Search results for: West Nile virus
767 Outcome-Based Water Resources Management in the Gash River Basin, Eastern Sudan
Authors: Muna Mohamed Omer Mirghani
This paper responds to one of the key national development strategies and a typical challenge in the Gash Basin as well as in different parts of Sudan, namely managing water scarcity in view of climate change impacts in minor water systems sustaining over 50% of the Sudan population. While now focusing on the Gash river basin, the ultimate aim is to replicate the same approach in similar water systems in central and west Sudan. The key objective of the paper is the identification of outcome-based water governance interventions in Gash Basin, guided by the global Sustainable Development Goal six (SDG 6 on water and sanitation) and the Sudan water resource policy framework. The paper concluded that improved water resources management of the Gash Basin is a prerequisite for ensuring desired policy outcomes of groundwater use and flood risk management purposes. Analysis of various water governance dimensions in the Gash indicated that the operationalization of a Basin-level institutional reform is critically focused on informed actors and adapted practices through knowledge and technologies along with the technical data and capacity needed to make that. Adapting the devolved Institutional structure at state level is recommended to strengthen the Gash basin regulatory function and improve compliance of groundwater users.Keywords: water governance, Gash Basin, integrated groundwater management, Sudan
Procedia PDF Downloads 179766 Marine Litter Dispersion in the Southern Shores of the Caspian Sea (Case Study: Mazandaran Province)
Authors: Siamak Jamshidi
One of the major environmental problems in the southern coasts of the Caspian Sea is that the marine and coastal debris is being deposited and accumulated due to industrial, urban and tourism activities. Study, sampling and analysis on the type, size, amount and origin of human-made (anthropogenic) waste in the coastal areas of this sea can be very effective in implementing management, cultural and informative programs to reduce marine environmental pollutants. Investigation on marine litter distribution under impact of seawater dynamics was performed for the first time in this research. The rate of entry and distribution of marine and coastal pollutants and wastes, which are mainly of urban, tourist and hospital origin, has multiplied on the southern shore of the Caspian Sea in the last decade. According to the results, the two most important sources of hospital waste in the coastal areas are Tonekabon and Mahmoudabad. In this case, the effect of dynamic parameters of seawater such as flow (with speeds of up to about 1 m/s) and waves, as well as the flow of rivers leading to the shoreline are also influential factors in the distribution of marine litter in the region. Marine litters in the southern coastal region were transported from west to east by the shallow waters of the southern Caspian Sea. In other words, the marine debris density has been observed more in the eastern part.Keywords: southern shelf, coastal oceanography, seawater flow, vertical structure, marine environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 71765 Fiqh Al Aqalliyat (Jurisprude for Muslim Minorities): An Emerging Discourse for Western Minorities
Authors: Sana Tahzeeb
Role of Muslim minority in a democratic state has been the most debatable as well as attractive issue in the writings of the contemporary Muslim scholars, never discussed in the classical Islamic literature of history. Islam as a dominant religion has been the issue of academic discussions in the entire classical literature of Islamic jurisprudence the division of world into Dar al-Islam (abode of Islam), Dar al-Harb (abode of war) has been the main division on the basis of which Islam’s relation with the remaining world were defined and formulated. Now living in a global society the classical division of territories seems to be irrelevant. The new division of the same became necessary in the present situation particularly in view of the pluralistic society and need of power sharing in non-Muslim countries. It is important to note that a number of Muslim scholars of modern period examined this problem and other issues of Muslim minorities from legal point of view. Fiqh al-Aqalliyat is a newly developed discipline of Islamic jurisprudence. The rationale for this development is that there are so many issues of the Muslim minorities particularly in the European countries which are required to be discussed and examined juridically by Muslim jurists and scholars. There was also need for reinterpreting the term Dar al-Harb and relevance of its applicability to the west. The present paper shed a light on these emerging trends in Islamic world.Keywords: fiqh al Aqalliyat, Muslim minorities, Europe, Islam
