Search results for: black mental health
9087 Impact of Wastewater Irrigation on Soil and Vegetable Quality in Peri Urban Cropping System
Authors: Neelam Patel
Farmers in peri-urban areas of developing countries depend on wastewater for Irrigation but with great environmental and health hazards. Since, irrigation with wastewater is growing in the developing countries but its suitability to environment and other health factors should be checked. Metal pollution is a very serious issue these days, various neuro, physical and mental disorders are prevailing due to the metal pollution. Waste water contaminated with heavy metals got accumulated in the soil and then bioaccumulated in the vegetables irrigated with waste water. A 3-year field experiment on cauliflower has been done by using wastewater with two different methods of irrigation i.e. Drip and Flood irrigation and checked the impact on the cauliflower and soil quality. Heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn and Pb) have been studied in wastewater used for the irrigation and their accumulation in the soil and vegetable was studied. The study reveals that the concentration of heavy metals increases by 100 times from initial in soil. After 3 years, the concentration of Copper(41 ppm) Chromium(39.4 ppm) Lead(62.2ppm) Zinc(100.5 ppm) and Nickel(75.7 ppm) in Flood irrigated soil while in Drip irrigated soil , Copper (36.4 ppm) Chromium(36.8 ppm) Lead(53.7 ppm) Zinc(70.3 ppm) and Nickel (53.9 ppm). In vegetable, the wastewater irrigated shows an increase in the concentration of metals with the time and the accumulation of Nickel (6.98ppm), Lead (30.18 ppm) and Zinc (55.83 ppm) in drip irrigated while in flood irrigated, Nickel (30.58 ppm), Lead (73.95ppm) Zinc (93.50 ppm) and Copper (54.58 ppm) in edible part of cauliflower which is above the permissible limits suggested by different international agencies. On other hand, the nutrients content i.e. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in soil was increased in concentration with time. The study pointed out that the metal contaminated waste water consisting the nutrients in it but also heavy metals which causes health issues in human. While the increase in concentration of nutrients in the soil indirectly helpful to the farmers economically by restricting the use of fertilizers. But the metal pollution directly affects the health of human being. The different method of irrigation suggested that the drip irrigated vegetable acquired less metal then the flood one and is a better combo with the waste water for the irrigation.Keywords: drip irrigation, heavy metals, metal contamination, waste water
Procedia PDF Downloads 3309086 The Factors Associated with Health Status among Community Health Volunteers in Thailand
Authors: Lapatrada Numkham, Saowaluk Khakhong, Jeeraporn Kummabutr
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of death in worldwide. Thailand also concerns and focuses on reduction a new case of these diseases. Community Health Volunteers (CHV) is important health personnel in primary health care and performs as a health leader in the community. If the health of CHV changes, it would impact on the performance to promote health of families and community. This cross-sectional study aimed to 1) describe the health status of community health volunteers and 2) examine the factors associated with health status among community health volunteers. The sample included 360 community health volunteers in a province in central Thailand during September-December 2014. Data were collected using questionnaires on health information, knowledge of health behaviors, and health behaviors. Body weight, height, waist circumference (WC), blood pressure (BP), and blood glucose (BS) (fingertip) were assessed. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and chi-square test. There were three hundred and sixty participants with 82.5% being women. The mean age was 54 + 8.9 years. Forty-seven percent of the participants had co-morbidities. Hypertension was the most common co-morbidity (26.7%). The results revealed that the health status of the volunteers included: no underlying disease, having risk of hypertension (HT) & diabetes mellitus (DM), and having HT&DM at 38.3%, 30.0%, and 31.7% respectively. The chi-square test revealed that the factors associated with health status among the volunteers were gender, age, WC and body mass index (BMI). The results suggested that community health nurses should; 1) implement interventions to decrease waist circumference and lose weight through education programs, especially females; 2) monitor people that have a risk of HT&DM and that have HT&DM by meeting and recording BP level, BS level, WC and BMI; and 3) collaborate with a district public health officer to initiate a campaign to raise awareness of the risks of chronic diseases among community health volunteers.Keywords: community health volunteers, health status, risk of non-communicable disease, Thailand
Procedia PDF Downloads 3609085 Examining Occupational Health and Safety Supervision in Turkey by Comparison to EU Countries
Authors: Nuray Gökçek Karaca
This study aims to examine the application of occupational health and safety supervision in Turkey and EU countries in terms of legal regulations. The results of research reveal that occupational health and safety supervision in EU countries, whatever the understanding of welfare state, is effectively carried out and almost all legal regulations on this subject are consistent with the EU directives. On the other hand, there are serious problems in applications, not legal regulations, of occupational health and safety supervision in Turkey by the side of EU countries. Indeed, Turkey has modern regulations on occupational health and safety supervision whereas there are several problems such as ignoring prevention policy on occupational health and safety supervision, understanding of monotype inspector, problems resulting from this understanding and dispersed structure of occupational health and safety organizations in workplaces. As a result, Turkey needs to carry out effective supervision mechanisms.Keywords: legal rules, occupational health and safety, inspection, supervision, legislation
Procedia PDF Downloads 7899084 The Social Construction of Diagnosis: An Exploratory Study on Gender Dysphoria and Its Implications on Personal Narratives
Authors: Jessica Neri, Elena Faccio
In Europe, except for Denmark and Malta, the legal gender change and the stages of the possible process of gender transition are bound to the diagnosis of a gender identity disorder. The requirement of the evaluation of a mental disorder might have many implications on trans people’s self-representations, interpersonal relations in different social contexts and the therapeutic relations with clinicians during the transition. Psychopathological language may contribute to define the individual’s reality from normative presuppositions with value implications related to the dominant cultural principles. In an effort to mark the boundaries between sanity and pathology, it concurs to the definition of the management procedures of the constructed diversities and deviances, legitimizing the operational practices of particular professional figures. The aim of this research concerns the analysis of the diagnostic category of gender dysphoria contained in the last edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. In particular, this study focuses on the relationship between the implicit and explicit assumptions related to the expressions of gender non-conformity, that sustain the language and the criteria characterizing the Manual, and the possible implications on people’s narratives of transition. In order to achieve this objective two main research methods were used: historical reconstruction of the diagnostic category in the different versions of the Manual and content analysis of that category in the present version. From the historical analysis, in the medical and psychiatric field gender non-conformity has been predominantly explicated by naturalistic perspectives, naming it ‘transsexualism’ and collocating it in the category of gender identity disorder. Currently, pathological judged experiences are represented by gender dysphoria, described in the DSM-5 as the distress that may accompany the incongruence between one's experienced or expressed gender and one's assigned gender, specifying that there must be ‘evidence’ of this. Implicit theories about gender binary, parallelism between gender identity, sex and sexuality and the understanding of the mental health and the subject’s agency as subordinated to the expert knowledge, can be found in the process of designation of the category. A lack of awareness of the historical, social and political aspects connected to the cultural and normative dimensions at the basis of these implicit theories, can be noticed and data given by culture and data given by supposed -biological or psychological- nature, are often confused. This reductionist interpretation of gender and its presumed diversities legitimize the clinician to assume the role of searching and orienting, in a correctional perspective, the biographical elements that correspond to him specific expectations, with no space for other possibilities and identity configurations for people in transition. This research may contribute to the current critical debate about the epistemological foundation of the psychodiagnosis, emphasizing the pragmatic effects on the individuals and on the psychological practice in its wider social context. This work also permits to underline the risks due to the lack of awareness of the processes of social construction of the diagnostic system and its essential role of defence of the values that hold up the symbolic universe of reference.Keywords: diagnosis, gender dysphoria, narratives, social constructionism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2339083 Teachers' Beliefs About the Environment: The Case of Azerbaijan
