Search results for: electronic physical activity record
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 13468

Search results for: electronic physical activity record

12178 In-Silico Evaluation and Antihyperglycemic Potential of Leucas Cephalotes

Authors: Anjali Verma, Mahesh Pal, Veena Pande, Dalip Kumar Upreti


The present study is carried out to explore the anti-hyperglycemic activity of Leucas cephalotes plant parts. A fruit, leaves, stems, and roots part of the Leucas cephalotes has been extracted in ethanol and have been evaluated for anti-hyperglycemic activity. The present study indicated that, ethanolic extract of fruit and leaves have shown significant α- amylase inhibitory activity with IC50 value of 92.86 ± 0.89 μg/mL and 98.09 ± 0.69 μg/mL respectively. Two known compounds β-sitosterol and lupeol were isolated from ethanolic extract of L. cephalotes leaves and were subjected to anti-hyperglycemic activity. Lupeol shows the best activity with IC50 55.73 ± 0.47 μg/mL and the results were verified by docking study of these compounds with mammalian α-amylase was carried out on its active site. It was concluded from the study that β-sitosterol and lupeol form one H-bond interactions with the active site residues either Asp212 or Thr21. The estimated free energy binding of β-sitosterol was found to be -9.47 kcal mol-1 with an estimated inhibition constant (Ki) of 558.94 nmol whereas the estimated free energy binding of lupeol was -11.73 kcal mol-1 with an estimated inhibition constant (Ki) of 476.71pmmol. The present study clearly showed that lupeol is more potent in comparison to β-sitosterol. The study indicates that L. cephalotes have significant potential to inhibit α-amylase enzyme.

Keywords: alpha-amylase, beta-sitosterol, hyperglycemia, lupeol

Procedia PDF Downloads 213
12177 Contesting Discourses in Physical Education: A Critical Discourse Analysis of 20 Textbooks Used in Physical Education Teacher Education in Denmark

Authors: Annemari Munk Svendsen, Jesper Tinggaard Svendsen


The purpose of this study was to investigate different discourses about the body, movement and the main progression in and aim of Physical Education (PE) that are immersed within Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) textbooks. The study was based on an examination of Danish PETE course documents listing 296 educational texts prescribed by PETE teachers for PETE programs in Denmark. It presents a more specific analysis of the 20 most used textbooks in Danish PETE. The study found three different discourses termed: (1) Developing the potential for sport, (2) Basis for creative sensing and (3) Being part of a cultural ballast. These discourses represent different ways of conceptualising and appraising PE as a school subject. The results also suggest that PETE textbooks are deeply involved in the (re)construction, struggling and ‘working’ of classical discourses in PE. Furthermore, that PETE textbooks comprise powerful documents that through their recurrent use of high modality are tending to be unequivocal in their suggestions for PE practices. On the basis of these findings, the presentation suggests that PETE teachers may use textbook analysis in the educational program as a tool for enhancing critical reflections upon central ideological dilemmas in PE.

Keywords: critical discourse analysis, critical reflection, physical education teacher education, textbooks

Procedia PDF Downloads 296
12176 Assessement of Phytochemicals and Antioxidant Activity of Lavandula antineae Maire from Algeria

Authors: Soumeya Krimat, Tahar Dob, Mohamed Toumi, Aicha Kesouri, Hafidha Metidji, Chelghoum Chabane


Lavandula antineae Maire is an endemic medicinal plant of Algeria which is traditionally used for the treatment of chills, bruises, oedema and rheumatism. The present study was designed to investigate the phytochemical screening, total phenolic and antioxidant activity of Lavandula antineae Maire for the first time. Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of different kind of chemical groups (anthraquinones, terpenes, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, O-heterosides, C-heterosides, phenolic acids). The amounts of total phenolics in the extracts (hydromethanolic and ethyl acetate extract) were determined spectrometrically. From the analyses, ethyl acetate extract had the highest total phenolic content (262.35 mg GA/g extract) and antioxidant activity (IC50=7.10 µg/ml) using DPPH method. The ethyl acetate extract was also more potent on reducing power compared to hydromethanolic extract. The results suggested that L. antineae could be considered as a new potential source of natural antioxidant for pharmaceuticals and food preservation.

Keywords: Lavandula antineae, antioxidant activity, phytochemical screening, total phenolics

Procedia PDF Downloads 522
12175 Biological Regulation of Endogenous Enzymatic Activity of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) with Protease Inhibitors Chickpea in Model Systems

Authors: Delgado-Meza M., Minor-Pérez H.


Protease is the generic name of enzymes that hydrolyze proteins. These are classified in the subgroup EC3.4.11-99X of the classification enzymes. In food technology the proteolysis is used to modify functional and nutritional properties of food, and in some cases this proteolysis may cause food spoilage. In general, seafood and rainbow trout have accelerated decomposition process once it has done its capture, due to various factors such as the endogenous enzymatic activity that can result in loss of structure, shape and firmness, besides the release of amino acid precursors of biogenic amines. Some studies suggest the use of protease inhibitors from legume as biological regulators of proteolytic activity. The enzyme inhibitors are any substance that reduces the rate of a reaction catalyzed by an enzyme. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reduction of the proteolytic activity of enzymes in extracts of rainbow trout with protease inhibitors obtained from chickpea flour. Different proportions of rainbow trout enzyme extract (75%, 50% and 25%) and extract chickpea enzyme inhibitors were evaluated. Chickpea inhibitors were obtained by mixing 5 g of flour in 30 mL of pH 7.0 phosphate buffer. The sample was centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant was stored at -15°C. Likewise, 20 g of rainbow trout were ground in 20 mL of phosphate buffer solution at pH 7.0 and the mixture was centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 20 min. The supernatant was used for the study. In each treatment was determined the specific enzymatic activity with the technique of Kunitz, using hemoglobin as substrate for the enzymes acid fraction and casein for basic enzymes. Also biuret protein was quantified for each treatment. The results showed for fraction of basic enzymes in the treatments evaluated, that were inhibition of endogenous enzymatic activity. Inhibition values compared to control were 51.05%, 56.59% and 59.29% when the proportions of endogenous enzymes extract rainbow trout were 75%, 50% and 25% and the remaining volume used was extract with inhibitors. Treatments with acid enzymes showed no reduction in enzyme activity. In conclusion chickpea flour reduced the endogenous enzymatic activity of rainbow trout, which may favor its application to increase the half-life of this food. The authors acknowledge the funding provided by the CONACYT for the project 131998.

