Search results for: response analysis
29991 Response of Grower Turkeys to Diets Containing Moringa oleifera Leaf Meal in a Tropical Environment
Authors: Augustine O. Ani, Ifeyinwa E. Ezemagu, Eunice A. Akuru
A seven-week study was conducted to evaluate the response of grower turkeys to varying dietary levels of Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) in a humid tropical environment. A total of 90 twelve weeks old male and female grower turkeys were randomly divided into five groups of 18 birds each in a completely randomized design (CRD) and assigned to five caloric (2.57-2.60 Mcal/kg ME) and isonitrogenous (19.95% crude protein) diets containing five levels (0, 15, 20, 25 and 30%) of MOLM, respectively. Each treatment was replicated three times with 6 birds per replicate housed in a deep litter pen of fresh wood shavings measuring 1.50m x 1.50m. Feed and water were provided to the birds' ad libitum. Parameters measured were: final live weight (FLW) daily weight gain (DWG), daily feed intake (DFI), feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein efficiency ratio (PER), packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin concentration (Hb), red blood cell (RBC) count, white blood cell (WBC) count, mean cell volume (MCV), mean cell haemoglobin (MCH) and mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), feed cost / kg weight gain and apparent nutrient retention. Results showed that grower turkeys fed 20% MOLM diet had significantly (p < 0.05) higher FLW and DWG values (4410.30 g and 34.49 g, respectively) and higher DM and NFE retention values (67.28 and 58.12%, respectively) than turkeys fed other MOLM diets. Feed cost per kg gain decreased significantly (p < 0.05) with increasing levels of MOLM in the diets. The PCV, Hb, WBC, MCV, MCH and MCHC values of grower turkeys fed 20% MOLM diet were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those of grower turkeys fed other diets. It was concluded that a diet containing 20% MOLM is adequate for the normal growth of grower turkeys in the tropics.Keywords: Diets, grower turkeys, Moringa oleifera leaf meal, response, tropical environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 14629990 A Dynamic Approach for Evaluating the Climate Change Risks on Building Performance
Authors: X. Lu, T. Lu, S. Javadi
A simple dynamic approach is presented for analyzing thermal and moisture dynamics of buildings, which is of particular relevance to understanding climate change impacts on buildings, including assessment of risks and applications of resilience strategies. With the goal to demonstrate the proposed modeling methodology, to verify the model, and to show that wooden materials provide a mechanism that can facilitate the reduction of moisture risks and be more resilient to global warming, a wooden church equipped with high precision measurement systems was taken as a test building for full-scale time-series measurements. Sensitivity analyses indicate a high degree of accuracy in the model prediction regarding the indoor environment. The model is then applied to a future projection of climate indoors aiming to identify significant environmental factors, the changing temperature and humidity, and effective response to the climate change impacts. The paper suggests that wooden building materials offer an effective and resilient response to anticipated future climate changes.Keywords: dynamic model, forecast, climate change impact, wooden structure, buildings
Procedia PDF Downloads 15329989 Proinflammatory Response of Agglomerated TiO2 Nanoparticles in Human-Immune Cells
Authors: Vaiyapuri Subbarayn Periasamy, Jegan Athinarayanan, Ali A. Alshatwi
The widespread use of Titanium oxide nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs), now are found with different physic-chemical properties (size, shape, chemical properties, agglomeration, etc.) in many processed foods, agricultural chemicals, biomedical products, food packaging and food contact materials, personal care products, and other consumer products used in daily life. Growing evidences have been highlighted that there are risks of physico-chemical properties dependent toxicity with special attention to “TiO2-NPs and human immune system”. Unfortunately, agglomeration and aggregation have frequently been ignored in immuno-toxicological studies, even though agglomeration and aggregation would be expected to affect nanotoxicity since it changes the size, shape, surface area, and other properties of the TiO2-NPs. In this present investigation, we assessed the immune toxic effect of TiO2-NPs on human immune cells Total WBC including Lymphocytes (T cells (CD3+), T helper cells (CD3+, CD4+), Suppressor/cytotoxic T cells (CD3+/CD8+) and NK cells (CD3-/CD16+ and CD56+), Monocytes (CD14+, CD3-) and B lymphocytes (CD19+, CD3-) in order to find the immunological response (IL1A, IL1B, IL2 IL-4, IL5 IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-13, IFN-γ, TGF-β, and TNF-a) and redox gene regulation (TNF, p53, BCl-2, CAT, GSTA4, TNF, CYP1A, POR, SOD1, GSTM3, GPX1, and GSR1)-linking physicochemical properties with special reference to agglomeration of TiO2-NPs. Our findings suggest that TiO2-NPs altered cytokine production, enhanced phagocytic indexing, metabolic stress through specific immune regulatory- genes expression in different WBC subsets and may contribute to pro-inflammatory response. Although TiO2-NPs have great advantages in the personal care products, biomedical, food and agricultural products, its chronic and acute immune-toxicity still need to be assessed carefully with special reference to food and environmental safety.Keywords: TiO2 nanoparticles, oxidative stress, cytokine, human immune cells
Procedia PDF Downloads 39729988 Analysis of the Discursive Dynamics of Preservice Physics Teachers in a Context of Curricular Innovation
Authors: M. A. Barros, M. V. Barros
The aim of this work is to analyze the discursive dynamics of preservice teachers during the implementation of a didactic sequence on topics of Quantum Mechanics for High School. Our research methodology was qualitative, case study type, in which we selected two prospective teachers on the Physics Teacher Training Course of the Sao Carlos Institute of Physics, at the University of Sao Paulo/Brazil. The set of modes of communication analyzed were the intentions and interventions of the teachers, the established communicative approach, the patterns and the contents of the interactions between teachers and students. Data were collected through video recording, interviews and questionnaires conducted before and after an 8 hour mini-course, which was offered to a group of 20 secondary students. As teaching strategy we used an active learning methodology, called: Peer Instruction. The episodes pointed out that both future teachers used interactive dialogic and authoritative communicative approaches to mediate the discussion between peers. In the interactive dialogic dimension the communication pattern was predominantly I-R-F (initiation-response-feedback), in which the future teachers assisted the students in the discussion by providing feedback to their initiations and contributing to the progress of the discussions between peers. Although the interactive dialogic dimension has been preferential during the use of the Peer Instruction method the authoritative communicative approach was also employed. In the authoritative dimension, future teachers used predominantly the type I-R-E (initiation-response-evaluation) communication pattern by asking the students several questions and leading them to the correct answer. Among the main implications the work contributes to the improvement of the practices of future teachers involved in applying active learning methodologies in classroom by identifying the types of communicative approaches and communication patterns used, as well as researches on curriculum innovation in physics in high school.Keywords: curricular innovation, high school, physics teaching, discursive dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 18329987 Comparison and Improvement of the Existing Cone Penetration Test Results: Shear Wave Velocity Correlations for Hungarian Soils
