Search results for: bitumen content green hot mix asphalt
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 8259

Search results for: bitumen content green hot mix asphalt

6939 Study on Conservation and Regeneration of the Industrial Buildings

Authors: Rungpansa Noichan, Bart Julian Dewancker


The conservation and regeneration of historical industrial building is one of the most important issues to be solved in today’s urban development in the world. There are growing numbers of industrial building in which promoting heritage conservation maybe a helpful tool for a sustainable city in social, urban restructuring, environmental and economic component. This paper identifies the key attributes of conservation and regeneration industrial building from the literature, were discussed by reviewing its development at home and abroad. The authors have investigated 93 industrial buildings, which were used as industrial building before and reused into buildings with another function afterward. The data to be discussed below were mainly collected from various publications but also from available internet sources. This study focuses on green transformation, historical culture heritage, transformation techniques, and urban regeneration based on the empirical researches on the historical industrial building and site. Moreover, we focus on social, urban environment and sustainable development. The implications of the study provide suggestions for future improvements in the conservation and regeneration of historical industrial building, and inspire new ways of use, so the building becomes flexible and can consequently be adaptable to changes in order to survive time. Therefore, the building does not take into account only its future impact in the environment and society. Instead, it focuses on its entire life cycle.

Keywords: industrial building, heritage conservation, green transformation, regeneration, sustainable development

Procedia PDF Downloads 373
6938 Trees for Air Pollution Tolerance to Develop Green Belts as an Ecological Mitigation

Authors: Rahma Al Maawali, Hameed Sulaiman


Air pollution both from point and non-point sources is difficult to control once released in to the atmosphere. There is no engineering method known available to ameliorate the dispersed pollutants. The only suitable approach is the ecological method of constructing green belts in and around the pollution sources. Air pollution in Muscat, Oman is a serious concern due to ever increasing vehicles on roads. Identifying the air pollution tolerance levels of species is important for implementing pollution control strategies in the urban areas of Muscat. Hence, in the present study, Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) for ten avenue tree species was evaluated by analyzing four bio-chemical parameters, plus their Anticipated Performance Index (API) in field conditions. Based on the two indices, Ficus benghalensis was the most suitable one with the highest performance score. Conocarpus erectuse, Phoenix dactylifera, and Pithcellobium dulce were found to be good performers and are recommended for extensive planting. Azadirachta indica which is preferred for its dense canopy is qualified in the moderate category. The rest of the tree species expressed lower API score of less than 51, hence cannot be considered as suitable species for pollution mitigation plantation projects.

Keywords: air pollution tolerance index (APTI), avenue tree species, bio-chemical parameters, muscat

Procedia PDF Downloads 284
6937 ESP: Peculiarities of Teaching Psychology in English to Russian Students

Authors: Ekaterina A. Redkina


The necessity and importance of teaching professionally oriented content in English needs no proof nowadays. Consequently, the ability to share personal ESP teaching experience seems of great importance. This paper is based on the 8-year ESP and EFL teaching experience at the Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow, Russia, and presents theoretical analysis of specifics, possible problems, and perspectives of teaching Psychology in English to Russian psychology-students. The paper concerns different issues that are common for different ESP classrooms, and familiar to different teachers. Among them are: designing ESP curriculum (for psychologists in this case), finding the balance between content and language in the classroom, main teaching principles (the 4 C’s), the choice of assessment techniques and teaching material. The main objective of teaching psychology in English to Russian psychology students is developing knowledge and skills essential for professional psychologists. Belonging to international professional community presupposes high-level content-specific knowledge and skills, high level of linguistic skills and cross-cultural linguistic ability and finally high level of professional etiquette. Thus, teaching psychology in English pursues 3 main outcomes, such as content, language and professional skills. The paper provides explanation of each of the outcomes. Examples are also given. Particular attention is paid to the lesson structure, its objectives and the difference between a typical EFL and ESP lesson. There is also made an attempt to find commonalities between teaching ESP and CLIL. There is an approach that states that CLIL is more common for schools, while ESP is more common for higher education. The paper argues that CLIL methodology can be successfully used in ESP teaching and that many CLIL activities are also well adapted for professional purposes. The research paper provides insights into the process of teaching psychologists in Russia, real teaching experience and teaching techniques that have proved efficient over time.

Keywords: ESP, CLIL, content, language, psychology in English, Russian students

Procedia PDF Downloads 612
6936 Early Identification and Early Intervention: Pre and Post Diagnostic Tests in Mathematics Courses

Authors: Kailash Ghimire, Manoj Thapa


This study focuses on early identification of deficiencies in pre-required areas of students who are enrolled in College Algebra and Calculus I classes. The students were given pre-diagnostic tests on the first day of the class before they are provided with the syllabus. The tests consist of prerequisite, uniform and advanced content outlined by the University System of Georgia (USG). The results show that 48% of students in College Algebra are lacking prerequisite skills while 52% of Calculus I students are lacking prerequisite skills but, interestingly these students are prior exposed to uniform content and advanced content. The study is still in progress and this paper contains the outcome from Fall 2017 and Spring 2018. In this paper, early intervention used in these classes: two days vs three days meeting a week and students’ self-assessment using exam wrappers and their effectiveness on students’ learning will also be discussed. A result of this study shows that there is an improvement on Drop, Fail and Withdraw (DFW) rates by 7%-10% compared to those in previous semesters.

