Search results for: fuzzy techniques
6124 A Comparative Study of Optimization Techniques and Models to Forecasting Dengue Fever
Dengue is a serious public health issue that causes significant annual economic and welfare burdens on nations. However, enhanced optimization techniques and quantitative modeling approaches can predict the incidence of dengue. By advocating for a data-driven approach, public health officials can make informed decisions, thereby improving the overall effectiveness of sudden disease outbreak control efforts. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are two of the U.S. Federal Government agencies from which this study uses environmental data. Based on environmental data that describe changes in temperature, precipitation, vegetation, and other factors known to affect dengue incidence, many predictive models are constructed that use different machine learning methods to estimate weekly dengue cases. The first step involves preparing the data, which includes handling outliers and missing values to make sure the data is prepared for subsequent processing and the creation of an accurate forecasting model. In the second phase, multiple feature selection procedures are applied using various machine learning models and optimization techniques. During the third phase of the research, machine learning models like the Huber Regressor, Support Vector Machine, Gradient Boosting Regressor (GBR), and Support Vector Regressor (SVR) are compared with several optimization techniques for feature selection, such as Harmony Search and Genetic Algorithm. In the fourth stage, the model's performance is evaluated using Mean Square Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) as assistance. Selecting an optimization strategy with the least number of errors, lowest price, biggest productivity, or maximum potential results is the goal. In a variety of industries, including engineering, science, management, mathematics, finance, and medicine, optimization is widely employed. An effective optimization method based on harmony search and an integrated genetic algorithm is introduced for input feature selection, and it shows an important improvement in the model's predictive accuracy. The predictive models with Huber Regressor as the foundation perform the best for optimization and also prediction.Keywords: deep learning model, dengue fever, prediction, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 676123 Spirituality Enhanced with Cognitive-Behavioural Techniques: An Effective Method for Women with Extramarital Infidelity: A Literature Review
Authors: Setareh Yousife
Introduction: Studies suggest that Extramarital Infidelity (EMI) variants, such as sexual and emotional infidelities are increasing in marriage relationships. To our knowledge, less is known about what therapies and mental-hygiene factors can prevent more effective this behavior and address it. Spiritual and cognitive-behavioural health have proven to reduce marital conflict, Increase marital satisfaction and commitment. Objective: This study aims to discuss the effectiveness of spiritual counseling combined with Cognitive-behavioural techniques in addressing Extramarital Infidelity. Method: Descriptive, analytical, and intervention articles indexed in SID, Noormags, Scopus, Iranmedex, Web of Science and PubMed databases, and Google Scholar were searched. We focused on Studies in which Women with extramarital relationships, including heterosexual married couples-only studies and spirituality/religion and CBT as coping techniques used as EMI therapy. Finally, the full text of all eligible articles was prepared and discussed in this review. Results: 25 publications were identified, and their textual analysis facilitated through four thematic approaches: The nature of EMI in Women, the meaning of spirituality in the context of mental health and human behavior as well as psychotherapy; Spirituality integrated into Cognitive-Behavioral approach, The role of Spirituality as a deterrent to EMI. Conclusions: The integration of the findings discussed herein suggests that the application of cognitive and behavioral skills in addressing these kinds of destructive family-based relationships is inevitable. As treatments based on religion/spirituality or cognition/behavior do not seem adequately effective in dealing with EMI, the combination of these approaches may lead to higher efficacy in fewer sessions and a shorter time.Keywords: spirituality, religion, cognitive behavioral therapy, extramarital relation, infidelity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2556122 Teaching Kindness as Moral Virtue in Preschool Children: The Effectiveness of Picture-Storybook Reading and Hand-Puppet Storytelling
Authors: Rose Mini Agoes Salim, Shahnaz Safitri
The aim of this study is to test the effectiveness of teaching kindness in preschool children by using several techniques. Kindness is a physical act or emotional support aimed to build or maintain relationships with others. Kindness is known to be essential in the development of moral reasoning to distinguish between the good and bad things. In this study, kindness is operationalized as several acts including helping friends, comforting sad friends, inviting friends to play, protecting others, sharing, saying hello, saying thank you, encouraging others, and apologizing. It is mentioned that kindness is crucial to be developed in preschool children because this is the time the children begin to interact with their social environment through play. Furthermore, preschool children's cognitive development makes them begin to represent the world with words, which then allows them to interact with others. On the other hand, preschool children egocentric thinking makes them still need to learn to consider another person's perspective. In relation to social interaction, preschool children need to be stimulated and assisted by adult to be able to pay attention to other and act with kindness toward them. On teaching kindness to children, the quality of interaction between children and their significant others is the key factor. It is known that preschool children learn about kindness by imitating adults on their