Search results for: sense relations
1724 Authoring Tactile Gestures: Case Study for Emotion Stimulation
Authors: Rodrigo Lentini, Beatrice Ionascu, Friederike A. Eyssel, Scandar Copti, Mohamad Eid
The haptic modality has brought a new dimension to human computer interaction by engaging the human sense of touch. However, designing appropriate haptic stimuli, and in particular tactile stimuli, for various applications is still challenging. To tackle this issue, we present an intuitive system that facilitates the authoring of tactile gestures for various applications. The system transforms a hand gesture into a tactile gesture that can be rendering using a home-made haptic jacket. A case study is presented to demonstrate the ability of the system to develop tactile gestures that are recognizable by human subjects. Four tactile gestures are identified and tested to intensify the following four emotional responses: high valence – high arousal, high valence – low arousal, low valence – high arousal, and low valence – low arousal. A usability study with 20 participants demonstrated high correlation between the selected tactile gestures and the intended emotional reaction. Results from this study can be used in a wide spectrum of applications ranging from gaming to interpersonal communication and multimodal simulations.Keywords: tactile stimulation, tactile gesture, emotion reactions, arousal, valence
Procedia PDF Downloads 3711723 Investigation of Thickness Dependent Optical Properties of Bi₂Sb(₃-ₓ):Te ₓ (where x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) Thin Films
Authors: Reena Panchal, Maunik Jani, S. M. Vyas, G. R. Pandya
Group V-VI compounds have a narrow bandgap, which makes them useful in many electronic devices. In bulk form, BiSbTe alloys are semi-metals or semi-conductors. They are used in thermoelectric and thermomagnetic devices, fabrication of ionizing, radiation detectors, LEDs, solid-state electrodes, photosensitive heterostructures, solar cells, ionic batteries, etc. Thin films of Bi₂Sb(₃-ₓ):Tex (where x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3) of various thicknesses were grown by the thermal evaporation technique on a glass substrate at room temperature under a pressure of 10-₄ mbar for different time periods such as 10s, 15s, and 20s. The thickness of these thin films was also obtained by using the swaneopeol envelop method and compared those values with instrumental values. The optical absorption (%) data of thin films was measured in the wave number range of 650 cm-¹ to 4000 cm-¹. The band gap has been evaluated from these optical absorption data, and the results indicate that absorption occurred by a direct interband transition. It was discovered that when thickness decreased, the band gap increased; this dependency was inversely related to the square of thickness, which is explained by the quantum size effect. Using the values of bandgap, found the values of optical electronegativity (∆χ) and optical refractive index (η) using various relations.Keywords: thin films, band gap, film thickness, optical study, size effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 211722 Sales-Based Dynamic Investment and Leverage Decisions: A Longitudinal Study
Authors: Rihab Belguith, Fathi Abid
The paper develops a system-based approach to investigate the dynamic adjustment of debt structure and investment policies of the Dow-Jones index. This approach enables the assessment of relations among sales, debt, and investment opportunities by considering the simultaneous effect of the market environmental change and future growth opportunities. We integrate the firm-specific sales variance to capture the industries' conditions in the model. Empirical results were obtained through a panel data set of firms with different sectors. The analysis support that environmental change does not affect equally the different industry since operating leverage differs among industries and so the sensitivity to sales variance. Including adjusted-specific variance, we find that there is no monotonic relation between leverage, sales, and investment. The firm may choose a low debt level in response to high sales variance but high leverage to attenuate the negative relation between sales variance and the current level of investment. We further find that while the overall effect of debt maturity on leverage is unaffected by the level of growth opportunities, the shorter the maturity of debt is, the smaller the direct effect of sales variance on investment.Keywords: dynamic panel, investment, leverage decision, sales uncertainty
Procedia PDF Downloads 2431721 Problems and Prospects of an Intelligent Investment in Kazakh Society
Authors: Sultanbayeva Gulmira Serikbayevna, Golovchun Aleftina Anatolyevna
The development of any nation is directly related to the development of human capital in it. A human development is an increase its intellectual potential, its compliance with the requirements of time, present and future society. Demands of globalization cannot limit the processes of national traditions. The education system must be formed on the basis of international practice of cultural development. In Kazakhstan, where modernization changes are rapidly developing, the education system should be formed in two ways: first, on a national basis, and secondly, based on global best practices. There is the need to recognize and promote the importance of education as a value. The world community considers the problem of spiritual values. Along with individual values, spiritual values are also universal values. Formation of values such as the presence in young people a sense of respect for their homeland, social responsibility, respect the culture and traditions of its people is the most important task than the possession of material goods. When forming the intellectual nation, values in the field of education and science become investments for the development of the society, as well as education and science today transformed into the most important capital.Keywords: human capital, humanitarian technology, intangible assets, intelligent nation, society of knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 3201720 Inclusion of Students with Disabilities (SWD) in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): Self-Advocacy and Engagement as Central
