Search results for: straw paper
23841 The Historical Perspectives of Peace Education as a Vehicle of Unity and Technological Developments in Nigeria
Authors: Oluwole Enoch Adeniran
Peace studies and conflict resolution; though a relatively new discipline had attracted scholars from far and near. It had enhanced a purposeful training of mind of young adult among other categories of learners. It provides a platform through which university under-graduates and post-graduates students are exposed to the rudiments of peace building, peacemaking and peace keeping towards a successful conflict resolution. The paper historicizes peace education as most desirable in any human society that desired development. It aims at educating children and young adults in the dynamics of peaceful conflicts resolution at home, in school and communities (states) throughout the world for a purposeful technological development. It also aims at exposing students to the nature of conflict and how to manage and resolve conflicts in order to promote national unity for meaningful development. The paper argues that, for a state to record any meaningful socio-economic, political and technological development; a conducive and peaceful atmosphere must be put in place. This theoretical paper emerged in the context of historical specificities of conflict resolution from a general conceptual framework. It then concludes with suggestions on the modes of conflict prevention, conflict management and conflict resolution for an ideal technologically advanced society.Keywords: history, education, peace, unity, technology and development
Procedia PDF Downloads 36323840 Decision Support System for Solving Multi-Objective Routing Problem
Authors: Ismail El Gayar, Ossama Ismail, Yousri El Gamal
This paper presented a technique to solve one of the transportation problems that faces us in real life which is the Bus Scheduling Problem. Most of the countries using buses in schools, companies and traveling offices as an example to transfer multiple passengers from many places to specific place and vice versa. This transferring process can cost time and money, so we build a decision support system that can solve this problem. In this paper, a genetic algorithm with the shortest path technique is used to generate a competitive solution to other well-known techniques. It also presents a comparison between our solution and other solutions for this problem.Keywords: bus scheduling problem, decision support system, genetic algorithm, shortest path
Procedia PDF Downloads 41623839 Tele-Monitoring and Logging of Patient Health Parameters Using Zigbee
Authors: Kirubasankar, Sanjeevkumar, Aravindh Nagappan
This paper addresses a system for monitoring patients using biomedical sensors and displaying it in a remote place. The main challenges in present health monitoring devices are lack of remote monitoring and logging for future evaluation. Typical instruments used for health parameter measurement provide basic information regarding health status. This paper identifies a set of design principles to address these challenges. This system includes continuous measurement of health parameters such as Heart rate, electrocardiogram, SpO2 level and Body temperature. The accumulated sensor data is relayed to a processing device using a transceiver and viewed by the implementation of cloud services.Keywords: bio-medical sensors, monitoring, logging, cloud service
Procedia PDF Downloads 52223838 Revisiting Domestication and Foreignisation Methods: Translating the Quran by the Hybrid Approach
Authors: Aladdin Al-Tarawneh
The Quran, as it is the sacred book of Islam and considered the literal word of God (Allah) in Arabic, is highly translated into many languages; however, the foreignising or the literal approach excessively stains the quality and discredits the final product in the eyes of its receptors. Such an approach fails to capture the intended meaning of the Quran and to communicate it in any language. Therefore, this study is conducted to propose a different approach that seeks involving other ones according to a hybrid model. Indeed, this study challenges the binary adherence that is highly used in Translation Studies (TS) in general and in the translation of the Quran in particular. Drawing on the genuine fact that the Quran can be communicated in any language in terms of meaning, and the translation is not sacred; this paper approaches the translation of the Quran by blending different methods like domestication or foreignisation in a systematic way, avoiding the binary choice made by many translators. To reach this aim, the paper has a conceptual part that seeks to elucidate and clarify the main methods employed in TS, and criticise and modify them to propose the new hybrid approach (the hybrid model) for translating the Quran – that is, the deductive method. To support and validate the outcome of the previous part, a comparative model is employed in order to highlight the differences between the suggested translation and other widely used ones – that is, the inductive method. By applying this methodology, the paper proves that there is a deficiency of communicating the original meaning of the Quran in light of the foreignising approach. In conclusion, the paper suggests producing a Quran translation has to take into account the adoption of many techniques to express the meaning of the Quran as understood in the original, and to offer this understanding in English in the most native-like manner to serve the intended target readers.Keywords: Quran translation, hybrid approach, domestication, foreignization, hybrid model
