Search results for: ecological indicators
1671 A Framework for the Evaluation of Infrastructures’ Serviceability
Authors: Kyonghoon Kim, Wonyoung Park, Taeil Park
In 1994, Korea experienced a national tragedy of Seongsu Bridge collapse. The accident was severe enough to alert governmental officers to the problem of existing management policy for national infrastructures. As a result, government legislated the ‘Guidelines for the safety inspection and test of infrastructure’ which have been utilized as the primary tool to make decision for the maintenance and rehabilitation of infrastructure for last twenty years. Although it is clear that the guideline established a basics how to evaluate and manage the condition of infrastructures in systematic manner, it is equally clear that the guideline needs improvements in order to obtain reasonable investment decisions for budget allocation. Because its inspection and evaluation procedures mainly focused on the structural condition of infrastructures, it was hard to make decision when the infrastructures were in same level of structural condition. In addition, it did not properly reflect various aspects of infrastructures such as performance, public demand, capacity, etc., which were more valuable to public. Regardless of the importance, these factors were commonly neglected in governmental decision-making process, because there factors were somewhat subjective and difficult to quantify in rational manner. Thus, this study proposes a framework to properly evaluate the serviceability indicators using AHP and Fuzzy approach. The framework is expected to assist governmental agency in establishing effective investment strategies for budget planning.Keywords: infrastructure, evaluation, serviceability, fuzzy
Procedia PDF Downloads 2871670 Sustainable Balanced Scorecard for Kaizen Evaluation: Comparative Study between Egypt and Japan
Authors: Ola I. S. El Dardery, Ismail Gomaa, Adel R.M. Rayan, Ghada El Khayat, Sara H. Sabry
Continuous improvement activities are becoming a key factor of the success of any organization, those improvement activities include but not limited to kaizen, six sigma, lean projects, and continuous improvement projects. Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement by making small incremental changes to improve an organization’s performance, reduce costs, reduce delay time, reduce waste in production, etc. This study aims at proposing a new measuring technique for kaizen activities using a Sustainable balanced scorecard structure. A survey questionnaire was developed and introduced to kaizen participants in both Egypt and Japan with the purpose of allocating key performance indicators for both kaizen process (critical success factors) and result (kaizen benefits) into the five perspectives of sustainable balanced scorecard. The study contributes to the literature by presenting a new kaizen measurement of both kaizen process and results, that will illuminate the benefits of using kaizen. Also, the presented measurement can help in the sustainability of kaizen implementation. Determining the combination of the proper kaizen measures could be used by any industry whether service or manufacturing to better measure kaizen activates. The comparison between Japanese measures, as the leaders of kaizen philosophy, and Egyptian measures will help recommending better practices of kaizen in Egypt, and contributing to the 2030 sustainable development goals.Keywords: continuous improvements, kaizen, performance, sustainable balanced scorecard
Procedia PDF Downloads 1511669 Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anaemia/Anaemia as a Diagnostic Indicator for Coeliac Disease: A Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis
Authors: Sahar Shams
Coeliac disease (CD) is a widely reported disease particularly in countries with predominant Caucasian populations. It presents with many signs and symptoms including iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anaemia/anaemia (IDA/A). The exact association between ID, IDA/A and CD and how accurate these signs are in diagnosing CD is not fully known. This systematic review was conducted to investigate the accuracy of both ID & IDA/A as a diagnostic indicator for CD and whether it warrants point of care testing. A systematic review was performed looking at studies published in MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science. QUADAS-2 tool was used to assess risk of bias in each study. ROC curve and forest plots were generated as part of the meta-analysis after data extraction. 16 studies were identified in total, 13 of which were IDA/A studies and 3 ID studies. The prevalence of CD regardless of diagnostic indicator was assumed as 1%. The QUADAS-2 tool indicated most of studies as having high risk of bias. The PPV for CD was higher in those with ID than for those with IDA/A. Meta-analysis showed the overall odds of having CD is 5 times higher in individuals with ID & IDA/A. The ROC curve showed that there is definitely an association between both diagnostic indicators and CD, the association is not a particularly strong one due to great heterogeneity between studies. Whilst an association between IDA/A & ID and coeliac disease was evident, the results were not deemed significant enough to prompt coeliac disease testing in those with IDA/A & ID.Keywords: anemia, iron deficiency anemia, coeliac disease, point of care testing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1321668 Indicators of Value of Life in Children with Colorectal Illness
Authors: Enkelejda Shkurti, Diamant Shtiza
Background: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is a significant consequence in health care. The objective of our study was to recognize features related to lower HRQoL scores in children with anorectal malformation (ARM) and Hirschsprung disease (HD). Methods: Children younger than 18 years, with HD or ARM, that were assessed at our private clinic in Tirana, Albania, from December 2018 to October 2019, were acknowledged. The outcomes of broad questionnaires concerning diagnosis, symptoms, and preceding health/surgical history and authenticated tools to measure urinary status, stooling grade, and HRQoL were appraised. Results: In patients aged 0-6 years, vomiting and abdominal enlargement were allied with a substantial decrease in total HRQoL scores. In children > 6 years of age, vomiting, abdominal swelling, and abdominal discomfort were also linked to a considerably lower HRQoL. The main indicator of lower HRQoL scores on regression tree analysis in all age clusters was the occurrence of psychosomatic, behavioral, or progressive comorbidity. Conclusion: Children with both HD or ARM that have a psychosomatic, behavioral, or growing problem experience considerably lower HRQoL than patients deprived of such problems, proposing that establishment of behavioral/growing sustenance as part of the care of these patients may have a considerable influence on their HRQoL.Keywords: anorectal malformation, Hirsch Sprung disease, quality of life, Albania