Procedia PDF Downloads 368764 Humanitarianism as the New Face of Religion Practice: A Nigerian Experience
Authors: Nicholas Okpe
As the world gets more and more engulfed in both man-made and natural disasters, the call for religious intervention becomes intrinsically louder to the extent that any religious inclination that does not devolve into societal or humanitarian adventures makes no meaning. Wars, conflicts, environmental disturbances have thrown new challenges hitherto unknown to the doorsteps of religious groups for intervention as the last hope of humanity. In Nigeria, since the last two decades, many things have fallen apart that have led to humanitarian crisis from the North to the South and from the East to the West. Over five million Nigerians live in internally displaced camps all over the country due to the various forms of social unrest as well as natural disasters, especially floods. These problems have brought forth the signifance of various religious groups who through their interventions have often shown to be the hope of the people. This paper examines the latent potentials of religion in not only making people to cope with difficult situations they find themselves in, but also giving sucure to the many who otherwise are despondent and at the edge of life. Many religious groups have well developed plans of interventions in various humanitarian situations. The efforts of religions such as christianity, Islam and the indigenous African religion is exrayed and assessed for proper evaluation. The paper finds out that the most potent and effective means of attending to humanitarian crisis today in Nigeria is through the various religious organization as governments at various levels have lost credibility in such exercises.Keywords: humanitarianism, religion. nigeria, society, practice
Procedia PDF Downloads 44763 Use of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor for Tank Bottom Protection
Authors: Muhammad Arsalan Khan Sherwani
The use of Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) to protect Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) bottom plates against soil-side corrosion is one of the emerging corrosion prevention methods, specifically for tanks constructed on oily sand pad. Oily sand pad and the presence of air gaps underneath the bottom plates lead to severe corrosion and high metal thickness loss. In such cases, the cathodic protection cannot be fully considered as effective due to Cathodic Protection (CP) current shielding. These situations sometimes result in serious failures on multiple fronts, such as; containment losses, system shutdowns, extensive repairs, environmental impact and safety concerns in case of flammable fluids. Recently, East West Pipeline Department (EWPD) of Saudi Aramco has deployed this technology to one of the crude oil storage tanks, which showed high metal thickness loss during its out of service inspection. Soil-side corrosion rustled in major repairs of bottom plates and ultimately caused enormous unplanned activities in term of time as well as cost. This paper mainly focuses on the methodology of VCI installation, corrosion monitoring system and the expected results of protection.Keywords: Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor, Soil Side Corrosion, External Corrosion, Above Grade Storage Tank
Procedia PDF Downloads 75762 Low Volume High Intensity Interval Training Effect on Liver Enzymes in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients
Authors: Aya Gamal Khattab
Chronic infection with the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is now the leading cause of liver-related morbidity and mortality; Currently, alanine aminotransferase ALT measurement is not only widely used in detecting the incidence, development, and prognosis of liver disease with obvious clinical symptoms, but also provides reference on screening the overall health status during health check-ups. Exercise is a low-cost, reliable and sustainable therapy for many chronic diseases. Low-volume high intensity interval training HIT is time efficient while also having wider application to different populations including people at risk for chronic inflammatory diseases. Purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of low volume high intensity interval training on ALT, AST in HCV patients. All practical work was done in outpatient physiotherapy clinic of Suez Canal Authority Hospitals. Forty patients both gender (27 male, 13 female), age ranged (40-60) years old submitted to low volume high intensity interval training on treadmill for two months three sessions per week. Each session consisting of five min warming up, two bouts