Search results for: Arrhenius methodology
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 5422

Search results for: Arrhenius methodology

4132 An Evaluation on the Methodology of Manufacturing High Performance Organophilic Clay at the Most Efficient and Cost Effective Process

Authors: Siti Nur Izati Azmi, Zatil Afifah Omar, Kathi Swaran, Navin Kumar


Organophilic Clays, also known as Organoclays, is used as a viscosifier in Oil based Drilling fluids. Most often, Organophilic clay are produced from modified Sodium and Calcium based Bentonite. Many studies and data show that Organophilic Clay using Hectorite based clays provide the best yield and good fluid loss properties in an oil-based drilling fluid at a higher cost. In terms of the manufacturing process, the two common methods of manufacturing organophilic clays are a Wet Process and a Dry Process. Wet process is known to produce better performance product at a higher cost while Dry Process shorten the production time. Hence, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the various formulation of an organophilic clay and its performance vs. the cost, as well as to determine the most efficient and cost-effective method of manufacturing organophilic clays.

Keywords: organophilic clay, viscosifier, wet process, dry process

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4131 A Petri Net Model to Obtain the Throughput of Unreliable Production Lines in the Buffer Allocation Problem

Authors: Joselito Medina-Marin, Alexandr Karelin, Ana Tarasenko, Juan Carlos Seck-Tuoh-Mora, Norberto Hernandez-Romero, Eva Selene Hernandez-Gress


A production line designer faces with several challenges in manufacturing system design. One of them is the assignment of buffer slots in between every machine of the production line in order to maximize the throughput of the whole line, which is known as the Buffer Allocation Problem (BAP). The BAP is a combinatorial problem that depends on the number of machines and the total number of slots to be distributed on the production line. In this paper, we are proposing a Petri Net (PN) Model to obtain the throughput in unreliable production lines, based on PN mathematical tools and the decomposition method. The results obtained by this methodology are similar to those presented in previous works, and the number of machines is not a hard restriction.

Keywords: buffer allocation problem, Petri Nets, throughput, production lines

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4130 Fusion of Shape and Texture for Unconstrained Periocular Authentication

Authors: D. R. Ambika, K. R. Radhika, D. Seshachalam


Unconstrained authentication is an important component for personal automated systems and human-computer interfaces. Existing solutions mostly use face as the primary object of analysis. The performance of face-based systems is largely determined by the extent of deformation caused in the facial region and amount of useful information available in occluded face images. Periocular region is a useful portion of face with discriminative ability coupled with resistance to deformation. A reliable portion of periocular area is available for occluded images. The present work demonstrates that joint representation of periocular texture and periocular structure provides an effective expression and poses invariant representation. The proposed methodology provides an effective and compact description of periocular texture and shape. The method is tested over four benchmark datasets exhibiting varied acquisition conditions.

Keywords: periocular authentication, Zernike moments, LBP variance, shape and texture fusion

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4129 Quantification of Methane Emissions from Solid Waste in Oman Using IPCC Default Methodology

Authors: Wajeeha A. Qazi, Mohammed-Hasham Azam, Umais A. Mehmood, Ghithaa A. Al-Mufragi, Noor-Alhuda Alrawahi, Mohammed F. M. Abushammala


Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) disposed in landfill sites decompose under anaerobic conditions and produce gases which mainly contain carbon dioxide (CO₂) and methane (CH₄). Methane has the potential of causing global warming 25 times more than CO₂, and can potentially affect human life and environment. Thus, this research aims to determine MSW generation and the annual CH₄ emissions from the generated waste in Oman over the years 1971-2030. The estimation of total waste generation was performed using existing models, while the CH₄ emissions estimation was performed using the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) default method. It is found that total MSW generation in Oman might be reached 3,089 Gg in the year 2030, which approximately produced 85 Gg of CH₄ emissions in the year 2030.

Keywords: methane, emissions, landfills, solid waste

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4128 Two-Dimensional Dynamics Motion Simulations of F1 Rare Wing-Flap

