Search results for: aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition (AACVD)
4128 Laboratory Investigation of Expansive Soil Stabilized with Calcium Chloride
Authors: Magdi M. E. Zumrawi, Khalid A. Eltayeb
Chemical stabilization is a technique commonly used to improve the expansive soil properties. In this regard, an attempt has been made to evaluate the influence of Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) stabilizer on the engineering properties of expansive soil. A series of laboratory experiments including consistency limits, free swell, compaction, and shear strength tests were performed to investigate the effect of CaCl2 additive with various percentages 0%, 2%, 5%, 10% and 15% for improving expansive soil. The results obtained shows that the increase in the percentage of CaCl2 decreased the liquid limit and plasticity index leading to significant reduction in the free swell index. This, in turn, increased the maximum dry density and decreased the optimum moisture content which results in greater strength. The unconfined compressive strength of soil stabilized with 5% CaCl2 increased approximately by 50% as compared to virgin soil. It can be concluded that CaCl2 had shown promising influence on the strength and swelling properties of expansive soil, thereby giving an advantage in improving problematic expansive soil.Keywords: calcium chloride, chemical stabilization, expansive soil, improving
Procedia PDF Downloads 3344127 Dissolved Black Carbon Accelerates the Photo-Degradation of Polystyrene Microplastics
Authors: Qin Ou, Yanghui Xu, Xintu Wang, Kim Maren Lompe, Gang Liu, Jan Peter Van Der Hoek
Microplastics (MPs) can undergo the photooxidation process under ultraviolet (UV) exposure, which determines their transformation and fate in environments. The presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) can interact with MPs and take participate in the photo-degradation of MPs. As an important DOM component, dissolved black carbon (DBC), widely distributed in aquatic environments, can accelerate or inhibit the sunlight-driven photo-transformation of environmental pollutants. However, the role and underlying mechanism of DBC in the photooxidation of MPs are not clear. Herein, the DBC (< 0.45 µm) was extracted from wood biochar and fractionated by molecular weight (i.e., <3 KDa, 3 KDa−30 KDa, 30 KDa−0.45 µm). The effects of DBC chemical composition (i.e., molecular weight and chemical structure) in DBC-mediated photo-transformation of polystyrene (PS) MPs were investigated. The results showed that DBC initially inhibited the photo-degradation of MPs due to light shielding. Under UV exposure for 6−24 h, the presence of 5 mg/L DBC decreased the carbonyl index of MPs compared to the control. This inhibitory effect of DBC was found to decrease with increasing irradiation time. Notably, DBC initially decreased but then increased the hydroxyl index with aging time, suggesting that the role of DBC may shift from inhibition to acceleration. In terms of the different DBC fractions, the results showed that the smallest fraction of DBC (<3 KDa) significantly accelerated the photooxidation of PS MPs since it acted as reactive oxygen species (ROS) generators, especially in promoting the production of ¹O₂ and ³DBC* and •OH. With the increase in molecular weight, the acceleration effect of DBC on the degradation of MPs was decreased due to the increase of light shielding and possible decrease of photosensitization ability. This study thoroughly investigated the critical role of DBC chemical composition in the photooxidation process, which helps to assess the duration of aging and transformation of MPs during long-term weathering in natural waters.Keywords: microplastics, photo-degradation, dissolved black carbon, molecular weight, photosensitization
Procedia PDF Downloads 794126 Enhanced of Corrosion Resistance of Carbon Steel C1018 with Nano-Tio2 Films Using Dip-Coating Method
Authors: Mai M. Khalaf, Hany M. Abd El-Lateef
A new good application for the sol gel method is to improve the corrosion inhibition properties of carbon steel by the dip coating method of Nano TiO2 films and its modification with Poly Ethylene Glycol (PEG). The prepared coating samples were investigated by different techniques, X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDAX). The corrosion inhibition performance of the blank carbon steel and prepared coatings samples were evaluated in 0.5 M H2SO4 by using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization measurements. The results showed that corrosion resistance of carbon steel increases with increasing the number of coated layers of both nano–TiO2 films and its modification of PEG. SEM-EDAX analyses confirmed that the percentage atomic content of iron for the carbon steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 is 83% and after the deposition of the steel in nano TiO2 sol and that with PEG are 94.3% and 93.7% respectively.Keywords: dip-coatings, corrosion protection, sol gel, TiO2 films, PEG
Procedia PDF Downloads 4294125 Electroactive Fluorene-Based Polymer Films Obtained by Electropolymerization
Authors: Mariana-Dana Damaceanu
