Search results for: special groups
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Paper Count: 9148

Search results for: special groups

7888 Race, Class, Gender, and the American Welfare State (1930s-1990s)

Authors: Tahar Djebbar Aziza


The American society, like all societies, is fractured by social divisions between different groups of people. It is divided by race, class, gender, and other social and cultural characteristics. Social divisions affect the way and the manner welfare is delivered for citizens within the American society. The welfare state exists to guarantee the promotion of well –being for all the different components within a society without taking into account their age, gender, their ethnicity/race, or their social belonging (class). Race, class, and even gender issues are the main factors that affected the formal structure, the nature, as well as the evolution of the American welfare state and led to its uniqueness. They have affected the structure and the evolution of the American welfare state since its creation in the 1930s, and led to its uniqueness in an international level. This study aims therefore at enhancing the readers’ awareness of social divisions: race, class, gender and their implications for the distribution of welfare resources and life chances in the USA from the early 1930s to the late 1990s.

Keywords: African Americans, class, gender, minority groups, race, social divisions, social policy, U.S. welfare state

Procedia PDF Downloads 557
7887 Gaze Behaviour of Individuals with and without Intellectual Disability for Nonaccidental and Metric Shape Properties

Authors: S. Haider, B. Bhushan


Eye Gaze behaviour of individuals with and without intellectual disability are investigated in an eye tracking study in terms of sensitivity to Nonaccidental (NAPs) and Metric (MPs) shape properties. Total fixation time is used as an indirect measure of attention allocation. Studies have found Mean reaction times for non accidental properties (NAPs) to be shorter than for metric (MPs) when the MP and NAP differences were equalized. METHODS: Twenty-five individuals with intellectual disability (mild and moderate level of Mental Retardation) and twenty-seven normal individuals were compared on mean total fixation duration, accuracy level and mean reaction time for mild NAPs, extreme NAPs and metric properties of images. 2D images of cylinders were adapted and made into forced choice match-to-sample tasks. Tobii TX300 Eye Tracker was used to record total fixation duration and data obtained from the Areas of Interest (AOI). Variable trial duration (total reaction time of each participant) and fixed trail duration (data taken at each second from one to fifteen seconds) data were used for analyses. Both groups did not differ in terms of fixation times (fixed as well as variable) across any of the three image manipulations but differed in terms of reaction time and accuracy. Normal individuals had longer reaction time compared to individuals with intellectual disability across all types of images. Both the groups differed significantly on accuracy measure across all image types. Normal individuals performed better across all three types of images. Mild NAPs vs. Metric differences: There was significant difference between mild NAPs and metric properties of images in terms of reaction times. Mild NAPs images had significantly longer reaction time compared to metric for normal individuals but this difference was not found for individuals with intellectual disability. Mild NAPs images had significantly better accuracy level compared to metric for both the groups. In conclusion, type of image manipulations did not result in differences in attention allocation for individuals with and without intellectual disability. Mild Nonaccidental properties facilitate better accuracy level compared to metric in both the groups but this advantage is seen only for normal group in terms of mean reaction time.

Keywords: eye gaze fixations, eye movements, intellectual disability, stimulus properties

Procedia PDF Downloads 554
7886 Effect of Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation on Gait in Patients with Stroke

Authors: Mohamed Ahmed Fouad


Background: Stroke is the most leading cause to functional disability and gait problems. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of rhythmic auditory stimulation combined with treadmill training on selected gait kinematics in stroke patients. Methods: Thirty male stroke patients participated in this study. The patients were assigned randomly into two equal groups, (study and control). Patients in the study group received treadmill training combined with rhythmic auditory stimulation in addition to selected physical therapy program for hemiparetic patients. Patients in the control group received treadmill training in addition to the same selected physical therapy program including strengthening, stretching, weight bearing, balance exercises and gait training. Biodex gait trainer 2 TM was used to assess selected gait kinematics (step length, step cycle, walking speed, time on each foot and ambulation index) before and after six weeks training period (end of treatment) for both groups. Results: There was a statistically significant increase in walking speed, step cycle, step length, percent of the time on each foot and ambulation index in both groups post-treatment. The improvement in gait parameters post-treatment was significantly higher in the study group compared to the control. Conclusion: Rhythmic auditory stimulation combined with treadmill training is effective in improving selected gait kinematics in stroke patients when added to the selected physical therapy program.

Keywords: stroke, rhythmic auditory stimulation, treadmill training, gait kinematics

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7885 Happiness of Thai People: An Analysis by Socioeconomic Factors

Authors: Kalayanee Senasu


This research investigates Thai people’s happiness based on socioeconomic factors, i.e. region, municipality, gender, age, and occupation. The research data were collected from survey data using interviewed questionnaires. The primary data were from stratified multi-stage sampling in each region, province, district, and enumeration area; and simple random sampling in each enumeration area. These data were collected in 13 provinces: Bangkok and three provinces in each of all four regions. The data were collected over two consecutive years. There were 3,217 usable responses from the 2017 sampling, and 3,280 usable responses from the 2018 sampling. The Senasu’s Thai Happiness Index (THaI) was used to calculate the happiness level of Thai people in 2017 and 2018. This Thai Happiness Index comprises five dimensions: subjective well-being, quality of life, philosophy of living, governance, and standard of living. The result reveals that the 2017 happiness value is 0.506, while Thai people are happier in 2018 (THaI = 0.556). For 2017 happiness, people in the Central region have the highest happiness (THaI = 0.532), which is followed closely by people in the Bangkok Metropolitan Area (THaI = 0.530). People in the North have the lowest happiness (THaI = 0.476) which is close to the level for people in the Northeast (THaI = 0.479). Comparing age groups, it is found that people in the age range 25-29 years old are the happiest (THaI = 0.529), followed by people in the age range 55-59 and 35-39 years old (THaI = 0.526 and 0.523, respectively). Additionally, people who live in municipal areas are happier than those who live in non-municipal areas (THaI = 0.533 vs. 0.475). Males are happier than females (THaI = 0.530 vs. 0.482), and retired people, entrepreneurs, and government employees are all in the high happiness groups (THaI =0.614, 0.608, and 0.593, respectively). For 2018 happiness, people in the Northern region have the highest happiness (THaI = 0.590), which is followed closely by people in the South and Bangkok Metropolitan Area (THaI = 0.578 and 0.577, respectively). People in the Central have the lowest happiness (THaI = 0.530), which is close to the level for people in the Northeast (THaI = 0.533). Comparing age groups, it is found that people in the age range 35-39 years old are the happiest (THaI = 0.572), followed by people in the age range 40-44 and 60-64 years old (THaI = 0.569 and 0.568, respectively). Similar to 2017 happiness, people who live in municipal areas are happier than those who live in non-municipal areas (THaI = 0.567 vs. 0. 552). However, males and females are happy at about the same levels (THaI = 0.561 vs. 0.560), and government employees, retired people, and state enterprise employees are all in the high happiness groups (THaI =0.667, 0.639, and 0.661, respectively).

