Search results for: handwritten word recognition
1168 The Impact of the Cross Race Effect on Eyewitness Identification
Authors: Leah Wilck
Eyewitness identification is arguably one of the most utilized practices within our legal system; however, exoneration cases indicate that this practice may lead to accuracy and conviction errors. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the cross-race effect, the phenomena in which people are able to more easily and accurately identify faces from within their racial category, on the accuracy of eyewitness identification. Participants watched three separate videos of a perpetrator trying to steal a bicycle. In each video, the perpetrator was of a different race and gender. Participants watched a video where the perpetrator was a Black male, a White male, and a White female. Following the completion of watching each video, participants were asked to recall everything they could about the perpetrator they witnessed. The initial results of the study did not find the expected cross-race effect impacted the eyewitness identification accuracy. These surprising results are discussed in terms of cross-race bias and recognition theory as well as applied implications.Keywords: cross race effect, eyewitness identification, own-race bias, racial profiling
Procedia PDF Downloads 1641167 Facial Pose Classification Using Hilbert Space Filling Curve and Multidimensional Scaling
Authors: Mekamı Hayet, Bounoua Nacer, Benabderrahmane Sidahmed, Taleb Ahmed
Pose estimation is an important task in computer vision. Though the majority of the existing solutions provide good accuracy results, they are often overly complex and computationally expensive. In this perspective, we propose the use of dimensionality reduction techniques to address the problem of facial pose estimation. Firstly, a face image is converted into one-dimensional time series using Hilbert space filling curve, then the approach converts these time series data to a symbolic representation. Furthermore, a distance matrix is calculated between symbolic series of an input learning dataset of images, to generate classifiers of frontal vs. profile face pose. The proposed method is evaluated with three public datasets. Experimental results have shown that our approach is able to achieve a correct classification rate exceeding 97% with K-NN algorithm.Keywords: machine learning, pattern recognition, facial pose classification, time series
Procedia PDF Downloads 3511166 A Survey of Feature Selection and Feature Extraction Techniques in Machine Learning
Authors: Samina Khalid, Shamila Nasreen
Dimensionality reduction as a preprocessing step to machine learning is effective in removing irrelevant and redundant data, increasing learning accuracy, and improving result comprehensibility. However, the recent increase of dimensionality of data poses a severe challenge to many existing feature selection and feature extraction methods with respect to efficiency and effectiveness. In the field of machine learning and pattern recognition, dimensionality reduction is important area, where many approaches have been proposed. In this paper, some widely used feature selection and feature extraction techniques have analyzed with the purpose of how effectively these techniques can be used to achieve high performance of learning algorithms that ultimately improves predictive accuracy of classifier. An endeavor to analyze dimensionality reduction techniques briefly with the purpose to investigate strengths and weaknesses of some widely used dimensionality reduction methods is presented.Keywords: age related macular degeneration, feature selection feature subset selection feature extraction/transformation, FSA’s, relief, correlation based method, PCA, ICA
Procedia PDF Downloads 4971165 Tussle of Intellectual Property Rights and Privacy Laws with Reference to Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Lipsa Dash, Gyanendra Sahu
Intelligence is the cornerstone of humans, and now they have created a counterpart of themselves artificially. Our understanding of the word intelligence is a very perspective based and mostly superior understanding of what we read, write, perceive and understand the adversities around better. A wide range of industrial sectors have also started involving the technology to perceive, reason and act. Similarly, intellectual property is the product of human intelligence and creativity. The World Intellectual Property Organisation is currently working on technology trends across the globe, and AI tops the list in the digital frontier that will have a profound impact on the world, transforming the way we live and work. Coming to Intellectual Property, patents and creations of the AI’s itself have constantly been in question. This paper explores whether AI’s can fit in the flexibilities of Trade Related Intellectual Property Studies and gaps in the existing IP laws or rthere is a need of amendment to include them in the ambit. The researcher also explores the right of AI’s who create things out of their intelligence and whether they could qualify to be legal persons making the other laws applicable on them. Differentiation between AI creations and human creations are explored in the paper, and the need of amendments to determine authorship, ownership, inventorship, protection, and identification of beneficiary for remuneration or even for determining liability. The humans and humanoids are all indulged in matters related to Privacy, and that attracts another constitutional legal issue to be addressed. The authors will be focusing on the legal conundrums of AI, transhumanism, and the Internet of things.Keywords: artificial intelligence, humanoids, healthcare, privacy, legal conundrums, transhumanism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1261164 Investor’s Psychology in Investment Decision Making in Context of Behavioural Finance
Authors: Jhansi Rani Boda, G. Sunitha
Worldwide, the financial markets are influenced by several factors such as the changes in economic and political processes that occur in the country and the globe, information diffusion and approachability and so on. Yet, the foremost important factor is the investor’s reaction and perception. For an individual investor, decision-making process can be perceived as a continuous process that has significant impact of their psychology while making investment decisions. Behavioral finance relies on research of human and social recognition and emotional tolerance studies to identify and understand the investment decisions. This article aims to report the research of individual investor’s financial behavior in a historical perspective. This article uncovers the investor’s psychology in investment decision making focusing on the investor’s rationality with an explanation of psychological and emotional factors that affect investing. The results of the study are revealed by means of Graphical visualization.Keywords: behavioral finance, psychology, investor’s behavior, psychological and emotional factors
