Search results for: Heisenberg uncertainty principle
800 Modelling and Control of Binary Distillation Column
Authors: Narava Manose
Distillation is a very old separation technology for separating liquid mixtures that can be traced back to the chemists in Alexandria in the first century A. D. Today distillation is the most important industrial separation technology. By the eleventh century, distillation was being used in Italy to produce alcoholic beverages. At that time, distillation was probably a batch process based on the use of just a single stage, the boiler. The word distillation is derived from the Latin word destillare, which means dripping or trickling down. By at least the sixteenth century, it was known that the extent of separation could be improved by providing multiple vapor-liquid contacts (stages) in a so called Rectifactorium. The term rectification is derived from the Latin words rectefacere, meaning to improve. Modern distillation derives its ability to produce almost pure products from the use of multi-stage contacting. Throughout the twentieth century, multistage distillation was by far the most widely used industrial method for separating liquid mixtures of chemical components.The basic principle behind this technique relies on the different boiling temperatures for the various components of the mixture, allowing the separation between the vapor from the most volatile component and the liquid of other(s) component(s). •Developed a simple non-linear model of a binary distillation column using Skogestad equations in Simulink. •We have computed the steady-state operating point around which to base our analysis and controller design. However, the model contains two integrators because the condenser and reboiler levels are not controlled. One particular way of stabilizing the column is the LV-configuration where we use D to control M_D, and B to control M_B; such a model is given in cola_lv.m where we have used two P-controllers with gains equal to 10.Keywords: modelling, distillation column, control, binary distillation
Procedia PDF Downloads 279799 Detection and Classification of Mammogram Images Using Principle Component Analysis and Lazy Classifiers
Authors: Rajkumar Kolangarakandy
Feature extraction and selection is the primary part of any mammogram classification algorithms. The choice of feature, attribute or measurements have an important influence in any classification system. Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT) coefficients are one of the prominent features for representing images in frequency domain. The features obtained after the decomposition of the mammogram images using wavelet transformations have higher dimension. Even though the features are higher in dimension, they were highly correlated and redundant in nature. The dimensionality reduction techniques play an important role in selecting the optimum number of features from the higher dimension data, which are highly correlated. PCA is a mathematical tool that reduces the dimensionality of the data while retaining most of the variation in the dataset. In this paper, a multilevel classification of mammogram images using reduced discrete wavelet transformation coefficients and lazy classifiers is proposed. The classification is accomplished in two different levels. In the first level, mammogram ROIs extracted from the dataset is classified as normal and abnormal types. In the second level, all the abnormal mammogram ROIs is classified into benign and malignant too. A further classification is also accomplished based on the variation in structure and intensity distribution of the images in the dataset. The Lazy classifiers called Kstar, IBL and LWL are used for classification. The classification results obtained with the reduced feature set is highly promising and the result is also compared with the performance obtained without dimension reduction.Keywords: PCA, wavelet transformation, lazy classifiers, Kstar, IBL, LWL
Procedia PDF Downloads 335798 Time Driven Activity Based Costing Capability to Improve Logistics Performance: Application in Manufacturing Context
Authors: Siham Rahoui, Amr Mahfouz, Amr Arisha
In a highly competitive environment characterised by uncertainty and disruptions, such as the recent COVID-19 outbreak, supply chains (SC) face the challenge of maintaining their cost at minimum levels while continuing to provide customers with high-quality products and services. More importantly, businesses in such an economic context strive to maintain survival by keeping the cost of undertaken activities (such as logistics) low and in-house. To do so, managers need to understand the costs associated with different products and services in order to have a clear vision of the SC performance, maintain profitability levels, and make strategic decisions. In this context, SC literature explored different costing models that sought to determine the costs of undertaking supply chain-related activities. While some cost accounting techniques have been extensively explored in the SC context, more contributions are needed to explore the potential of time driven activity-based costing (TDABC). More specifically, more applications are needed in the manufacturing context of the SC, where the debate is ongoing. The aim of the study is to assess the capability of the technique to assess the operational performance of the logistics function. Through a case study methodology applied to a manufacturing company operating in the automotive industry, TDABC evaluates the efficiency of the current configuration and its logistics processes. The study shows that monitoring the process efficiency and cost efficiency leads to strategic decisions that contributed to improve the overall efficiency of the logistics processes.Keywords: efficiency, operational performance, supply chain costing, time driven activity based costing
Procedia PDF Downloads 168797 The Shannon Entropy and Multifractional Markets
Authors: Massimiliano Frezza, Sergio Bianchi, Augusto Pianese
Introduced by Shannon in 1948 in the field of information theory as the average rate at which information is produced by a stochastic set of data, the concept of entropy has gained much attention as a measure of uncertainty and unpredictability associated with a dynamical system, eventually depicted by a stochastic process. In particular, the Shannon entropy measures the degree of order/disorder of a given signal and provides useful information about the underlying dynamical process. It has found widespread application in a variety of fields, such as, for example, cryptography, statistical physics and finance. In this regard, many contributions have employed different measures of entropy in an attempt to characterize the financial time series in terms of market efficiency, market crashes and/or financial crises. The Shannon entropy has also been considered as a measure of the risk of a portfolio or as a tool in asset pricing. This work investigates the theoretical link between the Shannon entropy and the multifractional Brownian motion (mBm), stochastic process which recently is the focus of a renewed interest in finance as a driving model of stochastic volatility. In particular, after exploring the current state of research in this area and highlighting some of the key results and open questions that remain, we show a well-defined relationship between the Shannon (log)entropy and the memory function H(t) of the mBm. In details, we allow both the length of time series and time scale to change over analysis to study how the relation modify itself. On the one hand, applications are developed after generating surrogates of mBm trajectories based on different memory functions; on the other hand, an empirical analysis of several international stock indexes, which confirms the previous results, concludes the work.Keywords: Shannon entropy, multifractional Brownian motion, Hurst–Holder exponent, stock indexes