Authors: Aysel Mehdiyeva
As a driving force of society, the role of teachers is important in inspiring, motivating, and encouraging the younger generation to protect the environment. In light of these, the study aims to explore teachers’ beliefs to understand teachers’ engagement with teaching about the environment. Though teachers’ beliefs about the environment have been explored by a number of researchers, the influence of these beliefs in their professional lives and in shaping their classroom instructions has not been widely investigated in Azerbaijan. To this end, this study aims to reveal the beliefs of secondary school geography teachers about the environment and find out the ways teachers’ beliefs of the environment are enacted in their classroom practice in Azerbaijan. Different frameworks have been suggested for measuring environmental beliefs stemming from well-known anthropocentric and biocentric worldviews. The study addresses New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) by Dunlap to formulate the interview questions as discussion with teachers around these questions aligns with the research aims serving to well-capture the beliefs of teachers about the environment. Despite the extensive applicability of the NEP scale, it has not been used to explore in-service teachers’ beliefs about the environment. Besides, it has been used as a tool for quantitative measurement; however, the study addresses the scale within the framework of the qualitative study. The research population for semi-structured interviews and observations was recruited via purposeful sampling. Teachers’ being a unit of analysis is related to the gap in the literature as to how teachers’ beliefs are related to their classroom instructions within the environmental context, as well as teachers’ beliefs about the environment in Azerbaijan have not been well researched. 6 geography teachers from 4 different schools were involved in the research process. The schools are located in one of the most polluted parts of the capital city Baku where the first oil well in the world was drilled in 1848 and is called “Black City” due to the black smoke and smell that covered that part of the city. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teachers to reveal their stated beliefs. Later, teachers were observed during geography classes to understand the overlap between teachers’ ideas presented during the interview and their teaching practice. Research findings aim to indicate teachers’ ecological beliefs and practice, as well as elaborate on possible causes of compatibility/incompatibility between teachers’ stated and observed beliefs.Keywords: environmental education, anthropocentric beliefs, biocentric beliefs, new ecological paradigm
Procedia PDF Downloads 1079082 The Missing Link in Holistic Health Care: Value-Based Medicine in Entrustable Professional Activities for Doctor-Patient Relationship
Authors: Ling-Lang Huang
Background: The holistic health care should ideally cover physical, mental, spiritual, and social aspects of a patient. With very constrained time in current clinical practice system, medical decisions often tip the balance in favor of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in comparison to patient's personal values. Even in the era of competence-based medical education (CBME), when scrutinizing the items of entrustable professional activities (EPAs), we found that EPAs of establishing doctor-patient relationship remained incomplete or even missing. This phenomenon prompted us to raise this project aiming at advocating value-based medicine (VBM), which emphasizes the importance of patient’s values in medical decisions. A true and effective doctor-patient communication and relationship should be a well-balanced harmony of EBM and VBM. By constructing VBM into current EPAs, we can further promote genuine shared decision making (SDM) and fix the missing link in holistic health care. Methods: In this project, we are going to find out EPA elements crucial for establishing an ideal doctor-patient relationship through three distinct pairs of doctor-patient relationships: patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (relatively young but with grave disease), patients undergoing surgery (facing critical medical decisions), and patients with terminal diseases (facing forthcoming death). We’ll search for important EPA elements through the following steps: 1. Narrative approach to delineate patients’ values among 2. distinct groups. 3.Hermeneutics-based interview: semi-structured interview will be conducted for both patients and physicians, followed by qualitative analysis of collected information by compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding. 4. Preliminarily construct those VBM elements into EPAs for doctor-patient relationships in 3 groups. Expected Outcomes: The results of this project are going to give us invaluable information regarding the impact of patients’ values, while facing different medical situations, on the final medical decision. The competence of well-blending and -balanced both values from patients and evidence from clinical sciences is the missing link in holistic health care and should be established in future EPAs to enhance an effective SDM.Keywords: value-based medicine, shared decision making, entrustable professional activities, holistic health care
Procedia PDF Downloads 1229081 Students’ Perceptions of Well-Being and School-Based Well-Being Programs and Interventions
Authors: Amanda Madden
The purpose of this research was to identify students understanding of well-being and perceptions of the effective components of school-based well-being programs they have participated in during their time in secondary school. With one in four adolescents suffering from some form of mental health disorder, which has the potential to directly impact their academic ability, schools have moved towards a more holistic approach to education, resulting in the growth of school-based well-being programs. There is limited research on the effectiveness of school-based well-being programs, with fewer studies examining students’ perspectives on their well-being. A mixed-method design was utilized, framed by a social constructivist methodology. Quantitative data was collected through a researcher-developed self-report survey, and qualitative data were collected through one-on-one interviews and a semi-structured focus group undertaken with Year 12 students from three independent co-educational schools in Western Australia. Preliminary findings indicate that participants have experienced a minimal impact, either positively or negatively, on their well-being from school-based well-being programs. The data detailed that adolescents consider happiness, positive attitude, good physical health, balance, emotional fulfillment and confidence components of well-being. The findings also highlighted sports, positive family relationships, positive friendships, and pets positively enhanced well-being. This research suggests that researchers and educational leaders should consider students’ understanding of well-being in the development of school-based well-being assessments and interventions. Students are the recipients of school-based well-being programs and are best placed to inform what they will and will not respond to in the determination of appropriate well-being content.Keywords: wellbeing, school based wellbeing, adolescents, wellbeing interventions
