Search results for: food products
5941 IP Management Tools, Strategies, Best Practices, and Business Models for Pharmaceutical Products
Authors: Nerella Srinivas
This study investigates the role of intellectual property (IP) management in pharmaceutical development, focusing on tools, strategies, and business models for leveraging IP effectively. Using a mixed-methods approach, we conducted case studies and qualitative analyses of IP management frameworks within the pharmaceutical sector. Our methodology included a review of IP tools tailored for pharmaceutical applications, strategic IP models for maximizing competitive advantages, and best practices for organizational efficiency. Findings emphasize the importance of understanding IP law and adopting adaptive strategies, illustrating how IP management can drive industry growth.Keywords: intellectual property management, pharmaceutical products, IP tools, IP strategies, best practices, business models, innovation
Procedia PDF Downloads 245940 Sustainable Ecological Agricultural Systems in Bangladesh: Environmental, Economic and Social Perspective of Compost
Authors: Protima Chakraborty
The sustainability of conventional agriculture in Bangladesh is under threat from the continuous degradation of land and water resources, and from declining yields due to indiscriminate use of agrochemicals. NASL (Northern Agro Services Limited) is pursuing efforts to promote ecological agriculture with emphasis on better use of organic fertilizer resources and the reduction of external inputs. This paper examines the sustainability of two production systems in terms of their environmental soundness, economic viability and social acceptability based on empirical data collected through making demonstration land cultivation, a household survey, soil sample analysis, observations and discussions with key informants. Twelve indicators were selected to evaluate sustainability. Significant differences were found between the two systems in crop diversification, soil fertility management, pests and diseases management, and use of agrochemicals & Organic Compost. However, significant variations were found in other indicators such as land-use pattern, crop yield and stability, risk and uncertainties, and food security. Although crop yield and financial return were found to be slightly higher in the ecological system, the economic return and value addition per unit of land show the positive difference of using compost rather than chemical fertilizer. The findings suggest that ecological agriculture has a tendency towards becoming ecologically, economically and socially more sound than conventional agriculture, as it requires considerably fewer agro-chemicals, adds more organic matter to the soil, provides balanced food, and requires higher local inputs without markedly compromising output and financial benefits. Broad-policy measures, including the creation of mass awareness of adverse health effects of agrochemical-based products, are outlined for the promotion of ecological agriculture.Keywords: Bangladesh, compost, conventional agriculture, organic fertilizer, environmental sustainability, economic viability, social acceptability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2425939 Catered Lunch Suspected Outbreak in a Garment Factory, Sleman District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2017
Authors: Rieski Prihastuti, Meliana Depo, Trisno A. Wibowo, Misinem
On October 19, 2017, Yogyakarta Islamic Hospital reported 38 garment employees with nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea after they had lunch on October 18, 2017, to Sleman District Health Office. Objectives of this study were to ensure the outbreak and identify source and route of transmission. Case-control study was conducted to analyze food items that caused the outbreak. A case was defined as a person who got symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea with/without vomiting, fever, and headache after they had lunch on October 18, 2017. Samples included leftover lunch box, vomit, tap water and drinking water had been sent to the laboratory. Data were analyzed descriptively as frequency table and analyzed by using chi-square in bivariate analysis. All of 196 garment employee was included in this study. The common symptoms of this outbreak were abdominal pain (84.4%), diarrhea (72.8%), nausea (61.6%), headache (52.8%), vomiting (12.8%), and fever (6.4%) with median incubation period 13 hours (range 1-34 hours). Highest attack rate and odds ratio was found in grilled chicken (Attack Rate 58,49%) with Odds Ratio 11,023 (Confidence Interval 95% 1.383 - 87.859; p value 0,005). Almost all samples showed mold, except drinking water. Based on its sign and symptoms, also incubation period, diarrheal Bacillus cereus and Clostridium perfringens were suspected to be the causative agent of the outbreak. Limitation of this study was improper sample handling and no sample of food handler and stools in the food caterer. Outbreak investigation training needed to be given to the hospital worker, and monitoring should be done to the food caterer to prevent another outbreak.Keywords: disease outbreak, foodborne disease, food poisoning, outbreak
Procedia PDF Downloads 1595938 Advanced Electron Microscopy Study of Fission Products in a TRISO Coated Particle Neutron Irradiated to 3.6 X 1021 N/cm² Fast Fluence at 1040 ⁰C
Authors: Haiming Wen, Isabella J. Van Rooyen
Tristructural isotropic (TRISO)-coated fuel particles are designed as nuclear fuel for high-temperature gas reactors. TRISO coating consists of layers of carbon buffer, inner pyrolytic carbon (IPyC), SiC, and outer pyrolytic carbon. The TRISO coating, especially the SiC layer, acts as a containment system for fission products produced in the kernel. However, release of certain metallic fission products across intact TRISO coatings has been observed for decades. Despite numerous studies, mechanisms by which fission products migrate across the coating layers remain poorly understood. In this study, scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) were used to examine the distribution, composition and structure of fission products in a TRISO coated particle neutron irradiated to 3.6 x 1021 n/cm² fast fluence at 1040 ⁰C. Precession electron diffraction was used to investigate characters of grain boundaries where specific fission product precipitates are located. The retention fraction of 110mAg in the investigated TRISO particle was estimated to be 0.19. A high density of nanoscale fission product precipitates was observed in the SiC layer close to the SiC-IPyC interface, most of which are rich in Pd, while Ag was not identified. Some Pd-rich precipitates contain U. Precipitates tend to have complex structure and composition. Although a precipitate appears to have uniform contrast in STEM, EDS indicated that there may be composition variations throughout the precipitate, and HRTEM suggested that the precipitate may have several parts different in crystal structure or orientation. Attempts were made to measure charge states of precipitates using EELS and study their possible effect on precipitate transport.Keywords: TRISO particle, fission product, nuclear fuel, electron microscopy, neutron irradiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2675937 Rice Bran Material Enrichment of Granulated Cane Brown Sugar to Increase Policosanol Contents
