Search results for: architectural characteristic
Commenced in January 2007
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Paper Count: 2193

Search results for: architectural characteristic

933 A Comparison of Generation Dependent Brain Targeting Potential of(Poly Propylene Mine) Dendrimers

Authors: Nitin Dwivedi, Jigna Shah


Aim and objective of study: This article indicates a comparison among various generations of dendrimers, a dendrimer is a bioactive material has repetitively branched molecule and used for delivery of various therapeutic active agents. This debut report compares the effect various generations of PPI dendrimers for brain targeting and management of neurodegenerative disorders potential on single platform. This report involves the study of the various mechanism of synthesis ligand anchored various generations PPI dendrimers deliver the drug directly to the CNS, prove their effectiveness in the management of the various neurodegenerative disease. Material and Methods: The Memantine an anti-Alzheimer drug loaded in different generations (3.0G, 4.0G, and 5.0G) of PPI dendrimers which were synthesized were synthesized. The various studies investigate the effect of PPI dendrimers generation on different characteristic parameters i.e. synthesis procedure, drug loading, release behavior, hemolysis profile at different concentration, MRI study for determine the route drug from olfactory transfer, animal model study in vitro, as well as in vivo performance. The outcomes of the investigation indicate drug delivery benefit as well as superior biocompatibility of 4.0G PPI dendrimer over 3.0G and 5.0G dendrimer, respectively. Results and Conclusion: The above study indicate the superiority of in drug delivery system with maximum drug utilization and minimize the drug dose for neurodegenerative disorder over 5.0G PPI dendrimers. So, 4.0G PPI dendrimers are the safe formulations for the symptomatic treatment of the neurodegenerative disorder. The fifth-generation poly(propyleneimine) (PPI) dendrimers, inherent toxicity due to the presence of many peripheral cationic groups is the major issue that limits their applicability.

Keywords: Alzheimer disease, generation, memantine, PPI

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932 Analysis of Urban Rail Transit Station's Accessibility Reliability: A Case Study of Hangzhou Metro, China

Authors: Jin-Qu Chen, Jie Liu, Yong Yin, Zi-Qi Ju, Yu-Yao Wu


Increase in travel fare and station’s failure will have huge impact on passengers’ travel. The Urban Rail Transit (URT) station’s accessibility reliability under increasing travel fare and station failure are analyzed in this paper. Firstly, the passenger’s travel path is resumed based on stochastic user equilibrium and Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) data. Secondly, calculating station’s importance by combining LeaderRank algorithm and Ratio of Station Affected Passenger Volume (RSAPV), and then the station’s accessibility evaluation indicators are proposed based on the analysis of passenger’s travel characteristic. Thirdly, station’s accessibility under different scenarios are measured and rate of accessibility change is proposed as station’s accessibility reliability indicator. Finally, the accessibility of Hangzhou metro stations is analyzed by the formulated models. The result shows that Jinjiang station and Liangzhu station are the most important and convenient station in the Hangzhou metro, respectively. Station failure and increase in travel fare and station failure have huge impact on station’s accessibility, except for increase in travel fare. Stations in Hangzhou metro Line 1 have relatively worse accessibility reliability and Fengqi Road station’s accessibility reliability is weakest. For Hangzhou metro operational department, constructing new metro line around Line 1 and protecting Line 1’s station preferentially can effective improve the accessibility reliability of Hangzhou metro.

Keywords: automatic fare collection data, AFC, station’s accessibility reliability, stochastic user equilibrium, urban rail transit, URT

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931 Spinach Lipid Extract as an Alternative Flow Aid for Fat Suspensions

Authors: Nizaha Juhaida Mohamad, David Gray, Bettina Wolf


Chocolate is a material composite with a high fraction of solid particles dispersed in a fat phase largely composed of cocoa butter. Viscosity properties of chocolate can be manipulated by the amount of fat - increased levels of fat lead to lower viscosity. However, a high content of cocoa butter can increase the cost of the chocolate and instead surfactants are used to manipulate viscosity behaviour. Most commonly, lecithin and polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) are used. Lecithin is a natural lipid emulsifier which is based on phospholipids while PGPR is a chemically produced emulsifier which based on the long continuous chain of ricinoleic acid. Lecithin and PGPR act to lower the viscosity and yield stress, respectively. Recently, natural lipid emulsifiers based on galactolipid as the functional ingredient have become of interest. Spinach lipid is found to have a high amount of galactolipid, specifically MGDG and DGDG. The aim of this research is to explore the influence of spinach lipid in comparison with PGPR and lecithin on the rheological properties of sugar/oil suspensions which serve as chocolate model system. For that purpose, icing sugar was dispersed from 40%, 45% and 50% (w/w) in oil which has spinach lipid at concentrations from 0.1 – 0.7% (w/w). Based on viscosity at 40 s-1 and yield value reported as shear stress measured at 5 s-1, it was found that spinach lipid shows viscosity reducing and yield stress lowering effects comparable to lecithin and PGPR, respectively. This characteristic of spinach lipid demonstrates great potential for it to act as single natural lipid emulsifier in chocolate.

