Search results for: Arvo Pärt
5563 Functional and Stimuli Implementation and Verification of Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) Protocol
Authors: N. N. Joshi, G. K. Singh
We present the stimuli implementation and verification of a Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) 8255. It involves a designing and verification of configurable intellectual property (IP) module of PPI protocol using Verilog HDL for implementation part and System Verilog for verification. The overview of the PPI-8255 presented then the design specification implemented for the work following the functional description and pin configuration of PPI-8255. The coverage report of design shows that our design and verification environment covered 100% functionality in accordance with the design specification generated by the Questa Sim 10.0b.Keywords: Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI), verilog HDL, system verilog, questa sim
Procedia PDF Downloads 5235562 Seismic Fragility Curves Methodologies for Bridges: A Review
Authors: Amirmozafar Benshams, Khatere Kashmari, Farzad Hatami, Mesbah Saybani
As a part of the transportation network, bridges are one of the most vulnerable structures. In order to investigate the vulnerability and seismic evaluation of bridges performance, identifying of bridge associated with various state of damage is important. Fragility curves provide important data about damage states and performance of bridges against earthquakes. The development of vulnerability information in the form of fragility curves is a widely practiced approach when the information is to be developed accounting for a multitude of uncertain source involved. This paper presents the fragility curve methodologies for bridges and investigates the practice and applications relating to the seismic fragility assessment of bridges.Keywords: fragility curve, bridge, uncertainty, NLTHA, IDA
Procedia PDF Downloads 2835561 Practical Techniques of Improving State Estimator Solution
Authors: Kiamran Radjabli
State Estimator became an intrinsic part of Energy Management Systems (EMS). The SCADA measurements received from the field are processed by the State Estimator in order to accurately determine the actual operating state of the power systems and provide that information to other real-time network applications. All EMS vendors offer a State Estimator functionality in their baseline products. However, setting up and ensuring that State Estimator consistently produces a reliable solution often consumes a substantial engineering effort. This paper provides generic recommendations and describes a simple practical approach to efficient tuning of State Estimator, based on the working experience with major EMS software platforms and consulting projects in many electrical utilities of the USA.Keywords: convergence, monitoring, state estimator, performance, troubleshooting, tuning, power systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 1565560 Developing the Morphological Field of Problem Context to Assist Multi-Methodology in Operations Research
Authors: Mahnaz Hosseinzadeh, Mohammad Reza Mehregan
In this paper, we have developed a morphological field to assist multi- methodology (combining methodologies together in whole or part) in Operations Research (OR) for the problem contexts in Iranian organizations. So, we have attempted to identify some dimensions for problem context according to Iranian organizational problems. Then, a general morphological program is designed which helps the OR practitioner to determine the suitable OR methodology as output for any configuration of conditions in a problem context as input and to reveal the fields necessary to be improved in OR. Applying such a program would have interesting results for OR practitioners.Keywords: hard, soft and emancipatory operations research, General Morphological Analysis (GMA), multi-methodology, problem context
Procedia PDF Downloads 3005559 The Possibility of Solving a 3x3 Rubik’s Cube under 3 Seconds
Authors: Chung To Kong, Siu Ming Yiu
Rubik's cube was invented in 1974. Since then, speedcubers all over the world try their best to break the world record again and again. The newest record is 3.47 seconds. There are many factors that affect the timing, including turns per second (tps), algorithm, finger trick, hardware of the cube. In this paper, the lower bound of the cube solving time will be discussed using convex optimization. Extended analysis of the world records will be used to understand how to improve the timing. With the understanding of each part of the solving step, the paper suggests a list of speed improvement techniques. Based on the analysis of the world record, there is a high possibility that the 3 seconds mark will be broken soon.Keywords: Rubik's Cube, speed, finger trick, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 2085558 Students with Severe Learning Disabilities in Mainstream Classes: A Study of Comprehensions amongst School Staff and Parents Built on Observations and Interviews in a Phenomenological Framework
Authors: Inger Eriksson, Lisbeth Ohlsson, Jeremias Rosenqvist
