Search results for: concrete large panel wall
9225 Willingness to Purchase and Pay a Price Premium for an Apartment with Exterior Green Walls
Authors: Tamar Trop, Michal Roffeh
One of the emerging trends in construction is installing an exterior “green wall” (GW). GW is an overarching and most common term for various techniques of incorporating greenery into buildings’ vertical elements, mainly facades. This green infrastructure yields numerous benefits for the urban environment, the public, and the buildings’ tenants and users, such as enhancing air quality and biodiversity, managing stormwater runoff, mitigating urban heat island and climate change, improving urban aesthetics and mental wellbeing, improving indoor comfort conditions, and saving energy. Yet, the penetration rate of GWs into the construction market, especially into the housing sector, is still very slow. Furthermore, the research regarding prospective homebuyers’ willingness to purchase and pay a price premium for GW apartments is scarce and does not refer to newly built buildings and specific GW types. This research aims to narrow these knowledge gaps by exploring the willingness of prospective homebuyers in Israel to purchase a newly built apartment with a hydroponic living wall, the size of the PP that they would be willing to pay for it, and the various factors ̶ knowledge-related, concern, economic, and personal ̶ that influence these motivations. A nationwide online survey was conducted among a sample of 514 adults using a structured questionnaire. Findings show that despite low familiarity with GWs and strong concerns about various kinds of nuisance, technical issues, and maintenance costs, potential homebuyers express a relatively high willingness to purchase and pay a significant price premium for such an apartment. The main motivations behind this willingness were found to be potential energy savings and governmental incentives. Study findings can contribute to a better understanding of the maturity of the housing market in Israel to adopt GWs and to better tailor intervention tools for increasing GWs’ uptake among potential homebuyers.Keywords: green façade, green wall, living wall, willingness to pay
Procedia PDF Downloads 339224 Effects of an Economic Recession on Executive Compensation: A Panel Analysis of Listed Companies in Brazil
Authors: Joaquim Rubens Fontes-Filho, Felipe Buchbinder, Marcelo Desterro
The study aims to identify the effects of an economic recession on the compensation of executives of listed companies. Market-based and labor environment explanations have received particular attention, both to explain the reasons for a growth in this compensation and to indicate that they may increase agency problems rather than mitigate them. In this sense, labor forces, especially related to the market for executives, contribute to defining the terms of compensation packages and represent a significant external control mechanism to moderate agency problems, but may be of little effect if the executives are entrenched and concentrate enough power to have a say in his/her compensation. Based on a five-year data panel related to executive compensation in 250 listed companies in Brazil, we examine whether the economic recession in the last two years produced any impact in this compensation, controlling for the sector and level of governance of the company.Keywords: agency problems, executive compensation, control mechanisms, corporate governance
Procedia PDF Downloads 4489223 CFD Simulation for Thermo-Hydraulic Performance V-Shaped Discrete Ribs on the Absorber Plate of Solar Air Heater
Authors: J. L. Bhagoria, Ajeet Kumar Giri
A computational investigation of various flow characteristics with artificial roughness in the form of V-types discrete ribs, heated wall of rectangular duct for turbulent flow with Reynolds number range (3800-15000) and p/e (5 to 12) has been carried out with k-e turbulence model is selected by comparing the predictions of different turbulence models with experimental results available in literature. The current study evaluates thermal performance behavior, heat transfer and fluid flow behavior in a v shaped duct with discrete roughened ribs mounted on one of the principal wall (solar plate) by computational fluid dynamics software (Fluent 6.3.26 Solver). In this study, CFD has been carried out through designing 3-demensional model of experimental solar air heater model analysis has been used to perform a numerical simulation to enhance turbulent heat transfer and Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes analysis is used as a numerical technique and the k-epsilon model with near-wall treatment as a turbulent model. The thermal efficiency enhancement because of selected roughness is found to be 16-24%. The result predicts a significant enhancement of heat transfer as compared to that of for a smooth surface with different P’ and various range of Reynolds number.Keywords: CFD, solar collector, airheater, thermal efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 2919222 Heat Transfer Phenomena Identification of a Non-Active Floor in a Stack-Ventilated Building in Summertime: Empirical Study
Authors: Miguel Chen Austin, Denis Bruneau, Alain Sempey, Laurent Mora, Alain Sommier
An experimental study in a Plus Energy House (PEH) prototype was conducted in August 2016. It aimed to highlight the energy charge and discharge of a concrete-slab floor submitted to the day-night-cycles heat exchanges in the southwestern part of France and to identify the heat transfer phenomena that take place in both processes: charge and discharge. The main features of this PEH, significant to this study, are the following: (i) a non-active slab covering the major part of the entire floor surface of the house, which include a concrete layer 68 mm thick as upper layer; (ii) solar window shades located on the north and south facades along with a large eave facing south, (iii) large double-glazed windows covering the majority of the south facade, (iv) a natural ventilation system (NVS) composed by ten automatized openings with different dimensions: four are located on the south facade, four on the north facade and two on the shed roof (north-oriented). To highlight the energy charge and discharge processes of the non-active slab, heat flux and temperature measurement techniques were implemented, along with airspeed measurements. Ten “measurement-poles” (MP) were distributed all over the concrete-floor surface. Each MP represented a zone of measurement, where air and surface temperatures, and convection and radiation heat fluxes, were intended to be measured. The airspeed was measured only at two points over the slab surface, near the south facade. To identify the heat