Procedia PDF Downloads 16323837 Teaching Academic Vocabulary: A Recent and Old Approach
Authors: Sara Fine-Meltzer
An obvious, but ill-addressed hindrance to reading comprehension in academic English is poor vocabulary. Unfortunately, dealing with the problem is usually delayed until university entrance. It is the contention of this paper that the chore should be confronted much earlier and by using a very old-fashioned method. This presentation is accompanied by vocabulary lists for advanced level university students with explanations concerning the content and justification for the 500-word lists: how they change over time in accordance with evolving styles of academic writing. There are also sample quizzes and methods to ensure that the words are “absorbed” over time. There is a discussion of other vocabulary acquisition methods and conclusions drawn from the drawbacks of such methods. The paper concludes with the rationale for beginning the study of “academic” vocabulary earlier than is generally acceptable.Keywords: academic vocabulary, old-fashioned methods, quizzes, vocabulary lists
Procedia PDF Downloads 12423836 Metaphors Investigation between President Xi Jinping of China and Trump of Us on the Corpus-Based Approach
Authors: Jie Zheng, Ruifeng Luo
The United States is the world’s most developed economy with the strongest military power. China is the fastest growing country with growing comprehensive strength and its economic strength is second only to the US. However, the conflict between them is getting serious in recent years. President’s address is the representative of a nation’s ideology. The paper has built up a small sized corpus of President Xi Jinping and Trump’s speech in Davos to investigate their respective use and types of metaphors and calculate the respective percentage of each type of metaphor. The result shows President Xi Jinping employs more metaphors than Trump. The metaphors of Xi includes “building” metaphor, “plant” metaphor, “journey” metaphor, “ship” metaphor, “traffic” metaphor, “nation is a person” metaphor, “show” metaphor, etc while Trump’s comprises “war” metaphor, “building” metaphor, “journey” metaphor, “traffic” metaphor, “tax” metaphor, “book” metaphor, etc. After investigating metaphor use differences, the paper makes an analysis of the underlying ideology between the two nations. China is willing to strengthen ties with all the countries all over the world and has built a platform of development for them and itself to go to the destination of social well being while the US pays much concern to itself, emphasizing its first leading position and is also willing to help its alliances to development. The paper’s comparison of the ideology difference between the two countries will help them get a better understanding and reduce the conflict to some extent.Keywords: metaphor; corpus; ideology; conflict
Procedia PDF Downloads 14923835 Lean Airport Infrastructure Development: A Sustainable Solution for Integration of Remote Regions
Authors: Joeri N. Aulman
In the remote Indian region of Gulbarga a case study of lean airport infrastructure development is getting ‘cast in stone’; In April the first turbo-props will land, and the optimized terminal building will process its first passengers, using minimal square meters in a facility that is based on a complete dress-down of the core operational processes. Yet the solution that resulted from this case study has such elegance in its simplicity that it has emboldened the local administration to invest in its construction and thus secure this remote region’s connectivity to India’s growth story. This paper aims to provide further background to the Gulbarga case study and its relevance to remote region connectivity, covering the demand that was identified, its practical application and its regulatory context and relevance for today’s airport manager and local administrators. This embodies the scope of the paper. In summary, the paper will give airport managers and regional authorities an overview and background to innovative case studies of lean airport infrastructure developments which combine both optimized CAPEX and running costs/OPEX without losing sight of the aspirational nature of up and coming remote regions; a truly sustainable model.Keywords: airport, CAPEX, lean, sustainable, air connectivity, remote regions
Procedia PDF Downloads 31123834 Re-Thinking Humanism as a Guiding Philosophy of Education: A Critical Reflection on Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions
Authors: Sisay Tamrat Ayalew
