Search results for: manning’s equation for open channel flow
8900 LES Investigation of the Natural Vortex Length in a Small-Scale Gas Cyclone
Authors: Dzmitry Misiulia, Sergiy Antonyuk
Small-scale cyclone separators are widely used in aerosol sampling. The flow field in a cyclone sampler is very complex, especially the vortex behavior. Most of the existing models for calculating cyclone efficiency use the same stable vortex structure while the vortex demonstrates dynamic variations rather than the steady-state picture. It can spontaneously ‘end’ at some point within the body of the separator. Natural vortex length is one of the most critical issues when designing and operating gas cyclones and is crucial to proper cyclone performance. The particle transport along the wall to the grid pot is not effective beyond this point. The flow field and vortex behavior inside the aerosol sampler have been investigated for a wide range of Reynolds numbers using Large Eddy Simulations. Two characteristics types of vortex behavior have been found with simulations. At low flow rates the vortex created in the cyclone dissipates in free space (without attaching to a surface) while at higher flow rates it attaches to the cyclone wall. The effects of the Reynolds number on the natural vortex length and the rotation frequency of the end of the vortex have been revealed.Keywords: cyclone, flow field, natural vortex length, pressure drop
Procedia PDF Downloads 1588899 The Possible Role of the Endoneurial Fibroblast-like Cells in Resolution of the Endoneurial Edema Following Nerve Crush Injury
Authors: Faris M. Altaf, Abdullah M Elkeshy
Forty-two albino male rats aged between 30 and 40 days (weighted 200 g to 250 g) were used in the present study. The left sural nerves of 36 rats were subjected to crush injury at 1 to 6 weeks intervals using 6 animals at each interval. The right and left sural nerves of the rest 6 rats were used as a control. After 2 weeks of the crush injury, the endoneurium showed channel-like spaces that were lined by the fibroblast-like cells and collagen bundles. These channels contained degenerated myelin and were connected with the perivascular and subperineurial spaces. Some of the flattened fibroblast-like cells were arranged in several layers in the subperineurial and perivascular spaces, forming barrier-like cellular sheets localizing the endoneurial edema in these spaces. Fibroblast-like cells also wrapped the regenerating nerve fibers by their branching cytoplasmic processes. At the end of the third week, the flattened fibroblasts formed nearly continuous sheets in the subperineurial and perivascular spaces. Macrophages were frequently noticed between these cellular barrier-like sheets and in the subperineurial and perivascular spaces. Conclusion: it could be concluded that the endoneurial fibroblast-like cells form barrier-like cellular sheets that localized the endoneurial edema in the subperineurial and perivascular spaces and create also the endoneurial channel-like spaces containing degenerated myelin and endoneurial edema helping the resolution of such edema.Keywords: sural nerve, endoneurial fibroblast-like cells, endoneurial edema, barrier-like and channel-like spaces
Procedia PDF Downloads 3448898 Parametric Analysis of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Using Lattice Boltzmann Method
Authors: Abir Yahya, Hacen Dhahri, Khalifa Slimi
The present paper deals with a numerical simulation of temperature field inside a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) components. The temperature distribution is investigated using a co-flow planar SOFC comprising the air and fuel channel and two-ceramic electrodes, anode and cathode, separated by a dense ceramic electrolyte. The Lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) is used for the numerical simulation of the physical problem. The effects of inlet temperature, anode thermal conductivity and current density on temperature distribution are discussed. It was found that temperature distribution is very sensitive to the inlet temperature and the current density.Keywords: heat sources, Lattice Boltzmann method, solid oxide fuel cell, temperature
Procedia PDF Downloads 3098897 The Grand Unified Theory of Bidirectional Spacetime with Spatial Covariance and Wave-Particle Duality in Spacetime Flow Model
Authors: Tory Erickson
The "Bidirectional Spacetime with Spatial Covariance and Wave-Particle Duality in Spacetime Flow" (BST-SCWPDF) Model introduces a framework aimed at unifying general relativity (GR) and quantum mechanics (QM). By proposing a concept of bidirectional spacetime, this model suggests that time can flow in more than one direction, thus offering a perspective on temporal dynamics. Integrated with spatial covariance and wave-particle duality in spacetime flow, the BST-SCWPDF Model resolves long-standing discrepancies between GR and QM. This unified theory has profound implications for quantum gravity, potentially offering insights into quantum entanglement, the collapse of the wave function, and the fabric of spacetime itself. The Bidirectional Spacetime with Spatial Covariance and Wave-Particle Duality in Spacetime Flow" (BST-SCWPDF) Model offers researchers a framework for a better understanding of theoretical physics.Keywords: astrophysics, quantum mechanics, general relativity, unification theory, theoretical physics
Procedia PDF Downloads 888896 Outdoor Visible Light Communication Channel Modeling under Fog and Smoke Conditions
Authors: Véronique Georlette, Sebastien Bette, Sylvain Brohez, Nicolas Point, Veronique Moeyaert
Visible light communication (VLC) is a communication technology that is part of the optical wireless communication (OWC) family. It uses the visible and infrared spectrums to send data. For now, this technology has widely been studied for indoor use-cases, but it is sufficiently mature nowadays to consider the outdoor environment potentials. The main outdoor challenges are the meteorological conditions and the presence of smoke due to fire or pollutants in urban areas. This paper proposes a methodology to assess the robustness of an outdoor VLC system given the outdoor conditions. This methodology is put into practice in two realistic scenarios, a VLC bus stop, and a VLC streetlight. The methodology consists of computing the power margin available in the system, given all the characteristics of the VLC system and its surroundings. This is done thanks to an outdoor VLC communication channel simulator developed in Python. This simulator is able to quantify the effects of fog and smoke thanks to models taken from environmental and fire engineering scientific literature as well as the optical power reaching the receiver. These two phenomena impact the communication by increasing the total attenuation of the medium. The main conclusion drawn in this paper is that the levels of attenuation due to fog and smoke are in the same order of magnitude. The attenuation of fog being the highest under the visibility of 1 km. This gives a promising prospect for the deployment of outdoor VLC uses-cases in the near future.Keywords: channel modeling, fog modeling, meteorological conditions, optical wireless communication, smoke modeling, visible light communication