Authors: Tadesse Abera
This study aimed to investigate the contribution of self-advocacy and engagement in the inclusion of SWDs in HEIs. A convergent parallel mixed methods design was employed. This article reports the quantitative strand. A total of 246 SWDs were selected through stratified proportionate random sampling technique from five public HEIs in Ethiopia. Data were collected through Self-advocacy questionnaire, student engagement scale, and college student experience questionnaire and analyzed through frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, correlation, one sample t-test and multiple regression. Both self-advocacy and engagement were found to have a predictive power on inclusion of respondents in the HEIs, where engagement was found to be more predictor. From the components of self-advocacy, knowledge of self and leadership and from engagement dimensions sense of belonging, cognitive, and valuing in their respective orders were found to have a stronger predictive power on the inclusion of respondents in the institutions. Based on the findings it was concluded that, if students with disabilities work hard to be self-determined, strive for realizing social justice, exert quality effort and seek active involvement, their inclusion in the institutions would be ensured.Keywords: self-advocacy, engagement, inclusion, students with disabilities, higher education institution
Procedia PDF Downloads 781719 Impact of Belongingness, Relational Communication, Religiosity and Screen Time of College Student Levels of Anxiety
Authors: Cherri Kelly Seese, Renee Bourdeaux, Sarah Drivdahl
Emergent adults in the United States are currently experiencing high levels of anxiety. It is imperative to uncover insulating factors which mitigate the impact of anxiety. This study aims to explore how constructs such as belongingness, relational communication, screen time and religiosity impact anxiety levels of emerging adults. Approximately 250 college students from a small, private university on the West Coast were given an online assessment that included: the General Belongingness Scale, Relational Communication Scale, Duke University Religion Index (DUREL), a survey of screen time, and the Beck Anxiety Inventory. A MANOVA statistical test was conducted by assessing the effects of multiple dependent variables (scores on GBS, RCS, self-reported screen time and DUREL) on the four different levels of anxiety as measured on the BAI (minimal = 1, mild =2, moderate = 3, or severe = 4). Results indicated a significant relationship between one’s sense of belonging and one’s reported level of anxiety. These findings have implications for systems, like universities, churches, and corporations that want to improve young adults’ level of anxiety.Keywords: anxiety, belongingness, relational communication, religiosity, screen time
Procedia PDF Downloads 1751718 Classical Myths in Modern Drama: A Study of the Vision of Jean Anouilh in Antigone
Authors: Azza Taha Zaki
Modern drama was characterised by realism and naturalism as dominant literary movements that focused on contemporary people and their issues to reflect the status of modern man and his environment. However, some modern dramatists have often fallen on classical mythology in ancient Greek tragedies to create a sense of the universality of the human experience. The tragic overtones of classical myths have helped modern dramatists in their attempts to create an enduring piece by evoking the majestic grandeur of the ancient myths and the heroic struggle of man against forces he cannot fight. Myths have continued to appeal to modern playwrights not only for the plot and narrative material but also for the vision and insight into the human experience and human condition. This paper intends to study how the reworking of Sophocles’ Antigone by Jean Anouilh in his Antigone, written in 1942 at the height of the Second World War and during the German occupation of his country, France, fits his own purpose and his own time. The paper will also offer an analysis of the vision in both plays to show how Anouilh has used the classical Antigone freely to produce a modern vision of the dilemma of man when faced by personal and national conflicts.Keywords: Anouilh, Antigone, drama, Greek tragedy, modern, myth, sophocles
Procedia PDF Downloads 1831717 Non-Invasive Imaging of Tissue Using Near Infrared Radiations
Authors: Ashwani Kumar Aggarwal
NIR Light is non-ionizing and can pass easily through living tissues such as breast without any harmful effects. Therefore, use of NIR light for imaging the biological tissue and to quantify its optical properties is a good choice over other invasive methods. Optical tomography involves two steps. One is the forward problem and the other is the reconstruction problem. The forward problem consists of finding the measurements of transmitted light through the tissue from source to detector, given the spatial distribution of absorption and scattering properties. The second step is the reconstruction problem. In X-ray tomography, there is standard method for reconstruction called filtered back projection method or the algebraic reconstruction methods. But this method cannot be applied as such, in optical tomography due to highly scattering nature of biological tissue. A hybrid algorithm for reconstruction has been implemented in this work which takes into account the highly scattered path taken by photons while back projecting the forward data obtained during Monte Carlo simulation. The reconstructed image suffers from blurring due to point spread function. This blurred reconstructed image has been enhanced using a digital filter which is optimal in mean square sense.Keywords: least-squares optimization, filtering, tomography, laser interaction, light scattering
Procedia PDF Downloads 3161716 International Conference on Comparative Religion and Mythology
Authors: Mara Varelaki