Authors: Monthana Weerawatanakorn, Hajime Tamaki, Yonathan Asikin, Koji Wada, Makoto Takahashi, Chi-Tang Ho, Min-Hsiung Pan
Rice bran and sugarcane are significant sources of wax containing policosanol (PC), the cholesterol-lowering nutraceutical available in the market. The processing of rice bran oil causes the loss of PC content into various waste products. Therefore, we hypothesise that defatted rice bran (DRB) as agricultural waste product and rice bran oil (RBO) retain a varying but significant amount of PC wax. Non-centrifugal cane sugar (NCS) or cane brown sugar has been consumed worldwide and possesses various health benefits. Since PC wax is mainly in the outer layer rinds of cane, PC contents of the granulated sugar are reduced due to the peeling step. The study aimed to increase PC contents of the granular brown sugar by adding wax extracted from DRB and RBO and to investigate the toxicity of the developed products. The results showed that the total PC contents including long chain aldehyde of products were increased to the maximum level of 147.97 mg/100 g and 40.14 mg/100 g for extracted wax and rice bran oil addition, respectively. PC content of RBO was found to be 96.93 mg/100 g. DRB is promising source of policosanol (6,044.7 mg/100 g). The 28-day toxicity evaluations of the developed sugar revealed no adverse effects on the liver, spleen or kidney.Keywords: enrichment, sugarcane, policosanol, defatted rice bran, wax
Procedia PDF Downloads 3745936 Radio Frequency Identification Chips in Colour Preference Tracking
Authors: A. Ballard
The ability to track goods and products en route in the delivery system, in the warehouse, and on the top floor is a huge advantage to shippers and retailers. Recently the emergence of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has enabled this better than ever before. However, a significant problem exists in that RFID technology depends on the quality of the information stored for each tagged product. Because of the profusion of names for colours, it is very difficult to ascertain that stored values are recognised by all users who view the product visually. This paper reports the findings of a study in which 50 consumers and 50 logistics workers were shown colour swatches and asked to choose the name of the colour from a multiple choice list. They were then asked to match consumer products, including toasters, jumpers, and toothbrushes, with the identifying inventory information available for each one. The findings show that the ability to match colours was significantly stronger with the color swatches than with the consumer products and that while logistics professionals made more frequent correct identification than the consumers, their results were still unsatisfactorily low. Based on these findings, a proposed universal model of colour identification numbers has been developed.Keywords: consumer preferences, supply chain logistics, radio frequency identification, RFID, colour preference
Procedia PDF Downloads 1215935 The Food Security and Nutritional Diversity Impacts of Coupling Rural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development: Evidence from a Generalized Propensity Score Analysis
Authors: Latif Apaassongo Ibrahim, Owusu-Addo Ebenezer, Isaac Bonuedo
Structural barriers - including inadequate infrastructure, poor market linkages, and limited access to financial and extension services - have been the major constraints to improved welfare in the semi-arid regions of Ghana; food insecurity and malnutrition are persistent. The effects of infrastructural improvements as countermeasures are often misdirected by confounding effects of other economic, social, and environmental variables. This study applies Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) to map the causal pathways between infrastructure development and household welfare, identifying key mediators and confounders for one such initiative in Ghana. Then, using Generalized Propensity Score (GPS) and Doubly Robust Estimation (IPWRA), this study evaluates the differential roles of government-supported infrastructure improvements in access and intensity of commercial relative to public infrastructure, on household food security and women’s nutritional diversity given three major value-chain improvements. The main findings suggest that these infrastructure improvements positively impact food security and nutrition, with women’s empowerment and nutritional education acting as key mediators. Market access emerged as a stronger causal mechanism relative to productivity gains in linking infrastructure to improved welfare. Membership in Farmer-Based Organizations (FBOs) and participation in agribusiness linkages further amplified these impacts. However, the effects of infrastructure improvements were less clear when combined with the adoption of climate resilience practices, suggesting potential trade-offs.Keywords: food security, nutrition, infrastructure, market access, women's empowerment, farmer-based organizations, climate resilience, Ghana
Procedia PDF Downloads 165934 Religiosity and Involvement in Purchasing Convenience Foods: Using Two-Step Cluster Analysis to Identify Heterogenous Muslim Consumers in the UK
Authors: Aisha Ijaz
The paper focuses on the impact of Muslim religiosity on convenience food purchases and involvement experienced in a non-Muslim culture. There is a scarcity of research on the purchasing patterns of Muslim diaspora communities residing in risk societies, particularly in contexts where there is an increasing inclination toward industrialized food items alongside a renewed interest in the concept of natural foods. The United Kingdom serves as an appropriate setting for this study due to the increasing Muslim population in the country, paralleled by the expanding Halal Food Market. A multi-dimensional framework is proposed, testing for five forms of involvement, specifically Purchase Decision Involvement, Product Involvement, Behavioural Involvement, Intrinsic Risk and Extrinsic Risk. Quantitative cross-sectional consumer data were collected through a face-to-face survey contact method with 141 Muslims during the summer of 2020 in Liverpool located in the Northwest of England. proportion formula was utilitsed, and the population of interest was stratified by gender and age before recruitment took place through local mosques and community centers. Six input variables were used (intrinsic religiosity and involvement dimensions), dividing the sample into 4 clusters using the Two-Step Cluster Analysis procedure in SPSS. Nuanced variances were observed in the type of involvement experienced by religiosity group, which influences behaviour when purchasing convenience food. Four distinct market segments were identified: highly religious ego-involving (39.7%), less