Search results for: upward smoke motion
408 Study of Formation and Evolution of Disturbance Waves in Annular Flow Using Brightness-Based Laser-Induced Fluorescence (BBLIF) Technique
Authors: Andrey Cherdantsev, Mikhail Cherdantsev, Sergey Isaenkov, Dmitriy Markovich
In annular gas-liquid flow, liquid flows as a film along pipe walls sheared by high-velocity gas stream. Film surface is covered by large-scale disturbance waves which affect pressure drop and heat transfer in the system and are necessary for entrainment of liquid droplets from film surface into the core of gas stream. Disturbance waves are a highly complex and their properties are affected by numerous parameters. One of such aspects is flow development, i.e., change of flow properties with the distance from the inlet. In the present work, this question is studied using brightness-based laser-induced fluorescence (BBLIF) technique. This method enables one to perform simultaneous measurements of local film thickness in large number of points with high sampling frequency. In the present experiments first 50 cm of upward and downward annular flow in a vertical pipe of 11.7 mm i.d. is studied with temporal resolution of 10 kHz and spatial resolution of 0.5 mm. Thus, spatiotemporal evolution of film surface can be investigated, including scenarios of formation, acceleration and coalescence of disturbance waves. The behaviour of disturbance waves' velocity depending on phases flow rates and downstream distance was investigated. Besides measuring the waves properties, the goal of the work was to investigate the interrelation between disturbance waves properties and integral characteristics of the flow such as interfacial shear stress and flow rate of dispersed phase. In particular, it was shown that the initial acceleration of disturbance waves, defined by the value of shear stress, linearly decays with downstream distance. This lack of acceleration which may even lead to deceleration is related to liquid entrainment. Flow rate of disperse phase linearly grows with downstream distance. During entrainment events, liquid is extracted directly from disturbance waves, reducing their mass, area of interaction to the gas shear and, hence, velocity. Passing frequency of disturbance waves at each downstream position was measured automatically with a new algorithm of identification of characteristic lines of individual disturbance waves. Scenarios of coalescence of individual disturbance waves were identified. Transition from initial high-frequency Kelvin-Helmholtz waves appearing at the inlet to highly nonlinear disturbance waves with lower frequency was studied near the inlet using 3D realisation of BBLIF method in the same cylindrical channel and in a rectangular duct with cross-section of 5 mm by 50 mm. It was shown that the initial waves are generally two-dimensional but are promptly broken into localised three-dimensional wavelets. Coalescence of these wavelets leads to formation of quasi two-dimensional disturbance waves. Using cross-correlation analysis, loss and restoration of two-dimensionality of film surface with downstream distance were studied quantitatively. It was shown that all the processes occur closer to the inlet at higher gas velocities.Keywords: annular flow, disturbance waves, entrainment, flow development
Procedia PDF Downloads 252407 Valuing Social Sustainability in Agriculture: An Approach Based on Social Outputs’ Shadow Prices
Authors: Amer Ait Sidhoum
Interest in sustainability has gained ground among practitioners, academics and policy-makers due to growing stakeholders’ awareness of environmental and social concerns. This is particularly true for agriculture. However, relatively little research has been conducted on the quantification of social sustainability and the contribution of social issues to the agricultural production efficiency. This research's main objective is to propose a method for evaluating prices of social outputs, more precisely shadow prices, by allowing for the stochastic nature of agricultural production that is to say for production uncertainty. In this article, the assessment of social outputs’ shadow prices is conducted within the methodological framework of nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). An output-oriented directional distance function (DDF) is implemented to represent the technology of a sample of Catalan arable crop farms and derive the efficiency scores the overall production technology of our sample is assumed to be the intersection of two different sub-technologies. The first sub-technology models the production of random desirable agricultural outputs, while the second sub-technology reflects the social outcomes from agricultural activities. Once a nonparametric production technology has been represented, the DDF primal approach can be used for efficiency measurement, while shadow prices are drawn from the dual representation of the DDF. Computing shadow prices is a method to assign an economic value to non-marketed social outcomes. Our research uses cross sectional, farm-level data collected in 2015 from a sample of 180 Catalan arable crop farms specialized in the production of cereals, oilseeds and protein (COP) crops. Our results suggest that our sample farms show high performance scores, from 85% for the bad state of nature to 88% for the normal and ideal crop growing conditions. This suggests that farm performance is increasing with an improvement in crop growth conditions. Results also show that average shadow prices of desirable state-contingent output and social outcomes for efficient and inefficient farms are positive, suggesting that the production of desirable marketable outputs and of non-marketable outputs makes a positive contribution to the farm production efficiency. Results also indicate that social outputs’ shadow prices are contingent upon the growing conditions. The shadow prices follow an upward trend as crop-growing conditions improve. This finding suggests that these efficient farms prefer to allocate more resources in the production of desirable outputs than of social outcomes. To our knowledge, this study represents the first attempt to compute shadow prices of social outcomes while accounting for the stochastic nature of the production technology. Our findings suggest that the decision-making process of the efficient farms in dealing with social issues are stochastic and strongly dependent on the growth conditions. This implies that policy-makers should adjust their instruments according to the stochastic environmental conditions. An optimal redistribution of rural development support, by increasing the public payment with the improvement in crop growth conditions, would likely enhance the effectiveness of public policies.Keywords: data envelopment analysis, shadow prices, social sustainability, sustainable farming
Procedia PDF Downloads 129406 Effect of Irregularities on Seismic Performance of Building
Authors: Snehal Mevada, Darshana Bhatt, Aryan Kalthiya, Neel Parmar, Vishal Baraiya, Dhruvit Bhanderi, Tisha Patel
