Search results for: gender behavior of heroes
7525 Study of Corrosion Behavior of Experimental Alloys with Different Levels of Cr and High Levels of Mo Compared to Aisi 444
Authors: Ana P. R. N. Barroso, Maurício N. Kleinberg, Frederico R. Silva, Rodrigo F. Guimarães, Marcelo M. V. Parente, Walney S. Araújo
The fight against accelerated wear of the equipment used in the oil and gas sector is a challenge for minimizing maintenance costs. Corrosion being one of the main agents of equipment deterioration, we seek alternative materials that exhibit improved corrosion resistance at low cost of production. This study aims to evaluate the corrosion behavior of experimental alloys containing 15% and 17% of chromium (Cr) and 5% of molybdenum (Mo) in comparison with an AISI 444 commercial alloy. Microstructural analyzes were performed on samples of the alloys before and after the electrochemical tests. Two samples of each solubilized alloy were also taken for analysis of the corrosion behavior by testing potentiodynamic polarization (PP) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) with immersion time of 24 hours in electrolytic solution with acidic character. The graphics obtained through electrochemical tests of PP and EIS indicated that among the experimental alloys, the alloy with higher chromium content (17%) had a higher corrosion resistance, confirming the beneficial effect of adding chromium. When comparing the experimental alloys with the AISI 444 commercial alloy, it is observed that the AISI 444 commercial alloy showed superior corrosion resistance to that of the experimental alloys for both assays, PP and EIS. The microstructural analyzes performed after the PP and EIS tests confirmed the results previously described. These results suggest that the addition of these levels of molybdenum did not favor the electrochemical behavior of experimental ferritic alloys for the electrolytic medium studied.Keywords: corrosion, molybdenum, electrochemical tests, experimental alloys
Procedia PDF Downloads 5747524 Static and Dynamic Analysis of Microcantilever Beam
Authors: S. B. Kerur, B. S. Murgayya
The development of micro and nano particle is challenging task and the study of the behavior of material at the micro level is gaining importance as their behavior at micro/nano level is different. These micro particle are being used as a sensing element to measure and detects the hazardous chemical, gases, explosives and biological agents. In the present study, finite element method is used for static and dynamic analysis of simple and composite cantilever beams of different shapes. The present FE model is validated with available analytical results and various parameters like shape, materials properties, damped and undamped conditions are considered for the numerical study. The results show the effects of shape change on the natural frequency and as these are used with fluid for chemical applications, the effect of damping due to viscous nature of fluid are simulated by considering different damping coefficient effect on the dynamic behavior of cantilever beams. The obtained results show the effect of these parameters can be effectively utilized based on system requirements.Keywords: micro, FEM, dynamic, cantilever beam
Procedia PDF Downloads 3847523 From Scalpel to Leadership: The Landscape for Female Neurosurgeons in the UK
Authors: Anda-veronica Gherman, Dimitrios Varthalitis
Neurosurgery, like many surgical specialties, undoubtedly exhibits a significant gender gap, particularly in leadership positions. While increasing women representation in neurosurgery is important, it is crucial to increase their presence in leadership positions. Across the globe and Europe there are concerning trends of only 4% of all neurosurgical departments being chaired by women. This study aims to explore the situation regarding gender disparities in leadership in the United Kingdom and to identify possible contributing factors as well as discussing future strategies to bridge this gap. Methods: A literature review was conducted utilising PubMed as main database with search keywords including ‘female neurosurgeon’, ‘women neurosurgeon’, ‘gender disparity’, ‘leadership’ and ‘UK’. Additionally, a manual search of all neurosurgical departments in the UK was performed to identify the current female department leads and training director leads. Results: The literature search identified a paucity of literature addressing specifically leadership in female neurosurgeons within the UK, with very few published papers specifically on this topic. Despite more than half of medical students in the UK being female, only a small proportion pursue a surgical career, with neurosurgery being one of the least represented specialties. Only 27% of trainee neurosurgeons are female, and numbers are even lower at a consultant level, where women represent just 8%.Findings from published studies indicated that only 6.6% of leadership positions in neurosurgery are occupied by women in the UK. Furthermore, our manual searches across UK neurosurgical departments revealed that around 5% of department lead positions are currently held by women. While this figure is slightly higher than the European average of 4%, it remains lower compared to figures of 10% in other North-West European countries. The situation is slightly more positive looking at the training directors, with 15% being female. Discussion: The findings of this study highlight a significant gender disparity in leadership positions within neurosurgery in the UK, which may have important implications, perpetuating the lack of diversity on the decision-making process, limiting the career advancement opportunities of women and depriving the neurosurgical field from the voices, opinions and talents of women. With women representing half of the population, there is an undeniable need for more female leaders at the policy-making level. There are many barriers that can contribute to these numbers, including bias, stereotypes, lack of mentorship and work-like balance. A few solutions to overcome these barriers can be training programs addressing bias and impostor syndrome, leadership workshops tailored for female needs, better workplace policies, increased in formal mentorship and increasing the visibility of women in neurosurgery leadership positions through media, speaking opportunities, conferences, awards etc. And lastly, more research efforts should focus on the leadership and mentorship of women in neurosurgery, with an increased number of published papers discussing these issues.Keywords: female neurosurgeons, female leadership, female mentorship, gender disparities
Procedia PDF Downloads 327522 Evaluation of the Families' Psychological Nature and the Relationship between the Academic Success According to the Students' Opinion
Authors: Sebnem Erismen, Ahmet Guneyli, Azize Ummanel
