Search results for: collaborative environment
8421 Challenges and Opportunities: One Stop Processing for the Automation of Indonesian Large-Scale Topographic Base Map Using Airborne LiDAR Data
Authors: Elyta Widyaningrum
The LiDAR data acquisition has been recognizable as one of the fastest solution to provide the basis data for topographic base mapping in Indonesia. The challenges to accelerate the provision of large-scale topographic base maps as a development plan basis gives the opportunity to implement the automated scheme in the map production process. The one stop processing will also contribute to accelerate the map provision especially to conform with the Indonesian fundamental spatial data catalog derived from ISO 19110 and geospatial database integration. Thus, the automated LiDAR classification, DTM generation and feature extraction will be conducted in one GIS-software environment to form all layers of topographic base maps. The quality of automated topographic base map will be assessed and analyzed based on its completeness, correctness, contiguity, consistency and possible customization.Keywords: automation, GIS environment, LiDAR processing, map quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 3698420 Contextualizing Policing in Local Communities: The Way Forward for Ghana Police Service
Authors: Bernard Owusu Asare
This study investigates the implementation and efficacy of community policing within the Ghana Police Service, with a focus on its impact on local communities. Emphasizing the goal of creating safer environments and improving the overall quality of life, the research engages opinion leaders from selected communities in Ghana, as well as members of the police force stationed within these communities. Employing a semi-structured interview guide as the primary research instrument, data collection involves face-to-face interviews conducted at respondents' residences and policing centers. The preliminary findings underscore the pivotal role of collaborative efforts between community elders and police personnel in the successful execution of community policing initiatives. Furthermore, the study identifies gainful employment for the youth as a key determinant of effective policing, highlighting the interconnectedness of socioeconomic factors with law enforcement outcomes. The study further reveals that access to the internet emerges as a factor influencing both policing practices and the overall quality of life within these communities. By contextualizing the dynamics of community policing in the local Ghanaian context, this research aims to contribute valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on effective law enforcement strategies and their impact on community well-being.Keywords: community, policing, police service, Ghana
Procedia PDF Downloads 678419 Enhancing Building Performance Simulation Through Artificial Intelligence
Authors: Thamer Mahmmoud Muhammad Al Jbarat
Building Performance Simulation plays a crucial role in optimizing energy efficiency, comfort, and sustainability in buildings. This paper explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence techniques into Building Performance Simulation to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and adaptability. The synthesis of Artificial Intelligence and Building Performance Simulation offers promising avenues for addressing complex building dynamics, optimizing energy consumption, and improving occupants' comfort. This paper examines various Artificial Intelligence methodologies and their applications in Building Performance Simulation, highlighting their potential benefits and challenges. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and case studies, this paper presents insights into the current state, future directions, and implications of Artificial Intelligence driven Building Performance Simulation on the built environmentKeywords: artificial intelligence, building performance, energy efficiency, building performance simulation, buildings sustainability, built environment.
Procedia PDF Downloads 288418 Teaching University Students Lateral Reading to Detect Disinformation and Misinformation
Authors: Diane Prorak, Perri Moreno
University students may have been born in the digital age, but they need to be taught the critical thinking skills to detect misinformation and social media manipulation online. In recent years, librarians have been active in designing instructional methods to help students learn information evaluation skills. At the University of Idaho Library (USA), librarians have developed new teaching methods for these skills. Last academic year, when classes were taught via Zoom, librarians taught these skills to an online session of each first-year rhetoric and composition course. In the Zoom sessions, students were placed in breakout groups where they practiced using an evaluation method known as lateral reading. Online collaborative software was used to give each group an evaluative task and break the task into steps. Groups reported back to the full class. Students learned to look at an information source, then search outside the source to find information about the organization, publisher or author, before evaluating the source itself. Class level pre-and post-test comparison results showed students learned better techniques for evaluation than they knew before instruction.Keywords: critical thinking, information evaluation, information literacy instruction, lateral reading.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1818417 Protection of a Doctor’s Reputation Against the Unjustified Medical Malpractice Allegations
Authors: Anna Wszołek
For a very long time, the doctor-patient relationship had a paternalistic character. The events of the II World War, as well as fast development of the biotechnology and medicine caused an important change in that relationship. Human beings and their dignity were put in the centre of philosophical and legal debate. The increasing frequency of clinical trials led to the emergence of bioethics, which dealt with the topic of the possibilities and boundaries of such research in relation to individual’s autonomy. Thus, there was a transformation from a paternalistic relationship to a more collaborative one in which the patient has more room for self-determination. Today, patients are more and more aware of their rights and the obligations placed on doctors and the health care system, which is linked to an increase in medical malpractice claims. Unfortunately, these claims are not always justified. There is a strong concentration around the topic of patient’s good, however, at the other side there are doctors who feel, on the example of Poland, they might be easily accused and sued for medical malpractice even though they fulfilled their duties. Such situation may have a negative impact on the quality of health care services and patient’s interests. This research is going to present doctor’s perspective on the topic of medical malpractice allegations. It is supposed to show possible damage to a doctor’s reputation caused by frivolous and weakly justified medical malpractice accusations, as well as means to protect this reputation.Keywords: doctor's reputation, medical malpractice, personal rights, unjustified allegations
