Search results for: computer vision
1905 The Essence of Culture and Religion in Creating Disaster Resilient Societies through Corporate Social Responsibility
Authors: Repaul Kanji, Rajat Agrawal
In this era where issues like climate change and disasters are the topics of discussion at national and international forums, it is very often that humanity questions the causative role of corporates in such events. It is beyond any doubt that rapid industrialisation and development has taken a toll in the form of climate change and even disasters, in some case. Thus, demanding to fulfill a corporate's responsibilities in the form of rescue and relief in times of disaster, rehabilitation and even mitigation and preparedness to adapt to the oncoming changes is obvious. But how can the responsibilities of the corporates be channelised to ensure all this, i.e., develop a resilient society? More than that, which factors, when emphasised upon, can lead to the holistic development of the society. To answer this query, an extensive literature review was done to identify several enablers like legislations of a nation, the role of brand and reputation, ease of doing Corporate Social Responsibility, mission and vision of an organisation, religion and culture, etc. as a tool for building disaster resilience. A questionnaire survey, interviews with experts and academicians followed by interpretive structural modelling (ISM) were used to construct a multi-hierarchy model depicting the contextual relationship among the identified enablers. The study revealed that culture and religion are the most powerful driver, which affects other enablers either directly or indirectly. Taking cognisance of the fact that an idea of separation between religion and workplace (business) resides subconsciously within the society, the study tries to interpret the outcome of the ISM through the lenses of past researches (The Integrating Box) and explores how it can be leveraged to build a resilient society.Keywords: corporate social responsibility, interpretive structural modelling, disaster resilience and risk reduction, the integration box (TIB)
Procedia PDF Downloads 2101904 Evaluation Study of Easily Identification of Tactile Symbol on Body Soap Bottle
Authors: K. Doi, T. Nishimura, H. Fujimoto, Y. Hoshikawa, T. Wada
Japanese industrial standard (JIS) association established one JIS (JIS S 0021) regarding packaging accessible design for people with visual impairments and elderly people in 2000. Recently, tactile symbol on shampoo bottle has been known as one of package accessible design and more effectively used. However, it has been said that people with visual impairment have been not been in trouble with difficulty of identifying body soap bottle between three bottles such as body soap bottle, shampoo bottle, and conditioner bottle. Japanese low vision association asked JIS association to solve this problem. JIS association and Japan cosmetic industry association constituted one review team for solving the problem. The review team asked our research team to make a proposal regarding new tactile symbol on body soap bottle. We conducted user survey and maker survey regarding tactile symbol on body soap bottle with easily identification. Seven test tactile symbol marks were elected in our proposed tactile symbols. In this study, we evaluate easily identification of tactile symbol on body soap bottle. Six visual impaired subjects were participated in our experiment. These subjects were asked to identify body soap bottle between three bottles such as body soap bottle, shampoo bottle, and conditioner bottle. The test tactile symbol on body soap were presented in random order. The test tactile symbols were produced by use of our originally developed 3D raised equipment. From our study, test tactile symbol marks with easily identification were made a short list of our proposed tactile symbols. This knowledge will be helpful in revision of ISO 11156.Keywords: tactile symbol, easily identification, body soap, people with visual impairments
Procedia PDF Downloads 3131903 Towards a Multilevel System of Talent Management in Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises: French Context Exploration
Authors: Abid Kousay
Appeared and developed essentially in large companies and multinationals, Talent Management (TM) in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) has remained an under-explored subject till today. Although the literature on TM in the Anglo-Saxon context is developing, it remains monopolized in non-European contexts, especially in France. Therefore, this article aims to address these shortcomings through contributing to TM issues, by adopting a multilevel approach holding the goal of reaching a global holistic vision of interactions between various levels, while applying TM. A qualitative research study carried out within 12 SMEs in France, built on the methodological perspective of grounded theory, will be used in order to go beyond description, to generate or discover a theory or even a unified theoretical explanation. Our theoretical contributions are the results of the grounded theory, the fruit of context considerations and the dynamic of the multilevel approach. We aim firstly to determine the perception of talent and TM in SMEs. Secondly, we formalize TM in SME through the empowerment of all 3 levels in the organization (individual, collective, and organizational). And we generate a multilevel dynamic system model, highlighting the institutionalization dimension in SMEs and the managerial conviction characterized by the domination of the leader's role. Thirdly, this first study shed the light on the importance of rigorous implementation of TM in SMEs in France by directing CEO and HR and TM managers to focus on elements that upstream TM implementation and influence the system internally. Indeed, our systematic multilevel approach policy reminds them of the importance of the strategic alignment while translating TM policy into strategies and practices in SMEs.Keywords: French context, institutionalization, talent, multilevel approach, talent management system
Procedia PDF Downloads 2021902 The Effects of Computer Game-Based Pedagogy on Graduate Students Statistics Performance
Authors: Eva Laryea, Clement Yeboah Authors
A pretest-posttest within subjects, experimental design was employed to examine the effects of a computerized basic statistics learning game on achievement and statistics-related anxiety of students enrolled in introductory graduate statistics course. Participants (N = 34) were graduate students in a variety of programs at state-funded research university in the Southeast United States. We analyzed pre-test posttest differences using paired samples t-tests for achievement and for statistics anxiety. The results of the t-test for knowledge in statistics were found to be statistically significant indicating significant mean gains for statistical knowledge as a function of the game-based intervention. Likewise, the results of the t-test for statistics-related anxiety were also statistically significant indicating a decrease in anxiety from pretest to posttest. The implications of the present study are significant for both teachers and students. For teachers, using computer games developed by the researchers can help to create a more dynamic and engaging classroom environment, as well as improve student learning outcomes. For students, playing these educational games can help to develop important skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. Students can develop interest in the subject matter and spend quality time to learn the course as they play the game without knowing that they are even learning the presupposed