In response to the challenge of the environmental crisis the discipline of environmental ethics examines the relation of human beings towards the environment and the value of the non-human constituents of the surrounding world. In the face of this crisis, assumptions regarding human and nature relations ought to be traced and reexamined because they can cause difficulties in diagnosing problematic attitudes towards the environment and non-human animals. This paper presents the claims that European and the Judea-Christian cosmogonic myths place the human figure in the core of the creation of the cosmos, thus verifying a hierarchical structure where humans occupy the top, and they establish a perception of nature as a non-human other. By doing so, these narratives provide some justification to the notion of the human-nature dichotomy and the human domination over other life forms and ecosystems. These anthropocentric assumptions evolved into what Hilde Lindemann terms master narratives and their influence extents to ecocentric ethical theories which attempt, and often fail, to shed the anthropocentrism of the western ethical tradition. The goal of this paper is (1) to trace the anthropocentric assumptions embedded in western thought and (2) articulate how they maintain their grip on our contemporary understanding of the human relation to and position within the environment, thus showing the need for a method of detecting and bracketing anthropocentric assumptions in social narratives and ethical frameworks.Keywords: cosmogonies, anthropocentrism, human/nature dichotomy, master narratives, ecocentrism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1081715 Promoting Stem Education and a Cosmic Perspective by Using 21st Century Science of Learning
Authors: Rohan Roberts
The purpose of this project was to collaborate with a group of high-functioning, more-able students (aged 15-18) to promote STEM Education and a love for science by bringing a cosmic perspective into the classroom and high school environment. This was done using 21st century science of learning, a focus on the latest research on Neuroeducation, and modern pedagogical methods based on Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences, Bill Lucas’ theory of New Smarts, and Sir Ken Robinson’s recommendations on encouraging creativity. The result was an increased sense of passion, excitement, and wonder about science in general, and about the marvels of space and the universe in particular. In addition to numerous unique and innovative science-based initiatives, clubs, workshops, and science trips, this project also saw a marked rise in student-teacher collaboration in science learning and in student engagement with the general public through the press, social media, and community-based initiatives. This paper also outlines the practical impact that bringing a cosmic perspective into the classroom has had on the lives, interests, and future career prospects of the students involved in this endeavour.Keywords: cosmic perspective, gifted and talented, neuro-education, STEM education
Procedia PDF Downloads 3351714 Visible Expression of Social Identity: The Clothing and Fashion
Authors: Nihan Akdemir
Clothes are more than a piece of fabric, and the most visible material item of the fashion symbol is the garment, which carries multiple and various meanings. The dynamism of the clothing symbol can carry open or closed codes depending on culture, gender, and social location. And each one can be the expression of social identity over ethnicity, religious beliefs, age, education and social class. Through observation of clothing styles over these items, the assumptions could be made about a person’s identity. A distinctive and typical style, form or character of the clothing such as ‘zoot suits’, ‘ao dai’, removes the garment from functional and ordinary element to the symbolic area. Clothing is an 'identification' tool that functions in determining the symbolic boundaries between people in a sense. And this paper includes the investigation of the relation between social identity and clothing and also fashion. And this relationship has been taken into consideration over the visual expression because even during the ancient times, the clothes were the basic and simple way of representing the identity and social classes. The visible expression of identity over clothing from Ancient Egypt to today’s clothing and fashion has been researched in this article. And all these items have been explained with visual images and supported by the literature investigations. Then the results have shown that every piece of clothing from fabric to coloring have visual significations about social identity.Keywords: social identity, clothing, fashion, visual expression, visual signification
Procedia PDF Downloads 6201713 One-Shot Text Classification with Multilingual-BERT
Authors: Hsin-Yang Wang, K. M. A. Salam, Ying-Jia Lin, Daniel Tan, Tzu-Hsuan Chou, Hung-Yu Kao
Detecting user intent from natural language expression has a wide variety of use cases in different natural language processing applications. Recently few-shot training has a spike of usage on commercial domains. Due to the lack of significant sample features, the downstream task performance has been limited or leads to an unstable result across different domains. As a state-of-the-art method, the pre-trained BERT model gathering the sentence-level information from a large text corpus shows improvement on several NLP benchmarks. In this research, we are proposing a method to change multi-class classification tasks into binary classification tasks, then use the confidence score to rank the results. As a language model, BERT performs well on sequence data. In our experiment, we change the objective from predicting labels into finding the relations between words in sequence data. Our proposed method achieved 71.0% accuracy in the internal intent detection dataset and 63.9% accuracy in the HuffPost dataset. Acknowledgment: This work was supported by NCKU-B109-K003, which is the collaboration between National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, and SoftBank Corp., Tokyo.Keywords: OSML, BERT, text classification, one shot