Electrochemical oxidation is one of the most convenient ways to obtain conjugated polymer films as polypyrrole, polyaniline, polythiophene or polycarbazole. The research in the field has been mainly directed to the study of electrical conduction properties of the materials obtained by electropolymerization, often the main reason being their use as electroconducting electrodes, and very little attention has been paid to the morphological and optical quality of the films electrodeposited on flat surfaces. Electropolymerization of the monomer solution was scarcely used in the past to manufacture polymer-based light-emitting diodes (PLED), most probably due to the difficulty of obtaining defectless polymer films with good mechanical and optical properties, or conductive polymers with well controlled molecular weights. Here we report our attempts in using electrochemical deposition as appropriate method for preparing ultrathin films of fluorene-based polymers for PLED applications. The properties of these films were evaluated in terms of structural morphology, optical properties, and electrochemical conduction. Thus, electropolymerization of 4,4'-(9-fluorenylidene)-dianiline was performed in dichloromethane solution, at a concentration of 10-2 M, using 0.1 M tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate as electrolyte salt. The potential was scanned between 0 and 1.3 V on the one hand, and 0 - 2 V on the other hand, when polymer films with different structures and properties were obtained. Indium tin oxide-coated glass substrate of different size was used as working electrode, platinum wire as counter electrode and calomel electrode as reference. For each potential range 100 cycles were recorded at a scan rate of 100 mV/s. The film obtained in the potential range from 0 to 1.3 V, namely poly(FDA-NH), is visible to the naked eye, being light brown, transparent and fluorescent, and displays an amorphous morphology. Instead, the electrogrowth poly(FDA) film in the potential range of 0 - 2 V is yellowish-brown and opaque, presenting a self-assembled structure in aggregates of irregular shape and size. The polymers structure was identified by FTIR spectroscopy, which shows the presence of broad bands specific to a polymer, the band centered at approx. 3443 cm-1 being ascribed to the secondary amine. The two polymer films display two absorption maxima, at 434-436 nm assigned to π-π* transitions of polymers, and another at 832 and 880 nm assigned to polaron transitions. The fluorescence spectra indicated the presence of emission bands in the blue domain, with two peaks at 422 and 488 nm for poly (FDA-NH), and four narrow peaks at 422, 447, 460 and 484 nm for poly(FDA), peaks originating from fluorene-containing segments of varying degrees of conjugation. Poly(FDA-NH) exhibited two oxidation peaks in the anodic region and the HOMO energy value of 5.41 eV, whereas poly(FDA) showed only one oxidation peak and the HOMO level localized at 5.29 eV. The electrochemical data are discussed in close correlation with the proposed chemical structure of the electrogrowth films. Further research will be carried out to study their use and performance in light-emitting devices.Keywords: electrogrowth polymer films, fluorene, morphology, optical properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3454124 The Gradient Complex Protective Coatings for Single Crystal Nickel Alloys
Authors: Evgeniya Popova, Vladimir Lesnikov, Nikolay Popov
High yield complex coatings have been designed for thermally stressed cooled HP turbine blades from single crystal alloys ZHS32-VI-VI and ZHS36 with crystallographic orientation [001]. These coatings provide long-term protection of single crystal blades during operation. The three-layer coatings were prepared as follows: the diffusion barrier layer formation on the alloy surface, the subsequent deposition of the condensed bilayer coatings consisting of an inner layer based on Ni-Cr-Al-Y systems and an outer layer based on the alloyed β-phase. The structure, phase composition of complex coatings and reaction zone interaction with the single-crystal alloys ZHS32-VI and ZHS36-VI were investigated using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The effect of complex protective coatings on the properties of heat-resistant nickel alloys was studied.Keywords: single crystal nickel alloys, complex heat-resistant coatings, structure, phase composition, properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4194123 A Comparison of Kinetic and Mechanical Properties between Graphene Oxide (GO) and Carbon Nanotubes (CNT)-Epoxy Nanocomposites
Authors: Marina Borgert Moraes, Gilmar Patrocinio Thim
It is still unknown how the presence of nanoparticles such as graphene oxide (GO) or carbon nanotubes (CNT) influence the curing process and the final mechanical properties as well. In this work, kinetic and mechanical properties of the nanocomposites were analyzed, where the kinetic process was followed by DSC and the mechanical properties by DMA as well as mechanical tests. Initially, CNT was annealed at high temperature (1800 °C) under vacuum atmosphere, followed by a chemical treatment using acids and ethylenediamine. GO was synthesized through chemical route, washed clean, dried and ground to #200. The presence of functional groups on CNT and GO surface was confirmed by XPS spectra and FT-IR. Then, nanoparticles and acetone were mixed by sonication in order to obtain the composites. DSC analyses were performed on samples with different curing cycles (1h 80 °C + 2h 120 °C; 3h 80 °C + 2h 120 °C; 5h 80 °C) and samples with different times at constant temperature (120 °C). Mechanical tests were performed according to ASTM D638 and D790. Results showed that the kinetic process and the mechanical strength are very dependent on the presence of graphene and functionalized-CNT in the nanocomposites, and the GO reinforced samples had a slightly bigger improvement compared to functionalized CNT.Keywords: carbon nanotube, epoxy resin, graphene oxide, nanocomposite
Procedia PDF Downloads 2644122 Influence of the Adsorption of Anionic–Nonionic Surfactants/Silica Nanoparticles Mixture on Clay Rock Minerals in Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery
Authors: C. Mendoza Ramírez, M. Gambús Ordaz, R. Mercado Ojeda.
