Search results for: velocity power spectra
7077 Thermal Effect in Power Electrical for HEMTs Devices with InAlN/GaN
Authors: Zakarya Kourdi, Mohammed Khaouani, Benyounes Bouazza, Ahlam Guen-Bouazza, Amine Boursali
In this paper, we have evaluated the thermal effect for high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) heterostructure InAlN/GaN with a gate length 30nm high-performance. It also shows the analysis and simulated these devices, and how can be used in different application. The simulator Tcad-Silvaco software has used for predictive results good for the DC, AC and RF characteristic, Devices offered max drain current 0.67A; transconductance is 720 mS/mm the unilateral power gain of 180 dB. A cutoff frequency of 385 GHz, and max frequency 810 GHz These results confirm the feasibility of using HEMTs with InAlN/GaN in high power amplifiers, as well as thermal places.Keywords: HEMT, Thermal Effect, Silvaco, InAlN/GaN
Procedia PDF Downloads 4697076 Regional Pole Placement by Saturated Power System Stabilizers
Authors: Hisham M. Soliman, Hassan Yousef
This manuscript presents new results on design saturated power system stabilizers (PSS) to assign system poles within a desired region for achieving good dynamic performance. The regional pole placement is accomplished against model uncertainties caused by different load conditions. The design is based on a sufficient condition in the form of linear matrix inequalities (LMI) which forces the saturated nonlinear controller to lie within the linear zone. The controller effectiveness is demonstrated on a single machine infinite bus system.Keywords: power system stabilizer, saturated control, robust control, regional pole placement, linear matrix inequality (LMI)
Procedia PDF Downloads 5657075 Effects of Wearable Garments on Postural Regulation in Community-Dwelling Elderly Adults
Authors: Mei Teng Woo, Keith Davids, Jarmo Liukkonen, Jia Yi Chow, Timo Jaakkola
Wearable garments such as tapes, compression garments, and braces could improve proprioception and reduced postural sway. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of wearable garments on postural regulation in a sample of community-dwelling elderly individuals, aged 65 years. It was hypothesized that wearable garments such as socks would provide stimulation to lower leg mechanoreceptors, and help participants achieve better postural regulation. Participants (N=63) performed a 30-s Romberg balance test protocol under four conditions (barefoot; wearing commercial socks; wearing clinical compression socks; wearing non-clinical compression socks), in a counterbalanced order, with four levels of performance difficulty: (1) standing on a stable surface with open eyes (SO); (2) a stable surface with closed eyes (SC); (3) a foam surface with open eyes (FO); and (4) a foam surface with closed eyes (FC). Centre of pressure (CoP) measurements included postural sway area (C90 area), trace length (TL) and sway velocity. Thirty-five participants (55.6%) showed positive effects of wearing the socks (responded group). In the responded group, it was revealed that socks showed significant differences in SO, SC and FO conditions for the two CoP measurements - TL and sway velocity (p < 0.05). In contrast, in the non-responded group, barefoot condition significantly decreased the TL and velocity in the SO condition. From the positive effects observed in the responded group, it is possible that wearable garments provide sensory cues that could interact with a biological cueing system to enhance performance in the postural regulation system. This study suggests that individuals respond to the socks treatments differently and future research should be undertaken to examine the factors that benefited the responded group of participants.Keywords: community-dwelling, elderly adults, postural regulation, wearable garments
Procedia PDF Downloads 3387074 Analysis of Waterjet Propulsion System for an Amphibious Vehicle
Authors: Nafsi K. Ashraf, C. V. Vipin, V. Anantha Subramanian
This paper reports the design of a waterjet propulsion system for an amphibious vehicle based on circulation distribution over the camber line for the sections of the impeller and stator. In contrast with the conventional waterjet design, the inlet duct is straight for water entry parallel and in line with the nozzle exit. The extended nozzle after the stator bowl makes the flow more axial further improving thrust delivery. Waterjet works on the principle of volume flow rate through the system and unlike the propeller, it is an internal flow system. The major difference between the propeller and the waterjet occurs at the flow passing the actuator. Though a ducted propeller could constitute the equivalent of waterjet propulsion, in a realistic situation, the nozzle area for the Waterjet would be proportionately larger to the inlet area and propeller disc area. Moreover, the flow rate through impeller disk is controlled by nozzle area. For these reasons the waterjet design is based on pump systems rather than propellers and therefore it is important to bring out the characteristics of the flow from this point of view. The analysis is carried out using computational fluid dynamics. Design of waterjet propulsion is carried out adapting the axial flow pump design and performance analysis was done with three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code. With the varying environmental conditions as well as with the necessity of high discharge and low head along with the space confinement for the given amphibious vehicle, an axial pump design is suitable. The major