Search results for: ethical understanding
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 7611

Search results for: ethical understanding

6291 Unseen, Unreported, Undisclosed: Insights from a Qualitative Study on Online Sexual Abuse of Children with Disabilities

Authors: Gal Friedman-Hauser, Carmit Katz


Children and youth with disabilities (CWD) are at increased risk of experiencing sexual abuse compared to their peer group. This phenomenon is prevalent in both physical and online spaces, with the latter becoming an increasingly common platform for such abuse due to recent technological advances. Despite their heightened risk, the processes of disclosure and reporting of online child sexual abuse (OCSA) for CWD remain largely unexamined, leaving significant gaps in understanding how to effectively address their needs. The current study seeks to bridge this gap by examining aspects of disclosure and reporting of OCSA among CWD. The study aimed to identify patterns of reporting and disclosure, explore reactions of children's immediate social circle, and critically analyze the content of the reports, emphasizing both addressed and absent aspects. Using a qualitative-critical methodology, the study involved thematic content analysis of 25 case reports from a hotline in Israel dedicated to uncovering online crimes against children. The reports detailed cases of online sexual abuse involving children aged 11–17. Each report was accompanied by a statistical file classifying the child as having a disability. The findings of the study reveal a silenced phenomenon requiring urgent attention. Most cases of abuse were discovered by chance, often by parents, as children hesitated to disclose the abuse due to fears of negative reactions from family and society—fears that were often realized. Reporting was frequently delayed due to three main factors: lack of trust in the validity of the abuse claims attempts to resolve the situation without involving authorities, and a lack of understanding of the severity of the abuse. In addition, the findings have highlighted the reports primarily reflected parents' perspectives, with a limited representation of the children's voices. Moreover, the aspect of disability was mentioned only in general terms, without in-depth consideration. These findings underscore the marginalization of children with disabilities and the pressing need for tailored recognition of their needs in intervention and treatment processes following OCSA. The analysis of these findings provides a comprehensive understanding of the barriers faced by CWD who experience OCSA. To address these challenges, it is crucial to adopt an approach that simultaneously acknowledges the uniqueness of CWD and affirms their right to equal treatment. Such an approach must account for their increased risk of sexual abuse, the prevalence of underreporting, and the negative societal attitudes they often encounter. By recognizing CWD as both equal and different, interventions can more effectively support their specific needs and promote justice and protection in cases of OCSA

Keywords: children with disabilities, disclosure and reporting, online child sexual abuse, qualitative analysis

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6290 Distributed Leadership and Emergency Response: A Study on Seafarers

Authors: Delna Shroff


Merchant shipping is an occupation with a high rate of fatal injuries caused by organizational accidents and maritime disasters. In most accident investigations, the leader’s actions are under scrutiny and point out the necessity to investigate the leader’s decisions in critical conditions. While several leadership studies have been carried out in the past, there is a tendency for most research to focus on holders of formal positions. The unit of analysis in most studies has been the ‘individual.’ A need is, therefore, felt to adopt a practice-based perspective of leadership, understand how leadership emerges to affect maritime safety. This paper explores the phenomenon of distributed leadership among seafarers more holistically. It further examines the role of one form of distributed leadership, that is, planfully aligned leadership in the emergency response of the team. A mixed design will be applied. In the first phase, the data gathered by way of semi-structured interviews will be used to explore the seafarer’s implicit understanding of leadership. The data will be used to develop a conceptual framework of distributed leadership, specific to the maritime context. This framework will be used to develop a simulation. Experimental design will be used to examine the relationship between planfully aligned leadership and emergency response of the team members during navigation. Findings show that planfully aligned leadership significantly and positively predicts the emergency response of team members. Planfully aligned leadership leads to a better emergency response of the team members as compared to authoritarian leadership. In the third qualitative phase, additional data will be gathered through semi-structured interviews to further validate the findings to gain a more complete understanding of distributed leadership and its relation to emergency response. Above are the predictive results; the study expects to be a cornerstone of safety leadership research and has important implications for leadership development and training within the maritime industry.

Keywords: authoritarian leadership, distributed leadership, emergency response , planfully aligned leadership

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6289 An Ecological Approach to Understanding Student Absenteeism in a Suburban, Kansas School

Authors: Andrew Kipp


Student absenteeism is harmful to both the school and the absentee student. One approach to improving student absenteeism is targeting contextual factors within the students’ learning environment. However, contemporary literature has not taken an ecological agency approach to understanding student absenteeism. Ecological agency is a theoretical framework that magnifies the interplay between the environment and the actions of people within the environment. To elaborate, the person’s personal history and aspirations and the environmental conditions provide potential outlets or restrictions to their intended action. The framework provides the unique perspective of understanding absentee students’ decision-making through the affordances and constraints found in their learning environment. To that effect, the study was guided by the question, “Why do absentee students decide to engage in absenteeism in a suburban Kansas school?” A case study methodology was used to answer the research question. Four suburban, Kansas high school absentee students in the 2020-2021 school year were selected for the study. The fall 2020 semester was in a remote learning setting, and the spring 2021 semester was in an in-person learning setting. The study captured their decision-making with respect to school attendance throughsemi-structured interviews, prolonged observations, drawings, and concept maps. The data was analyzed through thematic analysis. The findings revealed that peer socialization opportunities, methods of instruction, shifts in cultural beliefs due to COVID-19, manifestations of anxiety and lack of space to escape their anxiety, social media bullying, and the inability to receive academic tutoring motivated the participants’ daily decision to either attend or miss school. The findings provided a basis to improve several institutional and classroom practices. These practices included more student-led instruction and less teacher-led instruction in both in-person and remote learning environments, promoting socialization through classroom collaboration and clubs based on emerging student interests, reducing instances of bullying through prosocial education, safe spaces for students to escape the classroom to manage their anxiety, and more opportunities for one-on-one tutoring to improve grades. The study provides an example of using the ecological agency approach to better understand the personal and environmental factors that lead to absenteeism. The study also informs educational policies and classroom practices to better promote student attendance. Further research should investigate other school contexts using the ecological agency theoretical framework to better understand the influence of the school environment on student absenteeism.