Procedia PDF Downloads 3021163 Molecular Portraits: The Role of Posttranslational Modification in Cancer Metastasis
Authors: Navkiran Kaur, Apoorva Mathur, Abhishree Agarwal, Sakshi Gupta, Tuhin Rashmi
Aim: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, and resistance to the current therapeutics, often concurrently, is an increasing clinical challenge. Glycosylation of proteins is one of the most important post-translational modifications. It is widely known that aberrant glycosylation has been implicated in many different diseases due to changes associated with biological function and protein folding. Alterations in cell surface glycosylation, can promote invasive behavior of tumor cells that ultimately lead to the progression of cancer. In breast cancer, there is an increasing evidence pertaining to the role of glycosylation in tumor formation and metastasis. In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the disease associated sialoglycoproteins in breast cancer by using bioinformatics tools. The sequence will be retrieved from UniProt database. A database in the form of a word document was made by a collection of FASTA sequences of breast cancer gene sequence. Glycosylation was studied using yinOyang tool on ExPASy and Differential genes expression and protein analysis was done in context of breast cancer metastasis. The number of residues predicted O-glc NAc threshold containing 50 aberrant glycosylation sites or more was detected and recorded for individual sequence. We found that the there is a significant change in the expression profiling of glycosylation patterns of various proteins associated with breast cancer. Differential aberrant glycosylated proteins in breast cancer cells with respect to non-neoplastic cells are an important factor for the overall progression and development of cancer.Keywords: breast cancer, bioinformatics, cancer, metastasis, glycosylation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2941162 Dynamical Models for Enviromental Effect Depuration for Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges
Authors: Francesco Morgan Bono, Simone Cinquemani
This research aims to enhance bridge monitoring by employing innovative techniques that incorporate exogenous factors into the modeling of sensor signals, thereby improving long-term predictability beyond traditional static methods. Using real datasets from two different bridges equipped with Linear Variable Displacement Transducer (LVDT) sensors, the study investigates the fundamental principles governing sensor behavior for more precise long-term forecasts. Additionally, the research evaluates performance on noisy and synthetically damaged data, proposing a residual-based alarm system to detect anomalies in the bridge. In summary, this novel approach combines advanced modeling, exogenous factors, and anomaly detection to extend prediction horizons and improve preemptive damage recognition, significantly advancing structural health monitoring practices.Keywords: structural health monitoring, dynamic models, sindy, railway bridges
Procedia PDF Downloads 451161 Human Motion Capture: New Innovations in the Field of Computer Vision
Authors: Najm Alotaibi
Human motion capture has become one of the major area of interest in the field of computer vision. Some of the major application areas that have been rapidly evolving include the advanced human interfaces, virtual reality and security/surveillance systems. This study provides a brief overview of the techniques and applications used for the markerless human motion capture, which deals with analyzing the human motion in the form of mathematical formulations. The major contribution of this research is that it classifies the computer vision based techniques of human motion capture based on the taxonomy, and then breaks its down into four systematically different categories of tracking, initialization, pose estimation and recognition. The detailed descriptions and the relationships descriptions are given for the techniques of tracking and pose estimation. The subcategories of each process are further described. Various hypotheses have been used by the researchers in this domain are surveyed and the evolution of these techniques have been explained. It has been concluded in the survey that most researchers have focused on using the mathematical body models for the markerless motion capture.Keywords: human motion capture, computer vision, vision-based, tracking
Procedia PDF Downloads 3201160 A Neuro-Automata Decision Support System for the Control of Late Blight in Tomato Crops
Authors: Gizelle K. Vianna, Gustavo S. Oliveira, Gabriel V. Cunha
The use of decision support systems in agriculture may help monitoring large fields of crops by automatically detecting the symptoms of foliage diseases. In our work, we designed and implemented a decision support system for small tomatoes producers. This work investigates ways to recognize the late blight disease from the analysis of digital images of tomatoes, using a pair of multilayer perceptron neural networks. The networks outputs are used to generate repainted tomato images in which the injuries on the plant are highlighted, and to calculate the damage level of each plant. Those levels are then used to construct a situation map of a farm where a cellular automata simulates the outbreak evolution over the fields. The simulator can test different pesticides actions, helping in the decision on when to start the spraying and in the analysis of losses and gains of each choice of action.Keywords: artificial neural networks, cellular automata, decision support system, pattern recognition
Procedia PDF Downloads 4561159 The Impact of Mother Tongue Interference on Students' Performance in English Language in Bauchi State
Authors: Mairo Musa Galadima
