Search results for: clinical characteristic
3715 The Efficacy of Box Lesion+ Procedure in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Two-Year Follow-up Results
Authors: Oleg Sapelnikov, Ruslan Latypov, Darina Ardus, Samvel Aivazian, Andrey Shiryaev, Renat Akchurin
OBJECTIVE: MAZE procedure is one of the most effective surgical methods in atrial fibrillation (AF) treatment. Nowadays we are all aware of its modifications. In our study we conducted clinical analysis of “Box lesion+” approach during MAZE procedure in two-year follow-up. METHODS: We studied the results of the open-heart on-pump procedures performed in our hospital from 2017 to 2018 years. Thirty-two (32) patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) were included in this study. Fifteen (15) patients had concomitant coronary bypass grafting and seventeen (17) patients had mitral valve repair. Mean age was 62.3±8.7 years; prevalence of men was admitted (56.1%). Mean duration of AF was 4.75±5.44 and 7.07±8.14 years. In all cases, we performed endocardial Cryo-MAZE procedure with one-time myocardium revascularization or mitral-valve surgery. All patients of this study underwent pulmonary vein (PV) isolation and ablation of mitral isthmus with additional isolation of LA posterior wall (Box-lesion+ procedure). Mean follow-up was 2 years. RESULTS: All cases were performed without any complications. Additional isolation of posterior wall did not prolong the operative time and artificial circulation significantly. Cryo-MAZE procedure directly lasted 20±2.1 min, the whole operation time was 192±24 min and artificial circulation time was 103±12 min. According to design of the study, we performed clinical investigation of the patients in 12 months and in 2 years from the initial procedure. In 12 months, the number of AF free patients 81.8% and 75.8% in two years of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Isolation of the left atrial posterior wall and perimitral area may considerably improve the efficacy of surgical treatment, which was demonstrated in significant decrease of AF recurrences during the whole period of follow-up.Keywords: atrial fibrillation, cryoablation, left atrium isolation, open heart procedure
Procedia PDF Downloads 1293714 Isolation and Molecular Detection of Marek’s Disease Virus from Outbreak Cases in Chicken in South Western Ethiopia
Authors: Abdela Bulbula
Background: Marek’s disease virus is a devastating infection, causing high morbidity and mortality in chickens in Ethiopia. Methods: The current study was conducted from March to November, 2021 with the general objective of performing antemortem and postmortem, isolation, and molecular detection of Marek’s disease virus from outbreak cases in southwestern Ethiopia. Accordingly, based on outbreak information reported from the study sites namely, Bedelle, Yayo, and Bonga towns in southwestern Ethiopia, 50 sick chickens were sampled. The backyard and intensive farming systems of chickens were included in the sampling and priorities were given for chickens that showed clinical signs that are characteristics of Marek’s disease. Results: By clinical examinations, paralysis of legs and wings, gray eye, loss of weight, difficulty in breathing, and depression were recorded on all chickens sampled for this study and death of diseased chickens was observed. In addition, enlargement of the spleen and gross lesions of the liver and heart were recorded during postmortem examination. The death of infected chickens was observed in both vaccinated and non-vaccinated flocks. Out of 50 pooled feather follicle samples, Marek’s disease virus was isolated from 14/50 (28%) by cell culture method and out of six tissue samples, the virus was isolated from 5/6(83.30%). By Real time polymerization chain reaction technique, which was targeted to detect the Meq gene, Marek’s disease virus was detected from 18/50 feather follicles which accounts for 36% of sampled chickens. Conclusion: In general, the current study showed that the circulating Marek’s disease virus in southwestern Ethiopia was caused by the oncogenic Gallid herpesvirus-2 (Serotype-1). Further research on molecular characterization of revolving virus in current and other regions is recommended for effective control of the disease through vaccination.Keywords: Ethioi, Marek's disease, isolation, molecular
Procedia PDF Downloads 723713 Effects of Virtual Reality on the Upper Extremity Spasticity and Motor Function in Patients with Stroke: A Single Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors: Kasra Afsahi, Maryam Soheilifar, S. Hossein Hosseini, Omid Seyed Esmaeili, Rouzbeh Kezemi, Noushin Mehrbod, Nazanin Vahed, Tahereh Hajiahmad, Noureddin Nakhostin Ansari
Background: Stroke is a disabling neurological disease. Rehabilitative therapies are important treatment methods. This clinical trial was done to compare the effects of VR beside conventional rehabilitation versus conventional rehabilitation alone on spasticity and motor function in stroke patients. Materials and Methods: In this open-label randomized controlled clinical trial, 40 consecutive patients with stable first-ever ischemic stroke in the past three to 12 months that were referred to a rehabilitation clinic in Tehran, Iran, in 2020 were enrolled. After signing the informed written consent form, subjects were randomly assigned by block randomization of five in each block as cases with 1:1 into two groups of 20 cases; conventional plus VR therapy group: 45-minute conventional therapy session plus 15-minute VR therapy, and conventional group: 60-minute conventional therapy session. VR rehabilitation is designed and developed with different stages. Outcomes were modified Ashworth scale, recovery stage score for motor function, range of motion (ROM) of shoulder abduction/wrist extension, and patients’ satisfaction rate. Data were compared after study termination. Results: The satisfaction rate among the patients was significantly better in the combination group (P=0.003). Only wrist extension was varied between groups and was better in the combination group. The variables generally had a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Virtual reality plus conventional rehabilitation therapy is superior versus conventional rehabilitation alone on the wrist and elbow spasticity and motor function in patients with stroke.Keywords: stroke, virtual therapy, rehabilitation, treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2343712 Serum MicroRNA and Inflammatory Mediators: Diagnostic Biomarkers for Endometritis in Arabian Mares
Authors: Sally Ibrahim, Mohamed Hedia, Mohamed Taqi, Mohamed Derbala, Karima Mahmoud, Youssef Ahmed, Sayed Ismail, Mohamed El-Belely
