Search results for: Synthetic Control Method
26768 Optimization of Coefficients of Fractional Order Proportional-Integrator-Derivative Controller on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Authors: Ali Motalebi Saraji, Reza Zarei Lamuki
Speed control and behavior improvement of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) that have reliable performance, low loss, and high power density, especially in industrial drives, are of great importance for researchers. Because of its importance in this paper, coefficients optimization of proportional-integrator-derivative fractional order controller is presented using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm in order to improve the behavior of PMSM in its speed control loop. This improvement is simulated in MATLAB software for the proposed optimized proportional-integrator-derivative fractional order controller with a Genetic algorithm and compared with a full order controller with a classic optimization method. Simulation results show the performance improvement of the proposed controller with respect to two other controllers in terms of rising time, overshoot, and settling time.Keywords: speed control loop of permanent magnet synchronous motor, fractional and full order proportional-integrator-derivative controller, coefficients optimization, particle swarm optimization, improvement of behavior
Procedia PDF Downloads 14826767 Control Strategy of Solar Thermal Cooling System under the Indonesia Climate
Authors: Budihardjo Sarwo Sastrosudiro, Arnas Lubis, Muhammad Idrus Alhamid, Nasruddin Jusuf
Solar thermal cooling system was installed on Mechanical Research Center (MRC) Building that is located in Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia. It is the first cooling system in Indonesia that utilizes solar energy as energy input combined with natural gas; therefore, the control system must be appropriated with the climates. In order to stabilize the cooling capacity and also to maximize the use of solar energy, the system applies some controllers. Constant flow rate and on/off controller are applied for the hot water, chilled water and cooling water pumps. The hot water circulated by pump when the solar radiation is over than 400W/m2, and the chilled water is continually circulated by pump and its temperature is kept constant 7 °C by absorption chiller. The cooling water is also continually circulated until the outlet temperature of cooling tower below than 27 oC. Furthermore, the three-way valve is used to control the hot water for generate vapor on absorption chiller. The system performance using that control system is shown in this study results.Keywords: absorption chiller, control system, solar cooling, solar energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 27426766 Decentralized Control of Interconnected Systems with Non-Linear Unknown Interconnections
Authors: Haci Mehmet Guzey, Levent Acar
In this paper, a novel decentralized controller is developed for linear systems with nonlinear unknown interconnections. A model linear decoupled system is assigned for each system. By using the difference actual and model state dynamics, the problem is formulated as inverse problem. Then, the interconnected dynamics are approximated by using Galerkin’s expansion method for inverse problems. Two different sets of orthogonal basis functions are utilized to approximate the interconnected dynamics. Approximated interconnections are utilized in the controller to cancel the interconnections and decouple the systems. Subsequently, the interconnected systems behave as a collection of decoupled systems.Keywords: decentralized control, inverse problems, large scale systems, nonlinear interconnections, basis functions, system identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 53226765 Improving Chest X-Ray Disease Detection with Enhanced Data Augmentation Using Novel Approach of Diverse Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks
Authors: Malik Muhammad Arslan, Muneeb Ullah, Dai Shihan, Daniyal Haider, Xiaodong Yang
Chest X-rays are instrumental in the detection and monitoring of a wide array of diseases, including viral infections such as COVID-19, tuberculosis, pneumonia, lung cancer, and various cardiac and pulmonary conditions. To enhance the accuracy of diagnosis, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, particularly deep learning models like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), are employed. However, these deep learning models demand a substantial and varied dataset to attain optimal precision. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can be employed to create new data, thereby supplementing the existing dataset and enhancing the accuracy of deep learning models. Nevertheless, GANs have their limitations, such as issues related to stability, convergence, and the ability to distinguish between authentic and fabricated data. In order to overcome these challenges and advance the detection and classification of CXR normal and abnormal images, this study introduces a distinctive technique known as DCWGAN (Diverse Conditional Wasserstein GAN) for generating synthetic chest X-ray (CXR) images. The study evaluates the effectiveness of this Idiosyncratic DCWGAN technique using the ResNet50 model and compares its results with those obtained using the traditional GAN approach. The findings reveal that the ResNet50 model trained on the DCWGAN-generated dataset outperformed the model trained on the classic GAN-generated dataset. Specifically, the ResNet50 model utilizing DCWGAN synthetic images achieved impressive performance metrics with an accuracy of 0.961, precision of 0.955, recall of 0.970, and F1-Measure of 0.963. These results indicate the promising potential for the early detection of diseases in CXR images using this Inimitable approach.Keywords: CNN, classification, deep learning, GAN, Resnet50
Procedia PDF Downloads 8926764 Toxicity of Biopesticide Metarhizium anisopliae var acridium "Green Muscle" on the Cuticle of the Desert Locust Schistocerca gegaria (Forskål, 1775)
Authors: F. Haddadj, F. Acheuk, S. Hamdi, S. Zenia, A. Smai, H. Saadi, B. Doumandji-Mitiche
Locust is causing significant losses in agricultural production in the countries concerned by the invasion. Up to the present control strategy has consisted only of the spreaders chemicals; they have proven harmful to the environment and. For this, a new control method appeared it comes to the biological control based mostly by using microorganism. It is in that sense is we've made our contribution by the use of a biopesticide which is entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae var acridium "Green Muscle" on part of the cuticule the larval of fifth instar locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål, 1775). Preliminary test on the study of the pathogenicity of M. anisopliae var acridium biocontrol agent, was conducted in the laboratory on L5 S. gregaria, on which we inoculated treatment in the digestive tract and it administrant 20μl of entomopathogenic solution orally at a dose DL50 = 3.25 x107 sp./ ml (median lethal dose estimated at earlier), 5 days after treatment individuals are sacrificed. After dissection cuticles are recovered and then subjected to histological sections. The histological technique followed is that of Martoja Martoja-Pierson (1967). Microscopic observation revealed alterations in the architecture of the cuticule which leads to disorganization of cell layers.Keywords: biopesticide, cuticle, desert locust, toxicity