Authors: Chaitanya H. Acharya, Pavan Kumar P., Gopalakrishna Narayana


In the realm of aerodynamics, numerous vehicles incorporate moving components to enhance their performance. For instance, airliners deploy hydraulically operated flaps and ailerons during take-off and landing, while Formula 1 racing cars utilize hydraulic tubes and actuators for various components, including the Drag Reduction System (DRS). The DRS, consisting of a rear wing and adjustable flaps, plays a crucial role in overtaking manoeuvres. The DRS has two positions: the default position with the flaps down, providing high downforce, and the lifted position, which reduces drag, allowing for increased speed and aiding in overtaking. Swift deployment of the DRS during races is essential for overtaking competitors. The fluid flow over the rear wing flap becomes intricate during deployment, involving flow reversal and operational changes, leading to unsteady flow physics that significantly influence aerodynamic characteristics. Understanding the drag and downforce during DRS deployment is crucial for determining race outcomes. While experiments can yield accurate aerodynamic data, they can be expensive and challenging to conduct across varying speeds. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) emerges as a cost-effective solution to predict drag and downforce across a range of speeds, especially with the rapid deployment of the DRS. This study employs the finite volume-based solver Ansys Fluent, incorporating dynamic mesh motions and a turbulent model to capture the complex flow phenomena associated with the moving rear wing flap. A dedicated section for the rare wing-flap is considered in the present simulations, and the aerodynamics of these sections closely resemble S1223 aerofoils. Before delving into the simulations of the rare wing-flap aerofoil, numerical results undergo validation using experimental data from an NLR flap aerofoil case, encompassing different flap angles at two distinct angles of attack was carried out. The increase in flap angle as increase in lift and drag is observed for a given angle of attack. The simulation methodology for the rare-wing-flap aerofoil case involves specific time durations before lifting the flap. During this period, drag and downforce values are determined as 330 N and 1800N, respectively. Following the flap lift, a noteworthy reduction in drag to 55 % and a decrease in downforce to 17 % are observed. This understanding is critical for making instantaneous decisions regarding the deployment of the Drag Reduction System (DRS) at specific speeds, thereby influencing the overall performance of the Formula 1 racing car. Hence, this work emphasizes the utilization of dynamic mesh motion methodology to predict the aerodynamic characteristics during the deployment of the DRS in a Formula 1 racing car.

Keywords: DRS, CFD, drag, downforce, dynamics mesh motion

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4127 Evaluating the Cost of Quality: A Case Study of a South African Foundry Business

Authors: Chipo Mugova, Zuko Mjobo


The aim of this study was to evaluate the cost of quality (COQ) at a local foundry business to identify the contribution of its units and processes to quality costs within the foundry’s operations. The foundry selected for detailed case study is one of major businesses that have been targeted by the government to produce components for building and re-furbishing wagons and trains. The study aimed at identifying areas in the foundry’s processes in which investment needs to be made to reduce quality costs. This is in alignment with government’s vision of promoting local business to support local markets leading to creation of jobs, and hence reduction of unemployment rate in South Africa. The methodology adopted used cost of quality models. Results from the study indicated that internal failure costs were significantly higher than all other cost of quality categories, taking more than 60% of the business’s income.

Keywords: appraisal costs, cost of quality, failure costs, local content, prevention costs

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4126 Method for Predicting the Deformation of a Swelling Clay of the Region of N’Gaous (Batna, in Algeria)

Authors: Ferrah F., Baheddi M.


This study relates to how water content in some clay soils affects their structure by increasing or decreasing the volume. These cyclic phenomena of swelling-shrinkage cause parasitic stresses in structures and at the foundation. These stresses create damage in buildings, highways, pavements, airports and structures lightly loaded. This study was conducted on soil from a site near the hospital of N'gaous (Batna), whose soil is at the origin of cracks in the filler walls of the hospital. After a few years of exploitation, and according to the findings of experts in subdivision of construction and urbanism (SUCH), cracks appeared just after the heavy rains that the region experienced in 1987. Our study shows the need to become aware of the importance of damages occasioned by swellings by adopting construction techniques to solve this problem. The study is to determine a methodology to take into account the effects of swelling in calculating long-term foundations.

Keywords: clay, swelling, shrinkage, swelling pressure, compressibility

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4125 Corporate Governance and Disclosure Practices of Listed Companies in the ASEAN: A Conceptual Overview

Authors: Chen Shuwen, Nunthapin Chantachaimongkol


Since the world has moved into a transitional period, known as globalization; the business environment is now more complicated than ever before. Corporate information has become a matter of great importance for stakeholders, in order to understand the current situation. As a result of this, the concept of corporate governance has been broadly introduced to manage and control the affairs of corporations while businesses are required to disclose both financial and non-financial information to public via various communication channels such as the annual report, the financial report, the company’s website, etc. However, currently there are several other issues related to asymmetric information such as moral hazard or adverse selection that still occur intensively in workplaces. To prevent such problems in the business, it is required to have an understanding of what factors strengthen their transparency, accountability, fairness, and responsibility. Under aforementioned arguments, this paper aims to propose a conceptual framework that enables an investigation on how corporate governance mechanism influences disclosure efficiency of listed companies in the Association of Southeast Asia Nations (ASEAN) and the factors that should be considered for further development of good behaviors, particularly in regards to voluntary disclosure practices. To achieve its purpose, extensive reviews of literature are applied as a research methodology. It is divided into three main steps. Firstly, the theories involved with both corporate governance and disclosure practices such as agency theory, contract theory, signaling theory, moral hazard theory, and information asymmetry theory are examined to provide theoretical backgrounds. Secondly, the relevant literatures based on multi- perspectives of corporate governance, its attributions and their roles on business processes, the influences of corporate governance mechanisms on business performance, and the factors determining corporate governance characteristics as well as capability are reviewed to outline the parameters that should be included in the proposed model. Thirdly, the well-known regulatory document OECD principles and previous empirical studies on the corporate disclosure procedures are evaluated to identify the similarities and differentiations with the disclosure patterns in the ASEAN. Following the processes and consequences of the literature review, abundant factors and variables are found. Further to the methodology, additional critical factors that also have an impact on the disclosure behaviors are addressed in two groups. In the first group, the factors which are linked to the national characteristics - the quality of national code, legal origin, culture, the level of economic development, and so forth. Whereas in the second group, the discoveries which refer to the firm’s characteristics - ownership concentration, ownership’s rights, controlling group, and so on. However, because of research limitations, only some literature are chosen and summarized to form part of the conceptual framework that explores the relationship between corporate governance and the disclosure practices of listed companies in ASEAN.