Procedia PDF Downloads 111796 Carbohydrate-Based Recommendations as a Basis for Dietary Guidelines
Authors: A. E. Buyken, D. J. Mela, P. Dussort, I. T. Johnson, I. A. Macdonald, A. Piekarz, J. D. Stowell, F. Brouns
Recently a number of renewed dietary guidelines have been published by various health authorities. The aim of the present work was 1) to review the processes (systematic approach/review, inclusion of public consultation) and methodological approaches used to identify and select the underpinning evidence base for the established recommendations for total carbohydrate (CHO), fiber and sugar consumption, and 2) examine how differences in the methods and processes applied may have influenced the final recommendations. A search of WHO, US, Canada, Australia and European sources identified 13 authoritative dietary guidelines with the desired detailed information. Each of these guidelines was evaluated for its scientific basis (types and grading of the evidence) and the processes by which the guidelines were developed Based on the data retrieved the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) Generally, a relatively high total CHO and fiber intake and limited intake of sugars (added or free) is recommended. 2) Even where recommendations are quite similar, the specific, justifications for quantitative/qualitative recommendations differ across authorities. 3) Differences appear to be due to inconsistencies in underlying definitions of CHO exposure and in the concurrent appraisal of CHO-providing foods and nutrients as well the choice and number of health outcomes selected for the evidence appraisal. 4) Differences in the selected articles, time frames or data aggregation method appeared to be of rather minor influence. From this assessment, the main recommendations are for: 1) more explicit quantitative justifications for numerical guidelines and communication of uncertainty; and 2) greater international harmonization, particularly with regard to underlying definitions of exposures and range of relevant nutrition-related outcomes.Keywords: carbohydrates, dietary fibres, dietary guidelines, recommendations, sugars
Procedia PDF Downloads 258795 Initiating Learning to Know among Fishers for Sustainable Fishery on Lake Victoria. A Case of Kigungu Fishing Ground Wakiso District
Authors: Namubiru Zula, Aganyira Kelle, Van der Linden Josje, Openjuru George Laadah
Learning to know is a key principle to lifelong learning, with self-direction as the cornerstone. This study sought to initiate self-direction for lifelong learning through social constructivism among fishers; with the major goal of creating a community of fishers who continuously learn from each other for sustainable fishing. Government of Uganda has instituted several mechanisms like co-management with Beach Management Unit (BMU) System against illegal fishing. However, illegal fishing persists, there is reduced fish stocks with several outcry on how fishers are handled. Some studies have indicated that it’s the poor orientation of BMU leaders and fishers which are top down. This initial engagement of fishers was conducted through a meeting and use of stake holder’s analysis tool to discuss the relevance of the study; harnessing fishers’ knowledge for sustainable fisheries on Lake Victoria, its objectives, the key stake holders to enable them fish sustainably. It revealed initial attempt to learn from each other and learning to know among fishers, with some elements of self-direction. However, fishers attempt to learning and self-direction are affected by prior brutal enforcement experiences. This meeting led to fishers gain some sense of hope towards enforcement brutality. The key stakeholders highlighted include MAAIF, FAO, UNBS, NaFIRRI, LVFO, BMU, UFPEA, Fishers m employers, Fisheries Protection Unit, GIZ, and any Non-Government organization but declined the Association of Fisheries and Lake Users in Uganda.Keywords: self direction, lifelong learning, social constructivism, sustainable fishing
Procedia PDF Downloads 90794 A Preliminary Study on the Tagal Eco-Tourism and Empowerment for Local Community
Authors: Christiana Jonut
The study addresses tagal as an ecotourism product that is uniquely for Sabah. It is a community based tourism venture that is influenced by the Dusun ethic’s traditional law. The traditional principle of tagal is focused primarily on individual exploitation of riverine resources and it was transformed into a community participation in the riverine conservation to foster the growth or survival of ecotourism. It manages a river into a sustainable manner. A smart partnership system between the community and the authority particularly the Department of Fisheries Sabah, tagal has successfully become an instrument to protect, revive and manage the river fish resources. In 2015, Sabah Fisheries Department added 536 tagal sites. Most tagal sites were turned into a community based tourism venture. They generate income through jobs creation for the purpose of uplifting the local’s economic level. Tagal ecotourism sites also increase environmental awareness of the local people to love their culture, tradition and environment. This venture also promotes the sustainability of the eco-tourism. The objective of this study is to explore the issues and contexts of empowerment of the local people in managing a successful tagal ecotourism. This study further explains how community capacity building is the major influence of empowerment of the local community. The methodology approach used is qualitative where interview is chosen as the data collection method. This is a literature review of exploring empowerment of the local community through various community capacity building initiatives that would motivate the local people to be actively involved in the tagal.Keywords: capacity building, Tagal, ecotourism, empowerment, Sabah
Procedia PDF Downloads 359793 Fear of Crime Among Females on University Campuses
Authors: Shahed, Tala, Ahlam, Marah, Sara, Shaden