Chemical solutions flooding with surfactants, based on their property of reducing the interfacial tension between crude oil and water, is a potential application of chemical enhanced oil recovery (CEOR), however, the high-rate retention of surfactants associated with adsorption in the porous medium and the complexity of the mineralogical composition of the reservoir rock generates a limitation in the efficiency of displacement of crude oil. This study evaluates the effect of the concentration of a mixture of anionic-non-ionic surfactants with silica nanoparticles, in a rock sample composed of 25.14% clay minerals of the kaolinite, chlorite, halloysite and montmorillonite type, according to the results of X-Ray Diffraction analysis and Scanning Electron Spectrometry (XRD and SEM, respectively). The amount of the surfactant mixture adsorbed on the clay rock minerals was analyzed from the construction of its calibration curve and the 4-Region Isotherm Model in a UV-Visible spectroscopy. The adsorption rate of the surfactant in the clay rock averages 32% across all concentrations, influenced by the presence of the surface area of the substrate with a value of 1.6 m2/g and by the mineralogical composition of the clay that increases the cation exchange capacity (CEC). In addition, on Region I and II a final concentration measurement is not evident in the UV-VIS, due to its ionic nature, its high affinity with the clay rock and its low concentration. Finally, for potential CEOR applications, the adsorption of these mixed surfactant systems is considered due to their industrial relevance and it is concluded that it is possible to use concentrations in Region III and IV; initially the adsorption has an increasing slope and then reaches zero in the equilibrium where interfacial tension values are reached in the order of x10-1 mN/m.Keywords: anionic–nonionic surfactants, clay rock, adsorption, 4-region isotherm model, cation exchange capacity, critical micelle concentration, enhanced oil recovery
Procedia PDF Downloads 714121 Experimental Technique to Study Colloid Deposition in Porous Media
Authors: Abdelkader Djehiche, Mostefa Gafsi, Henri Bertin, Aziz Omari
The flows of colloidal suspensions in porous media find many applications in fields such as Petroleum, Hydraulic engineering, deep-bed filtration. For each application, the scientific problems can be summarized the flow in porous medium of a colloidal suspension whose particles having characteristic dimension is considerable in comparison with the pores dimension. In certain cases, one can observe a deposit of particles on the surface of the pores which results in a significant modification in the physical properties of the porous medium. The objective of our study is to use a non-destructive experimental method, the attenuation of g-rays, to study the influence of the number of Peclet on the deposit of latex particles in a consolidated porous medium. The first results obtained show a good agreement between local and global measurements of the deposit of the particles in porous medium. The deposit takes place in a progressive way along the porous medium and leads to a monolayer deposit of which the average thickness is of about the size diameter of the colloidal particles.Keywords: colloid, gamma ray, Peclet number, permeability, porous medium
Procedia PDF Downloads 1884120 Biogenic-Sedimentary Structures of the Ordovician-Khabour Formation from the Northern Thrust Zone, Kurdistan, Iraq
Authors: Waleed Sulaiman Shingaly
The Ordivician-Khabour Formation from the Northern Thrust Zone of Iraqi-Kurdistan comprises between 500 and 800 m of alternating predominantly greenish-grey sandstones, siltstones and shales. The succession has revealed an abundant ichnofossils characterized by 11 ichnogenus, namely: Helminthopsis, Gordia, Cruziana, Rusophycus, Monomorphichnus, Rhizocorallium, Thalassinoide, Planolite, Paleophycus, Deplocraterion and Skolithose. Ethologically these ichnogenera display dwelling and feeding activities of the infaunal organisms. This association of ichnofossils contains elements of the Skolithose and Cruziana ichnofacies. The presence of Skolithos ichnofacies indicates sandy shifting substrate and high energy conditions in foreshore zone while the Cruziana ichnofacies indicate unconsolidated, poorly sorted soft substrate and low energy condition in the shore face/offshore zone. These ichnogenera indicate shoreface-offshore zone of shallow-marine environment for the deposition of the rocks of the Khabour Formation.Keywords: Ichnofossils, shoreface-offshore zone, Khabour Formation, Iraq
Procedia PDF Downloads 5254119 Numerical Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Blood Flow in a Stenosed Artery
Authors: Sreeparna Majee, G. C. Shit
Unsteady blood flow has been numerically investigated through stenosed arteries to achieve an idea about the physiological blood flow pattern in diseased arteries. The blood is treated as Newtonian fluid and the arterial wall is considered to be rigid having deposition of plaque in its lumen. For direct numerical simulation, vorticity-stream function formulation has been adopted to solve the problem using implicit finite difference method by developing well known Peaceman-Rachford Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) scheme. The effects of magnetic parameter and Reynolds number on velocity and wall shear stress are being studied and presented quantitatively over the entire arterial segment. The streamlines have been plotted to understand the flow pattern in the stenosed artery, which has significant alterations in the downstream of the stenosis in the presence of magnetic field. The results show that there are nominal changes in the flow pattern when magnetic field strength is enhanced upto 8T which can have remarkable usage to MRI machines.Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics, blood flow, stenosis, energy dissipation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2764118 Assessment of Long-Term Changes in Surface Water Quality in the Almaty Water Body System
Authors: Aidana Vaikhanova
The article is devoted to monitoring the state of surface water quality in four water bodies, including three rivers (Kishi Almaty, Yessentai, and Ulken Almaty) and one lake (Ulken Almaty), on nine routes. Monitoring covers the period from 2013 to 2024 and also analyzes changes in water quality depending on time and factors affecting its composition. The study analyzed 31 physical and chemical parameters, including water temperature, dissolved oxygen, hydrogen index, suspended solids, transparency, salt composition ions, biogenic and organic substances (including nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, petroleum products, phenols, BPC5 and COD), as well as heavy metals. Monitoring results allow us to identify trends in the quality of water bodies and assess their suitability for use in various fields, including recreation, irrigation, industry, and water supply.Keywords: water resources, water quality monitoring, surface waters, Kishi Rivers Almaty, Yessentai, Ulken Almaty, Ulken Lake Almaty, physical and chemical indicators, biogenic substances, heavy metals, environmental monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 34117 Effect of Manganese Doping Percentage on Optical Band Gap and Conductivity of Copper Sulphide Nano-Films Prepared by Electrodeposition Method
