Search results for: literature review software
12371 Review of Assessment of Integrated Information System (IIS) in Organisation
Authors: Mariya Salihu Ingawa, Sani Suleiman Isah
The assessment of Integrated Information System (IIS) in organisation is an important initiative to enable the Information System (IS) managers, as well as top management to understand the success status of their investment in IS integration efforts. However, without a proper assessment, an organisation will not know its IIS status, which may affect their judgment on what action should be taken onwards. Current research on IIS assessment is lacking and those related literature on IIS assessment focus more on assessing the technical aspect of IIS. It is argued that assessing technical aspect alone is inadequate since organisational and strategic aspects in IIS should also be considered. Current methods, techniques and tools used by vendors for IIS assessment also are lack of comprehensive measures to fully assess the Integrated Information System in term of technical, organisational and strategic domains. The purpose of this study is to establish critical success factors for measuring success of an Integrated Information System. These factors are used as the basis for constructing an approach to comprehensively assess IIS in an organisation. A comprehensive list of success factors for IIS assessment, established from literature, was initially presented. An expert surveys using both manual and online methods were conducted to verify the factors. Based on the factors, an instrument for IIS assessment was constructed. The results from a case study indicate that through comprehensive assessment approach, not only the level of success been known, but also reveals the contributing factors. This research contributes to the field of Information Systems specifically in the area of Integrated Information System assessment.Keywords: integrated information system, expert surveys, organisation, assessment
Procedia PDF Downloads 38812370 Gender Disparity in Film Industries: A Conceptual Study
Authors: Daniel Edem Adzovie, Jakub Kudlac
The subtle institutionalization of male dominance in the film industry in the 1930s and its rippling effect of gender imbalance especially, regarding female active participation in film industries across the globe in terms of number and influence, is a worrying trend. The main purpose of the study is to explore the role of gender themes, especially patriarchal themes in films, in influencing the disparity experienced in film industries. Partially, we examine the motivations vis-à-vis the demotivating factors that attract and or refract females from enrolling in film schools against their male contemporaries. Employing a qualitative inquiry with a specific focus on document analysis as well as experts’ opinions in order to ascertain the antecedents and consequences of patriarchal themes in films on female participation in film industries, we drew extant literature from reputable databases such as EBSCO, Scopus, Web of Science, ERIH Plus, Google Scholar as well as notable books on gender and film. Secondly, we conceptualized a research model for a future qualitative research design that could take into consideration a study from at least three different film industries and analyze using thematic analysis. This could help validate the proposed conceptual model of the study. The literature review revealed that culture, to a large extent, influences the patriarchal themes conveyed in films, which inhibits active female participation in film industries. Research implications have been discussed.Keywords: film industry, female, gender, male dominance, patriarchal themes
Procedia PDF Downloads 13712369 Transition from Early Education to Pre-School Education in Children with Hearing Loss in Turkey: Problems and Recommendations
Authors: Şule Yanık, Emel Ertürk-Mustul, Zerrin Turan, Hasan Gürgür
It is known that there are policies that will support the early special education (ESE) for children requiring special care including the children with hearing loss (CHL) in many countries that give importance to early childhood (0-6 years) education, accordingly ESE services have been gradually increasing and these services provide positive contributions to the child and family. These services begin with medical diagnostics, provision of the use of assistive technologies for hearing and the orientation of children towards early education program (EEP) for the CHL. In 0-3 years of age EEP, education and support services are provided to the children and their families. In 3-6 years of age, children are supported in a pre-school education program (PSE) in which their peers and teachers are present. Therefore, the children with hearing loss and their families are going through a series of medical, educational and social transition process after diagnosed with hearing loss. Depending on their age and development, CHL also go through a transition period from hospital to home, from home to EEP and from EEP to PSE. It is seen that there is no legal regulation regarding the transition process in Turkey and hence different processes have been carried out in the transition process from EEP to PSE. The aim of this study is to reveal the problems confronted by the CHL during the transition period from EEP to PSE and the solution proposals for these problems. In this study, a document review was made by reviewing the national and international studies about transition processes of the CHL in Turkey from EEP to PSE. Accordingly, in the study carried out in two stages, firstly, a review of the body of literature was performed by creating key words related to the subject. Secondly, the problems confronted by the CHL in Turkey during the transition period from EEP to PSE and the solution proposals for these problems were demonstrated by analyzing the obtained data. According to the body of literature, it is seen that there are no laws concerning the transition processes of the children who require special care including the CHL in Turkey from EEP (sending) to PSE (receiving), and correspondingly numerous problems have been experienced during the transition period. It seems that the EEP adopts family-centered approaches for strengthening the families of the CHL. However, PSE program aims to prepare the children to school life by focusing on their social and academical development rather with the adoption of children-centered approaches. Therefore, while the families feel an inseparable part of the team in EEP, they indicated that they felt like a stranger in the school team after their children have started to PSE. Therefore, families find the transition processes worrisome and state that they are not satisfied with the process. We discovered that in the process of transition from EEP to PSE, families are not informed, there is a limited number of PSE options available, children cannot adapt to the new educational environment and cannot benefit from the existing PSE.Keywords: early education program, early special education, children with hearing loss, transition
