Search results for: legal artificial intelligence
2923 Discrimination in Insurance Pricing: A Textual-Analysis Perspective
Authors: Ruijuan Bi
Discrimination in insurance pricing is a topic of increasing concern, particularly in the context of the rapid development of big data and artificial intelligence. There is a need to explore the various forms of discrimination, such as direct and indirect discrimination, proxy discrimination, algorithmic discrimination, and unfair discrimination, and understand their implications in insurance pricing models. This paper aims to analyze and interpret the definitions of discrimination in insurance pricing and explore measures to reduce discrimination. It utilizes a textual analysis methodology, which involves gathering qualitative data from relevant literature on definitions of discrimination. The research methodology focuses on exploring the various forms of discrimination and their implications in insurance pricing models. Through textual analysis, this paper identifies the specific characteristics and implications of each form of discrimination in the general insurance industry. This research contributes to the theoretical understanding of discrimination in insurance pricing. By analyzing and interpreting relevant literature, this paper provides insights into the definitions of discrimination and the laws and regulations surrounding it. This theoretical foundation can inform future empirical research on discrimination in insurance pricing using relevant theories of probability theory.Keywords: algorithmic discrimination, direct and indirect discrimination, proxy discrimination, unfair discrimination, insurance pricing
Procedia PDF Downloads 742922 Relation between Initial Stability of the Dental Implant and Bone-Implant Contact Level
Authors: Jui-Ting Hsu, Heng-Li Huang, Ming-Tzu Tsai, Kuo-Chih Su, Lih-Jyh Fuh
The objectives of this study were to measure the initial stability of the dental implant (ISQ and PTV) in the artificial foam bone block with three different quality levels. In addition, the 3D bone to implant contact percentage (BIC%) was measured based on the micro-computed tomography images. Furthermore, the relation between the initial stability of dental implant (ISQ and PTV) and BIC% were calculated. The experimental results indicated that enhanced the material property of the artificial foam bone increased the initial stability of the dental implant. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the BIC% and the two approaches (ISQ and PTV) were 0.652 and 0.745.Keywords: dental implant, implant stability quotient, peak insertion torque, bone-implant contact, micro-computed tomography
Procedia PDF Downloads 5802921 Towards a Framework for Embedded Weight Comparison Algorithm with Business Intelligence in the Plantation Domain
Authors: M. Pushparani, A. Sagaya
Embedded systems have emerged as important elements in various domains with extensive applications in automotive, commercial, consumer, healthcare and transportation markets, as there is emphasis on intelligent devices. On the other hand, Business Intelligence (BI) has also been extensively used in a range of applications, especially in the agriculture domain which is the area of this research. The aim of this research is to create a framework for Embedded Weight Comparison Algorithm with Business Intelligence (EWCA-BI). The weight comparison algorithm will be embedded within the plantation management system and the weighbridge system. This algorithm will be used to estimate the weight at the site and will be compared with the actual weight at the plantation. The algorithm will be used to build the necessary alerts when there is a discrepancy in the weight, thus enabling better decision making. In the current practice, data are collected from various locations in various forms. It is a challenge to consolidate data to obtain timely and accurate information for effective decision making. Adding to this, the unstable network connection leads to difficulty in getting timely accurate information. To overcome the challenges embedding is done on a portable device that will have the embedded weight comparison algorithm to also assist in data capture and synchronize data at various locations overcoming the network short comings at collection points. The EWCA-BI will provide real-time information at any given point of time, thus enabling non-latent BI reports that will provide crucial information to enable efficient operational decision making. This research has a high potential in bringing embedded system into the agriculture industry. EWCA-BI will provide BI reports with accurate information with uncompromised data using an embedded system and provide alerts, therefore, enabling effective operation management decision-making at the site.Keywords: embedded business intelligence, weight comparison algorithm, oil palm plantation, embedded systems
Procedia PDF Downloads 2872920 The Concept of Neurostatistics as a Neuroscience
Authors: Igwenagu Chinelo Mercy
This study is on the concept of Neurostatistics in relation to neuroscience. Neuroscience also known as neurobiology is the scientific study of the nervous system. In the study of neuroscience, it has been noted that brain function and its relations to the process of acquiring knowledge and behaviour can be better explained by the use of various interrelated methods. The scope of neuroscience has broadened over time to include different approaches used to study the nervous system at different scales. On the other hand, Neurostatistics based on this study is viewed as a statistical concept that uses similar techniques of neuron mechanisms to solve some problems especially in the field of life science. This study is imperative in this era of Artificial intelligence/Machine leaning in the sense that clear understanding of the technique and its proper application could assist in solving some medical disorder that are mainly associated with the nervous system. This will also help in layman’s understanding of the technique of the nervous system in order to overcome some of the health challenges associated with it. For this concept to be well understood, an illustrative example using a brain associated disorder was used for demonstration. Structural equation modelling was adopted in the analysis. The results clearly show the link between the techniques of statistical model and nervous system. Hence, based on this study, the appropriateness of Neurostatistics application in relation to neuroscience could be based on the understanding of the behavioural pattern of both concepts.Keywords: brain, neurons, neuroscience, neurostatistics, structural equation modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 722919 Restoring Statecraft in the U.S. Economy: A Proposal for an American Entrepreneurial State
Authors: Miron Wolnicki