for 10 min each bout consisting of 30 sec - 1 min of high intensity (75%-85%) HRmax then two to four min active recovery at intensity (40%-60%) HRmax, so the sum of high intensity intervals was one to two min for each session and four to eight min active recovery, and ends with five min cooling down. ALT and AST were measured before starting exercise session and 2 months later after finishing the total exercise sessions through blood samples. Results showed significant decrease in ALT, AST with improvement percentage (18.85%), (23.87%) in the study, so the study concluded that low volume high intensity interval training had a significant effect in lowering the level of circulating liver enzymes (ALT, AST) which means protection of hepatic cells and restoration of its function.Keywords: alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), hepatitis C (HCV), low volume high intensity interval training
Procedia PDF Downloads 300761 Optimization and Evaluation of the Oil Extraction Process Using Supercritical CO2 and Co-solvents from Spent Coffee Ground
Authors: Sergio Clemente, Carla Bartolomé, Miriam Lorenzo, Sergio Valverde
The generation of urban waste is a consequence of human activity, and the fraction of urban organic waste is one of the major components of municipal waste. The development of new materials and energy recovery technologies is becoming a thriving topic throughout Europe. ITENE is working to increase the circularity of coffee grounds from West Macedonia. Although these residues have a high content of carbohydrates, fatty acids and polyphenols, they are usually valorized energetically or discarded, losing all these compounds of interest. ITENE is studying the extraction of oils from spent coffee grounds using supercritical CO2, as it is a more sustainable method and does not destroy the most valuable compounds. In the HOOP project, the extraction process is optimized to maximize oil production and the possibility of using co-solvents together with supercritical CO2 is studied. The production of fatty acids by scCO2 extraction is optimized and then compared with other conventional extraction methods such as hexane extraction and the Folch method. The conditions for scCO2 were temperatures of 313.15K, 323.15K and 333.15K, pressures from 150 bar to 200 bar, and extraction times between 1 and 3 h. In addition, a complete characterization of the resulting lipid fraction is performed to evaluate its fatty acid content and profile, as well as its antioxidant properties, lipid oxidation, total phenol content and moisture.Keywords: Supercritical co2, coffee, valorization, extraction
Procedia PDF Downloads 7760 Towards Designing of a Potential New HIV-1 Protease Inhibitor Using Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Study in Combination with Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Authors: Mouna Baassi, Mohamed Moussaoui, Hatim Soufi, Sanchaita RajkhowaI, Ashwani Sharma, Subrata Sinha, Said Belaaouad
Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 protease (HIV-1 PR) is one of the most challenging targets of antiretroviral therapy used in the treatment of AIDS-infected people. The performance of protease inhibitors (PIs) is limited by the development of protease mutations that can promote resistance to the treatment. The current study was carried out using statistics and bioinformatics tools. A series of thirty-three compounds with known enzymatic inhibitory activities against HIV-1 protease was used in this paper to build a mathematical model relating the structure to the biological activity. These compounds were designed by software; their descriptors were computed using various tools, such as Gaussian, Chem3D, ChemSketch and MarvinSketch. Computational methods generated the best model based on its statistical parameters. The model’s applicability domain (AD) was elaborated. Furthermore, one compound has been proposed as efficient against HIV-1 protease with comparable biological activity to the existing ones; this drug candidate was evaluated using ADMET properties and Lipinski’s rule. Molecular Docking performed on Wild Type and Mutant Type HIV-1 proteases allowed the investigation of the interaction types displayed between the proteases and the ligands, Darunavir (DRV) and the new drug (ND). Molecular dynamics simulation was also used in order to investigate the complexes’ stability, allowing a comparative study of the performance of both ligands (DRV & ND). Our study suggested that the new molecule showed comparable results to that of Darunavir and may be used for further experimental studies. Our study may also be used as a pipeline to search and design new potential inhibitors of HIV-1 proteases.Keywords: QSAR, ADMET properties, molecular docking, molecular dynamics simulation.