two way interaction. Specifically, this study examines two types of teaching techniques that can be done by parents as a way to teach kindness, namely the picture-storybook reading and hand-puppet storytelling. These techniques were examined because both activities are easy to do and both also provide a model of behavior for the child based on the character in the story. To specifically examine those techniques effectiveness in teaching kindness, two studies were conducted. Study I involves 31 children aged 5-6 years old with picture-storybook reading technique, where the intervention is done by reading 8 picture books for 8 days. In study II, hand-puppet storytelling technique is examined to 32 children aged 3-5 years old. The treatments effectiveness are measured using an instrument in the form of nine colored cards that describe the behavior of kindness. Data analysis using Wilcoxon Signed-rank test shows a significant difference on the average score of kindness (p < 0.05) before and after the intervention has been held. For daily observation, a ‘kindness tree’ and observation sheets are used which are filled out by the teacher. Two weeks after interventions, an improvement on all kindness behaviors measured is intact. The same result is also gained from both ‘kindness tree’ and observational sheets.Keywords: kindness, moral teaching, storytelling, hand puppet
Procedia PDF Downloads 2536121 Selection of Appropriate Classification Technique for Lithological Mapping of Gali Jagir Area, Pakistan
Authors: Khunsa Fatima, Umar K. Khattak, Allah Bakhsh Kausar
Satellite images interpretation and analysis assist geologists by providing valuable information about geology and minerals of an area to be surveyed. A test site in Fatejang of district Attock has been studied using Landsat ETM+ and ASTER satellite images for lithological mapping. Five different supervised image classification techniques namely maximum likelihood, parallelepiped, minimum distance to mean, mahalanobis distance and spectral angle mapper have been performed on both satellite data images to find out the suitable classification technique for lithological mapping in the study area. Results of these five image classification techniques were compared with the geological map produced by Geological Survey of Pakistan. The result of maximum likelihood classification technique applied on ASTER satellite image has the highest correlation of 0.66 with the geological map. Field observations and XRD spectra of field samples also verified the results. A lithological map was then prepared based on the maximum likelihood classification of ASTER satellite image.Keywords: ASTER, Landsat-ETM+, satellite, image classification
Procedia PDF Downloads 3966120 Rural Women’s Skill Acquisition in the Processing of Locust Bean in Ipokia Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria
Authors: A. A. Adekunle, A. M. Omoare, W. O. Oyediran
This study was carried out to assess rural women’s skill acquisition in the processing of locust bean in Ipokia Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 90 women locust bean processors for this study. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. The result showed that the mean age of respondents was 40.72 years. Most (70.00%) of the respondents were married. The mean processing experience was 8.63 years. 93.30% of the respondents relied on information from fellow locust beans processors and friends. All (100%) the respondents did not acquire improved processing skill through trainings and workshops. It can be concluded that the rural women’s skill acquisition on modernized processing techniques was generally low. It is hereby recommend that the rural women processors should be trained by extension service providers through series of workshops and seminars on improved processing techniques.Keywords: locust bean, processing, skill acquisition, rural women
Procedia PDF Downloads 4616119 Investigating Data Normalization Techniques in Swarm Intelligence Forecasting for Energy Commodity Spot Price
Authors: Yuhanis Yusof, Zuriani Mustaffa, Siti Sakira Kamaruddin
Data mining is a fundamental technique in identifying patterns from large data sets. The extracted facts and patterns contribute in various domains such as marketing, forecasting, and medical. Prior to that, data are consolidated so that the resulting mining process may be more efficient. This study investigates the effect of different data normalization techniques, which are Min-max, Z-score, and decimal scaling, on Swarm-based forecasting models. Recent swarm intelligence algorithms employed includes the Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC). Forecasting models are later developed to predict the daily spot price of crude oil and gasoline. Results showed that GWO works better with Z-score normalization technique while ABC produces better accuracy with the Min-Max. Nevertheless, the GWO is more superior that ABC as its model generates the highest accuracy for both crude oil and gasoline price. Such a result indicates that GWO is a promising competitor in the family of swarm intelligence algorithms.Keywords: artificial bee colony, data normalization, forecasting, Grey Wolf optimizer
Procedia PDF Downloads 4786118 Rapid Microwave-Enhanced Process for Synthesis of CdSe Quantum Dots for Large Scale Production and Manipulation of Optical Properties
Authors: Delele Worku Ayele, Bing-Joe Hwang
A method that does not employ hot injection techniques has been developed for the size-tunable synthesis of high-quality CdSe quantum dots (QDs) with a zinc blende structure. In this environmentally benign synthetic route, which uses relatively less toxic precursors, solvents, and capping ligands, CdSe QDs that absorb visible light are obtained. The size of the as-prepared CdSe QDs and, thus, their optical properties can be manipulated by changing the microwave reaction conditions. The QDs are characterized by XRD, TEM, UV-vis, FTIR, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, and fluorescence spectrophotometry. In this approach, the reaction is conducted in open air and at a much lower temperature than in hot injection techniques. The use of microwaves in this process allows for a highly reproducible and effective synthesis protocol that is fully adaptable for mass production and can be easily employed to synthesize a variety of semiconductor QDs with the desired properties. The possible application of the as-prepared CdSe QDs has been also assessed using deposition on TiO2 films.Keywords: CdSe QDs, Na2SeSO3, microwave (MW), oleic acid, mass production, average life time