religious active (26.2%), highly religious unaware (16.3%), less religious concerned (17.7%). These segments differ significantly with respects to their involvement, behavioural variables (place of purchase and information sources used), socio-cultural (acculturation and social class), and individual characteristics. Choosing the appropriate convenience food is centrally related to the value system of highly religious ego-involving first-generation Muslims, which explains their preference for shopping at ethnic food stores. Less religious active consumers are older and highly alert in information processing to make the optimal food choice, relying heavily on product label sources. Highly religious unaware Muslims are less dietary acculturated to the UK diet and tend to rely on digital and expert advice sources. The less-religious concerned segment, who are typified by younger age and third generation, are engaged with the purchase process because they are worried about making unsuitable food choices. Research implications are outlined and potential avenues for further explorations are identified.Keywords: consumer behaviour, consumption, convenience food, religion, muslims, UK
Procedia PDF Downloads 575933 Probiotic Properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Fermented Food
Authors: Wilailak Siripornadulsil, Siriyanapat Tasaku, Jutamas Buahorm, Surasak Siripornadulsil
The objectives of this study were to isolate LAB from various sources, dietary supplement, Thai traditional fermented food, and freshwater fish and to characterize their potential as probiotic cultures. Out of 1,558 isolates, 730 were identified as LAB based on isolation on MRS agar supplemented with a bromocresol purple indicator and CaCO3 and gram-positive, catalase and oxidase negative characteristics. Eight isolates showed the potential probiotic properties including tolerance to acid, bile salt and heat, proteolytic, amylolytic and lipolytic activities and oxalate-degrading capability. They all showed the antimicrobial activity against some Gram-negative and Gram-positive pathogenic bacteria. Based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis, they were identified as Enterococcus faecalis BT2 and MG30, Leconostoc mesenteroides SW64 and Pediococcus pentosaceous BD33, CF32, NP6, PS34 and SW5. The health beneficial effects and food safety will be further investigated and developed as a probiotic or protective culture used in Nile tilapia belly flap meat fermentation.Keywords: probiotic, lactic acid bacteria, pathogen, protective culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 3845932 Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging Spectroscopy to Detect Microplastics and Pieces of Plastic in Almond Flour
Authors: H. Apaza, L. Chévez, H. Loro
Plastic and microplastic pollution in human food chain is a big problem for human health that requires more elaborated techniques that can identify their presences in different kinds of food. Hyperspectral imaging technique is an optical technique than can detect the presence of different elements in an image and can be used to detect plastics and microplastics in a scene. To do this statistical techniques are required that need to be evaluated and compared in order to find the more efficient ones. In this work, two problems related to the presence of plastics are addressed, the first is to detect and identify pieces of plastic immersed in almond seeds, and the second problem is to detect and quantify microplastic in almond flour. To do this we make use of the analysis hyperspectral images taken in the range of 900 to 1700 nm using 4 unmixing techniques of hyperspectral imaging which are: least squares unmixing (LSU), non-negatively constrained least squares unmixing (NCLSU), fully constrained least squares unmixing (FCLSU), and scaled constrained least squares unmixing (SCLSU). NCLSU, FCLSU, SCLSU techniques manage to find the region where the plastic is found and also manage to quantify the amount of microplastic contained in the almond flour. The SCLSU technique estimated a 13.03% abundance of microplastics and 86.97% of almond flour compared to 16.66% of microplastics and 83.33% abundance of almond flour prepared for the experiment. Results show the feasibility of applying near-infrared hyperspectral image analysis for the detection of plastic contaminants in food.Keywords: food, plastic, microplastic, NIR hyperspectral imaging, unmixing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1315931 Addressing Food Grain Losses in India: Energy Trade-Offs and Nutrition Synergies
Authors: Matthew F. Gibson, Narasimha D. Rao, Raphael B. Slade, Joana Portugal Pereira, Joeri Rogelj
Globally, India’s population is among the most severely impacted by nutrient deficiency, yet millions of tonnes of food are lost before reaching consumers. Across food groups, grains represent the largest share of daily calories and overall losses by mass in India. If current losses remain unresolved and follow projected population rates, we estimate, by 2030, losses from grains for human consumption could increase by 1.3-1.8 million tonnes (Mt) per year against current levels of ~10 Mt per year. This study quantifies energy input to minimise storage losses across India, responsible for a quarter of grain supply chain losses. In doing so, we identify and explore a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) triplet between SDG₂, SDG₇, and SDG₁₂ and provide insight for development of joined up agriculture and health policy in the country. Analyzing rice, wheat, maize, bajra, and sorghum, we quantify one route to reduce losses in supply chains, by modelling the energy input to maintain favorable climatic conditions in modern silo storage. We quantify key nutrients (calories, protein, zinc, iron, vitamin A) contained within these losses and calculate roughly how much deficiency in these dietary components could be reduced if grain losses were eliminated. Our modelling indicates, with appropriate uncertainty, maize has the highest energy input intensity for storage, at 110 kWh per tonne of grain (kWh/t), and wheat the lowest (72 kWh/t). This energy trade-off represents 8%-16% of the energy input required in grain production. We estimate if grain losses across the supply chain were saved and targeted to India’s nutritionally deficient population, average protein deficiency could reduce by 46%, calorie by 27%, zinc by 26%, and iron by 11%. This study offers insight for development of Indian agriculture, food, and health policy by first quantifying and then presenting benefits and trade-offs of tackling food grain losses.Keywords: energy, food loss, grain storage, hunger, India, sustainable development goal, SDG
Procedia PDF Downloads 1295930 The Effects of Food Matrix and Different Excipient Foods on β-Carotene Bioaccessibility in Carrots
Authors: Birgul Hizlar, Sibel Karakaya