Procedia PDF Downloads 1518895 Measurement of Steady Streaming from an Oscillating Bubble Using Particle Image Velocimetry
Authors: Yongseok Kwon, Woowon Jeong, Eunjin Cho, Sangkug Chung, Kyehan Rhee
Steady streaming flow fields induced by a 500 um bubble oscillating at 12 kHz were measured using microscopic particle image velocimetry (PIV). The accuracy of velocity measurement using a micro PIV system was checked by comparing the measured velocity fields with the theoretical velocity profiles in fully developed laminar flow. The steady streaming flow velocities were measured in the saggital plane of the bubble attached on the wall. Measured velocity fields showed upward jet flow with two symmetric counter-rotating vortices, and the maximum streaming velocity was about 12 mm/s, which was within the velocity ranges measured by other researchers. The measured streamlines were compared with the analytic solution, and they also showed a reasonable agreement.Keywords: oscillating bubble, particle image velocimetry, microstreaming, vortices,
Procedia PDF Downloads 4148894 Current of Drain for Various Values of Mobility in the Gaas Mesfet
Authors: S. Belhour, A. K. Ferouani, C. Azizi
In recent years, a considerable effort (experience, numerical simulation, and theoretical prediction models) has characterised by high efficiency and low cost. Then an improved physics analytical model for simulating is proposed. The performance of GaAs MESFETs has been developed for use in device design for high frequency. This model is based on mathematical analysis, and a new approach for the standard model is proposed, this approach allowed to conceive applicable model for MESFET’s operating in the turn-one or pinch-off region and valid for the short-channel and the long channel MESFET’s in which the two dimensional potential distribution contributed by the depletion layer under the gate is obtained by conventional approximation. More ever, comparisons between the analytical models with different values of mobility are proposed, and a good agreement is obtained.Keywords: analytical, gallium arsenide, MESFET, mobility, models
Procedia PDF Downloads 758893 Numerical Investigation of Divergence and Rib Orientation Effects on Thermal Performance in a Divergent Duct, as an Application of Inner Cooling of Turbine Blades
Authors: Heidar Jafarizadeh, Hossein Keshtkar, Ahmad Sohankar
Heat transfer and turbulent flow structure have been studied in a divergent ribbed duct with a varying duct geometry with Reynolds numbers of 7000 to 90000 using numerical methods. In this study, we confirmed our numerical results of a ribbed duct with an Initial slope of zero to 3 degree by comparing them to experimental data we had and investigated the impact of the ducts divergence on heat transfer and flow pattern in the 2-dimensional flow. Then we investigated the effect of tilting the ribs, on heat transfer and flow behavior. We achieved this by changing the ribs angles from a range of 40 to 75 degrees in a divergent duct and simulated the flow in 3-dimensions. Our results show that with an increase in duct divergence, heat transfer increases linearly and the coefficient of friction increases exponentially. As the results show, a duct with a divergence angle of 1.5 degree presents better thermal performance in comparison with all the angle range’s we studied. Besides, a ribbed duct with 40 degree rib orientation had the best thermal performance considering the simultaneous effects of pressure drop and heat transfer which were imposed on it.Keywords: divergent ribbed duct, heat transfer, thermal performance, turbulent flow structure
Procedia PDF Downloads 3028892 Retrofitting of Bridge Piers against the Scour Damages: Case Study of the Marand-Soofian Route Bridge
Authors: Shatirah Akib, Hossein Basser, Hojat Karami, Afshin Jahangirzadeh
Bridge piers which are constructed in the track of high water rivers cause some variations in the flow patterns. This variation mostly is a result of the changes in river sections. Decreasing the river section, bridge piers significantly impress the flow patterns. Once the flow approaches the piers, the stream lines change their order, causing the appearance of different flow patterns around the bridge piers. New flow patterns are created following the geometry and the other technical characteristics of the piers. One of the most significant consequences of this event is the scour generated around the bridge piers which threatens the safety of the structure. In order to determine the properties of scour holes, to find maximum depth of the scour is an important factor. In this manuscript a numerical simulation of the scour around Marand-Soofian route bridge piers has been carried out via SSIIM 2.0 Software and the amount of maximum scour has been achieved subsequently. Eventually the methods for retrofitting of bridge piers against scours and also the methods for decreasing the amount of scour have been offered.Keywords: scour, bridge pier, numerical simulation, SSIIM 2.0
Procedia PDF Downloads 4738891 Development of an Automatic Control System for ex vivo Heart Perfusion
Authors: Pengzhou Lu, Liming Xin, Payam Tavakoli, Zhonghua Lin, Roberto V. P. Ribeiro, Mitesh V. Badiwala