Authors: P. C. Okafor, A. J. Ekpunobi
Mn doped copper sulphide (CuS:Mn) nano-films were deposited on indiums coated tin oxide (ITO) glass substrates using electrodeposition method. Electrodeposition was carried out using bath of PH = 3 at room temperature. Other depositions parameters such as deposition time (DT) are kept constant while Mn doping was varied from 3% to 23%. Absorption spectra of CuS:Mn films was obtained by using JENWAY 6405 UV-VIS -spectrophotometer. Optical band gap (E_g ), optical conductivity (σo) and electrical conductivity (σe) of CuS:Mn films were determined using absorption spectra and appropriate formula. The effect of Mn doping % on these properties were investigated. Results show that film thickness (t) for the 13.27 nm to 18.49 nm; absorption coefficient (α) from 0.90 x 1011 to 1.50 x 1011 optical band gap from 2.29eV to 2.35 eV; optical conductivity from 1.70 x 1013 and electrical conductivity from 160 millions to 154 millions. Possible applications of such films for solar cells fabrication and optoelectronic devices applications were also discussed.Keywords: copper sulphide (CuS), Manganese (Mn) doping, electrodeposition, optical band gap, optical conductivity, electrical conductivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 7234116 Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Karakulam Grama Panchayath in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala State, South India
Authors: D. S. Jaya, G. P. Deepthi
Groundwater is vital to the livelihoods and health of the majority of the people since it provides almost the entire water resource for domestic, agricultural and industrial uses. Groundwater quality comprises the physical, chemical, and bacteriological qualities. The present investigation was carried out to determine the physicochemical and bacteriological quality of the ground water sources in the residential areas of Karakulam Grama Panchayath in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala state in India. Karakulam is located in the eastern suburbs of Thiruvananthapuram city. The major drinking water source of the residents in the study area are wells. The present study aims to assess the portability and irrigational suitability of groundwater in the study area. The water samples were collected from randomly selected dug wells and bore wells in the study area during post monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons of the year 2014 after a preliminary field survey. The physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters of the water samples were analysed following standard procedures. The concentration of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Mn) in the acid digested water samples were determined by using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The results showed that the pH of well water samples ranged from acidic to the alkaline level. In the majority of well water samples ( > 54%) the iron and magnesium content were found high in both the seasons studied, and the values were above the permissible limits of WHO drinking water quality standards. Bacteriological analyses showed that 63% of the wells were contaminated with total coliforms in both the seasons studied. Irrigational suitability of groundwater was assessed by determining the chemical indices like Sodium Percentage (%Na), Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Permeability Index (PI), and the results indicate that the well water in the study area is good for irrigation purposes. Therefore, the study reveals the degradation of drinking water quality groundwater sources in Karakulam Grama Panchayath in Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala in terms of its chemical and bacteriological characteristics and is not potable without proper treatment. In the study, more than 1/3rd of the wells tested were positive for total coliforms, and the bacterial contamination may pose threats to public health. The study recommends the need for periodic well water quality monitoring in the study area and to conduct awareness programs among the residents.Keywords: bacteriological, groundwater, irrigational suitability, physicochemical, portability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2654115 Low-Temperature Poly-Si Nanowire Junctionless Thin Film Transistors with Nickel Silicide
Authors: Yu-Hsien Lin, Yu-Ru Lin, Yung-Chun Wu
This work demonstrates the ultra-thin poly-Si (polycrystalline Silicon) nanowire junctionless thin film transistors (NWs JL-TFT) with nickel silicide contact. For nickel silicide film, this work designs to use two-step annealing to form ultra-thin, uniform and low sheet resistance (Rs) Ni silicide film. The NWs JL-TFT with nickel silicide contact exhibits the good electrical properties, including high driving current (>10⁷ Å), subthreshold slope (186 mV/dec.), and low parasitic resistance. In addition, this work also compares the electrical characteristics of NWs JL-TFT with nickel silicide and non-silicide contact. Nickel silicide techniques are widely used for high-performance devices as the device scaling due to the source/drain sheet resistance issue. Therefore, the self-aligned silicide (salicide) technique is presented to reduce the series resistance of the device. Nickel silicide has several advantages including low-temperature process, low silicon consumption, no bridging failure property, smaller mechanical stress, and smaller contact resistance. The junctionless thin-film transistor (JL-TFT) is fabricated simply by heavily doping the channel and source/drain (S/D) regions simultaneously. Owing to the special doping profile, JL-TFT has some advantages such as lower thermal the budget which can integrate with high-k/metal-gate easier than conventional MOSFETs (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors), longer effective channel length than conventional MOSFETs, and avoidance of complicated source/drain engineering. To solve JL-TFT has turn-off problem, JL-TFT needs ultra-thin body (UTB) structure to reach fully depleted channel region in off-state. On the other hand, the drive current (Iᴅ) is declined as transistor features are scaled. Therefore, this work demonstrates ultra thin poly-Si nanowire junctionless thin film transistors with nickel silicide contact. This work investigates the low-temperature formation of nickel silicide layer by physical-chemical deposition (PVD) of a 15nm Ni layer on the poly-Si substrate. Notably, this work designs to use two-step annealing to form ultrathin, uniform and low sheet resistance (Rs) Ni silicide film. The first step was promoted Ni diffusion through a thin interfacial amorphous layer. Then, the unreacted metal was lifted off after the first step. The second step was annealing for lower sheet resistance and firmly merged the phase.The ultra-thin poly-Si nanowire junctionless thin film transistors NWs JL-TFT with nickel silicide contact is demonstrated, which reveals high driving current (>10⁷ Å), subthreshold slope (186 mV/dec.), and low parasitic resistance. In silicide film analysis, the second step of annealing was applied to form lower sheet resistance and firmly merge the phase silicide film. In short, the NWs JL-TFT with nickel silicide contact has exhibited a competitive short-channel behavior and improved drive current.Keywords: poly-Si, nanowire, junctionless, thin-film transistors, nickel silicide