In multi-storeyed framed buildings, damage occurring from earthquake ground motion generally initiates at locations of structural weaknesses present in the lateral load-resisting frame. In some cases, these weaknesses may be created by discontinuities in stiffness, mass, plan, and torsion. Such discontinuity between storeys is often associated with sudden variations in the vertical geometric irregularities and plan irregularities. Vertical irregularities are structures with a soft storey that can further be broken down into the different types of irregularities as well as their severity for a more refined assessment tool pushover analysis which is one of the methods available for evaluating building against earthquake loads. So, it is very necessary to analyse and understand the seismic performance of the irregular structure in order to reduce the damage which occurs during an earthquake. In this project, a multi-storey (G+4) RCC building with four irregularities (stiffness, mass, plan, torsion) is studied for earthquake loads using the response spectrum method (dynamic analysis) and STADD PRO. All analyses have been done for seismic zone IV and for Medium Soil. In this study effects of different irregularities are analysed based on storey displacement, storey drift, and storey shear.Keywords: comparison of regular and irregular structure, dynamic analysis, mass irregularity, plan irregularity, response spectrum method, stiffness irregularity, seismic performance, torsional irregularity, STAAD PRO
Procedia PDF Downloads 76405 Study on the Stability of Large Space Expandable Parabolic Cylindrical Antenna
Authors: Chuanzhi Chen, Wenjing Yu
Parabolic cylindrical deployable antenna has the characteristics of wide cutting width, strong directivity, high gain, and easy automatic beam scanning. While, due to its large size, high flexibility, and strong coupling, the deployment process of parabolic cylindrical deployable antenna presents such problems as unsynchronized deployment speed, large local deformation and discontinuous switching of deployment state. A large deployable parabolic cylindrical antenna is taken as the research object, and the problem of unfolding process instability of cylindrical antenna is studied in the paper, which is caused by multiple factors such as multiple closed loops, elastic deformation, motion friction, and gap collision. Firstly, the multi-flexible system dynamics model of large-scale parabolic cylindrical antenna is established to study the influence of friction and elastic deformation on the stability of large multi-closed loop antenna. Secondly, the evaluation method of antenna expansion stability is studied, and the quantitative index of antenna configuration design is proposed to provide a theoretical basis for improving the overall performance of the antenna. Finally, through simulation analysis and experiment, the development dynamics and stability of large-scale parabolic cylindrical antennas are verified by in-depth analysis, and the principles for improving the stability of antenna deployment are summarized.Keywords: multibody dynamics, expandable parabolic cylindrical antenna, stability, flexible deformation
Procedia PDF Downloads 147404 The Effects of Mirror Therapy on Clinical Improvement in Hemiplegic Lower Extremity Rehabilitation in Subjects with Chronic Stroke
Authors: Hassan Abo-Salem, Huang Xiaolin
Background and Purpose: The effectiveness of mirror therapy (MT) has been investigated in acute hemiplegia. The present study examines whether MT, given during chronic stroke, was more effective in promoting motor recovery of the lower extremity and walking speed than standard rehabilitation alone. Methods: The study enrolled 30 patients with chronic stroke. Fifteen patients each were assigned to the treatment group and the control group. All patients received a conventional rehabilitation program for a 4-week period. In addition to this rehabilitation program, patients in the treatment group received mirror therapy for 4 weeks, 5 days a week. Main measures: Passive ankle joint dorsiflexion range of motion, gait speed, Brunnstrom stages of motor recovery, plantarflexor muscle tone by Modified Ashworth Scale. Results: Results: No significant difference was found in the outcome measures among groups before treatment. When compared with standard rehabilitation, mirror therapy improved Ankle ROM, Brunnstrom stages and waking speed (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences between two groups on MAS (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Mirror therapy combined with a conventional stroke rehabilitation program enhances lower-extremity motor recovery and walking speed in chronic stroke patients.Keywords: mirror therapy, stroke, MAS, walking speed
Procedia PDF Downloads 508403 Sustainable Ionized Gas Thermoelectric Generator: Comparative Theoretical Evaluation and Efficiency Estimation
Authors: Mohammad Bqoor, Mohammad Hamdan, Isam Janajreh, Sufian Abedrabbo
This extensive theoretical study on a novel Ionized Gas Thermoelectric Generator (IG-TEG) system has shown the ability of continuous energy extracting from the thermal energy of ambient air around standard room temperature and even below. This system does not need a temperature gradient in order to work, unlike the other TEGs that use the Seebeck effect, and therefore this new system can be utilized in sustainable energy systems, as well as in green cooling solutions, by extracting energy instead of wasting energy in compressing the gas for cooling. This novel system was designed based on Static Ratchet Potential (SRP), which is known as a spatially asymmetric electric potential produced by an array of positive and negative electrodes. The ratchet potential produces an electrical current from the random Brownian Motion of charged particles that are driven by thermal energy. The key parameter of the system is particle transportation, and it was studied under the condition of flashing ratchet potentials utilizing several methods and examined experimentally, ensuring its functionality. In this study, a different approach is pursued to estimate particle transportation by evaluating the charged particle distribution and applying the other conditions of the SRP, and showing continued energy harvesting potency from the particles’ transportation. Ultimately, power levels of 10 Watt proved to be achievable from a 1 m long system tube of 10 cm radius.Keywords: thermoelectric generator, ratchet potential, Brownian ratchet, energy harvesting, sustainable energy, green technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 77402 An Evaluation Framework for Virtual Reality Learning Environments in Sports Education
Authors: Jonathan J. Foo, Keng Hao Chew