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the students' academic success and families' psychological nature. The study based upon the quantitative research, and descriptive model is used. Relational descriptive model is used while evaluating the relation between families’ psychological nature and the academic success level of the students. A total of 523 secondary school students have participated the study. Personal Information Form, Family Structure Evaluation Form (FSEF) and School Reports were employed as the primary methods of data gathering. ANOVA and LSD Scheffe Test were used for analysing the data. Results of the study indicate that there are differences between the FSEF scores according to the students’ and teachers’ gender; however, no differences between the class level and seniority of the teachers were seen. Regarding the academic success of the students, it was seen that majority of them have high points. It was also seen that the academic success level of the students differentiates regarding to the classroom teachers’ gender and seniority. In conclusion, it was seen that there is a relation between the families’ psychological nature and students' academic success.Keywords: families’ perceived psychological nature, academic success, families effect on the academic success, education
Procedia PDF Downloads 2967521 Coexistence of Two Different Types of Intermittency near the Boundary of Phase Synchronization in the Presence of Noise
Authors: Olga I. Moskalenko, Maksim O. Zhuravlev, Alexey A. Koronovskii, Alexander E. Hramov
Intermittent behavior near the boundary of phase synchronization in the presence of noise is studied. In certain range of the coupling parameter and noise intensity the intermittency of eyelet and ring intermittencies is shown to take place. Main results are illustrated using the example of two unidirectionally coupled Rössler systems. Similar behavior is shown to take place in two hydrodynamical models of Pierce diode coupled unidirectionally.Keywords: chaotic oscillators, phase synchronization, noise, intermittency of intermittencies
Procedia PDF Downloads 6437520 Modern Saigon Drag Queen Show: Voice of the Trans Vietnamese for Gender Equality
Authors: Ly Quyet Tien
Starting in the 1990s and growing in tandem with the LGBTQI movement in Vietnam, Modern Saigon Lottery Show is one of the most popular Vietnamese drag queen shows in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Transgender by nature, underprivileged by status, avoided by the family, and despised by society for decades, these queer artists came out of the closet and decided to change their own destiny by organizing lottery music shows. Unprofessionally in the start, they gradually appeared professionally on stage in big cities and won the heart of the larger public. Their success affirms themself, promotes their gender right, and assures their life in a proud way: honest, independent, and sustainable. This paper aims to give the readers a full portrait of Modern Saigon’s activities through musical bingo. It examines the background into which the drag queen show was born and developed: its styles, themes as well as own particularity. It also studies its identity, diversity in the entertainment industry, and its revolutionary role in the promotion of the welfare of Vietnamese transgender citizens and the local popular queer culture in Vietnam and Asia.Keywords: transgender, lottery show, equality, culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 997519 Equality in Higher Education: A Library and Learning Collaborative Project to Support Teachers
Authors: Ika Jorum
The aim of this collaborative project was to develop library support that contributes in a long-term way to a technical university’s work on increased equality in education. The background was an assessment made by the Higher Education Authority that showed the need for improvement regarding equality in several programs at the university. The university’s Vice President for equality and Vice President for sustainability announced funds for projects that supported the improvement of equality in education. The library was granted funding for a one-year project that aimed both to support teachers in order to embed equality in education and to support the library staff and improve the organization’s own work. The part of the project that was directed to teachers was performed as activities in different areas and forms, such as acquisition and collections, teaching, exhibitions and book discussions. Besides the activities and support that was offered to teachers, the education team had journal clubs in order to develop and embed equality in their own teaching. The part that was directed to library staff and management was performed as workshops in collaboration with Equality Office in order to identify areas where the library could make improvements on work with equality and inclusion. The expectation was that the activities would be well attended since the project team had got indications that the content would be relevant. The outcome of this project was that some activities turned out to be more attended than others and what is expected to be found relevant, for example, a workshop on information searching from a gender and equality perspective for teachers, might still not attract participants. On the other hand, Ph.D. students and students participated in the book discussions and wanted them to continue after the project had ended. Results will be shared both on what was successful and what was challenging. Some reflections will be given on what can be done to attract participants to activities in the area of gender equality that is most likely relevant for the expected attendants and how results from a project on gender equality can be integrated into an organization’s daily work.Keywords: equality, higher education, critical information literacy, collaboration
Procedia PDF Downloads 737518 An Overview of the Moderating Effect of Overall Satisfaction on Hotel Image and Customer Loyalty
Authors: Nimit Soonsan
Hotel image is a key business issue in today’s hotel market. The current study points to develop and test a relationship of hotel image, overall satisfaction, and future behavior. This paper hypothesizes the correlations among four constructs, namely, hotel image, overall satisfaction, positive word-of-mouth, and intention to revisit. Moreover, this paper will test the mediating effect of overall satisfaction on hotel image and positive word-of-mouth and intention to revisit. These relationships are surveyed for a sample of 244 international customers staying budget hotel in Phuket, Thailand. The structural equation modeling indicates that hotel image directly affects overall satisfaction and indirectly affects future behavior that positive word-of-mouth and intention to revisit. In addition, overall satisfaction had significant influence on future behavior that positive word-of-mouth and intention to revisit, and the mediating role of overall satisfaction is also confirmed in this study. Managerial implications are provided, limitations noted, and future research directions suggested.Keywords: hotel image, satisfaction, loyalty, moderating