This paper explores the concept of humanism as a guiding philosophy in education, specifically focusing on Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions (EHEIs). It highlights the perceived lack of humanistic elements within the educational system and the resulting intellectual and moral decay among students. The aim of this study is to critically reflect on the essence of humanism and its relevance to Ethiopian higher education. By examining the philosophy and practice of humanism, the paper seeks to evaluate the existing state of EHEIs in relation to this educational approach. The methodology employed in this research is qualitative. The study relies primarily on literature review and analysis of policy documents to gain insights into the subject matter. A hermeneutic approach is utilized to interpret the realities observed in various contexts. The key finding of this paper is that Ethiopian higher education institutions lack humanistic elements in their educational practices. This deficiency contributes to the overall moral and intellectual decay among students. The study accentuates that humanism is not merely an optional extra but an essential tool for creating a clean academic environment and fostering the holistic development of students.Keywords: humanism, higher education, human dignity, intellectual decadence, moral sickness
Procedia PDF Downloads 7923833 Reactive Power Cost Evaluation with FACTS Devices in Restructured Power System
Authors: A. S. Walkey, N. P. Patidar
It is not always economical to provide reactive power using synchronous alternators. The cost of reactive power can be minimized by optimal placing of FACTS devices in power systems. In this paper a Particle Swarm Optimization- Sequential Quadratic Programming (PSO-SQP) algorithm is applied to minimize the cost of reactive power generation along with real power generation to alleviate the bus voltage violations. The effectiveness of proposed approach tested on IEEE-14 bus systems. In this paper in addition to synchronous generators, an opportunity of FACTS devices are also proposed to procure the reactive power demands in the power system.Keywords: reactive power, reactive power cost, voltage security margins, capability curve, FACTS devices
Procedia PDF Downloads 50723832 Methodology to Affirm Driver Engagement in Dynamic Driving Task (DDT) for a Level 2 Adas Feature
Authors: Praneeth Puvvula
Autonomy in has become increasingly common in modern automotive cars. There are 5 levels of autonomy as defined by SAE. This paper focuses on a SAE level 2 feature which, by definition, is able to control the vehicle longitudinally and laterally at the same time. The system keeps the vehicle centred with in the lane by detecting the lane boundaries while maintaining the vehicle speed. As with the features from SAE level 1 to level 3, the primary responsibility of dynamic driving task lies with the driver. This will need monitoring techniques to ensure the driver is always engaged even while the feature is active. This paper focuses on the these techniques, which would help the safe usage of the feature and provide appropriate warnings to the driver.Keywords: autonomous driving, safety, adas, automotive technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 8923831 School Choice and Institutional or Familial Habitus: Reciprocity in Parents-School Relationships
Authors: Fatemeh Yazdani
This paper explores the student intake policies in high-performing private schools in Iran by studying both sides involved in the school choice processes, parents and the school leaders. It is based on in-depth interviews with 27 parents and private schools’ staff and principals supplemented by ethnographic observation in two private schools in Tehran. From the Bourdieusian point of view, this paper argues that the school leadership engineers the composition of private schools’ students via different gatekeeping strategies, and these strategies represent and reconstruct the school’s institutional habitus. It further explores the ways that parents who look for quality education among non-state education providers deal with the school's institutional habitus based on their familial habitus and possessed economic, social, and cultural capital. The conclusion highlights that investigating school choice as a reciprocal process between family and school leadership can shed more light on the ways that an exclusive environment has been created in some high-performing private schools for certain class strata maintaining a distance that needs to be kept from ‘others.’ In a broader sense, this paper engages into an exploration of social inequality reproduction through private education.Keywords: institutional habitus, private education, school choice, social inequality, student intake
Procedia PDF Downloads 10823830 Australian Multiculturalism in Refugee Education
Authors: N. Coskun
