Search results for: seismicity north Algeria
897 An Appraisal of the Utilisation of Social Media for Political Communication in the 2015 Nigerian Presidential Election
Authors: Tsegyu Santas
The aim of this study was to examine the utilization of social media for political communication during the 2011 presidential election in Nigeria. The research design adopted for the study was survey; 294 copies of questionnaire were distributed to students of mass communication in three selected universities in North Central Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the respondents for the study. The results of the descriptive statistics show that majority of the respondents choice of presidential candidates during the 2011 presidential election was influenced by the use of social media as indicated by high value of mean (1.5805). Similarly, a large number of respondents were of the opinion that the two selected presidential candidates were popular because they used social media in their political campaign (mean value of 1.5575). In addition, the respondents affirmed that their voting pattern during the 2011 presidential elections was influenced by social media usage. This was validated by a high mean value of (1.6667). Similarly, the result of the test of hypothesis indicated that voters’ choice of political candidates was influenced by political communication on social media. In view of the findings of this study, the study, therefore, concludes that social media have redefined the landscape of political communication in Nigeria. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended that social media should be fully integrated in Nigeria political communication system.Keywords: communication, election, politics, social media
Procedia PDF Downloads 339896 Decision Support System Based On GIS and MCDM to Identify Land Suitability for Agriculture
Authors: Abdelkader Mendas
The integration of MultiCriteria Decision Making (MCDM) approaches in a Geographical Information System (GIS) provides a powerful spatial decision support system which offers the opportunity to efficiently produce the land suitability maps for agriculture. Indeed, GIS is a powerful tool for analyzing spatial data and establishing a process for decision support. Because of their spatial aggregation functions, MCDM methods can facilitate decision making in situations where several solutions are available, various criteria have to be taken into account and decision-makers are in conflict. The parameters and the classification system used in this work are inspired from the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) approach dedicated to a sustainable agriculture. A spatial decision support system has been developed for establishing the land suitability map for agriculture. It incorporates the multicriteria analysis method ELECTRE Tri (ELimitation Et Choix Traduisant la REalité) in a GIS within the GIS program package environment. The main purpose of this research is to propose a conceptual and methodological framework for the combination of GIS and multicriteria methods in a single coherent system that takes into account the whole process from the acquisition of spatially referenced data to decision-making. In this context, a spatial decision support system for developing land suitability maps for agriculture has been developed. The algorithm of ELECTRE Tri is incorporated into a GIS environment and added to the other analysis functions of GIS. This approach has been tested on an area in Algeria. A land suitability map for durum wheat has been produced. Through the obtained results, it appears that ELECTRE Tri method, integrated into a GIS, is better suited to the problem of land suitability for agriculture. The coherence of the obtained maps confirms the system effectiveness.Keywords: multicriteria decision analysis, decision support system, geographical information system, land suitability for agriculture
Procedia PDF Downloads 642895 Assembly Solution for Modular Buildings: Development of a Plug-In Self-Locking Device Designed for Light-Framed Structures
Authors: Laurence Picard, André Bégin-Drolet, Pierre Blanchet
The prefabricated construction industry has been operating in North America for several years now and differs from traditional construction by its much shorter project timelines, lower costs, and increased build quality. Faced with the global housing crisis, prefabrication should be the first choice for erecting buildings quickly and at a low cost. However, the reality is quite different; manufacturers focus their operations mainly on single-home construction. This is explained by the lack of a suitable and efficient assembly solution for erecting large-scale buildings. Indeed, it is difficult to maintain the coveted advantages of prefabrication with a laborious on-site assembly and a colossal load of additional operations such as the installation of fasteners and the internal finishing. In the desire to maximize the benefits of prefabrication and make it a smart choice even for large buildings, an automated connection solution is developed. The plug-in self-locking device was developed accordingly to the product design phases: on-site observations, the definition of the problem and product requirements, solution generation, prototyping, fabricating and testing.Keywords: assembly solution, automation, construction productivity, modular connection, modular buildings, plug-in device, self-lock mechanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 168894 Ethical Investment Instruments for Financial Sustainability
Authors: Sarkar Humayun Kabir
This paper aims to investigate whether ethical investment instruments could contribute to stability in financial markets. In order to address the main issue, the study investigates the stability of return in seven conventional and Islamic equity markets of Asia, Europe and North America and in five major commodity markets starting from 1996 to June 2012. In addition, the study examines the unconditional correlation between returns of the assets under review to investigate portfolio diversification benefits of investors. Applying relevant methods, the study finds that investors may enjoy sustainable returns from their portfolios by investing in ethical financial instruments such as Islamic equities. In addition, it should be noted that most of the commodities, gold in particular, are either low or negatively correlated with equity returns. These results suggest that investors would be better off by investing in portfolios combining Islamic equities and commodities in general. The sustainable returns of ethical investments has important implications for the investors and markets since these investments can provide stable returns while the investors can avoid production of goods and services which believes to be harmful for human and the society as a whole.Keywords: financial sustainability, ethical investment instruments, islamic equity, dynamic conditional correlation, conditional volatility