Keywords: chocolate viscosity, lecithin, polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR), spinach lipid

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930 Optimal Design Solution in "The Small Module" Within the Possibilities of Ecology, Environmental Science/Engineering, and Economics

Authors: Hassan Wajid


We will commend accommodating an environmentally friendly architectural proposal that is extremely common/usual but whose features will make it a sustainable space. In this experiment, the natural and artificial built space is being proposed in such a way that deals with Environmental, Ecological, and Economic Criteria under different climatic conditions. Moreover, the criteria against ecology-environment-economics reflect in the different modules which are being experimented with and analyzed by multiple research groups. The ecological, environmental, and economic services are provided used as units of production side by side, resulting in local job creation and saving resources, for instance, conservation of rainwater, soil formation or protection, less energy consumption to achieve Net Zero, and a stable climate as a whole. The synthesized results from the collected data suggest several aspects to consider when designing buildings for beginning the design process under the supervision of instructors/directors who are responsible for developing curricula and sustainable goals. Hence, the results of the research and the suggestions will benefit the sustainable design through multiple results, heat analysis of different small modules, and comparisons. As a result, it is depleted as the resources are either consumed or the pollution contaminates the resources.

Keywords: optimization, ecology, environment, sustainable solution

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929 A Rotating Facility with High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Particle Image Velocimetry System to Investigate the Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow

Authors: Ruquan You, Haiwang Li, Zhi Tao


A time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV) system is developed to investigate the boundary layer flow with the effect of rotating Coriolis and buoyancy force. This time-resolved PIV system consists of a 10 Watts continuous laser diode and a high-speed camera. The laser diode is able to provide a less than 1mm thickness sheet light, and the high-speed camera can capture the 6400 frames per second with 1024×1024 pixels. The whole laser and the camera are fixed on the rotating facility with 1 radius meters and up to 500 revolutions per minute, which can measure the boundary flow velocity in the rotating channel with and without ribs directly at rotating conditions. To investigate the effect of buoyancy force, transparent heater glasses are used to provide the constant thermal heat flux, and then the density differences are generated near the channel wall, and the buoyancy force can be simulated when the channel is rotating. Due to the high temporal and spatial resolution of the system, the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) can be developed to analyze the characteristic of the turbulent boundary layer flow at rotating conditions. With this rotating facility and PIV system, the velocity profile, Reynolds shear stress, spatial and temporal correlation, and the POD modes of the turbulent boundary layer flow can be discussed.

Keywords: rotating facility, PIV, boundary layer flow, spatial and temporal resolution

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928 The Role of Artificial Intelligence on Interior Space in College of Architecture and Design

Authors: Saif M. M. Obeidat


This research investigates the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on interior spaces within a college of Architecture and Design. Employing a qualitative approach, the study conducts in-depth interviews and reviews AI-integrated design projects within the academic setting. The key objectives include assessing AI integration in design processes, examining the influence of AI on user experience, exploring its role in architectural innovation, identifying challenges, and assessing educational implications. The study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of AI's role in shaping interior spaces within academia. It anticipates improved efficiency in design processes, positive user feedback on functionality and experiences, the emergence of innovative design solutions, and the identification of challenges like ethical considerations and technical limitations. Additionally, the research expects insights into how educational programs may need to adapt to incorporate AI knowledge and skills, ensuring students are well-prepared for the evolving landscape of architecture and design practice. By addressing these objectives, the research contributes valuable insights into the evolving relationship between technology and the field of architecture, particularly within educational contexts.

Keywords: interior design, artificial intelligence, academic settings, technology, education

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927 The Role of Ideophones: Phonological and Morphological Characteristics in Literature

Authors: Cristina Bahón Arnaiz


Many Asian languages, such as Korean and Japanese, are well-known for their wide use of sound symbolic words or ideophones. This is a very particular characteristic which enriches its lexicon hugely. Ideophones are a class of sound symbolic words that utilize sound symbolism to express aspects, states, emotions, or conditions that can be experienced through the senses, such as shape, color, smell, action or movement. Ideophones have very particular characteristics in terms of sound symbolism and morphology, which distinguish them from other words. The phonological characteristics of ideophones are vowel ablaut or vowel gradation and consonant mutation. In the case of Korean, there are light vowels and dark vowels. Depending on the type of vowel that is used, the meaning will slightly change. Consonant mutation, also known as consonant ablaut, contributes to the level of intensity, emphasis, and volume of an expression. In addition to these phonological characteristics, there is one main morphological singularity, which is reduplication and it carries the meaning of continuity, repetition, intensity, emphasis, and plurality. All these characteristics play an important role in both linguistics and literature as they enhance the meaning of what is trying to be expressed with incredible semantic detail, expressiveness, and rhythm. The following study will analyze the ideophones used in a single paragraph of a Korean novel, which add incredible yet subtle detail to the meaning of the words, and advance the expressiveness and rhythm of the text. The results from analyzing one paragraph from a novel, after presenting the phonological and morphological characteristics of Korean ideophones, will evidence the important role that ideophones play in literature. 

Keywords: ideophones, mimetic words, phonomimes, phenomimes, psychomimes, sound symbolism

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926 Psychological Characteristic Patients with Takotsubo - Etiology of Stress and Family Functioning

Authors: Treder Natalia, Siemiński Mariusz


Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TC) is a recently defined clinical entity. First described by Japanese researchers, today is diagnosed worldwide in 1-2% of patients admitted with the preliminary diagnosis of Acute Coronary Syndrome. The etiology of takotsubo cardiomyopathy remains still largely unknown. Currently, the most likely cause of takotsubo is direct cytotoxicity caused by catecholamine surge triggered by emotional stress. There is a strong relation between recent severe emotional stress and TC. The aim of this study was to analysis the role of stress and personality as a risk factor of TT. The presented research involves 35 people who are diagnosed TC. All patients were women, mean age 60 years. The methods used in the research are popular psychological tests: Perceived Stress Scale, DS14 scale to measure type D personality, The Neo-Five Factor Inventory of Personality and psychological interview. The obtained results prove that stress events may directly precede or even release TC. The stressful events occurred directly before the symptoms in 75% examined. 65% assessed their family life as very stressful. Examiners have also a high level of experienced stress. Only 25% of the TC were classified as having type D personality but they have a high level of negative affectivity. The subjects had a high level of extraversion, openness to experiences and an average level of neuroticism. The results suggested that such a type of personality profile may predispose to the development of takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Patients with TT are the individuals who reveal joint tendency to the experience of negative emotions and very stressful family life.

