Search results for: Chinji Formation
2047 Study of Debonding of Composite Material from a Deforming Concrete Beam Using Infrared Thermography
Authors: Igor Shardakov, Anton Bykov, Alexey Shestakov, Irina Glot
This article focuses on the cycle of experimental studies of the formation of cracks and debondings in the concrete reinforced with carbon fiber. This research was carried out in Perm National Research Polytechnic University. A series of CFRP-strengthened RC beams was tested to investigate the influence of preload and crack repairing factors on CFRP debonding. IRT was applied to detect the early stage of IC debonding during the laboratory bending tests. It was found that for the beams strengthened under load after crack injecting, СFRP debonding strain is 4-65% lower than for the preliminary strengthened beams. The beams strengthened under the load had a relative area of debonding of 2 times higher than preliminary strengthened beams. The СFRP debonding strain is weakly dependent on the strength of the concrete substrate. For beams with a transverse wrapping anchorage in support sections FRP debonding is not a failure mode.Keywords: IC debonding, infrared thermography, non-destructive testing methods, quality control, strengthening
Procedia PDF Downloads 2672046 Identity and Mental Adaptation of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students
Authors: N. F. Mikhailova, M. E. Fattakhova, M. A. Mironova, E. V. Vyacheslavova
For the mental and social adaptation of the deaf and hard-of-hearing people, cultural and social aspects - the formation of identity (acculturation) and educational conditions – are highly significant. We studied 137 deaf and hard-of-hearing students in different educational situations. We used these methods: Big Five (Costa & McCrae, 1997), TRF (Becker, 1989), WCQ (Lazarus & Folkman, 1988), self-esteem, and coping strategies (Jambor & Elliott, 2005), self-stigma scale (Mikhailov, 2008). Type of self-identification of students depended on the degree of deafness, type of education, method of communication in the family: large hearing loss, education in schools for deaf, and gesture communication increased the likelihood of a 'deaf' acculturation. Less hearing loss, inclusive education in public school or school for the hearing-impaired, mixed communication in the family contributed to the formation of 'hearing' acculturation. The choice of specific coping depended on the degree of deafness: a large hearing loss increased coping 'withdrawal into the deaf world' and decreased 'bicultural skills' coping. People with mild hearing loss tended to cover-up it. In the context of ongoing discussion, we researched personality characteristics in deaf and hard on-hearing students, coping and other deafness associated factors depending on their acculturation type. Students who identified themselves with the 'hearing world' had a high self-esteem, a higher level of extraversion, self-awareness, personal resources, willingness to cooperate, better psychological health, emotional stability, higher ability to empathy, a greater satiety of life with feelings and sense and high sense of self-worth. They also actively used strategies, problem-solving, acceptance of responsibility, positive revaluation. Student who limited themselves within the culture of deaf people had more severe hearing loss and accordingly had more communication barriers. Lack of use or seldom use of coping strategies by these students point at decreased level of stress in their life. Their self-esteem have not been challenged in the specific social environment of the students with the same severity of defect, and thus this environment provided sense of comfort (we can assume that from the high scores on psychological health, personality resources, and emotional stability). Students with bicultural acculturation had higher level of psychological resources - they used Positive Reappraisal coping more often and had a higher level of psychological health. Lack of belonging to certain culture (marginality) leads to personality disintegration, social and psychological disadaptation: deaf and hard-of-hearing students with marginal identification had a lower self-estimation level, worse psychological health and personal resources, lower level of extroversion, self-confidence and life satisfaction. They, in fact, become 'risk group' (many of them dropped out of universities, divorced, and one even ended up in the ranks of ISIS). All these data argue the importance of cultural 'anchor' for people with hearing deprivation. Supported by the RFBR No 19-013-00406.Keywords: acculturation, coping, deafness, marginality
Procedia PDF Downloads 2072045 Concentrated Solar Energy Sintering of Multifunctional Metallic Alloys
Authors: Catalin Croitoru, Ionut Claudiu Roata
Employing concentrated solar energy (CSE) for sintering metallic parts offers distinct advantages, notably in the rapid thermal cycling that significantly influences their microstructure and phase transitions. This study uses the thermal control that CSE affords, enhancing the mechanical properties and tailoring the functionality of nickel-based alloys. We synthesized bulk alloys by sintering Ni-Cr-Al-Y powders in varied ratios using a vertical solar furnace at PROMES-CNRS, Font-Romeu Odeillo, France. The process achieved optimal fusion at 800°C for 10 minutes, resulting in materials with a notable hydrophilic surface due to oxide formation. The alloys’ performance was evaluated through corrosion resistance tests in a 3.5% wt. NaCl solution, utilizing potentiodynamic scanning and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Our findings demonstrate the potential of CSE in advancing the material properties of nickel-based alloys for diverse applications.Keywords: concentrated solar energy, sintering, corrosion resistance, surface properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 272044 Anticancer Effects of MicroRNA-1275 in Human Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma by Targeting HOXB5