Procedia PDF Downloads 7106117 Factors Affecting M-Government Deployment and Adoption
Authors: Saif Obaid Alkaabi, Nabil Ayad
Governments constantly seek to offer faster, more secure, efficient and effective services for their citizens. Recent changes and developments to communication services and technologies, mainly due the Internet, have led to immense improvements in the way governments of advanced countries carry out their interior operations Therefore, advances in e-government services have been broadly adopted and used in various developed countries, as well as being adapted to developing countries. The implementation of advances depends on the utilization of the most innovative structures of data techniques, mainly in web dependent applications, to enhance the main functions of governments. These functions, in turn, have spread to mobile and wireless techniques, generating a new advanced direction called m-government. This paper discusses a selection of available m-government applications and several business modules and frameworks in various fields. Practically, the m-government models, techniques and methods have become the improved version of e-government. M-government offers the potential for applications which will work better, providing citizens with services utilizing mobile communication and data models incorporating several government entities. Developing countries can benefit greatly from this innovation due to the fact that a large percentage of their population is young and can adapt to new technology and to the fact that mobile computing devices are more affordable. The use of models of mobile transactions encourages effective participation through the use of mobile portals by businesses, various organizations, and individual citizens. Although the application of m-government has great potential, it does have major limitations. The limitations include: the implementation of wireless networks and relative communications, the encouragement of mobile diffusion, the administration of complicated tasks concerning the protection of security (including the ability to offer privacy for information), and the management of the legal issues concerning mobile applications and the utilization of services.Keywords: e-government, m-government, system dependability, system security, trust
Procedia PDF Downloads 3836116 Separating Permanent and Induced Magnetic Signature: A Simple Approach
Authors: O. J. G. Somsen, G. P. M. Wagemakers
Magnetic signature detection provides sensitive detection of metal objects, especially in the natural environment. Our group is developing a tabletop setup for magnetic signatures of various small and model objects. A particular issue is the separation of permanent and induced magnetization. While the latter depends only on the composition and shape of the object, the former also depends on the magnetization history. With common deperming techniques, a significant permanent signature may still remain, which confuses measurements of the induced component. We investigate a basic technique of separating the two. Measurements were done by moving the object along an aluminum rail while the three field components are recorded by a detector attached near the center. This is done first with the rail parallel to the Earth magnetic field and then with anti-parallel orientation. The reversal changes the sign of the induced- but not the permanent magnetization so that the two can be separated. Our preliminary results on a small iron block show excellent reproducibility. A considerable permanent magnetization was indeed present, resulting in a complex asymmetric signature. After separation, a much more symmetric induced signature was obtained that can be studied in detail and compared with theoretical calculations.Keywords: magnetic signature, data analysis, magnetization, deperming techniques
Procedia PDF Downloads 4526115 Drone On-Time Obstacle Avoidance for Static and Dynamic Obstacles
Authors: Herath M. P. C. Jayaweera, Samer Hanoun
Path planning for on-time obstacle avoidance is an essential and challenging task that enables drones to achieve safe operation in any application domain. The level of challenge increases significantly on the obstacle avoidance technique when the drone is following a ground mobile entity (GME). This is mainly due to the change in direction and magnitude of the GME′s velocity in dynamic and unstructured environments. Force field techniques are the most widely used obstacle avoidance methods due to their simplicity, ease of use, and potential to be adopted for three-dimensional dynamic environments. However, the existing force field obstacle avoidance techniques suffer many drawbacks, including their tendency to generate longer routes when the obstacles are sideways of the drone′s route, poor ability to find the shortest flyable path, propensity to fall into local minima, producing a non-smooth path, and high failure rate in the presence of symmetrical obstacles. To overcome these shortcomings, this paper proposes an on-time three-dimensional obstacle avoidance method for drones to effectively and efficiently avoid dynamic and static obstacles in unknown environments while pursuing a GME. This on-time obstacle avoidance technique generates velocity waypoints for its obstacle-free and efficient path based on the shape of the encountered obstacles. This method can be utilized on most types of drones that have basic distance measurement sensors and autopilot-supported flight controllers. The proposed obstacle avoidance technique is validated and evaluated against existing force field methods for different simulation scenarios in Gazebo and ROS-supported PX4-SITL. The simulation results show that the proposed obstacle avoidance technique outperforms the existing force field techniques and is better suited for real-world applications.Keywords: drones, force field methods, obstacle avoidance, path planning