hard course. The future directions of the present study are promising, as technology continues to advance and become more widely available. Some potential future developments include the integration of virtual and augmented reality into educational games, the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence to create personalized learning experiences, and the development of new and innovative game-based assessment tools. It is also important to consider the ethical implications of computer game-based pedagogy, such as the potential for games to perpetuate harmful stereotypes and biases. As the field continues to evolve, it will be crucial to address these issues and work towards creating inclusive and equitable learning experiences for all students. This study has the potential to revolutionize the way basic statistics graduate students learn and offers exciting opportunities for future development and research. It is an important area of inquiry for educators, researchers, and policymakers, and will continue to be a dynamic and rapidly evolving field for years to come.Keywords: pretest-posttest within subjects, experimental design, achievement, statistics-related anxiety
Procedia PDF Downloads 591901 SWOT Analysis of the Industrial Sector in Kuwait
Authors: Abdullah Al-Alaian, Ahmad Al-Enzi, Hasan Al-Herz, Ahmad Bakri, Shant Tatorian, Amr Nounou
Kuwait is a country that has an imbalanced economy since most of its national outcome comes from the oil trade. It is so risky for a country to be dependent on a single source for income, and this increases the need to diversify its economy. In addition, according to the Public Authority for Industry, the contribution of the industrial sector to the current Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Kuwait is low which is about 4.33%. Therefore, the development of the industrial sector can be one of the means to diversify the economy and increase the industry's contribution to the national outcome. This is in accordance with Kuwait’s vision of 2035 which aims at increasing the contribution of the industrial sector to the GDP to 12%. In order to do so, this study aims at proposing a strategic plan that will accomplish certain objectives when implemented. It is based on analyzing the industrial sectors in Kuwait taking into consideration studying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing them. At the same time, it tends to gain from the experience of leading models and neighboring countries regarding the development of the industrial sector. In this study, the SWOT analysis technique will be conducted on all industrial sectors based on evaluation criteria in which it is determined whether any of them has a potential for improvement or not. In other words, it is determined whether the sectors are able to compete locally, regionally, or globally. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, certain sectors will be chosen, assessed based on an assessment scheme, and their potentials for improvement will be aligned with the overall objectives. To ensure the achievement of the study’s objectives, an action plan will be proposed regarding recommendations for the related authorities, and for entrepreneurs. In addition, monitoring tools are going to be provided for the purpose of periodically checking the progress made in the implementation of the plan.Keywords: industrial sector, SWOT analysis, productivity, competitiveness, GDP, Kuwait, economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 4821900 Water Governance Perspectives on the Urmia Lake Restoration Process: Challenges and Achievements
Authors: Jalil Salimi, Mandana Asadi, Naser Fathi
Urmia Lake (UL) has undergone a significant decline in water levels, resulting in severe environmental, socioeconomic, and health-related challenges. This paper examines the restoration process of UL from a water governance perspective. By applying a water governance model, the study evaluates the process based on six selected principles: stakeholder engagement, transparency and accountability, effectiveness, equitable water use, adaptation capacity, and water usage efficiency. The dominance of structural and physicalist approaches to water governance has led to a weak understanding of social and environmental issues, contributing to social crises. Urgent efforts are required to address the water crisis and reform water governance in the country, making water-related issues a top national priority. The UL restoration process has achieved significant milestones, including stakeholder consensus, scientific and participatory planning, environmental vision, intergenerational justice considerations, improved institutional environment for NGOs, investments in water infrastructure, transparency promotion, environmental effectiveness, and local issue resolutions. However, challenges remain, such as power distribution imbalances, bureaucratic administration, weak conflict resolution mechanisms, financial constraints, accountability issues, limited attention to social concerns, overreliance on structural solutions, legislative shortcomings, program inflexibility, and uncertainty management weaknesses. Addressing these weaknesses and challenges is crucial for the successful restoration and sustainable governance of UL.Keywords: evaluation, restoration process, Urmia Lake, water governance, water resource management
Procedia PDF Downloads 691899 Mammographic Multi-View Cancer Identification Using Siamese Neural Networks
Authors: Alisher Ibragimov, Sofya Senotrusova, Aleksandra Beliaeva, Egor Ushakov, Yuri Markin
Mammography plays a critical role in screening for breast cancer in women, and artificial intelligence has enabled the automatic detection of diseases in medical images. Many of the current techniques used for mammogram analysis focus on a single view (mediolateral or craniocaudal view), while in clinical practice, radiologists consider multiple views of mammograms from both breasts to make a correct decision. Consequently, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems could benefit from incorporating information gathered from multiple views. In this study, the introduce a method based on a Siamese neural network (SNN) model that simultaneously analyzes mammographic images from tri-view: bilateral and ipsilateral. In this way, when a decision is made on a single image of one breast, attention is also paid to two other images – a view of the same breast in a different projection and an image of the other breast as well. Consequently, the algorithm closely mimics the radiologist's practice of paying attention to the entire examination of a patient rather than to a single image. Additionally, to the best of our knowledge, this research represents the first experiments conducted using the recently released Vietnamese dataset of digital mammography (VinDr-Mammo). On an independent test set of images from this dataset, the best model achieved an AUC of 0.87 per image. Therefore, this suggests that there is a valuable automated second opinion in the interpretation of mammograms and breast cancer diagnosis, which in the future may help to alleviate the burden on radiologists and serve as an additional layer of verification.Keywords: breast cancer, computer-aided diagnosis, deep learning, multi-view mammogram, siamese neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 1391898 The Fracture Resistance of Zirconia Based Dental Crowns from Cyclic Loading: A Function of Relative Wear Depth
Authors: T. Qasim, B. El Masoud, D. Ailabouni