In the past 75 years the world was either influenced by, competing with or learning from U.S. corporations. This is no longer true. As the economic power shifts from the West to the East, U.S. corporations are lagging behind Asian competitors. Moreover, U.S. statecraft fails to address this decline. In a world dominated by interventionist and neo-mercantilist states, having an ineffective non-activist government becomes a costly neoclassic delusion which weakens the world’s largest economy. American conservative economists continue talking about the superiority of the free market system in generating new technologies. The reality is different. The U.S. is sliding further into an overregulated, over-taxed, anti-business state. This paper argues that in order to maintain its economic strength and technological leadership, the U.S. must reform federal institutions to increase support for artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies. The author outlines a number of institutional reforms, under one umbrella, which he calls the American Entrepreneurial State (AES). The AES will improve productivity and bring about coherent business strategies for the next 10-15 years. The design and inspiration for the AES come from the experience of successful statecraft examples in Asia and also other parts the global economy.Keywords: post-neoliberal system, entrepreneurial state, government and economy, American entrepreneurial state
Procedia PDF Downloads 1252918 TikTok: AI Driven Features and Participants' Reaction
Authors: Baylasan Al-Amoudi, Hala Abdulmajeed, Amjad Jilani
This project explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing user engagement on TikTok by examining the app’s AI-driven features. Through a structured survey of 4 main questions and experimental analysis, we tried to examine how TikTok’s recommendations, algorithms, search engine, and filter tools influence user interactions and satisfaction. A diverse cohort of 20 participants, including casual users and content creators, were involved to provide a broad perspective on user experiences. The examination highlights the recommendation algorithm’s ability to deliver highly personalized content, creating a seamless and engaging experience. TikTok’s search engine is shown to simplify content discovery by enabling users to find specific topics or trends related to their preferences. Meanwhile, the filter tools are found to encourage creativity, particularly for content creators, by offering versatile options to enhance video quality and visual appeal. By evaluating the unique roles of these AI features, the project underscores their significance in maintaining TikTok’s appeal and driving consistent user engagement.Keywords: TikTok, hashtags, filters, viral sounds, for you page
Procedia PDF Downloads 22917 The Philosophical Hermeneutics Contribution to Form a Highly Qualified Judiciary in Brazil
Authors: Thiago R. Pereira
The philosophical hermeneutics is able to change the Brazilian Judiciary because of the understanding of the characteristics of the human being. It is impossible for humans, to be invested in the function of being a judge, making absolutely neutral decisions, but the philosophical hermeneutics can assist the judge making impartial decisions, based on the federal constitution. The normative legal positivism imagined a neutral judge, a judge able to try without any preconceived ideas, without allowing his/her background to influence him/her. When a judge arbitrates based on legal rules, the problem is smaller, but when there are no clear legal rules, and the judge must try based on principles, the risk of the decision is based on what they believe in. Solipsistically, this issue gains a huge dimension. Today, the Brazilian judiciary is independent, but there must be a greater knowledge of philosophy and the philosophy of law, partially because the bigger problem is the unpredictability of decisions made by the judiciary. Actually, when a lawsuit is filed, the result of this judgment is absolutely unpredictable. It is almost a gamble. There must be the slightest legal certainty and predictability of judicial decisions, so that people, with similar cases, may not receive opposite sentences. The relativism, since classical antiquity, believes in the possibility of multiple answers. Since the Greeks in in the sixth century before Christ, through the Germans in the eighteenth century, and even today, it has been established the constitution as the great law, the Groundnorm, and thus, the relativism of life can be greatly reduced when a hermeneut uses the Constitution as North interpretational, where all interpretation must act as the hermeneutic constitutional filter. For a current philosophy of law, that inside a legal system with a Federal Constitution, there is a single correct answer to a specific case. The challenge is how to find this right answer. The only answer to this question will be that we should use the constitutional principles. But in many cases, a collision between principles will take place, and to resolve this issue, the judge or the hermeneut will choose a solipsism way, using what they personally believe to be the right one. For obvious reasons, that conduct is not safe. Thus, a theory of decision is necessary to seek justice, and the hermeneutic philosophy and the linguistic turn will be necessary for one to find the right answer. In order to help this difficult mission, it will be necessary to use philosophical hermeneutics in order to find the right answer, which is the constitutionally most appropriate response. The constitutionally appropriate response will not always be the answer that individuals agree to, but we must put aside our preferences and defend the answer that the Constitution gives us. Therefore, the hermeneutics applied to Law, in search constitutionally appropriate response, should be the safest way to avoid judicial individual decisions. The aim of this paper is to present the science of law starting from the linguistic turn, the philosophical hermeneutics, moving away from legal positivism. The methodology used in this paper is qualitative, academic and theoretical, philosophical hermeneutics with the mission to conduct research proposing a new way of thinking about the science of law. The research sought to demonstrate the difficulty of the Brazilian courts to depart from the secular influence of legal positivism. Moreover, the research sought to demonstrate the need to think science of law within a contemporary perspective, where the linguistic turn, philosophical hermeneutics, will be the surest way to conduct the science of law in the present century.Keywords: hermeneutic, right answer, solipsism, Brazilian judiciary
Procedia PDF Downloads 3512916 Violence of Tyrant Children to Their Parents: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Authors: Marta Maria Aguilar Carceles, Ginesa Torrente Hernandez