Keywords: stress, personality trails, familiar problems, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy

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925 Jurisprudential Terms of Istiḥālah (Transformation) in Cosmetic Products (An Analytical Study)

Authors: Hassan Sher


God has made this world with all of his essences and beautified it with his countless blessings. In Islam, no doubt, beauty is a very important characteristic but also an aspect of the body and the heart. In a world where the standards of beauty seem to change from year to year according to trends and norms. Moreover, in this world, many people want to look good and feel satisfied and will be willing to go through many ways for their ideal look. likewise, several products came into use for beautifying, cleansing, and promoting attractiveness. These products include components of cosmetics, they are utilized for health and beauty purposes. There are concerns regarding the existence of harmful or ḥarām chemicals, but With the advancement in (technology), it results in the transformation of unlawful and forbidden cosmetic products into permissible several new ingredients and products. The process of transforming certain items or products from one form to another, Muslim jurists tend to use terms like Istiḥālah (transformation).Istiḥālah is an Islamic principle unknown to many Muslims. LinguisticallyIstiḥālah carries the meaning of a transformation or a change in the nature of a thing into something else.According to the religious contact, Istiḥālah signifies a turning of a matter from a state of impurity or inedibility into a matter of different nature, name, properties, and characteristics (colour, taste, and smell) (Zuhayli, 1997). This principle, which is unanimously accepted by Muslim scholars, are breaths of fresh air to Muslims suffering from the suffocation of excessive prohibition. This will allow the invention to be utilized fully. This research tends to highlight the different ideological concepts of Istiḥālah from the perspective of Islamic Shariah and jurisprudence and its application in cosmetic products. However, the study focuses on the issues related to alcohol and pig ingredients in beauty products.

Keywords: istiḥālah. harām, jurisprudence, cosmetic, pig

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924 Assessing Effects of an Intervention on Bottle-Weaning and Reducing Daily Milk Intake from Bottles in Toddlers Using Two-Part Random Effects Models

Authors: Yungtai Lo


Two-part random effects models have been used to fit semi-continuous longitudinal data where the response variable has a point mass at 0 and a continuous right-skewed distribution for positive values. We review methods proposed in the literature for analyzing data with excess zeros. A two-part logit-log-normal random effects model, a two-part logit-truncated normal random effects model, a two-part logit-gamma random effects model, and a two-part logit-skew normal random effects model were used to examine effects of a bottle-weaning intervention on reducing bottle use and daily milk intake from bottles in toddlers aged 11 to 13 months in a randomized controlled trial. We show in all four two-part models that the intervention promoted bottle-weaning and reduced daily milk intake from bottles in toddlers drinking from a bottle. We also show that there are no differences in model fit using either the logit link function or the probit link function for modeling the probability of bottle-weaning in all four models. Furthermore, prediction accuracy of the logit or probit link function is not sensitive to the distribution assumption on daily milk intake from bottles in toddlers not off bottles.

Keywords: two-part model, semi-continuous variable, truncated normal, gamma regression, skew normal, Pearson residual, receiver operating characteristic curve

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923 Superior Wear Performance of CoCrNi Matrix Composite Reinforced with Quasi-Continuously Networked Graphene Nanosheets and In-Situ Carbide

Authors: Wenting Ye


The biological materials evolved in nature generally exhibit interpenetrating network structures, which may offer useful inspiration for the architectural design of wear-resistant composites. Here, a strategy for designing self-lubricating medium entropy alloy (MEA) composites with high strength and excellent anti-wear performance was proposed through quasi-continuously networked in-situ carbides and graphene nanosheets. The discontinuous coating of graphene on the MEA powder surface inhibits continuous metallurgy bonding of the MEA powders during sintering, generating the typical quasi-continuously networked architecture. A good combination of mechanical properties with high fracture strength over 2 GPa and large compressive plasticity over 30% benefits from metallurgy bonding that prevents crack initiation and extension. The wear rate of an order of 10-6 m3N-1m-1 ascribing to an amorphous-crystalline nanocomposite surface, tribo-film induced by graphene, as well as the gradient worn subsurface during friction was achieved by the MEA composite, which is an order of magnitude lower than the unreinforced MEA matrix.

Keywords: in-situ carbide, tribological behavior, medium entropy alloy matrix composite, graphene

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922 Scope of Implmenting Building Information Modeling in (Aec) Industry Firms in India

Authors: Padmini Raman


The architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry is facing enormous technological and institutional changes and challenges including the information technology and appropriate application of sustainable practices. The engineer and architect must be able to handle with a rapid pace of technological change. BIM is a unique process of producing and managing a building by exploring a digital module before the actual project is constructed and later during its construction, facility operation and maintenance. BIM has been Adopted by construction contractors and architects in the western country mostly in US and UK to improve the planning and management of construction projects. In India, BIM is a basic stage of adoption only, several issues about data acquisition and management comes during the design formation and planning of a construction project due to the complexity, ambiguity, and fragmented nature of the Indian construction industry. This paper tells about the view a strategy for India’s AEC firms to successfully implement BIM in their current working processes. By surveying and collecting data about problems faced by these architectural firms, it will be analysed how to avoid those situations from rising and, thus, introducing BIM Capabilities in such firms in the most effective way. while this application is widely accepted throughout the industry in many countries for managing project information for cost control and facilities management.