Procedia PDF Downloads 928416 Impact of Environmental Rule of Law towards Positive Environmental Outcomes in Nigeria
Authors: Kate N. Okeke
The ever-growing needs of man requiring satisfaction have pushed him strongly towards industrialization which has and is still leaving environmental degradation and its attendant negative impacts in its wake. It is, therefore, not surprising that the enjoyment of fundamental rights like food supply, security of lives and property, freedom of worship, health and education have been drastically affected by such degradation. In recognition of the imperative need to protect the environment and human rights, many global instruments and constitutions have recognized the right to a healthy and sustainable environment. Some environmental advocates and quite a number of literatures on the subject matter call for the recognition of environmental rights via rule of law as a vital means of achieving positive outcomes on the subject matter. However, although there are numerous countries with constitutional environmental provisions, most of them such as Nigeria, have shown poor environmental performance. A notable problem is the fact that the constitution which recognizes environmental rights appears in its other provisions to contradict its provisions by making enforceability of the environmental rights unattainable. While adopting a descriptive, analytical, comparative and explanatory study design in reviewing a successful positive environmental outcome via the rule of law, this article argues that rule of law on a balance of scale, weighs more than just environmental rights recognition and therefore should receive more attention by environmental lawyers and advocates. This is because with rule of law, members of a society are sure of getting the most out of the environmental rights existing in their legal system. Members of Niger-Delta communities of Nigeria will benefit from the environmental rights existing in Nigeria. They are exposed to environmental degradation and pollution with effects such as acidic rainfall, pollution of farmlands and clean water sources. These and many more are consequences of oil and gas exploration. It will also pave way for solving the violence between cattle herdsmen and farmers in the Middle Belt and other regions of Nigeria. Their clashes are over natural resource control. Having seen that environmental rule of law is vital to sustainable development, this paper aims to contribute to discussions on how best the vehicle of rule law can be driven towards achieving positive environmental outcomes. This will be in reliance on other enforceable provisions in the Nigerian Constitution. Other domesticated international instruments will also be considered to attain sustainable environment and development.Keywords: environment, rule of law, constitution, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 1568415 Human Resource Management Challenges in Nigeria Under a Globalised Economy
Authors: Odeh Linus
The pace of globalization is increasing continuously in terms of markets for goods and services, investment opportunities across borders amongst others. Enterprises face competition from all fronts. Human resource management is not left out in this transformation crusade as it has obligation to move along with the changing demands of the globalization process. One of the objectives of this paper is to show that effective managers should constantly be aware of the changes taking place in domestic (home country) environment, as well as around the globe (international and foreign environments) on HR issues and developments. By so doing, they can scan their environment on an ongoing basis, and when they detect opportunities and/or threats, they can transform their organization to seize the opportunities and/or combat or neutralize the threats as the case may be. In this presentation, problems, issues and trends in HRM practice in Nigeria in the current period were reviewed. The factors affecting HRM and its practice in a global context and what should be the direction of the profession and its practice in Nigeria constitute the main focus of this paper.Keywords: human resource, globalization, management, developing countries
Procedia PDF Downloads 3118414 Rule Based Architecture for Collaborative Multidisciplinary Aircraft Design Optimisation
Authors: Nickolay Jelev, Andy Keane, Carren Holden, András Sóbester
In aircraft design, the jump from the conceptual to preliminary design stage introduces a level of complexity which cannot be realistically handled by a single optimiser, be that a human (chief engineer) or an algorithm. The design process is often partitioned along disciplinary lines, with each discipline given a level of autonomy. This introduces a number of challenges including, but not limited to: coupling of design variables; coordinating disciplinary teams; handling of large amounts of analysis data; reaching an acceptable design within time constraints. A number of classical Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO) architectures exist in academia specifically designed to address these challenges. Their limited use in the industrial aircraft design process has inspired the authors of this paper to develop an alternative strategy based on well established ideas from Decision Support Systems. The proposed rule based architecture sacrifices possibly elusive guarantees of convergence for an attractive return in simplicity. The method is demonstrated on analytical and aircraft design test cases and its performance is compared to a number of classical distributed MDO architectures.Keywords: Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation, Rule Based Architecture, Aircraft Design, Decision Support System
Procedia PDF Downloads 3558413 Platooning Method Using Dynamic Correlation of Destination Vectors in Urban Areas
Authors: Yuya Tanigami, Naoaki Yamanaka, Satoru Okamoto