Procedia PDF Downloads 41759 Monitoring of Hydrological Parameters in the Alexandra Jukskei Catchment in South Africa
Authors: Vhuhwavho Gadisi, Rebecca Alowo, German Nkhonjera
It has been noted that technical programming for handling groundwater resources is not accessible. The lack of these systems hinders groundwater management processes necessary for decision-making through monitoring and evaluation regarding the Jukskei River of the Crocodile River (West) Basin in Johannesburg, South Africa. Several challenges have been identified in South Africa's Jukskei Catchment concerning groundwater management. Some of those challenges will include the following: Gaps in data records; there is a need for training and equipping of monitoring staff; formal accreditation of monitoring capacities and equipment; there is no access to regulation terms (e.g., meters). Taking into consideration necessities and human requirements as per typical densities in various regions of South Africa, there is a need to construct several groundwater level monitoring stations in a particular segment; the available raw data on groundwater level should be converted into consumable products for example, short reports on delicate areas (e.g., Dolomite compartments, wetlands, aquifers, and sole source) and considering the increasing civil unrest there has been vandalism and theft of groundwater monitoring infrastructure. GIS was employed at the catchment level to plot the relationship between those identified groundwater parameters in the catchment area and the identified borehole. GIS-based maps were designed for groundwater monitoring to be pretested on one borehole in the Jukskei catchment. This data will be used to establish changes in the borehole compared to changes in the catchment area according to identified parameters.Keywords: GIS, monitoring, Jukskei, catchment
Procedia PDF Downloads 94758 Storage Tank Overfill Protection in Compliance with Functional Safety Standard: IEC 61511
Authors: Hassan Alsada
Tank overfill accidents are major concerns for industries handling large volumes of hydrocarbons. Buncefield, Jaipur, Puerto Rico, and West Virginia are just a few accidents with catastrophic consequences. Thus, it is very important for any industry to take the right safety measures for overfill prevention. Moreover, one of the main causative factors in the overfill accidents was inadequate risk analysis and, subsequently, inadequate design. This study aims to provide a full assessment in accordance with the Functional safety standard: “IEC 615 11 – Safety instrumented systems for the process industry” to the tank overfill scenario according to the standard’s Safety Life Cycle (SLC), which includes: the analysis phase, the implementation phase, and the operation phase. The paper discusses in depth the tank overfills Independent Protection Layers (IPLs) with systematic analysis to avoid the safety risks of under-design and the financial risk of facility overdesign. The result shows a clear and systematic assessment in compliance with the standards that can help to assist existing tank overfilling setup or a guide to support designing new storage facilities overfill protection.Keywords: IEC 61511, PHA, LOPA, process safety, safety, health, environment, safety instrumented systems, safety instrumented function, functional safety, safety life cycle
Procedia PDF Downloads 90757 Comparing and Contrasting Western and Eastern Ways of War: Building a Universal Strategic Theory
Authors: Adam Kok Wey Leong
The comparison between the Western ways of war and Eastern ways of war has raised contemporary debates on the validity of these arguments. The Western way of war is popularly propounded by Victor Davis Hanson as originating from the Greek hoplite tactics, direct military maneuvers, democratic principles and social freedom and cohesion that has continued to yield military success for the Western powers for centuries. On the other hand, the Eastern way of war has been deemed as relying on indirect tactics, deception, and ruses. This often accepted notion of the divide between Western and Eastern style does not sustain in view of the available classical strategic texts from both sides from the same period that has proposed similar principles of warfare. This paper analyses the similarities between classical strategic texts on war from the Eastern perspective namely Sun Tzu’s Art of War with a similar temporal strategic text from the West which is Sextus Iuluis Frontinus’s Stratagematon, and deduces answers to this core research question - Does the hypothesis of the existence of distinctive Western and Eastern ways of warfare stands? The main thesis advanced by this research is that ways of warfare share universal principles, and it transcends cultural and spatial boundaries. Warfare is a human endeavour, and the same moral actions guide humans from different geo-cultural spheres in warfare’s objectives, which are winning over an enemy in the most economical way and serve as a mean to an end.Keywords: ways of warfare, strategic culture, strategy, Sun Tzu, frontinus