Procedia PDF Downloads 1011712 Lease Contract: Concept and Types, Comparative Legal Analysis Between Bulgarian Legislation and European Countries
Authors: Veselin Konstantinov Hristov
In recent years, the lease contract has become more and more applicable and occupies a key place in commercial relations and business. In Bulgaria, the legal regulation of the leasing contract is relatively new and imperfectly developed. There are many legal loopholes and it is they that determine the need for a comparative legal analysis. The purpose of the study is to analyze the various European legislations regarding the leasing contract and to find effective solutions for the legal system of Bulgaria. First of all, are examined the concept of the leasing contract, which originated in the United States of America around the 1950s and spread in Europe, and the etymology of the term "leasing". After that, the main types of lease contracts – financial and operational – are examined and analyzed in detail. Their features and characteristics were studied, as well as a comparative analysis was made between them. Next, in the research, a comparative-legal analysis of the leasing contract in different European countries was made in terms of its development and distribution, as well as its legal characteristics. The mechanism of action and functioning of the leasing contract in several European countries is analyzed. Conclusions are made regarding the legal framework under which the lease contract is most effective. Types of leasing contracts specific only to certain European countries and their advantages are examined. In conclusion, recommendations are made to improve the legal framework of the leasing contract in Bulgaria.Keywords: alternative financing, leasing contract, financing instruments, innovation
Procedia PDF Downloads 841711 A Soft System Approach to Explore Ill-Defined Issues in Distance Education System - A Case of Saudi Arabia
Authors: Sulafah Basahel
Nowadays, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) around the world are attempting to utilize Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance learning process and strategies of knowledge delivery for students through Distance Education (DE) system. Stakeholders in DE system face a complex situation of different ill-defined and related issues that influence decision making process. In this study system thinking as a body of knowledge is used to explore the emergent properties that produced from these connections between issues and could have either positive or negative outcomes for the DE development. Checkland Soft System Methodology (SSM) - Mode 2 is employed in a cultural context of Saudi Arabia for more knowledge acquisition purposes among multiple stakeholders in DE rather than solving problems to achieve an overall development of DE system. This paper will discuss some political, cultural issues and connections between them that impact on effectiveness of stakeholders’ activities and relations. This study will significantly contribute to both system thinking and education fields by leading decision makers in DE to reconsider future plans, strategies and right actions for more successful educational practices.Keywords: distance education, higher education institutions, ill-defined issues, soft system methodology-Mode 2
Procedia PDF Downloads 2701710 Analysis of Entrepreneurship in Industrial Cluster
Authors: Wen-Hsiang Lai
Except for the internal aspects of entrepreneurship (i.e. motivation, opportunity perspective and alertness), there are external aspects that affecting entrepreneurship (i.e. the industrial cluster). By comparing the machinery companies located inside and outside the industrial district, this study aims to explore the cluster effects on the entrepreneurship of companies in Taiwan machinery clusters (TMC). In this study, three factors affecting the entrepreneurship in TMC are conducted as “competition”, “embedded-ness” and “specialized knowledge”. The “competition” in the industrial cluster is defined as the competitive advantages that companies gain in form of demand effects and diversified strategies; the “embedded-ness” refers to the quality of company relations (relational embedded-ness) and ranges (structural embedded-ness) with the industry components (universities, customers and complementary) that affecting knowledge transfer and knowledge generations; the “specialized knowledge” shares the internal knowledge within industrial clusters. This study finds that when comparing to the companies which are outside the cluster, the industrial cluster has positive influence on the entrepreneurship. Additionally, the factor of “relational embedded-ness” has significant impact on the entrepreneurship and affects the adaptation ability of companies in TMC. Finally, the factor of “competition” reveals partial influence on the entrepreneurship.Keywords: entrepreneurship, industrial cluster, industrial district, economies of agglomerations, Taiwan Machinery Cluster (TMC)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3881709 Discursively Examination of 8th Grade Students’ Geometric Thinking Levels
Authors: Ferdağ Çulhan, Emine Gaye Çontay
Geometric thinking levels created by Van Hiele are used to determine students' progress in geometric thinking. Many studies have been conducted on geometric thinking levels and they have taken their place in teaching curricula over time. It is thought that geometric thinking levels, which have become so important in teaching, can be examined in depth. In order to make an in-depth analysis, it was decided that the most appropriate management was discourse analysis. In this study, the focus is on examining the geometric thinking levels of 8th grade students from a discursive point of view. Sfard (2008)'s "Commognitive" theory will be used to conduct discursive analysis. The "Global Van Hiele Questionnaire" created by Patkin (2014) and translated into Turkish for this research will be used in the research. The "Global Van Hiele Questionnaire" contains questions from the sub-learning domain of triangles and quadrilaterals, circles and geometric objects. It has a wider scope than many "Van Hiele Questionnaires". “Global Van Hiele Questionnaire” will be applied to 8th grade students. Then, the geometric thinking levels of the students will be determined and interviews will be held with two students from each of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels. The interviews will be recorded and the students' discourses will be examined. By evaluating the relations between the students' geometric thinking levels and their discourses, it will be examined how much their discourse reflects their level of thinking. In this way, it is thought that students' geometric thinking processes can be better understood.Keywords: mathematical discourses, commognitive framework, geometric thinking levels, van hiele