Interest in virtual reality (VR) technologies as virtual learning environments have been on the rise in recent years. With thanks to the aggressively competitive consumer electronics environment, VR technology has been made affordable and accessible to the average person with developments like Google Cardboard and Oculus Go. While the promise of virtual access to unique virtual learning environments with the benefits of experiential learning sounds extremely attractive, there are still concerns over user comfort in the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domains. Reports of motion sickness and short durations create doubt and have stunted its growth. In this paper, a multidimensional framework is proposed for the evaluation of VR learning environments within the three dimensions: tactual quality, didactic quality, and autodidactic quality. This paper further proposes a mixed-methods experimental research plan that sets out to evaluate a virtual reality training simulator in the context of amateur sports fencing. The study will investigate if an immersive VR learning environment can effectively simulate an authentic learning environment suitable for instruction, practice, and assessment while providing the user comfort in the tactual, didactic, and autodidactic dimensions. The models and recommendations developed for this study are designed in the context of fencing, but the potential impact is a guide for the future design and evaluation of all VR developments across sports and technical classroom education.Keywords: autodidactic quality, didactic quality, tactual quality, virtual reality
Procedia PDF Downloads 135401 Suggestion of Two-Step Traction Therapy for Safer and More Effective Conservative Treatment for Low Back Pain
Authors: Won Man Park, Dae Kyung Choi, Kyungsoo Kim, Yoon Hyuk Kim
Traction therapy has been used in the treatment of spinal pain for decades. However, a case study reported the occurrence of large disc protrusion during motorized traction therapy. In this study, we hypothesized that additional local decompression with a global axial traction could be helpful for risk reduction of intervertebral disc damage. A validated three dimensional finite element model of the lumbar spine was used. Two-step traction therapy using the axial global traction (the first step) with 1/3 body weight and the additional local decompression (the second step) with 7 mm translation of L4 spinal bone was determined for the traction therapy. During two-step traction therapy, the sacrum was constrained in all translational directions. Reduced lordosis angle by the global axial traction recovered with the additional local decompression. Stress on fibers of the annulus fibrosus by the axial global traction decreased with the local decompression by 17%~96% in the posterior region of intervertebral disc. Stresses on ligaments except anterior longitudinal ligaments in all motion segments decreased till 4.9 mm~5.6 mm translation of L4 spinal bone. The results of this study showed that the additional local decompression is very useful for reducing risk of damage in the intervertebral disc and ligaments caused by the global axial traction force. Moreover, the local decompression could be used to enhance reduction of intradiscal pressure.Keywords: lumbar spine, traction-therapy, biomechanics, finite element analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 486400 Effect of Geometry on the Aerodynamic Performance of Darrieus H Yype Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Authors: Belkheir Noura, Rabah Kerfah, Boumehani Abdellah
The influence of solidity variations on the aerodynamic performance of H type vertical axis wind turbine is studied in this paper. The wind turbine model used in this paper is the three-blade wind turbine with the symmetrical airfoil, NACA0021. The length of the chord is 0.265m. Numerical investigations were implemented for the different solidity by changing the radius and blade number. A two-dimensional model of the wind turbine is employed. The approach a Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes equations, completed by the K- ώ SST turbulence model, is used. Motion mesh model capability of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver is used. For each value of the solidity, the aerodynamics performances and the characteristics of the flow field are studied at several values of the tip speed ratio, λ = 0.5 to λ = 3, with an incoming wind speed of 8 m/s. The results show that increasing the number of blades will reduce the maximum value of the power coefficient of the wind turbine. Also, for the VAWT with a lower solidity can obtain the maximum Cp at a high tip speed ratio. The effects of changing the radius and blade number on aerodynamic performance are almost the same. Finally, for the validation, experimental data from the literature and computational results were compared. In conclusion, to study the influence of the solidity in the performances of the wind turbine is to provide the reference for the design of H type vertical axis wind turbines.Keywords: wind energy, darrieus h type vertical axis wind turbine, computational fluid dynamic, solidity
Procedia PDF Downloads 97399 Micro- and Nanoparticle Transport and Deposition in Elliptic Obstructed Channels by Lattice Boltzmann Method
Authors: Salman Piri
In this study, a two-dimensional lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) was considered for the numerical simulation of fluid flow in a channel. Also, the Lagrangian method was used for particle tracking in one-way coupling. Three hundred spherical particles with specific diameters were released in the channel entry and an elliptical object was placed in the channel for flow obstruction. The effect of gravity, the drag force, the Saffman lift and the Brownian forces were evaluated in the particle motion trajectories. Also, the effect of the geometrical parameter, ellipse aspect ratio, and the flow characteristic or Reynolds number was surveyed for the transport and deposition of particles. Moreover, the influence of particle diameter between 0.01 and 10 µm was investigated. Results indicated that in small Reynolds, more inertial and gravitational trapping occurred on the obstacle surface for particles with larger diameters. Whereas, for nano-particles, influenced by Brownian diffusion and vortices behind the obstacle, the inertial and gravitational mechanisms were insignificant and diffusion was the dominant deposition mechanism. In addition, in Reynolds numbers larger than 400, there was no significant difference between the deposition of finer and larger particles. Also, in higher aspect ratios of the ellipse, more inertial trapping occurred for particles of larger diameter (10 micrometers), while in lower cases, interception and gravitational mechanisms were dominant.Keywords: ellipse aspect elito, particle tracking diffusion, lattice boltzman method, larangain particle tracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 79398 The Real Ambassador: How Hip Hop Culture Connects and Educates across Borders
Authors: Frederick Gooding