Procedia PDF Downloads 2384114 A Dissolution Mechanism of the Silicon Carbide in HF/K₂Cr₂O₇ Solutions
Authors: Karima Bourenane, Aissa Keffous
In this paper, we present an experimental method on the etching reaction of p-type 6H-SiC, etching that was carried out in HF/K₂Cr₂O₇ solutions. The morphology of the etched surface was examined with varying K₂Cr₂O₇ concentrations, etching time and temperature solution. The surfaces of the etched samples were analyzed using Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Photoluminescence. The surface morphology of samples etched in HF/K₂Cr₂O₇ is shown to depend on the solution composition and bath temperature. The investigation of the HF/K₂Cr₂O₇ solutions on 6H-SiC surface shows that as K₂Cr₂O₇ concentration increases, the etch rate increases to reach a maximum value at about 0.75 M and then decreases. Similar behavior has been observed when the temperature of the solution is increased. The maximum etch rate is found for 80 °C. Taking into account the result, a polishing etching solution of 6H-SiC has been developed. In addition, the result is very interesting when, to date, no chemical polishing solution has been developed on silicon carbide (SiC). Finally, we have proposed a dissolution mechanism of the silicon carbide in HF/K₂Cr₂O₇ solutions.Keywords: silicon carbide, dissolution, Chemical etching, mechanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 534113 Anticandidal and Antibacterial Silver and Silver(Core)-Gold(Shell) Bimetallic Nanoparticles by Fusarium graminearum
Authors: Dipali Nagaonkar, Mahendra Rai
Nanotechnology has experienced significant developments in engineered nanomaterials in the core-shell arrangement. Nanomaterials having nanolayers of silver and gold are of primary interest due to their wide applications in catalytical and biomedical fields. Further, mycosynthesis of nanoparticles has been proved as a sustainable synthetic approach of nanobiotechnology. In this context, we have synthesized silver and silver (core)-gold (shell) bimetallic nanoparticles using a fungal extract of Fusarium graminearum by sequential reduction. The core-shell deposition of nanoparticles was confirmed by the red shift in the surface plasmon resonance from 434 nm to 530 nm with the aid of the UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The mean particle size of Ag and Ag-Au nanoparticles was confirmed by nanoparticle tracking analysis as 37 nm and 50 nm respectively. Quite polydispersed and spherical nanoparticles are evident by TEM analysis. These mycosynthesized bimetallic nanoparticles were tested against some pathogenic bacteria and Candida sp. The antimicrobial analysis confirmed enhanced anticandidal and antibacterial potential of bimetallic nanoparticles over their monometallic counterparts.Keywords: bimetallic nanoparticles, core-shell arrangement, mycosynthesis, sequential reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 5744112 Purification and Pre-Crystallization of Recombinant PhoR Cytoplasmic Domain Protein from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis H37Rv
Authors: Oktira Roka Aji, Maelita R. Moeis, Ihsanawati, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman
Globally, tuberculosis (TB) remains a leading cause of death. The emergence of multidrug-resistant strains and extensively drug-resistant strains have become a major public concern. One of the potential candidates for drug target is the cytoplasmic domain of PhoR Histidine Kinase, a part of the Two Component System (TCS) PhoR-PhoP in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb). TCS PhoR-PhoP relay extracellular signal to control the expression of 114 virulent associated genes in Mtb. The 3D structure of PhoR cytoplasmic domain is needed to screen novel drugs using structure based drug discovery. The PhoR cytoplasmic domain from Mtb H37Rv was overexpressed in E. coli BL21(DE3), then purified using IMAC Ni-NTA Agarose his-tag affinity column and DEAE-ion exchange column chromatography. The molecular weight of the purified protein was estimated to be 37 kDa after SDS-PAGE analysis. This sample was used for pre-crystallization screening by applying sitting drop vapor diffusion method using Natrix (HR2-116) 48 solutions crystal screen kit at 25ºC. Needle-like crystals were observed after the seventh day of incubation in test solution No.47 (0.1 M KCl, 0.01 M MgCl2.6H2O, 0.05 M Tris-Cl pH 8.5, 30% v/v PEG 4000). Further testing is required for confirming the crystal.Keywords: tuberculosis, two component system, histidine kinase, needle-like crystals
Procedia PDF Downloads 4334111 Physicochemical Characterization of Asphalt Ridge Froth Bitumen
Authors: Nader Nciri, Suil Song, Namho Kim, Namjun Cho
Properties and compositions of bitumen and bitumen-derived liquids have significant influences on the selection of recovery, upgrading and refining processes. Optimal process conditions can often be directly related to these properties. The end uses of bitumen and bitumen products are thus related to their compositions. Because it is not possible to conduct a complete analysis of the molecular structure of bitumen, characterization must be made in other terms. The present paper focuses on physico-chemical analysis of two different types of bitumens. These bitumen samples were chosen based on: the original crude oil (sand oil and crude petroleum), and mode of process. The aim of this study is to determine both the manufacturing effect on chemical species and the chemical organization as a function of the type of bitumen sample. In order to obtain information on bitumen chemistry, elemental analysis (C, H, N, S, and O), heavy metal (Ni, V) concentrations, IATROSCAN chromatography (thin layer chromatography-flame ionization detection), FTIR spectroscopy, and 1H NMR spectroscopy have all been used. The characterization includes information about the major compound types (saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes) which can be compared with similar data for other bitumens, more importantly, can be correlated with data from petroleum samples for which refining characteristics are known. Examination of Asphalt Ridge froth bitumen showed that it differed significantly from representative petroleum pitches, principally in their nonhydrocarbon content, heavy metal content and aromatic compounds. When possible, properties and composition were related to recovery and refining processes. This information is important because of the effects that composition has on recovery and processing reactions.Keywords: froth bitumen, oil sand, asphalt ridge, petroleum pitch, thin layer chromatography-flame ionization detection, infrared spectroscopy, 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4284110 Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Cavitating Turbulent Flow in Francis Turbines with ANSYS
Authors: Raza Abdulla Saeed