Keywords: happiness, quality of life, Thai happiness index, socio-economic factors

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7884 Video-On-Demand QoE Evaluation across Different Age-Groups and Its Significance for Network Capacity

Authors: Mujtaba Roshan, John A. Schormans


Quality of Experience (QoE) drives churn in the broadband networks industry, and good QoE plays a large part in the retention of customers. QoE is known to be affected by the Quality of Service (QoS) factors packet loss probability (PLP), delay and delay jitter caused by the network. Earlier results have shown that the relationship between these QoS factors and QoE is non-linear, and may vary from application to application. We use the network emulator Netem as the basis for experimentation, and evaluate how QoE varies as we change the emulated QoS metrics. Focusing on Video-on-Demand, we discovered that the reported QoE may differ widely for users of different age groups, and that the most demanding age group (the youngest) can require an order of magnitude lower PLP to achieve the same QoE than is required by the most widely studied age group of users. We then used a bottleneck TCP model to evaluate the capacity cost of achieving an order of magnitude decrease in PLP, and found it be (almost always) a 3-fold increase in link capacity that was required.

Keywords: network capacity, packet loss probability, quality of experience, quality of service

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7883 The Social Structuring of Mate Selection: Assortative Marriage Patterns in the Israeli Jewish Population

Authors: Naava Dihi, Jon Anson


Love, so it appears, is not socially blind. We show that partner selection is socially constrained, and the freedom to choose is limited by at least two major factors or capitals: on the one hand, material resources and education, locating the partners on a scale of personal achievement and economic independence. On the other, the partners' ascriptive belonging to particular ethnic, or origin, groups, differentiated by the groups' social prestige, as well as by their culture, history and even physical characteristics. However, the relative importance of achievement and ascriptive factors, as well as the overlap between them, varies from society to society, depending on the society's structure and the factors shaping it. Israeli social structure has been shaped by the waves of new immigrants who arrived over the years. The timing of their arrival, their patterns of physical settlement and their occupational inclusion or exclusion have together created a mosaic of social groups whose principal common feature has been the country of origin from which they arrived. The analysis of marriage patterns helps illuminate the social meanings of the groups and their borders. To the extent that ethnic group membership has meaning for individuals and influences their life choices, the ascriptive factor will gain in importance relative to the achievement factor in their choice of marriage partner. In this research, we examine Jewish Israeli marriage patterns by looking at the marriage choices of 5,041 women aged 15 to 49 who were single at the census in 1983, and who were married at the time of the 1995 census, 12 years later. The database for this study was a file linking respondents from the 1983 and the 1995 censuses. In both cases, 5 percent of household were randomly chosen, so that our sample includes about 4 percent of women in Israel in 1983. We present three basic analyses: (1) Who was still single in 1983, using personal and household data from the 1983 census (binomial model), (2) Who married between 1983 and a1995, using personal and household data from the 1983 census (binomial model), (3) What were the personal characteristics of the womens’ partners in 1995, using data from the 1995 census (loglinear model). We show (i) that material and cultural capital both operate to delay marriage and to increase the probability of remaining single; and (ii) while there is a clear association between ethnic group membership and education, endogamy and homogamy both operate as separate forces which constraint (but do not determine) the choice of marriage partner, and thus both serve to reproduce the current pattern of relationships, as well as identifying patterns of proximity and distance between the different groups.

Keywords: Israel, nuptiality, ascription, achievement

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7882 Effects of Mobile Assisted Language Learning on Madrassa Students’ ESL Learning

Authors: Muhammad Mooneeb Ali


Institutions, where religious knowledge is given are known as madrassas. They also give formal education along with religious education. This study will be a pioneer to explore if MALL can be beneficial for madrassa students or not in formal educational situations. For investigation, an experimental study was planned in Punjab where the sample size was 100 students, 10 each from 10 different madrassas of Punjab, who are studying at the intermediate level (i.e., 11th grade). The madrassas were chosen through a convenient sampling method, whereas the learners were chosen by a simple random sampling method. A pretest was conducted, and on the basis of the results, the learners were divided into two equal groups (experimental and controlled). After two months of treatment, a posttest was conducted, and the results of both groups were compared. The results indicated that the performance of the experimental group was significantly better than the control one. This indicates that MALL elevates the performance of Madrassa students.

Keywords: english language learners, madrassa students, formal education, mobile assisted language learning (MALL), Pakistan.

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7881 Some New Bounds for a Real Power of the Normalized Laplacian Eigenvalues

Authors: Ayşe Dilek Maden


For a given a simple connected graph, we present some new bounds via a new approach for a special topological index given by the sum of the real number power of the non-zero normalized Laplacian eigenvalues. To use this approach presents an advantage not only to derive old and new bounds on this topic but also gives an idea how some previous results in similar area can be developed.

Keywords: degree Kirchhoff index, normalized Laplacian eigenvalue, spanning tree, simple connected graph

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7880 Methodological Issues of Teaching Vocabulary in a Technical University

Authors: Elza Salakhova


The purpose of this article is to consider some common difficulties encountered in teaching vocabulary in technical higher educational institutions. It deals with the problem of teaching special vocabulary in the process of teaching a foreign language. There have been analyzed some problems in teaching a foreign language to learners of a technical higher establishment. There are some recommendations for teachers to motivate their students to learn and master a foreign language through learning terminology.