Authors: Cheng-Cao Sun, Shu-Jun Li, De-Jia Li
Through analysis of a published micro-array-based high-throughput assessment, we discovered that miR-1275 was markedly down-regulated in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) tissues. However, little is known about its effect and mechanism involved in NPC development and progression. In this study, we investigated the role of miR-1275 on the development of NPC. The results indicated that miR-1275 was significantly down-regulated in primary NPC tissues, and very low levels were found in NPC cell lines. Ectopic expression of miR-1275 in NPC cell lines significantly suppressed cell growth as evidenced by cell viability assay and colony formation assay, through inhibition of HOXB5. In addition, miR-1275 suppresses G1/S transition through inhibition of HOXB5. Further, oncogene HOXB5 was revealed to be a putative target of miR-1275, which was inversely correlated with miR-1275 expression in NPC. Collectively, our study demonstrates that as a tumor suppressor, miR-1275 played a pivotal role on NPC through inhibiting cell proliferation, and suppressing G1/S transition by targeting oncogenic HOXB5.Keywords: microRNA-1275 (miR-1275), HOXB5, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, proliferation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2652043 Embryonic and Larval Development of Pelophylax bedriagae (Amphibia, Anura), in Iran
Authors: Alireza Pesarakloo, Masoumeh Najibzadeh
We studied the development and morphology of different larval stages of Pelophylax bedriagae at two rearing temperatures (20 and 24°C). Eggs collected from a breeding site in south-western Iran. Diagnostic morphological characters are provided for Gosner (1960) larval stages 1-46. The larvae hatched about seven days after egg deposition. Principal diagnostic feature including the formation of the funnel-shaped oral disc became discernible about ten days after hatch at Gosner stage 21 and degenerated at Gosner stage 42. Larvae developed faster at higher temperatures. The largest body length of larval P. bedriagae measured about 54mm in 70 days after egg deposition. Based on our results, the longest metamorphosis time was observed on temperature (20°C) whilst the shortest metamorphosis time occurred on temperature (24°C). Compared with the majority of other Palearctic Anurans, it appears that embryonic and larval development is usually slow rapid in P. bedriagae.Keywords: development, larval stages, Pelophylax bedriagae, temperatures
Procedia PDF Downloads 1772042 Deformation of Metallic Foams with Closed Cell at High Temperatures
Authors: Emrah Ersoy, Yusuf Ozcatalbas
The aim of this study is to investigate formability of Al based closed cell metallic foams at high temperature. The foam specimens with rectangular section were produced from AlMg1Si0.6TiH20.8 alloy preform material. Bending and free bending tests based on gravity effect were applied to foam specimens at high temperatures. During the tests, the time-angular deformation relationships with various temperatures were determined. Deformation types formed in cell walls were investigated by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy. Bending deformation about 90° was achieved without any defect at high temperatures. The importance of a critical temperature and deformation rate was emphasized in maintaining the deformation. Significant slip lines on surface of cell walls at tensile zones of bending specimen were observed. At high strain rates, the microcrack formation in boundaries of elongated grains was determined.Keywords: Al alloy, Closed cell, Hot deformation, Metallic foam
Procedia PDF Downloads 3692041 Synthesis of Rare Earth Doped Nano-Phosphors through the Use of Isobutyl Nitrite and Urea Fuels: Study of Microstructure and Luminescence Properties
Authors: Seyed Mahdi Rafiaei
In this investigation, red emitting Eu³⁺ doped YVO₄ nano-phosphors have been synthesized via the facile combustion method using isobutyl nitrite and urea fuels, individually. Field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) images, high resolution transmission electron microscope (TEM) images and X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra reveal that the mentioned fuels can be used successfully to synthesis YVO₄: Eu³⁺ nano-particles. Interestingly, the fuels have a large effect on the size and morphology of nano-phosphors as well as luminescence properties. Noteworthy the use of isobutyl nitrite provides an average particle size of 65 nm, while the employment of urea, results in the formation of larger particles and also provides higher photoluminescence emission intensity. The improved luminescence performance is attributed to the condition of chemical reaction via the combustion synthesis and the size of synthesized phosphors.Keywords: phosphors, combustion, fuels, luminescence, nanostructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 1392040 A Study of the Atlantoaxial Fracture or Dislocation in Motorcyclists with Helmet Accidents
Authors: Shao-Huang Wu, Ai-Yun Wu, Meng-Chen Wu, Chun-Liang Wu, Kai-Ping Shaw, Hsiao-Ting Chen