transfer phenomena that take part in the charge and discharge process, some relevant dimensionless parameters were used, along with statistical analysis; heat transfer phenomena were identified based on this analysis. Experimental data, after processing, had shown that two periods could be identified at a glance: charge (heat gain, positive values) and discharge (heat losses, negative values). During the charge period, on the floor surface, radiation heat exchanges were significantly higher compared with convection. On the other hand, convection heat exchanges were significantly higher than radiation, in the discharge period. Spatially, both, convection and radiation heat exchanges are higher near the natural ventilation openings and smaller far from them, as expected. Experimental correlations have been determined using a linear regression model, showing the relation between the Nusselt number with relevant parameters: Peclet, Rayleigh, and Richardson numbers. This has led to the determination of the convective heat transfer coefficient and its comparison with the convective heat coefficient resulting from measurements. Results have shown that forced and natural convection coexists during the discharge period; more accurate correlations with the Peclet number than with the Rayleigh number, have been found. This may suggest that forced convection is stronger than natural convection. Yet, airspeed levels encountered suggest that it is natural convection that should take place rather than forced convection. Despite this, Richardson number values encountered indicate otherwise. During the charge period, air-velocity levels might indicate that none air motion occurs, which might lead to heat transfer by diffusion instead of convection.Keywords: heat flux measurement, natural ventilation, non-active concrete slab, plus energy house
Procedia PDF Downloads 4179221 Toughness of a Silt-Based Construction Material Reinforced with Fibers
Authors: Y. Shamas, S. Imanzadeh, A. Jarno, S. Taibi
Silt-based construction material is acknowledged since forever and lately received the researchers’ attention more than before as being an ecological and economical alternative for typical cement-based concrete. Silt-based material is known for its worldwide availability, cheapness, and various applications. Some rules should be defined to obtain a standardized method for the use of raw earth as a modern construction material; but first, its mechanical properties should be precisely studied to better understand its behavior in order to find new aspects in making it a better competitor for the cement concrete that is high energy-demanding in terms of gray energy. Some researches were performed on the raw earth material to enhance its characteristics as strength and ductility for their importance and their wide use for various materials. Yet, many other mechanical properties can be used to study the mechanical behavior of raw earth materials such as Young’smodulus and toughness. Studies concerning the toughness of material were rarely conducted previously except for metals despite its significant role associated to the energy absorbed by the material under loading before fracturing. The purpose of this paper is to restate different toughness definitions used in the literature and propose a new definition.Keywords: silt-based material, raw earth concrete, stress-strain curve, energy, toughness
Procedia PDF Downloads 2249220 Investigation of the Ductility Improvement of Replaceable Hinge Member on Different Types of Precast Concrete Frames
Authors: Ali Berk Bozan, Reşat Atalay Oyguç
The demand for precast reinforced concrete (RC) structures is growing, considering their certain benefits, including faster assembly, homogeneous materials, and high-quality labor. The structural integrity of precast reinforced concrete (RC) constructions is influenced by the effectiveness of the joints and connections. This paper contains an analytical study about four types of precast reinforced concrete frames, which vary according to the number of storeys and the number of bays with two different types of moment-resisting beam-to-column connection is investigated under cyclic displacement loading up to 5.6% drift rate by using ABAQUS software. The first connection type is the widely used moment-resisting connection that is defined as a wet connection in the Turkish Seismic Code (TBDY). The second connection type is known as Artificial Controllable Plastic Hinge. The goal of this connection is to defend reinforced concrete components from earthquake-related plastic deformations by keeping them in a specialized connecting section. It will be possible to repair the broken connections after the earthquake. The cyclic behavior of the four types of frames with the mechanical plastic hinge and wet connection was analytically investigated, and then comparisons and suggestions were made on period, ductility, and structural system behavior coefficient. The analytical study shows that the replaceable plastic hinge element provides a significant period increase. Especially in the case of two storeys and two bays, the change in the period was felt the most compared to other frames. The results for ductility show a significant change in the ductility of the frames with replaceable plastic hinges. For the structural system behavior coefficient, a recommendation between 3.90 and 4.52 values was made.Keywords: precast structures, replaceable plastic hinge, beam to column connections, ductility
Procedia PDF Downloads 529219 An Experimental Study on Greywater Reuse for Irrigating a Green Wall System
Authors: Mishadi Herath, Amin Talei, Andreas Hermawan, Clarina Chua
Green walls are vegetated structures on building’s wall that are considered as part of sustainable urban design. They are proved to have many micro-climate benefits such as reduction in indoor temperature, noise attenuation, and improvement in air quality. On the other hand, several studies have also been conducted on potential reuse of greywater in urban water management. Greywater is relatively clean when compared to blackwater; therefore, this study was aimed to assess the potential reuse of it for irrigating a green wall system. In this study, the campus of Monash University Malaysia located in Selangor state was considered as the study site where total 48 samples of greywater were collected from 7 toilets hand-wash and 5 pantries during 3 months period. The samples were tested to characterize the quality of greywater in the study site and compare it with local standard for irrigation water. PH and concentration of heavy metals, nutrients, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), total Coliform and E.coli were measured. Results showed that greywater could