This paper examines the impact of Mother tongue interference on students’ performance in English Language in Bauchi State. It is observed that the students of Bauchi district share the same problem with Hausa native speakers of Kano dialect which is the standard form. It is observed that there are some phonemes which are present in English but absent in Hausa so the Hausa speakers of Bauchi district also replace these sounds with similar ones present in Hausa. Students in Bauchi district fail English language because they transfer features of their mother tongue (MT) into English. The data is obtained through unobtrusive observation of the English speech of about fifty Hausa native speakers of Bauchi district which is similar to Kano dialect from Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic, Bauchi since only those who have had some good background of secondary education are used because uneducated Nigeria English of whatever geographical location is more likely to be unintelligible as cockney or uneducated African-American English. For instance /Ə:/ is absent in Hausa so the speakers find it difficult to distinguish between such pairs of words as /bƏ:d / and /bΛst/, /fa:st/ and /fƏ:st / hence /a:/ is generally used wherever /Ə:/ is present regardless of the spelling, that is why words like ‘work’, ‘first’ and ‘person’ all have / a:/. In Hausa most speakers use /P/ in place of, or in alternation with /f/, e.g. ‘few’ is pronounced as ‘pew’, or ‘pen’, as ‘fen’, /b/ for /v/, /s/ for /z/ and /z/ for /ᵹ/. Also the word vision/visn/ is pronounced as /vidzn/. Therefore, there is confusion in spellings and pronunciation of words. One solution out of the problem is having constant practice with a qualified consistent staff and making use of standard textbooks in the learning process.Keywords: English, failure, mother tongue, interference, students
Procedia PDF Downloads 2211158 Low-Cost Embedded Biometric System Based on Fingervein Modality
Authors: Randa Boukhris, Alima Damak, Dorra Sellami
Fingervein biometric authentication is one of the most popular and accurate technologies. However, low cost embedded solution is still an open problem. In this paper, a real-time implementation of fingervein recognition process embedded in Raspberry-Pi has been proposed. The use of Raspberry-Pi reduces overall system cost and size while allowing an easy user interface. Implementation of a target technology has guided to opt some specific parallel and simple processing algorithms. In the proposed system, we use four structural directional kernel elements for filtering finger vein images. Then, a Top-Hat and Bottom-Hat kernel filters are used to enhance the visibility and the appearance of venous images. For feature extraction step, a simple Local Directional Code (LDC) descriptor is applied. The proposed system presents an Error Equal Rate (EER) and Identification Rate (IR), respectively, equal to 0.02 and 98%. Furthermore, experimental results show that real-time operations have good performance.Keywords: biometric, Bottom-Hat, Fingervein, LDC, Rasberry-Pi, ROI, Top-Hat
Procedia PDF Downloads 2051157 A Neural Network Classifier for Identifying Duplicate Image Entries in Real-Estate Databases
Authors: Sergey Ermolin, Olga Ermolin
A Deep Convolution Neural Network with Triplet Loss is used to identify duplicate images in real-estate advertisements in the presence of image artifacts such as watermarking, cropping, hue/brightness adjustment, and others. The effects of batch normalization, spatial dropout, and various convergence methodologies on the resulting detection accuracy are discussed. For comparative Return-on-Investment study (per industry request), end-2-end performance is benchmarked on both Nvidia Titan GPUs and Intel’s Xeon CPUs. A new real-estate dataset from San Francisco Bay Area is used for this work. Sufficient duplicate detection accuracy is achieved to supplement other database-grounded methods of duplicate removal. The implemented method is used in a Proof-of-Concept project in the real-estate industry.Keywords: visual recognition, convolutional neural networks, triplet loss, spatial batch normalization with dropout, duplicate removal, advertisement technologies, performance benchmarking
Procedia PDF Downloads 3401156 How Western Donors Allocate Official Development Assistance: New Evidence From a Natural Language Processing Approach
Authors: Daniel Benson, Yundan Gong, Hannah Kirk
Advancement in national language processing techniques has led to increased data processing speeds, and reduced the need for cumbersome, manual data processing that is often required when processing data from multilateral organizations for specific purposes. As such, using named entity recognition (NER) modeling and the Organisation of Economically Developed Countries (OECD) Creditor Reporting System database, we present the first geotagged dataset of OECD donor Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects on a global, subnational basis. Our resulting data contains 52,086 ODA projects geocoded to subnational locations across 115 countries, worth a combined $87.9bn. This represents the first global, OECD donor ODA project database with geocoded projects. We use this new data to revisit old questions of how ‘well’ donors allocate ODA to the developing world. This understanding is imperative for policymakers seeking to improve ODA effectiveness.Keywords: international aid, geocoding, subnational data, natural language processing, machine learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 791155 Building Cardiovascular Fitness through Plyometric Training
Authors: Theresa N. Uzor
The word cardiovascular fitness is a topic of much interest to people of Nigeria, especially during this time, some heart diseases run in families. Cardiovascular fitness is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply-rich blood to the working muscle tissues. This type of fitness is a health-related component of physical fitness that is brought about by sustained physical activity such as plyometric training. Plyometric is a form of advanced fitness training that uses fast muscular contractions to improve power and speed in the sports performance by coaches and athletes. Plyometric training involves a rapid stretching of muscle (eccentric phase) immediately followed by a concentric or shortening action of the same muscle and connective tissue. However, the most basic example of true plyometric training is running and can be safe for a wide variety of populations. This paper focused on building cardiovascular health through Plyometric Training. The centre focus of the article is cardiovascular fitness and plyometric training with factors of cardiovascular fitness. Plyometric training at any age provides multiple benefits even beyond weight control and weight loss, decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other diseases, among other benefits of plyometric training to cardiovascular fitness. Participation in plyometric training will increase metabolism of an individual, thereby burning more calories even when at rest and reduces weight is also among the benefits of plyometric training. Some guidelines were recommended for planning plyometric training programme to minimise the chance of injury. With plyometric training in Nigeria, fortune can change for good, especially now that there has been an increase in cardiovascular diseases within the society for great savings would be saved.Keywords: aerobic, cardiovascular, concentric, stretch-shortening cycle, plyometric