Keywords: student at risk, diagnostic tests, identification, intervention, normalization gain, validity of tests

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6935 A Facile Synthesis Strategy of Saccharine/TiO₂ Composite Heterojunction Catalyst for Co₂RR

Authors: Jenaidullah Batur, Sebghatullah Mudaber


Currently, there is a list of catalysts that can reduce CO₂ to valuable chemicals and fuels, among them metal oxides such as TiO₂, known as promising photocatalysts to produce hydrogen and CO unless they are at an earlier age and still need to promote activity to able for produce fabricated values. Herein, in this work, we provided a novel, facile and eco-friendly synthesis strategy to synthesize more effective TiO₂-organic composite materials to selectively reduce CO₂ to CO. In this experiment, commercial nanocrystalline TiO₂ and saccharin with Li (LiBr, LiCl) were synthesized using the facile physical grinding in the motel pestle for 10 minutes, then added 10 mL of deionized water (18.2 megaohms) on the 300mg composite catalyst before samples moving for hydrothermal heating for 24 hours at 80 C in the oven. Compared with nanosized TiO₂, the new TiO₂-Sac-Li indeed displays a high CO generation rate of 70.83 μmol/g/h, which is 7 times higher than TiO₂, which shows enhancement in CO₂ reduction and an apparent improvement in charge carrier dynamic. The CO₂ reduction process at the gas-solid interface on TiO₂-Sac-Li composite semiconductors is investigated by functional calculations and several characterization methods. The results indicate that CO₂ can be easily activated by the TiO₂-Sac-Li atoms on the surface. This work innovatively investigates CO₂ reduction in novel composite materials and helps to broaden the applications of composite materials semiconductors.

Keywords: green chemistry, green synthesis, TiO₂, photocatalyst

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6934 Child-Friendly Cities: A Child's Participation in the Local Government to Improve the Status of Rights of the Child

Authors: Asma Khalid


Children’s drawings are unique as children are. Children manifest their happiness, sadness, future dreams, likes, dislikes through drawings. Research with children aged 8-12 was conducted in 2017 in which it was asked to them ‘what they think about child-friendly cities?’ The focus was to get ideas from children about the cities in which they live and what they want in their cities. The research was conducted in different private schools. Children were accessed through teachers and principals of the schools (the gatekeepers). Consent forms were developed for children which contained information about the research project and their consent was taken on paper. It was ensured that children are not forced to take part in the research and they can leave the research whenever they want, without informing anyone. The qualitative participatory approach was taken where children were given papers and colors to draw their ideas. During the research, it was found that children are interested in showing their emotions and liking through drawing as this medium seems easy and comfortable to them as compared to have the individual face to face interviews or participate in surveys. However, the clarity of the ideas presented in the drawings was discussed at length with children in their school’s premises. Results of the research show that children like to live in clean, green places which are also safe for them. Furthermore, they want to live with their families and want to have recreational activities including parks in their nearby vicinity.

Keywords: qualitative participative research clean, children, drawing, clean, green and protected place, family

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6933 San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Headquarters "The Greenest Urban Building in the United States"

Authors: Charu Sharma


San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s Headquarters was listed in the 2013-American Institute of Architects Committee of the Environment (AIA COTE) Top Ten Green Projects. This 13-story, 277,000-square-foot building, housing more than 900 of the agency’s employees was completed in June 2012. It was designed to achieve LEED Platinum Certification and boasts a plethora of green features to significantly reduce the use of energy and water consumption, and provide a healthy office work environment with high interior air quality and natural daylight. Key sustainability features include on-site clean energy generation through renewable photovoltaic and wind sources providing $118 million in energy cost savings over 75 years; 45 percent daylight harvesting; and the consumption of 55 percent less energy and a 32 percent less electricity demand from the main power grid. It uses 60 percent less water usage than an average 13-story office building as most of that water will be recycled for non-potable uses at the site, running through a system of underground tanks and artificial wetlands that cleans and clarifies whatever is flushed down toilets or washed down drains. This is one of the first buildings in the nation with treatment of gray and black water. The building utilizes an innovative structural system with post tensioned cores that will provide the highest asset preservation for the building. In addition, the building uses a “green” concrete mixture that releases less carbon gases. As a public utility commission this building has set a good example for resource conservation-the building is expected to be cheaper to operate and maintain as time goes on and will have saved rate-payers $500 million in energy and water savings. Within the anticipated 100-year lifespan of the building, our ratepayers will save approximately $3.7 billion through the combination of rental savings, energy efficiencies, and asset ownership.

Keywords: energy efficiency, sustainability, resource conservation, asset ownership, rental savings

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6932 Combination of Standard Secondary Raw Materials and New Production Waste Materials in Green Concrete Technology

Authors: M. Tazky, R. Hela, P. Novosad, L. Osuska


This paper deals with the possibility of safe incorporation fluidised bed combustion fly ash (waste material) into cement matrix together with next commonly used secondary raw material, which is high-temperature fly ash. Both of these materials have a very high pozzolanic ability, and the right combination could bring important improvements in both the physico-mechanical properties and the better durability of a cement composite. This paper tries to determine the correct methodology for designing green concrete by using modern methods measuring rheology of fresh concrete and following hydration processes. The use of fluidised bed combustion fly ash in cement composite production as an admixture is not currently common, but there are some real possibilities for its potential. The most striking negative aspect is its chemical composition which supports the development of new product formation, influencing the durability of the composite. Another disadvantage is the morphology of grains, which have a negative effect on consistency. This raises the question of how this waste can be used in concrete production to emphasize its positive properties and eliminate negatives. The focal point of the experiment carried out on cement pastes was particularly on the progress of hydration processes, aiming for the possible acceleration of pozzolanic reactions of both types of fly ash.