Keywords: student absenteeism, ecological agency, classroom practices, educational policy, student decision-making

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6288 Using Large Databases and Interviews to Explore the Temporal Phases of Technology-Based Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Authors: Elsie L. Echeverri-Carroll


Entrepreneurial ecosystems have become an important concept to explain the birth and sustainability of technology-based entrepreneurship within regions. However, as a theoretical concept, the temporal evolution of entrepreneurship systems remain underdeveloped, making it difficult to understand their dynamic contributions to entrepreneurs. This paper argues that successful technology-based ecosystems go over three cumulative spawning stages: corporate spawning, entrepreneurial spawning, and community spawning. The importance of corporate incubation in vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystems is well documented in the entrepreneurial literature. Similarly, entrepreneurial spawning processes for venture capital-backed startups are well documented in the financial literature. In contrast, there is little understanding of both the third stage of entrepreneurial spawning (when a community of entrepreneurs become a source of firm spawning) and the temporal sequence in which spawning effects occur in a region. We test this three-stage model of entrepreneurial spawning using data from two large databases on firm births—the Secretary of State (160,000 observations) and the National Establishment Time Series (NEST with 150,000 observations)—and information collected from 60 1½-hour interviews with startup founders and representatives of key entrepreneurial organizations. This temporal model is illustrated with case study of Austin, Texas ranked by the Kauffman Foundation as the number one entrepreneurial city in the United States in 2015 and 2016. The 1½-year study founded by the Kauffman Foundation demonstrates the importance of taken into consideration the temporal contributions of both large and entrepreneurial firms in understanding the factors that contribute to the birth and growth of technology-based entrepreneurial regions. More important, these learnings could offer an important road map for regions that pursue to advance their entrepreneurial ecosystems.

Keywords: entrepreneurial ecosystems, entrepreneurial industrial clusters, high-technology, temporal changes

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6287 Health and Nutrition-Related Stress in Working Women: Faisalabad Perspective

Authors: Sabah Yasin, Anum Obaid


Abstract—Working women in Pakistan should not be neglected, as women make up to half of the population, and are highly educated and diversified in their skills and capabilities. With a shift in global economic and social demands the obligations of a women have altered significantly, impacted by the dual pressures of career and personal life. Despite global efforts to improve economic empowerment and health of women, through Sustainable Development Goals, they suffer from social, economic, psychological and physiological challenges. A sound understanding of working women’s nutrition and health-related stress is a prompt necessity, in areas like Faisalabad, thus leading to a public health issue. The current qualitative study is grounded under the paradigm of in-depth interviews with working women, currently working full time in Faisalabad. Participants collected through snowball sampling were women ages 30-40. This study explores the perceptions and experiences as well as barriers and factors effecting the overall wellbeing of working women, regarding nutrition and health-related stress. Findings of the current study disclosed that the nutritional and health well-being of working women in Faisalabad suffers from the impact of various stressors, like long working hours, excessive workload, low income, poor work place culture, unavailability of healthy food choices at work, lack of time, lack of self-care, unattended nutritional deficiencies and overburdened share of responsibilities. Hence, these findings highlight the need for effective strategies and support systems that will address the unique stressors faced by working women and also by educating them in changing their attitudes and understanding psychosocial barriers that impede their ability to maintain nutrition and overall well-being.

Keywords: health triangle, lifestyle behaviors, nutrition-related, professional life, stress, working women

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6286 A Study on the Different Components of a Typical Back-Scattered Chipless RFID Tag Reflection

Authors: Fatemeh Babaeian, Nemai Chandra Karmakar


Chipless RFID system is a wireless system for tracking and identification which use passive tags for encoding data. The advantage of using chipless RFID tag is having a planar tag which is printable on different low-cost materials like paper and plastic. The printed tag can be attached to different items in the labelling level. Since the price of chipless RFID tag can be as low as a fraction of a cent, this technology has the potential to compete with the conventional optical barcode labels. However, due to the passive structure of the tag, data processing of the reflection signal is a crucial challenge. The captured reflected signal from a tag attached to an item consists of different components which are the reflection from the reader antenna, the reflection from the item, the tag structural mode RCS component and the antenna mode RCS of the tag. All these components are summed up in both time and frequency domains. The effect of reflection from the item and the structural mode RCS component can distort/saturate the frequency domain signal and cause difficulties in extracting the desired component which is the antenna mode RCS. Therefore, it is required to study the reflection of the tag in both time and frequency domains to have a better understanding of the nature of the captured chipless RFID signal. The other benefits of this study can be to find an optimised encoding technique in tag design level and to find the best processing algorithm the chipless RFID signal in decoding level. In this paper, the reflection from a typical backscattered chipless RFID tag with six resonances is analysed, and different components of the signal are separated in both time and frequency domains. Moreover, the time domain signal corresponding to each resonator of the tag is studied. The data for this processing was captured from simulation in CST Microwave Studio 2017. The outcome of this study is understanding different components of a measured signal in a chipless RFID system and a discovering a research gap which is a need to find an optimum detection algorithm for tag ID extraction.

Keywords: antenna mode RCS, chipless RFID tag, resonance, structural mode RCS

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6285 Social Impact Bonds in the US Context

Authors: Paula M. Lantz


In the United States, significant socioeconomic and racial inequalities exist in many population-based indicators of health and social welfare. Although a number of effective prevention programs and interventions are available, local and state governments often do not pursue prevention in the face of budgetary constraints and more acute problems. There is growing interest in and excitement about Pay for Success” (PFS) strategies, also referred to as social impact bonds, as an approach to financing and implementing promising prevention programs and services that help the public sector either save money or achieve greater value for an investment. The PFS finance model implements evidence-based interventions using capital from investors who only receive a return on their investment from the government if agreed-upon, measurable outcomes are achieved. This paper discusses the current landscape regarding social impact bonds in the U.S., and their potential and challenges in addressing serious health and social problems. The paper presents an analysis of a number of social science issues that are fundamental to the potential for social impact bonds to successfully address social inequalities in health and social welfare. This includes: a) the economics of the intervention and a potential public payout; b) organizational and management issues in intervention implementation; c) evaluation research design and methods; d) legal/regulatory issues in public payouts to investors; e) ethical issues in the design of social impact bond deals and their evaluation; and f) political issues. Despite significant challenges in the U.S. context, there is great potential for social impact bonds as a type of social impact investing to encourage private investments in evidence-based interventions that address important public health and social problems in underserved populations and provide a return on investment.