Keywords: rainbouw trout, enzyme inhibitors, proteolysis, enzyme activity

Procedia PDF Downloads 424
12174 A New Approach to Predicting Physical Biometrics from Behavioural Biometrics

Authors: Raid R. O. Al-Nima, S. S. Dlay, W. L. Woo


A relationship between face and signature biometrics is established in this paper. A new approach is developed to predict faces from signatures by using artificial intelligence. A multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural network is used to generate face details from features extracted from signatures, here face is the physical biometric and signatures is the behavioural biometric. The new method establishes a relationship between the two biometrics and regenerates a visible face image from the signature features. Furthermore, the performance efficiencies of our new technique are demonstrated in terms of minimum error rates compared to published work.

Keywords: behavioural biometric, face biometric, neural network, physical biometric, signature biometric

Procedia PDF Downloads 477
12173 Using Data from Foursquare Web Service to Represent the Commercial Activity of a City

Authors: Taras Agryzkov, Almudena Nolasco-Cirugeda, Jose L. Oliver, Leticia Serrano-Estrada, Leandro Tortosa, Jose F. Vicent


This paper aims to represent the commercial activity of a city taking as source data the social network Foursquare. The city of Murcia is selected as case study, and the location-based social network Foursquare is the main source of information. After carrying out a reorganisation of the user-generated data extracted from Foursquare, it is possible to graphically display on a map the various city spaces and venues –especially those related to commercial, food and entertainment sector businesses. The obtained visualisation provides information about activity patterns in the city of Murcia according to the people`s interests and preferences and, moreover, interesting facts about certain characteristics of the town itself.

Keywords: social networks, spatial analysis, data visualization, geocomputation, Foursquare

Procedia PDF Downloads 427
12172 Effect of Aerobics Exercise on the Patient with Anxiety Disorder

Authors: Ahmed A. Abd El Rahim, Andrew Anis Fakhrey Mosaad


Background: An important psychological issue that has an impact on both mental and physical function is anxiety disorders. The general consensus is that aerobic exercise and physical activity are good for lowering anxiety and mood. Purpose: This study's goal was to look into how patients with anxiety disorders responded to aerobic exercise. Subjects: Anxiety disorders were identified in 30 individuals from the psychiatric hospital at Sohag University who were chosen based on inclusive criteria and had ages ranging from 25 to 45. Methods: Patients were split into two equal groups at random: For four weeks, three sessions per week, fifteen patients in group A (the study group), seven men and eight women, underwent medication therapy and aerobic exercise. Age (28.4 ± 2.11 years), weight (72.5 ± 10.06 kg), height (164.8 ± 9.64 cm), and BMI (26.65 ± 2.68 kg/m2) were all mean SD values. And in Group B (Control Group), only medication therapy was administered to 15 patients (9 males and 6 females). Age (29.6 ± 3.68), weight (75 ± 7.07 kg), height (166.9 ± 6.75) cm, and BMI (26.87 ± 1.11) kg/m2 were the mean SD values. Before and after the treatment, the Hamilton Anxiety Scale was used to gauge the patient's degree of anxiety. Results: Within the two groups, there were significant differences both before and after the treatment. Following therapy, there was a significant difference between the two groups; the study group displayed better improvement on the Hamilton Anxiety Scale. Conclusion: Patients with anxiety problems can benefit from aerobic activities and antianxiety drugs as effective treatments for lowering anxiety levels.

Keywords: aerobic exercises, anxiety disorders, antianxiety medications, Hamilton anxiety scale

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12171 Chemical Composition of Essential Oil and in vitro Antibacterial and Anticancer Activity of the Hydroalcolic Extract from Coronilla varia

Authors: A. A. Dehpour, B. Eslami, S. Rezaie, S. F. Hashemian, F. Shafie, M. Kiaie


The aims of study were investigation on chemical composition essential oil and the effect of extract of Coronilla varia on antimicrobial and cytotoxicity activity. The essential oils of Coronilla varia is obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by (GC/MS) for determining their chemical composition and identification of their components. Antibacterial activity of plant extract was determined by disc diffusion method. The effect of hydroalcolic extracts from Cornilla varia investigated on MCF7 cancer cell line by MTT assay. The major components were Caryophyllene Oxide (60.19%), Alphacadinol (4.13%) and Homoadantaneca Robexylic Acid (3.31%). The extracts from Coronilla varia had interesting activity against Proteus mirabilis in the concentration of 700 µg/disc and did not show any activity against Staphylococus aureus, Bacillus subtillis, Klebsiella pneumonia and Entrobacter cloacae. The positive control, Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol and Cenphalothin had shown zone of inhibition resistant all bacteria. Corohilla varia ethanol extract could inhibit the proliferation of MCF7 cell line in RPMI 1640 medium. IC50 5(mg/ml) was the optimum concentration of extract from Coronilla varia inhibition of cell line growth. The MCF7 cancer cell line and Proteus mirabilis were more sensitive to Coronilla varia ethanol extract.

Keywords: Coronilla varia, essential oil, antibacterial, anticancer, hela cell line

Procedia PDF Downloads 391
12170 Effects of Length of Time of Fasting upon Subjective and Objective Variables When Controlling Sleep, Food and Fluid Intakes

Authors: H. Alabed, K. Abuzayan. L. Fgie, K. Zarug


Ramadan requires individuals to abstain from food and fluid intake between sunrise and sunset; physiological considerations predict that poorer mood, physical performance and mental performance will result. In addition, any difficulties will be worsened because preparations for fasting and recovery from it often mean that nocturnal sleep is decreased in length, and this independently affects mood and performance. A difficulty of interpretation in many studies is that the observed changes could be due to fasting but also to the decreased length of sleep and altered food and fluid intakes before and after the daytime fasting. These factors were separated in this study, which took place over three separate days and compared the effects of different durations of fasting (4, 8 or 16h) upon a wide variety of measures (including subjective and objective assessments of performance, body composition, dehydration and responses to a short bout of exercise) - but with an unchanged amount of nocturnal sleep, controlled supper the previous evening, controlled intakes at breakfast and daytime naps not being allowed. Many of the negative effects of fasting observed in previous studies were present in this experiment also. These findings indicate that fasting was responsible for many of the changes previously observed, though some effect of sleep loss, particularly if occurring on successive days (as would occur in Ramadan) cannot be excluded.