Ex vivo Heart Perfusion (EVHP) has been developed as an alternative strategy to expand cardiac donation by enabling resuscitation and functional assessment of hearts donated from marginal donors, which were previously not accepted. EVHP parameters, such as perfusion flow (PF) and perfusion pressure (PP) are crucial for optimal organ preservation. However, with the heart’s constant physiological changes during EVHP, such as coronary vascular resistance, manual control of these parameters is rendered imprecise and cumbersome for the operator. Additionally, low control precision and the long adjusting time may lead to irreversible damage to the myocardial tissue. To solve this problem, an automatic heart perfusion system was developed by applying a Human-Machine Interface (HMI) and a Programmable-Logic-Controller (PLC)-based circuit to control PF and PP. The PLC-based control system collects the data of PF and PP through flow probes and pressure transducers. It has two control modes: the RPM-flow mode and the pressure mode. The RPM-flow control mode is an open-loop system. It influences PF through providing and maintaining the desired speed inputted through the HMI to the centrifugal pump with a maximum error of 20 rpm. The pressure control mode is a closed-loop system where the operator selects a target Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) to control PP. The inputs of the pressure control mode are the target MAP, received through the HMI, and the real MAP, received from the pressure transducer. A PID algorithm is applied to maintain the real MAP at the target value with a maximum error of 1mmHg. The precision and control speed of the RPM-flow control mode were examined by comparing the PLC-based system to an experienced operator (EO) across seven RPM adjustment ranges (500, 1000, 2000 and random RPM changes; 8 trials per range) tested in a random order. System’s PID algorithm performance in pressure control was assessed during 10 EVHP experiments using porcine hearts. Precision was examined through monitoring the steady-state pressure error throughout perfusion period, and stabilizing speed was tested by performing two MAP adjustment changes (4 trials per change) of 15 and 20mmHg. A total of 56 trials were performed to validate the RPM-flow control mode. Overall, the PLC-based system demonstrated the significantly faster speed than the EO in all trials (PLC 1.21±0.03, EO 3.69±0.23 seconds; p < 0.001) and greater precision to reach the desired RPM (PLC 10±0.7, EO 33±2.7 mean RPM error; p < 0.001). Regarding pressure control, the PLC-based system has the median precision of ±1mmHg error and the median stabilizing times in changing 15 and 20mmHg of MAP are 15 and 19.5 seconds respectively. The novel PLC-based control system was 3 times faster with 60% less error than the EO for RPM-flow control. In pressure control mode, it demonstrates a high precision and fast stabilizing speed. In summary, this novel system successfully controlled perfusion flow and pressure with high precision, stability and a fast response time through a user-friendly interface. This design may provide a viable technique for future development of novel heart preservation and assessment strategies during EVHP.Keywords: automatic control system, biomedical engineering, ex-vivo heart perfusion, human-machine interface, programmable logic controller
Procedia PDF Downloads 1758890 The Logistics Equation and Fractal Dimension in Escalators Operations
Authors: Ali Albadri
The logistics equation has never been used or studied in scientific fields outside the field of ecology. It has never been used to understand the behavior of a dynamic system of mechanical machines, like an escalator. We have studied the compatibility of the logistic map against real measurements from an escalator. This study has proven that there is good compatibility between the logistics equation and the experimental measurements. It has discovered the potential of a relationship between the fractal dimension and the non-linearity parameter, R, in the logistics equation. The fractal dimension increases as the R parameter (non-linear parameter) increases. It implies that the fractal dimension increases as the phase of the life span of the machine move from the steady/stable phase to the periodic double phase to a chaotic phase. The fractal dimension and the parameter R can be used as a tool to verify and check the health of machines. We have come up with a theory that there are three areas of behaviors, which they can be classified during the life span of a machine, a steady/stable stage, a periodic double stage, and a chaotic stage. The level of attention to the machine differs depending on the stage that the machine is in. The rate of faults in a machine increases as the machine moves through these three stages. During the double period and the chaotic stages, the number of faults starts to increase and become less predictable. The rate of predictability improves as our monitoring of the changes in the fractal dimension and the parameter R improves. The principles and foundations of our theory in this work have and will have a profound impact on the design of systems, on the way of operation of systems, and on the maintenance schedules of the systems. The systems can be mechanical, electrical, or electronic. The discussed methodology in this paper will give businesses the chance to be more careful at the design stage and planning for maintenance to control costs. The findings in this paper can be implied and used to correlate the three stages of a mechanical system to more in-depth mechanical parameters like wear and fatigue life.Keywords: logistcs map, bifurcation map, fractal dimension, logistics equation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1088889 Research on Community-Based Engineering Learning and Undergraduate Students’ Creativity in China: The Moderate Effect of Engineering Identity
Authors: Liang Wang, Wei Zhang
