Search results for: PV generation system
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 19983

Search results for: PV generation system

18663 Droplet Impact on a High Frequency Vibrating Surface

Authors: Maryam Ebrahimiazar, Parsia Mohammadshahi, Amirreza Amighi, Nasser Ashgriz


Ultrasonic atomization is used to generate micron size aerosols. In this work, the aerosol formation by the atomization of a parent droplet dripping from a capillary needle onto the surface of a Teflon coated piezoelectric vibrating at 2.5 MHz is studied, and different steps of atomization are categorized. After the droplet impacts on the piezoelectric, surface acoustic streaming deforms the droplet into a fountain shape. This fountain soon collapses and forms a liquid layer. The breakup of the liquid layer results in the generation of both large ( 100 microns) and small drops (few microns). Next, the residual drops from the liquid layer start to be atomized to generate few micron size droplets. The high velocity and explosive aerosol formation in this step are better explained in terms of cavitation theory. However, the combination of both capillary waves and cavitation theory seem to be responsible for few-micron droplet generation. The current study focuses on both qualitative and quantitative aspects of fountain formation for both ethyl-alcohol and water. Even though the general steps of atomization are the same for both liquids, the quantitative results indicate that some noticeable differences lie between them.

Keywords: droplet breakup, ultrasonic atomization, acoustic streaming, droplet oscillation

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18662 Analysis and Modeling of Photovoltaic System with Different Research Methods of Maximum Power Point Tracking

Authors: Mehdi Ameur, Ahmed Essakdi, Tamou Nasser


The purpose of this paper is the analysis and modeling of the photovoltaic system with MPPT techniques. This system is developed by combining the models of established solar module and DC-DC converter with the algorithms of perturb and observe (P&O), incremental conductance (INC) and fuzzy logic controller(FLC). The system is simulated under different climate conditions and MPPT algorithms to determine the influence of these conditions on characteristic power-voltage of PV system. According to the comparisons of the simulation results, the photovoltaic system can extract the maximum power with precision and rapidity using the MPPT algorithms discussed in this paper.

Keywords: photovoltaic array, maximum power point tracking, MPPT, perturb and observe, P&O, incremental conductance, INC, hill climbing, HC, fuzzy logic controller, FLC

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18661 Development and Application of the Proctoring System with Face Recognition for User Registration on the Educational Information Portal

Authors: Meruyert Serik, Nassipzhan Duisegaliyeva, Danara Tleumagambetova, Madina Ermaganbetova


This research paper explores the process of creating a proctoring system by evaluating the implementation of practical face recognition algorithms. Students of educational programs reviewed the research work "6B01511-Computer Science", "7M01511-Computer Science", "7M01525- STEM Education," and "8D01511-Computer Science" of Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov. As an outcome, a proctoring system will be created, enabling the conduction of tests and ensuring academic integrity checks within the system. Due to the correct operation of the system, test works are carried out. The result of the creation of the proctoring system will be the basis for the automation of the informational, educational portal developed by machine learning.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, education portal, face recognition, machine learning, proctoring

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18660 Propellant Less Propulsion System Using Microwave Thrusters

Authors: D. Pradeep Mitra, Prafulla


Looking to the word propellant-less system it makes us to believe that it is an impossible one, but this paper demonstrates the use of microwaves to create a system which makes impossible to be possible, it means a propellant-less propulsion system using microwaves. In these thrusters, microwaves are radiated into a sealed parabolic cavity through a waveguide, which act on the surface of the cavity and follow the axis of the thrusters to produce thrust. The advantages of these thrusters are: (1) Producing thrust without propellant; without erosion, wear, and thermal stress from the hot exhaust gas; and at the same time increasing quality. (2) If the microwave output power is stable, the performance of thrusters is not affected by its working environment. This paper is demonstrated from general maxwell equations. These equations are used to create the mathematical model of the thrusters. These mathematical model helps us to calculate the Q factor and calculate the approximate thrust which would be generated in the system.