Procedia PDF Downloads 1311708 Of Rites of Narration and Representation of Orient and Occident in Thomas Heywood's Fair Maid of the West
Authors: Tarik Bouguerba
Thomas Heywood was an outstanding, prolific playwright of the period, writing both in prose and verse. Unlike Shakespeare in particular, Heywood could be considered as a playwright who was well informed about Morocco and wrote in greater detail about a possible dialogue among cultures. As it is a historical platform for power relations, The Fair Maid of the West recalled the heroism and excitement of English counterattacks against Spain in the Post-Armada period. This paper therefore pins down the acts of narration and representation of Morocco and Moroccans and examines how the Occident has contributed to the production of the Orient and finally attests to the metamorphosis the plot undergoes in Part I and Part II. As an adventure play, The Fair Maid of the West teaches about, informs of and confirms the existing patterns of virtue in European voyagers and at the same time it asserts how honor and chastity are European par excellence whereas villainy and wickedness are Oriental assets. Once taken captive, these virtues and traits are put into task as the plot disentangles. This paper also examines how the play in both parts generates a whole history of stereotypes about Morocco and unexpectedly subverts this stereotype; such a biased mode of narration of the Orient the playwright took up at first was played down at a later phase in the narrative.Keywords: Heywood, Occident, Orientalism, Stereotype, Virtue
Procedia PDF Downloads 1421707 Multi-Generational Analysis of Perception and Acceptance of Mental Illnesses: Current Indian Context
Authors: Anvi Kumar
This paper explores the attitudes and awareness of multiple generations ranging from Boomers I to GenZ (i.e. from 1954 to 2012) towards mental health issues. A convenient sample of 191 people was gathered in India aged 11-77. 20 people each were considered from 5 generational cohorts, namely- Boomers I, Boomers II, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. The study tool comprised a survey that included demographic questions and the Community Attitude towards Mental Illness (CAMI) scale by Taylor & Dear (1981). Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, and Bonferonni’s post-hoc analysis have been used to perform the analysis. The findings reveal that the level of kindness towards those who struggle with mental health varies through certain age groups. An overall sense of exclusion of those struggling with mental health is prevalent among all age groups. GenZ’s awareness of mental health issues is primarily via social media, as against the rest of the generations seeking it from close relatives and friends. The study’s findings suggest a need to investigate further the quality of mental health knowledge content and its consumption pattern. Understanding the dynamics of information sharing and the potential for biases requires further discovery.Keywords: attitude, behaviour, mental illness, Gen Z, millennials, Gen Y, multi-generations, generational differences
Procedia PDF Downloads 771706 Comparison of Irradiance Decomposition and Energy Production Methods in a Solar Photovoltaic System
Authors: Tisciane Perpetuo e Oliveira, Dante Inga Narvaez, Marcelo Gradella Villalva
Installations of solar photovoltaic systems have increased considerably in the last decade. Therefore, it has been noticed that monitoring of meteorological data (solar irradiance, air temperature, wind velocity, etc.) is important to predict the potential of a given geographical area in solar energy production. In this sense, the present work compares two computational tools that are capable of estimating the energy generation of a photovoltaic system through correlation analyzes of solar radiation data: PVsyst software and an algorithm based on the PVlib package implemented in MATLAB. In order to achieve the objective, it was necessary to obtain solar radiation data (measured and from a solarimetric database), analyze the decomposition of global solar irradiance in direct normal and horizontal diffuse components, as well as analyze the modeling of the devices of a photovoltaic system (solar modules and inverters) for energy production calculations. Simulated results were compared with experimental data in order to evaluate the performance of the studied methods. Errors in estimation of energy production were less than 30% for the MATLAB algorithm and less than 20% for the PVsyst software.Keywords: energy production, meteorological data, irradiance decomposition, solar photovoltaic system
Procedia PDF Downloads 1431705 Minimum Vertices Dominating Set Algorithm for Secret Sharing Scheme
Authors: N. M. G. Al-Saidi, K. A. Kadhim, N. A. Rajab
