Search results for: web-based intervention
1252 Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs of Palestine Refugees in Lebanon and Syria
Authors: Cosette Maiky
Background: In the context of the Syrian crisis, the past few years have witnessed an exponential growth in the number of refugee mental health studies, which have essentially focused either on the affected Syrian population and/or host communities. However, the Palestinian communities in the region did not receive sufficient that much of attention. Aim: The study aimed at identifying trends and patterns of mental health and and psychosocial conditions among Palestinian refugees in the context of the Syrian crisis, including the recognition of gaps in appropriate services. Methods: The research model comprised a systematic documentary review, a mapping of available contextual analyses, a quantitative survey, focus group discussions as well as key informant interviews (with relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries). Findings: Content analysis revealed multiple effects of transgenerational transmission of trauma among Palestinian refugees in the context of the Syrian crisis, which showed to be neither linear nor one-dimensional occurrence. In addition to highlights on exposure to traumatic events and psychological sequelae, the review outlines the most prevailing coping mechanisms and essential protective factors. Conclusion: Away from a trauma-centered or symptom-focused exercise, practitioners may take account of the present study to better focus research and intervention methodologies.Keywords: Palestine refugees, Syria crisis, psychosocial, mental health
Procedia PDF Downloads 3521251 The Effect of Reverse Trendelenburg Position on the Back Pain after Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions
Authors: Pramote Thangkratok
The aims of this experimental study were to investigate the effect of Reverse Trendelenburg Position on the Back Pain after Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions. In addition, to compare bleeding and hematoma occurrences at the Access site between experimental and control groups. The randomized controlled trial (RCT) was conducted in 70 patients who underwent Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions via the femoral artery and received post procedural care at the intermediate cardiac care unit, Bangkok Heart Hospital. From December 2015 to February 2016. The control group (35 patients) was to get standard care after the intervention, whereas the experimental group (35 patients) was Reverse Trendelenburg Position 30-45 degrees. The groups were not significantly different in terms of demographic characteristics, Age, Gender, BMI, blood pressure, heart rate. While not significantly different from each other, the intensity of back pain control group had a significantly higher pain score than experimental group. Vascular complications in terms of bleeding and hematoma were not significantly different between the control and experimental groups. The findings show that Reverse Trendelenburg Position after Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions would reduce or prevent the back pain without increasing the chance of bleeding and hematoma.Keywords: reverse trendelenburg position, back pain, cardiovascular angiography, cardiovascular interventions
Procedia PDF Downloads 2911250 The Students' Mathematical Competency and Attitude towards Mathematics Using the Trachtenberg Speed Math System
Authors: Marlone D. Severo
A pre- and post-test quasi-experimental design was used to test the intervention of Trachtenberg Speed Math on the mathematical competency of sixty (60) matched-paired students with a poor performing grade in Mathematics from one of the biggest public national high school at the South of Metro Manila. Both control and experimental group were administered with the Attitude Towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) before the pretest were given and both group showed high dislike for Mathematics. Pretest showed a 53 percent accuracy for the control group and 51 percent for the experimental group using a 15-item long multiplication test without any aid of a computing device. The experimental group were taught how to use the Trachtenberg number-keys and techniques in multiplication between October 2014 to March 2015. Post-test showed an improvement in the experimental group with 96 percent accuracy for the control group and a dismal 57 percent for the control group in long-multiplication. Post-test ATMI were administered. The control group showed a great dislike towards Mathematics, while the experimental group showed a positive attitude towards the subject.Keywords: attitude towards mathematics, mathematical competency, number-keys, trachtenberg speed math
Procedia PDF Downloads 3691249 Simplifying Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and Its Operationalisation for Turnaround Activities
Authors: Thirumila Muthukamaru
The objective of a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) is to achieve a quality evaluation of risk assessments in a timely manner where adequate controls can be in place to protect workers health, especially during turnarounds where the exposure to health hazards is expected to rise during the performance of the many activities that take place, exposing workers to health risk. HRA development requires a competent team comprising experienced subject matter experts in the field, such as Industrial hygienists, Occupational Health Doctors, Turnaround Coordinators, Operation / Maintenance personnel, etc. The conventional way of conducting HRA is not only tedious and time-consuming but also less appreciated when it is not interpreted correctly, which may contribute to inadequate operationalization of it. Simplification can be the essence of timely intervention in managing health risks. This paper is intended as a sharing of the approach taken to simplify the methodology of developing the HRA report and operationalizing it. The approach includes developing a Generic HRA for turnaround activities to be used as a reference document and the empowerment of identified personnel through upskilling sessions to take up the role of facilitating HRA sessions. This empowerment is one of the key approaches towards the successful translation of the HRA into specific turnaround Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) that embed it in the Permit to Work (PTW) process. The approach used here increases awareness and compliance on HRA for turnaround activities through better interpretation and operationalization of the HRA report, adding value to the risk assessment for turnaround activities.Keywords: industrial hygiene, health risk assessment, HRA, risk assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 521248 The Effects of the Parent Training Program for Obesity Reduction on Health Behaviors of School-Age Children