Keywords: AEC industry, building information module, Indian industry, new technology, BIM implementation in India

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921 Aspects of the Reproductive Biology of the Reticulate Knife Fish, Papyrocranus afer (Gunther, 1868) In Lekki Lagoon, Nigeria

Authors: Adiaha A. A. Ugwumba, Femi V. Oluwale


Sizes at maturity (Lₘ₅₀), fecundity, sex ratio, and gonadosomatic indices (GSI) of the reticulate knife fish, Papyrocranus afer, collected from Lekki Lagoon, were investigated. A Total of 1154 specimens with standard lengths of 5.2-75.9 cm (mean = 34.86±17.2cm) and body weight of 7.9-1, 958.8g (mean = 249.12±28.56g) were collected by means of artisanal passive and active gears (traps, long lines, and nets) and examined. Sexes of fish specimens were determined macroscopically and microscopically after dissection. The length at which 50% of the fish population reached sexual maturity (Lₘ₅₀) was considered as length at sexual maturity. Fecundity was determined by total counts of eggs; sex ratio by the proportion of males to females, while GSI was determined as gonad weight expressed as a percentage of total body weight. Results showed that the most frequently caught fish was 34.5cm long, while the sizes at maturity were 49.1cm (males) and 53.4cm (females). Matured specimens had characteristic urinogenital papillae prominent in males but vestigial in females. Sex ratio (1: 0.6; Male: female) was significantly different (X² (1) = 32.21, p < 0.0001). Fecundity was low (mean 49 ± 17 eggs for a fish of 52.86 ±7.53cm); it increased with fish size (r = 0.71). Higher GSI during the rainy season with a peak in July (female: 0.44 ± 0.14 %; male: 0.22 ± 0.01 %) indicated seasonal/annual spawning. Low fecundity and annual spawning underlined the need for sustainable management of this species in Lekki Lagoon.

Keywords: breeding season, fecundity, gonad maturity, Lekki lagoon, Papyrocranus afer, sex ratio

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920 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Management at the Montfort Hospital

Authors: Kay-Anne Haykal, Issack Biyong


The post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) rises from exposure to a traumatic event and appears by a persistent experience of this event. Several psychiatric co-morbidities are associated with PTSD and include mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse. The main objective was to compare the criteria for PTSD according to the literature to those used to diagnose a patient in a francophone hospital and to check the correspondence of these two criteria. 700 medical charts of admitted patients on the medicine or psychiatric unit at the Montfort Hospital were identified with the following diagnoses: major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, substance abuse, and PTSD for the period of time between April 2005 and March 2006. Multiple demographic criteria were assembled. Also, for every chart analyzed, the PTSD criteria, according to the Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) IV were found, identified, and grouped according to pre-established codes. An analysis using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) method was elaborated for the study of data. A sample of 57 women and 50 men was studied. Age was varying between 18 and 88 years with a median age of 48. According to the PTSD criteria in the DSM IV, 12 patients should have the diagnosis of PTSD in opposition to only two identified in the medical charts. The ROC method establishes that with the combination of data from PTSD and depression, the sensitivity varies between 0,127 and 0,282, and the specificity varies between 0,889 and 0,917. Otherwise, if we examine the PTSD data alone, the sensibility jumps to 0.50, and the specificity varies between 0,781 and 0,895. This study confirms the presence of an underdiagnosed and treated PTSD that causes severe perturbations for the affected individual.

Keywords: post-traumatic stress disorder, co-morbidities, diagnosis, mental health disorders

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919 Public Participation in Science: The Case of Genetic Modified Organisms in Brazil

Authors: Maria Luisa Nozawa Ribeiro, Maria Teresa Miceli Kerbauy


This paper aims to present the theories of public participation in order to understand the context of the public GMO (Genetic Modified Organisms) policies in Brazil, highlighting the characteristics of its configuration and the dialog with the experts. As a controversy subject, the commercialization of GMO provoked manifestation of some popular and environmental representative groups questioning the decisions of policy makers and experts on the matter. Many aspects and consequences of the plantation and consumption of this crops emerged and the safety of this technology was questioned. Environmentalists, Civil Right's movement, representatives of rural workers, farmers and organics producers, etc. demonstrated their point of view, also sustained by some experts of medical, genetical, environmental, agronomical sciences, etc. fields. Despite this movement, the precautionary principle (risk management), implemented in 1987, suggested precaution facing new technologies and innovations in the sustainable development society. This principle influenced many legislation and regulation on GMO around the world, including Brazil, which became a reference among the world regulatory GMO systems. The Brazilian legislation ensures the citizens participation on GMO discussion, characteristic that was important to establish the connection between the subject and the participation theory. These deliberation spaces materialized in Brazil through the "Public Audiences", which are managed by the National Biosafety Technical Commission (CTNBio), the department responsible for controlling the research, production and commercialization of GMOs in Brazil.