Procedia PDF Downloads 14412368 Shifting Paradigms of Culture: Rise of Secular Sensibility in Indian Literature
Authors: Nidhi Chouhan
Burgeoning demand of ‘Secularism’ has shaken the pillars of cultural studies in the contemporary literature. The perplexity of the culturally estranged term ‘secular’ gives rise to temporal ideologies across the world. Hence, it is high time to scan this concept in the context of Indian lifestyle which is a blend of assimilated cultures woven in multiple religious fabrics. The infliction of such secular taste is depicted in literary productions like ‘Satanic Verses’ and ‘An Area of Darkness’. The paper conceptually makes a cross-cultural analysis of anti-religious Indian literary texts, assessing its revitalization in current times. Further, this paper studies the increasing popularity of secular sensibility in the contemporary times. The mushrooming elements of secularism such as abstraction, spirituality, liberation, individualism give rise to a seemingly newer idea i.e. ‘Plurality’ making the literature highly hybrid. This approach has been used to study Indian modernity reflected in its literature. Seminal works of stalwarts are used to understand the consequence of this cultural synthesis. Conclusively, this theoretical research inspects the efficiency of secular culture, intertwined with internal coherence and throws light on the plurality of texts in Indian literature.Keywords: culture, indian, literature, plurality, secular, secularism
Procedia PDF Downloads 10612367 Comparison of Presented Definitions and Aspects of Authenticity and Integrity in Adaptive Reuse
Authors: Golnaz Salehi Mourkani
Two conception of Integrity and authenticity, in texts have just applied respectively for adaptive reuse and conservation, which in comparison with word “Integrity” in texts related to adaptive reuse is much more seen than Authenticity, which is often applied with conservation. According to Stove, H. (2007) in some cases, this conception have used with this form “integrity/authenticity” in texts, that cause to infer one conception of both. In this article, with referring to definitions and comparison of aspects specialized to both concept of “Authenticity and Integrity” through literature review, it was attempted to examine common and distinctive aspects of each one, then with this method we can reach their differences in adaptive reuse.Keywords: adaptive reuse, integrity, authenticity, conservation
Procedia PDF Downloads 46212366 WebGIS Development Framework With Prioritized Usability Elements
Authors: Ezekiel Mwangi, Stephen Kimani, Agnes Mindila
Usability is one of the key factors that determine the success or failure of any WebGIS (technology normally applied on the internet to analyze and present spatial data on the Internet). However, not all the usability attributes have the same impact on usability. It is, therefore, necessary to prioritize WebGIS usability elements and determine the ones that are more crucial to the success of the WebGIS. This research aims to identify the main elements of WebGIS usability, investigate the order of importance and priority of the usability elements of WebGIS, and propose a WebGIS development framework that incorporates the prioritization of the usability elements. This will be achieved through a literature review. The outcome of this research will help usability specialists and WebGIS developers in determining specific usability elements that should be accorded more emphasis during the design and development of WebGIS.Keywords: framework, prioritization, usability, WebGIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 15812365 Development of Concurrent Engineering through the Application of Software Simulations of Metal Production Processing and Analysis of the Effects of Application
Authors: D. M. Eric, D. Milosevic, F. D. Eric
Concurrent engineering technologies are a modern concept in manufacturing engineering. One of the key goals in designing modern technological processes is further reduction of production costs, both in the prototype and the preparatory part, as well as during the serial production. Thanks to many segments of concurrent engineering, these goals can be accomplished much more easily. In this paper, we give an overview of the advantages of using modern software simulations in relation to the classical aspects of designing technological processes of metal deformation. Significant savings are achieved thanks to the electronic simulation and software detection of all possible irregularities in the functional-working regime of the technological process. In order for the expected results to be optimal, it is necessary that the input parameters are very objective and that they reliably represent the values of these parameters in real conditions. Since it is a metal deformation treatment here, the particularly important parameters are the coefficient of internal friction between the working material and the tools, as well as the parameters related to the flow curve of the processing material. The paper will give a presentation for the experimental determination of some of these parameters.Keywords: production technologies, metal processing, software simulations, effects of application
Procedia PDF Downloads 23512364 Review of Vehicle to Grid Applications in Recent Years
Authors: Afsane Amiri
Electric Vehicle (EV) technology is expected to take a major share in the light-vehicle market in the coming decades. Charging of EVs will put an extra burden on the distribution grid and in some cases adjustments will need to be made. In this paper a review of different plug-in and vehicle to grid (V2G) capable vehicles are given along with their power electronics topologies. The economic implication of charging the vehicle or sending power back to the utility is described in brief.Keywords: energy storage system, battery unit, cost, optimal sizing, plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), smart grid
Procedia PDF Downloads 60112363 Analysis on South Korean Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Stage of Concerns about Software Education According to the Concern-Based Adoption Model