There have been some existing researches on design-based engineering learning (DBEL) and project-based or problem-based engineering learning (PBEL). Those findings have greatly promoted the reform of engineering education in China. However, the engineering with a big E means that more and more engineering activities are designed and operated by communities of practice (CoPs), namely community-based engineering learning. However, whether community-based engineering learning can promote students' innovation has not been verified in published articles. This study fills this gap by investigating the relationship between community-based learning approach and students’ creativity, using engineering identity as an intermediary variable. The goal of this study is to discover the core features of community-based engineering learning, and make the features more beneficial for students’ creativity. The study created and adapted open survey items from previously published studies and a scale on learning community, students’ creativity and engineering identity. Firstly, qualitative content analysis methods by MAXQDA were used to analyze 32 open-ended questionnaires. Then the authors collected data (n=322) from undergraduate students in engineering competition teams and engineering laboratories in Zhejiang University, and structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to understand the relationship between different factors. The study finds: (a) community-based engineering learning has four main elements like real-task context, self-inquiry learning, deeply-consulted cooperation and circularly-iterated design, (b) community-based engineering learning can significantly enhance the engineering undergraduate students’ creativity, and (c) engineering identity partially moderated the relationship between community-based engineering learning and undergraduate students' creativity. The findings further illustrate the value of community-based engineering learning for undergraduate students. In the future research, the authors should further clarify the core mechanism of community-based engineering learning, and pay attention to the cultivation of undergraduate students’ engineer identity in learning community.Keywords: community-based engineering learning, students' creativity, engineering identity, moderate effect
Procedia PDF Downloads 1468888 Relationship between Interfacial Instabilities and Mechanical Strength of Multilayer Symmetric Polymer Melts
Authors: Mohammad Ranjbaran Madiseh
In this research, an experimental apparatus has been developed for observing interfacial stability and deformation of multilayer pressure-driven channel flows. The interface instability of the co-extrusion flow of polyethylene and polypropylene is studied experimentally in a slit geometry. By investigating the growing interfacial wave (IW) and tensile stress of extrudate samples, a relationship between interfacial instability (II) and mechanical properties of polypropylene (PP) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) has been established. It is shown that the mechanism of interfacial strength is related to interfacial instabilities as well as interfacial strength. It is shown that there is an ability to forecast the quality of final products in the co-extrusion process. In this study, it is found that the instability is controlled by its dominant wave number, which is associated with maximum tensile stress at the interface.Keywords: interfacial instability, interfacial strength, wave number, interfacial wave
Procedia PDF Downloads 928887 Numerical Investigation of Cold Formed C-Section-Purlins with Different Opening Shapes
Authors: Mohamed M. El-heweity, Ahmed Shamel Fahmy, Mostafa Shawky, Ahmed Sherif
Cold-formed steel (CFS) lipped channel sections are popular as load-bearing members in building structures. These sections are used in the construction industry because of their high strength-to-weight ratio, lightweight, quick production, and ease of construction, fabrication, transportation, and handling. When those cold formed sections with high slenderness ratios are subjected to compression bending, they do not reach failure when reaching their ultimate bending stress, however, they sustain much higher loads due stress re-distribution. Hence, there is a need to study the sectional nominal capacity of CFS lipped channel beams with different web openings subjected to pure bending and uniformly distributed loads. By using finite element (FE) simulations using ANSYS APDL for numerical analysis. The results were verified and compared to previous experimental results. Then a parametric study was conducted and validated FE model to investigate the effect of different openings shapes on their nominal capacities. The results have revealed that CFS sections with hexagonal openings and intermediate notch can resist higher nominal capacities when compared to other sectional openings.Keywords: cold-formed steel, nominal capacity, finite element, lipped channel beam, numerical study, web opening
Procedia PDF Downloads 988886 Magnitude of Infection and Associated factor in Open Tibial Fractures Treated Operatively at Addis Ababa Burn Emergency and Trauma Center April, 2023
Authors: Tuji Mohammed Sani
Back ground: An open tibial fracture is an injury where the fractured bone directly communicates with the outside environment. Due to the specific anatomical features of the tibia (limited soft tissue coverage), more than quarter of its fractures are classified as open, representing the most common open long-bone injuries. Open tibial fractures frequently cause significant bone comminution, periosteal stripping, soft tissue loss, contamination and are prone to bacterial entry with biofilm formation, which increases the risk of deep bone infection. Objective: The main objective of the study was to determine Prevalence of infection and its associated factors in surgically treated open tibial fracture in Addis Ababa Burn Emergency and Trauma (AaBET) center. Method: A facility based retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted among patient treated for open tibial fracture at AaBET center from September 2018 to September 2021. The data was collected from patient’s chart using structured data collection form, and Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 26. Bivariable and multiple binary logistic regression were fitted. Multicollinearity was checked among candidate variables using variance inflation factor and tolerance, which were less than 5 and greater than 0.2, respectively. Model adequacy were tested using Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fitness test (P=0.711). AOR at 95% CI was reported, and P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Result: This study found that 33.9% of the study participants had an infection. Initial IV antibiotic time (AOR=2.924, 95% CI:1.160- 7.370) and time of wound closure from injury (AOR=3.524, 95% CI: 1.798-6.908), injury to admission time (AOR=2.895, 95% CI: 1.402 – 5.977). and definitive fixation method (AOR=0.244, 95% CI: 0.113 – 0.4508) were the factors found to have a statistically significant association with the occurrence of infection. Conclusion: The rate of infection in open tibial fractures indicates that there is a need to improve the management of open tibial fracture treated at AaBET center. Time from injury to admission, time from injury to first debridement, wound closure time, and initial Intra Venous antibiotic time from the injury are an important factor that can be readily amended to improve the infection rate. Whether wound closed before seven days or not were more important factor associated with occurrences of infection.Keywords: infection, open tibia, fracture, magnitude