Keywords: drinking, eating, mental performance, physical performance, social activity, blood, sleepiness

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12169 Cr Induced Magnetization in Zinc-Blende ZnO-Based Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors

Authors: Bakhtiar Ul Haq, R. Ahmed, A. Shaari, Mazmira Binti Mohamed, Nisar Ali


The capability of exploiting the electronic charge and spin properties simultaneously in a single material has made diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) remarkable in the field of spintronics. We report the designing of DMS based on zinc-blend ZnO doped with Cr impurity. The full potential linearized augmented plane wave plus local orbital FP-L(APW+lo) method in density functional theory (DFT) has been adapted to carry out these investigations. For treatment of exchange and correlation energy, generalized gradient approximations have been used. Introducing Cr atoms in the matrix of ZnO has induced strong magnetic moment with ferromagnetic ordering at stable ground state. Cr:ZnO was found to favor the short range magnetic interaction that reflect the tendency of Cr clustering. The electronic structure of ZnO is strongly influenced in the presence of Cr impurity atoms where impurity bands appear in the band gap.

Keywords: ZnO, density functional theory, diluted agnetic semiconductors, ferromagnetic materials, FP-L(APW+lo)

Procedia PDF Downloads 427
12168 Evolution of Rock-Cut Caves of Dhamnar at Dhamnar, MP

Authors: Abhishek Ranka


Rock-cut Architecture is a manifestation of human endurance in constructing magnificent structures by sculpting and cutting entire hills. Cave Architecture in India form an important part of rock-cut development and is among the most prolific examples of rock-cut architecture in the world. There are more than 1500 rock-cut caves in various regions of India. Among them mostly are located in western India, more particularly in the state of Maharashtra. Some of the rock-cut caves are located in the central region of India, which is presently known as Malawa (Madhya Pradesh). The region is dominated by the vidhyachal hill ranges toward the west, dotted with the coarse laterite rock. Dhamnar Caves have been excavated in the central region of Mandsaur Dist. With a combination of shared sacred faiths. The earliest rock-cut activity began in the north, in Bihar, where caves were excavated in the Barabar and the Nagarjuni hills during the Mauryan period (3rd century BCE). The rock-cut activity then shifts to the central part of India in Madhya Pradesh, where the caves at Dhamnar, Bagh, Udayagiri, Poldungar, etc. excavated between 3rdto 9ᵗʰ CE. The rock-cut excavation continued to flourish in Madhya Pradesh till 10ᵗʰ century CE, simultaneously with monolithic Hindu temples. Dhamnar caves fall into four architectural typologies: the Lena caves, Chaitya caves, Viharas & Lena-Chaityagriha caves. The Buddhist rock-cutting activity in central India is divisible into two phases. In the first phase (2ndBCE-3rd CE), the Buddha image is conspicuously absent. After a lapse of about three centuries, activity begins again, and the Buddha images this time are carved. The former group belongs to the Hinayana (Lesser Vehicle) phase and the latter to the Mahayana (Greater Vehicle). Dhamnar caves has an elaborate facades, pillar capitals, and many more creative sculptures in various postures. These caves were excavated against the background of invigorating trade activities and varied socio-religious or Socio Cultural contexts. These caves also highlights the wealthy and varied patronage provided by the dynasties of the past. This paper speaks about the appraisal of the rock cut mechanisms, design strategies, and approaches while promoting a scope for further research in conservation practices. Rock-cut sites, with their physical setting and various functional spaces as a sustainable habitat for centuries, has a heritage footprint with a researchquotient.

Keywords: rock-cut architecture, buddhism, hinduism, Iconography, and architectural typologies, Jainism

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12167 Chemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Essential Oil from the Leaves of Thymus vulgaris L.

Authors: Tsige Reda


Essential oil of Thymus vulgaris was extracted by means of hydro-distillation. This study was done to investigate the chemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities. The chemical composition of the essential oils was determined using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). Using disc diffusion assay the antibacterial activity was assessed on one Gram-positive bacteria and one Gram-negative bacteria. The percentage oil yield of the essential oil was found to be 0.97 ± 0.08% (w/w) with yellow color. The physicochemical constants of the oil were also noted. The phytochemical screening of the plant extract revealed the presence of tannins, saponins, phenol, flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids and alkaloids. A total of 18 chemical constituents were identified by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy analysis representing 100% of the total essential oil of Thymus vulgaris, with thymol (31.977%), o-cymene (29.992%), and carvacrol (14.541%). Previous studies have revealed that the thymol, o-cymen and carvacrol components of Thymus vulgaris are responsible for their biological activities. Thymus vulgaris have been used traditionally to treat a wide variety of infections. Based on the extensive use and lack of scientific evidence, a study was embarked upon to determine its bioactivity. The essential oil of Thymus vulgaris leaves exhibited higher activity towards the Gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aurous) than the Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli) and also has good antioxidant activity, and can be used medicinal and therapeutic applications. This activity may be due to the high amount of thymol, o-cymen and carvacrol.