Procedia PDF Downloads 1401154 Robust Pattern Recognition via Correntropy Generalized Orthogonal Matching Pursuit
Authors: Yulong Wang, Yuan Yan Tang, Cuiming Zou, Lina Yang
This paper presents a novel sparse representation method for robust pattern classification. Generalized orthogonal matching pursuit (GOMP) is a recently proposed efficient sparse representation technique. However, GOMP adopts the mean square error (MSE) criterion and assign the same weights to all measurements, including both severely and slightly corrupted ones. To reduce the limitation, we propose an information-theoretic GOMP (ITGOMP) method by exploiting the correntropy induced metric. The results show that ITGOMP can adaptively assign small weights on severely contaminated measurements and large weights on clean ones, respectively. An ITGOMP based classifier is further developed for robust pattern classification. The experiments on public real datasets demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.Keywords: correntropy induced metric, matching pursuit, pattern classification, sparse representation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3571153 A Multimodal Approach to Improve the Performance of Biometric System
Authors: Chander Kant, Arun Kumar
Biometric systems automatically recognize an individual based on his/her physiological and behavioral characteristics. There are also some traits like weight, age, height etc. that may not provide reliable user recognition because of there common and temporary nature. These traits are called soft bio metric traits. Although soft bio metric traits are lack of permanence to uniquely and reliably identify an individual, yet they provide some beneficial evidence about the user identity and may improve the system performance. Here in this paper, we have proposed an approach for integrating the soft bio metrics with fingerprint and face to improve the performance of personal authentication system. In our approach we have proposed a combined architecture of three different sensors to elevate the system performance. The approach includes, soft bio metrics, fingerprint and face traits. We have also proven the efficiency of proposed system regarding FAR (False Acceptance Ratio) and total response time, with the help of MUBI (Multimodal Bio metrics Integration) software.Keywords: FAR, minutiae point, multimodal bio metrics, primary bio metric, soft bio metric
Procedia PDF Downloads 3491152 Behavioral Patterns of Adopting Digitalized Services (E-Sport versus Sports Spectating) Using Agent-Based Modeling
Authors: Justyna P. Majewska, Szymon M. Truskolaski
The growing importance of digitalized services in the so-called new economy, including the e-sports industry, can be observed recently. Various demographic or technological changes lead consumers to modify their needs, not regarding the services themselves but the method of their application (attracting customers, forms of payment, new content, etc.). In the case of leisure-related to competitive spectating activities, there is a growing need to participate in events whose content is not sports competitions but computer games challenge – e-sport. The literature in this area so far focuses on determining the number of e-sport fans with elements of a simple statistical description (mainly concerning demographic characteristics such as age, gender, place of residence). Meanwhile, the development of the industry is influenced by a combination of many different, intertwined demographic, personality and psychosocial characteristics of customers, as well as the characteristics of their environment. Therefore, there is a need for a deeper recognition of the determinants of the behavioral patterns upon selecting digitalized services by customers, which, in the absence of available large data sets, can be achieved by using econometric simulations – multi-agent modeling. The cognitive aim of the study is to reveal internal and external determinants of behavioral patterns of customers taking into account various variants of economic development (the pace of digitization and technological development, socio-demographic changes, etc.). In the paper, an agent-based model with heterogeneous agents (characteristics of customers themselves and their environment) was developed, which allowed identifying a three-stage development scenario: i) initial interest, ii) standardization, and iii) full professionalization. The probabilities regarding the transition process were estimated using the Method of Simulated Moments. The estimation of the agent-based model parameters and sensitivity analysis reveals crucial factors that have driven a rising trend in e-sport spectating and, in a wider perspective, the development of digitalized services. Among the psychosocial characteristics of customers, they are the level of familiarization with the rules of games as well as sports disciplines, active and passive participation history and individual perception of challenging activities. Environmental factors include general reception of games, number and level of recognition of community builders and the level of technological development of streaming as well as community building platforms. However, the crucial factor underlying the good predictive power of the model is the level of professionalization. While in the initial interest phase, the entry barriers for new customers are high. They decrease during the phase of standardization and increase again in the phase of full professionalization when new customers perceive participation history inaccessible. In this case, they are prone to switch to new methods of service application – in the case of e-sport vs. sports to new content and more modern methods of its delivery. In a wider context, the findings in the paper support the idea of a life cycle of services regarding methods of their application from “traditional” to digitalized.Keywords: agent-based modeling, digitalized services, e-sport, spectators motives