Procedia PDF Downloads 48026763 Evaluation of the Microscopic-Observation Drug-Susceptibility Assay Drugs Concentration for Detection of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Authors: Anita, Sari Septiani Tangke, Rusdina Bte Ladju, Nasrum Massi
New diagnostic tools are urgently needed to interrupt the transmission of tuberculosis and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. The microscopic-observation drug-susceptibility (MODS) assay is a rapid, accurate and simple liquid culture method to detect multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). MODS were evaluated to determine a lower and same concentration of isoniazid and rifampin for detection of MDR-TB. Direct drug-susceptibility testing was performed with the use of the MODS assay. Drug-sensitive control strains were tested daily. The drug concentrations that used for both isoniazid and rifampin were at the same concentration: 0.16, 0.08 and 0.04μg per milliliter. We tested 56 M. tuberculosis clinical isolates and the control strains M. tuberculosis H37RV. All concentration showed same result. Of 53 M. tuberculosis clinical isolates, 14 were MDR-TB, 38 were susceptible with isoniazid and rifampin, 1 was resistant with isoniazid only. Drug-susceptibility testing was performed with the use of the proportion method using Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) system as reference. The result of MODS assay using lower concentration was significance (P<0.001) compare with the reference methods. A lower and same concentration of isoniazid and rifampin can be used to detect MDR-TB. Operational cost and application can be more efficient and easier in resource-limited environments. However, additional studies evaluating the MODS using lower and same concentration of isoniazid and rifampin must be conducted with a larger number of clinical isolates.Keywords: isoniazid, MODS assay, MDR-TB, rifampin
Procedia PDF Downloads 32026762 Rule of Natural Synthetic Chemical on Lead Immobilization in Polluted Sandy Soils
Authors: Saud S. AL Oud
Soil contamination can have dire consequences, such as loss of ecosystem and agricultural productivity, diminished food chain quality, tainted water resources, economic loss, and human and animal illness. In recent years, attention has focused on the development of in situ immobilization methods that are generally less expensive and disruptive to the natural landscape, hydrology, and ecosystems than are conventional excavation treatments, and disposal methods. Soft, inexpensive, and efficient agents were used in the present research to immobilize Pb in polluted sandy soil. Five agents, either naturally occurring or chemically prepared, were used for this purpose. These agents include; iron ore (72% Fe2O3), cement, a mixture of calcite and shale rich in aluminum (CASH), and two chemically prepared amorphous materials of Al- and Fe-gel. These agents were selected due to their ability to specifically adsorb heavy metals onto their surface OH functional groups, which provide permanent immobilization of metal pollutants and reduce the fraction that is potentially mobile or bioavailable. The efficiency of these agents in immobilizing Pb were examined in a laboratory experiment, in which two rates (0.5 and 1.0 %) of tested agents were added to the polluted soils containing total contents of Pb ranging from 17.4-49.8 mg/kg. The results show that all immobilizing agents were succeed in minimizing the mobile form of Pb as extracted by 0.5 N HNO3. The extracted Pb decreased with increasing addition rate of immobilizing agents. At addition rate of 0.5%, HNO3 extractable-Pb varied widely depending on the agents type and were found to represent 21-67% of the initial values. All agents were able to reduce mobile Pb to levels lower than that (2.0 mg/kg) reported for non polluted soil, particularly for soils had initials of mobile Pb less than 10 mg/kg. Both iron oxide and CASH had the highest efficiency in immobilizing Pb, followed by cement, then amorphous materials of Fe and Al hydroxides.Keywords: soil, synthetic chemical, lead, immobilization, polluted
Procedia PDF Downloads 24026761 Constant Order Predictor Corrector Method for the Solution of Modeled Problems of First Order IVPs of ODEs
Authors: A. A. James, A. O. Adesanya, M. R. Odekunle, D. G. Yakubu
This paper examines the development of one step, five hybrid point method for the solution of first order initial value problems. We adopted the method of collocation and interpolation of power series approximate solution to generate a continuous linear multistep method. The continuous linear multistep method was evaluated at selected grid points to give the discrete linear multistep method. The method was implemented using a constant order predictor of order seven over an overlapping interval. The basic properties of the derived corrector was investigated and found to be zero stable, consistent and convergent. The region of absolute stability was also investigated. The method was tested on some numerical experiments and found to compete favorably with the existing methods.Keywords: interpolation, approximate solution, collocation, differential system, half step, converges, block method, efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 33726760 Phase Shifter with Frequency Adaptive Control Circuit
Authors: Hussein Shaman
This study introduces an innovative design for an RF phase shifter that can maintain a consistent phase shift across a broad spectrum of frequencies. The proposed design integrates an adaptive control system into a reflective-type phase shifter, typically showing frequency-related variations. Adjusting the DC voltage according to the frequency ensures a more reliable phase shift across the frequency span of operation. In contrast, conventional frequency-dependent reflective-type phase shifters may exhibit significant fluctuations in phase shifts exceeding 60 degrees in the same bandwidth. The proposed phase shifter is configured to deliver a 90-degree operation with an expected deviation of around 15 degrees. The fabrication of the phase shifter and adaptive control circuit has been verified through experimentation, with the measured outcomes aligning with the simulation results.Keywords: phase shifter, adaptive control, varactors, electronic circuits.