This paper explores how many Hip Hop artists have intentionally and strategically invoked sustainability principles of people, planet and profits as a means to create community, compensate for and cope with structural inequalities in society. These themes not only create community within one's country, but the powerful display and demonstration of these narratives create community on a global plane. Listeners of Hip Hop are therefore able to learn about the political events occurring in another country free of censure, and establish solidarity worldwide. Hip Hop therefore can be an ingenious tool to create self-worth, recycle positive imagery, and serve as a defense mechanism from institutional and structural forces that conspire to make an upward economic and social trajectory difficult, if not impossible for many people of color, all across the world. Although the birthplace of Hip Hop, the United States of America, is still predominately White, it has undoubtedly grown more diverse at a breath-taking pace in recent decades. Yet, whether American mainstream media will fully reflect America’s newfound diversity remains to be seen. As it stands, American mainstream media is seen and enjoyed by diverse audiences not just in America, but all over the world. Thus, it is imperative that further inquiry is conducted about one of the fastest growing genres within one of the world’s largest and most influential media industries generating upwards of $10 billion annually. More importantly, hip hop, its music and associated culture collectively represent a shared social experience of significant value. They are important tools used both to inform and influence economic, social and political identity. Conversely, principles of American exceptionalism often prioritize American political issues over those of others, thereby rendering a myopic political view within the mainstream. This paper will therefore engage in an international contextualization of the global phenomena entitled Hip Hop by exploring the creative genius and marketing appeal of Hip Hop within the global context of information technology, political expression and social change in addition to taking a critical look at historically racialized imagery within mainstream media. Many artists the world over have been able to freely express themselves and connect with broader communities outside of their own borders, all through the sound practice of the craft of Hip Hop. An empirical understanding of political, social and economic forces within the United States will serve as a bridge for identifying and analyzing transnational themes of commonality for typically marginalized or disaffected communities facing similar struggles for survival and respect. The sharing of commonalities of marginalized cultures not only serves as a source of education outside of typically myopic, mainstream sources, but it also creates transnational bonds globally to the extent that practicing artists resonate with many of the original themes of (now mostly underground) Hip Hop as with many of the African American artists responsible for creating and fostering Hip Hop's powerful outlet of expression. Hip Hop's power of connectivity and culture-sharing transnationally across borders provides a key source of education to be taken seriously by academics.Keywords: culture, education, global, hip hop, mainstream music, transnational
Procedia PDF Downloads 102397 Development of Precise Ephemeris Generation Module for Thaichote Satellite Operations
Authors: Manop Aorpimai, Ponthep Navakitkanok
In this paper, the development of the ephemeris generation module used for the Thaichote satellite operations is presented. It is a vital part of the flight dynamics system, which comprises, the orbit determination, orbit propagation, event prediction and station-keeping maneuver modules. In the generation of the spacecraft ephemeris data, the estimated orbital state vector from the orbit determination module is used as an initial condition. The equations of motion are then integrated forward in time to predict the satellite states. The higher geopotential harmonics, as well as other disturbing forces, are taken into account to resemble the environment in low-earth orbit. Using a highly accurate numerical integrator based on the Burlish-Stoer algorithm the ephemeris data can be generated for long-term predictions, by using a relatively small computation burden and short calculation time. Some events occurring during the prediction course that are related to the mission operations, such as the satellite’s rise/set viewed from the ground station, Earth and Moon eclipses, the drift in ground track as well as the drift in the local solar time of the orbital plane are all detected and reported. When combined with other modules to form a flight dynamics system, this application is aimed to be applied for the Thaichote satellite and successive Thailand’s Earth-observation missions.Keywords: flight dynamics system, orbit propagation, satellite ephemeris, Thailand’s Earth Observation Satellite
Procedia PDF Downloads 377396 Survey of Epidemiology and Mechanisms of Badminton Injury Using Medical Check-Up and Questionnaire of School Age Badminton Players
Authors: Xiao Zhou, Kazuhiro Imai, Xiaoxuan Liu
Badminton is one type of racket sports that requires repetitive overhead motion, with the shoulder in abduction/external rotation and requires players to perform jumps, lunges, and quick directional changes. These characteristics could be stressful for body regions that may cause badminton injuries. Regarding racket players including badminton players, there have not been any studies that have utilized medical check-up to evaluate epidemiology and mechanism of injuries. In addition, epidemiology of badminton injury in school age badminton players is unknown. The first purpose of this study was to investigate the badminton injuries, physical fitness parameters, and intensity of shoulder pain using medical check-up so that the mechanisms of shoulder injuries might be revealed. The second purpose of this study was to survey the distribution of badminton injuries in elementary school age players so that injury prevention can be implemented as early as possible. The results of this study revealed that shoulder pain occurred in all players, and present shoulder pain players had smaller weight, greater shoulder external rotation (ER) gain, significantly thinner circumference of upper limbs and greater trunk extension. Identifying players with specific of these factors may enhance the prevention of badminton injury. This study also shows that there are high incidences of knee, ankle, plantar, and shoulder injury or pain in elementary school age badminton players. Injury prevention program might be implemented for elementary school age players.Keywords: badminton injury, epidemiology, medical check-up, school age players
Procedia PDF Downloads 138395 A Study on the Failure Modes of Steel Moment Frame in Post-Earthquake Fire Using Coupled Mechanical-Thermal Analysis
Authors: Ehsan Asgari, Meisam Afazeli, Nezhla Attarchian
Post-earthquake fire is considered as a major threat in seismic areas. After an earthquake, fire is possible in structures. In this research, the effect of post-earthquake fire on steel moment frames with and without fireproofing coating is investigated. For this purpose, finite element method is employed. For the verification of finite element results, the results of an experimental study carried out by previous researchers are used, and the predicted FE results are compared with the test results, and good agreement is observed. After ensuring the accuracy of the predictions of finite element models, the effect of post-earthquake fire on the frames is investigated taking into account the parameters including the presence or absence of fire protection, frame design assumptions, earthquake type and different fire scenario. Ordinary fire and post-earthquake fire effect on the frames is also studied. The plastic hinges induced by earthquake in the structure are determined in the beam to the column connection and in panel zone. These areas should be accurately considered when providing fireproofing coatings. The results of the study show that the occurrence of fire beside corner columns is the most damaging scenario that results in progressive collapse of structure. It was also concluded that the behavior of structure in fire after a strong ground motion is significantly different from that in a normal fire.Keywords: post earthquake fire, moment frame, finite element simulation, coupled temperature-displacement analysis, fire scenario