Procedia PDF Downloads 1751667 Causal Relationship between Macro-Economic Indicators and Fund Unit Price Behaviour: Evidence from Malaysian Equity Unit Trust Fund Industry
Authors: Anwar Hasan Abdullah Othman, Ahamed Kameel, Hasanuddeen Abdul Aziz
In this study, an attempt has been made to investigate the relationship specifically the causal relation between fund unit prices of Islamic equity unit trust fund which measure by fund NAV and the selected macro-economic variables of Malaysian economy by using VECM causality test and Granger causality test. Monthly data has been used from Jan, 2006 to Dec, 2012 for all the variables. The findings of the study showed that industrial production index, political election and financial crisis are the only variables having unidirectional causal relationship with fund unit price. However, the global oil prices is having bidirectional causality with fund NAV. Thus, it is concluded that the equity unit trust fund industry in Malaysia is an inefficient market with respect to the industrial production index, global oil prices, political election and financial crisis. However, the market is approaching towards informational efficiency at least with respect to four macroeconomic variables, treasury bill rate, money supply, foreign exchange rate and corruption index.Keywords: fund unit price, unit trust industry, Malaysia, macroeconomic variables, causality
Procedia PDF Downloads 4701666 The Emergence of the Knowledge-Based Urban Development: An Evaluation of Sydney, New York and London's Race to the Top
Authors: Richard W. Jelier
This research examines the emergence of the knowledge-based economies in three world cities in a comparative context. The Australian, American and British approaches to (KBE) are analyzed through the study of three premier world cities of Sydney, New York and London. Long considered leaders in the KBE, London and New York’s pre-imminence in this race to the top is not surprising. Sydney, Australia however has seen a remarkable transformation from an old economy to an emerging success in the new economy. After an examination of national KBE indicators (GDP comparisons and Knowledge Economy indexes) the research turns to a detailed investigation of specific strategies advanced in greater Sydney, New York City and London to advance the creative sector and compete for a spot among the world leaders in the knowledge age. These intense efforts at restructuring national and local economies have led to increasingly intense competition between cities and nations and there are clear winners and losers. Overall the conclusion of this research suggests that as Australia is rising, America is struggling to keep its position as a global world leader in the new economy. London’s urban primacy has helped elevate it role in the UK new economy and recent transformations have led London to compete successfully with New York City for the top position as the premier global city.Keywords: knowledge-based economy, knowledge economy indexes, sustainable transformation, creative economies, New York, London and Sydney
Procedia PDF Downloads 2431665 Strategies for Student Recruitment in Civil Engineering
Authors: Diogo Ribeiro, Teresa Neto, Ricardo Santos, Maria Portela, Alexandra Trincão
This article describes a set of innovating student recruitment strategies in a 1st cycle course of Civil Engineering, in particular the Civil Engineering Degree from the School of Engineering - Polytechnic of Porto (ISEP-PP). The strategies described were two-fold, targeting, for one, the increment on the number of admissions for the degree’s first year and two, promoting the re-entry of students who, for whatever reason, interrupted their studies. For the first objective, teacher-student binomials were set, whilst for the second, personalized contacts and assistance were provided. The main initiatives were promoted by the team of degree directors and were upheld with the participation and in consonance with the School’s external relations office. These initiatives were put forward as an attempt to minimize the impact of a national and international crisis on the AEC industry when the sustainability of the course was at risk. The implementation of these strategies was assessed on basis of a statistical analysis of the data collected from official sources and by surveys promoted. The results showed that the re-entry boost of former students, attending classes scattered on the three curricular years, secured registrations on some Curricular Units (UC’s) which more than doubled their numbers. Accompanied by a still incipient but regained interest on Civil Engineering it was possible in the short span of three years to reset the number of new students from less than 10 to the currently maximum allowed of 75, and so invert the tendency of an abrupt decline on the total number of students enrolled on the degree.Keywords: civil engineering, monitoring, performance indicators, strategies, student recruitment
Procedia PDF Downloads 2171664 Design and Application of NFC-Based Identity and Access Management in Cloud Services
Authors: Shin-Jer Yang, Kai-Tai Yang
In response to a changing world and the fast growth of the Internet, more and more enterprises are replacing web-based services with cloud-based ones. Multi-tenancy technology is becoming more important especially with Software as a Service (SaaS). This in turn leads to a greater focus on the application of Identity and Access Management (IAM). Conventional Near-Field Communication (NFC) based verification relies on a computer browser and a card reader to access an NFC tag. This type of verification does not support mobile device login and user-based access management functions. This study designs an NFC-based third-party cloud identity and access management scheme (NFC-IAM) addressing this shortcoming. Data from simulation tests analyzed with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) suggest that the NFC-IAM not only takes less time in identity identification but also cuts time by 80% in terms of two-factor authentication and improves verification accuracy to 99.9% or better. In functional performance analyses, NFC-IAM performed better in salability and portability. The NFC-IAM App (Application Software) and back-end system to be developed and deployed in mobile device are to support IAM features and also offers users a more user-friendly experience and stronger security protection. In the future, our NFC-IAM can be employed to different environments including identification for mobile payment systems, permission management for remote equipment monitoring, among other applications.Keywords: cloud service, multi-tenancy, NFC, IAM, mobile device