Procedia PDF Downloads 848885 Mammotome Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy versus Conventional Open Surgery: A Meta-Analysis
Authors: Dylan Shiting Lu, Samson Okello, Anita Chunyan Wei, Daniel Xiao Li
Mammotome vacuum-assisted breast biopsy (MVB) introduced in 1995 can be used for the removal of benign breast lesions. Whether or not MVB is a better option compared to conventional open surgery is inconclusive. We aim to compare the clinical and patient-related outcomes between MVB and open surgery to remove benign breast tumors less than 5 cm in women. We searched English and Chinese electronic databases with the keywords of Mammotome, clinical trial (CT), vacuum-assisted breast biopsy for studies comparing MVB and open surgery until May 2021. We performed a systematic review and random-effects meta-analysis to compare incision size, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, healing time, scar length, patient satisfaction, postoperative hematoma rate, wound infection rate, postoperative ecchymosis, and postoperative sunken skin among those who have Mammotome and those who have surgery. Our analysis included nine randomized CTs with 1155 total patients (575 Mammotome, 580 surgery) and mean age 40.32 years (standard deviation 3.69). We found statistically significant favorable outcomes for Mammotome including blood loss (ml) [standardized mean difference SMD -5.03, 95%CI (-7.30, -2.76)], incision size (cm) [SMD -12.22, 95%CI (-17.40, -7.04)], operation time (min) [SMD -6.66, 95%CI (-9.01, -4.31)], scar length (cm) [SMD -7.06, 95%CI (-10.76, -3.36)], healing time (days) [SMD -6.57, 95%CI (-10.18, -2.95)], and patient satisfaction [relative risk RR 0.38, 95%CI (0.13, 1.08)]. In conclusion, Mammotome vacuum-assisted breast biopsy compared to open surgery shows better clinical and patient-related outcomes. Further studies should be done on whether or not MVB is a better option for benign breast tumors excision.Keywords: clinical and patient outcomes, open surgery, Mammotome vacuum-assisted breast biopsy, meta-analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2178884 Convective Boiling of CO₂/R744 in Macro and Micro-Channels
Authors: Adonis Menezes, J. C. Passos
The current panorama of technology in heat transfer and the scarcity of information about the convective boiling of CO₂ and hydrocarbon in small diameter channels motivated the development of this work. Among non-halogenated refrigerants, CO₂/ R744 has distinct thermodynamic properties compared to other fluids. The R744 presents significant differences in operating pressures and temperatures, operating at higher values compared to other refrigerants, and this represents a challenge for the design of new evaporators, as the original systems must normally be resized to meet the specific characteristics of the R744, which creates the need for a new design and optimization criteria. To carry out the convective boiling tests of CO₂, an experimental apparatus capable of storing (m= 10kg) of saturated CO₂ at (T = -30 ° C) in an accumulator tank was used, later this fluid was pumped using a positive displacement pump with three pistons, and the outlet pressure was controlled and could reach up to (P = 110bar). This high-pressure saturated fluid passed through a Coriolis type flow meter, and the mass velocities varied between (G = 20 kg/m².s) up to (G = 1000 kg/m².s). After that, the fluid was sent to the first test section of circular cross-section in diameter (D = 4.57mm), where the inlet and outlet temperatures and pressures, were controlled and the heating was promoted by the Joule effect using a source of direct current with a maximum heat flow of (q = 100 kW/m²). The second test section used a cross-section with multi-channels (seven parallel channels) with a square cross-section of (D = 2mm) each; this second test section has also control of temperature and pressure at the inlet and outlet as well as for heating a direct current source was used, with a maximum heat flow of (q = 20 kW/m²). The fluid in a biphasic situation was directed to a parallel plate heat exchanger so that it returns to the liquid state, thus being able to return to the accumulator tank, continuing the cycle. The multi-channel test section has a viewing section; a high-speed CMOS camera was used for image acquisition, where it was possible to view the flow patterns. The experiments carried out and presented in this report were conducted in a rigorous manner, enabling the development of a database on the convective boiling of the R744 in macro and micro channels. The analysis prioritized the processes from the beginning of the convective boiling until the drying of the wall in a subcritical regime. The R744 resurfaces as an excellent alternative to chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants due to its negligible ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and GWP (Global Warming Potential) rates, among other advantages. The results found in the experimental tests were very promising for the use of CO₂ in micro-channels in convective boiling and served as a basis for determining the flow pattern map and correlation for determining the heat transfer coefficient in the convective boiling of CO₂.Keywords: convective boiling, CO₂/R744, macro-channels, micro-channels
Procedia PDF Downloads 1448883 Integration Process and Analytic Interface of different Environmental Open Data Sets with Java/Oracle and R
Authors: Pavel H. Llamocca, Victoria Lopez
