Search results for: equilibrium parameters
8174 A Geometrical Method for the Smoluchowski Equation on the Sphere
Authors: Adriano Valdes-Gomez, Francisco Javier Sevilla
We devise a numerical algorithm to simulate the diffusion of a Brownian particle restricted to the surface of a three-dimensional sphere when the particle is under the effects of an external potential that is coupled linearly. It is obtained using elementary geometry, yet, it converges, in the weak sense, to the solutions to the Smoluchowski equation. Rotations on the sphere, which are the analogs of linear displacements in euclidean spaces, are calculated using algebraic operations and then by a proper scaling, which makes the algorithm efficient and quite simple, especially to what may be the short-time propagator approach. Our findings prove that the global effects of curvature are taken into account in both dynamic and stationary processes, and it is not restricted to work in configuration space, neither restricted to the overdamped limit. We have generalized it successfully to simulate the Kramers or the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, where it is necessary to work directly in phase space, and it may be adapted to other two dimensional surfaces with non-constant curvature.Keywords: diffusion on the sphere, Fokker-Planck equation on the sphere, non equilibrium processes on the sphere, numerical methods for diffusion on the sphere
Procedia PDF Downloads 1838173 Analysis of Cracked Beams with Spalling Having Different Arrangements of the Reinforcement Bars Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Authors: Rishabh Shukla, Achin Agrawal, Anupam Saxena, S. Mandal
The existence of a crack, affects the mechanical behaviour and various properties of a structure to a great degree. This paper focuses on recognizing the parameters that gets changed due to the formation of cracks and have a great impact on the performance of the structure. Spalling is a major concern as it leaves the reinforcement bars more susceptible to environmental attacks. Beams of cross section 300 mm × 500 mm are designed and for a calculated area of steel, two different arrangements of reinforced bars are analysed. Results are prepared for different stages of cracking for each arrangement of rebars. The parameters for both arrangements are then compared. The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is carried out and changes in the properties like flexural strength, Elasticity and modal frequency are reported. The conclusions have been drawn by comparing the results.Keywords: cracks, elasticity, spalling, FEA
Procedia PDF Downloads 2818172 Study of the Quality of Surface Water in the Upper Cheliff Basin
Authors: Touhari Fadhila, Mehaiguene Madjid, Meddi Mohamed
This work aims to assess the quality of water dams based on the monitoring of physical-chemical parameters by the National Agency of Water Resources (ANRH) for a period of 10 years (1999-2008). Quality sheets of surface water for the four dams in the region of upper Cheliff (Ghrib, Deurdeur, Harreza, and Ouled Mellouk) show a degradation of the quality (organic pollution expressed in COD and OM) over time. Indeed, the registered amount of COD often exceeds 50 mg/ l, and the OM exceeds 15 mg/l. This pollution is caused by discharges of wastewater and eutrophication. The waters of dams show a very high salinity (TDS = 2574 mg/l in 2008 for the waters of the dam Ghrib, standard = 1500 mg/l). The concentration of nitrogenous substances (NH4+, NO2-) in water is high in 2008 at Ouled Melloukdam. This pollution is caused by the oxidation of nitrogenous organic matter. On the other hand, we studied the relationship between the evolution of quality parameters and filling dams. We observed a decrease in the salinity and COD following an improvement of the filling state of dams, this resides in the dilution water through the contribution of rainwater. While increased levels of nitrates and phosphorus in the waters of four dams studied during the rainy season is compared to the dry period, this increase may be due to leaching from fertilizers used in agricultural soils situated in watersheds.Keywords: surface water quality, pollution, physical-chemical parameters, upper Cheliff basin.