Procedia PDF Downloads 946114 Error Probability of Multi-User Detection Techniques
Authors: Komal Babbar
Multiuser Detection is the intelligent estimation/demodulation of transmitted bits in the presence of Multiple Access Interference. The authors have presented the Bit-error rate (BER) achieved by linear multi-user detectors: Matched filter (which treats the MAI as AWGN), Decorrelating and MMSE. In this work, authors investigate the bit error probability analysis for Matched filter, decorrelating, and MMSE. This problem arises in several practical CDMA applications where the receiver may not have full knowledge of the number of active users and their signature sequences. In particular, the behavior of MAI at the output of the Multi-user detectors (MUD) is examined under various asymptotic conditions including large signal to noise ratio; large near-far ratios; and a large number of users. In the last section Authors also shows Matlab Simulation results for Multiuser detection techniques i.e., Matched filter, Decorrelating, MMSE for 2 users and 10 users.Keywords: code division multiple access, decorrelating, matched filter, minimum mean square detection (MMSE) detection, multiple access interference (MAI), multiuser detection (MUD)
Procedia PDF Downloads 5286113 A Study to Connect the Objective Interface Design Characters To Ergonomic Safety
Authors: Gaoguang Yang, Shan Fu
Human-machine interface (HMI) intermediate system information to human operators to facilitate human ability to manage and control the system. Well-designed HMI would enhance human ability. An evaluation must be performed to confirm that the designed HMI would enhance but not degrade human ability. However, the prevalent HMI evaluation techniques have difficulties in more thoroughly and accurately evaluating the suitability and fitness of a given HMI for the wide variety of uncertainty contained in both the existing HMI evaluation techniques and the large number of task scenarios. The first limitation should be attributed to the subjective and qualitative analysis characteristics of these evaluation methods, and the second one should be attributed to the cost balance. This study aims to explore the connection between objective HMI characters and ergonomic safety and step forward toward solving these limitations with objective, characterized HMI parameters. A simulation experiment was performed with the time needed for human operators to recognize the HMI information as characterized HMI parameter, and the result showed a strong correlation between the parameter and ergonomic safety level.Keywords: Human-Machine Interface (HMI), evaluation, objective, characterization, simulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 666112 Numerical Investigation of Multiphase Flow in Pipelines
Authors: Gozel Judakova, Markus Bause
We present and analyze reliable numerical techniques for simulating complex flow and transport phenomena related to natural gas transportation in pipelines. Such kind of problems are of high interest in the field of petroleum and environmental engineering. Modeling and understanding natural gas flow and transformation processes during transportation is important for the sake of physical realism and the design and operation of pipeline systems. In our approach a two fluid flow model based on a system of coupled hyperbolic conservation laws is considered for describing natural gas flow undergoing hydratization. The accurate numerical approximation of two-phase gas flow remains subject of strong interest in the scientific community. Such hyperbolic problems are characterized by solutions with steep gradients or discontinuities, and their approximation by standard finite element techniques typically gives rise to spurious oscillations and numerical artefacts. Recently, stabilized and discontinuous Galerkin finite element techniques have attracted researchers’ interest. They are highly adapted to the hyperbolic nature of our two-phase flow model. In the presentation a streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin approach and a discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the numerical approximation of our flow model of two coupled systems of Euler equations are presented. Then the efficiency and reliability of stabilized continuous and discontinous finite element methods for the approximation is carefully analyzed and the potential of the either classes of numerical schemes is investigated. In particular, standard benchmark problems of two-phase flow like the shock tube problem are used for the comparative numerical study.Keywords: discontinuous Galerkin method, Euler system, inviscid two-fluid model, streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin method, twophase flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 3316111 Radiation Usage Impact of on Anti-Nutritional Compounds (Antitrypsin and Phytic Acid) of Livestock and Poultry Foods
Authors: Mohammad Khosravi, Ali Kiani, Behroz Dastar, Parvin Showrang
Review was carried out on important anti-nutritional compounds of livestock and poultry foods and the effect of radiation usage. Nowadays, with advancement in technology, different methods have been considered for the optimum usage of nutrients in livestock and poultry foods. Steaming, extruding, pelleting, and the use of chemicals are the most common and popular methods in food processing. Use of radiation in food processing researches in the livestock and poultry industry is currently highly regarded. Ionizing (electrons, gamma) and non-ionizing beams (microwave and infrared) are the most useable rays in animal food processing. In recent researches, these beams have been used to remove and reduce the anti-nutritional factors and microbial contamination and improve the digestibility of nutrients in poultry and livestock food. The evidence presented will help researchers to recognize techniques of relevance to them. Simplification of some of these techniques, especially in developing countries, must be addressed so that they can be used more widely.Keywords: antitrypsin, gamma anti-nutritional components, phytic acid, radiation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3456110 A Practical Survey on Zero-Shot Prompt Design for In-Context Learning