The main objective of our work is the comparative analysis of environmental data from Open Data bases, belonging to different governments. This means that you have to integrate data from various different sources. Nowadays, many governments have the intention of publishing thousands of data sets for people and organizations to use them. In this way, the quantity of applications based on Open Data is increasing. However each government has its own procedures to publish its data, and it causes a variety of formats of data sets because there are no international standards to specify the formats of the data sets from Open Data bases. Due to this variety of formats, we must build a data integration process that is able to put together all kind of formats. There are some software tools developed in order to give support to the integration process, e.g. Data Tamer, Data Wrangler. The problem with these tools is that they need data scientist interaction to take part in the integration process as a final step. In our case we don’t want to depend on a data scientist, because environmental data are usually similar and these processes can be automated by programming. The main idea of our tool is to build Hadoop procedures adapted to data sources per each government in order to achieve an automated integration. Our work focus in environment data like temperature, energy consumption, air quality, solar radiation, speeds of wind, etc. Since 2 years, the government of Madrid is publishing its Open Data bases relative to environment indicators in real time. In the same way, other governments have published Open Data sets relative to the environment (like Andalucia or Bilbao). But all of those data sets have different formats and our solution is able to integrate all of them, furthermore it allows the user to make and visualize some analysis over the real-time data. Once the integration task is done, all the data from any government has the same format and the analysis process can be initiated in a computational better way. So the tool presented in this work has two goals: 1. Integration process; and 2. Graphic and analytic interface. As a first approach, the integration process was developed using Java and Oracle and the graphic and analytic interface with Java (jsp). However, in order to open our software tool, as second approach, we also developed an implementation with R language as mature open source technology. R is a really powerful open source programming language that allows us to process and analyze a huge amount of data with high performance. There are also some R libraries for the building of a graphic interface like shiny. A performance comparison between both implementations was made and no significant differences were found. In addition, our work provides with an Official Real-Time Integrated Data Set about Environment Data in Spain to any developer in order that they can build their own applications.Keywords: open data, R language, data integration, environmental data
Procedia PDF Downloads 3158882 Femtocell Stationed Flawless Handover in High Agility Trains
Authors: S. Dhivya, M. Abirami, M. Farjana Parveen, M. Keerthiga
The development of high-speed railway makes people’s lives more and more convenient; meanwhile, handover is the major problem on high-speed railway communication services. In order to overcome that drawback the architecture of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) femtocell networks is used to improve network performance, and the deployment of a femtocell is a key for bandwidth limitation and coverage issues in conventional mobile network system. To increase the handover performance this paper proposed a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) assisted handoff (MAHO) algorithm. It is a technique used in mobile telecom to transfer a mobile phone to a new radio channel with stronger signal strength and improved channel quality.Keywords: flawless handover, high-speed train, home evolved Node B, LTE, mobile femtocell, RSS
Procedia PDF Downloads 4748881 Multidimensional Modeling of Solidification Process of Multi-Crystalline Silicon under Magnetic Field for Solar Cell Technology
Authors: Mouhamadou Diop, Mohamed I. Hassan
Molten metallic flow in metallurgical plant is highly turbulent and presents a complex coupling with heat transfer, phase transfer, chemical reaction, momentum transport, etc. Molten silicon flow has significant effect in directional solidification of multicrystalline silicon by affecting the temperature field and the emerging crystallization interface as well as the transport of species and impurities during casting process. Owing to the complexity and limits of reliable measuring techniques, computational models of fluid flow are useful tools to study and quantify these problems. The overall objective of this study is to investigate the potential of a traveling magnetic field for an efficient operating control of the molten metal flow. A multidimensional numerical model will be developed for the calculations of Lorentz force, molten metal flow, and the related phenomenon. The numerical model is implemented in a laboratory-scale silicon crystallization furnace. This study presents the potential of traveling magnetic field approach for an efficient operating control of the molten flow. A numerical model will be used to study the effects of magnetic force applied on the molten flow, and their interdependencies. In this paper, coupled and decoupled, steady and unsteady models of molten flow and crystallization interface will be compared. This study will allow us to retrieve the optimal traveling magnetic field parameter range for crystallization furnaces and the optimal numerical simulations strategy for industrial application.Keywords: multidimensional, numerical simulation, solidification, multicrystalline, traveling magnetic field
Procedia PDF Downloads 2458880 Capture Zone of a Well Field in an Aquifer Bounded by Two Parallel Streams
Authors: S. Nagheli, N. Samani, D. A. Barry
In this paper, the velocity potential and stream function of capture zone for a well field in an aquifer bounded by two parallel streams with or without a uniform regional flow of any directions are presented. The well field includes any number of extraction or injection wells or a combination of both types with any pumping rates. To delineate the capture envelope, the potential and streamlines equations are derived by conformal mapping method. This method can help us to release constrains of other methods. The equations can be applied as useful tools to design in-situ groundwater remediation systems, to evaluate the surface–subsurface water interaction and to manage the water resources.Keywords: complex potential, conformal mapping, image well theory, Laplace’s equation, superposition principle
Procedia PDF Downloads 4328879 Analysis of Structure-Flow Interaction for Water Brake Mechanism
