman Daneshi, Alireza Ghaedamini
Background: Assessing the challenges of clinical education of medical students is one of the most important and sensitive parts of medical education. The aim of this study was to investigate the views and experiences of Kerman medical students on the factors that facilitate and inhibit the quality of clinical education. Materials and Methods: This research was qualitative and used a phenomenological approach. The study population included medical interns of Kerman University of Medical Sciences in 1400. The method of data collection was in-depth interviews with participants. Data were encoded and analyzed by Claizey stepwise model. Results: First, about 540 primary codes were extracted in the form of two main themes (facilitators and inhibitors) and 10 sub-themes including providing motivational models and creating interest in interns, high scientific level of professors and the appropriate quality of their teaching, the use of technology in the clinical education process, delegating authority and freedom of action and more responsibilities to interns, inappropriate treatment of some officials, professors, assistants and department staff with their interns, inadequate educational programming, lack of necessary cooperation and providing inappropriate treatment by clinical training experts for interns, inadequate evaluation method in clinical training for interns, poor quality mornings, the unefficiency of grand rounds, the inappropriate way of evaluating clinical training for interns, the lack of suitable facilities and conditions with the position of a medical intern, and the hardwork of some departments were categorized. Conclusion: Clinical education is always mixed with special principles and subtleties, and special attention to facilitators and inhibitors in this process has an important role in improving its quality.Keywords: clinical education, medical students, qualitative study, education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1013204 The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Student’s Behavior and Mind
Authors: Makarios Mosaad Thabet Ibrahim
the existing context paper targets to give the important position of ‘scholar voice’ and the track trainer inside the study room, which contributes to greater scholar-focused song training. The goal is to consciousness at the capabilities of the scholar voice via the tune spectrum, which has been born in the music school room, and the instructor’s methodologies and techniques used within the song classroom. The tune curriculum, the principles of pupil-centered song schooling, and the function of students and teachers as tune ambassadors have been taken into consideration the essential song parameters of scholar voice. The scholar- voice is a well worth-mentioning factor of a scholar-focused training, and all instructors have to take into account and sell its life in their lecture room. student affairs services play a critical function in contributing to the wholistic development and success of college students as they progress through their educational careers. The examine incorporates a multifaceted examination of student affairs carrier offerings among 10 personal and three public Baghdad universities. scholar affairs administrators (thirteen) have been surveyed together with over 300 students to determine university-subsidized services and pupil pride and attention. The pupil affairs service studies findings various drastically among non-public and public establishments and people that observed a country wide and international curriculum. Universities need to persist to conform to changing demographics and technological improvements to enhance students' private and academic successes, and pupil affairs services are key to preparing graduates to thrive in a diverse international world.Keywords: college student-athletes, self-concept, use of social media training, social networking student affairs, student success, higher education, Iraq, universities, Baghdad student's voice, student-centered education, music ambassadors, music teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 373203 Assessing the Current State of Software Engineering and Information Technology in Ghana
Authors: David Yartel
Drawing on the current state of software engineering and information technology in Ghana, the study documents its significant contribution to the development of Ghanaian industries. The study focuses on the application of modern trends in technology and the barriers faced in the area of software engineering and information technology. A thorough analysis of a dozen of interviews with stakeholders in software engineering and information technology via interviews reveals how modern trends in software engineering pose challenges to the industry in Ghana. Results show that to meet the expectation of modern software engineering and information technology trends, stakeholders must have skilled professionals, adequate infrastructure, and enhanced support for technology startups. Again, individuals should be encouraged to pursue a career in software engineering and information technology, as it has the propensity to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of work-related activities. This study recommends that stakeholders in software engineering and technology industries should invest enough in training more professionals by collaborating with international institutions well-versed in the area by organizing frequent training and seminars. The government should also provide funding opportunities for small businesses in the technology sector to drive creativity and development in order to bring about growth and development.Keywords: software engineering, information technology, Ghana, development
Procedia PDF Downloads 943202 Mathematical Based Forecasting of Heart Attack
Authors: Razieh Khalafi