Keywords: pay for success, public/private partnerships, social impact bonds, social impact investing

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6284 Influence of Geologic and Geotechnical Dataset Resolution on Regional Liquefaction Assessment of the Lower Wairau Plains

Authors: Omer Altaf, Liam Wotherspoon, Rolando Orense


The Wairau Plains are located in the northeast of the South Island of New Zealand, with alluvial deposits of fine-grained silts and sands combined with low-lying topography suggesting the presence of liquefiable deposits over significant portions of the region. Liquefaction manifestations were observed in past earthquakes, including the 1848 Marlborough and 1855 Wairarapa earthquakes, and more recently during the 2013 Lake Grassmere and 2016 Kaikōura earthquakes. Therefore, a good understanding of the deposits that may be susceptible to liquefaction is important for land use planning in the region and to allow developers and asset owners to appropriately address their risk. For this purpose, multiple approaches have been employed to develop regional-scale maps showing the liquefaction vulnerability categories for the region. After applying semi-qualitative criteria linked to geologic age and deposit type, the higher resolution surface mapping of geomorphologic characteristics encompassing the Wairau River and the Opaoa River was used for screening. A detailed basin geologic model developed for groundwater modelling was analysed to provide a higher level of resolution than the surface-geology based classification. This is used to identify the thickness of near-surface gravel deposits, providing an improved understanding of the presence or lack of potentially non-liquefiable crust deposits. This paper describes the methodology adopted for this project and focuses on the influence of geomorphic characteristics and analysis of the detailed geologic basin model on the liquefaction classification of the Lower Wairau Plains.

Keywords: liquefaction, earthquake, cone penetration test, mapping, liquefaction-induced damage

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6283 Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge of the Glasgow Coma Scale in a Saudi Tertiary Care Hospital: A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors: Roaa Al Sharif, Salsabil Abo Al-Azayem, Nimah Alsomali, Wjoud Alsaeed, Nawal Alshammari, Abdulaziz Alwatban, Yaseen Alrabae, Razan Orfali, Faisal Alqarni, Ahmad Alrasheedi


from various countries have revealed that nurses possess only a basic understanding of the GCS. Regarding this matter, limited knowledge is available about the situation in Saudi Arabia. Overall, the available research suggests that there is room for improvement in the knowledge of the GCS among nurses in Saudi Arabia. Further training and education programs may be beneficial in enhancing nurses' understanding and application of the GCS in clinical practice. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge and competence in assessing the GCS among staff nurses and to identify factors that might influence their knowledge at King Fahd Medical City in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional survey involving 199 KFMC staff nurses was conducted. Nurses were provided with a structured questionnaire, and data were collected and analyzed using SPSS version 16, employing descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests. Results: The majority, 81.4% of nurses, had an average level of knowledge in assessing the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). The mean score for measuring the level of knowledge among staff nurses in GCS assessment was 8.8 ± 1.826. Overall, 13.6% of respondents demonstrated good knowledge of the GCS, scoring between 11 and 15 points, while only 5% of nurses exhibited poor knowledge of the GCS assessment. There was a significant correlation between knowledge and nurses' departments (χ2(2) = 19.184, p < 0.001). χ2(2) = 19.184," representing a Chi-square statistic with 2 degrees of freedom used to test the association between categorical variables in the data analysis. Conclusion: The findings indicate that knowledge of GCS assessment among staff nurses in a single center in Saudi Arabia is moderate. Therefore, there is a need for continuous education programs to enhance their competence in using this assessment.

Keywords: Glasgow Coma Scale, brain injury, nurses’ knowledge assessment, continuous education programs

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6282 Our Shared Humanity: Bridging the Great Divide of Different Religions

Authors: Aida Raissi, Holly Wong, Elma Raissi


Background: Connection is a primal need established during infancy and reiterated in many forms of social interaction. When we make connections with others we experience growth, continuity, and gain an understanding of the other’s sense of the world. Feeling socially connected to another individual or community has been shown to increase self-esteem, happiness, and meaning. However, feeling connected to another individual or a specific community may also decrease the motivation to seek connection with more distant individuals or communities. Furthermore, we allow ourselves to interact with those in other communities as apart from us, and in some cases, to dehumanize their existence. Objective: The aim of this project is to bridge the gap between different communities, specifically religious communities and foster feelings of connection as one with all members through the medium of art, specifically photography. Method: Members of all major faiths including Agnosticism, Atheism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity, Ismaili, Jewish, Ja’far Shia, Sunni will be interviewed. Participants will be asked to partake in a brief interview of two parts: A. Answering two questions: 1. What are you most looking forward to in the future, and why? 2. What does religion mean to you? B. Having their picture taken. Our questions aim to elicit individual stories that together, show that we have more in common, than differences, despite our faiths. With the completion of the interviews, the responses will be compiled together and major themes will be identified. Impact: The resulting stories and corresponding individual pictures provide an excellent opportunity to encourage and inspire people to get to know those of other beliefs and values, participate in each other’s communities and develop a sense of oneness within our shared humanity. Knowledge translation: The personal stories, and the common themes they illustrate, will be shared with various audiences, including the general public, academia and targeted groups such as students. This will be done through displaying the photographs and responses at art galleries, conferences, in print and online.

Keywords: social justice, religion, connection, understanding, community

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6281 A Prediction of Cutting Forces Using Extended Kienzle Force Model Incorporating Tool Flank Wear Progression

Authors: Wu Peng, Anders Liljerehn, Martin Magnevall


In metal cutting, tool wear gradually changes the micro geometry of the cutting edge. Today there is a significant gap in understanding the impact these geometrical changes have on the cutting forces which governs tool deflection and heat generation in the cutting zone. Accurate models and understanding of the interaction between the work piece and cutting tool leads to improved accuracy in simulation of the cutting process. These simulations are useful in several application areas, e.g., optimization of insert geometry and machine tool monitoring. This study aims to develop an extended Kienzle force model to account for the effect of rake angle variations and tool flank wear have on the cutting forces. In this paper, the starting point sets from cutting force measurements using orthogonal turning tests of pre-machined flanches with well-defined width, using triangular coated inserts to assure orthogonal condition. The cutting forces have been measured by dynamometer with a set of three different rake angles, and wear progression have been monitored during machining by an optical measuring collaborative robot. The method utilizes the measured cutting forces with the inserts flank wear progression to extend the mechanistic cutting forces model with flank wear as an input parameter. The adapted cutting forces model is validated in a turning process with commercial cutting tools. This adapted cutting forces model shows the significant capability of prediction of cutting forces accounting for tools flank wear and different-rake-angle cutting tool inserts. The result of this study suggests that the nonlinear effect of tools flank wear and interaction between the work piece and the cutting tool can be considered by the developed cutting forces model.