Procedia PDF Downloads 309893 Investigating the Use of English Arabic Codeswitching in EFL classroom Oral Discourse Case study: Middle school pupils of Ain Fekroun, Wilaya of Oum El Bouaghi Algeria
Authors: Fadila Hadjeris
The study aims at investigating the functions of English-Arabic code switching in English as a foreign language classroom oral discourse and the extent to which they can contribute to the flow of classroom interaction. It also seeks to understand the views, beliefs, and perceptions of teachers and learners towards this practice. We hypothesized that code switching is a communicative strategy which facilitates classroom interaction. Due to this fact, both teachers and learners support its use. The study draws on a key body of literature in bilingualism, second language acquisition, and classroom discourse in an attempt to provide a framework for considering the research questions. It employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods which include classroom observations and questionnaires. The analysis of the recordings shows that teachers’ code switching to Arabic is not only used for academic and classroom management reasons. Rather, the data display instances in which code switching is used for social reasons. The analysis of the questionnaires indicates that teachers and pupils have different attitudes towards this phenomenon. Teachers reported their deliberate switching during EFL teaching, yet the majority was against this practice. According to them, the use of the mother has detrimental effects on the acquisition and the practice of the target language. In contrast, pupils showed their preference to their teachers’ code switching because it enhances and facilitates their understanding. These findings support the fact that the shift to pupils’ mother tongue is a strategy which aids and facilitates the teaching and the learning of the target language. This, in turn, necessitates recommendations which are suggested to teachers and course designers.Keywords: bilingualism, codeswitching, classroom interaction, classroom discourse, EFL learning/ teaching, SLA
Procedia PDF Downloads 482892 Evaluation of Shear Strength Parameters of Rudsar Sandy Soil Stabilized with Waste Rubber Chips
Authors: R. Ziaie Moayed, M. Hamidzadeh
The use of waste rubber chips not only can be of great importance in terms of the environment, but also can be used to increase the shear strength of soils. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the variation of the internal friction angle of liquefiable sandy soil using waste rubber chips. For this purpose, the geotechnical properties of unmodified and modified soil samples by waste lining rubber chips have been evaluated and analyzed by performing the triaxial consolidated drained test. In order to prepare the laboratory specimens, the sandy soil in part of Rudsar shores in Gilan province, north of Iran with high liquefaction potential has been replaced by two percent of waste rubber chips. Samples have been compressed until reaching the two levels of density of 15.5 and 16.7 kN/m3. Also, in order to find the optimal length of chips in sandy soil, the rectangular rubber chips with the widths of 0.5 and 1 cm and the lengths of 0.5, 1, and 2 cm were used. The results showed that the addition of rubber chips to liquefiable sandy soil greatly increases the shear resistance of these soils. Also, it can be seen that decreasing the width and increasing the length-to-width ratio of rubber chips has a direct impact on the shear strength of the modified soil samples with rubber chips.Keywords: improvement, shear strength, internal friction angle, sandy soil, rubber chip
Procedia PDF Downloads 146891 Diversity and Equality in Four Finnish and Italian Energy Companies' Open Access Material
Authors: Elisa Bertagna
A frame analysis of the work done by various energy multinational companies concerning diversity issues and gender equality is presented. Documents of four multinational companies - two from Finland and two from Italy - have been studied. The array of companies’ documents includes data from their websites, policies and so on. The Finnish and Italian contexts have been chosen as a sample of North and South Europe, of 'advanced' and 'less advanced'. The aim of the analysis is to understand if and how human resource and diversity management in Finnish and Italian multinational energy companies communicate their activity towards the employees. Attention is given on how employees are reacting in their role and on the consequences of its social positioning. The findings of this essay are crucially important. They show how the companies in object tend to focus on the HR and DM positive actions towards female employees’ struggles since the industry is characterized by multinationals with male-dominated employees. In this way, other categories, which are also depicted as sensitive such as young and elderly people or foreigners, do not receive the same amount of attention. Consequently, power hierarchies can be found: 'women' as a social category are given more importance and space in the companies’ data than others. Consequently, the present work analysis reflects on possible struggles that such companies might be facing concerning gender biases and further diverse issues.Keywords: energy, diversity, gender, multinationals, power hierarchies
Procedia PDF Downloads 144890 Study of Some Biometric Parameters of the Incubated Eggs and Unhatched Eggs Depending on the Age of Breeding in Domestic Japanese Quail Coturnix japonica (Aves, Phasianidae)
Authors: Amina Smaï, Habiba Idouhar-Saadi, Safia Zenia, Fairouz Haddadj, Salaheddine Doumandji