Authors: Ákos Wolf, Richard P. Ray
Due to the introduction of Eurocode 8, the structural design for seismic and dynamic effects has become more significant in Hungary. This has emphasized the need for more effort to describe the behavior of structures under these conditions. Soil conditions have a significant effect on the response of structures by modifying the stiffness and damping of the soil-structural system and by modifying the seismic action as it reaches the ground surface. Shear modulus (G) and shear wave velocity (vs), which are often measured in the field, are the fundamental dynamic soil properties for foundation vibration problems, liquefaction potential and earthquake site response analysis. There are several laboratory and in-situ measurement techniques to evaluate dynamic soil properties, but unfortunately, they are often too expensive for general design practice. However, a significant number of correlations have been proposed to determine shear wave velocity or shear modulus from Cone Penetration Tests (CPT), which are used more and more in geotechnical design practice in Hungary. This allows the designer to analyze and compare CPT and seismic test result in order to select the best correlation equations for Hungarian soils and to improve the recommendations for the Hungarian geologic conditions. Based on a literature review, as well as research experience in Hungary, the influence of various parameters on the accuracy of results will be shown. This study can serve as a basis for selecting and modifying correlation equations for Hungarian soils. Test data are taken from seven locations in Hungary with similar geologic conditions. The shear wave velocity values were measured by seismic CPT. Several factors are analyzed including soil type, behavior index, measurement depth, geologic age etc. for their effect on the accuracy of predictions. The final results show an improved prediction method for Hungarian soilsKeywords: CPT correlation, dynamic soil properties, seismic CPT, shear wave velocity
Procedia PDF Downloads 24629986 Wireless Response System Internationalisation Testing for Multilingual
Authors: Bakhtiar Amen, Abduladim Ali, Joan Lu
Recently, wireless technologies have made tremendous influences in advanced technology era, precisely on the learning environment through PADs and smart phones to engage learners to collaborate effectively. In fact, the wireless communication technologies are widely adopted in the education sectors within most of the countries to deliver education support electronically. Today, Introducing multilingual Wireless Response System (WRS) application is an enormous challenge and complex. The purpose of this paper is to implementing internationalization testing strategy through WRS application case study and proposed a questionnaire in multilingual speakers like (Arabic, Kurdish, Chines, Malaysian, Turkish, Dutch, Polish, Russian) to measure the internationalization testing results which includes localization and cultural testing results. This paper identifies issues with each language’s specification attributes for instance right to left (RTL) screen direction related languages, Linguistic test or word spaces in Chines and Dutch languages. Finally, this paper attempt to emphasizes many challenges and solutions that associated with globalization testing model.Keywords: mobile WRS, internationalization, globalization testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 40929985 The Early Pleistocene Mustelidae and Hyaena Record of the Yuanmou Basin
Authors: Arya Farjand
This study delves into the Early Pleistocene fauna of the Yuanmou Basin, highlighting two significant findings. The first is the discovery of exceptionally well-preserved canid coprolites, which provide a rare glimpse into the diet and ecological niche of these ancient carnivores. The analysis of these coprolites has revealed a diet rich in diverse prey species, suggesting a complex food web and a dynamic ecological environment. This discovery not only sheds light on the dietary habits of these canids but also offers broader insights into the region's ecological dynamics during the Early Pleistocene. Additionally, the preservation of these coprolites allows for detailed study of the carnivore's role in the ecosystem, including their interactions with other species and the overall health of the environment. The second major finding is the identification of a mustelid species, Eirictis yuanmouensis, from the same fossil horizon as the coprolites. This discovery is crucial for understanding the diversity and evolution of Mustelidae in the region. The detailed analysis of cranial and dental morphology of Eirictis yuanmouensis indicates unique adaptations that suggest a specialized ecological niche. This finding, in conjunction with the coprolite analysis, provides a comprehensive view of the ecological niches occupied by both mustelids and hyenas, enhancing our understanding of their adaptations and interactions within this paleoenvironment. The study's significance is further amplified by the analysis of pollen data from the same horizon, which indicates a paleoenvironment characterized by rapid climatic changes and a dominant semiarid climate. This combination of faunal and floral data paints a detailed picture of the Early Pleistocene environment in the Yuanmou Basin, offering valuable insights into the interactions between different carnivore species and their adaptation strategies in response to changing environmental conditions.Keywords: Yuanmou Basin, coprolite, Hyaena, eirictis yuanmouensis, early pleistocene
Procedia PDF Downloads 3529984 Bystander Perceived Severity on Traditional versus Cyber Bullying
Authors: C. Smith, T. Goga, T. Hancock
Bullying has been an increasingly prevalent problem among society for decades. Approximately one out of every four students report being bullied at least once during the school year. Additionally, these instances of bullying are often witnessed but not reported by the bystanders, which could be dependent on the type of bullying situation. Thus, the present study aims to investigate any possible perceptual differences which may exist between traditional bullying (i.e., face to face) and cyberbullying from the bystander’s point of view. Undergraduate students were given a bullying scenario to read from either the traditional condition or the cyber condition. They were then asked to rate how severe they perceived this behavior on a Likert based scale. Participants were also asked if they would intervene (yes or no) and what their individual response would be to the witnessed behavior (report/ignore/confront/other). Results indicated that, while there was no significant difference in perceived severity between the two bullying conditions, there was a significant difference in whether or not participants would intervene between the two types of scenarios. A significant effect was also found between the scenarios for response type. Together, these findings suggest that even though individuals may not be aware of how severe they perceive certain bullying behaviors, the responses they exhibit might suggest otherwise.Keywords: bullying, bystander, cyber, severity, traditional