Procedia PDF Downloads 739080 Analysis of Conditional Effects of Forms of Upward versus Downward Counterfactual Reasoning on Gambling Cognition and Decision of Nigerians
Authors: Larry O. Awo, George N. Duru
There are growing public and mental health concerns over the availability of gambling platforms and shops in Nigeria and the high level of youth involvement in gambling. Early theorizing maintained that gambling involvement was driven by a quest for resource gains. However, evidence shows that the economic model of gambling tends to explain the involvement of the gambling business owners (sport lottery operators: SLOs) as most gamblers lose more than they win. This loss, according to the law of effect, ought to discourage decisions to gamble. However, the quest to recover losses has often initiated prolonged gambling sessions. Therefore, the need to investigate mental contemplations (such as counterfactual reasoning (upward versus downward) of what “would, should, or could” have been, and feeling of the illusion of control; IOC) over gambling outcomes as risk or protective factors in gambling decisions became pertinent. The present study sought to understand the differential contributions and conditional effects of upward versus downward counterfactual reasoning as pathways through which the association between IOC and gambling decisions of Nigerian youths (N = 120, mean age = 18.05, SD = 3.81) could be explained. The study adopted a randomized group design, and data were obtained by means of stimulus material (the Gambling Episode; GE) and self-report measures of IOC and Gambling Decision. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) result showed that participants in the upward counterfactual reasoning group (M = 22.08) differed from their colleagues in the downward counterfactual reasoning group (M = 17.33) on the decision to gamble, and this difference was significant [F(1,112) = 23, P < .01]. HAYES PROCESS macro moderation analysis results showed that 1) IOC and upward counterfactual reasoning were positively associated with the decision to gamble (B = 14.21, t = 6.10, p < .01 and B = 7.22, t = 2.07, p <.05, respectively), 2) downward counterfactual reasoning was negatively associated with the decision to gamble more to recover losses (B = 10.03, t = 3.21, p < .01), 3) upward counterfactual reasoning did not moderate the association between IOC and gambling decision (p > .05), and 4) downward counterfactual reasoning negatively moderated the association between IOC and gambling decision (B = 07, t = 2.18, p < .05) such that the association was strong at the low level of downward counterfactual, but wane at high levels of downward counterfactual reasoning. The implication of these findings is that IOC and upward counterfactual reasoning were risk factors and promoted gambling behavior, while downward counterfactual reasoning protects individuals from gambling activities. Thus, it is concluded that downward counterfactual reasoning strategies should be included in gambling therapy and treatment packages as it could diminish feelings of both IOC and negative feelings of missed positive outcomes and the urge to gamble.Keywords: counterfactual reasoning, gambling cognition, gambling decision, Nigeria, youths
Procedia PDF Downloads 919079 Involvement in Health Policy and Political Efficacy among Hospital Nurses in Jordan: A Descriptive Survey
Authors: Raeda F. Abualrub, Amani Abdulnabi
Aim: The aims of this study were to (a) examine the levels of nurses' political efficacy and involvement in health policy; and (b) explore the relationships between political efficacy, involvement in health policy, and participants’ background variables. Background: Nurses as citizens and health care providers have the right to express their opinions and beliefs in regard to issues that are concerned with the health care system or the public health domain. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional design using was utilized. A self-administered questionnaire (Political Efficacy Scale & Involvement in Health Policy Scale) was completed by a convenience sample of 302 nurses. Results: The results of this study showed low levels of involvement in health policy and political efficacy and a positive weak correlation between political efficacy and involvement in health policy. The perceived level of political efficacy was associated positively with nurses’ age and experience. Conclusions: Nurse administrators and managers may empower, support, and encourage nurses to enhance their involvement in health policy. Implications for Nursing Management: The findings have implications for nursing leaders and administrators to design appropriate strategies to enhance nurses’ involvement in health policy development.Keywords: health policy, Jordan, nurses, political efficacy
Procedia PDF Downloads 989078 Mobile Health Programs by Government: A Content Analysis of Online Consumer Reviews
Authors: Ge Zhan
Mobile health (mHealth) concerns the use of mobile technologies to deliver health care and improve wellness. In this paper, we ask the question of what are the drivers of positive consumer attitude toward mHealth programs. Answers to this question are important to consumer health, but existing marketing and health care service literature does not provide sufficient empirical conclusions on the use of mobile technologies for consumer health. This study aims to fill the knowledge gap by investigating mHealth use and consumer attitude. A content analysis was conducted with sample mHealth programs and online consumer reviews in Hong Kong, UK, US, and India. The research findings will contribute to marketing and health services literature.Keywords: mobile health, consumer attitude, content analysis, online marketing
Procedia PDF Downloads 3999077 Peripheral Inflammation and Neurodegeneration; A Potential for Therapeutic Intervention in Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Authors: Lourdes Hanna, Edward Poluyi, Chibuikem Ikwuegbuenyi, Eghosa Morgan, Grace Imaguezegie
Background: Degeneration of the central nervous system (CNS), also known as neurodegeneration, describes an age-associated progressive loss of the structure and function of neuronal materials, leading to functional and mental impairments. Main body: Neuroinflammation contributes to the continuous worsening of neurodegenerative states which are characterised by functional and mental impairments due to the progressive loss of the structure and function of neu-ronal materials. Some of the most common neurodegenerative diseases include Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Whilst neuroinflammation is a key contributor to the progression of such disease states, it is not the single cause as there are multiple factors which contribute. Theoretically, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have potential to target neuroinflammation to reduce the severity of disease states. Whilst some animal models investigating the effects of NSAIDs on the risk of neurodegenerative diseases have shown a beneficial effect, this is not the same finding. Conclusion: Further investigation using more advanced research methods is required to better understand neuroinflammatory pathways and understand if there is still a potential window for NSAID efficacy.Keywords: intervention, central nervous system, neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation
Procedia PDF Downloads 839076 From Stigma to Solutions: Harnessing Innovation and Local Wisdom to Tackle Harms Associated with Menstrual Seclusion (Chhaupadi) in Nepal
Authors: Sara E. Baumann, Megan A. Rabin, Mary Hawk, Bhimsen Devkota, Kajol Upadhyaya, Guna Raj Shrestha, Brigit Joseph, Annika Agarwal, Jessica G. Burke