Procedia PDF Downloads 1741151 An Analysis of Miguel Syjuco’s Ilustrado: The Reconstructed Oriental Image
Authors: Christine Ivy A. Nogot
Under the colony of Spain for more than three centuries, the Philippines has a deep-rooted structure of Western ideologies and colonialism. The late 19th century, the period of Enlightenment, created a significant impact on our history when a group of middle-class Filipino men were sent to Europe to study. They were called Ilustrados, a Spanish word for erudite. They were the enlightened; the well-educated, intellectual scholars. Their writings provide intellectual grounds for the awakening of national consciousness that eventually prompted national movements and revolutions. They helped to establish a postcolonial society. In the modern era, Miguel Syjuco, a Filipino expatriate, wrote a novel and titled it Ilustrado. It is a representation of the liberal mind of the diasporic author in contemporary discourse. It provides a critical examination of the ilustrado in transition through the character of Miguel, who is also an expatriate writer. Using Syjuco’s award-winning novel as the primary text and anchored on Said’s concept of Orientalism, this paper examines how the depiction of features of the Eastern world is presented in the literary discourse. This paper looks into Said’s concept of orientalism as a hegemonic discursive structure and shows how Western superiority influences the Eastern culture in literary discourse. It explores Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony to explore Said’s argument that Western powers conquer the orient through culture and ideology. This paper presents how dominant ideologies and the social context redefine the ilustrado in the contemporary era.Keywords: cultural hegemony, ilustrado, orientalism, postcolonial
Procedia PDF Downloads 791150 Compensatory Articulation of Pressure Consonants in Telugu Cleft Palate Speech: A Spectrographic Analysis
Authors: Indira Kothalanka
For individuals born with a cleft palate (CP), there is no separation between the nasal cavity and the oral cavity, due to which they cannot build up enough air pressure in the mouth for speech. Therefore, it is common for them to have speech problems. Common cleft type speech errors include abnormal articulation (compensatory or obligatory) and abnormal resonance (hyper, hypo and mixed nasality). These are generally resolved after palate repair. However, in some individuals, articulation problems do persist even after the palate repair. Such individuals develop variant articulations in an attempt to compensate for the inability to produce the target phonemes. A spectrographic analysis is used to investigate the compensatory articulatory behaviours of pressure consonants in the speech of 10 Telugu speaking individuals aged between 7-17 years with a history of cleft palate. Telugu is a Dravidian language which is spoken in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana states in India. It is a language with the third largest number of native speakers in India and the most spoken Dravidian language. The speech of the informants is analysed using single word list, sentences, passage and conversation. Spectrographic analysis is carried out using PRAAT, speech analysis software. The place and manner of articulation of consonant sounds is studied through spectrograms with the help of various acoustic cues. The types of compensatory articulation identified are glottal stops, palatal stops, uvular, velar stops and nasal fricatives which are non-native in Telugu.Keywords: cleft palate, compensatory articulation, spectrographic analysis, PRAAT
Procedia PDF Downloads 4461149 Smart Online Library Catalog System with Query Expansion for the University of the Cordilleras
Authors: Vincent Ballola, Raymund Dilan, Thelma Palaoag
The Smart Online Library Catalog System with Query Expansion seeks to address the low usage of the library because of the emergence of the Internet. Library users are not accustomed to catalog systems that need a query to have the exact words without any mistakes for decent results to appear. The graphical user interface of the current system has a rather skewed learning curve for users to adapt with. With a simple graphical user interface inspired by Google, users can search quickly just by inputting their query and hitting the search button. Because of the query expansion techniques incorporated into the new system such as stemming, thesaurus search, and weighted search, users can have more efficient results from their query. The system will be adding the root words of the user's query to the query itself which will then be cross-referenced to a thesaurus database to search for any synonyms that will be added to the query. The results will then be arranged by the number of times the word has been searched. Online queries will also be added to the results for additional references. Users showed notable increases in efficiency and usability due to the familiar interface and query expansion techniques incorporated in the system. The simple yet familiar design led to a better user experience. Users also said that they would be more inclined in using the library because of the new system. The incorporation of query expansion techniques gives a notable increase of results to users that in turn gives them a wider range of resources found in the library. Used books mean more knowledge imparted to the users.Keywords: query expansion, catalog system, stemming, weighted search, usability, thesaurus search
Procedia PDF Downloads 3881148 Using Classifiers to Predict Student Outcome at Higher Institute of Telecommunication
Authors: Fuad M. Alkoot