Keywords: high temperature fly ash, fluidized bed combustion fly ash, pozzolan, CaO (calcium oxide), rheology

Procedia PDF Downloads 206
6931 Smart-Textile Containers for Urban Mobility

Authors: René Vieroth, Christian Dils, M. V. Krshiwoblozki, Christine Kallmayer, Martin Schneider-Ramelow, Klaus-Dieter Lang


Green urban mobility in commercial and private contexts is one of the great challenges for the continuously growing cities all over the world. Bicycle based solutions are already and since a long time the key to success. Modern developments like e-bikes and high-end cargo-bikes complement the portfolio. Weight, aerodynamic drag, and security for the transported goods are the key factors for working solutions. Recent achievements in the field of smart-textiles allowed the creation of a totally new generation of intelligent textile cargo containers, which fulfill those demands. The fusion of technical textiles, design and electrical engineering made it possible to create an ecological solution which is very near to become a product. This paper shows all the details of this solution that includes an especially developed sensor textile for cut detection, a protective textile layer for intrusion prevention, an universal-charging-unit for energy harvesting from diverse sources and a low-energy alarm system with GSM/GPRS connection, GPS location and RFID interface.

Keywords: cargo-bike, cut-detection, e-bike, energy-harvesting, green urban mobility, logistics, smart-textiles, textile-integrity sensor

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6930 Study on the Morphology and Dynamic Mechanical and Thermal Properties of HIPS/Graphene Nanocomposites

Authors: Amirhosein Rostampour, Mehdi Sharif


In this article, a series of high impact polystyrene/graphene (HIPS/Gr) nanocomposites were prepared by solution mixing method and their morphology and dynamic mechanical properties were investigated as a function of graphene content. SEM images and X-Ray diffraction data confirm that the graphene platelets are well dispersed in HIPS matrix for the nanocomposites with Gr contents up to 5.0 wt%. Mechanical properties analysis demonstrates that yielding strength and initial modulus of HIPS/Gr nanocomposites are highly improved with the increment of Gr content compared to pure HIPS.

Keywords: nanocomposite, graphene, dynamic mechanical properties, morphology

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6929 Changes in the Quantity of Milk and the PH and Temperature of Rumen Content, after Surgical Treatment of Displaced Abomasum

Authors: Ramūnas Antanaitis, Robertas Stoškus, Mindaugas Televičius


The objective is to identify changes in the quantity of milk and the pH and the temperature of rumen content after omentopexia. The research was performed in a dairy farm with 550 cows on December 2014 – January 2015. The sample consisted of 10 cows. Left-sided displacement of the abomasums was diagnosed in 5 of them, which was treated by lateral omentopexia according to Dirksen; the rest 5 were used for control. Additional treatment was not applied. A special bolus for measuring pH and temperature was administered to the rumen of healthy cows and cows after the operation. The quantity of milk was registered with the help of herd management program Westfalia DP C21. All data were recorded ones a week in the period of four weeks. Statistically reliable difference in the quantity of milk (p<0.05) between the research groups was observed during the entire research. The major difference was recorded on Week 1 after the treatment (29.18 kg/d); on Week 4, the difference was 13.97 kg/d. During the entire research, rumen pH of Test group was lower than that of the Control group. Statistically reliable difference between the groups was identified on Week 1 (p<0.05). On the period mentioned, the pH of the rumen content of Test group was lower by 0.42 than that of the Control group. On Week 3, the difference increased up to 0.84. On Weeks 1, 2, and 3, statistically reliable (p<0.05) higher temperature was observed in the Test group. Major difference of temperature, 1.81 °C, was recorded on Week 1. On Week 4, the temperature of rumen in the Test group became equal to that of the Control group. After omentopexia treatment, the first four weeks showed the following results: statistically reliable difference in the quantity of milk remains the most obvious in Week 1 after the treatment; cows with left-sided displacement of abomasums were exposed to greater risk of acidosis; they indicated lower pH of rumen content; the first two weeks after omentopexia, rumen content has increased temperature, especially obvious in Week 1.

Keywords: Displacement of the abomasum, omentopexia, acidosis

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6928 Cone Contrast Sensitivity of Normal Trichromats and Those with Red-Green Dichromats