Authors: Murat Avci, Fatih Kosar, Ismail Yilmaz
In this study, structure-flow interaction for water brake mechanism is studied with Abaqus CEL approach. The water brake mechanism is used for dynamic systems such as sled system on rail. For the achievement of these system tests, structure-flow interaction should be investigated in detail. This study is about a sled test of an aircraft subsystem which rises to supersonic speeds thanks to rocket engines. To decrease or to stop the thrusting rocket sleds, water brake mechanisms are used. Water brake mechanism provides the deceleration of the structures that have supersonic speeds. Therefore, structure-flow interaction may cause damage to the water brake mechanism. To verify all design revisions with system tests are so costly so that some decisions are taken in accordance with numerical methods. In this study, structure-flow interaction that belongs to water brake mechanism is solved with Abaqus CEL approach. Fluid and deformation on the structure behaviors are modeled at the same time thanks to CEL approach. Provided analysis results are corrected with the dynamic tests. Deformation zones seen in numerical analysis are also observed in dynamic tests. Finally, Johnson-Cook material model parameters used for this analysis are proven, and it is understood that these parameters can be used for dynamic analysis like water brake mechanism.Keywords: aircraft, rocket, structure-flow, supersonic
Procedia PDF Downloads 1608878 Analytical Terahertz Characterization of In0.53Ga0.47As Transistors and Homogenous Diodes
Authors: Abdelmadjid Mammeri, Fatima Zohra Mahi, Luca Varani, H. Marinchoi
We propose an analytical model for the admittance and the noise calculations of the InGaAs transistor and diode. The development of the small-signal admittance takes into account the longitudinal and transverse electric fields through a pseudo two-dimensional approximation of the Poisson equation. The frequency-dependent of the small-signal admittance response is determined by the total currents and the potentials matrix relation between the gate and the drain terminals. The noise is evaluated by using the real part of the transistor/diode admittance under a small-signal perturbation. The analytical results show that the admittance spectrum exhibits a series of resonant peaks corresponding to the excitation of plasma waves. The appearance of the resonance is discussed and analyzed as functions of the channel length and the temperature. The model can be used, on one hand; to control the appearance of the plasma resonances, and on other hand; can give significant information about the noise frequency dependence in the InGaAs transistor and diode.Keywords: InGaAs transistors, InGaAs diode, admittance, resonant peaks, plasma waves, analytical model
Procedia PDF Downloads 3178877 Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow, Characteristics of Thermal Performance and Enhancement of Heat Transfer of Corrugated Pipes with Various Geometrical Configurations
Authors: Ahmed Ramadhan Al-Obaidi, Jassim Alhamid
In this investigation, the flow pattern, characteristics of thermal-hydraulic, and improvement of heat transfer performance are evaluated using a numerical technique in three dimensions corrugated pipe heat exchanger. The modification was made under different corrugated pipe geometrical parameters, including corrugated ring angle (CRA), distance between corrugated ring (DBCR), and corrugated diameter (CD), the range of Re number from 2000 to 12000. The numerical results are validated with available experimental data. The numerical outcomes reveal that there is an important change in flow field behaviour and a significant increase in friction factor and improvement in heat transfer performance owing to the use of the corrugated shape in the heat exchanger pipe as compared to the conventional smooth pipe. Using corrugated pipe with different configurations makes the flow more turbulence, flow separation, boundary layer distribution, flow mixing, and that leads to augmenting the performance of heat transfer. Moreover, the value of pressure drop, and the Nusselt number increases as the corrugated pipe geometrical parameters increase. Furthermore, the corrugation configuration shapes have an important influence on the thermal evaluation performance factor, and the maximum value was more than 1.3. Numerical simulation can be performed to predict the various geometrical configurations effects on fluid flow, thermal performance, and heat transfer enhancement.Keywords: corrugated ring angle, corrugated diameter, Nusselt number, heat transfer
Procedia PDF Downloads 1448876 Creating Gameful Experience as an Innovative Approach in the Digital Era: A Double-Mediation Model of Instructional Support, Group Engagement and Flow
Authors: Mona Hoyng
In times of digitalization nowadays, the use of games became a crucial new way for digital game-based learning (DGBL) in higher education. In this regard, the development of a gameful experience (GE) among students is decisive when examining DGBL as the GE is a necessary precondition determining the effectiveness of games. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to provide deeper insights into the GE and to empirically investigate whether and how these meaningful learning experiences within games, i.e., GE, among students are created. Based on the theory of experience and flow theory, a double-mediation model was developed considering instructional support, group engagement, and flow as determinants of students’ GE. Based on data of 337 students taking part in a business simulation game at two different universities in Germany, regression-based statistical mediation analysis revealed that instructional support promoted students’ GE. This relationship was further sequentially double mediated by group engagement and flow. Consequently, in the context of DGBL, meaningful learning experiences within games in terms of GE are created and promoted through appropriate instructional support, as well as high levels of group engagement and flow among students.Keywords: gameful experience, instructional support, group engagement, flow, education, learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 1368875 The Convection Heater Numerical Simulation
Authors: Cristian Patrascioiu, Loredana Negoita