We aim at highlighting the benefits of classifier systems especially in supporting educational management decisions. The paper aims at using classifiers in an educational application where an outcome is predicted based on given input parameters that represent various conditions at the institute. We present a classifier system that is designed using a limited training set with data for only one semester. The achieved system is able to reach at previously known outcomes accurately. It is also tested on new input parameters representing variations of input conditions to see its prediction on the possible outcome value. Given the supervised expectation of the outcome for the new input we find the system is able to predict the correct outcome. Experiments were conducted on one semester data from two departments only, Switching and Mathematics. Future work on other departments with larger training sets and wider input variations will show additional benefits of classifier systems in supporting the management decisions at an educational institute.Keywords: machine learning, pattern recognition, classifier design, educational management, outcome estimation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2791147 A Study in the Formation of a Term: Sahaba
Authors: Abdul Rahman Chamseddine
The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad, the Sahaba, are regarded as the first link between him and later believers who did not know him or learn from him directly. This makes the Sahaba a link in the chain between God and the ummah (community). Apart from their role in spreading the Prophet’s teachings, they came to be regarded as role models, representing the Islamic ideal of life as prescribed by the Prophet himself. According to Hadith, the Prophet had promised some Sahaba unqualified admission to paradise. It is commonly agreed that the Sahaba have the following attributes in common: God is well pleased with them; they will surely go to paradise; they are perfectly trustworthy; and they are the authorities from whom Muslims can learn all matters related to their religion. No other generation of Muslims has received the attention received by the Companions of the Prophet. In spite of the importance of the Sahaba in Islam, we still know comparatively little about them. There are at least two reasons for this. First, there is the overall scarcity of information surviving from the early period. At the death of the Prophet, it is said, there were more than 100,000 Companions. As we shall see, this is a complex issue, involving the definition of the term Sahaba. However, only few Companions of the Prophet are known to us. Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani, who wrote in the fifteenth century A.D., was only able to collect facts about 11,000 of them (including those whose status as Sahaba was disputed). Ibn Sa‘d, Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr and Ibn al-Athir, all of whom lived earlier than Ibn Hajar, included in their respective works fewer lives of Sahaba than he did. If we consider Ibn Hajar’s Isaba as the most complete biographical account of the Sahaba that remains available, we have information, presumably, on approximately one tenth of them. The remaining nine tenths are apparently lost from the historical record. Second, discussion of the Sahaba tends to focus on those considered the most important among them such as ‘Uthman, ‘Ali and Mu‘awiya, while others, who together number in the thousands, are less well-known. This paper will try to study the origins of the term Sahaba that became exclusive to the Companions of the Prophet and not a synonym of the word companions in general.Keywords: companions, Hadith, Islamic history, Muhammad, Sahaba, transmission
Procedia PDF Downloads 4161146 Legal Pluralism and Ideology: The Recognition of the Indigenous Justice Administration in Bolivia through the "Indigenismo" and "Decolonisation" Discourses
Authors: Adriana Pereira Arteaga
In many Latin American countries the transition towards legal pluralism - has developed as part of what is called Latin-American-Constitutionalism over the last thirty years. The aim of this paper is to discuss how legal pluralism in its current form in Bolivia may produce exclusion and violence. Legal sources and discourse analysis - as an approach to examine written language on discourse documentation- will be used to develop this paper. With the constitution of 2009, Bolivia was symbolically "re-founded" into a multi-nation state. This shift goes hand in hand with the "indigenista" and "decolonisation" ideologies developing since the early 20th century. Discourses based on these ideologies reflect the rejection of liberal and western premises on which the Bolivian republic was originally built after independence. According to the "indigenista" movements, the liberal nation-state generates institutions corresponding to a homogenous society. These liberal institutions not only ignore the Bolivian multi-nation reality, but also maintain the social structures originating form the colony times, based on prejudices against the indigenous. The described statements were elaborated through the image: the indigenous people humiliated by a cruel western system as highlighted by the constitution's preamble. This narrative had a considerable impact on the sensitivity of people and received great social support. Therefore the proposal for changing structures of the nation-state, is charged with an emancipatory message of restoring even the pre-Columbian order. An order at times romantically described as the perfect order. Legally this connotes a rejection of the positivistic national legal system based on individual rights and the promotion of constitutional recognition of indigenous justice administration. The pluralistic Constitution is supposed to promote tolerance and a peaceful coexistence among nations, so that the unity and integrity of the country could be maintained. In its current form, legal pluralism in Bolivia is justified on pre-existing rights contained for example in the International - Labour - Organization - Convention 169, but it is more developed on the described discursive constructions. Over time these discursive constructions created inconsistencies in terms of putting indigenous justice administration into practice: First, because legal pluralism has been more developed on level of political discourse, so a real interaction between the national and the indigenous jurisdiction cannot be observed. There are no clear coordination and cooperation mechanisms. Second, since the recently reformed constitution is based on deep sensitive experiences, little is said about the general legal principles on which a pluralistic administration of justice in Bolivia should be based. Third, basic rights, liberties, and constitutional guarantees are also affected by the antagonized image of the national justice administration. As a result, fundamental rights could be violated on a large scale because many indigenous justice administration practices run counter to these constitutional rules. These problems are not merely Bolivian but may also be encountered in other regional countries with similar backgrounds, like Ecuador.Keywords: discourse, indigenous justice, legal pluralism, multi-nation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4471145 Modern Technology-Based Methods in Neurorehabilitation for Social Competence Deficit in Children with Acquired Brain Injury