Keywords: cutting force, kienzle model, predictive model, tool flank wear

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6280 Purpose in Procurement: Much Discussed, Less Conceptualized – An Exploratory Study of CPO Perceptions Based on the Gioia Methodology

Authors: Laurin Zemmrich, Nicolai Stickler


With the ongoing debate over how to incorporate sustainability, resilience, and value creation into business strategies, many procurement departments are put under pressure by governments, consumers, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders to disclose more information about their supply chains. According to practitioners and experts, procurement benefits the supply chain by increasing transparency and accountability, recruiting new suppliers, and supporting sustainable and ethical sourcing strategies. While most procurement departments establish these objectives, the bulk of activities are not carried out or are not regularly monitored. With the full potential of targeted sourcing still to be realized, procurement executives, in particular, are seeking for short-term cost-cutting impacts to appease external shareholders. We overcome this limitation by using an abductive approach to research and integrating empirical data from a Gioia methodology study design with relevant literature. Our analysis demonstrates that the procurement department has six essential levers aligned with sustainability, resilience, and value creation objectives and contributes to developing a new intra- and interorganizational purpose within the supply chain. Three enablers are identified as having a value-creating effect on supply chain interactions. Additionally, we discovered two impacts that alter the power balance between buyers and suppliers during transactions and have a cost-cutting or cost-avoiding effect. While cost-cutting, cost-avoidance, and dependency-reduction impacts are desirable, redistributing power may also have negative consequences. The article establishes a first strategy framework for evaluating the influence of the procurement department on supply chain transactions, allowing managers to understand better and apply the sourcing function inside a supply chain and embed it throughout the business.

Keywords: supply chain management, resilience, sustainability, value creation, purpose

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6279 Conceptual Understanding for the Adoption of Energy Assessment Methods in the United Arab Emirates Built Environment

Authors: Amna I. Shibeika, Batoul Y. Hittini, Tasneem B. Abd Bakri


Regulation and integration of public policy, economy, insurance industry, education, and construction stakeholders are the main contributors to achieve sustainable development. Building environmental assessment methods were introduced in the field to address issues such as global warming and conservation of natural resources. In the UAE, Estidama framework with its associated Pearl Building Rating System (PBRS) has been introduced in 2010 to address and spread sustainability practices within the country’s fast-growing built environment. Based on literature review of relevant studies investigating different project characteristics that influence sustainability outcomes, this paper presents a conceptual framework for understanding the adoption of PBRS in UAE projects. The framework also draws on Diffusion of Innovations theory to address the questions of how the assessment method is chosen in the first place and what is the impact of PBRS on the multi-disciplinary design and construction processes. The study highlights the mandatory nature of the adoption of PBRS for government buildings as well as imbedding Estidama principles within Abu Dhabi building codes as key factors for raising awareness about sustainable practices. Moreover, several project-related elements are addressed to understand their relationship with the adoption process, including project team collaboration; communication and coordination; levels of commitment and engagement; and the involvement of key actors as sustainability champions. This conceptualization of the adoption of PBRS in UAE projects contributes to the growing literature on the adoption of energy assessment tools and addresses the UAE vision is to be at the forefront of innovative sustainable development by 2021.

Keywords: adoption, building assessment, design management, innovation, sustainability

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6278 An Inquiry about Perception of Autonomous Academe and Accountable Leadership on University Governance: A Case of Bangladesh

Authors: Monjur E-Khoda Tarafdar


Institutional autonomy and academic freedom corresponding to accountability are seen as a core concept of university governance. Universities are crucial factors in search of truth for knowledge production and dissemination. Academic leaders are the pivots to progressively influence the university governance. Therefore, in a continuum of debate about autonomy and accountability in the aspect of perception, academic leadership has been studied. Having longstanding acquaintance in the field the researcher has been instrumental to gain lived experiences of the informants in this qualitative study. Case studies are useful to gain an understanding of the complexities of a particular site to preserve a sense of wholeness of the site being investigated. Thus, multiple case study approach has been employed with a sample size of seventy-one. Such large size of informants was interviewed in order to capture a wider range of views that exist in Bangladesh. This qualitative multiple case study has engaged in-depth interviewing method of academic leaders and policy makers of three case universities. Open-ended semi-structured questionnaires are used to have a comprehensive understanding of how the perception of autonomy and accountability of academic leaders has impacted university governance in the context of Bangladesh. The paper has interpreted the voices of the informants and distinguished both the transformational and transactional style of academic leaderships in local university settings against the globally changed higher education demography. The study finds contextual dissimilarity in the perspectives of autonomy and accountability of academic leadership towards university governance. Unaccountability results in losing autonomous power and collapsing academic excellence. Since accountability grows competitiveness and competence, the paper also focuses on how academic leaders abuse the premise of academic loyalty to universities.

Keywords: academic loyalty, accountability, autonomy, leadership, perception, university governance

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6277 The Influence of Chinese Philosophic-Religious Traditions on Chinese Consumption Behaviour: Findings from the Taoist Case Study

Authors: Haiping Zhu


The purpose of this work-in-progress paper is to explore how the Chinese philosophic-religious tradition of Taoism impacts on the consumption behaviour of contemporary Chinese consumers. Although much cultural research has been conducted on Chinese consumption behaviours, most studies have approached the subject from Western perspectives. Examination of the limited literature indicates a gap in the knowledge of the relationship of traditional Chinese Taoism philosophy and Chinese consumption behaviour. To bridge this gap, this study examines Chinese consumption behaviour at a Taoist-related Chinese religious festival - the DuanWu festival - in order to seek some understanding of how the Taoism philosophic-religious tradition influences Chinese consumption behaviour from the point of view of the individuals involved. It focuses attention on their expression of Taoism cultural values, purchasing experience and subsequent consumption behaviours. This study undertook multiple methods for Taoist case study data collection: accompanied shopping with Taoists before DuanWu Festival; participant observations during DuanWu Festival; and in-depth interviews in order to explore Taoists consumption behaviours at the end of the Festival. Specifically, the finding from the Taoist case study corroborates and details the influence of the Taoism doctrine: man–nature orientation, Fenshui, ecological effect, and ecological knowledge, on their attitudes toward green purchasing behaviour. Findings from this Taoist case study - one of a series of three Chinese philosophic religious tradition case studies - contribute to the deeper understanding of contemporary Chinese consumers from a non-Western viewpoint and offer initial insights for global marketers to differentiate consumer needs and develop effective marketing strategies.