be directly used for irrigation with minimal treatment. Since the effluent of the system was supposed to be drained to stormwater drainage system, the effluent needed to meet certain quality requirement. Therefore, a biofiltration system was proposed to host the green wall plants and also treat the greywater (which is used as irrigation water) to the required level. To assess the performance of the proposed system, an experimental setup consisting of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) soil columns with sand-based filter media were prepared. Two different local creeper plants were chosen considering several factors including fast growth, low maintenance requirement, and aesthetic aspects. Three replicates of each plants were used to ensure the validity of the findings. The growth of creeping plants and their survivability was monitored for 6 months while monthly sampling and testing of effluent was conducted to evaluate effluent quality. An analysis was also conducted to estimate the potential cost and benefit of such system considering water and energy saving in the system. Results showed that the proposed system can work efficiently throughout a long period of time with minimal maintenance requirement. Moreover, the biofiltration-green wall system was found to be successful in reusing greywater as irrigating water while the effluent was meeting all the requirements for being drained to stormwater drainage system.Keywords: biofiltration, green wall, greywater, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2149218 Investigation on an Innovative Way to Connect RC Beam and Steel Column
Authors: Ahmed H. El-Masry, Mohamed A. Dabaon, Tarek F. El-Shafiey, Abd El-Hakim A. Khalil
An experimental study was performed to investigate the behavior and strength of proposed technique to connect reinforced concrete (RC) beam to steel or composite columns. This approach can practically be used in several types of building construction. In this technique, the main beam of the frame consists of a transfer part (part of beam; Tr.P) and a common reinforcement concrete beam. The transfer part of the beam is connected to the column, whereas the rest of the beam is connected to the transfer part from each side. Four full-scale beam-column connections were tested under static loading. The test parameters were the length of the transfer part and the column properties. The test results show that using of the transfer part technique leads to modify the deformation capabilities for the RC beam and hence it increases its resistance against failure. Increase in length of the transfer part did not necessarily indicate an enhanced behavior. The test results contribute to the characterization of the connection behavior between RC beam - steel column and can be used to calibrate numerical models for the simulation of this type of connection.Keywords: composite column, reinforced concrete beam, steel column, transfer part
Procedia PDF Downloads 4329217 Analysis of Palm Oil Production and Rubber Production to Gross Domestic Product in Ten Districts of West Kalimantan
Authors: Evy Sulistianingsih, Mariatul Kiftiah, Dedi Rosadi, Heni Wahyuni
This research attempts to analyse palm oil production and rubber production to prosperity of the community of ten districts in West Kalimantan namely Sanggau, Sintang, Sambas, Ketapang, Bengkayang, Landak, Singkawang, Kapuas Hulu, Melawi and Sekadau by panel regression. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the districts will be used to be a prosperity indicator on this research. Based on the result of analysis, it can be concluded that palm oil and rubber production statistically give contribution to GDP. Adjusted coefficient determination of Fixed Effect Model indicates that 76% of GDP’s variation can be explained by palm oil and rubber production. In another point of view, there should be a district’s government intervention to regulate the plantations. In addition, there is an obligation of the government to monitor regularly the plantations and to conduct researches in order to govern better planning of lands that have been used to the plantations. So that, the environmental effects that have been caused by the plantation can be diminished.Keywords: gross domestic product (GDP), panel, palm, welfare
Procedia PDF Downloads 2559216 Analysis of Rectangular Concrete-Filled Double Skin Tubular Short Columns with External Stainless Steel Tubes
Authors: Omnia F. Kharoob, Nashwa M. Yossef
Concrete-filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) columns could be utilized in structures such as bridges, high-rise buildings, viaducts, and electricity transmission towers due to its great structural performance. Alternatively, lean duplex stainless steel has recently gained significant interest for its high structural performance, similar corrosion resistance and lower cost compared to the austenitic steel grade. Hence, this paper presents the nonlinear finite element (FE) analysis, behaviour and design of rectangular outer lean duplex stainless steel (EN 1.4162) CFDST short columns under compression. All classes of the outer rectangular hollow section according to the depth-to-thickness (D/t) ratios were considered. The results showed that the axial ultimate strength of rectangular CFDST short columns increased linearly by increasing the concrete compressive strength, while it does not influence when changing the hollow ratios. Finally, the axial capacities were compared with the available design methods, and recommendations were conducted for the design strength of this type of column.Keywords: concrete-filled double skin columns, compressive strength, finite element analysis, lean duplex stainless steel, ultimate axial strength, short columns
Procedia PDF Downloads 3039215 Design and Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Corrugated-GFRP Infill Panels
Authors: Woo Young Jung, Sung Min Park, Ho Young Son, Viriyavudh Sim
This study presents a way to reduce earthquake damage and emergency rehabilitation of critical structures such as schools, high-tech factories, and hospitals due to strong ground motions associated with climate changes. Regarding recent trend, a strong earthquake causes serious damage to critical structures and then the critical structure might be influenced by sequence aftershocks (or tsunami) due to fault plane adjustments. Therefore, in order to improve seismic performance of critical structures, retrofitted or strengthening study of the structures under aftershocks sequence after emergency rehabilitation of the structures subjected to strong earthquakes is widely carried out. Consequently, this study used composite material for emergency rehabilitation of the structure rather than concrete and steel materials because of high strength and stiffness, lightweight, rapid manufacturing, and dynamic performance. Also, this study was to develop or improve the seismic performance or seismic retrofit of critical structures subjected to strong ground motions and earthquake aftershocks, by utilizing GFRP-Corrugated Infill Panels (GCIP).Keywords: aftershock, composite material, GFRP, infill panel