The goal of the current study is focused on giving an interdisciplinary comprehension of an increased phenomenon in recent years: violence against parents. Violence can take different forms depending on the context and the vulnerability of the victims, but in this kind of situations, the relationship between parents and young people can become abusive and uncontrollable. Taking a sample from the Spanish Criminal Courts, this study explores those psychological and sociological factors that can contribute to the appearance and continuity of this kind of behaviors in minors. It is considered factors like the type of offence, presence or absence of psychopathology in the subjects, family aspects, or sociodemographic factors, getting a criminal profile of the minor and evaluating which measures are more efficient or adequate in each particular case. Finally, it will be discussed on how getting effective interventions and restorative responses to address teen violence against their parents within the Spanish Legal System.Keywords: criminality, legal system, parents, tyrant sons, violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 1462915 Multiple Intelligences to Improve Pronunciation
Authors: Jean Pierre Ribeiro Daquila
This paper aims to analyze the use of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences as a tool to facilitate students’ learning. This theory, proposed by the American psychologist and educator Howard Gardner, was first established in 1983 and advocates that human beings possess eight intelligence and not only one, as defended by psychologists prior to his theory. These intelligence are bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical, linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. This paper will focus on bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Spatial and bodily-kinesthetic intelligences are sensed by athletes, dancers, and others who use their bodies in ways that exceed normal abilities. These are intelligences that are closely related. A quarterback or a ballet dancer needs to have both an awareness of body motions and abilities as well as a sense of the space involved in the action. Nevertheless, there are many reasons which make classical ballet dance more integrated with other intelligences. Ballet dancers make it look effortless as they move across the stage, from the lifts to the toe points; therefore, there is acting both in the performance of the repertoire and in hiding the pain or physical stress. The ballet dancer has to have great mathematical intelligence to perform a fast allegro; for instance, each movement has to be executed in a specific millisecond. Flamenco dancers need to rely as well on their mathematic abilities, as the footwork requires the ability to make half, two, three, four or even six movements in just one beat. However, the precision of the arm movements is freer than in ballet dance; for this reason, ballet dancers need to be more holistically aware of their movements; therefore, our experiment will test whether this greater attention required by ballet dancers makes them acquire better results in the training sessions when compared to flamenco dancers. An experiment will be carried out in this study by training ballet dancers through dance (four years of experience dancing minimum – experimental group 1); a group of flamenco dancers (four years of experience dancing minimum – experimental group 2). Both experimental groups will be trained in two different domains – phonetics and chemistry – to examine whether there is a significant improvement in these areas compared to the control group (a group of regular students who will receive the same training through a traditional method). However, this paper will focus on phonetic training. Experimental group 1 will be trained with the aid of classical music plus bodily work. Experimental group 2 will be trained with flamenco rhythm and kinesthetic work. We would like to highlight that this study takes dance as an example of a possible area of strength; nonetheless, other types of arts can and should be used to support students, such as drama, creative writing, music and others. The main aim of this work is to suggest that other intelligences, in the case of this study, bodily-kinesthetic, can be used to help improve pronunciation.Keywords: multiple intelligences, pronunciation, effective pronunciation trainings, short drills, musical intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
Procedia PDF Downloads 972914 Humanitarian Emergency of the Refugee Condition for Central American Immigrants in Irregular Situation
Authors: María de los Ángeles Cerda González, Itzel Arriaga Hurtado, Pascacio José Martínez Pichardo
In México, the recognition of refugee condition is a fundamental right which, as host State, has the obligation of respect, protect, and fulfill to the foreigners – where we can find the figure of immigrants in irregular situation-, that cannot return to their country of origin for humanitarian reasons. The recognition of the refugee condition as a fundamental right in the Mexican law system proceeds under these situations: 1. The immigrant applies for the refugee condition, even without the necessary proving elements to accredit the humanitarian character of his departure from his country of origin. 2. The immigrant does not apply for the recognition of refugee because he does not know he has the right to, even if he has the profile to apply for. 3. The immigrant who applies fulfills the requirements of the administrative procedure and has access to the refugee recognition. Of the three situations above, only the last one is contemplated for the national indexes of the status refugee; and the first two prove the inefficiency of the governmental system viewed from its lack of sensibility consequence of the no education in human rights matter and which results in the legal vulnerability of the immigrants in irregular situation because they do not have access to the procuration and administration of justice. In the aim of determining the causes and consequences of the no recognition of the refugee status, this investigation was structured from a systemic analysis which objective is to show the advances in Central American humanitarian emergency investigation, the Mexican States actions to protect, respect and fulfil the fundamental right of refugee of immigrants in irregular situation and the social and legal vulnerabilities suffered by Central Americans in Mexico. Therefore, to achieve the deduction of the legal nature of the humanitarian emergency from the Human Rights as a branch of the International Public Law, a conceptual framework is structured using the inductive deductive method. The problem statement is made from a legal framework to approach a theoretical scheme under the theory of social systems, from the analysis of the lack of communication of the governmental and normative subsystems of the Mexican legal system relative to the process undertaken by the Central American immigrants to achieve the recognition of the refugee status as a human right. Accordingly, is determined that fulfilling the obligations of the State referent to grant the right of the recognition of the refugee condition, would mean a guideline for a new stage in Mexican Law, because it would enlarge the constitutional benefits to everyone whose right to the recognition of refugee has been denied an as consequence, a great advance in human rights matter would be achieved.Keywords: central American immigrants in irregular situation, humanitarian emergency, human rights, refugee