Keywords: professionally-oriented study, motivation, technical university, foreign language

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7879 Supporting 'vulnerable' Students to Complete Their Studies During the Economic Crisis in Greece: The Umbrella Program of International Hellenic University

Authors: Rigas Kotsakis, Nikolaos Tsigilis, Vasilis Grammatikopoulos, Evridiki Zachopoulou


During the last decade, Greece has faced an unprecedented financial crisis, affecting various aspects and functionalities of Higher Education. Besides the restricted funding of academic institutions, the students and their families encountered economical difficulties that undoubtedly influenced the effective completion of their studies. In this context, a fairly large number of students in Alexander campus of International Hellenic University (IHU) delay, interrupt, or even abandon their studies, especially when they come from low-income families, belong to sensitive social or special needs groups, they have different cultural origins, etc. For this reason, a European project, named “Umbrella”, was initiated aiming at providing the necessary psychological support and counseling, especially to disadvantaged students, towards the completion of their studies. To this end, a network of various academic members (academic staff and students) from IHU, namely iMentor, were implicated in different roles. Specifically, experienced academic staff trained students to serve as intermediate links for the integration and educational support of students that fall into the aforementioned sensitive social groups and face problems for the completion of their studies. The main idea of the project is held upon its person-centered character, which facilitates direct student-to-student communication without the intervention of the teaching staff. The backbone of the iMentors network are senior students that face no problem in their academic life and volunteered for this project. It should be noted that there is a provision from the Umbrella structure for substantial and ethical rewards for their engagement. In this context, a well-defined, stringent methodology was implemented for the evaluation of the extent of the problem in IHU and the detection of the profile of the “candidate” disadvantaged students. The first phase included two steps, (a) data collection and (b) data cleansing/ preprocessing. The first step involved the data collection process from the Secretary Services of all Schools in IHU, from 1980 to 2019, which resulted in 96.418 records. The data set included the School name, the semester of studies, a student enrolling criteria, the nationality, the graduation year or the current, up-to-date academic state (still studying, delayed, dropped off, etc.). The second step of the employed methodology involved the data cleansing/preprocessing because of the existence of “noisy” data, missing and erroneous values, etc. Furthermore, several assumptions and grouping actions were imposed to achieve data homogeneity and an easy-to-interpret subsequent statistical analysis. Specifically, the duration of 40 years recording was limited to the last 15 years (2004-2019). In 2004 the Greek Technological Institutions were evolved into Higher Education Universities, leading into a stable and unified frame of graduate studies. In addition, the data concerning active students were excluded from the analysis since the initial processing effort was focused on the detection of factors/variables that differentiated graduate and deleted students. The final working dataset included 21.432 records with only two categories of students, those that have a degree and those who abandoned their studies. Findings of the first phase are presented across faculties and further discussed.

Keywords: higher education, students support, economic crisis, mentoring

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7878 Effect of Honey on Rate of Healing of Socket after Tooth Extraction in Rabbits

Authors: Deependra Prasad Sarraf, Ashish Shrestha, Mehul Rajesh Jaisani, Gajendra Prasad Rauniar


Background: Honey is the worlds’ oldest known wound dressing. Its wound healing properties are not fully established till today. Concerns about antibiotic resistance, and a renewed interest in natural remedies have prompted the resurgence in the antimicrobial and wound healing properties of Honey. Evidence from animal studies and some trials has suggested that honey may accelerate wound healing in burns, infected wounds and open wounds. None of these reports have documented the effect of honey on the healing of socket after tooth extraction. Therefore, the present experimental study was planned to evaluate the efficacy of honey on the healing of socket after tooth extraction in rabbits. Materials and Methods: An experimental study was conducted in six New Zealand White rabbits. Extraction of first premolar tooth on both sides of the lower jaw was done under anesthesia produced by Ketamine and Xylazine followed by application of honey on one socket (test group) and normal saline (control group) in the opposite socket. The intervention was continued for two more days. On the 7th day, the biopsy was taken from the extraction site, and histopathological examination was done. Student’s t-test was used for comparison between the groups and differences were considered to be statistically significant at p-value less than 0.05. Results: There was a significant difference between control group and test group in terms of fibroblast proliferation (p = 0.0019) and bony trabeculae formation (p=0.0003). Inflammatory cells were also observed in both groups, and it was not significant (p=1.0). Overlying epithelium was hyperplastic in both the groups. Conclusion: The study showed that local application of honey promoted the rapid healing process particularly by increasing fibroblast proliferation and bony trabeculae.

Keywords: honey, extraction wound, Nepal, healing

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7877 Role of Giardia lamblia Infection in the Pathogenesis of Gastritis in Patients with Dyspepsia

Authors: Aly Kassem, Eman A. Sabet, Hanaa A. El-Hady, Doha S. Mohamed, Abeer Sheneef, Mona Fattouh, Mamdouh M. Esmat


Objective: Giardia lamblia parasite is the most common protozoal infection in human. Concomitant Helecobacter Pylori (H. pylori) and Giardia lamblia infection is common for their similar mode of transmission and strong correlation to socioeconomic levels. Only few reports had described gastric giardiasis. Our aim was to detect H. pylori and Giardia in gastric antral mucosal biopsies from patients with dyspepsia. The impact of both pathogens on clinical, endoscopic and histopathogical changes was studied. Methods: 48 patients with dyspepsia (group1) and 28 control patients (patients undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy EGD for reasons other than dyspepsia), (group 2) were studied. Endoscopic data were reported and gastric biopsy specimens were obtained for subsequent PCR assay for both organisms and for histopathological and electron microscopic examination. Results: Endoscopic antral gastritis and duodenal lesions were found in both groups, however, they were significantly more frequently in group 1 (p= 0.002 and P= 0.0005 respectively). Esophageal lesions, nodular antral gastritis, gastric ulcers and superficial corpal gastritis were found only in group 1. PCR detected H. pylori infection in 58% Vs 64 % for group 1 and group 2 respectively (P: NS). Giardia infection was present in 67 % Vs 42 % for group 1 and group 2 respectively (P=0.0003, Odd ratio=2.6). Co-infection with H. pylori and Giardia was present in 33% of group 1 Vs 36% for group 2 (P:NS). Abnormal histologic findings were found in both groups, however, intestinal metaplasia was found in group 1 only. Cellular abnormalities in the form of cytoplasmic vacuoles, mitochondrial destruction or nuclear abnormalities were found by Electron microscopic study in infected subjects of both groups. Conclusion: H. pylori is not the only gastric pathogen in our community, gastric giardiasis is another pathogen. Its contribution might be a factor in persistent dyspepsia after H. pylori eradication.