Keywords: corporate governance, disclosure practice, ASEAN, listed company

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4124 Diversity of Halophilic Archaea from Ezzemoul sabkha in Algeria

Authors: Karima Kharroub, Mohamed Amine Gomri, Mercedes Monteoliva-Sanchez


Sabkhas and chotts are examples of hypersaline environments inhabited by halophilic microorganisms. In the present study, a culture-dependent methodology was used to determine the archaeal diversity present within Ezzemoul sabkha located in the north-eastern of Algeria. It was assessed using different media with different substrates in attempt to initiate the growth of wide spectrum of halophiles. Several strains were isolated and subjected to a polyphasic taxonomic characterization. The isolates tested placed within the family Halobacteriaceae, a group of extremely halophilic, aerobic archaea that have a salinity tolerance of 3 to 4M and associated with six genera Halorubrum, Halobacterium, Haloterrigena, Haloferax, Halomicrobium and Haloarcula. Halorubrum species were found to be the dominant archaea community as indicated by the presence of different strains recovered from this sabkha. In the other hand, two new species within Halobacteriaceae family; Halorubrum ezzemolulense sp. nov. and Halomicrobium katesii sp. nov. were described.

Keywords: sabkha, archaea, halophilic, hypersaline environments

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4123 Impact of Maternal Employment on the Overall Behavioral Development of Children

Authors: Hareem Kausar


Women of today’s world are energetic, enthusiastic and high-spirited. They tend to be the best in whatever they do and strive to accept and fulfil each challenge with utmost liveliness. The aim of the research was about studying the impact of Maternal Employment on the Child’s Behavioral Development. It was conducted as an initiative to study the impact factor in Pakistani culture and for deep insight to the subject using qualitative research methodology. The samples were interviewed through semi-structured interview method in three phases including two working mothers, two children and a day care center official and the data was collected and analyzed through content analysis. Further, it was linked with the literature from the west and the results show that children of working mothers tend to be sound mentally and physically but at some points they face the inner feeling of solitude. Overall, develop the mechanism in independence in their nature and behavior but maternal employment definitely affects the overall behavioral development of the children.

Keywords: maternal employment, child behavior- development, childhood, impact

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4122 Psychosocial Processes and Strategies behind Islamic Deradicalisation: A Scoping Review

Authors: Carvalho M. Catia, Pinto R. Isabel, Azevedo F. Luis, Guerreiro, T. Alexandre, Barbosa R. Mariana, Pinto S. Marta


Due to the loss of territory, foreign terrorist fighters who have joined Islamic State are returning to their home countries. In order to counter this threat to international security, it is important to implement deradicalisation programmes, through strategies and processes that can reverse radicalisation. The objectives of this scoping review - which is underway - are to provide a comprehensive overview of the programmes being implemented, its main characteristics, the main motives and processes leading to deradicalisation, and to identify the key findings and the existing gaps in the literature. The methodology to be implemented in this scoping review follows the guidelines proposed by Arksey and O’Malley and by The Joanna Briggs Institute. The main results will be the development of a synthesis map of the deradicalisation programmes existing in the world, its main features, and recommendations to policy-makers and professionals.

Keywords: deradicalisation strategies, psychosocial processes, radicalisation, terrorism

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4121 Effects of IPPC Permits on Ambient Air Quality

Authors: C. Cafaro, P. Ceci, L. De Giorgi


The aim of this paper is to give an assessment of environmental effects of IPPC permit conditions of installations that are in the specific territory with a high concentration of industrial activities. The IPPC permit is the permit that each operator should hold to operate the installation as stated by the directive 2010/75/UE on industrial emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control), known as IED (Industrial Emissions Directive). The IPPC permit includes all the measures necessary to achieve a high level of protection of the environment as a whole, also defining the monitoring requirements as measurement methodology, frequency, and evaluation procedure. The emissions monitoring of a specific plant may also give indications of the contribution of these emissions on the air quality of a definite area. So, it is clear that the IPPC permits are important tools both to improve the environmental framework and to achieve the air quality standards, assisting in assessing the possible industrial sources contributions to air pollution.