Procedia PDF Downloads 2338171 Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of One Dimensional Shape Memory Alloy Constitutive Models
Authors: A. B. M. Rezaul Islam, Ernur Karadogan
Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are known for their shape memory effect and pseudoelasticity behavior. Their thermomechanical behaviors are modeled by numerous researchers using microscopic thermodynamic and macroscopic phenomenological point of view. Tanaka, Liang-Rogers and Ivshin-Pence models are some of the most popular SMA macroscopic phenomenological constitutive models. They describe SMA behavior in terms of stress, strain and temperature. These models involve material parameters and they have associated uncertainty present in them. At different operating temperatures, the uncertainty propagates to the output when the material is subjected to loading followed by unloading. The propagation of uncertainty while utilizing these models in real-life application can result in performance discrepancies or failure at extreme conditions. To resolve this, we used probabilistic approach to perform the sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of Tanaka, Liang-Rogers, and Ivshin-Pence models. Sobol and extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Testing (eFAST) methods have been used to perform the sensitivity analysis for simulated isothermal loading/unloading at various operating temperatures. As per the results, it is evident that the models vary due to the change in operating temperature and loading condition. The average and stress-dependent sensitivity indices present the most significant parameters at several temperatures. This work highlights the sensitivity and uncertainty analysis results and shows comparison of them at different temperatures and loading conditions for all these models. The analysis presented will aid in designing engineering applications by eliminating the probability of model failure due to the uncertainty in the input parameters. Thus, it is recommended to have a proper understanding of sensitive parameters and the uncertainty propagation at several operating temperatures and loading conditions as per Tanaka, Liang-Rogers, and Ivshin-Pence model.Keywords: constitutive models, FAST sensitivity analysis, sensitivity analysis, sobol, shape memory alloy, uncertainty analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 1458170 Classification of Opaque Exterior Walls of Buildings from a Sustainable Point of View
Authors: Michelle Sánchez de León Brajkovich, Nuria Martí Audi
The envelope is one of the most important elements when one analyzes the operation of the building in terms of sustainability. Taking this into consideration, this research focuses on setting a classification system of the envelopes opaque systems, crossing the knowledge and parameters of construction systems with requirements in terms of sustainability that they may have, to have a better understanding of how these systems work with respect to their sustainable contribution to the building. Therefore, this paper evaluates the importance of the envelope design on the building sustainability. It analyses the parameters that make the construction systems behave differently in terms of sustainability. At the same time it explains the classification process generated from this analysis that results in a classification where all opaque vertical envelope construction systems enter.Keywords: sustainable, exterior walls, envelope, facades, construction systems, energy efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 5718169 Using Adaptive Pole Placement Control Strategy for Active Steering Safety System
Authors: Hadi Adibi-Asl, Alireza Doosthosseini, Amir Taghavipour
This paper studies the design of an adaptive control strategy to tune an active steering system for better drivability and maneuverability. In the first step, adaptive control strategy is applied to estimate the uncertain parameters on-line (e.g. cornering stiffness), then the estimated parameters are fed into the pole placement controller to generate corrective feedback gain to improve the steering system dynamic’s characteristics. The simulations are evaluated for three types of road conditions (dry, wet, and icy), and the performance of the adaptive pole placement control (APPC) are compared with pole placement control (PPC) and a passive system. The results show that the APPC strategy significantly improves the yaw rate and side slip angle of a bicycle plant model.Keywords: adaptive control, active steering, pole placement, vehicle dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 4698168 Significant Reduction in Specific CO₂ Emission through Process Optimization at G Blast Furnace, Tata Steel Jamshedpur
Authors: Shoumodip Roy, Ankit Singhania, M. K. G. Choudhury, Santanu Mallick, M. K. Agarwal, R. V. Ramna, Uttam Singh
One of the key corporate goals of Tata Steel company is to demonstrate Environment Leadership. Decreasing specific CO₂ emission is one of the key steps to achieve the stated corporate goal. At any Blast Furnace, specific CO₂ emission is directly proportional to fuel intake. To reduce the fuel intake at G Blast Furnace, an initial benchmarking exercise was carried out with international and domestic Blast Furnaces to determine the potential for improvement. The gap identified during the exercise revealed that the benchmark Blast Furnaces operated with superior raw material quality than that in G Blast Furnace. However, since the raw materials to G Blast Furnace are sourced from the captive mines, improvement in the raw material quality was out of scope. Therefore, trials were taken with different operating regimes, to identify the key process parameters, which on optimization could significantly reduce the fuel intake in G Blast Furnace. The key process parameters identified from the trial were the Stoichiometric Oxygen Ratio, Melting Capacity ratio and the burden distribution inside the furnace. These identified process parameters were optimized to bridge the gap in fuel intake at G Blast Furnace, thereby reducing specific CO₂ emission to benchmark levels. This paradigm shift enabled to lower the fuel intake by 70kg per ton of liquid iron produced, thereby reducing the specific CO₂ emission by 15 percent.Keywords: benchmark, blast furnace, CO₂ emission, fuel rate