This paper is focused on modeling and simulation of the tubular heaters. The paper is structured in four parts: the structure of the tubular convection section, the heat transfer model, the adaptation of the mathematical model and the solving model. The main hypothesis of the heat transfer modeling is that the heat exchanger of the convective tubular heater is a lumped system. In the same time, the model uses the heat balance relations, Newton’s law and criteria relations. The numerical program achieved allows for the estimation of the burn gases outlet temperature and the heated flow outlet temperature.Keywords: heat exchanger, mathematical modelling, nonlinear equation system, Newton-Raphson algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 2928874 Natural Fibre Composite Structural Sections for Residential Stud Wall Applications
Authors: Mike R. Bambach
Increasing awareness of environmental concerns is leading a drive towards more sustainable structural products for the built environment. Natural fibres such as flax, jute and hemp have recently been considered for fibre-resin composites, with a major motivation for their implementation being their notable sustainability attributes. While recent decades have seen substantial interest in the use of such natural fibres in composite materials, much of this research has focused on the materials aspects, including fibre processing techniques, composite fabrication methodologies, matrix materials and their effects on the mechanical properties. The present study experimentally investigates the compression strength of structural channel sections of flax, jute and hemp, with a particular focus on their suitability for residential stud wall applications. The section geometry is optimised for maximum strength via the introduction of complex stiffeners in the webs and flanges. Experimental results on both natural fibre composite channel sections and typical steel and timber residential wall studs are compared. The geometrically optimised natural fibre composite channels are shown to have compression capacities suitable for residential wall stud applications, identifying them as a potentially viable alternative to traditional building materials in such application, and potentially other light structural applications.Keywords: channel sections, natural fibre composites, residential stud walls, structural composites
Procedia PDF Downloads 3148873 Optical Flow Technique for Supersonic Jet Measurements
Authors: Haoxiang Desmond Lim, Jie Wu, Tze How Daniel New, Shengxian Shi
This paper outlines the development of a novel experimental technique in quantifying supersonic jet flows, in an attempt to avoid seeding particle problems frequently associated with particle-image velocimetry (PIV) techniques at high Mach numbers. Based on optical flow algorithms, the idea behind the technique involves using high speed cameras to capture Schlieren images of the supersonic jet shear layers, before they are subjected to an adapted optical flow algorithm based on the Horn-Schnuck method to determine the associated flow fields. The proposed method is capable of offering full-field unsteady flow information with potentially higher accuracy and resolution than existing point-measurements or PIV techniques. Preliminary study via numerical simulations of a circular de Laval jet nozzle successfully reveals flow and shock structures typically associated with supersonic jet flows, which serve as useful data for subsequent validation of the optical flow based experimental results. For experimental technique, a Z-type Schlieren setup is proposed with supersonic jet operated in cold mode, stagnation pressure of 8.2 bar and exit velocity of Mach 1.5. High-speed single-frame or double-frame cameras are used to capture successive Schlieren images. As implementation of optical flow technique to supersonic flows remains rare, the current focus revolves around methodology validation through synthetic images. The results of validation test offers valuable insight into how the optical flow algorithm can be further improved to improve robustness and accuracy. Details of the methodology employed and challenges faced will be further elaborated in the final conference paper should the abstract be accepted. Despite these challenges however, this novel supersonic flow measurement technique may potentially offer a simpler way to identify and quantify the fine spatial structures within the shock shear layer.Keywords: Schlieren, optical flow, supersonic jets, shock shear layer
Procedia PDF Downloads 3128872 Optimization of the Aerodynamic Performances of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Authors: Fares Senouci, Bachir Imine
This document provides numerical and experimental optimization of the aerodynamic performance of a drone equipped with three types of horizontal stabilizer. To build this optimal configuration, an experimental and numerical study was conducted on three parameters: the geometry of the stabilizer (horizontal form or reverse V form), the position of the horizontal stabilizer (up or down), and the landing gear position (closed or open). The results show that up-stabilizer position with respect to the horizontal plane of the fuselage provides better aerodynamic performance, and that the landing gear increases the lift in the zone of stability, that is to say where the flow is not separated.Keywords: aerodynamics, drag, lift, turbulence model, wind tunnel
Procedia PDF Downloads 2548871 Red Green Blue Image Encryption Based on Paillier Cryptographic System
Authors: Mamadou I. Wade, Henry C. Ogworonjo, Madiha Gul, Mandoye Ndoye, Mohamed Chouikha, Wayne Patterson
In this paper, we present a novel application of the Paillier cryptographic system to the encryption of RGB (Red Green Blue) images. In this method, an RGB image is first separated into its constituent channel images, and the Paillier encryption function is applied to each of the channels pixel intensity values. Next, the encrypted image is combined and compressed if necessary before being transmitted through an unsecured communication channel. The transmitted image is subsequently recovered by a decryption process. We performed a series of security and performance analyses to the recovered images in order to verify their robustness to security attack. The results show that the proposed image encryption scheme produces highly secured encrypted images.Keywords: image encryption, Paillier cryptographic system, RBG image encryption, Paillier
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