Keywords: propellant less, microwaves, parabolic wave guide, propulsion system

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18659 Lewis Turning Point in China: Interviewing Perceptions of Fertility Policies by Unmarried Female Millennials

Authors: Yunqi Wang


Benefiting from the demographic dividend, China has enjoyed export-led economic growth since 1978. While Lewis's model marks the structural transformation from the low-wage 'subsistence' sector to the 'modern sector' as the end of labour surplus, the Chinese government seems eager to extend such benefit by promoting a series of fertility encouragement policies, contrasting to its firm and strict birth control since last century. Based on a Attride-Stirling’s thematic analysis of interviews with unmarried female millennials in China, this paper argues that the young female generation responded to current fertility policies negatively, where the policy ineffectiveness and irresponsiveness have further worsened their marriage and childbirth reluctance. Instead of focusing on changes in wage level, this research contributes a qualitative perspective to the existing theoretical debate on the Lewis turning point, implying an inevitable end of demographic dividend in China. Highlighting the greater focus on female consciousness among the younger generation, it also suggests a policy orientation towards resolving outdated social norms to accommodate the rising female consciousness since millennials will become the childbirth mainstay in forthcoming years.

Keywords: lewis model, fertility policy, demographic dividend, one-child policy

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18658 Development of Web Application for Warehouse Management System: A Case Study of Ceramics Factory

Authors: Thanaphat Suwanaklang, Supaporn Suwannarongsri


Presently, there are many industries in Thailand producing various products for both domestic distribution and export to foreign countries. Warehouse is one of the most important areas of business needing to store their products. Such businesses need to have a suitable warehouse management system for reducing the storage time and using the space as much as possible. This paper proposes the development of a web application for a warehouse management system. One of the ceramics factories in Thailand is conducted as a case study. By applying the ABC analysis, fixed location, commodity system, ECRS, and 7-waste theories and principles, the web application for the warehouse management system of the selected ceramics factory is developed to design the optimal storage area for groups of products and design the optimal routes of forklifts. From experimental results, it was found that the warehouse management system developed via the web application can reduce the travel distance of forklifts and the time of searching for storage area by 100% once compared with the conventional method. In addition, the entire storage area can be on-line and real-time monitored.

Keywords: warehouse management system, warehouse design method, logistics system, web application

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18657 Effect of Adding Horizontal Steel Bracing System to Ordinary Moment Steel Frames Subjected to Wind Load

Authors: Yousef Al-Qaryouti, Besan Alagawani


The main concern of this study is to evaluate the effect of adding horizontal steel bracing system to ordinary moment resisting steel frames subjected to wind load. Similar frames without bracing systems are also to be compared. A general analytical study was carried out to obtain the influence of such system in resisting wind load. Linear static analysis has been carried out using ETABS software by applying fixed wind load defined according to ASCE7-10 for three-, six-, nine-, and twelve-story ordinary moment steel frame buildings including and not including horizontal steel bracing system. The results showed that the lateral drift due to wind load decreased by adding horizontal bracing system. Also, the results show that effect of such system is more efficient to low-rise buildings.

Keywords: horizontal bracing system, steel moment frames, wind load resisting system, linear static analysis

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18656 Residual Life Prediction for a System Subject to Condition Monitoring and Two Failure Modes

Authors: Akram Khaleghei, Ghosheh Balagh, Viliam Makis


In this paper, we investigate the residual life prediction problem for a partially observable system subject to two failure modes, namely a catastrophic failure and a failure due to the system degradation. The system is subject to condition monitoring and the degradation process is described by a hidden Markov model with unknown parameters. The parameter estimation procedure based on an EM algorithm is developed and the formulas for the conditional reliability function and the mean residual life are derived, illustrated by a numerical example.

Keywords: partially observable system, hidden Markov model, competing risks, residual life prediction

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18655 An Architecture Framework for Design of Assembly Expert System

Authors: Chee Fai Tan, L. S. Wahidin, S. N. Khalil


Nowadays, manufacturing cost is one of the important factors that will affect the product cost as well as company profit. There are many methods that have been used to reduce the manufacturing cost in order for a company to stay competitive. One of the factors that effect manufacturing cost is the time. Expert system can be used as a method to reduce the manufacturing time. The purpose of the expert system is to diagnose and solve the problem of design of assembly. The paper describes an architecture framework for design of assembly expert system that focuses on commercial vehicle seat manufacturing industry.