Procedia PDF Downloads 1657517 Effect of Male and Female Early Childhood Teacher's Educational Practices on Child' Social Adaptation
Authors: Therese Besnard
Internationally in early childhood education (ECE), the great majority of teachers are women. Some groups believe that a greater male teacher presence in ECE would be beneficial for children, specifically for boys as it could offer a positive male model. It is a common belief that children would benefit from being exposed to both male and female models. Some believe that women are naturally better suited to offer quality care to young children comparatively to men. Some authors bring forth that after equivalent training, differences in the educational practices are purely individual and do not depend on the teacher’s gender. Others believe that a greater male presence in ECE would increase the risk of pedophilia or child abuse. The few scientific studies in this area suggest that differences could exist between male and female ECE teacher, in particular when it comes to play which is the mainstay of the ECE educational program. Male teachers describe themselves as being more playful and having a greater tendency to initiate physical and turbulent play comparatively to female teachers, who describe themselves as favoring games that are calmer and focused on social interaction. Observed directly, male teachers appear more actively engaged in play with children and propose more motor play than female teachers. Furthermore children who have both male and female teachers for one year show less behavior difficulties when compared to children with only female teachers. Despite a variety of viewpoints we don’t know if the educational practices of male ECE teachers, (emotional support, classroom organization or instructional support) are different than the educational practices of female teachers and if these practices are linked with children’s adaptation. This study compares the educational practices of 37 ECE teachers (57 % male) and analyses the link with children' social adaptation (n=221). Educational practices were assessed through observational measurements with the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) in a natural class environment. Child social adaptation was assessed with the Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation (SCBE). Observational data reveals no differences between men's and women's scale of the CLASS. Results using Multilevel models analyses suggest that the ability to propose good classroom organization and give good instructional support are linked with better child' social adaptation, and that is always true for men and women teachers. The results are discussed on the basis of their potential impact on future educational interventions.Keywords: child social adaptation, early childhood education, educational practices, men teacher
Procedia PDF Downloads 3737516 Assessment of Politeness Behavior on Communicating: Validation of Scale through Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Authors: Abdullah Pandang, Mantasiah Rivai, Nur Fadhilah Umar, Azam Arifyadi
This study aims to measure the validity of the politeness behaviour scale and obtain a model that fits the scale. The researcher developed the Politeness Behavior on Communicating (PBC) scale. The research method uses descriptive quantitative by developing the PBC scale. The population in this study were students in three provinces, namely South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, and Central Sulawesi, recorded in the 2022/2023 academic year. The sampling technique used stratified random sampling by determining the number of samples using the Slovin formula. The sample of this research is 1200 students. This research instrument uses the PBC scale, which consists of 5 (five) indicators: self-regulation of compensation behaviour, self-efficacy of compensation behaviour, fulfilment of social expectations, positive feedback, and no strings attached. The PBC scale consists of 34 statement items. The data analysis technique is divided into two types: the validity test on the correlated item values and the item reliability test referring to Cronbach's and McDonald's alpha standards using the JASP application. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The results showed that the adaptation of the Politeness Behavior on Communicating (PBC) scale was on the Fit Index with a chi-square value (711,800/375), RMSEA (0.53), GFI (0.990), CFI (0.987), GFI (0.985).Keywords: polite behavior in communicating, positive communication, exploration factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1247515 Behavior of Helical Piles as Foundation of Photovoltaic Panels in Tropical Soils
Authors: Andrea J. Alarcón, Maxime Daulat, Raydel Lorenzo, Renato P. Da Cunha, Pierre Breul
Brazil has increased the use of renewable energy during the last years. Due to its sunshine and large surface area, photovoltaic panels founded in helical piles have been used to produce solar energy. Since Brazilian territory is mainly cover by highly porous structured tropical soils, when the helical piles are installed this structure is broken and its soil properties are modified. Considering the special characteristics of these soils, helical foundations behavior must be extensively studied. The first objective of this work is to determine the most suitable method to estimate the tensile capacity of helical piles in tropical soils. The second objective is to simulate the behavior of these piles in tropical soil. To obtain the rupture to assess load-displacement curves and the ultimate load, also a numerical modelling using Plaxis software was conducted. Lastly, the ultimate load and the load-displacements curves are compared with experimental values to validate the implemented model.Keywords: finite element, helical piles, modelling, tropical soil, uplift capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1737514 Identify Users Behavior from Mobile Web Access Logs Using Automated Log Analyzer
Authors: Bharat P. Modi, Jayesh M. Patel
Mobile Internet is acting as a major source of data. As the number of web pages continues to grow the Mobile web provides the data miners with just the right ingredients for extracting information. In order to cater to this growing need, a special term called Mobile Web mining was coined. Mobile Web mining makes use of data mining techniques and deciphers potentially useful information from web data. Web Usage mining deals with understanding the behavior of users by making use of Mobile Web Access Logs that are generated on the server while the user is accessing the website. A Web access log comprises of various entries like the name of the user, his IP address, a number of bytes transferred time-stamp etc. A variety of Log Analyzer tools exists which help in analyzing various things like users navigational pattern, the part of the website the users are mostly interested in etc. The present paper makes use of such log analyzer tool called Mobile Web Log Expert for ascertaining the behavior of users who access an astrology website. It also provides a comparative study between a few log analyzer tools available.Keywords: mobile web access logs, web usage mining, web server, log analyzer