Procedia PDF Downloads 2818167 Statistical Analysis of Parameters Effects on Maximum Strain and Torsion Angle of FRP Honeycomb Sandwich Panels Subjected to Torsion
Authors: Mehdi Modabberifar, Milad Roodi, Ehsan Souri
In recent years, honeycomb fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) sandwich panels have been increasingly used in various industries. Low weight, low price, and high mechanical strength are the benefits of these structures. However, their mechanical properties and behavior have not been fully explored. The objective of this study is to conduct a combined numerical-statistical investigation of honeycomb FRP sandwich beams subject to torsion load. In this paper, the effect of geometric parameters of the sandwich panel on the maximum shear strain in both face and core and angle of torsion in a honeycomb FRP sandwich structures in torsion is investigated. The effect of Parameters including core thickness, face skin thickness, cell shape, cell size, and cell thickness on mechanical behavior of the structure were numerically investigated. Main effects of factors were considered in this paper and regression equations were derived. Taguchi method was employed as experimental design and an optimum parameter combination for the maximum structure stiffness has been obtained. The results showed that cell size and face skin thickness have the most significant impacts on torsion angle, maximum shear strain in face and core.Keywords: finite element, honeycomb FRP sandwich panel, torsion, civil engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 4188166 Optimal Peer-to-Peer On-Orbit Refueling Mission Planning with Complex Constraints
Authors: Jing Yu, Hongyang Liu, Dong Hao
On-Orbit Refueling is of great significance in extending space crafts' lifetime. The problem of minimum-fuel, time-fixed, Peer-to-Peer On-Orbit Refueling mission planning is addressed here with the particular aim of assigning fuel-insufficient satellites to the fuel-sufficient satellites and optimizing each rendezvous trajectory. Constraints including perturbation, communication link, sun illumination, hold points for different rendezvous phases, and sensor switching are considered. A planning model has established as well as a two-level solution method. The upper level deals with target assignment based on fuel equilibrium criterion, while the lower level solves constrained trajectory optimization using special maneuver strategies. Simulations show that the developed method could effectively resolve the Peer-to-Peer On-Orbit Refueling mission planning problem and deal with complex constraints.Keywords: mission planning, orbital rendezvous, on-orbit refueling, space mission
Procedia PDF Downloads 2268165 Adsorption Kinetics and Equilibria at an Air-Liquid Interface of Biosurfactant and Synthetic Surfactant
Authors: Sagheer A. Onaizi
The adsorption of anionic biosurfactant (surfactin) and anionic synthetic surfactant (sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate, abbreviated as SDOBS) from phosphate buffer containing high concentrations of co- and counter-ions to the air-buffer interface has been investigated. The self-assembly of the two surfactants at the interface has been monitored through dynamic surface tension measurements. The equilibrium surface pressure-surfactant concentration data in the premicellar region were regressed using Gibbs adsorption equation. The predicted surface saturations for SDOBS and surfactin are and, respectively. The occupied area per an SDOBS molecule at the interface saturation condition is while that occupied by a surfactin molecule is. The surface saturations reported in this work for both surfactants are in a very good agreement with those obtained using expensive techniques such as neutron reflectometry, suggesting that the surface tension measurements coupled with appropriate theoretical analysis could provide useful information comparable to those obtained using highly sophisticated techniques.Keywords: adsorption, air-liquid interface, biosurfactant, surface tension
Procedia PDF Downloads 7148164 Comparative Study of Numerical and Analytical Buckling Analysis of a Steel Column with Various Slenderness Ratios
Authors: Lahlou Dahmani, Warda Mekiri, Ahmed Boudjemia
This scientific paper explores the comparison between the ultimate buckling load obtained through the Eurocode 3 methodology and the ultimate buckling load obtained through finite element simulations for steel columns under compression. The study aims to provide insights into the adequacy of the design rules proposed in Eurocode 3 for different slenderness ratios. The finite element simulations with the Ansys commercial program involve a geometrical and material non-linear analysis of the columns with imperfections. The loss of equilibrium is generally caused by the geometrically nonlinear effects where the column begins to buckle and lose its stability when the load reaches a certain critical value. The linear buckling analysis predicts the theoretical buckling strength of an elastic structure but the nonlinear one is more accurate with taking into account the initial imperfection.Keywords: Ansys, linear buckling, eigen value, nonlinear buckling, slenderness ratio, Eurocode 3
Procedia PDF Downloads 218163 Using the Ecological Analysis Method to Justify the Environmental Feasibility of Biohydrogen Production from Cassava Wastewater Biogas
Authors: Jonni Guiller Madeira, Angel Sanchez Delgado, Ronney Mancebo Boloy