Keywords: design of assembly, expert system, vehicle seat, mechanical engineering

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18654 Elements of Usability and Sociability in Activity Management System for e-Masjid

Authors: Hidayah bt Rahmalan, Marhazli Kipli, Muhammad Suffian Sikandar Ghani, Maisarah Abu, Muhammad Faisal Ashaari, Norlizam Md Sukiban


This study presents an example of activity management system for e-Masjid implementing elements of usability and sociability. It is expected to resolve the shortcomings of the most e-Masjid that provide lot of activities to their community. However, the data on handling a lot of activities or events in which involve a lot of people will be difficult to manipulate. Thus, this paper presents the usability and sociability element on an activity management system that not only eases the job for the user but being practical for future when the community join any events. For the time being, this activity management system was only applied for Sayyidina Abu Bakar Mosque in Utem, Malacca.

Keywords: e-masjid, usability, sociability, activity management system

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18653 The Application of Hellomac Rockfall Alert System in Rockfall Barriers: An Explainer

Authors: Kinjal Parmar, Matteo Lelli


The usage of IoT technology as a rockfall alert system is relatively new. This paper explains the potential of such an alert system called HelloMac from Maccaferri which provides transportation infrastructure asset owners the way to effectively utilize their resources in the detection of boulder impacts on rockfall barriers. This would ensure a faster assessment of the impacted barrier and subsequently facilitates the implementation of remedial works in an effective and timely manner. In addition, the HelloMac can also be integrated with another warning system to alert vehicle users of the unseen dangers ahead. HelloMac is developed to work also in remote areas, where cell coverage is not available. User gets notified when a rockfall even occurs via mobile app, SMS and email. Using such alarming systems effectively, we can reduce the risk of rockfall hazard.

Keywords: rockfall, barrier, HelloMac, rockfall alert system

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18652 A Review of Energy in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Authors: Kanzumba Kusakana


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is currently experiencing a general energy crisis due to lack of proper investment and management in the energy sector. 93, 6% of the country is highly dependent on wood fuels as main source of energy having severe impacts such as deforestation and general degradation of the environment. On the other hand, the major share of the electricity produced mainly from ill-conditioned hydro and thermal power stations is principally used to supply the industrial sector as well as very few urban areas. Nevertheless, DRC possesses huge potential in renewable resources such as hydropower, biomass, methane gas, solar geothermal and moderate wind potential that can be used for energy generation. Recently the country has initiated projects to build decentralized micro hydropower station to supply remotes and isolated areas; to rehabilitate its existent main hydropower plants and transmission lines as well as to extend its current generation capacity by building new hydropower stations able to respond to a major part of the African continent energy needs. This paper presents a comprehensive review of current energy resources as well as of the electricity situation in DRC. Recent energy projects, the energy policy as well as the energy challenges in the DRC are also presented.

Keywords: energy, biomass, hydro power, renewable energy, energy policy, Democratic Republic of Congo

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18651 Thulium Laser Design and Experimental Verification for NIR and MIR Nonlinear Applications in Specialty Optical Fibers

Authors: Matej Komanec, Tomas Nemecek, Dmytro Suslov, Petr Chvojka, Stanislav Zvanovec


Nonlinear phenomena in the near- and mid-infrared region are attracting scientific attention mainly due to the supercontinuum generation possibilities and subsequent utilizations for ultra-wideband applications like e.g. absorption spectroscopy or optical coherence tomography. Thulium-based fiber lasers provide access to high-power ultrashort pump pulses in the vicinity of 2000 nm, which can be easily exploited for various nonlinear applications. The paper presents a simulation and experimental study of a pulsed thulium laser based for near-infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) nonlinear applications in specialty optical fibers. In the first part of the paper the thulium laser is discussed. The thulium laser is based on a gain-switched seed-laser and a series of amplification stages for obtaining output peak powers in the order of kilowatts for pulses shorter than 200 ps in full-width at half-maximum. The pulsed thulium laser is first studied in a simulation software, focusing on seed-laser properties. Afterward, a pre-amplification thulium-based stage is discussed, with the focus of low-noise signal amplification, high signal gain and eliminating pulse distortions during pulse propagation in the gain medium. Following the pre-amplification stage a second gain stage is evaluated with incorporating a thulium-fiber of shorter length with increased rare-earth dopant ratio. Last a power-booster stage is analyzed, where the peak power of kilowatts should be achieved. Examples of analytical study are further validated by the experimental campaign. The simulation model is further corrected based on real components – parameters such as real insertion-losses, cross-talks, polarization dependencies, etc. are included. The second part of the paper evaluates the utilization of nonlinear phenomena, their specific features at the vicinity of 2000 nm, compared to e.g. 1550 nm, and presents supercontinuum modelling, based on the thulium laser pulsed output. Supercontinuum generation simulation is performed and provides reasonably accurate results, once fiber dispersion profile is precisely defined and fiber nonlinearity is known, furthermore input pulse shape and peak power must be known, which is assured thanks to the experimental measurement of the studied thulium pulsed laser. The supercontinuum simulation model is put in relation to designed and characterized specialty optical fibers, which are discussed in the third part of the paper. The focus is placed on silica and mainly on non-silica fibers (fluoride, chalcogenide, lead-silicate) in their conventional, microstructured or tapered variants. Parameters such as dispersion profile and nonlinearity of exploited fibers were characterized either with an accurate model, developed in COMSOL software or by direct experimental measurement to achieve even higher precision. The paper then combines all three studied topics and presents a possible application of such a thulium pulsed laser system working with specialty optical fibers.