The poultry industry (chicken and egg consumption) has become important in Algeria, but that does not prevent other farms from beginning to position themselves on the ground like the turkey, guinea fowl, partridge and quail Japanese. The breeding importance of this last, reside, also in game meat, egg quality and their therapeutic role without forgetting its growth performance. To the same effect, a study was held at the center of Zeralda hunting on various parameters such as the weight and number of eggs laid and this in order to know better the potential of production and reproduction of domestic quail. Egg laying has started from the 8th week of reproductive age, their harvest and their counts are performed daily up to 32 weeks of age and more. We have given the biometrics of incubated eggs and unhatched eggs. The parameters studied were the weight, large and small diameter, density, volume, shell index and the shape index. The work revealed that the maximum weight in males is reached in the 11th week, against the female, he reached the 13th week of age. Indeed, there is a good correlation (R = 0.79) between the weight of females and egg production. The rate of unhatched eggs varies between 11 and 43%, these values are recorded respectively in breeding under the age of 25 and 43 weeks. Furthermore, the biometric parameters of hatched and unhatched eggs have differences that are marked, especially during the beginning and end of lay. Further results will be subsequently exploited. Indeed, rearing Japanese quail is easy in technical terms and does not require big investment but its practical application vigilance and daily presence of the breeder within the farm who oversees the hygiene and well-being of its poultry.Keywords: Japanese quail, biometrics, eggs, unhatching eggs, reproduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 194889 Definite Article Errors and Effect of L1 Transfer
Authors: Bimrisha Mali
The present study investigates the type of errors English as a second language (ESL) learners produce using the definite article ‘the’. The participants were provided a questionnaire on the learner's ability test. The questionnaire consists of three cloze tests and two free composition tests. Each participant's response was received in the form of written data. A total of 78 participants from three government schools participated in the study. The participants are high-school students from Rural Assam. Assam is a north-eastern state of India. Their age ranged between 14-15. The medium of instruction and the communication among the students take place in the local language, i.e., Assamese. Pit Corder’s steps for conducting error analysis have been followed for the analysis procedure. Four types of errors were found (1) deletion of the definite article, (2) use of the definite article as modifiers as adjectives, (3) incorrect use of the definite article with singular proper nouns, (4) substitution of the definite article by the indefinite article ‘a’. Classifiers in Assamese that express definiteness is used with nouns, adjectives, and numerals. It is found that native language (L1) transfer plays a pivotal role in the learners’ errors. The analysis reveals the learners' inability to acquire the semantic connotation of definiteness in English due to native language (L1) interference.Keywords: definite article error, l1 transfer, error analysis, ESL
Procedia PDF Downloads 122888 A Note on Metallurgy at Khanak: An Indus Site in Tosham Mining Area, Haryana
Authors: Ravindra N. Singh, Dheerendra P. Singh
Recent discoveries of Bronze Age artefacts, tin slag, furnaces and crucibles, together with new geological evidence on tin deposits in Tosham area of Bhiwani district in Haryana (India) provide the opportunity to survey the evidence for possible sources of tin and the use of bronze in the Harappan sites of north western India. Earlier, Afghanistan emerged as the most promising eastern source of tin utilized by Indus Civilization copper-smiths. Our excavations conducted at Khanak near Tosham mining area during 2014 and 2016 revealed ample evidence of metallurgical activities as attested by the occurrence of slag, ores and evidences of ashes and fragments of furnaces in addition to the bronze objects. We have conducted petrological, XRD, EDAX, TEM, SEM and metallography on the slag, ores, crucible fragments and bronze objects samples recovered from Khanak excavations. This has given positive indication of mining and metallurgy of poly-mettalic Tin at the site; however, it can only be ascertained after the detailed scientific examination of the materials which is underway. In view of the importance of site, we intend to excavate the site horizontally in future so as to obtain more samples for scientific studies.Keywords: archaeometallurgy, problem of tin, metallography, indus civilization
Procedia PDF Downloads 301887 Atmospheric Transport Modeling of Radio-Xenon Detections Possibly Related to the Announced Nuclear Test in North Korea on February 12, 2013
Authors: Kobi Kutsher
On February 12th 2013, monitoring stations of the Preparatory Commission of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) detected a seismic event with explosion-like underground characteristics in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). The location was found to be in the vicinity of the two previous announced nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009.The nuclear test was also announced by the government of the DPRK.After an underground nuclear explosion, radioactive fission products (mostly noble gases) can seep through layers of rock and sediment until they escape into the atmosphere. The fission products are dispersed in the atmosphere and may be detected thousands of kilometers downwind from the test site. Indeed, more than 7 weeks after the explosion, unusual detections of noble gases was reported at the radionuclide station in Takasaki, Japan. The radionuclide station is a part of the International Monitoring System, operated to verify the CTBT. This study provides an estimation of the possible source region and the total radioactivity of the release using Atmospheric Transport Modeling.Keywords: atmospheric transport modeling, CTBTO, nuclear tests, radioactive fission products
Procedia PDF Downloads 425886 Characterization and Comparative Analysis of North Bengal Sand
Authors: Marzia Hoque Tania, Oishy Roy, ASW Kurny, Fahmida Gulshan