Authors: Sun-Mi Park, Ji-Hyun Jung, Min-Jung Kang
Software (SW) education is scheduled to be included in the National curriculum in South Korea by 2018. However, Korean national kindergarten curriculum has been excepted from the revision of the entire Korean national school curriculum including software education. Even though the SW education has not been considered a part of current national kindergarten curriculum, there is a growing interest of adopting software education into the ECE practice. Teachers might be a key element in introducing and implementing new educational change such as SW education. In preparation for the adoption of SW education in ECE, it might be necessary to figure out ECE teachers’ perception and attitudes toward early childhood software education. For this study, 219 ECE teachers’ concern level in SW education was surveyed by using the Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ). As a result, the teachers' concern level in SW education is the highest at stage 0-Unconcerned and is high level in stage 1-informational, stage 2-personal, and stage 3-management concern. Thus, a non-user pattern was mostly indicated. However, compared to a typical non-user pattern, the personal and informative concern level is slightly high. The 'tailing up' phenomenon toward stage 6-refocusing was shown. Therefore, the pattern aspect close to critical non-user ever appeared to some extent. In addition, a significant difference in concern level was shown at all stages depending on the awareness of necessity. Teachers with SW training experience showed higher intensity only at stage 0. There was statistically significant difference in stage 0 and 6 depending on the future implementation decision. These results will be utilized as a resource in building ECE teachers’ support system according to his or her concern level of SW education.Keywords: concerns-based adoption model (CBAM), early childhood education teachers, software education, Stages of Concern (SoC)
Procedia PDF Downloads 20712362 Development of a Suitable Model for Energy Storage in Residential Buildings in Ahvaz Using Energy Plus Software
Authors: Farideh Azimi, Sam Vahedi Tafreshi
This research tries to study the residential buildings in Ahvaz, the common materials used, and the impact of passive methods of energy storage (as one of the most effective ways to reduce energy consumption in residential complexes) in order to achieve patterns for construction of residential buildings in Ahvaz conditions to reduce energy consumption. In this research, after studying Ahvaz conditions, the components of an existing building were simulated in Energy Plus software, and the climatic data of Ahvaz station was introduced to software. Then to achieve the most optimal conditions of energy consumption in Ahvaz conditions, each of the residential building elements was optimized. The results of simulation showed that using inactive materials and design including double glass, outside wall insulation, inverted roof, etc. in the buildings can reduce energy consumption in the hot and dry climate of Ahvaz. Among the parameters investigated, the inverted roof was the most effective energy saving pattern. According to the results of simulation of the entire building with the most optimal parameters, energy consumption can be saved by a mean of 12.51% in buildings of Ahvaz, and the obtained pattern can also be used in similar climates.Keywords: residential buildings, thermal comfort, energy storage, Energy Plus software, Ahvaz
Procedia PDF Downloads 36112361 A Comparative Study of Secondary Education Curriculum of Iran with Some Developed Countries in the World
Authors: Seyyed Abdollah Hojjati
Review in the areas of secondary education; it is a kind of comparative requires very careful scrutiny in educational structure of different countries,In upcoming review of the basic structure of our educational system in Islamic republic of Iran with somedeveloped countries in the world, Analyzing of strengthsand weaknesses in main areas, A simple review of the above methods do not consider this particular community, Modifythe desired result can be expressed in the secondary school curriculum and academic guidance of under graduate students in a skill-driven and creativity growth, It not just improves the health and dynamism of this period and increases the secondary teachers' authority and the relationship between teacher and student in this course will be meaningful and attractive, But with reduced of false prosperity and guaranteed institutes and quizzes, areas will be provided for students to enjoy the feeling ofthe psychological comfort and to have the highest growth of creativity .Keywords: comparative, curriculum of secondary education, curriculum, Iran, developed countries
Procedia PDF Downloads 49312360 Iron Supplementation for Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized-Controlled Trials
Authors: Matthew Cameron, Stephen Yang, Latifa Al Kharusi, Adam Gosselin, Anissa Chirico, Pouya Gholipour Baradari
Background: Iron supplementation has been evaluated in several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) for the potential to increase baseline hemoglobin and decrease the incidence of red blood cell (RBC) transfusion during cardiac surgery. This study's main objective was to evaluate the evidence for iron administration in cardiac surgery patients for its effect on the incidence of perioperative RBC transfusion. Methods: This systematic review protocol was registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020161927) on Dec. 19th, 2019, and was prepared as per the PRISMA guidelines. MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL, Web of Science databases, and Google Scholar were searched for RCTs evaluating perioperative iron administration in adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Each abstract was independently reviewed by two reviewers using predefined eligibility criteria. The primary outcome was perioperative RBC transfusion, with secondary outcomes of the number of RBC units transfused, change in ferritin level, reticulocyte count, hemoglobin, and adverse events, after iron administration. The risk of bias was assessed with the Cochrane Collaboration Risk of Bias Tool, and the primary and secondary outcomes were analyzed with a random-effects model. Results: Out of 1556 citations reviewed, five studies (n = 554 patients) met the inclusion criteria. The use of iron demonstrated no difference in transfusion incidence (RR 0.86; 95% CI 0.65 to 1.13). There was a low heterogeneity between studies (I²=0%). The trial sequential analysis suggested an optimal information size of 1132 participants, which the accrued information size did not reach. Conclusion: The current literature does not support the routine use of iron supplementation before cardiac surgery; however, insufficient data is available to draw a definite conclusion. A critical knowledge gap has been identified, and more robust RCTs are required on this topic.Keywords: cardiac surgery, iron, iron supplementation, perioperative medicine, meta-analysis, systematic review, randomized controlled trial