Nowadays, consumers are more and more aware of the benefits beyond basic nutrition provided by food and food compounds. Between these, carotenoids have been demonstrated to exhibit multiple health benefits (for example, some types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, eye disorders, among others). However, carotenoid bioaccessibility and bioavailability is generally rather low due to their specific localization in plant tissue and lipophilic nature. This situation is worldwide issue, since both developed and developing countries have their interest and benefits in increasing the uptake of carotenoids from the human diet. Recently, a new class of foods designed to improve the bioaccessibility/bioavailability of orally administered bioactive compounds is introduced: excipient foods. Excipient foods are specially designed foods which are prepared depending on the physicochemical properties of target bioactive compounds and increasing the bioavailability or bioaccessibility of bioactive compound. In this study, effects of food matrix (greating, boiling and mashing) and different excipient foods (olive oil, lemon juice, whey curd and dried artichoke leaf powder) on bioaccessibility of β-carotene in carrot were investigated by means of simulating in vitro gastrointestinal (GI) digestion. β-carotene contents of grated, boiled and mashed (after boiling process) carrots were 79.28, 147.63 and 151.19 μg/g respectively. No significant differences among boiled and mashed samples indicated that mashing process had no effect on the release of β-carotene from the food matrix (p > 0.05). On the contrary, mashing causes significant increase in the β-carotene bioaccessibility (p < 0.05). The highest β-carotene content was found in the mashed carrots incorporated with olive oil and lemon juice (C2). However, no significant differences between that sample and C1 (mashed carrot with lemon juice, olive oil, dried artichoke leaf powder), C3 (mashed carrot with addition of olive oil, lemon juice, whey curd) and). Similarly, the highest β-carotene bioaccessibility (50.26%) was found mashed C3 sample (p < 0.05). The increase in the bioaccessibility was approximately 5 fold and 50 fold when compared to grated and mashed samples containing olive oil, lemon juice and whey curd. The results demonstrate that both, food matrix and excipient foods, are able to increase the bioaccessibility of β-carotene.Keywords: bioaccessibility, carotenoids, carrot, β-carotene
Procedia PDF Downloads 3835929 Trade Policy Incentives and Economic Growth in Nigeria
Authors: Emmanuel Dele Balogun
This paper analyzes, using descriptive statistics and econometrics data which span the period 1981 to 2014 to gauge the effects of trade policy incentives on economic growth in Nigeria. It argues that the provided incentives penalize economic growth during pre-trade liberalization eras, but stimulated a rapid increase in total factor productivity during the post-liberalization period of 2000 to 2014. The trend analysis shows that Nigeria maintained high tariff walls in economic regulation eras which became low in post liberalization era. The protections were in favor of infant industries, which were mainly appendages of multinationals but against imports of competing food and finished consumer products. The trade openness index confirms the undue exposure of Nigeria’s economy to the vagaries of international market shocks; while banking sector recapitalization and new listing of telecommunications companies deepened the financial markets in post-liberalization era. The structure of economic incentives was biased in favor of construction, trade and services, but against the real sector despite protectionist policies. Total Factor Productivity (TFP) estimates show that the Nigerian economy suffered stagnation in pre-liberalization eras, but experienced rapid growth rates in post-liberalization eras. The regression results relating trade policy incentives to TFP growth rate yielded a significant but negative intercept suggesting that a non-interventionist policy could be detrimental to economic progress, while protective tariff which limits imports of competing products could spur productivity gains in domestic import substitutes beyond factor growth with market liberalization. The main constraint to the effectiveness of trade policy incentives is the failure of benefiting industries to leverage on the domestic factor endowments of the nation. This paper concludes that there is the need to review the current economic transformation strategies urgently with a view to provide policymakers with a better understanding of the most viable options that could make for rapid success.Keywords: economic growth, macroeconomic incentives, total factor productivity, trade policies
Procedia PDF Downloads 3235928 The Development of OTOP Web Application: Case of Samut Songkhram Province
Authors: Satien Janpla, Kunyanuth Kularbphettong
This paper aims to present the development of a web‑based system to serve the need of selling OTOP products in Samut Songkhram, Thailand. This system was designed to promote and sell OTOP products on website. We describe the design approaches and functional components of this system. The system was developed by PHP and JavaScript and MySQL database System. To evaluate the system performance, questionnaires were used to measure user satisfaction with system usability by specialists and users. The results were satisfactory as followed: Means for specialists and users were 4.05 and 3.97, and standard deviation for specialists and users were 0.563 and 0.644 respectively. Further analysis showed that the quality of One Tambon One Product (OTOP) Website was also at a good level as well.Keywords: web-based system, OTOP, product, website
Procedia PDF Downloads 3085927 Determination of Micronutrients in the Fruit of Cydonia oblonga Miller
Authors: Madrakhimova Sakhiba, Matmurotov Bakhtishod, Boltaboyava Zilola, Matchanov Alimjan
Analyzing the chemical composition of locally consumed food products is one of the urgent problems in the health sector today. Taking this into account, it analyzed the microelement content of Cydonia oblonga Miller (COM) fruit growing in the Republic of Uzbekistan using the ISP MS inductively coupled mass spectrometry method. fruits brought to a constant mass in the analysis were mineralized in a mixture of nitric acid-HNO₃ and hydrogen peroxide-H₂O₂ in a ratio of 3:2. The mineralized extract was diluted to 50 milliliters with double-distilled water and analyzed. The results of the analysis showed that the fruit is rich in micronutrients necessary for the human body, especially potassium-K and phosphorus-P among macroelements, Strontium-Sr and barium-Ba from microelements are more than other microelements. It was observed that the amount of trace elements contained in COM fruit does not exceed the permissible standards. Therefore, it can be recommended to eat this fruit every day to prevent various diseases that occur in the human body.Keywords: cydonia oblonga miller, macroelement, microelement, inductively coupled mass spectrometry, hydrolysis, mineralization
Procedia PDF Downloads 735926 Dimensioning of a Solar Dryer with Application of an Experiment Design Method for Drying Food Products
Authors: B. Touati, A. Saad, B. Lips, A. Abdenbi, M. Mokhtari.