problem of inlet velocity distribution is the large variation of velocity in the circumferential direction which gives rise to heavy blade loading that varies with time. The cavitation criteria have also been taken into account as per the hydrodynamic pump design. Generally, waterjet propulsion system can be parted into the inlet, the pump, the nozzle and the steering device. The pump further comprises an impeller and a stator. Analytical and numerical approaches such as RANSE solver has been undertaken to understand the performance of designed waterjet propulsion system. Unlike in case of propellers the analysis was based on head flow curve with efficiency and power curves. The modeling of the impeller is performed using rigid body motion approach. The realizable k-ϵ model has been used for turbulence modeling. The appropriate boundary conditions are applied for the domain, domain size and grid dependence studies are carried out.Keywords: amphibious vehicle, CFD, impeller design, waterjet propulsion
Procedia PDF Downloads 2297073 Experimentally Validated Analytical Model for Thermal Analysis of Multi-Stage Depressed Collector
Authors: Vishant Gahlaut, A Mercy Latha, Sanjay Kumar Ghosh
Multi-stage depressed collectors (MDC) are used as an efficiency enhancement technique in traveling wave tubes the high-energy electron beam, after its interaction with the RF signal, gets velocity sorted and collected at various depressed electrodes of the MDC. The ultimate goal is to identify an optimum thermal management scheme (cooling mechanism) that could extract the heat efficiently from the electrodes. Careful thermal analysis, incorporating the cooling mechanism is required to ensure that the maximum temperature does not exceed the safe limits. A simple analytical model for quick prediction of the thermal has been developed. The model has been developed for the worst-case un-modulated DC condition, where all the thermal power is dissipated in the last electrode (typically, fourth electrode in the case of the four-stage depressed collector). It considers the thermal contact resistances at various braze joints accounting for the practical non-uniformities. Analytical results obtained from the model have been validated with simulated and experimental results.Keywords: multi-stage depressed collector, TWTs, thermal contact resistance, thermal management
Procedia PDF Downloads 2247072 Harmonic Distortion Analysis in Low Voltage Grid with Grid-Connected Photovoltaic
Authors: Hedi Dghim, Ahmed El-Naggar, Istvan Erlich
Power electronic converters are being introduced in low voltage (LV) grids at an increasingly rapid rate due to the growing adoption of power electronic-based home appliances in residential grid. Photovoltaic (PV) systems are considered one of the potential installed renewable energy sources in distribution power systems. This trend has led to high distortion in the supply voltage which consequently produces harmonic currents in the network and causes an inherent voltage unbalance. In order to investigate the effect of harmonic distortions, a case study of a typical LV grid configuration with high penetration of 3-phase and 1-phase rooftop mounted PV from southern Germany was first considered. Electromagnetic transient (EMT) simulations were then carried out under the MATLAB/Simulink environment which contain detailed models for power electronic-based loads, ohmic-based loads as well as 1- and 3-phase PV. Note that, the switching patterns of the power electronic circuits were considered in this study. Measurements were eventually performed to analyze the distortion levels when PV operating under different solar irradiance. The characteristics of the load-side harmonic impedances were analyzed, and their harmonic contributions were evaluated for different distortion levels. The effect of the high penetration of PV on the harmonic distortion of both positive and negative sequences was also investigated. The simulation results are presented based on case studies. The current distortion levels are in agreement with relevant standards, otherwise the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) increases under low PV power generation due to its inverse relation with the fundamental current.Keywords: harmonic distortion analysis, power quality, PV systems, residential distribution system
Procedia PDF Downloads 2707071 Characterization of Single-Walled Carbon Nano Tubes Forest Decorated with Chromium
Authors: Ana Paula Mousinho, Ronaldo D. Mansano, Nelson Ordonez
Carbon nanotubes are one of the main elements in nanotechnologies; their applications are in microelectronics, nano-electronics devices (photonics, spintronic), chemical sensors, structural material and currently in clean energy devices (supercapacitors and fuel cells). The use of magnetic particle decorated carbon nanotubes increases the applications in magnetic devices, magnetic memory, and magnetic oriented drug delivery. In this work, single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) forest decorated with chromium were deposited at room temperature by high-density plasma chemical vapor deposition (HDPCVD) system. The CNTs forest was obtained using pure methane plasmas and chromium, as precursor material (seed) and for decorating the CNTs. Magnetron sputtering deposited the chromium on silicon wafers before the CNTs' growth. Scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction characterized the single-walled CNTs forest decorated with chromium. In general, the CNTs' spectra show a unique emission band, but due to the presence of the chromium, the spectra obtained in this work showed many bands that are related to the CNTs with different diameters. The CNTs obtained by the HDPCVD system are highly aligned and showed metallic features, and they can be used as photonic material, due to the unique structural and electrical properties. The results of this work proved the possibility of obtaining the controlled deposition of aligned single-walled CNTs forest films decorated with chromium by high-density plasma chemical vapor deposition system.Keywords: CNTs forest, high density plasma deposition, high-aligned CNTs, nanomaterials