Economic losses due to delays in traffic congestion regarding urban transportation networks have become a more serious social problem as traffic volume increases. Platooning has recently been attracting attention from many researchers to alleviate traffic jams, especially on the highway. On highways, platooning can have positive effects, such as reducing inter-vehicular distance and reducing air resistance. However, the impacts of platooning on urban roads have not been addressed in detail since traffic lights may break the platoons. In this study, we propose a platooning method using L2 norm and cosine similarity to form a platoon with highly similar routes. Also, we investigate the sorting method within a platoon according to each vehicle’s straightness. Our proposed sorting platoon method, which uses two lanes, eliminates Head of Line Blocking at the intersection and improves throughput at intersections. This paper proposes a cyber-physical system (CPS) approach to collaborative urban platoon control. We conduct simulations using the traffic simulator SUMO and the road network, which imitates Manhattan Island. Results from the SUMO confirmed that our method shortens the average travel time by 10-20%. This paper shows the validity of forming a platoon based on destination vectors and sorting vehicles within a platoon.Keywords: CPS, platooning, connected car, vector correlation
Procedia PDF Downloads 778412 Eco-Design of Construction Industrial Park in China with Selection of Candidate Tenants
Authors: Yang Zhou, Kaijian Li, Guiwen Liu
Offsite construction is an innovative alternative to conventional site-based construction, with wide-ranging benefits. It requires building components, elements or modules were prefabricated and pre-assembly before installed into their final locations. To improve efficiency and achieve synergies, in recent years, construction companies were clustered into construction industrial parks (CIPs) in China. A CIP is a community of construction manufacturing and service businesses located together on a common property. Companies involved in industrial clusters can obtain environment and economic benefits by sharing resources and information in a given region. Therefore, the concept of industrial symbiosis (IS) can be applied to the traditional CIP to achieve sustainable industrial development or redevelopment through the implementation of eco-industrial parks (EIP). However, before designing a symbiosis network between companies in a CIP, candidate support tenants need to be selected to complement the existing construction companies. In this study, an access indicator system and a linear programming model are established to select candidate tenants in a CIP while satisfying the degree of connectivity among the enterprises in the CIP, minimizing the environmental impact, and maximizing the annualized profit of the CIP. The access indicator system comprises three primary indicators and fifteen secondary indicators, is proposed from the perspective of park-based level. The fifteen indicators are classified as three primary indicators including industrial symbiosis, environment performance and economic benefit, according to the three dimensions of sustainability (environment, economic and social dimensions) and the three R's of the environment (reduce, reuse and recycle). The linear programming model is a method to assess the satisfactoriness of all the indicators and to make an optimal multi-objective selection among candidate tenants. This method provides a practical tool for planners of a CIP in evaluating which among the candidate tenants would best complement existing anchor construction tenants. The reasonability and validity of the indicator system and the method is worth further study in the future.Keywords: construction industrial park, China, industrial symbiosis, offsite construction, selection of support tenants
Procedia PDF Downloads 2758411 Improving Sustainability of the Apparel Industry with Joining the Forces among the Brand Owners: The Case Study of Digital Textile Printing
Authors: Babak Mohajeri, Elina Ilen, Timo Nyberg
Sustainability has become an important topic in contemporary business. The apparel industry is a good example to assess sustainability in practice. Value chains in the apparel industry are faced with various challenges regarding sustainability issues. Apparel companies pay higher attention to economic sustainability issues, and environmental and social sustainability issues of the apparel industry are often underrated. In this paper, we analyze the role of the different players in the value chain of the apparel industry in terms of sustainability. We realize that the brand owners have the highest impact on improving the sustainability of the apparel industry. We design a collaborative business model to join the forces among the brand owners for improving the sustainability of the apparel industry throughout the value chain. We have conducted a case study of shifting from conventional screen-printing to more environmentally sustainable digital textile printing. We suggest that this shift can be accelerated if the brand owners join their forces together to shift from conventional printing to digital printing technology in the apparel industry. Based on the proposed business model, we suggest future directions for using joining the forces among the brand owners for case of sustainabilityKeywords: sustainability, digital textile printing , joining forces, apparel industry
Procedia PDF Downloads 4218410 Taiwanese Pre-Service Elementary School EFL Teachers’ Perception and Practice of Station Teaching in English Remedial Education
Authors: Chien Chin-Wen
Collaborative teaching has different teaching models and station teaching is one type of collaborative teaching. Station teaching is not commonly practiced in elementary school English education and introduced in language teacher education programs in Taiwan. In station teaching, each teacher takes a small part of instructional content, working with a small number of students. Students rotate between stations where they receive the assignments and instruction from different teachers. The teachers provide the same content to each group, but the instructional method can vary based upon the needs of each group of students. This study explores thirty-four Taiwanese pre-service elementary school English teachers’ knowledge about station teaching and their competence demonstrated in designing activities for and delivering of station teaching in an English remedial education to six sixth graders in a local elementary school in northern Taiwan. The participants simultaneously enrolled in this Elementary School English Teaching Materials and Methods class, a part of an elementary school teacher education program in a northern Taiwan city. The instructor (Jennifer, pseudonym) in this Elementary School English Teaching Materials and Methods class collaborated with an English teacher (Olivia, pseudonym) in Maureen Elementary School (pseudonym), an urban elementary school in a northwestern Taiwan city. Of Olivia’s students, four male and two female sixth graders needed to have remedial English education. Olivia chose these six elementary school students because they were in the lowest 5 % of their class in terms