Ingress: Focus in the study is directed towards phenomena and concepts of segregation, integration, and inclusion of students attending a special school form in Sweden, namely compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities (in Swedish 'särskola') as an alternative to mainstream compulsory school. Aim: The aim of the study is to examine the school situation for students attending särskola from a historical perspective focussing the 1980s, 1990s and the 21st century, from an integration perspective, and from a perspective of power. Procedure: Five sub-studies are reported, where integration and inclusion are looked into by observation studies and interviews with school leaders, teachers, special and remedial teachers, psychologists, coordinators, and parents in the special schools/särskola. In brief, the study about special school students attending mainstream classes from 1998 takes its point of departure in the idea that all knowledge development takes place in a social context. A special interest is taken in the school’s role for integration generally, and the role of special education particularly and on whose conditions the integration is taking place – the special school students' or the other students,' or may be equally, in the class. Pedagogical and social conditions for so called individually integrated special school students in elementary school classes were studied in eleven classes. Results: The findings are interpreted in a power perspective supported by Foucault and relationally by Vygotsky. The main part of the data consists of extensive descriptions of the eleven cases, here called integration situations. Conclusions: In summary, this study suggests that the possibilities for a special school student to get into the class community and fellowship and thereby be integrated with the class are to a high degree dependant on to what extent the student can take part in the pedagogical processes. The pedagogical situation for the special school student is affected not only by the class teacher and the support and measures undertaken but also by the other students in the class as they, in turn, are affected by how the special school student is acting. This mutual impact, which constitutes the integration process in itself, might result in a true integration if the special school student attains the status of being accepted on his/her own terms not only being cared for or cherished by some classmates. A special school student who is not accepted even on the terms of the class will often experience severe problems in the contacts with classmates and the school situation might thus be a mere placement.Keywords: integration/inclusion, mainstream school, power, special school students
Procedia PDF Downloads 2495557 Staying When Everybody Else Is Leaving: Coping with High Out-Migration in Rural Areas of Serbia
Authors: Anne Allmrodt
Regions of South-East Europe are characterised by high out-migration for decades. The reasons for leaving range from the hope of a better work situation to a better health care system and beyond. In Serbia, this high out-migration hits the rural areas in particular so that the population number is in the red repeatedly. It might not be hard to guess that this negative population growth has the potential to create different challenges for those who stay in rural areas. So how are they coping with the – statistically proven – high out-migration? Having this in mind, the study is investigating the people‘s individual awareness of the social phenomenon high out-migration and their daily life strategies in rural areas. Furthermore, the study seeks to find out the people’s resilient skills in that context. Is the condition of high out-migration conducive for resilience? The methodology combines a quantitative and a qualitative approach (mixed methods). For the quantitative part, a standardised questionnaire has been developed, including a multiple choice section and a choice experiment. The questionnaire was handed out to people living in rural areas of Serbia only (n = 100). The sheet included questions about people’s awareness of high out-migration, their own daily life strategies or challenges and their social network situation (data about the social network was necessary here since it is supposed to be an influencing variable for resilience). Furthermore, test persons were asked to make different choices of coping with high out-migration in a self-designed choice experiment. Additionally, the study included qualitative interviews asking citizens from rural areas of Serbia. The topics asked during the interview focused on their awareness of high out-migration, their daily life strategies, and challenges as well as their social network situation. Results have shown the following major findings. The awareness of high out-migration is not the same with all test persons. Some declare it as something positive for their own life, others as negative or not effecting at all. The way of coping generally depended – maybe not surprising – on the people’s social network. However – and this might be the most important finding - not everybody with a certain number of contacts had better coping strategies and was, therefore, more resilient. Here the results show that especially people with high affiliation and proximity inside their network were able to cope better and shew higher resilience skills. The study took one step forward in terms of knowledge about societal resilience as well as coping strategies of societies in rural areas. It has shown part of the other side of nowadays migration‘s coin and gives a hint for a more sustainable rural development and community empowerment.Keywords: coping, out-migration, resilience, rural development, social networks, south-east Europe