Procedia PDF Downloads 13212359 Dynamics of Piaget’s Cognitive Learning Approach and Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory in Different Stages of Medical and Allied Health Education
Authors: Ferissa B. Ablola
The two learning theories which were evidently used in medical education include cognitive and sociocultural frameworks. The interplay of different learning theories in education is vital since most of the existing theories have specific focus of development. In addition, a certain theory is best fit with a particular learning outcome and audience profile. The application of learning theories is education is said to be dynamic and becomes more complex with increasing educational level. This systematic review aims to describe the possible shift from integration of cognitive learning theory to employment of socio-cultural approach in medical and health-allied education over the years among students, educators and the learning institution through systematic review following the PRISMA guidelines. In addition, the changes in teaching modality and individual acceptance of the shift of learning framework among cognitive constructivist and social constructivist will also be documented. This present review may serve as baseline information on the connection of two widely used theories in medical education in different year levels. Further, this study emphasizes the significance of the alignment of different learning theories and combination of insights from several educational frameworks, would permit the creation of a teaching/learning design with real theoretical depth. A more inclusive systematic review is necessary to involve more related studies, and exploration of interaction among other learning theories in health and other fields of study is encouraged.Keywords: learning theory, cognitive, sociocultural, medical education
Procedia PDF Downloads 2912358 Provision of Afterschool Programs: Understanding the Educational Needs and Outcomes of Newcomer and Refugee Students in Canada
Authors: Edward Shizha, Edward Makwarimba
Newcomer and refugee youth feel excluded in the education system in Canada, and the formal education environment does not fully cater for their learning needs. The objective of this study was to build knowledge and understanding of the educational needs and experiences of these youth in Canada and how available afterschool programs can most effectively support their learning needs and academic outcomes. The Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), which funded this research, enables and empowers students to advance their educational experience through targeted investments in services that are delivered by youth-serving organizations outside the formal education system through afterschool initiatives. A literature review and a provincial/territorial internet scan were conducted to determine the availability of services and programs that serve the educational needs and academic outcomes of newcomer youth in 10 provinces and 3 territories in Canada. The goal was to identify intersectional factors (e.g., gender, sexuality, culture, social class, race, etc.) that influence educational outcomes of newcomer/refugee students and to recommend ways the ESDC could complement settlement services to enhance students’ educational success. First, data was collected through a literature search of various databases, including PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Google docs, ACADEMIA, and grey literature, including government documents, to inform our analysis. Second, a provincial/territorial internet scan was conducted using a template that was created by ESDC staff with the input of the researchers. The objective of the web-search scan was to identify afterschool programs, projects, and initiatives offered to newcomer/refugee youth by service provider organizations. The method for the scan included both qualitative and quantitative data gathering. Both the literature review and the provincial/territorial scan revealed that there are gender disparities in educational outcomes of newcomer and refugee youth. High school completion rates by gender show that boys are at higher risk of not graduating than girls and that girls are more likely than boys to have at least a high school diploma and more likely to proceed to postsecondary education. Findings from literature reveal that afterschool programs are required for refugee youth who experience mental health challenges and miss out on significant periods of schooling, which affect attendance, participation, and graduation from high school. However, some refugee youth use their resilience and ambition to succeed in their educational outcomes. Another finding showed that some immigrant/refugee students, through ethnic organizations and familial affiliation, maintain aspects of their cultural values, parental expectations and ambitious expectations for their own careers to succeed in both high school and postsecondary education. The study found a significant combination of afterschool programs that include academic support, scholarships, bursaries, homework support, career readiness, internships, mentorship, tutoring, non-clinical counselling, mental health and social well-being support, language skills, volunteering opportunities, community connections, peer networking, culturally relevant services etc. These programs assist newcomer youth to develop self-confidence and prepare for academic success and future career development. The study concluded that advantages of afterschool programs are greatest for youth at risk for poor educational outcomes, such as Latino and Black youth, including 2SLGBTQI+ immigrant youth.Keywords: afterschool programs, educational outcomes, newcomer youth, refugee youth, youth-serving organizations
Procedia PDF Downloads 7612357 Comparison between RILM, JSTOR, and WorldCat Used to Search for Secondary Literature
Authors: Stacy Jarvis