Procedia PDF Downloads 13629983 Establishment and Validation of Correlation Equations to Estimate Volumetric Oxygen Mass Transfer Coefficient (KLa) from Process Parameters in Stirred-Tank Bioreactors Using Response Surface Methodology
Authors: Jantakan Jullawateelert, Korakod Haonoo, Sutipong Sananseang, Sarun Torpaiboon, Thanunthon Bowornsakulwong, Lalintip Hocharoen
Process scale-up is essential for the biological process to increase production capacity from bench-scale bioreactors to either pilot or commercial production. Scale-up based on constant volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient (KLa) is mostly used as a scale-up factor since oxygen supply is one of the key limiting factors for cell growth. However, to estimate KLa of culture vessels operated with different conditions are time-consuming since it is considerably influenced by a lot of factors. To overcome the issue, this study aimed to establish correlation equations of KLa and operating parameters in 0.5 L and 5 L bioreactor employed with pitched-blade impeller and gas sparger. Temperature, gas flow rate, agitation speed, and impeller position were selected as process parameters and equations were created using response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite design (CCD). In addition, the effects of these parameters on KLa were also investigated. Based on RSM, second-order polynomial models for 0.5 L and 5 L bioreactor were obtained with an acceptable determination coefficient (R²) as 0.9736 and 0.9190, respectively. These models were validated, and experimental values showed differences less than 10% from the predicted values. Moreover, RSM revealed that gas flow rate is the most significant parameter while temperature and agitation speed were also found to greatly affect the KLa in both bioreactors. Nevertheless, impeller position was shown to influence KLa in only 5L system. To sum up, these modeled correlations can be used to accurately predict KLa within the specified range of process parameters of two different sizes of bioreactors for further scale-up application.Keywords: response surface methodology, scale-up, stirred-tank bioreactor, volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient
Procedia PDF Downloads 20929982 Post Traumatic Growth: A Qualitative Exploration among the Divorcees
Authors: Jaseel C. K., Surya M.
The study explored the post-traumatic growth experiences among divorcees. Although research studies on post-traumatic growth (PTG) are not few in number, the ones conducted in the population are quite rare and lack depth as most of them were solely dependent on the post-traumatic growth inventory scale and its statistical analyses. A total of 10 participants were interviewed (telephonic) using a semi-structured interview schedule prepared based on the research questions and the theoretical framework of post traumatic growth. The interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis, which generated five major themes and 17 subthemes. From the analysis, it was found that enhanced interpersonal relationships, changed perceptions about love and marriage, better management of emotions, prioritization of self, increased pro-social behavior, better character strengths, etc., are the most prominent positive shifts in the lives of divorcees. It was also found that factors like good relationships, professional support, work engagement, response to social stigma, and time facilitated post-traumatic growth in the population. Another interesting finding that came out of the study was that socio-economic status, educational background, and occupational status all have a positive impact on the PTG experiences among the divorced. The results of the study can hopefully help professionals working with divorcees to impart positivity to them and facilitate post-traumatic growth.Keywords: divorcees, meaning making, positive changes, post traumatic growth, trauma
Procedia PDF Downloads 13029981 Biocompatibility assessment of different origin Barrier Membranes for Guided Bone Regeneration
Authors: Antonio Munar-Frau, Sascha Klismoch, Manfred Schmolz, Federico Hernandez-Alfaro, Jordi Caballe-Serrano
Introduction: Biocompatibility of biomaterials has been proposed as one of the main criteria for treatment success. For guided bone regeneration (GBR), barrier membranes present a conflict given the number of origins and modifications of these materials. The biologic response to biomaterials is orchestrated by a series of events leading to the integration or rejection of the biomaterial, posing questions such as if a longer occlusive property may trigger an inflammatory reaction. Whole blood cultures are a solution to study the immune response to drugs or biomaterials during the first 24-48 hours. The aim of this study is to determine the early immune response of different origins and chemical modifications of barrier membranes. Materials & Methods: 5 different widely used barrier membranes were included in this study: Acellular dermal matrix (AlloDerm, LifeCell®), Porcine Peritoneum (BioGide, Geistlich Pharma®), Porcine Pericardium (Jason, Botiss Biomaterials GmbH®), Porcine Cross-linked collagen (Ossix Plus, Datum Dental®) and d-PTFE (Cytoplast TXT, Osteogenics Biomedical®). Blood samples were extracted from 3 different healthy donors and incubated with the different samples of barrier membranes for 24 hours. After the incubation time, serum samples were obtained and analyzed by means of biocompatibility assays taking into account 42 markers. Results: In an early stage of the inflammatory response, the Acellular dermal matrix, porcine peritoneum and porcine cross-linked collagen expressed similar patterns of cytokine expression with a great manifestation of ENA 78. Porcine pericardium and d-PTFE presented similar cytokine activation, especially for MMP-3 and MMP-9, although other cytokines were highlighted with lower expression. For the later immune response, Porcine peritoneum and acellular dermal matrix MCP-1 and IL-15 were evident. Porcine pericardium, porcine cross-linked collagen and d-PTFE presented a high expression of IL-16 and lower manifestation of other cytokines. Different behaviors depending on an earlier or later stage of the inflammation process were observed. Barrier membrane inflammatory expression does not only differ depending on the origin, variables such as treatment of the collagen and polymers may also have a great impact on the cytokine expression of the studied barrier membranes during inflammation. Conclusions: Surface treatment and modifications might affect the biocompatibility of the membranes, as different cytokine expressions were evidently depending on the origin of the biomaterial. This study is only a brushstroke regarding the biocompatibility of materials, as it is one of the pioneer studies for ex vivo barrier membranes assays. Studies regarding surface modification are needed in order to clarify mystifications of barrier membrane science.Keywords: biomaterials, bone regeneration, biocompatibility, inflammation
Procedia PDF Downloads 16029980 Thermal Ageing Effect on Mechanical Behavior of Polycarbonate
Authors: H. Babou, S. Ridjla, B. Amerate, R. Ferhoum, M. Aberkane