The use bioenergy, in recent years, has become a good alternative to reduce the emission of polluting gases. Several Brazilian and foreign companies are doing studies related to waste management as an essential tool in the search for energy efficiency, taking into consideration, also, the ecological aspect. Brazil is one of the largest cassava producers in the world; the cassava sub-products are the food base of millions of Brazilians. The repertoire of results about the ecological impact of the production, by steam reforming, of biohydrogen from cassava wastewater biogas is very limited because, in general, this commodity is more common in underdeveloped countries. This hydrogen, produced from cassava wastewater, appears as an alternative fuel to fossil fuels since this is a low-cost carbon source. This paper evaluates the environmental impact of biohydrogen production, by steam reforming, from cassava wastewater biogas. The ecological efficiency methodology developed by Cardu and Baica was used as a benchmark in this study. The methodology mainly assesses the emissions of equivalent carbon dioxide (CO₂, SOₓ, CH₄ and particulate matter). As a result, some environmental parameters, such as equivalent carbon dioxide emissions, pollutant indicator, and ecological efficiency are evaluated due to the fact that they are important to energy production. The average values of the environmental parameters among different biogas compositions (different concentrations of methane) were calculated, the average pollution indicator was 10.11 kgCO₂e/kgH₂ with an average ecological efficiency of 93.37%. As a conclusion, bioenergy production using biohydrogen from cassava wastewater treatment plant is a good option from the environmental feasibility point of view. This fact can be justified by the determination of environmental parameters and comparison of the environmental parameters of hydrogen production via steam reforming from different types of fuels.Keywords: biohydrogen, ecological efficiency, cassava, pollution indicator
Procedia PDF Downloads 1998162 Comparative Evaluation of Pentazocine and Tramadol as Pre-Emptive Analgesics for Ovariohysterectomy in Female Dogs
Authors: Venkatgiri, Ranganath, L. Nagaraja, B. N. Sagar Pandav, S. M. Usturge, D. Dilipkumar, B. V. Shivprakash, B. Bhagwanthappa, D. Jahangir
A comparative evaluation of Tramadol and Pentazocine as a pre-emptive analgesic in clinical cases of female dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy was undertaken during this study. During the study, the following parameters were assessed viz., Rectal temperature (ᵒF), Respiratory rate (breaths/min) and Heart rate (beats/min). Hematological and biochemical parameters viz., total erythrocyte count (TEC) (millions/cmm), hemoglobin (g %), otal leucocytes count (TLC) (thousands/cmm), differential leucocytes count (DLC) (%), serum creatinine (mg/dl), plasma protein (mg/dl), blood glucose (mg/dl) was estimated before the surgery and after administration of general anaesthesia and immediate postoperative periods of 0, 12 and 24 hr respectively. Mean Total Pain Score (MTPS) includes measurement of parameters like posture, vocalization, activity level, response to palpation and agitation at different intervals was calculated before surgery and after administration of general anesthesia and post-operative periods of 1, 2, 4, 6, 12hrs and 24 hrs respectively. Mean Total Pain Score (MTPS) was given for each parameter (Posture, Vocalization, Activity Level, Response to Palpation and Agitation) like 0,1,2,3. (maximum score will be given was 4.). Results were revealed in all three groups including control group. There were significant minor alterations in physiological, hematological and biochemical parameters. MTPS (mean total pain score) were revealed and found a significant alteration when compared with control group. In conclusion, Tramadol found to be a better analgesic and had up to 8hrs of analgesic effect and Pentazocine is superior in post-operative pain management when compared to Tramadol because this group of dogs experienced less surgical stress, consumed less anesthetic dose, they recovered early, and they had less MTPS score.Keywords: dog, pentazocine, tramadol, ovariohysterectomy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1678161 Extraction and Electrochemical Behaviors of Au(III) using Phosphonium-Based Ionic Liquids
Authors: Kyohei Yoshino, Masahiko Matsumiya, Yuji Sasaki
Recently, studies have been conducted on Au(III) extraction using ionic liquids (ILs) as extractants or diluents. ILs such as piperidinium, pyrrolidinium, and pyridinium have been studied as extractants for noble metal extractions. Furthermore, the polarity, hydrophobicity, and solvent miscibility of these ILs can be adjusted depending on their intended use. Therefore, the unique properties of ILs make them functional extraction media. The extraction mechanism of Au(III) using phosphonium-based ILs and relevant thermodynamic studies are yet to be reported. In the present work, we focused on the mechanism of Au(III) extraction and related thermodynamic analyses using phosphonium-based ILs. Triethyl-n-pentyl, triethyl-n-octyl, and triethyl-n-dodecyl phosphonium bis(trifluoromethyl-sulfonyl)amide, [P₂₂₂ₓ][NTf₂], (X = 5, 8, and 12) were investigated for Au(III) extraction. The IL–Au complex was identified as [P₂₂₂₅][AuCl₄] using UV–Vis–NIR and Raman spectroscopic analyses. The extraction behavior of Au(III) was investigated with a change in the [P₂₂₂ₓ][NTf₂]IL concentration from 1.0 × 10–4 to 1.0 × 10–1 mol dm−3. The results indicate that Au(III) can be easily extracted by the anion-exchange reaction in the [P₂₂₂ₓ][NTf₂]IL. The slope range 0.96–1.01 on the plot of log D vs log[P₂₂₂ₓ][NTf2]IL indicates the association of one mole of IL with one mole of [AuCl4−] during extraction. Consequently, [P₂₂₂ₓ][NTf₂] is an anion-exchange extractant for the extraction of Au(III) in the form of anions from chloride media. Thus, this type of phosphonium-based IL proceeds via an anion exchange reaction with Au(III). In order to evaluate the thermodynamic parameters on the Au(III) extraction, the equilibrium constant (logKₑₓ’) was determined from the temperature dependence. The plot of the natural logarithm of Kₑₓ’ vs the inverse of the absolute temperature (T–1) yields a slope proportional to the enthalpy (ΔH). By plotting T–1 vs lnKₑₓ’, a line with a slope range 1.129–1.421 was obtained. Thus, the result indicated that the extraction reaction of Au(III) using the [P₂₂₂ₓ][NTf₂]IL (X=5, 8, and 12) was exothermic (ΔH=-9.39〜-11.81 kJ mol-1). The negative value of TΔS (-4.20〜-5.27 kJ mol-1) indicates that microscopic randomness is preferred in the [P₂₂₂₅][NTf₂]IL extraction system over [P₂₂₂₁₂][NTf₂]IL. The total negative alternation in Gibbs energy (-5.19〜-6.55 kJ mol-1) for the extraction reaction would thus be relatively influenced by the TΔS value on the number of carbon atoms in the alkyl side length, even if the efficiency of ΔH is significantly influenced by the total negative alternations in Gibbs energy. Electrochemical analysis revealed that extracted Au(III) can be reduced in two steps: (i) Au(III)/Au(I) and (ii) Au(I)/Au(0). The diffusion coefficients of the extracted Au(III) species in [P₂₂₂ₓ][NTf₂] (X = 5, 8, and 12) were evaluated from 323 to 373 K using semi-integral and semi-differential analyses. Because of the viscosity of the IL medium, the diffusion coefficient of the extracted Au(III) increases with increasing alkyl chain length. The 4f7/2 spectrum based on X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy revealed that the Au electrodeposits obtained after 10 cycles of continuous extraction and electrodeposition were in the metallic state.Keywords: au(III), electrodeposition, phosphonium-based ionic liquids, solvent extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 1078160 To Study the Effect of Optic Fibre Laser Cladding of Cast Iron with Silicon Carbide on Wear Rate