Keywords: hydro-distillation, Thymus vulgaris, essential oil composition, phytochemical screening, physicochemical constants, antioxidant activity, antibacterial activity

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12166 Electronic, Optical, and Thermodynamic Properties of a Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate NaRuO₂: Ab-initio Investigation

Authors: A. Bouhmouche, I. Rhrissi, A. Jabar, R. Moubah


Quantum spin liquids (QSLs), known for their competing interactions that prevent conventional ordering, exhibit emergent phenomena and exotic properties resulting from quantum correlations. Despite these recent advancements in QSLs, a significant portion of the optical and thermodynamic properties in the Kagome lattice remains unknown. In addition, the thermodynamic phenomenology of NaRuO₂ bears a resemblance to that of highly frustrated magnets. Here, we employed ab-initio calculations to explore the electronic, optical and thermodynamic properties of NaRuO₂, a new QSL candidate. NaRuO₂ was identified as a semiconductor with a small bandgap energy of 0.69 eV. Our results reveal huge anisotropic optical properties, in which a distinct refractive index within the ab-plane indicating an impressive birefringent character of the NaRuO₂ system and a significant enhancement of the optical absorption coefficient and optical conductivity in the in-plane with respect to the c-axis. The investigation also examines the electronic anisotropy of the gap energy; by applying strain, the gap energy displays significant variations in the ab-plane compared to the out-of-plane direction. Conversely, calculations of the thermodynamic properties reveal a low thermal conductivity (2.5-0.5 W.m-¹. K-¹) and specific heat, which suggests the existence of strong interactions among the NaRuO₂ quantum spins. The linear specific heat behavior observed in NaRuO₂ suggests the fractionalization of electrons and the presence of a spinons Fermi surface. These findings hold promising potential for future quantum applications.

Keywords: quantum spin liquids, anisotropy, hybrid-DFT, applied strain, optoelectronic and thermodynamic properties

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12165 Prevalence and Fungicidal Activity of Endophytic Micromycetes of Plants in Kazakhstan

Authors: Lyudmila V. Ignatova, Yelena V. Brazhnikova, Togzhan D. Mukasheva, Ramza Zh. Berzhanova, Anel A. Omirbekova


Endophytic microorganisms are presented in plants of different families growing in the foothills and piedmont plains of Trans-Ili Alatau. It was found that the maximum number of endophytic micromycetes is typical to the Fabaceae family. The number of microscopic fungi in the roots reached (145.9±5.9)×103 CFU/g of plant tissue; yeasts - (79.8±3.5)×102 CFU/g of plant tissue. Basically, endophytic microscopic fungi are typical for underground parts of plants. In contrast, yeasts more infected aboveground parts of plants. Small amount of micromycetes is typical to inflorescence and fruits. Antagonistic activity of selected micromycetes against Fusarium graminearum, Cladosporium sp., Phytophtora infestans and Botrytis cinerea phytopathogens was detected. Strains with a broad, narrow and limited range of action were identified. For further investigations Rh2 and T7 strains were selected, they are characterized by a broad spectrum of fungicidal activity and they formed the large inhibition zones against phytopathogens. Active antagonists are attributed to the Rhodotorula mucilaginosa and Beauveria bassiana species.

Keywords: endophytic micromycetes, fungicidal activity, prevalence, plants

Procedia PDF Downloads 323
12164 Determination of Coffee Colour Changes After Mill Grinding

Authors: Katarzyna Grądecka-Jakubowska, Rusinek Robert, Marek Gancarz


The aim of the study was to analyze the process of roasting coffee beans in a convection–conduction roaster (CC) without a heat exchanger and a convection–conduction–radiation roaster (CCR) with a heat exchanger for determination of the colour of the coffee beans and coffee colour after mill. Arabica coffee from the following countries (regions) was used for the study: (1) Ethiopia Refisha, (2) Guatemala Santa Barbara, (3) Honduras El Puente, (4) Kenya Baragwi, (5) Brazil Beyond. The coffee beans were roasted using two types of roasters: convection–conduction roaster (CC) without a heat exchanger and a convection–conduction–radiation roaster (CCR) with a heat exchanger. The analysis of the color of coffee beans and ground coffee was carried out using the CIELab and RGB method using a Lovibond CAM-System 500 colorimeter (Great Britain). The device allows you to evaluate the color and record the image in a resolution of 752 × 582 pixels, saving each pixel as an RGB component. The time profile screen captured a sequence of images at fixed time intervals and displayed them on-line. The system, useful for assessing non-uniform or variable colors, allowed us to record the entire image or appropriate areas (surfaces) of the sample. Color is mathematically described by three components: L - lightness (luminance from 0 very to 100 very bright), (a) - color from green to magenta (from -120 to +120), (b) - color from blue to yellow (from -120 to +120). Coffee beans roasted in the Dietrich (CCR) roaster had a lighter colour, while those roasted in the Gothot (CC) roaster had a darker colour. In the case of ground coffee colour tests, coffee ground from beans roasted in the Dietrich (CCR) roaster also had a lighter colour, while coffee ground from beans roasted in the Gothot (CC) roaster had a darker colour.

Keywords: coffee beans, ground coffee, colour, CIELab, RGB

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12163 Alumina Supported Copper-Manganese-Cobalt Catalysts for CO and VOCs Oxidation

Authors: Elitsa Kolentsova, Dimitar Dimitrov, Vasko Idakiev, Tatyana Tabakova, Krasimir Ivanov


Formaldehyde production by selective oxidation of methanol is an important industrial process. The main by-products in the waste gas are CO and dimethyl ether (DME). The idea of this study is to combine the advantages of both Cu-Mn and Cu-Co catalytic systems by obtaining a new mixed Cu-Mn-Co catalyst with high activity and selectivity at the simultaneous oxidation of CO, methanol, and DME. Two basic Cu-Mn samples with high activity were selected for further investigation: (i) manganese-rich Cu-Mn/γ–Al2O3 catalyst with Cu/Mn molar ratio 1:5 and (ii) copper-rich Cu-Mn/γ-Al2O3 catalyst with Cu/Mn molar ratio 2:1. Manganese in these samples was replaced by cobalt in the whole concentration region, and catalytic properties were determined. The results show a general trend of decreasing the activity toward DME oxidation and increasing the activity toward CO and methanol oxidation with the increase of cobalt up to 60% for both groups of catalyst. This general trend, however, contains specific features, depending on the composition of the catalyst and the nature of the oxidized gas. The catalytic activity of the sample with Cu/(Mn+Co) molar ratio of 2:1 is gradually changed with increasing the cobalt content. The activity of the sample with Cu/(Mn+Co) molar ratio of 1: 5 passes through a maximum at 60% manganese replacement by cobalt, probably due to the formation of highly dispersed Co-based spinel structures (Co3O4 and/or MnCo2O4). In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that the Cu-Mn-Co/γ–alumina supported catalysts have enhanced activity toward CO, methanol and DME oxidation. Cu/(Mn+Co) molar ratio 1:5 and Co/Mn molar ratio 1.5 in the active component can ensure successful oxidation of CO, CH3OH and DME. The active component of the mixed Cu-Mn-Co/γ–alumina catalysts consists of at least six compounds - CuO, Co3O4, MnO2, Cu1.5Mn1.5O4, MnCo2O4 and CuCo2O4, depending on the Cu/Mn/Co molar ratio. Chemical composition strongly influences catalytic properties, this effect being quite variable with regards to the different processes.