Procedia PDF Downloads 6426759 Evaluating 8D Reports Using Text-Mining
Authors: Benjamin Kuester, Bjoern Eilert, Malte Stonis, Ludger Overmeyer
Increasing quality requirements make reliable and effective quality management indispensable. This includes the complaint handling in which the 8D method is widely used. The 8D report as a written documentation of the 8D method is one of the key quality documents as it internally secures the quality standards and acts as a communication medium to the customer. In practice, however, the 8D report is mostly faulty and of poor quality. There is no quality control of 8D reports today. This paper describes the use of natural language processing for the automated evaluation of 8D reports. Based on semantic analysis and text-mining algorithms the presented system is able to uncover content and formal quality deficiencies and thus increases the quality of the complaint processing in the long term.Keywords: 8D report, complaint management, evaluation system, text-mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 31626758 Cessna Citation X Business Aircraft Stability Analysis Using Linear Fractional Representation LFRs Model
Authors: Yamina Boughari, Ruxandra Mihaela Botez, Florian Theel, Georges Ghazi
Clearance of flight control laws of a civil aircraft is a long and expensive process in the Aerospace industry. Thousands of flight combinations in terms of speeds, altitudes, gross weights, centers of gravity and angles of attack have to be investigated, and proved to be safe. Nonetheless, in this method, a worst flight condition can be easily missed, and its missing would lead to a critical situation. Definitively, it would be impossible to analyze a model because of the infinite number of cases contained within its flight envelope, that might require more time, and therefore more design cost. Therefore, in industry, the technique of the flight envelope mesh is commonly used. For each point of the flight envelope, the simulation of the associated model ensures the satisfaction or not of specifications. In order to perform fast, comprehensive and effective analysis, other varying parameters models were developed by incorporating variations, or uncertainties in the nominal models, known as Linear Fractional Representation LFR models; these LFR models were able to describe the aircraft dynamics by taking into account uncertainties over the flight envelope. In this paper, the LFRs models are developed using the speeds and altitudes as varying parameters; The LFR models were built using several flying conditions expressed in terms of speeds and altitudes. The use of such a method has gained a great interest by the aeronautical companies that have seen a promising future in the modeling, and particularly in the design and certification of control laws. In this research paper, we will focus on the Cessna Citation X open loop stability analysis. The data are provided by a Research Aircraft Flight Simulator of Level D, that corresponds to the highest level flight dynamics certification; this simulator was developed by CAE Inc. and its development was based on the requirements of research at the LARCASE laboratory. The acquisition of these data was used to develop a linear model of the airplane in its longitudinal and lateral motions, and was further used to create the LFR’s models for 12 XCG /weights conditions, and thus the whole flight envelope using a friendly Graphical User Interface developed during this study. Then, the LFR’s models are analyzed using Interval Analysis method based upon Lyapunov function, and also the ‘stability and robustness analysis’ toolbox. The results were presented under the form of graphs, thus they have offered good readability, and were easily exploitable. The weakness of this method stays in a relatively long calculation, equal to about four hours for the entire flight envelope.Keywords: flight control clearance, LFR, stability analysis, robustness analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 35226757 Optimization of Parameters for Electrospinning of Pan Nanofibers by Taguchi Method
Authors: Gamze Karanfil Celep, Kevser Dincer
The effects of polymer concentration and electrospinning process parameters on the average diameters of electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers were experimentally investigated. Besides, mechanical and thermal properties of PAN nanofibers were examined by tensile test and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), respectively. For this purpose, the polymer concentration, solution feed rate, supply voltage and tip-to-collector distance were determined as the control factors. To succeed these aims, Taguchi’s L16 orthogonal design (4 parameters, 4 level) was employed for the experimental design. Optimal electrospinning conditions were defined using the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio that was calculated from diameters of the electrospun PAN nanofibers according to "the-smaller-the-better" approachment. In addition, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was evaluated to conclude the statistical significance of the process parameters. The smallest diameter of PAN nanofibers was observed. According to the S/N ratio response results, the most effective parameter on finding out of nanofiber diameter was determined. Finally, the Taguchi design of experiments method has been found to be an effective method to statistically optimize the critical electrospinning parameters used in nanofiber production. After determining the optimum process parameters of nanofiber production, electrical conductivity and fuel cell performance of electrospun PAN nanofibers on the carbon papers will be evaluated.Keywords: nanofiber, electrospinning, polyacrylonitrile, Taguchi method
Procedia PDF Downloads 20726756 Antecedence of Accounting Value: the Role of Board Capital and Control
Authors: Suresh Ramachandra
Accounting values of firms are determined by strategies that firms pursue which are influenced by board characteristics specific to firms. Using two broad constructs of board characteristics, namely, board capital and board control, in the Malaysian context, this research attempts to infer their conjoint relevance to accounting values. The results of this research indicate that firms are able to increase their accounting values by deliberately selecting board characteristics which include director reputation and political affiliations.Keywords: accounting values, board characteristics, board capital, board control