Databases such as JSTOR, RILM and WorldCat have been the main source and storage of literature in the music orb. The Reference Index to Music Literature is a bibliographic database of over 2.6 million citations to writings about music from over 70 countries. The Research Institute produces RILM for the Study of Music at the University of Buffalo. JSTOR is an e-library of academic journals, books, and primary sources. Database JSTOR helps scholars find, utilise, and build upon a vast range of literature through a powerful teaching and research platform. Another database, WorldCat, is the world's biggest library catalogue, assisting scholars in finding library materials online. An evaluation of these databases in the music sphere is conducted by looking into the description and intended use and finding similarities and differences among them. Through comparison, it is found that these aim to serve different purposes, though they have the same goal of providing and storing literature. Also, since each database has different parts of literature that it majors on, the intended use of the three databases is evaluated. This can be found in the description, scope, and intended uses section. These areas are crucial to the research as it addresses the functional or literature differences among the three databases. It is also found that these databases have different quantitative potentials. This is determined by addressing the year each database began collecting literature and the number of articles, periodicals, albums, conference proceedings, music, dissertations, digital media, essays collections, journal articles, monographs, online resources, reviews, and reference materials that can be found in each one of them. This can be found in the sections- description, scope and intended uses and the importance of the database in identifying literature on different topics. To compare the delivery of services to the users, the importance of databases in identifying literature on different topics is also addressed in the section -the importance of databases in identifying literature on different topics. Even though these databases are used in research, they all have disadvantages and advantages. This is addressed in the sections on advantages and disadvantages. This will be significant in determining which of the three is the best. Also, it will help address how the shortcomings of one database can be addressed by utilising two databases together while conducting research. It is addressed in the section- a combination of RILM and JSTOR. All this information revolves around the idea that a huge amount of quantitative and qualitative data can be found in the presented databases on music and digital content; however, each of the given databases has a different construction and material features contributing to the musical scholarship in its way.Keywords: RILM, JSTOR, WorldCat, database, literature, research
Procedia PDF Downloads 8312356 A Novel Approach towards Test Case Prioritization Technique
Authors: Kamna Solanki, Yudhvir Singh, Sandeep Dalal
Software testing is a time and cost intensive process. A scrutiny of the code and rigorous testing is required to identify and rectify the putative bugs. The process of bug identification and its consequent correction is continuous in nature and often some of the bugs are removed after the software has been launched in the market. This process of code validation of the altered software during the maintenance phase is termed as Regression testing. Regression testing ubiquitously considers resource constraints; therefore, the deduction of an appropriate set of test cases, from the ensemble of the entire gamut of test cases, is a critical issue for regression test planning. This paper presents a novel method for designing a suitable prioritization process to optimize fault detection rate and performance of regression test on predefined constraints. The proposed method for test case prioritization m-ACO alters the food source selection criteria of natural ants and is basically a modified version of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). The proposed m-ACO approach has been coded in 'Perl' language and results are validated using three examples by computation of Average Percentage of Faults Detected (APFD) metric.Keywords: regression testing, software testing, test case prioritization, test suite optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 33912355 Spectral Efficiency Improvement in 5G Systems by Polyphase Decomposition
Authors: Wilson Enríquez, Daniel Cardenas
This article proposes a filter bank format combined with the mathematical tool called polyphase decomposition and the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) with the purpose of improving the performance of the fifth-generation communication systems (5G). We started with a review of the literature and the study of the filter bank theory and its combination with DFT in order to improve the performance of wireless communications since it reduces the computational complexity of these communication systems. With the proposed technique, several experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the structures in 5G systems. Finally, the results are presented in graphical form in terms of bit error rate against the ratio bit energy/noise power spectral density (BER vs. Eb / No).Keywords: multi-carrier system (5G), filter bank, polyphase decomposition, FIR equalizer
Procedia PDF Downloads 20412354 The Role of Cryptocurrency in Cross-Border Payments: A Case Study of Bangladesh
Authors: Mohammad Abdul Matin
This research paper aims to investigate the use of cryptocurrency in facilitating cross-border payments, with a specific focus on the case of Bangladesh. With thousands of Bangladeshi living abroad, the demand for efficient and cost-effective remittance channels is high. This paper will examine the current challenges in cross-border payments for Bangladeshi expatriates and explore the potential benefits and barriers to the adoption of cryptocurrency as a solution. Through a combination of literature review, qualitative interviews, and data analysis, the research will provide valuable insights into the opportunities and risks associated with using cryptocurrency for cross-border payments in Bangladesh.Keywords: cryptocurrency, cross-border payments, Bangladesh, remittance, expatriates
Procedia PDF Downloads 3512353 A Review Paper on Data Mining and Genetic Algorithm
Authors: Sikander Singh Cheema, Jasmeen Kaur