Keywords: public engagement, public participation, science and technology studies, transgenic politics

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918 Dem Based Surface Deformation in Jhelum Valley: Insights from River Profile Analysis

Authors: Syed Amer Mahmood, Rao Mansor Ali Khan


This study deals with the remote sensing analysis of tectonic deformation and its implications to understand the regional uplift conditions in the lower Jhelum and eastern Potwar. Identification and mapping of active structures is an important issue in order to assess seismic hazards and to understand the Quaternary deformation of the region. Digital elevation models (DEMs) provide an opportunity to quantify land surface geometry in terms of elevation and its derivatives. Tectonic movement along the faults is often reflected by characteristic geomorphological features such as elevation, stream offsets, slope breaks and the contributing drainage area. The river profile analysis in this region using SRTM digital elevation model gives information about the tectonic influence on the local drainage network. The steepness and concavity indices have been calculated by power law of scaling relations under steady state conditions. An uplift rate map is prepared after carefully analysing the local drainage network showing uplift rates in mm/year. The active faults in the region control local drainages and the deflection of stream channels is a further evidence of the recent fault activity. The results show variable relative uplift conditions along MBT and Riasi and represent a wonderful example of the recency of uplift, as well as the influence of active tectonics on the evolution of young orogens.

Keywords: quaternary deformation, SRTM DEM, geomorphometric indices, active tectonics and MBT

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917 Building Information Modeling-Based Approach for Automatic Quantity Take-off and Cost Estimation

Authors: Lo Kar Yin, Law Ka Mei


Architectural, engineering, construction and operations (AECO) industry practitioners have been well adapting to the dynamic construction market from the fundamental training of its discipline. As further triggered by the pandemic since 2019, great steps are taken in virtual environment and the best collaboration is strived with project teams without boundaries. With adoption of Building Information Modeling-based approach and qualitative analysis, this paper is to review quantity take-off and cost estimation process through modeling techniques in liaison with suppliers, fabricators, subcontractors, contractors, designers, consultants and services providers in the construction industry value chain for automatic project cost budgeting, project cost control and cost evaluation on design options of in-situ reinforced-concrete construction and Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) at design stage, variation of works and cash flow/spending analysis at construction stage as far as practicable, with a view to sharing the findings for enhancing mutual trust and co-operation among AECO industry practitioners. It is to foster development through a common prototype of design and build project delivery method in NEC Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) Options A and C.

Keywords: building information modeling, cost estimation, quantity take-off, modeling techniques

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916 Calcium ion Cross-linked HEC/SA/HA hydrogel: Fabrication, Characterization and Wound Healing Applications

Authors: Fathima Shahitha, Alqasim Al-Mamari, Mohammed Al-Sibani, Ahmed Al Harrasi


The aim of this study is to prepare a novel antibacterial wound healing hydrogel based on hydroxyethyl cellulose/ Sodium alginate/ hyaluronic acid (HEC/SA/HA) and Ag nanoparticles, which is cross-linked via Ca2+ ions. The aim of the study is to obtain a hydrogel compound using green chemistry that helps to heal the wound faster and better. The properties and structure of the hydrogel have been tested to include swelling ratio, vitro degradation, antibacterial and antifungal activity and wound healing tests. It was also characterized via UV-Vis, FTIR, TEM, TGA and tested after it was fabricated by freeze-drying technique. The characteristic peak of UV-Vis spectra revealed the formation of AgNPs in the compound at 411 nm. The FTIR curves showed new peaks that confirmed the oxidation of HEC and also showed the chemical interaction of the three polymers with AgNPs and Ca2+. The TEM images presented monodispersed of AgNPs with their size ranging ( 8.2 to 32 nm ). The results from these studies showed that the hydrogel has an excellent performance in swelling ratio and vitro degradation. Furthermore, the wound healing activity of the hydrogel was examined via measuring the closure of wound and the second group treated with hydrogel revealed a significant healing activity compared to the control group. The hydrogel activity against bacteria and fungi was also measures for 72 h and the results showed excellent performance. These results suggested that the cross-linked hydrogel based on (HEC/HA/SA) with AgNPs might be a promising dressing for wounds.

Keywords: hydrogels, wound healing, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium alginate, Ca2+ cross-linking, hyaluronic acid

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915 Study of Circulatory MiR-122 and MiR-130a Expression among Chronic Hepatitis C Egyptian Patients

Authors: Hend K. Moosa, Eman A. Rashwan, Ezzat M. Hassan, Amany A. Ghazy, Amel G. Sheredy


The stability of microRNA (miR) in the circulation can show a great progress toward the discovery of non-invasive diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers in many diseases. In the present study, circulatory miR-122 and miR-130a were analysed in chronic hepatitis C Egyptian patients in predicting the clinical outcome of interferon treatment. In addition, their expression levels were correlated to viral RNA levels, necro-inflammatory markers (AST, ALT) and to each other. This study was conducted on 51 subjects where 36 were chronic HCV patients in which they were divided into naive and interferon treated HCV patients (responders and non-responders) and 15 matched healthy controls. Serum quantification of miR-122 and miR-130a were performed by quantitative Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR). The results showed a significant upregulation of miR-122 in non-responder patients (P=0.049). By receiver operating characteristic analysis curve, miR-122 revealed 65% sensitivity and 92.3% specificity in predicting non-responsiveness of patients to IFN treatment, while miR-130a showed a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 53.85%. Remarkably, there was a significant positive correlation between miR-122 and miR-130a in naive HCV patients (r=0.714, p=0.003). However, there was no significant correlation between serum miR-122, miR-130a expression levels and necro-inflammatory markers (AST, ALT). To conclude, miR-122 and miR-130a have a significant association with viral RNA levels and accordingly, they may have a synergistic power in promoting viral replication. Interestingly, miR-122 and miR-130a have a predictive power in predicting clinical outcome of IFN treatment which can be further studied in currently used drugs in order to reduce the socio-economic burden of potentially non-responders.