Keywords: IPPC, IED, emissions, permits, air quality, large combustion plants

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4120 Riding the Crest of the Wave: Inclusive Education in New Zealand

Authors: Barbara A. Perry


In 1996, the New Zealand government and the Ministry of Education announced that they were setting up a "world class system of inclusive education". As a parent of a son with high and complex needs, a teacher, school Principal and Disability studies Lecturer, this author will track the changes in the journey towards inclusive education over the last 20 years. Strategies for partnering with families to ensure educational success along with insights from one of those on the crest of the wave will be presented. Using a narrative methodology the author will illuminate how far New Zealand has come towards this world class system of inclusion promised and share from personal experience some of the highlights and risks in the system. This author has challenged the old structures and been part of the setting up of new structures particularly for providing parent voice and insight; this paper provides a unique view from an insider’s voice as well as a professional in the system.

Keywords: disability studies, inclusive education, special education, working with families with children with disability

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4119 Advancing Veterinary Health through Sustainable Solutions

Authors: Abdelkader Mohamed Abdelkader Mohamed Gaballah


This study addresses advancements in veterinary health and their significance in enhancing animal care. The primary objective is to meet the increasing needs of veterinarians and farmers by offering sustainable and effective veterinary medicines that comply with safety and efficacy standards. The methodology involves a comprehensive selection process to source high-quality veterinary products from trusted manufacturers while ensuring adherence to environmental sustainability principles. The findings demonstrate that these products significantly contribute to improving animal health, reducing the prevalence of diseases, and supporting sustainable farming practices. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts within the veterinary pharmaceutical industry to meet global demands and promote sustainable practices in animal care.

Keywords: veterinary medicine, animal health, veterinary pharmaceuticals, livestock management, animal science and care, veterinary drug development, animal nutrition, wellness

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4118 Preparation of Activated Carbon From Waste Feedstock: Activation Variables Optimization and Influence

Authors: Oluwagbemi Victor Aladeokin


In the last decade, the global peanut cultivation has seen increased demand, which is attributed to their health benefits, rising to ~ 41.4 MMT in 2019/2020. Peanut and other nutshells are considered as waste in various parts of the world and are usually used for their fuel value. However, this agricultural by-product can be converted to a higher value product such as activated carbon. For many years, due to the highly porous structure of activated carbon, it has been widely and effectively used as an adsorbent in the purification and separation of gases and liquids. Those used for commercial purposes are primarily made from a range of precursors such as wood, coconut shell, coal, bones, etc. However, due to difficulty in regeneration and high cost, various agricultural residues such as rice husk, corn stalks, apricot stones, almond shells, coffee beans, etc, have been explored to produce activated carbons. In the present study, the potential of peanut shells as precursors in the production of activated carbon and their adsorption capacity is investigated. Usually, precursors used to produce activated carbon have carbon content above 45 %. A typical raw peanut shell has 42 wt.% carbon content. To increase the yield, this study has employed chemical activation method using zinc chloride. Zinc chloride is well known for its effectiveness in increasing porosity of porous carbonaceous materials. In chemical activation, activation temperature and impregnation ratio are parameters commonly reported to be the most significant, however, this study has also studied the influence of activation time on the development of activated carbon from peanut shells. Activated carbons are applied for different purposes, however, as the application of activated carbon becomes more specific, an understanding of the influence of activation variables to have a better control of the quality of the final product becomes paramount. A traditional approach to experimentally investigate the influence of the activation parameters, involves varying each parameter at a time. However, a more efficient way to reduce the number of experimental runs is to apply design of experiment. One of the objectives of this study is to optimize the activation variables. Thus, this work has employed response surface methodology of design of experiment to study the interactions between the activation parameters and consequently optimize the activation parameters (temperature, impregnation ratio, and activation time). The optimum activation conditions found were 485 °C, 15 min and 1.7, temperature, activation time, and impregnation ratio respectively. The optimum conditions resulted in an activated carbon with relatively high surface area ca. 1700 m2/g, 47 % yield, relatively high density, low ash, and high fixed carbon content. Impregnation ratio and temperature were found to mostly influence the final characteristics of the produced activated carbon from peanut shells. The results of this study, using response surface methodology technique, have revealed the potential and the most significant parameters that influence the chemical activation process, of peanut shells to produce activated carbon which can find its use in both liquid and gas phase adsorption applications.