Procedia PDF Downloads 3359214 The Study of Sensory Breadth Experiences in an Online Try-On Environment
Authors: Tseng-Lung Huang
Sensory breadth experiences, such as visualization, a sense of self-location, and haptic experiences, are critical in an online try-on environment. This research adopts an emotional appeal perspective, including concrete and abstract effects, to clarify the relationship between sensory experience and consumer's behavior intention in an online try-on context. This study employed an augmented reality interactive technology (ARIT) in an online clothes-fitting context and applied snowball sampling using e-mail to invite online consumers, first to use ARIT for trying on online apparel and then to complete a questionnaire. One hundred sixty-eight valid questionnaires were collected, and partial least squares (PLS) path modeling was used to test our hypotheses. The results showed that sensory breadth, by arousing concrete effect, induces impulse buying intention and willingness to pay a price premium of online shopping. Parasocial presence, as an abstract effect, diminishes the effect of concrete effects on willingness to pay a price premium.Keywords: sensory breadth, impulsive behavior, price premium, emotional appeal, online try-on context
Procedia PDF Downloads 5499213 The Effect of Fly Ash and Natural Pozzolans on the Quality of Passive Oxide Film Developed on Steel Reinforcement Bars
Authors: M.S. Ashraf, Raja Rizwan Hussain, A. M. Alhozaimy
The effect of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) with concrete pore solution on the protective properties of the oxide films that form on reinforcing steel bars has been experimentally investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Tafel Scan. The tests were conducted on oxide films grown in saturated calcium hydroxide solutions that included different representative amounts of NaOH and KOH. In addition to that, commonly used supplementary cementitious materials (natural pozzolan and fly ash) were also added. The results of electrochemical tests show that supplementary cementitious materials do have an effect on the protective properties of the passive oxide film. In particular, natural pozzolans has been shown to have a highly positive influence on the film quality. Fly ash also increases the protective qualities of the passive film.Keywords: supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), passive film, EIS, Tafel scan, rebar, concrete, simulated concrete pore solution (SPS)
Procedia PDF Downloads 4449212 Financial Development, Institutional Quality and Environmental Conditions in the Middle East and North Africa Region: Evidence From Oil- And Non-oil-Producing Countries
Authors: Jamel Boukhatem, Semia Rachid, Marmar Nasr
Considering the differences between oil- and non-oil-producing countries, this paper aims to evaluate the impact of financial development (FD) and institutional quality (IQ) on CO2 emissions in 15 MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries over the period 1996-2018 using the Panel ARDL approach. We found evidence to support an unconditional long run effect of FD on environmental conditions (EC), with quite significant differences between the two groups of countries. While FD leads to environmental degradation (ED) in non-oil-producing countries, it helps protect the environment in oil-producing ones. Regarding the effects of IQ on EC, they are not significant in both short- and long run for non-oil-producing countries, but they are significant for oil-producing ones only in the long run. In the short run, IQ indicators haven’t significant effects on EC for the two groups of countries.Keywords: financial development, institutional quality, environmental conditions, Panel ARDL
Procedia PDF Downloads 869211 Development of a Double Coating Technique for Recycled Concrete Aggregates Used in Hot-mix Asphalt
Authors: Abbaas I. Kareem, H. Nikraz
The use of recycled concrete aggregates (RCAs) in hot-mix asphalt (HMA) production could ease natural aggregate shortage and maintain sustainability in modern societies. However, it was the attached cement mortar and other impurities that make the RCAs behave differently than high-quality aggregates. Therefore, different upgrading treatments were suggested to enhance its properties before being used in HMA production. Disappointedly, some of these treatments had caused degradation to some RCA properties. In order to avoid degradation, a coating technique is developed. This technique is based on combining of two main treatments, so it is named as double coating technique (DCT). Dosages of 0%, 20%, 40% and 60% uncoated RCA, RCA coated with Cement Slag Paste (CSP), and Double Coated Recycled Concrete Aggregates (DCRCAs) in place of granite aggregates were evaluated. The results indicated that the DCT improves strength and reduces water absorption of the DCRCAs compared with uncoated RCAs and RCA coated with CSP. In addition, the DCRCA asphalt mixtures exhibit stability values higher than those obtained for mixes made with granite aggregates, uncoated RCAs and RCAs coated with CSP. Also, the DCRCA asphalt mixtures require less bitumen to achieve the optimum bitumen content (OBC) than those manufactured with uncoated RCA and RCA-coated with CSP. Although the results obtained were encouraging, more testing is required in order to examine the effect of the DCT on performance properties of DCRCA- asphalt mixtures such as rutting and fatigue.Keywords: aggregate crashed value, double coating technique, hot mix asphalt, Marshall parameters, recycled concrete aggregates
Procedia PDF Downloads 2879210 OILU Tag: A Projective Invariant Fiducial System
Authors: Youssef Chahir, Messaoud Mostefai, Salah Khodja
This paper presents the development of a 2D visual marker, derived from a recent patented work in the field of numbering systems. The proposed fiducial uses a group of projective invariant straight-line patterns, easily detectable and remotely recognizable. Based on an efficient data coding scheme, the developed marker enables producing a large panel of unique real time identifiers with highly distinguishable patterns. The proposed marker Incorporates simultaneously decimal and binary information, making it readable by both humans and machines. This important feature opens up new opportunities for the development of efficient visual human-machine communication and monitoring protocols. Extensive experiment tests validate the robustness of the marker against acquisition and geometric distortions.Keywords: visual markers, projective invariants, distance map, level sets