The identification and quantification of serum microRNA (miRNA) from mares with endometritis might serve as useful and implementable clinical biomarkers for the early diagnosis of endometiritis. Aims of the current study were (I) to study the expression pattern of eca-miR-155, eca-miR-223, eca-miR-17, eca-miR-200a, and eca-miR-205, and (II) to determine the levels of interleukin 6 (IL-6), prostaglandins (PGF₂α and PGE₂), in the serum of Arabian mares with healthy and abnormal uterine status (endometritis). This study was conducted on 80 Arabian mares (4-14 years old). Mares were divided into 48 sub-fertile mares suspected of endometritis and 32 fertile at stud farms. The criteria for mares to be enrolled in the endometritis group were that they had been bred three or more times unsuccessfully in the breeding season or had a history of more than one year of reproductive failure. In addition, two or more of the following criteria on a checklist were present: abnormal clinical findings, transrectal ultrasonographic uterine examination showed abnormal fluid in the uterus (echogenic or ≥2 cm in diameter), positive endometrial cytology; and bacterial and/or fungal growth. Serum samples were collected for measuring IL-6, PGF₂α, and PGE₂ concentrations, as well as serum miRNA isolation and quantitative real-time PCR. Serum concentrations of IL-6, PGE₂, and PGF₂α were higher (P ≤ 0.001) in mares with endometritis compared to the control healthy ones. The expression profile of eca-miR-155, eca-miR-223, eca-miR-17, eca-miR-200a, and eca-miR-205 increased (P≤0.001) in mares with endometritis compared to the control ones. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that revealed that serum miRNA and serum inflammatory mediators (IL-6, PGE₂, and PGF₂α) could be used as non-invasive gold standard biomarkers, and therefore might be served as an important additional diagnostic tool for endometritis in Arabian mares. Moreover, estimation of the serum concentrations of serum miRNA, IL-6, PGE₂, and PGF₂α is a promising recommended tool during the breeding soundness examination in mares.Keywords: Arabian Mares, endometritis, inflammatory mediators, serum miRNA
Procedia PDF Downloads 1813711 Implementation of an Induction Programme to Help the International Medical Graduates in the NHS
Authors: Mohammad K. Rumjaun, Sana Amjed, Muhammad A. Ghazi, Safa G. Attar, Jason Raw
Background: National Health Service (NHS) in England is one of the leading healthcare systems in the world and it heavily relies on the recruitment of overseas doctors. 30.7% of the doctors currently serving in NHS are overseas doctors. Most of these doctors do not receive the essential induction required to work in the NHS when they first arrive and therefore, they mostly struggle to work effectively in the first few months of their new jobs as compared to UK graduates. In our hospital, the clinical need for a dedicated induction programme for the International Medical Graduates (IMGs) was identified for their initial settling period and this programme was designed to achieve this. Methods: A questionnaire was designed for the previous 7 IMGs (Group 1) in order to identify the difficulties they faced in their initial phase. Thereafter, an induction programme consisting of presentations explaining the NHS and hospital framework, communication skills practice sessions, the clinical ceiling of care and patient simulation training was implemented for 6 new IMGs (Group 2). Another survey was done and compared with the previous. Results: After this programme, group 2 required only 1 week to understand the complexity of the IT systems as compared 3 weeks in group 1. 83% of group 2 was well-supported for their on-call duties after this programme as compared to 29% and 100% of group 2 was aware of their role in the job after the induction as compared to 0%. Furthermore, group 2 was able to function independently and confidently in their roles after only 1 month as compared to an average of 3 months for group 1. After running the PDSA cycles, our results show clear evidence that this programme has tremendously benefitted the IMGs in settling in the NHS. The IMGs really appreciated this initiative and have given positive feedback. Conclusion: Leaving your home country to begin your career in a different country is not an easy transition and undoubtedly, everyone struggles. It is important to invest in a well-structured induction programme for the IMGs in the initial phase of their jobs as this will improve not only their confidence and efficacy but also patients’ safety.Keywords: induction programme, international medical graduates, NHS, overseas doctors struggles.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1353710 A Continuous Real-Time Analytic for Predicting Instability in Acute Care Rapid Response Team Activations
Authors: Ashwin Belle, Bryce Benson, Mark Salamango, Fadi Islim, Rodney Daniels, Kevin Ward
A reliable, real-time, and non-invasive system that can identify patients at risk for hemodynamic instability is needed to aid clinicians in their efforts to anticipate patient deterioration and initiate early interventions. The purpose of this pilot study was to explore the clinical capabilities of a real-time analytic from a single lead of an electrocardiograph to correctly distinguish between rapid response team (RRT) activations due to hemodynamic (H-RRT) and non-hemodynamic (NH-RRT) causes, as well as predict H-RRT cases with actionable lead times. The study consisted of a single center, retrospective cohort of 21 patients with RRT activations from step-down and telemetry units. Through electronic health record review and blinded to the analytic’s output, each patient was categorized by clinicians into H-RRT and NH-RRT cases. The analytic output and the categorization were compared. The prediction lead time prior to the RRT call was calculated. The analytic correctly distinguished between H-RRT and NH-RRT cases with 100% accuracy, demonstrating 100% positive and negative predictive values, and 100% sensitivity and specificity. In H-RRT cases, the analytic detected hemodynamic deterioration with a median lead time of 9.5 hours prior to the RRT call (range 14 minutes to 52 hours). The study demonstrates that an electrocardiogram (ECG) based analytic has the potential for providing clinical decision and monitoring support for caregivers to identify at risk patients within a clinically relevant timeframe allowing for increased vigilance and early interventional support to reduce the chances of continued patient deterioration.Keywords: critical care, early warning systems, emergency medicine, heart rate variability, hemodynamic instability, rapid response team
Procedia PDF Downloads 1433709 Analysis of Exponential Nonuniform Transmission Line Parameters
Authors: Mounir Belattar
In this paper the Analysis of voltage waves that propagate along a lossless exponential nonuniform line is presented. For this analysis the parameters of this line are assumed to be varying function of the distance x along the line from the source end. The approach is based on the tow-port networks cascading presentation to derive the ABDC parameters of transmission using Picard-Carson Method which is a powerful method in getting a power series solution for distributed network because it is easy to calculate poles and zeros and solves differential equations such as telegrapher equations by an iterative sequence. So the impedance, admittance voltage and current along the line are expanded as a Taylor series in x/l where l is the total length of the line to obtain at the end, the main transmission line parameters such as voltage response and transmission and reflexion coefficients represented by scattering parameters in frequency domain.Keywords: ABCD parameters, characteristic impedance exponential nonuniform transmission line, Picard-Carson's method, S parameters, Taylor's series
Procedia PDF Downloads 4443708 Numerical Simulation of the Flow around Wing-In-Ground Effect (WIG) Craft
Authors: A. Elbatran, Y. Ahmed, A. Radwan, M. Ishak
The use of WIG craft is representing an ambitious technology that will support in reducing time, effort, and money of the conventional marine transportation in the future. This paper investigates the aerodynamic characteristic of compound wing-in-ground effect (WIG) craft model. Drag coefficient, lift coefficient and Lift and drag ratio were studied numerically with respect to the ground clearance and the wing angle of attack. The modifications of the wing has been done in order to investigate the most suitable wing configuration that can increase the wing lift-to-drag ratio at low ground clearance. A numerical investigation was carried out in this research work using finite volume Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANSE) code ANSYS CFX, Validation was carried out by using experiments. The experimental and the numerical results concluded that the lift to drag ratio decreased with the increasing of the ground clearance.Keywords: drag Coefficient, ground clearance, navier-stokes, WIG