Keywords: chemical activation, fixed carbon, impregnation ratio, optimum, surface area

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4117 A New Model to Perform Preliminary Evaluations of Complex Systems for the Production of Energy for Buildings: Case Study

Authors: Roberto de Lieto Vollaro, Emanuele de Lieto Vollaro, Gianluca Coltrinari


The building sector is responsible, in many industrialized countries, for about 40% of the total energy requirements, so it seems necessary to devote some efforts in this area in order to achieve a significant reduction of energy consumption and of greenhouse gases emissions. The paper presents a study aiming at providing a design methodology able to identify the best configuration of the system building/plant, from a technical, economic and environmentally point of view. Normally, the classical approach involves a building's energy loads analysis under steady state conditions, and subsequent selection of measures aimed at improving the energy performance, based on previous experience made by architects and engineers in the design team. Instead, the proposed approach uses a sequence of two well known scientifically validated calculation methods (TRNSYS and RETScreen), that allow quite a detailed feasibility analysis. To assess the validity of the calculation model, an existing, historical building in Central Italy, that will be the object of restoration and preservative redevelopment, was selected as a case-study. The building is made of a basement and three floors, with a total floor area of about 3,000 square meters. The first step has been the determination of the heating and cooling energy loads of the building in a dynamic regime by means of TRNSYS, which allows to simulate the real energy needs of the building in function of its use. Traditional methodologies, based as they are on steady-state conditions, cannot faithfully reproduce the effects of varying climatic conditions and of inertial properties of the structure. With TRNSYS it is possible to obtain quite accurate and reliable results, that allow to identify effective combinations building-HVAC system. The second step has consisted of using output data obtained with TRNSYS as input to the calculation model RETScreen, which enables to compare different system configurations from the energy, environmental and financial point of view, with an analysis of investment, and operation and maintenance costs, so allowing to determine the economic benefit of possible interventions. The classical methodology often leads to the choice of conventional plant systems, while RETScreen provides a financial-economic assessment for innovative energy systems and low environmental impact. Computational analysis can help in the design phase, particularly in the case of complex structures with centralized plant systems, by comparing the data returned by the calculation model RETScreen for different design options. For example, the analysis performed on the building, taken as a case study, found that the most suitable plant solution, taking into account technical, economic and environmental aspects, is the one based on a CCHP system (Combined Cooling, Heating, and Power) using an internal combustion engine.

Keywords: energy, system, building, cooling, electrical

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4116 Heavy Metals Estimation in Coastal Areas Using Remote Sensing, Field Sampling and Classical and Robust Statistic

Authors: Elena Castillo-López, Raúl Pereda, Julio Manuel de Luis, Rubén Pérez, Felipe Piña


Sediments are an important source of accumulation of toxic contaminants within the aquatic environment. Bioassays are a powerful tool for the study of sediments in relation to their toxicity, but they can be expensive. This article presents a methodology to estimate the main physical property of intertidal sediments in coastal zones: heavy metals concentration. This study, which was developed in the Bay of Santander (Spain), applies classical and robust statistic to CASI-2 hyperspectral images to estimate heavy metals presence and ecotoxicity (TOC). Simultaneous fieldwork (radiometric and chemical sampling) allowed an appropriate atmospheric correction to CASI-2 images.

Keywords: remote sensing, intertidal sediment, airborne sensors, heavy metals, eTOCoxicity, robust statistic, estimation

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4115 Optimization Analysis of a Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger with Field Synergy Principle

Authors: M. C. Lin, C. W. Su


The paper investigates the optimization analysis to the heat exchanger design, mainly with response surface method and genetic algorithm to explore the relationship between optimal fluid flow velocity and temperature of the heat exchanger using field synergy principle. First, finite volume method is proposed to calculate the flow temperature and flow rate distribution for numerical analysis. We identify the most suitable simulation equations by response surface methodology. Furthermore, a genetic algorithm approach is applied to optimize the relationship between fluid flow velocity and flow temperature of the heat exchanger. The results show that the field synergy angle plays vital role in the performance of a true heat exchanger.

Keywords: optimization analysis, field synergy, heat exchanger, genetic algorithm

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4114 Muscle: The Tactile Texture Designed for the Blind

Authors: Chantana Insra


The research objective focuses on creating a prototype media of the tactile texture of muscles for educational institutes to help visually impaired students learn massage extra learning materials further than the ordinary curriculum. This media is designed as an extra learning material. The population in this study was 30 blinded students between 4th - 6th grades who were able to read Braille language. The research was conducted during the second semester in 2012 at The Bangkok School for the Blind. The method in choosing the population in the study was purposive sampling. The methodology of the research includes collecting data related to visually impaired people, the production of the tactile texture media, human anatomy and Thai traditional massage from literature reviews and field studies. This information was used for analyzing and designing 14 tactile texture pictures presented to experts to evaluate and test the media.