Keywords: consumer behaviour, culture values, green purchase behaviour, Taoism

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6276 Reframing the Teaching-Learning Framework in Health Sciences Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Prospects

Authors: Raul G. Angeles, Rowena R. De Guzman


The future workforce for health in a globalized context highlights better health human resource planning. Health sciences students are challenged to develop skills needed for global migration. Advancing health sciences education is crucial in preparing them to overcome border challenges. The purpose of this mixed-method, two-part study was to determine the extent by which the current instructional planning and implementation (IPI) framework is reframed with teaching approaches that foster students' 21st-century skills development and to examine participants’ over-all insights on learner-centered teaching and learning (LCTL) particularly in health sciences classrooms. Participants were groups of teachers and students drawn from a national sample through the Philippine higher education institutions (HEIs). To the participants, the use of technology, practices driven by students’ interests and enriching learning experiences through project-based learning are the approaches that must be incorporated with great extent in IPI to encourage student engagement, active learning and collaboration. Participants were asked to detail their insights of learner-centered teaching and learning and using thematic content analysis parallel insights between the groups of participants lead to three emerging themes: opportunities, challenges and prospects. More contemporary understanding of LTCL in today’s health sciences classrooms were demonstrated by the participants. Armed with true understanding, educational leaders can provide interventions appropriate to the students’ level of need, teachers’ preparation and school’s readiness in terms of resources. Health sciences classrooms are innovated to meet the needs of the current and future students.

Keywords: globalization, health workforce, role of education, student-centered teaching and learning, technology in education

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6275 Assessment of Maternal Satisfaction Regarding Quality of Care during Labor

Authors: Farida Habib, Haya Alfozan, Eman Miligi, Najla Alotaibi


Background: Women’s satisfaction with maternity services, especially care during labor and birth, has become highly significant to healthcare providers, administrators, and policymakers. Purpose: The aims of this study were to assess maternal satisfaction regarding the quality of care during labor and to compare the level of maternal satisfaction between women who delivered by physicians and those delivered by midwives. Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional, correlational design was used. A convenient sample of 180 low-risk cases of immediate postpartum women who delivered at King Abdul-Aziz medical city was recruited. Women whose babies were diagnosed with serious health problems were excluded from the study. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were ensured. The questionnaire included three parts, namely: demographics data, medical history, and obstetrical history, and the last part is the satisfaction assessment tool. Ethical confederations were ensured. Maternal satisfaction during labor was classified in terms of health care, health workers' communication, and the environment. Results: Regarding health care, women were highly satisfied with care received from nurse (M = 4.21 + 0.88), medical care received (M = 4.17 + 0.79), and comfort techniques (M = 4.04 + 0.91). Regarding health workers' communication, women were highly satisfied with the provider to treat with dignity and respect (M = 4.03 + 0.91) and orientation to the toilet, bathroom, washing area (M = 4.00 + 0.93). Regarding the environment, women were highly satisfied with the experience of their baby's birth (M = 4.18 + 0.98) and supplies with drugs and supplies (M = 4.09 + 0.97). There was no statistically significant difference in maternal satisfaction between women who delivered by physicians and those delivered by midwives. Conclusion: Women were generally satisfied with their labor and delivery experience. There was no difference in maternal satisfaction on the labor process between women who delivered by physicians and those delivered by midwives.

Keywords: maternity, satisfaction, labor, delivery

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6274 Exploring the Effect of Using Lesh Model in Enhancing Prospective Mathematics Teachers’ Number Sense

Authors: Areej Isam Barham


Developing students’ number sense is an essential element in the learning of mathematics. Number sense is one of the foundational ideas in mathematics where students need to understand numbers, representing them in different ways, and realize the relationships among numbers. Number sense also reflects students’ understanding of the meaning of operations, how they related to one another, how to compute fluently and make reasonable estimates. Developing students’ number sense in the mathematics classroom requires good preparation for mathematics teachers, those who will direct their students towards the real understanding of numbers and its implementation in the learning of mathematics. This study describes the development of elementary prospective mathematics teachers’ number sense through a mathematics teaching methods course at Qatar University. The study examined the effect of using the Lesh model in enhancing mathematics prospective teachers’ number sense. Thirty-nine elementary prospective mathematics teachers involved in the current study. The study followed an experimental research approach, and quantitative research methods were used to answer the research questions. Pre-post number sense test was constructed and implemented before and after teaching by using the Lesh model. Data were analyzed using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive data analysis and t-test were used to examine the impact of using the Lesh model in enhancing prospective teachers’ number sense. Finding of the study indicated poor number sense and limited numeracy skills before implementing the use of the Lesh model, which highly demonstrate the importance of the study. The results of the study also revealed a positive impact on the use of the Lesh model in enhancing prospective teachers’ number sense with statistically significant differences. The discussion of the study addresses different features and issues related to the participants’ number sense. In light of the study, the research presents recommendations and suggestions for the future development of mathematics prospective teachers’ number sense.

Keywords: number sense, Lesh model, prospective mathematics teachers, development of number sense

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6273 Queerness and Gender Representation Through the Lens of Five Ghanaian Artists

Authors: Sela Adjei


This research delves into the nuanced representations of queerness in Ghana, presented through photographs, illustrations, film and music videos on social media and streaming platforms. The study focuses on the works of five Ghanaian artists (Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi, Angel Maxine, Josephine Kuuire, Bright Ackwerh and Philip Nee Whang) within the context of Ghana's evolving media landscape. Of primary concern is a need to uncover the various aspects of queerness captured within the distinct artistic expressions of these five creatives. This study adopts a qualitative approach by analyzing artistic expressions of queerness in Ghana’s digital media spaces. Content analysis and visual semiotics served as the guiding tools to discuss and decipher the nuanced messages embedded in their works, considering both the visual and narrative aspects. This dual approach takes into account both the visual aesthetics and narrative elements, enhancing our understanding of the complex interplay between queerness and gender representation in the media. This study's contribution is twofold. First, it enriches the discourse surrounding queerness as portrayed by artists within Ghana's vibrant media landscape and situates their works within the broader discourse of global gender identities. Secondly, analyzing the creative output of these five Ghanaian artists broadens our understanding of gender minorities and the various challenges they face in Ghana (currently debating in parliament to pass an anti-LGBTQ+ bill that criminalizes activities related to gender minority groups). While focusing on the intersection of queerness, art, and gender identities, the reflections in this study challenge existing narratives and offer fresh insights into how these artists navigate and challenge societal norms through their creative expressions.