Keywords: dyspepsia, gastritis, Giardia lamblia, H. pylori

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7876 Comparative Analysis of Canal Centering Ratio, Apical Transportation, and Remaining Dentin Thickness between Single File System Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography: An in vitro Study

Authors: Aditi Jain


Aim: To compare the canal transportation, centering ability and remaining dentin thickness of OneShape and WaveOne system using CBCT. Objective: To identify rotary system which respects original canal anatomy. Materials and Methods: Forty extracted human single-rooted premolars were used in the present study. Pre-instrumentation scans of all teeth were taken, canal curvatures were calculated, and the samples were randomly divided into two groups with twenty samples in each group, where Group 1 included WaveOne system and Group 2 Protaper rotary system. Post-instrumentation scans were performed, and the two scans were compared to determine canal transportation, centering ability and remaining dentin thickness at 1, 3, and 5 mm from the root apex. Results: Using Student’s unpaired t test results were as follows; for canal transportation Group 1 showed statistical significant difference at 3mm, 6mm and non-significant difference was obtained at 9mm but for Group 2 non-statistical significant difference was obtained at 3mm, 6mm, and 9mm. For centering ability and remaining dentin thickness Group 1 showed non-statistical significant difference at 3mm and 9mm, while statistical significant difference at 6mm was obtained. When comparison of remaining dentin thickness was done at three levels using two groups WaveOne and ProTaper. There was non-statistical significant difference between two groups. Conclusion: WaveOne single reciprocation file respects original canal anatomy better than ProTaper. WaveOne depicted the best centering ability.

Keywords: ShapeOne, WaveOne, transportation, centering ability, dentin thickness, CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography)

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7875 Collapse Load Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Pile Group in Liquefying Soils under Lateral Loading

Authors: Pavan K. Emani, Shashank Kothari, V. S. Phanikanth


The ultimate load analysis of RC pile groups has assumed a lot of significance under liquefying soil conditions, especially due to post-earthquake studies of 1964 Niigata, 1995 Kobe and 2001 Bhuj earthquakes. The present study reports the results of numerical simulations on pile groups subjected to monotonically increasing lateral loads under design amounts of pile axial loading. The soil liquefaction has been considered through the non-linear p-y relationship of the soil springs, which can vary along the depth/length of the pile. This variation again is related to the liquefaction potential of the site and the magnitude of the seismic shaking. As the piles in the group can reach their extreme deflections and rotations during increased amounts of lateral loading, a precise modeling of the inelastic behavior of the pile cross-section is done, considering the complete stress-strain behavior of concrete, with and without confinement, and reinforcing steel, including the strain-hardening portion. The possibility of the inelastic buckling of the individual piles is considered in the overall collapse modes. The model is analysed using Riks analysis in finite element software to check the post buckling behavior and plastic collapse of piles. The results confirm the kinds of failure modes predicted by centrifuge test results reported by researchers on pile group, although the pile material used is significantly different from that of the simulation model. The extension of the present work promises an important contribution to the design codes for pile groups in liquefying soils.

Keywords: collapse load analysis, inelastic buckling, liquefaction, pile group

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7874 The Identification of Instructional Approach for Enhancing Competency of Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disability Groups

Authors: P. Srisuruk, P. Narot


The purpose of this research were 1) to develop the curriculum and instructional approach that are suitable for children with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disability as well as to arrange the instructional approach that can be integrated into inclusive classroom 2) to increase the competency of the children in these group. The research processes were to a) study related documents, b) arrange workshops to clarify fundamental issues in developing core curriculum among the researchers and experts in curriculum development, c) arrange workshops to develop the curriculum, submit it to the experts for criticism and editing, d) implement the instructional approach to examine its effectiveness, e) select the schools to participate in the project and arrange training programs for teachers in the selected school, f) implement the instruction approach in the selected schools in different regions. The research results were 1) the core curriculum to enhance the competency of children with autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disability , and to be used as a guideline for teachers, and these group of children in order to arrange classrooms for students with special needs to study with normal students, 2) teaching and learning methods arranged for students with autism, attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder and learning disability to study with normal students can be used as a framework for writing plans to help students with parallel problems by developing teaching materials as part of the instructional approach. However, the details of how to help the students in each skill or content differ according to the demand of development as well as the problems of individual students or group of students. Furthermore; it was found that most of target teacher could implement the instructional approach based on the guideline model developed by the research team. School in each region does not have much difference in their implementation. The good point of the developed instructional model is that teacher can construct a parallel lesson plan. So teacher did not fell that they have to do extra work it was also shown that students in regular classroom enjoyed studying with the developed instructional model as well.

Keywords: instructional approach, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disability

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7873 Modelling the Impact of Installation of Heat Cost Allocators in District Heating Systems Using Machine Learning

Authors: Danica Maljkovic, Igor Balen, Bojana Dalbelo Basic


Following the regulation of EU Directive on Energy Efficiency, specifically Article 9, individual metering in district heating systems has to be introduced by the end of 2016. These directions have been implemented in member state’s legal framework, Croatia is one of these states. The directive allows installation of both heat metering devices and heat cost allocators. Mainly due to bad communication and PR, the general public false image was created that the heat cost allocators are devices that save energy. Although this notion is wrong, the aim of this work is to develop a model that would precisely express the influence of installation heat cost allocators on potential energy savings in each unit within multifamily buildings. At the same time, in recent years, a science of machine learning has gain larger application in various fields, as it is proven to give good results in cases where large amounts of data are to be processed with an aim to recognize a pattern and correlation of each of the relevant parameter as well as in the cases where the problem is too complex for a human intelligence to solve. A special method of machine learning, decision tree method, has proven an accuracy of over 92% in prediction general building consumption. In this paper, a machine learning algorithms will be used to isolate the sole impact of installation of heat cost allocators on a single building in multifamily houses connected to district heating systems. Special emphasises will be given regression analysis, logistic regression, support vector machines, decision trees and random forest method.