Procedia PDF Downloads 2912913 Studies on the Teaching Pedagogy and Effectiveness for the Multi-Channel Storytelling for Social Media, Cinema, Game, and Streaming Platform: Case Studies of Squid Game
Authors: Chan Ka Lok Sobel
The rapid evolution of digital media platforms has given rise to new forms of narrative engagement, particularly through multi-channel storytelling. This research focuses on exploring the teaching pedagogy and effectiveness of multi-channel storytelling for social media, cinema, games, and streaming platforms. The study employs case studies of the popular series "Squid Game" to investigate the diverse pedagogical approaches and strategies used in teaching multi-channel storytelling. Through qualitative research methods, including interviews, surveys, and content analysis, the research assesses the effectiveness of these approaches in terms of student engagement, knowledge acquisition, critical thinking skills, and the development of digital literacy. The findings contribute to understanding best practices for incorporating multi-channel storytelling into educational contexts and enhancing learning outcomes in the digital media landscape.Keywords: digital literacy, game-based learning, artificial intelligence, animation production, educational technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 1162912 A Review on Bone Grafting, Artificial Bone Substitutes and Bone Tissue Engineering
Authors: Kasun Gayashan Samarawickrama
Bone diseases, defects, and fractions are commonly seen in modern life. Since bone is regenerating dynamic living tissue, it will undergo healing process naturally, it cannot recover from major bone injuries, diseases and defects. In order to overcome them, bone grafting technique was introduced. Gold standard was the best method for bone grafting for the past decades. Due to limitations of gold standard, alternative methods have been implemented. Apart from them artificial bone substitutes and bone tissue engineering have become the emerging methods with technology for bone grafting. Many bone diseases and defects will be healed permanently with these promising techniques in future.Keywords: bone grafting, gold standard, bone substitutes, bone tissue engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 2992911 The Effectiveness of Conflict Management of Factories' Employee in Thailand
Authors: Pacharaporn Lekyan
The purpose of this study is to explore the conflict management affecting the workplace and analyze the ability of the prediction of leadership of the headman and the methods to handle the conflict in an organization. The quantitative research and developed the questionnaire in order to collect information from the respondents from 200 samples from leader or manager who worked in frozen food factories in Thailand. The result analysis shows about the problem of the relationship between conflict management factors, leadership, and the confliction in organization. The emotion of the leader in the organization is not the only factor that can affect conflict management but also the emotion of surrounding people which this factor can happen all the time and shows that four out of five factors of interpersonal conflict management have affected on emotion intelligence and also shows that the behaviors of leadership have an influence on conflict management.Keywords: conflict management, emotional intelligence, leadership, factories' employee
Procedia PDF Downloads 3662910 SOM Map vs Hopfield Neural Network: A Comparative Study in Microscopic Evacuation Application
Authors: Zouhour Neji Ben Salem
Microscopic evacuation focuses on the evacuee behavior and way of search of safety place in an egress situation. In recent years, several models handled microscopic evacuation problem. Among them, we have proposed Artificial Neural Network (ANN) as an alternative to mathematical models that can deal with such problem. In this paper, we present two ANN models: SOM map and Hopfield Network used to predict the evacuee behavior in a disaster situation. These models are tested in a real case, the second floor of Tunisian children hospital evacuation in case of fire. The two models are studied and compared in order to evaluate their performance.Keywords: artificial neural networks, self-organization map, hopfield network, microscopic evacuation, fire building evacuation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4062909 Glucose Monitoring System Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Authors: Sangeeta Palekar, Neeraj Rangwani, Akash Poddar, Jayu Kalambe
The bio-medical analysis is an indispensable procedure for identifying health-related diseases like diabetes. Monitoring the glucose level in our body regularly helps us identify hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, which can cause severe medical problems like nerve damage or kidney diseases. This paper presents a method for predicting the glucose concentration in blood samples using image processing and machine learning algorithms. The glucose solution is prepared by the glucose oxidase (GOD) and peroxidase (POD) method. An experimental database is generated based on the colorimetric technique. The image of the glucose solution is captured by the raspberry pi camera and analyzed using image processing by extracting the RGB, HSV, LUX color space values. Regression algorithms like multiple linear regression, decision tree, RandomForest, and XGBoost were used to predict the unknown glucose concentration. The multiple linear regression algorithm predicts the results with 97% accuracy. The image processing and machine learning-based approach reduce the hardware complexities of existing platforms.Keywords: artificial intelligence glucose detection, glucose oxidase, peroxidase, image processing, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 2062908 An Intelligence-Led Methodologly for Detecting Dark Actors in Human Trafficking Networks
Authors: Andrew D. Henshaw, James M. Austin
Introduction: Human trafficking is an increasingly serious transnational criminal enterprise and social security issue. Despite ongoing efforts to mitigate the phenomenon and a significant expansion of security scrutiny over past decades, it is not receding. This is true for many nations in Southeast Asia, widely recognized as the global hub for trafficked persons, including men, women, and children. Clearly, human trafficking is difficult to address because there are numerous drivers, causes, and motivators for it to persist, such as non-military and non-traditional security challenges, i.e., climate change, global warming displacement, and natural disasters. These make displaced persons and refugees particularly vulnerable. The issue is so large conservative estimates put a dollar value at around $150 billion-plus per year (Niethammer, 2020) spanning sexual slavery and exploitation, forced labor, construction, mining and in conflict roles, and forced marriages of girls and women. Coupled with corruption throughout military, police, and civil authorities around