Procedia PDF Downloads 3813707 Generic Early Warning Signals for Program Student Withdrawals: A Complexity Perspective Based on Critical Transitions and Fractals
Authors: Sami Houry
Complex systems exhibit universal characteristics as they near a tipping point. Among them are common generic early warning signals which precede critical transitions. These signals include: critical slowing down in which the rate of recovery from perturbations decreases over time; an increase in the variance of the state variable; an increase in the skewness of the state variable; an increase in the autocorrelations of the state variable; flickering between different states; and an increase in spatial correlations over time. The presence of the signals has management implications, as the identification of the signals near the tipping point could allow management to identify intervention points. Despite the applications of the generic early warning signals in various scientific fields, such as fisheries, ecology and finance, a review of literature did not identify any applications that address the program student withdrawal problem at the undergraduate distance universities. This area could benefit from the application of generic early warning signals as the program withdrawal rate amongst distance students is higher than the program withdrawal rate at face-to-face conventional universities. This research specifically assessed the generic early warning signals through an intensive case study of undergraduate program student withdrawal at a Canadian distance university. The university is non-cohort based due to its system of continuous course enrollment where students can enroll in a course at the beginning of every month. The assessment of the signals was achieved through the comparison of the incidences of generic early warning signals among students who withdrew or simply became inactive in their undergraduate program of study, the true positives, to the incidences of the generic early warning signals among graduates, the false positives. This was achieved through significance testing. Research findings showed support for the signal pertaining to the rise in flickering which is represented in the increase in the student’s non-pass rates prior to withdrawing from a program; moderate support for the signals of critical slowing down as reflected in the increase in the time a student spends in a course; and moderate support for the signals on increase in autocorrelation and increase in variance in the grade variable. The findings did not support the signal on the increase in skewness of the grade variable. The research also proposes a new signal based on the fractal-like characteristic of student behavior. The research also sought to extend knowledge by investigating whether the emergence of a program withdrawal status is self-similar or fractal-like at multiple levels of observation, specifically the program level and the course level. In other words, whether the act of withdrawal at the program level is also present at the course level. The findings moderately supported self-similarity as a potential signal. Overall, the assessment of the signals suggests that the signals, with the exception with the increase of skewness, could be utilized as a predictive management tool and potentially add one more tool, the fractal-like characteristic of withdrawal, as an additional signal in addressing the student program withdrawal problem.Keywords: critical transitions, fractals, generic early warning signals, program student withdrawal
Procedia PDF Downloads 1853706 Scoping Review of Biological Age Measurement Composed of Biomarkers
Authors: Diego Alejandro Espíndola-Fernández, Ana María Posada-Cano, Dagnóvar Aristizábal-Ocampo, Jaime Alberto Gallo-Villegas
Background: With the increase in life expectancy, aging has been subject of frequent research, and therefore multiple strategies have been proposed to quantify the advance of the years based on the known physiology of human senescence. For several decades, attempts have been made to characterize these changes through the concept of biological age, which aims to integrate, in a measure of time, structural or functional variation through biomarkers in comparison with simple chronological age. The objective of this scoping review is to deepen the updated concept of measuring biological age composed of biomarkers in the general population and to summarize recent evidence to identify gaps and priorities for future research. Methods: A scoping review was conducted according to the five-phase methodology developed by Arksey and O'Malley through a search of five bibliographic databases to February 2021. Original articles were included with no time or language limit that described the biological age composed of at least two biomarkers in those over 18 years of age. Results: 674 articles were identified, of which 105 were evaluated for eligibility and 65 were included with information on the measurement of biological age composed of biomarkers. Articles from 1974 of 15 nationalities were found, most observational studies, in which clinical or paraclinical biomarkers were used, and 11 different methods described for the calculation of the composite biological age were informed. The outcomes reported were the relationship with the same measured biomarkers, specified risk factors, comorbidities, physical or cognitive functionality, and mortality. Conclusions: The concept of biological age composed of biomarkers has evolved since the 1970s and multiple methods of its quantification have been described through the combination of different clinical and paraclinical variables from observational studies. Future research should consider the population characteristics, and the choice of biomarkers against the proposed outcomes to improve the understanding of aging variables to direct effective strategies for a proper approach.Keywords: biological age, biological aging, aging, senescence, biomarker
Procedia PDF Downloads 1883705 Differential Diagnosis of Malaria and Dengue Fever on the Basis of Clinical Findings and Laboratory Investigations
Authors: Aman Ullah Khan, Muhammad Younus, Aqil Ijaz, Muti-Ur-Rehman Khan, Sayyed Aun Muhammad, Asif Idrees, Sanan Raza, Amar Nasir
Dengue fever and malaria are important vector-borne diseases of public health significance affecting millions of people around the globe. Dengue fever is caused by Dengue virus while malaria is caused by plasmodium protozoan. Generally, the consequences of Malaria are less severe compared to dengue fever. This study was designed to differentiate dengue fever and malaria on the basis of clinical and laboratory findings and to compare the changes in both diseases having different causative agents transmitted by the common vector. A total of 200 patients of dengue viral infection (120 males, 80 females) were included in this prospective descriptive study. The blood samples of the individuals were first screened for malaria by blood smear examination and then the negative samples were tested by anti-dengue IgM strip. The strip positive cases were further screened by IgM capture ELISA and their complete blood count including hemoglobin estimation (Hb), total and differential leukocyte counts (TLC and DLC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and platelet counts were performed. On the basis of the severity of signs and symptoms, dengue virus infected patients were subdivided into dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) comprising 70 and 100 confirmed patients, respectively. On the other hand, 30 patients were found infected with Malaria while overall 120 patients showed thrombocytopenia. The patients of DHF were found to have more leucopenia, raised hemoglobin level and thrombocytopenia < 50,000/µl compared to the patients belonging to DF and malaria. On the basis of the outcomes of the study, it was concluded that patients affected by DF were at a lower risk of undergoing haematological disturbance than suffering from DHF. While, the patients infected by Malaria were found to have no significant change in their blood components.Keywords: dengue fever, blood, serum, malaria, ELISA