Over the past decades, computer networks and data communication system has been developing fast, so, the necessity to protect a transmitted data is a challenging issue, and data security becomes a serious problem nowadays. A secret sharing scheme is a method which allows a master key to be distributed among a finite set of participants, in such a way that only certain authorized subsets of participants to reconstruct the original master key. To create a secret sharing scheme, many mathematical structures have been used; the most widely used structure is the one that is based on graph theory (graph access structure). Subsequently, many researchers tried to find efficient schemes based on graph access structures. In this paper, we propose a novel efficient construction of a perfect secret sharing scheme for uniform access structure. The dominating set of vertices in a regular graph is used for this construction in the following way; each vertex represents a participant and each minimum independent dominating subset represents a minimal qualified subset. Some relations between dominating set, graph order and regularity are achieved, and can be used to demonstrate the possibility of using dominating set to construct a secret sharing scheme. The information rate that is used as a measure for the efficiency of such systems is calculated to show that the proposed method has some improved values.Keywords: secret sharing scheme, dominating set, information rate, access structure, rank
Procedia PDF Downloads 3941704 Horticulture Therapy: A Healing Tool for Combating Depression
Authors: Eric Spruth, Lindsey Herbert, Danielle DiCristofano, Isis Violet Spruth, Drake Von Spruth
Turning dreams into reality, the lifelong passion of Mr. Spruth and the company is to transform garbage-filled courtyards into flourishing flower and vegetable gardens, bringing light, hope, and wellness to not just the space but to the populations served within these public and private spaces. As an Expressive Art Therapist at Cook County Jail, Eric Spruth has implemented gardening projects, mobile radish carts, plant fostering systems, and large-scale murals. Lindsey Herbert, the Manager of Operations and Events at the International Museum of Surgical Science, supports gardening projects with Mr. Spruth along the front lawn of the museum, which will eventually accumulate into a community wellness garden. Mr. Spruth and Ms. Herbert both have dedicated efforts towards fostering awareness of hope and help and accountability for physical and mental wellbeing. Medicinal plants can rightfully be called one of nature’s wonderful healing tools with therapeutic powers. They can inhibit and kill bacteria, lower blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugar, prevent blood clotting, boost the immune system, and serve as a digestive aid. Some plants have the ability to stimulate the lymphatic system, which expedites the removal of waste products from the body to fight off evil toxins. Many plants are considered effective antioxidants to protect cells against free radical damage, serving to prevent some forms of cancer, heart disease, strokes, and viral infections. Garlic alone can provide us with over two hundred unusual chemicals that have the capability of protecting the human body from a wide variety of diseases. Besides the medicinal qualities of plants, plant and vegetable gardens also have an echoing effect on non-participants to look at something beautiful rather than a concrete courtyard or an unkempt lawn in front of a beautiful building. Plants also purify spaces and affect mood with color therapy. Collective gardening can foster a sense of community and purpose. Additionally, by recognizing the ever-evolving planet with global warming, horticulture therapy teaches important lessons in responsibility, accountability, and sustainability. Growing local food provides an opportunity to be involved in your own mental and physical health and gives you a chance for your own self-resilience, combating depression and a lack of nutrition. In adolescents, the process of watering and caring for plants can teach important life lessons that transcend beyond the garden by providing knowledge on how to care for yourself and how to be an active member of society. It also gives a sense of purpose and pride in transforming a small seed into a plant that can be consumed or enjoyed by others. Mr. Spruth and Ms. Herbert recognize the importance of bringing more green spaces to urban areas, both to serve a nutritional benefit and provide a beautiful transformation to underutilized areas. Gardens can bring beauty, wellness, and hope to dark spaces and provide immeasurable benefits for all.Keywords: growth, hope, mental health, sustainability, transformation, wellness
Procedia PDF Downloads 941703 Reconstruction and Renewal of Traditional Houses and its Impact on Tourism Development in Rasht
Authors: Parvaneh Ziviyar, Simin Armaghan
Traditional house in Rasht contains monuments and heritage of ancestors who once lived in these houses. These houses represent the customs, culture and lifestyle of the people of Rasht and bridge the gap between modern people and their past that is being forgotten. Maintenance of the buildings and architectural heritage together with their unique architecture and climatic related construction has an important role in tourism attraction and sustainable development. The purpose of this study was to develop a new definition of vacation shacks that is different with the definition of Cultural Heritage Organization. The place to stay and visit that is rebuilt or renovated based on traditional architectural style of Rasht and yet provides modern amenities so that it would not undermine indigenous traditional sense of the house. Data collection for this study is based on review of literature and field study. Results and the statistics of this study will prove that the research hypothesis is supported and there is a correlation between traditional houses of Rasht, as tourism–accommodation place and tourist attraction. It also indicates the capability and potential of these ancient monuments in the introduction of the culture of this land, and calling people and many tourists come to visit and stay in such places.Keywords: architecture, traditional houses, vacation shacks, tourism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2731702 Gamification in Onboarding: Revolutionizing Employee Integration Through Serious Games
Authors: Maciej Zareba, Pawel Dawid