the world, and the active hands of powerful transnational criminal organizations, it is likely that such figures are grossly underestimated as human trafficking is misreported, under-detected, and deliberately obfuscated to protect those profiting from it. For example, the 2022 UN report on human trafficking shows a 56% reduction in convictions in that year alone (UNODC, 2022). Our Approach: To better understand this, our research utilizes a bespoke methodology. Applying a JAM (Juxtaposition Assessment Matrix), which we previously developed to detect flows of dark money around the globe (Henshaw, A & Austin, J, 2021), we now focus on the human trafficking paradigm. Indeed, utilizing a JAM methodology has identified key indicators of human trafficking not previously explored in depth. Being a set of structured analytical techniques that provide panoramic interpretations of the subject matter, this iteration of the JAM further incorporates behavioral and driver indicators, including the employment of Open-Source Artificial Intelligence (OS-AI) across multiple collection points. The extracted behavioral data was then applied to identify non-traditional indicators as they contribute to human trafficking. Furthermore, as the JAM OS-AI analyses data from the inverted position, i.e., the viewpoint of the traffickers, it examines the behavioral and physical traits required to succeed. This transposed examination of the requirements of success delivers potential leverage points for exploitation in the fight against human trafficking in a new and novel way. Findings: Our approach identified new innovative datasets that have previously been overlooked or, at best, undervalued. For example, the JAM OS-AI approach identified critical 'dark agent' lynchpins within human trafficking that are difficult to detect and harder to connect to actors and agents within a network. Our preliminary data suggests this is in part due to the fact that ‘dark agents’ in extant research have been difficult to detect and potentially much harder to directly connect to the actors and organizations in human trafficking networks. Our research demonstrates that using new investigative techniques such as OS-AI-aided JAM introduces a powerful toolset to increase understanding of human trafficking and transnational crime and illuminate networks that, to date, avoid global law enforcement scrutiny.Keywords: human trafficking, open-source intelligence, transnational crime, human security, international human rights, intelligence analysis, JAM OS-AI, Dark Money
Procedia PDF Downloads 932907 The Legal Implications of Gender Quota for Public Companies
Authors: Murat Can Pehlivanoglu
Historically, gender equality has been mainly defended in the legal arenas of constitutional law and employment law. However, social and economic progress has required corporate law to provide gender equality on corporate boards. Recently, following the trend in Europe, the State of California (United States) enacted a law requiring that every publicly traded corporation based in California should have women on its board of directors. Still, the legal, social and economic implications of this law are yet to be discovered. The contractarian view of corporate law is predominant in the U.S. jurisprudence. However, gender quota law may not be justified through contractarian theory grounds. Therefore, the conformity of gender quota law with the general principles of U.S. corporate law remains questionable, and the immunity of close corporations from the scope of gender quota legislation provides support for the discrepancy. The methodology employed in this paper in the discussion of the rule’s conformity with corporate law is doctrinal, and American case law and legal scholarship are the basis for this discussion. This paper uses the aforementioned California law as sample legislation to evaluate the gender quota laws’ conformity with the contractarian theory of corporate law. It chooses California law as the sample due to its newness and the presence of pending shareholder lawsuits against it. Also, since California is home to global companies, the effect of such law is expected to be wider. As alternative theories laid down by corporate law may already be activated to provide gender equality on boards of publicly traded corporations, enacting a specific gender quota law would not be justified by an allegedly present statutory deficiency based on contractarian theory. However, this theoretical reality would not enable shareholders to succeed in their lawsuits against such law on corporate law grounds, and investors will have limited options against its results. This will eventually harm the integrity of the marketplace. Through the analysis of the contractarian theory of corporate law and California gender quota law, the major finding of this paper is that the contractarian theory of corporate law does not permit mandating board room equality through corporate law. In conclusion, it expresses that the issue should be dealt with through separate legislation with a different remedial structure, to preserve the traditional rationale of corporate law in U.S. law.Keywords: board of directors, gender equality, gender quota, publicly traded corporations
Procedia PDF Downloads 1282906 Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Profiles among Students’ Representative Council of Malaysian Public Universities
Authors: R. A. Harun, N. M. Ishak, N. Yusoff, S. Amat
This quantitative research is aimed to identify the level of leadership quality and emotional intelligence for members of Students' Representatives Council (SRC) of Malaysian Public Universities (MPU). The variables include the leadership quality and emotional quotient (EQ). 238 SRC members in MPU were selected as subjects of the study. Data were collected using two instruments i.e. Malaysian Emotional Quotient Inventory (MEQI) and Ayu-Noriah Leadership Audit Trail Inventory (Ayu-Noriah, LATI). Data were analyzed using descriptive (mean and percentage). Research findings showed that the subjects scored highly in four out of five EQ domains (Self-Regulations, Self-Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills). However, the subjects scored medium to low in Self-Awareness. Analysis on the sub domains (a total of 28 sub domains) showed that the subjects scored high in 17 sub domains for EQ, whilst another 11 were at medium level. The overall analysis indicates that the subjects have high level of EQ. Findings on their leadership qualities showed that they obtained high scores in all seven factors that were measured i.e. Strategy and Leadership Model, Recruit, Review Performance and Honor, Deploy Strategically, Developing, Engage and Retain and Built HR Capabilities/Line Ownership. The overall score for leadership qualities was found to be high.Keywords: emotional intelligence, leadership, students representative council, Malaysian public universities
Procedia PDF Downloads 2722905 ChatGPT 4.0 Demonstrates Strong Performance in Standardised Medical Licensing Examinations: Insights and Implications for Medical Educators
Authors: K. O'Malley