of their English proficiency. The thirty-four pre-service English teachers signed up for and took turns in teaching these six sixth graders every Thursday afternoon from four to five o’clock for twelve weeks. While three participants signed up as a team and taught these six sixth graders, the last team consisted of only two pre-service teachers. Each team designed a 40-minute lesson plan on the given language focus (words, sentence patterns, dialogue, phonics) of the assigned unit. Data in this study included the KWLA chart, activity designs, and semi-structured interviews. Data collection lasted for four months, from September to December 2014. Data were analyzed as follows. First, all the notes were read and marked with appropriate codes (e.g., I don’t know, co-teaching etc.). Second, tentative categories were labeled (e.g., before, after, process, future implication, etc.). Finally, the data were sorted into topics that reflected the research questions on the basis of their relevance. This study has the following major findings. First of all, the majority of participants knew nothing about station teaching at the beginning of the study. After taking the course Elementary School English Teaching Materials and Methods and after designing and delivering the station teaching in an English remedial education program to six sixth graders, they learned that station teaching is co-teaching, and that it includes activity designs for different stations and students’ rotating from station to station. They demonstrated knowledge and skills in activity designs for vocabulary, sentence patterns, dialogue, and phonics. Moreover, they learned to interact with individual learners and guided them step by step in learning vocabulary, sentence patterns, dialogue, and phonics. However, they were still incompetent in classroom management, time management, English, and designing diverse and meaningful activities for elementary school students at different English proficiency levels. Hence, language teacher education programs are recommended to integrate station teaching to help pre-service teachers be equipped with eight knowledge and competences, including linguistic knowledge, content knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, curriculum knowledge, knowledge of learners and their characteristics, pedagogical content knowledge, knowledge of education content, and knowledge of education’s ends and purposes.Keywords: co-teaching, competence, knowledge, pre-service teachers, station teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 4288409 Edge Detection Using Multi-Agent System: Evaluation on Synthetic and Medical MR Images
Authors: A. Nachour, L. Ouzizi, Y. Aoura
Recent developments on multi-agent system have brought a new research field on image processing. Several algorithms are used simultaneously and improved in deferent applications while new methods are investigated. This paper presents a new automatic method for edge detection using several agents and many different actions. The proposed multi-agent system is based on parallel agents that locally perceive their environment, that is to say, pixels and additional environmental information. This environment is built using Vector Field Convolution that attract free agent to the edges. Problems of partial, hidden or edges linking are solved with the cooperation between agents. The presented method was implemented and evaluated using several examples on different synthetic and medical images. The obtained experimental results suggest that this approach confirm the efficiency and accuracy of detected edge.Keywords: edge detection, medical MRImages, multi-agent systems, vector field convolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 3928408 Analysis of Gas Disturbance Characteristics in Lunar Sample Storage
Authors: Lv Shizeng, Han Xiao, Zhang Yi, Ding Wenjing
The lunar sample storage device is mainly used for the preparation of the lunar samples, observation, physical analysis and other work. The lunar samples and operating equipment are placed directly inside the storage device. The inside of the storage device is a high purity nitrogen environment to ensure that the sample is not contaminated by the Earth's environment. In order to ensure that the water and oxygen indicators in the storage device meet the sample requirements, a dynamic gas cycle is required between the storage device and the external purification equipment. However, the internal gas disturbance in the storage device can affect the operation of the sample. In this paper, the storage device model is established, and the tetrahedral mesh is established by Tetra/Mixed method. The influence of different inlet position and gas flow on the internal flow field disturbance is calculated, and the disturbed flow area should be avoided during the sampling operation.Keywords: lunar samples, gas disturbance, storage device, characteristic analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 2968407 Adapting Built Heritage to Address Climate Change: A Perspective from the Maltese Islands
Authors: Nadia Theuma
Climate change is a reality that has started to leave an impact on the physical environment as well as on the built environment, in particular built heritage. This paper explores the argument that climate change is also a trigger which can lead to identifying a number of creative solutions that can transform built heritage into sustainable buildings. Using the Maltese Islands, and in particular the city of Valletta which is also a World Heritage Site, this paper illustrates some of the innovative solutions that are being developed to make heritage buildings more sustainable and in doing so, mitigating the negative impacts of climate change. The paper looks in detail at the most notable initiatives being developed, their implementation and application, which at times is not easy considering the restrictions within protected built heritage areas and the positive impacts that they will have on visitor experience and overall sustainability of the Maltese tourism product. The paper will conclude by outlining how these solutions can be adapted to buildings with similar climatic conditions.Keywords: built heritage, creative solutions, climate change, Maltese Islands
Procedia PDF Downloads 2918406 Minimizing Learning Difficulties in Teaching Mathematics
Authors: Hari Sharan Pandit