Keywords: hepatitis C, microRNA, miR-122, miR-130a

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914 Characteristic of Oxidation Resistant High-Entropy Alloys for Application in Zero-Emission Technologies

Authors: Wojciech J. Nowak, Natalia Maciaszek, Marcin Drajewicz


A constant requirement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in combination with the desire to increase gas turbine efficiency results in a continuous trend to increase the operating temperature of gas turbines. An increase in operating temperature will result in lower fuel consumption, and a higher combustion temperature will result in lower pollution release. Moreover, there is a strong trend for hydrogen to be used as an alternative and clean fuel. However, using hydrogen or hydrogen-rich fuel results in a higher combustion temperature, as well as an increase in the water vapor content in the exhaust gases. Commonly used Ni-base alloys have their limits. Moreover, the presence of water vapor worsens the oxidation behavior of Ni-based alloys at a high temperature. Therefore, a new brand of materials is demanded to be used in gas turbines operated with hydrogen-rich fuel. High-entropy alloys (HEAs) seem to be very promising materials to replace commonly used Ni-based alloys. HEAs are the group of materials consisting of at least five main equiatomic elements. These alloys can be doped by other elements in amounts less than 5 at. % in total. Thus, in the present study, NiCoCrAlFe-X alloys are studied in terms of oxidation behavior during exposure to dry and wet atmospheres up to 1000 h. NiCoCrAlFe-X alloys are doped with minor alloying elements in amounts ranging from 1-5 at.%. The effect of the chemical composition on oxidation resistance in dry and wet atmospheres will be shown and discussed.

Keywords: high entropy alloys, oxidation resistance, hydrogen fuel, water vapor

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913 Characterization of Volatile Compounds in Meat Lamb Fed in Different Algeria Pasture

Authors: Nabila Berrighi, Kaddour Bouderoua, Maria Khossif, Gema Nieto, Gaspar Ros


Ruminant meat is an important source of nutrients and is also of high sensory value. However, the importance and nature of these characteristics depend on ruminant nutrition. The objective of this study is to assess the effect of two Algerian feeding systems applied in the steppic rearing area of Djelfa and in the highlands one of Tiaret on the growth performance of lambs and on their meat quality, especially on their aroma compounds of meat. At the beginning of the experiment, lambs had an average body weight of 34.04 kg, and 35.40 kg for the group reared at Highland (0% concentrate) and Steppe (30% concentrate), respectively. The incorporation of the concentrated feed in Steppe had a significant effect on slaughter weight compared to lambs fed only on pasture (Highland) (49.72 Kg vs. 42.06 Kg, P<0.05). Beyond the first month, animals from the Steppe one showed better weight gains compared to those from Highland (14.32Kg vs. 8.02 Kg, respectively, P<0,05). After slaughter, samples from the Longissimus thoracis were removed and analyzed. The results point to significant differences in the amounts of many of the predominant volatile compounds between both groups (p<0.05), such as Hexanal, 2-methyl-3-furanthiol and nonanal (8.92 μg/kg vs. 4.57 μg/kg), (8.88 μg/kg vs. 7.45 μg/kg) and (2.09 μ/kg vs. 1.02 μg/kg) associated with smells of green, boiling meat and orange fruit, respectively. These compounds, measured by olfactometry, derived from the oxidation of lipids and appear to be responsible for the characteristic flavor of lamb meat in the steppe compared to that generated by meat from animals from the Highland pastures. The Algerian Steppe ecosystem is very interesting for outdoor sheep breeding, which allows to obtain attractive sensory quality and in the production of typical lamb meat that can be considered as a label.

Keywords: falvour, growth performance, lamb meat, steppe pasture

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912 Expression of Gro-El under Phloem-Specific Promoter Protects Transgenic Plants against Diverse Begomovirus-Beta Satellite Complex

Authors: Muhammad Yousaf Ali, Shahid Mansoor, Javeria Qazi, Imran Amin, Musarrat Shaheen


Cotton leaf curl disease (CLCuD) is the major threat to the cotton crop and is transmitted by whitefly (Bemisia tabaci). Since multiple begomoviruses and associated satellites are involved in CLCuD, approaches based on the concept of broad-spectrum resistance are essential for effective disease control. Gro-El and G5 are two proteins from whitefly endosymbiont and M13 bacteriophage origin, respectively. Gro-El encapsulates the virus particle when it enters the whitefly and protects the virus from the immune system of the whitefly as well as prevents viral expression in it. This characteristic of Gro-El can be exploited to get resistance against viruses if expressed in plants. G5 is a single-stranded DNA binding protein, expression of which in transgenic plants will stop viral expression on its binding with ssDNA. The use of tissue-specific promoters is more efficient than constitutive promoters. Transgenics of Nicotiana benthamiana for Gro-El under constitutive promoter and Gro-El under phloem specific promoter were made. In comparison to non-transgenic plants, transgenic plants with Gro-El under NSP promoter showed promising results when challenged against cotton leaf curl Multan virus (CLCuMuV) along with cotton leaf curl Multan beta satellite (CLCuMB), cotton leaf curl Khokhran virus (CLCuKoV) along with cotton leaf curl Multan beta satellite (CLCuMB) and Pedilenthus leaf curl virus (PedLCV) along with Tobacco leaf curl beta satellite (TbLCB).