Research on fear of crime has shown that there are many influences on it, including gender, age, and geographic location. For example, women are more afraid of crime than men. The campus has a high crime rate and fear of crime due to many hiding places and blind spots; women are more likely than men to be victims of certain types of crime, such as rape and verbal and sexual harassment. And it became clear that older female students have a different perception of the place over time and other knowledge and fear of it, another study at Hashemite University. This study aims to understand better how the environment affects the negative experiences of female students and how their age and familiarity environment affects their sense of safety. This study also examines whether CPTED can be used to help prevent crime. The Broken Windows Theory also states that crime occurs in areas with overt indications of criminal activity, antisocial behavior, and civil unrest. This is related to the principle of CPTED maintenance and monitoring, activity support, regional development, and access control. Given their increased vulnerability to harassment, “sexual harassment” can refer to different behaviors. On campuses, harassment was happening everywhere, but it was most prevalent in "blind spots" that were out of sight and deserted. This study uses a methodology based on quantitative data that depends on putting a number on the amount of a particular phenomenon that exists in the world. The main finding shows how CPTED works in an academic context and what adjustments need to be made.Keywords: Hashmite University, CPTED, crime prevention, university campus, fear of crime, female faer, broken window theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 80792 The Spread of Drugs in Higher Education
Authors: Wantana Amatariyakul, Chumnong Amatariyakul
The research aims to examine the spread of drugs in higher education, especially amphetamine which is rapidly increasing in Thai society, its causes and effects, including the sociological perspective, in order to explain, prevent, control, and solve the problems. The students who participated in this research are regular students of Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Khon Kaen Campus. The data were collected using questionnaires, group discussions, and in-depth interviews. The quantity data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and using content analysis to analyzed quality data. The result of the study showed that the students had the results of examination on level of knowledge and understanding on drug abuse projected that the majority of sample group attained their knowledge on drug abuse respectively. Despite their uncertainty, the majority of samples presumed that amphetamine, marijuana and grathom (Mitragyna Speciosa Korth) would most likely be abused. The reason for first drug abuse is because they want to try and their friends convince them, as well as, they want to relax or solve the problems in life, respectively. The bad effects appearing to the drug addicts shows that their health deteriorates or worsens, as well as, they not only lose their money but also face with worse mental states. The reasons that respondents tried to avoid using drugs or refused drugs offered by friends were: not wanting to disappoint or upset their family members, fear of rejection by family members, afraid of being arrested by the police, afraid of losing their educational opportunity and ruining their future respectively. Students therefore defended themselves against drug addiction by refusing to try all drugs. Besides this, the knowledge about the danger and the harm of drugs persuaded them to stay away from drugs.Keywords: drugs, higher education, drug addiction, spread of drugs
Procedia PDF Downloads 319791 Principal Creative Leadership for Teacher Learning and School Culture
Authors: Yashi Ye
Principles play vital roles in shaping the school culture and promoting teachers' professional learning by exerting their leadership. In the changing time of the 21st century, the creative leadership of school leaders is increasingly important in cultivating the professional learning communities of teachers for eventually improving student performance in every continent. This study examines under what conditions and how principal creative leadership contributes to teachers’ professional learning and school culture. Data collected from 632 teachers in 30 primary and middle schools in the cities of Chengdu and Chongqing in mainland China are analyzed using structural equation modeling and bootstrapping tests. A moderated mediation model of principle creative leadership effects is used to analyze professional teacher learning and school culture in which the mediator will be school culture and the moderator will be power distance orientation. The results indicate that principal creative leadership has significant direct and indirect effects on teachers' professional learning. A positive correlation between principal creative leadership, professional teacher learning, and school culture is observed. Further model testing found that teacher power distance orientation moderated the significant effect of principal creative leadership on school culture. When teachers perceived higher power distance in teacher-principal relations, the effects of principal creative leadership were stronger than for those who perceived low power distance. The results indicate the “culture change” in the young generation of teachers in China, and further implications to understanding the cultural context in the field of educational leadership are discussed.Keywords: power distance orientation, principal creative leadership, school culture, teacher professional learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 142790 Qualitative Case Studies in Reading Specialist Education
Authors: Carol Leroy
This presentation focuses on the analysis qualitative case studies in the graduate education of reading specialists. The presentation describes the development and application of an integrated conceptual framework for reading specialist education, drawing on Robert Stake’s work on case study research, Kenneth Zeichner’s work on professional learning, and various tools for reading assessment (e.g. the Qualitative Reading Inventory). Social constructivist theory is used to provide intersecting links between the various influences on the processes used to assess and teaching reading within the case study framework. Illustrative examples are described to show the application of the framework in reading specialist education in a teaching clinic at a large urban university. Central to education of reading specialists in this teaching clinic is the collection, analysis and interpretation of data for the design and implementation of reading and writing programs for struggling readers and writers. The case study process involves the integrated interpretation of data, which is central to qualitative case study inquiry. An emerging theme in this approach to graduate education is the ambiguity and uncertainty that governs work with the adults and children who attend the clinic for assistance. Tensions and contradictions are explored insofar as they reveal overlapping but intersecting frameworks for case study analysis in the area of literacy education. An additional theme is the interplay of multiple layers of data with a resulting depth that goes beyond the practical need of the client and toward the deeper pedagogical growth of the reading specialist. The presentation makes a case for the value of qualitative case studies in reading specialist education. Further, the use of social constructivism as a unifying paradigm provides a robustness to the conceptual framework as a tool for understanding the pedagogy that is involved.Keywords: assessment, case study, professional education, reading
Procedia PDF Downloads 459789 Toward Sustainable Solutions: Indonesia's Humanitarian Approach to the Rohingya Refugee Crisis
Authors: Hengki