Objective: To analyze the forensic autopsy data of known passengers and compare it with the National database of the autopsy report in 2017, and obtain the special patterned injuries, which can be used as the reference for the reconstruction of hit-and-run motor vehicle accidents. Methods: Analyze the items of the Motor Vehicle Accident Report, including Date of accident, Time occurred, Day, Acc. severity, Acc. Location, Acc. Class, Collision with Vehicle, Motorcyclists Codes, Safety equipment use, etc. Analyzed the items of the Autopsy Report included, including General Description, Clothing and Valuables, External Examination, Head and Neck Trauma, Trunk Trauma, Other Injuries, Internal Examination, Associated Items, Autopsy Determinations, etc. Materials: Case 1. The process of injury formation: the car was chased forward and collided with the scooter. The passenger wearing the helmet fell to the ground. The helmet crashed under the bottom of the sedan, and the bottom of the sedan was raised. Additionally, the sedan was hit on the left by the other sedan behind, resulting in the front sedan turning 180 degrees on the spot. The passenger’s head was rotated, and the cervical spine was fractured. Injuries: 1. Fracture of atlantoaxial joint 2. Fracture of the left clavicle, scapula, and proximal humerus 3. Fracture of the 1-10 left ribs and 2-7 right ribs with lung contusion and hemothorax 4. Fracture of the transverse process of 2-5 lumbar vertebras 5. Comminuted fracture of the right femur 6. Suspected subarachnoid space and subdural hemorrhage 7. Laceration of the spleen. Case 2. The process of injury formation: The motorcyclist wearing the helmet fell to the left by himself, and his chest was crushed by the car going straight. Only his upper body was under the car and the helmet finally fell off. Injuries: 1. Dislocation of atlantoaxial joint 2. Laceration on the left posterior occipital 3. Laceration on the left frontal 4. Laceration on the left side of the chin 5. Strip bruising on the anterior neck 6. Open rib fracture of the right chest wall 7. Comminuted fracture of both 1-12 ribs 8. Fracture of the sternum 9. Rupture of the left lung 10. Rupture of the left and right atria, heart tip and several large vessels 11. The aortic root is nearly transected 12. Severe rupture of the liver. Results: The common features of the two cases were the fracture or dislocation of the atlantoaxial joint and both helmets that were crashed. There were no atlantoaxial fractures or dislocations in 27 pedestrians (without wearing a helmet) versus motor vehicle accidents in 2017 the National database of an autopsy report, but there were two atlantoaxial fracture or dislocation cases in the database, both of which were cases of falling from height. Conclusion: The cervical spine fracture injury of the motorcyclist, who was wearing a helmet, is very likely to be a patterned injury caused by his/her fall and rollover under the sedan. It could provide a reference for forensic peers.Keywords: patterned injuries, atlantoaxial fracture or dislocation, accident reconstruction, motorcycle accident with helmet, forensic autopsy data
Procedia PDF Downloads 932039 Assessment of Trace Metal Concentration of Soils Contaminated with Carbide in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria
Authors: O.M. Agbogidi, I.M. Onochie
An investigation was carried out on trace metal concentration of soils contaminated with carbide in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria in 2014 with a view to providing baseline formation on their status relative to the control plants and to the tolerable limits recommended by World standard bodies including WHO and FAO. The metals were analyzed using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer which showed an elevated level when compared with the control plots. High level of metals including Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Ni, Cr and arsenic were recorded and these values were significantly different (P<0.05) from values obtained from the control plots. These results are indicative of the fact that carbide polluted soil had higher level of trace metals and because these metals are non-biodegradable elements in the ecosystem, a rise to their lethal levels in food chains is envisaged due to the interdependency of plants and animals stemming from soil-water organisms interrelationship.Keywords: bio-concentration, carbide contaminated soils, heavy metals, trace metals
Procedia PDF Downloads 2752038 The Role of P2X7 Cytoplasmic Anchor in Inflammation
Authors: Federico Cevoli
Purinergic P2X7 receptors (P2X7R) are ligand-gated non-selective cation channels involved in several physiological and pathological processes. They are particularly promising pharmacological targets as they are present in an increasing number of different cells types. P2X7R activation is triggered following elevated concentrations of extracellular ATP, similarly to those observed in tissues injury, chronic inflammation and T-cell activation, as well as in the scrambling of phospholipids leading to membrane blebbing and apoptosis. Another hallmark of P2X7 is cell permeabilization, commonly known as “macropore” formation allowing the passage of nanometer-sized molecules up to 900Da. Recently, full-length P2X7 Cryo-EM structures revealed unique functional sites, including two cytoplasmic domains - the cytoplasmic "anchor" and "ballast". To date, the molecular units/complex by which P2X7R exerts its pathophysiological functions are unknown. Using custom-made cell-penetrating HIV-1 TAT peptides, we show for the first-time potential implications of P2X7 cytoplasmic anchor in the regulation of caspase3/7 activation as well as TNFα regulation.Keywords: P2X7R, immunology, TAT-peptide, cell death
Procedia PDF Downloads 1372037 Slope Stabilisation of Highly Fractured Geological Strata Consisting of Mica Schist Layers While Construction of Tunnel Shaft
Authors: Saurabh Sharma