This paper presents results of the investigation on the characterization of silica sand of northern region of Bangladesh on the basis of material composition, particle shape, and size, density, transportation, crystallinity, etc. before and after upgradation. The raw sand samples collected from Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat district were studied and compared for the prospect silica as a high valued commodity rather than heavy minerals. The raw sand particles were colorful in appearance with varying particle size distribution. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed uniformity in grain size and mineralogical composition. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis indicated the silica content of the as-received sample to be 75%. Thermogravimetric and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) did not detect the presence of any organic material. These tests revealed the sample to be alpha-quartz. Samples were washed with organic and inorganic acid with a combination of varying rotation speed, concentration, solid-liquid ratio. Experiments showed the silica content could be enhanced to more than 85% by washing with 15% sulphuric acid in room temperature. Beneficiation can be improved in further work considering the effect of varying temperature or advanced technology.Keywords: beneficiation, characterization, commercial grade sand, glass sand, silica, upgradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 136885 Conservation Agriculture in North America
Authors: Ying Chen
Conservation Agriculture in a sustainable way of farming, as it brings many benefits, such as preventing soil from erosion and degradation, improving soil health, conserving energy, and sequestrating carbon. However, adoption of conservation agriculture has been progressing slowly in some part of the world due to some challenges. Among them, seeding in heavy crop residue is challenging, especially in corn production systems. Weed control is also challenging in conservation agriculture. This research aimed to investigate some technologies that can address these challenges. For crop residue management, vertical tillage and vertical seeding have been studied in multiple research projects. Results showed that vertical tillage and seeding were able to deal with crop residue through cutting residue into small segments, which would not plug seeder in the sub-sequent seeding. Vertical tillage is a conservation tillage system, as it leaves more than 30% crop residue on soil surface while incorporating some residue into the shallow soil layer for fast residue decomposition. For weed control, mechanical weeding can reduce chemical inputs in crop production. A tine weeder was studied for weed control during the early growing season of several field crops (corn, soybean, flax, and pea). Detail results of these studies will be shared at the conference.Keywords: tillage, seeding, mechanical weeding, crop residue
Procedia PDF Downloads 76884 Risk Reduction of Household Refuse, a Case Study of Shagari Low-Cost, Mubi North (LGA) Adamawa State, Nigeria
Authors: Maryam Tijjani Kolo
Lack of refuse dumping points has made the residents of Shagari low-cost well armed with some health and environmental related hazards. These studies investigate the effect of household refuse on the resident of Shagari low-cost. A well structured questionnaire was administered to elicit views of the respondent in the study area through adopting cluster sampling method. A total of 100 questionnaires were selected and divided into 50, each to both sections of the study area. Interview was conducted to each household head. Data obtained were analyzed using simple parentages to determine the major hazard in the area. Result showed that majority of the household are civil servant and traders, earning reasonable monthly income. 68% of the respondent has experienced the effect of living close to waste dumping areas, which include unpleasant smell and polluted smoke when refuse is burnt, which causes eye and respiratory induction, human injury from broken bottles or sharp objects as well as water, insect and air borne diseases. Hence, the need to urgently address these menace before it overwhelms the capacities of the community becomes paramount. Thus, the community should be given more enlightenment and refuse dumping sites should be created by the local government area.Keywords: household, refuse, refuse dumping points, Shagari low-cost
Procedia PDF Downloads 320883 Air Quality Analysis Using Machine Learning Models Under Python Environment
Authors: Salahaeddine Sbai
Air quality analysis using machine learning models is a method employed to assess and predict air pollution levels. This approach leverages the capabilities of machine learning algorithms to analyze vast amounts of air quality data and extract valuable insights. By training these models on historical air quality data, they can learn patterns and relationships between various factors such as weather conditions, pollutant emissions, and geographical features. The trained models can then be used to predict air quality levels in real-time or forecast future pollution levels. This application of machine learning in air quality analysis enables policymakers, environmental agencies, and the general public to make informed decisions regarding health, environmental impact, and mitigation strategies. By understanding the factors influencing air quality, interventions can be implemented to reduce pollution levels, mitigate health risks, and enhance overall air quality management. Climate change is having significant impacts on Morocco, affecting various aspects of the country's environment, economy, and society. In this study, we use some machine learning models under python environment to predict and analysis air quality change over North of Morocco to evaluate the climate change impact on agriculture.Keywords: air quality, machine learning models, pollution, pollutant emissions
Procedia PDF Downloads 92882 Mineralisation and Fluid Inclusions Studies of the Fluorite Deposit at Jebel Mecella, North Eastern Tunisia
Authors: Miladi Yasmine, Bouhlel Salah, Garnit Hechmi, David Banks