Keywords: nonlinear phenomena, specialty optical fibers, supercontinuum generation, thulium laser

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18650 Improving System Performance through User's Resource Access Patterns

Authors: K. C. Wong


This paper demonstrates a number of examples in the hope to shed some light on the possibility of designing future operating systems in a more adaptation-based manner. A modern operating system, we conceive, should possess the capability of 'learning' in such a way that it can dynamically adjust its services and behavior according to the current status of the environment in which it operates. In other words, a modern operating system should play a more proactive role during the session of providing system services to users. As such, a modern operating system is expected to create a computing environment, in which its users are provided with system services more matching their dynamically changing needs. The examples demonstrated in this paper show that user's resource access patterns 'learned' and determined during a session can be utilized to improve system performance and hence to provide users with a better and more effective computing environment. The paper also discusses how to use the frequency, the continuity, and the duration of resource accesses in a session to quantitatively measure and determine user's resource access patterns for the examples shown in the paper.

Keywords: adaptation-based systems, operating systems, resource access patterns, system performance

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18649 The Impact of System Cascading Collapse and Transmission Line Outages to the Transfer Capability Assessment

Authors: Nur Ashida Salim, Muhammad Murtadha Othman, Ismail Musirin, Mohd Salleh Serwan


Uncertainty of system operating conditions is one of the causative reasons which may render to the instability of a transmission system. This will encumber the performance of transmission system to efficiently transmit the electrical power between areas. For that reason, accurate assessment of Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM) is essential in order to ensure effective power transfer between areas during the occurrence of system uncertainties. The power transfer is also called as the Available Transfer Capability (ATC) in which it is the information required by the utilities and marketers to instigate selling and buying the electric energy. This paper proposes a computationally effective approach to estimate TRM and ATC by considering the uncertainties of system cascading collapse and transmission line outages which is identified as the main reasons in power system instability. In accordance to the results that have been obtained, the proposed method is essential for the transmission providers which could help the power marketers and planning sectors in the operation and reserving transmission services based on the ATC calculated.

Keywords: system cascading collapse, transmission line outages, transmission reliability margin, available transfer capability

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18648 Excitation Density and Energy Dependent Relaxation Dynamics of Charge Carriers in Large Area 2D TMDCs

Authors: Ashish Soni, Suman Kalyan Pal


Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are an emerging paradigm for the generation of advanced materials which are capable of utilizing in future device applications. In recent years TMDCs have attracted researchers for their unique band structure in monolayers. Large-area monolayers could become the most appropriate candidate for flexible and thin optoelectronic devices. For this purpose, it is crucial to understand the generation and transport of charge carriers in low dimensions. A deep understanding of photo-generated hot charges and trapped charges is essential to improve the performance of optoelectronic devices. Carrier trapping by the defect states that are introduced during the growth process of the monolayer could influence the dynamical behaviour of charge carriers. Herein, we investigated some aspects of the ultrafast evolution of the initially generated hot carriers and trapped charges in large-area monolayer WS₂ by measuring transient absorption at energies above and below the band gap energy. Our excitation density and energy-dependent measurements reveal the trapping of the initially generated charge carrier. Our results could be beneficial for the development of TMDC-based optoelectronic devices.