In Nepal, prevailing sociocultural norms associated with menstruation prompt adherence to stringent rules that limit participation in daily activities. Chhaupadi is a specific menstrual tradition in Nepal in which women and girls segregate themselves and follow a series of restrictions during menstruation. Despite having numerous physical and mental health implications, extant interventions have yet to sustainably address the harms associated with chhaupadi. In this study, the authors describe insights garnered from a collaboration with community members in Dailekh district, who formulated their own approaches to mitigate the adverse facets of chhaupadi. Envisaged as an entry point to improve women’s menstrual health experiences, this investigation employed an approach that uses Human-centered Design and a community-engaged approach. The authors conducted a four-day design workshop which unfolded in two phases: The Discovery Phase, to uncover chhaupadi context and key stakeholders, and the Design Phase, to design contextually relevant interventions. Diverse community-members, including those with lived experience practicing chhaupadi, developed five intervention concepts: 1) harnessing Female Community Health Volunteers as role models, for counseling, and raising awareness; 2) focusing on mothers and mother’s groups to instigate behavioral shifts; 3) engaging the broader community in behavior change efforts; 4) empowering fathers to effect change in their homes through counseling and education; and 5) training and emboldening youth to advocate for positive change through advocacy in their schools and homes. This research underscores the importance of employing multi-level approaches tailored to specific stakeholder groups, given Nepal’s rich cultural diversity. The engagement of Female Community Health Volunteers emerged as a promising yet underexplored intervention concept for chhaupadi, warranting broader implementation. Crucially, it is also imperative for interventions to prioritize tackling deleterious aspects of the chhaupadi tradition, emphasizing safety considerations, all while acknowledging chhaupadi’s entrenched cultural history; for some, there are positive aspects of the tradition that women and girls wish to preserve.Keywords: human-centered design, menstrual health, Nepal, community-engagement, intervention development, women's health, rural health
Procedia PDF Downloads 709075 Assessment of Post-surgical Donor-Site Morbidity in Vastus lateralis Free Flap for Head and Neck Reconstructive Surgery: An Observational Study
Authors: Ishith Seth, Lyndel Hewitt, Takako Yabe, James Wykes, Jonathan Clark, Bruce Ashford
Background: Vastus lateralis (VL) can be used to reconstruct defects of the head and neck. Whilst the advantages are documented, donor-site morbidity is not well described. This study aimed to assess donor-site morbidity after VL flap harvest. The results will determine future directions for preventative and post-operative care to improve patient health outcomes. Methods: Ten participants (mean age 55 years) were assessed for the presence of donor-site morbidity after VL harvest. Musculoskeletal (pain, muscle strength, muscle length, tactile sensation), quality of life (SF-12), and lower limb function (lower extremity function, gait (function and speed), sit to stand were assessed using validated and standardized procedures. Outcomes were compared to age-matched healthy reference values or the non-operative side. Analyses were conducted using descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests. Results: There was no difference in muscle strength (knee extension), muscle length, ability to sit-to-stand, or gait function (all P > 0.05). Knee flexor muscle strength was significantly less on the operated leg compared to the non-operated leg (P=0.02) and walking speed was slower than age-matched healthy values (P<0.001). Thigh tactile sensation was impaired in 89% of participants. Quality of life was significantly less for the physical health component of the SF-12 (P<0.001). The mental health component of the SF-12 was similar to healthy controls (P=0.26). Conclusion: There was no effect on donor site morbidity with regards to knee extensor strength, pain, walking function, ability to sit-to-stand, and muscle length. VL harvest affected donor-site knee flexion strength, walking speed, tactile sensation, and physical health-related quality of life.Keywords: vastus lateralis, morbidity, head and neck, surgery, donor-site morbidity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2439074 Spatial Mental Imagery in Students with Visual Impairments when Learning Literal and Metaphorical Uses of Prepositions in English as a Foreign Language
Authors: Natalia Sáez, Dina Shulfman
There is an important research gap regarding accessible pedagogical techniques for teaching foreign languages to adults with visual impairments. English as a foreign language (EFL), in particular, is needed in many countries to expand occupational opportunities and improve living standards. Within EFL research, teaching and learning prepositions have only recently gained momentum, considering that they constitute one of the most difficult structures to learn in a foreign language and are fundamental for communicating about spatial relations in the world, both on the physical and imaginary levels. Learning to use prepositions would not only facilitate communication when referring to the surrounding tangible environment but also when conveying ideas about abstract topics (e.g., justice, love, society), for which students’ sociocultural knowledge about space could play an important role. By potentiating visually impaired students’ ability to construe mental spatial imagery, this study made efforts to explore pedagogical techniques that cater to their strengths, helping them create new worlds by welcoming and expanding their sociocultural funds of knowledge as they learn to use English prepositions. Fifteen visually impaired adults living in Chile participated in the study. Their first language was Spanish, and they were learning English at the intermediate level of proficiency in an EFL workshop at La Biblioteca Central para Ciegos (The Central Library for the Blind). Within this workshop, a series of activities and interviews were designed and implemented with the intention of uncovering students’ spatial funds of knowledge when learning literal/physical uses of three English prepositions, namely “in,” “at,” and “on”. The activities and interviews also explored whether students used their original spatial funds of knowledge when learning metaphorical uses of these prepositions and if their use of spatial imagery changed throughout the learning activities. Over the course of approximately half a year, it soon became clear that the students construed mental images of space when learning both literal/physical and metaphorical uses of these prepositions. This research could inform a new approach to inclusive language education using pedagogical methods that are relevant and accessible to students with visual impairments.Keywords: EFL, funds of knowledge, prepositions, spatial cognition, visually impaired students
Procedia PDF Downloads 829073 Investigation of Enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus in Kitchen of Catering
Authors: Çiğdem Sezer, Aksem Aksoy, Leyla Vatansever
This study has been done for the purpose of evaluation of public health and identifying of enterotoxigenic Staphyloccocus aureus in kitchen of catering. In the kitchen of catering, samples have been taken by swabs from surface of equipments which are in the salad section, meat section and bakery section. Samples have been investigated with classical cultural methods in terms of Staphyloccocus aureus. Therefore, as a 10x10 cm area was identified (salad, cutting and chopping surfaces, knives, meat grinder, meat chopping surface) samples have been taken with sterile swabs with helping FTS from this area. In total, 50 samples were obtained. In aseptic conditions, Baird-Parker agar (with egg yolk tellurite) surface was seeded with swabs. After 24-48 hours of incubation at 37°C, the black colonies with 1-1.5 mm diameter and which are surrounded by a zone indicating lecithinase activity were identified as S. aureus after applying Gram staining, catalase, coagulase, glucose and mannitol fermentation and termonuclease tests. Genotypic characterization (Staphylococcus genus and S.aureus species spesific) of isolates was performed by PCR. The ELISA test was applied to the isolates for the identification of staphylococcal enterotoxins (SET) A, B, C, D, E in bacterial cultures. Measurements were taken at 450 nm in an ELISA reader using an Ridascreen-Total set ELISA test kit (r-biopharm R4105-Enterotoxin A, B, C, D, E). The results were calculated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A total of 50 samples of 97 S. aureus was isolated. This number has been identified as 60 with PCR analysis. According to ELISA test, only 1 of 60 isolates were found to be enterotoxigenic. Enterotoxigenic strains were identified from the surface of salad chopping and cutting. In the kitchen of catering, S. aureus identification indicates a significant source of contamination. Especially, in raw consumed salad preparation phase of contamination is very important. This food can be a potential source of food-borne poisoning their terms, and they pose a significant risk to consumers have been identified.Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus, enterotoxin, catering, kitchen, health
Procedia PDF Downloads 4039072 Effects Of Obesity On Periodontal Tissues.