Keywords: Cu-Mn-Co catalysts, oxidation, carbon oxide, VOCs

Procedia PDF Downloads 222
12162 Functional Snacks Bars: A Healthy Alternative to a Poor Diet Quality

Authors: Daniela Istrati, Camelia Vizireanu, Camelia Grozavu, Rodica Mihaela Dinica


In last years, eating habits have changed, and snacking has become more common. Snacking habits, including eating whole fruit, vegetables and crackers, were found to contribute to better overall diet quality, while consuming snacks such as cookies, pastries, sweets, milk desserts and soft drinks was associated with poorer diet quality. The nutritional quality of the snack is very important and choosing nutritious foods as snacks can be beneficial for our health. For this reason, the development of functional snacks bars represents a necessity for this niche market. The aim of this work was to develop some formulations of energizing snack bars with high dietary fibers and antioxidant activity. Snack bars contain both fruits with antioxidant activity and components (cereals and seeds) rich in carbohydrates and polyunsaturated fats that provide energy during sports activities, physical and mental stress. Three types of samples were prepared and stored in refrigerated conditions at 40°C for 30 days. The first sample (S1) contains wheat germs, raw pumpkin seeds, toasted oat flakes, flaxseeds flour, cinnamon honey, raw sunflower seeds, sea buckthorn, amaranth flour, cinnamon and olive oil. The second sample (S2) has the same composition as the first, less flour and cinnamon flour and the honey used was ginger, honey. The third sample (S3) is like the first less amaranth flour and the honey used was buckthorn sea honey. The physicochemical, antioxidant activity, polyphenolic and flavonoid content and sensorial characteristics of the samples were investigated. Results showed that snacks bars had important level of extracted phenolics, flavonoids, fibers, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, snack bars may be a convenient functional food, offering an important source of flavonoids and polyphenols, a healthy alternative to a poor diet quality, with balanced nutritional and sensory characteristics that recommend it in the diet of all consumers concerned with maintaining health. Acknowledgment: This study has been founded by the Francophone University Agency, Project Réseau régional dans le domaine de la santé, la nutrition et la sécurité alimentaire (SaIN), No. at Dunarea de Jos University of Galati 21899/ 06.09.2017

Keywords: antioxidant activity, functional food, sea buckthorn, snack bars

Procedia PDF Downloads 171
12161 Study of Side Effects of Myopia Contact Correction by Soft Lenses and Orthokeratology Lenses among Medical Students

Authors: K. Iu. Hrizhymalska, O. Ol. Andrushkova, I. Iu. Pshenychna


Aim. To study and copare the side effects of myopia contact correction by soft lenses and orthokeratology lenses among medical students. Patients and methods: 34 students (68 eyes) with moderate and severe myopia, who used contact correction of myopia for 2-4 years, were examined. Some of them used soft lenses, while others - orthokeratology lenses. Methods were used: biomicroscopy of the eye surface, Schirmer's test, Norn's test, survey regarding satisfaction with use. Results. Corneal vascularization along the limbus was noted in 4 (5%) eyes of the examined students. In 8 (11%) eyes, symptoms of mild dry eye disease were detected. 2 (3%) eyes showed signs of meibomitis. Allergic conjunctivitis was observed in 4 (5%) eyes, and a purulent corneal ulcer was present in 1 eye. Surveys have shown that orthokeratology lenses unlike soft lenses don't limit everyday activity (in sports, tourism, swimming etc.), they also don't cause discomfort during temperature changes and reduce existing symptoms of dry eye disease. Conclusion. Thus, myopia contact correction is one of the optimal options among students, which allows to expand physical and mental activity. However, taking into account the frequency of side effects in users of soft contact lenses, it is necessary to carry out prevention and treatment of myopia in medical students, follow the recommendations for use, instill preservative-free tear substitutes with trehalose when symptoms of dry eye appear. Also when side reactions occur, contact correction with soft lenses should be changed to orthokeratology lenses.

Keywords: correction, myopia, soft lenses, orthokeratology, specracles, cornea, dry eye, side effects, refractive errors

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12160 A Self-Directed Home Yoga Program for Women with Breast Cancer during Chemotherapy

Authors: Hiroko Komatsu, Kaori Yagasaki


Background: Cancer-related cognitive impairment is a common problem seen in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Physical activity may show beneficial effects on the cognitive function in such patients. Therefore, we have developed a self-directed home yoga program for cancer patients with cognitive symptoms during chemotherapy. This program involves a DVD presenting a combination of yoga courses based on patient preferences to be practiced at home. This study was performed to examine the feasibility of this program. In addition, we also examined changes in cognitive function and quality of life (QOL) in these patients participating in the program. Methods: This prospective feasibility study was conducted in a 500-bed general hospital in Tokyo, Japan. The study population consisted of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy as the initial therapy. This feasibility study used a convenience sample with estimation of recruitment rate in a single facility with the availability of trained nurses and physicians to ensure safe yoga intervention. The aim of the intervention program was to improve cognitive function by means of both physical and mental activation via yoga, consisting of physical practice, breathing exercises, and meditation. Information on the yoga program was provided as a booklet, with an instructor-guided group yoga class during the orientation, and a self-directed home yoga program on DVD with yoga logs. Results: The recruitment rate was 44.7%, and the study population consisted of 18 women with a mean age of 43.9 years. This study showed high rates of retention, adherence, and acceptability of the yoga program. Improvements were only observed in the cognitive aspects of fatigue, and there were serious adverse events during the program. Conclusion: The self-directed home yoga program discussed here was both feasible and safe for breast cancer patients showing cognitive symptoms during chemotherapy. The patients also rated the program as useful, interesting, and satisfactory. Participation in the program was associated with improvements in cognitive fatigue but not cognitive function.