Authors: Tatsuya Iizuka, Takushi Kawamorita, Tomoya Handa, Hitoshi Ishikawa


We report normative cone contrast sensitivity values and sensitivity and specificity values for a computer-based color vision test, the cone contrast test-HD (CCT-HD). The participants included 50 phakic eyes with normal color vision (NCV) and 20 dichromatic eyes (ten with protanopia and ten with deuteranopia). The CCT-HD was used to measure L, M, and S-CCT-HD scores (color vision deficiency, L-, M-cone logCS≦1.65, S-cone logCS≦0.425) to investigate the sensitivity and specificity of CCT-HD based on anomalous-type diagnosis with animalscope. The mean ± standard error L-, M-, S-cone logCS for protanopia were 0.90±0.04, 1.65±0.03, and 0.63±0.02, respectively; for deuteranopia 1.74±0.03, 1.31±0.03, and 0.61±0.06, respectively; and for age-matched NCV were 1.89±0.04, 1.84±0.04, and 0.60±0.03, respectively, with significant differences for each group except for S-CCT-HD (Bonferroni corrected α = 0.0167, p < 0.0167). The sensitivity and specificity of CCT-HD were 100% for protan and deutan in diagnosing abnormal types from 20 to 64 years of age, but the specificity decreased to 65% for protan and 55% for deutan in older persons > 65. CCT-HD is comparable to the diagnostic performance of the anomalous type in the anomaloscope for the 20-64-year-old age group. However, the results should be interpreted cautiously in those ≥ 65 years. They are more susceptible to acquired color vision deficiencies due to the yellowing of the crystalline lens and other factors.

Keywords: cone contrast test HD, color vision test, congenital color vision deficiency, red-green dichromacy, cone contrast sensitivity

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6927 Using Geographic Information System and Analytic Hierarchy Process for Detecting Forest Degradation in Benslimane Forest, Morocco

Authors: Loubna Khalile, Hicham Lahlaoi, Hassan Rhinane, A. Kaoukaya, S. Fal


Green spaces is an essential element, they contribute to improving the quality of lives of the towns around them. They are a place of relaxation, walk and rest a playground for sport and youths. According to United Nations Organization Forests cover 31% of the land. In Morocco in 2013 that cover 12.65 % of the total land area, still, a small proportion compared to the natural needs of forests as a green lung of our planet. The Benslimane Forest is a large green area It belongs to Chaouia-Ouardigha Region and Greater Casablanca Region, it is located geographically between Casablanca is considered the economic and business Capital of Morocco and Rabat the national political capital, with an area of 12261.80 Hectares. The essential problem usually encountered in suburban forests, is visitation and tourism pressure it is anthropogenic actions, as well as other ecological and environmental factors. In recent decades, Morocco has experienced a drought year that has influenced the forest with increasing human pressure and every day it suffers heavy losses, as well as over-exploitation. The Moroccan forest ecosystems are weak with intense ecological variation, domanial and imposed usage rights granted to the population; forests are experiencing a significant deterioration due to forgetfulness and immoderate use of forest resources which can influence the destruction of animal habitats, vegetation, water cycle and climate. The purpose of this study is to make a model of the degree of degradation of the forest and know the causes for prevention by using remote sensing and geographic information systems by introducing climate and ancillary data. Analytic hierarchy process was used to find out the degree of influence and the weight of each parameter, in this case, it is found that anthropogenic activities have a fairly significant impact has thus influenced the climate.

Keywords: analytic hierarchy process, degradation, forest, geographic information system

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6926 Hydrothermal Aging Behavior of Continuous Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polyamide 6 Composites

Authors: Jifeng Zhang , Yongpeng Lei


Continuous carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 6 (CF/PA6) composites are potential for application in the automotive industry due to their high specific strength and stiffness. However, PA6 resin is sensitive to the moisture in the hydrothermal environment and CF/PA6 composites might undergo several physical and chemical changes, such as plasticization, swelling, and hydrolysis, which induces a reduction of mechanical properties. So far, little research has been reported on the assessment of the effects of hydrothermal aging on the mechanical properties of continuous CF/PA6 composite. This study deals with the effects of hydrothermal aging on moisture absorption and mechanical properties of polyamide 6 (PA6) and polyamide 6 reinforced with continuous carbon fibers composites (CF/PA6) by immersion in distilled water at 30 ℃, 50 ℃, 70 ℃, and 90 ℃. Degradation of mechanical performance has been monitored, depending on the water absorption content and the aging temperature. The experimental results reveal that under the same aging condition, the PA6 resin absorbs more water than the CF/PA6 composite, while the water diffusion coefficient of CF/PA6 composite is higher than that of PA6 resin because of interfacial diffusion channel. In mechanical properties degradation process, an exponential reduction in tensile strength and elastic modulus are observed in PA6 resin as aging temperature and water absorption content increases. The degradation trend of flexural properties of CF/PA6 is the same as that of tensile properties of PA6 resin. Moreover, the water content plays a decisive role in mechanical degradation compared with aging temperature. In contrast, hydrothermal environment has mild effect on the tensile properties of CF/PA6 composites. The elongation at breakage of PA6 resin and CF/PA6 reaches the highest value when their water content reaches 6% and 4%, respectively. Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) were also used to explain the mechanism of mechanical properties alteration. After exposed to the hydrothermal environment, the Tg (glass transition temperature) of samples decreases dramatically with water content increase. This reduction can be ascribed to the plasticization effect of water. For the unaged specimens, the fibers surface is coated with resin and the main fracture mode is fiber breakage, indicating that a good adhesion between fiber and matrix. However, with absorbed water content increasing, the fracture mode transforms to fiber pullout. Finally, based on Arrhenius methodology, a predictive model with relate to the temperature and water content has been presented to estimate the retention of mechanical properties for PA6 and CF/PA6.