Australia has received over 840,000 refugees since its establishment as a federation. Despite the long history of refugee intake, Australia appears to have prolonged problems in refugee education such as academic and social isolations of refugee background students (RBS), the discriminations towards RBS and the high number of RBS drop-outs. This paper examines the place of RBS in educational policies, which can help to identify the problems and set a foundation for solutions. This paper investigates the educational provisions for RBS in three stages. First, the paper identifies the needs of RBS through a comprehensive literature review, using the framework of Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model. Second, the study explores the place of these needs in Australian national and state educational policies which are informed by multiculturalism. The findings conclude that social, academic and psychological needs of RBS hardly find a place in multicultural educational policies. The students and their specific needs are mostly invisible and are placed under a general category of newly arrived immigrants who learn English as a second language. Third, the study explores the possible reasons for the overlook on RBS and their needs with examining the general socio-political context surrounding refugees in Australia. The overall findings suggest that Australian multiculturalism policy in education are inadequate to address RBS' social, academic and psychological needs due to the disadvantaging socio-political context where refugees are placed.Keywords: Australia, bio-ecological model, multiculturalism, refugee education
Procedia PDF Downloads 13323829 Citizen Participation in Smart Cities: Singapore and Tokyo
Authors: Thomas Benson
Smart cities have been heralded as multi-faceted entities which utilise information and communication technologies to enhance citizen participation. The purpose of this paper is to outline authoritative definitions of smart cities and citizen participation and investigate smart city citizen-centrism rhetoric by examining urban governance and citizen participation processes. Drawing on extant literature and official city government documents and websites, Singapore (Singapore) and Tokyo (Japan) are chosen as comparable smart city case studies. For the smart city to be truly realised, this paper concludes that smart cities must do more to incorporate genuine citizen participation mechanisms.Keywords: citizen participation, smart cities, urban governance, Singapore, Tokyo
Procedia PDF Downloads 15323828 An Analysis of Telugu Proverbs in the Light of Endangerment
The main goal of this paper is to reflect on the overwhelming, rich folklore of Telugu people through their proverbs, which are assumed to be in a state of endangerment. In order to prove the statement made that the proverbs in Telugu are endangered, we have to delve deeper. We hardly found two or three papers related to Telugu proverbs. So, though the process was weary of sorting out the different proverbs in Telugu, to translate them etc. we found it necessary to do a survey in the form of a questionnaire and draw conclusions so that we could address this issue to the readers. We began with a basic assumption that the older generation may have a wider knowledge of their folklore when compared to the younger generation. The results obtained are quite remarkable, which strengthened our assumptions. Statistical analysis was adopted for quantitative analysis. Through this paper, we hope to kindle cultural awareness among the youngsters regarding the use of one’s own mother tongue.Keywords: sociolinguistics, Telugu proverbs, folklore, endangerment
Procedia PDF Downloads 21223827 The Role of Business Process Management in Driving Digital Transformation: Insurance Company Case Study
Authors: Dalia Suša Vugec, Ana-Marija Stjepić, Darija Ivandić Vidović
Digital transformation is one of the latest trends on the global market. In order to maintain the competitive advantage and sustainability, increasing number of organizations are conducting digital transformation processes. Those organizations are changing their business processes and creating new business models with the help of digital technologies. In that sense, one should also observe the role of business process management (BPM) and its maturity in driving digital transformation. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to investigate the role of BPM in digital transformation process within one organization. Since experiences from practice show that organizations from financial sector could be observed as leaders in digital transformation, an insurance company has been selected to participate in the study. That company has been selected due to the high level of its BPM maturity and the fact that it has previously been through a digital transformation process. In order to fulfill the goals of the paper, several interviews, as well as questionnaires, have been conducted within the selected company. The results are presented in a form of a case study. Results indicate that digital transformation process within the observed company has been successful, with special focus on the development of digital strategy, BPM and change management. The role of BPM in the digital transformation of the observed company is further discussed in the paper.Keywords: business process management, case study, Croatia, digital transformation, insurance company