Keywords: district heating, heat cost allocator, energy efficiency, machine learning, decision tree model, regression analysis, logistic regression, support vector machines, decision trees and random forest method

Procedia PDF Downloads 252
7872 Determining the Effect of Tdcs in Pain and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia

Authors: Farid Rezaei, Zahra Reza Soltani, Behrouz Tavana, Afsaneh Dadarkhah, Masoume Bahrami Asl, S. Alireza Mirghasemi


Introduction: Fibromyalgia is a syndrome comprised of a group of symptoms. The primary symptom of fibromyalgia is pain propagation is associated by Secondary symptoms include fatigue, cognitive disorders, sleep disorders and hypersensitivity to painful stimuli. Recent studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between fibromyalgia and certain changes in brain activity. Aim: The aim of this study is determining the effect of tDCS in pain and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. Method: 68 patients with fibromyalgia who had inclusion criterias were randomly divided into two groups of case and control. Groups were matched in terms of gender, age, education, duration of pain and PMS. Patient groups treated with tDCS device manufacture by Enraf company made in Netherlands (M1 anodal stimulation, 2 mA constant current, 20 minutes, for 10 sessions (3 days a week)). Also the protocol was done for control group, in sham mode of tDCS device that had no current, for 10 sessions of 20 minutes. Before treatment, immediately after the end of 10 sessions treatment (short-term) and 10 week later (long-term effect), pain intensity questionnaires (VAS) and quality of life in fibromyalgia patients questionnaire was completed by the patient. Results: Pain intensity were significantly lower in the treatment group than the sham group 2 weeks and 10 weeks after treatment than before treatment (P < 0.001). Although the quality of life of patients 2 weeks after treatment showed no significant change, but ten weeks after treatment were more than sham group (P < 0.0001). Conclusion: Our results suggest that tDCS is a safe and effective in treating fibromyalgia patients and an important effect in reducing pain and increasing quality of their life.

Keywords: fibromyalgia, tDCS, quality of life, VAS score

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7871 The Relationship between Working Models and Psychological Safety

Authors: Rosyellen Rabelo Szvarça, Pedro Fialho, Auristela Duarte de Lima Moser


Background: New ways of working, such as teleworking or hybrid working, have changed and have impacted both employees and organizations. To understand the individuals' perceptions among different working models, this study aimed to investigate levels of psychological safety among employees working in person, hybrid, and remote environments and the correlation of demographic or professional characteristics. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was distributed electronically. A self-administered questionnaire was composed of sociodemographic data, academic status, professional contexts, working models, and the seven-item instrument of psychological safety. The psychological safety instrument was computed to determine its reliability, showing a Cronbach’s 0.75, considering a good scale when compared to the original, analyzed with 51 teams from a North American company, with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.82. Results: The survey was completed by 328 individuals, 60% of whom were in-person, 29.3% hybrid, and 10.7% remote. The Chi-Square test with the Bonferroni post-test for qualitative variables associated with the working models indicates a significant association (p 0.001) for academic qualifications. In-person models present 29.4% of individuals with secondary education and 38.1% undergraduate; hybrid present 51% postgraduate and 35.4% undergraduate. This was similar to remote workers, with 48.6% postgraduate and 34.3% undergraduate. There were no significant differences in gender composition between work models (p = 0.738), with most respondents being female in all three work groups. Remote workers predominated in areas such as commerce, marketing, and services; education and the public sector were common in the in-person group, while technology and the financial sector were predominant among hybrid workers (p < 0.001). As for leadership roles, there was no significant association with working models (p = 0.126). The decision on the working model was predominantly made by the organization for in-person and hybrid workers (p < 0.001). Preference for the working model was in line with the workers' scenario at that time (p < 0.001). Kruskal-Wallis test with Bonferroni's post hoc test compared the psychological safety scores between working groups, reveling statistically higher scores in hybrid group x̃ = 5.64 compared to in-person group x̃ = 5, with remote workers showing scores similar to other groups x̃ = 5.43 (p = 0.004). Age demonstrated no significant difference between the working groups (p = 0.052). On the other hand, organization tenure and job tenure were higher in in-person groups compared to the hybrid and remote groups (p < 0.001). The hybrid model illustrates a balance between in-person and remote models. The results highlight that higher levels of psychological safety can be correlated with the flexibility of hybrid work, as well as physical interaction, spontaneity, and informal relationships, which are considered determinants of high levels of psychological safety. Conclusions: Psychological safety at the group level using the seven-item scale is widely employed in comparison to other commonly employed measures. Despite psychological safety having been around for decades, primarily studied in in-person work contexts, the current findings contribute to expanding research with hybrid or remote settings. Ultimately, this investigation has demonstrated the significance of work models in assessing psychological safety levels.

Keywords: hybrid work, new ways of working, psychological safety, workplace, working models

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7870 Views and Experiences of Medical Students of Kerman University of Medical Sciences on Facilitators and Inhibitators of Quality of Education in the Clinical Education System in 2021

Authors: Hossein Ghaedamini, Salman Farahbakhsh, Alireza Amirbeigi, Zahra Saghafi, Salman Daneshi, Alireza Ghaedamini


Background: Assessing the challenges of clinical education of medical students is one of the most important and sensitive parts of medical education. The aim of this study was to investigate the views and experiences of Kerman medical students on the factors that facilitate and inhibit the quality of clinical education. Materials and Methods: This research was qualitative and used a phenomenological approach. The study population included medical interns of Kerman University of Medical Sciences in 1400. The method of data collection was in-depth interviews with participants. Data were encoded and analyzed by Claizey stepwise model. Results: First, about 540 primary codes were extracted in the form of two main themes (facilitators and inhibitors) and 10 sub-themes including providing motivational models and creating interest in interns, high scientific level of professors and the appropriate quality of their teaching, the use of technology in the clinical education process, delegating authority and freedom of action and more responsibilities to interns, inappropriate treatment of some officials, professors, assistants and department staff with their interns, inadequate educational programming, lack of necessary cooperation and providing inappropriate treatment by clinical training experts for interns, inadequate evaluation method in clinical training for interns, poor quality mornings, the unefficiency of grand rounds, the inappropriate way of evaluating clinical training for interns, the lack of suitable facilities and conditions with the position of a medical intern, and the hardwork of some departments were categorized. Conclusion: Clinical education is always mixed with special principles and subtleties, and special attention to facilitators and inhibitors in this process has an important role in improving its quality.