Keywords: yoga, cognition, breast cancer, chemotherapy, quality of life

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12159 Seasonal Lambing in Crossbred of Katahdin Ewes in Tropical Regions of Chiapas, Mexico

Authors: Juan C. Martínez-Alfaro, Aracely Zúñiga, Fernando Ruíz-Zarate


In recent years, the Katahdin sheep breeds have been one of the breeds with greater acceptance by sheep farmers in southwestern Mexico. The Hair Sheep breeds from tropical latitudes (16° to 21° North Latitude) show low estrus activity from January to May. By contrast, these breeds of sheep exhibit high estrus activity from August to December. However, the reproductive management of Hair Sheep crossbred is very limited, independently of the socioeconomic levels of sheep farmers. Thus, in crossbred of Hair Sheep, occurrence of lambing is greater in autumn (84%) than spring (16%). In this sense, the aim of this study was to determine the lambing in Crossbred of Katahdin sheep during different seasons of the year. The Hypothesis was that in crossbred of Katahdin sheep, the lambing period has a behavior seasonal in the Southwestern Mexico. The study design consisted in evaluating the lambing proportion in one herds of Katahdin ewes crossbred during one year (October 1st, 2015 to October 1st, 2016). The study was realized in a farm located in the municipality of Jiquipilas, in the State of Chiapas, Mexico (16° North Latitude). A total of 40 female sheep homogeneous in terms of physical condition, age and physiological state were selected; and they were fed in grazing continuous, mainly with Africa star grass (Cynodon lemfuensis) and they are provided with water and mineral salts ad libitum; during the dry season, the ewes were supplemented with a diet of maize and sorghum, and the reproductive management was continuous mating. The lambing proportion was analyzed by chi-squared test, using SAS statistical software. The proportion of Katahdin ewes crossbred that lambed during the study period was high (100%; 40/40), the prolificacy was 1.42 (lamb/lambing). The proportion of lambing was higher (P<0.05) in autumn (67.5%; 27/40), than winter, spring and summer (32.5%; 13/40; 0%; 0/40; 0%; 0/40; respectively). The proportion of lambing was greater (P<0.05) in November (50%; 20/40), compared to October, December and January (2.5%; 1/40; 27.5%; 11/40; 20%; 8/40, respectively). The results are consistent with the fact that in the Hair Sheep Breeds, the lambing appears behave seasonally. The most important finding is that the lambing period in the crossbred of Katahdin Sheep is similar to the crossbred of Hair Sheep in tropical regions of Mexico. Therefore, the period of greater sexual activity occurs in the spring season. In conclusion, the period of lambing in crossbred of Katahdin ewes appears behave seasonally. Further researches to assess the ovarian activity in different breeds of Hair Ewes are under assessment.

Keywords: Katahdin ewes, lambing, prolificacy, seasonality

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12158 Metal Ship and Robotic Car: A Hands-On Activity to Develop Scientific and Engineering Skills for High School Students

Authors: Jutharat Sunprasert, Ekapong Hirunsirisawat, Narongrit Waraporn, Somporn Peansukmanee


Metal Ship and Robotic Car is one of the hands-on activities in the course, the Fundamental of Engineering that can be divided into three parts. The first part, the metal ships, was made by using engineering drawings, physics and mathematics knowledge. The second part is where the students learned how to construct a robotic car and control it using computer programming. In the last part, the students had to combine the workings of these two objects in the final testing. This aim of study was to investigate the effectiveness of hands-on activity by integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) concepts to develop scientific and engineering skills. The results showed that the majority of students felt this hands-on activity lead to an increased confidence level in the integration of STEM. Moreover, 48% of all students engaged well with the STEM concepts. Students could obtain the knowledge of STEM through hands-on activities with the topics science and mathematics, engineering drawing, engineering workshop and computer programming; most students agree and strongly agree with this learning process. This indicated that the hands-on activity: “Metal Ship and Robotic Car” is a useful tool to integrate each aspect of STEM. Furthermore, hands-on activities positively influence a student’s interest which leads to increased learning achievement and also in developing scientific and engineering skills.

Keywords: hands-on activity, STEM education, computer programming, metal work

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12157 QSAR, Docking and E-pharmacophore Approach on Novel Series of HDAC Inhibitors with Thiophene Linker as Anticancer Agents

Authors: Harish Rajak, Preeti Patel


HDAC inhibitors can reactivate gene expression and inhibit the growth and survival of cancer cells. The 3D-QSAR and Pharmacophore modeling studies were performed to identify important pharmacophoric features and correlate 3D-chemical structure with biological activity. The pharmacophore hypotheses were developed using e-pharmacophore script and phase module. Pharmacophore hypothesis represents the 3D arrangement of molecular features necessary for activity. A series of 55 compounds with well-assigned HDAC inhibitory activity was used for 3D-QSAR model development. Best 3D-QSAR model, which is a five PLS factor model with good statistics and predictive ability, acquired Q2 (0.7293), R2 (0.9811) and standard deviation (0.0952). Molecular docking were performed using Histone Deacetylase protein (PDB ID: 1t69) and prepared series of hydroxamic acid based HDAC inhibitors. Docking study of compound 43 show significant binding interactions Ser 276 and oxygen atom of dioxine cap region, Gly 151 and amino group and Asp 267 with carboxyl group of CONHOH, which are essential for anticancer activity. On docking, most of the compounds exhibited better glide score values between -8 to -10.5. We have established structure activity correlation using docking, energetic based pharmacophore modelling, pharmacophore and atom based 3D QSAR model. The results of these studies were further used for the design and testing of new HDAC analogs.

Keywords: Docking, e-pharmacophore, HDACIs, QSAR, Suberoylanilidehydroxamic acid.