This in vitro study focused on investigating the fatigue resistance of veneered zirconia molar crowns with different veneering ceramic thicknesses, simulating the relative wear depths under simulated cyclic loading. A mandibular first molar was prepared and then scanned using computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology to fabricate 32 zirconia copings of uniform 0.5 mm thickness. The manufactured copings then veneered with 1.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 0.5 mm, and 0.0 mm representing 0%, 33%, 66%, and 100% relative wear of a normal ceramic thickness of 1.5 mm. All samples were thermally aged to 6000 thermo-cycles for 2 minutes with distilled water between 5 ˚C and 55 ˚C. The samples subjected to cyclic fatigue and fracture testing using SD Mechatronik chewing simulator. These samples are loaded up to 1.25x10⁶ cycles or until they fail. During fatigue, testing, extensive cracks were observed in samples with 0.5 mm veneering layer thickness. Veneering layer thickness 1.5-mm group and 1.0-mm group were not different in terms of resisting loads necessary to cause an initial crack or final failure. All ceramic zirconia-based crown restorations with varying occlusal veneering layer thicknesses appeared to be fatigue resistant. Fracture load measurement for all tested groups before and after fatigue loading exceeded the clinical chewing forces in the posterior region. In general, the fracture loads increased after fatigue loading and with the increase in the thickness of the occlusal layering ceramic.Keywords: all ceramic, cyclic loading, chewing simulator, dental crowns, relative wear, thermally ageing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1441897 Elements of a Culture of Quality in the Implementation of Quality Assurance Systems of Countries in the European Higher Education Area
Authors: Laura Mion
The implementation of quality management systems in higher education in different countries is determined by national regulatory choices and supranational indications (such as the European Standard Guidelines for Quality Assurance). The effective functioning and transformative capacity of these quality management systems largely depend on the organizational context in which they are applied and, more specifically, on the culture of quality developed in single universities or in single countries. The University's concept of quality culture integrates the structural dimension of QA (quality management manuals, process definitions, tools) with the value dimension of an organization (principles, skills, and attitudes). Within the EHEA (European Higher Education Area), countries such as Portugal, the Netherlands, the UK, and Norway demonstrate a greater integration of QA principles in the various organizational levels and areas of competence of university institutions or have greater experience in implementation or scientific and political debate on the matter. Therefore, the study, through an integrative literature review, of the quality management systems of these countries is aimed at determining a framework of the culture of quality, helpful in defining the elements which, both in structural-organizational terms and in terms of values and skills and attitudes, have proved to be factors of success in the effective implementation of quality assurance systems in universities and in the countries considered in the research. In order for a QA system to effectively aim for continuous improvement in a complex and dynamic context such as the university one, it must embrace a holistic vision of quality from an integrative perspective, focusing on the objective of transforming the reality being evaluated.Keywords: higher education, quality assurance, quality culture, Portugal, Norway, Netherlands, United Kingdom
Procedia PDF Downloads 721896 Translation and Adaptation of Computer Assisted ASPIRA Smoking Prevention Program in Romania
Authors: Z. Abram, V. Nadasan, J. Balint, J. L. Ferencz
Introduction: Online smoking prevention programs became popular in the last time. In order to extend the use of such programs, existing applications can be adapted and translated in the native languages of the target groups. It is the first time that in Romania such a software was implemented. Our goal was to provide a computer-aided intervention with attractive content targeting high school students who are familiar with information and communication technology. Material and methods: ASPIRA is the Romanian/Hungarian adapted version of a smoking prevention program created in USA. Prior to apply the questionnaire and ASPIRA online program which contains five modules that include tests, videos and interactive games, the program was tested in some IT laboratories on a group of schoolchildren and students. The pilot study questionnaires were completed considering the opinions of young people and the functionality of the software. Results: Above 90% of participants reported a good or very good impression about the ASPIRA program. Only a small minority found that the program included some parts which were too long or reported the existence of any technical problems regarding the functionality of the software. 76% of the participants had little or very little difficulty in understanding the messages presented by the English speaking characters. Only 7.5% of the participants thought that the program included content that was not appropriate for the local culture. Conclusions: The vast majority of students reported favorite impressions about ASPIRA online program. High school students and boys were more critical. Language and cultural barriers did not have the potential to reduce in a significant manner the effectiveness of the tested program.Keywords: smoking prevention, ASPIRA online program, youth opinions, language/cultural barriers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2621895 Development of Academic Software for Medial Axis Determination of Porous Media from High-Resolution X-Ray Microtomography Data
Authors: S. Jurado, E. Pazmino
Determination of the medial axis of a porous media sample is a non-trivial problem of interest for several disciplines, e.g., hydrology, fluid dynamics, contaminant transport, filtration, oil extraction, etc. However, the computational tools available for researchers are limited and restricted. The primary aim of this work was to develop a series of algorithms to extract porosity, medial axis structure, and pore-throat size distributions from porous media domains. A complementary objective was to provide the algorithms as free computational software available to the academic community comprising researchers and students interested in 3D data processing. The burn algorithm was tested on porous media data obtained from High-Resolution X-Ray Microtomography (HRXMT) and idealized computer-generated domains. The real data and idealized domains were discretized in voxels domains of 550³ elements and binarized to denote solid and void regions to determine porosity. Subsequently, the algorithm identifies the layer of void voxels next to the solid boundaries. An iterative process removes or 'burns' void voxels in sequence of layer by layer until all the void space is characterized. Multiples strategies were tested to optimize the execution time and use of computer memory, i.e., segmentation of the overall domain in subdomains, vectorization of operations, and extraction of single burn layer data during the iterative process. The medial axis determination was conducted identifying regions where burnt layers collide. The final medial axis structure was refined to avoid concave-grain effects and utilized to determine the pore throat size distribution. A graphic user interface software was developed to encompass all these algorithms, including the generation of idealized porous media domains. The software allows input of HRXMT data to calculate porosity, medial axis, and pore-throat size distribution and provide output in tabular and graphical formats. Preliminary tests of the software developed during this study achieved medial axis, pore-throat size distribution and porosity determination of 100³, 320³ and 550³ voxel porous media domains in 2, 22, and 45 minutes, respectively in a personal computer (Intel i7 processor, 16Gb RAM). These results indicate that the software is a practical and accessible tool in postprocessing HRXMT data for the academic community.Keywords: medial axis, pore-throat distribution, porosity, porous media