Procedia PDF Downloads 479756 Biophysical Characterization of the Inhibition of cGAS-DNA Sensing by KicGAS, Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Inhibitor of cGAS
Authors: D. Bhowmik, Y. Tian, Q. Yin, F. Zhu
Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS), recognises cytoplasmic double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), indicative of bacterial and viral infections, as well as the leakage of self DNA by cellular dysfunction and stresses, to elicit the host's immune responses. Viruses also have developed numerous strategies to antagonize the cGAS-STING pathway. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is a human DNA tumor virus that is the causative agent of Kaposi’s sarcoma and several other malignancies. To persist in the host, consequently causing diseases, KSHV must overcome the host innate immune responses, including the cGAS-STING DNA sensing pathway. We already found that ORF52 or KicGAS (KSHV inhibitor of cGAS), an abundant and basic gamma herpesvirus-conserved tegument protein, directly inhibits cGAS enzymatic activity. To better understand the mechanism, we have performed the biochemical and structural characterization of full-length KicGAS and various mutants in regarding binding to DNA. We observed that KicGAS is capable of self-association and identified the critical residues involved in the oligomerization process. We also characterized the DNA-binding of KicGAS and found that KicGAS cooperatively oligomerizes along the length of the double stranded DNA, the highly conserved basic residues at the c-terminal disordered region are crucial for DNA recognition. Deficiency in oligomerization also affects DNA binding. Thus DNA binding by KicGAS sequesters DNA and prevents it from being detected by cGAS, consequently inhibiting cGAS activation. KicGAS homologues also inhibit cGAS efficiently, suggesting inhibition of cGAS is evolutionarily conserved mechanism among gamma herpesvirus. These results highlight the important viral strategy to evade this innate immune sensor.Keywords: Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, KSHV, cGAS, DNA binding, inhibition
Procedia PDF Downloads 128755 Study on the Layout of 15-Minute Community-Life Circle in the State of “Community Segregation” Based on Poi: Shengwei Community and Other Two Communities in Chongqing
Authors: Siyuan Cai
This paper takes community segregation during major infectious diseases as the background, based on the physiological needs and safety needs of citizens during home segregation, and based on the selection of convenient facilities and medical facilities as the main research objects. Based on the POI data of public facilities in Chongqing, the spatial distribution characteristics of the convenience and medical facilities in the 15-minute living circle centered on three neighborhoods in Shapingba, namely Shengwei Community, Anju Commmunity and Fengtian Garden Community, were explored by means of GIS spatial analysis. The results show that the spatial distribution of convenience and medical facilities in this area has significant clustering characteristics, with a point-like distribution pattern of "dense in the west and sparse in the east", and a grouped and multi-polar spatial structure. The spatial structure is multi-polar and has an obvious tendency to the intersections and residential areas with dense pedestrian flow. This study provides a preliminary exploration of the distribution of medical and convenience facilities within the 15-minute living circle of a segregated community, which makes up for the lack of spatial research in this area.Keywords: ArcGIS, community segregation, convenient facilities; distribution pattern, medical facilities, POI, 15-minute community life circle
Procedia PDF Downloads 122754 Theorizing Digital Transformation, Digitization and Digitalization in Africa Emerging Research in Digital Business: A Critical Review of the Current Scholarship
Authors: Ayanda Magida
The paper aims to provide a critical review of the current state-of-the-art literature on emerging digital business theories. They are specifically focusing on the emergent theories on digital transformation, digitization, and digitalization and their importance in the global south. Digital business is an emergent field that cuts across the different existing disciplines. The paper is threefold- to provide the conceptual and theoretical definition of the DT, digitization and digitization. There is a growing need to provide some of the differences between digitalization, digitization and digital transformation from a theoretical and conceptual basis. These tend to be confused and often use interchangeably the second aim is to focus on the emerging theories on digital transformation and digital business. Finally, the paper provides some critical review of the importance of scholarship in the field from the global south. The systematic review of the literature was conducted through the different research databases to provide some of the major theories in the field of digital business and critically argue for the global south stance. Much of the research on the development and adoption of digital technologies, specifically digital transformation, has been done in the west and developed countries. There is thus a dearth of research conducted in developing countries and the global south.Keywords: digital transformation, digitization, digital business, digitalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 276753 A Psychoanalytic Lens: Unmasked Layers of the Self among Post-Graduate Psychology Students in Surviving the COVID-19 Lockdown