Myocardial infarction (MI) or acute myocardial infarction (AMI), commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow stops to part of the heart causing damage to the heart muscle. An ECG can often show evidence of a previous heart attack or one that's in progress. The patterns on the ECG may indicate which part of your heart has been damaged, as well as the extent of the damage. In chaos theory, the correlation dimension is a measure of the dimensionality of the space occupied by a set of random points, often referred to as a type of fractal dimension. In this research by considering ECG signal as a random walk we work on forecasting the oncoming heart attack by analyzing the ECG signals using the correlation dimension. In order to test the model a set of ECG signals for patients before and after heart attack was used and the strength of model for forecasting the behavior of these signals were checked. Results shows this methodology can forecast the ECG and accordingly heart attack with high accuracy.Keywords: heart attack, ECG, random walk, correlation dimension, forecasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 5433201 Educating Children Who Are Deaf and Hearing Impaired in Southern Africa: Challenges and Triumphs
Authors: Emma Louise McKinney
There is a global move to integrate children who are Deaf and Hearing Impaired into regular classrooms with their hearing peers with an inclusive education framework. This paper examines the current education situation for children who are Deaf and Hearing Impaired in South Africa, Madagascar, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Namibia. Qualitative data for this paper was obtained from the author’s experiences working as the Southern African Education Advisor for an international organization funding disability projects. It examines some of the challenges facing these children and their teachers relating to education. Challenges include cultural stigma relating to disability and deafness, a lack of hearing screening and early identification of deafness, schools in rural areas, special schools, specialist teacher training, equipment, understanding of how to implement policy, support, appropriate teaching methodologies, and sign language training and proficiency. On the other hand, in spite of the challenges some teachers are able to provide quality education to children who are Deaf and Hearing Impaired. This paper examines both the challenges as well as what teachers are doing to overcome these.Keywords: education of children who are deaf and hearing impaired, Southern African experiences, challenges, triumphs
Procedia PDF Downloads 2423200 From the Classroom to Digital Learning Environments: An Action Research on Pedagogical Practices in Higher Education
Authors: Marie Alexandre, Jean Bernatchez
This paper focuses on the complexity of the face-to-face-to-distance learning transition process. Our research action aims to support the process of transition from classroom to distance learning for teachers in higher education with regard to pedagogical practices that can meet the various needs of students using digital learning environments. In Quebec and elsewhere in the world, the advent of digital education is helping to transform teaching, which is significantly changing the role of teachers. While distance education implies a dissociation of teaching and learning to a variable degree in space and time, distance education (DE) is becoming more and increasingly becoming a preferred option for maintaining the delivery of certain programs and providing access to programs and to provide access to quality activities throughout Quebec. Given the impact of teaching practices on educational success, this paper reports on the results of three research objectives: 1) To document teachers' knowledge of teaching in distance education through the design, experimentation and production of a repertoire of the determinants of pedagogical practices in response to students' needs. 2) Explain, according to a gendered logic, the adequacy between the pedagogical practices implemented in distance learning and the response to the profiles and needs expressed by students using digital learning environments; 3) Produce a model of a support approach during the process of transition from classroom to distance learning at the college level. A mixed methodology, i.e., a quantitative component (questionnaire survey) and a qualitative component (explanatory interviews and living lab) was used in cycles that were part of an ongoing validation process. The intervention includes the establishment of a professional collaboration group, webinars training webinars for the participating teachers on the didactic issue of knowledge-teaching in FAD, the didactic use of technologies, and the differentiated socialization models of educational success in college education. All of the tools developed will be used by partners in the target environment as well as by all teacher educators, students in initial teacher training, practicing teachers, and the general public. The results show that access to training leading to qualifications and commitment to educational success reflects the existing links between the people in the educational community. The relational stakes of being present in distance education take on multiple configurations and different dimensions of learning testify to needs and realities that are sometimes distinct depending on the life cycle. This project will be of interest to partners in the targeted field as well as to all teacher trainers, students in initial teacher training, practicing college teachers, and to university professors. The entire educational community will benefit from digital resources in education. The scientific knowledge resulting from this action research will benefit researchers in the fields of pedagogy, didactics, teacher training and pedagogy in higher education in a digital context.Keywords: action research, didactics, digital learning environment, distance learning, higher education, pedagogy technological, pedagogical content knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 883199 Waste Generation in Iranian Building Industry: Addressing a Theory