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12156 Entrepreneurs’ Perceptions of the Economic, Social and Physical Impacts of Tourism

Authors: Oktay Emir


The objective of this study is to determine how entrepreneurs perceive the economic, social and physical impacts of tourism. The study was conducted in the city of Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, which is rich in thermal tourism resources and investments. A survey was used as the data collection method, and the questionnaire was applied to 472 entrepreneurs. A simple random sampling method was used to identify the sample. Independent sampling t-tests and ANOVA tests were used to analyse the data obtained. Additionally, some statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found based on the participants’ demographic characteristics regarding their opinions about the social, economic and physical impacts of tourism activities.

Keywords: tourism, perception, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs, structural equation modelling

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12155 Effects of Length of Time of Fasting Upon Subjective and Objective Variables When Prior Sleep and Food and Fluid Intakes Have Been Controlled

Authors: H. Alabed, K. Abuzayan, J. Ezarrugh, S. Ali, M. Touba


Ramadan requires individuals to abstain from food and fluid intake between sunrise and sunset, Physiological considerations predict that poorer mood, Physical performance and mental performance will result. In addition, Any difficulties will be worsened because preparations for fasting and recovery from it often mean that nocturnal sleep is decreased in length and this independently affects mood and performance. A difficulty of interpretation in many studies is that the observed changes could be due to fasting but also to the decreased length of sleep and altered food and fluid intakes before and after the daytime fasting. These factors were separated in this study, Which took place over three separate days and compared the effects of different durations of fasting (4, 8 or 16 h) upon a wide variety of measures (including subjective and objective assessments of performance, body composition, Dehydration and responses to a short bout of exercise) but with an unchanged amount of nocturnal sleep, Controlled supper the previous evening, Controlled intakes at breakfast and daytime naps not being allowed. Many of the negative effects of fasting observed in previous studies were present in this experiment also. These findings indicate that fasting was responsible for many of the changes previously observed, Though some effect of sleep loss, Particularly if occurring on successive days (as would occur in Ramadan) cannot be excluded.

Keywords: Drinking, eating, mental performance, physical performance, social activity, blood, sleepiness

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12154 Antibacterial Potential from the Crude Extracts of Hemolymph and Hepatopancreas of Portunus segnis and Grapsus albolineatus

Authors: Mona Hajirasouli


Abstract: introduction: Antimicrobial compounds are important in the first line of the host defense system of many animal species. Material and methods: In the present study antibacterial activity of crude and proteins precipitate of hemolymph and crude hepatopancreas extracts from Portunus segnis and Grapsus albolineatus against a range of 6 different bacterial strains evaluated. Amoxicillin as a positive control were also used. Results: Maximum activity (15.9 mm) was recorded in male haemolymph of p.segnis against Entrobacter and minimum activity (7 mm) was recorded against Serratia marcescens, Enterobacter sp. and Proteus mirabilis from different extracts of Grapsus albolineatus. Data were analyzed using independent-t in SPSS version 16, and results indicate that there were not any significant differences between hemolymph and hepatopancreas extracts of 2 species. Discussion: Antimicrobial activity has been reported earlier in the hemolymph of some brachyuran crabs such as: blue crab Callinectes sapidus, mud crab Scylla serrata, Ocypode macrocera and Carcinus maenas. This study shows that hemolymph and hepatopancreas of Portunus segnis and Grapsus albolineatus may potential antibiotics.

Keywords: brachyuran, Portunus segnis, Grapsus albolineatus, hemolymph, hepatopancreas, antibacterial

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12153 Effect of Vinclozolin on Some Biochemical Parameters of Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

Authors: Rahile Ozturk, Esra Maltas


This study aimed to determine the effect of vinclozolin on some biochemical characteristics of Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) which is an economically harmful species damaging the honeycomb in beekeeping. For experimental groups, the eggs obtained from stock were dropped into the mixed feed of vinclozolin at different doses (20, 40 and 60 ppm) and had the larvae fed with this feed. As result of the addition of vinclozolin at concentrations of 20, 40 and 60 ppm, glycogen contents of G. mellonella were determined and a significant reduction in the amount of glycogen was observed with increasing concentration of vinclozolin. In this study, activity of catalase enzyme, particularly effective in defense mechanism, activity of xanthine oxidase involved in nucleotide metabolism and activity of glucose oxidase in the metabolism of carbohydrates were measured. When compared with the results from control groups, the enzyme activities of the larvaes fed with the feed including 20, 40 and 60 ppm of vinclozolin were observed to vary or remain constant. Accordingly, glucose oxidase and catalase activities increased with the increase in amount of vinclozolin in the feed and the activity of xanthine oxidase remained stable.

Keywords: Catalase, Galleria mellonella, glucose oxidase, vinclozolin, xanthine oxidase.

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12152 Unveiling the Potential of MoSe₂ for Toxic Gas Sensing: Insights from Density Functional Theory and Non-equilibrium Green’s Function Calculations

Authors: Si-Jie Ji, Santhanamoorthi Nachimuthu, Jyh-Chiang Jiang


With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, air pollution poses significant global environmental challenges, contributing to acid rain, global warming, and adverse health effects. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of toxic gases in the atmospheric environment in real-time and to deploy cost-effective gas sensors capable of detecting their emissions. In this study, we systematically investigated the sensing capabilities of the two-dimensional MoSe₂ for seven key environmental gases (NO, NO₂, CO, CO₂, SO₂, SO₃, and O₂) using density functional theory (DFT) and non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) calculations. We also investigated the impact of H₂O as an interfering gas. Our results indicate that the MoSe₂ monolayer is thermodynamically stable and exhibits strong gas-sensing capabilities. The calculated adsorption energies indicate that these gases can stably adsorb on MoSe₂, with SO₃ exhibiting the strongest adsorption energy (-0.63 eV). Electronic structure analysis, including projected density of states (PDOS) and Bader charge analysis, demonstrates significant changes in the electronic properties of MoSe₂ upon gas adsorption, affecting its conductivity and sensing performance. We find that oxygen (O₂) adsorption notably influenced the deformation of MoSe₂. To comprehensively understand the potential of MoSe₂ as a gas sensor, we used the NEGF method to assess the electronic transport properties of MoSe₂ under gas adsorption, evaluating current-voltage (I-V), resistance-voltage (R-V) characteristics, and transmission spectra to determine sensitivity, selectivity, and recovery time compared to pristine MoSe₂. Sensitivity, selectivity, and recovery time are analyzed at a bias voltage of 1.7V, showing excellent performance of MoSe₂ in detecting SO₃, among other gases. The pronounced changes in electronic transport behavior induced by SO₃ adsorption confirm MoSe₂’s strong potential as a high-performance gas-sensing material. Overall, this theoretical study provides new insights into the development of high-performance gas sensors, demonstrating the potential of MoSe₂ as a gas-sensing material, particularly for gases like SO₃.