Authors: M. Saard, A. Kolk, K. Sepp, L. Pertens, L. Reinart, C. Kööp
Introduction: Social competence is often impaired in children with acquired brain injury (ABI), but evidence-based rehabilitation for social skills has remained undeveloped. Modern technology-based methods create effective and safe learning environments for pediatric social skills remediation. The aim of the study was to implement our structured model of neuro rehab for socio-cognitive deficit using multitouch-multiuser tabletop (MMT) computer-based platforms and virtual reality (VR) technology. Methods: 40 children aged 8-13 years (yrs) have participated in the pilot study: 30 with ABI -epilepsy, traumatic brain injury and/or tic disorder- and 10 healthy age-matched controls. From the patients, 12 have completed the training (M = 11.10 yrs, SD = 1.543) and 20 are still in training or in the waiting-list group (M = 10.69 yrs, SD = 1.704). All children performed the first individual and paired assessments. For patients, second evaluations were performed after the intervention period. Two interactive applications were implemented into rehabilitation design: Snowflake software on MMT tabletop and NoProblem on DiamondTouch Table (DTT), which allowed paired training (2 children at once). Also, in individual training sessions, HTC Vive VR device was used with VR metaphors of difficult social situations to treat social anxiety and train social skills. Results: At baseline (B) evaluations, patients had higher deficits in executive functions on the BRIEF parents’ questionnaire (M = 117, SD = 23.594) compared to healthy controls (M = 22, SD = 18.385). The most impaired components of social competence were emotion recognition, Theory of Mind skills (ToM), cooperation, verbal/non-verbal communication, and pragmatics (Friendship Observation Scale scores only 25-50% out of 100% for patients). In Sentence Completion Task and Spence Anxiety Scale, the patients reported a lack of friends, behavioral problems, bullying in school, and social anxiety. Outcome evaluations: Snowflake on MMT improved executive and cooperation skills and DTT developed communication skills, metacognitive skills, and coping. VR, video modelling and role-plays improved social attention, emotional attitude, gestural behaviors, and decreased social anxiety. NEPSY-II showed improvement in Affect Recognition [B = 7, SD = 5.01 vs outcome (O) = 10, SD = 5.85], Verbal ToM (B = 8, SD = 3.06 vs O = 10, SD = 4.08), Contextual ToM (B = 8, SD = 3.15 vs O = 11, SD = 2.87). ToM Stories test showed an improved understanding of Intentional Lying (B = 7, SD = 2.20 vs O = 10, SD = 0.50), and Sarcasm (B=6, SD = 2.20 vs O = 7, SD = 2.50). Conclusion: Neurorehabilitation based on the Structured Model of Neurorehab for Socio-Cognitive Deficit in children with ABI were effective in social skills remediation. The model helps to understand theoretical connections between components of social competence and modern interactive computerized platforms. We encourage therapists to implement these next-generation devices into the rehabilitation process as MMT and VR interfaces are motivating for children, thus ensuring good compliance. Improving children’s social skills is important for their and their families’ quality of life and social capital.Keywords: acquired brain injury, children, social skills deficit, technology-based neurorehabilitation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1211144 The Effect of Racism in the Media to Deal With Migration
Authors: Rasha Ali Dheyab, Edurad Vlad
Migration is associated with other important global issues, including development, poverty, and human rights. Migrants are often the most dynamic members of society; historically, migration has supported economic development and the rise of nations and enriched cultures. It also presents significant challenges. The word ‘racism’ is not just about beliefs or statements; it also contains the ability to force those beliefs or world views as hegemonic and as a basis for the refusal of rights or equality. For this reason, racism is embedded in power relations of different types. Racism is not only an awareness of distinction and groups, but it also has extremely practical roles in maintaining: First, inequitable social power arrangements; and second, racist behavioral manifestations such as verbal rejection, avoidance, discrimination, physical attack, and elimination. The focus is on aspects of racism in the media to deal with the migration phenomenon. The reproduction and promotion of racism by certain areas of the media is not a simple and straightforward process. It is important to see how the media serves in the reproduction of racism. This article shows attitudes to migration as they have appeared in British periodicals over the last few years. One might conclude that the reproduction of racism by the media is not a simple and straightforward process. It has become obvious that the role of the media in the reproduction of racism is inextricably linked to the general characteristics of racism and white domination in society, particularly the structural and ideological structuring of that kind of group power. This highlights the press's function as a business, social, and cultural institution. The press has to be examined in connection to the institutions of the economic and political as well.Keywords: British periodicals, culture studies, migration, racism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2131143 The Role of Polar Body in the Female Gamete
Authors: Parsa Sheikhzadeh