Keywords: blind, tactile texture, muscle, visual arts and design

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4113 Liver Lesion Extraction with Fuzzy Thresholding in Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound Images

Authors: Abder-Rahman Ali, Adélaïde Albouy-Kissi, Manuel Grand-Brochier, Viviane Ladan-Marcus, Christine Hoeffl, Claude Marcus, Antoine Vacavant, Jean-Yves Boire


In this paper, we present a new segmentation approach for focal liver lesions in contrast enhanced ultrasound imaging. This approach, based on a two-cluster Fuzzy C-Means methodology, considers type-II fuzzy sets to handle uncertainty due to the image modality (presence of speckle noise, low contrast, etc.), and to calculate the optimum inter-cluster threshold. Fine boundaries are detected by a local recursive merging of ambiguous pixels. The method has been tested on a representative database. Compared to both Otsu and type-I Fuzzy C-Means techniques, the proposed method significantly reduces the segmentation errors.

Keywords: defuzzification, fuzzy clustering, image segmentation, type-II fuzzy sets

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4112 Comparison between Continuous Genetic Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization for Distribution Network Reconfiguration

Authors: Linh Nguyen Tung, Anh Truong Viet, Nghien Nguyen Ba, Chuong Trinh Trong


This paper proposes a reconfiguration methodology based on a continuous genetic algorithm (CGA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) for minimizing active power loss and minimizing voltage deviation. Both algorithms are adapted using graph theory to generate feasible individuals, and the modified crossover is used for continuous variable of CGA. To demonstrate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed methods, a comparative analysis of CGA with PSO for network reconfiguration, on 33-node and 119-bus radial distribution system is presented. The simulation results have shown that both CGA and PSO can be used in the distribution network reconfiguration and CGA outperformed PSO with significant success rate in finding optimal distribution network configuration.

Keywords: distribution network reconfiguration, particle swarm optimization, continuous genetic algorithm, power loss reduction, voltage deviation

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4111 Business Intelligence for Profiling of Telecommunication Customer

Authors: Rokhmatul Insani, Hira Laksmiwati Soemitro


Business Intelligence is a methodology that exploits the data to produce information and knowledge systematically, business intelligence can support the decision-making process. Some methods in business intelligence are data warehouse and data mining. A data warehouse can store historical data from transactional data. For data modelling in data warehouse, we apply dimensional modelling by Kimball. While data mining is used to extracting patterns from the data and get insight from the data. Data mining has many techniques, one of which is segmentation. For profiling of telecommunication customer, we use customer segmentation according to customer’s usage of services, customer invoice and customer payment. Customers can be grouped according to their characteristics and can be identified the profitable customers. We apply K-Means Clustering Algorithm for segmentation. The input variable for that algorithm we use RFM (Recency, Frequency and Monetary) model. All process in data mining, we use tools IBM SPSS modeller.

Keywords: business intelligence, customer segmentation, data warehouse, data mining

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4110 Climate Change as Wicked Problems towards Sustainable Development

Authors: Amin Padash, Mehran Khodaparast, Saadat Khodaparast


Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, often referred to as “Global Warming”. The ultimate goal of this paper is to determine how climate change affects the style of life and all of our activities. The paper focuses on what the effects of humans are on climate change and how communities can achieve sustainable development and use resources in a way that is good for the ecosystem and public. We opine Climate Change is a vital issue that can be called “Wicked Problem”. This paper attempts to address this wicked problem by COMPRAM Methodology as one of the possible solutions.

Keywords: climate change, COMPRAM, human influences, sustainable development, wicked problems

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4109 Mapping of Potential Areas for Groundwater Storage in the Sais Plateau and Its Middle Atlas Borders, Morocco

Authors: Abdelghani Qadem, Zohair Qadem, Mohamed Lasri


At the level of the Moroccan Sais Plateau, groundwater constitutes strategic natural resources for agricultural, industrial, and domestic use. Today, due to climate change and population growth, the pressure on groundwater has increased considerably. This contribution aims to delineate and map potential areas for groundwater storage in the area in question using GIS and remote sensing. The methodology adopted is based on the identification of the thematic layers used to assess the potential recharge of the aquifer. The mapping of potential areas for groundwater storage is developed through the method of modeling and weighted overlay using the spatial analysis tool on the Geographic Information System. The results obtained can be used for the planning of future artificial recharge projects in the study area in order to ensure the good sustainable use of this underground gift.