Introduction: The case study deals with the ground stabilisation of Nabi Karim Metro Station in Delhi, India, wherein an extremely complex geology was encountered while excavating the tunnelling shaft for launching Tunnel Boring Machine. The borelog investigation and the Seismic Refraction Technique (SRT) indicated towards the presence of an extremely hard rocky mass from a depth of 3-4 m itself, and accordingly, the Geotechnical Interpretation Report (GIR) concluded the presence of Grade-IV rock from 3m onwards and presence of Grade-III and better rock from 5-6m onwards. Accordingly, it was planned to retain the ground by providing secant piles all around the launching shaft and then excavating the shaft vertically after leaving a berm of 1.5m to prevent secant piles from getting exposed. To retain the side slopes, rock bolting with shotcreting and wire meshing were proposed, which is a normal practice in such strata. However, with the increase in depth of excavation, the rock quality kept on decreasing at an unexpected and surprising pace, with the Grade-III rock mass at 5-6 m converting to conglomerate formation at the depth of 15m. This worsening of geology from high grade rock to slushy conglomerate formation can never be predicted and came as a surprise to even the best geotechnical engineers. Since the excavation had already been cut down vertically to manage the shaft size, the execution was continued with enhanced cautions to stabilise the side slopes. But, when the shaft work was about to finish, a collapse was encountered on one side of the excavation shaft. This collapse was unexpected and surprising since all measures to stabilise the side slopes had been taken after face mapping, and the grid size, diameter, and depth of the rockbolts had already been readjusted to accommodate rock fractures. The above scenario was baffling even to the best geologists and geotechnical engineers, and it was decided that any further slope stabilisation scheme shall have to be designed in such a way to ensure safe completion of works. Accordingly, following revisions to excavation scheme were made: The excavation would be carried while maintaining a slope based on type of soil/rock. The rock bolt type was changed from SN rockbolts to Self Drilling type anchor. The grid size of the bolts changed on real time assessment. the excavation carried out by implementing a ‘Bench Release Approach’. Aggressive Real Time Instrumentation Scheme. Discussion: The above case Study again asserts vitality of correct interpretation of the geological strata and the need of real time revisions of the construction schemes based on the actual site data. The excavation is successfully being done with the above revised scheme, and further details of the Revised Slope Stabilisation Scheme, Instrumentation Schemes, Monitoring results, along with the actual site photographs, shall form the part of the final Paper.Keywords: unconfined compressive strength (ucs), rock mass rating (rmr), rock bolts, self drilling anchors, face mapping of rock, secant pile, shotcrete
Procedia PDF Downloads 672036 Geopolitical Architecture: The Strategic Complex in Indo Pacific Region
Authors: Muzammil Dar
The confluence of trans-national interests and divergent approaches followed by multiple actors has surrounded the Indo-Pacific region with myriad of strategic complexes- Geo-Political, Geo-economic, and security. This paper has thus made a humble attempt to understand the Indo-Pacific strategic predicament from Asia-Pacific perspective. The portmanteau of Indo-Pacific strategic gamble has multiple actors from global powers to regional actors. On the indo-pacific waters, not only flow trade relations, but the tides of conflicts and controversies are striking these actors against each other. The alliance formation and infrastructure building has built-in threat perceptions from rivals vice-versa. The assertiveness of China as a reality and India’s ideological doctrine of peace and friendship, as well as American rebalancing against China, could be seen as clear and bright on the Indo-Pacific strategic portmanteau. ASEAN and Japan, too, have oscillating posturing in the strategic dilemma. The aim and objective of the paper are to sketch out the prospectus and prejudices of Indo-pacific strategic complex.Keywords: Indo Pacific, Asia Pacific, security and growth for all in the region, SAGAR, ASEAN China
Procedia PDF Downloads 1532035 Effect of Different Diesel Fuels on Formation of the Cavitation Phenomena
Authors: Mohammadreza Nezamirad, Sepideh Amirahmadian, Nasim Sabetpour, Azadeh Yazdi, Amirmasoud Hamedi
Cavitation inside the diesel injector nozzle is investigated numerically in this study. Reynolds Stress Navier Stokes set of equations (RANS) are utilized to investigate flow behavior inside the nozzle numerically. Moreover, K-ε turbulent model is found to be a better approach comparing to K-ω turbulent model. Winklhofer rectangular shape nozzle is also simulated in order to verify the current numerical scheme, and with, mass flow rate approach, the current solution is verified. Afterward, a six-hole real-size nozzle was simulated, and it was found that among different fuels used in this study with the same condition, diesel fuel provides the largest length of cavitation. Also, it was found that at the same boundary condition, RME fuel leads to the highest value of discharge coefficient and mass flow rate.Keywords: cavitation, diesel fuel, CFD, real size nozzle, discharge coefficient
Procedia PDF Downloads 1622034 The Impacts of Cultural Event on Networking: Liverpool's Cultural Sector in the Aftermath of 2008
Authors: Yi-De Liu
The aim of this paper is to discuss how the construct of networking and social capital can be used to understand the effect events can have on the cultural sector. Based on case study, this research sought the views of those working in the cultural sector on Liverpool’s year as the European Capital of Culture (ECOC). Methodologically, this study involves literature review to prompt theoretical sensitivity, the collection of primary data via online survey (n= 42) and follow-up telephone interviews (n= 8) to explore the emerging findings in more detail. The findings point to a number of ways in which the ECOC constitutes a boost for networking and its effects on city’s cultural sector, including organisational learning, aspiration and leadership. The contributions of this study are two-fold: (1) Evaluating the long-term effects on network formation in the cultural sector following major event; (2) conceptualising the impact assessment of organisational social capital for future ECOC or similar events.Keywords: network, social capital, cultural impact, european capital of culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 2052033 Thermodynamically Predicting the Impact of Temperature on the Performance of Drilling Bits as a Function of Time