Keywords: cotton leaf curl disease, whitefly, endosymbionts, transgenic, resistance

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911 Advanced Seismic Retrofit of a School Building by a DFP Base Isolation Solution

Authors: Stefano Sorace, Gloria Terenzi


The study of a base isolation seismic retrofit solution for a reinforced concrete school building is presented in this paper. The building was assumed as a benchmark structure for a Research Project financed by the Italian Department of Civil Protection, and is representative of several similar public edifices designed with earlier Technical Standards editions, in Italy as well as in other earthquake-prone European countries. The structural characteristics of the building, and a synthesis of the investigation campaigns developed on it, are initially presented. The mechanical parameters, dimensions, locations and installation details of the base isolation system, incorporating double friction pendulum sliding bearings as protective devices, are then illustrated, along with the performance assessment analyses carried out in original and rehabilitated conditions according to a full non-linear dynamic approach. The results of the analyses show a remarkable enhancement of the seismic response capacities of the structure in base-isolated configuration. This allows reaching the high performance levels postulated in the rehabilitation design with notably lower costs and architectural intrusion as compared to traditional retrofit interventions designed for the same objectives.

Keywords: seismic retrofit, seismic assessment, r/c structures, school buildings, base isolation

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910 Crashworthiness Optimization of an Automotive Front Bumper in Composite Material

Authors: S. Boria


In the last years, the crashworthiness of an automotive body structure can be improved, since the beginning of the design stage, thanks to the development of specific optimization tools. It is well known how the finite element codes can help the designer to investigate the crashing performance of structures under dynamic impact. Therefore, by coupling nonlinear mathematical programming procedure and statistical techniques with FE simulations, it is possible to optimize the design with reduced number of analytical evaluations. In engineering applications, many optimization methods which are based on statistical techniques and utilize estimated models, called meta-models, are quickly spreading. A meta-model is an approximation of a detailed simulation model based on a dataset of input, identified by the design of experiments (DOE); the number of simulations needed to build it depends on the number of variables. Among the various types of meta-modeling techniques, Kriging method seems to be excellent in accuracy, robustness and efficiency compared to other ones when applied to crashworthiness optimization. Therefore the application of such meta-model was used in this work, in order to improve the structural optimization of a bumper for a racing car in composite material subjected to frontal impact. The specific energy absorption represents the objective function to maximize and the geometrical parameters subjected to some design constraints are the design variables. LS-DYNA codes were interfaced with LS-OPT tool in order to find the optimized solution, through the use of a domain reduction strategy. With the use of the Kriging meta-model the crashworthiness characteristic of the composite bumper was improved.

Keywords: composite material, crashworthiness, finite element analysis, optimization

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909 Implementation of a Photo-Curable 3D Additive Manufacturing Technology with Grey Capability by Using Piezo Ink-jets

Authors: Ming-Jong Tsai, Y. L. Cheng, Y. L. Kuo, S. Y. Hsiao, J. W. Chen, P. H. Liu, D. H. Chen


The 3D printing is a combination of digital technology, material science, intelligent manufacturing and control of opto-mechatronics systems. It is called the third industrial revolution from the view of the Economist Journal. A color 3D printing machine may provide the necessary support for high value-added industrial and commercial design, architectural design, personal boutique, and 3D artist’s creation. The main goal of this paper is to develop photo-curable color 3D manufacturing technology and system implementation. The key technologies include (1) Photo-curable color 3D additive manufacturing processes development and materials research (2) Piezo type ink-jet head control and Opto-mechatronics integration technique of the photo-curable color 3D laminated manufacturing system. The proposed system is integrated with single Piezo type ink-jet head with two individual channels for two primary UV light curable color resins which can provide for future colorful 3D printing solutions. The main research results are 16 grey levels and grey resolution of 75 dpi.

Keywords: 3D printing, additive manufacturing, color, photo-curable, Piezo type ink-jet, UV Resin

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908 An Investigation on Climate Responsive Design Strategies of Apartment Buildings in Athens of the Period 1920-1960s

Authors: Angeliki Chronopoulou, Eleni Alexandrou


This paper thoroughly investigates residential buildings of the period 1920 – 1960 in Athens and evaluates their bioclimatic response and energy performance. A methodology adapted to the specific context of the city is proposed and applied in order to assess and extract results related to the climate analysis of the city of Athens, the general/architectural design and construction characteristics of the apartment buildings constructed during the period 1920 – 1960, the bioclimatic strategies applied on them, and the achieved thermal comfort based on questionnaires answered by their users. The results of the current study indicate that the residential architecture of that period in the city of Athens is adapted to an extend to the local climate with various climate responsive strategies. As an outcome of the analysis, the most frequently applied depending on the period of construction are presented. For this reason, the examined period is divided into 3 sub – periods: 1st period 1920s – 1930s (late neoclassicism & eclecticism), 2nd period 1930s – 1940s (modernism), 3rd period 1940s – 1960s (postwar modernism).