Procedia PDF Downloads 1161894 Genetic Characterization of Acanthamoeba Isolates from Amoebic Keratitis Patients
Authors: Sumeeta Khurana, Kirti Megha, Amit Gupta, Rakesh Sehgal
Background: Amoebic keratitis is a painful vision threatening infection caused by a free living pathogenic amoeba Acanthamoeba. It can be misdiagnosed and very difficult to treat if not suspected early. The epidemiology of Acanthamoeba genotypes causing infection in our geographical area is not yet known to the best of our knowledge. Objective: To characterize Acanthamoeba isolates from amoebic keratitis patients. Methods: A total of 19 isolates obtained from patients with amoebic keratitis presenting to the Advanced Eye Centre at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, a tertiary care centre of North India over a period of last 10 years were included. Their corneal scrapings, lens solution and lens case (in case of lens wearer) were collected for microscopic examination, culture and molecular diagnosis. All the isolates were maintained in the Non Nutrient agar culture medium overlaid with E.coli and 13 strains were axenised and maintained in modified Peptone Yeast Dextrose Agar. Identification of Acanthamoeba genotypes was based on amplification of diagnostic fragment 3 (DF3) region of the 18srRNA gene followed by sequencing. Nucleotide similarity search was performed by BLAST search of sequenced amplicons in GenBank database (http// Multiple Sequence alignments were determined by using CLUSTAL X. Results: Nine out of 19 Acanthamoeba isolates were found to belong to Genotype T4 followed by 6 isolates of genotype T11, 3 T5 and 1 T3 genotype. Conclusion: T4 is the predominant Acanthamoeba genotype in our geographical area. Further studies should focus on differences in pathogenicity of these genotypes and their clinical significance.Keywords: Acanthamoeba, free living amoeba, keratitis, genotype, ocular
Procedia PDF Downloads 2381893 A Graph Library Development Based on the Service-Oriented Architecture: Used for Representation of the Biological Systems in the Computer Algorithms
Authors: Mehrshad Khosraviani, Sepehr Najjarpour
Considering the usage of graph-based approaches in systems and synthetic biology, and the various types of the graphs employed by them, a comprehensive graph library based on the three-tier architecture (3TA) was previously introduced for full representation of the biological systems. Although proposing a 3TA-based graph library, three following reasons motivated us to redesign the graph library based on the service-oriented architecture (SOA): (1) Maintaining the accuracy of the data related to an input graph (including its edges, its vertices, its topology, etc.) without involving the end user: Since, in the case of using 3TA, the library files are available to the end users, they may be utilized incorrectly, and consequently, the invalid graph data will be provided to the computer algorithms. However, considering the usage of the SOA, the operation of the graph registration is specified as a service by encapsulation of the library files. In other words, overall control operations needed for registration of the valid data will be the responsibility of the services. (2) Partitioning of the library product into some different parts: Considering 3TA, a whole library product was provided in general. While here, the product can be divided into smaller ones, such as an AND/OR graph drawing service, and each one can be provided individually. As a result, the end user will be able to select any parts of the library product, instead of all features, to add it to a project. (3) Reduction of the complexities: While using 3TA, several other libraries must be needed to add for connecting to the database, responsibility of the provision of the needed library resources in the SOA-based graph library is entrusted with the services by themselves. Therefore, the end user who wants to use the graph library is not involved with its complexity. In the end, in order to make the library easier to control in the system, and to restrict the end user from accessing the files, it was preferred to use the service-oriented architecture (SOA) over the three-tier architecture (3TA) and to redevelop the previously proposed graph library based on it.Keywords: Bio-Design Automation, Biological System, Graph Library, Service-Oriented Architecture, Systems and Synthetic Biology
Procedia PDF Downloads 3111892 Predictions of Dynamic Behaviors for Gas Foil Bearings Operating at Steady-State Based on Multi-Physics Coupling Computer Aided Engineering Simulations
Authors: Tai Yuan Yu, Pei-Jen Wang
A simulation scheme of rotational motions for predictions of bump-type gas foil bearings operating at steady-state is proposed; and, the scheme is based on multi-physics coupling computer aided engineering packages modularized with computational fluid dynamic model and structure elasticity model to numerically solve the dynamic equation of motions of a hydrodynamic loaded shaft supported by an elastic bump foil. The bump foil is assumed to be modelled as infinite number of Hookean springs mounted on stiff wall. Hence, the top foil stiffness is constant on the periphery of the bearing housing. The hydrodynamic pressure generated by the air film lubrication transfers to the top foil and induces elastic deformation needed to be solved by a finite element method program, whereas the pressure profile applied on the top foil must be solved by a finite element method program based on Reynolds Equation in lubrication theory. As a result, the equation of motions for the bearing shaft are iteratively solved via coupling of the two finite element method programs simultaneously. In conclusion, the two-dimensional center trajectory of the shaft plus the deformation map on top foil at constant rotational speed are calculated for comparisons with the experimental results.Keywords: computational fluid dynamics, fluid structure interaction multi-physics simulations, gas foil bearing, load capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631891 Polarization of Lithuanian Society on Issues Related to Language Politics
Authors: Eglė Žurauskaitė, Eglė Gudavičienė