Keywords: continuous carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 6 composite, hydrothermal aging, Arrhenius methodology, interface

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6925 Evaluation of the Efficiency of French Language Educational Software for Learners in Semnan Province, Iran

Authors: Alireza Hashemi


In recent decades, language teaching methodology has undergone significant changes due to the advent of computers and the growth of educational software. French language education has also benefited from these developments, and various software has been produced to facilitate the learning of this language. However, the question arises whether these software programs meet the educational needs of Iranian learners, particularly in Semnan Province. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of French language educational software for learners in Semnan Province, considering educational, cultural, and technical criteria. In this study, content analysis and performance evaluation methods were used to examine the educational software ‘Français Facile’. This software was evaluated based on criteria such as teaching methods, cultural compatibility, and technical features. To collect data, standardized questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with learners in Semnan Province were used. Additionally, the SPSS statistical software was employed for quantitative data analysis, and the thematic analysis method was used for qualitative data. The results indicated that the ‘Français Facile’ software has strengths such as providing diverse educational content and an interactive learning environment. However, some weaknesses include the lack of alignment of educational content with the learning culture of learners in Semnan Province and technical issues in software execution. Statistical data showed that 65% of learners were satisfied with the educational content, but 55% reported issues related to cultural alignment with their needs. This study indicates that to enhance the efficiency of French language educational software, there is a need to localize educational content and improve technical infrastructure. Producing locally adapted educational software can improve the quality of language learning and increase the motivation of learners in Semnan Province. This research emphasizes the importance of understanding the cultural and educational needs of learners in the development of educational software and recommends that developers of educational software pay special attention to these aspects.

Keywords: educational software, French language, Iran, learners in Semnan province

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6924 Web-Content Analysis of the Major Spanish Tourist Destinations Evaluation by Russian Tourists

Authors: Natalia Polkanova, Sergey Kazakov


In the research, we proposed the set of factors of tourist destinations attractiveness in Spain and determined the factors that have the greatest impact on the positive perception of the tourist destination by Russian tourists; also, we examined what factors create the willingness for Russians to recommend this tourist destination to their friends and relatives. The tourists' comments on the Russian travel sites have been analyzed in order to determine the frequency of attractiveness characteristics references. Additionally, the study will reflect the relationship of variables.

Keywords: tourism destination, destination attractiveness, destination competitiveness, content analysis, unstructured image

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6923 Examination of Readiness of Teachers in the Use of Information-Communication Technologies in the Classroom

Authors: Nikolina Ribarić


This paper compares the readiness of chemistry teachers to use information and communication technologies in chemistry in 2018. and 2021. A survey conducted in 2018 on a sample of teachers showed that most teachers occasionally use visualization and digitization tools in chemistry teaching (65%) but feel that they are not educated enough to use them (56%). Also, most teachers do not have adequate equipment in their schools and are not able to use ICT in teaching or digital tools for visualization and digitization of content (44%). None of the teachers find the use of digitization and visualization tools useless. Furthermore, a survey conducted in 2021 shows that most teachers occasionally use visualization and digitization tools in chemistry teaching (83%). Also, the research shows that some teachers still do not have adequate equipment in their schools and are not able to use ICT in chemistry teaching or digital tools for visualization and digitization of content (14%). Advances in the use of ICT in chemistry teaching are linked to pandemic conditions and the obligation to conduct online teaching. The share of 14% of teachers who still do not have adequate equipment to use digital tools in teaching is worrying.

Keywords: chemistry, digital content, e-learning, ICT, visualization

Procedia PDF Downloads 156
6922 Selection of Green Fluorescent Protein and mCherry Nanobodies Using the Yeast Surface Display Method

Authors: Lavinia Ruta, Ileana Farcasanu


The yeast surface display (YSD) technique enables the expression of proteins on yeast cell surfaces, facilitating the identification and isolation of proteins with targeted binding properties, such as nanobodies. Nanobodies, derived from camelid species, are single-domain antibody fragments renowned for their high affinity and specificity towards target proteins, making them valuable in research and potentially in therapeutics. Their advantages include a compact size (~15 kDa), robust stability, and the ability to target challenging epitopes. The project endeavors to establish and validate a platform for producing Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) and mCherry nanobodies using the yeast surface display method. mCherry, a prevalent red fluorescent protein sourced from coral species, is commonly utilized as a genetic marker in biological studies due to its vibrant red fluorescence. The GFP-nanobody, a single variable domain of heavy-chain antibodies (VHH), exhibits specific binding to GFP, offering a potent means for isolating and engineering fluorescent protein fusions across various biological research domains. Both GFP and mCherry nanobodies find specific utility in cellular imaging and protein analysis applications.

Keywords: YSD, nanobodies, GFP, Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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6921 Resilient Leadership in Sustainable Urban Planning: Embracing Change to Shape Future Cities

Authors: Rick Denley


Urban planning today faces unprecedented challenges as cities strive for sustainability in response to climate change, rapid population growth, and the increasing demand for green infrastructure. In this context, effective leadership becomes as essential as innovative design and technology. Rick Denley’s keynote, Resilient Leadership in Sustainable Urban Planning: Embracing Change to Shape Future Cities, focuses on equipping urban planners, academics, and industry leaders with the leadership tools necessary to guide their teams and projects through complex transitions. His session addresses the essential role of leadership in driving sustainable urban transformations, adapting to changing environmental demands, and fostering collaborative approaches to green infrastructure initiatives. Rick’s keynote is grounded in his Change Growth Formula, a practical framework he has developed over years of leading corporate transformations and advising on resilience and growth. His talk will focus on how urban planning professionals can cultivate adaptability, inspire innovative thinking, and lead their teams to achieve impactful urban projects that prioritize sustainable landscapes, water management, and green spaces. Attendees will gain actionable insights on building a resilient mindset, leveraging collaborative partnerships, and aligning urban planning initiatives with environmental goals. This session is aligned with the conference’s objectives to share interdisciplinary knowledge, explore innovative solutions, and address critical challenges in urban landscape and urban planning. Rick’s approach combines insights from leadership theory with real-world applications in urban planning, making his talk relevant for professionals seeking both inspiration and practical tools to lead sustainable transformations.