Procedia PDF Downloads 1187070 Research on the Impact on Building Temperature and Ventilation by Outdoor Shading Devices in Hot-Humid Area: Through Measurement and Simulation on an Office Building in Guangzhou
Authors: Hankun Lin, Yiqiang Xiao, Qiaosheng Zhan
Shading devices (SDs) are widely used in buildings in the hot-humid climate areas for reducing cooling energy consumption for interior temperature, as the result of reducing the solar radiation directly. Contrasting the surface temperature of materials of SDs to the glass on the building façade could give more analysis for the shading effect. On the other side, SDs are much more used as the independence system on building façade in hot-humid area. This typical construction could have some impacts on building ventilation as well. This paper discusses the outdoor SDs’ effects on the building thermal environment and ventilation, through a set of measurements on a 2-floors office building in Guangzhou, China, which install a dynamic aluminum SD-system around the façade on 2nd-floor. The measurements recorded the in/outdoor temperature, relative humidity, velocity, and the surface temperature of the aluminum panel and the glaze. After that, a CFD simulation was conducted for deeper discussion of ventilation. In conclusion, this paper reveals the temperature differences on the different material of the façade, and finds that the velocity of indoor environment could be reduced by the outdoor SDs.Keywords: outdoor shading devices, hot-humid area, temperature, ventilation, measurement, CFD
Procedia PDF Downloads 4487069 Designing a Low Power Consumption Mote in Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Saidi Nabiha, Khaled Zaatouri, Walid Fajraoui, Tahar Ezzeddine
The market of Wireless Sensor Network WSN has a great potential and development opportunities. Researchers are focusing on optimization in many fields like efficient deployment and routing protocols. In this article, we will concentrate on energy efficiency for WSN because WSN nodes are habitually deployed in severe No Man’s Land with batteries are not rechargeable, so reducing energy consumption represents an important challenge to extend the life of the network. We will present the design of new WSN mote based on ultra low power STM32L microcontrollers and the ZIGBEE transceiver CC2520. We will compare it to existent motes and we will conclude that our mote is promising in energy consumption.Keywords: component, WSN mote, power consumption, STM32L, sensors, CC2520
Procedia PDF Downloads 5767068 Natural Convection in Wavy-Wall Cavities Filled with Power-Law Fluid
Authors: Cha’o-Kuang Chen, Ching-Chang Cho
This paper investigates the natural convection heat transfer performance in a complex-wavy-wall cavity filled with power-law fluid. In performing the simulations, the continuity, Cauchy momentum and energy equations are solved subject to the Boussinesq approximation using a finite volume method. The simulations focus specifically on the effects of the flow behavior index in the power-law model and the Rayleigh number on the flow streamlines, isothermal contours and mean Nusselt number within the cavity. The results show that pseudoplastic fluids have a better heat transfer performance than Newtonian or dilatant fluids. Moreover, it is shown that for Rayleigh numbers greater than Ra=103, the mean Nusselt number has a significantly increase as the flow behavior index is decreased.Keywords: non-Newtonian fluid, power-law fluid, natural convection, heat transfer enhancement, cavity, wavy wall
Procedia PDF Downloads 2667067 Coated Chromium Thin Film on Zirconium for Corrosion Resistance of Nuclear Fuel Rods by Plasma Focus Device
Authors: Amir Raeisdana, Davood Sohrabi, Mojtaba Nohekhan, Ameneh Kargarian, Maryam Ghapanvari, Alireza Aslezaeem
Improvement of zirconium properties by chromium coating and nitrogen implantation is ideal to protect the nuclear fuel rods against corrosion and secondary hydrogenation. Metallic chromium (Cr) has attracted attention as a potential coating material on zirconium alloys, to limit external cladding corrosion. In this research, high energy plasma focus device was used to coat the chromium and implant the nitrogen ions in the zirconium substrate. This device emits high-energy nitrogen ions of 10 keV-1 MeV and with a flux of 10^16 ions/cm^2 in each shot toward the target so it is attractive for implantation on the substrate materials at the room temperature. Six zirconium samples in 2cm×2cm dimensions with 1mm thickness were located at a distance of 20cm from the place where the pinch is formed. The experiments are carried out in 0.5 mbar of the nitrogen gas pressure and 15 kV of the charging voltage. Pure Cr disc was installed on the anode head for sputtering of the chromium and deposition on zirconium substrate. When the pinch plasma column decays due to various instabilities, intense and high-energy N2 ions are accelerated towards the zirconium substrate also sputtered Cr is deposited on the zirconium substrate. XRD and XRF analysis were used to study the structural properties of the samples. XRF analysis indicates 77.1% of Zr and 11.1% of Cr in the surface of the sample. XRD spectra shows the formation of ZrN, CrN and CrZr composites after nitrogen implantation and chromium coating. XRD spectra shows the chromium peak height equal to 152.80 a.u. for the major sample (θ=0֯) and 92.99 a.u. for the minor sample (θ=6֯), so implantation and coating along the main axis of the device is significantly more than other directions.Keywords: ZrN and CrN and CrZr composites, angular distribution for Cr deposition rate, zirconium corrosion resistance, nuclear fuel rods, plasma focus device