Procedia PDF Downloads 3637513 Heat Waves Effect on Stock Return and Volatility: Evidence from Stock Market and Selected Industries in Pakistan
Authors: Sayed Kifayat Shah, Tang Zhongjun, Arfa Tanveer
This study explores the significant heatwave effect on stock return and volatility. Using an ARCH/GARCH approach, it examines the relationship between the heatwave of Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore on the KSE-100 index. It also explores the impact of heatwave on returns of the pharmaceutical and electronics industries. The empirical results confirm that that stock return is positively related to the heat waves of Karachi, negatively related to that of Islamabad, and is not affected by the heatwave of Lahore. Similarly, pharmaceutical and electronics indices are also positively related to heatwaves. These differences in results can be ascribed to the change in the behavior of the residents of that city. The outcomes are useful for understanding an investor's behavior reacting to weather and fluxes in stock price related to heatwave severity levels. The results can support investors in fixing biases in behavior.Keywords: ARCH/GARCH model, heat wave, KSE-100 index, stock market return
Procedia PDF Downloads 1577512 The Effect of Sand Content on Behavior of Kaolin Clay
Authors: Hamed Tohidi, James W. Mahar
One of the unknowns in the design of zoned earth dams is the percentage of sand which can be present in a clay core and still retain the necessary plasticity to prevent cracking in response to deformation. Cracks in the clay core of a dam caused by differential settlement can lead to failure of the dam. In this study, a series of Atterberg Limit tests and unconfined compression strength tests have been conducted in the ISU soil mechanics laboratory on prepared mixes of quartz sand and commercial clays (Kaolin and Smectite) to determine the relationship between sand content, plasticity and squeezing behavior. The prepared mixes have variable percentages of sand ranging between 10 and 90% by weight. Plastic limit test results in which specimens can be rolled into 1/8 in. threads without crumbling and plasticity index values which represent the range of water content over which the specimens can be remolded without cracking were used to evaluate the plasticity of the sand-clay mixtures. The test results show that the design mixes exhibit plastic behavior with sand contents up to 80% by weight. However, the plasticity of the mixes decreases with increasing sand content. For unconfined compression strength tests, the same mixtures of sand and clay (Kaolin) were made in plastic limit. The results which were concluded from the UCC tests represent the relationship between sand-clay content and chance of having squeezing behavior, also according to the results from UCC, strength of different samples and stress-strain curves can be obtained.Keywords: clay's behaviour, plasticity, sand content, Kaolin clay
Procedia PDF Downloads 2537511 Prevalence, Associated Factors, and Help-Seeking Behavior of Psychological Distress among International Students at the National University of Malaysia
Authors: Khadiga Kahwa, Aniza Ismail
Depression, anxiety, and stress are associated with decreased role functioning, productivity, and quality of life. International students are more prone to psychological distress as they face many stressors while studying abroad. The objectives of the study were to determine the prevalence and associated factors of depression, anxiety, and stress among international students, their help-seeking behavior, and their awareness of the available on-campus mental support services. A cross-sectional study with a purposive sampling method was performed on 280 international students at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) between the age of 18 and 35 years. The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 (DASS-21) questionnaire was used anonymously to assess the mental health of students. Socio-demographic, help-seeking behavior, and awareness data were obtained. Independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA test, and multiple linear regression were used to explore associated factors. The overall prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among international students were 58.9%, 71.8%, and 53.9%, respectively. Age was significantly associated with depression and anxiety. Ethnicity showed a significant association with depression and stress. No other factors were found to be significantly associated with psychological distress. Only 9.6% of the international students had sought help from on-campus mental support services. Students who were aware of the presence of such services were only 21.4% of the participants. In conclusion, this study addressed the gap in the literature on the mental health of international students and provided data that could be used in intervention programs to improve the mental health of the increasing number of international students in Malaysia.Keywords: anxiety, depression, stress, help-seeking behavior, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 1337510 Differences in Motivations for the Use of Facebook between Males and Females
Authors: Arti Bakhshi, Remia Mahajan
Social networking sites have evolved with great pace and India has been no exception. Facebook is the top most rated social networking site (SNS) in India. Though this site is mostly used by younger generations, the popularity of this site is increasing among all masses and classes. The current paper explores gender differences in motivations for the use of Facebook. Of the sample (N=556), 229 male and 327 female Facebook users from India were asked to rate the motivations for the use of Facebook from ‘most preferred’ to ‘least preferred’. The five motivations studied were- time passing, information, relationship development, relationship maintenance and trend following. The cross tab chi square analyses revealed significant differences in three out of five motivations between male and female Facebook users, namely time passing, relationship development and trend following. Female Facebook users rated ‘time passing’ as a more preferred motivation in comparison to male Facebook users, while male users rated ‘relationship development’ and ‘trend following’ motivations as more preferred in comparison to female Facebook users. Suggestions for future research are discussed.Keywords: facebook, gender, motivations, social networking sites
Procedia PDF Downloads 4727509 A Comparative Analysis of Evacuation Behavior in Case of Cyclone Sidr, Typhoon Yolanda and the Great East Japan Earthquake
Authors: Swarnali Chakma, Akihiko Hokugo