Procedia PDF Downloads 3933704 Different Types of Amyloidosis Revealed with Positive Cardiac Scintigraphy with Tc-99M DPD-SPECT
Authors: Ioannis Panagiotopoulos, Efstathios Kastritis, Anastasia Katinioti, Georgios Efthymiadis, Argyrios Doumas, Maria Koutelou
Introduction: Transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) is a rare but serious infiltrative disease. Myocardial scintigraphy with DPD has emerged as the most effective, non-invasive, highly sensitive, and highly specific diagnostic method for cardiac ATTR amyloidosis. However, there are cases in which additional laboratory investigations reveal AL amyloidosis or other diseases despite a positive DPD scintigraphy. We describe the experience from the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center and the monitoring center for infiltrative myocardial diseases of the cardiology clinic at AHEPA. Materials and Methods: All patients with clinical suspicion of cardiac or extracardiac amyloidosis undergo a myocardial scintigraphy scan with Tc-99m DPD. In this way, over 500 patients have been examined. Further diagnostic approach based on clinical and imaging findings includes laboratory investigation and invasive techniques (e.g., biopsy). Results: Out of 76 patients in total with positive myocardial scintigraphy Grade 2 or 3 according to the Perugini scale, 8 were proven to suffer from AL Amyloidosis during the investigation of paraproteinemia. Among these patients, 3 showed Grade 3 uptake, while the rest were graded as Grade 2, or 2 to 3. Additionally, one patient presented diffuse and unusual radiopharmaceutical uptake in soft tissues throughout the body without cardiac involvement. These findings raised suspicions, leading to the analysis of κ and λ light chains in the serum, as well as immunostaining of proteins in the serum and urine of these specific patients. The final diagnosis was AL amyloidosis. Conclusion: The value of DPD scintigraphy in the diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis from transthyretin is undisputed. However, positive myocardial scintigraphy with DPD should not automatically lead to the diagnosis of ATTR amyloidosis. Laboratory differentiation between ATTR and AL amyloidosis is crucial, as both prognosis and therapeutic strategy are dramatically altered. Laboratory exclusion of paraproteinemia is a necessary and essential step in the diagnostic algorithm of ATTR amyloidosis for all positive myocardial scintigraphy with diphosphonate tracers since >20% of patients with Grade 3 and 2 uptake may conceal AL amyloidosis.Keywords: AL amyloidosis, amyloidosis, ATTR, myocardial scintigraphy, Tc-99m DPD
Procedia PDF Downloads 823703 Unsupervised Sentiment Analysis for Indonesian Political Message on Twitter
Authors: Omar Abdillah, Mirna Adriani
In this work, we perform new approach for analyzing public sentiment towards the presidential candidate in the 2014 Indonesian election that expressed in Twitter. In this study we propose such procedure for analyzing sentiment over Indonesian political message by understanding the behavior of Indonesian society in sending message on Twitter. We took different approach from previous works by utilizing punctuation mark and Indonesian sentiment lexicon that completed with the new procedure in determining sentiment towards the candidates. Our experiment shows the performance that yields up to 83.31% of average precision. In brief, this work makes two contributions: first, this work is the preliminary study of sentiment analysis in the domain of political message that has not been addressed yet before. Second, we propose such method to conduct sentiment analysis by creating decision making procedure in which it is in line with the characteristic of Indonesian message on Twitter.Keywords: unsupervised sentiment analysis, political message, lexicon based, user behavior understanding
Procedia PDF Downloads 4813702 Design, Spectroscopic, Structural Characterization, and Biological Studies for New Complexes via Charge Transfer Interaction of Ciprofloxacin Drug With π Acceptors
Authors: Khaled Alshammari
Ciprofloxacin (CIP) is a common antibiotic drug used as a strudy electron donor that interacts with dynamic π -acceptors such as 2,3-dinitrosalsylic acid (HDNS) and Tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) for synthesizing a new model of charge transfer (CT) complexes. The synthesized complexes were identified using diverse analytical methods such as UV–vis spectra, photometric titration measurements, FT-IR, HNMR Spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis techniques (TGA/DTA). The stoichiometries for all the formed complexes were found to be a 1:1 M ratio between the reactants. The characteristic spectroscopic properties such as transition dipole moment (µ), oscillator strength (f), formation constant (KCT), ionization potential (ID), standard free energy (∆G), and energy of interaction (ECT) for the CT-complexes were collected. The developed CT complexes were tested for their toxicity on main organs, antimicrobial activity, antioxidant activity, and biofilm formation.Keywords: biological, biofilm, toxicity, thermal analysis, charge transfer, spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 573701 Evaluation of Four Different DNA Targets in Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detection and Genotyping of Helicobacter pylori
Authors: Abu Salim Mustafa
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays targeting genomic DNA segments have been established for the detection of Helicobacter pylori in clinical specimens. However, the data on comparative evaluations of various targets in detection of H. pylori are limited. Furthermore, the frequencies of vacA (s1 and s2) and cagA genotypes, which are suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of H. pylori in other parts of the world, are not well studied in Kuwait. The aim of this study was to evaluate PCR assays for the detection and genotyping of H. pylori by targeting the amplification of DNA targets from four genomic segments. The genomic DNA were isolated from 72 clinical isolates of H. pylori and tested in PCR with four pairs of oligonucleotides primers, i.e. ECH-U/ECH-L, ET-5U/ET-5L, CagAF/CagAR and Vac1F/Vac1XR, which were expected to amplify targets of various sizes (471 bp, 230 bp, 183 bp and 176/203 bp, respectively) from the genomic DNA of H. pylori. The PCR-amplified DNA were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. PCR products of expected size were obtained with all primer pairs by using genomic DNA isolated from H. pylori. DNA dilution experiments showed that the most sensitive PCR target was 471 bp DNA amplified by the primers ECH-U/ECH-L, followed by the targets of Vac1F/Vac1XR (176 bp/203 DNA), CagAF/CagAR (183 bp DNA) and ET-5U/ET-5L (230 bp DNA). However, when tested with undiluted genomic DNA isolated from single colonies of all isolates, the Vac1F/Vac1XR target provided the maximum positive results (71/72 (99% positives)), followed by ECH-U/ECH-L (69/72 (93% positives)), ET-5U/ET-5L (51/72 (71% positives)) and CagAF/CagAR (26/72 (46% positives)). The results of genotyping experiments showed that vacA s1 (46% positive) and vacA s2 (54% positive) genotypes were almost equally associated with VaCA+/CagA- isolates (P > 0.05), but with VacA+/CagA+ isolates, S1 genotype (92% positive) was more frequently detected than S2 genotype (8% positive) (P< 0.0001). In conclusion, among the primer pairs tested, Vac1F/Vac1XR provided the best results for detection of H. pylori. The genotyping experiments showed that vacA s1 and vacA s2 genotypes were almost equally associated with vaCA+/cagA- isolates, but vacA s1 genotype had a significantly increased association with vacA+/cagA+ isolates.Keywords: H. pylori, PCR, detection, genotyping