Procedia PDF Downloads 4371663 Electrical Cardiac Remodeling in Triathletes: A Comparative Study in Elite Male and Female Athletes
Authors: Lingxia Li, Frédéric Schnell, Thibault Lachard, Anne-Charlotte Dupont, Shuzhe Ding, Solène Le Douairon Lahaye
Background: Prolonged intensive endurance exercise is associated with cardiovascular adaptations in athletes. However, the sex differences in electrocardiographic (ECG) performance in triathletes are poorly understood. Methods: ECG results of male and female triathletes registered on the French ministerial lists of high-level athletes between 2015 and 2021 were involved. The ECG was evaluated according to commonly accepted criteria. Results: Eighty-six triathletes (male 50, female 36) were involved; the average age was 19.9 ± 4.8 years. The training volume was 21±6 hours/week in males and 19 ± 6 hours/week in females (p>0.05). Despite the relatively larger P wave (96.0 ± 12.0 vs. 89.9 ± 11.5 ms, p=0.02) and longer QRS complex (96.6 ± 11.1 vs. 90.3 ± 8.6 ms, p=0.005) in males than in females, all indicators were within normal ranges. The most common electrical manifestations were early repolarization (46.5%) and incomplete right bundle branch block (39.5%). No difference between sexes was found in electrical manifestations (p > 0.05). Conclusion: All ECG patterns were within normal limits under similar training volumes, but male triathletes were more susceptible to cardiovascular changes than females. The most common ECG manifestations in triathletes were early repolarization and incomplete right bundle branch block, with no disparity between males and females. Large samples involving both sexes are required.Keywords: cardiovascular remodeling, electrocardiography, triathlon, elite athletes
Procedia PDF Downloads 161662 Diagnosis of Gingivitis Based on Correlations of Laser Doppler Data and Gingival Fluid Cytology
Authors: A. V. Belousov, Yakushenko
One of the main problems of modern dentistry is development a reliable method to detect inflammation in the gums on the stages of diagnosis and assessment of treatment efficacy. We have proposed a method of gingival fluid intake, which successfully combines accessibility, excluding the impact of the annoying and damaging the gingival sulcus factors and provides reliable results (patent of RF№ 2342956 Method of gingival fluid intake). The objects of the study were students - volunteers of Dentistry Faculty numbering 75 people aged 20-21 years. Cellular composition of gingival fluid was studied using microscope "Olympus CX 31" (Japan) with the calculation of epithelial leukocyte index (ELI). Assessment of gingival micro circulation was performed using the apparatus «LAKK–01» (Lazma, Moscow). Cytological investigation noted the highly informative of epithelial leukocyte index (ELI), which demonstrated changes in the mechanisms of protection gums. The increase of ELI occurs during inhibition mechanisms of phagocytosis and activation of epithelial desquamation. The cytological data correlate with micro circulation indicators obtained by laser Doppler flowmetry. We have identified and confirmed the correlations between parameters laser Doppler flowmetry and data cytology gingival fluid in patients with gingivitis.Keywords: gingivitis, laser doppler flowmetry, gingival fluid cytology, epithelial leukocyte index (ELI)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3281661 Use of Treated Municipal Wastewater on Artichoke Crop
Authors: G. Disciglio, G. Gatta, A. Libutti, A. Tarantino, L. Frabboni, E. Tarantino
Results of a field study carried out at Trinitapoli (Puglia region, southern Italy) on the irrigation of an artichoke crop with three types of water (secondary-treated wastewater, SW; tertiary-treated wastewater, TW; and freshwater, FW) are reported. Physical, chemical and microbiological analyses were performed on the irrigation water, and on soil and yield samples. The levels of most of the chemical parameters, such as electrical conductivity, total suspended solids, Na+, Ca2+, Mg+2, K+, sodium adsorption ratio, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand over 5 days, NO3 –N, total N, CO32, HCO3, phenols and chlorides of the applied irrigation water were significantly higher in SW compared to GW and TW. No differences were found for Mg2+, PO4-P, K+ only between SW and TW. Although the chemical parameters of the three irrigation water sources were different, few effects on the soil were observed. Even though monitoring of Escherichia coli showed high SW levels, which were above the limits allowed under Italian law (DM 152/2006), contamination of the soil and the marketable yield were never observed. Moreover, no Salmonella spp. were detected in these irrigation waters; consequently, they were absent in the plants. Finally, the data on the quantitative-qualitative parameters of the artichoke yield with the various treatments show no significant differences between the three irrigation water sources. Therefore, if adequately treated, municipal wastewater can be used for irrigation and represents a sound alternative to conventional water resources.Keywords: artichoke, soil chemical characteristics, fecal indicators, treated municipal wastewater, water recycling
Procedia PDF Downloads 4271660 An Investigation of the Therapeutic Effects of Indian Classical Music (Raga Bhairavi) on Mood and Physiological Parameters of Scholars
Authors: Kalpana Singh, Nikita Katiyar
This research investigates the impact of Raga Bhairavi, a prominent musical scale in Indian classical music, on the mood and basic physiological parameters of research scholars at the University of Lucknow - India. The study focuses on the potential therapeutic effects of listening to Raga Bhairavi during morning hours. A controlled experimental design is employed, utilizing self-reporting tools for mood assessment and monitoring physiological indicators such as heart rate, oxygen saturation levels, body temperature and blood pressure. The hypothesis posits that exposure to Raga Bhairavi will lead to positive mood modulation and a reduction in physiological stress markers among research scholars. Data collection involves pre and post-exposure measurements, providing insights into the immediate and cumulative effects of the musical intervention. The study aims to contribute valuable information to the growing field of music therapy, offering a potential avenue for enhancing the well-being and productivity of individuals engaged in intense cognitive activities. Results may have implications for the integration of music-based interventions in academic and research environments, fostering a conducive atmosphere for intellectual pursuits.Keywords: bio-musicology, classical music, mood assessment, music therapy, physiology, Raga Bhairavi