Keywords: clinical education, medical students, qualitative study, education

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7869 Disarmament and Rehabilitation of Women Maoists: A Case Study of Chhattisgarh, India

Authors: Pinal Patel


The study defines the problems and issues of women in Maoist groups, also referred as ‘Naxalites’, in Chhattisgarh, India. It analyses the causes and consequences of increasing number of women joining Maoists groups and measures taken by the central and state government to retreat them. The main aspect of the study is, how to counter the challenges to resolve the issues and restore normalcy in the life of women Maoists to resettle them in mainstream once they become physically inactive and wish to become part of the society. The rationale behind this study is that women Maoists once inactive, has no place either with Maoist camps/rebel groups or particularly in society. The problems faced by the women Maoists, in society as well as in Maoists camps, can be studied through social, economic, cultural, political and humanitarian aspects. The methodology of the study is dependent on primary sources of information which includes a research survey in majorly affected areas, statistical analysis. Secondary sources of information are helpful for understanding the background of the problem. Government’s strategy of rewarding with cash and providing resettlement and rehabilitation benefits including houses and jobs to ex-women Maoists and their families is a well formulated and feasible policy and effectively implemented by the concerned authorities. But, the survey results show that the policy has not been able to have impacts as it was intended. Because inactive and physically disabled women are still left deserted in deep forests to die and police or authorities are not able to reach them and bring them back. The difficult terrain and dense forest areas are major hurdles to reach to Maoists camps. Moreover, to make people aware of government’s surrendering and rehabilitation schemes and policies as communication networks are very poor due to the lack of development in the state.

Keywords: maoists, women, government, policy

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7868 The Development of Quality Standards for the Qualification of Community Interpreters in Germany: A Needs Assessment

Authors: Jessica Terese Mueller, Christoph Breitsprecher, Mike Oliver Mosko


Due to an unusually high number of asylum seekers entering Germany over the course of the past few years, the need for community interpreters has increased dramatically, in order to make the communication between asylum seekers and various actors in social and governmental agencies possible. In the field of social work in particular, there are community interpreters who possess a wide spectrum of qualifications spanning from state-certified professional interpreters with graduate degrees to lay or ad-hoc interpreters with little to no formal training. To the best of our knowledge, Germany has no official national quality standards for the training of community interpreters at present, which would serve to professionalise this field as well as to assure a certain degree of quality in the training programmes offered. Given the current demand for trained community interpreters, there is a growing number of training programmes geared toward qualifying community interpreters who work with asylum seekers in Germany. These training programmes range from short one-day workshops to graduate programmes with specialisations in Community Interpreting. As part of a larger project to develop quality standards for the qualification of community interpreters working with asylum seekers in the field of social work, a needs assessment was performed in the city-state of Hamburg and the state of North Rhine Westphalia in the form of focus groups and individual interviews with relevant actors in the field in order to determine the content and practical knowledge needed for community interpreters from the perspectives of those who work in and rely on this field. More specifically, social workers, volunteers, certified language and cultural mediators, paid and volunteer community interpreters and asylum seekers were invited to take part in focus groups in both locations, and asylum seekers, training providers, researchers, linguists and other national and international experts were individually interviewed. The responses collected in these focus groups and interviews have been analysed using Mayring’s concept of content analysis. In general, the responses indicate a high degree of overlap related to certain categories as well as some categories which seemed to be of particular importance to certain groups individually, while showing little to no relevance for other groups. For example, the topics of accuracy and transparency of the interpretations, as well as professionalism and ethical concerns were touched on in some form in most groups. Some group-specific topics which are the focus of experts were topics related to interpreting techniques and more concretely described theoretical and practical knowledge which should be covered in training programmes. Social workers and volunteers generally concentrated on issues regarding the role of the community interpreters and the importance of setting and clarifying professional boundaries. From the perspective of service receivers, asylum seekers tended to focus on the importance of having access to interpreters who are from their home region or country and who speak the same regiolect, dialect or variety as they do in order to prevent misunderstandings or misinterpretations which might negatively affect their asylum status. These results indicate a certain degree of consensus with trainings offered internationally for community interpreters.

Keywords: asylum seekers, community interpreting, needs assessment, quality standards, training

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7867 The Research On The Necessity Of Launching Environmental Programs For Studies In Universities As Well As Training Specialists In This Sphere.

Authors: Anastasia V. Lazareva


Nowadays in the light of the evolving multifocal challenges in the sphere of environmental and social difficulties and despite the strong opposition of globalist and anti-globalist movements, we are facing the urgent need of the creation of a vast pool of educated environmentalists through the implementation of relevant university faculties and programs. Considering the threats humanity has tackled these years portrayed in every tiny detail in AGENDA – 2030 –namely, poverty, biodiversity loss, marine and terrestrial pollution, lack of sanitation, and equal rights for all, we must admit that professionals are required to address them all. With this purpose, we have conducted research based on the questionnaires of students, faculty members, and companies’ chief executives and human resources managers on what particular disciplines should be incorporated into the programs in universities and higher institutions to meet the millennium goals and tests. The research is based on the Linkert scale and covers various age groups of students. The topicality of this issue is predetermined by modern reality. The subject of the research is a questionnaire database filled in by 97 students, 17 faculty members of MGIMO University, and 14 companies’ representatives concerning their attitudes towards the implementation of environmental programs of studies in universities and the choice of disciplines required. The study has a limitation -it is based only on one university students' and faculty members’ questionnaires. The methods applied are a questionnaire, content analysis, sampling, and categorization. The findings of this survey imply that all three groups of respondents admit the necessity of implementing environmental programs for studies in higher education. Nevertheless, different groups favor various programs and disciplines to be incorporated into the curriculum.