Keywords: transient absorption, optoelectronics, 2D materials, TMDCs, exciton

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18647 Comparisons of Individual and Group Replacement Policies for a Series Connection System with Two Machines

Authors: Wen Liang Chang, Mei Wei Wang, Ruey Huei Yeh


This paper studies the comparisons of individual and group replacement policies for a series connection system with two machines. Suppose that manufacturer’s production system is a series connection system which is combined by two machines. For two machines, when machines fail within the operating time, minimal repair is performed for machines by the manufacturer. The manufacturer plans to a preventive replacement for machines at a pre-specified time to maintain system normal operation. Under these maintenance policies, the maintenance cost rate models of individual and group replacement for a series connection system with two machines is derived and further, optimal preventive replacement time is obtained such that the expected total maintenance cost rate is minimized. Finally, some numerical examples are given to illustrate the influences of individual and group replacement policies to the maintenance cost rate.

Keywords: individual replacement, group replacement, replacement time, two machines, series connection system

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18646 Drugstore Control System Design and Realization Based on Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

Authors: Muhammad Faheem Khakhi, Jian Yu Wang, Salman Muhammad, Muhammad Faisal Shabir


Population growth and Chinese two-child policy will boost pharmaceutical market, and it will continue to maintain the growth for a period of time in the future, the traditional pharmacy dispensary has been unable to meet the growing medical needs of the peoples. Under the strong support of the national policy, the automatic transformation of traditional pharmacies is the inclination of the Times, the new type of intelligent pharmacy system will continue to promote the development of the pharmaceutical industry. Under this background, based on PLC control, the paper proposed an intelligent storage and automatic drug delivery system; complete design of the lower computer's control system and the host computer's software system has been present. The system can be applied to dispensing work for Chinese herbal medicinal and Western medicines. Firstly, the essential of intelligent control system for pharmacy is discussed. After the analysis of the requirements, the overall scheme of the system design is presented. Secondly, introduces the software and hardware design of the lower computer's control system, including the selection of PLC and the selection of motion control system, the problem of the human-computer interaction module and the communication between PC and PLC solves, the program design and development of the PLC control system is completed. The design of the upper computer software management system is described in detail. By analyzing of E-R diagram, built the establish data, the communication protocol between systems is customize, C++ Builder is adopted to realize interface module, supply module, main control module, etc. The paper also gives the implementations of the multi-threaded system and communication method. Lastly, each module of the lower computer control system is tested. Then, after building a test environment, the function test of the upper computer software management system is completed. On this basis, the entire control system accepts the overall test.

Keywords: automatic pharmacy, PLC, control system, management system, communication

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18645 Seismic Response Mitigation of Structures Using Base Isolation System Considering Uncertain Parameters

Authors: Rama Debbarma


The present study deals with the performance of Linear base isolation system to mitigate seismic response of structures characterized by random system parameters. This involves optimization of the tuning ratio and damping properties of the base isolation system considering uncertain system parameters. However, the efficiency of base isolator may reduce if it is not tuned to the vibrating mode it is designed to suppress due to unavoidable presence of system parameters uncertainty. With the aid of matrix perturbation theory and first order Taylor series expansion, the total probability concept is used to evaluate the unconditional response of the primary structures considering random system parameters. For this, the conditional second order information of the response quantities are obtained in random vibration framework using state space formulation. Subsequently, the maximum unconditional root mean square displacement of the primary structures is used as the objective function to obtain optimum damping parameters Numerical study is performed to elucidate the effect of parameters uncertainties on the optimization of parameters of linear base isolator and system performance.

Keywords: linear base isolator, earthquake, optimization, uncertain parameters

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18644 Theoretical Investigation on the Dynamic Characteristics of One Degree of Freedom Vibration System Equipped with Inerter of Variable Inertance

Authors: Barenten Suciu, Yoshiki Tsuji


In this paper, a theoretical investigation on the dynamic characteristics of one degree of freedom vibration system equipped with inerter of variable inertance, is presented. Differential equation of movement was solved under proper initial conditions in the case of free undamped/damped vibration, considered in the absence/presence of the inerter in the mechanical system. Influence of inertance on the amplitude of vibration, phase angle, natural frequency, damping ratio, and logarithmic decrement was clarified. It was mainly found that the inerter decreases the natural frequency of the undamped system and also of the damped system if the damping ratio is below 0.707. On the other hand, the inerter increases the natural frequency of the damped system if the damping ratio exceeds 0.707. Results obtained in this work are useful for the adequate design of inerters.