Keywords: queer, film, representation, streaming, media, gender

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6272 A Qualitative Analysis of People Views of Microfinance in Lebanon

Authors: Ali Abu Ali, Mohammad Salhab


Introduction: In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) microfinance struggles to find momentum. The Lebanese economy has been struggling through the years due to domestic and external, political and social instability. Although as of 2014 there are around 23 MFIs that are mainly subsidized by the USAID, operating in the country, the Lebanese microfinance market is mostly dominated by three microfinance institutions: Al Majmoua, Vitas, and Al Quard Al Hassan Association. Methodology: A quantitative approach using a standardized questionnaire would analyse the perception of the average Lebanese towards microfinance. A questionnaire was designed and validated. Results: Almost half of the respondents earn a monthly income ranged between $100 and $600. Almost 52% of the respondents were university graduates, around 25% finished secondary and high school, and 12% hold a masters or MBA degree. Topic understanding towards microfinance differs across Lebanese areas. The highest percentage of respondents who claim that microfinance offers financial services to low income people are the residents of Beirut (35.1%), Bekaa (30.8%), and South of Lebanon (24.7%). Higher levels of topic understanding were associated with lower levels of age range. Al Quard el Hassan foundation was regarded as the most known micro financial institution operating in Lebanon. In general, Lebanese people tend to believe that microfinance can play an important role in reducing unemployment rates and poverty levels in Lebanon. When people were asked what would motivate you to get a loan from MFIs, most of the respondent (57.4%) across all the Lebanese region claimed that it was the need for money to satisfy a need such as paying back a loan, to fix something at home, or for self-consideration like buying a car. Conclusion: Our findings showed that in general Lebanese tend to have a positive perception towards microfinance. However, most Lebanese perceive microfinance as the process of just providing loans without specifying for whom it is intended. We advise that government introduces laws to regulate the microfinance market.

Keywords: microfinance, economics, finance, business, analysis, theory

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6271 Exploring Students' Alternative Conception in Vector Components

Authors: Umporn Wutchana


An open ended problem and unstructured interview had been used to explore students’ conceptual and procedural understanding of vector components. The open ended problem had been designed based on research instrument used in previous physics education research. Without physical context, we asked students to find out magnitude and draw graphical form of vector components. The open ended problem was given to 211 first year students of faculty of science during the third (summer) semester in 2014 academic year. The students spent approximately 15 minutes of their second time of the General Physics I course to complete the open ended problem after they had failed. Consequently, their responses were classified based on the similarity of errors performed in the responses. Then, an unstructured interview was conducted. 7 students were randomly selected and asked to reason and explain their answers. The study results showed that 53% of 211 students provided correct numerical magnitude of vector components while 10.9% of them confused and punctuated the magnitude of vectors in x- with y-components. Others 20.4% provided just symbols and the last 15.6% gave no answer. When asking to draw graphical form of vector components, only 10% of 211 students made corrections. A majority of them produced errors and revealed alternative conceptions. 46.5% drew longer and/or shorter magnitude of vector components. 43.1% drew vectors in different forms or wrote down other symbols. Results from the unstructured interview indicated that some students just memorized the method to get numerical magnitude of x- and y-components. About graphical form of component vectors, some students though that the length of component vectors should be shorter than those of the given one. So then, it could be combined to be equal length of the given vectors while others though that component vectors should has the same length as the given vectors. It was likely to be that many students did not develop a strong foundation of understanding in vector components but just learn by memorizing its solution or the way to compute its magnitude and attribute little meaning to such concept.

Keywords: graphical vectors, vectors, vector components, misconceptions, alternative conceptions

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6270 A Study of the Disorders of Sexual Functioning in Women with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Tertiary Care Hospital in India

Authors: Mehak Nagpal, T. S. Sathyanarayan Rao


Background: Sexual functioning is a neglected aspect of health in women with diabetes, though it contributes greatly towards quality of life and feeling of wellbeing. Also women with DM are at higher risk than men of developing sexual dysfunction and depression. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional comparison study. Sample size: 100 previously diagnosed type 2DM patients attending Outpatient Diabetic Clinic at Medicine department JSS Hospital Mysore; aged 20-65 years and 60 normal healthy female subjects for Control group. Data was collected with ethical approval over a period of 2 years. Tools Used: 1) Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD – 17 item) 2) Female Sexual Functioning Index (FSFI) 3) Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX-F) for female-for screening. 4) The Appraisal of Diabetes Scale (ADS). Results: Statistically significant differences were observed in prevalence rate and severity of depression between diabetic group (45% vs 11% syndromal depression) and controls. Depression scores correlated significantly with glycaemic control, adherence to treatment, BMI and the cognitive appraisal of diabetes. There was significantly greater impairment in the sexual functioning of women with type 2 diabetes mellitus as compared to controls; both prevalence (62% vs 38.3%) and severity (p value < 0.01). Arousal (74.2% vs 53.3%), Desire (76.3% vs 50%) and Satisfaction (76.7% vs 63.7%) were most affected and 64.5% were affected in 2 or more domains. A negative illness appraisal on ADS correlated significantly with poor glycaemic control, higher rates of depression and also more severe female sexual dysfunction (p value < 0.05). Conclusion: Diabetes specific factors that correlated significantly with FSD in this study included the psychological appraisal of diabetes, duration of diabetes, presence of complications and BMI.

Keywords: depression, female sexual dysfunction, India, type 2 diabetes mellitus

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6269 Criminal Laws Associated with Cyber-Medicine and Telemedicine in Current Law Systems in the World

Authors: Shahryar Eslamitabar


Currently, the internet plays an important role in the various scientific, commercial and service practices. Thanks to information and communication technology, the healthcare industry via the internet, generally known as cyber-medicine, can offer professional medical service in a wider geographical area. Having some appealing benefits such as convenience in offering healthcare services, improved accessibility to the services, enhanced information exchange, cost-effectiveness, time-saving, etc. Tele-health has increasingly developed innovative models of healthcare delivery. However, it presents many potential hazards to cyber-patients, inherent in the use of the system. First, there are legal issues associated with the communication and transfer of information on the internet. These include licensure, malpractice, liabilities and jurisdictions as well as privacy, confidentiality and security of personal data as the most important challenge brought about by this system. Additional items of concern are technological and ethical. Although, there are some rules to deal with pitfalls associated with cyber-medicine practices in the USA and some European countries, yet for all developments, it is being practiced in a legal vacuum in many countries. In addition to the domestic legislations to deal with potential problems arisen from the system, it is also imperative that some international or regional agreement should be developed to achieve the harmonization of laws among countries and states. This article discusses some implications posed by the practice of cyber-medicine in the healthcare system according to the experience of some developed countries using a comparative study of laws. It will also review the status of tele-health laws in Iran. Finally, it is intended to pave the way to outline a plan for countries like Iran, with newly-established judicial system for health laws, to develop appropriate regulations through providing some recommendations.