Procedia PDF Downloads 154394 Real-Time Gesture Recognition System Using Microsoft Kinect
Authors: Ankita Wadhawan, Parteek Kumar, Umesh Kumar
Gesture is any body movement that expresses some attitude or any sentiment. Gestures as a sign language are used by deaf people for conveying messages which helps in eliminating the communication barrier between deaf people and normal persons. Nowadays, everybody is using mobile phone and computer as a very important gadget in their life. But there are some physically challenged people who are blind/deaf and the use of mobile phone or computer like device is very difficult for them. So, there is an immense need of a system which works on body gesture or sign language as input. In this research, Microsoft Kinect Sensor, SDK V2 and Hidden Markov Toolkit (HTK) are used to recognize the object, motion of object and human body joints through Touch less NUI (Natural User Interface) in real-time. The depth data collected from Microsoft Kinect has been used to recognize gestures of Indian Sign Language (ISL). The recorded clips are analyzed using depth, IR and skeletal data at different angles and positions. The proposed system has an average accuracy of 85%. The developed Touch less NUI provides an interface to recognize gestures and controls the cursor and click operation in computer just by waving hand gesture. This research will help deaf people to make use of mobile phones, computers and socialize among other persons in the society.Keywords: gesture recognition, Indian sign language, Microsoft Kinect, natural user interface, sign language
Procedia PDF Downloads 306393 IoT Based Agriculture Monitoring Framework for Sustainable Rice Production
Authors: Armanul Hoque Shaon, Md Baizid Mahmud, Askander Nobi, Md. Raju Ahmed, Md. Jiabul Hoque
In the Internet of Things (IoT), devices are linked to the internet through a wireless network, allowing them to collect and transmit data without the need for a human operator. Agriculture relies heavily on wireless sensors, which are a vital component of the Internet of Things (IoT). This kind of wireless sensor network monitors physical or environmental variables like temperatures, sound, vibration, pressure, or motion without relying on a central location or sink and collaboratively passes its data across the network to be analyzed. As the primary source of plant nutrients, the soil is critical to the agricultural industry's continued growth. We're excited about the prospect of developing an Internet of Things (IoT) solution. To arrange the network, the sink node collects groundwater levels and sends them to the Gateway, which centralizes the data and forwards it to the sensor nodes. The sink node gathers soil moisture data, transmits the mean to the Gateways, and then forwards it to the website for dissemination. The web server is in charge of storing and presenting the moisture in the soil data to the web application's users. Soil characteristics may be collected using a networked method that we developed to improve rice production. Paddy land is running out as the population of our nation grows. The success of this project will be dependent on the appropriate use of the existing land base.Keywords: IoT based agriculture monitoring, intelligent irrigation, communicating network, rice production
Procedia PDF Downloads 154392 Effect of Quenching Medium on the Hardness of Dual Phase Steel Heat Treated at a High Temperature
Authors: Tebogo Mabotsa, Tamba Jamiru, David Ibrahim
Dual phase(DP) steel consists essentially of fine grained equiaxial ferrite and a dispersion of martensite. Martensite is the primary precipitate in DP steels, it is the main resistance to dislocation motion within the material. The objective of this paper is to present a relation between the intercritical annealing holding time and the hardness of a dual phase steel. The initial heat treatment involved heating the specimens to 1000oC and holding the sample at that temperature for 30 minutes. After the initial heat treatment, the samples were heated to 770oC and held for a varying amount of time at constant temperature. The samples were held at 30, 60, and 90 minutes respectively. After heating and holding the samples at the austenite-ferrite phase field, the samples were quenched in water, brine, and oil for each holding time. The experimental results proved that an equation for predicting the hardness of a dual phase steel as a function of the intercritical holding time is possible. The relation between intercritical annealing holding time and hardness of a dual phase steel heat treated at high temperatures is parabolic in nature. Theoretically, the model isdependent on the cooling rate because the model differs for each quenching medium; therefore, a universal hardness equation can be derived where the cooling rate is a variable factor.Keywords: quenching medium, annealing temperature, dual phase steel, martensite
Procedia PDF Downloads 82391 Research Developments in Vibration Control of Structure Using Tuned Liquid Column Dampers: A State-of-the-Art Review
Authors: Jay Gohel, Anant Parghi
A tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) is a modified passive system of tuned mass damper, where a liquid is used in place of mass in the structure. A TLCD consists of U-shaped tube with an orifice that produces damping against the liquid motion in the tube. This paper provides a state-of-the-art review on the vibration control of wind and earthquake excited structures using liquid dampers. Further, the paper will also discuss the theoretical background of TCLD, history of liquid dampers and existing literature on experimental, numerical, and analytical study. The review will also include different configuration of TLCD viz single TLCD, multi tuned liquid column damper (MTLCD), TLCD-Interior (TLCDI), tuned liquid column ball damper (TLCBD), tuned liquid column ball gas damper (TLCBGD), and pendulum liquid column damper (PLCD). The dynamic characteristics of the different configurate TLCD system and their effectiveness in reducing the vibration of structure will be discussed. The effectiveness of semi-active TLCD will be also discussed with reference to experimental and analytical results. In addition, the review will also provide the numerous examples of implemented TLCD to control the vibration in real structures. Based on the comprehensive review of literature, some important conclusions will be made and the need for future research will be identified for vibration control of structures using TLCD.Keywords: earthquake, wind, tuned liquid column damper, passive response control, structures
Procedia PDF Downloads 208390 Impact of Integrated Signals for Doing Human Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning Models
Authors: Milagros Jaén-Vargas, Javier García Martínez, Karla Miriam Reyes Leiva, María Fernanda Trujillo-Guerrero, Francisco Fernandes, Sérgio Barroso Gonçalves, Miguel Tavares Silva, Daniel Simões Lopes, José Javier Serrano Olmedo
Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is having a growing impact in creating new applications and is responsible for emerging new technologies. Also, the use of wearable sensors is an important key to exploring the human body's behavior when performing activities. Hence, the use of these dispositive is less invasive and the person is more comfortable. In this study, a database that includes three activities is used. The activities were acquired from inertial measurement unit sensors (IMU) and motion capture systems (MOCAP). The main objective is differentiating the performance from four Deep Learning (DL) models: Deep Neural Network (DNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and hybrid model Convolutional Neural Network-Long Short-Term Memory (CNN-LSTM), when considering acceleration, velocity and position and evaluate if integrating the IMU acceleration to obtain velocity and position represent an increment in performance when it works as input to the DL models. Moreover, compared with the same type of data provided by the MOCAP system. Despite the acceleration data is cleaned when integrating, results show a minimal increase in accuracy for the integrated signals.Keywords: HAR, IMU, MOCAP, acceleration, velocity, position, feature maps
Procedia PDF Downloads 100389 Capillary Wave Motion and Atomization Induced by Surface Acoustic Waves under the Navier-Slip Condition at the Wall
Authors: Jaime E. Munoz, Jose C. Arcos, Oscar E. Bautista, Ivan E. Campos
The influence of slippage phenomenon over the destabilization and atomization mechanisms induced via surface acoustic waves on a Newtonian, millimeter-sized, drop deposited on a hydrophilic substrate is studied theoretically. By implementing the Navier-slip model and a lubrication-type approach into the equations which govern the dynamic response of a drop exposed to acoustic stress, a highly nonlinear evolution equation for the air-liquid interface is derived in terms of the acoustic capillary number and the slip coefficient. By numerically solving such an evolution equation, the Spatio-temporal deformation of the drop's free surface is obtained; in this context, atomization of the initial drop into micron-sized droplets is predicted at our numerical model once the acoustically-driven capillary waves reach a critical value: the instability length. Our results show slippage phenomenon at systems with partial and complete wetting favors the formation of capillary waves at the free surface, which traduces in a major volume of liquid being atomized in comparison to the no-slip case for a given time interval. In consequence, slippage at the wall possesses the capability to affect and improve the atomization rate for a drop exposed to a high-frequency acoustic field.Keywords: capillary instability, lubrication theory, navier-slip condition, SAW atomization
Procedia PDF Downloads 157388 The Classification Accuracy of Finance Data through Holder Functions
Authors: Yeliz Karaca, Carlo Cattani
This study focuses on the local Holder exponent as a measure of the function regularity for time series related to finance data. In this study, the attributes of the finance dataset belonging to 13 countries (India, China, Japan, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Mexico, United Kingdom, Argentina, Brazil, USA) located in 5 different continents (Asia, Europe, Australia, North America and South America) have been examined.These countries are the ones mostly affected by the attributes with regard to financial development, covering a period from 2012 to 2017. Our study is concerned with the most important attributes that have impact on the development of finance for the countries identified. Our method is comprised of the following stages: (a) among the multi fractal methods and Brownian motion Holder regularity functions (polynomial, exponential), significant and self-similar attributes have been identified (b) The significant and self-similar attributes have been applied to the Artificial Neuronal Network (ANN) algorithms (Feed Forward Back Propagation (FFBP) and Cascade Forward Back Propagation (CFBP)) (c) the outcomes of classification accuracy have been compared concerning the attributes that have impact on the attributes which affect the countries’ financial development. This study has enabled to reveal, through the application of ANN algorithms, how the most significant attributes are identified within the relevant dataset via the Holder functions (polynomial and exponential function).Keywords: artificial neural networks, finance data, Holder regularity, multifractals
Procedia PDF Downloads 247387 Numerical Analysis of Supersonic Impinging Jets onto Resonance Tube
Authors: Shinji Sato, M. M. A. Alam, Manabu Takao
In recent, investigation of an unsteady flow inside the resonance tube have become a strongly motivated research field for their potential application as high-frequency actuators. By generating a shock wave inside the resonance tube, a high temperature and pressure can be achieved inside the tube, and this high temperature can also be used to ignite a jet engine. In the present research, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis was carried out to investigate the flow inside the resonance tube. The density-based solver of rhoCentralFoam in OpenFOAM was used to numerically simulate the flow. The supersonic jet that was driven by a cylindrical nozzle with a nominal exit diameter of φd = 20.3 mm impinged onto the resonance tube. The jet pressure ratio was varied between 2.6 and 7.8. The gap s between the nozzle exit and tube entrance was changed between 1.5d and 3.0d. The diameter and length of the tube were taken as D = 1.25d and L=3.0D, respectively. As a result, when a supersonic jet has impinged onto the resonance tube, a compression wave was found generating inside the tube and propagating towards the tube end wall. This wave train resulted in a rise in the end wall gas temperature and pressure. While, in an outflow phase, the gas near tube enwall was found cooling back isentropically to its initial temperature. Thus, the compression waves repeated a reciprocating motion in the tube like a piston, and a fluctuation in the end wall pressures and temperatures were observed. A significant change was found in the end wall pressures and temperatures with a change of jet flow conditions. In this study, the highest temperature was confirmed at a jet pressure ratio of 4.2 and a gap of s=2.0dKeywords: compressible flow, OpenFOAM, oscillations, a resonance tube, shockwave
Procedia PDF Downloads 151386 MHD Boundary Layer Flow of a Nanofluid Past a Wedge Shaped Wick in Heat Pipe
Authors: Ziya Uddin