Authors: Golnaz Moghimi, Alireza Afsharghotli, Alireza Rezaei
Construction waste has been gradually increased as a result of upsizing construction projects which are occurred within the lifecycle of buildings. Since waste management is a major priority and has profound impacts on the volume of waste generated in construction stage, the majority of efforts have been attempted to reuse, recycle and reduce waste. However, there is still room to study on lack of sufficient knowledge about waste management in construction industry. This paper intends to provide an insight into the effect of project management knowledge areas on waste management solely on construction stage. To this end, a survey among Iranian building construction industry contractors was conducted to identify the effectiveness of project management knowledge areas on three jobsite key factors including ‘Site activity’, ‘Training’, and ‘Awareness’. As a result, four management disciplines were identified as most influential ones on amount of construction waste. These disciplines were Project Cost Management, Quality Management, Human Resource Management, and Integration Management. Based on the research findings, a new model was presented to develop effective construction waste strategies.Keywords: awareness, PMBOK, site activity, training, waste management
Procedia PDF Downloads 3603198 Recognising and Managing Haematoma Following Thyroid Surgery: Simulation Teaching is Effective
Authors: Emily Moore, Dora Amos, Tracy Ellimah, Natasha Parrott
Postoperative haematoma is a well-recognised complication of thyroid surgery with an incidence of 1-5%. Haematoma formation causes progressive airway obstruction, necessitating emergency bedside haematoma evacuation in up to ¼ of patients. ENT UK, BAETS and DAS have developed consensus guidelines to improve perioperative care, recommending that all healthcare staff interacting with patients undergoing thyroid surgery should be trained in managing post-thyroidectomy haematoma. The aim was to assess the effectiveness of a hybrid simulation model in improving clinician’s confidence in dealing with this surgical emergency. A hybrid simulation was designed, consisting of a standardised patient wearing a part-task trainer to mimic a post-thyroidectomy haematoma in a real patient. The part-task trainer was an adapted C-spine collar with layers of silicone representing the skin and strap muscles and thickened jelly representing the haematoma. Both the skin and strap muscle layers had to be opened in order to evacuate the haematoma. Boxes have been implemented into the appropriate post operative areas (recovery and surgical wards), which contain a printed algorithm designed to assist in remembering a sequence of steps for haematoma evacuation using the ‘SCOOP’ method (skin exposure, cut sutures, open skin, open muscles, pack wound) along with all the necessary equipment to open the front of the neck. Small-group teaching sessions were delivered by ENT and anaesthetic trainees to members of the multidisciplinary team normally involved in perioperative patient care, which included ENT surgeons, anaesthetists, recovery nurses, HCAs and ODPs. The DESATS acronym of signs and symptoms to recognise (difficulty swallowing, EWS score, swelling, anxiety, tachycardia, stridor) was highlighted. Then participants took part in the hybrid simulation in order to practice this ‘SCOOP’ method of haematoma evacuation. Participants were surveyed using a Likert scale to assess their level of confidence pre- and post teaching session. 30 clinicians took part. Confidence (agreed/strongly agreed) in recognition of post thyroidectomy haematoma improved from 58.6% to 96.5%. Confidence in management improved from 27.5% to 89.7%. All participants successfully decompressed the haematoma. All participants agreed/strongly agreed, that the sessions were useful for their learning. Multidisciplinary team simulation teaching is effective at significantly improving confidence in both the recognition and management of postoperative haematoma. Hybrid simulation sessions are useful and should be incorporated into training for clinicians.Keywords: thyroid surgery, haematoma, teaching, hybrid simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 973197 A Brain Controlled Robotic Gait Trainer for Neurorehabilitation
Authors: Qazi Umer Jamil, Abubakr Siddique, Mubeen Ur Rehman, Nida Aziz, Mohsin I. Tiwana
This paper discusses a brain controlled robotic gait trainer for neurorehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) patients. Patients suffering from Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) become unable to execute motion control of their lower proximities due to degeneration of spinal cord neurons. The presented approach can help SCI patients in neuro-rehabilitation training by directly translating patient motor imagery into walkers motion commands and thus bypassing spinal cord neurons completely. A non-invasive EEG based brain-computer interface is used for capturing patient neural activity. For signal processing and classification, an open source software (OpenVibe) is used. Classifiers categorize the patient motor imagery (MI) into a specific set of commands that are further translated into walker motion commands. The robotic walker also employs fall detection for ensuring safety of patient during gait training and can act as a support for SCI patients. The gait trainer is tested with subjects, and satisfactory results were achieved.Keywords: brain computer interface (BCI), gait trainer, spinal cord injury (SCI), neurorehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1633196 Effects of Physical Activity Used as Treatment in Community Mental Health Services
Authors: John Olav Bjornestad, Bjorn Tore Johansen