Authors: Kshitij Sawke, Pradnyavant Kamble, Shrikant Patil
The study investigates the effect on wear rate of laser clad of cast iron with silicon carbide. Metal components fail their desired use because they wear, which causes them to lose their functionality. The laser has been used as a heating source to create a melt pool over the surface of cast iron, and then a layer of hard silicon carbide is deposited. Various combinations of power and feed rate of laser have experimented. A suitable range of laser processing parameters was identified. Wear resistance and wear rate properties were evaluated and the result showed that the wear resistance of the laser treated samples was exceptional to that of the untreated samples.Keywords: laser clad, processing parameters, wear rate, wear resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 2598159 Appraisal of the Impact Strength on Mild Steel Cladding Weld Metal Geometry
Authors: Chukwuemeka Daniel Ezeliora, Chukwuebuka Lawrence Ezeliora
The research focused on the appraisal of impact strength on mild steel cladding weld metal geometry. Over the years, poor welding has resulted in failures in engineering components, poor material quality, the collapse of welded materials, and failures in material strength. This is as a result of poor selection and combination of welding input process parameters. The application of the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding method with weld specimen of length 60; width 40, and thickness of 10 was used for the experiment. A butt joint method was prepared for the welding, and tungsten inert gas welding process was used to perform the twenty (20) experimental runs. A response surface methodology was used to model and to analyze the system. For an adequate polynomial approximation, the experimental design was used to collect the data. The key parameters considered in this work are welding current, gas flow rate, welding speed, and voltage. The range of the input process parameters was selected from the literature and the design. The steps followed to achieve the experimental design and results is the use of response surface method (RSM) implemented in central composite design (CCD) to generate the design matrix, to obtain quadratic model, and evaluate the interactions in the factors as well as optimizing the factors and the response. The result expresses that the best impact strength of the mild steel cladding weld metal geometry is 115.419 Joules. However, it was observed that the result of the input factors is; current 180.4 amp, voltage 23.99 volt, welding speed 142.7 mm.s and gas flow rate 10.8 lit/min as the optimum of the input process parameters. The optimal solution gives a guide for optimal impact strength of the weldment when welding with tungsten inert gas (TIG) under study.Keywords: mild steel, impact strength, response surface, bead geometry, welding
Procedia PDF Downloads 1208158 Seismic Inversion for Geothermal Exploration
Authors: E. N. Masri, E. Takács
Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) and simultaneous model-based impedance inversion techniques have not been utilized for geothermal exploration commonly; however, some recent publications called the attention that they can be very useful in the geothermal investigations. In this study, we present rock physical attributes obtained from 3D pre-stack seismic data and well logs collected in a study area of the NW part of Pannonian Basin where the geothermal reservoir is located in the fractured zones of Triassic basement and it was hit by three productive-injection well pairs. The holes were planned very successfully based on the conventional 3D migrated stack volume prior to this study. Subsequently, the available geophysical-geological datasets provided a great opportunity to test modern inversion procedures in the same area. In this presentation, we provide a summary of the theory and application of the most promising seismic inversion techniques from the viewpoint of geothermal exploration. We demonstrate P- and S-wave impedance, as well as the velocity (Vp and Vs), the density, and the Vp/Vs ratio attribute volumes calculated from the seismic and well-logging data sets. After a detailed discussion, we conclude that P-wave impedance and Vp/Vp ratio are the most helpful parameters for lithology discrimination in the study area. They detect the hot water saturated fracture zone very well thus they can be very useful in mapping the investigated reservoir. Integrated interpretation of all the obtained rock-physical parameters is essential. We are extending the above discussed pre-stack seismic tools by studying the possibilities of Elastic Impedance Inversion (EII) for geothermal exploration. That procedure provides two other useful rock-physical properties, the compressibility and the rigidity (Lamé parameters). Results of those newly created elastic parameters will also be demonstrated in the presentation. Geothermal extraction is of great interest nowadays; and we can adopt several methods have been successfully applied in the hydrocarbon exploration for decades to discover new reservoirs and reduce drilling risk and cost.Keywords: fractured zone, seismic, well-logging, inversion
Procedia PDF Downloads 1288157 Assessment of Seismic Behavior of Masonry Minarets by Discrete Element Method
Authors: Ozden Saygili, Eser Cakti