Procedia PDF Downloads 1315556 Numerical Modelling of Surface Waves Generated by Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field for Silicon Refinement Process
Authors: V. Geza, J. Vencels, G. Zageris, S. Pavlovs
One of the most perspective methods to produce SoG-Si is refinement via metallurgical route. The most critical part of this route is refinement from boron and phosphorus. Therefore, a new approach could address this problem. We propose an approach of creating surface waves on silicon melt’s surface in order to enlarge its area and accelerate removal of boron via chemical reactions and evaporation of phosphorus. A two dimensional numerical model is created which includes coupling of electromagnetic and fluid dynamic simulations with free surface dynamics. First results show behaviour similar to experimental results from literature.Keywords: numerical modelling, silicon refinement, surface waves, VOF method
Procedia PDF Downloads 2525555 Understanding Consumer Behaviors by Using Neuromarketing Tools and Methods
Authors: Tabrej Khan
Neuromarketing can refer to the commercial application of neuroscience technologies and insights to drive business further. On the other side, consumer neuroscience can be seen as the academic use of neuroscience to better understand marketing effects on consumer behavior. Consumer Neuroscience and Neuromarketing is a multidisciplinary effort between economics, psychology, and neuroscience and information technology. Traditional methods are using survey, interviews, focus group people are overtly and consciously reporting on their experience and thoughts. The unconscious side of customer behavior is largely unmeasured in the traditional methods. Neuroscience has a potential to understand the unconscious part. Through this paper, we are going to present specific results of selected tools and methods that are used to understand consumer behaviors.Keywords: neuromarketing, neuroscience, consumer behaviors, tools
Procedia PDF Downloads 4035554 Juvenile Fish Associated with Pondweed and Charophyte Habitat: A Case Study Using Upgraded Pop-up Net in the Estuarine Part of the Curonian Lagoon
Authors: M. Bučas, A. Skersonas, E. Ivanauskas, J. Lesutienė, N. Nika, G. Srėbalienė, E. Tiškus, J. Gintauskas, A.Šaškov, G. Martin
Submerged vegetation enhances heterogeneity of sublittoral habitats; therefore, macrophyte stands are essential elements of aquatic ecosystems to maintain a diverse fish fauna. Fish-habitat relations have been extensively studied in streams and coastal waters, but in lakes and estuaries are still underestimated. The aim of this study is to assess temporal (diurnal and seasonal) patterns of fish juvenile assemblages associated with common submerged macrophyte habitats, which have significantly spread during the recent decade in the upper littoral part of the Curonian Lagoon. The assessment was performed by means of an upgraded pop-up net approach resulting in much precise sampling versus other techniques. The optimal number of samples (i.e., pop-up nets) required to cover>80% of the total number of fish species depended on the time of the day in both study sites: at least 7and 9 nets in the evening (18-24 pm) in the Southern and Northern study sites, respectively. In total, 14 fish species were recorded, where perch and roach dominated (respectively 48% and 24%). From multivariate analysis, water salinity and seasonality (temperature or sampling month) were primary factors determining fish assemblage composition. The southern littoral area, less affected by brackish water conditions, hosted a higher number of species (13) than in the Northern site (8). In the latter site, brackish water tolerant species (three-spined and nine-spined sticklebacks, spiny loach, roach, and round goby) were more abundant than in the Southern site. Perch and ruffe dominated in the Southern site. Spiny loach and nine-spined stickleback were more frequent in September, while ruffe, perch, and roach occurred more in July. The diel dynamics of the common species such as perch, roach, and ruffe followed the general pattern, but it was species specific and depended on the study site, habitat, and month. The species composition between macrophyte habitats did not significantly differ; however, it differed from the results obtained in 2005 at both study sites indicating the importance of expanded charophyte stands during the last decade in the littoral zone.Keywords: diel dynamics, charophytes, pondweeds, herbivorous and benthivorous fishes, littoral, nursery habitat, shelter
Procedia PDF Downloads 1895553 Cell Patterns and Tissue Metamorphoses Based on Cell Surface Mechanism
Authors: Reyhane Hamed Kamran
Early stage morphogenesis requires the execution of complex systems that direct the nearby conduct of gatherings of cells. The organization of such instruments has been, for the most part, deciphered through the recognizable proof of moderated groups of flagging pathways that spatially and transiently control cell conduct. In any case, how this data is handled to control cell shape and cell elements is an open territory of examination. The structure that rises up out of differing controls, for example, cell science, material science, and formative science, focuses to bond and cortical actin arranges as controllers of cell surface mechanics. In this specific circumstance, a scope of formative marvels can be clarified by the guideline of cell surface pressure.Keywords: cell, tissue damage, morphogenesis, cell conduct