The number of people suffering from mental illnesses is increasing, and such illness is currently one of the major causes of disability and poor health. The reason for this is most likely a lack of physical activity. The purpose of this study was to discover if physical activity was an effective mode of treatment for psychiatric patients at an out-patient treatment facility. The study included an exploration of whether or not patients having physical activity included as an integral part of their treatment (to a greater degree than do patients who are physically inactive) would achieve 1) an improvement in their physical condition 2) a reduction in symptomatic pressure and 3) an increase in their health-related quality of life. The intervention period lasted a total of 12 weeks. The training group completed a minimum of 2 training sessions per week with an intensity of 60-75% of maximum heart rate. The participants’ health-related quality of life (SF-36), symptomatic pressure (SCL-90-R) and physical condition (UKK-walking test) were measured before and after intervention. Twenty participants were pre-tested, and out of this initial group, nine patients completed the intervention program and participated thereafter in post-testing. The results showed that participants on average improved their physical condition, reduced their symptomatic pressure and increased their health-related quality of life over the course of the intervention period. The training group experienced significant changes in their symptomatic pressure (the anxiety dimension) and health-related quality of life (the mental health dimension) from the pre-testing stage to the post-testing one. Furthermore, there was a significant connection between symptomatic pressure and health-related quality of life. The patients who were admitted to the psychiatric out-patient clinic were in a physical condition that was significantly poorer than that of persons of the same age in the remainder of the population. Experiences from the study and the relatively large defection from it demonstrate that there is a great need for close follow-up of psychiatric patients’ physical activity levels when physical activity and lifestyle changes are included as part of their treatment program.Keywords: health-related quality, mental health, physical activity, physical condition
Procedia PDF Downloads 2793195 Balancing Resources and Demands in Activation Work with Young Adults: Exploring Potentials of the Job Demands-Resources Theory
Authors: Gurli Olsen, Ida Bruheim Jensen
Internationally, many young adults not in education, employment, or training (NEET) remain in temporary solutions such as labour market measures or other forms of welfare arrangements. These trends have been associated with ineffective labour market measures, an underfunded theoretical foundation for activation work, limited competence among social workers and labour market employees in using ordinary workplaces as job inclusion measures, and an overemphasis on young adults’ personal limitations such as health challenges and lack of motivation. Two competing models have been prominent in activation work: Place‐Then‐Train and Train‐Then‐Place. A traditional strategy for labour market measures has been to first motivate NEETs to sheltered work and training and then to the regular labour market (train then place). Measures such as Supported Employment (SE) and Individual Placement and Support (IPS) advocate for rapid entry into paid work at the regular labour market with close supervision and training from social workers, employees, and others (place then train). None of these models demonstrate unquestionable results. In this web of working life measures, young adults (NEETs) experience a lack of confidence in their own capabilities and coping strategies vis-á-vis labour market- and educational demands. Drawing on young adults’ own experiences, we argue that the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Theory can contribute to the theoretical and practical dimensions of activation work. This presentation will focus on what the JD-R theory entails and how it can be fruitful in activation work with NEETs (what and how). The overarching rationale of the JD-R theory is that an enduring balance between demands (e.g., deadlines, working hours) and resources (e.g., social support, enjoyable work tasks) is important for job performance for people in any job and potentially in other meaningful activities. Extensive research has demonstrated that a balance between demands and resources increases motivation and decreases stress. Nevertheless, we have not identified literature on the JD-R theory in activation work with young adults.Keywords: activation work, job demands-resources theory, social work, theory development
Procedia PDF Downloads 803194 Examining K-12 In-Service Teachers’ Comfort Level with the Social Model of Disability and Its Impact on Inclusive Measures in the Classroom
Authors: Frederic Fovet
Inclusive provisions have been statutorily mandated in North America for now over two decades. Despite a growing body of literature around inclusive practices, many in-service teachers continue to express difficulties when it comes to tangible implementation of inclusion in the everyday classroom. While there is debate around the various forms inclusion can take (UDL, differentiation, personalization, etc.), there appears to be a more significant hurdle in getting in-service teachers to fully embrace inclusion both as a goal and a practice. This paper investigates teachers’ degree of awareness around the Social Model of Disability. It argues that teachers often lack basic awareness of disability studies, more particularly of the Social Model of Disability, and that this has a direct impact on their capacity to conceptualize and embrace inclusion. The paper draws from the researcher’s experience as a graduate instructor with in-service teachers, as well as from his experience as a consultant working with schools and school boards. The methodology chosen here is phenomenology, and it draws on tools such as auto-ethnography. The paper opens a discussion around the reform and transformation of pre-service teacher training. It argues that disability studies should be integrated into teacher training as it plays a key role in having teachers develop a theoretical understanding of disability as a social construct.Keywords: disability, K-12, inclusion, social model, in-service teachers