Procedia PDF Downloads 541659 The Analysis Fleet Operational Performance as an Indicator of Load and Haul Productivity
Authors: Linet Melisa Daubanes, Nhleko Monique Chiloane
The shovel-truck system is the most prevalent material handling system used in surface mining operations. Material handling entails the loading and hauling of material from production areas to dumping areas. The material handling process has operational delays that have a negative impact on the productivity of the load and haul fleet. Factors that may contribute to operational delays include shovel-truck mismatch, haul routes, machine breakdowns, extreme weather conditions, etc. The aim of this paper is to investigate factors that contribute to operational delays affecting the productivity of the load and haul fleet at the mine. Productivity is the measure of the effectiveness of producing products from a given quantity of units, the ratio of output to inputs. Productivity can be improved by producing more outputs with the same or fewer units and/or introducing better working methods etc. Several key performance indicators (KPI) for the evaluation of productivity will be discussed in this study. These KPIs include but are not limited to hauling conditions, bucket fill factor, cycle time, and utilization. The research methodology of this study is a combination of on-site time studies and observations. Productivity can be optimized by managing the factors that affect the operational performance of the haulage fleet.Keywords: cycle time, fleet performance, load and haul, surface mining
Procedia PDF Downloads 1991658 Prevalence and the Results of the Czech Nationwide Survey and Personality Traits of Adolescence Playing Computer Games
Authors: Jaroslava Sucha, Martin Dolejs, Helena Pipova, Panajotis Cakirpaloglu
The paper introduces the research project which is focused on evaluating the level of pathological relation towards computer or video games playing (including any games played by using a screen such as a mobile or a tablet). The study involves representative sample of the Czech adolescents between ages 11 and 19. This poster presents the psychometric indicators of the new psychologic assessment method (mean, standard deviation, reliability, validity) which will be able to detect an acceptable level of games’ playing and at the same time will detect and describe the level of gaming which might be potentially risky. The prevalence of risky computer game playing at Czech adolescents in age 11 to 19 will be mentioned. The research study also aims to describe the personality profile of the problematic players with respect to the digital games. The research area will encompass risky behaviour, aggression, the level of self-esteem, impulsivity, anxiety and depression. The contribution will introduce a new test method for the assessment of pathological playing computer games. The research will give the first screening information of playing computer games in the Czech Republic by adolescents between 11-19 years. The results clarify what relationship exists between playing computer games and selected personality characteristics (it will describe personality of the gamer, who is in the category of ‘pathological playing computer games’).Keywords: adolescence, computer games, personality traits, risk behaviour
Procedia PDF Downloads 2391657 Performance Evaluation of REST and GraphQL API Models in Microservices Software Development Domain
Authors: Mohamed S. M. Elghazal, Adel Aneiba, Essa Q. Shahra
This study presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of REST and GraphQL API models within the context of microservices development, offering empirical insights into the strengths and limitations of each approach. The research explores the effectiveness and efficiency of GraphQL versus REST, focusing on their impact on critical software quality metrics and user experience. Using a controlled experimental setup, the study evaluates key performance indicators, including response time, data transfer efficiency, and error rates. The findings reveal that REST APIs demonstrate superior memory efficiency and faster response times, particularly under high-load conditions, making them a reliable choice for performance-critical microservices. On the other hand, GraphQL excels in offering greater flexibility for data fetching but exhibits higher response times and increased error rates when handling complex queries. This research provides a nuanced understanding of the trade-offs between REST and GraphQL API interaction models, offering actionable guidance for developers and researchers in selecting the optimal API model for microservice-based applications. The insights are particularly valuable for balancing considerations such as performance, flexibility, and reliability in real-world implementations.Keywords: REST API, GraphQL AP, microservice, software development
Procedia PDF Downloads 131656 The Effect of Isokinetic Fatigue of Ankle, Knee, and Hip Muscles on the Dynamic Postural Stability Index
Authors: Masoumeh Shojaei, Natalie Gedayloo, Amir Sarshin
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of Isokinetic fatigue of muscles around the ankle, knee, and hip on the indicators of dynamic postural stability. Therefore, 15 female university students (age 19.7± 0.6 years old, weight 54.6± 9.4 kg, and height 163.9± 5.6 cm) participated in within-subjects design for 5 different days. In the first session, the postural stability indices (time to stabilization after jump-landing) without fatigue were assessed by force plate and in each next sessions, one of muscle groups of the lower limb including the muscles around ankles, knees, and hip was randomly exhausted by Biodex Isokinetic dynamometer and the indices were assessed immediately after the fatigue of each muscle group. The method involved landing on a force plate from a dynamic state, and transitioning balance into a static state. Results of ANOVA with repeated measures indicated that there was no significant difference between the time to stabilization (TTS) before and after Isokinetic fatigue of the muscles around the ankle, knee and hip in medial – lateral direction (p > 0.05), but in the anterior – posterior (AP) direction, the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Least Significant Difference (LSD) post hoc test results also showed that there was significant difference between TTS in knee and hip muscles before and after isokinetic fatigue in AP direction. In the other hand knee and hip muscles group were affected by isokinetic fatigue only in AP surface (p < 0.05).Keywords: dynamic balance, fatigue, lower limb muscles, postural control