The Jebel Mecella F (Ba-Pb-Zn) ore deposits of the Zaghouan district are located in northeastern Tunisia, 60 km south of Tunis. The host rocks belong to the Ressas Formation of Kimmeridgian-Tithonian age and lower Cretaceous layers. Mineralisations occur as stratiform lenses and fracture fillings. The ore mineral assemblage is composed of fluorite, barite, sphalerite galena, and quartz. Primary fluid inclusions in sphalerite have homogenization temperatures ranging from 129 to 145°C final melting temperature range from -14.9 to -10.0, corresponding to salinities of 14.0 to 17.7 wt% NaCl equivalent. Fluid inclusions in fluorite homogenize to the liquid phase between 116 and 160°C. The final ice melting temperature ranges from -23 to -15 °C, corresponding to salinities between 17 and 24 wt% NaCl equivalent. The LAICP-MS analyses of the fluid inclusions in fluorite show that these fluids are dominated by Na>K>Mg. Furthermore, the high K/Na values from fluid inclusions suggest the brine interacted with K-rich rocks in the basement or in siliciclastic sediments in the basins. The ore fluids in Jebel Mecella are highly saline and Na-K dominated with lower Mg concentrations, and come from the leaching of the dolomitic host rocks. These results are compatible with Mississippi-Valley-type mineralizing fluids.Keywords: Jebel Mecella, fluid inclusions, micro thermometry, LA-ICP-MS
Procedia PDF Downloads 198881 Implementation of an Image Processing System Using Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnosis of Malaria Disease
Authors: Mohammed Bnebaghdad, Feriel Betouche, Malika Semmani
Image processing become more sophisticated over time due to technological advances, especially artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Currently, AI image processing is used in many areas, including surveillance, industry, science, and medicine. AI in medical image processing can help doctors diagnose diseases faster, with minimal mistakes, and with less effort. Among these diseases is malaria, which remains a major public health challenge in many parts of the world. It affects millions of people every year, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. Early detection of malaria is essential to prevent serious complications and reduce the burden of the disease. In this paper, we propose and implement a scheme based on AI image processing to enhance malaria disease diagnosis through automated analysis of blood smear images. The scheme is based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) method. So, we have developed a model that classifies infected and uninfected single red cells using images available on Kaggle, as well as real blood smear images obtained from the Central Laboratory of Medical Biology EHS Laadi Flici (formerly El Kettar) in Algeria. The real images were segmented into individual cells using the watershed algorithm in order to match the images from the Kaagle dataset. The model was trained and tested, achieving an accuracy of 99% and 97% accuracy for new real images. This validates that the model performs well with new real images, although with slightly lower accuracy. Additionally, the model has been embedded in a Raspberry Pi4, and a graphical user interface (GUI) was developed to visualize the malaria diagnostic results and facilitate user interaction.Keywords: medical image processing, malaria parasite, classification, CNN, artificial intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 23880 Effect of Ethanol and Betadine on the Preformed Biofilm of Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Urinary Catheter
Authors: Kara Terki Ibtissem, Hassaine Hafida, Bellifa Samia
Introduction: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the species that are most frequently isolated from urinary catheters. The ability to produce a biofilm is an important step in the pathogenesis of these staphylococci; biofilm formation is strongly dependent on the environmental conditions it also depends on the different parameters these biofilms are subjected to. Antiseptics, including ethanol and betadine, are used in clinical practice for disinfection and infection prevention. Recent studies, however, demonstrate that disinfectants may enhance biofilm production in Staphylococci. Methods: In this study, 48 staphylococcus aureus isolated from urinary catheters at the University Hospital Center of Sidi Bel Abbes (in Northwestern Algeria) were analyzed to detect the formation of biofilm by culture on Red Congo Agar (RCA), the Tube Method (TM) and tissue Culture Plate (TCP) techniques, this last was also used to investigate the effect of ethanol and Betadine on the preformed biofilm In a second time to know which environment is most favorable to the formation of the biofilm we perform a statistical test based on the student test by the software R. Results: It has been found that 23 strains produced a bacterial slime on the Congo red medium, 5 strains produced a biofilm by the tube method, 2 of which are highly productive. In addition, 7 strains produced a biofilm on polystyrene micro-plates; this number was higher in the presence of ethanol 70% and ethanol 90% with 19 and 11 biofilm-producing strains, respectively. On the other hand, no biofilm was formed in the presence of Betadine. Conclusion: It is important to examine the response of biofilms following an imposed external constraint, such as disinfectants, in order to develop new strategies to combat bacterial biofilms but also to better control their formation.Keywords: staphylococcus aureus, biofilm, urinary catheter, ethanol
Procedia PDF Downloads 64879 Investigation of the Influence of Student’s Characteristics on Mathematics Achievement in Junior Secondary School in Ibadan, Nigeria
Authors: Babatunde Kasim Oladele
This current study investigated students’ characteristics as factors that influence Mathematics Achievement of junior secondary school students. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population of the study was one hundred and twenty-three (123) JSS students of secondary schools in Ibadan North Local Government in Oyo State. A Mathematics achievement test and three questionnaires on student’s self-efficacy belief, attitude, and learning style were the instruments used. Prior to the administration of the constructed mathematics achievement test, 100-item mathematics was subjected to the expert review, and items analysis was carried out. Fifty items were retained. The Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficients of the instruments were 0.71, 0.76, and 0.83, respectively. Collected data were analysed using the frequency count, percentages, mean, standard deviation, and Path Analysis in Amos SPSS Version 20. Students characteristics: gender, age, self-efficacy, attitude and learning style had positive direct effects on students’ achievement in Mathematics as indicated by their respective beta weights (β = 0.36, 0.203, 0.92, 0.079, 0.69 p < 0.05). Consequently, the study concluded that student’s characteristics (Age, gender, and learning style) explained a significant part of the variability in students’ achievement in Mathematics.Keywords: mathematics achievement, students’ characteristics, junior secondary school, Ibadan