Authors: Muntanavadee Maytapattana
The purposes of the study were to evaluate the effectiveness of the Parent Training Program for Obesity Reduction (PTPOR) on health behaviors of school-age children. An Ecological Systems Theory (EST) was approached the study and a randomized control trial was used in this study. Participants were school-age overweight or obese children and their parents. One hundred and one parent-child dyads were recruited and random assigned into the PTPOR (N=30), Educational Intervention or EI (N=32), and control group (N=39). The parents in the PTPOR group participated in five sessions including an educational session, a cooking session, aerobic exercise training, 2-time group discussion sessions, and 4-time telephoned counseling sessions. Repeated Measure ANCOVA was used to analyze data. The results presented that the outcomes of the PTPOR group were better than the EI and the control groups at 1st, 8th, and 32nd weeks after finishing the program such as child exercise behavior (F(2,97) = 3.98, p = .02) and child dietary behavior (F(2,97) = 9.42, p = .00). The results suggest that nurses and health care providers should utilize the PTPOR for child weight reduction and for the health promotion of a lifestyle among overweight and obese children.Keywords: parent training program, obesity reduction, child health behaviors, school-age children
Procedia PDF Downloads 4441247 Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Object Segmentation in Sequential Images
Authors: Tian Zhang
Unsupervised object segmentation aims at segmenting objects in sequential images and obtaining the mask of each object without any manual intervention. Unsupervised segmentation remains a challenging task due to the lack of prior knowledge about these objects. Previous methods often require manually specifying the action of each object, which is often difficult to obtain. Instead, this paper does not need action information of objects and automatically learns the actions and relations among objects from the structured environment. To obtain the object segmentation of sequential images, the relationships between objects and images are extracted to infer the action and interaction of objects based on the multi-head attention mechanism. Three types of objects’ relationships in the object segmentation task are proposed: the relationship between objects in the same frame, the relationship between objects in two frames, and the relationship between objects and historical information. Based on these relationships, the proposed model (1) is effective in multiple objects segmentation tasks, (2) just needs images as input, and (3) produces better segmentation results as more relationships are considered. The experimental results on multiple datasets show that this paper’s method achieves state-of-art performance. The quantitative and qualitative analyses of the result are conducted. The proposed method could be easily extended to other similar applications.Keywords: unsupervised object segmentation, attention mechanism, contrastive learning, structured environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 1111246 Possibilities and Challenges of Using Machine Translation in Foreign Language Education
Authors: Miho Yamashita
In recent years, there have been attempts to introduce Machine Translation (MT) into foreign language teaching, especially in writing instructions. This is because the performance of neural machine translation has improved dramatically since 2016, and some university instructors started to introduce MT translations to their students as a "good model" to learn from. However, MT is still not perfect, and there are many incorrect translations. In order to translate the intended text into a foreign language, it is necessary to edit the original manuscript written in the native language (pre-edit) and revise the translated foreign language text (post-edit). The latter is considered especially difficult for users without a high proficiency level of foreign language. Therefore, the author allowed her students to use MT in her writing class in one of the private universities in Japan and investigated 1) how groups of students with different English proficiency levels revised MT translations when translating Japanese manuscripts into English and 2) whether the post-edit process differed when the students revised alone or in pairs. The results showed that in 1), certain non-post-edited grammatical errors were found regardless of their proficiency levels, indicating the need for teacher intervention, and in 2), more appropriate corrections were found in pairs, and their frequent use of a dictionary was also observed. In this presentation, the author will discuss how MT writing instruction can be integrated effectively in an aim to achieve multimodal foreign language education.Keywords: machine translation, writing instruction, pre-edit, post-edit
Procedia PDF Downloads 641245 Developing E-Psychological Instrument for an Effective Flood Victims' Mental Health Management
Authors: A. Nazilah
Floods are classified among sudden onset phenomenon and the highest natural disasters happen in Malaysia. Floods have a negative impact on mental health. Measuring the psychopathology symptoms among flood victims is an important step for intervention and treatment. However, there is a gap of a valid, reliable and an efficient instrument to measure flood victims' mental health, especially in Malaysia. This study aims to replicate the earlier studies of developing e-Psychological Instrument for Flood Victims (e-PIFV). The e-PIFV is a digital self-report inventory that has 84 items with 4 dimension scales namely stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma. Two replicated studies have been done to validate the instrument using expert judgment method. Results showed that content coefficient validity for each sub-scale of the instrument ranging from moderate to very strong validity. In study I, coefficient values of stress was 0.7, anxiety was 0.9, depression was 1.0, trauma was 0.6 and overall was 0.8. In study II, the coefficient values for two subscales and overall scale were increased. The coefficient value of stress was 0.8, anxiety was 0.9, depression was 1.0, trauma was 0.8 and overall was 0.9. This study supports the theoretical framework and provides practical implication in the field of clinical psychology and flood management.Keywords: developing e-psychological instrument, content validity, instrument, mental health management, flood victims, psychopathology, validity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1281244 Political News Coverage in Philippine Tabloid Sheets: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Authors: Michael Steve Lopez Bernabe