Procedia PDF Downloads 36426755 Decoloriation of Rhodamine-B Dye by Pseudomonas putida on Activated Carbon
Authors: U. K. Ghosh, A. Ullhyan
Activated carbon prepared from mustard stalk was applied to decolorize Rhodamine-B dye bearing synthetic wastewater by simple adsorption and simultaneous adsorption and biodegradation (SAB) using Pseudomonas putida MTCC 1194. Results showed that percentage of Rhodamine-B dye removal was 82% for adsorption and 99.3% for SAB at pH 6.5, adsorbent dose 10 g/L and temperature 32ºC.Keywords: activated carbon, mustard stalk, Rhodamine-B, adsorption, SAB, Pseudomonas putida
Procedia PDF Downloads 36026754 Efficacy and Safety of Computerized Cognitive Training Combined with SSRIs for Treating Cognitive Impairment Among Patients with Late-Life Depression: A 12-Week, Randomized Controlled Study
Authors: Xiao Wang, Qinge Zhang
Background: This randomized, open-label study examined the therapeutic effects of computerized cognitive training (CCT) combined with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) on cognitive impairment among patients with late-life depression (LLD). Method: Study data were collected from May 5, 2021, to April 21, 2023. Outpatients who met diagnostic criteria for major depressive disorder according to the fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) criteria (i.e., a total score on the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD-17) ≥ 18 and a total score on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment scale (MOCA) <26) were randomly assigned to receive up to 12 weeks of CCT and SSRIs treatment (n=57) or SSRIs and Control treatment (n=61). The primary outcome was the change in Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-Cog) scores from baseline to week 12 between the two groups. The secondary outcomes included changes in the HAMD-17 score, Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) score and Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) score. Mixed model repeated measures (MMRM) analysis was performed on modified intention-to-treat (mITT) and completer populations. Results: The full analysis set (FAS) included 118 patients (CCT and SSRIs group, n=57; SSRIs and Control group, n =61). Over the 12-week study period, the reduction in the ADAS-cog total score was significant (P < 0.001) in both groups, while MMRM analysis revealed a significantly greater reduction in cognitive function (ADAS-cog total scores) from baseline to posttreatment in the CCT and SSRIs group than in the SSRI and Control group [(F (1,115) =13.65, least-squares mean difference [95% CI]: −2.77 [−3.73, −1.81], p<0.001)]. There were significantly greater improvements in depression symptoms (measured by the HAMD-17) in the CCT and SSRIs group than in the control group [MMRM, estimated mean difference (SE) between groups −3.59 [−5.02, −2.15], p < 0.001]. The least-squares mean changes in the HAMA scores and NPI scores between baseline and week 8 were greater in the CCT and SSRIs group than in the control group (all P < 0.05). There was no significant difference between groups on response rates and remission rates by using the last-observation-carried-forward (LOCF) method (all P > 0.05). The most frequent adverse events (AEs) in both groups were dry mouth, somnolence, and constipation. There was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse events between the two groups. Conclusions: CCT combined with SSRIs was efficacious and well tolerated in LLD patients with cognitive impairment.Keywords: late-life depression, cognitive function, computerized cognitive training, SSRIs
Procedia PDF Downloads 5526753 Phytochemical Screening and in vitro Antibacterial and Antioxidant Potential of Microalgal Strain, Cymbella
Authors: S. Beekrum, B. Odhav, R. Lalloo, E. O. Amonsou
Marine microalgae are rich sources of the novel and biologically active metabolites; therefore, they may be used in the food industry as natural food ingredients and functional foods. They have several biological applications related with health benefits, among others. In the past decades, food scientists have been searching for natural alternatives to replace synthetic antioxidants. The use of synthetic antioxidants has decreased due to their suspected activity as promoters of carcinogenesis, as well as consumer rejection of synthetic food additives. The aim of the study focused on screening of phytochemicals from Cymbella biomass extracts, and to examine the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial potential. Cymbella biomass was obtained from CSIR (South Africa), and four different solvents namely methanol, acetone, n-hexane and water were used for extraction. To take into account different antioxidant mechanisms, seven different antioxidant assays were carried out. These include free radical scavenging (DPPH assay), Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC assay), radical cation (ABTS assay), superoxide anion radical scavenging, reducing power, determination of total phenolic compounds and determination of total flavonoid content. The total content of phenol and flavonoid in extracts were determined as gallic acid equivalent, and as rutin equivalent, respectively. The in vitro antimicrobial effect of extracts were tested against some pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans), using the disc diffusion assay. Qualitative analyses of phytochemicals were conducted by chemical tests to screen for the presence of tannins, flavonoids, terpenoids, phenols, steroids, saponins, glycosides and alkaloids. The present investigation revealed that all extracts showed relatively strong antibacterial activity against most of the tested bacteria. The methanolic extract of the biomass contained a significantly high phenolic content of 111.46 mg GAE/g, and the hexane extract contained 65.279 mg GAE/g. Results of the DPPH assay showed that the biomass contained strong antioxidant capacity, 79% in the methanolic extract and 85% in the hexane extract. Extracts have displayed effective reducing power and superoxide anion radical scavenging. Results of this study have highlighted potential antioxidant activity in the methanol and hexane extracts. The obtained results of the phytochemical screening showed the presence of terpenoids, flavonoids, phenols and saponins. The use of Cymbella as a natural antioxidant source and a potential source of antibacterial compounds and phytochemicals in the food industry appears promising and should be investigated further.Keywords: antioxidants, antimicrobial, Cymbella, microalgae, phytochemicals