Keywords: Morocco, climate change, groundwater, mapping, recharge

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4108 Design and Māori Values: A Rebrand Project for the Social Enterprise Sector

Authors: M. Kiarna, S. Junjira, S. Casey, M. Nolwazi, M. S. Marcos, A. T. Tatiana, L. Cassandra


This paper details a rebrand design project developed for a non-profitable organization called Te Roopu Waiora (TRW), which is currently located in Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand. This social enterprise is dedicated to supporting the Māori community living with sensorial, physical and intellectual disabilities (whānau hauā). As part of a year three bachelor design brief, the rebrand project enabled students to reflect on Kaupapa Māori principles and appropriately address the values of the organisation. As such, the methodology used a pragmatic paradigm approach and mixed methods design practices involving a human-centred design to problem solving. As result, the student project culminated in the development in a range of cohesive design artefacts, aiming to improve the rentability and perception of the brand with the audience and stakeholders.

Keywords: design in Aotearoa New Zealand, Kaupapa Māori, branding, design education, human-centered design

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4107 System-Driven Design Process for Integrated Multifunctional Movable Concepts

Authors: Oliver Bertram, Leonel Akoto Chama


In today's civil transport aircraft, the design of flight control systems is based on the experience gained from previous aircraft configurations with a clear distinction between primary and secondary flight control functions for controlling the aircraft altitude and trajectory. Significant system improvements are now seen particularly in multifunctional moveable concepts where the flight control functions are no longer considered separate but integral. This allows new functions to be implemented in order to improve the overall aircraft performance. However, the classical design process of flight controls is sequential and insufficiently interdisciplinary. In particular, the systems discipline is involved only rudimentarily in the early phase. In many cases, the task of systems design is limited to meeting the requirements of the upstream disciplines, which may lead to integration problems later. For this reason, approaching design with an incremental development is required to reduce the risk of a complete redesign. Although the potential and the path to multifunctional moveable concepts are shown, the complete re-engineering of aircraft concepts with less classic moveable concepts is associated with a considerable risk for the design due to the lack of design methods. This represents an obstacle to major leaps in technology. This gap in state of the art is even further increased if, in the future, unconventional aircraft configurations shall be considered, where no reference data or architectures are available. This means that the use of the above-mentioned experience-based approach used for conventional configurations is limited and not applicable to the next generation of aircraft. In particular, there is a need for methods and tools for a rapid trade-off between new multifunctional flight control systems architectures. To close this gap in the state of the art, an integrated system-driven design process for multifunctional flight control systems of non-classical aircraft configurations will be presented. The overall goal of the design process is to find optimal solutions for single or combined target criteria in a fast process from the very large solution space for the flight control system. In contrast to the state of the art, all disciplines are involved for a holistic design in an integrated rather than a sequential process. To emphasize the systems discipline, this paper focuses on the methodology for designing moveable actuation systems in the context of this integrated design process of multifunctional moveables. The methodology includes different approaches for creating system architectures, component design methods as well as the necessary process outputs to evaluate the systems. An application example of a reference configuration is used to demonstrate the process and validate the results. For this, new unconventional hydraulic and electrical flight control system architectures are calculated which result from the higher requirements for multifunctional moveable concept. In addition to typical key performance indicators such as mass and required power requirements, the results regarding the feasibility and wing integration aspects of the system components are examined and discussed here. This is intended to show how the systems design can influence and drive the wing and overall aircraft design.

Keywords: actuation systems, flight control surfaces, multi-functional movables, wing design process

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4106 A Model for Revenue Leakage Prevention Kabul Municipality Lesson Learned from Jakarta and Mitaka City

Authors: Saifurahman Fayiz


E-government has become a widespread focus of government efforts in various countries around the world. Many governments around the world have been adopted and introduced e-government systems. This research examines the implementation of the Information& communication technology (ICTS) Model in the Kabul Municipality. The objective of this research is to propose an ICT model in the Kabul Municipality to prevent revenue leakage. The research methodology consists qualitative research method based on a comparative case study. The research findings propose that implementing ICT prevent revenue leakage, increases transparency and paves the way for better services. The key conclusion of this research is that the practice of advanced technology in revenue collection paves the way for transparency and provides services in a decent way. The usage of experiences from other Municipalities, especially Jakarta province and Mitaka Municipality Helps KM to improve revenue and provide better services to the citizens

Keywords: E-government, ICT, municipality, revenue

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4105 Particle Observation in Secondary School Using a Student-Built Instrument: Design-Based Research on a STEM Sequence about Particle Physics

Authors: J.Pozuelo-Muñoz, E. Cascarosa-Salillas, C. Rodríguez-Casals, A. de Echave, E. Terrado-Sieso