Authors: Benhamouda Amira Chaimae
Obesity is a significant health concern that not only affects overall well-being but also increases the risk of developing periodontal disease, a serious gum condition that can lead to tooth loss and other complications. Individuals with obesity are more prone to chronic inflammation, which can exacerbate periodontal issues, making them more vulnerable to its onset and progression. Additionally, managing the health complications associated with obesity, including periodontal disease, leads to increased health care costs for these patients. This underscores the importance of addressing obesity as part of a comprehensive approach to improving both oral and systemic health outcomes.Keywords: obesity, periodontal, health, tooth
Procedia PDF Downloads 79071 Older Adult Grandparents' Voices as a Principle Care Giver in a Skipped-Generation Family
Authors: Kerdsiri Hongthai, Darunee Jongudomkarn, Rutja Phuphaibul
In Thailand, many adults in rural areas migrate to seek employ¬ment resulting in skipped-generation family where grandparents care for grandchildren with no other adults present. This is a preliminary study using qualitative case study methods, aimed to explore the situations of older adult grandparents' experiences in skipped-generation family in North-East of Thailand. Data were collected by in-depth inter¬views with 6 grandparents living in skipped-generation families; 5 females and 1 males grandparents, aged 62-75, some of them have diabetes mellitus, hypertension, during November to December, 2017. The finding themes are: ‘Caught up in the middle’: the older adults were pleased to have grandchildren but, at the same time, acknowledge the burden that this placed on them, especially when the migrant children failed to send enough money back to support the family. ‘Getting bad health’: they reported to be fatigued and stressed due to burden of caring for their grandchildren without support. This situation can aggravate problems of poor health status and be worsening economic status of the grandparents. In some cases of deprivation, the grandparents feel that having to be the sole care providers of their grandchildren can negative adversely affect their mental status. It is important to find out in other sectors similar to Thailand and lead to more in-depth research to answer the research questions about policy and social support in skipped-generation family in the future.Keywords: older adult grandparents, experiences, principle care giver, skipped-generation family
Procedia PDF Downloads 1469070 An Analysis of the Performances of Various Buoys as the Floats of Wave Energy Converters
Authors: İlkay Özer Erselcan, Abdi Kükner, Gökhan Ceylan
The power generated by eight point absorber type wave energy converters each having a different buoy are calculated in order to investigate the performances of buoys in this study. The calculations are carried out by modeling three different sea states observed in two different locations in the Black Sea. The floats analyzed in this study have two basic geometries and four different draft/radius (d/r) ratios. The buoys possess the shapes of a semi-ellipsoid and a semi-elliptic paraboloid. Additionally, the draft/radius ratios range from 0.25 to 1 by an increment of 0.25. The radiation forces acting on the buoys due to the oscillatory motions of these bodies are evaluated by employing a 3D panel method along with a distribution of 3D pulsating sources in frequency domain. On the other hand, the wave forces acting on the buoys which are taken as the sum of Froude-Krylov forces and diffraction forces are calculated by using linear wave theory. Furthermore, the wave energy converters are assumed to be taut-moored to the seabed so that the secondary body which houses a power take-off system oscillates with much smaller amplitudes compared to the buoy. As a result, it is assumed that there is not any significant contribution to the power generation from the motions of the housing body and the only contribution to power generation comes from the buoy. The power take-off systems of the wave energy converters are high pressure oil hydraulic systems which are identical in terms of their characteristic parameters. The results show that the power generated by wave energy converters which have semi-ellipsoid floats is higher than that of those which have semi elliptic paraboloid floats in both locations and in all sea states. It is also determined that the power generated by the wave energy converters follow an unsteady pattern such that they do not decrease or increase with changing draft/radius ratios of the floats. Although the highest power level is obtained with a semi-ellipsoid float which has a draft/radius ratio equal to 1, other floats of which the draft/radius ratio is 0.25 delivered higher power that the floats with a draft/radius ratio equal to 1 in some cases.Keywords: Black Sea, buoys, hydraulic power take-off system, wave energy converters
Procedia PDF Downloads 3529069 Psychosocial Predictors of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in Adolescents: Literature Review
Authors: K. Grigoryan, T. Jurcik
Interpersonal and school-related factors, along with individual characteristics, can predict non-suicidal self-injures (NSSI). The objective of this review is to describe psychosocial variables associated with NSSI among adolescents. A better understanding of this phenomenon may facilitate the identification of potentially effective interventions for adolescents. Relevant empirical studies and reviews from clinical, cross-cultural, and social psychology, as well as cognitive psychology literature, were synthesized into two broad topics: social/interpersonal and individual factors. Variables related to the occurrence of NSSI are discussed, including social support, peer modeling, abuse, personality traits, sense of belongingness, self-compassion, and others. Based on these findings, specific clinical recommendations were identified that need to be further evaluated empirically. The systemic interventions recommended in this review may further promote research in circumventing this social and clinical problem.Keywords: non-suicidal self-injury, psychosocial factors, mental health, adolescence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1949068 The Integration of Patient Health Record Generated from Wearable and Internet of Things Devices into Health Information Exchanges
Authors: Dalvin D. Hill, Hector M. Castro Garcia
A growing number of individuals utilize wearable devices on a daily basis. The usage and functionality of these wearable devices vary from user to user. One popular usage of said devices is to track health-related activities that are typically stored on a device’s memory or uploaded to an account in the cloud; based on the current trend, the data accumulated from the wearable device are stored in a standalone location. In many of these cases, this health related datum is not a factor when considering the holistic view of a user’s health lifestyle or record. This health-related data generated from wearable and Internet of Things (IoT) devices can serve as empirical information to a medical provider, as the standalone data can add value to the holistic health record of a patient. This paper proposes a solution to incorporate the data gathered from these wearable and IoT devices, with that a patient’s Personal Health Record (PHR) stored within the confines of a Health Information Exchange (HIE).Keywords: electronic health record, health information exchanges, internet of things, personal health records, wearable devices, wearables
Procedia PDF Downloads 1309067 An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health and Safety Induction Practices in the Zambian Construction Industry
Authors: Josephine Mutwale-Ziko, Nonde Lushinga, Inonge Akakandelwa