Procedia PDF Downloads 277066 Design and Analysis of Electric Power Production Unit for Low Enthalpy Geothermal Reservoir Applications
Authors: Ildar Akhmadullin, Mayank Tyagi
The subject of this paper is the design analysis of a single well power production unit from low enthalpy geothermal resources. A complexity of the project is defined by a low temperature heat source that usually makes such projects economically disadvantageous using the conventional binary power plant approach. A proposed new compact design is numerically analyzed. This paper describes a thermodynamic analysis, a working fluid choice, downhole heat exchanger (DHE) and turbine calculation results. The unit is able to produce 321 kW of electric power from a low enthalpy underground heat source utilizing n-Pentane as a working fluid. A geo-pressured reservoir located in Vermilion Parish, Louisiana, USA is selected as a prototype for the field application. With a brine temperature of 126℃, the optimal length of DHE is determined as 304.8 m (1000ft). All units (pipes, turbine, and pumps) are chosen from commercially available parts to bring this project closer to the industry requirements. Numerical calculations are based on petroleum industry standards. The project is sponsored by the Department of Energy of the US.Keywords: downhole heat exchangers, geothermal power generation, organic rankine cycle, refrigerants, working fluids
Procedia PDF Downloads 3157065 Improvising Grid Interconnection Capabilities through Implementation of Power Electronics
Authors: Ashhar Ahmed Shaikh, Ayush Tandon
The swift reduction of fossil fuels from nature has crucial need for alternative energy sources to cater vital demand. It is essential to boost alternative energy sources to cover the continuously increasing demand for energy while minimizing the negative environmental impacts. Solar energy is one of the reliable sources that can generate energy. Solar energy is freely available in nature and is completely eco-friendly, and they are considered as the most promising power generating sources due to their easy availability and other advantages for the local power generation. This paper is to review the implementation of power electronic devices through Solar Energy Grid Integration System (SEGIS) to increase the efficiency. This paper will also concentrate on the future grid infrastructure and various other applications in order to make the grid smart. Development and implementation of a power electronic devices such as PV inverters and power controllers play an important role in power supply in the modern energy economy. Solar Energy Grid Integration System (SEGIS) opens pathways for promising solutions for new electronic and electrical components such as advanced innovative inverter/controller topologies and their functions, economical energy management systems, innovative energy storage systems with equipped advanced control algorithms, advanced maximum-power-point tracking (MPPT) suited for all PV technologies, protocols and the associated communications. In addition to advanced grid interconnection capabilities and features, the new hardware design results in small size, less maintenance, and higher reliability. The SEGIS systems will make the 'advanced integrated system' and 'smart grid' evolutionary processes to run in a better way. Since the last few years, there was a major development in the field of power electronics which led to more efficient systems and reduction of the cost per Kilo-watt. The inverters became more efficient and had reached efficiencies in excess of 98%, and commercial solar modules have reached almost 21% efficiency.Keywords: solar energy grid integration systems, smart grid, advanced integrated system, power electronics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1847064 Simulation Study of a Fault at the Switch on the Operation of the Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based on the Wind Turbine
Authors: N. Zerzouri, N. Benalia, N. Bensiali
This work is devoted to an analysis of the operation of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) integrated with a wind system. The power transfer between the stator and the network is carried out by acting on the rotor via a bidirectional signal converter. The analysis is devoted to the study of a fault in the converter due to an interruption of the control of a semiconductor. Simulation results obtained by the MATLAB / Simulink software illustrate the quality of the power generated at the default.Keywords: doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), wind power generation, back to back PWM converter, default switching
Procedia PDF Downloads 4697063 Structural Changes and Formation of Calcium Complexes in Corn Starch Processed by Nixtamalization
Authors: Arámbula-Villa Gerónimo, García-Lara Kenia Y., Figueroa-Cárdenas J. D., Pérez-Robles J. F., Jiménez-Sandoval S., Salazar-López R., Herrera-Corredor J. A.