Procedia PDF Downloads 2381655 Effect of Transit-Oriented Development on Air Quality in Neighborhoods of Delhi
Authors: Smriti Bhatnagar
This study aims to find if the Transit-oriented planning and development approach benefit the quality of air in neighborhoods of New Delhi. Two methodologies, namely the land use regression analysis and the Transit-oriented development index analysis, are being used to explore this relationship. Land Use Regression Analysis makes use of urban form characteristics as obtained for 33 neighborhoods in Delhi. These comprise road lengths, land use areas, population and household densities, number of amenities and distance between amenities. Regressions are run to establish the relationship between urban form variables and air quality parameters (dependent variables). For the Transit-oriented development index analysis, the Transit-oriented Development index is developed as a composite index comprising 29 urban form indicators. This index is developed by assigning weights to each of the 29 urban form data points. Regressions are run to establish the relationship between the Transit-oriented development index and air quality parameters. The thesis finds that elements of Transit-oriented development if incorporated in planning approach, have a positive effect on air quality. Roads suited for non-motorized transport, well connected civic amenities in neighbourhoods, for instance, have a directly proportional relationship with air quality. Transit-oriented development index, however, is not found to have a consistent relationship with air quality parameters. The reason could this, however, be in the way that the index has been constructed.Keywords: air quality, land use regression, mixed-use planning, transit-oriented development index, New Delhi
Procedia PDF Downloads 2701654 Tempo-Spatial Pattern of Progress and Disparity in Child Health in Uttar Pradesh, India
Authors: Gudakesh Yadav
Uttar Pradesh is one of the poorest performing states of India in terms of child health. Using data from the three round of NFHS and two rounds of DLHS, this paper attempts to examine tempo-spatial change in child health and care practices in Uttar Pradesh and its regions. Rate-ratio, CI, multivariate, and decomposition analysis has been used for the study. Findings demonstrate that child health care practices have improved over the time in all regions of the state. However; western and southern region registered the lowest progress in child immunization. Nevertheless, there is no decline in prevalence of diarrhea and ARI over the period, and it remains critically high in the western and southern region. These regions also poorly performed in giving ORS, diarrhoea and ARI treatment. Public health services are least preferred for diarrhoea and ARI treatment. Results from decomposition analysis reveal that rural area, mother’s illiteracy and wealth contributed highest to the low utilization of the child health care practices consistently over the period of time. The study calls for targeted intervention for vulnerable children to accelerate child health care service utilization. Poor performing regions should be targeted and routinely monitored on poor child health indicators.Keywords: Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI), decomposition, diarrhea, inequality, immunization
Procedia PDF Downloads 3021653 Rethinking The Residential Paradigm: Regenerative Design and the Contemporary Housing Industry
Authors: Gabriela Lucas Sanchez
The contemporary housing industry is dominated by tract houses, which prioritize uniformity and cost-efficiency over environmental and ecological considerations. However, as the world faces the growing challenges of climate change and resource depletion, there is an urgent need to rethink the residential paradigm. This essay explores how regenerative practices can be integrated into standard residential designs to create a shift that reduces the environmental impact of housing and actively contributes to ecological health. Passive sustainable practices, such as passive solar design, natural ventilation, and the use of energy-efficient materials, aim to maximize resource use efficiency, minimize waste, and create healthy living environments. Regenerative practices, on the other hand, go beyond sustainability to work in harmony with natural systems, actively restoring and enriching the environment. Integrating these two approaches can redefine the residential paradigm, creating homes that reduce harm and positively impact the local ecosystem. The essay begins by exploring the principles and benefits of passive sustainable practices, discussing how they can reduce energy consumption and improve indoor environmental quality in standardized housing. Passive sustainability minimizes energy consumption through strategic design choices, such as optimizing building orientation, utilizing natural ventilation, and incorporating high-performance insulation and glazing. However, while sustainability efforts have been important steps in the right direction, a more holistic, regenerative approach is needed to address the root causes of environmental degradation. Regenerative development and design seek to go beyond simply reducing negative impacts, instead aiming to create built environments that actively contribute to restoring and enhancing natural systems. This shift in perspective is critical, as it recognizes the interdependence between human settlements and the natural world and the potential for buildings to serve as catalysts for positive change.Keywords: passive sustainability, regenerative architecture, residential architecture, community
Procedia PDF Downloads 371652 Harnessing Environmental DNA to Assess the Environmental Sustainability of Commercial Shellfish Aquaculture in the Pacific Northwest United States
Authors: James Kralj