Keywords: resilient leadership, change management, collaborative planning, adaptive leadership, community engagement, leadership in urban design

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6920 Effect of Cooking Time, Seed-To-Water Ratio and Soaking Time on the Proximate Composition and Functional Properties of Tetracarpidium conophorum (Nigerian Walnut) Seeds

Authors: J. O. Idoko, C. N. Michael, T. O. Fasuan


This study investigated the effects of cooking time, seed-to-water ratio and soaking time on proximate and functional properties of African walnut seed using Box-Behnken design and Response Surface Methodology (BBD-RSM) with a view to increase its utilization in the food industry. African walnut seeds were sorted washed, soaked, cooked, dehulled, sliced, dried and milled. Proximate analysis and functional properties of the samples were evaluated using standard procedures. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Quadratic models were obtained to predict the proximate and functional qualities as a function of cooking time, seed-to-water ratio and soaking time. The results showed that the crude protein ranged between 11.80% and 23.50%, moisture content ranged between 1.00% and 4.66%, ash content ranged between 3.35% and 5.25%, crude fibre ranged from 0.10% to 7.25% and carbohydrate ranged from 1.22% to 29.35%. The functional properties showed that soluble protein ranged from 16.26% to 42.96%, viscosity ranged from 23.43 mPas to 57 mPas, emulsifying capacity ranged from 17.14% to 39.43% and water absorption capacity ranged from 232% to 297%. An increase in the volume of water used during cooking resulted in loss of water soluble protein through leaching, the length of soaking time and the moisture content of the dried product are inversely related, ash content is inversely related to the cooking time and amount of water used, extraction of fat is enhanced by increase in soaking time while increase in cooking and soaking times result into decrease in fibre content. The results obtained indicated that African walnut could be used in several food formulations as protein supplement and binder.

Keywords: African walnut, functional properties, proximate analysis, response surface methodology

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6919 Analysis of Suitability of Online Assessment by Maintaining Critical Thinking

Authors: Mohamed Chabi


The purpose of this study is to determine Whether paper assessment especially in the subject mathematics will ever be completely replaced by online assessment using Learning Management System and Content Management System such as blackboard. In the subject mathematics, the assessment is the exercise of judgment on the quality of students’ work, as a way of supporting student learning and appraising its outcomes. Testing students has moved from the traditional scribbling and sketching on paper towards working online on a screen and keyboard.

Keywords: paper assessment, online assessment, learning management system, content management system, mathematics

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6918 Spectroscopic Determination of Functionalized Active Principles from Coleus aromaticus Benth Leaf Extract Using Ionic Liquids

Authors: Zharama M. Llarena


Green chemistry for plant extraction of active principles is the main interest of many researchers concerned with climate change. While classical organic solvents are detrimental to our environment, greener alternatives to ionic liquids are very promising for sustainable organic chemistry. This study focused on the determination of functional groups observed in the main constituents from the ionic liquid extracts of Coleus aromaticus Benth leaves using FT-IR Spectroscopy. Moreover, this research aimed to determine the best ionic liquid that can separate functionalized plant constituents from the leaves Coleus aromaticus Benth using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Coleus aromaticus Benth leaf extract in different ionic liquids, elucidated pharmacologically important functional groups present in major constituents of the plant, namely, rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid. In connection to distinctive appearance of functional groups in the spectrum and highest % transmittance, potassium chloride-glycerol is the best ionic liquid for green extraction.

Keywords: chlorogenic acid, coleus aromaticus, ionic liquid, rosmarinic acid

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6917 Green Natural Rubber Composites Reinforced with Synthetic Graphite: Effects of Reinforcing Agent on Film’s Mechanical Properties and Electrical Conductivity

Authors: Veerapat Kitsawat, Muenduen Phisalaphong


Green natural rubber (NR) composites reinforced with synthetic graphite, using alginate as thickening and dispersing agent, were developed to improve mechanical properties and electrical conductivity. The film fabrication was performed using a latex aqueous microdispersion process. The research found that up to 60 parts per hundred rubbers (phr) of graphite could be successfully integrated into the NR matrix without causing agglomeration and phase separation. Accordingly, the mechanical properties, in terms of tensile strength and Young’s modulus of the composite films, were significantly increased, while the elongation at break decreased with higher graphite loading. The reinforcement strongly improved the hydrophilicity of the composite films, resulting in a higher water absorption rate compared to the neat NR film. Moreover, the incorporation of synthetic graphite significantly improved the chemical resistance of the composite films when exposed to toluene. It is demonstrated that the electrical conductivity of the composite films was considerably enhanced with graphite loading. According to the obtained properties, the developed composites offer potential for further development as conductive substrate for electronic applications.