This study explores Indonesia's approach to addressing the Rohingya refugee crisis, emphasizing its efforts to balance humanitarian principles with national and regional challenges. Employing a qualitative, normative legal analysis, the research integrates data from government reports, ASEAN and UN documents, and prior studies. Indonesia's strategies include facilitating temporary shelter, promoting education for refugee children, and advancing international cooperation through partnerships with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and International Organization for Migration (IOM). While not a signatory to the 1951 Refugee Convention, Indonesia adheres to the principle of non-refoulement and seeks to address the crisis through its Presidential Regulation No. 125/2016, quiet diplomacy, and ASEAN-led initiatives. Despite these efforts, challenges persist, such as limited legal frameworks, coordination barriers between government levels, and slow regional collaboration. The study underscores the urgency of developing sustainable solutions, including revising domestic policies, enhancing ASEAN's collective response, and aligning with international standards. By addressing these challenges, Indonesia can not only uphold refugee rights but also promote regional stability and human rights values. This research contributes to understanding the complexities of refugee management in Indonesia and offers a foundation for future studies aimed at refining policies and strategies.Keywords: rohingya refugees, indonesia, humanitarian aid, international collaboration, refugee law
Procedia PDF Downloads 4788 Digital Platforms: Creating Value through Network Effects under Pandemic Conditions
Authors: S. Łęgowik-Świącik
This article is a contribution to the research into the determinants of value creation via digital platforms in variable operating conditions. The dynamics of the market environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have made enterprises built on digital platforms financially successful. While many classic companies are struggling with the uncertainty of conducting a business and difficulties in the process of value creation, digital platforms create value by modifying the existing business model to meet the changing needs of customers. Therefore, the objective of this publication is to understand and explain the relationship between value creation and the conversion of the business model built on digital platforms under pandemic conditions. The considerations relating to the conceptual framework and determining the research objective allowed for adopting the hypothesis, assuming that the processes of value creation are evolving, and the measurement of these processes allows for the protection of value created and enables its growth in changing circumstances. The research methods, such as critical literature analysis and case study, were applied to accomplish the objective pursued and verify the hypothesis formulated. The empirical research was carried out based on the data from enterprises listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange: Amazon, Alibaba, and Facebook. The research period was the years 2018-2021. The surveyed enterprises were chosen based on the targeted selection. The problem discussed is important and current since the lack of in-depth theoretical research results in few attempts to identify the determinants of value creation via digital platforms. The above arguments led to an attempt at theoretical analysis and empirical research to fill in the gap perceived by deepening the understanding of the process of value creation through network effects via digital platforms under pandemic conditions.Keywords: business model, digital platforms, enterprise management, pandemic conditions, value creation process
Procedia PDF Downloads 130787 Risk Issues for Controlling Floods through Unsafe, Dual Purpose, Gated Dams
Authors: Gregory Michael McMahon
Risk management for the purposes of minimizing the damages from the operations of dams has met with opposition emerging from organisations and authorities, and their practitioners. It appears that the cause may be a misunderstanding of risk management arising from exchanges that mix deterministic thinking with risk-centric thinking and that do not separate uncertainty from reliability and accuracy from probability. This paper sets out those misunderstandings that arose from dam operations at Wivenhoe in 2011, using a comparison of outcomes that have been based on the methodology and its rules and those that have been operated by applying misunderstandings of the rules. The paper addresses the performance of one risk-centric Flood Manual for Wivenhoe Dam in achieving a risk management outcome. A mixture of engineering, administrative, and legal factors appear to have combined to reduce the outcomes from the risk approach. These are described. The findings are that a risk-centric Manual may need to assist administrations in the conduct of scenario training regimes, in responding to healthy audit reporting, and in the development of decision-support systems. The principal assistance needed from the Manual, however, is to assist engineering and the law to a good understanding of how risks are managed – do not assume that risk management is understood. The wider findings are that the critical profession for decision-making downstream of the meteorologist is not dam engineering or hydrology, or hydraulics; it is risk management. Risk management will provide the minimum flood damage outcome where actual rainfalls match or exceed forecasts of rainfalls, that therefore risk management will provide the best approach for the likely history of flooding in the life of a dam, and provisions made for worst cases may be state of the art in risk management. The principal conclusion is the need for training in both risk management as a discipline and also in the application of risk management rules to particular dam operational scenarios.Keywords: risk management, flood control, dam operations, deterministic thinking
Procedia PDF Downloads 89786 Development of Multilayer Capillary Copper Wick Structure using Microsecond CO₂ Pulsed Laser
Authors: Talha Khan, Surendhar Kumaran, Rajeev Nair
The development of economical, efficient, and reliable next-generation thermal and water management systems to provide efficient cooling and water management technologies is being pursued application in compact and lightweight spacecraft. The elimination of liquid-vapor phase change-based thermal and water management systems is being done due to issues with the reliability and robustness of this technology. To achieve the motive of implementing the principle of using an innovative evaporator and condenser design utilizing bimodal wicks manufactured using a microsecond pulsed CO₂ laser has been proposed in this study. Cylin drical, multilayered capillary copper wicks with a substrate diameter of 39 mm are additively manufactured using a pulsed laser. The copper particles used for layer-by-layer addition on the substrate measure in a diameter range of 225 to 450 micrometers. The primary objective is to develop a novel, high-quality, fast turnaround, laser-based additive manufacturing process that will eliminate the current technical challenges involved with the traditional manufacturing processes for nano/micro-sized powders, like particle agglomeration. Raster-scanned, pulsed-laser sintering process has been developed to manufacture 3D wicks with controlled porosity and permeability.Keywords: liquid-vapor phase change, bimodal wicks, multilayered, capillary, raster-scanned, porosity, permeability