Mathematics teaching in Nepal has been centralized and guided by the notion of transfer of knowledge and skills from teachers to students. The overemphasis on an algorithm-centric approach of mathematics teaching and the focus on ‘rote–learning’ as the ultimate way of solving mathematical problems since the early years of schooling have been creating severe problems in school-level mathematics in Nepal. In this context, the author argues that students should learn real-world mathematical problems through various interesting, creative and collaborative, as well as artistic and alternative ways of knowing. The collaboration-incorporated pedagogy is an distinct pedagogical approach that offers a better alternative as an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to learning that encourages students to think more broadly and critically about real-world problems. The paper, as a summarized report of action research designed, developed and implemented by the author, focuses on the needs and usefulness of collaboration-incorporated pedagogy in the Nepali context to make mathematics teaching more meaningful for producing creative and critical citizens. This paper is useful for mathematics teachers, teacher educators and researchers who argue on arts integration in mathematics teaching.Keywords: algorithm-centric, rote-learning, collaboration - incorporated pedagogy, action research
Procedia PDF Downloads 168405 Urban Growth and Its Impact on Natural Environment: A Geospatial Analysis of North Part of the UAE
Authors: Mohamed Bualhamam
Due to the complex nature of tourism resources of the Northern part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the potential of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) in resolving these issues was used. The study was an attempt to use existing GIS data layers to identify sensitive natural environment and archaeological heritage resources that may be threatened by increased urban growth and give some specific recommendations to protect the area. By identifying sensitive natural environment and archaeological heritage resources, public agencies and citizens are in a better position to successfully protect important natural lands and direct growth away from environmentally sensitive areas. The paper concludes that applications of GIS and RS in study of urban growth impact in tourism resources are a strong and effective tool that can aid in tourism planning and decision-making. The study area is one of the fastest growing regions in the country. The increase in population along the region, as well as rapid growth of towns, has increased the threat to natural resources and archeological sites. Satellite remote sensing data have been proven useful in assessing the natural resources and in monitoring the changes. The study used GIS and RS to identify sensitive natural environment and archaeological heritage resources that may be threatened by increased urban growth. The result of GIS analyses shows that the Northern part of the UAE has variety for tourism resources, which can use for future tourism development. Rapid urban development in the form of small towns and different economic activities are showing in different places in the study area. The urban development extended out of old towns and have negative affected of sensitive tourism resources in some areas. Tourism resources for the Northern part of the UAE is a highly complex resources, and thus requires tools that aid in effective decision making to come to terms with the competing economic, social, and environmental demands of sustainable development. The UAE government should prepare a tourism databases and a GIS system, so that planners can be accessed for archaeological heritage information as part of development planning processes. Applications of GIS in urban planning, tourism and recreation planning illustrate that GIS is a strong and effective tool that can aid in tourism planning and decision- making. The power of GIS lies not only in the ability to visualize spatial relationships, but also beyond the space to a holistic view of the world with its many interconnected components and complex relationships. The worst of the damage could have been avoided by recognizing suitable limits and adhering to some simple environmental guidelines and standards will successfully develop tourism in sustainable manner. By identifying sensitive natural environment and archaeological heritage resources of the Northern part of the UAE, public agencies and private citizens are in a better position to successfully protect important natural lands and direct growth away from environmentally sensitive areas.Keywords: GIS, natural environment, UAE, urban growth
Procedia PDF Downloads 2638404 Leveraging Business to Business Collaborations to Optimize Reverse Haul Logistics
Authors: Pallav Singh, Rajesh Yabaji, Rajesh Dhir, Chanakya Hridaya
Supply Chain Costs for the Indian Industries have been on an exponential trend due to steep inflation on fundamental cost factors – Fuel, Labour, Rents. In this changing context organizations have been focusing on adopting multiple approaches to keep logistics costs under control to protect the profit margins. The lever of ‘Business to Business (B2B) collaboration’ can be used by organizations to garner higher value. Given the context of Indian Logistics Industry the penetration of B2B Collaboration initiatives have been limited. This paper outlines a structured framework for adoption of B2B collaboration through discussion of a successful initiative between ITC’s Leaf Tobacco Business and a leading Indian Media House. Multiple barriers to such a collaborative process exist which need to be addressed through comprehensive structured approaches. This paper outlines a generic framework approach to B2B collaboration for the Indian Logistics Space, outlining the guidelines for arriving at potential opportunities, identification of collaborators, effective tie-up process, design of operations and sustenance factors. The generic methods outlined can be used in any other industry and also builds a foundation for further research on many topics.Keywords: business to business collaboration, reverse haul logistics, transportation cost optimization, exports logistics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3288403 Interaction Evaluation of Silver Ion and Silver Nanoparticles with Dithizone Complexes Using DFT Calculations and NMR Analysis
Authors: W. Nootcharin, S. Sujittra, K. Mayuso, K. Kornphimol, M. Rawiwan