The integration of serious games into the onboarding process is radically changing the way organizations seek to engage and retain new employees, especially in digital generations such as Millennials (Generation Y) and Generation Z. Serious gamification uses game design elements - such as points, leaderboards and progress indicators - to create interactive, goal-oriented and engaging experiences that facilitate smoother transitions to new roles and acceptance of organizational cultures. The use of serious games in onboarding reduces the stress of starting a new job while accelerating the learning curve through mechanisms that reward achievements, such as completing milestones, connecting with other team members or learning about company values. These tools promote immediate recognition and a sense of belonging to the team and organization, thereby significantly increasing retention and engagement rates. The article also outlines the benefits of using serious games in the onboarding process. It focuses on increasing employee motivation, accelerating learning about the organization and increasing engagement in the long term. In addition, the paper outlines the potential of using a serious game - 4FactoryManager - in the onboarding process. The article provides useful information for HR professionals who are looking for innovative ways to recruit, onboard and keep the best employees in a changing labor market.Keywords: HR, oboarding, digital generation, serious games
Procedia PDF Downloads 51701 True Religious Piety and Its Social Implications an Analysis of Calvin’s Thought
Authors: Philip Tachin
Despite the positive contributions that religion has impacted human society, religious discrimination and violence also have been growing globally with extreme negative effects on human life and social relationships. Believers in religious extremism are motivated by a sense of exhibiting true religious piety in which case they do not only withhold their practical benevolence from those who do not belong to their faith but they even seek the elimination of other adherents from human existence. This phenomenon has a very high magnitude in Nigeria over the years, which deserves more research for the purpose of finding sustainable solutions to the problem. Calvin believed that true religious piety must, among other things, be categorized in personal and corporate positive social actions that esteem human needs irrespective of ethnic, ideological and belief differences. It is therefore appropriate to pose the following questions: Should true religious piety be seen in terms of how the actions of adherents positively impact human society? Could Calvin’s idea on this issue be very significant and helpful in the context of the Nigerian situation? In answering these questions, this research will limit its investigation to Calvin’s Institutes and some of his Commentaries. The goal of this research is to offer an instructive orientation to the readers that will help in building a more tolerable, peaceful, and a free and virtuous society.Keywords: Calvin, human good, religious piety, virtuous society
Procedia PDF Downloads 2831700 Coping for Academic Women Departmental Heads during COVID-19: A Capabilities Approach Perspective
Authors: Juliet Ramohai
This paper explores how women departmental heads in higher education experience leadership in a time of the COVID-19 crises. The focus is mostly on their care and coping as they work in virtual spaces. Most scholars have looked at the effects and challenges that different employees face while working from home during a lockdown. However, very few take a dedicated focus on women in leadership and the coping mechanisms and resources that they use for effective leadership during this difficult time. The paper draws on two aspects of Sen’s Capabilities approach, functionings, and agency, to cast a closer understanding of the institutional and individual coping mechanisms that might be at these women's disposal. The qualitative approach used for this paper and a feminist lens provides a critical and in-depth understanding of the real-life stories of the women and how they make sense of their virtual leadership. Data for this paper was collected through semi-structured interviews with 10 women in the positions of head of departments and analysed thematically using capabilities approach concepts as an analytical tool. The findings in this paper indicate that functionings and freedoms are tightly linked to institutional ethnographies. These ethnographies might support or hamper coping for women leaders, especially during times of crisis.Keywords: capability approach, women leaders, higher education, COVID-19
Procedia PDF Downloads 1871699 Absent Theaters: A Virtual Reconstruction from Memories
Authors: P. Castillo Muñoz, A. Lara Ramírez
Absent Theaters is a project that virtually reconstructs three theaters that existed in the twentieth century, demolished in the city of Medellin, Colombia: Circo España, Bolívar, and Junín. Virtual reconstruction is used as an excuse to talk with those who lived in their childhood and youth cultural spaces that formed a whole generation. Around 100 people who witnessed these theaters were interviewed. The means used to perform the oral history work was the virtual reconstruction of the interior of the theaters that were presented to the interviewees through the Virtual Reality glasses. The voices of people between 60 and 103 years old were used to generate a transmission of knowledge to the new generations about the importance of theaters as essential places for the city, as spaces generating social relations and knowledge of other cultures. Oral stories about events, the historical and social context of the city, were mixed with archive images and animations of the architectural transformations of these places. Oral stories about events, the historical and social context of the city, were mixed with archive images and animations of the architectural transformations of these places, with the purpose of compiling a collective discourse around cultural activities, heritage, and memory of Medellin.Keywords: culture, heritage, oral history, theaters, virtual reality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1351698 A Slip Transmission through Alpha/Beta Boundaries in a Titanium Alloy (Ti-6Al-4V)