Background: The emergence and rapid evolution of large language models (LLMs) (i.e., models of generative artificial intelligence, or AI) has been unprecedented. ChatGPT is one of the most widely used LLM platforms. Using natural language processing technology, it generates customized responses to user prompts, enabling it to mimic human conversation. Responses are generated using predictive modeling of vast internet text and data swathes and are further refined and reinforced through user feedback. The popularity of LLMs is increasing, with a growing number of students utilizing these platforms for study and revision purposes. Notwithstanding its many novel applications, LLM technology is inherently susceptible to bias and error. This poses a significant challenge in the educational setting, where academic integrity may be undermined. This study aims to evaluate the performance of the latest iteration of ChatGPT (ChatGPT4.0) in standardized state medical licensing examinations. Methods: A considered search strategy was used to interrogate the PubMed electronic database. The keywords ‘ChatGPT’ AND ‘medical education’ OR ‘medical school’ OR ‘medical licensing exam’ were used to identify relevant literature. The search included all peer-reviewed literature published in the past five years. The search was limited to publications in the English language only. Eligibility was ascertained based on the study title and abstract and confirmed by consulting the full-text document. Data was extracted into a Microsoft Excel document for analysis. Results: The search yielded 345 publications that were screened. 225 original articles were identified, of which 11 met the pre-determined criteria for inclusion in a narrative synthesis. These studies included performance assessments in national medical licensing examinations from the United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Poland, Taiwan, Japan and Germany. ChatGPT 4.0 achieved scores ranging from 67.1 to 88.6 percent. The mean score across all studies was 82.49 percent (SD= 5.95). In all studies, ChatGPT exceeded the threshold for a passing grade in the corresponding exam. Conclusion: The capabilities of ChatGPT in standardized academic assessment in medicine are robust. While this technology can potentially revolutionize higher education, it also presents several challenges with which educators have not had to contend before. The overall strong performance of ChatGPT, as outlined above, may lend itself to unfair use (such as the plagiarism of deliverable coursework) and pose unforeseen ethical challenges (arising from algorithmic bias). Conversely, it highlights potential pitfalls if users assume LLM-generated content to be entirely accurate. In the aforementioned studies, ChatGPT exhibits a margin of error between 11.4 and 32.9 percent, which resonates strongly with concerns regarding the quality and veracity of LLM-generated content. It is imperative to highlight these limitations, particularly to students in the early stages of their education who are less likely to possess the requisite insight or knowledge to recognize errors, inaccuracies or false information. Educators must inform themselves of these emerging challenges to effectively address them and mitigate potential disruption in academic fora.Keywords: artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, generative ai, large language models, licensing exam, medical education, medicine, university
Procedia PDF Downloads 342904 Emotion Recognition Using Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Rahul Mohite, Lahcen Ouarbya
This paper focuses on the interplay between humans and computer systems and the ability of these systems to understand and respond to human emotions, including non-verbal communication. Current emotion recognition systems are based solely on either facial or verbal expressions. The limitation of these systems is that it requires large training data sets. The paper proposes a system for recognizing human emotions that combines both speech and emotion recognition. The system utilizes advanced techniques such as deep learning and image recognition to identify facial expressions and comprehend emotions. The results show that the proposed system, based on the combination of facial expression and speech, outperforms existing ones, which are based solely either on facial or verbal expressions. The proposed system detects human emotion with an accuracy of 86%, whereas the existing systems have an accuracy of 70% using verbal expression only and 76% using facial expression only. In this paper, the increasing significance and demand for facial recognition technology in emotion recognition are also discussed.Keywords: facial reputation, expression reputation, deep gaining knowledge of, photo reputation, facial technology, sign processing, photo type
Procedia PDF Downloads 1232903 Strengthening Legal Protection of Personal Data through Technical Protection Regulation in Line with Human Rights
Authors: Tomy Prihananto, Damar Apri Sudarmadi
Indonesia recognizes the right to privacy as a human right. Indonesia provides legal protection against data management activities because the protection of personal data is a part of human rights. This paper aims to describe the arrangement of data management and data management in Indonesia. This paper is a descriptive research with qualitative approach and collecting data from literature study. Results of this paper are comprehensive arrangement of data that have been set up as a technical requirement of data protection by encryption methods. Arrangements on encryption and protection of personal data are mutually reinforcing arrangements in the protection of personal data. Indonesia has two important and immediately enacted laws that provide protection for the privacy of information that is part of human rights.Keywords: Indonesia, protection, personal data, privacy, human rights, encryption
Procedia PDF Downloads 1832902 Automating 2D CAD to 3D Model Generation Process: Wall pop-ups
Authors: Mohit Gupta, Chialing Wei, Thomas Czerniawski
In this paper, we have built a neural network that can detect walls on 2D sheets and subsequently create a 3D model in Revit using Dynamo. The training set includes 3500 labeled images, and the detection algorithm used is YOLO. Typically, engineers/designers make concentrated efforts to convert 2D cad drawings to 3D models. This costs a considerable amount of time and human effort. This paper makes a contribution in automating the task of 3D walls modeling. 1. Detecting Walls in 2D cad and generating 3D pop-ups in Revit. 2. Saving designer his/her modeling time in drafting elements like walls from 2D cad to 3D representation. An object detection algorithm YOLO is used for wall detection and localization. The neural network is trained over 3500 labeled images of size 256x256x3. Then, Dynamo is interfaced with the output of the neural network to pop-up 3D walls in Revit. The research uses modern technological tools like deep learning and artificial intelligence to automate the process of generating 3D walls without needing humans to manually model them. Thus, contributes to saving time, human effort, and money.Keywords: neural networks, Yolo, 2D to 3D transformation, CAD object detection