Procedia PDF Downloads 192785 Effect of Islamic Finance on Jobs Generation in Punjab, Pakistan
Authors: B. Ashraf, A. M. Malik
The study was accomplished at the Department of Economics and Agriculture Economics, Pir Mahar Ali Shah ARID Agriculture University, Punjab, Pakistan during 2013-16 with a purpose to discover the effect of Islamic finance/banking on employment in Punjab, Pakistan. Islamic banking system is sub-component of conventional banking system in various countries of the world; however, in Pakistan, it has been established as a separate Islamic banking system. The Islamic banking operates under the doctrine of Shariah. It is claimed that the referred banking is free of interest (Riba) and addresses the philosophy and basic values of Islam in finance that reduces the factors of uncertainty, risk and others speculative activities. Two Islamic bank’s; Meezan Bank Limited (Pakistan) and Al-Baraka Bank Limited (Pakistan) from North Punjab (Bahawalnagar) and central Punjab (Lahore) west Punjab (Gujrat), Pakistan were randomly selected for the conduct of research. A total of 206 samples were collected from the define areas and banks through questionnaire. The data was analyzed by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0. Multiple linear regressions were applied to prove the hypothesis. The results revealed that the assets formation had significant positive; whereas, the technology, length of business (experience) and bossiness size had significant negative impact with employment generation in Islamic finance/banking in Punjab, Pakistan. This concludes that the employment opportunities may be created in the country by extending the finance to business/firms to start new business and increase the Public awareness by the Islamic banks through intensive publicity. However; Islamic financial institutions may be encouraged by Government as it enhances the employment in the country.Keywords: assets formation, borrowers, employment generation, Islamic banks, Islamic finance
Procedia PDF Downloads 326784 Performance Assessment of a Variable-Flux Permanent-Magnet Memory Motor
Authors: Michel Han, Christophe Besson, Alain Savary, Yvan Becher
The variable flux permanent magnet synchronous motor (VF-PMSM), also called "Memory Motor", is a new generation of motor capable of modifying the magnetization state with short pulses of current during operation or standstill. The impact of such operation is the expansion of the operating range in the torque-speed characteristic and an improvement in energy efficiency at high-speed in comparison to conventional permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs). This paper reviews the operating principle and the unique features of the proposed memory motor. The benefits of this concept are highlighted by comparing the performance of the rotor of the VF-PMSM to that of two PM rotors that are typically found in the industry. The investigation emphasizes the properties of the variable magnetization and presents the comparison of the torque-speed characteristic with the capability of loss reduction in a VF-PMSM by means of experimental results, especially when tests are conducted under identical conditions for each rotor (same stator, same inverter and same experimental setup). The experimental results demonstrated that the VF-PMSM gives an additional degree of freedom to optimize the efficiency over a wide speed range. Thus, with a design easy to manufacture and with the possibility of controlling the magnetization and the demagnetization of the magnets during operations, the VF-PMSM can be interesting for various applications.Keywords: efficiency, magnetization state, memory motors, performances, permanent-magnet, synchronous machine, variable-flux, variable magnetization, wide speed application
Procedia PDF Downloads 192783 Commerce and Islamic Banking System
Authors: Rahmoune Abdelhaq
Systemic Islamic banking has been in practice for long but started receiving due attention and high popularity since last decade. It has received a warm welcome from all over the world and these banks operating on Islamic principles have been able to get a sizeable business not only in Islamic countries but in non-Islamic countries too. Despite exemplary advancements and achievements, there remains number of controversies over various underlying concepts and practices. This paper basically explores and highlights all those controversies and challenges which are in minds of different school of thoughts and are needed to be addressed and overcome if Islamic banking continues flourishing the way it is at present. The authors have also tried to suggest suitable remedies to overcome these challenges where appropriate. As well, This paper makes an attempt to review major principles surrounding the working of Islamic banking and its historical growth. A brief overview of main differences between the Islamic banking and the conventional banking. In addition, references are particularly made to implications arising from the emergence of e-commerce and the realities that the Islamic Shari’ah law has to consider in adopting the new phenomenon into its banking system. This paper shows, whilst the conventional banking and financial system is based on the principle of rationality and interest, the Islamic financial system is based on morality and social justice which prohibits interest as a means of speculation and injustice. The concepts of e-business such as e-commerce and e-banking are acceptable in Islam as since in Islam anything is halal unless prohibited by Shari’ah, dealing with business by internet is considered as Shari’ah compliant. This paper, therefore, provides the latest thinking of e-business from an Islamic viewpoint, thus creating a reference point and valued information for a future research.Keywords: Islamic Finance, principles of Islamic banking, Islamic commerce, Shari’ah compliant
Procedia PDF Downloads 411782 Development of Automatic Laser Scanning Measurement Instrument
Authors: Chien-Hung Liu, Yu-Fen Chen
This study used triangular laser probe and three-axial direction mobile platform for surface measurement, programmed it and applied it to real-time analytic statistics of different measured data. This structure was used to design a system integration program: using triangular laser probe for scattering or reflection non-contact measurement, transferring the captured signals to the computer through RS-232, and using RS-485 to control the three-axis platform for a wide range of measurement. The data captured by the laser probe are formed into a 3D surface. This study constructed an optical measurement application program in the concept of visual programming language. First, the signals are transmitted to the computer through RS-232/RS-485, and then the signals are stored and recorded in graphic interface timely. This programming concept analyzes various messages, and makes proper presentation graphs and data processing to provide the users with friendly graphic interfaces and data processing state monitoring, and identifies whether the present data are normal in graphic concept. The major functions of the measurement system developed by this study are thickness measurement, SPC, surface smoothness analysis, and analytical calculation of trend line. A result report can be made and printed promptly. This study measured different heights and surfaces successfully, performed on-line data analysis and processing effectively, and developed a man-machine interface for users to operate.Keywords: laser probe, non-contact measurement, triangulation measurement principle, statistical process control, labVIEW