Procedia PDF Downloads 334878 Techno-Economic Analysis of Offshore Hybrid Energy Systems with Hydrogen Production
Authors: Anna Crivellari, Valerio Cozzani
Even though most of the electricity produced in the entire world still comes from fossil fuels, new policies are being implemented in order to promote a more sustainable use of energy sources. Offshore renewable resources have become increasingly attractive thanks to the huge entity of power potentially obtained. However, the intermittent nature of renewables often limits the capacity of the systems and creates mismatches between supply and demand. Hydrogen is foreseen to be a promising vector to store and transport large amounts of excess renewable power by using existing oil and gas infrastructure. In this work, an offshore hybrid energy system integrating wind energy conversion with hydrogen production was conceptually defined and applied to offshore gas platforms. A techno-economic analysis was performed by considering two different locations for the installation of the innovative power system, i.e., the North Sea and the Adriatic Sea. The water depth, the distance of the platform from the onshore gas grid, the hydrogen selling price and the green financial incentive were some of the main factors taken into account in the comparison. The results indicated that the use of well-defined indicators allows to capture specifically different cost and revenue features of the analyzed systems, as well as to evaluate their competitiveness in the actual and future energy market.Keywords: cost analysis, energy efficiency assessment, hydrogen production, offshore wind energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 126877 Current and Future Global Distribution of Drosophila suzukii
Authors: Yousef Naserzadeh, Niloufar Mahmoudi
The spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae), a vinegar fly native to South East Asia, has recently invaded Europe, North- and South America and is spreading rapidly. Species distribution modeling has been widely employed to indicate probable areas of invasion and to guide management strategies. Drosophila sp. is native to Asia, but since 2015, it has invaded almost every country in the world, including Africa, Australia, India, and most recently, the Americas. The growth of this species of Drosophila suzukii has been rapidly multiplying and spreading in the last decade. In fact, we examine and model the potential geographical distribution of D. suzukii for both present and future scenarios. Finally, we determine the environmental variables that affect its distribution, as well as assess the risk of encroachment on protected areas. D.suzukii has the potential to expand its occurrence, especially on continents that have already been invaded. The predictive models obtained in this study indicate potential regions that could be at risk of invasion by D. suzukii, including protected areas. These results are important and can assist in the establishment of management plans to avoid the possible harm caused by biological invasions.Keywords: climate change, Drosophila suzukii, environmental variables, host preference, host plant, nutrition
Procedia PDF Downloads 85876 Biogeochemical Study of Polycuclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Its Physiological Response in Mudskippre (B. dussumieri) along the North western Coasts of the Persian Gulf
Authors: Ali Mashinchian Moradi, Mahmood Sinaei
Study on the biomarkers to assess health status of marine ecosystems has an important value in biomonitoring of marine environment. Accordingly, accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sediment, water and tissues (liver and gill) of mudskipper (Boleophthalmus dussmieri) and some physiological responses like lysosomal membrane change in haemocytes and the Glutathione-S Transferase (GST) activity in the liver were measured in mudskippers. Samples were collected from five sites along the noth western cost of the Persian Gulf. PAHs concentration was measured by HPLC method. The activity of GST enzyme was analysed by spectrophotometric method. Total PAH concentration in coastal seawater, sediments, liver and gill tissues ranged between 0.80-18.34 ug/L, 113.550-3384.34 ng/g dw, 3.99-46.64 ng/g dw and 3.11-17.This study showed that PAH concentrations in this region are not higher than available standards. The findings revile that lysosomal membrane destabilization and liver GST activities are highly sensitive to PAHs in mudskipper, B. dussumieri. Sediment PAH concentrations were strongly correlated with biomarkers, indicating PAHs were biologically available to fish. Thus, mudskipper perceived to be good sentinel organism for PAH pollution biomonitoring.Keywords: PAHs, biomarker, mudskipper, Persian Gulf
Procedia PDF Downloads 347875 Alignment between Understanding and Assessment Practice among Secondary School Teachers
Authors: Eftah Bte Moh, Hj Abdullah Izazol Binti Idris, Abd. Aziz Bin Abd. Shukor
This study aimed to identify the alignment of understanding and assessment practices among secondary school teachers. The study was carried out using quantitative descriptive study. The sample consisted of 164 teachers who taught Form 1 and 2 from 11 secondary schools in the district of North Kinta, Perak, Malaysia. Data were obtained from 164 respondents who answered Expectation Alignment Understanding and Practices of School Assessment (PEKDAPS) questionnaire. The data were analysed using SPSS 17.0 +. The Cronbach alpha value obtained through PEKDAPS questionnaire pilot study was 0.86. The results showed that teachers' performance in PEKDAPS based on the mean value was less than 3, which means that perfect alignment does not occur between the understanding and practices of school assessment. Two major PEKDAPS sub-constructs of articulation across grade and age and usability of the system were higher than the moderate alignment of the understanding and practices of school assessment (Min=2.0). The content was focused on PEKDAPs sub-constructs which showed lower than the moderate alignment of the understanding and practices of school assessment (Min=2.0). Another two PEKDAPS sub-constructs of transparency and fairness and the pedagogical implications showed moderate alignment (2.0). The implications of the study is that teachers need to fully understand the importance of alignment among components of assessment, learning and teaching and learning objectives as strategies to achieve quality assessment process.Keywords: school based assessment, alignment, understanding, assessment practices