This work is devoted to the experimental study of thermal ageing effect on the mechanical and micro structural behavior of polycarbonate (PC). A simple compression tests, micro hardness and an IRTF analysis were completed in order to characterize the response of material on specimens after ageing at a temperature of order 100 C° and for serval maintain duration 72, 144 and 216 hours. These investigations showed a decrease of the intrinsic properties of polycarbonate (Young modulus, yield stress, etc.); the superposition of spectra IRTF shows that the intensity of chemical connections C=C, C-O, CH3 and C-H are influenced by the duration of thermal ageing; in addition, an increase of 30 % of micro hardness was detected after 216 hour of ageing.Keywords: amorphous polymer, polycarbonate, mechanical behavior, compression test, thermal ageing
Procedia PDF Downloads 41029979 An Investigation on Climate Responsive Design Strategies of Apartment Buildings in Athens of the Period 1920-1960s
Authors: Angeliki Chronopoulou, Eleni Alexandrou
This paper thoroughly investigates residential buildings of the period 1920 – 1960 in Athens and evaluates their bioclimatic response and energy performance. A methodology adapted to the specific context of the city is proposed and applied in order to assess and extract results related to the climate analysis of the city of Athens, the general/architectural design and construction characteristics of the apartment buildings constructed during the period 1920 – 1960, the bioclimatic strategies applied on them, and the achieved thermal comfort based on questionnaires answered by their users. The results of the current study indicate that the residential architecture of that period in the city of Athens is adapted to an extend to the local climate with various climate responsive strategies. As an outcome of the analysis, the most frequently applied depending on the period of construction are presented. For this reason, the examined period is divided into 3 sub – periods: 1st period 1920s – 1930s (late neoclassicism & eclecticism), 2nd period 1930s – 1940s (modernism), 3rd period 1940s – 1960s (postwar modernism).Keywords: Athens, climatic design strategies, residential buildings, middle war and post war architecture, thermal comfort
Procedia PDF Downloads 10229978 Fiber-Optic Sensors for Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor Measurement
Authors: H. Akbari Khorami, P. Wild, N. Djilali
This paper reports on the response of a fiber-optic sensing probe to small concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) vapor at room temperature. H2O2 has extensive applications in industrial and medical environments. Conversely, H2O2 can be a health hazard by itself. For example, H2O2 induces cellular damage in human cells and its presence can be used to diagnose illnesses such as asthma and human breast cancer. Hence, development of reliable H2O2 sensor is of vital importance to detect and measure this species. Ferric ferrocyanide, referred to as Prussian blue (PB), was deposited on the tip of a multimode optical fiber through the single source precursor technique and served as an indicator of H2O2 in a spectroscopic manner. Sensing tests were performed in H2O2-H2O vapor mixtures with different concentrations of H2O2. The results of sensing tests show the sensor is able to detect H2O2 concentrations in the range of 50.6 ppm to 229.5 ppm. Furthermore, the sensor response to H2O2 concentrations is linear in a log-log scale with the adjacent R-square of 0.93. This sensing behavior allows us to detect and quantify the concentration of H2O2 in the vapor phase.Keywords: chemical deposition, fiber-optic sensor, hydrogen peroxide vapor, prussian blue
Procedia PDF Downloads 36029977 Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Its Determinants among Pregnant Women in East Africa: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Authors: Bantie Getnet Yirsaw, Muluken Chanie Agimas, Gebrie Getu Alemu, Tigabu Kidie Tesfie, Nebiyu Mekonnen Derseh, Habtamu Wagnew Abuhay, Meron Asmamaw Alemayehu, Getaneh Awoke Yismaw
Introduction: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the major public health problems globally and needs an urgent response. It is one of the most responsible causes of mortality among the five hepatitis viruses, and it affects almost every class of individuals. Thus, the main objective of this study was to determine the pooled prevalence and its determinants among pregnant women in East Africa. Methods: We searched studies using PubMed, Scopus, Embase, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and grey literature that were published between January 01/2020 to January 30/2024. The studies were assessed using the Newcastle Ottawa Scale (NOS) quality assessment scale. The random-effect (DerSimonian) model was used to determine the pooled prevalence and associated factors of HBV among pregnant women. Heterogeneity was assessed by I² statistic, sub-group analysis, and sensitivity analysis. Publication bias was assessed by the Egger test, and the analysis was done using STATA version 17. Result: A total of 45 studies with 35639 pregnant women were included in this systematic review and meta-analysis. The overall pooled prevalence of HBV among pregnant women in East Africa was 6.0% (95% CI: 6.0%−7.0%, I² = 89.7%). The highest prevalence of 8% ((95% CI: 6%, 10%), I² = 91.08%) was seen in 2021, and the lowest prevalence of 5% ((95% CI: 4%, 6%) I² = 52.52%) was observed in 2022. A pooled meta-analysis showed that history of surgical procedure (OR = 2.14 (95% CI: 1.27, 3.61)), having multiple sexual partners (OR = 3.87 (95% CI: 2.52, 5.95), history of body tattooing (OR = 2.55 (95% CI: 1.62, 4.01)), history of tooth extraction (OR = 2.09 (95% CI: 1.29, 3.39)), abortion history(OR = 2.20(95% CI: 1.38, 3.50)), history of sharing sharp material (OR = 1.88 (95% CI: 1.07, 3.31)), blood transfusion (OR = 2.41 (95% CI: 1.62, 3.57)), family history of HBV (OR = 4.87 (95% CI: 2.95, 8.05)) and history needle injury (OR = 2.62 (95% CI: 1.20, 5.72)) were significant risk factors associated with HBV infection among pregnant women. Conclusions: The pooled prevalence of HBV infection among pregnant women in East Africa was at an intermediate level and different across countries, ranging from 1.5% to 22.2%. The result of this pooled prevalence was an indication of the need for screening, prevention, and control of HBV infection among pregnant women in the region. Therefore, early identification of risk factors, awareness creation of the mode of transmission of HBV, and implementation of preventive measures are essential in reducing the burden of HBV infection among pregnant women.Keywords: hepatitis B virus, prevalence, determinants, pregnant women, meta-analysis, East Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 4529976 Full-Wave Analysis of Magnetic Meta-Surfaces for Microwave Component Applications
Authors: Christopher Hardly Joseph, Nicola Pelagalli, Davide Mencarelli, Luca Pierantoni
In this contribution, we report the electromagnetic response of a split ring resonator (SRR) based magnetic metamaterial unit cell in free space nature by means of a full-wave electromagnetic simulation. The effective parameters of these designed structures have been analyzed. The structures have been specifically designed to work at high frequency considering the development of many microwave and lower mm-wave devices. In addition to that, the application of the designed metamaterial structures is also proposed, namely metamaterial loaded planar transmission lines, potentially useful to optimize size and quality factor of circuit components and radiating elements.Keywords: CPW, Microwave Components, Negative Permeability, Split Ring Resonator (SRR)
Procedia PDF Downloads 18129975 Polar Nanoregions in Lead-Free Relaxor Ceramics: Unveiling through Impedance Spectroscopy