Keywords: tele-health, cyber-medicine, telemedicine, criminal laws, legislations, time-saving

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6268 Interrogating Bishwas: Reimagining a Christian Neighbourhood in Kolkata, India

Authors: Abhijit Dasgupta


This paper explores the everyday lives of the Christians residing in a Bengali Christian neighborhood in Kolkata, termed here as the larger Christian para (para meaning neighborhood in Bengali). Through ethnography and reading of secondary sources, the paper discerns how various Christians across denominations – Protestants, Catholics and Pentecostals implicate the role of bishwas (faith and belief) in their interpersonal neighborhood relations. The paper attempts to capture the role of bishwas in producing, transforming and revising the meaning of 'neighbourhood' and 'neighbours' and puts forward the argument of the neighbourhood as a theological product. By interrogating and interpreting bishwas through everyday theological discussions and reflections, the paper examines and analyses the ways everyday theology becomes an essential source of power and knowledge for the Bengali Christians in reimagining their neighbourhood compared to the nearby Hindu neighbourhoods. Borrowing literature from everyday theology, faith and belief, the paper reads and analyses various interpretations of theological knowledge across denominations to probe the prominence of bishwas within the Christian community and its role in creating a difference in their place of dwelling. The paper argues that the meaning of neighbourhood is revisited through prayers, sermons and biblical verses. At the same time, the divisions and fissures are seen among Protestants and Catholics and also among native Bengali Protestants and non-native Protestant pastors, which informs us about the complexity of theology in constituting everyday life. Thus, the paper addresses theology's role in creating an ethical Christian neighbourhood amidst everyday tensions and hostilities of diverse religious persuasions. At the same time, it looks into the processes through which multiple theological knowledge leads to schism and interdenominational hostilities. By attempting to answer these questions, the paper brings out Christians' negotiation with the neighbourhood.

Keywords: anthropology, bishwas, christianity, neighbourhood, theology

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6267 An Analysis on Clustering Based Gene Selection and Classification for Gene Expression Data

Authors: K. Sathishkumar, V. Thiagarasu


Due to recent advances in DNA microarray technology, it is now feasible to obtain gene expression profiles of tissue samples at relatively low costs. Many scientists around the world use the advantage of this gene profiling to characterize complex biological circumstances and diseases. Microarray techniques that are used in genome-wide gene expression and genome mutation analysis help scientists and physicians in understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms, in diagnoses and prognoses, and choosing treatment plans. DNA microarray technology has now made it possible to simultaneously monitor the expression levels of thousands of genes during important biological processes and across collections of related samples. Elucidating the patterns hidden in gene expression data offers a tremendous opportunity for an enhanced understanding of functional genomics. However, the large number of genes and the complexity of biological networks greatly increase the challenges of comprehending and interpreting the resulting mass of data, which often consists of millions of measurements. A first step toward addressing this challenge is the use of clustering techniques, which is essential in the data mining process to reveal natural structures and identify interesting patterns in the underlying data. This work presents an analysis of several clustering algorithms proposed to deals with the gene expression data effectively. The existing clustering algorithms like Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-means algorithm and evolutionary algorithm etc. are analyzed thoroughly to identify the advantages and limitations. The performance evaluation of the existing algorithms is carried out to determine the best approach. In order to improve the classification performance of the best approach in terms of Accuracy, Convergence Behavior and processing time, a hybrid clustering based optimization approach has been proposed.

Keywords: microarray technology, gene expression data, clustering, gene Selection

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6266 Strategic Alliances and Creative Synergy within European Union: A Theoretical Perspective

Authors: Maha Tichetti, Barzi Redouane, Selim Kanat


In the European Union (EU), where economic, political, and cultural ties converge, strategic alliances play a pivotal role in shaping the collaborative landscape. This paper embarks on a journey into the EuroSphere, offering a comprehensive analysis review that unravels the dynamics of these alliances within the European context. The focus is specifically directed towards understanding their profound impact on creative synergy and innovation among teams. In our analysis, we provide theoretical explanations for key terms such as "creative synergy" and "strategic alliances." We outline various types of competitive strategies, delve into the motivations prompting the formation of strategic alliances, and critically examine the success and failure factors in these kinds of collaboration. Additionally, we explore the goals achievable through strategic alliances, especially in the context of external growth. A central focus of this paper focus on how strategic alliances can significantly impact creative synergy within the European landscape. Through a theoretical lens, we explore the interplay between collaborative strategies and the enhancement of creative thinking within teams engaged in strategic alliances. The article goes beyond theoretical frameworks to present a tangible example of a strategic alliance emerging in the European market. This case study illuminates how such alliances have empowered European companies to enhance their competitive positions on the global stage while concurrently fostering creative synergy among their teams. This comprehensive review not only contributes to the theoretical understanding of strategic alliances and creative synergy but also offers practical insights for businesses navigating the collaborative landscape within the EuroSphere. As we unravel the complexities of these alliances, we uncover valuable lessons and opportunities for future research, providing a roadmap for those seeking to harness the full potential of strategic collaborations in the dynamic European context.

Keywords: European Union, strategic alliances, creative synergy, competitiveness

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6265 Schedule Risk Management for Complex Projects: The Royal Research Ship: Sir David Attenborough Case Study

Authors: Chatelier Charlene, Oyegoke Adekunle, Ajayi Saheed, Jeffries Andrew


This study seeks to understand Schedule Risk Assessments as a priori for better performance whilst exploring the strategies employed to deliver complex projects like the New Polar research ship. This high-profile vessel was offered to Natural Environment Research Council and British Antarctic Survey (BAS) by Cammell Laird Shipbuilders. The Research Ship was designed to support science in extreme environments, with the expectancy to provide a wide range of specialist scientific facilities, instruments, and laboratories to conduct research over multiple disciplines. Aim: The focus is to understand the allocation and management of schedule risk on such a Major Project. Hypothesising that "effective management of schedule risk management" could be the most critical factor in determining whether the intended benefits mentioned are delivered within time and cost constraints. Objective 1: Firstly, the study seeks to understand the allocation and management of schedule risk in Major Projects. Objective 2: Secondly, it explores "effective management of schedule risk management" as the most critical factor determining the delivery of intended benefits. Methodology: This study takes a retrospective review of schedule risk management and how it influences project performance using a case study approach for the RRS (Royal Research Ship) Sir David Attenborough. Research Contribution: The outcomes of this study will contribute to a better understanding of project performance whilst building on its under-researched relationship to schedule risk management for complex projects. The outcomes of this paper will guide further research on project performance and enable the understanding of how risk-based estimates over time impact the overall risk management of the project.