Procedia PDF Downloads 45626752 Evaluation of Soil Stiffness and Strength for Quality Control of Compacted Earthwork
Authors: A. Sawangsuriya, T. B. Edil
Microstructure and fabric of soils play an important role on structural properties e.g. stiffness and strength of compacted earthwork. Traditional quality control monitoring based on moisture-density tests neither reflects the variability of soil microstructure nor provides a direct assessment of structural property, which is the ultimate objective of the earthwork quality control. Since stiffness and strength are sensitive to soil microstructure and fabric, any independent test methods that provide simple, rapid, and direct measurement of stiffness and strength are anticipated to provide an effective assessment of compacted earthen materials’ uniformity. In this study, the soil stiffness gauge (SSG) and the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) were respectively utilized to measure and monitor the stiffness and strength in companion with traditional moisture-density measurements of various earthen materials used in Thailand road construction projects. The practical earthwork quality control criteria are presented herein in order to assure proper earthwork quality control and uniform structural property of compacted earthworks.Keywords: dynamic cone penetrometer, moisture content, quality control, relative compaction, soil stiffness gauge, structural properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 36126751 Impact of Different Ripening Accelerators on the Microbial Load and Proximate Composition of Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) and Banana (Musa sapientum), during the Ripening Process, and the Nutrition Implication for Food Security
Authors: Wisdom Robert Duruji, Oluwasegun Christopher Akinleye
This study reports on the impact of different ripening accelerators on the microbial load and proximate composition of plantain (Musa paradisiaca) and Banana (Musa sapientum) during the ripening process, and the nutrition implication for food security. The study comprised of four treatments, namely: Calcium carbide, Irvingia gabonensis fruits, Newbouldia laevis leaves and a control, where no ripening accelerator was applied to the fingers of plantain and banana. The unripe and ripened plantain and banana were subjected to microbial analysis by isolating and enumerating their micro flora using pour plate method; and also, their proximate composition was determined using standard methods. The result indicated that the bacteria count of plantain increased from 3.25 ± 0.33 for unripe to 5.31 ± 0.30 log cfu/g for (treated) ripened, and that of banana increased from 3.69 ± 0.11 for unripe to 5.26 ± 0.21 log cfu/g for ripened. Also, the fungal count of plantain increased from 3.20 ± 0.16 for unripe to 4.88 ± 0.22 log sfu/g for ripened; and that of banana increased from 3.61 ± 0.19 for unripe to 5.43 ± 0.26 for ripened. Ripened plantain fingers without any ripening accelerator (control) had significantly (p < 0.05) higher values of crude protein 3.56 ± 0.06%, crude fat 0.42 ± 0.04%, total ash 2.74 ± 0.15 and carbohydrate 31.10 ± 0.20; but with significantly lower value of moisture 62.14 ± 0.07% when compared with treated plantain. The proximate composition trend of treated and banana fingers control is similar to that of treated and plantain control, except that higher moisture content of 75.11 ± 0.07% and lesser protein, crude fat, total ash and carbohydrate were obtained from treated and ripened banana control when the treatments were compared with that of plantain. The study concluded that plantain is more nutritious (mealy) than a banana; also, the ripening accelerators increased the microbial load and reduced the nutritional status of plantain and banana.Keywords: food nutrition, calcium carbide, rvingia gabonensis, newbouldia laevis, plantain, banana
Procedia PDF Downloads 32426750 Application of Fourier Series Based Learning Control on Mechatronic Systems
Authors: Sandra Baßler, Peter Dünow, Mathias Marquardt
A Fourier series based learning control (FSBLC) algorithm for tracking trajectories of mechanical systems with unknown nonlinearities is presented. Two processes are introduced to which the FSBLC with PD controller is applied. One is a simplified service robot capable of climbing stairs due to special wheels and the other is a propeller driven pendulum with nearly the same requirements on control. Additionally to the investigation of learning the feed forward for the desired trajectories some considerations on the implementation of such an algorithm on low cost microcontroller hardware are made. Simulations of the service robot as well as practical experiments on the pendulum show the capability of the used FSBLC algorithm to perform the task of improving control behavior for repetitive task of such mechanical systems.Keywords: climbing stairs, FSBLC, ILC, service robot
Procedia PDF Downloads 31526749 Impact of pH Control on Peptide Profile and Antigenicity of Whey Hydrolysates
Authors: Natalia Caldeira De Carvalho, Tassia Batista Pessato, Luis Gustavo R. Fernandes, Ricardo L. Zollner, Flavia Maria Netto