Silver has distinct antibacterial properties and has been used as a component of commercial products with many applications. An increasing number of commercial products cause risks of silver effects for human and environment such as the symptoms of Argyria and the release of silver to the environment. Therefore, the detection of silver in the aquatic environment is important. The colorimetric chemosensor is designed by the basic of ligand interactions with a metal ion, leading to the change of signals for the naked-eyes which are very useful method to this application. Dithizone ligand is considered as one of the effective chelating reagents for metal ions due to its high selectivity and sensitivity of a photochromic reaction for silver as well as the linear backbone of dithizone affords the rotation of various isomeric forms. The present study is focused on the conformation and interaction of silver ion and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) with dithizone using density functional theory (DFT). The interaction parameters were determined in term of binding energy of complexes and the geometry optimization, frequency of the structures and calculation of binding energies using density functional approaches B3LYP and the 6-31G(d,p) basis set. Moreover, the interaction of silver–dithizone complexes was supported by UV–Vis spectroscopy, FT-IR spectrum that was simulated by using B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) and 1H NMR spectra calculation using B3LYP/6-311+G(2d,p) method compared with the experimental data. The results showed the ion exchange interaction between hydrogen of dithizone and silver atom, with minimized binding energies of silver–dithizone interaction. However, the result of AgNPs in the form of complexes with dithizone. Moreover, the AgNPs-dithizone complexes were confirmed by using transmission electron microscope (TEM). Therefore, the results can be the useful information for determination of complex interaction using the analysis of computer simulations.Keywords: silver nanoparticles, dithizone, DFT, NMR
Procedia PDF Downloads 2108402 Addressing Differentiation Using Mobile-Assisted Language Learning
Authors: Ajda Osifo, Fatma Elshafie
Mobile-assisted language learning favors social-constructivist and connectivist theories to learning and adaptive approaches to teaching. It offers many opportunities to differentiated instruction in meaningful ways as it enables learners to become more collaborative, engaged and independent through additional dimensions such as web-based media, virtual learning environments, online publishing to an imagined audience and digitally mediated communication. MALL applications can be a tool for the teacher to personalize and adjust instruction according to the learners’ needs and give continuous feedback to improve learning and performance in the process, which support differentiated instruction practices. This paper explores the utilization of Mobile Assisted Language Learning applications as a supporting tool for effective differentiation in the language classroom. It reports overall experience in terms of implementing MALL to shape and apply differentiated instruction and expand learning options. This session is structured in three main parts: first, a review of literature and effective practice of academically responsive instruction will be discussed. Second, samples of differentiated tasks, activities, projects and learner work will be demonstrated with relevant learning outcomes and learners’ survey results. Finally, project findings and conclusions will be given.Keywords: academically responsive instruction, differentiation, mobile learning, mobile-assisted language learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 4198401 Underneath Vehicle Inspection Using Fuzzy Logic, Subsumption, and Open Cv-Library
Authors: Hazim Abdulsada
The inspection of underneath vehicle system has been given significant attention by governments after the threat of terrorism become more prevalent. New technologies such as mobile robots and computer vision are led to have more secure environment. This paper proposed that a mobile robot like Aria robot can be used to search and inspect the bombs under parking a lot vehicle. This robot is using fuzzy logic and subsumption algorithms to control the robot that movies underneath the vehicle. An OpenCV library and laser Hokuyo are added to Aria robot to complete the experiment for under vehicle inspection. This experiment was conducted at the indoor environment to demonstrate the efficiency of our methods to search objects and control the robot movements under vehicle. We got excellent results not only by controlling the robot movement but also inspecting object by the robot camera at same time. This success allowed us to know the requirement to construct a new cost effective robot with more functionality.Keywords: fuzzy logic, mobile robots, Opencv, subsumption, under vehicle inspection
Procedia PDF Downloads 4738400 Cursive Handwriting in an Internet Age
Authors: Karen Armstrong
Recent concerns about the value of teaching cursive handwriting in the classroom are based on the belief that cursive handwriting or penmanship is an outdated and unnecessary skill in today’s online world. The discussion of this issue begins with a description of current initiatives to eliminate handwriting instruction in schools. This is followed by a brief history of cursive writing through the ages. Next considered is a description of its benefits as a preliminary process for younger children as compared with immediate instruction in keyboarding, particularly in the areas of vision, cognition, motor skills and automatic fluency. Also considered, is cursive’s companion, paper itself, and the impact of a paperless, “screen and keyboard” environment. The discussion concludes with a consideration of the unique contributions of cursive and keyboarding as written forms of communication, along with their respective surfaces, paper and screen. Finally, an assessment of the practical utility of each skill is followed by an informal assessment of what is lost and what remains as we move from a predominantly paper and pen world of handwriting to texting and keyboarding in an environment of screens.Keywords: asemic writing, cursive, handwriting, keyboarding, paper
Procedia PDF Downloads 2718399 Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Smart City Project in India
Authors: Debasis Sarkar
Development of a Smart City would depend upon the development of its infrastructure in a smart way. Primarily based on the ideology of the fourth industrial revolution a Smart City project should have Smart governance, smart health care, smart building, smart transportation, smart mobility, smart energy, smart technology and smart citizen. Considering the Indian scenario of current state of cities in India, it has become very essential to decide the specific parameters which would govern the development of a Smart City project. It has been observed that there are significant parameters beyond Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which govern the development of a Smart City project. This paper is an attempt to identify the Critical Success Factors (CSF) which are significantly responsible for the development of a Smart City project in Western India. Responses to questionnaire survey were analyzed on basis of Likert scale. They were further critically evaluated with help of Factor Comparison Method (FCM) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The project authorities need to incorporate Building Information Modeling (BIM) to make the smart city project more collaborative. To make the project more sustainable, use of flyash in the concrete used, reduced usage of cement and steel, use of alternate fuels like biodiesel is recommended.Keywords: analytical hierarchical process, building information modeling, critical success factors, factor comparison method