In this study, the three-dimensional cavitating turbulent flow in a complete Francis turbine is simulated using mixture model for cavity/liquid two-phase flows. Numerical analysis is carried out using ANSYS CFX software release 12, and standard k-ε turbulence model is adopted for this analysis. The computational fluid domain consist of spiral casing, stay vanes, guide vanes, runner and draft tube. The computational domain is discretized with a three-dimensional mesh system of unstructured tetrahedron mesh. The finite volume method (FVM) is used to solve the governing equations of the mixture model. Results of cavitation on the runner’s blades under three different boundary conditions are presented and discussed. From the numerical results it has been found that the numerical method was successfully applied to simulate the cavitating two-phase turbulent flow through a Francis turbine, and also cavitation is clearly predicted in the form of water vapor formation inside the turbine. By comparison the numerical prediction results with a real runner; it’s shown that the region of higher volume fraction obtained by simulation is consistent with the region of runner cavitation damage.Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, hydraulic francis turbine, numerical simulation, two-phase mixture cavitation model
Procedia PDF Downloads 5624109 Engineering of Stable and Improved Electrochemical Activities of Redox Dominating Charge Storage Electrode Materials
Authors: Girish Sambhaji Gund
The controlled nanostructure growth and its strong coupling with the current collector are key factors to achieve good electrochemical performance of faradaic-dominant electroactive materials. We employed binder-less and additive-free hydrothermal and physical vapor doping methods for the synthesis of nickel (Ni) and cobalt (Co) based compounds nanostructures (NiO, NiCo2O4, NiCo2S4) deposited on different conductive substrates such as carbon nanotube (CNT) on stainless steel, and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and N-doped rGO on nickel foam (NF). The size and density of Ni- and Co-based compound nanostructures are controlled through the strong coupling with carbon allotropes on stainless steel and NF substrates. This controlled nanostructure of Ni- and Co-based compounds with carbon allotropes leads to stable faradaic electrochemical reactions at the material/current collector interface and within the electrode, which is consequence of strong coupling of nanostructure with functionalized carbon surface as a buffer layer. Thus, it is believed that the results provide the synergistic approaches to stabilize electrode materials physically and chemically, and hence overall electrochemical activity of faradaic dominating battery-type electrode materials through buffer layer engineering.Keywords: metal compounds, carbon allotropes, doping, electrochemicstry, hybrid supercapacitor
Procedia PDF Downloads 804108 Antibacterial Property of ZnO Nanoparticles: Effect of Intrinsic Defects
Authors: Suresh Kumar Verma, Jugal Kishore Das, Ealisha Jha, Mrutyunjay Suar, SKS Parashar
In recent years nanoforms of inorganic metallic oxides has attracted a lot of interest due to their small size and significantly improved physical, chemical and biological properties compared to their molecular precursor. Some of the inorganic materials such as TiO2, ZnO, MgO, CaO, Al2O3 have been extensively used in biological applications. Zinc Oxide is a Wurtzite-type semiconductor and piezo-electric material exhibiting excellent electrical, optical and chemical properties with a band energy gap of 3.1-3.4 eV. Nanoforms of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) are increasingly recognised for their utility in biological application. The significant physical parameters such as surface area, particle size, surface charge and Zeta potential of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles makes it suitable for the uptake, persistance, biological, and chemical activities inside the living cells. The present study shows the effect of intrinsic defects of ZnO nanocrystals synthesized by high energy ball milling (HEBM) technique in their antibacterial activities. Bulk Zinc oxide purchased from market were ball milled for 7 h, 10 h, and 15 h respectively to produce nanosized Zinc Oxide. The structural and optical modification of such synthesized particles were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). The antibacterial property of synthesized Zinc Oxide nanoparticles was tested using well diffusion, minimum inhibitory Concentration, minimum bacteriocidal concentration, reactive oxygen species (ROS) estimation and membrane potential determination methods. In this study we observed that antibacterial activity of ZnO nanoparticles is because of the intrinsic defects that exist as a function of difference in size and milling time.Keywords: high energy ball milling, ZnO nanoparticles, EPR, Antibacterial properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4294107 Topology Optimization of Structures with Web-Openings
Authors: D. K. Lee, S. M. Shin, J. H. Lee
Topology optimization technique utilizes constant element densities as design parameters. Finally, optimal distribution contours of the material densities between voids (0) and solids (1) in design domain represent the determination of topology. It means that regions with element density values become occupied by solids in design domain, while there are only void phases in regions where no density values exist. Therefore the void regions of topology optimization results provide design information to decide appropriate depositions of web-opening in structure. Contrary to the basic objective of the topology optimization technique which is to obtain optimal topology of structures, this present study proposes a new idea that topology optimization results can be also utilized for decision of proper web-opening’s position. Numerical examples of linear elastostatic structures demonstrate efficiency of methodological design processes using topology optimization in order to determinate the proper deposition of web-openings.Keywords: topology optimization, web-opening, structure, element density, material
Procedia PDF Downloads 4754106 Crosslinked Porous 3-Dimensional Cellulose Nanofibers/Gelatin Based Biocomposite Aerogels for Tissue Engineering Application
Authors: Ali Mirtaghavi, Andy Baldwin, Rajendarn Muthuraj, Jack Luo
Recent advances in biomaterials have led to utilizing biopolymers to develop 3D scaffolds in tissue regeneration. One of the major challenges of designing biomaterials for 3D scaffolds is to mimic the building blocks similar to the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the native tissues. Biopolymer based aerogels obtained by freeze-drying have shown to provide structural similarities to the ECM owing to their 3D format and a highly porous structure with interconnected pores, similar to the ECM. Gelatin (GEL) is known to be a promising biomaterial with inherent regenerative characteristics owing to its chemical similarities to the ECM in native tissue, biocompatibility abundance, cost-effectiveness and accessible functional groups, which makes it facile for chemical modifications with other biomaterials to form biocomposites. Despite such advantages, gelatin offers poor mechanical properties, sensitive enzymatic degradation and high viscosity at room temperature which limits its application and encourages its use to develop biocomposites. Hydrophilic biomass-based cellulose nanofibrous (CNF) has been explored to use as suspension for biocomposite aerogels for the development of 3D porous structures with excellent mechanical properties, biocompatibility and slow enzymatic degradation. In this work, CNF biocomposite aerogels with various ratios of CNF:GEL) (90:10, 70:30 and 50:50) were prepared by freeze-drying technique, and their properties were investigated in terms of