Authors: Mohammed Mesrar, Hamza El Malki, Hamza Mesrar
In this study, ceramics of (1-x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 x(K0.5 Bi0.5)TiO3 were synthesized through a conventional calcination process (solid-state method) at 1000°C for 4 hours, with x(%) values ranging from 0.0 to 100. Room temperature XRD patterns confirmed the phase formation of the samples. The Rietveld refinement method was employed to verify the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) at x(%)=16-20. We investigated the average crystallite size and lattice strain using Scherrer's formula and Williamson-Hall (W-H) analysis. SEM image analyses provided additional evidence of the impact of doping on structural growth under low temperatures. Relaxation time extracted from Z″(f) and M″(f) spectra for x(%) = 0.0, 12, 16, 20, and 30 followed the Arrhenius law, revealing the presence of three distinct relaxation mechanisms with varying activation energies. The shoulder response in M″(f) indirectly indicated the existence of highly polarizable entities in the samples, serving as a signature of polar nanoregions (PNRs) within the grains.In this study, ceramics of (1-x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 x(K0.5 Bi0.5)TiO3 were synthesized through a conventional calcination process (solid-state method) at 1000°C for 4 hours, with x(%) values ranging from 0.0 to 100. Room temperature XRD patterns confirmed the phase formation of the samples. The Rietveld refinement method was employed to verify the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) at x(%)=16-20. We investigated the average crystallite size and lattice strain using Scherrer's formula and Williamson-Hall (W-H) analysis. SEM image analyses provided additional evidence of the impact of doping on structural growth under low temperatures. Relaxation time extracted from Z″(f) and M″(f) spectra for x(%) = 0.0, 12, 16, 20, and 30 followed the Arrhenius law, revealing the presence of three distinct relaxation mechanisms with varying activation energies. The shoulder response in M″(f) indirectly indicated the existence of highly polarizable entities in the samples, serving as a signature of polar nanoregions (PNRs) within the grains.Keywords: (1-x)(Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 x(K0.5 Bi0.5)TiO3, Rietveld refinement, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Williamson-Hall plots, charge density distribution, dielectric properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 6529974 Nurse-Reported Perceptions of Medication Safety in Private Hospitals in Gauteng Province.
Authors: Madre Paarlber, Alwiena Blignaut
Background: Medication administration errors remains a global patient safety problem targeted by the WHO (World Health Organization), yet research on this matter is sparce within the South African context. Objective: The aim was to explore and describe nurses’ (medication administrators) perceptions regarding medication administration safety-related culture, incidence, causes, and reporting in the Gauteng Province of South Africa, and to determine any relationships between perceived variables concerned with medication safety (safety culture, incidences, causes, reporting of incidences, and reasons for non-reporting). Method: A quantitative research design was used through which self-administered online surveys were sent to 768 nurses (medication administrators) (n=217). The response rate was 28.26%. The survey instrument was synthesised from the Agency of Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture, the Registered Nurse Forecasting (RN4CAST) survey, a survey list prepared from a systematic review aimed at generating a comprehensive list of medication administration error causes and the Medication Administration Error Reporting Survey from Wakefield. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to determine the validity and reliability of the survey. Descriptive and inferential statistical data analysis were used to analyse quantitative data. Relationships and correlations were identified between items, subscales and biographic data by using Spearmans’ Rank correlations, T-Tests and ANOVAs (Analysis of Variance). Nurses reported on their perceptions of medication administration safety-related culture, incidence, causes, and reporting in the Gauteng Province. Results: Units’ teamwork deemed satisfactory, punitive responses to errors accentuated. “Crisis mode” working, concerns regarding mistake recording and long working hours disclosed as impacting patient safety. Overall medication safety graded mostly positively. Work overload, high patient-nurse ratios, and inadequate staffing implicated as error-inducing. Medication administration errors were reported regularly. Fear and administrative response to errors effected non-report. Non-report of errors’ reasons was affected by non-punitive safety culture. Conclusions: Medication administration safety improvement is contingent on fostering a non-punitive safety culture within units. Anonymous medication error reporting systems and auditing nurses’ workload are recommended in the quest of improved medication safety within Gauteng Province private hospitals.Keywords: incidence, medication administration errors, medication safety, reporting, safety culture
Procedia PDF Downloads 5429973 Clinical Presentation and Immune Response to Intramammary Infection of Holstein-Friesian Heifers with Isolates from Two Staphylococcus aureus Lineages
Authors: Dagmara A. Niedziela, Mark P. Murphy, Orla M. Keane, Finola C. Leonard
Staphylococcus aureus is the most frequent cause of clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis in Ireland. Mastitis caused by S. aureus is often chronic and tends to recur after antibiotic treatment. This may be due to several virulence factors, including attributes that enable the bacterium to internalize into bovine mammary epithelial cells, where it may evade antibiotic treatment, or evade the host immune response. Four bovine-adapted lineages (CC71, CC97, CC151 and ST136) were identified among a collection of Irish S. aureus mastitis isolates. Genotypic variation of mastitis-causing strains may contribute to different presentations of the disease, including differences in milk somatic cell count (SCC), the main method of mastitis detection. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of bacterial strain and lineage on host immune response, by employing cell culture methods in vitro as well as an in vivo infection model. Twelve bovine adapted S. aureus strains were examined for internalization into bovine mammary epithelial cells (bMEC) and their ability to induce an immune response from bMEC (using qPCR and ELISA). In vitro studies found differences in a variety of virulence traits between the lineages. Strains from lineages CC97 and CC71 internalized more efficiently into bovine mammary epithelial cells (bMEC) than CC151 and ST136. CC97 strains also induced immune genes in bMEC more strongly than strains from the other 3 lineages. One strain each of CC151 and CC97 that differed in their ability to cause an immune response in bMEC were selected on the basis of the above in vitro experiments. Fourteen first-lactation Holstein-Friesian cows were purchased from 2 farms on the basis of low SCC (less than 50 000 cells/ml) and infection free status. Seven cows were infected with 1.73 x 102 c.f.u. of the CC97 strain (Group 1) and another seven with 5.83 x 102 c.f.u. of the CC151 strain (Group 2). The contralateral quarter of each cow was inoculated with PBS (vehicle). Clinical signs of infection (temperature, milk and udder appearance, milk yield) were monitored for 30 days. Blood and milk samples were taken to determine bacterial counts in milk, SCC, white blood cell populations and cytokines. Differences in disease presentation in vivo between groups were observed, with two animals from Group 2 developing clinical mastitis and requiring antibiotic treatment, while one animal from Group 1 did not develop an infection for the duration of the study. Fever (temperature > 39.5⁰C) was observed in 3 animals from Group 2 and in none from Group 1. Significant differences in SCC and bacterial load between groups were observed in the initial stages of infection (week 1). Data is also being collected on cytokines and chemokines secreted during the course of infection. The results of this study suggest that a strain from lineage CC151 may cause more severe clinical mastitis, while a strain from lineage CC97 may cause mild, subclinical mastitis. Diversity between strains of S. aureus may therefore influence the clinical presentation of mastitis, which in turn may influence disease detection and treatment needs.Keywords: Bovine mastitis, host immune response, host-pathogen interactions, Staphylococcus aureus
Procedia PDF Downloads 15929972 Coupled Space and Time Homogenization of Viscoelastic-Viscoplastic Composites
Authors: Sarra Haouala, Issam Doghri
In this work, a multiscale computational strategy is proposed for the analysis of structures, which are described at a refined level both in space and in time. The proposal is applied to two-phase viscoelastic-viscoplastic (VE-VP) reinforced thermoplastics subjected to large numbers of cycles. The main aim is to predict the effective long time response while reducing the computational cost considerably. The proposed computational framework is a combination of the mean-field space homogenization based on the generalized incrementally affine formulation for VE-VP composites, and the asymptotic time homogenization approach for coupled isotropic VE-VP homogeneous solids under large numbers of cycles. The time homogenization method is based on the definition of micro and macro-chronological time scales, and on asymptotic expansions of the unknown variables. First, the original anisotropic VE-VP initial-boundary value problem of the composite material is decomposed into coupled micro-chronological (fast time scale) and macro-chronological (slow time-scale) problems. The former is purely VE, and solved once for each macro time step, whereas the latter problem is nonlinear and solved iteratively using fully implicit time integration. Second, mean-field space homogenization is used for both micro and macro-chronological problems to determine the micro and macro-chronological effective behavior of the composite material. The response of the matrix material is VE-VP with J2 flow theory assuming small strains. The formulation exploits the return-mapping algorithm for the J2 model, with its two steps: viscoelastic predictor and plastic corrections. The proposal is implemented for an extended Mori-Tanaka scheme, and verified against finite element simulations of representative volume elements, for a number of polymer composite materials subjected to large numbers of cycles.Keywords: asymptotic expansions, cyclic loadings, inclusion-reinforced thermoplastics, mean-field homogenization, time homogenization
Procedia PDF Downloads 37129971 Valorisation of Mango Seed: Response Surface Methodology Based Optimization of Starch Extraction from Mango Seeds
Authors: Tamrat Tesfaye, Bruce Sithole
Box-Behnken Response surface methodology was used to determine the optimum processing conditions that give maximum extraction yield and whiteness index from mango seed. The steeping time ranges from 2 to 12 hours and slurring of the steeped seed in sodium metabisulphite solution (0.1 to 0.5 w/v) was carried out. Experiments were designed according to Box-Behnken Design with these three factors and a total of 15 runs experimental variables of were analyzed. At linear level, the concentration of sodium metabisulphite had significant positive influence on percentage yield and whiteness index at p<0.05. At quadratic level, sodium metabisulphite concentration and sodium metabisulphite concentration2 had a significant negative influence on starch yield; sodium metabisulphite concentration and steeping time*temperature had significant (p<0.05) positive influence on whiteness index. The adjusted R2 above 0.8 for starch yield (0.906465) and whiteness index (0.909268) showed a good fit of the model with the experimental data. The optimum sodium metabisulphite concentration, steeping hours, and temperature for starch isolation with maximum starch yield (66.428%) and whiteness index (85%) as set goals for optimization with the desirability of 0.91939 was 0.255w/v concentration, 2hrs and 50 °C respectively. The determined experimental value of each response based on optimal condition was statistically in accordance with predicted levels at p<0.05. The Mango seeds are the by-products obtained during mango processing and possess disposal problem if not handled properly. The substitution of food based sizing agents with mango seed starch can contribute as pertinent resource deployment for value-added product manufacturing and waste utilization which might play significance role of food security in Ethiopia.Keywords: mango, synthetic sizing agent, starch, extraction, textile, sizing
Procedia PDF Downloads 23229970 Comparing Remote Sensing and in Situ Analyses of Test Wheat Plants as Means for Optimizing Data Collection in Precision Agriculture
Authors: Endalkachew Abebe Kebede, Bojin Bojinov, Andon Vasilev Andonov, Orhan Dengiz
Remote sensing has a potential application in assessing and monitoring the plants' biophysical properties using the spectral responses of plants and soils within the electromagnetic spectrum. However, only a few reports compare the performance of different remote sensing sensors against in-situ field spectral measurement. The current study assessed the potential applications of open data source satellite images (Sentinel 2 and Landsat 9) in estimating the biophysical properties of the wheat crop on a study farm found in the village of OvchaMogila. A Landsat 9 (30 m resolution) and Sentinel-2 (10 m resolution) satellite images with less than 10% cloud cover have been extracted from the open data sources for the period of December 2021 to April 2022. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has been used to capture the spectral response of plant leaves. In addition, SpectraVue 710s Leaf Spectrometer was used to measure the spectral response of the crop in April at five different locations within the same field. The ten most common vegetation indices have been selected and calculated based on the reflectance wavelength range of remote sensing tools used. The soil samples have been collected in eight different locations within the farm plot. The different physicochemical properties of the soil (pH, texture, N, P₂O₅, and K₂O) have been analyzed in the laboratory. The finer resolution images from the UAV and the Leaf Spectrometer have been used to validate the satellite images. The performance of different sensors has been compared based on the measured leaf spectral response and the extracted vegetation indices using the five sampling points. A scatter plot with the coefficient of determination (R2) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the correlation (r) matrix prepared using the corr and heatmap python libraries have been used for comparing the performance of Sentinel 2 and Landsat 9 VIs compared to the drone and SpectraVue 710s spectrophotometer. The soil analysis revealed the study farm plot is slightly alkaline (8.4 to 8.52). The soil texture of the study farm is dominantly Clay and Clay Loam.The vegetation indices (VIs) increased linearly with the growth of the plant. Both the scatter plot and the correlation matrix showed that Sentinel 2 vegetation indices have a relatively better correlation with the vegetation indices of the Buteo dronecompared to the Landsat 9. The Landsat 9 vegetation indices somewhat align better with the leaf spectrometer. Generally, the Sentinel 2 showed a better performance than the Landsat 9. Further study with enough field spectral sampling and repeated UAV imaging is required to improve the quality of the current study.Keywords: landsat 9, leaf spectrometer, sentinel 2, UAV