Keywords: ecology, university studies, environmentalists, education, global challenges

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7866 Effect of Withania Somnifera in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rabbits

Authors: Farah Ali, Tehreem Fayyaz, Musadiq Idris


The present work was undertaken to investigate effects of various extracts of W. somniferafor anti-diabetic activity in alloxan induced diabetic rabbits. Rabbits were acclimatized for a week to standard laboratory temperature. Animals were fed according to a strict schedule (8 am, 3 pm and 10 pm) with green fodder (Medicago sativa) and tap water ad libitum. Animals were divided into nine groups of six rabbits each in a random manner. Body weights and physical activities of all rabbits were recorded before start of experiments. The animals of group 1 and 2 were given lactose (250 mg/kg,p.o) and Withaniasomniferaroot powder (100 mg/kg, p.o) respectively daily from day 1-20. Animals of group 3 were given alloxan (100 mg/kg,i.v) as a single dose on day 1. Powdered root of Withaniasomnifera in the doses of 100, 150, 200 mg/kg and its aqueous and ethanol extracts (equivalent to 200 mg/kg of crude drug) were given to the treated animals (groups 4-8), respectively by oral route for three weeks (day 1-20o.d), along with alloxan (100 mg/kg, i.v) as a single dose on day 1. Group 9 was treated with metformin (200 mg/kg, p.o) daily from day 1-20, along with a single dose of alloxan (100 mg/ kg, i.v) on day 1. Fasting serum glucose concentration in groups 3-9 was increased significantly (p<0.05) on day 3, with a maximum increase (215.3 mg/dl) in animals of toxic control (TC) group (3) on day 21 of the experiment as compared to normal control (NC) group (1). Effects of different doses (100, 150, 200 mg/kg, p.o) of W. somnifera root powder (WS) decreased the fasting serum glucose concentration as compared to toxic control group, with a maximum decrease (88.3 mg/dl) in group 2 (treated control) on day 21 of the experiment. Metformin (200 mg/kg, p.o) (reference control), aqueous extract (AWS) and ethanol extract (EWS) of W. somnifera (equivalent to 100 mg/kg W.somnifera root, p.o) antagonized the effects of alloxan as compared to toxic control group. These results indicate that the W. somnifera possess significant anti –diabetic activity.

Keywords: diabetes, serum, glucose, blood, sugar, rabbits

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7865 On q-Non-extensive Statistics with Non-Tsallisian Entropy

Authors: Petr Jizba, Jan Korbel


We combine an axiomatics of Rényi with the q-deformed version of Khinchin axioms to obtain a measure of information (i.e., entropy) which accounts both for systems with embedded self-similarity and non-extensivity. We show that the entropy thus obtained is uniquely solved in terms of a one-parameter family of information measures. The ensuing maximal-entropy distribution is phrased in terms of a special function known as the Lambert W-function. We analyze the corresponding ‘high’ and ‘low-temperature’ asymptotics and reveal a non-trivial structure of the parameter space.

Keywords: multifractals, Rényi information entropy, THC entropy, MaxEnt, heavy-tailed distributions

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7864 Assessing Female Students' Understanding of the Solar System Concepts by Implementing I-Cube Technology

Authors: Elham Ghazi Mohammad


This study examined the female students’ understanding for the solar system concepts through the utilization of the I-Cube technology as a virtual reality technology. The study conducted in Qatar University for samples of students of eighth and ninth preparatory grade students in the State of Qatar. The research framework comprises designated quantitative research designs and methods of data collection and analysis including pre- and post-conceptual exams. This research based on experimental method design that focuses on students’ performance and conceptual questions. A group of 120 students from the eighth and ninth groups were divided into two pools of 60 students each, where the two 60-student groups represent the designated control and treatment groups. It must be mentioned that the students were selected randomly from the eighth and ninth grades. The solar system lesson of interest was taught by teacher candidates (senior students at the college of Education at QU), who taught both the experimental group (integrating I-cube) in virtual lab in Qatar University and control group (without integrating this technology) in one of independent school in the State of Qatar. It is noteworthy to mention that the students usually face some difficulties to learn by imagining real situation such as solar system and inner planet lesson. Collected data was statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and one-way ANCOVA using SPSS Statistics. The obtained results revealed that integrating I-Cube technology has significantly enhanced female students’ conceptual understanding of the solar system. Interestingly, our findings demonstrated the applicability of utilizing integrating I-Cube technology toward enhancing the students’ understanding regarding subjects of interests within the landscapes of basic sciences.

Keywords: virtual lab, integrating technology, I-Cube, solar system

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7863 Inadequate Intake of Energy and Nutrients: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study Between Sport and Non-sport Science University Students of Southern Ethiopia

Authors: Beruk Berhanu Desalegn, Kebede Awgechew, Addisalem Mesfin


Introduction: This study aimed to investigate and compare the energy and selected nutrient intakes of sport science and non-sport science University students of Southern Ethiopia. Method: Multiple-day dietary data were collected from 166 university students (76 sport science and 90 non-sport sciences). Average daily energy and nutrient intake, and inadequate intakes were calculated using NutriSurvey (NS). Results: There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the median intakes of energy, total carbohydrate, and vitamin B1 between female students from the sport science and non-sport science groups, but only the median intake of iron was significantly different (p < 0.05) between the male sport and non-sport science students’ group. The prevalence of inadequate intake of vitamin B1 were significantly (p<0.05) higher in the male and female from the non-sport science groups compared to the male and female students’ groups in the sport science, respectively. Whereas, the prevalence of inadequate iron intake by the male sport science students’ group was significantly (p<0.05) higher compared to their counterparts. Similarly, the prevalence of inadequate energy among the females from the sport science group was significantly (p<0.05) higher compared to the female students from the non-sport science department group. The prevalence of inadequate intakes of dietary energy, and the majority of the nutrients (protein, fat, vitamin A, B1, B2, and magnesium) were high (>50%) in selected University students. Conclusion: The energy and majority of nutrient intakes by the students in the selected universities of southern Ethiopia were sub-optimal. Therefore, activities that will improve the dietary intake of University students should include weekly meal plan revision considering their average recommended nutrient intake (RNI).