Keywords: damping, frequency control, inerter, one degree of freedom vibration system, parallel connection, variable inertance

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18643 Genome Sequencing and Analysis of the Spontaneous Nanosilver Resistant Bacterium Proteus mirabilis Strain scdr1

Authors: Amr Saeb, Khalid Al-Rubeaan, Mohamed Abouelhoda, Manojkumar Selvaraju, Hamsa Tayeb


Background: P. mirabilis is a common uropathogenic bacterium that can cause major complications in patients with long-standing indwelling catheters or patients with urinary tract anomalies. In addition, P. mirabilis is a common cause of chronic osteomyelitis in diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) patients. Methodology: P. mirabilis SCDR1 was isolated from a diabetic ulcer patient. We examined P. mirabilis SCDR1 levels of resistance against nano-silver colloids, the commercial nano-silver and silver containing bandages and commonly used antibiotics. We utilized next generation sequencing techniques (NGS), bioinformatics, phylogenetic analysis and pathogenomics in the identification and characterization of the infectious pathogen. Results: P. mirabilis SCDR1 is a multi-drug resistant isolate that also showed high levels of resistance against nano-silver colloids, nano-silver chitosan composite and the commercially available nano-silver and silver bandages. The P. mirabilis-SCDR1 genome size is 3,815,621 bp with G+C content of 38.44%. P. mirabilis-SCDR1 genome contains a total of 3,533 genes, 3,414 coding DNA sequence genes, 11, 10, 18 rRNAs (5S, 16S, and 23S), and 76 tRNAs. Our isolate contains all the required pathogenicity and virulence factors to establish a successful infection. P. mirabilis SCDR1 isolate is a potential virulent pathogen that despite its original isolation site, wound, it can establish kidney infection and its associated complications. P. mirabilis SCDR1 contains several mechanisms for antibiotics and metals resistance including, biofilm formation, swarming mobility, efflux systems, and enzymatic detoxification. Conclusion: P. mirabilis SCDR1 is the spontaneous nano-silver resistant bacterial strain. P. mirabilis SCDR1 strain contains all reported pathogenic and virulence factors characteristic for the species. In addition, it possesses several mechanisms that may lead to the observed nano-silver resistance.

Keywords: Proteus mirabilis, multi-drug resistance, silver nanoparticles, resistance, next generation sequencing techniques, genome analysis, bioinformatics, phylogeny, pathogenomics, diabetic foot ulcer, xenobiotics, multidrug resistance efflux, biofilm formation, swarming mobility, resistome, glutathione S-transferase, copper/silver efflux system, altruism

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18642 Design to Cryogenic System for Dilution Refrigerator with Cavity and Superconducting Magnet

Authors: Ki Woong Lee


The Center for Axion and Precision Physics Research is studying the search for dark matter using 12 tesla superconducting magnets. A dilution refrigerator is being used for search experiments, and superconducting magnets, superconducting cavities. The dilution refrigerator requires a stable cryogenic environment using liquid helium. Accordingly, a cryogenic system for a stable supply of liquid helium is to be established. This cryogenic system includes the liquefying, supply, storage, and purification of liquid helium. This article presents the basic design, construction, and operation plans for building cryogenic systems.

Keywords: cryogenic system, dilution refrigerator, superconducting magnet, helium recovery system

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18641 Evaluation of DNA Microarray System in the Identification of Microorganisms Isolated from Blood