Authors: Rayan B. M. Ameen, Ian P. Jones, Yu Lung Chiu
Single alpha-beta colony micro-pillars have been manufactured from a polycrystalline commercial Ti-6Al-4V sample using Focused Ion Beam (FIB). Each pillar contained two alpha lamellae separated by a thin fillet of beta phase. A nano-indenter was then used to conduct uniaxial micro-compression tests on Ti alloy single crystals, using a diamond flat tip as a compression platen. By controlling the crystal orientation along the micro-pillar using Electron back scattering diffraction (EBSD) different slip systems have been selectively activated. The advantage of the micro-compression method over conventional mechanical testing techniques is the ability to localize a single crystal volume which is characterizable after deformation. By matching the stress-strain relations resulting from micro-compression experiments to TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) studies of slip transmission mechanisms through the α-β interfaces, some proper constitutive material parameters such as the role of these interfaces in determining yield, strain-hardening behaviour, initial dislocation density and the critical resolved shear stress are suggested.Keywords: α/β-Ti alloy, focused ion beam, micro-mechanical test, nano-indentation, transmission electron diffraction, plastic flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 3861697 The Impact of Self-Viewing in Virtual Teamwork on Team Creativity: The Mediating Effect of Objective Self-Awareness and the Moderating Effect of Psychological Safety
Authors: Xueyang Li
This thesis investigates the impact of self-viewing on team creativity in virtual teamwork and examines the role of objective self-awareness and psychological safety in this context. The study uses a quantitative research approach and collects data from 304 participants working in virtual teams. We hypothesized that observing oneself in online meetings would lead to a heightened sense of objective self and thus lower team creativity and that psychological safety would moderate their relationship. We tested these hypotheses in a laboratory experiment manipulating whether participants were able to observe themselves during the completion of an online team creativity task and manipulating whether participants were subjected to a psychological safety intervention. The results indicate that self-observation has a negative effect on team creativity in virtual teamwork, while objective self-awareness mediates this relationship, and psychological safety plays a moderating role. We discuss several aspects of the theoretical explanation of the findings. This study contributes to the existing literature by highlighting the importance of self-observation in virtual teamwork and provides practical implications for managers and team leaders to promote creativity in virtual teams.Keywords: objective self-awareness, psychological safety, self-viewing, team creativity, virtual teamwork
Procedia PDF Downloads 1011696 Hauntology of History: Intimate Revolt in Lou Ye’s Summer Palace
Authors: Yueming Li
This paper analyzes Lou Ye’s Summer Palace (2006), an autobiographical film of the Sixth Generation of Directors in Mainland China, from the approaches of inter-textual analysis and intellectual history. It highlights the film’s reconstruction of the June 4th Incident as an intermediary device for the revival and haunting of the 1980s’ New Enlightenment Movement. The paper demonstrates how the June 4th Incident unfolds as historical trauma and collective experience of the Generation through Lou’s flickering narrative in both plot organization and visual representation, under an individualized and internal viewpoint. It further proposes that these revenants of the June 4th Incident translate into “realms of memory,” which lend themselves for biographical and historical reconstruction of the June 4th Incident based on a politics of embodiment. Through this, Lou and his contemporaries acquire agency to actively respond to the June 4th Incident as an “intimate revolt.” In this sense, the film revisits the New Enlightenment Movement in that they similarly construct rebellious connotations in a seemingly depoliticized manner. As the paper examines how an autobiographical film reconstructs, revisits, and responds to a historical event and its absence, it answers how individuals’ agency intertwines with and counteracts their historical living contexts.Keywords: new enlightenment movement, summer palace, the June 4th incident, the sixth generation of directors
Procedia PDF Downloads 1261695 The Meaning of Stillness: Based on the Errand Boy Project in Tibet during the Pandemic Quarantine in Shanghai in the Mayday Holiday
Authors: Mingyuan Duan
Many scholars have paid attention to the relationship between mobility and stillness, but most of them focus on stillness from the perspective of serving mobility. This study believes that more attention should be paid to the importance of stillness, and we suggest reexamining the meaning of stillness in terms of the value of stillness to people. The Errand Boy Project was launched by a social innovation enterprise called Bottle Dream during the May Day holiday in 2022. It linked volunteers from all over the world online to help people who are trapped at home due to the epidemic realize their outdoor wishes: get closer to nature and relieve their anxious mood. Taking Errand Boy in Tibet as a case study, this paper analyzes the emotional expressions and comments of people with limited mobility in the face of nature in the webcast room and explains the importance of stillness to humans from a non-human perspective. This study points out that the significance of stillness to human beings during the pandemic is composed of three aspects: the sense of solidity established by a steady mobile phone network connection, the stable possibility of wish fulfillment predicted by the periodic regularity of plant growth, and the transcendent spiritual power from the stable sacred mountain.Keywords: stillness, non-human, pandemic, mobility
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