Political news coverage of tabloid sheets as one of the print media molds or influences public opinions and perceptions. In this study, Critical Discourse Analysis was employed to 30 political news taken from major tabloid sheets in the Philippines in order to determine the linguistics features and other features characterizing the political news in tabloids such as discursive styles, news topics or contexts, journalistic roles and news sources. The political underpinnings through framing were also explored in the study. The results revealed that the linguistics features of the news coverage include moods and modalities (morphology), passivity and transitivity, nominalization, appositives and embedding (syntax), and pre-modifications, the use of verbs and omissions (grammatical features). The discursive features were direct or indirect speech; cohesion; endophora and classifications. In terms of news sources were politicians, experts, and journalists; and the tabloid perform the journalistic roles such as an intervention, watchdog, loyal-facilitator, service, infotainment and civic. The news was also evident of different political underpinnings such as game or strategic framing, conflict framing, human interest framing, attrition of responsibility framing, morality framing, economic consequences framing and issue framing.Keywords: critical discourse analysis, political news, applied linguistics, Philippines, tabloid sheets
Procedia PDF Downloads 471243 Evaluating and Improving the Management of Tonsilitis in an a+E Department
Authors: Nicolas Koslover, Tamara Levene
Aims: Tonsilitis is one of the most common presentations to the A+E department. We aimed to assess whether patients presenting with tonsilitis are being managed in-line with current guidance. We then set out to educate A+E staff about tonsilitis management and then assessed for improvement in management. Methods: All patients presenting to A+E in one fortnight with a documented diagnosis of tonsilitis were included. We reviewed the notes to assess the choice of treatment in each case and whether a clinical score (CENTOR or FEVERPain score) was used to guide choice of treatment (in accordance with NICE guideline [NG84]). We designed and delivered an educational intervention for A+E staff covering tonsilitis guidelines. The audit was repeated two weeks later. Results: Over the study period, 49 patients were included; only 35% (n=17) had either a clinical score documented or had all components of a score recorded. In total, 39% (n=19) were treated with antibiotics. Of these, 63% (n=12) should not have been prescribed an antibiotic and 37% (n=7) were prescribed an inappropriate antibiotic. At re-audit, (n=50 cases), 58% (n=29) had a clinical score documented and 28% (n=14) were treated with antibiotics. Of these, 29% (n=4) should not have been prescribed antibiotics and 21% (n=3) were prescribed an inappropriate antibiotic. Thus, after this teaching session, there was a significant improvement in antibiotic prescribing practices (63% vs. 29%, p=0.026). Conclusions: A+E assessment and management of tonsilitis frequently deviated from guidelines, but a single teaching session vastly improved clinical scoring and antibiotic prescribing practices.Keywords: tonsilitis, education, emergency medicine, ENT
Procedia PDF Downloads 1671242 Effectiveness of Laughter Yoga in Reducing Anxiety among Pre-Operative Patients for Scheduled Major Surgery
Authors: Denise Allison D. Garcia, Camille C. Garcia, Keanu Raphael Garrido, Crestita B. Tan
Introduction: Anxiety is a common problem among pre-operative patients. Several methods or interventions are being applied in order to relieve anxiety. Laughter yoga, however, is a method that has been used to relieve anxiety but has not yet been tested to pre-operative patients. Therefore, this study determined the effectiveness of laughter yoga in reducing anxiety among pre-operative middle-aged patients scheduled for major surgery. Methods: After Ethics Review Board approval, a quasi-experimental study was conducted among 40 purposely-selected pre-operative patients in two tertiary hospitals. Anxiety level was measured prior to administration of laughter yoga using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory with a Cronbach alpha of 0.83. After Laughter yoga, anxiety level was then measured again. Gathered data were analyzed in SPSS version 20 using paired and independent t-test and ANCOVA. Results: After analysis of the data gathered, the results showed that there was a significant decrease in the anxiety level of patients in the experimental group. From an anxiety level of 44.00, the rating went down to 36.85. Meanwhile in the control group, the anxiety level at the pretest at 41.25 went up to 42.50. Laughter yoga was an effective non-pharmacologic intervention for reducing anxiety of pre-operative patients. Conclusion: It is therefore concluded that laughter yoga causes a significant decrease in the anxiety level of patients.Keywords: anxiety, laughter yoga, non-pharmacologic, pre-operative
Procedia PDF Downloads 4431241 Bystanders' Behavior during Emergencies
Authors: Alan (Avi) Kirschenbaum, Carmit Rapaport