Procedia PDF Downloads 1923193 Challenges Encountered by Small Business Owners in Building Their Social Media Marketing Competency
Authors: Nilay Balkan
Introductory statement: The purpose of this study is to understand how small business owners develop social media marketing competency, the challenges they encounter in doing so, and establish the social media training needs of such businesses. These challenges impact the extent to which small business owners build effective social media knowledge and, in turn, impact their ability to implement effective social media marketing into their business practices. This means small businesses are not fully able to benefit from social media, such as benefits to customer relationship management or increasing brand image, which would support the overall business operations for these businesses. This research is part one of a two-phased study. The first phase aims to establish the challenges small business owners face in building social media marketing competency and their specific training needs. Phase two will then focus in more depth on the barriers and challenges emerging from phase one. Summary of Methodology: Interviews with ten small business owners were conducted from various sectors, including fitness, tourism, food, and drinks. These businesses were located in the central belt of Scotland, which is an area with the highest population and business density in Scotland. These interviews were in-depth and semi-structured, with the purpose of being investigative and understanding the phenomena from the lived experience of the small business owners. A purposive sampling was used, where small business owners fulfilling certain criteria were approached to take part in the interviews. Key findings: The study found four ways in which small business owners develop their social media competency (informal methods, formal methods, learning through a network, and experimenting) and the various challenges they face with these methods. Further, the study established four barriers impacting the development of social media marketing competency among the interviewed small business owners. In doing so, preliminary support needs have also emerged. Concluding statement: The contribution of this study is to understand the challenges small business owners face when learning how to use social media for business purposes and identifying their training needs. This understanding can help the development of specific and tailored support. In addition, specific and tailored training can support small businesses in building competency. This supports small businesses to progress to the next stage of their development, which could be to further their digital transformation or grow their business. The insights from this study can be used to support business competitiveness and support small businesses to become more resilient. Moreover, small businesses and entrepreneurs share some similar characteristics, such as limited resources and conflicting priorities, and the findings of this study may be able to support entrepreneurs in their social media marketing strategies as well.Keywords: small business, marketing theory and applications, social media marketing, strategic management, digital competency, digitalisation, marketing research and strategy, entrepreneurship
Procedia PDF Downloads 933192 Prediction Compressive Strength of Self-Compacting Concrete Containing Fly Ash Using Fuzzy Logic Inference System
Authors: Belalia Douma Omar, Bakhta Boukhatem, Mohamed Ghrici
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) developed in Japan in the late 80s has enabled the construction industry to reduce demand on the resources, improve the work condition and also reduce the impact of environment by elimination of the need for compaction. Fuzzy logic (FL) approaches has recently been used to model some of the human activities in many areas of civil engineering applications. Especially from these systems in the model experimental studies, very good results have been obtained. In the present study, a model for predicting compressive strength of SCC containing various proportions of fly ash, as partial replacement of cement has been developed by using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). For the purpose of building this model, a database of experimental data were gathered from the literature and used for training and testing the model. The used data as the inputs of fuzzy logic models are arranged in a format of five parameters that cover the total binder content, fly ash replacement percentage, water content, super plasticizer and age of specimens. The training and testing results in the fuzzy logic model have shown a strong potential for predicting the compressive strength of SCC containing fly ash in the considered range.Keywords: self-compacting concrete, fly ash, strength prediction, fuzzy logic
Procedia PDF Downloads 3363191 The Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Occupational Stress and Burnout among K-12 Educators: A Review of the Literature
Authors: Kailen Krame