physicochemical, mechanical and biological characteristics. Epichlorohydrin (EPH) was used to investigate the effect of chemical crosslinking on the molecular interaction of CNF: GEL, and its effects on physicochemical, mechanical and biological properties of the biocomposite aerogels. Ultimately, chemical crosslinking helped to improve the mechanical resilience of the resulting aerogels. Amongst all the CNF-GEL composites, the crosslinked CNF: GEL (70:30) biocomposite was found to be favourable for cell attachment and viability. It possessed highly porous structure (porosity of ~93%) with pore sizes ranging from 16-110 µm, adequate mechanical properties (compression modulus of ~47 kPa) and optimal biocompatibility both in-vitro and in-vivo, as well as controlled enzymatic biodegradation, high water penetration, which could be considered a suitable option for wound healing application. In-vivo experiments showed improvement on inflammation and foreign giant body cell reaction for the crosslinked CNF: GEL (70:30) compared to the other samples. This could be due to the superior interaction of CNF with gelatin through chemical crosslinking, resulting in more optimal in-vivo improvement. In-vitro cell culture investigation on human dermal fibroblasts showed satisfactory 3D cell attachment over time. Overall, it has been observed that the developed CNF: GEL aerogel can be considered as a potential scaffold for soft tissue regeneration application.Keywords: 3D scaffolds, aerogels, Biocomposites , tissue engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 1304105 Intelligent Algorithm-Based Tool-Path Planning and Optimization for Additive Manufacturing
Authors: Efrain Rodriguez, Sergio Pertuz, Cristhian Riano
Tool-path generation is an essential step in the FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication)-based Additive Manufacturing (AM) process planning. In the manufacture of a mechanical part by using additive processes, high resource consumption and prolonged production times are inherent drawbacks of these processes mainly due to non-optimized tool-path generation. In this work, we propose a heuristic-search intelligent algorithm-based approach for optimized tool-path generation for FFF-based AM. The main benefit of this approach is a significant reduction of travels without material deposition when the AM machine performs moves without any extrusion. The optimization method used reduces the number of travels without extrusion in comparison with commercial software as Slic3r or Cura Engine, which means a reduction of production time.Keywords: additive manufacturing, tool-path optimization, fused filament fabrication, process planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 4434104 Quantum Chemical Calculations Synthesis and Corrosion Inhibition Efficiency of Nonionic Surfactants on API X65 Steel Surface under H2s Environment
Authors: E. G. Zaki, M. A. Migahed, A. M. Al-Sabagh, E. A. Khamis
Inhibition effect of four novel nonionic surfactants based on sulphonamide, of linear alkyl benzene sulphonic acid (LABS), was reacted with 1 mole triethylenetetramine, tetraethylenepentamine then Ethoxylation of amide X 65 type carbon steel in oil wells formation water under H2S environment was investigated by electrochemical measurements. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersion X-ray (EDX) were used to characterize the steel surface. The results showed that these surfactants act as a corrosion inhibitor in and their inhibition efficiencies depend on the ethylene oxide content in the system. The obtained results showed that the percentage inhibition efficiency (η%) was increased by increasing the inhibitor concentration until the critical micelle concentration (CMC) reached The quantum chemistry calculations were carried out to study the molecular geometry and electronic structure of obtained derivatives. The energy gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital has been calculated using the theoretical computations to reflect the chemical reactivity and kinetic stability of compounds.Keywords: corrosion, surfactants, steel surface, quantum
Procedia PDF Downloads 3774103 Functionalized Spherical Aluminosilicates in Biomedically Grade Composites
Authors: Damian Stanislaw Nakonieczny, Grazyna Simha Martynkova, Marianna Hundakova, G. Kratosová, Karla Cech Barabaszova
The main aim of the research was to functionalize the surface of spherical aluminum silicates in the form of so-called cenospheres. Cenospheres are light ceramic particles with a density between 0.45 and 0.85 kgm-3 hat can be obtained as a result of separation from fly ash from coal combustion. However, their occurrence is limited to about 1% by weight of dry ash mainly derived from anthracite. Hence they are very rare and desirable material. Cenospheres are characterized by complete chemical inertness. Mohs hardness in range of 6 and completely smooth surface. Main idea was to prepare the surface by chemical etching, among others hydrofluoric acid (HF) and hydrogen peroxide, caro acid, silanization using (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES) and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) to obtain the maximum development and functionalization of the surface to improve chemical and mechanical connection with biomedically used polymers, i.e., polyacrylic methacrylate (PMMA) and polyetheretherketone (PEEK). These polymers are used medically mainly as a material for fixed and removable dental prostheses and PEEK spinal implants. The problem with their use is the decrease in mechanical properties over time and bacterial infections fungal during implantation and use of dentures. Hence, the use of a ceramic filler that will significantly improve the mechanical properties, improve the fluidity of the polymer during shape formation, and in the future, will be able to support bacteriostatic substances such as silver and zinc ions seem promising. In order to evaluate our laboratory work, several instrumental studies were performed: chemical composition and morphology with scanning electron microscopy with Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Probe (SEM/EDX), determination of characteristic functional groups of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), phase composition of X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and thermal analysis of Thermo Gravimetric Analysis/differentia thermal analysis (TGA/DTA), as well as assessment of isotherm of adsorption with Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface development. The surface was evaluated for the future application of additional bacteria and static fungus layers. Based on the experimental work, it was found that orated methods can be suitable for the functionalization of the surface of cenosphere ceramics, and in the future it can be suitable as a bacteriostatic filler for biomedical polymers, i.e., PEEK or PMMA.Keywords: bioceramics, composites, functionalization, surface development
Procedia PDF Downloads 1204102 Solvent Free Microwave Extraction of Essential Oils: A Clean Chemical Processing in the Teaching and Research Laboratory
Authors: M. A. Ferhat, M. N. Boukhatem, F. Chemat