The purpose of this study is an application of experiment design method for dimensioning of a solar drying system. NIMROD software was used to build up the matrix of experiments and to analyze the results. The software has the advantages of being easy to use and consists of a forced way, with some choices about the number and range of variation of the parameters, and the desired polynomial shape. The first design of experiments performed concern the drying with constant input characteristics of the hot air in the dryer and a second design of experiments in which the drying chamber is coupled with a solar collector. The first design of experiments allows us to study the influence of various parameters and get the studied answers in a polynomial form. The correspondence between the polynomial thus determined, and the model results were good. The results of the polynomials of the second design of experiments and those of the model are worse than the results in the case of drying with constant input conditions. This is due to the strong link between all the input parameters, especially, the surface of the sensor and the drying chamber, and the mass of the product.Keywords: solar drying, experiment design method, NIMROD, mint leaves
Procedia PDF Downloads 5075925 Nutritional Benefits of Soy: An Implication for Health Education
Authors: Mbadugha Esther Ifeoma
Soybeans, like other legumes are rich in nutrients. However, the nutrient profile of soybeans differs in some important ways from most other legumes. Among other nutrients, soy is high in protein, carbohydrates, and fibers, is rich in vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids and is low in saturated fatty acids. Because of its high nutritional value, it has been rated to be equivalent to meats, eggs and milk. Soy has many health benefits including prevention of coronary heart disease, prevention of cancer growth, improvement of cognitive function, promotion of bone health, prevention of obesity, prevention of type II diabetes and promotion of growth of normal floras in the colon. Soybean consumption is also associated with some side effects which include allergy, flatulence and abdominal discomfort. Nurses/health care providers should therefore, educate clients on the precautionary measures to be taken in preparing soy food products in order to reduce to the barest minimum the side effects, while encouraging them to include soy as part of their daily meals for optimal health and vitality.Keywords: health benefit, health education, nutritional benefit, soybeans
Procedia PDF Downloads 4935924 Availability and Representation of Plus-Size Female Fashion in Florianópolis: A Comparative Study of Physical and Online Stores
Authors: Gisele Ghanem Cardoso, Sandra Rech
Despite recent advancements, the plus-size market still faces significant gaps, as individuals with larger bodies struggle to find clothing that fits well and meets their needs. Addressing this issue, this research aims to investigate the availability of fashion products for plus-size women in both physical and online stores in Florianópolis, as well as the quantity of products available in each size. The study employs content analysis based on Bardin's framework, examining data on store locations, size ranges, and target audiences of various brands alongside observations of visual elements such as hanger sizes and the branding of specialized labels. The findings reveal a concentration of plus-size stores in peripheral areas and a limited selection of diverse, high-quality products, contrasting sharply with the access standard-sized bodies have to more prestigious fashion hubs. These results highlight how the current market structure perpetuates social exclusion, underscoring the urgent need for inclusive policies and an expanded plus-size market to promote greater equity and representation in fashion consumption.Keywords: plus size fashion, representation, consumption, Florianópolis, product availability, social exclusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 115923 Inhibition and Breaking of Advanced Glycation End Products with Nuts and Polyphenols
Authors: Moon Ho Do, Sin-Hee Park, Jae Hyuk Lee, Kyo Hee Cho, Jae Kyung Chae, Sun Yeou Kim
Long-term hyperglycemic conditions associated with diabetes lead to the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). Highly reactive glucose metabolites, methylglyoxal (MGO) and glyoxal (GO), induced carbonyl stress and it may induce cellular damage, cross-linking of proteins, and glycation, playing an important role in the impairment of kidney function. Small molecules that have the ability to inhibit AGE formation, and even break preformed AGEs have a beneficial impact on metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cancer. We quantified contents of polyphenols in nuts and investigated the protective effect of nuts and polyphenols on MGO-induced cytotoxicity in porcine kidney epithelial cells (LLC-PK1). Moreover, we evaluated the inhibitory effect of AGEs formation in the presence of MGO or GO and possess the ability to break preformed AGEs. In this study, we confirmed twenty polyphenols in diverse nuts using LC-MS/MS system. Nuts and polyphenols play a protective role in LLC-PK1 cells by reducing MGO-induced cytotoxicity. They could also prevent the formation of MGO or GO-mediated AGEs and Break AGEs crosslink. It can be surmised that increased consumption of nuts would be an effective means of preventing diabetic diseases.Keywords: advanced glycation end products, LLC-PK1, methylglyoxal, nut, polyphenol
Procedia PDF Downloads 2695922 Comparative Characteristics of Bacteriocins from Endemic Lactic Acid Bacteria
Authors: K. Karapetyan, F. Tkhruni, A. Aghajanyan, T. S. Balabekyan, L. Arstamyan
Introduction: Globalization of the food supply has created the conditions favorable for the emergence and spread of food-borne and especially dangerous pathogens (EDP) in developing countries. The fresh-cut fruit and vegetable industry is searching for alternatives to replace chemical treatments with biopreservative approaches that ensure the safety of the processed foods product. Antimicrobial compounds of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) possess bactericidal or bacteriostatic activity against intestinal pathogens, spoilage organisms and food-borne pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella. Endemic strains of LAB were isolated. The strains, showing broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity against food spoiling microorganisms, were selected. The genotyping by 16S rRNA sequencing, GS-PCR, RAPD PCR methods showed that they were presented by Lactobacillus rhamnosus109, L.plantarum 65, L.plantarum 66 and Enterococcus faecium 64 species. LAB are deposited in "Microbial Depository Center" (MDC) SPC "Armbiotechnology". Methods: LAB strains were isolated from different dairy products from rural households from the highland regions of Armenia. Serially diluted samples were spread on MRS (Merck, Germany) and hydrolyzed milk agar (1,2 % w/v). Single colonies from each LAB were individually inoculated in liquid MRS medium and incubated at 37oC for 24 hours. Culture broth with biomass was centrifuged at 10,000 g during 20 min for obtaining of cell free culture broth (CFC). The