This paper deals with the theoretical and numerical investigation of magneto-hydrodynamic boundary layer flow of a nano fluid past a wedge shaped wick in heat pipe used for the cooling of electronic components and different type of machines. To incorporate the effect of nanoparticle diameter, concentration of nanoparticles in the pure fluid, nano thermal layer formed around the nanoparticle and Brownian motion of nano particles etc., appropriate models are used for the effective thermal and physical properties of nano fluids. To model the rotation of nano particles inside the base fluid, microfluidics theory is used. In this investigation ethylene glycol (EG) based nanofluids, are taken into account. The non-linear equations governing the flow and heat transfer are solved by using a very effective particle swarm optimization technique along with Runge-Kutta method. The values of heat transfer coefficient are found for different parameters involved in the formulation viz. nanoparticle concentration, nanoparticle size, magnetic field and wedge angle etc. It is found that the wedge angle, presence of magnetic field, nanoparticle size and nanoparticle concentration etc. have prominent effects on fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics for the considered configuration.Keywords: nanofluids, wedge shaped wick, heat pipe, numerical modeling, particle swarm optimization, nanofluid applications, Heat transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 391385 Assessment of Cellular Metabolites and Impedance for Early Diagnosis of Oral Cancer among Habitual Smokers
Authors: Ripon Sarkar, Kabita Chaterjee, Ananya Barui
Smoking is one of the leading causes of oral cancer. Cigarette smoke affects various cellular parameters and alters molecular metabolism of cells. Epithelial cells losses their cytoskeleton structure, membrane integrity, cellular polarity that subsequently initiates the process of epithelial cells to mesenchymal transition due to long exposure of cigarette smoking. It changes the normal cellular metabolic activity which induces oxidative stress and enhances the reactive oxygen spices (ROS) formation. Excessive ROS and associated oxidative stress are considered to be a driving force in alteration in cellular phenotypes, polarity distribution and mitochondrial metabolism. Noninvasive assessment of such parameters plays essential role in development of routine screening system for early diagnosis of oral cancer. Electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) is one of such method applied for detection of cellular membrane impedance which can be correlated to cell membrane integrity. Present study intends to explore the alteration in cellular impedance along with the expression of cellular polarity molecules and cytoskeleton distributions in oral epithelial cells of habitual smokers and to correlate the outcome to that of clinically diagnosed oral leukoplakia and oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. Total 80 subjects were categorized into four study groups: nonsmoker (NS), cigarette smoker (CS), oral leukoplakia (OLPK) and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Cytoskeleton distribution was analyzed by staining of actin filament and generation of ROS was measured using assay kit using standard protocol. Cell impedance was measured through ECIS method at different frequencies. Expression of E-cadherin and protease-activated receptor (PAR) proteins were observed through immune-fluorescence method. Distribution of actin filament is well organized in NS group however; distribution pattern was grossly varied in CS, OLPK and OSCC. Generation of ROS was low in NS which subsequently increased towards OSCC. Expressions of E-cadherin and change in cellular electrical impedance in different study groups indicated the hallmark of cancer progression from NS to OSCC. Expressions of E-cadherin, PAR protein, and cell impedance were decreased from NS to CS and farther OSCC. Generally, the oral epithelial cells exhibit apico-basal polarity however with cancer progression these cells lose their characteristic polarity distribution. In this study expression of polarity molecule and ECIS observation indicates such altered pattern of polarity among smoker group. Overall the present study monitored the alterations in intracellular ROS generation and cell metabolic function, membrane integrity in oral epithelial cells in cigarette smokers. Present study thus has clinical significance, and it may help in developing a noninvasive technique for early diagnosis of oral cancer amongst susceptible individuals.Keywords: cigarette smoking, early oral cancer detection, electric cell-substrate impedance sensing, noninvasive screening
Procedia PDF Downloads 178384 Numerical Simulation of Lifeboat Launching Using Overset Meshing
Authors: Alok Khaware, Vinay Kumar Gupta, Jean Noel Pederzani
Lifeboat launching from marine vessel or offshore platform is one of the important areas of research in offshore applications. With the advancement of computational fluid dynamic simulation (CFD) technology to solve fluid induced motions coupled with Six Degree of Freedom (6DOF), rigid body dynamics solver, it is now possible to predict the motion of the lifeboat precisely in different challenging conditions. Traditionally dynamic remeshing approach is used to solve this kind of problems, but remeshing approach has some bottlenecks to control good quality mesh in transient moving mesh cases. In the present study, an overset method with higher-order interpolation is used to simulate a lifeboat launched from an offshore platform into calm water, and volume of fluid (VOF) method is used to track free surface. Overset mesh consists of a set of overlapping component meshes, which allows complex geometries to be meshed with lesser effort. Good quality mesh with local refinement is generated at the beginning of the simulation and stay unchanged throughout the simulation. Overset mesh accuracy depends on the precise interpolation technique; the present study includes a robust and accurate least square interpolation method and results obtained with overset mesh shows good agreement with experiment.Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, free surface flow, lifeboat launching, overset mesh, volume of fluid
Procedia PDF Downloads 277383 An Inflatable and Foldable Knee Exosuit Based on Intelligent Management of Biomechanical Energy
Authors: Jing Fang, Yao Cui, Mingming Wang, Shengli She, Jianping Yuan
Wearable robotics is a potential solution in aiding gait rehabilitation of lower limbs dyskinesia patients, such as knee osteoarthritis or stroke afflicted patients. Many wearable robots have been developed in the form of rigid exoskeletons, but their bulk devices, high cost and control complexity hinder their popularity in the field of gait rehabilitation. Thus, the development of a portable, compliant and low-cost wearable robot for gait rehabilitation is necessary. Inspired by Chinese traditional folding fans and balloon inflators, the authors present an inflatable, foldable and variable stiffness knee exosuit (IFVSKE) in this paper. The pneumatic actuator of IFVSKE was fabricated in the shape of folding fans by using thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) fabric materials. The geometric and mechanical properties of IFVSKE were characterized with experimental methods. To assist the knee joint smartly, an intelligent control profile for IFVSKE was proposed based on the concept of full-cycle energy management of the biomechanical energy during human movement. The biomechanical energy of knee joints in a walking gait cycle of patients could be collected and released to assist the joint motion just by adjusting the inner pressure of IFVSKE. Finally, a healthy subject was involved to walk with and without the IFVSKE to evaluate the assisting effects.Keywords: biomechanical energy management, knee exosuit, gait rehabilitation, wearable robotics