Authors: Sharon Sibanda, Benny Motileng
The World Health Organisation (WHO) identified the Sars-Cov-2 (COVID-19) as a pandemic on the 12ᵗʰ of March 2020, with South Africa recording its first case on the 5ᵗʰ of March 2020. The rapidly spreading virus led the South African government to implement one of the strictest nationwide lockdowns globally, resulting in the closing down of all institutions of higher learning effective March 18ᵗʰ 2020. Thus, this qualitative study primarily aimed to explore whether post-graduate psychology students were in a state of a depleted or cohesive self, post the psychological isolation of COVID-19 risk-adjusted level 5 lockdown. Semi-structured interviews from a qualitative interpretive approach comprising N=6 psychology post-graduate students facilitated a rich understanding of their intra-psychic experiences of the self. Thematic analysis of data gathered from the interviews illuminated how students were forced into the self by the emotional isolation of hard lockdown, with the emergence of core psychic conflict often defended against through external self-object experiences. The findings also suggest that lockdown stripped off this sample of psychology post-graduate students’ defensive escape from the inner self through external self-object distractions. The external self was stripped to the core of the internal self by the isolation of hard lockdown, thereby uncovering the psychic function of roles and defenses amalgamated throughout modern cultural consciousness that dictates self-functioning. The study suggests modelling reflexivity skills in the integration of internal and external self-experience dynamics as part of a training model for continued personal and professional development for psychology students.Keywords: COVID-19, fragmentation, self-object experience, true/false self
Procedia PDF Downloads 59752 Microseismicity of the Tehran Region Based on Three Seismic Networks
Authors: Jamileh Vasheghani Farahani
The main purpose of this research is to show the current active faults and active tectonic of the area by three seismic networks in Tehran region: 1-Tehran Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization (TDMMO), 2-Broadband Iranian National Seismic Network Center (BIN), 3-Iranian Seismological Center (IRSC). In this study, we analyzed microearthquakes happened in Tehran city and its surroundings using the Tehran networks from 1996 to 2015. We found some active faults and trends in the region. There is a 200-year history of historical earthquakes in Tehran. Historical and instrumental seismicity show that the east of Tehran is more active than the west. The Mosha fault in the North of Tehran is one of the active faults of the central Alborz. Moreover, other major faults in the region are Kahrizak, Eyvanakey, Parchin and North Tehran faults. An important seismicity region is an intersection of the Mosha and North Tehran fault systems (Kalan village in Lavasan). This region shows a cluster of microearthquakes. According to the historical and microseismic events analyzed in this research, there is a seismic gap in SE of Tehran. The empirical relationship is used to assess the Mmax based on the rupture length. There is a probability of occurrence of a strong motion of 7.0 to 7.5 magnitudes in the region (based on the assessed capability of the major faults such as Parchin and Eyvanekey faults and historical earthquakes).Keywords: Iran, major faults, microseismicity, Tehran
Procedia PDF Downloads 368751 Conspiracy Theories and the Right to Believe
Authors: Zwelenkani Mdlalose
From the moment Covid 19 was declared a pandemic it became clear that conspiracy theories would significantly impact our response to the crisis that the virus was to become. Central to the interest in conspiracy theories evoked by a pandemic is a more general concern for the impact they have on society and social harmony. The specific brand of Conspiracy Theory that is in question is not any and all theories about conspiracies but rather those conspiracy theories which contradict official accounts. For example, where the official account on the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001 is of a conspiracy involving 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda against targets in the United States, the nature of conspiracy theory under study is the one contradicting this official account to the extent that its attributes the attacks not to al-Qaeda militants but to actors in the United States government itself. The study is not an investigation into the truth value of conspiracy theories but rather an attempt at observing