Mosques and minarets can be severely damaged as a result of earthquakes. Non-linear behavior of minarets of Mihrimah Sultan and Süleymaniye Mosques and the minaret of St. Sophia are analyzed to investigate seismic response, damage and failure mechanisms of minarets during earthquake. Selected minarets have different height and diameter. Discrete elements method was used to create the numerical minaret models. Analyses were performed using sine waves. Two parameters were used for evaluating the results: the maximum relative dislocation of adjacent drums and the maximum displacement at the top of the minaret. Both parameters were normalized by the drum diameter. The effects of minaret geometry on seismic behavior were evaluated by comparing the results of analyses.Keywords: discrete element method, earthquake safety, nonlinear analysis, masonry structures
Procedia PDF Downloads 3178156 Native Point Defects in ZnO
Authors: A. M. Gsiea, J. P. Goss, P. R. Briddon, Ramadan. M. Al-habashi, K. M. Etmimi, Khaled. A. S. Marghani
Using first-principles methods based on density functional theory and pseudopotentials, we have performed a details study of native defects in ZnO. Native point defects are unlikely to be cause of the unintentional n-type conductivity. Oxygen vacancies, which considered most often been invoked as shallow donors, have high formation energies in n-type ZnO, in edition are a deep donors. Zinc interstitials are shallow donors, with high formation energies in n-type ZnO, and thus unlikely to be responsible on their own for unintentional n-type conductivity under equilibrium conditions, as well as Zn antisites which have higher formation energies than zinc interstitials. Zinc vacancies are deep acceptors with low formation energies for n-type and in which case they will not play role in p-type coductivity of ZnO. Oxygen interstitials are stable in the form of electrically inactive split interstitials as well as deep acceptors at the octahedral interstitial site under n-type conditions. Our results may provide a guide to experimental studies of point defects in ZnO.Keywords: DFT, native, n-type, ZnO
Procedia PDF Downloads 5968155 Effect of Diamagnetic Additives on Defects Level of Soft LiTiZn Ferrite Ceramics
Authors: Andrey V. Malyshev, Anna B. Petrova, Anatoly P. Surzhikov
The article presents the results of the influence of diamagnetic additives on the defects level of ferrite ceramics. For this purpose, we use a previously developed method based on the mathematical analysis of experimental temperature dependences of the initial permeability. A phenomenological expression for the description of such dependence was suggested and an interpretation of its main parameters was given. It was shown, that the main criterion of the integral defects level of ferrite ceramics is the relation of two parameters correlating with elastic stress value in a material. Model samples containing a controlled number of intergranular phase inclusions served to prove the validity of the proposed method, as well as to assess its sensitivity in comparison with the traditional XRD (X-ray diffraction) analysis. The broadening data of diffraction reflexes of model samples have served for such comparison. The defects level data obtained by the proposed method are in good agreement with the X-ray data. The method showed high sensitivity. Therefore, the legitimacy of the selection relationship β/α parameters of phenomenological expression as a characteristic of the elastic state of the ferrite ceramics confirmed. In addition, the obtained data can be used in the detection of non-magnetic phases and testing the optimal sintering production technology of soft magnetic ferrites.Keywords: cure point, initial permeability, integral defects level, homogeneity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1348154 Effect of Chemical Modifier on the Properties of Polypropylene (PP) / Coconut Fiber (CF) in Automotive Application
Authors: K. Shahril, A. Nizam, M. Sabri, A. Siti Rohana, H. Salmah
Chemical modifier (Acrylic Acid) is used as filler treatment to improve mechanical properties and swelling behavior of polypropylene/coconut fiber (PP/CF) composites by creating more adherent bonding between CF filler and PP Matrix. Treated (with chemical modifier) and untreated (without chemical modifier) composites were prepared in the formulation of 10 wt%, 20 wt%, 30 wt%, and 40 wt%. The mechanical testing indicates that composite with 10 wt% of untreated composite has the optimum value of tensile strength, and the composite with chemical modifier shows the tensile strength was increased. By increasing of filler loading, elastic modulus was increased while the elongation at brake was decreased. Meanwhile, the swelling test discerned that the increase of filler loading increased the water absorption of composites and the presence of chemical modifier reduced the equilibrium water absorption percentage.Keywords: coconut fiber, polypropylene, acid acrylic, ethanol, chemical modifier, composites
Procedia PDF Downloads 4618153 Periodically Forced Oscillator with Noisy Chaotic Dynamics
Authors: Adedayo Oke Adelakun
The chaotic dynamics of periodically forced oscillators with smooth potential has been extensively investigated via theoretical, numerical and experimental simulations. With the advent of the study of chaotic dynamics by means of method of multiple time scale analysis, Melnikov theory, bifurcation diagram, Poincare's map, bifurcation diagrams and Lyapunov exponents, it has become necessary to seek for a better understanding of nonlinear oscillator with noisy term. In this paper, we examine the influence of noise on complex dynamical behaviour of periodically forced F6 - Duffing oscillator for specific choice of noisy parameters. The inclusion of noisy term improves the dynamical behaviour of the oscillator which may have wider application in secure communication than smooth potential.Keywords: hierarchical structure, periodically forced oscillator, noisy parameters, dynamical behaviour, F6 - duffing oscillator
Procedia PDF Downloads 3268152 Adolescent and Adult Hip Dysplasia on Plain Radiographs. Analysis of Measurements and Attempt for Optimization of Diagnostic and Performance Approaches for Patients with Periacetabular Osteotomy (PAO).