Research on three case studies reviewed here explains many aspects and complications of evacuation behavior during an emergency period. The scenario and phenomenon of the disaster were different, but the similarities are that after receiving the warning peoples does not take it seriously. Many individuals evacuated after taking some kind of action, for example; return to home, searching for family members, prepared valuable things etc. Based on a review of the literature, the data identified a number of factors that help explain evacuation behavior during the disaster. In the case of Japan, cultural inhibitors impact people’s behavior; for example, following the traffic rules, some people lost their time to skip because of the slow-moving car makes overcrowded traffic and some of them were washed away by the tsunami. In terms of Bangladeshi culture, women did not want to evacuate without men because staying men and women who do not know each other under the same roof together is not regular practice or comfortable. From these three case studies, it is observed that early warning plays an important role in cyclones, typhoons and earthquakes. A high level of trust from residents in the warning system is important to real evacuation. It is necessary to raise awareness of disaster and provide information on the vulnerability to cyclones, typhoons and earthquakes hazards at community levels. The local level may help decision makers and other stakeholders to make a better decision regarding an effective disaster management.Keywords: disaster management, emergency period, evacuation, shelter, typhoon
Procedia PDF Downloads 1587508 Academic Major, Gender, and Perceived Helpfulness Predict Help-Seeking Stigma
Authors: Tran Tran
Mental health issues are prevalent among Vietnamese undergraduate students, and they are greatly exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic for this population. While there is empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness and efficiency of therapy on mental health issues among college students, the rates of Vietnamese college students seeking professional mental health services were alarmingly low. Multiple factors can prevent those in need from finding support. The Internalized Stigma Model posits that public stigma directly affects intentions to seek psychological help via self-stigma and attitudes toward seeking help. However, little research has focused on what factors can predict public stigma toward seeking professional psychological support, especially among this population. A potential predictor is academic majors since academic majors can influence undergraduate students' perceptions, attitudes, and intentions. A study suggested that students who have completed two or more psychology courses have a more positive attitude toward seeking care for mental health issues and reduced stigma, which might be attributed to increased mental health literacy. In addition, research has shown that women are more likely to utilize mental health services and have lower stigma than men. Finally, studies have also suggested that experience of mental health services can increase endorsement of perceived need and lower stigma. Thus, it is expected that perceived helpfulness from past service uses can reduce stigma. This study aims to address this gap in the literature and investigate which factors can predict public stigma, specifically academic major, gender, and perceived helpfulness, potentially suggesting an avenue of prevention and ultimately improving the well-being of Vietnamese college students. The sample includes 408 undergraduate students (Mage = 20.44; 80.88% female) Hanoi city, Vietnam. Participants completed a pen-and-paper questionnaire. Students completed the Stigma Scale for Receiving Psychological Help, which yielded a mean public stigma score. Participants also completed a measurement assessing their perceived helpfulness of their university’s counseling center, which included eight subscales: future self-development, learning issues, career counseling, medical and health issues, mental health issues, conflicts between teachers and students, conflicts between parents and students, and interpersonal relationships. Items were summed to create a composite perceived helpfulness score. Finally, participants provided demographic information. This included gender, which was dichotomized between female and other. Additionally, it included academic major, which was also similarly dichotomized between psychology and other (e.g., natural science, social science, and pedagogy & social work). Linear relationships between public stigma and gender, academic major, and perceived helpfulness were analyzed individually with a regression model. Findings suggested that academic major, gender, and perceived counseling center's helpfulness predicted stigma against seeking professional psychological help. Specifically, being a psychology major predicted lower levels of public stigma (β = -.25, p < .001). Additionally, gender female predicted lower levels of public stigma (β = -.11, p < .05). Lastly, higher levels of perceived helpfulness of the counseling center also predicted lower levels of public stigma (β = -.16, p < .01). The study’s results offer potential intervention avenues to help reduce stigma and increase well-being for Vietnamese college students.Keywords: stigma, vietnamese college students, counseling services, help-seeking
Procedia PDF Downloads 907507 Psychological Testing in Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Validity and Reliability of Psychological Assessments in the Workplace
Authors: Melissa C. Monney
Psychological testing has been of interest to researchers for many years as useful tools in assessing and diagnosing various disorders as well as to assist in understanding human behavior. However, for over 20 years now, researchers and laypersons alike have been interested in using them for other purposes, such as determining factors in employee selection, promotion, and even termination. In recent years, psychological assessments have been useful in facilitating workplace decision processing, regarding employee circulation within organizations. This literature review explores four of the most commonly used psychological tests in workplace environments, namely cognitive ability, emotional intelligence, integrity, and personality tests, as organizations have used these tests to assess different factors of human behavior as predictive measures of future employee behaviors. The findings suggest that while there is much controversy and debate regarding the validity and reliability of these tests in workplace settings as they were not originally designed for these purposes, the use of such assessments in the workplace has been useful in decreasing costs and employee turnover as well as increase job satisfaction by ensuring the right employees are selected for their roles.Keywords: cognitive ability, personality testing, predictive validity, workplace behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 2437506 Use of Short Piles for Stabilizing the Side Slope of the Road Embankment along the Canal