Procedia PDF Downloads 2538398 The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Petroleum Industry and Production
Authors: Mina Shokry Hanna Saleh Tadros
The centrality of the Petroleum Industry in the world energy is undoubted. The world economy almost runs and depends on petroleum. Petroleum industry is a multi-trillion industry; it turns otherwise poor and underdeveloped countries into wealthy nations and thrusts them at the center of international diplomacy. Although these developing nations lack the necessary technology to explore and exploit petroleum resources they are not without help as developed nations, represented by their multinational corporations are ready and willing to provide both the technical and managerial expertise necessary for the development of this natural resource. However, the exploration of these petroleum resources comes with, sometimes, grave, concomitant consequences. These consequences are especially pronounced with respect to the environment. From the British Petroleum Oil rig explosion and the resultant oil spillage and pollution in New Mexico, United States to the Mobil Oil spillage along Egyptian coast, the story and consequence is virtually the same. Egypt’s delta Region produces Nigeria’s petroleum which accounts for more than ninety-five percent of Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings. Between 1999 and 2007, Egypt earned more than $400 billion from petroleum exports. Nevertheless, petroleum exploration and exploitation has devastated the Delta environment. From oil spillage which pollutes the rivers, farms and wetlands to gas flaring by the multi-national corporations; the consequences is similar-a region that has been devastated by petroleum exploitation. This paper thus seeks to examine the consequences and impact of petroleum pollution in the Egypt Delta with particular reference on the right of the people of Niger Delta to a healthy environment. The paper further seeks to examine the relevant international, regional instrument and Nigeria’s municipal laws that are meant to protect the result of the people of the Egypt Delta and their enforcement by the Nigerian State. It is quite worrisome that the Egypt Delta Region and its people have suffered and are still suffering grave violations of their right to a healthy environment as a result of petroleum exploitation in their region. The Egypt effort at best is half-hearted in its protection of the people’s right.Keywords: crude oil, fire, floating roof tank, lightning protection systemenvironment, exploration, petroleum, pollutionDuvernay petroleum system, oil generation, oil-source correlation, Re-Os
Procedia PDF Downloads 828397 Poor Medical Waste Management (MWM) Practices and Its Risks to Human Health and the Environment
Authors: Babanyara Y. Y., Ibrahim D. B., Garba T., Bogoro A. G., Abubakar, M. Y.
Medical care is vital for our life, health, and well-being. However, the waste generated from medical activities can be hazardous, toxic, and even lethal because of their high potential for diseases transmission. The hazardous and toxic parts of waste from healthcare establishments comprising infectious, medical, and radioactive material as well as sharps constitute a grave risks to mankind and the environment, if these are not properly treated/disposed or are allowed to be mixed with other municipal waste. In Nigeria, practical information on this aspect is inadequate and research on the public health implications of poor management of medical wastes is few and limited in scope. Findings drawn from Literature particularly in the third world countries highlights financial problems, lack of awareness of risks involved in MWM, lack of appropriate legislation and lack of specialized MWM staff. The paper recommends how MWM practices can be improved in medical facilities.Keywords: environmental pollution, infectious, management, medical waste, public health
Procedia PDF Downloads 3138396 Study of Environmental Impact
Authors: Houmame Benbouali
The risks, in general, exist in any project; one can hardly carry out a project without taking risks. The hydraulic works are rather complex projects in their design, realization and exploitation, and are often subjected at the multiple risks being able to influence with their good performance, and can have an negative impact on their environment. The present study was carried out to quote the impacts caused by purification plant STEP Chlef on the environment, it aims has studies the environmental impacts during construction and when designing this STEP, it is divided into two parts: The first part results from a research task bibliographer which contain three chapters (-cleansing of water worn-general information on water worn-proceed of purification of waste water). The second part is an experimental part which is divided into four chapters (detailed state initial-description of the station of purification-evaluation of the impacts of the project analyzes measurements and recommendations).Keywords: treatment plant, waste water, waste water treatment, environmental impact
Procedia PDF Downloads 5118395 Hindrances to Effective Delivery of Infrastructural Development Projects in Nigeria’s Built Environment
Authors: Salisu Gidado Dalibi, Sadiq Gumi Abubakar, JingChun Feng
Nigeria’s population is about 190 million and is on the increase annually making it the seventh most populated nation in the world and first in Africa. This population growth comes with its prospects, needs, and challenges especially on the existing and future infrastructure. Infrastructure refers to structures, systems, and facilities serving the economy of a country, city, town, businesses, industries, etc. These include roads, railways lines, bridges, tunnels, ports, stadiums, dams and water projects, power generation plants and distribution grids, information, and communication technology (ICT), etc. The Nigerian government embarked on several infrastructural development projects (IDPs) to address the deficit as the present infrastructure cannot cater to the needs nor sustain the country. However, delivering such IDPs have not been smooth; comes with challenges from within and outside the project; frequent delays and abandonment. Thus, affecting all the stakeholders involved. Hence, the aim of this paper is to identify and assess the factors that are hindering the effective delivery of IDPs in Nigeria’s built environment with the view to offer more insight into such factors, and ways to address them. The methodology adopted in this study involves the use of secondary sources of data from several materials (official publications, journals, newspapers, internet, etc.) were reviewed within the IDPs field by laying more emphasis on Nigeria’s cases. The hindrance factors in this regard were identified which forms the backbone of the questionnaire. A pilot survey was used to test its suitability; after which it was randomly administered to various project professionals in Nigeria’s construction industry using a 5-point Likert scale format to ascertain the impact of these hindrances. Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test, mean item score computations, relative importance indices, T-test, Chi-Square statistics were used for data analyses. The results outline the impact of various internal, external and project related factors that are hindering IDPs within Nigeria’s built environment.Keywords: built environment, development, factors, hindrances, infrastructure, Nigeria, project