Authors: Naum Simanovsky MD, Michael Zaidman MD, Vladimir Goldman MD.
105 plain AP radiographs of normal adult pelvises (210 hips) were evaluated. Different measurements of normal and dysplastic hip joints in 45 patients were analyzed. Attempt was made to establish reproducible, easy applicable in practice approach for evaluation and follow up of patients with hip dysplasia. The youngest of our patients was 11 years and the oldest was 47 years. Only one of our patients needed conversion to total hip replacement (THR) during ten years of follow-up. It was emphasized that selected set of measurements was built for purpose to serve, especially those who’s scheduled or undergone PAO. This approach was based on concept of acetabulum-femoral head complex and importance of reliable reference points of measurements. Comparative analysis of measured parameters between normal and dysplastic hips was performed. Among 10 selected parameters, we use already well established such as lateral center edge angle and head extrusion index, but to serve specific group of patients with PAO, new parameters were considered such as complex lateralization and complex proximal migration. By our opinion proposed approach is easy applicable in busy clinical practice, satisfactorily delineate hip pathology and give to surgeon who’s going to perform PAO guidelines in condensed form. It is also useful tools for postoperative follow up after PAO.Keywords: periacetabular osteotomy, plain radiograph’s measurements, adolescents, adult
Procedia PDF Downloads 688151 Using Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process with Compound Distribution to Price Catastrophe Options
Authors: Rong-Tsorng Wang
In this paper, we derive a pricing formula for catastrophe equity put options (or CatEPut) with non-homogeneous loss and approximated compound distributions. We assume that the loss claims arrival process is a nonhomogeneous Poisson process (NHPP) representing the clustering occurrences of loss claims, the size of loss claims is a sequence of independent and identically distributed random variables, and the accumulated loss distribution forms a compound distribution and is approximated by a heavy-tailed distribution. A numerical example is given to calibrate parameters, and we discuss how the value of CatEPut is affected by the changes of parameters in the pricing model we provided.Keywords: catastrophe equity put options, compound distributions, nonhomogeneous Poisson process, pricing model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1678150 Optimization Techniques of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Controller Design for Reliability Enhancement of Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Authors: Om Prakash Bharti, Aanchal Verma, R. K. Saket
The Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is suggested for Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) to extract wind power. DFIG is preferably employed due to its robustness towards variable wind and rotor speed. DFIG has the adaptable property because the system parameters are smoothly dealt with, including real power, reactive power, DC-link voltage, and the transient and dynamic responses, which are needed to analyze constantly. The analysis becomes more prominent during any unusual condition in the electrical power system. Hence, the study and improvement in the system parameters and transient response performance of DFIG are required to be accomplished using some controlling techniques. For fulfilling the task, the present work implements and compares the optimization methods for the design of the DFIG controller for WECS. The bio-inspired optimization techniques are applied to get the optimal controller design parameters for DFIG-based WECS. The optimized DFIG controllers are then used to retrieve the transient response performance of the six-order DFIG model with a step input. The results using MATLAB/Simulink show the betterment of the Firefly algorithm (FFA) over other control techniques when compared with the other controller design methods.Keywords: doubly-fed induction generator, wind turbine, wind energy conversion system, induction generator, transfer function, proportional, integral, derivatives
Procedia PDF Downloads 938149 Semi-Analytic Method in Fast Evaluation of Thermal Management Solution in Energy Storage System
Authors: Ya Lv
This article presents the application of the semi-analytic method (SAM) in the thermal management solution (TMS) of the energy storage system (ESS). The TMS studied in this work is fluid cooling. In fluid cooling, both effective heat conduction and heat convection are indispensable due to the heat transfer from solid to fluid. Correspondingly, an efficient TMS requires a design investigation of the following parameters: fluid inlet temperature, ESS initial temperature, fluid flow rate, working c rate, continuous working time, and materials properties. Their variation induces a change of thermal performance in the battery module, which is usually evaluated by numerical simulation. Compared to complicated computation resources and long computation time in simulation, the SAM is developed in this article to predict the thermal influence within a few seconds. In SAM, a fast prediction model is reckoned by combining numerical simulation with theoretical/empirical equations. The SAM can explore the thermal effect of boundary parameters in both steady-state and transient heat transfer scenarios within a short time. Therefore, the SAM developed in this work can simplify the design cycle of TMS and inspire more possibilities in TMS design.Keywords: semi-analytic method, fast prediction model, thermal influence of boundary parameters, energy storage system
Procedia PDF Downloads 1558148 Impact of Informal Institutions on Development: Analyzing the Socio-Legal Equilibrium of Relational Contracts in India
Authors: Shubhangi Roy