Procedia PDF Downloads 10829969 Experimental Demonstration of an Ultra-Low Power Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser for Optical Power Generation
Authors: S. Nazhan, Hassan K. Al-Musawi, Khalid A. Humood
This paper reports on an experimental investigation into the influence of current modulation on the properties of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) with a direct square wave modulation. The optical output power response, as a function of the pumping current, modulation frequency, and amplitude, is measured for an 850 nm VCSEL. We demonstrate that modulation frequency and amplitude play important roles in reducing the VCSEL’s power consumption for optical generation. Indeed, even when the biasing current is below the static threshold, the VCSEL emits optical power under the square wave modulation. The power consumed by the device to generate light is significantly reduced to > 50%, which is below the threshold current, in response to both the modulation frequency and amplitude. An operating VCSEL device at low power is very desirable for less thermal effects, which are essential for a high-speed modulation bandwidth.Keywords: vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, VCSELs, optical power generation, power consumption, square wave modulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 16629968 Robust Design of a Ball Joint Considering Uncertainties
Authors: Bong-Su Sin, Jong-Kyu Kim, Se-Il Song, Kwon-Hee Lee
An automobile ball joint is a pivoting element used to allow rotational motion between the parts of the steering and suspension system. And it plays a role in smooth transmission of steering movement, also reduction in impact from the road surface. A ball joint is under various repeated loadings that may cause cracks and abrasion. This damages lead to safety problems of a car, as well as reducing the comfort of the driver's ride, and raise questions about the ball joint procedure and the whole durability of the suspension system. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure the high durability and reliability of a ball joint. The structural responses of stiffness and pull-out strength were then calculated to check if the design satisfies the related requirements. The analysis was sequentially performed, following the caulking process. In this process, the deformation and stress results obtained from the analysis were saved. Sequential analysis has a strong advantage, in that it can be analyzed by considering the deformed shape and residual stress. The pull-out strength means the required force to pull the ball stud out from the ball joint assembly. The low pull-out strength can deteriorate the structural stability and safety performances. In this study, two design variables and two noise factors were set up. Two design variables were the diameter of a stud and the angle of a socket. And two noise factors were defined as the uncertainties of Young's modulus and yield stress of a seat. The DOE comprises 81 cases using these conditions. Robust design of a ball joint was performed using the DOE. The pull-out strength was generated from the uncertainties in the design variables and the design parameters. The purpose of robust design is to find the design with target response and smallest variation.Keywords: ball joint, pull-out strength, robust design, design of experiments
Procedia PDF Downloads 42229967 Portuguese Guitar Strings Characterization and Comparison
Authors: P. Serrão, E. Costa, A. Ribeiro, V. Infante
The characteristic sonority of the Portuguese guitar is in great part what makes Fado so distinguishable from other traditional song styles. The Portuguese guitar is a pear-shaped plucked chordophone with six courses of double strings. This study compares the two types of plain strings available for Portuguese guitar and used by the musicians. One is stainless steel spring wire, the other is high carbon spring steel (music wire). Some musicians mention noticeable differences in sound quality between these two string materials, such as a little more brightness and sustain in the steel strings. Experimental tests were performed to characterize string tension at pitch; mechanical strength and tuning stability using the universal testing machine; dimensional control and chemical composition analysis using the scanning electron microscope. The string dynamical behaviour characterization experiments, including frequency response, inharmonicity, transient response, damping phenomena and were made in a monochord test set-up designed and built in-house. Damping factor was determined for the fundamental frequency. As musicians are able to detect very small damping differences, an accurate a characterization of the damping phenomena for all harmonics was necessary. With that purpose, another improved monochord was set and a new system identification methodology applied. Due to the complexity of this task several adjustments were necessary until obtaining good experimental data. In a few cases, dynamical tests were repeated to detect any evolution in damping parameters after break-in period when according to players experience a new string sounds gradually less dull until reaching the typically brilliant timbre. Finally, each set of strings was played on one guitar by a distinguished player and recorded. The recordings which include individual notes, scales, chords and a study piece, will be analysed to potentially characterize timbre variations.Keywords: damping factor, music wire, portuguese guitar, string dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 55329966 Challenges in Experimental Testing of a Stiff, Overconsolidated Clay
Authors: Maria Konstadinou, Etienne Alderlieste, Anderson Peccin da Silva, Ben Arntz, Leonard van der Bijl, Wouter Verschueren
The shear strength and compression properties of stiff Boom clay from Belgium at the depth of about 30 m has been investigated by means of cone penetration and laboratory testing. The latter consisted of index classification, constant rate of strain, direct, simple shear, and unconfined compression tests. The Boom clay samples exhibited strong swelling tendencies. The suction pressure was measured via different procedures and has been compared to the expected in-situ stress. The undrained shear strength and OCR profile determined from CPTs is not compatible with the experimental measurements, which gave significantly lower values. The observed response can be attributed to the presence of pre-existing discontinuities, as shown in microscale CT scans of the samples. The results of this study demonstrate that the microstructure of the clay prior to testing has an impact on the mechanical behaviour and can cause inconsistencies in the comparison of the laboratory test results with in-situ data.Keywords: boom clay, laboratory testing, overconsolidation ratio, stress-strain response, swelling, undrained shear strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 14729965 Primary Resonance in Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Pipeline Close to a Plane Boundary