Procedia PDF Downloads 1075552 Cell Patterns and Tissue Metamorphoses Based on Cell Surface Mechanics
Authors: Narin Salehiyan
Early stage morphogenesis requires the execution of complex systems that direct the nearby conduct of gatherings of cells. The organization of such instruments has been, for the most part, deciphered through the recognizable proof of moderated groups of flagging pathways that spatially and transiently control cell conduct. In any case, how this data is handled to control cell shape and cell elements is an open territory of examination. The structure that rises up out of differing controls, for example, cell science, material science and formative science, focuses to bond and cortical actin arranges as controllers of cell surface mechanics. In this specific circumstance, a scope of formative marvels can be clarified by the guideline of cell surface pressure.Keywords: cell, tissue damage, morphogenesis, cell conduct
Procedia PDF Downloads 825551 Technology in English Language Teaching and Its Benefits in Improving Language Skills
Authors: Yasir Naseem
In this fast-growing and evolving world, usage and adoption of technology have displayed an essential component of the learning process, both in and out of the class, which converges and incorporates every domain of the learning aspects. It aids in learning distinct entities irrespective of their levels of challenge. It also incorporates both viewpoints of learning, i.e., competence as well as the performances of the learner. In today's learning scenario, nearly every language class ordinarily uses some form of technology. It integrates with various teaching methodologies and transforms in a way that now it grew as an integral part of the language learning courses. It has been employed to facilitate, promote, and enhances language learning. It facilitates educators in numerous ways and enhances their methodologies by equipping them to modify classroom activities, which covers every aspect of language learning.Keywords: communication, methodology, technology, skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 1775550 Design of Saddle Support for Horizontal Pressure Vessel
Authors: Vinod Kumar, Navin Kumar, Surjit Angra, Prince Sharma
This paper presents the design analysis of saddle support of a horizontal pressure vessel. Since saddle have the vital role to support the pressure vessel and to maintain its stability, it should be designed in such a way that it can afford the vessel load and internal pressure of the vessel due to liquid contained in the vessel. A model of horizontal pressure vessel and saddle support is created in Ansys. Stresses are calculated using mathematical approach and Ansys software. The analysis reveals the zone of high localized stress at the junction part of the pressure vessel and saddle support due to operating conditions. The results obtained by both the methods are compared with allowable stress value for safe designing.Keywords: ANSYS, pressure vessel, saddle, support
Procedia PDF Downloads 7455549 Chemical Compositon and Antimicrobial Activity of Daucus aristidis Coss. Essential Oil in Pre-Flowering Stage from Algeria
Authors: M. Lamamra, H. Laouer, A. Adjaoud, Sahli Farida
Essential oils can have significant antimicrobial activities and can successfully replace antibiotics that show their ineffectiveness against resistant germs. The chemical composition of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial part of Daucus aristidis (Apiaceae) at the pre-flowering stage was investigated for the first time, by GC and GC-MS and evaluated for in vitro antimicrobial activity by the disk diffusion method. The Main components of D. aristidis oil were α-pinene (20.13%), cedrol (20.11%), and E- asarone (18.53%). The oil exhibited an antibacterial activity against almost strains tested except for Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 700603 K6 and Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 49452, the oil of D. aristidis had no activity against all fungi tested.Keywords: α-pinene, antimicrobial activity, Daucus aridtidis, essential oil
Procedia PDF Downloads 4845548 Pion/Muon Identification in a Nuclear Emulsion Cloud Chamber Using Neural Networks
Authors: Kais Manai
The main part of this work focuses on the study of pion/muon separation at low energy using a nuclear Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC) made of lead and nuclear emulsion films. The work consists of two parts: particle reconstruction algorithm and a Neural Network that assigns to each reconstructed particle the probability to be a muon or a pion. The pion/muon separation algorithm has been optimized by using a detailed Monte Carlo simulation of the ECC and tested on real data. The algorithm allows to achieve a 60% muon identification efficiency with a pion misidentification smaller than 3%.Keywords: nuclear emulsion, particle identification, tracking, neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 5095547 Identification of Service Quality Determinants in the Hotel Sector - A Conceptual Review
Authors: Asem M. Othman