Authors: Talal Al-Bazali
Air drilling has recently received increasing acceptance by the oil and gas industry due to its unique advantages. The main advantages of air drilling include the higher rate of penetration, less formation damage, lower risk of loss of circulation. However, these advantages cannot be fully realized if thermal effects in air drilling are not well understood and minimized. Due to its high frictional coefficient, low heat conductivity, and high compressibility, air can impact the temperature distribution of bit and thus affect its bit performances. Based on energy and mass balances, a transient thermal model that predicts bit temperature is presented along with numerical solutions in this paper. In addition, several important parameters that influence bit temperature distribution are analyzed. Simulation results show that the bit temperature increases with increasing weight on bit and rotary speed but decreases as the standpipe pressure and flow rate increase. These results can be used to optimize drilling operations and flow parameters for an improved bit performance as shown in this paper.Keywords: air drilling, rate of penetration, temperature, rotary speed
Procedia PDF Downloads 2862032 The Gradient Complex Protective Coatings for Single Crystal Nickel Alloys
Authors: Evgeniya Popova, Vladimir Lesnikov, Nikolay Popov
High yield complex coatings have been designed for thermally stressed cooled HP turbine blades from single crystal alloys ZHS32-VI-VI and ZHS36 with crystallographic orientation [001]. These coatings provide long-term protection of single crystal blades during operation. The three-layer coatings were prepared as follows: the diffusion barrier layer formation on the alloy surface, the subsequent deposition of the condensed bilayer coatings consisting of an inner layer based on Ni-Cr-Al-Y systems and an outer layer based on the alloyed β-phase. The structure, phase composition of complex coatings and reaction zone interaction with the single-crystal alloys ZHS32-VI and ZHS36-VI were investigated using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The effect of complex protective coatings on the properties of heat-resistant nickel alloys was studied.Keywords: single crystal nickel alloys, complex heat-resistant coatings, structure, phase composition, properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4192031 The Reconstruction of Paleoenvironment Aptian Sediments of the Massive Serdj, North Central Tunisia
Authors: H. Khaled, F. Chaabani, F. Boulvain
This paper focuses on the studied of Aptian series that crops out at the Jebel Serdj in the north central Tunisia. The study series is about 590 meters thick and it is consisting of limestones, marly limestones associated with some levels of siltstones and marls. Two sections are studied in detail regarding lithology, microfacies, magnetic susceptibility and mineralogical composition to provide new insights into the paleoenvironmental evolution and paleoclimatological implications during this period. The following facies associations representing different ramp palaeoenvironments have been identified: mudstone–wackestone outer ramp facies; skeletal grainstone- packstone mid-ramp facies, packstone-grainstone inner-ramp facies which include a variety of organisms such as rudists and ooids and mudstone–wackestone coastal facies rich with miliolidea and orbitolines. The magnetic susceptibility (Xᵢₙ) of all samples was compared with the lithological and microfacies variation. We show that high values of magnetic susceptibility are correlated with the distal facies.Keywords: Aptian, Serdj Formation, geochemical, mineralogy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1482030 The Key Role of Yttrium Oxide on Devitrification Resilience of Barium Gallo-germanate Glasses: Physicochemical Properties and Crystallization Study
Authors: Samar Aoujia, Théo Guérineaub, Rayan Zaitera, Evelyne Fargina, Younès Messaddeqb, Thierry Cardinala
Two barium gallo-germanate glass series were elaborated to investigate the effect of the yttrium introduction on the glass physicochemical properties and crystallization behavior. One to twenty mol% of YO3/2 were either added into the glass matrix or substituted for gallium oxide. The glass structure was studied by Raman spectroscopy, and the thermal, optical, thermo-mechanical and physical properties are examined. The introduction of yttrium ions in both glass series increases the glass transition temperature, crystallization temperature, softening temperature, coefficient of linear thermal expansion and density. Through differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction analyses, it was found that competition occurs between the gallo-germanate zeolite-type phase and the yttrium-containing phase. From 13 mol% of YO3/2, the yttrium introduction impedes the formation of surface crystallization in these glasses.Keywords: photonic, heavy-metal oxide, glass, crystallization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1462029 The Role of Polar Body in the Female Gamete
Authors: Parsa Sheikhzadeh