The study discusses the effectiveness of health and safety induction practices on construction sites against the background of the Zambian construction industry experience. The research design included the literature review of relevant literature. Questionnaires and interviews were administered to regulatory bodies, health, and safety personnel. Observation was also employed on construction sites to assess the health and safety practices being used. Health and safety in the construction industry are not something to be ignored or overlooked. The construction industry needs to take heed of the serious consequences of inadequate health and safety induction practices. The implications of inadequate health and safety induction procedures included among others threats to profitability, corporate social responsibility and increased turnover of the workforce leading to poor productivity. Adequate health and safety practices can improve the health and wellbeing of employees, reduce financial implications on firms and encourage productivity on construction sites. Despite this, accidents are still prevalent on construction sites in Zambia. The overall result of this research denotes that the implementation of health and safety induction practices is inadequate, as indicated by the negligent and non-adherent attitude to health and safety induction aspects on the sites by most stakeholders on construction sites. Therefore, health and safety induction practices are ineffective as preventive measures for reduction of accidents on construction sites in Zambia.Keywords: accidents, health and safety, inadequate, induction
Procedia PDF Downloads 4519066 Association Between Friendship Quality and Subjective Wellbeing Among Adolescents: A Systematic Review
Authors: Abdullah Alsarrani, Leandro Garcia, Ruth Hunter, Laura Dunne
Social integration with friends has an important role in shaping adolescents’ behavior and determining their well-being. Friendship features such as companionship, trust, closeness, intimacy, and conflicts all form the concept of friendship quality. The quality of friendship relationships can either enhance or impede mental development during adolescence. Therefore, this systematic review was conducted to understand the association between friendship quality and adolescents’ mental wellbeing. The evidence was synthesized from a search of five databases (Medline, Embase, ProQuest, Scopus, and PsycINFO). Thirty-two articles out of 18801 records were included in the review. The relationship between friendship quality and depression has been investigated extensively in the literature and negative (beneficial) associations were found in twelve studies out of sixteen. Poor peer relationship was linked to loneliness in eight studies out of nine. All five studies on life satisfaction and quality of peer connection found a positive association. In five studies, optimal peer relationship was found to be associated with happiness. A positive association between friendship quality and self-esteem in four out of five applicable studies. Friendship quality was found to be correlated with subjective well-being in all of three included studies focused on this area. The review demonstrates the paramount value of promoting healthy friendship to adolescents’ subjective well-being constructs. Interventions that aim to promote subjective wellbeing among adolescents should consider the development and maintenance of healthy friendships.Keywords: adolescents, friendship quality, peer, wellbeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1139065 Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training versus Traditional Rehabilitation Exercises on Functional Outcomes in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors: Ahmed Torad
Background: Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a prevalent musculoskeletal condition characterized by pain and functional impairment. While various rehabilitation approaches have been employed, the effectiveness of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) compared to traditional rehabilitation exercises remains unclear. Objective: This randomized controlled trial aimed to compare the effects of HIIT and traditional rehabilitation exercises on pain reduction, functional improvement, and quality of life in individuals with knee OA. Methods: A total of 120 participants diagnosed with knee OA were randomly allocated into two groups: the HIIT group (n=60) and the traditional rehabilitation group (n=60). The HIIT group participated in a 12-week supervised program consisting of high-intensity interval exercises, while the traditional rehabilitation group followed a conventional physiotherapy regimen. Outcome measures included visual analog scale (VAS) pain scores, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC), and the Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36) at baseline and after the intervention period. Results: Both groups showed significant improvements in pain scores, functional outcomes (WOMAC), and quality of life (SF-36) after 12 weeks of intervention. However, the HIIT group demonstrated superior pain reduction (p<0.001), functional improvement (p<0.001), and physical health-related quality of life (p=0.002) compared to the traditional rehabilitation group. No significant differences were observed in mental health-related quality of life between the two groups. Conclusion: High-intensity interval training appears to be a more effective rehabilitation approach than traditional exercises for individuals with knee osteoarthritis, resulting in greater pain reduction, improved function, and enhanced physical health-related quality of life. These findings suggest that HIIT may represent a promising intervention strategy for managing knee OA and enhancing the overall well-being of affected individuals.Keywords: knee osteoarthritis, high-intensity interval training, traditional rehabilitation exercises, randomized controlled trial, pain reduction, functional improvement, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 779064 Strengthening Social and Psychological Resources - Project "Herausforderung" as a (Sports-) Pedagogical Concept in Adolescence
Authors: Kristof Grätz
Background: Coping with crisis situations (e.g., the identity crisis in adolescence) is omnipresent in today's socialization and should be encouraged as a child. For this reason, students should be given the opportunity to create, endure and manage these crisis situations in a sporting context within the project “Herausforderung.” They should prove themselves by working on a self-assigned task, accompanied by ‚coaches’ in a place outside of their hometown. The aim of the project is to observe this process from a resource-oriented perspective. Health promotion, as called for by the WHO in the Ottawa Charter since 1986, includes strengthening psychosocial resources. These include cognitive, emotional, and social potentials that contribute to improving the quality of life, provide favourable conditions for coping with health burdens and enable people to influence their physical performance and well-being self-confidently and actively. A systematic strengthening of psychosocial resources leads to an improvement in mental health and contributes decisively to the regular implementation and long-term maintenance of this health behavior. Previous studies have already shown significant increases in self-concept following experiential educational measures [Fengler, 2007; Eberle & Fengler, 2018] and positive effects of experience-based school trips on the social competence of students [Reuker, 2009]. Method: The research project examines the influence of the project “Herausforderung” on psychosocial resources such as self-efficacy, self-concept, social support, and group cohesion. The students participating in the project will be tested in a pre-post design in the context of the challenge. This test includes specific questions to capture the different psychosocial resources. For the measurement, modifications of existing scales with good item selectivity and reliability are used to a large extent, so that acceptable item and scale values can be expected. If necessary, the scales were adapted or shortened to the specific context in order to ensure a balanced relationship between reliability and test economy. Specifically, these are already tested scales such as FRKJ 8-16, FSKN, GEQ, and F-SozU. The aim is to achieve a sample size of n ≥ 100. Conclusion: The project will be reviewed with regard to its effectiveness, and implications for a resource-enhancing application in sports settings will be given. Conclusions are drawn as to which extent to specific experiential educational content in physical education can have a health-promoting effect on the participants.Keywords: children, education, health promotion, psychosocial resources