Authors: Monapat Sasingha, Suttisak Soralump
This research presents the behavior of slope of the road along the canal stabilized by short piles. In this investigation, the centrifuge machine was used, modelling the condition of the water levels in the canal. The centrifuge tests were performed at 35 g. To observe the movement of the soil, visual analysis was performed to evaluate the failure behavior. Conclusively, the use of short piles to stabilize the canal slope proved to be an effective solution. However, the certain amount of settlement was found behind the short pile rows.Keywords: centrifuge test, slope failure, embankment, stability of slope
Procedia PDF Downloads 2697505 Continuance Commitment of Retail Pharmacist in a Labor Shortage: Results from the Questionnaire Survey
Authors: Shigeaki Mishima
Pharmacist labor shortage has become a long-term problem in Japan. This paper discusses the relationship between organizational commitment and pharmacists' organizational behavior in the context of labor shortage. Based on a multidimensional view of organizational commitment, effective commitment and continuous commitment are measured. It is suggested that the continuous commitment has a unique impact on withholding information behavior. We also discuss the impact of labor supply and demand on continuous commitment of retail pharmacist.Keywords: organizational commitment, pharmacist, labor shortage, professional
Procedia PDF Downloads 4127504 To Smile or Not to Smile: How Engendered Facial Cues affect Hiring Decisions
Authors: Sabrina S. W. Chan, Emily Schwartzman, Nicholas O. Rule
Past literature showed mixed findings on how smiling affects a person’s chance of getting hired. On one hand, smiling suggests enthusiasm, cooperativeness, and enthusiasm, which can elicit positive impressions. On the other hand, smiling can suggest weaker professionalism or a filler to hide nervousness, which can lower a candidate’s perceived competence. Emotion expressions can also be perceived differently depending on the person’s gender and can activate certain gender stereotypes. Women especially face a double bind with respect to hiring decisions and smiling. Because women are socially expected to smile more, those who do not smile will be considered stereotype incongruent. This becomes a noisy signal to employers and may lower their chance of being hired. However, women’s smiling as a formality may also be an obstacle. They are more likely to put on fake smiles; but if they do, they are also likely to be perceived as inauthentic and over-expressive. This paper sought to investigate how smiling affects hiring decisions, and whether this relationship is moderated by gender. In Study 1, participants were shown a series of smiling and emotionally neutral face images, incorporated into fabricated LinkedIn profiles. Participants were asked to rate how hireable they thought that candidate was. Results showed that participants rated smiling candidates as more hireable than nonsmiling candidates, and that there was no difference in gender. Moreover, individuals who did not study business were more biased in their perceptions than those who did. Since results showed a trending favoritism over female targets, in suspect of desirability bias, a second study was conducted to collect implicit measures behind the decision-making process. In Study 2, a mouse-tracking design was adopted to explore whether participants’ implicit attitudes were different from their explicit responses on hiring. Participants asked to respond whether they would offer an interview to a candidate. Findings from Study 1 was replicated in that smiling candidates received more offers than neutral-faced candidates. Results also showed that female candidates received significantly more offers than male candidates but was associated with higher attractiveness ratings. There were no significant findings in reaction time or change of decisions. However, stronger hesitation was detected for responses made towards neutral targets when participants perceived the given position as masculine, implying a conscious attempt of making situational judgments (e.g., considering candidate’s personality and job fit) to override automatic processing (evaluations based on attractiveness). Future studies would look at how these findings differ for positions which are stereotypically masculine (e.g., surgeons) and stereotypically feminine (e.g., kindergarten teachers). Current findings have strong implications for developing bias-free hiring policies in workplace, especially for organizations who maintain online/hybrid working arrangements in the post-pandemic era. This also bridges the literature gap between face perception and gender discrimination, highlighting how engendered facial cues can affect individual’s career development and organization’s success in diversity and inclusion.Keywords: engendered facial cues, face perception, gender stereotypes, hiring decisions, smiling, workplace discrimination
Procedia PDF Downloads 1357503 Lightweight and Seamless Distributed Scheme for the Smart Home
Authors: Muhammad Mehran Arshad Khan, Chengliang Wang, Zou Minhui, Danyal Badar Soomro
Security of the smart home in terms of behavior activity pattern recognition is a totally dissimilar and unique issue as compared to the security issues of other scenarios. Sensor devices (low capacity and high capacity) interact and negotiate each other by detecting the daily behavior activity of individuals to execute common tasks. Once a device (e.g., surveillance camera, smart phone and light detection sensor etc.) is compromised, an adversary can then get access to a specific device and can damage daily behavior activity by altering the data and commands. In this scenario, a group of common instruction processes may get involved to generate deadlock. Therefore, an effective suitable security solution is required for smart home architecture. This paper proposes seamless distributed Scheme which fortifies low computational wireless devices for secure communication. Proposed scheme is based on lightweight key-session process to upheld cryptic-link for trajectory by recognizing of individual’s behavior activities pattern. Every device and service provider unit (low capacity sensors (LCS) and high capacity sensors (HCS)) uses an authentication token and originates a secure trajectory connection in network. Analysis of experiments is revealed that proposed scheme strengthens the devices against device seizure attack by recognizing daily behavior activities, minimum utilization memory space of LCS and avoids network from deadlock. Additionally, the results of a comparison with other schemes indicate that scheme manages efficiency in term of computation and communication.Keywords: authentication, key-session, security, wireless sensors