Authors: Yiming Jin, Ping Dong
The primary resonance of a pipeline close to a plane boundary is investigated in this paper. Based on classic Van der Pol equation and added a nonlinear item, a new wake oscillator model is proposed to predict the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a circular cylinder close to a plane boundary. Then, with the multi-scale method, the approximate solution for the case of the primary resonance is obtained. Besides, to study the characteristic of the primary resonance, the effects of the mass ration, frequency, damp ratio and gap ratio on the frequency-response curves of the pipeline are analysed. On the whole, the trend of the numerical results match up with that of the experimental data well and the mass ration, frequency, damp ratio and gap ratio play an important role in the vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a circular cylinder close to a plane boundary, especially, the smaller is the mass ratio, the larger impact the gap ratio has on the frequency-response curves of the primary resonance.Keywords: primary resonance, gap ratio, vortex-induced vibration, multi-scale method
Procedia PDF Downloads 37229964 Behavior of the RC Slab Subjected to Impact Loading According to the DIF
Authors: Yong Jae Yu, Jae-Yeol Cho
In the design of structural concrete for impact loading, design or model codes often employ a dynamic increase factor (DIF) to impose dynamic effect on static response. Dynamic increase factors that are obtained from laboratory material test results and that are commonly given as a function of strain rate only are quite different from each other depending on the design concept of design codes like ACI 349M-06, fib Model Code 2010 and ACI 370R-14. Because the dynamic increase factors currently adopted in the codes are too simple and limited to consider a variety of strength of materials, their application in practical design is questionable. In this study, the dynamic increase factors used in the three codes were validated through the finite element analysis of reinforced concrete slab elements which were tested and reported by other researcher. The test was intended to simulate a wall element of the containment building in nuclear power plants that is assumed to be subject to impact scenario that the Pentagon experienced on September 11, 2001. The finite element analysis was performed using the ABAQAUS 6.10 and the plasticity models were employed for the concrete, reinforcement. The dynamic increase factors given in the three codes were applied to the stress-strain curves of the materials. To estimate the dynamic increase factors, strain rate was adopted as a parameter. Comparison of the test and analysis was done with regard to perforation depth, maximum deflection, and surface crack area of the slab. Consequently, it was found that DIF has so great an effect on the behavior of the reinforced concrete structures that selection of DIF should be very careful. The result implies that DIF should be provided in design codes in more delicate format considering various influence factors.Keywords: impact, strain rate, DIF, slab elements
Procedia PDF Downloads 29629963 Using Internal Marketing to Investigate Nursing Staff Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention
Authors: Tsung Chin Wu, Yu Chen Tsai, Rhay Hung Weng, Weir Sen Lin
In recent years, nursing staff’s lower job satisfaction has led to higher turnover rates, and high turnover rates not only cause medical institution costs to increase but also the quality of medical care to decrease. From the perspective of internal marketing, institution staffs are internal customers, and institutions should focus and meet the needs of staff, so that staff will strive to meet the needs of external customers and provide them with the required care. However, few previous studies have investigated the impact of internal staff satisfaction on external customers. Therefore, this study aimed to conduct job satisfaction surveys on internal staff to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and quality of medical care through statistical analysis of the study results. The related study results may serve as a reference for healthcare managers. This study was conducted using a questionnaire and the subjects were nursing staff from four hospitals. A total of 600 questionnaires were distributed and 577 valid questionnaires were returned with a response rate of 96.1%. After collecting the data, the reliability and validity of the study variables were confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. The impact of internal marketing and job satisfaction on turnover intention of nursing staff was analyzed using descriptive analysis, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The study results showed that there was a significant difference between nursing staff’s job title and ‘professional participation’ and ‘shifts’. There was a significant difference between salary and ‘shifts’ and ‘turnover intention’, as well as between marriage and ‘remuneration’ and ‘turnover intention’. A significant difference was found between professional advancement and ‘professional growth’ and ‘type of leave’, as well as between division of service and ‘shifts’ and ‘turnover intention’. Pearson correlation analysis revealed a significant negative correlation between turnover intention and ‘internal marketing’, ‘interaction’, ‘professional participation’, ‘grasp of environment’, ‘remuneration’ and ‘shifts’, meaning that the higher the satisfaction, the lower the turnover intention. It is recommended that hospitals establish a comprehensive internal marketing mechanism to enhance staff satisfaction and in turn, reduce intention to resign, and the key to increasing job satisfaction is by establishing effective methods of internal communication.Keywords: internal marketing, job satisfaction, turnover intention, nursing staff
Procedia PDF Downloads 19129962 Case for Simulating Consumer Response to Feed in Tariff Based on Socio-Economic Parameters
Authors: Fahad Javed, Tasneem Akhter, Maria Zafar, Adnan Shafique
Evaluation and quantification of techniques is critical element of research and development of technology. Simulations and models play an important role in providing the tools for such assessments. When we look at technologies which impact or is dependent on an average Joe consumer then modeling the socio-economic and psychological aspects of the consumer also gain an importance. For feed in tariff for home consumers which is being deployed for average consumer may force many consumers to be adapters of the technology. Understanding how consumers will adapt this technologies thus hold as much significance as evaluating how the techniques would work in consumer agnostic scenarios. In this paper we first build the case for simulators which accommodate socio-economic realities of the consumers to evaluate smart grid technologies, provide a glossary of data that can aid in this effort and present an abstract model to capture and simulate consumers' adaptation and behavioral response to smart grid technologies. We provide a case study to express the power of such simulators.Keywords: smart grids, simulation, socio-economic parameters, feed in tariff (FiT), forecasting
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