In this paper, the concept of data mining is summarized and its one of the important process i.e KDD is summarized. The data mining based on Genetic Algorithm is researched in and ways to achieve the data mining Genetic Algorithm are surveyed. This paper also conducts a formal review on the area of data mining tasks and genetic algorithm in various fields.Keywords: data mining, KDD, genetic algorithm, descriptive mining, predictive mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 59312352 Recent Developments in Coping Strategies Focusing on Music Performance Anxiety: A Systematic Review
Authors: Parham Bakhtiari
Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a prevalent concern among musicians, manifesting through cognitive, physiological, and behavioral symptoms that can severely impact performance quality and overall well-being. This systematic review synthesizes research on coping strategies employed by musicians to manage MPA from 2016 to 2023, identifying a range of psychological and physical interventions, including acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and yoga. Findings reveal that these interventions significantly reduce anxiety and enhance psychological resilience, with ACT showing notable improvements in psychological flexibility. Physical approaches also proved effective in mitigating physiological symptoms associated with MPA. However, challenges such as small sample sizes and methodological limitations hinder the generalizability of results. The review underscores the necessity for multi-faceted intervention strategies tailored to the unique needs of different musicians and emphasizes the importance of future research employing larger, randomized controlled designs to further validate these findings. Overall, this review serves as a comprehensive resource for musicians seeking effective coping strategies for managing performance anxiety, highlighting the critical interplay between mental and physical approaches in promoting optimal performance outcomes.Keywords: anxiety, performance, coping, music, strategy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2812351 Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Essence of Sustainable, Smart and Inclusive Economies
Authors: Isabel Martins, Orlando Pereira, Ana Martins
This study aims to highlight that, in changing environments, organisations need to adapt their behaviours to the demands of the new economic reality. The main purpose of this study focuses on the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation with learning as the mediating factor. It is within this entrepreneurial spirit that literature reveals a concern with the current economic perspective towards knowledge and considers it as both the production factor par excellence and a source of entrepreneurial capacity and innovation. Entrepreneurship is a mind-set focused on identifying opportunities of economic value and translates these into the pursuit of business opportunities through innovation. It connects art and science and is a way of life, as opposed to a simple mode of business creation and profiteering. This perspective underlines the need to develop the global individual for the globalised world, the strategic key to economic and social development. The objective of this study is to explore the notion that relational capital which is established between the entrepreneur and all the other economic role players both inside and outside the organization, is indeed determinant in developing the entrepreneurial capacity. However, this depends on the organizational culture of innovation. In this context, entrepreneurship is an ‘entrepreneurial capital’ inherent in the organization that is not limited to skills needed for work. This study is a critique of extant literature review which will be also be supported by primary data collection gathered to study graduates’ perceptions towards their entrepreneurial capital. Limitations are centered on both the design and of the sample of this study. This study is of added value for both scholars and organisations in the current innovation economy.Keywords: entrepreneurship, innovation, learning, relational capital
Procedia PDF Downloads 22812350 Balancing Security and Human Rights: A Comprehensive Approach to Security and Defense Policy
Authors: Babatunde Osabiya
Cybersecurity has emerged as a pressing policy problem in recent years, affecting individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide. This research paper aims to critically review the literature on cybersecurity policy and apply policy theory to propose a policy approach that balances the freedom to access and use technology with the human rights risks and threats posed by cyber. Drawing on various credible sources, the paper examines the scale and seriousness of cyber threats, highlighting the growing threat posed by cybercriminals, hackers, and nation-states. The paper also identifies the key challenges facing policymakers, including the need for more significant investment in cybersecurity research and development and the importance of balancing the benefits of technological innovation with the risks to privacy, security, and human rights. To address these challenges, the paper proposes a policy approach emphasizing investing in cybersecurity research and development to maintain a technological edge over potential adversaries. This approach also highlights the need for greater collaboration between government, industry, and civil society to develop effective cybersecurity policies and practices that protect the rights and freedoms of people while mitigating the risks posed by cyber threats. This paper will contribute to the growing body of literature on cybersecurity policy and offers a policy framework for addressing this critical policy challenge.Keywords: security risk, legal framework, cyber security and policy, national security
Procedia PDF Downloads 9412349 Going beyond the Traditional Offering in Modern Financial Services
Authors: Cam-Duc Au, Philippe Krahnhof, Lars Klingenberger