The behavior of bystanders in emergencies and disasters have been examined for over 50 years. Such acts have been cited as contributing to saving lives in terms of providing first responder help until official emergency units can arrive. Several reasons have been suggested for this type of behavior but most focused on a broad segment of individual psychological decision-making processes. Recent theoretical evidence suggests that the external factors for such bystander decisions, mainly disaster community based social contexts factors, are also important. We aim to test these competing arguments. Specifically, we examine alternative explanatory perspectives by focusing on self-efficacy as a proxy for the accepted individual psychological case and contrast it with potential bystander characteristics of the individual as well factors as embedded in the social context of the disaster community. To do so, we will utilize a random sampling of the population from a field study of an urban community in Israel that experienced five years of continuous terror attacks. The results strongly suggest that self-efficacy, as well as external factors: preparedness and having skills for intervention during emergencies along with gender best, predict potential helping behaviors. These results broaden our view of bystander behavior and open a window for enhancing this phenomenon as another element in disaster and crisis management.Keywords: bystander behavior, disasters emergencies, psychological motivation to help, social context for helping
Procedia PDF Downloads 1231240 Assessing the Adaptive Re-Use Potential of Buildings as Part of the Disaster Management Process
Authors: A. Esra İdemen, Sinan M. Şener, Emrah Acar
The technological paradigm of the disaster management field, especially in the case of governmental intervention strategies, is generally based on rapid and flexible accommodation solutions. From various technical solution patterns used to address the immediate housing needs of disaster victims, the adaptive re-use of existing buildings can be considered to be both low-cost and practical. However, there is a scarcity of analytical methods to screen, select and adapt buildings to help decision makers in cases of emergency. Following an extensive literature review, this paper aims to highlight key points and problem areas associated with the adaptive re-use of buildings within the disaster management context. In other disciplines such as real estate management, the adaptive re-use potential (ARP) of existing buildings is typically based on the prioritization of a set of technical and non-technical criteria which are then weighted to arrive at an economically viable investment decision. After a disaster, however, the assessment of the ARP of buildings requires consideration of different/additional layers of analysis which stem from general disaster management principles and the peculiarities of different types of disasters, as well as of their victims. In this paper, a discussion of the development of an adaptive re-use potential (ARP) assessment model is presented. It is thought that governmental and non-governmental decision makers who are required to take quick decisions to accommodate displaced masses following disasters are likely to benefit from the implementation of such a model.Keywords: adaptive re-use of buildings, disaster management, temporary housing, assessment model
Procedia PDF Downloads 3321239 Time for the United Kingdom to Implement Statutory Clawback Provision on Directors’ Remunerations: Lessons and Experiences from the United States and the Netherlands
Authors: John Kong Shan Ho
Senior executives’ remunerations of public companies have aroused much debate and attention in the media. In the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), excessive executive pay arrangements were blamed for contributing to excessive risk-taking, which caused the financial meltdown. Since then, regulators and lawmakers around the world have introduced regulations to strengthen the corporate governance of listed companies. A key aspect of such reform is by strengthening regulatory intervention over executives’ remunerations and increasing the transparency of such information. This article is written against such background and examines the recent proposal by the UK BEIS to ask the FRC to amend the UK Corporate Governance Code (UKCGC) to strengthen clawback provisions for directors’ remuneration in listed companies as part of its audit reform. The article examines the background and debates regarding the possible implementation of such a measure in the UK. Contrary to the BEIS’ proposal, it argues that implementing it through the UKCGC is unlikely to enhance overall corporate governance and audit quality. It argues that the UK should follow the footsteps of its US and Dutch counterparts by enacting legislation to claw back directors’ remunerations. It will also provide some recommendations as to the key factors that need to be considered in drafting such a statutory provision.Keywords: company law, corporate governance, agency problem, directors' remunerations, clawbacks
Procedia PDF Downloads 1381238 Vietnamese Indigenous Healing’s Implication for Vietnamese Women Counseling in Korea
Authors: Youngsub Oh, Youngsoon Kim
As the second largest group among international marriages in Korea, Vietnamese married immigrant women have been exposed to psychological crisis like divorce and family violence. The purpose of this study is to understand how to counsel those women from the perspective of indigenous healing as their own psychological problem-solving way. To this end, this study reviewed Vietnamese cultural literatures on their mentality as well as Vietnamese medical literatures on indigenous healing. The research results are as follows: First, cultural foundations that have formed Vietnamese mentality are Confucian value system, reserved communication, and religious pluralism. These cultural backgrounds play an important role in understanding their own therapeutic tradition. Second, Vietnamese indigenous healing considers cause of mental disease as a collapse of balance between mind and body and environment. Thus, indigenous treatment deals with psychological problems through a recovery of the balance from the holistic perspective. In fact, indigenous healing has been actively practiced in everyday place as well as hospital until today. The implications of Vietnamese indigenous healing for multicultural counseling in Korea are as follows: First, Korean counselors need to interactively understand their own assumptions on indigenous healing as well as counselees’ own assumptions. Second, a variety of psychological intervention strategies can be drawn from Vietnamese indigenous healing. Third, indigenous healing needs to be integrated with modern techniques of counseling and psychotherapy, as both treatments are not mutually exclusive but complementary.Keywords: indigenous healing, Korea, multicultural counseling, Vietnamese married immigrant women
Procedia PDF Downloads 2931237 Validating the Arabic Communicative Development Inventory for Assessing the Development of Language in Arabic-Speaking Children