the essential qualities of the type of belief that is belief in conspiracy theories compared to belief in official accounts provided by authoritative sources such as governments, experts and mainstream media. These qualities include the psychological, epistemic and socio-political foundations on which belief in conspiracy theories are established. Based on a foundational understanding of the sort of belief that are beliefs in conspiracy theories, we may then extrapolate implied ethical demands on both authoritative bodies and actors as well as believers in conspiracy theories. For example: in their unofficial ‘non-factual’ status, is there not some violation of epistemic right in the same way we observe in cases where people are prejudiced because of their religious beliefs? In other words, is there an epistemic injustice suffered by believers in conspiracy theories in the way their beliefs are rejected as illegitimate? Conversely, to what extent do believers bear an epistemic responsibility in their adoption of their beliefs in conspiracy theories. From this position, perhaps we can then develop responses to the problem that foster greater social harmony even in the midst of suspicion and distrust.Keywords: conspiracy theories, subjugated knowledge, epistemic injustice, epistemic responsibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 102750 Self-Efficacy, Self-Knowledge, Empathy and Psychological Well-Being as Predictors of Workers’ Job Performance in Food and Beverage Industries in the South-West, Nigeria
Authors: Michael Ayodeji Boyede
Studies have shown that workers’ job performance is very low in Nigeria, especially in the food and beverage industry. This trend had been partially attributed to low workers’ self-efficacy, poor self-knowledge, lack of empathy and poor psychological well-being. The descriptive survey design was adopted. Four factories were purposively selected from three states in Southwestern, Nigeria (Lagos, Ogun and Oyo States). Proportionate random sampling techniques were used in selecting 1,820 junior and supervisory cadre workers in Nestle Plc (369), Coca-Cola Plc (392), Cadbury Plc (443) and Nigeria Breweries (616). The five research instruments used were: Workers’ self-efficacy (r=0.81), Workers’ self-knowledge (r=0.78), Workers’ empathy (r=0.74), Workers’ psychological well-being (r=0.70) and Workers’ performance rating (r=0.72) scales. Quantitative data were analysed using Pearson product moment correlation, Multiple regression at 0.05 level of significance. Findings show that there were significant relationships between Workers’ job performance and self-efficacy (r=.56), self-knowledge (r=.54), Empathy (r=.55) and Psychological Well-being (r=.69) respectively. Self-efficacy, self-knowledge, empathy and psychological well-being jointly predict workers’ job performance (F (4,1815) = 491.05) accounting for 52.0% of its variance. Psychological well-being (B=.52). Self-efficacy (B=.10), self-knowledge (B=.11), empathy (B=. 09) had predictive relative weights on workers’ job performance. Inadequate knowledge and training of the supervisors led to a mismatch of workers thereby reducing workers’ job performance. High self-efficacy, empathy, psychological well-being and good self-knowledge influence workers job performance in the food and beverage industry. Based on the finding employers of labour should provide work environment that would enhance and promote the development of these factors among the workers.Keywords: self-efficacy, self-knowledge, empathy, psychological well-being, job performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 262749 Solid Waste Disposal Site Selection in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation Area by Data Analysis Using GIS and Remote Sensing Tools
Authors: C. Asha Poorna, P. G. Vinod, A. R. R. Menon
Currently increasing population and their activities like urbanization and industrialization generating the greatest environmental, issue called Waste. And the major problem in waste management is selection of an appropriate site for waste disposal. The selection of suitable site have constrains like environmental, economical and political considerations. In this paper we discuss the strategies to be followed while selecting a site for decentralized system for solid waste disposal, using Geographic Information System (GIS), the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the remote sensing method for Thiruvananthapuram corporation area. It is located on the west coast of India near the extreme south of the mainland. It lies on the shores of Killiyar and Karamana River. Being on the basin the waste managements must be regulated with the water body. The different criteria considered for waste disposal site selection are lithology, surface water, aquifer, groundwater, land use, contours, aspect, elevation, slope, and distance to road, distance from settlement are examined in relation to land fill site selection. Each criterion was identified and weighted by AHP score and mapped using GIS technique and suitable map is prepared by overlay analysis.Keywords: waste disposal, solid waste management, Geographic Information System (GIS), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Procedia PDF Downloads 397748 Exploring the Impact of Tillage and Manure on Soil Water Retention and Van Genuchten