The expansion of the hospitality industry is unmistakable. Services, by nature, are intangible. Hence, service quality, in general, is a complicated process to be measured and evaluated. Hotels, as a service sector and part of the hospitality industry, are growing rapidly. This research paper was carried out to identify the quality determinants that may affect hotel guests’ service quality perception. In this research paper, each quality determinant will be discussed, illustrated, and justified thoroughly via a systematic literature review. The purpose of this paper is to set the stage to measure the significant influence of the service quality determinants on guest satisfaction. The knowledge produced from this study will assist practitioners and/or hotel service providers to imply into their policies.Keywords: service quality, hotel service, quality management, quality determinants
Procedia PDF Downloads 2745546 Ethic Society of Tengger Tribe in Indonesia as a Nation Strength to Make Good Character to Advance Country
Authors: Dwi Yulian Fahruddin Shah, Salman Al Farizi, Elyada Ahastari Liunome
Indonesia is a multicultural society. A wide variety of arts and culture spread throughout in all of part of Indonesia with natural appearance will cause the social behavior differentiation. Similarly, with Tengger people's lives also have different social behaviors that distinguish them from other ethnic groups spread across the Indonesian archipelago. Tengger tribe has an appropriate ethic to build nation character. If all the people of Indonesia who heterogeneous and multicultural can understand, and follow the example of ethical behavior of Tengger tribe, it will be a force in the development of the character of the nation in this modern and globalization era.Keywords: Tengger tribe, national character, ethics society, Indonesia
Procedia PDF Downloads 4035545 Revolutions and Cyclic Patterns in Chinese Town Planning: The Case-Study of Shenzhen
Authors: Domenica Bona
Colin Chant and David Goodman argue that historians of Chinese pre-industrial cities tend to underestimate revolutions and overestimate cyclic patterns: periods of peace and prosperity in the earl part of each d nast , followed b peasants’ rebellions and upheavals. Boyd described these cyclic patterns as part of the background of Chinese town planning and architecture. Thus old ideals of city planning-square plan, southward orientation and a palace along the central axis - are revived again and again in the ascendant phases of several d nastic c cles (e.g. Chang’an, Kaifen, and Beijing). Along this line of thought, m paper questions the relationship between the “magic square rule” and modern Chinese urban- planning. As a matter of fact, the classical theme of “cosmic Taoist urbanism” is still a reference for planning cities and new urban developments, whenever there is the intention to express nationalist ideals and “cultural straightforwardness.” Besides, some case studies can be related to “modern d nasties”: the first Republic under the Kuo Min Tang, the red People’s Republic and the post-Maoist open country of Deng Xiao Ping. Considering the project for the new capital of Nanjing in the Thirties, Beijing’s Tianan Men area in the ifties, and Shenzhen’s utian CBD in late 20th century, I argue that cyclic patterns are still in place, though with deformations related to westernization, private interests and lack of spirituality. How far new Chinese cities are - or simply seem to be - westernized? Symbolism, invisible frameworks, repeating features and behavioural patterns make urban China just “superficiall” western. This can be well noticed in cities previousl occupied b foreigners, like Hong Kong, or in newly founded ones, like Shenzhen, where both Asians and non-Asian people can feel the gender-shift from New-York-like landscapes to something else. Current planning in main metropolitan areas shows a blurred relationship between public policies and private investments: two levels of decisions and actions, one addressing the larger scale and infrastructures, the other concerning the micro scale and development of single plots. While zoning is instrumental in this process, master plans are often laid out over a very poor cartography, so much that any relation between the formal characters of new cities and the centuries-old structure of the related territory gets lost.Keywords: China, contemporary cities, cultural heritage, shenzhen, urban planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 3625544 Relations between the Internal Employment Conditions of International Organizations and the Characteristics of the National Civil Service
Authors: Renata Hrecska
This research seeks to fully examine the internal employment law of international organizations by comparing it with the characteristics of the national civil service. The aim of the research is to compare the legal system that has developed over many centuries and the relatively new internal staffing regulations to find out what solution schemes can help each other through mutual legal development in order to respond effectively to the social challenges of everyday life. Generally, the rules of civil service of any country or international entity have in common that they have, in their pragmatics inherently, the characteristic that makes them serving public interests. Though behind the common base there are many differences: there is the clear fragmentation of state regulation and the unity of organizational regulation. On the other hand, however, this