Authors: Yinheng Li
The remarkable advancements in large language models (LLMs) have brought about significant improvements in natural language processing tasks. This paper presents a comprehensive review of in-context learning techniques, focusing on different types of prompts, including discrete, continuous, few-shot, and zero-shot, and their impact on LLM performance. We explore various approaches to prompt design, such as manual design, optimization algorithms, and evaluation methods, to optimize LLM performance across diverse tasks. Our review covers key research studies in prompt engineering, discussing their methodologies and contributions to the field. We also delve into the challenges faced in evaluating prompt performance, given the absence of a single ”best” prompt and the importance of considering multiple metrics. In conclusion, the paper highlights the critical role of prompt design in harnessing the full potential of LLMs and provides insights into the combination of manual design, optimization techniques, and rigorous evaluation for more effective and efficient use of LLMs in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks.Keywords: in-context learning, prompt engineering, zero-shot learning, large language models
Procedia PDF Downloads 856109 'Ebru', the Art of Marbling in Fashion Design between the Functional and Beauty Purpose of the Designs
Authors: Nessreen Elmelegy
Fashion is all about being fun, stylish and looking beautiful in your own way, whether it is with clothes, accessories, hairstyles, and even furniture. There are never ending ways and sources when wanting to seek inspiration. Fashion designers can get inspired by anything and everything that encompasses them in their everyday lives. When getting inspired, there are no boundaries or limits to when it comes to exploring one's originality and fashion sense. All designers focus on being unique, original and trendy when taking inspiration and transforming that into fashionable and wearable garments. Ebru is a Turkish art. The actual word 'Ebru' in Turkish means marbling. Marbling is the art which help designers to create innovative and rich and colorful patterns in fashion designs. By using this technique we will have countless unique designs in fashion because each design can never be repeated. It is a traditional Turkish art which is designated as one of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2014. Ebru art has spread from the East to the West by way of Silk Road and other trade routes. So this research is focused on studying the history and the techniques of Ebru art in fashion as an amazing trend of fashion, which is still stranger to the Egyptian Fashion industry; also how we can benefit from the incorporation of Ebru art as into the garments designs while still maintaining the functional and beauty purpose of the design.Keywords: Ebru Art, Ebru techniques, fashion inspiration, fashion trends
Procedia PDF Downloads 3116108 Mobile Learning: Toward Better Understanding of Compression Techniques
Authors: Farouk Lawan Gambo
Data compression shrinks files into fewer bits then their original presentation. It has more advantage on internet because the smaller a file, the faster it can be transferred but learning most of the concepts in data compression are abstract in nature therefore making them difficult to digest by some students (Engineers in particular). To determine the best approach toward learning data compression technique, this paper first study the learning preference of engineering students who tend to have strong active, sensing, visual and sequential learning preferences, the paper also study the advantage that mobility of learning have experienced; Learning at the point of interest, efficiency, connection, and many more. A survey is carried out with some reasonable number of students, through random sampling to see whether considering the learning preference and advantages in mobility of learning will give a promising improvement over the traditional way of learning. Evidence from data analysis using Ms-Excel as a point of concern for error-free findings shows that there is significance different in the students after using learning content provided on smart phone, also the result of the findings presented in, bar charts and pie charts interpret that mobile learning has to be promising feature of learning.Keywords: data analysis, compression techniques, learning content, traditional learning approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 3476107 Role of Dispersion of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on Compressive Strength of Cement Paste
Authors: Jyoti Bharj, Sarabjit Singh, Subhash Chander, Rabinder Singh
The outstanding mechanical properties of Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) have generated great interest for their potential as reinforcements in high performance cementitious composites. The main challenge in research is the proper dispersion of carbon nanotubes in the cement matrix. The present work discusses the role of dispersion of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) on the compressive strength characteristics of hydrated Portland IS 1489 cement paste. Cement-MWCNT composites with different mixing techniques were prepared by adding 0.2% (by weight) of MWCNTs to Portland IS 1489 cement. Rectangle specimens of size approximately 40mm × 40mm ×160mm were prepared and curing of samples was done for 7, 14, 28, and 35 days. An appreciable increase in compressive strength with both techniques; mixture of MWCNTs with cement in powder form and mixture of MWCNTs with cement in hydrated form 7 to 28 days of curing time for all the samples was observed.Keywords: carbon nanotubes, Portland cement, composite, compressive strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 4226106 Incorporating Multiple Supervised Learning Algorithms for Effective Intrusion Detection
Authors: Umar Albalawi, Sang C. Suh, Jinoh Kim