Polar bodies are cells that form by oogenesis in meiosis which differentiate and develop from oocytes. Although in many animals, these cells often die following meiotic maturation of the oocyte. Oocyte activation is during mammalian fertilization, sperm is fused with the oocyte's membrane, triggering the resumption of meiosis from the metaphase II arrest, the extrusion of the second polar body, and the exocytosis of cortical granules. The origin recognition complex proteins 4 (ORC4) forms a cage around the set of chromosomes that will be extruded during polar body formation before it binds to the chromatin shortly before zygotic DNA replication. One unique feature of the female gamete is that the polar bodies can provide beneficial information about the genetic background of the oocyte without potentially destroying it. Testing at the polar body (PB) stage was the least accurate, mainly due to the high incidence of post-zygotic events. On the other hand, the results from PB1-MII oocyte pair validated that PB1 contains nearly the same methylome (average Pearson correlation is 0.92) with sibling MII oocyte. In this article, we comprehensively examine the role of polar bodies in female human gametes.Keywords: polar bodies, ORC4, oocyte, genetic, methylome, gamete, female
Procedia PDF Downloads 942028 Effect of Post Treatment Temperature on Ni-20Cr Wire Arc Spray Coating to Thermal Resistance
Authors: Ken Ninez Nurpramesti Prinindya, Yuli Setiyorini
Crown enclosure high temperature flares damaged and reduced dimensions crown. Generally crown on EHTF could have a life time up to twenty years. Therefore, this study aims to increase the value of thermal resistance with the effect post treatment on NiCr coated arc spray method. The variation of post treatment temperature, was at 650°C, 750°C, and 850°C. Morphology on the surface and the adhesion strength was analyzed by SEM-EDX, Surface Roughness and Pull - off test. XRD testing was conducted to determine the contained in NiCr coated. Thermal stability of NiCr coated was tested by DSC-TGA. The most optimal results was owned by NiCr coating with post treated at 850°C. It has good thermal stability until 1000°C because of Cr2O3 formation in coated specimen. The higher temperature of post treatment coating was showed better result on porosity and roughness surface value.Keywords: Arc spray process, NiCr wire, post-treatment coating, high temperature-corrosion resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 4792027 Preparation of Melt Electrospun Polylactic Acid Nanofibers with Optimum Conditions
Authors: Amir Doustgani
Melt electrospinning is a safe and simple technique for the production of micro and nanofibers which can be an alternative to conventional solvent electrospinning. The effects of various melt-electrospinning parameters, including molecular weight, electric field strength, flow rate and temperature on the morphology and fiber diameter of polylactic acid were studied. It was shown that molecular weight was the predominant factor in determining the obtainable fiber diameter of the collected fibers. An orthogonal design was used to examine process parameters. Results showed that molecular weight is the most effective parameter on the average fiber diameter of melt electrospun PLA nanofibers and the flow rate has the less important impact. Mean fiber diameter increased by increasing MW and flow rate, but decreased by increasing electric field strength and temperature. MFD of optimized fibers was below 100 nm and the result of software was in good agreement with the experimental condition.Keywords: fiber formation, processing, spinning, melt blowing
Procedia PDF Downloads 4392026 Characterization of Retinal Pigmented Cell Epithelium Cell Sheet Cultivated on Synthetic Scaffold
Authors: Tan Yong Sheng Edgar, Yeong Wai Yee
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading cause of blindness. It can cause severe visual loss due to damaged retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). RPE is an important component of the retinal tissue. It functions as a transducing boundary for visual perception making it an essential factor for sight. The RPE also functions as a metabolically complex and functional cell layer that is responsible for the local homeostasis and maintenance of the extra photoreceptor environment. Thus one of the suggested method of treating such diseases would be regenerating these RPE cells. As such, we intend to grow these cells using a synthetic scaffold to provide a stable environment that reduces the batch effects found in natural scaffolds. Stiffness of the scaffold will also be investigated to determine the optimal Young’s modulus for cultivating these cells. The cells will be generated into a monolayer cell sheet and their functions such as formation of tight junctions and gene expression patterns will be assessed to evaluate the cell sheet quality compared to a native RPE tissue.Keywords: RPE, scaffold, characterization, biomaterials, colloids and nanomedicine
Procedia PDF Downloads 4372025 Sonochemical Zinc Oxide and Layered Hydroxy Zinc Acetate Synthesis in Fenton-Like Reactions
Authors: Durata Haciu, Ozgur Birer
Zinc acetate solution is sonicated at high power in water and in ethanol in the absence and presence of various peroxides. In the absence of peroxides, the products are zinc oxide and layered hydroxy zinc acetate in water and in ethanol, respectively. Layered basic zinc acetate are prepared for the first time using sonochemical methods. The addition of peroxides alters the reaction mechanisms. In water, insoluble peroxides produce zinc oxides while the water soluble peroxide, i.e.hydrogen peroxide, completely destroyed the structure and casted a doubt on the accepted peroxide initiated mechanism of reactions. In ethanol,peroxide addition caused the reaction mechanism to change and some oxide formation is observed. The reaction mechanism is sensitive to water/ethanol amounts as well as the peroxide to zinc ion mole ratio.Thin zinc oxide wafers (ca. 30 nm) with band gaps of 3.24 eV were obtained.Keywords: ultrasound, zinc oxide, hydroxy zinc acetate, fenton, peroxide initiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2972024 South Africa and U.S. AFRICOM: Reflections on a Lukewarm Relationship
Authors: Theo Neethling