The goal of this paper is to reveal how polarization is constructed through the use of impoliteness strategies. In general, media helps to spread various ideas very fast, and it means that processes of polarization are best revealed in computer-mediated communication (CMC) contexts. For this reason, data for the research was collected from online texts about a current, very diverse topic in Lithuania - Lithuanian language policy and regulations, because this topic is causing a lot of tension in Lithuanian society. Computer-mediated communication allows users to edit their message before they send it. It means that addressees carefully select verbal expressions to convey their message. In other words, each impoliteness strategy and its verbal expression were created intentionally. Impoliteness strategies in this research are understood as various ways to reach a communicative goal: belittle the other. To reach the goal, the public opinions of various Lithuanian public figures (e. g., cultural people, politicians, officials) were collected from new portals in 2019–2023 and analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. First, problematic aspects of the language policy, for which public figures complain, were identified. Then instances when public figures take a defensive position were analyzed: how they express this position and what it reveals about Lithuanian culture. Findings of this research demonstrate how concepts of impoliteness theory can be applied in analyzing the process of polarization in Lithuanian society on issues related to the State language policy. Also, to reveal how polarization is constructed, these tasks were set: a) determine which impoliteness strategies are used throughout the process of creating polarization, b) analyze how they were expressed verbally (e. g., as an advice, offer, etc.).Keywords: impoliteness, Lithuanian language policy, polarization, impoliteness strategies
Procedia PDF Downloads 601890 A Literature Review about Responsible Third Cycle Supervision
Authors: Johanna Lundqvist
Third cycle supervision is a multifaceted and complex task for supervisors in higher education. It progresses over several years and is affected by several proximal and distal factors. It can result in positive learning outcomes for doctoral students and high-quality publications. However, not all doctoral students thrive during their doctoral studies; nor do they all complete their studies. This is problematic for both the individuals themselves as well as society at large: doctoral students are valuable and important in current research, future research and higher education. The aim of this literature review is to elucidate what responsible third cycle supervision can include and be in practice. The question posed is as follows: according to recent literature, what is it that characterises responsible third cycle supervision in which doctoral students can thrive and develop their research knowledge and skills? A literature review was conducted, and the data gathered from the literature regarding responsible third cycle supervision was analysed by means of a thematic analysis. The analysis was inspired by the notion of responsible inclusion outlined by David Mitchell. In this study, the term literature refers to research articles and regulations. The results (preliminary) show that responsible third cycle supervision is associated with a number of interplaying factors (themes). These are as follows: committed supervisors and doctoral students; a clear vision and research problem; an individual study plan; adequate resources; interaction processes and constructive feedback; creativity; cultural awareness; respect and research ethics; systematic quality work and improvement efforts; focus on overall third cycle learning goals; and focus on research presentations and publications. Thus, responsible third cycle supervision can occur if these factors are realized in practice. This literature review is of relevance to evaluators, researchers, and management in higher education, as well as third cycle supervisors.Keywords: doctoral student, higher education, third cycle supervisors, third cycle programmes
Procedia PDF Downloads 1371889 A Reflection: Looking the Pattern of Political Party (Gerindra Party) Campaign by Social Media in Indonesia General Election 2014
Authors: Clara Stella Anugerah
This study actually is a reflection of the general election in 2014. The researcher was interested in this case as the assessment of several phenomenons that happened recently. One of them is the use of social media for the campaign. By this modern era, social media becomes closer with society. It gains the communication process, and by the time being communicating others also becomes easier than before. Furthermore, social media can minimize the cost of communication with many people as a far distance that often comes to be an obstacle of communication does not become a big problem anymore. In Indonesia, the advantages of social media were used by a political party, Gerindra, to face the election that was held on 2014. Actually Gerindra is a newly formed political party that was established in 2008. In spite of Gerindra is the new comer in the election, according to the General Election Committee’s data in Indonesia, Gerindra has the biggest budget than others to cost campaign in social media. Because of that, this research wants to look “how is the pattern of Gerindra party’s campaign to face the general election in 2014? To ask that question, the theory used for this research is campaign method based on ICT (Information Communication Technology) by Rummele. According to the rummele, Gerindra was a party that used a product of social media massively, mainly facebook and twitter. According to that observation, this research focus on campaign that had been done by Gerindra in both of those social media by the time window given by KPU (General Election Committee) on Maret 16th until April 5th, 2014. The conclusion was derived by content analysis method that was used in the methodology. In this context, that method was used while interpreting the content uploaded by Gerindra to facebook or twitter, such as picture and writing. Finally, by that method and reflecting the rummele theory, this research inferred that the patern used for Gerindra’s campaign in social media tends to be top-down. It means: Gerindra showed uncommunicative tendency in social media and only want to catch much mass without mentioned a mission and vision clearly.Keywords: Gerindra party, political party, social media, campaign, general election on 2014
Procedia PDF Downloads 4861888 Implementation of a Baseline RISC for the Realization of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor
Authors: Hajer Najjar, Riad Bourguiba, Jaouhar Mouine
Reduced instruction set computer (RISC) processors are widely used because of their multiple advantages. In fact, they are based on a simple instruction set so that they increase the speed of the processor and reduce its energy consumption. In this paper, we will present a basic RISC architecture processor that will be developed later to converge to a new architecture with runtime reconfiguration.Keywords: processor, RISC, DLX, pipeline, runtime reconfiguration
Procedia PDF Downloads 4051887 Malignant Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Revealed a Hidden Primary Spinal Leptomeningeal Medulloblastoma
Authors: Naim Izet Kajtazi
Context: Frequently, the cause of raised intracranial pressure remains unresolved and rarely is related to spinal tumors, moreover less to spinal medulloblastoma without primary brain focus. Process: An 18-year-old woman had a 3-month history of headaches and impaired vision. Neurological examination revealed bilateral sixth cranial nerve palsies with bilateral papilloedema of grade III. No focal brain or spine lesion was found on imaging. Consecutive lumbar punctures showed high opening pressure and subsequent increasing protein level. The meningeal biopsy was negative. At one point, she developed an increasing headache, vomiting and back pain. Spine MRI showed diffuse nodular leptomeningeal enhancement with the largest nodule at T6–T7. Malignant cells were detected in cerebrospinal fluid. She underwent laminectomy with excisional biopsy, and pathology showed medulloblastoma WHO grade IV. Outcome: She was treated with chemotherapy and craniospinal irradiation and made a good recovery. Relevance: Primary spinal leptomeningeal medulloblastoma is extremely rare, especially without primary brain focus, but may cause increased intracranial pressure, even in the early microscopic phases, and it should be considered in the differential diagnosis if conventional and aggressive treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension fails. We assume that arachnoiditis from tumor seeding caused increased intracranial pressure. Appropriate neurosurgical intervention and surgical biopsy are mandated if a suspicious lesion is detected. Consider proper rescreening of the whole neuroaxis in refractory cases of intracranial hypertension.Keywords: CNS infection, IIH, headache, primary spinal leptomeningeal medulloblastoma