As internet continues to expand its usage with an enormous number of applications, cyber-threats have significantly increased accordingly. Thus, accurate detection of malicious traffic in a timely manner is a critical concern in today’s Internet for security. One approach for intrusion detection is to use Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Several methods based on ML algorithms have been introduced over the past years, but they are largely limited in terms of detection accuracy and/or time and space complexity to run. In this work, we present a novel method for intrusion detection that incorporates a set of supervised learning algorithms. The proposed technique provides high accuracy and outperforms existing techniques that simply utilizes a single learning method. In addition, our technique relies on partial flow information (rather than full information) for detection, and thus, it is light-weight and desirable for online operations with the property of early identification. With the mid-Atlantic CCDC intrusion dataset publicly available, we show that our proposed technique yields a high degree of detection rate over 99% with a very low false alarm rate (0.4%).Keywords: intrusion detection, supervised learning, traffic classification, computer networks
Procedia PDF Downloads 3536105 Application Methodology for the Generation of 3D Thermal Models Using UAV Photogrammety and Dual Sensors for Mining/Industrial Facilities Inspection
Authors: Javier Sedano-Cibrián, Julio Manuel de Luis-Ruiz, Rubén Pérez-Álvarez, Raúl Pereda-García, Beatriz Malagón-Picón
Structural inspection activities are necessary to ensure the correct functioning of infrastructures. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) techniques have become more popular than traditional techniques. Specifically, UAV Photogrammetry allows time and cost savings. The development of this technology has permitted the use of low-cost thermal sensors in UAVs. The representation of 3D thermal models with this type of equipment is in continuous evolution. The direct processing of thermal images usually leads to errors and inaccurate results. A methodology is proposed for the generation of 3D thermal models using dual sensors, which involves the application of visible Red-Blue-Green (RGB) and thermal images in parallel. Hence, the RGB images are used as the basis for the generation of the model geometry, and the thermal images are the source of the surface temperature information that is projected onto the model. Mining/industrial facilities representations that are obtained can be used for inspection activities.Keywords: aerial thermography, data processing, drone, low-cost, point cloud
Procedia PDF Downloads 1456104 Transforming Data into Knowledge: Mathematical and Statistical Innovations in Data Analytics
Authors: Zahid Ullah, Atlas Khan
The rapid growth of data in various domains has created a pressing need for effective methods to transform this data into meaningful knowledge. In this era of big data, mathematical and statistical innovations play a crucial role in unlocking insights and facilitating informed decision-making in data analytics. This abstract aims to explore the transformative potential of these innovations and their impact on converting raw data into actionable knowledge. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of existing literature, this research investigates the cutting-edge mathematical and statistical techniques that enable the conversion of data into knowledge. By evaluating their underlying principles, strengths, and limitations, we aim to identify the most promising innovations in data analytics. To demonstrate the practical applications of these innovations, real-world datasets will be utilized through case studies or simulations. This empirical approach will showcase how mathematical and statistical innovations can extract patterns, trends, and insights from complex data, enabling evidence-based decision-making across diverse domains. Furthermore, a comparative analysis will be conducted to assess the performance, scalability, interpretability, and adaptability of different innovations. By benchmarking against established techniques, we aim to validate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed mathematical and statistical innovations in data analytics. Ethical considerations surrounding data analytics, such as privacy, security, bias, and fairness, will be addressed throughout the research. Guidelines and best practices will be developed to ensure the responsible and ethical use of mathematical and statistical innovations in data analytics. The expected contributions of this research include advancements in mathematical and statistical sciences, improved data analysis techniques, enhanced decision-making processes, and practical implications for industries and policymakers. The outcomes will guide the adoption and implementation of mathematical and statistical innovations, empowering stakeholders to transform data into actionable knowledge and drive meaningful outcomes.Keywords: data analytics, mathematical innovations, knowledge extraction, decision-making
Procedia PDF Downloads 756103 Microsatellite Passive Thermal Design Using Anodized Titanium
Authors: Maged Assem Soliman Mossallam
Microsatellites' low available power limits the usage of active thermal control techniques in these categories of satellites. Passive thermal control techniques are preferred due to their high reliability and power saving which increase the satellite's survivability in orbit. Steady-state and transient simulations are applied to the microsatellite design in order to define severe conditions in orbit. Satellite thermal orbital three-dimensional simulation is performed using thermal orbit propagator coupled with Comsol Multiphysics finite element solver. Sensitivity study shows the dependence of the satellite temperatures on the internal heat dissipation and the thermooptical properties of anodization coatings. The critical case is defined as low power orbiting mode at the eclipse zone. Using black anodized aluminum drops the internal temperatures to severe values which exceed the permissible cold limits. Replacement with anodized titanium returns the internal subsystems' temperatures back to adequate temperature fluctuations limits.Keywords: passive thermal control, thermooptical, anodized titanium, emissivity, absorbtiviy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1426102 Toward Automatic Chest CT Image Segmentation