German banks are experiencing harsh times due to rising costs and declining profits. On the one hand, acquisition costs for new customers are increasing because of the rise of innovative FinTechs, which entered the market with one specific goal: disrupting the whole financial services industry by occupying parts of the value chain. On the other hand, the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as an overall low level of interest rates, cause the traditional source of bank income to still drain. Consequently, traditional banks must rethink their strategies or their identity, so to speak, because they go beyond their traditional offering of products and services. Having said that, banks may create new sources of income to stabilize their economic situation and replenish profits. The given paper aims to research the opportunities of establishing an ecosystem model. In doing so, the paper contributes to the current literature debate and provide reference points for traditional banks to start. Firstly, a systematic literature review introduces a selection of research works the author regards as significant. In the following step, quantitative data from an online survey with bank clients are analysed by means of descriptive statistics to show the perspective of Germans with regards to an ecosystem offering. The final research findings indicate that the surveyed retail banking clients express interest in the new offer, whereas non-financial products and services are of lower interest than their financial pendants.Keywords: banking, ecosystem, disruptive innovation, digital offering, open-banking-strategy, financial services industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 13312348 In Agile Projects - Arithmetic Sequence is More Effective than Fibonacci Sequence to Use for Estimating the Implementation Effort of User Stories
Authors: Khaled Jaber
The estimation of effort in software development is a complex task. The traditional Waterfall approach used to develop software systems requires a lot of time to estimate the effort needed to implement user requirements. Agile manifesto, however, is currently more used in the industry than the Waterfall to develop software systems. In Agile, the user requirement is referred to as a user story. Agile teams mostly use the Fibonacci sequence 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, etc. in estimating the effort needed to implement the user story. This work shows through analysis that the Arithmetic sequence, e.g., 3, 6, 9, 12, etc., is more effective than the Fibonacci sequence in estimating the user stories. This paper mathematically and visually proves the effectiveness of the Arithmetic sequence over the FB sequence.Keywords: agie, scrum, estimation, fibonacci sequence
Procedia PDF Downloads 20712347 Presenting Internals of Networks Using Bare Machine Technology
Authors: Joel Weymouth, Ramesh K. Karne, Alexander L. Wijesinha
Bare Machine Internet is part of the Bare Machine Computing (BMC) paradigm. It is used in programming application ns to run directly on a device. It is software that runs directly against the hardware using CPU, Memory, and I/O. The software application runs without an Operating System and resident mass storage. An important part of the BMC paradigm is the Bare Machine Internet. It utilizes an Application Development model software that interfaces directly with the hardware on a network server and file server. Because it is “bare,” it is a powerful teaching and research tool that can readily display the internals of the network protocols, software, and hardware of the applications running on the Bare Server. It was also demonstrated that the bare server was accessible by laptop and by smartphone/android. The purpose was to show the further practicality of Bare Internet in Computer Engineering and Computer Science Education and Research. It was also to show that an undergraduate student could take advantage of a bare server with any device and any browser at any release version connected to the internet. This paper presents the Bare Web Server as an educational tool. We will discuss possible applications of this paradigm.Keywords: bare machine computing, online research, network technology, visualizing network internals
Procedia PDF Downloads 17312346 New Advanced Medical Software Technology Challenges and Evolution of the Regulatory Framework in Expert Software, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning
Authors: Umamaheswari Shanmugam, Silvia Ronchi
Software, artificial intelligence, and machine learning can improve healthcare through innovative and advanced technologies that can use the large amount and variety of data generated during healthcare services every day; one of the significant advantages of these new technologies is the ability to get experience and knowledge from real-world use and to improve their performance continuously. Healthcare systems and institutions can significantly benefit because the use of advanced technologies improves the efficiency and efficacy of healthcare. Software-defined as a medical device, is stand-alone software that is intended to be used for patients for one or more of these specific medical intended uses: - diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, prediction, prognosis, treatment or alleviation of a disease, any other health conditions, replacing or modifying any part of a physiological or pathological process–manage the received information from in vitro specimens derived from the human samples (body) and without principal main action of its principal intended use by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic definition. Software qualified as medical devices must comply with the general safety and performance requirements applicable to medical devices. These requirements are necessary to ensure high performance and quality and protect patients' safety. The evolution and the continuous improvement of software used in healthcare must consider the increase in regulatory requirements, which are becoming more complex in each market. The gap between these advanced technologies and the new regulations is the biggest challenge for medical device manufacturers. Regulatory requirements can be considered a market barrier, as they can delay or obstacle the device's approval. Still, they are necessary to ensure performance, quality, and safety. At the same time, they can be a business opportunity if the manufacturer can define the appropriate regulatory strategy in advance. The abstract will provide an overview of the current regulatory framework, the evolution of the international requirements, and the standards applicable to medical device software in the potential market all over the world.Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, SaMD, regulatory, clinical evaluation, classification, international requirements, MDR, 510k, PMA, IMDRF, cyber security, health care systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 8912345 Process of Role Taking: Sacred Compliance and Religious Assurance in Islamic Banks
Authors: Y. Karbhari, A. Benamraoui, A. Fahmi Sheikh Hassan