Procedia PDF Downloads 671886 Creation of an Integrated Development Environment to Assist and Optimize the Learning the Languages C and C++
Authors: Francimar Alves, Marcos Castro, Marllus Lustosa
In the context of the teaching of computer programming, the choice of tool to use is very important in the initiation and continuity of learning a programming language. The literature tools do not always provide usability and pedagogical dynamism clearly and accurately for effective learning. This hypothesis implies fall in productivity and difficulty of learning a particular programming language by students. The integrated development environments (IDEs) Dev-C ++ and Code :: Blocks are widely used in introductory courses for undergraduate courses in Computer Science for learning C and C ++ languages. However, after several years of discontinuity maintaining the source code of Dev-C ++ tool, the continued use of the same in the teaching and learning process of the students of these institutions has led to difficulties, mainly due to the lack of update by the official developers, which resulted in a sequence of problems in using it on educational settings. Much of the users, dissatisfied with the IDE Dev-C ++, migrated to Code :: Blocks platform targeting the more dynamic range in the learning process of the C and C ++ languages. Nevertheless, there is still the need to create a tool that can provide the resources of most IDE's software development literature, however, more interactive, simple, accurate and efficient. This motivation led to the creation of Falcon C ++ tool, IDE that brings with features that turn it into an educational platform, which focuses primarily on increasing student learning index in the early disciplines of programming and algorithms that use the languages C and C ++ . As a working methodology, a field research to prove the truth of the proposed tool was used. The test results and interviews with entry-level students and intermediate in a postsecondary institution gave basis for the composition of this work, demonstrating a positive impact on the use of the tool in teaching programming, showing that the use of Falcon C ++ software is beneficial in the teaching process of the C and C ++ programming languages.Keywords: ide, education, learning, development, language
Procedia PDF Downloads 4451885 Influence of Infinite Elements in Vibration Analysis of High-Speed Railway Track
Authors: Janaki Rama Raju Patchamatla, Emani Pavan Kumar
The idea of increasing the existing train speeds and introduction of the high-speed trains in India as a part of Vision-2020 is really challenging from both economic viability and technical feasibility. More than economic viability, technical feasibility has to be thoroughly checked for safe operation and execution. Trains moving at high speeds need a well-established firm and safe track thoroughly tested against vibration effects. With increased speeds of trains, the track structure and layered soil-structure interaction have to be critically assessed for vibration and displacements. Physical establishment of track, testing and experimentation is a costly and time taking process. Software-based modelling and simulation give relatively reliable, cost-effective means of testing effects of critical parameters like sleeper design and density, properties of track and sub-grade, etc. The present paper reports the applicability of infinite elements in reducing the unrealistic stress-wave reflections from so-called soil-structure interface. The influence of the infinite elements is quantified in terms of the displacement time histories of adjoining soil and the deformation pattern in general. In addition, the railhead response histories at various locations show that the numerical model is realistic without any aberrations at the boundaries. The numerical model is quite promising in its ability to simulate the critical parameters of track design.Keywords: high speed railway track, finite element method, Infinite elements, vibration analysis, soil-structure interface
Procedia PDF Downloads 2721884 Thermomechanical Effects and Nanoscale Ripples in Graphene
Authors: Roderick Melnik, Sanjay Prabhakar
The relaxed state of graphene nanostructures due to externally applied tensile stress along both the armchair and zigzag directions are analyzed in detail. The results, obtained with the Finite Element Method (FEM), demonstrate that the amplitude of ripple waves in such nanostructures increases with temperature. Details of the multi-scale multi-physics computational procedure developed for this analysis are also provided.Keywords: nanostructures, modeling, coupled processes, computer-aided design, nanotechnological applications
Procedia PDF Downloads 3161883 Mnemotopic Perspectives: Communication Design as Stabilizer for the Memory of Places
Authors: C. Galasso
The ancestral relationship between humans and geographical environment has long been at the center of an interdisciplinary dialogue, which sees one of its main research nodes in the relationship between memory and places. Given its deep complexity, this symbiotic connection continues to look for a proper definition that appears increasingly negotiated by different disciplines. Numerous fields of knowledge are involved, from anthropology to semiotics of space, from photography to architecture, up to subjects traditionally far from these reasonings. This is the case of Design of Communication, a young discipline, now confident in itself and its objectives, aimed at finding and investigating original forms of visualization and representation, between sedimented knowledge and new technologies. In particular, Design of Communication for the Territory offers an alternative perspective to the debate, encouraging the reactivation and reconstruction of the memory of places. Recognizing mnemotopes as a cultural object of vertical interpretation of the memory-place relationship, design can become a real mediator of the territorial fixation of memories, making them increasingly accessible and perceptible, contributing to build a topography of memory. According to a mnemotopic vision, Communication Design can support the passage from a memory in which the observer participates only as an individual to a collective form of memory. A mnemotopic form of Communication Design can, through geolocation and content map-based systems, make chronology a topography rooted in the territory and practicable; it can be useful to understand how the perception of the memory of places changes over time, considering how to insert them in the contemporary world. Mnemotopes can be materialized in different format of translation, editing and narration and then involved in complex systems of communication. The memory of places, therefore, if stabilized by the tools offered by Communication Design, can make visible ruins and territorial stratifications, illuminating them with new communicative interests that can be shared and participated.Keywords: memory of places, design of communication, territory, mnemotope, topography of memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 1351882 Temperature Dependence of Photoluminescence Intensity of Europium Dinuclear Complex