antimicrobial substances from CFC broth were purified by the combination of adsorption-desorption and ion-exchange chromatography methods. Separation of bacteriocins was performed using a HPLC method on "Avex ODS" C18 column. Mass analysis of peptides recorded on the device API 4000 in the electron ionization mode. The spot-on-lawn method on the test culture plated in the solid medium was applied. The antimicrobial activity is expressed in arbitrary units (AU/ml). Results. Purification of CFC broth of LAB allowed to obtain partially purified antimicrobial preparations which contains bacteriocins with broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Investigation of their main biochemical properties shown, that inhibitory activity of preparations is partially reduced after treatment with proteinase K, trypsin, pepsin, suggesting a proteinaceous nature of bacteriocin-like substances containing in CFC broth. Preparations preserved their activity after heat treatment (50-121 oC, 20 min) and were stable in the pH range 3–8. The results of SDS PAAG electrophoresis show that L.plantarum 66 and Ent.faecium 64 strains have one bacteriocin (BCN) with maximal antimicrobial activity with approximate molecular weight 2.0-3.0 kDa. From L.rhamnosus 109 two BCNs were obtained. Mass spectral analysis indicates that these bacteriocins have peptide bonds and molecular weight of BCN 1 and BCN 2 are approximately 1.5 kDa and 700 Da. Discussion: Thus, our experimental data shown, that isolated endemic strains of LAB are able to produce bacteriocins with high and different inhibitory activity against broad spectrum of microorganisms of different taxonomic group, such as Salmonella sp., Esherichia coli, Bacillus sp., L.monocytogenes, Proteus mirabilis, Staph. aureus, Ps. aeruginosa. Obtained results proved the perspectives for use of endemic strains in the preservation of foodstuffs. Acknowledgments: This work was realized with financial support of the Project Global Initiatives for Preliferation Prevention (GIPP) T2- 298, ISTC A-1866.Keywords: antimicrobial activity, bacteriocins, endemic strains, food safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 5625921 A Software Product Engineering Process for Commercial Success in Start-Up and Cases
Authors: Javed Ahsan
Software engineers strive for technical sophistication with a dream of finding commercial success in their start-up business. But they may find their much technically sophisticated software products failing in industry in competition with lesser sophisticated products. This is because of not maintaining a clear focus on complimenting and leading commercial success through technical sophistication. This can be achieved through a software engineering specific product development process suggested in this paper. This process is about evolving a software product through specific phases and iterations until commercial triumph falls on software engineer’s feet.Keywords: software, product, engineering, commercialization, start-up, competitiveness, industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 3565920 Kitchen Bureaucracy: The Preparation of Banquets for Medieval Japanese Royalty
Authors: Emily Warren
Despite the growing body of research on Japanese food history, little has been written about the attitudes and perspectives premodern Japanese people held about their food, even on special celebratory days. In fact, the overall image that arises from the literature is one of ambivalence: that the medieval nobility of the Heian and Kamakura periods (795-1333) did not much care about what they ate and for that reason, food seems relatively scarce in certain historical records. This study challenges this perspective by analyzing the manuals written to guide palace management and feast preparation for royals, introducing two of the sources into English for the first time. This research is primarily based on three manuals that address different aspects of royal food culture and preparation. The Chujiruiki, or Record of the Palace Kitchens (1295), is a fragmentary manual written by a bureaucrat in charge of the main palace kitchen office. This document collection details the utensils, furnishing, and courses that officials organized for the royals’ two daily meals in the morning (asagarei gozen) and in the afternoon (hiru gozen) when they enjoyed seven courses, each one carefully cooked and plated. The orchestration of daily meals and frequent banquets would have been complicated affairs for those preparing the tableware and food, thus requiring texts like the Chûjiruiki, as well as another manual, the Nicchûgyôji (11th c.), or The Daily Functions. Because of the complex coordination between various kitchen-related bureaucratic offices, kitchen officials endeavored to standardize the menus and place settings depending on the time of year, religious abstinence days, and available ingredients flowing into the capital as taxes. For the most important annual banquets and rites celebrating deities and the royal family, kitchen officials would likely refer to the Engi Shiki (927), or Protocols of the Engi Era, for details on offerings, servant payments, and menus. This study proposes that many of the great feast events, and indeed even daily meals at the palace, were so standardized and carefully planned for repetition that there would have been little need for the contents of such feasts to be detailed in diaries or novels—places where historians have noted a lack of the mention of food descriptions. These descriptions were not included for lack of interest on the part of the nobility, but rather because knowledge of what would be served at banquets and feasts would be considered a matter-of-course in the same way that a modern American would likely not need to state the menu of a traditional Thanksgiving meal to an American audience. Where food was concerned, novelty more so than tradition prompted a response in personal records, like diaries.Keywords: banquets, bureaucracy, Engi shiki, Japanese food
Procedia PDF Downloads 1115919 Mesoporous Na2Ti3O7 Nanotube-Constructed Materials with Hierarchical Architecture: Synthesis and Properties
Authors: Neumoin Anton Ivanovich, Opra Denis Pavlovich