The nixtamalization process (thermal-alkaline method) improves the nutritional part of the corn grain. In this process, the using of Ca(OH)₂ is basic, although the chemical mechanisms between this alkali and the carbohydrates (starch), proteins, lipids, and fiber have not been fully identified. In this study, the native corn starch was taken as a model, and it was subjected to cooking with different concentrations of lime (nixtamalization process) and specific studies of FTIR and XRD were carried out to identify the formation of chemical compounds, and the physical, physicochemical, rheological (paste) and structural properties of material obtained were determined. The FTIR spectra showed the formation of calcium-starch complexes. The treatments with Ca(OH)₂ showed a band shift towards 1675 cm⁻¹ and a band in 1436 cm⁻¹ (COO⁻), indicating the oxidation of starch. Three bands were identified (1575, 1550, and 1540 cm⁻¹) characteristics of carboxylic acid salts for three types of coordinated structures: monodentate, pseudo-bridged, and bidentate. The XRD spectra of starch treated with Ca(OH)₂ showed a peak corresponding to CaCO₃ (29.40°). The oxidation of starch was favored with low concentrations of Ca(OH)₂, producing carboxyl and carbonyl groups and increasing the residual CaCO₃. The increased concentration of Ca(OH)₂ showed the formation of calcium carboxylates, with a decrease in relative crystallinity and residual CaCO₃. Samples with low concentrations of Ca(OH)₂ slowed the onset of gelatinization and increased the swelling of the granules and the peak viscosity. The higher concentrations of Ca(OH)₂ difficulted the water absorption and decreased the viscosity rate and peak viscosity. These results can be used to improve the quality characteristics of the dough and tortillas and to get better acceptance by consumers.Keywords: maize starch, nixtamalization, gelatinization, calcium carboxylates
Procedia PDF Downloads 967062 Investigation of Enhanced Geothermal System with CO2 as Working Fluid
Authors: Ruina Xu, Peixue Jiang, Feng Luo
The novel concept of enhanced geothermal system with CO2 instead of water as working fluid (CO2-EGS) has attracted wide attention due to additional benefit of CO2 geological storage during the power generation process. In this research, numerical investigation on a doublet CO2-EGS system is performed, focusing on the influence of the injection/production well perforation location in the targeted geothermal reservoir. Three different reservoir inlet and outlet boundary conditions are used in simulations since the well constrains are different in reality. The results show that CO2-EGS system performance of power generation and power cost vary greatly among cases of different wells perforation locations, and the optimum options under different boundary conditions are also different.Keywords: Enhanced Geothermal System, supercritical CO2, heat transfer, CO2-EGS
Procedia PDF Downloads 2927061 BLDC Motor Driven for Solar Photo Voltaic Powered Air Cooling System
Authors: D. Shobha Rani, M. Muralidhar
Solar photovoltaic (SPV) power systems can be employed as electrical power sources to meet the daily residential energy needs of rural areas that have no access to grid systems. In view of this, a standalone SPV powered air cooling system is proposed in this paper, which constitutes a dc-dc boost converter, two voltage source inverters (VSI) connected to two brushless dc (BLDC) motors which are coupled to a centrifugal water pump and a fan blower. A simple and efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique based on Silver Mean Method (SMM) is utilized in this paper. The air cooling system is developed and simulated using the MATLAB / Simulink environment considering the dynamic and steady state variation in the solar irradiance.Keywords: boost converter, solar photovoltaic array, voltage source inverter, brushless DC motor, solar irradiance, maximum power point tracking, silver mean method
Procedia PDF Downloads 2727060 Photovoltaic Maximum Power-Point Tracking Using Artificial Neural Network
Authors: Abdelazziz Aouiche, El Moundher Aouiche, Mouhamed Salah Soudani
Renewable energy sources now significantly contribute to the replacement of traditional fossil fuel energy sources. One of the most potent types of renewable energy that has developed quickly in recent years is photovoltaic energy. We all know that solar energy, which is sustainable and non-depleting, is the best knowledge form of energy that we have at our disposal. Due to changing weather conditions, the primary drawback of conventional solar PV cells is their inability to track their maximum power point. In this study, we apply artificial neural networks (ANN) to automatically track and measure the maximum power point (MPP) of solar panels. In MATLAB, the complete system is simulated, and the results are adjusted for the external environment. The results are better performance than traditional MPPT methods and the results demonstrate the advantages of using neural networks in solar PV systems.Keywords: modeling, photovoltaic panel, artificial neural networks, maximum power point tracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 897059 Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Height and Rate of Fluid Flow on a Stepped Spillway
Authors: Amir Abbas Kamanbedast, Abbas Saki
Stepped spillways are composed of several steps, which start from around the spillway crest and continue to the downstream heel. Recently, such spillways have been receiving increasing attention due to the significant effect of the associated stairs on the flow’s rate of energy dissipation. Energy dissipation in the stepped spillways across the overflow can be explained by the watercourse contact with the stairs (i.e., large, harsh surfaces). In this context, less energy must be dissipated at the end of the spillway, and, hence, a smaller (less expensive) energy-dissipating structure is required. In this study, a stepped spillway was simulated using the model Fluent 3, and a standard model was used to model the flow disturbance. For this purpose, the energy dissipation from the stepped spillway was investigated in terms of the different numbers of stairs involved. Using k-ε, the disturbances of the numerical method for velocity and of flow depth at the downstream overflow were obtained, and, then, the energy that was dissipated throughout the spillway was calculated. Our results showed that an increase in the number of stairs can considerably increase the amount of energy dissipation for the fixed, upstream energy. In addition, the results of the numerical analyses were provided as isobar and velocity curves so points that were sensitive to cavitation could be determined.Keywords: stepped spillway, fluent software, turbulence model of k-ε, VOF model