Keywords: Athens, climatic design strategies, residential buildings, middle war and post war architecture, thermal comfort

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907 Influence of Specimen Geometry (10*10*40), (12*12*60) and (5*20*120), on Determination of Toughness of Concrete Measurement of Critical Stress Intensity Factor: A Comparative Study

Authors: M. Benzerara, B. Redjel, B. Kebaili


The cracking of the concrete is a more crucial problem with the development of the complex structures related to technological progress. The projections in the knowledge of the breaking process make it possible today for better prevention of the risk of the fracture. The breaking strength brutal of a quasi-fragile material like the concrete called Toughness is measured by a breaking value of the factor of the intensity of the constraints K1C for which the crack is propagated, it is an intrinsic property of the material. Many studies reported in the literature treating of the concrete were carried out on specimens which are in fact inadequate compared to the intrinsic characteristic to identify. We started from this established fact, in order to compare the evolution of the parameter of toughness K1C measured by calling upon ordinary concrete specimens of three prismatic geometries different (10*10*40) Cm3, (12*12*60) Cm3 & (5*20*120) Cm3 containing from the side notches various depths simulating of the cracks was set up.The notches are carried out using triangular pyramidal plates into manufactured out of sheet coated placed at the center of the specimens at the time of the casting, then withdrawn to leave the trace of a crack. The tests are carried out in 3 points bending test in mode 1 of fracture, by using the techniques of mechanical fracture. The evolution of the parameter of toughness K1C measured with the three geometries specimens gives almost the same results. They are acceptable and return in the beach of the results determined by various researchers (toughness of the ordinary concrete turns to the turn of the 1 MPa √m). These results inform us about the presence of an economy on the level of the geometry specimen (5*20*120) Cm3, therefore, to use plates specimens later if one wants to master the toughness of this material complexes, astonishing but always essential that is the concrete.

Keywords: concrete, fissure, specimen, toughness

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906 Art, Space and Nature in Design: Analysing the Perception of Landscape Architecture Students

Authors: M. Danial Ismail, Turkan Sultan Yasar Ismail, Mehmet Cetin


Eco-design issues are seldom addressed as a major importance in most projects in Turkey. Cities undergo a rapid urban expansion with less awareness and focus on green spaces. The aim of this paper is firstly to analyse the graduating landscape architecture students of Kastamonu University’s perception on the new course content that discusses the relationship of art, space and nature in the context of landscape architectural design using the perception analysis methodology. Secondly, this paper also addresses how these elements synthesize together in an artistic perception in concept and form. In this study, a new coursework subject was introduced as a part of the curriculum for the 4th year students of the undergraduate program and project proposals dealing with the concept of art, space and nature were discussed and graded. Simulations of contemporary art installations in gallery spaces are built upon the concept of critical awareness to ecological problems. These concepts and simulations are important as they will influence future developments and projects. This paper will give an insight to scholars and professionals regarding new concepts of multidisciplinary education strategies and its positive effects on critical and creative design thinking within the scope of ecological design.

Keywords: art, ecological design, landscape architecture curriculum, space and nature

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905 A Study on Energy-Saving Modular Housing Units Considering Environmental and Aesthetic Aspects

Authors: Jae Hee Chung, Tae Uk Kang, Byung Seo Kim


This study aims to propose design technologies for the energy-saving modular housing units considering environmental and aesthetic aspects. Modular houses are environmentally friendly based on 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) because they can dramatically reduce carbon dioxide and construction wastes generated during the construction, use, and disposal process by the pre-fabrication at the factory and the recyclability of the unit, compared to the existing construction methods. The existing modular housing, however, tends to focus on quantitative aspects of energy reduction, such as windows, insulation, and introduction of renewable energy, and there is not much research on energy-saving type units considering the environmental aspects such as daylighting and ventilation, and the design that goes beyond the standardized appearance. Therefore, this study conducts theoretical investigation and analytical case studies on the energy-saving methods through various architectural planning elements as well as materials like insulation considering the environmental and aesthetic aspects in the modular housing. Then, comparative analysis on the energy efficiency through the energy simulation is conducted. As a conclusion, the energy-saving modular housing units considering environmental and aesthetics aspects are proposed. It is expected that this study will contribute to the supply and activation of modular housing through deriving design technologies for the energy-saving modular housing units that consider not only quantitative aspects but also qualitative aspects.

Keywords: aesthetic aspects, energy-saving, environmental, modular housing

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904 Geographical Indication Protection for Agricultural Products: Contribution for Achieving Food Security in Indonesia

Authors: Mas Rahmah


Indonesia is the most populous Southeast Asian nations, as Indonesia`s population is constantly growing, food security has become a crucial trending issue. Although Indonesia has more than enough natural resources and agricultural products to ensure food security for all, Indonesia is still facing the problem of food security because of adverse weather conditions, increasing population, political instability, economic factors (unemployment, rising food prices), and the dependent system of agriculture. This paper will analyze that Geographical Indication (GI) can aid in transforming Indonesian agricultural-dependent system by tapping the unique product attributes of their quality products since Indonesia has a lot of agricultural products with unique quality and special characteristic associated with geographical factors such as Toraja Coffee, Alor Vanili, Banda Nutmeg, Java Tea, Deli Tobacco, Cianjur Rise etc. This paper argues that the reputation and agricultural products and their intrinsic quality should be protected under GI because GI will provide benefit supporting the food security program. Therefore, this paper will expose the benefit of GI protection such as increasing productivity, improving the exports of GI products, creating employment, adding economic value to products, and increasing the diversity of supply of natural and unique quality products, etc. that can contribute to food security. The analysis will finally conclude that the scenario of promoting GI may indirectly contribute to food security through adding value by incorporating territory specific cultural, environmental and social qualities into production, processing and developing of unique local, niche and special agricultural products.

Keywords: geographical indication, food security, agricultural product, Indonesia

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