Authors: Alshaimaa Abdelwahab, Allegra Cattani, Caroline Floccia
Assessing children’s language is fundamental for changing their developmental outcome as it gives a chance for a quick and early intervention with the suitable planning and monitoring program. The importance of language assessment lies in helping to find the right test fit for purpose, in addition to achievement and proficiency. This study examines the validity of a new Arabic assessment tool, the Arabic Communicative Development Inventory ‘Arabic CDI’. It assesses the development of language in Arabic children in different Arabic countries, allowing to detect children with language delay. A concurrent validity is set to compare the Arabic CDI to the Arabic Language test. Twenty-three typically developing Egyptian healthy children and their mothers participated in this study. Their age is 24 months (+ or -) two weeks. The sample included 13 males and 10 females. Mothers completed the Arabic CDI either before or after the Arabic Language Test was conducted with the child. The score for comprehension in the Arabic CDI (M= 52.7, SD= 9.7) and words understood in the Arabic Language Test (M= 59.6, SD= 12.5) were strongly and positively correlated (r= .62, p= .002). At the same time, the scores for production in the Arabic CDI (M= 38.4, SD= 14.8) and words expressed in the Arabic Language Test (M= 52.1, SD= 16.3) were also strongly and positively correlated (r= .82, p= .000). The new Arabic CDI is an adequate tool for assessing the development of comprehension and production at Arabic children. In addition, it could be used for detecting children with language impairment. Standardization of the Arabic CDI across 18 different Arabic dialects in children aged 8 to 30 months is underway.Keywords: Arabic CDI, assessing children, language development, language impairment
Procedia PDF Downloads 4741236 Sectoral Linkages and Key Sectors of the Georgian Economy
Authors: Vano Benidze, Ioseb Berikashvili
Since 2003, Georgia has implemented many successful reforms, however, economic growth, poverty alleviation and unemployment reduction are still major challenges facing country’s economy. This is due to the fact that most reforms during the past 2 decades were mainly geared toward improving the institutional environment, while economy’s sectoral composition and industrial policy were largely ignored. Each individual sector plays its own specific role in the functioning of the whole economy that cannot be accomplished by any other sector. However, given the unavoidable reality that one sector uses intermediate inputs from other industries to produce its output and sells part of its output to other sectors, the importance of sectors should consider these sectoral interdependencies as well. Simply put, not all industries are equally useful for economic growth and development. In this context, the aim of this paper is to identify the key economic sectors of the Georgian economy. Leontief input-output analysis has been used in deriving backward and forwards linkages for all sectors in the Georgian economy for 2020 and 2021. Sectors with both high backward and forward linkages have been identified as key sectors of the economy. The results obtained are beneficial for the success of the economic and industrial policy of Georgia. If targeted properly by thoughtful policy intervention, key sectors identified in this paper will have a high potential of spreading growth impulses throughout the economy and will possibly generate higher economic growth.Keywords: structural change, key sectors, development strategies, input-output analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 821235 Using Diagnostic Assessment as a Learning and Teaching Approach to Identify Learning Gaps at a Polytechnic
Authors: Vijayan Narayananayar
Identifying learning gaps is crucial in ensuring learners have the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed. The Learning and Teaching (L&T) approach requires tutors to identify gaps in knowledge and improvise learning activities to close them. One approach to identifying learning gaps is through diagnostic assessment, which uses well-structured questions and answer options. The paper focuses on the use of diagnostic assessment as a learning and teaching approach in a foundational module at a polytechnic. The study used diagnostic assessment over two semesters, including the COVID and post-COVID semesters, to identify gaps in learning. The design of the diagnostic activity, pedagogical intervention, and survey responses completed by learners were analyzed. Results showed that diagnostic assessment can be an effective tool for identifying learning gaps and designing interventions to address them. Additionally, the use of diagnostic assessment provides an opportunity for tutors to engage with learners on a one-to-one basis, tailoring teaching to individual needs. The paper also discusses the design of diagnostic questions and answer options, including characteristics that need to be considered in achieving the target of identifying learning gaps. The implications of using diagnostic assessment as a learning and teaching approach include bridging the gap between theory and practice, and ensuring learners are equipped with skills necessary for their future careers. This paper can be useful in helping educators and practitioners to incorporate diagnostic assessment into their L&T approach.Keywords: assessment, learning & teaching, diagnostic assessment, analytics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1141234 The Community Project in a Public Urban Space
Authors: Vendula Safarova
The author describes the architectural and social research through the project, Interventions Ostrava City 2013 (the idea came from Vallo + Sadovský architects), in which she participated as an organizer and as an architect. The project invited the public to actively participate, logging their "hits" or proposals (58), and resulted in three exhibitions in Ostrava, a catalog of the exhibition called Urban interventions Ostrava 2013 (published in 2014) and the implementation of two interventions (2014), with a third intervention still in preparation. The article dealt with the public's views and reactions of local authorities. The project also engaged Ostrava City council, who began to talk about the future of the city of Ostrava, taking part in public debates (organized by Fiducia), invited new associations, civil society - city for people (workers from Cooltour), as well as more established clubs such as the Beautification Committee for beautiful Ostrava (newsletter published since 2008). Currently, the City Interventions project has taken place in more than 10 cities, including Slovakia, where it originated, and in Bratislava in 2009. The aim of this article is to inform the public about the so-called Activism in architecture, which manifests itself in the form of community projects that are organized by volunteers (sometimes financially supported by local authorities). It is a unique way to survey public relations and representatives of state and local government for a public urban area.Keywords: architecture, community project, public urban space, society and planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2781233 Recent Developments in Coping Strategies Focusing on Music Performance Anxiety: A Systematic Review