Procedia PDF Downloads 3007058 Numerical Analysis of Laminar Flow around Square Cylinders with EHD Phenomenon
Authors: M. Salmanpour, O. Nourani Zonouz
In this research, a numerical simulation of an Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) actuator’s effects on the flow around a square cylinder by using a finite volume method has been investigated. This is one of the newest ways for controlling the fluid flows. Two plate electrodes are flush-mounted on the surface of the cylinder and one wire electrode is placed on the line with zero angle of attack relative to the stagnation point and excited with DC power supply. The discharge produces an electric force and changes the local momentum behaviors in the fluid layers. For this purpose, after selecting proper domain and boundary conditions, the electric field relating to the problem has been analyzed and then the results in the form of electrical body force have been entered in the governing equations of fluid field (Navier-Stokes equations). The effect of ionic wind resulted from the Electrohydrodynamic actuator, on the velocity, pressure and the wake behind cylinder has been considered. According to the results, it is observed that the fluid flow accelerates in the nearest wall of the frontal half of the cylinder and the pressure difference between frontal and hinder cylinder is increased.Keywords: CFD, corona discharge, electro hydrodynamics, flow around square cylinders, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4737057 Smart Defect Detection in XLPE Cables Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Authors: Tesfaye Mengistu
Power cables play a crucial role in the transmission and distribution of electrical energy. As the electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and storage systems become smarter, there is a growing emphasis on incorporating intelligent approaches to ensure the reliability of power cables. Various types of electrical cables are employed for transmitting and distributing electrical energy, with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) cables being widely utilized due to their exceptional electrical and mechanical properties. However, insulation defects can occur in XLPE cables due to subpar manufacturing techniques during production and cable joint installation. To address this issue, experts have proposed different methods for monitoring XLPE cables. Some suggest the use of interdigital capacitive (IDC) technology for online monitoring, while others propose employing continuous wave (CW) terahertz (THz) imaging systems to detect internal defects in XLPE plates used for power cable insulation. In this study, we have developed models that employ a custom dataset collected locally to classify the physical safety status of individual power cables. Our models aim to replace physical inspections with computer vision and image processing techniques to classify defective power cables from non-defective ones. The implementation of our project utilized the Python programming language along with the TensorFlow package and a convolutional neural network (CNN). The CNN-based algorithm was specifically chosen for power cable defect classification. The results of our project demonstrate the effectiveness of CNNs in accurately classifying power cable defects. We recommend the utilization of similar or additional datasets to further enhance and refine our models. Additionally, we believe that our models could be used to develop methodologies for detecting power cable defects from live video feeds. We firmly believe that our work makes a significant contribution to the field of power cable inspection and maintenance. Our models offer a more efficient and cost-effective approach to detecting power cable defects, thereby improving the reliability and safety of power grids.Keywords: artificial intelligence, computer vision, defect detection, convolutional neural net
Procedia PDF Downloads 1147056 Parameters Estimation of Power Function Distribution Based on Selective Order Statistics
Authors: Moh'd Alodat
In this paper, we discuss the power function distribution and derive the maximum likelihood estimator of its parameter as well as the reliability parameter. We derive the large sample properties of the estimators based on the selective order statistic scheme. We conduct simulation studies to investigate the significance of the selective order statistic scheme in our setup and to compare the efficiency of the new proposed estimators.Keywords: fisher information, maximum likelihood estimator, power function distribution, ranked set sampling, selective order statistics sampling
Procedia PDF Downloads 4647055 Against the Idea of Public Power as Free Will
Authors: Donato Vese
According to the common interpretation, in a legal system, public powers are established by law. Exceptions are admitted in an emergency or particular relationship with public power. However, we currently agree that law allows public administration a margin of decision, even in the case of non-discretionary acts. Hence, the administrative decision not exclusively established by law becomes the rule in the ordinary state of things, non-only in state of exception. This paper aims to analyze and discuss different ideas on discretionary power on the Rule of Law and Rechtsstaat. Observing the legal literature in Europe and Nord and South America, discretionary power can be described as follow: it could be considered a margin that law accords to the executive power for political decisions or a choice between different interpretations of vague legal previsions. In essence, this explanation admits for the executive a decision not established by law or anyhow not exclusively established by law. This means that the discretionary power of public administration integrates the law. However, integrating law does not mean to decide