Materials based on titanium oxide compounds are widely used in such areas as solar energy, photocatalysis, food industry and hygiene products, biomedical technologies, etc. Demand for them has also formed in the battery industry (an example of this is the commercialization of Li4Ti5O12), where much attention has recently been paid to the development of next-generation systems and technologies, such as sodium-ion batteries. This dictates the need to search for new materials with improved characteristics, as well as ways to obtain them that meet the requirements of scalability. One of the ways to solve these problems can be the creation of nanomaterials that often have a complex of physicochemical properties that radically differ from the characteristics of their counterparts in the micro- or macroscopic state. At the same time, it is important to control the texture (specific surface area, porosity) of such materials. In view of the above, among other methods, the hydrothermal technique seems to be suitable, allowing a wide range of control over the conditions of synthesis. In the present study, a method was developed for the preparation of mesoporous nanostructured sodium trititanate (Na2Ti3O7) with a hierarchical architecture. The materials were synthesized by hydrothermal processing and exhibit a complex hierarchically organized two-layer architecture. At the first level of the hierarchy, materials are represented by particles having a roughness surface, and at the second level, by one-dimensional nanotubes. The products were found to have high specific surface area and porosity with a narrow pore size distribution (about 6 nm). As it is known, the specific surface area and porosity are important characteristics of functional materials, which largely determine the possibilities and directions of their practical application. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy data show that the resulting sodium trititanate has a sufficiently high electrical conductivity. As expected, the synthesized complexly organized nanoarchitecture based on sodium trititanate with a porous structure can be practically in demand, for example, in the field of new generation electrochemical storage and energy conversion devices.Keywords: sodium trititanate, hierarchical materials, mesoporosity, nanotubes, hydrothermal synthesis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1075918 Isolement and Identification of Major Constituents from Essential Oil of Launaea nudicaulis
Authors: M. Yakoubi, N. Belboukhari, A. Cheriti, K. Sekoum
Launaea nudicaulis (L.) Hook.f. is a desert, spontaneous plant and endemic to northem Sahara, which belongs to the Asteraceae family. This species exists in the region of Bechar (Local name; El-Rghamma). In our knowledge, no work has been founded, except studies showing the antimicrobial and antifungal activity of methalonic extract of this plant. The present paper describes the chemical composition of the essential oil from Launaea nudicaulis and qualification of isolation and identification of some pure products by column chromatography. The essential oil from the aerial parts of Launaea nudicaulis (Asteraceae) was obtained by hydroditillation in 0.4% yield, led to isolation of four several new products. The isolation is made by column chromatography and followed by GC-IK and GC-MS analysis.Keywords: Launaea nudicaulis, asteraceae, essential oil, column chromatography, GC-FID, GC-MS
Procedia PDF Downloads 3025917 Development of Method for Detecting Low Concentration of Organophosphate Pesticides in Vegetables Using near Infrared Spectroscopy
Authors: Atchara Sankom, Warapa Mahakarnchanakul, Ronnarit Rittiron, Tanaboon Sajjaanantakul, Thammasak Thongket
Vegetables are frequently contaminated with pesticides residues resulting in the most food safety concern among agricultural products. The objective of this work was to develop a method to detect the organophosphate (OP) pesticides residues in vegetables using Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy technique. Low concentration (ppm) of OP pesticides in vegetables were investigated. The experiment was divided into 2 sections. In the first section, Chinese kale spiked with different concentrations of chlorpyrifos pesticide residues (0.5-100 ppm) was chosen as the sample model to demonstrate the appropriate conditions of sample preparation, both for a solution or solid sample. The spiked samples were extracted with acetone. The sample extracts were applied as solution samples, while the solid samples were prepared by the dry-extract system for infrared (DESIR) technique. The DESIR technique was performed by embedding the solution sample on filter paper (GF/A) and then drying. The NIR spectra were measured with the transflectance mode over wavenumber regions of 12,500-4000 cm⁻¹. The QuEChERS method followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was performed as the standard method. The results from the first section showed that the DESIR technique with NIR spectroscopy demonstrated good accurate calibration result with R² of 0.93 and RMSEP of 8.23 ppm. However, in the case of solution samples, the prediction regarding the NIR-PLSR (partial least squares regression) equation showed poor performance (R² = 0.16 and RMSEP = 23.70 ppm). In the second section, the DESIR technique coupled with NIR spectroscopy was applied to the detection of OP pesticides in vegetables. Vegetables (Chinese kale, cabbage and hot chili) were spiked with OP pesticides (chlorpyrifos ethion and profenofos) at different concentrations ranging from 0.5 to 100 ppm. Solid samples were prepared (based on the DESIR technique), then samples were scanned by NIR spectrophotometer at ambient temperature (25+2°C). The NIR spectra were measured as in the first section. The NIR- PLSR showed the best calibration equation for detecting low concentrations of chlorpyrifos residues in vegetables (Chinese kale, cabbage and hot chili) according to the prediction set of R2 and RMSEP of 0.85-0.93 and 8.23-11.20 ppm, respectively. For ethion residues, the best calibration equation of NIR-PLSR showed good indexes of R² and RMSEP of 0.88-0.94 and 7.68-11.20 ppm, respectively. As well as the results for profenofos pesticide, the NIR-PLSR also showed the best calibration equation for detecting the profenofos residues in vegetables according to the good index of R² and RMSEP of 0.88-0.97 and 5.25-11.00 ppm, respectively. Moreover, the calibration equation developed in this work could rapidly predict the concentrations of OP pesticides residues (0.5-100 ppm) in vegetables, and there was no significant difference between NIR-predicted values and actual values (data from GC-MS) at a confidence interval of 95%. In this work, the proposed method using NIR spectroscopy involving the DESIR technique has proved to be an efficient method for the screening detection of OP pesticides residues at low concentrations, and thus increases the food safety potential of vegetables for domestic and export markets.Keywords: NIR spectroscopy, organophosphate pesticide, vegetable, food safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 1515916 Organic Paddy Production as a Coping Strategy to the Adverse Impact of Climate Change
Authors: Thapa M., J.P. Dutta, K.R. Pandey, R.R. Kattel