Procedia PDF Downloads 1649209 Machine Learning Approach in Predicting Cracking Performance of Fiber Reinforced Asphalt Concrete Materials
Authors: Behzad Behnia, Noah LaRussa-Trott
In recent years, fibers have been successfully used as an additive to reinforce asphalt concrete materials and to enhance the sustainability and resiliency of transportation infrastructure. Roads covered with fiber-reinforced asphalt concrete (FRAC) require less frequent maintenance and tend to have a longer lifespan. The present work investigates the application of sasobit-coated aramid fibers in asphalt pavements and employs machine learning to develop prediction models to evaluate the cracking performance of FRAC materials. For the experimental part of the study, the effects of several important parameters such as fiber content, fiber length, and testing temperature on fracture characteristics of FRAC mixtures were thoroughly investigated. Two mechanical performance tests, i.e., the disk-shaped compact tension [DC(T)] and indirect tensile [ID(T)] strength tests, as well as the non-destructive acoustic emission test, were utilized to experimentally measure the cracking behavior of the FRAC material in both macro and micro level, respectively. The experimental results were used to train the supervised machine learning approach in order to establish prediction models for fracture performance of the FRAC mixtures in the field. Experimental results demonstrated that adding fibers improved the overall fracture performance of asphalt concrete materials by increasing their fracture energy, tensile strength and lowering their 'embrittlement temperature'. FRAC mixtures containing long-size fibers exhibited better cracking performance than regular-size fiber mixtures. The developed prediction models of this study could be easily employed by pavement engineers in the assessment of the FRAC pavements.Keywords: fiber reinforced asphalt concrete, machine learning, cracking performance tests, prediction model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1429208 Structural-Geotechnical Effects of the Foundation of a Medium-Height Structure
Authors: Valentina Rodas, Luis Almache
The interaction effects between the existing soil and the substructure of a 5-story building with an underground one were evaluated in such a way that the structural-geotechnical concepts were validated through the method of impedance factors with a program based on the method of the finite elements. The continuous wall-type foundation had a constant thickness and followed inclined and orthogonal directions, while the ground had homogeneous and medium-type characteristics. The soil considered was type C according to the Ecuadorian Construction Standard (NEC) and the corresponding foundation comprised a depth of 4.00 meters and a basement wall thickness of 40 centimeters. This project is part of a mid-rise building in the city of Azogues (Ecuador). The hypotheses raised responded to the objectives in such a way that the model implemented with springs had a variation with respect to the embedded base, obtaining conservative results.Keywords: interaction, soil, substructure, springs, effects, modeling , embedment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2319207 A Study on Reinforced Concrete Beams Enlarged with Polymer Mortar and UHPFRC
Authors: Ga Ye Kim, Hee Sun Kim, Yeong Soo Shin
Many studies have been done on the repair and strengthening method of concrete structure, so far. The traditional retrofit method was to attach fiber sheet such as CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer), GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) and AFRP (Aramid Fiber Reinforced Polymer) on the concrete structure. However, this method had many downsides in that there are a risk of debonding and an increase in displacement by a shortage of structure section. Therefore, it is effective way to enlarge the structural member with polymer mortar or Ultra-High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) as a means of strengthening concrete structure. This paper intends to investigate structural performance of reinforced concrete (RC) beams enlarged with polymer mortar and compare the experimental results with analytical results. Nonlinear finite element analyses were conducted to compare the experimental results and predict structural behavior of retrofitted RC beams accurately without cost consuming experimental process. In addition, this study aims at comparing differences of retrofit material between commonly used material (polymer mortar) and recently used material (UHPFRC) by conducting nonlinear finite element analyses. In the first part of this paper, the RC beams having different cover type were fabricated for the experiment and the size of RC beams was 250 millimeters in depth, 150 millimeters in width and 2800 millimeters in length. To verify the experiment, nonlinear finite element models were generated using commercial software ABAQUS 6.10-3. From this study, both experimental and analytical results demonstrated good strengthening effect on RC beam and showed similar tendency. For the future, the proposed analytical method can be used to predict the effect of strengthened RC beam. In the second part of the study, the main parameters were type of retrofit materials. The same nonlinear finite element models were generated to compare the polymer mortar with UHPFRCC. Two types of retrofit material were evaluated and retrofit effect was verified by analytical results.Keywords: retrofit material, polymer mortar, UHPFRC, nonlinear finite element analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4199206 Durability of Reinforced Concrete Structure on Very High Aggressive Environment: A Case Study
Authors: Karla Peitl Miller, Leomar Bravin Porto, Kaitto Correa Fraga, Nataniele Eler Mendes
This paper presents the evaluation and study of a real reinforced concrete structure of a fertilizer storage building, constructed on a Vale’s Port at Brazil, which has been recently under refurbishment. Data that will be shared and commented aim to show how wrong choices in project concepts allied to a very high aggressive environment lead to a fast track degradation, incurring on a hazardous condition associated with huge and expensive treatment for repair and guarantee of minimum performance conditions and service life. It will be also shown and discussed all the covered steps since pathological manifestations first signs were observed until the complete revitalization and reparation planning would be drawn. The conclusions of the work easily explicit the importance of professional technical qualification, the importance of minimum requirements for design and structural reforms, and mainly, the importance of good inspection and diagnostic engineering continuous work.Keywords: durability, reinforced concrete repair, structural inspection, diagnostic engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 1399205 Evaluating the Capability of the Flux-Limiter Schemes in Capturing the Turbulence Structures in a Fully Developed Channel Flow