Authors: Parham Bakhtiari
Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a prevalent concern among musicians, manifesting through cognitive, physiological, and behavioral symptoms that can severely impact performance quality and overall well-being. This systematic review synthesizes research on coping strategies employed by musicians to manage MPA from 2016 to 2023, identifying a range of psychological and physical interventions, including acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and yoga. Findings reveal that these interventions significantly reduce anxiety and enhance psychological resilience, with ACT showing notable improvements in psychological flexibility. Physical approaches also proved effective in mitigating physiological symptoms associated with MPA. However, challenges such as small sample sizes and methodological limitations hinder the generalizability of results. The review underscores the necessity for multi-faceted intervention strategies tailored to the unique needs of different musicians and emphasizes the importance of future research employing larger, randomized controlled designs to further validate these findings. Overall, this review serves as a comprehensive resource for musicians seeking effective coping strategies for managing performance anxiety, highlighting the critical interplay between mental and physical approaches in promoting optimal performance outcomes.Keywords: anxiety, performance, coping, music, strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 281232 A Multidimensional Exploration of Narcissistic Personality Disorder Through Psycholinguistic Analysis and Neuroscientific Correlates
Authors: Dalia Elleuch
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) manifests as a personality disorder marked by inflated self-importance, heightened sensitivity to criticism, a lack of empathy, a preoccupation with appearance over substance, and features such as arrogance, grandiosity, a constant need for admiration, a tendency to exploit others, and an inclination towards demanding special treatment due to a sense of excessive entitlement (APA, 2013). This interdisciplinary study delves into NPD through the systematic synthesis of psycholinguistic analysis and neuroscientific correlates. The cognitive and emotional dimensions of NPD reveal linguistic patterns, including grandiosity, entitlement, and manipulative communication. Neuroscientific investigations reveal structural brain differences and alterations in functional connectivity, further explaining the neural underpinnings of social cognition deficits observed in individuals with NPD. Genetic predispositions and neurotransmitter imbalances add a layer of complexity to the understanding of NPD. The necessity for linguistic intervention in diagnosing and treating Narcissistic Personality Disorder is underscored by an interdisciplinary study that intricately synthesizes psycholinguistic analysis and neuroscientific correlates, offering a comprehensive understanding of NPD’s cognitive, emotional, and neural dimensions and paving the way for future practical, theoretical, and pedagogical approaches to address the complexities of this personality disorder.Keywords: Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), psycholinguistic analysis, neuroscientific correlates, interpersonal dysfunction, cognitive empathy
Procedia PDF Downloads 651231 Laparoscopic Management of Small Bowel Obstruction: An Unusual Case of Mechanical Obstruction Due to Appendiceal Adhesions
Authors: Veera J. Allu, Shreya Pal, Anang Pangeni
Introduction: Adhesive small bowel obstruction (ASBO) is usually managed conservatively. Failed conservative management leads to operative intervention by an open approach. However, laparoscopic management of ASBO is increasingly being reported in the literature. We report an unusual case of ASBO secondary to a band from the appendicular tip which was managed laparoscopically. Case Description: This patient was a 61-year-old female, otherwise fit and healthy, presenting with abdominal pain and mild distension with vomiting of 3 days duration. She had undergone ultrasound-guided drainage of an appendicular abscess three months ago and laparoscopic right inguinal hernia repair (TEP) in the past. CTAP showed small bowel obstruction with a transition point in the pelvis and the possible cause being adhesions. She was initially managed conservatively; however, as she was not improving for two days, she was consented to diagnostic laparoscopy. Intraoperatively, an adhesive band was found between the appendicular tip and distal ileum around 100cm proximal to the ileocolic junction, resulting in mechanical bowel obstruction. Laparoscopic division of band was performed, followed by appendicectomy, and the patient had an uneventful recovery and was discharged on postoperative day 1. Conclusion: In highly selected patients and with appropriate expertise, laparoscopic management of ASBO is feasible and safe.Keywords: bowel obstruction, adhesions, laparoscopy, open procedure
Procedia PDF Downloads 871230 Integrating Sustainable Development Goals in Teaching Mathematics Using Project Based Learning
Authors: S. Goel