Keywords: dietary intake, sport science, University students, Ethiopia

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7862 Cardiorespiratory Fitness and the Cardiometabolic Profile in Inactive Obese Postmenopausal Women: A MONET Study

Authors: Ahmed Ghachem, Johann Colomba, Denis Prud'homme, Martin Brochu


Background: Inactive obese postmenopausal women, are at greater risk for metabolic complications. On the other hand, high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) are associated with a lower risk of metabolic complications. Objective: To compare inactive obese postmenopausal women displaying ‘lower’ vs ‘higher’ levels of CRF for body composition, metabolic profile, inflammatory profile and measures of energy expenditure. Methods: 132 women (age: 57.6 ± 4.8 yrs; BMI: 32.3 ± 4.6 kg/m2; Peak VO2: 17.81 ± 3.02 ml O2•kg-1•min-1) were studied. They were first divided into tertiles based on their CRF. Then, women in the first (< 16.51 ml O2•min-1•kg-1) and second tertiles (16.51 to 19.22 ml O2•min-1•kg-1) were combined (N= 88), and compared with those in the third tertile (> 19.22 ml O2•min-1•kg-1) (N= 44). Variables of interest were: Peak VO2 (stationary bike), body composition (DXA), body fat distribution (CT scan), glucose homeostasis (fasting state and euglycemic/ hyperinsulinemic clamp), fasting lipids, resting blood pressure, inflammatory profile and energy expenditure (DLW). Results: Both CRF groups (lower= 16.0 ± 2.0 ml O2•kg-1•min-1 vs higher= 21.2 ± 1.7 ml O2•kg-1•min-1; p < 0.001) were similar for age. Significant differences were observed between groups for body composition; with lower values for body weight, BMI, fat mass and visceral fat in women with higher CRF (p between 0.001 and 0.005). Also, women with higher CRF had lower values for fasting insulin (13.4 ± 4.5 vs 15.6 ± 6.6 μU/ml; p = 0.03) and CRP levels (2.31 ± 1.97 vs 3.83 ± 3.24 mg/liter; p = 0.001); and higher values for glucose disposal (6.71 ± 1.78 vs 5.92 ± 1.67 mg/kg/min; p = 0.01). However, these differences were no longer significant after controlling for visceral adipose tissue accumulations. Finally, no significant difference was observed between groups for the other variables of interest. Conclusion: Our results suggest that, among inactive overweight/obese postmenopausal women, those with higher CRF levels have a better metabolic profile; which is caused by lower visceral fat accumulations.

Keywords: cardiorespiratory fitness, metabolic profile, menopause, obesity

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7861 The Role of Structure Input in Pi in the Acquisition of English Relative Clauses by L1 Saudi Arabic Speakers

Authors: Faraj Alhamami


The effects of classroom input through structured input activities have been addressing two main lines of inquiry: (1) measuring the effects of structured input activities as a possible causative factor of PI and (2) comparing structured input practice versus other types of instruction or no-training controls. This line of research, the main purpose of this classroom-based research, was to establish which type of activities is the most effective in processing instruction, whether it is the explicit information component and referential activities only or the explicit information component and affective activities only or a combination of the two. The instruments were: a) grammatical judgment task, b) Picture-cued task, and c) a translation task as pre-tests, post-tests and delayed post-tests seven weeks after the intervention. While testing is ongoing, preliminary results shows that the examination of participants' pre-test performance showed that all five groups - the processing instruction including both activities (RA), Traditional group (TI), Referential group (R), Affective group (A), and Control group - performed at a comparable chance or baseline level across the three outcome measures. However, at the post-test stage, the RA, TI, R, and A groups demonstrated significant improvement compared to the Control group in all tasks. Furthermore, significant difference was observed among PI groups (RA, R, and A) at post-test and delayed post-test on some of the tasks when compared to traditional group. Therefore, the findings suggest that the use of the sole application and/or the combination of the structured input activities has succeeded in helping Saudi learners of English make initial form-meaning connections and acquire RRCs in the short and the long term.

Keywords: input processing, processing instruction, MOGUL, structure input activities

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7860 Immunological and Genetic Studies of Patients with Atopic Dermatitis

Authors: Alaa Jawad Hassan, Saad Marza Al-Aaraji, Fadil Abbas Hamad


The current study was designed to assess some immunological parameters and pedigree analysis for atopic dermatitis patients, as the study included 64 patients (37 males and 27 females) and 24 healthy individuals (12 males and 12 females) with no history of the AD. The cases of this study were divided into two age groups; the first is infant and children (1-10 years), while the second is adolescent and adults (11- 60 years). The number of cases was 51 and 13 in each age group respectively. Sera samples from confirmed AD patients and healthy control were analysed by mean of ELISA for assessment the concentrations of IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4 and IgE. The study showed that a significant increase (P < 0.05) in IL-1β, IL-4 and IgE levels in the patients compared with the control group in both age groups and gender, while there was no significant difference (P < 0.05) in the concentration of IL-2. The study of pedigree analysis shows the genetic tendency in the frequency of disease depending on the genetic history of family, where more patients returning to families in which both parents or one of them infected with AD, whereas the patients were no parents infected with AD they are suffering from asthma and the disease recurs in their uncles.

Keywords: atopic dermatitis, cytokines, IgE, molecular biology

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7859 Hyparrhenia hirta: A Potential Protective Agent against DNA Damage and Liver Toxicity of Sodium Nitrate in Adult Rats

Authors: Hanen Bouaziz-Ketata, Ghada Ben Salah, Hichem Ben Salah, Kamel Jamoussi, Najiba Zeghal


The present study investigated the protective role of Hyparrhenia hirta on nitrate-induced liver damage. Experiments were carried out on adult rats divided into 3 groups, a control group and two treated groups. NaNO3 was administered daily by oral gavage at a dose of 400 mg/kg bw in treated groups either alone or coadministered with Hyparrhenia hirta methanolic extract via drinking water at a dose of 200 mg/kg bw for 50 days. Liver toxicity induced by NaNO3 was characterized by higher serum levels of glucose, total cholesterol and triglyceride and lower serum total protein than those of controls. Transaminases and lactate deshydrogenase activities in serum were elevated indicating hepatic cells’ damage after treatment with NaNO3. The hyperbilirubinemia and the increased serum gamma glutamyl transferase activities suggested the presence of cholestasis in NaNO3 exposed rats. In parallel, NaNO3 caused oxidant/antioxidant imbalance in the liver as reflected by the increased lipid peroxidation, the decreased total glutathione content and superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities. Nitrate caused also a significant induction of DNA fragmentation as evidenced by the presence of a smear without ladder formation on agarose gel. Hyparrhenia hirta supplementation showed an improvement of all parameters cited above. We conclude that the present work provides ethnopharmacological relevance of Hyparrhenia hirta against the toxic effect of nitrate, suggesting its role as a potential antioxidant.

Keywords: Hyparrhenia hirta, liver, nitrate toxicity, oxidative stress, rat

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