Authors: Merih Şimşek, Recep Keşli, Özgül Çetinkaya, Cengiz Demir, Adem Aslan


Bacteremia is a clinical entity with high morbidity and mortality rates when immediate diagnose, or treatment cannot be achieved. Microorganisms which can cause sepsis or bacteremia are easily isolated from blood cultures. Fifty-five positive blood cultures were included in this study. Microorganisms in 55 blood cultures were isolated by conventional microbiological methods; afterwards, microorganisms were defined in terms of the phenotypic aspects by the Vitek-2 system. The same microorganisms in all blood culture samples were defined in terms of genotypic aspects again by Multiplex-PCR DNA Low-Density Microarray System. At the end of the identification process, the DNA microarray system’s success in identification was evaluated based on the Vitek-2 system. The Vitek-2 system and DNA Microarray system were able to identify the same microorganisms in 53 samples; on the other hand, different microorganisms were identified in the 2 blood cultures by DNA Microarray system. The microorganisms identified by Vitek-2 system were found to be identical to 96.4 % of microorganisms identified by DNA Microarrays system. In addition to bacteria identified by Vitek-2, the presence of a second bacterium has been detected in 5 blood cultures by the DNA Microarray system. It was identified 18 of 55 positive blood culture as E.coli strains with both Vitek 2 and DNA microarray systems. The same identification numbers were found 6 and 8 for Acinetobacter baumanii, 10 and 10 for K.pneumoniae, 5 and 5 for S.aureus, 7 and 11 for Enterococcus spp, 5 and 5 for P.aeruginosa, 2 and 2 for C.albicans respectively. According to these results, DNA Microarray system requires both a technical device and experienced staff support; besides, it requires more expensive kits than Vitek-2. However, this method should be used in conjunction with conventional microbiological methods. Thus, large microbiology laboratories will produce faster, more sensitive and more successful results in the identification of cultured microorganisms.

Keywords: microarray, Vitek-2, blood culture, bacteremia

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18640 Application of Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation Technology in Construction Materials: A Comprehensive Review of Waste Stream Contributions

Authors: Amir Sina Fouladi, Arul Arulrajah, Jian Chu, Suksun Horpibulsuk


Waste generation is a growing concern in many countries across the world, particularly in urban areas with high rates of population growth and industrialization. The increasing amount of waste generated from human activities has led to environmental, economic, and health issues. Improper disposal of waste can result in air and water pollution, land degradation, and the spread of diseases. Waste generation also consumes large amounts of natural resources and energy, leading to the depletion of valuable resources and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. To address these concerns, there is a need for sustainable waste management practices that reduce waste generation and promote resource recovery and recycling. Amongst these, developing innovative technologies such as Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) in construction materials is an effective approach to transforming waste into valuable and sustainable applications. MICP is an environmentally friendly microbial-chemical technology that applies microorganisms and chemical reagents to biological processes to produce carbonate mineral. This substance can be an energy-efficient, cost-effective, sustainable solution to environmental and engineering challenges. Recent research has shown that waste streams can replace several MICP-chemical components in the cultivation media of microorganisms and cementation reagents (calcium sources and urea). In addition to its effectiveness in treating hazardous waste streams, MICP has been found to be cost-effective and sustainable solution applicable to various waste media. This comprehensive review paper aims to provide a thorough understanding of the environmental advantages and engineering applications of MICP technology, with a focus on the contribution of waste streams. It also provides researchers with guidance on how to identify and overcome the challenges that may arise applying the MICP technology using waste streams.

Keywords: waste stream, microbially induced calcite precipitation, construction materials, sustainability

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18639 A User-Friendly Approach for Design and Economic Analysis of Standalone PV System for the Electrification of Rural Area of Eritrea

Authors: Tedros Asefaw Gebremeskel, Xaoyi Yang


The potential of solar energy in Eritrea is relatively high, based on this truth, there are a number of isolated and remote villages situated far away from the electrical national grid which don’t get access to electricity. The core objective of this work is to design a most favorable and cost-effective power by means of standalone PV system for the electrification of a single housing in the inaccessible area of Eritrea. The sizing of the recommended PV system is achieved, such as radiation data and electrical load for the typical household of the selected site is also well thought-out in the design steps. Finally, the life cycle cost (LCC) analysis is conducted to evaluate the economic viability of the system. The outcome of the study promote the use of PV system for a residential building and show that PV system is a reasonable option to provide electricity for household applications in the rural area of Eritrea.

Keywords: electrification, inaccessible area, life cycle cost, residential building, stand-alone PV system

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18638 A Visual Inspection System for Automotive Sheet Metal Chasis Parts Produced with Cold-Forming Method

Authors: İmren Öztürk Yılmaz, Abdullah Yasin Bilici, Yasin Atalay Candemir


The system consists of 4 main elements: motion system, image acquisition system, image processing software, and control interface. The parts coming out of the production line to enter the image processing system with the conveyor belt at the end of the line. The 3D scanning of the produced part is performed with the laser scanning system integrated into the system entry side. With the 3D scanning method, it is determined at what position and angle the parts enter the system, and according to the data obtained, parameters such as part origin and conveyor speed are calculated with the designed software, and the robot is informed about the position where it will take part. The robot, which receives the information, takes the produced part on the belt conveyor and shows it to high-resolution cameras for quality control. Measurement processes are carried out with a maximum error of 20 microns determined by the experiments.