The United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) was established in 2007 as a military and diplomatic entity and is intended to assist African states and military actors to address their security needs. At the same time, AFRICOM is clearly an extension of US strategic interests on the African continent. The challenge for the US Department of Defence is to project AFRICOM as a cooperative and willing partner. This implies a partner that offers needed services and resources, and supports African security and military priorities with no presumption of having a privileged role in defining the African future. However, one of AFRICOM’s main challenges relates to the point that it has not been able to secure a firm partnership with South Africa as a key player on the continent: South Africa has continuously taken a lukewarm, if not cold, approach towards AFRICOM since its formation. The main aim of this article is to examine and discuss South Africa’s political-military relations with AFRICOM and to assess the underlying reasons currently inhibiting AFRICOM from achieving a fully productive relationship with the South African government.Keywords: AFRICOM, South African foreign policy, US interests, defence capabilities in Africa, US-Africa relations
Procedia PDF Downloads 3042023 Revealing Insights into the Mechanisms of Biofilm Adhesion on Surfaces in Crude Oil Environments
Authors: Hadjer Didouh, Mohammed Hadj Meliani, Izzaddine Sameut Bouhaik
This study employs a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the intricate processes governing biofilm-surface interactions. Results indicate that surface properties significantly influence initial microbial attachment, with materials characterized by increased roughness and hydrophobicity promoting enhanced biofilm adhesion. Moreover, the chemical composition of materials plays a crucial role in impacting the development of biofilms. Environmental factors, such as temperature fluctuations and nutrient availability, were identified as key determinants affecting biofilm formation dynamics. Advanced imaging techniques revealed complex three-dimensional biofilm structures, emphasizing microbial communication and cooperation within these networks. These findings offer practical implications for industries operating in crude oil environments, guiding the selection and design of materials to mitigate biofilm-related challenges and enhance operational efficiency in such settings.Keywords: biofilm adhesion, surface properties, crude oil environments, microbial interactions, multidisciplinary investigation
Procedia PDF Downloads 742022 Why and When to Teach Definitions: Necessary and Unnecessary Discontinuities Resulting from the Definition of Mathematical Concepts
Authors: Josephine Shamash, Stuart Smith
We examine reasons for introducing definitions in teaching mathematics in a number of different cases. We try to determine if, where, and when to provide a definition, and which definition to choose. We characterize different types of definitions and the different purposes we may have for formulating them, and detail examples of each type. Giving a definition at a certain stage can sometimes be detrimental to the development of the concept image. In such a case, it is advisable to delay the precise definition to a later stage. We describe two models, the 'successive approximation model', and the 'model of the extending definition' that fit such situations. Detailed examples that fit the different models are given based on material taken from a number of textbooks, and analysis of the way the concept is introduced, and where and how its definition is given. Our conclusions, based on this analysis, is that some of the definitions given may cause discontinuities in the learning sequence and constitute obstacles and unnecessary cognitive conflicts in the formation of the concept definition. However, in other cases, the discontinuity in passing from definition to definition actually serves a didactic purpose, is unavoidable for the mathematical evolution of the concept image, and is essential for students to deepen their understanding.Keywords: concept image, mathematical definitions, mathematics education, mathematics teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 1312021 Low Temperature Powders Synthesis of la1-xMgxAlO3 through Sol-Gel Method
Authors: R. Benakcha, M. Omari
Powders of La1-xMgxAlO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 5) oxides, with large surface areas were synthesized by sol-gel process, utilizing citric acid. Heating of a mixed solution of CA, EtOH, and nitrates of lanthanum, aluminium and magnesium at 70°C gave transparent gel without any precipitation. The formation of pure perovskite La1-xMgxAlO3, occurred when the precursor was heat-treated at 800°C for 6 h. No X-ray diffraction evidence for the presence of crystalline impurities was obtained. The La1-xMgxAlO3 powders prepared by the sol-gel method have a considerably large surface area in the range of 12.9–20 m^2.g^-1 when compared with 0.3 m^2.g^-1 for the conventional solid-state reaction of LaAlO3. The structural characteristics were examined by means of conventional techniques namely X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and differential thermal (TG-DTA) and specific surface SBET. Pore diameters and crystallite sizes are in the 8.8-11.28 nm and 25.4-30.5 nm ranges, respectively. The sol-gel method is a simple technique that has several advantages. In addition to that of not requiring high temperatures, it has the potential to synthesize many kinds of mixed oxides and obtain other materials homogeneous and large purities. It also allows formatting a variety of materials: very fine powders, fibers and films.Keywords: aluminate, lanthan, perovskite, sol-gel
Procedia PDF Downloads 2792020 Machinability Study of A201-T7 Alloy
Authors: Onan Kilicaslan, Anil Kabaklarli, Levent Subasi, Erdem Bektas, Rifat Yilmaz