Procedia PDF Downloads 1479063 Implementation of an Online-Platform at the University of Freiburg to Help Medical Students Cope with Stress
Authors: Zoltán Höhling, Sarah-Lu Oberschelp, Niklas Gilsdorf, Michael Wirsching, Andrea Kuhnert
A majority of medical students at the University of Freiburg reported stress-related psychosomatic symptoms which are often associated with their studies. International research supports these findings, as medical students worldwide seem to be at special risk for mental health problems. In some countries and institutions, psychologically based interventions that assist medical students in coping with their stressors have been implemented. It turned out that anonymity is an important aspect here. Many students fear a potential damage of reputation when being associated with mental health problems, which may be due to a high level of competitiveness in classes. Therefore, we launched an online-platform where medical students could anonymously seek help and exchange their experiences with fellow students and experts. Medical students of all semesters have access to it through the university’s learning management system (called “ILIAS”). The informative part of the platform consists of exemplary videos showing medical students (actors) who act out scenes that demonstrate the antecedents of stress-related psychosomatic disorders. These videos are linked to different expert comments, describing the exhibited symptoms in an understandable and normalizing way. The (inter-)active part of the platform consists of self-help tools (such as meditation exercises or general tips for stress-coping) and an anonymous interactive forum where students can describe their stress-related problems and seek guidance from experts and/or share their experiences with fellow students. Besides creating an immediate proposal to help affected students, we expect that competitiveness between students might be diminished and bondage improved through mutual support between them. In the initial phase after the platform’s launch, it was accessed by a considerable number of medical students. On a closer look it appeared that platform sections like general information on psychosomatic-symptoms and self-treatment tools were accessed far more often than the online-forum during the first months after the platform launch. Although initial acceptance of the platform was relatively high, students showed a rather passive way of using our platform. While user statistics showed a clear demand for information on stress-related psychosomatic symptoms and its possible remedies, active engagement in the interactive online-forum was rare. We are currently advertising the platform intensively and trying to point out the assured anonymity of the platform and its interactive forum. Our plans, to assure students their anonymity through the use of an e-learning facility and promote active engagement in the online forum, did not (yet) turn out as expected. The reasons behind this may be manifold and based on either e-learning related issues or issues related to students’ individual needs. Students might, for example, question the assured anonymity due to a lack of trust in the technological functioning university’s learning management system. However, one may also conclude that reluctance to discuss stress-related psychosomatic symptoms with peer medical students may not be solely based on anonymity concerns, but could be rooted in more complex issues such as general mistrust between students.Keywords: e-tutoring, stress-coping, student support, online forum
Procedia PDF Downloads 3869062 Meaning Interpretation of Persian Noun-Noun Compounds: A Conceptual Blending Approach
Authors: Bahareh Yousefian, Laurel Smith Stvan
Linguistic structures have two facades: form and meaning. These structures could have either literal meaning or figurative meaning (although it could also depend on the context in which that structure appears). The literal meaning is understandable more easily, but for the figurative meaning, a word or concept is understood from a different word or concept. In linguistic structures with a figurative meaning, it’s more difficult to relate their forms to the meanings than structures with literal meaning. In these cases, the relationship between form and figurative meaning could be studied from different perspectives. Various linguists have been curious about what happens in someone’s mind to understand figurative meaning through the forms; they have used different perspectives and theories to explain this process. It has been studied through cognitive linguistics as well, in which mind and mental activities are really important. In this viewpoint, meaning (in other words, conceptualization) is considered a mental process. In this descriptive-analytic study, 20 Persian compound nouns with figurative meanings have been collected from the Persian-language Moeen Encyclopedic Dictionary and other sources. Examples include [“Sofreh Xaneh”] (traditional restaurant) and [“Dast Yar”] (Assistant). These were studied in a cognitive semantics framework using “Conceptual Blending Theory” which hasn’t been tested on Persian compound nouns before. It was noted that “Conceptual Blending Theory” could lead to the process of understanding the figurative meanings of Persian compound nouns. Many cognitive linguists believe that “Conceptual Blending” is not only a linguistic theory but it’s also a basic human cognitive ability that plays important roles in thought, imagination, and even everyday life as well (though unconsciously). The ability to use mental spaces and conceptual blending (which is exclusive to humankind) is such a basic but unconscious ability that we are unaware of its existence and importance. What differentiates Conceptual Blending Theory from other ways of understanding figurative meaning, are arising new semantic aspects (emergent structure) that lead to a more comprehensive and precise meaning. In this study, it was found that Conceptual Blending Theory could explain reaching the figurative meanings of Persian compound nouns from their forms, such as [talkative for compound word of “Bolbol + Zabani” (nightingale + tongue)] and [wage for compound word of “Dast + Ranj” (hand + suffering)].Keywords: cognitive linguistics, conceptual blending, figurative meaning, Persian compound nouns
Procedia PDF Downloads 809061 Nurturing Resilient Families: Strategies for Positive Parenting and Emotional Well-Being
Authors: Xu Qian
This abstract explores the importance of building resilience within families and offers evidence-based strategies for promoting positive parenting and enhancing emotional well-being. It emphasizes the role of effective communication, conflict resolution, and fostering a supportive environment to strengthen family bonds and promote healthy child development. Introduction: The well-being and resilience of families play a crucial role in fostering healthy child development and promoting overall emotional well-being. This abstract highlights the significance of nurturing resilient families and provides evidence-based strategies for positive parenting. By focusing on effective communication, conflict resolution, and creating a supportive environment, families can strengthen their bonds and enhance emotional well-being for both parents and children. Methods: This abstract draws upon a comprehensive review of existing research and literature on resilient families, positive parenting, and emotional well-being. The selected studies employ various methodologies, including surveys, interviews, and longitudinal observations, to investigate the factors contributing to family resilience and the strategies that promote positive parenting practices. The findings from these studies serve as the foundation for the strategies discussed in this abstract. Results: The results of the reviewed studies demonstrate that effective communication within families is a key factor in building resilience and promoting emotional well-being. Open and honest communication allows family members to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns, fostering trust and understanding. Conflict resolution skills, such as active listening, compromise, and problem-solving, are vital in managing