Authors: Kwedi L. M. Nsah, Hisao Uchiki
Quantum computation is a new and exciting field making use of quantum mechanical phenomena. In classical computers, information is represented as bits, with values either 0 or 1, but a quantum computer uses quantum bits in an arbitrary superposition of 0 and 1, enabling it to reach beyond the limits predicted by classical information theory. lanthanide ion quantum computer is an organic crystal, having a lanthanide ion. Europium is a favored lanthanide, since it exhibits nuclear spin coherence times, and Eu(III) is photo-stable and has two stable isotopes. In a europium organic crystal, the key factor is the mutual dipole-dipole interaction between two europium atoms. Crystals of the complex were formed by making a 2 :1 reaction of Eu(fod)3 and bpm. The transparent white crystals formed showed brilliant red luminescence with a 405 nm laser. The photoluminescence spectroscopy was observed both at room and cryogenic temperatures (300-14 K). The luminescence spectrum of [Eu(fod)3(μ-bpm) Eu(fod)3] showed characteristic of Eu(III) emission transitions in the range 570–630 nm, due to the deactivation of 5D0 emissive state to 7Fj. For the application of dinuclear Eu3+ complex to q-bit device, attention was focused on 5D0 -7F0 transition, around 580 nm. The presence of 5D0 -7F0 transition at room temperature revealed that at least one europium symmetry had no inversion center. Since the line was unsplit by the crystal field effect, any multiplicity observed was due to a multiplicity of Eu3+ sites. For q-bit element, more narrow line width of 5D0 → 7F0 PL band in Eu3+ ion was preferable. Cryogenic temperatures (300 K – 14 K) was applicable to reduce inhomogeneous broadening and distinguish between ions. A CCD image sensor was used for low temperature Photoluminescence measurement, and a far better resolved luminescent spectrum was gotten by cooling the complex at 14 K. A red shift by 15 cm-1 in the 5D0 - 7F0 peak position was observed upon cooling, the line shifted towards lower wavenumber. An emission spectrum at the 5D0 - 7F0 transition region was obtained to verify the line width. At this temperature, a peak with magnitude three times that at room temperature was observed. The temperature change of the 5D0 state of Eu(fod)3(μ-bpm)Eu(fod)3 showed a strong dependence in the vicinity of 60 K to 100 K. Thermal quenching was observed at higher temperatures than 100 K, at which point it began to decrease slowly with increasing temperature. The temperature quenching effect of Eu3+ with increase temperature was caused by energy migration. 100 K was the appropriate temperature for the observation of the 5D0 - 7F0 emission peak. Europium dinuclear complex bridged by bpm was successfully prepared and monitored at cryogenic temperatures. At 100 K the Eu3+-dope complex has a good thermal stability and this temperature is appropriate for the observation of the 5D0 - 7F0 emission peak. Sintering the sample above 600o C could also be a method to consider but the Eu3+ ion can be reduced to Eu2+, reasons why cryogenic temperature measurement is preferably over other methods.Keywords: Eu(fod)₃, europium dinuclear complex, europium ion, quantum bit, quantum computer, 2, 2-bipyrimidine
Procedia PDF Downloads 1821881 Time Driven Activity Based Costing Capability to Improve Logistics Performance: Application in Manufacturing Context
Authors: Siham Rahoui, Amr Mahfouz, Amr Arisha
In a highly competitive environment characterised by uncertainty and disruptions, such as the recent COVID-19 outbreak, supply chains (SC) face the challenge of maintaining their cost at minimum levels while continuing to provide customers with high-quality products and services. More importantly, businesses in such an economic context strive to maintain survival by keeping the cost of undertaken activities (such as logistics) low and in-house. To do so, managers need to understand the costs associated with different products and services in order to have a clear vision of the SC performance, maintain profitability levels, and make strategic decisions. In this context, SC literature explored different costing models that sought to determine the costs of undertaking supply chain-related activities. While some cost accounting techniques have been extensively explored in the SC context, more contributions are needed to explore the potential of time driven activity-based costing (TDABC). More specifically, more applications are needed in the manufacturing context of the SC, where the debate is ongoing. The aim of the study is to assess the capability of the technique to assess the operational performance of the logistics function. Through a case study methodology applied to a manufacturing company operating in the automotive industry, TDABC evaluates the efficiency of the current configuration and its logistics processes. The study shows that monitoring the process efficiency and cost efficiency leads to strategic decisions that contributed to improve the overall efficiency of the logistics processes.Keywords: efficiency, operational performance, supply chain costing, time driven activity based costing
Procedia PDF Downloads 1681880 Experiences of Trainee Teachers: A Survey on Expectations and Realities in Special Secondary Schools in Kenya
Authors: Mary Cheptanui Sambu
Teaching practice is an integral component of students who are training to be teachers, as it provides them with an opportunity to gain experience in an actual teaching and learning environment. This study explored the experiences of trainee teachers from a local university in Kenya, undergoing a three-month teaching practice in Special Secondary schools in the country. The main aim of the study was to understand the trainees’ experiences, their expectations, and the realities encountered during the teaching practice period. The study focused on special secondary schools for learners with hearing impairment. A descriptive survey design was employed and a sample size of forty-four respondents from special secondary schools for learners with hearing impairment was purposively selected. A questionnaire was administered to the respondents and the data obtained analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Preliminary analysis shows that challenges facing special secondary schools include inadequate teaching and learning facilities and resources, low academic performance among learners with hearing impairment, an overloaded curriculum and inadequate number of teachers for the learners. The study findings suggest that the Kenyan government should invest more in the education of special needs children, particularly focusing on increasing the number of trained teachers. In addition, the education curriculum offered in special secondary schools should be tailored towards the needs and interest of learners. These research findings will be useful to policymakers and curriculum developers, and will provide information that can be used to enhance the education of learners with hearing impairment; this will lead to improved academic performance, consequently resulting in better transitions and the realization of Vision 2030.Keywords: hearing impairment, special secondary schools, trainee, teaching practice
Procedia PDF Downloads 1631879 Necrotising Anterior Scleritis and Scleroderma: A Rare Association
Authors: Angeliki Vassila, Dimitrios Kalogeropoulos, Rania Rawashdeh, Nigel Hall, Najiha Rahman, Mark Fabian, Suresh Thulasidharan, Hossain Parwez