difference disappears to some extent: the public service regulation of international organizations can be considered uniform until we examine it within, but not outside an organization. As soon as we compare the different organizations we may find many different solutions for staffing regulations. It is clear that the national civil service is a strong model for international organizations, but the question may be whether the staffing policy of international organizations can serve the national civil service as an example, too. In this respect, the easiest way to imagine a legislative environment would be to have a single comprehensive code, the general part of which is the Civil Service Act itself, and the specific part containing specific, necessarily differentiating rules for each layer of the civil service. Would it be advantageous to follow the footsteps of the leading international organizations, or is there any speciality in national level civil service that we cannot avoid during regulating processes? In addition to the above, the personal competencies of officials working in international organizations and public administrations also show a high degree of similarity, regardless of the type of employment. Thus, the whole public service system is characterized by the fundamental and special values that a person capable of holding a public office must be able to demonstrate, in some cases, even without special qualifications. It is also interesting how we can compare the two spheres of employment in light of the theory of Lawyer Louis Brandeis, a judge at the US Supreme Court, who formulated a complex theory of profession as distinguished from other occupations. From this point of view we can examine the continuous development of research and specialized knowledge at work; the community recognition and social status; that to what extent we can see a close-knit professional organization of altruistic philosophy; that how stability grows in the working conditions due to the stability of the profession; and that how the autonomy of the profession can prevail.Keywords: civil service, comparative law, international organizations, regulatory systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 1355543 The Effect of the Hemispheres of the Brain and the Tone of Voice on Persuasion
Authors: Rica Jell de Laza, Jose Alberto Fernandez, Andrea Marie Mendoza, Qristin Jeuel Regalado
This study investigates whether participants experience different levels of persuasion depending on the hemisphere of the brain and the tone of voice. The experiment was performed on 96 volunteer undergraduate students taking an introductory course in psychology. The participants took part in a 2 x 3 (Hemisphere: left, right x Tone of Voice: positive, neutral, negative) Mixed Factorial Design to measure how much a person was persuaded. Results showed that the hemisphere of the brain and the tone of voice used did not significantly affect the results individually. Furthermore, there was no interaction effect. Therefore, the hemispheres of the brain and the tone of voice employed play insignificant roles in persuading a person.Keywords: dichotic listening, brain hemisphere, tone of voice, persuasion
Procedia PDF Downloads 3095542 Corrosion Analysis of a 3-1/2” Production Tubing of an Offshore Oil and Gas Well
Authors: Suraj Makkar, Asis Isor, Jeetendra Gupta, Simran Bareja, Maushumi K. Talukdar
During the exploratory testing phase of an offshore oil and gas well, when the tubing string was pulled out after production testing, it was observed that there was visible corrosion/pitting in a few of the 3-1/2” API 5 CT L-80 Grade tubing. The area of corrosion was at the same location in all the tubing, i.e., just above the pin end. Since the corrosion was observed in the tubing within two months of their installation, it was a matter of concern, as it could lead to premature failures resulting in leakages and production loss and thus affecting the integrity of the asset. Therefore, the tubing was analysed to ascertain the mechanism of the corrosion occurring on its surface. During the visual inspection, it was observed that the corrosion was totally external, which was near the pin end, and no significant internal corrosion was observed. The chemical compositional analysis and mechanical properties (tensile and impact) show that the pipeline material was conforming to API 5 CT L-80 specifications. The metallographic analysis of the tubing revealed tempered martensitic microstructure. The grain size was observed to be different at the pin end as compared to the microstructure at base metal. The microstructures of the corroded area near threads reveal an oriented microstructure. The clearly oriented microstructure of the cold-worked zone near threads and the difference in microstructure represents inappropriate heat treatment after cold work. This was substantiated by hardness test results as well, which show higher hardness at the pin end in comparison to hardness at base metal. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analysis revealed the presence of round and deep pits and cracks on the corroded surface of the tubing. The cracks were stress corrosion cracks in a corrosive environment arising out of the residual stress, which was not relieved after cold working, as mentioned above. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis indicates the presence of mainly Fe₂O₃, Chlorides, Sulphides, and Silica in the corroded part indicating the interaction of the tubing with the well completion fluid and well bore environment. Thus it was concluded that residual stress after the cold working of male pins during threading and the corrosive environment acted in synergy to cause this pitting corrosion attack on the highly stressed zone along the circumference of the tubing just below the threaded area. Accordingly, the following suitable recommendations were given to avoid the recurrence of such corrosion problems in the wells. (i) After any kind of hot work/cold work, tubing should be normalized at full length to achieve uniform microstructure throughout its length. (ii) Heat treatment requirements (as per API 5 CT) should be part of technical specifications while at the procurement stage.Keywords: pin end, microstructure, grain size, stress corrosion cracks
Procedia PDF Downloads 805541 Cybercrime Stage Based Intervention: Through the Eyes of a Cyber Threat Actor
Authors: Jonathan W. Z. Lim, Vrizlynn L. L. Thing
Cybercrimes are on the rise, in part due to technological advancements, as well as increased avenues of exploitation. Sophisticated threat actors are leveraging on such advancements to execute their malicious intentions. The increase in cybercrimes is prevalent, and it seems unlikely that they can be easily eradicated. A more serious concern is that the community may come to accept the notion that this will become the trend. As such, the key question revolves around how we can reduce cybercrime in this evolving landscape. In our paper, we propose to build a systematic framework through the lens of a cyber threat actor. We explore the motivation factors behind the crimes and the crime stages of the threat actors. We then formulate intervention plans so as to discourage the act of committing malicious cyber activities and also aim to integrate ex-cyber offenders back into society.Keywords: crime motivations, crime prevention, cybercrime, ex-cyber criminals
Procedia PDF Downloads 1405540 Remote Wireless Communications Lab in Real Time
Authors: El Miloudi Djelloul
Technology nowadays enables the remote access to laboratory equipment and instruments via Internet. This is especially useful in engineering education, where students can conduct laboratory experiment remotely. Such remote laboratory access can enable student to use expensive laboratory equipment, which is not usually available to students. In this paper, we present a method of creating a Web-based Remote Laboratory Experimentation in the master degree course “Wireless Communications Systems” which is part of “ICS (Information and Communication Systems)” and “Investment Management in Telecommunications” curriculums. This is done within the RIPLECS Project and the NI2011 FF005 Research Project “Implementation of Project-Based Learning in an Interdisciplinary Master Program”.Keywords: remote access, remote laboratory, wireless telecommunications, external antenna-switching controller board (EASCB)
Procedia PDF Downloads 5155539 Numerical Simulation of Truck Collision with Road Blocker
Authors: Engin Metin Kaplan, Kemal Yaman
In this study, the crash of a medium heavy vehicle onto a designed Road blocker (vehicle barrier) is studied numerically. Structural integrity of the Road blocker is studied by nonlinear dynamic methods under the loading conditions which are defined in the standards. NASTRAN® and LS-DYNA® which are commercial software are used to solve the problem. Outer geometry determination, alignment of the inner part and material properties of the road blocker are studied linearly to yield design parameters. Best design parameters are determined to achieve the most structurally optimized road blocker. Strain and stress values of the vehicle barrier are obtained by solving the partial differential equations.Keywords: vehicle barrier, truck collision, road blocker, crash analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 4775538 An Investigation into the Isolation and Bandwidth Characteristics of X-Band Chireix Power Amplifier Combiners
Authors: Daniel P. Clayton, Edward A. Ball
This paper describes an investigation into the isolation characteristics and bandwidth performance of RF combiners that are used as part of Chireix PA architectures, designed for use in the X-Band range of frequencies. Combiner designs investigated are the typical Chireix and Wilkinson configurations which also include simulation of the Wilkinson using manufacturer’s data for the isolation resistor. Another simulation was the less common approach of using a Branchline coupler to form the combiner, as well as simulation results from adding an additional stage. This paper presents the findings of this investigation and compares the bandwidth performance and isolation characteristics to determine suitability.Keywords: bandwidth, Chireix, couplers, outphasing, power amplifiers, Wilkinson, X-Band
Procedia PDF Downloads 2575537 Non-Circular Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers Chainring Failure Analysis
Authors: A. Elmikaty, Z. Thanawarothon, L. Mezeix