The Aluminum-Copper casting alloys are well known for their high mechanical strength, especially when compared to more commonly used Aluminum-Silicon alloys. A201 is one of the best in terms of strength vs. weight ratio among other aluminum alloys, which makes it suitable for premium quality casting applications in aerospace and automotive industries. It is reported that A201 has low castability, but it is easy to machine. However, there is a need to specifically determine the process window for feasible machining. This research investigates the machinability of A201 alloy after T7 heat treatment in terms of chip/burr formation, surface roughness, hardness, and microstructure. The samples are cast with low-pressure sand casting method and milling experiments are performed with uncoated carbide tools using different cutting speeds and feeds. Statistical analysis is used to correlate the machining parameters to surface integrity. It is found that there is a strong dependence of the cutting conditions on machinability and a process window is determined.Keywords: A201-T7, machinability, milling, surface integrity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1962019 The Effect of Photochemical Smog on Respiratory Health Patients in Abuja Nigeria
Authors: Christabel Ihedike, John Mooney, Monica Price
Summary: This study aims to critically evaluate effect of photochemical smog on respiratory health in Nigeria. Cohort of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients was recruited from two large hospitals in Abuja Nigeria. Respiratory health questionnaires, daily diaries, dyspnoea scale and lung function measurement were used to obtain health data and investigate the relationship with air quality data (principally ozone, NOx and particulate pollution). Concentrations of air pollutants were higher than WHO and Nigerian air quality standard. The result suggests a correlation between measured air quality and exacerbation of respiratory illness. Introduction: Photochemical smog is a significant health challenge in most cities and its effect on respiratory health is well acknowledged. This type of pollution is most harmful to the elderly, children and those with underlying respiratory disease. This study aims to investigate impact of increasing temperature and photo-chemically generated secondary air pollutants on respiratory health in Abuja Nigeria. Method and Result: Health data was collected using spirometry to measure lung function on routine attendance at the clinic, daily diaries kept by patients and information obtained using respiratory questionnaire. Questionnaire responses (obtained using an adapted and internally validated version of St George’s Hospital Respiratory Questionnaire), shows that ‘time of wheeze’ showed an association with participants activities: 30% had worse wheeze in the morning: 10% cannot shop, 15% take long-time to get washed, 25% walk slower, 15% if hurry have to stop and 5% cannot take-bath. There was also a decrease in Forced expiratory volume in the first second and Forced Vital Capacity, and daily change in the afternoon–morning may be associated with the concentration level of pollutants. Also, dyspnoea symptoms recorded that 60% of patients were on grade 3, 25% grade 2 and 15% grade 1. Daily frequency of the number of patients in the cohort that cough /brought sputum is 78%. Air pollution in the city is higher than Nigerian and WHO standards with NOx and PM10 concentrations of 693.59ug/m-3 and 748ugm-3 being measured respectively. The result shows that air pollution may increase occurrence and exacerbation of respiratory disease. Conclusion: High temperature and local climatic conditions in urban Nigeria encourages formation of Ozone, the major constituent of photochemical smog, resulting also in the formation of secondary air pollutants associated with health challenges. In this study we confirm the likely potency of the pattern of secondary air pollution in exacerbating COPD symptoms in vulnerable patient group in urban Nigeria. There is need for better regulation and measures to reduce ozone, particularly when local climatic conditions favour development of photochemical smog in such settings. Climate change and likely increasing temperatures add impetus and urgency for better air quality standards and measures (traffic-restrictions and emissions standards) in developing world settings such as Nigeria.Keywords: Abuja-Nigeria, effect, photochemical smog, respiratory health
Procedia PDF Downloads 2282018 Colorimetric Detection of Melamine in Milk Sample by Using In-Situ Formed Silver Nanoparticles by Tannic Acid
Authors: Md Fazle Alam, Amaj Ahmed Laskar, Hina Younus
Melamine toxicity which causes renal failure and death of humans and animals have recently attracted worldwide attention. Developing an easy, fast and sensitive method for the routine melamine detection is the need of the hour. Herein, we have developed a rapid, sensitive, one step and selective colorimetric method for the detection of melamine in milk samples based upon in-situ formation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) via tannic acid at room temperature. These AgNPs thus formed were characterized by UV-VIS spectrophotometer, transmission electron microscope (TEM), zetasizer and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Under optimal conditions, melamine could be selectively detected within the concentration range of 0.05-1.4 µM with a limit of detection (LOD) of 10.1 nM, which is lower than the strictest melamine safety requirement of 1 ppm. This assay does not utilize organic cosolvents, enzymatic reactions, light sensitive dye molecules and sophisticated instrumentation, thereby overcoming some of the limitations of conventional methods.Keywords: milk adulteration, melamine, silver nanoparticles, tannic acid
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