Commercial shellfish aquaculture makes significant contributions to the economy and culture of the Pacific Northwest United States. The industry faces intense pressure to minimize environmental impacts as a result of Federal policies like the Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act and the Endangered Species Act. These policies demand the protection of essential fish habitat and declare several salmon species as endangered. Consequently, numerous projects related to the protection and rehabilitation of eelgrass beds, a crucial ecosystem for countless fish species, have been proposed at both state and federal levels. Both eelgrass beds and commercial shellfish farms occupy the same physical space, and therefore understanding the effects of shellfish aquaculture on eelgrass ecosystems has become a top ecological and economic priority of both government and industry. This study evaluates the organismal communities that eelgrass and oyster aquaculture habitats support. Water samples were collected from Willapa Bay, Washington; Tillamook Bay, Oregon; Humboldt Bay, California; and Sammish Bay, Washington to compare species diversity in eelgrass beds, oyster aquaculture plots, and boundary edges between these two habitats. Diversity was assessed using a novel technique: environmental DNA (eDNA). All organisms constantly shed small pieces of DNA into their surrounding environment through the loss of skin, hair, tissues, and waste. In the marine environment, this DNA becomes suspended in the water column allowing it to be easily collected. Once extracted and sequenced, this eDNA can be used to paint a picture of all the organisms that live in a particular habitat making it a powerful technology for environmental monitoring. Industry professionals and government officials should consider these findings to better inform future policies regulating eelgrass beds and oyster aquaculture. Furthermore, the information collected in this study may be used to improve the environmental sustainability of commercial shellfish aquaculture while simultaneously enhancing its growth and profitability in the face of ever-changing political and ecological landscapes.Keywords: aquaculture, environmental DNA, shellfish, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2471651 Comparative Life Cycle Analysis of Selected Modular Timber Construction and Assembly Typologies
Authors: Benjamin Goldsmith, Felix Heisel
The building industry must reduce its emissions in order to meet 2030 neutrality targets, and modular and/or offsite construction is seen as an alternative to conventional construction methods which could help achieve this goal. Modular construction has previously been shown to be less wasteful and has a lower global warming potential (GWP). While many studies have been conducted investigating the life cycle impacts of modular and conventional construction, few studies have compared different types of modular assembly and construction in order to determine which offer the greatest environmental benefits over their whole life cycle. This study seeks to investigate three different modular construction types -infill frame, core, and podium- in order to determine environmental impacts such as GWP as well as circularity indicators. The study will focus on the emissions of the production, construction, and end-of-life phases. The circularity of the various approaches will be taken into consideration in order to acknowledge the potential benefits of the ability to reuse and/or reclaim materials, products, and assemblies. The study will conduct hypothetical case studies for the three different modular construction types, and in doing so, control the parameters of location, climate, program, and client. By looking in-depth at the GWP of the beginning and end phases of various simulated modular buildings, it will be possible to make suggestions on which type of construction has the lowest global warming potential.Keywords: modular construction, offsite construction, life cycle analysis, global warming potential, environmental impact, circular economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1671650 Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Time-To-Event Data with Latent Variable
Authors: Xinyuan Y. Song, Kai Kang
Joint models for analyzing longitudinal and survival data are widely used to investigate the relationship between a failure time process and time-variant predictors. A common assumption in conventional joint models in the survival analysis literature is that all predictors are observable. However, this assumption may not always be supported because unobservable traits, namely, latent variables, which are indirectly observable and should be measured through multiple observed variables, are commonly encountered in the medical, behavioral, and financial research settings. In this study, a joint modeling approach to deal with this feature is proposed. The proposed model comprises three parts. The first part is a dynamic factor analysis model for characterizing latent variables through multiple observed indicators over time. The second part is a random coefficient trajectory model for describing the individual trajectories of latent variables. The third part is a proportional hazard model for examining the effects of time-invariant predictors and the longitudinal trajectories of time-variant latent risk factors on hazards of interest. A Bayesian approach coupled with a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to perform statistical inference. An application of the proposed joint model to a study on the Alzheimer's disease neuroimaging Initiative is presented.Keywords: Bayesian analysis, joint model, longitudinal data, time-to-event data
Procedia PDF Downloads 1461649 Biosphere Compatibility and Sustainable Development
Authors: Zinaida I. Ivanova, Olga V. Yudenkova
The article addresses the pressing need to implement the principle of the biosphere compatibility as the core prerequisite for sustainable development. The co-authors argue that a careful attitude towards the biosphere, termination of its overutilization, analysis of the ratio between the biospheric potential of a specific area and its population numbers, coupled with population regulation techniques represent the factors that may solve the problems of ecological depletion. However these problems may only be tackled through the employment of the high-quality human capital, capable of acting with account for the principles of nature conservation.Keywords: biosphere compatibility, eco-centered conscience, human capital, sustainable development
Procedia PDF Downloads 3901648 Support for Planning of Mobile Personnel Tasks by Solving Time-Dependent Routing Problems
Authors: Wlodzimierz Ogryczak, Tomasz Sliwinski, Jaroslaw Hurkala, Mariusz Kaleta, Bartosz Kozlowski, Piotr Palka