In the current scenario, education should be realistic and nature-friendly. The earlier definition of education was restricted to the holistic development of the child which help them to increase their capacity and helps in social upliftment. But such definition gives a more individualistic aim of education. Due to that individualistic aim, we have become disconnected from nature. So, a school should be a place which provides students with an area to explore. They should get practical learning or learning from nature which is also propounded by Rousseau in the mid-eighteenth century. Integrating Sustainable development goals in the school curriculum will make it possible to connect the nature with the lives of the children in the classroom. Then, students will be more aware and sensitive towards their social and natural surroundings. The research attempts to examine the efficiency of project-based learning in mathematics to create awareness around sustainable development goals. The major finding of the research was that students are less aware of sustainable development goals, but when given time and an appropriate learning environment, students can be made aware of these goals. In this research, project-based learning was used to make students aware of sustainable development goals. Students were given pre test and post test which helped in analyzing their performance. After the intervention, post test result showed that mathematics projects can create an awareness of sustainable development goals.Keywords: holistic development, natural learning, project based learning, sustainable development goals
Procedia PDF Downloads 1801229 COVID-19 Pandemic Influence on Toddlers and Preschoolers’ Screen Time
Authors: Juliana da Silva Cardoso, Cláudia Correia, Rita Gomes, Carolina Fraga, Inês Cascais, Sara Monteiro, Beatriz Teixeira, Sandra Ribeiro, Carolina Andrade, Cláudia Oliveira, Diana Gonzaga, Catarina Prior, Inês Vaz Matos
The average daily screen time (ST) has been increasing in children, even at young ages. This seems to be associated with a higher incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders, and as the time of exposure increases, the greater is the functional impact. This study aims to compare the daily ST of toddlers and preschoolers previously and during the COVID-19 pandemic. A questionnaire was applied by telephone to parents/caregivers of children between 1 and 5 years old, followed up at 4 primary care units belonging to the Group of Primary Health Care Centers of Western Porto, Portugal. 520 children were included: 52.9% male, mean age 39.4 ± 13.9 months. The mean age of first exposure to screens was 13.9 ± 8.0 months, and most of the children were exposed to more than one screen daily. Considering the WHO recommendations, before the COVID-19 pandemic, 385 (74.0%) and 408 (78.5%) children had excessive ST during the week and the weekend, respectively; during the lockdown, these values increased to 495 (95.2%) and 482 (92.7%). Maternal education and both the child's median age and the median age of first exposure to screens had a statistically significant association with excessive ST, with OR 0.2 (p = 0.03, CI 95% 0.07-0.86), OR 1.1 (p = 0.01, 95% CI 1.05-1.14) and OR 0.9 (p = 0.05, 95% CI 0. 87-0.98), respectively. Most children in this sample had a higher than recommended ST, which increased with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. These results are worrisome and point to the need for urgent intervention.Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, preschoolers, screen time, toddlers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2191228 How Group Education Impacts Female Factory Workers’ Behavior and Readiness to Receive Mammography and Pap Smears
Authors: Memnun Seven, Mine Bahar, Aygül Akyüz, Hatice Erdoğan
Background: The workplace has been deemed a suitable location for educating many women at once about cancer screening. Objective: To determine how group education about early diagnostic methods for breast and cervical cancer affects women’s behavior and readiness to receive mammography and Pap smears. Methods: This semi-interventional study was conducted at a textile factory in Istanbul, Turkey. Female workers (n = 125) were included in the study. A participant identification form and knowledge evaluation form developed for this study, along with the trans-theoretical model, were used to collect data. A 45-min interactive group education was given to the participants. Results: Upon contacting participants 3 months after group education, 15.4% (n = 11) stated that they had since received a mammogram and 9.8% (n = 7) a Pap smear. As suggested by the trans-theoretical model, group education increased participants’ readiness to receive cancer screening, along with their knowledge of breast and cervical cancer. Conclusions: Group education positively impacted women’s knowledge of cancer and their readiness to receive mammography and Pap smears. Group education can therefore potentially create awareness of cancer screening tests among women and improve their readiness to receive such tests.Keywords: cancer screening, educational intervention, participation, women
Procedia PDF Downloads 3301227 Early Childhood Education in a Depressed Economy in Nigeria: Implication in the Classroom
Authors: Ogunnaiya Racheal Taiwo
Children's formative years are crucial to their growth; it is, therefore, necessary for all the stakeholders to ensure that the pupils have an enabling quality of life which is essential for realizing their potential. For children to live and grow, they need a secure home, nutritious food, good health care, and quality education. This paper, therefore, investigates the implications of a depressed economy on the classroom learning of Nigerian children as it is clear that Nigeria is currently experiencing the worst economic depression in several decades, which affects a substantial proportion of children. The study is qualitative research, and it adopts a phenomenological approach where the experiences of respondents are examined qualitatively. Three senatorial districts in Oyo State were considered, and 50 teachers, both male, and female were chosen from each senatorial district for an interview through conversational key informants' interviews. The interviewees were recorded, transcribed, and presented using thematic analysis. Findings showed that more children have dropped out since the beginning of the year than in previous years. It was also recorded that learning has become challenging as children now find it harder to acquire learning materials. It was recommended that the government should reimburse early childhood schools to lessen the effect of the inability to purchase materials and pay school fees. It was also recommended that an intervention be made to approach and resolve issues associated with out-of-school children.Keywords: childhood, classroom, education, depressed economy, poverty
Procedia PDF Downloads 1081226 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Developed Clinical Pathway: Suggested Protocol