Procedia PDF Downloads 19523826 Contextual Paper on Green Finance: Analysis of the Green Bonds Market
Authors: Dina H. Gabr, Mona A. El Bannan
With growing worldwide concern for global warming, green finance has become the fuel that pushes the world to act in combating and mitigating climate change. Coupled with adopting the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Green finance became a vital tool in creating a pathway to sustainable development, as it connects the financial world with environmental and societal benefits. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the concepts and definitions of green finance and the importance of 'green' impact investments today. The core challenge in combating climate change is reducing and controlling Greenhouse gas emissions; therefore, this study explores the solutions green finance provides putting emphasis on the use of renewable energy, which is necessary for enhancing the transition to the green economy. With increasing attention to the concept of green finance, multiple forms of green investments and financial tools have come to fruition; the most prominent are green bonds. The rise of green bonds, a debt market to finance climate solutions, provide a promising mechanism for sustainable finance. Following the review, this paper compiles a comprehensive green bond dataset, presenting a statistical study of the evolution of the green bonds market from its first appearance in 2006 until 2021.Keywords: climate change, GHG emissions, green bonds, green finance, sustainable finance
Procedia PDF Downloads 12323825 Entrepreneurship as a Strategy for National Development and Attainment of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Authors: Udokporo Emeka Leonard
The thrust of this paper is to examine how entrepreneurship can assist in the attainment of the first goal among the MDGs – eradication of extreme poverty and hunger in Nigeria. The paper discusses how national development can be driven through employment creation and wealth generation that can lead to reduction in widespread poverty so as to attain one crucial target, in fewer years. The task before Nigeria is certainly a herculean one; it is, in fact a race against time. However, in view of the clear and present danger that the increasing rate of poverty portends for our democracy and our nation, is a race we must; for it is a time bomb on our hands. The paper has been structured into sections; with the introduction as section one. Section two discusses the concept of entrepreneurship; Section three examines the link between entrepreneurship and economic development, while section four examines the challenges facing entrepreneurship in Nigeria. In section five, measures and recommendations to boost entrepreneurship that can drive economic development that translates into poverty reduction and employment creation in Nigeria are suggested. This work is a literature review with some understanding of current trends and situations. It outlines some of the difficulties facing entrepreneurship in Nigeria as the operating environment, inadequate understanding and skewed incentive. It also makes recommendations on possible ways to significantly reduce poverty in 2015.Keywords: development, entrepreneur, Nigeria, poverty
Procedia PDF Downloads 29323824 Affinity between Sociology and Islamic Economy: An Inquiry into the Possibilities of Social Constructivism
Authors: Hideki Kitamura
Since Islamic banking has broadly started in the late 1970s, Islamic economy has been paid much attention by both academia and the business world. However, despite abundant studies, descriptive exploration of practices of Islamic economy from a sociological/anthropological perspective is underrepresented, and most are basically designed for evaluating current practice or proposing ideal types of Islamic economy in accordance with their religious conviction. Overall, their interest is not paid to actors of Islamic economy such as practitioner’s decision-making and thought, while sociological/anthropological studies on Muslim’s religious life can be observed well. Herein, the paper aims to look into the possibilities of sociology/anthropology for exploration of the role of actors of Islamic economy, by revisiting the benefit of sociological/anthropological studies on the religion of Islam and its adaptability to the research on Islamic economy. The paper suggests that practices of Islamic economy can be assumed as results of practitioner’s dilemma between Islamic ideals and market realities in each society, by applying the perspective of social constructivism. The paper then proposes focusing on the human agency of practitioners in translating Islamic principles into economic behavior, thereby enabling a more descriptive inquiry into how Islamic economy is produced and operated.Keywords: Islamic economy, economic sociology/anthropology, human agency, social constructivism
Procedia PDF Downloads 15923823 Classification of Equations of Motion
Authors: Amritpal Singh Nafria, Rohit Sharma, Md. Shami Ansari