according to the law, but it means to integrate law with a decision involving public power. Consequently, discretionary power is essentially free will. In this perspective, also the Rule of Law and the Rechtsstaat are notions explained differently. Recently, we can observe how the European notion of Rechtsstaat is founded on the formal validity of the law; therefore, for this notion, public authority’s decisions not regulated by law represent a problem. Thus, different systems of law integration have been proposed in legal literature, such as values, democracy, reasonableness, and so on. This paper aims to verify how, looking at those integration clauses from a logical viewpoint, integration based on the recourse to the legal system itself does not resolve the problem. The aforementioned integration clauses are legal rules that require hard work to explain the correct meaning of the law; in particular, they introduce dangerous criteria in favor of the political majority. A different notion of public power can be proposed. This notion includes two main features: (a) sovereignty belongs to persons and not the state, and (b) fundamental rights are not grounded but recognized by Constitutions. Hence, public power is a system based on fundamental rights. According to this approach, it can also be defined as the notion of public interest as concrete maximization of fundamental rights enjoyments. Like this, integration of the law, vague or subject to several interpretations, must be done by referring to the system of fundamental individual rights. We can think, for instance, to fundamental rights that are right in an objective view but not legal because not established by law.Keywords: administrative discretion, free will, fundamental rights, public power, sovereignty
Procedia PDF Downloads 1107054 Dynamic Response of Doubly Curved Composite Shell with Embedded Shape Memory Alloys Wires
Authors: Amin Ardali, Mohammadreza Khalili, Mohammadreza Rezai
In this paper, dynamic response of thin smart composite panel subjected to low-velocity transverse impact is investigated. Shape memory wires are used to reinforced curved composite panel in a smart way. One-dimensional thermodynamic constitutive model by Liang and Rogers is used for estimating the structural recovery stress. The two degrees-of-freedom mass-spring model is used for evaluation of the contact force between the curved composite panel and the impactor. This work is benefited from the Hertzian linear contact model which is linearized for the impact analysis of curved composite panel. The governing equations of curved panel are provided by first-order shear theory and solved by Fourier series related to simply supported boundary condition. For this purpose, the equation of doubly curved panel motion included the uniform in-plane forces is obtained. By the present analysis, the curved panel behavior under low-velocity impact, and also the effect of the impact parameters, the shape memory wire and the curved panel dimensions are studied.Keywords: doubly curved shell, SMA wire, impact response, smart material, shape memory alloy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4067053 Electron Beam Melting Process Parameter Optimization Using Multi Objective Reinforcement Learning
Authors: Michael A. Sprayberry, Vincent C. Paquit
Process parameter optimization in metal powder bed electron beam melting (MPBEBM) is crucial to ensure the technology's repeatability, control, and industry-continued adoption. Despite continued efforts to address the challenges via the traditional design of experiments and process mapping techniques, there needs to be more successful in an on-the-fly optimization framework that can be adapted to MPBEBM systems. Additionally, data-intensive physics-based modeling and simulation methods are difficult to support by a metal AM alloy or system due to cost restrictions. To mitigate the challenge of resource-intensive experiments and models, this paper introduces a Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning (MORL) methodology defined as an optimization problem for MPBEBM. An off-policy MORL framework based on policy gradient is proposed to discover optimal sets of beam power (P) – beam velocity (v) combinations to maintain a steady-state melt pool depth and phase transformation. For this, an experimentally validated Eagar-Tsai melt pool model is used to simulate the MPBEBM environment, where the beam acts as the agent across the P – v space to maximize returns for the uncertain powder bed environment producing a melt pool and phase transformation closer to the optimum. The culmination of the training process yields a set of process parameters {power, speed, hatch spacing, layer depth, and preheat} where the state (P,v) with the highest returns corresponds to a refined process parameter mapping. The resultant objects and mapping of returns to the P-v space show convergence with experimental observations. The framework, therefore, provides a model-free multi-objective approach to discovery without the need for trial-and-error experiments.Keywords: additive manufacturing, metal powder bed fusion, reinforcement learning, process parameter optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 947052 Effect of Kinesio Taping on Anaerobic Power and Maximum Oxygen Consumption after Eccentric Exercise
Authors: Disaphon Boobpachat, Nuttaset Manimmanakorn, Apiwan Manimmanakorn, Worrawut Thuwakum, Michael J. Hamlin
Objectives: To evaluate effect of kinesio tape compared to placebo tape and static stretching on recovery of anaerobic power and maximal oxygen uptake (Vo₂max) after intensive exercise. Methods: Thirty nine untrained healthy volunteers were randomized to 3 groups for each intervention: elastic tape, placebo tape and stretching. The participants performed intensive exercise on the dominant quadriceps by using isokinetic dynamometry machine. The recovery process was evaluated by creatine kinase (CK), pressure pain threshold (PPT), muscle soreness scale (MSS), maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), jump height, anaerobic power and Vo₂max at baseline, immediately post-exercise and post-exercise day 1, 2, 3 and 7. Results: The kinesio tape, placebo tape and stretching groups had significant changes of PPT, MVC, jump height at immediately post-exercise compared to baseline (p < 0.05), and changes of MSS, CK, anaerobic power and Vo₂max at day 1 post-exercise compared to baseline (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference of those outcomes among three groups. Additionally, all experimental groups had little effects on anaerobic power and Vo₂max compared to baseline and compared among three groups (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Kinesio tape and stretching did not improve recovery of anaerobic power and Vo₂max after eccentric exercise compared to placebo tape.Keywords: stretching, eccentric exercise, Wingate test, muscle soreness