This study focuses on the development, implementation, and evaluation of an instructional sequence aimed at 16–17-year-old students, involving the design and use of a cloud chamber—a device that allows observation of subatomic particles. The research addresses the limited presence of particle physics in Spanish secondary and high school curricula, a gap that restricts students' learning of advanced physics concepts and diminishes engagement with complex scientific topics. The primary goal of this project is to introduce particle physics in the classroom through a practical, interdisciplinary methodology that promotes autonomous learning and critical thinking. The methodology is framed within Design-Based Research (DBR), an approach that enables iterative and pragmatic development of educational resources. The research proceeded in several phases, beginning with the design of an experimental teaching sequence, followed by its implementation in high school classrooms. This sequence was evaluated, redesigned, and reimplemented with the aim of enhancing students’ understanding and skills related to designing and using particle detection instruments. The instructional sequence was divided into four stages: introduction to the activity, research and design of cloud chamber prototypes, observation of particle tracks, and analysis of collected data. In the initial stage, students were introduced to the fundamentals of the activity and provided with bibliographic resources to conduct autonomous research on cloud chamber functioning principles. During the design stage, students sourced materials and constructed their own prototypes, stimulating creativity and understanding of physics concepts like thermodynamics and material properties. The third stage focused on observing subatomic particles, where students recorded and analyzed the tracks generated in their chambers. Finally, critical reflection was encouraged regarding the instrument's operation and the nature of the particles observed. The results show that designing the cloud chamber motivates students and actively engages them in the learning process. Additionally, the use of this device introduces advanced scientific topics beyond particle physics, promoting a broader understanding of science. The study’s conclusions emphasize the need to provide students with ample time and space to thoroughly understand the role of materials and physical conditions in the functioning of their prototypes and to encourage critical analysis of the obtained data. This project not only highlights the importance of interdisciplinarity in science education but also provides a practical framework for teachers to adapt complex concepts for educational contexts where these topics are often absent.

Keywords: cloud chamber, particle physics, secondary education, instructional design, design-based research, STEM

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4104 Life Cycle Assessment in Road Pavements: A Literature Review and the Potential Use in Brazil

Authors: B. V. Santos, M. T. M. Carvalho, J. H. S. Rêgo


The article presents a literature review on recent advances related to studies of the environmental impact of road pavements, with reference to the concepts of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). An introduction with the main motivations for the development of the research is presented, with a current overview of the Brazilian transport infrastructure and the projections for the road mode for the coming years, and the possibility of using the referred methodology by the road sector in Brazil. The article explores the origin of LCA in road pavements and the details linked to its implementation from the perspective of the four main phases of the study (goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation). Finally, the main advances and deficiencies observed in the selected studies are gathered, with the proposition of research fields that can be explored in future national or international studies of LCA of road pavements.

Keywords: Brazil, life cycle assessment, road pavements, sustainable

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4103 Validation of Mapping Historical Linked Data to International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) Conceptual Reference Model Using Shapes Constraint Language

Authors: Ghazal Faraj, András Micsik


Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL), a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) language, provides well-defined shapes and RDF graphs, named "shape graphs". These shape graphs validate other resource description framework (RDF) graphs which are called "data graphs". The structural features of SHACL permit generating a variety of conditions to evaluate string matching patterns, value type, and other constraints. Moreover, the framework of SHACL supports high-level validation by expressing more complex conditions in languages such as SPARQL protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL). SHACL includes two parts: SHACL Core and SHACL-SPARQL. SHACL Core includes all shapes that cover the most frequent constraint components. While SHACL-SPARQL is an extension that allows SHACL to express more complex customized constraints. Validating the efficacy of dataset mapping is an essential component of reconciled data mechanisms, as the enhancement of different datasets linking is a sustainable process. The conventional validation methods are the semantic reasoner and SPARQL queries. The former checks formalization errors and data type inconsistency, while the latter validates the data contradiction. After executing SPARQL queries, the retrieved information needs to be checked manually by an expert. However, this methodology is time-consuming and inaccurate as it does not test the mapping model comprehensively. Therefore, there is a serious need to expose a new methodology that covers the entire validation aspects for linking and mapping diverse datasets. Our goal is to conduct a new approach to achieve optimal validation outcomes. The first step towards this goal is implementing SHACL to validate the mapping between the International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) conceptual reference model (CRM) and one of its ontologies. To initiate this project successfully, a thorough understanding of both source and target ontologies was required. Subsequently, the proper environment to run SHACL and its shape graphs were determined. As a case study, we performed SHACL over a CIDOC-CRM dataset after running a Pellet reasoner via the Protégé program. The applied validation falls under multiple categories: a) data type validation which constrains whether the source data is mapped to the correct data type. For instance, checking whether a birthdate is assigned to xsd:datetime and linked to Person entity via crm:P82a_begin_of_the_begin property. b) Data integrity validation which detects inconsistent data. For instance, inspecting whether a person's birthdate occurred before any of the linked event creation dates. The expected results of our work are: 1) highlighting validation techniques and categories, 2) selecting the most suitable techniques for those various categories of validation tasks. The next plan is to establish a comprehensive validation model and generate SHACL shapes automatically.

Keywords: SHACL, CIDOC-CRM, SPARQL, validation of ontology mapping

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