Procedia PDF Downloads 3207502 Leader Personality Traits and Constructive Voice Behavior: Mediating Roles of Empowering Leadership and Leader-Member Exchange
Authors: Umamaheswara Rao Jada, Susmita Mukhopadhyay
Employee voice behavior has emerged as an important topic in relation to understanding the paybacks within the organizations. Organizations are expecting employees to contribute in the form of suggestions and ideas that not only help an organization to grow but also survive the turbulent times. Leadership in the organization enables and arouses an individual to offer constructive ideas. The significant impact of leadership is undeniable in a context of creating an environment that promotes a free flow of thoughts and ideas in the organization which in turn is significantly influenced by the personality of the leader. Therefore our study aims at examining the underlying factors which influence employee constructive voice behavior in connection with leader’s personality, empowering form of leadership and leader-member exchange in the organization sequentially. A standardized survey questionnaire was used to collect sample of 272 service executives in India. Smart PLS 2.0 was used to test hypothesis and explore the mediation effect. The result shows that the leader personality traits of agreeableness and conscientiousness were positively related to empowering leadership, whereas neuroticism was unrelated to empowering leadership. Empowering leadership influenced followers’ constructive voice behavior significantly. Furthermore, the relationship was partially mediated by leader member exchange relationship. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings, as well as directions for the future line of research, have been presented in the study.Keywords: constructive voice, empowering leadership, leader member exchange (LMX), leader personality traits
Procedia PDF Downloads 3017501 Navigating Shadows: Examining a Moderation Mediation model of Punitive supervision, Innovative Work Behavior and Employee’s Knowledge Hiding
Authors: Sadia Anwara, Weng Qingxionga, Jahan Zeb Aslamb
Drawing on the Conservation of Resources Theory and Theory of Displaced Aggression, current research study aims to explore the impact of an emerging destructive leadership style i.e., Punitive Supervision on the Employees’ Innovative Work Behavior (IWB) and Employee’s Knowledge Hiding (EKH) within the hospitality sector of Pakistan. This paper further elaborates the underlying mechanism by introducing job security as the mediator and Perceived Organisational Support (POS) as the coping mechanism to manage the deteriorating effects of Punitive supervision on the IWS and EKH. Two wave data (N=267) was obtained from the frontline employees of the hospitality sector of Pakistan in order to test the hypothesized moderation mediation model. Study findings unveiled that, punitive supervision negatively affects employees' innovative work behavior (IWB) and increases employee’s knowledge hiding (EKH), with job insecurity serving as a significant mediator in these relationships. Specifically, punitive supervision increases employees' perceptions of job insecurity, decreasing their innovative work behaviors and increasing their tendencies to engage in knowledge hiding. From a managerial perspective, this research study suggests that managers must evaluate their behavior and leadership style to prevent the drastic effect of dark leadership on the employee’s IWB and EKH. In addition, organizations must strive to foster an organizational culture of trust and open communication to reduce job insecurity. Employees should receive sufficient training and development opportunities to reduce job insecurity, while clear performance expectations and constructive feedback should be encouraged to help them excel.Keywords: punitive supervision, job insecurity, perceived organisational support, innovative work behavior, knowledge hiding
Procedia PDF Downloads 267500 Communication Skills for Physicians: Adaptation to the Third Gender and Language Cross Cultural Influences
Authors: Virginia Guillén Cañas, Miren Agurtzane Ortiz-Jauregi, Sonia Ruiz De Azua, Naiara Ozamiz
We want to focus on relationship of the communicational skills in several key aspects of medicine. The most relevant competencies of a health professional are an adequate communication capacity, which will influence the satisfaction of professionals and patients, therapeutic compliance, conflict prevention, clinical outcomes’ improvement and efficiency of health services. We define empathy as it as Sympathy and connection to others and capability to communicate this understanding. Some outcomes favoring empathy are female gender, younger age, and specialty choice. Third gender or third sex is a concept in which allows a person not to be categorized in a dual way but as a continuous variable, giving the choice of moving along it. This point of view recognizes three or more genders. The subject of Ethics and Clinical Communication is dedicated to sensitizing students about the importance and effectiveness of a good therapeutic relationship. We are also interested in other communicational aspects related to empathy as active listening, assertivity and basic and advanced Social Skills. Objectives: 1. To facilitate the approach of the student in the Medicine Degree to the reality of the medical profession 2. Analyze interesting outcome variables in communication 3. Interactive process to detect the areas of improvement in the learning process of the Physician throughout his professional career needs. Design: A comparative study with a cross-sectional approach was conducted in successive academic year cohorts of health professional students at a public Basque university. Four communicational aspects were evaluated through these questionnaires in Basque, Spanish and English: The active listening questionnaire, the TECA empathy questionnaire, the ACDA questionnaire and the EHS questionnaire Social Skills Scale. Types of interventions for improving skills: Interpersonal skills training intervention, Empathy intervention, Writing about experiential learning, Drama through role plays, Communicational skills training, Problem-based learning, Patient interviews ´videos, Empathy-focused training, Discussion. Results: It identified the need for a cross cultural adaptation and no gender distinction. The students enjoyed all the techniques in comparison to the usual master class. There was medium participation but these participative methodologies are not so usual in the university. According to empathy, men have a greater empathic capacity to fully understand women (p < 0.05) With regard to assertiveness there have been no differences between men and women in self-assertiveness but nevertheless women are more heteroassertive than men. Conclusions: These findings suggest that educational interventions with adequate feedback can be effective in maintaining and enhancing empathy in undergraduate medical students.Keywords: physician's communicational skills, patient satisfaction, third gender, cross cultural adaptation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1937499 Bound By Patriarchy: Women’s Experience of Internal Migration in Bangladesh