Authors: Mohamed Elghorab, Vendra C. Madhav Rao, Jennifer X. Wen
Turbulence modelling is still evolving, and efforts are on to improve and develop numerical methods to simulate the real turbulence structures by using the empirical and experimental information. The monotonically integrated large eddy simulation (MILES) is an attractive approach for modelling turbulence in high Re flows, which is based on the solving of the unfiltered flow equations with no explicit sub-grid scale (SGS) model. In the current work, this approach has been used, and the action of the SGS model has been included implicitly by intrinsic nonlinear high-frequency filters built into the convection discretization schemes. The MILES solver is developed using the opensource CFD OpenFOAM libraries. The role of flux limiters schemes namely, Gamma, superBee, van-Albada and van-Leer, is studied in predicting turbulent statistical quantities for a fully developed channel flow with a friction Reynolds number, ReT = 180, and compared the numerical predictions with the well-established Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) results for studying the wall generated turbulence. It is inferred from the numerical predictions that Gamma, van-Leer and van-Albada limiters produced more diffusion and overpredicted the velocity profiles, while superBee scheme reproduced velocity profiles and turbulence statistical quantities in good agreement with the reference DNS data in the streamwise direction although it deviated slightly in the spanwise and normal to the wall directions. The simulation results are further discussed in terms of the turbulence intensities and Reynolds stresses averaged in time and space to draw conclusion on the flux limiter schemes performance in OpenFOAM context.Keywords: flux limiters, implicit SGS, MILES, OpenFOAM, turbulence statistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1919204 Finite Element Modelling and Optimization of Post-Machining Distortion for Large Aerospace Monolithic Components
Authors: Bin Shi, Mouhab Meshreki, Grégoire Bazin, Helmi Attia
Large monolithic components are widely used in the aerospace industry in order to reduce airplane weight. Milling is an important operation in manufacturing of the monolithic parts. More than 90% of the material could be removed in the milling operation to obtain the final shape. This results in low rigidity and post-machining distortion. The post-machining distortion is the deviation of the final shape from the original design after releasing the clamps. It is a major challenge in machining of the monolithic parts, which costs billions of economic losses every year. Three sources are directly related to the part distortion, including initial residual stresses (RS) generated from previous manufacturing processes, machining-induced RS and thermal load generated during machining. A finite element model was developed to simulate a milling process and predicate the post-machining distortion. In this study, a rolled-aluminum plate AA7175 with a thickness of 60 mm was used for the raw block. The initial residual stress distribution in the block was measured using a layer-removal method. A stress-mapping technique was developed to implement the initial stress distribution into the part. It is demonstrated that this technique significantly accelerates the simulation time. Machining-induced residual stresses on the machined surface were measured using MTS3000 hole-drilling strain-gauge system. The measured RS was applied on the machined surface of a plate to predict the distortion. The predicted distortion was compared with experimental results. It is found that the effect of the machining-induced residual stress on the distortion of a thick plate is very limited. The distortion can be ignored if the wall thickness is larger than a certain value. The RS generated from the thermal load during machining is another important factor causing part distortion. Very limited number of research on this topic was reported in literature. A coupled thermo-mechanical FE model was developed to evaluate the thermal effect on the plastic deformation of a plate. A moving heat source with a feed rate was used to simulate the dynamic cutting heat in a milling process. When the heat source passed the part surface, a small layer was removed to simulate the cutting operation. The results show that for different feed rates and plate thicknesses, the plastic deformation/distortion occurs only if the temperature exceeds a critical level. It was found that the initial residual stress has a major contribution to the part distortion. The machining-induced stress has limited influence on the distortion for thin-wall structure when the wall thickness is larger than a certain value. The thermal load can also generate part distortion when the cutting temperature is above a critical level. The developed numerical model was employed to predict the distortion of a frame part with complex structures. The predictions were compared with the experimental measurements, showing both are in good agreement. Through optimization of the position of the part inside the raw plate using the developed numerical models, the part distortion can be significantly reduced by 50%.Keywords: modelling, monolithic parts, optimization, post-machining distortion, residual stresses
Procedia PDF Downloads 569203 Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Flat Slabs Using Prestressing Bars
Authors: Haifa Saleh, Kamiran Abduka, Robin Kalfat, Riadh Al-Mahaidi