The study applies role theory to investigate the quality of the compliance review in Malaysia, which is perceived to have the most advanced Islamic banking governance framework in the Islamic world. Drawing from the questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews, our study reveals the existence of a well-established structure for compliance reviews which is found to be regulatory driven and contingent upon the level of commercial activity of individual Islamic bank’s. However, the compliance review process was found to be ceremonial and inadequately undertaken by some SBs with greater prominence placed on its advisory role. In particular, the study provides evidence of a lack of understanding on accounting issues when undertaking the compliance review. Problems in communication between SBs, board of directors and management were also reported to exist. Our findings raise concern over the quality and thus the credibility of the religious compliance assurance communicated in Islamic Banks annual reports.Keywords: Islamic banks, religious compliance, Sharia board assurance, role theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 19312344 Sustainability Innovation Capacity Building Framework for UN Sustainable Development Goals
Authors: C. Park, H. Lee, Y-J. Lee
Aim: This study aims to present the Sustainability Innovation Capacity Building Framework (SICBF) to enable the wider public to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) for a sustainable future. The intrinsically interwoven nature of sustainability requires systematic approaches to attain. However, there is a lack of an effective framework for capacity building that enables a systematic implementation approach for UN SDGs. The SICBF illustrates the six core components and their dynamics: 1. Momentum creation; 2. Exposure to diverse worldviews; 3. Serendipity/Eureka moment; 4. Creative problem solving; 5. Individual empowerment; 6. Systems thinking. Method: First, a structured literature review was used to synthesise existing sustainability competencies studies and generic innovation competencies. Secondly, the conceptual framework based on literature findings was tested with the participants' survey and interview data collected from four sets of MAKEathon events. The interview analysis and event observation data were used to further refine and validate the conceptual framework. Contributions: The scientific contribution of this study is to pave the way for SDGs specific capacity building framework that caters to the need for systematic approaches to allow the wider public aspiring to tackle the seemingly intractable sustainable development goals. The framework will aid sustainable development academics, educators, and practitioners in understanding the dynamics of how capacity building can be facilitated.Keywords: capacity building, sustainability innovation, sustainable development, systems thinking, UN SDGs
Procedia PDF Downloads 8312343 An Approach to Capture, Evaluate and Handle Complexity of Engineering Change Occurrences in New Product Development
Authors: Mohammad Rostami Mehr, Seyed Arya Mir Rashed, Arndt Lueder, Magdalena Missler-Behr
This paper represents the conception that complex problems do not necessarily need a similar complex solution in order to cope with the complexity. Furthermore, a simple solution based on established methods can provide a sufficient way to deal with the complexity. To verify this conception, the presented paper focuses on the field of change management as a part of the new product development process in the automotive sector. In this field, dealing with increasing complexity is essential, while only non-flexible rigid processes that are not designed to handle complexity are available. The basic methodology of this paper can be divided into four main sections: 1) analyzing the complexity of the change management, 2) literature review in order to identify potential solutions and methods, 3) capturing and implementing expertise of experts from the change management field of an automobile manufacturing company and 4) systematical comparison of the identified methods from literature and connecting these with defined requirements of the complexity of the change management in order to develop a solution. As a practical outcome, this paper provides a method to capture the complexity of engineering changes (EC) and includes it within the EC evaluation process, following case-related process guidance to cope with the complexity. Furthermore, this approach supports the conception that dealing with complexity is possible while utilizing rather simple and established methods by combining them into a powerful tool.Keywords: complexity management, new product development, engineering change management, flexibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 19812342 Creative Element Analysis of Machinery Creativity Contest Works
Authors: Chin-Pin, Chen, Shi-Chi, Shiao, Ting-Hao, Lin
Current industry is facing the rapid development of new technology in the world and fierce changes of economic environment in the society so that the industry development trend gradually does not focus on labor, but leads the industry and the academic circle with innovation and creativity. The development trend in machinery industry presents the same situation. Based on the aim of Creativity White Paper, Ministry of Education in Taiwan promotes and develops various creativity contests to cope with the industry trend. Domestic students and enterprises have good performance on domestic and international creativity contests in recent years. There must be important creative elements in such creative works to win the award among so many works. Literature review and in-depth interview with five creativity contest awarded instructors are first proceeded to conclude 15 machinery creative elements, which are further compared with the creative elements of machinery awarded creative works in past five years to understand the relationship between awarded works and creative elements. The statistical analysis results show that IDEA (Industrial Design Excellence Award) contains the most creative elements among four major international creativity contests. That is, most creativity review focuses on creative elements that are comparatively stricter. Concerning the groups participating in creativity contests, enterprises consider more creative elements of the creative works than other two elements for contests. From such contest works, creative elements of “replacement or improvement”, “convenience”, and “modeling” present higher significance. It is expected that the above findings could provide domestic colleges and universities with reference for participating in creativity related contests in the future.Keywords: machinery, creative elements, creativity contest, creativity works
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