This paper presents a review of the literature on the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions for reducing occupational stress and burnout among K-12 educators. An in-depth discussion of the incidence and impact of teacher stress and burnout is provided, as a wealth of literature indicates that this issue is of growing concern and has important implications not only for individual educators but also for students and the school as an organization. Given the evidence of a link between teacher wellbeing and student outcomes, this topic is worth further investigation in order to better understand sources of stress and burnout and propose adequate coping strategies for today’s educators. As a potential solution to teacher stress and burnout, mindfulness-based interventions are reviewed in-depth, and an overview of the history, diverse application, and effects of mindfulness practice are provided. Relevant outcomes of educator mindfulness training presented in the literature include increased emotional regulation, self-efficacy, and personal wellbeing, among several others. Lastly, additional implications and benefits of educator mindfulness training are explored, limitations of the current research are reviewed, and apparent best practices are proposed.Keywords: educator burnout, emotional regulation, mindfulness, self-efficacy, stress-reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1463190 A New Mathematical Method for Heart Attack Forecasting
Authors: Razi Khalafi
Myocardial Infarction (MI) or acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), commonly known as a heart attack, occurs when blood flow stops to part of the heart causing damage to the heart muscle. An ECG can often show evidence of a previous heart attack or one that's in progress. The patterns on the ECG may indicate which part of your heart has been damaged, as well as the extent of the damage. In chaos theory, the correlation dimension is a measure of the dimensionality of the space occupied by a set of random points, often referred to as a type of fractal dimension. In this research by considering ECG signal as a random walk we work on forecasting the oncoming heart attack by analysing the ECG signals using the correlation dimension. In order to test the model a set of ECG signals for patients before and after heart attack was used and the strength of model for forecasting the behaviour of these signals were checked. Results show this methodology can forecast the ECG and accordingly heart attack with high accuracy.Keywords: heart attack, ECG, random walk, correlation dimension, forecasting
Procedia PDF Downloads 5073189 Selection the Most Suitable Method for DNA Extraction from Muscle of Iran's Canned Tuna by Comparison of Different DNA Extraction Methods
Authors: Marjan Heidarzadeh
High quality and purity of DNA isolated from canned tuna is essential for species identification. In this study, the efficiency of five different methods for DNA extraction was compared. Method of national standard in Iran, the CTAB precipitation method, Wizard DNA Clean Up system, Nucleospin and GenomicPrep were employed. DNA was extracted from two different canned tuna in brine and oil of the same tuna species. Three samples of each type of product were analyzed with the different methods. The quantity and quality of DNA extracted was evaluated using the 260 nm absorbance and ratio A260/A280 by spectrophotometer picodrop. Results showed that the DNA extraction from canned tuna preserved in different liquid media could be optimized by employing a specific DNA extraction method in each case. Best results were obtained with CTAB method for canned tuna in oil and with Wizard method for canned tuna in brine.Keywords: canned tuna PCR, DNA, DNA extraction methods, species identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 6583188 The Rigor and Relevance of the Mathematics Component of the Teacher Education Programmes in Jamaica: An Evaluative Approach
Authors: Avalloy McCarthy-Curvin
For over fifty years there has been widespread dissatisfaction with the teaching of Mathematics in Jamaica. Studies, done in the Jamaican context highlight that teachers at the end of training do not have a deep understanding of the mathematics content they teach. Little research has been done in the Jamaican context that targets the advancement of contextual knowledge on the problem to ultimately provide a solution. The aim of the study is to identify what influences this outcome of teacher education in Jamaica so as to remedy the problem. This study formatively evaluated the curriculum documents, assessments and the delivery of the curriculum that are being used in teacher training institutions in Jamaica to determine their rigor -the extent to which written document, instruction, and the assessments focused on enabling pre-service teachers to develop deep understanding of mathematics and relevance- the extent to which the curriculum document, instruction, and the assessments are focus on developing the requisite knowledge for teaching mathematics. The findings show that neither the curriculum document, instruction nor assessments ensure rigor and enable pre-service teachers to develop the knowledge and skills they need to teach mathematics effectively.Keywords: relevance, rigor, deep understanding, formative evaluation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2403187 Frenectomy With Lateral Pedicle Graft - A Case Series
Authors: Nikita Sankhe
A Frenum is a band or fold of mucous membrane, which is usually with enclosed muscle fibers, that attaches the lip and cheek to the alveolar mucosa or the gingiva and the underlying periosteum. It curbs or limits the movements of an organ. A frenum becomes a problem if its attachment is too close to the marginal or papillary gingiva, namely localized gingival recession and a midline diastema or it may pull the gingival margin away from the tooth allowing plaque accumulation and inhibit toothbrushing. Frenectomy is the complete removal of the frenum including its attachment to the underlying bone. Miller suggested a technique where by a closure was done across the midline by laterally positioned gingiva. Healing by primary intention resulted in aesthetically acceptable attached gingiva across the midline. This paper aims at showing how a lateral pedicle graft technique combined with frenectomy proves to be more advantageous than any other technique.Keywords: frenum , frenectomy , lateral pedicle graft , classical frenectomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 248