Procedia PDF Downloads 461874 The Epidemiology of Hospital Maternal Deaths, Haiti 2017-2020
Authors: Berger Saintius, Edna Ariste, Djeamsly Salomon
Background: Maternal mortality is a preventable global health problem that affects developed, developing, and underdeveloped countries alike. Globally, maternal mortality rates have declined since 1990, but 830 women die every day from pregnancy and childbirth-related causes that are often preventable. Haiti, with a number of 529 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, is one of the countries with the highest maternal mortality rate in the Caribbean. This study consists of analyzing maternal death surveillance data in Haiti from 2017-2020. Method : A descriptive study was conducted; data were extracted from the National Epidemiological Surveillance Network of maternal deaths from 2017 to 2020. Sociodemographic variables were analyzed. Excel and Epi Info 7.2 were used for data analysis. Frequency and proportion measurements were calculated. Results: 756 deaths were recorded for the study period: 42 (6%) in 2017, 168 (22%) in 2018, 265 (35%) in 2019, and 281 (37%) in 2020. The North Department recorded the highest number of deaths, 167 (22%). 83(11%) in Les Cayes. 96% of these deaths are people aged between 15 and 49. Conclusion. Maternal mortality is a major health problem in Haiti. Mobilization, participation, and involvement of communities, increase in obstetric care coverage and promotion of Family Planning are among the strategies to fight this problem.Keywords: epidemiology, maternal death, hospital, Haiti
Procedia PDF Downloads 90873 Improvement of the Mechanical Behavior of an Environmental Concrete Based on Demolished
Authors: Larbi Belagraa
The universal need to conserve resources, protect the environment and use energy efficiently must necessarily be felt in the field of concrete technology. The recycling of construction and demolition waste as a source of aggregates for the production of concrete has attracted growing interest from the construction industry. In Algeria, the depletion of natural deposits of aggregates and the difficulties in setting up new quarries; makes it necessary to seek new sources of supply, to meet the need for aggregates for the major projects launched by the Algerian government in the last decades. In this context, this work is a part of the approach to provide answers to concerns about the lack of aggregates for concrete. It also aims to develop the inert fraction of demolition materials and mainly concrete construction demolition waste(C&D) as a source of aggregates for the manufacture of new hydraulic concretes based on recycled aggregates. This experimental study presents the results of physical and mechanical characterizations of natural and recycled aggregates, as well as their influence on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. The characterization of the materials used has shown that the recycled aggregates have heterogeneity, a high water absorption capacity, and a medium quality hardness. However, the limits prescribed by the standards in force do not disqualify these materials of use for application as recycled aggregate concrete type (RAC). The results obtained from the present study show that acceptable mechanical, compressive, and flexural strengths of RACs are obtained using Superplasticizer SP 45 and 5% replacement of cement with silica fume based on recycled aggregates, compared to those of natural concretes. These mechanical performances demonstrate a characteristic resistance at 28 days in compression within the limits of 30 to 40 MPa without any particular suitable technology .to be adapted in the case.Keywords: recycled aggregates, concrete(RAC), superplasticizer, silica fume, compressive strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 175872 Radon and Thoron Determination in Natural Ancient Mine Using Nuclear Track Detectors: Radiation Dose Assessment
Authors: L. Oufni, M. Amrane, R. Rabi
Radon (and thoron) is a naturally occurring radioactive noble gas, having variable distribution in the geological environment. The exposure of human beings to ionizing radiation from natural sources is a continuing and inescapable feature of life on earth. Radon, thoron and their short-lived decay products in the atmosphere are the most important contributors to human exposure from natural sources. The aim of this study is to determine alpha-and beta-activities per unit volume of air due to radon (222Rn), thoron (220Rn) and their progenies in the air of ancient mine of Aouli in which there is no working activity is situated at approximately 25 km north of the city of Midelt (Morocco), by using LR-115 type II and CR-39 solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs). Equilibrium factors between radon and its daughters and between thoron and its progeny were evaluated in the studied atmospheres. The committed equivalent doses due to the 218Po and 214Po radon short-lived progeny were evaluated in different tissues of the respiratory tract of the visitors of the considered ancient mine. The visitors in these mines spent a good amount of time. It was essential to let the staff know about these values and take the needed steps to prevent any health complications.Keywords: radon, thoron, concentration, exposure dose, SSNTD, mine
Procedia PDF Downloads 538871 The Potential Effect of Sexual Selection on the Distal Genitalia Variability of the Simultaneously Hermaphroditic Land Snail Helix aperta in Bejaia/Kabylia/Algeria
Authors: Benbellil-Tafoughalt Saida, Tababouchet Meriem