Authors: Angely Sim Jia Wun, Sasa Arsovski
Numerous studies have been conducted on the segmentation of medical images. Segmenting the lungs is one of the common research topics in those studies. Our research stemmed from the lack of solutions for automatic bone, airway, and vessel segmentation, despite the existence of multiple lung segmentation techniques. Consequently, currently, available software tools used for medical image segmentation do not provide automatic lung, bone, airway, and vessel segmentation. This paper presents segmentation techniques along with an interactive software tool architecture for segmenting bone, lung, airway, and vessel tissues. Additionally, we propose a method for creating binary masks from automatically generated segments. The key contribution of our approach is the technique for automatic image thresholding using adjustable Hounsfield values and binary mask extraction. Generated binary masks can be successfully used as a training dataset for deep-learning solutions in medical image segmentation. In this paper, we also examine the current software tools used for medical image segmentation, discuss our approach, and identify its advantages.Keywords: lung segmentation, binary masks, U-Net, medical software tools
Procedia PDF Downloads 986101 Managing Physiological and Nutritional Needs of Rugby Players in Kenya
Authors: Masita Mokeira, Kimani Rita, Obonyo Brian, Kwenda Kennedy, Mugambi Purity, Kirui Joan, Chomba Eric, Orwa Daniel, Waiganjo Peter
Rugby is a highly intense and physical game requiring speed and strength. The need for physical fitness therefore cannot be over-emphasized. Sports are no longer about lifting weights so as to build muscle. Most professional teams are investing much more in the sport in terms of time, equipment and other resources. To play competitively, Kenyan players may therefore need to complement their ‘home-grown’ and sometimes ad-hoc training and nutrition regimes with carefully measured strength and conditioning, diet, nutrition, and supplementation. Nokia Research Center and University of Nairobi conducted an exploratory study on needs and behaviours surrounding sports in Africa. Rugby being one sport that is gaining ground in Kenya was selected as the main focus. The end goal of the research was to identify areas where mobile technology could be used to address gaps, challenges and/or unmet needs. Themes such as information gap, social culture, growth, and development, revenue flow, and technology adoption among others emerged about the sport. From the growth and development theme, it was clear that as rugby continues to grow in the country, teams, coaches, and players are employing interesting techniques both in training and playing. Though some of these techniques are indeed scientific, those employing them are sometimes not fully aware of their scientific basis. A further case study on sports science in rugby in Kenya focusing on physical fitness and nutrition revealed interesting findings. This paper discusses findings on emerging adoption of techniques in managing physiological and nutritional needs of rugby players across different levels of rugby in Kenya namely high school, club and national levels.Keywords: rugby, nutrition, physiological needs, sports science
Procedia PDF Downloads 3906100 Improving the Training for Civil Engineers by Introducing Virtual Reality Technique
Authors: Manar Al-Ateeq
The building construction industry plays a major role in the economy of the word and the state of Kuwait. This paper evaluates existing new civil site engineers, describes a new system for improvement and insures the importance of prequalifying and developing for new engineers. In order to have a strong base in engineering, educational institutes and workplaces should be responsible to continuously train engineers and update them with new methods and techniques in engineering. As to achieve that, school of engineering should constantly update computational resources to be used in the professions. A survey was prepared for graduated Engineers based on stated objectives to understand the status of graduate engineers in both the public and private sector. Interviews were made with different sectors in Kuwait, and several visits were made to different training centers within different workplaces in Kuwait to evaluate training process and try to improve it. Virtual Reality (VR) technology could be applied as a complement to three-dimensional (3D) modeling, leading to better communication whether in job training, in education or in professional practice. Techniques of 3D modeling and VR can be applied to develop the models related to the construction process. The 3D models can support rehabilitation design as it can be considered as a great tool for monitoring failure and defaults in structures; also it can support decisions based on the visual analyses of alternative solutions. Therefore, teaching computer-aided design (CAD) and VR techniques in school will help engineering students in order to prepare them to site work and also will assist them to consider these technologies as important supports in their later professional practice. This teaching technique will show how the construction works developed, allow the visual simulation of progression of each type of work and help them to know more about the necessary equipment needed for tasks and how it works on site.Keywords: three dimensional modeling (3DM), civil engineers (CE), professional practice (PP), virtual reality (VR)
Procedia PDF Downloads 1796099 Delineating Subsurface Linear Features and Faults Under Sedimentary Cover in the Bahira Basin Using Integrated Gravity and Magnetic Data
Authors: M. Lghoul, N. El Goumi, M. Guernouche