Implementation concepts of a decision support system for planning and management of mobile personnel tasks (sales representatives and others) are discussed. Large-scale periodic time-dependent vehicle routing and scheduling problems with complex constraints are solved for this purpose. Complex nonuniform constraints with respect to frequency, time windows, working time, etc. are taken into account with additional fast adaptive procedures for operational rescheduling of plans in the presence of various disturbances. Five individual solution quality indicators with respect to a single personnel person are considered. This paper deals with modeling issues corresponding to the problem and general solution concepts. The research was supported by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme ‘Innovative Economy’ for the years 2007-2013; Priority 1 Research and development of modern technologies under the project POIG.01.03.01-14-076/12: 'Decision Support System for Large-Scale Periodic Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Problems with Complex Constraints.'Keywords: mobile personnel management, multiple criteria, time dependent, time windows, vehicle routing and scheduling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3231647 Presenting a Model Of Empowering New Knowledge-based Companies In Iran Insurance Industry
Authors: Pedram Saadati, Zahra Nazari
In the last decade, the role and importance of knowledge-based technological businesses in the insurance industry has greatly increased, and due to the weakness of previous studies in Iran, the current research deals with the design of the InsurTech empowerment model. In order to obtain the conceptual model of the research, a hybrid framework has been used. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part were experts, and in the quantitative part, the InsurTech activists. The tools of data collection in the qualitative part were in-depth and semi-structured interviews and structured self-interaction matrix, and in the quantitative part, a researcher-made questionnaire. In the qualitative part, 55 indicators, 20 components and 8 concepts (dimensions) were obtained by the content analysis method, then the relationships of the concepts with each other and the levels of the components were investigated. In the quantitative part, the information was analyzed using the descriptive analytical method in the way of path analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The proposed model consists of eight dimensions of supporter capability, supervisor of insurance innovation ecosystem, managerial, financial, technological, marketing, opportunity identification, innovative InsurTech capabilities. The results of statistical tests in identifying the relationships of the concepts with each other have been examined in detail and suggestions have been presented in the conclusion section.Keywords: insurTech, knowledge-base, empowerment model, factor analysis, insurance
Procedia PDF Downloads 461646 Exploration of Slow-Traffic System Strategies for New Urban Areas Under the Integration of Industry and City - Taking Qianfeng District of Guang’an City as an Example
Authors: Qikai Guan
With the deepening of China's urbanization process, the development of urban industry has entered a new period, due to the gradual compounding and diversification of urban industrial functions, urban planning has shifted from the previous single industrial space arrangement and functional design to focusing on the upgrading of the urban structure, and on the diversified needs of people. As an important part of urban activity space, ‘slow moving space’ is of great significance in alleviating urban traffic congestion, optimizing residents' travel experience and improving urban ecological space. Therefore, this paper takes the slow-moving transportation system under the perspective of industry-city integration as the starting point, through sorting out the development needs of the city in the process of industry-city integration, analyzing the characteristics of the site base, sorting out a series of compatibility between the layout of the new industrial zone and the urban slow-moving system, and integrating the design concepts. At the same time, through the analysis and summarization of domestic and international experience, the construction ideas are proposed. Finally, the following aspects of planning strategy optimization are proposed: industrial layout, urban vitality, ecological pattern, regional characteristics and landscape image. In terms of specific design, on the one hand, it builds a regional slow-moving network, puts forward a diversified design strategy for the industry-oriented and multi-functional composite central area, realizes the coexistence of pedestrian-oriented and multiple transportation modes, basically covers the public facilities, and enhances the vitality of the city. On the other hand, it improves the landscape ecosystem, creates a healthy, diversified and livable superline landscape system, helps the construction of the ‘green core’ of the central city, and improves the travel experience of the residents.Keywords: industry-city integration, slow-moving system, public space, functional integration
Procedia PDF Downloads 151645 Assessing Transition to Renewable Energy for Transportation in Indonesia through Drop-in Biofuel Utilization
Authors: Maslan Lamria, Ralph E. H. Sims, Tatang H. Soerawidjaja
In increasing its self-sufficiency on transportation fuel, Indonesia is currently developing commercial production and use of drop-in biofuel (DBF) from vegetable oil. To maximize the level of success, it is necessary to get insights on how the implementation would develop as well as any important factors. This study assessed the dynamics of transition from existing fossil fuel system to a renewable fuel system, which involves the transition from existing biodiesel to projected DBF. A systems dynamics approach was applied and a model developed to simulate the dynamics of liquid biofuel transition. The use of palm oil feedstock was taken as a case study to assess the projected DBF implementation by 2045. The set of model indicators include liquid fuel self-sufficiency, liquid biofuel share, foreign exchange savings and green-house gas emissions reduction. The model outputs showed that supports on DBF investment and use play an important role in the transition progress. Given assumptions which include application of a maximum level of supports over time, liquid fuel self-sufficiency would be still unfulfilled in which palm biofuel contribution is 0.2. Thus, other types of feedstock such as algae and oil feedstock from marginal lands need to be developed synergically. Regarding support on DBF use, this study recommended that removal of fossil subsidy would be necessary prior to applying a carbon tax policy effectively.Keywords: biofuel, drop-in biofuel, energy transition, liquid fuel