Relational Contracts (informal understandings not enforceable by law) are a common feature of most economies. However, their dominance is higher in developing countries. Such informality of economic sectors is often co-related to lower economic growth. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether informal arrangements i.e. relational contracts are a cause or symptom of lower levels of economic and/or institutional development. The methodology followed involves an initial survey of 150 test subjects in Northern India. The subjects are all members of occupations where they frequently transact ensuring uniformity in transaction volume. However, the subjects are from varied socio-economic backgrounds to ensure sufficient variance in transaction values allowing us to understand the relationship between the amount of money involved to the method of transaction used, if any. Questions asked are quantitative and qualitative with an aim to observe both the behavior and motivation behind such behavior. An overarching similarity observed during the survey across all subjects’ responses is that in an economy like India with pervasive corruption and delayed litigation, economy participants have created alternative social sanctions to deal with non-performers. In a society that functions predominantly on caste, class and gender classifications, these sanctions could, in fact, be more cumbersome for a potential rule-breaker than the legal ramifications. It, therefore, is a symptom of weak formal regulatory enforcement and dispute settlement mechanism. Additionally, the study bifurcates such informal arrangements into two separate systems - a) when it exists in addition to and augments a legal framework creating an efficient socio-legal equilibrium or; b) in conflict with the legal system in place. This categorization is an important step in regulating informal arrangements. Instead of considering the entire gamut of such arrangements as counter-development, it helps decision-makers understand when to dismantle (latter) and when to pivot around existing informal systems (former). The paper hypothesizes that those social arrangements that support the formal legal frameworks allow for cheaper enforcement of regulations with lower enforcement costs burden on the state mechanism. On the other hand, norms which contradict legal rules will undermine the formal framework. Law infringement, in presence of these norms, will have no impact on the reputation of the business or individual outside of the punishment imposed under the law. It is especially exacerbated in the Indian legal system where enforcement of penalties for non-performance of contracts is low. In such a situation, the social norm will be adhered to more strictly by the individuals rather than the legal norms. This greatly undermines the role of regulations. The paper concludes with recommendations that allow policy-makers and legal systems to encourage the former category of informal arrangements while discouraging norms that undermine legitimate policy objectives. Through this investigation, we will be able to expand our understanding of tools of market development beyond regulations. This will allow academics and policymakers to harness social norms for less disruptive and more lasting growth.Keywords: distribution of income, emerging economies, relational contracts, sample survey, social norms
Procedia PDF Downloads 1668147 A Numerical Study of Force-Based Boundary Conditions in Multiparticle Collision Dynamics
Authors: Arturo Ayala-Hernandez, Humberto Hijar
We propose a new alternative method for imposing fluid-solid boundary conditions in simulations of Multiparticle Collision Dynamics. Our method is based on the introduction of an explicit potential force acting between the fluid particles and a surface representing a solid boundary. We show that our method can be used in simulations of plane Poiseuille flows. Important quantities characterizing the flow and the fluid-solid interaction like the slip coefficient at the solid boundary and the effective viscosity of the fluid, are measured in terms of the set of independent parameters defining the numerical implementation. We find that our method can be used to simulate the correct hydrodynamic flow within a wide range of values of these parameters.Keywords: Multiparticle Collision Dynamics, fluid-solid, boundary conditions, molecular dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 5388146 Enhancements to the Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Hypoplastic Model for Unsaturated Soils
Authors: Shanujah Mathuranayagam, William Fuentes, Samanthika Liyanapathirana
This paper introduces an enhanced version of the coupled hydro-mechanical hypoplastic model. The model is able to simulate volumetric collapse upon wetting and incorporates suction effects on stiffness and strength. Its mechanical constitutive equation links Bishop’s effective stress with strain and suction, featuring a normal consolidation line (NCL) with a compression index (λ) presenting a non-linear dependency with the degree of saturation. The Bulk modulus has been modified to ensure that under rapid volumetric collapse, the stress state remains at the NCL. The coupled model comprises eighteen parameters, with nine for the hydraulic component and nine for the mechanical component. Hydraulic parameters are calibrated with the use of water retention curves (IWRC) across varied soil densities, while mechanical parameters undergo calibration using isotropic and triaxial tests on both unsaturated and saturated samples. The model's performance is analyzed through the back-calculation of two experimental studies: (i) wetting under different vertical stresses for Lower Cromer Till and (ii) isotropic loading and triaxial loading for undisturbed loess. The results confirm that the proposed model is able to predict the hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils.Keywords: hypoplastic model, volumetric collapse, normal consolidation line, compression index (λ), degree of saturation, soil suction
Procedia PDF Downloads 648145 Radiative Reactions Analysis at the Range of Astrophysical Energies
Authors: A. Amar
Analysis of the elastic scattering of protons on 10B nuclei has been done in the framework of the optical model and single folding model at the beam energies up to 17 MeV. We could enhance the optical potential parameters using Esis88 Code, as well as SPI GENOA Code. Linear relationship between volume real potential (V0) and proton energy (Ep) has been obtained. Also, surface imaginary potential WD is proportional to the proton energy (Ep) in the range 0.400 and 17 MeV. The radiative reaction 10B(p,γ)11C has been analyzed using potential model. A comparison between 10B(p,γ)11C and 6Li(p,γ)7Be has been made. Good agreement has been found between theoretical and experimental results in the whole range of energy. The radiative resonance reaction 7Li(p,γ)8Be has been studied.Keywords: elastic scattering of protons on 10B nuclei, optical potential parameters, potential model, radiative reaction
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