Protein hydrolysates are ingredients of enteral diets and hypoallergenic formulas. Enzymatic hydrolysis is the most commonly used method for reducing the antigenicity of milk protein. The antigenicity and physicochemical characteristics of the protein hydrolysates depend on the reaction parameters. Among them, pH has been pointed out as of the major importance. Hydrolysis reaction in laboratory scale is commonly carried out under controlled pH (pH-stat). However, from the industrial point of view, controlling pH during hydrolysis reaction may be infeasible. This study evaluated the impact of pH control on the physicochemical properties and antigenicity of the hydrolysates of whey proteins with Alcalase. Whey protein isolate (WPI) solutions containing 3 and 7 % protein (w/v) were hydrolyzed with Alcalase 50 and 100 U g-1 protein at 60°C for 180 min. The reactions were carried out under controlled and uncontrolled pH conditions. Hydrolyses performed under controlled pH (pH-stat) were initially adjusted and maintained at pH 8.5. Hydrolyses carried out without pH control were initially adjusted to pH 8.5. Degree of hydrolysis (DH) was determined by OPA method, peptides profile was evaluated by HPLC-RP, and molecular mass distribution by SDS-PAGE/Tricine. The residual α-lactalbumin (α-La) and β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) concentrations were determined using commercial ELISA kits. The specific IgE and IgG binding capacity of hydrolysates was evaluated by ELISA technique, using polyclonal antibodies obtained by immunization of female BALB/c mice with α-La, β-Lg and BSA. In hydrolysis under uncontrolled pH, the pH dropped from 8.5 to 7.0 during the first 15 min, remaining constant throughout the process. No significant difference was observed between the DH of the hydrolysates obtained under controlled and uncontrolled pH conditions. Although all hydrolysates showed hydrophilic character and low molecular mass peptides, hydrolysates obtained with and without pH control exhibited different chromatographic profiles. Hydrolysis under uncontrolled pH released, predominantly, peptides between 3.5 and 6.5 kDa, while hydrolysis under controlled pH released peptides smaller than 3.5 kDa. Hydrolysis with Alcalase under all conditions studied decreased by 99.9% the α-La and β-Lg concentrations in the hydrolysates detected by commercial kits. In general, β-Lg concentrations detected in the hydrolysates obtained under uncontrolled pH were significantly higher (p<0.05) than those detected in hydrolysates produced with pH control. The anti-α-La and anti-β-Lg IgE and IgG responses to all hydrolysates decreased significantly compared to WPI. Levels of specific IgE and IgG to the hydrolysates were below 25 and 12 ng ml-1, respectively. Despite the differences in peptide composition and α-La and β-Lg concentrations, no significant difference was found between IgE and IgG binding capacity of hydrolysates obtained with or without pH control. These results highlight the impact of pH on the hydrolysates characteristics and their concentrations of antigenic protein. Divergence between the antigen detection by commercial ELISA kits and specific IgE and IgG binding response was found in this study. This result shows that lower protein detection does not imply in lower protein antigenicity. Thus, the use of commercial kits for allergen contamination analysis should be cautious.Keywords: allergy, enzymatic hydrolysis, milk protein, pH conditions, physicochemical characteristics
Procedia PDF Downloads 30326748 The Time-Frequency Domain Reflection Method for Aircraft Cable Defects Localization
Authors: Reza Rezaeipour Honarmandzad
This paper introduces an aircraft cable fault detection and location method in light of TFDR keeping in mind the end goal to recognize the intermittent faults adequately and to adapt to the serial and after-connector issues being hard to be distinguished in time domain reflection. In this strategy, the correlation function of reflected and reference signal is used to recognize and find the airplane fault as per the qualities of reflected and reference signal in time-frequency domain, so the hit rate of distinguishing and finding intermittent faults can be enhanced adequately. In the work process, the reflected signal is interfered by the noise and false caution happens frequently, so the threshold de-noising technique in light of wavelet decomposition is used to diminish the noise interference and lessen the shortcoming alert rate. At that point the time-frequency cross connection capacity of the reference signal and the reflected signal based on Wigner-Ville appropriation is figured so as to find the issue position. Finally, LabVIEW is connected to execute operation and control interface, the primary capacity of which is to connect and control MATLAB and LABSQL. Using the solid computing capacity and the bottomless capacity library of MATLAB, the signal processing turn to be effortlessly acknowledged, in addition LabVIEW help the framework to be more dependable and upgraded effectively.Keywords: aircraft cable, fault location, TFDR, LabVIEW
Procedia PDF Downloads 47926747 Treatment of Onshore Petroleum Drill Cuttings via Soil Washing Process: Characterization and Optimal Conditions
Authors: T. Poyai, P. Painmanakul, N. Chawaloesphonsiya, P. Dhanasin, C. Getwech, P. Wattana
Drilling is a key activity in oil and gas exploration and production. Drilling always requires the use of drilling mud for lubricating the drill bit and controlling the subsurface pressure. As drilling proceeds, a considerable amount of cuttings or rock fragments is generated. In general, water or Water Based Mud (WBM) serves as drilling fluid for the top hole section. The cuttings generated from this section is non-hazardous and normally applied as fill materials. On the other hand, drilling the bottom hole to reservoir section uses Synthetic Based Mud (SBM) of which synthetic oils are composed. The bottom-hole cuttings, SBM cuttings, is regarded as a hazardous waste, in accordance with the government regulations, due to the presence of hydrocarbons. Currently, the SBM cuttings are disposed of as an alternative fuel and raw material in cement kiln. Instead of burning, this work aims to propose an alternative for drill cuttings management under two ultimate goals: (1) reduction of hazardous waste volume; and (2) making use of the cleaned cuttings. Soil washing was selected as the major treatment process. The physiochemical properties of drill cuttings were analyzed, such as size fraction, pH, moisture content, and hydrocarbons. The particle size of cuttings was analyzed via light scattering method. Oil present in cuttings was quantified in terms of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) through gas chromatography equipped with flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Other