Procedia PDF Downloads 1462901 Equivalent Circuit Representation of Lossless and Lossy Power Transmission Systems Including Discrete Sampler
Authors: Yuichi Kida, Takuro Kida
In a new smart society supported by the recent development of 5G and 6G Communication systems, the im- portance of wireless power transmission is increasing. These systems contain discrete sampling systems in the middle of the transmission path and equivalent circuit representation of lossless or lossy power transmission through these systems is an important issue in circuit theory. In this paper, for the given weight function, we show that a lossless power transmission system with the given weight is expressed by an equivalent circuit representation of the Kida’s optimal signal prediction system followed by a reactance multi-port circuit behind it. Further, it is shown that, when the system is lossy, the system has an equivalent circuit in the form of connecting a multi-port positive-real circuit behind the Kida’s optimal signal prediction system. Also, for the convenience of the reader, in this paper, the equivalent circuit expression of the reactance multi-port circuit and the positive- real multi-port circuit by Cauer and Ohno, whose information is currently being lost even in the world of the Internet.Keywords: signal prediction, pseudo inverse matrix, artificial intelligence, power transmission
Procedia PDF Downloads 1232900 Design and Fabrication of AI-Driven Kinetic Facades with Soft Robotics for Optimized Building Energy Performance
Authors: Mohammadreza Kashizadeh, Mohammadamin Hashemi
This paper explores a kinetic building facade designed for optimal energy capture and architectural expression. The system integrates photovoltaic panels with soft robotic actuators for precise solar tracking, resulting in enhanced electricity generation compared to static facades. Driven by the growing interest in dynamic building envelopes, the exploration of facade systems are necessitated. Increased energy generation and regulation of energy flow within buildings are potential benefits offered by integrating photovoltaic (PV) panels as kinetic elements. However, incorporating these technologies into mainstream architecture presents challenges due to the complexity of coordinating multiple systems. To address this, the design leverages soft robotic actuators, known for their compliance, resilience, and ease of integration. Additionally, the project investigates the potential for employing Large Language Models (LLMs) to streamline the design process. The research methodology involved design development, material selection, component fabrication, and system assembly. Grasshopper (GH) was employed within the digital design environment for parametric modeling and scripting logic, and an LLM was experimented with to generate Python code for the creation of a random surface with user-defined parameters. Various techniques, including casting, Three-dimensional 3D printing, and laser cutting, were utilized to fabricate physical components. A modular assembly approach was adopted to facilitate installation and maintenance. A case study focusing on the application of this facade system to an existing library building at Polytechnic University of Milan is presented. The system is divided into sub-frames to optimize solar exposure while maintaining a visually appealing aesthetic. Preliminary structural analyses were conducted using Karamba3D to assess deflection behavior and axial loads within the cable net structure. Additionally, Finite Element (FE) simulations were performed in Abaqus to evaluate the mechanical response of the soft robotic actuators under pneumatic pressure. To validate the design, a physical prototype was created using a mold adapted for a 3D printer's limitations. Casting Silicone Rubber Sil 15 was used for its flexibility and durability. The 3D-printed mold components were assembled, filled with the silicone mixture, and cured. After demolding, nodes and cables were 3D-printed and connected to form the structure, demonstrating the feasibility of the design. This work demonstrates the potential of soft robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for advancements in sustainable building design and construction. The project successfully integrates these technologies to create a dynamic facade system that optimizes energy generation and architectural expression. While limitations exist, this approach paves the way for future advancements in energy-efficient facade design. Continued research efforts will focus on cost reduction, improved system performance, and broader applicability.Keywords: artificial intelligence, energy efficiency, kinetic photovoltaics, pneumatic control, soft robotics, sustainable building
Procedia PDF Downloads 362899 An Intelligent Traffic Management System Based on the WiFi and Bluetooth Sensing
Authors: Hamed Hossein Afshari, Shahrzad Jalali, Amir Hossein Ghods, Bijan Raahemi
This paper introduces an automated clustering solution that applies to WiFi/Bluetooth sensing data and is later used for traffic management applications. The paper initially summarizes a number of clustering approaches and thereafter shows their performance for noise removal. In this context, clustering is used to recognize WiFi and Bluetooth MAC addresses that belong to passengers traveling by a public urban transit bus. The main objective is to build an intelligent system that automatically filters out MAC addresses that belong to persons located outside the bus for different routes in the city of Ottawa. The proposed intelligent system alleviates the need for defining restrictive thresholds that however reduces the accuracy as well as the range of applicability of the solution for different routes. This paper moreover discusses the performance benefits of the presented clustering approaches in terms of the accuracy, time and space complexity, and the ease of use. Note that results of clustering can further be used for the purpose of the origin-destination estimation of individual passengers, predicting the traffic load, and intelligent management of urban bus schedules.Keywords: WiFi-Bluetooth sensing, cluster analysis, artificial intelligence, traffic management
Procedia PDF Downloads 2422898 Analysis of Business Intelligence Tools in Healthcare
Authors: Avishkar Gawade, Omkar Bansode, Ketan Bhambure, Bhargav Deore
In recent year wide range of business intelligence technology have been applied to different area in order to support decision making process BI enables extraction of knowledge from data store. BI tools usually used in public health field for financial and administrative purposes.BI uses a dashboard in presentation stage to deliver information to information to end users.In this paper,we intend to analyze some open source BI tools on the market and their applicability in the clinical sphere taking into consideration the general characteristics of the clinical environment.A pervasive BI platform was developed using a real case in order to prove the tool viability.Analysis of various BI Tools in done with the help of several parameters such as data security,data integration,data quality reporting and anlaytics,performance,scalability and cost effectivesness.Keywords: CDSS, EHR, business intelliegence, tools