Sexual selection is the most supported explanation for genital extravagance occurring in animals. In promiscuous species, population density, as well as climate conditions, may act on the sperm competition intensity, one of the most important mechanism of post-copulatory sexual selection. The present study is empirical testing of sexual selection's potential role on genitalia variation in the simultanuously hermaphroditic land snail Helixaperta (Pulmonata, Stylommatophora). The purpose was to detect the patterns as well as the origin of the distal genitalia variability and especially to test the potential effect of sexual selection. The study was performed on four populations, H. aperta, different in habitat humidity regimes and presenting variable densities, which were mostly low. The organs of interest were those involved in spermatophore production, reception, and manipulation. We examined whether the evolution of those organs is connected to sperm competition intensity which is traduced by both population density and microclimate humidity. We also tested the hypothesis that those organs evolve in response to shell size. The results revealed remarkable differences in both snails’ size and organs lengths between populations. In most cases, the length of genitalia correlated positively to snails’ body size. Interestingly, snails from the more humid microclimate presented the highest mean weight and shell dimensions comparing to those from the less humid microclimate. However, we failed to establish any relation between snail densities and any of the measured genitalia traits.Keywords: fertilization pouch, helix aperta, land snails, reproduction, sperm storage, spermatheca
Procedia PDF Downloads 192870 Scientific Insight Review of Corrosion Methods and Corrosion Control of Pre-Stressed Concrete Cylinder Pipes
Authors: Saad A. Bakheet, Ashraf A. Younees, Abdalsamia M. Falah
The main purpose of this study is to the occurrence of several failures in four-meter diameter pre-restressed concrete cylinder pipes, which transport a huge quantity of water from the Libyan Sahara Desert to the populated coastal area in the north. This study will help to address the problems related to corrosion of the pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipes and methods of controlling it. The methodologies used depended on reviewing the design and fabrication of pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipes and studying the cause of the corrosion, which resulted in the failure of the pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipe Man-Made River project in Libya. The chloride-induced corrosion penetrating through the mortar coat was the main reason for corrosion. The beginning of the occurrence of corrosion, its causes, and the mechanisms of its development in pre-stressed concrete pipes since 1937 have been reviewed and are continuing until now. Manufacturing technology control corrosion and all associated problems and technology to control it have been demonstrated, including variables during manufacture, the use of a modified coating, and cathodic protection systems. It has been revised and is still based on international standards. The development of these standards and the change in some of their technical contents reflect the world's interest in the problems of corrosion and the cost of maintenance and replacement.Keywords: PCCP corrosion, international standard, coating system, failure assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 76869 Challenge Based Learning Approach for a Craft Mezcal Kiln Energetic Redesign
Authors: Jonathan A. Sánchez Muñoz, Gustavo Flores Eraña, Juan M. Silva
Mexican Mezcal industry has reached attention during the last decade due to it has been a popular beverage demanded by North American and European markets, reaching popularity due to its crafty character. Despite its wide demand, productive processes are still made with rudimentary equipment, and there is a lack of evidence to improve kiln energy efficiency. Tec21 is a challenge-based learning curricular model implemented by Tecnológico de Monterrey since 2019, where each formation unit requires an industrial partner. “Problem processes solution” is a formation unity designed for mechatronics engineers, where students apply the acquired knowledge in thermofluids and apply electronic. During five weeks, students are immersed in an industrial problem to obtain a proper level of competencies according to formation unit designers. This work evaluates the competencies acquired by the student through qualitative research methodology. Several evaluation instruments (report, essay, and poster) were selected to evaluate etic argumentation, principles of sustainability, implemented actions, process modelling, and redesign feasibility.Keywords: applied electronic, challenge based learning, competencies, mezcal industry, thermofluids
Procedia PDF Downloads 121868 Sex Estimation Using Cervical Measurements of Molar Teeth in an Iranian Archaeological Population
Authors: Seyedeh Mandan Kazzazi, Elena Kranioti
In the field of human osteology, sex estimation is an important step in developing biological profile. There are a number of methods that can be used to estimate the sex of human remains varying from visual assessments to metric analysis of sexually dimorphic traits. Teeth are one of the most durable physical elements in human body that can be used for this purpose. The present study investigated the utility of cervical measurements for sex estimation through discriminant analysis. The permanent molar teeth of 75 skeletons (28 females and 52 males) from Hasanlu site in North-western Iran were studied. Cervical mesiodistal and buccolingual measurements were taken from both maxillary and mandibular first and second molars. Discriminant analysis was used to evaluate the accuracy of each diameter in assessing sex. The results showed that males had statistically larger teeth than females for maxillary and mandibular molars and both measurements (P < 0.05). The range of classification rate was from (75.7% to 85.5%) for the original and cross-validated data. The most dimorphic teeth were maxillary and mandibular second molars providing 85.5% and 83.3% correct classification rate respectively. The data generated from the present study suggested that cervical mesiodistal and buccolingual measurements of the molar teeth can be useful and reliable for sex estimation in Iranian archaeological populations.Keywords: cervical measurements, Hasanlu, premolars, sex estimation
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