components were measured by the standard methods for soil analysis. Effects of different washing agents, liquid-to-solid (L/S) ratio, washing time, mixing speed, rinse-to-solid (R/S) ratio, and rinsing time were also evaluated. It was found that drill cuttings held the electrical conductivity of 3.84 dS/m, pH of 9.1, and moisture content of 7.5%. The TPH in cuttings existed in the diesel range with the concentration ranging from 20,000 to 30,000 mg/kg dry cuttings. A majority of cuttings particles held a mean diameter of 50 µm, which represented silt fraction. The results also suggested that a green solvent was considered most promising for cuttings treatment regarding occupational health, safety, and environmental benefits. The optimal washing conditions were obtained at L/S of 5, washing time of 15 min, mixing speed of 60 rpm, R/S of 10, and rinsing time of 1 min. After washing process, three fractions including clean cuttings, spent solvent, and wastewater were considered and provided with recommendations. The residual TPH less than 5,000 mg/kg was detected in clean cuttings. The treated cuttings can be then used for various purposes. The spent solvent held the calorific value of higher than 3,000 cal/g, which can be used as an alternative fuel. Otherwise, the recovery of the used solvent can be conducted using distillation or chromatography techniques. Finally, the generated wastewater can be combined with the produced water and simultaneously managed by re-injection into the reservoir.Keywords: drill cuttings, green solvent, soil washing, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH)
Procedia PDF Downloads 15526746 Preparation of Chromium Nanoparticles on Carbon Substrate from Tannery Waste Solution by Chemical Method Compared to Electrokinetic Process
Authors: Mahmoud A. Rabah, Said El Sheikh
This work shows the preparation of chromium nanoparticles from tannery waste solution on glassy carbon by chemical method compared to electrokinetic process. The waste solution contains free and soluble fats, calcium, iron, magnesium and high sodium in addition to the chromium ions. Filtration helps removal of insoluble matters. Diethyl ether successfully extracted soluble fats. The method started by removing calcium as insoluble oxalate salts at hot conditions in a faint acidic medium. The filtrate contains iron, magnesium, chromium ions and sodium chloride in excess. Chromium was separated selectively as insoluble hydroxide sol-gel at pH 6.5, filtered and washed with distilled water. Part of the gel reacted with sulfuric acid to produce chromium sulfate solution having 15-25 g/L concentration. Electrokinetic deposition of chromium nanoparticles on a carbon cathode was carried out using platinum anode under different galvanostatic conditions. The chemical method involved impregnating the carbon specimens with chromium hydroxide gel followed by reduction using hydrazine hydrate or by thermal reduction using hydrogen gas at 1250°C. Chromium grain size was characterized by TEM, FT-IR and SEM. Properties of the Cr grains were correlated to the conditions of the preparation process. Electrodeposition was found to control chromium particles to be more identical in size and shape as compared to the chemical method.Keywords: chromium, electrodeposition, nanoparticles, tannery waste solution
Procedia PDF Downloads 41026745 Skid-mounted Gathering System Hydrate Control And Process Simulation Optimization
Authors: Di Han, Lingfeng Li, Peixue Zhang, Yuzhuo Zhang
Since natural gas extracted from the wellhead of a gas well, after passing through the throttle valve, causes a rapid decrease in temperature along with a decrease in pressure, which creates conditions for hydrate generation. In order to solve the problem of hydrate generation in the process of wellhead gathering, effective measures should be taken to prevent hydrate generation. In this paper, we firstly introduce the principle of natural gas throttling temperature drop and the theoretical basis of hydrate inhibitor injection calculation, and then use HYSYS software to simulate and calculate the three processes and determine the key process parameters. The hydrate control process applicable to the skid design of natural gas wellhead gathering skids was determined by comparing the hydrate control effect, energy consumption of key equipment and process adaptability.Keywords: natural gas, hydrate control, skid design, HYSYS
Procedia PDF Downloads 9226744 Zoonotic Dirofilaria Repens: Geographic Spread and New Avenues for Control
Authors: Francesco La Torre, Angela Di Cesare, Donato Traversa
The mosquito-transmitted nematode Dirofilaria repens is the causative agent of subcutaneous filariosis in dogs, other animals and humans. Adults and circulating microfilariae may cause different forms of skin conditions, and various allergic reactions. The infection is distributed in several countries and spreading in several areas of Europe. The control of D. repens is pivotal to reduce the transmission in dogs and to minimize the risk of infection in humans, but only few information is available for the chemoprevention of subcutaneous filariosis of dogs. A recent clinical field study showed the efficacy and safety of a monthly administration of an oral formulation containing milbemycin oxime (Milbemax®, Novartis Animal Health) in the chemoprevention of D. repens infection in dogs. Most recent and focused insights into epidemiology and control of zoonotic canine subcutaneous filariosis are here discussed.Keywords: Dirofilaria repens, epidemiology, zoonosis, control
Procedia PDF Downloads 74526743 Investigation into Varied Inspection Utilization for Mass Customization
Authors: Trishen Naidoo, Anthony Walker, Shaniel Davrajh, Glen Bright
An investigation into on-line inspection was performed where research is focused on the use of varied inspection (as opposed to 100% inspection) for mass customization (MC). Manufacturers need new methods for quality control in mass customization, and these methods need to address some of the old problems such as over-inspection and bottlenecking. Due to the risks of varied inspection, many manufacturers do not implement it and rather opt for sampling methods. However, there are many advantages of varied inspection and can have applications in mass customization. A control system incorporating fuzzy logic (FL) control is used to perform the variations in inspection usage in a simulated environment. The proposed system can have a key impact in appraisal costs reduction and possibly work-in-process reduction in high variety environments.Keywords: appraisal costs, fuzzy logic, quality control, work-in-process