Up to now only five different equations of motion can be derived from velocity time graph without needing to know the normal and frictional forces acting at the point of contact. In this paper we obtained all possible requisite conditions to be considering an equation as an equation of motion. After that we classified equations of motion by considering two equations as fundamental kinematical equations of motion and other three as additional kinematical equations of motion. After deriving these five equations of motion, we examine the easiest way of solving a wide variety of useful numerical problems. At the end of the paper, we discussed the importance and educational benefits of classification of equations of motion.Keywords: velocity-time graph, fundamental equations, additional equations, requisite conditions, importance and educational benefits
Procedia PDF Downloads 78723822 A Conceptual Analysis of Teams’ Climate Role in the Intrapreneurial Process
Authors: Georgia C. Kosta, Christos S. Nicolaidis
The present paper discusses the role of teams’ climate in the intrapreneurial process. Intrapreneurship, which corresponds for entrepreneurship in existing organizations, puts special emphasis on climate as an influential factor of the intrapreneurial behavior. Although climate exists at every level and in every subgroup of the organizational structure, research focuses mainly on the study of climate that characterizes organization as a whole. However, the climate of a work team may differ radically from the organizational climate, and in fact it can be far more influential. The paper provides a conceptual analysis of organizational climate from the intrapreneurial point of view, and sheds light upon teams’ climate role in the intrapreneurial posture.Keywords: entrepreneurship, innovation, intrapreneurship, organizational climate, teams’ climate
Procedia PDF Downloads 28323821 Robust Variogram Fitting Using Non-Linear Rank-Based Estimators
Authors: Hazem M. Al-Mofleh, John E. Daniels, Joseph W. McKean
In this paper numerous robust fitting procedures are considered in estimating spatial variograms. In spatial statistics, the conventional variogram fitting procedure (non-linear weighted least squares) suffers from the same outlier problem that has plagued this method from its inception. Even a 3-parameter model, like the variogram, can be adversely affected by a single outlier. This paper uses the Hogg-Type adaptive procedures to select an optimal score function for a rank-based estimator for these non-linear models. Numeric examples and simulation studies will demonstrate the robustness, utility, efficiency, and validity of these estimates.Keywords: asymptotic relative efficiency, non-linear rank-based, rank estimates, variogram
Procedia PDF Downloads 43223820 Cultural Entanglements in the Urban Fabric: A Case of Festivals in Old Dhaka and its Impacts
Authors: Khandoker Upama Kabir, Mohammad Fuhad Anwar Sinha
Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is known not only for its fast growing economy, lively atmosphere, rich history, and culture but is also known for having a reputation of being a vastly populated city. The historic city centre of Dhaka (currently known as Puran Dhaka or Old Dhaka) which was conceived around the Pre-Mughal era and holds a lot of history and heritage of the region. This historic site has further been neglected, and most of the urban development has been done without integrating this part of the city into the plans. As a result, the festivals that take place traditionally throughout the year in this area create a greater impact on the urban fabric of the whole city. These festivals generate a huge amount of visitors and play a huge role in shaping the identity of the people. This paper will attempt to look at the importance of these traditions, the way these festivals are influencing the urban life of the community, and whether or not it has any significant effect on the economy. Through the use of both primary and secondary sources and SWOT analysis, this paper will attempt to identify the issues faced during these festivals. This paper will also try to suggest some basic remedies based on general comparisons between case studies of similar festivals celebrated globally and how these countries are dealing with such issues while also promoting tourism.Keywords: urban fabric, festivals, cultural celebration, impact, historic city centre urban memory, mega events
Procedia PDF Downloads 15623819 A Feminist Historical Institutional Approach and Gender Participation in Queensland Politics
Authors: Liz van Acker, Linda Colley