Procedia PDF Downloads 1333700 SMEs Access to Finance in Croatia – Model Approach
Authors: Vinko Vidučić, Ljiljana Vidučić, Damir Boras
The goals of the research include the determination of the characteristics of SMEs finance in Croatia, as well as the determination of indirect growth rates of the information model of the entrepreneurs` perception of business environment. The research results show that cost of finance and access to finance are most important constraining factor in setting up and running the business of small entrepreneurs in Croatia. Furthermore, small entrepreneurs in Croatia are significantly dissatisfied with the administrative barriers although relatively to a lesser extent than was the case in the pre-crisis time. High collateral requirement represents the main characteristic of bank lending concerning SMEs followed by long credit elaboration process. Formulated information model has defined the individual impact of indirect growth rates of the remaining variables on the model’s specific variable.Keywords: business environment, information model, indirect growth rates, SME finance
Procedia PDF Downloads 3683699 Bacterial Diversity in Human Intestinal Microbiota and Correlations with Nutritional Behavior, Physiology, Xenobiotics Intake and Antimicrobial Resistance in Obese, Overweight and Eutrophic Individuals
Authors: Thais O. de Paula, Marjorie R. A. Sarmiento, Francis M. Borges, Alessandra B. Ferreira-Machado, Juliana A. Resende, Dioneia E. Cesar, Vania L. Silva, Claudio G. Diniz
Obesity is currently a worldwide public health threat, being considered a pandemic multifactorial disease related to the human gut microbiota (GM). Add to that GM is considered an important reservoir of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARG) and little is known on GM and ARG in obesity, considering the altered physiology and xenobiotics intake. As regional and social behavior may play important roles in GM modulation, and most of the studies are based on small sample size and various methodological approaches resulting in difficulties for data comparisons, this study was focused on the investigation of GM bacterial diversity in obese (OB), overweight (OW) and eutrophic individuals (ET) considering their nutritional, clinical and social characteristics; and comparative screening of AGR related to their physiology and xenobiotics intake. Microbial community was accessed by FISH considering phyla as a taxonomic level, and PCR-DGGE followed by dendrograms evaluation (UPGMA method) from fecal metagenome of 72 volunteers classified according to their body mass index (BMI). Nutritional, clinical, social parameters and xenobiotics intake were recorded for correlation analysis. The fecal metagenome was also used as template for PCR targeting 59 different ARG. Overall, 62% of OB were hypertensive, and 12% or 4% were, regarding the OW and ET individuals. Most of the OB were rated as low income (80%). Lower relative bacterial densities were observed in the OB compared to ET for almost all studied taxa (p < 0.05) with Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio increased in the OB group. OW individuals showed a bacterial density representative of GM more likely to the OB. All the participants were clustered in 3 different groups based on the PCR-DGGE fingerprint patterns (C1, C2, C3), being OB mostly grouped in C1 (83.3%) and ET mostly grouped in C3 (50%). The cluster C2 showed to be transitional. Among 27 ARG detected, a cluster of 17 was observed in all groups suggesting a common core. In general, ARG were observed mostly within OB individuals followed by OW and ET. The ratio between ARG and bacterial groups may suggest that AGR were more related to enterobacteria. Positive correlations were observed between ARG and BMI, calories and xenobiotics intake (especially use of sweeteners). As with nutritional and clinical characteristics, our data may suggest that GM of OW individuals behave in a heterogeneous pattern, occasionally more likely to the OB or to the ET. Regardless the regional and social behaviors of our population, the methodological approaches in this study were complementary and confirmatory. The imbalance of GM over the health-disease interface in obesity is a matter of fact, but its influence in host's physiology is still to be clearly elucidated to help understanding the multifactorial etiology of obesity. Although the results are in agreement with observations that GM is altered in obesity, the altered physiology in OB individuals seems to be also associated to the increased xenobiotics intake and may interfere with GM towards antimicrobial resistance, as observed by the fecal metagenome and ARG screening. Support: FAPEMIG, CNPQ, CAPES, PPGCBIO/UFJF.Keywords: antimicrobial resistance, bacterial diversity, gut microbiota, obesity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1703698 Clinical and Molecular Characterization of 120 Families with Sporadic Juvenile Onset Open Angle Glaucoma
Authors: Bindu I. Somarajan, Viney Gupta, Gagandeep Kaur Walia, Jasbir Kaur, Sunil Kumar, Shikha Gupta, Abadh K. Chaurasia, Dinesh Gupa, Abhinav Kaushik, Aditi Mehta, Vipin Gupta, Arundhati Sharma
Background: Juvenile onset primary open angle glaucoma (JOAG), affects individuals under the age of 40 years. Studies on a few families of JOAG, that led to the discovery of the Myocilin gene, reported the disease to have an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance. However, sporadic forms of JOAG been seen to be more common in some populations. Most pathological homozygous mutations in the CYP1B1 gene associated with JOAG have been seen among sporadic cases. Given the higher prevalence of sporadic JOAG cases in our population, we aimed to look for common mutations E229K and R368H, the two most common variants in the CYP1B1 gene associated with glaucoma. Objective: To determine the frequency and evaluate genotype phenotype correlation of CYP1B1 E229K and R368H mutations in a cohort of 120 sporadic Juvenile open angle glaucoma patients.Methods: Unrelated JOAG patients whose first degree relatives had been examined and found to be unaffected were included in the study. The patients and their parents were screened for E229K and R368H mutations. The phenotypic characteristics were compared between probands with and with out these mutations by SPSS v16. Results: Out of 120 JOAG patients included in the study, the E229K mutation was seen in 9 probands (7.5%) and R368H in 7 (5.8%). The average age of onset of the disease (p=0.3) and the highest untreated IOP (p=0.4) among those carrying mutations was not significantly different from those who did not have these mutations. The proportion of probands with angle dysgenesis among those with E229K and R368H mutations was 70% (11 out of 16) in comparison to 65% (67 out of 104) of those who did not harbour these mutations (p=0.56). Similarly the probands with moderate to high myopia among those with E229K and R368H mutations was 20% (3 out of 16) in comparison to 18% (18 out of 104) of those who did not harbour these mutations(p=0.59). Conclusion: The frequency of E229K and R368H mutations of the CYP1B1 gene is low even among sporadic JOAG patients. Moreover there is no clinical correlation between the presence of these mutations and disease severityKeywords: CYP1B1, gene, IOP, JOAG, mutation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3343697 The Effectiveness of Laser In situ Keratomileusis for Correction Various Types of Refractive Anomalies