Keywords: complexity, major projects, performance management, schedule risk management, uncertainty

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6264 Narrative Constructs and Environmental Engagement: A Textual Analysis of Climate Fiction’s Role in Shaping Sustainability Consciousness

Authors: Dean J. Hill


This paper undertakes the task of conducting an in-depth textual analysis of the cli-fi genre. It examines how writing in the genre contributes to expressing and facilitating the articulation of environmental consciousness through the form of narrative. The paper begins by situating cli-fi within the literary continuum of ecological narratives and identifying the unique textual characteristics and thematic preoccupations of this area. The paper unfolds how cli-fi transforms the esoteric nature of climate science into credible narrative forms by drawing on language use, metaphorical constructs, and narrative framing. It also involves how descriptive and figurative language in the description of nature and disaster makes climate change so vivid and emotionally resonant. The work also points out the dialogic nature of cli-fi, whereby the characters and the narrators experience inner disputes in the novel regarding the ethical dilemma of environmental destruction, thus demanding the readers challenge and re-evaluate their standpoints on sustainability and ecological responsibilities. The paper proceeds with analysing the feature of narrative voice and its role in eliciting empathy, as well as reader involvement with the ecological material. In looking at how different narratorial perspectives contribute to the emotional and cognitive reaction of the reader to text, this study demonstrates the profound power of perspective in developing intimacy with the dominating concerns. Finally, the emotional arc of cli-fi narratives, running its course over themes of loss, hope, and resilience, is analysed in relation to how these elements function to marshal public feeling and discourse into action around climate change. Therefore, we can say that the complexity of the text in the cli-fi not only shows the hard edge of the reality of climate change but also influences public perception and behaviour toward a more sustainable future.

Keywords: cli-fi genre, ecological narratives, emotional arc, narrative voice, public perception

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6263 Emergence of Neurodiversity and Awareness of Autism Among School Teachers- A Preliminary Survey

Authors: Tanvi Rajesh Sanghavi


Introduction: Neurodiversity is a concept which captures the different ways in which everyone's brain functions and is considered as part of normal variation. It is a strength-based approach which focuses on the individual's strengths and capabilities and believes in providing support wherever necessary. In many parts of the world, those diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder have been ostracized and ridiculed due to their sensory and communication differences. Hence, it becomes important for the teachers to have knowledge about autism and understand the needs of children with Autism. Need: India is rich in terms of culture, languages and religious diversity. It is important to study neurodiversity in such a population for better understanding of neurodiverse individuals and appropriate intervention. Aim & objectives: This study seeks teachers' knowledge of the causes, traits and educational requirements of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It also aims to find out whether mainstream schools actually provide training programs to the teachers to manage such children along with the necessary accommodations. Method: The current study was a cross-sectional study conducted among school teachers. A total of 30 school teachers were taken for the study. The participants were enrolled after informed consent. The participants were directed to a google form consisting of objective questions. The first part of the questionnaire elicited information about school, teaching experience, qualification, etc. There were specific questions extracting details on attending/conducting sensitization and professional programs in regard to care for autistic children. The second part of the questionnaire consisted of some basic questions on the teacher’s understanding of diagnosis, traits, causes, road to recovery and understanding the educational and communication needs of autistic children from the teacher’s perspective. The responses were tabulated and analyzed descriptively. Results: Most of the teachers had 5–10 years of teaching experience. The majority of the teachers used the term “special child” for autistic children. Around 54.8% (17 teachers) of the total teachers felt that the parents of autistic children should teach their child to learn adaptive skills and 41.9% of the teachers felt that they should take medical intervention. About 50% of the teachers felt that the cause of autism is related to pre-natal maternal factors and about 40% felt that its cause is genetic. Only a small percentage of teachers felt that they were trained to manage the children with autism. More than 50% of the teachers mentioned that their schools do not conduct training programs for managing these children. Discussion & Conclusion: In this study, the knowledge and perspectives of teachers on children with ASD were studied. The most widely held contemporary belief is that genetic factors play a major part in the development of ASD, although the existing evidence is muddled, with numerous opposing perspectives on the nature of this mechanism. It is worth noting that any culture's level of humanity is mirrored in how that society "treats" its vulnerable population.

Keywords: autism, neurodiversity, awareness, education

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6262 Adsorption Behavior and Mechanism of Illite Surface under the Action of Different Surfactants

Authors: Xiuxia Sun, Yan Jin, Zilong Liu, Shiming Wei


As a critical mineral component of shale, illite is essential in oil exploration and development due to its surface hydration characteristics and action mechanism. This paper, starting from the perspective of the molecular structure of organic matter, uses molecular dynamics simulation technology to deeply explore the interaction mechanism between organic molecules and the illite surface. In the study, we thoroughly considered the forces such as van der Waals force, electrostatic force, and steric hindrance and constructed an illite crystal model covering C8-C18 modifiers. Subsequently, we systematically analyzed surfactants' adsorption behavior and hydration characteristics with different alkyl chain numbers, lengths, and concentrations on the illite surface. The simulation results show that surfactant molecules with shorter alkyl chains present a lateral monolayer or inclined double-layer arrangement on the illite surface, and these two arrangements may coexist under different concentration conditions. In addition, with the increase in the number of alkyl chains, the interlayer spacing of illite increases significantly. In contrast, the change in alkyl chain length has a limited effect on surface properties. It is worth noting that the change in functional group structure has a particularly significant effect on the wettability of the illite surface, and its influence even exceeds the change in the alkyl chain structure. This discovery gives us a new perspective on understanding and regulating the wetting properties. The results obtained are consistent with the XRD analysis and wettability experimental data in this paper, further confirming the reliability of the research conclusions. This study deepened our understanding of illite's hydration characteristics and mechanism. We provided new ideas and directions for the molecular design and application development of oilfield chemicals.

Keywords: illite, surfactant, hydration, wettability, adsorption

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