Political processes are shaped by the gendered culture of parliaments. This paper examines how the institution of parliament has been affected by the changing number of women in politics. In order to understand how and why gender change occurs, the paper employs a feminist historical institutionalism approach. It argues that while it is difficult to change the gendered nature of political institutions, it is possible, from a gender perspective, to understand the processes of change both formally and informally. Increasing women’s representation has been a slow process which has not occurred without political struggles. A broadly defined ‘feminist historical institutionalism’ has critiqued existing approaches to institutions and combined historical institutional analysis with tools of gender to enhance our understanding of institutional processes and change. The paper examines the gendered rules, norms, and practices that influence institutional design choices and processes. Institutions such as Parliament often are able to adjust to women’s entry and absorb them without too much interruption. Exploring the hidden aspects to informal institutions involves identifying unspoken and accepted norms that may guide decision-making – exposing and questioning the gender status quo. This paper examines the representation of women in the Queensland Parliament, Australia. It places the Queensland experience in historical context, as well as in the national and international context. The study is interesting, given that its gender representation has rocketed from one of the worst performing states in 2012 to one of the best performing in 2015 with further improvements in 2017. The state currently has a re-elected female Premier, a female Deputy Premier and a female-dominated cabinet – in fact, Queensland was the first ministry in Australia to have a majority of women in its Cabinet. However, it is unnecessary to dig far below these headlines to see that this is uncharacteristic of its history: progress towards this current position has been slow and patchy. The paper finds that matters such as the glass ceiling and the use of quotas explain women’s recent success in Queensland politics.Keywords: feminist historical institutional approach, glass ceiling, quotas, women’s participation in politics
Procedia PDF Downloads 15123818 DSPIC30F6010A Control for 12/8 Switched Reluctance Motor
Authors: Yang Zhou, Chen Hao, Ma Xiaoping
This paper briefly mentions the micro controller unit, and then goes into details about the exact regulations for SRM. Firstly, it proposes the main driving state control for motor and the importance of the motor position sensor. For different speed, the controller will choice various styles such as voltage chopper control, angle position control and current chopper control for which owns its advantages and disadvantages. Combining the strengths of the three discrepant methods, the main control chip will intelligently select the best performing control depending on the load and speed demand. Then the exact flow diagram is showed in paper. At last, an experimental platform is established to verify the correctness of the proposed theory.Keywords: switched reluctance motor, dspic microcontroller, current chopper
Procedia PDF Downloads 42523817 Measuring of the Volume Ratio of Two Immiscible Liquids Using Electrical Impedance Tomography
Authors: Jiri Primas, Michal Malik, Darina Jasikova, Michal Kotek, Vaclav Kopecky
Authors of this paper discuss the measuring of volume ratio of two immiscible liquids in the homogenous mixture using the industrial Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) system ITS p2+. In the first part of the paper, the principle of EIT and the basic theory of conductivity of mixture of two components are stated. In the next part, the experiment with water and olive oil mixed with Rushton turbine is described, and the measured results are used to verify the theory. In the conclusion, the results are discussed in detail, and the accuracy of the measuring method and its advantages are also mentioned.Keywords: conductivity, electrical impedance tomography, homogenous mixture, mixing process
Procedia PDF Downloads 40323816 An Investigation into the Isolation and Bandwidth Characteristics of X-Band Chireix Power Amplifier Combiners
Authors: Daniel P. Clayton, Edward A. Ball
This paper describes an investigation into the isolation characteristics and bandwidth performance of RF combiners that are used as part of Chireix PA architectures, designed for use in the X-Band range of frequencies. Combiner designs investigated are the typical Chireix and Wilkinson configurations which also include simulation of the Wilkinson using manufacturer’s data for the isolation resistor. Another simulation was the less common approach of using a Branchline coupler to form the combiner, as well as simulation results from adding an additional stage. This paper presents the findings of this investigation and compares the bandwidth performance and isolation characteristics to determine suitability.Keywords: bandwidth, Chireix, couplers, outphasing, power amplifiers, Wilkinson, X-Band
Procedia PDF Downloads 25723815 Contested Visions of Exploration in IR: Theoretical Engagements, Reflections and New Agendas on the Dynamics of Global Order
Authors: Ananya Sharma