Procedia PDF Downloads 1307051 Necessary Condition to Utilize Adaptive Control in Wind Turbine Systems to Improve Power System Stability
Authors: Javad Taherahmadi, Mohammad Jafarian, Mohammad Naser Asefi
The global capacity of wind power has dramatically increased in recent years. Therefore, improving the technology of wind turbines to take different advantages of this enormous potential in the power grid, could be interesting subject for scientists. The doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) wind turbine is a popular system due to its many advantages such as the improved power quality, high energy efficiency and controllability, etc. With an increase in wind power penetration in the network and with regard to the flexible control of wind turbines, the use of wind turbine systems to improve the dynamic stability of power systems has been of significance importance for researchers. Subsynchronous oscillations are one of the important issues in the stability of power systems. Damping subsynchronous oscillations by using wind turbines has been studied in various research efforts, mainly by adding an auxiliary control loop to the control structure of the wind turbine. In most of the studies, this control loop is composed of linear blocks. In this paper, simple adaptive control is used for this purpose. In order to use an adaptive controller, the convergence of the controller should be verified. Since adaptive control parameters tend to optimum values in order to obtain optimum control performance, using this controller will help the wind turbines to have positive contribution in damping the network subsynchronous oscillations at different wind speeds and system operating points. In this paper, the application of simple adaptive control in DFIG wind turbine systems to improve the dynamic stability of power systems is studied and the essential condition for using this controller is considered. It is also shown that this controller has an insignificant effect on the dynamic stability of the wind turbine, itself.Keywords: almost strictly positive real (ASPR), doubly-fed induction generator (DIFG), simple adaptive control (SAC), subsynchronous oscillations, wind turbine
Procedia PDF Downloads 3777050 Modeling and Power Control of DFIG Used in Wind Energy System
Authors: Nadia Ben Si Ali, Nadia Benalia, Nora Zerzouri
Wind energy generation has attracted great interests in recent years. Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) for wind turbines are largely deployed because variable-speed wind turbines have many advantages over fixed-speed generation such as increased energy capture, operation at maximum power point, improved efficiency, and power quality. This paper presents the operation and vector control of a Doubly-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) system where the stator is connected directly to a stiff grid and the rotor is connected to the grid through bidirectional back-to-back AC-DC-AC converter. The basic operational characteristics, mathematical model of the aerodynamic system and vector control technique which is used to obtain decoupled control of powers are investigated using the software Mathlab/Simulink.Keywords: wind turbine, Doubly Fed Induction Generator, wind speed controller, power system stability
Procedia PDF Downloads 3797049 Genetic Algorithm Optimization of a Small Scale Natural Gas Liquefaction Process
Authors: M. I. Abdelhamid, A. O. Ghallab, R. S. Ettouney, M. A. El-Rifai
An optimization scheme based on COM server is suggested for communication between Genetic Algorithm (GA) toolbox of MATLAB and Aspen HYSYS. The structure and details of the proposed framework are discussed. The power of the developed scheme is illustrated by its application to the optimization of a recently developed natural gas liquefaction process in which Aspen HYSYS was used for minimization of the power consumption by optimizing the values of five operating variables. In this work, optimization by coupling between the GA in MATLAB and Aspen HYSYS model of the same process using the same five decision variables enabled improvements in power consumption by 3.3%, when 77% of the natural gas feed is liquefied. Also on inclusion of the flow rates of both nitrogen and carbon dioxide refrigerants as two additional decision variables, the power consumption decreased by 6.5% for a 78% liquefaction of the natural gas feed.Keywords: stranded gas liquefaction, genetic algorithm, COM server, single nitrogen expansion, carbon dioxide pre-cooling
Procedia PDF Downloads 4527048 Design of CMOS CFOA Based on Pseudo Operational Transconductance Amplifier
Authors: Hassan Jassim Motlak
A novel design technique employing CMOS Current Feedback Operational Amplifier (CFOA) is presented. The feature of consumption whivh has a very low power in designing pseudo-OTA is used to decreasing the total power consumption of the proposed CFOA. This design approach applies pseudo-OTA as input stage cascaded with buffer stage. Moreover, the DC input offset voltage and harmonic distortion (HD) of the proposed CFOA are very low values compared with the conventional CMOS CFOA due to symmetrical input stage. P-Spice simulation results using 0.18µm MIETEC CMOS process parameters using supply voltage of ±1.2V and 50μA biasing current. The P-Spice simulation shows excellent improvement of the proposed CFOA over existing CMOS CFOA. Some of these performance parameters, for example, are DC gain of 62. dB, open-loop gain-bandwidth product of 108 MHz, slew rate (SR+) of +71.2V/µS, THD of -63dB and DC consumption power (PC) of 2mW.Keywords: pseudo-OTA used CMOS CFOA, low power CFOA, high-performance CFOA, novel CFOA
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