The effectiveness of using pre-stressing steel bars for shear strengthening of high strength reinforced concrete (RC) slabs was assessed. Two large-scale RC slabs were tested, one without shear reinforcement and the second strengthened against punching shear failure using pre-stressing steel bars. The two slabs had the same dimensions, flexural reinforcement ratio, loading and support arrangements. The experimental program including the method of strengthening, set up and instrumentation are described in this paper. The experimental results are analyzed and discussed in terms of the structural behavior of the RC slabs, the performance of pre-stressing steel bolts and failure modes. The results confirmed that the shear strengthening technique increased the shear capacity, ductility and yield capacity of the slab by up to 15%, 44%, and 22%, respectively compared to the unstrengthened slab. The strengthening technique also successfully contributed to changing the failure mode from a brittle punching shear mode to ductile flexural failure mode. Vic3D digital image correlation system (photogrammetry) was also used in this research. This technique holds several advantages over traditional contact instrumentations including that it is inexpensive, it produces results that are simple to analyze and it is remote visualization technique. The displacement profile along the span of the slab and rotation has been found and compared with the results obtained from traditional sensors. The performance of the photogrammetry technique was very good and the results of both measurements were in very close agreement.Keywords: flat slab, photogrammetry, punching shear, strengthening
Procedia PDF Downloads 1649202 A Review on Big Data Movement with Different Approaches
Authors: Nay Myo Sandar
With the growth of technologies and applications, a large amount of data has been producing at increasing rate from various resources such as social media networks, sensor devices, and other information serving devices. This large collection of massive, complex and exponential growth of dataset is called big data. The traditional database systems cannot store and process such data due to large and complexity. Consequently, cloud computing is a potential solution for data storage and processing since it can provide a pool of resources for servers and storage. However, moving large amount of data to and from is a challenging issue since it can encounter a high latency due to large data size. With respect to big data movement problem, this paper reviews the literature of previous works, discusses about research issues, finds out approaches for dealing with big data movement problem.Keywords: Big Data, Cloud Computing, Big Data Movement, Network Techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 889201 An Experimental Study on the Thermal Properties of Concrete Aggregates in Relation to Their Mineral Composition
Authors: Kyung Suk Cho, Heung Youl Kim
The analysis of the petrologic characteristics and thermal properties of crushed aggregates for concrete such as granite, gneiss, dolomite, shale and andesite found that rock-forming minerals decided the thermal properties of the aggregates. The thermal expansion coefficients of aggregates containing lots of quartz increased rapidly at 573 degrees due to quartz transition. The mass of aggregate containing carbonate minerals decreased rapidly at 750 degrees due to decarboxylation, while its specific heat capacity increased relatively. The mass of aggregates containing hydrated silicate minerals decreased more significantly, and their specific heat capacities were greater when compared with aggregates containing feldspar or quartz. It is deduced that the hydroxyl group (OH) in hydrated silicate dissolved as its bond became loose at high temperatures. Aggregates containing mafic minerals turned red at high temperatures due to oxidation response. Moreover, the comparison of cooling methods showed that rapid cooling using water resulted in more reduction in aggregate mass than slow cooling at room temperatures. In order to observe the fire resistance performance of concrete composed of the identical but coarse aggregate, mass loss and compressive strength reduction factor at 200, 400, 600 and 800 degrees were measured. It was found from the analysis of granite and gneiss that the difference in thermal expansion coefficients between cement paste and aggregates caused by quartz transit at 573 degrees resulted in thermal stress inside the concrete and thus triggered concrete cracking. The ferromagnesian hydrated silicate in andesite and shale caused greater reduction in both initial stiffness and mass compared with other aggregates. However, the thermal expansion coefficient of andesite and shale was similar to that of cement paste. Since they were low in thermal conductivity and high in specific heat capacity, concrete cracking was relatively less severe. Being slow in heat transfer, they were judged to be materials of high heat capacity.Keywords: crush-aggregates, fire resistance, thermal expansion, heat transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 2289200 A Novel Cold Asphalt Concrete Mixture for Heavily Trafficked Binder Course
Authors: Anmar Dulaimi, Hassan Al Nageim, Felicite Ruddock, Linda Seton
Cold bituminous asphalt mixture (CBEM) provide a sustainable, cost effective and energy efficiency alternative to traditional hot mixtures. However, these mixtures have a comparatively low initial strength and as it is considered as evolutionary materials, mainly in the early life where the initial cohesion is low and builds up slowly. On the other hand, asphalt concrete is, by far, the most common mixtures in use as binder course and base in road pavement in the UK having a continuous grade offer a good aggregate interlock results in this material having very good load-spreading properties as well as a high resistance to permanent deformation. This study aims at developing a novel fast curing cold asphalt concrete binder course mixtures by using Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as a replacement to conventional mineral filler (0%-100%) while new by-product material (LJMU-A2) was used as a supplementary cementitious material. With this purpose, cold asphalt concrete binder course mixtures with cationic emulsions were studied by means of stiffness modulus whereas water sensitivity was approved by assessing the stiffness modulus ratio before and after sample conditioning. The results indicate that a substantial enhancement in the stiffness modulus and a considerable improvement of water sensitivity resistance by adding of LJMU-A2 to the cold asphalt mixtures as a supplementary cementitious material. Moreover, the addition of LJMU-A2 to those mixtures leads to stiffness modulus after 2- day curing comparable to those obtained with Portland cement after 7-day curing.Keywords: cold mix asphalt, binder course, cement, stiffness modulus, water sensitivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3129199 Heat Transfer Characteristics of Film Condensation
Authors: M. Mosaad, J. H. Almutairi, A. S. Almutairi