In order to predict the structural and tectonic framework of the Bahira basin and to have a 3D geological modeling of the basin, an integrated multidisciplinary work has been conducted using gravity, magnetic and geological data. The objective of the current study is delineating the subsurfacefeatures, faults, and geological limits, using airborne magnetic and gravity data analysis of the Bahira basin. To achieve our goal, we have applied different enhanced techniques on magnetic and gravity data: power spectral analysis techniques, reduction to pole (RTP), upward continuation, analytical signal, tilt derivative, total horizontal derivative, 3D Euler deconvolutionand source parameter imagining. The major lineaments/faults trend are: NE–SW, NW-SE, ENE–WSW, and WNW–ESE. The 3D Euler deconvolution analysis highlighted a number of fault trend, mainly in the ENE-WSW, WNW-ESE directions. The depth tothe top of the basement sources in the study area ranges between 200 m, in the southern and northern part of the Bahira basin, to 5000 m located in the Eastern part of the basin.Keywords: magnetic, gravity, structural trend, depth to basement
Procedia PDF Downloads 1336098 Settlement Prediction for Tehran Subway Line-3 via FLAC3D and ANFIS
Authors: S. A. Naeini, A. Khalili
Nowadays, tunnels with different applications are developed, and most of them are related to subway tunnels. The excavation of shallow tunnels that pass under municipal utilities is very important, and the surface settlement control is an important factor in the design. The study sought to analyze the settlement and also to find an appropriate model in order to predict the behavior of the tunnel in Tehran subway line-3. The displacement in these sections is also determined by using numerical analyses and numerical modeling. In addition, the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) method is utilized by Hybrid training algorithm. The database pertinent to the optimum network was obtained from 46 subway tunnels in Iran and Turkey which have been constructed by the new Austrian tunneling method (NATM) with similar parameters based on type of their soil. The surface settlement was measured, and the acquired results were compared to the predicted values. The results disclosed that computing intelligence is a good substitute for numerical modeling.Keywords: settlement, Subway Line, FLAC3D, ANFIS Method
Procedia PDF Downloads 2346097 An Improved C-Means Model for MRI Segmentation
Authors: Ying Shen, Weihua Zhu
Medical images are important to help identifying different diseases, for example, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to investigate the brain, spinal cord, bones, joints, breasts, blood vessels, and heart. Image segmentation, in medical image analysis, is usually the first step to find out some characteristics with similar color, intensity or texture so that the diagnosis could be further carried out based on these features. This paper introduces an improved C-means model to segment the MRI images. The model is based on information entropy to evaluate the segmentation results by achieving global optimization. Several contributions are significant. Firstly, Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used for achieving global optimization in this model where fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm (FCMA) is not capable of doing that. Secondly, the information entropy after segmentation is used for measuring the effectiveness of MRI image processing. Experimental results show the outperformance of the proposed model by comparing with traditional approaches.Keywords: magnetic resonance image (MRI), c-means model, image segmentation, information entropy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2286096 Investigation of a Hybrid Process: Multipoint Incremental Forming
Authors: Safa Boudhaouia, Mohamed Amen Gahbiche, Eliane Giraud, Wacef Ben Salem, Philippe Dal Santo
Multi-point forming (MPF) and asymmetric incremental forming (ISF) are two flexible processes for sheet metal manufacturing. To take advantages of these two techniques, a hybrid process has been developed: The Multipoint Incremental Forming (MPIF). This process accumulates at once the advantages of each of these last mentioned forming techniques, which makes it a very interesting and particularly an efficient process for single, small, and medium series production. In this paper, an experimental and a numerical investigation of this technique are presented. To highlight the flexibility of this process and its capacity to manufacture standard and complex shapes, several pieces were produced by using MPIF. The forming experiments are performed on a 3-axis CNC machine. Moreover, a numerical model of the MPIF process has been implemented in ABAQUS and the analysis showed a good agreement with experimental results in terms of deformed shape. Furthermore, the use of an elastomeric interpolator allows avoiding classical local defaults like dimples, which are generally caused by the asymmetric contact and also improves the distribution of residual strain. Future works will apply this approach to other alloys used in aeronautic or automotive applications.Keywords: incremental forming, numerical simulation, MPIF, multipoint forming
Procedia PDF Downloads 3586095 Parking Space Detection and Trajectory Tracking Control for Vehicle Auto-Parking
Authors: Shiuh-Jer Huang, Yu-Sheng Hsu
On-board available parking space detecting system, parking trajectory planning and tracking control mechanism are the key components of vehicle backward auto-parking system. Firstly, pair of ultrasonic sensors is installed on each side of vehicle body surface to detect the relative distance between ego-car and surrounding obstacle. The dimension of a found empty space can be calculated based on vehicle speed and the time history of ultrasonic sensor detecting information. This result can be used for constructing the 2D vehicle environmental map and available parking type judgment. Finally, the auto-parking controller executes the on-line optimal parking trajectory planning based on this 2D environmental map, and monitors the real-time vehicle parking trajectory tracking control. This low cost auto-parking system was tested on a model car.Keywords: vehicle auto-parking, parking space detection, parking path tracking control, intelligent fuzzy controller
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