Authors: Maha Salah, Hanaa Hashem, Mahmoud M. Alsagheir, Mohammed Salah
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) represents a complex clinical syndrome and carries a high risk for mortality. The severity of the clinical course, the uncertainty of the outcome, and the reliance on the full spectrum of critical care resources for treatment mean that the entire health care team is challenged. Researchers and clinicians have investigated the nature of the pathological process and explored treatment options with the goal of improving outcome. Through this application of research to practice, we know that some previous strategies have been ineffective, and innovations in mechanical ventilation, sedation, nutrition, and pharmacological intervention remain important research initiatives. Developed Clinical pathway is multidisciplinary plans of best clinical practice for this specified groups of patients that aid in the coordination and delivery of high quality care. They are a documented sequence of clinical interventions that help a patient to move, progressively through a clinical experience to a desired outcome. Although there is a lot of heterogeneity in patients with ARDS, this suggested developed clinical pathway with alternatives was built depended on a lot of researches and evidence based medicine and nursing practices which may be helping these patients to improve outcomes, quality of life and decrease mortality.Keywords: acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), clinical pathway, clinical syndrome
Procedia PDF Downloads 5351225 A Comparative Study of Active Release Technique and Myofascial Release Technique in Treatment of Patients with Upper Trapezius Spasm
Authors: Daxa Mishra, R. Harihara, Ankita
Trapezius muscle pain is the most common musculoskeletal disorder occurring in individuals who work with awkward positions, have repetitive movements and movements with precision demands. Treatment techniques like active release technique (ART) and myofascial release (MFR) can be used to relieve muscle spasm. The aim of the study is to compare the effect of ART and MFR on the upper trapezius muscle spasm. Methodology: A series of 60 patients of both sexes between the age group of 20 and 55 with upper trapezius spasm were divided into two groups by computerized randomization. Subjects in each group received treatment in the form of either ART or MFR for the period of seven days. cervical range of motion (ROM), neck disability index scale (NDI) and visual analog scale (VAS) tools were used to measure the outcome. Results: Paired Sample ‘t’ test was used to compare the Outcome differences within each group, while Independent ‘t’ test was used to compare the differences between the two groups for the same outcome measures. The improvement was found in both the groups at 7th day following intervention, but the group which received ART showed significant improvements as compared to group which received MFR. Conclusion: Although both techniques are effective in alleviation of symptoms and associated disability in upper trapezius muscle spasm, ART gave better results as compared to MRF.Keywords: goniometer, myofascial release, active release, physiotherapy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2441224 Promoting Psychosocial Intervention in Social Work to Manage Intersectional Stigma among Sexual Minorities during COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda: Implications for Social Work Practice
Authors: Simon Mwima, Kasule Solomon Kibirige, Evans Jennifer Mann, Bosco Mukuba, Edson Chipalo, Agnes Nzomene, Eusebius Small, Moses Okumu
Introduction: Social workers must create, implement, and evaluate client-centered psychosocial interventions (CCPI) to reduce the impact of intersectional stigma on HIV service utilization among sexual minorities. We contribute to the scarcity of evidence about sexual minorities in Uganda by using social support theory to explore clients' perceptions that shape CCPI. Based on Focused Group Discussion (FGD) with 31 adolescents recruited from Kampala's HIV clinics in 2021, our findings reveal the positive influence of instrumental, informational, esteem, emotional, and social network support as intersectional stigma reduction interventions. Men who have sex with men, lesbians, and bisexual women used such strategies to navigate a heavily criminalized and stigmatizing setting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda. Conclusion: This study provides evidence for the social work profession to develop and implement psychosocial interventions that reduce HIV stigma and discrimination among MSM, lesbians, and bisexual young people living with HIV in Uganda.Keywords: pyschosocial interventions, social work, intersectional stigma, HIV/AIDS, adolescents, sexual minorities, Uganda
Procedia PDF Downloads 1121223 Determine the Effectiveness of Group Therapy with Reality Therapy Approach to Reduce Symptoms of Anxiety, Increase Self-esteem, and Internal Control in Infertile Women
Authors: Fatemeh Alsadat Borhani, Hassan Heydari, Mansour Abdi
The purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of group therapy with approach reality therapy in reducing symptoms of anxiety and increased self- esteem and internal control of infertile women. The population of this study is all infertile women in Qom city in 2012 that with the use of purposeful sampling, 32 individuals were selected as sample. 16 individuals of infertile women in the control group and 16 infertile women in the experimental group is replaced. The research design was of type quasi-experimental with design pretest-posttest with control group. Thus, infertile women were randomly appointed in the experimental and control groups. Also, in this study data through normalized questionnaires, the Beck Anxiety scale, Rotter's Locus of control inventory, Cooper Smith self-esteem inventory was collected. For analysis of data, descriptive statistics, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics, one way analysis of covariance model with SPSS version 20 software was used. The findings indicated that intervention of the group therapy with approach reality therapy in experimental group reduced symptoms of anxiety and mutually increased self-esteem and internal control in infertile women of experimental group.Keywords: reality therapy, infertile women, anxiety, self esteem, internal control
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