Procedia PDF Downloads 1481644 Anthropogenic Impact on Migration Process of River Yamuna in Delhi-NCR Using Geospatial Techniques
Authors: Mohd Asim, K. Nageswara Rao
The present work was carried out on River Yamuna passing through Delhi- National Capital Region (Delhi-NCR) of India for a stretch of about 130 km to assess the anthropogenic impact on the channel migration process for a period of 200 years with the help of satellite data and topographical maps with integration of geographic information system environment. Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) application was used to quantify river channel migration in ArcGIS environment. The average river channel migration was calculated to be 22.8 m/year for the entire study area. River channel migration was found to be moving in westward and eastward direction. Westward migration is more than 4 km maximum in length and eastward migration is about 4.19 km. The river has migrated a total of 32.26 sq. km of area. The results reveal that the river is being impacted by various human activities. The impact indicators include engineering structures, sand mining, embankments, urbanization, land use/land cover, canal network. The DSAS application was also used to predict the position of river channel in future for 2032 and 2042 by analyzing the past and present rate and direction of movement. The length of channel in 2032 and 2042 will be 132.5 and 141.6 km respectively. The channel will migrate maximum after crossing Okhla Barrage near Faridabad for about 3.84 sq. km from 2022 to 2042 from west to east.Keywords: river migration, remote sensing, river Yamuna, anthropogenic impacts, DSAS, Delhi-NCR
Procedia PDF Downloads 1251643 Impact of Climate Change on Forest Ecosystem Services: In situ Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Forest Resources in Tropical Forests
Authors: Rajendra Kumar Pandey
Forest genetic resources not only represent regional biodiversity but also have immense value as the wealth for securing livelihood of poor people. These are vulnerable to ecological due to depletion/deforestation and /or impact of climate change. These resources of various plant categories are vulnerable on the floor of natural tropical forests, and leading to the threat on the growth and development of future forests. More than 170 species, including NTFPs, are in critical condition for their survival in natural tropical forests of Central India. Forest degradation, commensurate with biodiversity loss, is now pervasive, disproportionately affecting the rural poor who directly depend on forests for their subsistence. Looking ahead the interaction between forest and water, soil, precipitation, climate change, etc. and its impact on biodiversity of tropical forests, it is inevitable to develop co-operation policies and programmes to address new emerging realities. Forests ecosystem also known as the 'wealth of poor' providing goods and ecosystem services on a sustainable basis, are now recognized as a stepping stone to move poor people beyond subsistence. Poverty alleviation is the prime objective of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, environmental sustainability including other MDGs, is essential to ensure successful elimination of poverty and well being of human society. Loss and degradation of ecosystem are the most serious threats to achieving development goals worldwide. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA, 2005) was an attempt to identify provisioning and regulating cultural and supporting ecosystem services to provide livelihood security of human beings. Climate change may have a substantial impact on ecological structure and function of forests, provisioning, regulations and management of resources which can affect sustainable flow of ecosystem services. To overcome these limitations, policy guidelines with respect to planning and consistent research strategy need to be framed for conservation and sustainable development of forest genetic resources.Keywords: climate change, forest ecosystem services, sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2981642 Disentangling the Sources and Context of Daily Work Stress: Study Protocol of a Comprehensive Real-Time Modelling Study Using Portable Devices
Authors: Larissa Bolliger, Junoš Lukan, Mitja Lustrek, Dirk De Bacquer, Els Clays
Introduction and Aim: Chronic workplace stress and its health-related consequences like mental and cardiovascular diseases have been widely investigated. This project focuses on the sources and context of psychosocial daily workplace stress in a real-world setting. The main objective is to analyze and model real-time relationships between (1) psychosocial stress experiences within the natural work environment, (2) micro-level work activities and events, and (3) physiological signals and behaviors in office workers. Methods: An Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) protocol has been developed, partly building on machine learning techniques. Empatica® wristbands will be used for real-life detection of stress from physiological signals; micro-level activities and events at work will be based on smartphone registrations, further processed according to an automated computer algorithm. A field study including 100 office-based workers with high-level problem-solving tasks like managers and researchers will be implemented in Slovenia and Belgium (50 in each country). Data mining and state-of-the-art statistical methods – mainly multilevel statistical modelling for repeated data – will be used. Expected Results and Impact: The project findings will provide novel contributions to the field of occupational health research. While traditional assessments provide information about global perceived state of chronic stress exposure, the EMA approach is expected to bring new insights about daily fluctuating work stress experiences, especially micro-level events and activities at work that induce acute physiological stress responses. The project is therefore likely to generate further evidence on relevant stressors in a real-time working environment and hence make it possible to advise on workplace procedures and policies for reducing stress.Keywords: ecological momentary assessment, real-time, stress, work
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