Authors: Yuliya Markava
The laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is widely common surgical procedure, which has become an alternative for patients who are not satisfied with the performance of other correction methods. A high level of patient satisfaction functional outcomes after refractive surgery confirms the high reliability and safety of LASIK and provides a significant improvement in the quality of life and social adaptation. Purpose: To perform clinical analysis of the results of correction made to the excimer laser system SCHWIND AMARIS 500E in patients with different types of refractive anomalies. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of 1581 operations (812 patients): 413 males (50.86%) and 399 females (49.14%) at the age from 18 to 47 years with different types of ametropia. All operations were performed on excimer laser SCHWIND AMARIS 500E in the LASIK procedure. Formation of the corneal flap was made by mechanical microkeratome SCHWIND. Results: Analyzing the structure of refractive anomalies: The largest number of interventions accounted for myopia: 1505 eyes (95.2%), of which about a low myopia: 706 eyes (44.7%), moderate myopia: 562 eyes (35.5 %), high myopia: eyes 217 (13.7%) and supermyopia: 20 eyes (1.3%). Hyperopia was 0.7% (11 eyes), mixed astigmatism: 4.1% (65 eyes). The efficiency was 80% (in patients with supermyopia) to 91.6% and 95.4% (in groups with myopia low and moderate, respectively). Uncorrected visual acuity average values before and after laser operation was in groups: a low myopia 0.18 (up 0.05 to 0.31) and 0.80 (up 0.60 to 1.0); moderate myopia 0.08 (up 0.03 to 0.13) and 0.87 ( up 0.74 to 1.0); high myopia 0.05 (up 0.02 to 0.08) and 0.83 (up 0.66 to 1.0); supermyopia 0.03 (up 0.02 to 0.04) and 0.59 ( up 0.34 to 0.84); hyperopia 0.27 (up 0.16 to 0.38) and 0.57 (up 0.27 to 0.87); mixed astigmatism of 0.35 (up 0.19 to 0.51) and 0.69 (up 0.44 to 0.94). In all cases, after LASIK indicators uncorrected visual acuity significantly increased. Reoperation was 4.43%. Significance: Clinical results of refractive surgery at the excimer laser system SCHWIND AMARIS 500E in different ametropia correction is characterized by high efficiency.Keywords: effectiveness of laser correction, LASIK, refractive anomalies, surgical treatment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2533696 Clinical Response of Nuberol Forte® (Paracetamol 650 MG+Orphenadrine 50 MG) For Pain Management with Musculoskeletal Conditions in Routine Pakistani Practice (NFORTE-EFFECT)
Authors: Shahid Noor, Kazim Najjad, Muhammad Nasir, Irshad Bhutto, Abdul Samad Memon, Khurram Anwar, Tehseen Riaz, Mian Muhammad Hanif, Nauman A. Mallik, Saeed Ahmed, Israr Ahmed, Ali Yasir
Background: Musculoskeletal pain is the most common complaint presented to the health practitioner. It is well known that untreated or under-treated pain can have a significant negative impact on an individual’s quality of life (QoL). Objectives: This study was conducted across 10 sites in six (6) major cities of Pakistan to evaluate the tolerability, safety, and the clinical response of Nuberol Forte® (Paracetamol 650 mg + Orphenadrine 50 mg) to musculoskeletal pain in routine Pakistani practice and its impact on improving the patient’s QoL. Design & Methods: This NFORT-EFFECT observational, prospective multicenter study was conducted in compliance with Good Clinical Practice guidelines and local regulatory requirements. The study sponsor was "The Searle Company Limited, Pakistan. To maintain the GCP compliances, the sponsor assigned the CRO for the site and data management. Ethical approval was obtained from an independent ethics committee. The IEC reviewed the progress of the study. Written informed consent was obtained from the study participants, and their confidentiality was maintained throughout the study. A total of 399 patients with known prescreened musculoskeletal conditions and pain who attended the study sites were recruited, as per the inclusion/exclusion criteria ( ID# NCT04765787). The recruited patients were then prescribed Paracetamol (650 mg) and Orphenadrine (50 mg) combination (Nuberol Forte®) for 7 to 14 days as per the investigator's discretion based on the pain intensity. After the initial screening (visit 1), a follow-up visit was conducted after 1-2 weeks of the treatment (visit 2). Study Endpoints: The primary objective was to assess the pain management response of Nuberol Forte treatment and the overall safety of the drug. The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) scale was used to measure pain severity. Secondary to pain, the patients' health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was also assessed using the Muscle, Joint Measure (MJM) scale. The safety was monitored on the first dose by the patients. These assessments were done on each study visit. Results: Out of 399 enrolled patients, 49.4% were males, and 50.6% were females with a mean age of 47.24 ± 14.20 years. Most patients were presented with Knee Osteoarthritis (OA), i.e., 148(38%), followed by backache 70(18.2%). A significant reduction in the mean pain score was observed after the treatment with the combination of Paracetamol and Orphenadrine (p<0.05). Furthermore, an overall improvement in the patient’s QoL was also observed. During the study, only ten patients reported mild adverse events (AEs). Conclusion: The combination of Paracetamol and Orphenadrine (Nuberol Forte®) exhibited effective pain management among patients with musculoskeletal conditions and also improved their QoL.Keywords: musculoskeletal pain, orphenadrine/paracetamol combination, pain management, quality of life, Pakistani population
Procedia PDF Downloads 1703695 Colour and Curcuminoids Removal from Turmeric Wastewater Using Activated Carbon Adsorption
Authors: Nattawat Thongpraphai, Anusorn Boonpoke
This study aimed to determine the removal of colour and curcuminoids from turmeric wastewater using granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption. The adsorption isotherm and kinetic behavior of colour and curcuminoids was invested using batch and fixed bed columns tests. The results indicated that the removal efficiency of colour and curcuminoids were 80.13 and 78.64%, respectively at 8 hr of equilibrium time. The adsorption isotherm of colour and curcuminoids were well fitted with the Freundlich adsorption model. The maximum adsorption capacity of colour and curcuminoids were 130 Pt-Co/g and 17 mg/g, respectively. The continuous experiment data showed that the exhaustion concentration of colour and curcuminoids occurred at 39 hr of operation time. The adsorption characteristic of colour and curcuminoids from turmeric wastewater by GAC can be described by the Thomas model. The maximum adsorption capacity obtained from kinetic approach were 39954 Pt-Co/g and 0.0516 mg/kg for colour and curcuminoids, respectively. Moreover, the decrease of colour and curcuminoids concentration during the service time showed a similar trend.Keywords: adsorption, turmeric, colour, curcuminoids, activated carbon
Procedia PDF Downloads 4263694 E-learning resources for radiology training: Is an ideal program available?