Procedia PDF Downloads 1382897 Auditing Hindi Celluloid as a Catalyst of Transition: The Eventual Delineation of LGBTQ+
Authors: Chinmayee Nanda
In this modern era, India is still chained up with the idea of ‘Heteronormativity’. As a result, homonormativity, transgressions, preconceived notions, and bigotry add to many raised eyebrows, the majority being the norm and overpowering the voices of the minority. In this country an undeniable space is the need of the hour to identify those unheard voices. Media can be considered as the most powerful space for the same. This paper aims to examine the representation as well as transition (if any) of the varied figments of the imagination and alternative facts relating to the LGBTQ+ community in celluloid in Hindi. This paper will also explore the visibility of the queer aspirations through this media. The portrayal of the LGBTQ community as the ‘other’ and ‘not normal’ is a matter of concern about any individual’s sexuality. The years 2014 and 2018 turned out to be remarkable in the Indian Legal System pertaining to the recognition of the ‘Third Gender’ and ‘Decriminalization of Homosexuality,’ respectively. In relation to that, this paper will also explore the impression of these dynamics on the subsequent depiction.Keywords: sexuality, hindi cinema, gender fluidity, legal framework
Procedia PDF Downloads 282896 Ratification of the United Nations Convention for the Promotion and Protection of Their Human Rights and the Paradoxes of the Discriminatory Right to Acquire the Status of Persons with Disabilities in Cameroon
Authors: Dakeyi Athanase
The ratification of an international human rights legal instrument provides signatory States with an opportunity to assume a set of obligations and rights for the benefit of their citizens, offering increased possibilities, opportunities, and means to access an improved quality of life – to be, to appear, and to become. Developed nations typically experience cultural, political, social, economic, legal, and regulatory transformations in response to this transition. In a methodologically proactive approach, mechanisms undergo a visible and comprehensible process of qualitative and quantitative change. Conversely, in nations undergoing development, the response to such ratification varies. Some demonstrate positive policy changes, while others remain stagnant or regress. Cameroon falls into the second category, despite efforts, as it legally prohibits 50% of its population with disabilities from acquiring the status of a person with a disability. The overarching goal of this communication is to highlight these deficiencies and their detrimental effects on various aspects of life, fostering awareness among beneficiaries and advocating for more inclusive transformations in the country. Our project employs a popular and participatory methodological approach by involving beneficiaries and their organizations in its preparation. It is also inclusive, representing the diversity of disabilities and engaging natural and legal persons from various backgrounds. Active consultations occur at all levels of the activities. Anticipated outcomes include raising awareness globally among nations, international cooperation organizations, NGOs, and other inclusive development actors. We seek their support for local advocacy efforts to fully implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Concurrently, we hope they express solidarity with the victims in Cameroon who have been left behind and recommend legal reforms to align domestic and international legislation with the promotion and protection of disability rights.Keywords: droit, convention, handicap, discrimination, participation, inclusion
Procedia PDF Downloads 542895 Drinking Water Quality Assessment Using Fuzzy Inference System Method: A Case Study of Rome, Italy
Authors: Yas Barzegar, Atrin Barzegar
Drinking water quality assessment is a major issue today; technology and practices are continuously improving; Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods prove their efficiency in this domain. The current research seeks a hierarchical fuzzy model for predicting drinking water quality in Rome (Italy). The Mamdani fuzzy inference system (FIS) is applied with different defuzzification methods. The Proposed Model includes three fuzzy intermediate models and one fuzzy final model. Each fuzzy model consists of three input parameters and 27 fuzzy rules. The model is developed for water quality assessment with a dataset considering nine parameters (Alkalinity, Hardness, pH, Ca, Mg, Fluoride, Sulphate, Nitrates, and Iron). Fuzzy-logic-based methods have been demonstrated to be appropriate to address uncertainty and subjectivity in drinking water quality assessment; it is an effective method for managing complicated, uncertain water systems and predicting drinking water quality. The FIS method can provide an effective solution to complex systems; this method can be modified easily to improve performance.Keywords: water quality, fuzzy logic, smart cities, water attribute, fuzzy inference system, membership function
Procedia PDF Downloads 772894 The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Accounting and Finance
Authors: Evrime Fawzy Ishak Gadelsayed
This paper presents resource intake accounting as an inventive manner to cope with control accounting, which concentrates on administrators as the crucial customers of the information and offers satisfactory statistics of conventional control accounting. This machine underscores that the association's asset motivates prices; as a consequence, in costing frameworks, the emphasis ought to be on assets and their usage. Resource consumption accounting consolidates two costing methodologies, action-based totally and the German cost accounting approach called GPK. This methodology, however, is a danger to managers when making the management accounting undertaking operational. The motive for this article is to clarify the concept of resource intake accounting, its elements and highlights and use of this approach in associations. Inside the first area, we present useful resource consumption accounting, the basis, reasons for its improvement, and the issues that are faced beyond costing frameworks. At that point, we deliver the requirements and presumptions of this approach; ultimately, we depict the execution of this approach in associations and its preferences over other costing techniques.Keywords: financial statement fraud, forensic accounting, fraud prevention and detection, auditing, audit expectation gap, corporate governance resource consumption accounting, management accounting, action based method, German cost accounting method
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