Procedia PDF Downloads 360781 Ambisyllabic Conditioning in English: Evidence from the Accent of Nigerian Speakers of English
Authors: Nkereke Mfon Essien
In an ambisyllabic environment, one consonant sound simultaneously assumes both the coda and onset positions of a word due to its structural proclivity to affect two phonological processes or repair two ill-formed sequences in those syllable positions at the same time. This study sets out to examine the structural conditions that trigger this not-so-common phonological privilege for consonant sounds in the English language and Nigerian English and if such constraints could have any correspondence in the language studied. Data for the study were obtained from a native speaker of English who was the control and twenty (20) educated Nigerian speakers of English from the three ethnic/linguistic groups in Nigeria. Preliminary findings from the data show that ambisyllabicity in English is triggered mainly by stress, a condition which causes a consonant in a stressed syllable to become glottalised and simultaneously devoices the nearest voiced consonant in the next syllable. For example, in the word coupler,/'kʌplɜr/ is realized as ['kʌˀpl̥ɜr]. In some Nigerian English, preliminary findings show that ambisyllabicity is triggered by a sequence of intervocalic short, high central vowels and a coda nasal. Since the short vowel may not occur in an open syllable, the nasal serves to close the impermissible open syllable. However, since the Nigerian English foot structure does not permit a CVC.V syllable, the same coda nasal simultaneously repairs the impermissible syllable foot to (CV.CV) by applying the Maximal Onset Principle since this is a preliminary investigation, a conclusion would not suffice yet.Keywords: ambisyllabicity, nasal, coda, stress, phonological process, syllable, foot
Procedia PDF Downloads 23780 Catalytic Pyrolysis of Barley Straw for the Production of Fuels and Chemicals
Authors: Funda Ates
Primary energy sources, such as petroleum, coal and natural gas are principle responsible of world’s energy consumption. However, the rapid worldwide increase in the depletion of these energy sources is remarkable. In addition to this, they have damaging environmentally effect. Renewable energy sources are capable of providing a considerable fraction of World energy demand in this century. Biomass is one of the most abundant and utilized sources of renewable energy in the world. It can be converted into commercial fuels, suitable to substitute for fossil fuels. A high number of biomass types can be converted through thermochemical processes into solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of biomass in the absence of air or oxygen. In this study, barley straw has been investigated as an alternative feedstock to obtain fuels and chemicals via pyrolysis in fixed-bed reactor. The influence of pyrolysis temperature in the range 450–750 °C as well as the catalyst effects on the products was investigated and the obtained results were compared. The results indicated that a maximum oil yield of 20.4% was obtained at a moderate temperature of 550 °C. Oil yield decreased by using catalyst. Pyrolysis oils were examined by using instrumental analysis and GC/MS. Analyses revealed that the pyrolysis oils were chemically very heterogeneous at all temperatures. It was determined that the most abundant compounds composing the bio-oil were phenolics. Catalyst decreased the reaction temperature. Most of the components obtained using a catalyst at moderate temperatures was close to those obtained at high temperatures without using a catalyst. Moreover, the use of a catalyst also decreased the amount of oxygenated compounds produced.Keywords: Barley straw, pyrolysis, catalyst, phenolics
Procedia PDF Downloads 226779 Polydimethylsiloxane Applications in Interferometric Optical Fiber Sensors
Authors: Zeenat Parveen, Ashiq Hussain
This review paper consists of applications of PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) materials for enhanced performance, optical fiber sensors in acousto-ultrasonic, mechanical measurements, current applications, sensing, measurements and interferometric optical fiber sensors. We will discuss the basic working principle of fiber optic sensing technology, various types of fiber optic and the PDMS as a coating material to increase the performance. Optical fiber sensing methods for detecting dynamic strain signals, including general sound and acoustic signals, high frequency signals i.e. ultrasonic/ultrasound, and other signals such as acoustic emission and impact induced dynamic strain. Optical fiber sensors have Industrial and civil engineering applications in mechanical measurements. Sometimes it requires different configurations and parameters of sensors. Optical fiber current sensors are based on Faraday Effect due to which we obtain better performance as compared to the conventional current transformer. Recent advancement and cost reduction has simulated interest in optical fiber sensing. Optical techniques are also implemented in material measurement. Fiber optic interferometers are used to sense various physical parameters including temperature, pressure and refractive index. There are four types of interferometers i.e. Fabry–perot, Mach-Zehnder, Michelson, and Sagnac. This paper also describes the future work of fiber optic sensors.Keywords: fiber optic sensing, PDMS materials, acoustic, ultrasound, current sensor, mechanical measurements
Procedia PDF Downloads 389778 Cultivation of High-value Patent from the Perspective of Knowledge Diffusion: A Case Study of the Power Semiconductor Field
Authors: Lin Qing
[Objective/Significance] The cultivation of high-value patents is the focus and difficulty of patent work, which is of great significance to the construction of a powerful country with intellectual property rights. This work should not only pay attention to the existing patent applications, but also start from the pre-application to explore the high-value technical solutions as the core of high-value patents. [Methods/processes] Comply with the principle of scientific and technological knowledge diffusion, this study studies the top academic conference papers and their cited patent applications, taking the power semiconductor field as an example, using facts date show the feasibility and rationality of mining technology solutions from high quality research results to foster high value patents, stating the actual benefits of these achievements to the industry, giving patent protection suggestions for Chinese applicants comparative with field situation. [Results/Conclusion] The research shows that the quality of citation applications of ISPSD papers is significantly higher than the field average level, and the ability of Chinese applicants to use patent protection related achievements needs to be improved. This study provides a practical and highly targeted reference idea for patent administrators and researchers, and also makes a positive exploration for the practice of the spirit of breaking the five rules.Keywords: high-value patents cultivation, technical solutions, knowledge diffusion, top academic conference papers, intellectual property information analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 132777 Analysis of Organizational Hybrid Agile Methods Environments: Frameworks, Benefits, and Challenges