Procedia PDF Downloads 163382 Excitation of Guided Waves in Finite Width Plates Using a Numerical Approach
Authors: Wenbo Duan, Hossein Habibi, Vassilios Kappatos, Cem Selcuk, Tat-Hean Gan
Ultrasonic guided waves are often used to remove ice or fouling in different structures, such as ship hulls, wind turbine blades and so on. To achieve maximum sound power output, it is important that multiple transducers are arranged in a particular way so that a desired mode can be excited. The objective of this paper is thus to provide a theoretical basis for generating a particular mode in a finite width rectangular plate which can be used for removing potential ice or fouling on the plate. The number of transducers and their locations with respect to a particular mode will be investigated, and the link between dispersion curves and practical applications will be explored. To achieve this, a semi-analytical finite element (SAFE) method is used to study the dispersion characteristics of all the modes in the ultrasonic frequency range. The detailed modal shapes will be revealed, and from the modal analysis, the particular mode with the strongest yet continuous transverse and axial displacements on the surfaces of the plate will be chosen for the purpose of removing potential ice or fouling on the plate. The modal analysis is followed by providing information on the number, location and amplitude of transducers needed to excite this particular mode. Modal excitation is then implemented in a standard finite element commercial package, namely COMSOL Multiphysics. Wave motion is visualized in COMSOL, and the mode shapes generated in SAFE is found to be consistent with the mode shapes generated in COMSOL.Keywords: dispersion analysis, finite width plate, guided wave, modal excitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 474381 Effect of Mobile Drip and Linear Irrigation System on Sugar Beet Yield
Authors: Ismail Tas, Yusuf Ersoy Yildirim, Yavuz Fatih Fidantemiz, Aysegul Boyacioglu, Demet Uygan, Ozgur Ates, Erdinc Savasli, Oguz Onder, Murat Tugrul
The biggest input of agricultural production is irrigation, water and energy. Although it varies according to the conditions in drip and sprinkler irrigation systems compared to surface irrigation systems, there is a significant amount of energy expenditure. However, this expense not only increases the user's control over the irrigation water but also provides an increase in water savings and water application efficiency. Thus, while irrigation water is used more effectively, it also contributes to reducing production costs. The Mobile Drip Irrigation System (MDIS) is a system in which new technologies are used, and it is one of the systems that are thought to play an important role in increasing the irrigation water utilization rate of plants and reducing water losses, as well as using irrigation water effectively. MDIS is currently considered the most effective method for irrigation, with the development of both linear and central motion systems. MDIS is potentially more advantageous than sprinkler irrigation systems in terms of reducing wind-induced water losses and reducing evaporation losses on the soil and plant surface. Another feature of MDIS is that the sprinkler heads on the systems (such as the liner and center pivot) can remain operational even when the drip irrigation system is installed. This allows the user to use both irrigation methods. In this study, the effect of MDIS and linear sprinkler irrigation method on sugar beet yield at different irrigation water levels will be revealed.Keywords: MDIS, linear sprinkler, sugar beet, irrigation efficiency
Procedia PDF Downloads 99380 The Checkout and Separation of Environmental Hazards of the Range Overlooking the Meshkin City
Authors: F. Esfandyari Darabad, Z. Samadi
Natural environments have always been affected by one of the most important natural hazards, which is called, the mass movements that cause instability. Identifying the unstable regions and separating them so as to detect and determine the risk of environmental factors is one of the important issues in mountainous areas development. In this study, the northwest of Sabalan hillsides overlooking the Meshkin city and the surrounding area of that have been delimitated, in order to analyze the range processes such as landslides and debris flows based on structural and geomorphological conditions, by means of using GIS. This area due to the high slope of the hillsides and height of the region and the poor localization of roads and so because of them destabilizing the ranges own an inappropriate situation. This study is done with the purpose of identifying the effective factors in the range motion and determining the areas with high potential for zoning these movements by using GIS. The results showed that the most common range movements in the area, are debris flows, rocks falling and landslides. The effective factors in each one of the mass movements, considering a small amount of weight for each factor, the weight map of each factor and finally, the map of risk zoning for the range movements were provided. Based on the zoning map resulted in the study area, the risking level of damaging has specified into the four zones of very high risk, high risk, medium risk, low risk, in which areas with very high and high risk are settled near the road and along the Khyav river and in the mountainous district.Keywords: debris flow, environmental hazards, GIS, landslide
Procedia PDF Downloads 526379 Synthetic Optimizing Control of Wind-Wave Hybrid Energy Conversion System
Authors: Lei Xue, Liye Zhao, Jundong Wang, Yu Xue
A hybrid energy conversion system composed of a floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) and wave energy converters (WECs) may possibly reduce the levelized cost of energy, improving the platform dynamics and increasing the capacity to harvest energy. This paper investigates the aerodynamic performance and dynamic responses of the combined semi-submersible FOWT and point-absorber WECs in frequency and time domains using synthetic optimizing control under turbulent wind and irregular wave conditions. Individual pitch control is applied to the FOWT part, while spring–damping control is used on the WECs part, as well as the synergistic control effect of both are studied. The effect of the above control optimization is analyzed under several typical working conditions, such as below-rated wind speed, rated wind speed, and above-rated wind speed by OpenFAST and WEC-Sim software. Particularly, the wind-wave misalignment is also comparatively investigated, which has demonstrated the importance of applying proper integrated optimal control in this hybrid energy system. More specifically, the combination of individual pitch control and spring–damping control is able to mitigate the platform pitch motion and improve output power. However, the increase in blade root load needs to be considered which needs further investigations in the future.Keywords: floating offshore wind turbine, wave energy converters, control optimization, individual pitch control, dynamic response
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