Polar bodies are cells that form by oogenesis in meiosis which differentiate and develop from oocytes. Although in many animals, these cells often die following meiotic maturation of the oocyte. Oocyte activation is during mammalian fertilization, sperm is fused with the oocyte's membrane, triggering the resumption of meiosis from the metaphase II arrest, the extrusion of the second polar body, and the exocytosis of cortical granules. The origin recognition complex proteins 4 (ORC4) forms a cage around the set of chromosomes that will be extruded during polar body formation before it binds to the chromatin shortly before zygotic DNA replication. One unique feature of the female gamete is that the polar bodies can provide beneficial information about the genetic background of the oocyte without potentially destroying it. Testing at the polar body (PB) stage was the least accurate, mainly due to the high incidence of post-zygotic events. On the other hand, the results from PB1-MII oocyte pair validated that PB1 contains nearly the same methylome (average Pearson correlation is 0.92) with sibling MII oocyte. In this article, we comprehensively examine the role of polar bodies in female human gametes.Keywords: polar bodies, ORC4, oocyte, genetic, methylome, gamete, female
Procedia PDF Downloads 941142 The Location Problem of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: A Case Study of Istanbul
Authors: Müjde Erol Genevois, Hatice Kocaman
Growing concerns about the increasing consumption of fossil energy and the improved recognition of environmental protection require sustainable road transportation technology. Electric vehicles (EVs) can contribute to improve environmental sustainability and to solve the energy problem with the right infrastructure. The problem of where to locate electric vehicle charging station can be grouped as decision-making problems because of including many criteria and alternatives that have to be considered simultaneously. The purpose of this paper is to present an integrated AHP and TOPSIS model to rank the optimal sites of EVs charging station in Istanbul, Turkey. Ten different candidate points and three decision criteria are identified. The performances of each candidate points with respect to criteria are obtained according to AHP calculations. These performances are used as an input for TOPSIS method to rank the candidate points. It is obtained accurate and robust results by integrating AHP and TOPSIS methods.Keywords: electric vehicle charging station (EVCS), AHP, TOPSIS, location selection
Procedia PDF Downloads 3241141 Association of Transforming Growth Factor-β1 Gene 1800469 C > T and 1982073 C > T Polymorphism with Type 2 Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patient in Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital Jakarta
Authors: Dedy Pratama, Akhmadu Muradi, Hilman Ibrahim, Patrianef Darwis, Alexander Jayadi Utama, Raden Suhartono, D. Suryandari, Luluk Yunaini, Tom Ch Adriani
Objective: Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is one of the complications of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) that can lead to disability and death. Inadequate vascularization condition will affect healing process of DFU. Therefore, we investigated the expression of polymorphism TGF- β1 in the relation of the occurrence of DFU in T2DM. Methods: We designed a case-control study to investigate the polymorphism TGF- β1 gene 1800469 C > T and 1982073 C > T in T2DM in Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta from June to December 2016. We used PCR techniques and compared the results in a group of T2DM patients with DFU as the case study and without DFU as the control group. Results: There were 203 patients, 102 patients with DFU and 101 patients control without DFU. 49,8% is male and 50,2% female with mean age about 56 years. Distribution of wild-type genotype TGF-B1 1800469 C > T wild type CC was found in 44,8%, the number of mutant heterozygote CT was 10,8% and mutant homozygote is 11,3%. Distribution of TGF-B1 1982073 C>T wild type CC was 32,5%, mutant heterozygote is 38,9% and mutant homozygote 25,1%. Conclusion: Distribution of alleles from TGF-B1 1800469 C > T is C 75% and T 25% and from TGF-B1 1982073 C > T is C53,8% and T 46,2%. In the other word polymorphism TGF- β1 plays a role in the occurrence and healing process of the DFU in T2DM patients.Keywords: diabetic foot ulcers, diabetes mellitus, polymorphism, TGF-β1
Procedia PDF Downloads 2891140 Providing a Secure Hybrid Method for Graphical Password Authentication to Prevent Shoulder Surfing, Smudge and Brute Force Attack
Authors: Faraji Sepideh
Nowadays, purchase rate of the smart device is increasing and user authentication is one of the important issues in information security. Alphanumeric strong passwords are difficult to memorize and also owners write them down on papers or save them in a computer file. In addition, text password has its own flaws and is vulnerable to attacks. Graphical password can be used as an alternative to alphanumeric password that users choose images as a password. This type of password is easier to use and memorize and also more secure from pervious password types. In this paper we have designed a more secure graphical password system to prevent shoulder surfing, smudge and brute force attack. This scheme is a combination of two types of graphical passwords recognition based and Cued recall based. Evaluation the usability and security of our proposed scheme have been explained in conclusion part.Keywords: brute force attack, graphical password, shoulder surfing attack, smudge attack
Procedia PDF Downloads 1621139 Oncogenic Role of MicroRNA-346 in Human Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Regulation of XPC/ERK/Snail/E-Cadherin Pathway
Authors: Cheng-Cao Sun, Shu-Jun Li, De-Jia Li
Determinants of growth and metastasis in cancer remain of great interest to define. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have frequently emerged as tumor metastatic regulator by acting on multiple signaling pathways. Here, we report the definition of miR-346 as an oncogenic microRNA that facilitates non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cell growth and metastasis. XPC, an important DNA damage recognition factor in nucleotide excision repair was defined as a target for down-regulation by miR-346, functioning through direct interaction with the 3'-UTR of XPC mRNA. Blocking miR-346 by an antagomiR was sufficient to inhibit NSCLC cell growth and metastasis, an effect that could be phenol-copied by RNAi-mediated silencing of XPC. In vivo studies established that miR-346 overexpression was sufficient to promote tumor growth by A549 cells in xenografts mice, relative to control cells. Overall, our results defined miR-346 as an oncogenic miRNA in NSCLC, the levels of which contributed to tumor growth and invasive aggressiveness.Keywords: microRNA-346, miR-346, XPC, non-small cell lung cancer, oncogenesis
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