Authors: Majid Alsubaie, Hamed Sarbazhosseini
Many working environments have experienced increased uncertainty due to the fast-moving and unpredictable world. IT systems development projects, in particular, face several challenges because of their rapidly changing environments and emerging technologies. Information technology organizations within these contexts adapt systems development methodology and new software approaches to address this issue. One of these methodologies is the Agile method, which has gained huge attention in recent years. However, due to failure rates in IT projects, there is an increasing demand for the use of hybrid Agile methods among organizations. The scarce research in the area means that organizations do not have solid evidence-based knowledge for the use of hybrid Agile. This research was designed to provide further insights into the development of hybrid Agile methods within systems development projects, including how frameworks and processes are used and what benefits and challenges are gained and faced as a result of hybrid Agile methods. This paper presents how three organizations (two government and one private) use hybrid Agile methods in their Agile environments. The data was collected through interviews and a review of relevant documents. The results indicate that these organizations do not predominantly use pure Agile. Instead, they are waterfall organizations by virtue of systems nature and complexity, and Agile is used underneath as the delivery model. Prince2 Agile framework, SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban were the identified models and frameworks followed. This study also found that customer satisfaction and the ability to build quickly are the most frequently perceived benefits of using hybrid Agile methods. In addition, team resistance and scope changes are the common challenges identified by research participants in their working environments. The findings can help to understand Agile environmental conditions and projects that can help get better success rates and customer satisfaction.Keywords: agile, hybrid, IT systems, management, success rate, technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 108776 A Photographic Look on the Socio-Educational Inclusion of Young Refugees and Asylum-Seekers
Authors: Mara Gabrielli, Jordi Pamies Rovira
From a theoretical and interdisciplinary approach to visual ethnography and visual anthropology, this small scale, in-depth study explores the potential of photography as a participatory ethnographic method for a deep-understanding of the socio-educational integration of young refugees and asylum-seekers in the host society as regards their daily experiences, their needs, desires, expectations, and future goals. Qualitative data is collected by the author by observing 12 young participants in the age group 12-24 years per week for 12 months. The data consists of field notes, participatory observation, in-depth interviews with professionals, and the use of visual participatory ethnographic methods. Therefore, the young participants build their stories through the implementation of two participatory photographic methods - the 'photo-diary' and the 'photo-elicitation' - that permit them to analyse and narrate their social and educational experiences from their perspectives, thus collaborating in the construction of knowledge during the different stages of the research. Preliminary findings show the high resilience and social adaptability of young refugees and asylum-seekers to achieve their goals and overcome structural and socio-cultural barriers. However, the uncertainty of their administrative situation during the asylum submission and the lack of specific resources might impact negatively on their educational pathways and the transition to the labour market. Finally, this study also highlights the benefits of participatory photographic methods in ethnographic research, which impacts positively the well-being of these young people, helps them to develop critical thinking, and it also allows them to access information more respectfully when narrating painful experiences.Keywords: photo-diary, photo-elicitation, resilience, strategies, visual methodologies, young refugees and asylum seekers
Procedia PDF Downloads 120775 Conflicts and Similarities among Energy Law, Environmental Law and Economic Aspects
Authors: Bahareh Arghand, Seyed Abbas Poorhashemi, Ramin Roshandel
Nowadays, Economic growth and the increasing use of fossil fuel have caused major damages to environment. Therefore, international law has tried to codify the rules and regulations and identify legal principles to decrease conflict of interests between energy law and environmental law. The open relationship between energy consumption and the law of nature has been ignored for years, because the focus of energy law has been on an affordable price of a reliable supply of energy; while the focus of environmental law was on protection of the nature. In fact, the legal and overall policies of energy are based on Sic Omnes and inter part for governments whereas environmental law is based on common interests and Erga Omnes. The relationship between energy law, environmental law and economic aspects is multilateral, complex and important. Moreover, they influence each other. There are similarities in the triangle of energy, environment and economic aspects and in some cases there are conflict of interest but their conflicts are in goals not in practice and their legal jurisdiction is in international law. The development of national and international rules and regulations relevant to energy-environment has been done by separate sectors, whereas sustainable development principle, especially in the economic sector, requires environmental considerations. It is an important turning point to integrate and decrease conflict of interest among energy law, environmental law and economic aspects. The present study examines existing legal principles on energy and the environment and identifies the similarities and conflicts based on the descriptive-analytic study. The purpose of investigating these legal principles is to integrate and decrease conflict of interest between energy law and environmental law.Keywords: energy law, environmental law, erga omnes, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 385774 Development of LSM/YSZ Composite Anode Materials for Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells
Authors: Christian C. Vaso, Rinlee Butch M. Cervera