Introduction: Necrotising scleritis is a severe form of scleritis and poses a significant threat to vision. It can manifest in various systemic autoimmune disorders, systemic vasculitis, or as a consequence of microbial infections. The objective of this study is to present a case of necrotizing scleritis associated with scleroderma, which was further complicated by a secondary Staphylococcus epidermidis infection. Methods: This is a retrospective analysis that examines the medical records of a patient who was hospitalised in the Eye Unit at University Hospital Southampton. Results: A 78-year-old woman presented at the eye casualty department of our unit with a two-week history of progressively worsening pain in her left eye. She received a diagnosis of necrotising scleritis and was admitted to the hospital for further treatment. It was decided to commence a three-day course of intravenous methylprednisolone followed by a tapering regimen of oral steroids. Additionally, a conjunctival swab was taken, and two days later, it revealed the presence of S. epidermidis, indicating a potential secondary infection. Given this finding, she was also prescribed topical (Ofloxacin 0.3% - four times daily) and oral (Ciprofloxacin 750mg – twice daily) antibiotics. The inflammation and symptoms gradually improved, leading to the patient being scheduled for a scleral graft and applying an amniotic membrane to cover the area of scleral thinning. Conclusions: Rheumatoid arthritis and granulomatosis with polyangiitis are the most commonly identifiable systemic diseases associated with necrotising scleritis. Although association with scleroderma is extremely rare, early identification and treatment are necessary to prevent scleritis-related complications.Keywords: scleritis, necrotizing scleritis, scleroderma, autoimmune disease
Procedia PDF Downloads 321878 Natural User Interface Adapter: Enabling Natural User Interface for Non-Natural User Interface Applications
Authors: Vijay Kumar Kolagani, Yingcai Xiao
Adaptation of Natural User Interface (NUI) has been slow and limited. NUI devices like Microsoft’s Kinect and Ultraleap’s Leap Motion can only interact with a handful applications that were specifically designed and implemented for them. A NUI device just can’t be used to directly control millions of applications that are not designed to take NUI input. This is in the similar situation like the adaptation of color TVs. At the early days of color TV, the broadcasting format was in RGB, which was not viewable by blackand-white TVs. TV broadcasters were reluctant to produce color programs due to limited viewership. TV viewers were reluctant to buy color TVs because there were limited programs to watch. Color TV’s breakthrough moment came after the adaptation of NTSC standard which allowed color broadcasts to be compatible with the millions of existing black-and-white TVs. This research presents a framework to use NUI devices to control existing non-NUI applications without reprogramming them. The methodology is to create an adapter to convert input from NUI devices into input compatible with that generated by CLI (Command Line Input) and GUI (Graphical User Interface) devices. The CLI/GUI compatible input is then sent to the active application through the operating system just like any input from a CLI/GUI device to control the non-NUI program that the user is controlling. A sample adapter has been created to convert input from Kinect to keyboard strokes, so one can use the input from Kinect to control any applications that take keyboard input, such as Microsoft’s PowerPoint. When the users use the adapter to control their PowerPoint presentations, they can free themselves from standing behind a computer to use its keyboard and can roam around in front of the audience to use hand gestures to control the PowerPoint. It is hopeful such adapters can accelerate the adaptation of NUI devices.Keywords: command line input, graphical user interface, human computer interaction, natural user interface, NUI adapter
Procedia PDF Downloads 181877 Supervisory Controller with Three-State Energy Saving Mode for Induction Motor in Fluid Transportation
Authors: O. S. Ebrahim, K. O. Shawky, M. O. S. Ebrahim, P. K. Jain
Induction Motor (IM) driving pump is the main consumer of electricity in a typical fluid transportation system (FTS). It was illustrated that changing the connection of the stator windings from delta to star at no load could achieve noticeable active and reactive energy savings. This paper proposes a supervisory hysteresis liquid-level control with three-state energy saving mode (ESM) for IM in FTS including storage tank. The IM pump drive comprises modified star/delta switch and hydromantic coupler. Three-state ESM is defined, along with the normal running, and named analog to computer ESMs as follows: Sleeping mode in which the motor runs at no load with delta stator connection, hibernate mode in which the motor runs at no load with a star connection, and motor shutdown is the third energy saver mode. A logic flow-chart is synthesized to select the motor state at no-load for best energetic cost reduction, considering the motor thermal capacity used. An artificial neural network (ANN) state estimator, based on the recurrent architecture, is constructed and learned in order to provide fault-tolerant capability for the supervisory controller. Sequential test of Wald is used for sensor fault detection. Theoretical analysis, preliminary experimental testing and, computer simulations are performed to show the effectiveness of the proposed control in terms of reliability, power quality and energy/coenergy cost reduction with the suggestion of power factor correction.Keywords: ANN, ESM, IM, star/delta switch, supervisory control, FT, reliability, power quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 1971876 Application of a Universal Distortion Correction Method in Stereo-Based Digital Image Correlation Measurement
Authors: Hu Zhenxing, Gao Jianxin
Stereo-based digital image correlation (also referred to as three-dimensional (3D) digital image correlation (DIC)) is a technique for both 3D shape and surface deformation measurement of a component, which has found increasing applications in academia and industries. The accuracy of the reconstructed coordinate depends on many factors such as configuration of the setup, stereo-matching, distortion, etc. Most of these factors have been investigated in literature. For instance, the configuration of a binocular vision system determines the systematic errors. The stereo-matching errors depend on the speckle quality and the matching algorithm, which can only be controlled in a limited range. And the distortion is non-linear particularly in a complex imaging acquisition system. Thus, the distortion correction should be carefully considered. Moreover, the distortion function is difficult to formulate in a complex imaging acquisition system using conventional models in such cases where microscopes and other complex lenses are involved. The errors of the distortion correction will propagate to the reconstructed 3D coordinates. To address the problem, an accurate mapping method based on 2D B-spline functions is proposed in this study. The mapping functions are used to convert the distorted coordinates into an ideal plane without distortions. This approach is suitable for any image acquisition distortion models. It is used as a prior process to convert the distorted coordinate to an ideal position, which enables the camera to conform to the pin-hole model. A procedure of this approach is presented for stereo-based DIC. Using 3D speckle image generation, numerical simulations were carried out to compare the accuracy of both the conventional method and the proposed approach.Keywords: distortion, stereo-based digital image correlation, b-spline, 3D, 2D
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