Authors: Fouzia Mannan, Deepa Joshi
Millions of Bangladeshis move from low-income agrarian villages to the country’s urban landscape with the hope to gain from the rapidly-growing middle-income urban, industrial future. However, the economic gains are mostly offset by new forms of extreme depravity, indignity, and inequality. Nonetheless, many scholars report unique gendered gains through migration - the rupture of traditional, entrenched inequalities by gender, providing women not only reliable incomes but also the opportunity to re-negotiate gendered roles, responsibilities and identities. In this study, we present the reflections of ten long-term urban migrant women in Dhaka city: of their gains, their losses as well as their aspirations for the future. Our findings show the incredibly high costs of a migration that is induced by desperate rural poverty. Further, we find that patriarchy persists - within the often 'kutcha' walls of urban low-income homes to the nature of so-called economic opportunities - in the constant intertwining of capitalism, globalization, and patriarchy. Caught in between, women have little choice but to cope with these new vulnerabilities by relying on the very norms and boundaries established by patriarchy and by recreating patriarchy to celebrate the (if) gains from displacement and migration.Keywords: gender, internal migration, patriarchy, urbanization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1857498 The Influence of the Form of Grain on the Mechanical Behaviour of Sand
Authors: Mohamed Boualem Salah
The size and shape of soil particles reflect the formation history of the grains. In turn, the macro scale behavior of the soil mass results from particle level interactions which are affected by particle shape. Sphericity, roundness and smoothness characterize different scales associated to particle shape. New experimental data and data from previously published studies are gathered into two databases to explore the effects of particle shape on packing as well as small and large-strain properties of sandy soils. Data analysis shows that increased particle irregularity (angularity and/or eccentricity) leads to: an increase in emax and emin, a decrease in stiffness yet with increased sensitivity to the state of stress, an increase in compressibility under zero-lateral strain loading, and an increase in critical state friction angle φcs and intercept Γ with a weak effect on slope λ. Therefore, particle shape emerges as a significant soil index property that needs to be properly characterized and documented, particularly in clean sands and gravels. The systematic assessment of particle shape will lead to a better understanding of sand behavior.Keywords: angularity, eccentricity, shape particle, behavior of soil
Procedia PDF Downloads 4147497 Dao Din Student Activists: From Hope to Victims under the Thai Society of Darkness
Authors: Siwach Sripokangkul, Autthapon Muangming
The Dao Din group is a gathering of students from the Faculty of Law, Khon Kaen University, a leading university in the northeast of Thailand. The Dao Din group has been one of the most prominent student movements in the past four decades since the bloody massacre of the 6th of October 1976. The group of student is a movement who gather to oppose and protest against different capitalist-run projects that have impacted upon the environment since 2009. The students have become heroes in Thai society and receive support from various groups, especially the middle class who regard the students as role models for the youth. Subsequently, the Dao Din group has received numerous awards between 2011-2013. However, the Dao Din group opposed the military coup d’état of 2014 and the subsequent military junta. Under the military dictatorship regime (2014-present), security officials have hunted, insulted, arrested, and jailed members of the group many times amidst silence from most of the from the middle class. Therefore, this article posits the question of why the Dao Din group which was once the hero and hope of Thai society, has become a political victim in only a few years. The study methods used are the analysis of documentaries, news articles, and interviews with representatives of the Dao Din group. The author argues that Thailand’s middle class previously demonstrated a positive perception of the Dao Din group precisely because that group had earlier opposed policies of the elected Yingluck Shinawatra government, which most of the middle class already despised. However, once the Dao Din group began to protest against the anti-Yingluck military government, then the middle class turned to harshly criticize the Dao Din group. So it can be concluded that the Thai middle class tends to put its partisan interests ahead of a civil society group which has been critical of elected as well as military administrations. This has led the middle class to support the demolishing of Thai democracy. Such a Thai middle-class characteristic not only poses a strong bulwark for the perpetuation of military rule but also destroys a civil society group (composed of young people) who should be the future hope of the nation rather than under the Thai society of darkness.Keywords: Dao Din student activists, the military coup d’état of 2014, Thai politics, human rights violations
Procedia PDF Downloads 2267496 Implementation of Maqasid Syari'ah in the Concept of Reforming the Indonesian Marriage Law Based on Gender Equality: Study of the Counter Legal Draft Compilation of Islamic Law
Authors: Nirmalasanti Pramesi
In 2004 the CLD KHI Team offered several new ideas in the field of Islamic family law, such as marriage, inheritance (waris), and waqf. The new idea is based on six main principles; pluralism, nationality, human rights, democracy, maslahah, and gender equality. However, the existence of this has actually caused various criticisms, appreciations, and controversies. For this reason, CLD-KHI, as the idea of reforming family law, especially in the field of marriage, really needs to be studied academically with a comprehensive method as an unfinished problem. The main issues examined in this study are what are the ideas for reforming the law of marriage that have been formulated by the CLD KHI team, as well as how to implement Maqasid Sharia in legal reform. The methodology used in this research is a qualitative method with a normative-empirical-sociological approach. The results of this research show every substance of the idea considers aspects of locality, nationality, and global ethics. The Maqasid approach used in most of the legal provisions is moderate (wasati). Meanwhile, in matters of wali niqah and inheritance, it is adjusted to the context of Indonesian society.Keywords: Maqasid syari'ah, CLD KHI, marriage law reform, moderate
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