Authors: Eric Fang, Robert Chen, Ghim Song Chia, Bien Soo Tan
Objective and Rationale: Training of radiology residents hinges on practical, on-the-job training in all facets and modalities of diagnostic radiology. Although residency is structured to be comprehensive, clinical exposure depends on the case mix available locally and during the posting period. To supplement clinical training, there are several e-learning resources available to allow for greater exposure to radiological cases. The objective of this study was to survey residents and faculty on the usefulness of these e-learning resources. Methods: E-learning resources were shortlisted with input from radiology residents, Google search and online discussion groups, and screened by their purported focus. Twelve e-learning resources were found to meet the criteria. Both radiology residents and experienced radiology faculty were then surveyed electronically. The e-survey asked for ratings on breadth, depth, testing capability and user-friendliness for each resource, as well as for rankings for the top 3 resources. Statistical analysis was performed using SAS 9.4. Results: Seventeen residents and fifteen faculties completed an e-survey. Mean response rate was 54% ± 8% (Range: 14- 96%). Ratings and rankings were statistically identical between residents and faculty. On a 5-point rating scale, breadth was 3.68 ± 0.18, depth was 3.95 ± 0.14, testing capability was 2.64 ± 0.16 and user-friendliness was 3.39 ± 0.13. Top-ranked resources were STATdx (first), Radiopaedia (second) and Radiology Assistant (third). 9% of responders singled out R-ITI as potentially good but ‘prohibitively costly’. Statistically significant predictive factors for higher rankings are familiarity with the resource (p = 0.001) and user-friendliness (p = 0.006). Conclusion: A good e-learning system will complement on-the-job training with a broad case base, deep discussion and quality trainee evaluation. Based on our study on twelve e-learning resources, no single program fulfilled all requirements. The perception and use of radiology e-learning resources depended more on familiarity and user-friendliness than on content differences and testing capability.Keywords: e-learning, medicine, radiology, survey
Procedia PDF Downloads 3333693 Interests and Perspectives of a Psychosocial Rehabilitation Diagnosis : A Useful Tool in the Evaluation About the Potentials of Long-Term Institutionalized Chronic Patients
Authors: I. Dumand, C. Clesse, M. Decker, C. Savini, J. Lighezzolo-Alnot
In the landscape of French psychiatry, long-term institutionalization of patients with severe and disabling chronics disorders is common. Faced with the failures of classical reinsertion, sometimes these users are hurriedly considered as 'insortables'. However, this representation is often swayed by the current behavior of the patient observed through the clinical observation. Unfortunately, it seems that this way of proceeding can not integrate the potentialities of the institutionalized patients and their possible evolution. Therefore, in order not to make hasty conclusions about the life perspectives of these individuals, it seems essential to associate with clinical observation a psycho social rehabilitation diagnosis. Multidisciplinary, it combine all the aspects that make up the life of the subject (the life aspirations, psycho social determinants, family support, cognitive potential, symptoms ...). In this paper, we will rank these different aspects necessary prerequisites to the realization of a psycho social rehabilitation diagnosis. Then, we will specifically speak of the issue of psychological evaluation. By adopting an integrative approach combining neuro psychological tools (Grober and Buschke, Stroop, WCST, AIPSS, WAIS, Eyes test ...) and projective tools interpreted under a psycho dynamic angle (Rorschach, TAT ..) we think that we can grasp the patient in his globality. Thus, during this process we will justify the interest of combining a cognitive and a psycho affective approach, we will identify the different items assessed and their future implications on the everyday life of the users. Finally, we show that this diagnosis can give a chance to reintegration to 30% of patients considered as ''insortables''. In conclusion, we will highlight the importance of this process dear to the community psychology emphasizing in the same time the interests of this approach in terms of empowerment, recovery and quality of life.Keywords: assessment, potentiality, psychosocial rehabilitation diagnosis, tools
Procedia PDF Downloads 3723692 A Systematic Review of Patient-Reported Outcomes and Return to Work after Surgical vs. Non-surgical Midshaft Humerus Fracture
Authors: Jamal Alasiri, Naif Hakeem, Saoud Almaslmani
Background: Patients with humeral shaft fractures have two different treatment options. Surgical therapy has lesser risks of non-union, mal-union, and re-intervention than non-surgical therapy. These positive clinical outcomes of the surgical approach make it a preferable treatment option despite the risks of radial nerve palsy and additional surgery-related risk. We aimed to evaluate patients’ outcomes and return to work after surgical vs. non-surgical management of shaft humeral fracture. Methods: We used databases, including PubMed, Medline, and Cochrane Register of Controlled Trials, from 2010 to January 2022 to search for potential randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies comparing the patients’ related outcome measures and return to work between surgical and non-surgical management of humerus fracture. Results: After carefully evaluating 1352 articles, we included three RCTs (232 patients) and one cohort study (39 patients). The surgical intervention used plate/nail fixation, while the non-surgical intervention used a splint or brace procedure to manage shaft humeral fracture. The pooled DASH effects of all three RCTs at six (M.D: -7.5 [-13.20, -1.89], P: 0.009) I2:44%) and 12 months (M.D: -1.32 [-3.82, 1.17], p:0.29, I2: 0%) were higher in patients treated surgically than in non-surgical procedures. The pooled constant Murley score at six (M.D: 7.945[2.77,13.10], P: 0.003) I2: 0%) and 12 months (M.D: 1.78 [-1.52, 5.09], P: 0.29, I2: 0%) were higher in patients who received non-surgical than surgical therapy. However, pooled analysis for patients returning to work for both groups remained inconclusive. Conclusion: Altogether, we found no significant evidence supporting the clinical benefits of surgical over non-surgical therapy. Thus, the non-surgical approach remains the preferred therapeutic choice for managing shaft humeral fractures due to its lesser side effects.Keywords: shaft humeral fracture, surgical treatment, Patient-related outcomes, return to work, DASH
Procedia PDF Downloads 993691 Attitudes toward Programming Languages Based on Characteristics
Authors: Mohammad Shokoohi-Yekta, Hamid Mirebrahim
A body of research has been devoted to investigating the preferences of computer programmers. These researches used various questionnaires to find out what programming language is most popular among programmers. The problem with such research is that the programmers are usually familiar with only a few languages; therefore, disregarding a number of other languages which might have characteristics that match their preferences more closely. To overcome such a problem, we decided to investigate the preferences of programmers in regards to the characteristics of languages, which help us to discover the languages that include the most characteristics preferred by the users. We conducted a user study to measure the preferences of programmers on different characteristics of programming languages and then tried to compare existing languages in the areas of application, Web and system programming. Overall, the results of our study indicated that the Ruby programming language has the highest preference score in the two areas of application and Web, and C++ has the highest score in the system area. The results of our study can also help programming language designers know the characteristics they should consider when developing new programming languages in order to attract more programmers.Keywords: object orientation, programming language design, programmers' preferences, characteristic
Procedia PDF Downloads 4983690 Serum Interlukin-8 and Immunomodulation in Beta Thalassemia Patients
Authors: Shahira El Shafie, Hanaa Eldash, Engy Ghabbour, Mohamed Eid