Procedia PDF Downloads 1808394 The Dynamic Metadata Schema in Neutron and Photon Communities: A Case Study of X-Ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
Authors: Amir Tosson, Mohammad Reza, Christian Gutt
Metadata stands at the forefront of advancing data management practices within research communities, with particular significance in the realms of neutron and photon scattering. This paper introduces a groundbreaking approach—dynamic metadata schema—within the context of X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (XPCS). XPCS, a potent technique unravelling nanoscale dynamic processes, serves as an illustrative use case to demonstrate how dynamic metadata can revolutionize data acquisition, sharing, and analysis workflows. This paper explores the challenges encountered by the neutron and photon communities in navigating intricate data landscapes and highlights the prowess of dynamic metadata in addressing these hurdles. Our proposed approach empowers researchers to tailor metadata definitions to the evolving demands of experiments, thereby facilitating streamlined data integration, traceability, and collaborative exploration. Through tangible examples from the XPCS domain, we showcase how embracing dynamic metadata standards bestows advantages, enhancing data reproducibility, interoperability, and the diffusion of knowledge. Ultimately, this paper underscores the transformative potential of dynamic metadata, heralding a paradigm shift in data management within the neutron and photon research communities.Keywords: metadata, FAIR, data analysis, XPCS, IoT
Procedia PDF Downloads 648393 Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Trading Automation in The Stock Market
Authors: Taylan Kabbani, Ekrem Duman
The design of adaptive systems that take advantage of financial markets while reducing the risk can bring more stagnant wealth into the global market. However, most efforts made to generate successful deals in trading financial assets rely on Supervised Learning (SL), which suffered from various limitations. Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) offers to solve these drawbacks of SL approaches by combining the financial assets price "prediction" step and the "allocation" step of the portfolio in one unified process to produce fully autonomous systems capable of interacting with its environment to make optimal decisions through trial and error. In this paper, a continuous action space approach is adopted to give the trading agent the ability to gradually adjust the portfolio's positions with each time step (dynamically re-allocate investments), resulting in better agent-environment interaction and faster convergence of the learning process. In addition, the approach supports the managing of a portfolio with several assets instead of a single one. This work represents a novel DRL model to generate profitable trades in the stock market, effectively overcoming the limitations of supervised learning approaches. We formulate the trading problem, or what is referred to as The Agent Environment as Partially observed Markov Decision Process (POMDP) model, considering the constraints imposed by the stock market, such as liquidity and transaction costs. More specifically, we design an environment that simulates the real-world trading process by augmenting the state representation with ten different technical indicators and sentiment analysis of news articles for each stock. We then solve the formulated POMDP problem using the Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) algorithm, which can learn policies in high-dimensional and continuous action spaces like those typically found in the stock market environment. From the point of view of stock market forecasting and the intelligent decision-making mechanism, this paper demonstrates the superiority of deep reinforcement learning in financial markets over other types of machine learning such as supervised learning and proves its credibility and advantages of strategic decision-making.Keywords: the stock market, deep reinforcement learning, MDP, twin delayed deep deterministic policy gradient, sentiment analysis, technical indicators, autonomous agent
Procedia PDF Downloads 1788392 Application of GIS-Based Construction Engineering: An Electronic Document Management System
Authors: Mansour N. Jadid
This paper describes the implementation of a GIS to provide decision support for successfully monitoring the movements and storage of materials, hence ensuring that finished products travel from the point of origin to the destination construction site through the supply-chain management (SCM) system. This system ensures the efficient operation of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors by determining the shortest path from the point of origin to the final destination to reduce construction costs, minimize time, and enhance productivity. These systems are essential to the construction industry because they reduce costs and save time, thereby improve productivity and effectiveness. This study describes a typical supply-chain model and a geographical information system (GIS)-based SCM that focuses on implementing an electronic document management system, which maps the application framework to integrate geodetic support with the supply-chain system. This process provides guidance for locating the nearest suppliers to fill the information needs of project members in different locations. Moreover, this study illustrates the use of a GIS-based SCM as a collaborative tool in innovative methods for implementing Web mapping services, as well as aspects of their integration by generating an interactive GIS for the construction industry platform.Keywords: construction, coordinate, engineering, GIS, management, map
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