This paper presents a finite element model to simulate the teeth failure of non-circular composite chainring. Model consists of the chainring and a part of the chain. To reduce the size of the model, only the first 11 rollers are simulated. In order to validate the model, it is firstly applied to a circular aluminum chainring and evolution of the stress in the teeth is compared with the literature. Then, effect of the non-circular shape is studied through three different loading positions. Strength of non-circular composite chainring and failure scenario is investigated. Moreover, two composite lay-ups are proposed to observe the influence of the stacking. Results show that composite material can be used but the lay-up has a large influence on the strength. Finally, loading position does not have influence on the first composite failure that always occurs in the first tooth.Keywords: CFRP, composite failure, FEA, non-circular chainring
Procedia PDF Downloads 2965536 Energy Justice and Economic Growth
Authors: Marinko Skare, Malgorzata Porada Rochon
This paper study the link between energy justice and economic growth. The link between energy justice and growth has not been extensively studied. Here we study the impact and importance of energy justice, as a part of the energy transition process, on economic growth. Our study shows energy justice growth is an important determinant of economic growth and development that should be addressed at the industry and economic levels. We use panel data modeling and causality testing to research the empirical link between energy justice and economic growth. Industry and economy-level policies designed to support energy justice initiatives are beneficial to economic growth. Energy justice is a necessary condition for green growth and sustainability targets.Keywords: energy justice, economic growth, panel data, energy transition
Procedia PDF Downloads 1135535 Radiographic Evaluation of Odontogenic Keratocyst: A 14 Years Retrospective Study
Authors: Nor Hidayah Reduwan, Jira Chindasombatjaroen, Suchaya Pornprasersuk-Damrongsri, Sopee Pomsawat
INTRODUCTION: Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) remain as a controversial pathologic entity under the scrutiny of many researchers and maxillofacial surgeons alike. The high recurrence rate and relatively aggressive nature of this lesion demand a meticulous analysis of the radiographic characteristic of OKC leading to the formulation of an accurate diagnosis. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the radiographic characteristic of odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) using conventional radiographs and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients histopathologically diagnosed as OKC from 2003 to 2016 by Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Department were retrospectively reviewed. Radiographs of these cases from the archives of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Faculty of Dentistry Mahidol University were retrieved. Assessment of the location, shape, border, cortication, locularity, the relationship of lesion to embedded tooth, displacement of adjacent tooth, root resorption and bony expansion of the lesion were conducted. RESULTS: Radiographs of 91 patients (44 males, 47 females) with the mean age of 31 years old (10 to 84 years) were analyzed. Among all patients, 5 cases were syndromic patients. Hence, a total of 103 OKCs were studied. The most common location was at the ramus of mandible (32%) followed by posterior maxilla (29%). Most cases presented as a well-defined unilocular radiolucency with smooth and corticated border. The lesion was in associated with embedded tooth in 48 lesions (47%). Eighty five percent of embedded tooth are impacted 3rd molar. Thirty-seven percentage of embedded tooth were entirely encapsulated in the lesion. The lesion attached to the embedded tooth at the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) in 40% and extended to part of root in 23% of cases. Teeth displacement and root resorption were found in 29% and 6% of cases, respectively. Bony expansion in bucco-lingual dimension was seen in 63% of cases. CONCLUSION: OKCs were predominant in the posterior region of the mandible with radiographic features of a well-defined, unilocular radiolucency with smooth and corticated margin. The lesions might relate to an embedded tooth by surrounding an entire tooth, attached to the CEJ level or extending to part of root. Bony expansion could be found but teeth displacement and root resorption were not common. These features might help in giving the differential diagnosis.Keywords: cone beam computed tomography, imaging dentistry, odontogenic keratocyst, radiographic features
Procedia PDF Downloads 1285534 A New Type Safety-Door for Earthquake Disaster Prevention: Part I
Authors: Daniel Y. Abebe, Jaehyouk Choi
From the past earthquake events, many people get hurt at the exit while they are trying to go out of the buildings because of the exit doors are unable to be opened. The door is not opened because it deviates from its the original position. The aim of this research is to develop and evaluate a new type safety door that keeps the door frame in its original position or keeps its edge angles perpendicular during and post-earthquake. The proposed door is composed of three components: outer frame joined to the wall, inner frame (door frame) and circular hollow section connected to the inner and outer frame which is used as seismic energy dissipating device.Keywords: safety-door, earthquake disaster, low yield point steel, passive energy dissipating device, FE analysis
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