Several immunologic defects can be found in patients with beta-thalassemia, among which the impairment of neutrophil phagocytic function is of utmost importance. Attention has been directed to the role of proinflammatory cytokines in neutrophil chemotaxis and phagocytosis. Interleukin-8 (IL-8) is an important chemotactic and activation peptide for neutrophils; changes in IL-8 level and potential correlation with neutrophil function can be relevant to immunomodulation pathophysiology in beta-thalassemia patients. This case-control study aimed to evaluate IL-8 level and to assess granulocyte recruitment, as markers of immunomodulation, in poly-transfused thalassemia patients attending Fayoum University Hospitals. The study was conducted on 50 patients with ß thalassemia and 32 age-matched controls. 21/50 patients were transfused more than ten times, and 29/50 were transfused in a lower frequency. Patients and controls were subjected to thorough history taking and clinical examination, measurement of IL-8 level using human IL-8 ELISA kit, and Rebuck skin window technique (RSWT) to assess granulocyte recruitment. Our data showed statistically significant higher levels of IL-8 in ß thalassemia patients compared to control with a much higher difference in patients transfused more than ten times. Neutrophil recruitment was significantly lower in ß thalassemia patients compared to control at 4 hours and 24 hours test time. Although IL-8, the main chemotactic pro-inflammatory cytokine showed a higher level in thalassemia patients, neutrophils recruitment was significantly lower, especially in those receiving more than ten transfusion times. Our findings suggest a possible role of other neutrophil chemotactic factors, defective neutrophil response, or increased IL-8 as compensation of abnormal function. We recommend the use of IL-8 and Rebuck skin window technique as useful markers of immunomodulation in thalassemia and further study for these biomarkers to assess their clinical implications and impact on the management of thalassemia patients.Keywords: beta-thalassemia, Interleukin-8, Rebuck skin window technique, immunomodulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1873689 Understanding Human Rights Violations in the Fight against Boko Haram: A Historical Perspective
Authors: Anthony Mpiani
Recent media and NGO reports suggest that human rights violations have been a salient characteristic of the government Joint Task Force (JTF) in the war on Boko Haram. However, there has been relatively scant scholarly engagement with the forms of abuses committed by the JTF against civilians and why such human rights violations occur. The focus of this paper is to analyse the various human rights violations committed by JTF in the war against Boko Haram. Employing a historical approach, it argues that the JTF's human rights violations is shaped by the philosophy of colonial policing in Nigeria. Consequently, the failure of successive post-colonial governments to ideologically transform policing is accountable for the human rights abuses being witnessed in Nigeria today. A philosophical transformation in Nigeria's security forces especially the police and military is a prerequisite for ending human rights abuses in the fight against Boko Haram.Keywords: colonialism, policing, joint task force, counterinsurgency, Boko Haram, human rights violations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1643688 Electrical Performance Analysis of Single Junction Amorphous Silicon Solar (a-Si:H) Modules Using IV Tracer (PVPM)
Authors: Gilbert Omorodion Osayemwenre, Edson Meyer, R. T. Taziwa
The electrical analysis of single junction amorphous silicon solar modules is carried out using outdoor monitoring technique. Like crystalline silicon PV modules, the electrical characterisation and performance of single junction amorphous silicon modules are best described by its current-voltage (IV) characteristic. However, IV curve has a direct dependence on the type of PV technology and material properties used. The analysis reveals discrepancies in the modules performance parameter even though they are of similar technology. The aim of this work is to compare the electrical performance output of each module, using electrical parameters with the aid of PVPM 100040C IV tracer. These results demonstrated the relevance of standardising the performance parameter for effective degradation analysis of a-Si:H.Keywords: PVPM 100040C IV tracer, SolarWatt part, single junction amorphous silicon module (a-Si:H), Staebler-Wronski (S-W) degradation effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 3213687 Effect of Yeast Selenium on CD4 T Cell and WAZ of HIV1 Positive Children in Nyamasaria in Kisumu Kenya
Authors: S. B. Otieno1, F. Were, A. Afullo, K. Waza
Background: Multi drug resistance HIV has emerged rendering the current conventional treatment of HIV ineffective. There is a need for new treatment regime which is cheap, effective and not prone to resistance development by HIV. Methods: In randomized clinical study of 68 HIV positive children 3 – 15 years to asses the efficacy of yeast selenium in HIV/AIDS patients, 50μ yeast selenium was administered to 34 children while in matched control of 34 were put on placebo. Blood samples and weight of the both groups which were taken every 3 months intervals up to 6 months, were analyzed by ELIZA for CD4T cells, the data was analyzed by SPSS version 16, WAZ scores were analyzed by Epi Info version 6. Results: No significant difference in age { χ2 (1, 62) =0.03, p =0.853}, cause of morbidity between test and controls {χ2 (1, 65) = 5.87, p= 0.015} and on condition of foster parents {χ2 ( 1,63) = 5.57, p= 0.0172} was observed. Children on selenium showed progressive improvement of WAZ and significant difference at six months {F (5,12) = =5.758, P=0.006}, and weight gain of up to 4.1 kilograms in six months, and significant CD4 T cell count increase t= -2.943, p<0.05 compared to matched controls t = -1.258 p> 0.05. CD4 T cell count increased among all age groups on test 3-5 years (+ 267.1),5-8 years (+200.3) 9-15 years (+71.2) cells/mm3 and in matched controls a decrease 3-5 years (-71), 5-8 years (-125) and 9-13 years (-10.1) cells/mm3 . No significant difference inCD4 T cell count between boys {F (2, 32) = 1.531 p= 0.232} and between boys {F (2, 49) = 1.040, p= 0.361} on test and between boys and girls {F (5, 81) = 1.379, p= 0.241} on test. Similarly no significant difference between boys and girls were observed {F (5, 86) = 1.168, p= 0.332}.In the test group there was significant positive correlation β =252.23 between weight for age (WAZ), and CD4 T Cell Count p=0.007, R2= 0.252, F< 0.05. In matched controls no significant correlation between weight gain and CD4 T cell count change was observed at six months p > 0.05. No positive correlation β =-138.23 was observed between CD4T Cell count, WAZ, p=0.934, R2 =0.0337 F >0.05. Majority (96.78%) of children on test either remained or progressed to WHO immunological stage I. Conclusion: From this study it can be concluded that yeast Selenium is effective in slowing the progress of HIV 1 in children from WHO clinical stage I by improving CD4 T cell count and hence the immunity.Keywords: selenium, HIV, AIDS, WAZ
Procedia PDF Downloads 4763686 Challenges in the Management of Her2 Neu Positive Breast Cancer Patients: Real World Data from India
Authors: Praveen Adusumilli, Meher Lakshmi Konatam, Sadashivudu Gundeti, Stalin Bala
The invention of trastuzumab has changed the treatment of breast cancer and lives of many patients all over the world. Despite many patients getting benefitted from the drug, it is out of reach for most of the patients. There is very limited real world data regarding the epidemiology and clinical outcome of Her2neu positive breast cancer patients. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of breast cancer patients presenting to a tertiary care cancer centre in Southern India from 2007 to2013. All early and locally advanced breast cancer patients, who were Her2neu 3+ on IHC are included in the study and evaluated in terms of epidemiology, 3-year disease free survival (DFS)and 5-year overall survival(OS). Chemotherapy regimens used were-FAC 6 cycles or AC 4 cycles followed by 12 cycles of weekly paclitaxel . Trastuzumab was given after 6 cycles of FAC or weekly with paclitaxel followed by 3weekly maintenance until 1 year. Results: Over the period of this study there were 885 newly diagnosed cases of carcinoma breast, of which 242 (27%) were Her2neu positive, 360(40%) were hormone receptor positive, and 212(24%) were triple negative. A total of 71(8%) were Her2neu equivocal of which only 10 patients got FISH test done. Of the 212 newly diagnosed patients, only 74 (29%) opted to have standard of care therapy with trastuzumab at our centre, out of which 52(24%), 8(3%), received under insurance, paying basis respectively. 14(9%) patients received the care as part of clinical trial program (ALTTO trial). 7 (9.72%) patients developed decrease of ejection fraction by greater than 10%, requiring stoppage of trastuzumab out of which 5 were restarted in 2 months. Patients receiving trastuzumab along with chemotherapy had longer 3year DFS 92% vs. 60% (p value<0.0001) when compared to chemotherapy alone. 5 year OS was 87% vs 44% (p-value <0.0001) compared to chemotherapy alone. Conclusion: Trastuzumab with chemotherapy improves the DFS and OS in Her2neu positive patients. The biggest constraint is the cost of the treatment and absence of universal health security net to treat all patients with this diagnosis.Keywords: breast cancer, Her 2 neu positive, real world data, Trastuzumab
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