Keywords: quality control, industry 4.0, image processing, automated fault detection, digital visual inspection

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18637 Conceptual Model for Logistics Information System

Authors: Ana María Rojas Chaparro, Cristian Camilo Sarmiento Chaves


Given the growing importance of logistics as a discipline for efficient management of materials flow and information, the adoption of tools that permit to create facilities in making decisions based on a global perspective of the system studied has been essential. The article shows how from a concepts-based model is possible to organize and represent in appropriate way the reality, showing accurate and timely information, features that make this kind of models an ideal component to support an information system, recognizing that information as relevant to establish particularities that allow get a better performance about the evaluated sector.

Keywords: system, information, conceptual model, logistics

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18636 A Soft System Approach to Explore Ill-Defined Issues in Distance Education System - A Case of Saudi Arabia

Authors: Sulafah Basahel


Nowadays, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) around the world are attempting to utilize Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance learning process and strategies of knowledge delivery for students through Distance Education (DE) system. Stakeholders in DE system face a complex situation of different ill-defined and related issues that influence decision making process. In this study system thinking as a body of knowledge is used to explore the emergent properties that produced from these connections between issues and could have either positive or negative outcomes for the DE development. Checkland Soft System Methodology (SSM) - Mode 2 is employed in a cultural context of Saudi Arabia for more knowledge acquisition purposes among multiple stakeholders in DE rather than solving problems to achieve an overall development of DE system. This paper will discuss some political, cultural issues and connections between them that impact on effectiveness of stakeholders’ activities and relations. This study will significantly contribute to both system thinking and education fields by leading decision makers in DE to reconsider future plans, strategies and right actions for more successful educational practices.

Keywords: distance education, higher education institutions, ill-defined issues, soft system methodology-Mode 2

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18635 Double Layer Security Model for Identification Friend or Foe

Authors: Buse T. Aydın, Enver Ozdemir


In this study, a double layer authentication scheme between the aircraft and the Air Traffic Control (ATC) tower is designed to prevent any unauthorized aircraft from introducing themselves as friends. The method is a combination of classical cryptographic methods and new generation physical layers. The first layer has employed the embedded key of the aircraft. The embedded key is assumed to installed during the construction of the utility. The other layer is a physical attribute (flight path, distance, etc.) between the aircraft and the ATC tower. We create a mathematical model so that two layers’ information is employed and an aircraft is authenticated as a friend or foe according to the accuracy of the results of the model. The results of the aircraft are compared with the results of the ATC tower and if the values found by the aircraft and ATC tower match within a certain error margin, we mark the aircraft as a friend. In this method, even if embedded key is captured by the enemy aircraft, without the information of the second layer, the enemy can easily be determined. Overall, in this work, we present a more reliable system by adding a physical layer in the authentication process.

Keywords: ADS-B, communication with physical layer security, cryptography, identification friend or foe

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18634 Thermodynamic Cycle Using Cyclopentane for Waste Heat Recovery Power Generation from Clinker Cooler Exhaust Flue Gas

Authors: Vijayakumar Kunche


Waste heat recovery from Pre Heater exhaust gases and Clinker cooler vent gases is now common place in Cement Industry. Most common practice is to use Steam Rankine cycle for heat to power conversion. In this process, waste heat from the flue gas is recovered through a Heat Recovery steam generator where steam is generated and fed to a conventional Steam turbine generator. However steam Rankine cycle tends to have lesser efficiency for smaller power plants with less than 5MW capacity and where the steam temperature at the inlet of the turbine is less than 350 deg C. further a steam Rankine cycle needs treated water and maintenance intensive. These problems can be overcome by using Thermodynamic cycle using Cyclopentane vapour in place of steam. This innovative cycle is best suited for Heat recovery in cement plants and results in best possible heat to power conversion efficiency. This paper discusses about Heat Recovery Power generation using innovative thermal cycle which uses Cyclopentane vapour in place of water- steam. And how this technology has been adopted for a Clinker cooler hot gas from mid-tap.

Keywords: clinker cooler, energy efficiency, organic rankine cycle, waste heat recovery

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