Microwave Clevenger or microwave accelerated distillation (MAD) is a combination of microwave heating and distillation, performed at atmospheric pressure without added any solvent or water. Isolation and concentration of volatile compounds are performed by a single stage. MAD extraction of orange essential oil was studied using fresh orange peel from Valencia late cultivar oranges as the raw material. MAD has been compared with a conventional technique, which used a Clevenger apparatus with hydro-distillation (HD). MAD and HD were compared in term of extraction time, yields, chemical composition and quality of the essential oil, efficiency and costs of the process. Extraction of essential oils from orange peels with MAD was better in terms of energy saving, extraction time (30 min versus 3 h), oxygenated fraction (11.7% versus 7.9%), product yield (0.42% versus 0.39%) and product quality. Orange peels treated by MAD and HD were observed by scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). Micrographs provide evidence of more rapid opening of essential oil glands treated by MAD, in contrast to conventional hydro-distillation.Keywords: clevenger, microwave, extraction; hydro-distillation, essential oil, orange peel
Procedia PDF Downloads 3504101 The Use of Rice Husk Ash as a Stabilizing Agent in Lateritic Clay Soil
Authors: J. O. Akinyele, R. W. Salim, K. O. Oikelome, O. T. Olateju
Rice Husk (RH) is the major byproduct in the processing of paddy rice. The management of this waste has become a big challenge to some of the rice producers, some of these wastes are left in open dumps while some are burn in the open space, and these two actions have been contributing to environmental pollution. This study evaluates an alternative waste management of this agricultural product for use as a civil engineering material. The RH was burn in a controlled environment to form Rice Husk Ash (RHA). The RHA was mix with lateritic clay at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10% proportion by weight. Chemical test was conducted on the open burn and controlled burn RHA with the lateritic clay. Physical test such as particle size distribution, Atterberg limits test, and density test were carried out on the mix material. The chemical composition obtained for the RHA showed that the total percentage compositions of Fe2O3, SiO2 and Al2O3 were found to be above 70% (class “F” pozzolan) which qualifies it as a very good pozzolan. The coefficient of uniformity (Cu) was 8 and coefficient of curvature (Cc) was 2 for the soil sample. The Plasticity Index (PI) for the 0, 2, 4, 6, 8. 10% was 21.0, 18.8, 16.7, 14.4, 12.4 and 10.7 respectively. The work concluded that RHA can be effectively used in hydraulic barriers and as a stabilizing agent in soil stabilization.Keywords: rice husk ash, pozzolans, paddy rice, lateritic clay
Procedia PDF Downloads 3264100 Study of Chemical and Physical - Mechanical Properties Lime Mortar with Addition of Natural Resins
Authors: I. Poot-Ocejo, H. Silva-Poot, J. C. Cruz, A. Yeladaqui-Tello
Mexico has remarkable archaeological remains mainly in the Maya area, which are critical to the preservation of our cultural heritage, so the authorities have an interest in preserving and restoring these vestiges of the most original way, by employing techniques traditional, which has advantages such as compatibility, durability, strength, uniformity and chemical composition. Recent studies have confirmed the addition of natural resins extracted from the bark of trees, of which Brosium alicastrum (Ramon) has been the most evaluated, besides being one of the most abundant species in the vicinity of the archaeological sites, like that Manilkara Zapota (Chicozapote). Therefore, the objective is to determine if these resins are capable of being employed in archaeological restoration. This study shows the results of the chemical composition and physical-mechanical behavior of mortar mixtures eight made with commercial lime and off by hand, calcium sand, resins added with Brosium alicastrum (Ramon) and Manilkara zapota (Chicozapote), where determined and quantified properties and chemical composition of the resins by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), the pH of the material was determined, indicating that both resins are acidic (3.78 and 4.02), and the addition rate maximum was obtained from resins in water by means of ultrasonic baths pulses, being in the case of 10% Manilkara zapota, because it contains up to 40% rubber and for 40% alicastrum Brosium contain less rubber. Through quantitative methodology, the compressive strength 96 specimens of 5 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm of mortar binding, 72 with partial substitution of water mixed with natural resins in proportions 5 to 10% in the case was evaluated of Manilkara Zapota, for Brosium alicastrum 20 and 40%, and 12 artificial resin and 12 without additive (mortars witnesses). 24 specimens likewise glued brick with mortar, for testing shear adhesion was found where, then the microstructure more conducive additions was determined by SEM analysis were prepared sweep. The test results indicate that the addition Manilkara zapota resin in the proportion of 10% 1.5% increase in compressive strength and 1% with respect to adhesion, compared to the control without addition mortar; In the case of Brosium alicastrum results show that compressive strengths and adhesion were insignificant compared to those made with registered by Manilkara zapota mixtures. Mortars containing the natural resins have improvements in physical properties and increase the mechanical strength and adhesion, compared to those who do not, in addition to the components are chemically compatible, therefore have considered that can be employed in Archaeological restoration.Keywords: lime, mortar, natural resins, Manilkara zapota mixtures, Brosium alicastrum
Procedia PDF Downloads 3714099 For Single to Multilayer Polyvinylidene Fluoride Based Polymer for Electro-Caloric Cooling
Authors: Nouh Zeggai, Lucas Debrux, Fabien Parrain, Brahim Dkhil, Martino Lobue, Morgan Almanza
Refrigeration and air conditioning are some of the most used energies in our daily life, especially vapor compression refrigeration. Electrocaloric material might appears as an alternative towards solid-state cooling. polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) based polymer has shown promising adiabatic temperature change (∆T) and entropy change (∆S). There is practically no limit to the electric field that can be applied, except the one that the material can withstand. However, when working with a large surface as required in a device, the chance to have a defect is larger and can drastically reduce the voltage breakdown, thus reducing the electrocaloric properties. In this work, we propose to study how the characteristic of a single film are transposed when going to multilayer. The laminator and the hot press appear as two interesting processes that have been investigating to achieve a multilayer film. The study is mainly focused on the breakdown field and the adiabatic temperature change, but the phase and crystallinity have also been measured. We process one layer-based PVDF and assemble them to obtain a multilayer. Pressing at hot temperature method and lamination were used for the production of the thin films. The multilayer film shows higher breakdown strength, temperature change, and crystallinity (beta phases) using the hot press technique.Keywords: PVDF-TrFE-CFE, multilayer, electrocaloric effect, hot press, cooling device
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