Procedia PDF Downloads 23326742 Design of Multi-Loop Controller for Minimization of Energy Consumption in the Distillation Column
Authors: Vinayambika S. Bhat, S. Shanmuga Priya, I. Thirunavukkarasu, Shreeranga Bhat
An attempt has been made to design a decoupling controller for systems with more inputs more outputs with dead time in it. The de-coupler is designed for the chemical process industry 3×3 plant transfer function with dead time. The Quantitative Feedback Theory (QFT) based controller has also been designed here for the 2×2 distillation column transfer function. The developed control techniques were simulated using the MATLAB/Simulink. Also, the stability of the process was analyzed, together with the presence of various perturbations in it. Time domain specifications like setting time along with overshoot and oscillations were analyzed to prove the efficiency of the de-coupler method. The load disturbance rejection was tested along with its performance. The QFT control technique was synthesized based on the stability and performance specifications in the presence of uncertainty in time constant of the plant transfer function through sequential loop shaping technique. Further, the energy efficiency of the distillation column was improved by proper tuning of the controller. A distillation column consumes 3% of the total energy consumption of the world. A suitable control technique is very important from an economic point of view. The real time implementation of the process is under process in our laboratory.Keywords: distillation, energy, MIMO process, time delay, robust stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 41526741 Recovery of Waste Acrylic Fibers for the Elimination of Basic Dyes
Authors: N. Ouslimani, M. T. Abadlia
Environment protection is a precondition for sustained growth and a better quality of life for all people on earth. Aqueous industrial effluents are the main sources of pollution. Among the compounds of these effluents, dyes are particularly resistant to discoloration by conventional methods, and discharges present many problems that must be supported. The scientific literature shows that synthetic organic dyes are compounds used in many industrial sectors. They are found in the chemical, car, paper industry and particularly the textile industry, where all the lines and grades of the chemical family are represented. The affinity between the fibers and dyes vary depending on the chemical structure of dyes and the type of materials to which they are applied. It is not uncommon to find that during the dyeing operation from 15 to 20 % of sulfur dyes, and sometimes up to 40 % of the reactants are discharged with the effluent. This study was conducted for the purpose of fading basics dyes from wastewater using as adsorbent fiber waste material. This technique presents an interesting alternative to usual treatment, as it allows the recovery of waste fibers, which can find uses as raw material for the manufacture of cleaning products or in other sectors In this study the results obtained by fading fiber waste are encouraging, given the rate of color removal which is about 90%.This method also helps to decrease BOD and suspended solids MES in an effective way.Keywords: adsorption, dyes, fiber, valorization, wastewater
Procedia PDF Downloads 29026740 Digital Economy as an Alternative for Post-Pandemic Recovery in Latin America: A Literature Review
Authors: Armijos-Orellana Ana, González-Calle María, Maldonado-Matute Juan, Guerrero-Maxi Pedro
Nowadays, the digital economy represents a fundamental element to guarantee economic and social development, whose importance increased significantly with the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, despite the benefits it offers, it can also be detrimental to those developing countries characterized by a wide digital divide. It is for this reason that the objective of this research was to identify and describe the main characteristics, benefits, and obstacles of the digital economy for Latin American countries. Through a bibliographic review, using the analytical-synthetic method in the period 1995-2021, it was determined that the digital economy could give way to structural changes, reduce inequality, and promote processes of social inclusion, as well as promote the construction and participatory development of organizational structures and institutional capacities in Latin American countries. However, the results showed that the digital economy is still incipient in the region and at least three factors are needed to establish it: joint work between academia, the business sector and the State, greater emphasis on learning and application of digital transformation and the creation of policies that encourage the creation of digital organizations.Keywords: developing countries, digital divide, digital economy, digital literacy, digital transformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 14126739 Robust Control of a Single-Phase Inverter Using Linear Matrix Inequality Approach
Authors: Chivon Choeung, Heng Tang, Panha Soth, Vichet Huy
This paper presents a robust control strategy for a single-phase DC-AC inverter with an output LC-filter. An all-pass filter is utilized to create an artificial β-signal so that the proposed controller can be simply used in dq-synchronous frame. The proposed robust controller utilizes a state feedback control with integral action in the dq-synchronous frame. A linear matrix inequality-based optimization scheme is used to determine stabilizing gains of the controllers to maximize the convergence rate to steady state in the presence of uncertainties. The uncertainties of the system are described as the potential variation range of the inductance and resistance in the LC-filter.Keywords: single-phase inverter, linear matrix inequality, robust control, all-pass filter
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