conflicts constructively and preventing negative consequences on family dynamics and children's well-being. Creating a supportive environment that nurtures emotional well-being is another critical aspect of promoting resilient families. This includes providing emotional support, setting clear boundaries, and promoting positive discipline strategies. Research indicates that consistent and responsive parenting approaches contribute to improved self-regulation skills, emotional intelligence, and overall mental health in children. Discussion: The discussion centers on the implications of these findings for promoting positive parenting and emotional well-being. It emphasizes the need for parents to prioritize self-care and seek support when facing challenges. Parental well-being directly influences the quality of parenting and the overall family environment. By attending to their own emotional needs, parents can better meet the needs of their children and create a nurturing atmosphere. Furthermore, the importance of fostering resilience in children is highlighted. Resilient children are better equipped to cope with adversity, adapt to change, and thrive in challenging circumstances. By cultivating resilience through supportive relationships, encouragement of independence, and providing opportunities for growth, parents can foster their children's ability to bounce back from setbacks and develop essential life skills. Conclusion: In conclusion, nurturing resilient families is crucial for positive parenting and enhancing emotional well-being. This abstract presents evidence-based strategies that emphasize effective communication, conflict resolution, and creating a supportive environment. By implementing these strategies, parents can strengthen family bonds, promote healthy child development, and enhance overall family resilience. Investing in resilient families not only benefits individual family members but also contributes to the well-being of the broader community.Keywords: childrearing families, family education, children's mental health, positive parenting, emotional health
Procedia PDF Downloads 859060 Impact of Religious Struggles on Life Satisfaction among Young Muslims: The Mediating Role of Psychological Wellbeing
Authors: Sarwat Sultan, Frasat Kanwal, Motasem Mirza
The impact of religiosity on people’s lives has always been found complex because some of them turn to religion to get comfort and relief from their fear, guilt, and illness, whereas some become away due to the perception that God is revengeful and distant for their conduct. The overarching aim of this study was to know whether the relationship between religious struggles (comfort/strain) and life satisfaction is mediated by psychological well-being. The participants of this study were 529 Muslim students who provided their responses on the measures of religious comfort/strain, psychological well-being, and life satisfaction. Results revealed that religious comfort predicted well-being and life satisfaction positively, while religious strain predicted negatively. Findings showed that psychological well-being mediated the prediction of religious comfort and strain for life satisfaction. These findings have implications for students’ mental health because their teachers and professionals can enhance their well-being by teaching them positive aspects of religion and God.Keywords: attitude towards god, religious comfort, religious strain, life satisfaction, psychological wellbeing
Procedia PDF Downloads 689059 Factors Associated with Injuries and Trauma Among the Survivors of Gender-Based Violence in Afghanistan
Authors: Mohammad Akbar Paiman, Yasmin Nadeem Parpio, Naureen Akbarali, Khwaja Mir Islam Saeed, Murad Moosa Khan
Background: Gender-based violence (GBV) is widely considered a significant public health problem that is associated with acute morbidity and mortality. GBV is commonly understood as a physical, sexual, and mental assault from intimate partners, sexual violence by non-partners, sexual assault of girls, and acts like trafficking women for sex. Objective: This study aimed to determine the factors associated with injuries and trauma among victims of GBV in Afghanistan. Method: We conducted a record-based analysis of the data collected by the Gender Department of the Family Protection Centre nationally between November 2013 and October 2019. Cross-tabulation between different variables such as age, sex, marital status, and type of violence and associations between different types of violence, age, gender, and geographical location was determined using the logistic regression model. Results: During the study period, there were a total of 58,160 GBV in Afghanistan. Most of the victims were women 98% with over three-quarters being adults 78%. Most of the victims were married 76%, followed by single 14%, widowed 5%, and engaged 5%. Over three-quarters of the violence, 73% was observed in the victim’s house while nearly one-quarter of the violence 24 % occurred in the perpetrator’s house. Conclusions: GBV is a significant public health problem in Afghanistan that needs to be addressed at multiple levels including policy, state, and community as well as by raising public awareness and education and a strong code of conduct against GBV by all stakeholders.Keywords: gender-based violence, physical and psychological violence, injuries, Afghanistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 559058 Prevalence of Nutrient Deficiencies in Older Adults: Results from the Japan National Health and Nutrition Survey 2014
Authors: Ye Sun, Han-Youl Lee, Kathy Musa-Veloso, Nabil Bosco
Japan has been experiencing global ageing of population with the World’s leading life expectancy (80.8 y for men and 86.9 y for women) and among the lowest birth rate. Preventive nutrition-based approaches have been identified by the health authorities as one of the strategies to increase the healthy life expectancy and reduce the healthcare costs. However, the nutritional needs and status of the senior population have not been well characterized to provide targeted solutions. This study aims to describe the age- and gender-specific prevalence of inadequacy of macro- and micronutrients intake based on the latest Japan National Health and Nutrition Survey (JNHNS) 2014. JNHNS collected data on the consumption of foods and beverages using 1-day semi-weight household dietary record. Nutrient intake levels were then calculated using the Japanese standard tables of food composition. Where applicable, Japanese population-specific estimated average requirements (EAR) were used as a benchmark to determine the prevalence of potential nutrient intake inadequacy, and adequate intake (AI) were used for nutrients with no available EARs. In all, 3403 senior adults aged 60 y and above and 3324 young adults aged 19 to 59 y were included in the 2014 JNHNS. Age- and gender-specific differences were observed in the mean nutrient intakes as well as the prevalence of inadequacy. Among the 22 nutrients examined, the prevalence of inadequacy for iron, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and folic acid in the senior adults was significantly lower than young adults, suggesting potentially healthier dietary choices by the seniors. However, there was still a considerable proportion of seniors who did not meet the requirement for key nutrients like vitamin B1 (67%), calcium (57%), vitamin A (48%), magnesium (47%), vitamin E (44%), and vitamin B6 (41%). Inadequate nutrient intake is generally more prevalent among elderly males than females for many nutrients, with the exception of iron (prevalence of inadequacy: 21% versus 42%) which could partly be explained by the higher intake recommendations for the females. In conclusion, high prevalence of nutrient inadequacy exists in older adults, with a potentially worsened picture for men. Such inadequacies could have multiple health implications including physical frailty and mental health. Further study is warranted to investigate the food consumption patterns that could explain the observed nutrient inadequacies, and to eventually develop nutrition-based solutions tailored to the needs of specific subgroups of the population.Keywords: ageing, national health and nutrition survey, nutrients, nutrition
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