International Relations is a discipline of paradoxes. The State is the dominant political institution, with mainstream analysis theorizing the State, but theory remains at best a reactionary monolith. Critical Theorists have been pushing the envelope and to that extent, there has been a clear shift in the dominant discourse away from State-centrism to individuals and group-level behaviour. This paradigm shift has been accompanied with more nuanced conceptualizations of other variables at play–power, security, and trust, to name a few. Yet, the ambit of “what is discussed” remains primarily embedded in realist conceptualizations. With this background in mind, this paper will attempt to understand, juxtapose and evaluate how “order” has been conceptualized in International Relations theory. This paper is a tentative attempt to present a “state of the art” and in the process, set the stage for a deeper study to draw attention to what the author feels is a gaping lacuna in IR theory. The paper looks at how different branches of international relations theory envisage world order and the silences embedded therein. Further, by locating order and disorder inhabiting the same reality along a continuum, alternative readings of world orders are drawn from the critical theoretical traditions, in which various articulations of justice impart the key normative pillar to the world order.Keywords: global justice, international relations theory, legitimacy, world order
Procedia PDF Downloads 34723814 "Black Book": Dutch Prototype or Jewish Outsider
Authors: Eyal Boers
This paper shall demonstrate how films can offer a valuable and innovative approach to the study of images, stereotypes, and national identity. "Black Book" ("Zwartboek", 2006), a World War Two film directed by Paul Verhoeven, tells the story of Rachel Stein, a young Jewish woman who becomes a member of a resistance group in the Netherlands. The main hypothesis in this paper maintains that Rachel's character possesses both features of the Dutch prototype (a white, secular, sexual, freedom-loving individualist who seems "Dutch" enough to be accepted into a Dutch resistance group and even infiltrate the local Nazi headquarters) and features which can be defined as specifically Jewish (a black-haired victim persecuted by the Nazis, transforming herself into a gentile, while remaining loyal to her fellow Jews and ultimately immigrating to Israel and becoming a Hebrew teacher in a Kibbutz). Finally, this paper claims that Rachel's "Dutchness" is symptomatic of Dutch nostalgia in the 21st century for the Jews as "others" who blend into dominant Dutch culture, while Rachel's "Jewish Otherness" reflects a transnational identity – one that is always shifting and traverses cultural and national boundaries. In this sense, a film about Dutch Jews in the Second World War reflects on issues of identity in the 21st Century.Keywords: Dutch, film, stereotypes, identity
Procedia PDF Downloads 12823813 The Dynamic Metadata Schema in Neutron and Photon Communities: A Case Study of X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
Authors: Amir Tosson, Mohammad Reza, Christian Gutt
Metadata stands at the forefront of advancing data management practices within research communities, with particular significance in the realms of neutron and photon scattering. This paper introduces a groundbreaking approach—dynamic metadata schema—within the context of X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS). XPCS, a potent technique unravelling nanoscale dynamic processes, serves as an illustrative use case to demonstrate how dynamic metadata can revolutionize data acquisition, sharing, and analysis workflows. This paper explores the challenges encountered by the neutron and photon communities in navigating intricate data landscapes and highlights the prowess of dynamic metadata in addressing these hurdles. Our proposed approach empowers researchers to tailor metadata definitions to the evolving demands of experiments, thereby facilitating streamlined data integration, traceability, and collaborative exploration. Through tangible examples from the XPCS domain, we showcase how embracing dynamic metadata standards bestows advantages, enhancing data reproducibility, interoperability, and the diffusion of knowledge. Ultimately, this paper underscores the transformative potential of dynamic metadata, heralding a paradigm shift in data management within the neutron and photon research communities.Keywords: metadata, FAIR, data analysis, XPCS, IoT
Procedia PDF Downloads 6423812 Curricular Reforms for Inclusive Education: Equalization of Opportunities for the Physically Challenged Persons
Authors: Ede Jairus Adagba
The National Policy on Education has made elaborate and fascinating provisions for the education of the people with Special Needs. This category of people includes the physically challenged, the disadvantaged, the gifted and talented. However, the focus of this paper is people that are physically challenged. The paper reasons that in spite of the commendable provisions, the present curricular and learning conditions are not conducive enough to cater for the interest of the physically challenged persons. As a panacea, some curricular and physical condition reforms are proposed. These are hoped to facilitate access to inclusive education and equalization for opportunities of the physically challenged.Keywords: curricular reforms, equalization, inclusive education, physically challenged persons
Procedia PDF Downloads 307