In this paper, saturated-vapour film condensation on a vertical wall with the backside cooled by forced convection is analyzed as a conjugate problem. In the analysis, the temperature and heat flux at the wall sides are assumed unknown and determined from the solution. The model is presented in a dimensionless form to take a broad view of the solution. The dimensionless variables controlling this coupled heat transfer process are discovered from the analysis. These variables explain the relative impact of the interactive heat transfer mechanisms of forced convection and film condensation. The study shows that the conjugate treatment of film condensation process yields results different from that predicted by a non-conjugate Nusselt-type solution, wherein the effect of the cooling fluid is neglected.Keywords: film condensation, forced convection, coupled heat transfer, analytical modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3219198 Effect of Electric Arc Furnace Coarse Slag Aggregate And Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag on Mechanical and Durability Properties of Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement
Authors: Amiya Kumar Thakur, Dinesh Ganvir, Prem Pal Bansal
Industrial by product utilization has been encouraged due to environment and economic factors. Since electric arc furnace slag aggregate is a by-product of steel industry and its storage is a major concern hence it can be used as a replacement of natural aggregate as its physical and mechanical property are comparable or better than the natural aggregates. The present study investigates the effect of partial and full replacement of natural coarse aggregate with coarse EAF slag aggregate and partial replacement of cement with ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) on the mechanical and durability properties of roller compacted concrete pavement (RCCP).The replacement level of EAF slag aggregate were at five levels (i.e. 0% ,25% ,50%,75% & 100%) and of GGBFS was (0 % & 30%).The EAF slag aggregate was stabilized by exposing to outdoor condition for several years and the volumetric expansion test using steam exposure device was done to check volume stability. Soil compaction method was used for mix proportioning of RCCP. The fresh properties of RCCP investigated were fresh density and modified vebe test was done to measure the consistency of concrete. For investigating the mechanical properties various tests were done at 7 and 28 days (i.e. Compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexure strength modulus of elasticity) and also non-destructive testing was done at 28 days (i.e. Ultra pulse velocity test (UPV) & rebound hammer test). The durability test done at 28 days were water absorption, skid resistance & abrasion resistance. The results showed that with the increase in slag aggregate percentage there was an increase in the fresh density of concrete and also slight increase in the vebe time but with the 30 % GGBFS replacement the vebe time decreased and the fresh density was comparable to 0% GGBFS mix. The compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexure strength & modulus of elasticity increased with the increase in slag aggregate percentage in concrete when compared to control mix. But with the 30 % GGBFS replacement there was slight decrease in mechanical properties when compared to 100 % cement concrete. In UPV test and rebound hammer test all the mixes showed excellent quality of concrete. With the increase in slag aggregate percentage in concrete there was an increase in water absorption, skid resistance and abrasion resistance but with the 30 % GGBFS percentage the skid resistance, water absorption and abrasion resistance decreased when compared to 100 % cement concrete. From the study it was found that the mix containing 30 % GGBFS with different percentages of EAF slag aggregate were having comparable results for all the mechanical and durability property when compared to 100 % cement mixes. Hence 30 % GGBFS can be used as cement replacement with 100 % EAF slag aggregate as natural coarse aggregate replacement.Keywords: durability properties, electric arc furnace slag aggregate, GGBFS, mechanical properties, roller compacted concrete pavement, soil compaction method
Procedia PDF Downloads 1479197 Effectiveness of Crystallization Coating Materials on Chloride Ions Ingress in Concrete
Authors: Mona Elsalamawy, Ashraf Ragab Mohamed, Abdellatif Elsayed Abosen
This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of different crystalline coating materials concerning of chloride ions penetration. The concrete ages at the coating installation and its moisture conditions were addressed; where, these two factors may play a dominant role for the effectiveness of the used materials. Rapid chloride ions penetration test (RCPT) was conducted at different ages and moisture conditions according to the relevant standard. In addition, the contaminated area and the penetration depth of the chloride ions were investigated immediately after the RCPT test using chemical identifier, 0.1 M silver nitrate AgNO3 solution. Results have shown that, the very low chloride ions penetrability, for the studied crystallization materials, were investigated only with the old age concrete (G1). The significant reduction in chloride ions’ penetrability was illustrated after 7 days of installing the crystalline coating layers. Using imageJ is more reliable to describe the contaminated area of chloride ions, where the distribution of aggregate and heterogeneous of cement mortar was considered in the images analysis.Keywords: chloride permeability, contaminated area, crystalline waterproofing materials, RCPT, XRD
Procedia PDF Downloads 2539196 Prediction of Structural Response of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Juan Bojórquez, Henry E. Reyes, Edén Bojórquez, Alfredo Reyes-Salazar
This paper addressed the use of Artificial Intelligence to obtain the structural reliability of reinforced concrete buildings. For this purpose, artificial neuronal networks (ANN) are developed to predict seismic demand hazard curves. In order to have enough input-output data to train the ANN, a set of reinforced concrete buildings (low, mid, and high rise) are designed, then a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis is made to obtain the seismic demand hazard curves. The results are then used as input-output data to train the ANN in a feedforward backpropagation model. The predicted values of the seismic demand hazard curves found by the ANN are then compared. Finally, it is concluded that the computer time analysis is significantly lower and the predictions obtained from the ANN were accurate in comparison to the values obtained from the conventional methods.Keywords: structural reliability, seismic design, machine learning, artificial neural network, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, seismic demand hazard curves
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