Nepal is extremely vulnerable to the impact of climate change. To mitigate the climate change effects on agricultural production and productivity a range of adaptive strategies needs to be considered. The study was conducted to assess organic paddy production as a coping strategy to the adverse impact of climate change in Phulbari, VDC of Chitwan district. Altogether, 120 respondents (60 adopters of organic farming and 60 from non adopter) were selected using snowball technique of sampling. Pre- tested interview schedule, direct observation, focus group discussion, key informant interview as well as secondary data were used to collect the required information. Factors determining the adoption of organic farming were found to be age, year of schooling, training, frequency of extension contact, perception about climate change, economically active members and poor. A unit increase in these factors except poor would increase the probability of adoption by 4.1%, 7.5%, 7.8%, 43.1%, 41.8% and 7% respectively. However, for poor, it would decrease the probability of adoption of organic farming by 5.1%. Average organic matter content in the adopters' field was higher (2.7%) than the non-adopters' field (2.5%). The regression result showed that type of farmer, price and area under rice cultivation had positive and significant relationship with income; however dependency ratio had negative relationship. As the year of adoption of organic farming increases, the production of rice decline in the first two years then after goes on increasing but the cost of production goes on decreasing with the year of adoption. The respondents adapted to the changing climate through diversification of crops, use of resistance varieties and following good cropping pattern. Gradually growing consumers' awareness about health, preference towards quality food products are the strong points behind organic farming, whereas lacks of bio-fertilizers, lack of effective extension services, no price differentiation between organic and inorganic products were the weak points. There is need for more training and education to change the attitude of farmers and enhance their confidence about the role of organic farming to cope with climate change impact.Keywords: Organic farming, climate change, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 4545915 Grape Seed Extract and Zinc Containing Multivitamin-Mineral Nutritional Food Supplement Protects Heart against Myocardial Ischemic-Reperfusion Injury in Wistar Rats
Authors: S. M. Satyam, K. L. Bairy, R. Pirasanthan, R. L. Vaishnav
Zincovit tablets have been used as nutritional food supplement over a prolonged period of time. The aim of the present study was to investigate the cardio-protective effect of combined formulation of grape seed extract and Zincovit tablets (40, 80 and 160 mg/kg) using a Langendorff model of ischemia-reperfusion in Wistar rats. Following 21 days of pre-treatment, combined formulation of grape seed extract and Zincovit tablets significantly attenuated ischemia-reperfusion induced cardiac injury in terms of increased coronary flow rate (p < 0.01), decreased creatine kinase activity in coronary effluent (p < 0.05), decreased MDA (p < 0.001), 4-HNE (p < 0.001) and increased protein thiol content (p < 0.01) in comparison with the untreated (control) group. This study opens an avenue to clinical studies to demonstrate the validity of this paradigm as a nutritional food supplement, which could improve the clinical outcome of patients subjected to percutaneous angioplasty.Keywords: grape seed extract, myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, oxidative stress, Zincovit tablets
Procedia PDF Downloads 3765914 Customer Satisfaction with Artificial Intelligence-Based Service in Catering Industry: Empirical Study on Smart Kiosks
Authors: Mai Anh Tuan, Wenlong Liu, Meng Li
Despite warnings and concerns about the use of fast food that has health effects, the fast-food industry is actually a source of profit for the global food industry. Obviously, in the face of such huge economic benefits, investors will not hesitate to continuously add recipes, processing methods, menu diversity, etc., to improve and apply information technology in enhancing the diners' experience; the ultimate goal is still to attract diners to find their brand and give them the fastest, most convenient and enjoyable service. In China, as the achievements of the industrial revolution 4.0, big data and artificial intelligence are reaching new heights day by day, now fast-food diners can instantly pay the bills only by identifying the biometric signature available on the self-ordering kiosk, using their own face without any additional form of confirmation. In this study, the author will evaluate the acceptance level of customers with this new form of payment through a survey of customers who have used and witnessed the use of smart kiosks and biometric payments within the city of Nanjing, China. A total of 200 valid volunteers were collected in order to test the customers' intentions and feelings when choosing and experiencing payment through AI services. 55% think that it bothers them because of the need for personal information, but more than 70% think that smart kiosk brings out many benefits and convenience. According to the data analysis findings, perceived innovativeness has a positive influence on satisfaction which in turn affects behavioral intentions, including reuse and word-of-mouth intentions.Keywords: artificial intelligence, catering industry, smart kiosks, technology acceptance
Procedia PDF Downloads 935913 Contribution of Traditional Beliefs, Poverty and Bad Weather Conditions to Social Economic Status and Welfare of Rural Setting: A Case Study for Zingwangwa, Blantyre
Authors: Bright Msukwa
Background: Malawi suffered economic instability, bad weather and massive flooding in the year 2015. A massive flood in the country, mainly in the southern region lead to damage of agriculture products. As a result, one of the heavily affected was Zingwangwa, Blantyre. Methods: We interviewed a selected number of houses residing in donor constructed temporal shelters and those still residing close to the floods prone areas in Zingwangwa, Blantyre. Results: About 67% of the population insisted that they resided on the land, which was prone to the floods as it belonged to their ancestors and their staying was part of preserving ancestral values. The remaining 23% of the population demonstrated economic challenges due to floods that contributed to the damage of their food crops, property and houses. Conclusion: Beliefs can negatively affect economic life improvement if mindsets are not changed among people in the rural area. Recommendation: Improving natural resource management, climate and disaster resilience.Keywords: economic, belief, walfare, poverty
Procedia PDF Downloads 2005912 Investigation of Film and Mechanical Properties of Poly(Lactic Acid)
Authors: Reyhan Özdoğan, Özgür Ceylan, Mehmet Arif Kaya, Mithat Çelebi
Food packaging is important for the food industry. Bioplastics have been used as food packaging materials. According to the European Bioplastics organization, bioplastics can be defined as plastics based on renewable resources (bio-based) or as plastics which are biodegradable and/or compostable. Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) has an industrially importance of bioplastic polymers. PLA is a family of biodegradable thermoplastic polyester made from renewable resources. It is produced by conversion of corn, or other carbohydrate sources, into dextrose, followed by fermentation into lactic acid through direct polycondensation of lactic acid monomers or through ring-opening polymerization of lactide. The processing possibilities of this transparent material are very wide, ranging from injection molding and extrusion over cast film extrusion to blow molding and thermoforming. In this study, PLA films were prepared by solution casting method. PLAs which are different molecular weights were plasticized with glycerol and the morphology of films was monitored by optical microscopy. Properties of mechanical and film of PLA were researched with the mechanical testing machine.Keywords: biodegradable, bioplastics, morphology, solution casting, poly(lactic acid)
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