Keywords: density functional theory, gas sensing, MoSe₂, non-equilibrium Green’s function, SO

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12151 Formulation, Acceptability, and Characteristics of Instant Surabi Based on Composite Rice-Soybean Flour and Supplemented with Torbangun Powder for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children

Authors: Dewi Hapsari Ratna Muninggar, M. Rizal Martua Damanik


The purpose of this study was to develop a formulation of instant Indonesian traditional pancake (Surabi) based on composite rice and soybean flour and supplemented with Torbangun (Coleus amboinicus Lour) powder as an alternative snack for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) children. Completely randomised factorial design by two factors which were the ratio of composite rice and soybean flour (75:25; 70:30; 65:35) as well as the addition of Torbangun powder (3%; 5%; 7%) was used in this study. This study revealed that the best formula was instant surabi with 65:35 composite rice and soybean flour and 5% addition of Torbangun powder by considering hedonic test result, functional aspect and nutrients contribution. Then, both chemical and physical characteristics from the best formula of instant surabi were measured. Nutrients content of the chosen instant surabi per 100 g wet basis were 62.68 g moisture, 1.30 g ash, 6.81 g protein, 0.75 g fat, 28.47 g carbohydrate, 88.62 mg calcium, 4.14 mg iron, and 144 kcal energy while physical characteristics, such as water activity, cohesiveness, and hardness were 0.97, 0.569, 5582.2 g force consecutively. The results of this research suggested that instant surabi which can be possibly beneficial for ADHD children had 65:35 for rice and soybean flour ratio as well as 5% for the addition of Torbangun powder.

Keywords: ADHD children, instant surabi, soybean, torbangun

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12150 Antibacterial and Cytotoxicity Activity of Cinchona Alkaloids

Authors: Alma Ramić, Mirjana Skočibušić, Renata Odžak, Tomica Hrenar, Ines Primožič


In an attempt to identify a new class of antimicrobial agents, the antimicrobial potential of Cinchona alkaloid derivatives was evaluated. The bark of the Cinchona trees is the source of a variety of alkaloids, among which the best known are quinine, quinidine, cinchonine and cinchonidine. They are very useful as organocatalysts in stereoselective synthesis. On the other hand, quinine is traditionally used in the treatment of malaria. Furthermore, Cinchona alkaloids possess various analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti–arrhythmic properties as well. In this work we present the synthesis of twenty quaternary derivatives of pseudo−enantiomeric Cinchona alkaloid derivatives to evaluate their antibacterial activity. Quaternization of quinuclidine moiety was carried out with groups diverse in their size. The structures of compounds were systematically modified to obtain drug-like properties with proper physical and chemical properties and avoiding toxophore. All compounds were prepared in good yields and were characterized by standard analytical spectroscopy methods (1D and 2D NMR, IR, MS). The antibacterial activities of all compounds were evaluated against series of recent clinical isolates of antibiotic susceptible Gram-positive and resistant Gram-negative pathogens by determining their zone of inhibition and minimum inhibitory concentrations. All compounds showed good to strong broad-spectrum activity, equivalent or better in comparison with standard antibiotics used. Furthermore, seven compounds exhibited significant antibacterial efficiency against Gram-negative isolates. To visualize the results, principal component analysis was used as an additional classification tool. Cytotoxicity of compounds with different cell lines in human cell culture was determined. Based on these results, substituted quaternary Cinchona scaffold can be considered as promising new class of antimicrobials and further investigations should be performed. Supported by Croatian Science Foundation, Project No 3775 ADESIRE.

Keywords: antibacterial efficiency, cinchona alkaloids, cytotoxicity, pseudo‐enantiomers

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12149 Assessment of Diagnostic Enzymes as Indices of Heavy Metal Pollution in Tilapia Fish

Authors: Justina I. R. Udotong, Essien U. Essien


Diagnostic enzymes like aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were determined as indices of heavy metal pollution in Tilapia guinensis. Three different sets of fishes treated with lead (Pb), iron (Fe) and copper (Cu) were used for the study while a fourth group with no heavy metal served as a control. Fishes in each of the groups were exposed to 2.65 mg/l of Pb, 0.85 mg/l of Fe and 0.35 mg/l of Cu in aerated aquaria for 96 hours. Tissue fractionation of the liver tissues was carried out and the three diagnostic enzymes (AST, ALT, and ALP) were estimated. Serum levels of the same diagnostic enzymes were also measured. The mean values of the serum enzyme activity for ALP in each experimental group were 19.5±1.62, 29.67±2.17 and 1.15±0.27 IU/L for Pb, Fe and Cu groups compared with 9.99±1.34 IU/L enzyme activity in the control. This result showed that Pb and Fe caused increased release of the enzyme into the blood circulation indicating increased tissue damage while Cu caused a reduction in the serum level as compared with the level in the control group. The mean values of enzyme activity obtained in the liver were 102.14±6.12, 140.17±2.06 and 168.23±3.52 IU/L for Pb, Fe and Cu groups, respectively compared to 91.20±9.42 IU/L enzyme activity for the control group. The serum and liver AST and ALT activities obtained in Pb, Fe, Cu and control groups are reported. It was generally noted that the presence of the heavy metal caused liver tissues damage and consequent increased level of the diagnostic enzymes in the serum.

Keywords: diagnostic enzymes, enzyme activity, heavy metals, tissues investigations

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