Keywords: alginate, composite, graphite, natural rubber

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6916 Examination of Woody Taxa in Urban Parks in the Context of Climate Change: Resat Oyal Kulturpark and Hudavendigar Urban Park Samples

Authors: Murat Zencirkıran, Elvan Ender


Climate change, which has become effective on a global scale, is accompanied by an increase in negative conditions for human, plant and animal life. Especially these negative conditions (drought, warming, glowing, etc.) are felt more rapidly in urban life and affect the sustainability of green areas which are of great importance in terms of life comfort. In this context, the choice of woody taxa used in the design and design of green spaces in the city increase one more time. Within the scope of this study, two of four urban parks located in the city center of Bursa province were selected and evaluated for woody taxa. Urban parks have been identified as the oldest and newest urban park in Bursa, and it has been tried to emphasize the differences that may exist over time. It was determined that 54 woody taxa took place in Resat Oyal Kulturpark and 76 woody taxa in Hudavendigar Urban Park. These taxa have been evaluated in terms of water consumption and ecological tolerances by taking into account climate change, and suggestions have been developed against possible problems.

Keywords: ecological hardiness, urban park, water consumption, woody plants

Procedia PDF Downloads 297
6915 Combination Urea and KCl with Powder Coal Sub-Bituminous to Increase Nutrient Content of Ultisols in Limau Manis Padang West Sumatra

Authors: Amsar Maulana, Rafdea Syafitri, Topanal Gustiranda, Natasya Permatasari, Herviyanti


Coal as an alternative source of humic material that has the potential of 973.92 million tons (sub-bituminous amounted to 673.70 million tons) in West Sumatera. The purpose of this research was to study combination Urea and KCl with powder coal Sub-bituminous to increase nutrient content of Ultisols In Limau Manis Padang West Sumatera. The experiment was designed in Completely Randomized Design with 3 replications, those were T1) 0.5% (50g plot-1) of powder coal Sub-bituminous; T2) T1 and 125% (7.03g plot-1 ) of Urea recommendation; T3) T1 and 125% (5.85g plot-1) of KCl recommendation; T4) 1.0% (100g plot-1) of powder coal Sub-bituminous; T5) T4 and 125% (7.03g plot-1 ) of Urea recommendation; T6) T4 and 125% (5.85g plot-1) of KCl recommendation; T7) 1.5% (150g plot-1) of powder coal Sub-bituminous; T8) T7 and 125% (7.03g plot-1 ) of Urea recommendation; T9) T7 and 125% (5.85g plot-1) of KCl recommendation. The results showed that application 1.5% of powder coal Sub-bituminous and 125% of Urea recommendation could increase nutrient content of Ultisols such as pH by 0.33 unit, Organic – C by 2.03%, total – N by 0.31%, Available P by 14.16 ppm and CEC by 19.38 me 100g-1 after 2 weeks of incubation process.

Keywords: KCl, sub-bituminous, ultisols, urea

Procedia PDF Downloads 264
6914 The Guide Presentation: The Grand Palace

Authors: Nuchanat Handumrongkul Danaya Darnsawasdi, Anantachai Aeka


To be a model for performing oral presentations by the tour guides, this research has been conducted. In order to develop French language teaching and studying for tourism, its purpose is to analyze the content used by tour guides. The study employed audio recordings of these presentations as an interview method in authentic situations, having four guides as respondents and information providers. The data was analyzed through content analysis. The results found that the tour guides described eight important items by giving more importance to details at Wat Phra Kaew or the Temple of the Emerald Buddha than at the palaces. They preferred the buildings upon the upper terrace, Buddhist cosmology, the decoration techniques, the royal chapel, the mural paintings, Thai offerings to Buddha images, palaces with architectural features and functions including royal ceremonies and others. This information represents the Thai characteristics of each building and other related content. The findings were used as a manual for guides for how to describe a tourist attraction, especially the temple and other related cultural topics of interest.

Keywords: guide, guide presentation, Grand Palace, Buddhist cosmology

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6913 Evolving Urban Landscapes: Smart Cities and Sustainable Futures

Authors: Mehrzad Soltani, Pegah Rezaei


In response to the escalating challenges posed by resource scarcity, urban congestion, and the dearth of green spaces, contemporary urban areas have undergone a remarkable transformation into smart cities. This evolution necessitates a strategic and forward-thinking approach to urban development, with the primary objective of diminishing and eventually eradicating dependence on non-renewable energy sources. This steadfast commitment to sustainable development is geared toward the continual enhancement of our global urban milieu, ensuring a healthier and more prosperous environment for forthcoming generations. This transformative vision has been meticulously shaped by an extensive research framework, incorporating in-depth field studies and investigations conducted at both neighborhood and city levels. Our holistic strategy extends its purview to encompass major cities and states, advocating for the realization of exceptional development firmly rooted in the principles of sustainable intelligence. At its core, this approach places a paramount emphasis on stringent pollution control measures, concurrently safeguarding ecological equilibrium and regional cohesion. Central to the realization of this vision is the widespread adoption of environmentally friendly materials and components, championing the cultivation of plant life and harmonious green spaces, and the seamless integration of intelligent lighting and irrigation systems. These systems, including solar panels and solar energy utilization, are deployed wherever feasible, effectively meeting the essential lighting and irrigation needs of these dynamic urban ecosystems. Overall, the transformation of urban areas into smart cities necessitates a holistic and innovative approach to urban development. By actively embracing sustainable intelligence and adhering to strict environmental standards, these cities pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable future, one that is marked by resilient, thriving, and eco-conscious urban communities.