Solid oxide electrolysis cell (SOEC) is a promising technology for hydrogen production that will contribute to the sustainable energy of the future. An important component of this SOEC is the anode material and one of the promising anode material for such application is the Sr-doped LaMnO3 (LSM) and Yttrium-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) composite material. In this study, LSM/YSZ with different weight percent compositions of LSM and YSZ were synthesized using solid-state reaction method. The obtained samples, 60LSM/40YSZ, 50LSM/50YSZ, and 40LSM/60YSZ, were fully characterized for its microstructure using X-ray diffraction, FTIR, and SEM/EDS. EDS analysis confirmed the elemental composition and distribution of the synthesized samples. Surface morphology of the sample using SEM exhibited a well sintered and densified samples and revealed a beveled cube-like LSM morphology while the YSZ phase appeared to have a sphere-like microstructure. Density measurements using Archimedes principle showed relative densities greater than 90%. In addition, AC impedance measurement of the synthesized samples have been investigated at intermediate temperature range (400-700 °C) in an inert and oxygen gas flow environment. At pure states, LSM exhibited a high electronic conductivity while YSZ demonstrated an ionic conductivity of 3.25 x 10-4 S/cm at 700 °C under Oxygen gas environment with calculated activation energy of 0.85eV. The composite samples were also studied and revealed that as the YSZ content of the composite electrode increases, the total conductivity decreases.Keywords: ceramic composites, fuel cells, strontium lanthanum manganite, yttria partially-stabilized zirconia
Procedia PDF Downloads 316773 Large Eddy Simulations for Flow Blurring Twin-Fluid Atomization Concept Using Volume of Fluid Method
Authors: Raju Murugan, Pankaj S. Kolhe
The present study is mainly focusing on the numerical simulation of Flow Blurring (FB) twin fluid injection concept was proposed by Ganan-Calvo, which involves back flow atomization based on global bifurcation of liquid and gas streams, thus creating two-phase flow near the injector exit. The interesting feature of FB injector spray is an insignificant effect of variation in atomizing air to liquid ratio (ALR) on a spray cone angle. Besides, FB injectors produce a nearly uniform spatial distribution of mean droplet diameter and are least susceptible to variation in thermo-physical properties of fuels, making it a perfect candidate for fuel flexible combustor development. The FB injector working principle has been realized through experimental flow visualization techniques only. The present study explores potential of ANSYS Fluent based Large Eddy Simulation(LES) with volume of fluid (VOF) method to investigate two-phase flow just upstream of injector dump plane and spray quality immediate downstream of injector dump plane. Note that, water and air represent liquid and gas phase in all simulations and ALR is varied by changing the air mass flow rate alone. Preliminary results capture two phase flow just upstream of injector dump plane and qualitative agreement is observed with the available experimental literature.Keywords: flow blurring twin fluid atomization, large eddy simulation, volume of fluid, air to liquid ratio
Procedia PDF Downloads 214772 Burden of Diet-related Colorectal Cancer in OECD Countries from 1990 to 2021 with Projections to 2050: Findings from Global Burden of Disease Study
Authors: Zegeye Abebe
Background: Unhealthy diet is a major risk factor for CRC. This study assessed diet-related CRC burden from 1990 to 2021 in Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations and estimated the burden until 2050 Methods: Data for OECD countries on diet-related CRC disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and deaths were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD), 2021. The estimated annual percent change (EAPC) was calculated to analyse the CRC burden attributable to dietary factors. A generalised additive model with negative binomial distribution was used to predict the future burden of CRC attributable to dietary factors from 2021 to 2050. Results: In 2021, the age-standardised percentage of diet-related CRC DALYs and deaths were 39.1% (95% uncertainty interval (UI): 9.3, 61.3) and 39.0% (95% UI: 9.7, 60.9), respectively, in the OECD countries. Between 1990 and 2021, the age-standardised DALYs decreased from 185 to 129 per 100,000, and deaths decreased from 8 to 6 per 100,000 population for OECD countries. Similarly, the EAPC of rates showed a downward trend (EAPCdeaths = -1.26, and EAPCDALYs = -1.20). The estimated diet-related CRC DALYs and deaths are projected to increase to 4.1 million DALYs and 0.2 million deaths by 2050. There has been a downward trend in CRC deaths (EAPC = 1.33 for both sexes) and in DALYs (-0.90 for males and -1.0 for females) from 1990 to 2050. Conclusion: Diet-related CRC burden remains significant. Implementation of nutrition intervention programmes is necessary to promote access to affordable and nutritious foods and to raise awareness about the importance of a healthy diet in reducing CRC risk.Keywords: colorectal cancer, dietary factor, age-standardized DALYs rate, age-standardized death rate, global burden of diseases
Procedia PDF Downloads 8771 Laparoscopic Proximal Gastrectomy in Gastroesophageal Junction Tumours
Authors: Ihab Saad Ahmed
Background For Siewert type I and II gastroesophageal junction tumor (GEJ) laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy can be performed. It is associated with several perioperative benefits compared with open proximal gastrectomy. The use of laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy (LPG) has become an increasingly popular approach for select tumors Methods We describe our technique for LPG, including the preoperative work-up, illustrated images of the main principle steps of the surgery, and our postoperative course. Results Thirteen pts (nine males, four female) with type I, II (GEJ) adenocarcinoma had laparoscopic radical proximal gastrectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy. All of our patient received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, eleven patients had intrathoracic anastomosis through mini thoracotomy (two hand sewn end to end anastomoses and the other 9 patient end to side using circular stapler), two patients with intrathoracic anastomosis had flap and wrap technique, two patients had thoracoscopic esophageal and mediastinal lymph node dissection with cervical anastomosis The mean blood loss 80ml, no cases were converted to open. The mean operative time 250 minute Average LN retrieved 19-25, No sever complication such as leakage, stenosis, pancreatic fistula ,or intra-abdominal abscess were reported. Only One patient presented with empyema 1.5 month after discharge that was managed conservatively. Conclusion For carefully selected patients, LPG in GEJ tumour type I and II is a safe and reasonable alternative for open technique , which is associated with similar oncologic outcomes and low morbidity. It showed less blood loss, respiratory infections, with similar 1- and 3-year survival rates.Keywords: LPG(laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy, GEJ( gastroesophageal junction tumour), d2 lymphadenectomy, neoadjuvant cth
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