Keywords: smart city, green urban, sustainability, urban management

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6912 The Effectiveness of Energy-related Tax in Curbing Transport-related Carbon Emissions: The Role of Green Finance and Technology in OECD Economies

Authors: Hassan Taimoor, Piotr Krajewski, Piotr Gabrielzcak


Being responsible for the largest source of energy-related emissions, the transportation sector is driven by more than half of global oil demand and total energy consumption, making it a crucial factor in tackling climate change and environmental degradation. The present study empirically tests the effectives of the energy-related tax (TXEN) in curbing transport-related carbon emissions (CO2TRANSP) in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) economies over the period of 1990-2020. Moreover, Green Finance (GF), Technology (TECH), and Gross domestic product (GDP) have also been added as explanatory factors which might affect CO2TRANSP emissions. The study employs the Method of Moment Quantile Regression (MMQR), an advance econometric technique to observe the variations along each quantile. Based on the results of the preliminary test, we confirm the presence of cross-sectional dependence and slope heterogeneity. Whereas the result of the panel unit root test report mixed order of variables’ integration. The findings reveal that rise in income level activates CO2TRANSP, confirming the first stage of Environmental Kuznet Hypothesis. Surprisingly, the present TXEN policies of OECD member states are not mature enough to tackle the CO2TRANSP emissions. However, the findings confirm that GF and TECH are solely responsible for the reduction in the CO2TRANSP. The outcomes of Bootstrap Quantile Regression (BSQR) further validate and support the earlier findings of MMQR. Based on the findings of this study, it is revealed that the current TXEN policies are too moderate, and an incremental and progressive rise in TXEN may help in a transition toward a cleaner and sustainable transportation sector in the study region.

Keywords: transport-related CO2 emissions, energy-related tax, green finance, technological development, oecd member states

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6911 Implication of Built-Up Area, Vegetation, and Motorized Vehicles to Urban Microclimate in Bandung City Center

Authors: Ira Irawati, Muhammad Rangga Sururi


The expansion of built-up areas in many cities, particularly, as the consequences of urbanization process, is a common phenomenon in our contemporary world. As happened in many cities in developing world, this horizontal expansion let only a handful size of the area left for green open spaces, creating an extreme unbalance between built-up and green spaces. Combined with the high density and variety of human activities with its transportation modes; a process of urban heat island will occur, resulting in an increase in air temperature. This is one of the indicators of decreasing of the quality of urban microclimate. This paper will explore the effect of several variables of built-up areas and open spaces to the increase of air temperature using multiple linear regression analysis. We selected 11 zones within the radius of 1 km in Inner Bandung city center, and each zones measured within 300 m radius to represent the variety of land use, as well as the composition of buildings and green open spaces. By using a quantitative method which is multiple linear regression analysis, six dependent variables which are a) tree density-x1, b) shade level of tree-x2, c) surface area of buildings’ side which are facing west and east-x3, d) surface area of building side material-x4, e) surface area of pathway material, and f) numbers of motorized vehicles-x6; are calculated to find those influence to the air temperature as an independent variable-y. Finally, the relationship between those variables shows in this equation: y = 30.316 - 3.689 X1 – 6.563 X2 + 0.002 X3 – 2,517E6 X4 + 1.919E-9 X5 + 1.952E-4 X6. It shows that the existence of vegetation has a great impact on lowering temperature. In another way around, built up the area and motorized vehicles would increase the temperature. However, one component of built up area, the surface area of buildings’ sides which are facing west and east, has different result due to the building material is classified in low-middle heat capacity.

Keywords: built-up area, microclimate, vehicles, urban heat island, vegetation

Procedia PDF Downloads 259
6910 GC and GCxGC-MS Composition of Volatile Compounds from Cuminum cyminum and Carum carvi by Using Techniques Assisted by Microwaves

Authors: F. Benkaci-Ali, R. Mékaoui, G. Scholl, G. Eppe


The new methods as accelerated steam distillation assisted by microwave (ASDAM) is a combination of microwave heating and steam distillation, performed at atmospheric pressure at very short extraction time. Isolation and concentration of volatile compounds are performed by a single stage. (ASDAM) has been compared with (ASDAM) with cryogrinding of seeds (CG) and a conventional technique, hydrodistillation assisted by microwave (HDAM), hydro-distillation (HD) for the extraction of essential oil from aromatic herb as caraway and cumin seeds. The essential oils extracted by (ASDAM) for 1 min were quantitatively (yield) and qualitatively (aromatic profile) no similar to those obtained by ASDAM-CG (1 min) and HD (for 3 h). The accelerated microwave extraction with cryogrinding inhibits numerous enzymatic reactions as hydrolysis of oils. Microwave radiations constitute the adequate mean for the extraction operations from the yields and high content in major component majority point view, and allow to minimise considerably the energy consumption, but especially heating time too, which is one of essential parameters of artifacts formation. The ASDAM and ASDAM-CG are green techniques and yields an essential oil with higher amounts of more valuable oxygenated compounds comparable to the biosynthesis compounds, and allows substantial savings of costs, in terms of time, energy and plant material.

Keywords: microwave, steam distillation, caraway, cumin, cryogrinding, GC-MS, GCxGC-MS

Procedia PDF Downloads 258