Authors: Azadeh Safadoust, Ali Akbar Mahboubi
A study was conducted to evaluate hydraulic properties of a sandy loam soil and corn (Zea mays L.) crop production under a short-term tillage and manure combinations field experiment carried out in west of Iran. Treatments included composted cattle manure application rates [0, 30, and 60 Mg (dry weight) ha-1] and tillage systems [no-tillage (NT), chisel plowing (CP), and moldboard plowing (MP)] arranged in a split-plot design. Soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) were significantly affected by manure and tillage treatments. At any matric suction, the soil water content was in the order of MP>CP>NT. At all matric suctions, the amount of water retained by the soil increased as manure application rate increased (i.e. 60>30>0 Mg ha-1). Similar to the tillage effects, at high suctions the differences of water retained due to manure addition were less than that at low suctions. The change of SWCC from tillage methods and manure applications may attribute to the change of pore size and aggregate size distributions. Soil Ks was in the order of CP>MP>NT for the first two layers and in the order of MP>CP and NT for the deeper soil layer. The Ks also increased with increasing rates of manure application (i.e. 60>30>0 Mg ha-1). This was due to the increase in the total pore size and continuity.Keywords: corn, manure, saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil water characteristic curve, tillage
Procedia PDF Downloads 77747 Two-Dimensional Seismic Response of Concrete Gravity Dams Including Base Sliding
Authors: Djamel Ouzandja, Boualem Tiliouine
The safety evaluation of the concrete gravity dams subjected to seismic excitations is really very complex as the earthquake response of the concrete gravity dam depends upon its contraction joints with foundation soil. This paper presents the seismic response of concrete gravity dams considering friction contact and welded contact. Friction contact is provided using contact elements. Two-dimensional (2D) finite element model of Oued Fodda concrete gravity dam, located in Chlef at the west of Algeria, is used for this purpose. Linear and nonlinear analyses considering dam-foundation soil interaction are performed using ANSYS software. The reservoir water is modeled as added mass using the Westergaard approach. The Drucker-Prager model is preferred for dam and foundation rock in nonlinear analyses. The surface-to-surface contact elements based on the Coulomb's friction law are used to describe the friction. These contact elements use a target surface and a contact surface to form a contact pair. According to this study, the seismic analysis of concrete gravity dams including base sliding. When the friction contact is considered in joints, the base sliding displacement occurs along the dam-foundation soil contact interface. Besides, the base sliding may generally decrease the principal stresses in the dam.Keywords: concrete gravity dam, dynamic soil-structure interaction, friction contact, sliding
Procedia PDF Downloads 408746 Seismic Hazard Analysis for a Multi Layer Fault System: Antalya (SW Turkey) Example
Authors: Nihat Dipova, Bulent Cangir
This article presents the results of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for Antalya (SW Turkey). South west of Turkey is characterized by large earthquakes resulting from the continental collision between the African, Arabian and Eurasian plates and crustal faults. Earthquakes around the study area are grouped into two; crustal earthquakes (D=0-50 km) and subduction zone earthquakes (50-140 km). Maximum observed magnitude of subduction earthquakes is Mw=6.0. Maximum magnitude of crustal earthquakes is Mw=6.6. Sources for crustal earthquakes are faults which are related with Isparta Angle and Cyprus Arc tectonic structures. A new earthquake catalogue for Antalya, with unified moment magnitude scale has been prepared and seismicity of the area around Antalya city has been evaluated by defining ‘a’ and ‘b’ parameters of the Gutenberg-Richter recurrence relationship. The Standard Cornell-McGuire method has been used for hazard computation utilizing CRISIS2007 software. Attenuation relationships proposed by Chiou and Youngs (2008) has been used for 0-50 km earthquakes and Youngs et. al (1997) for deep subduction earthquakes. Finally, Seismic hazard map for peak horizontal acceleration on a uniform site condition of firm rock (average shear wave velocity of about 1130 m/s) at a hazard level of 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years has been prepared.Keywords: Antalya, peak ground acceleration, seismic hazard assessment, subduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 372745 Entry Inhibitors Are Less Effective at Preventing Cell-Associated HIV-2 Infection than HIV-1
Authors: A. R. Diniz, P. Borrego, I. Bártolo, N. Taveira
Cell-to-cell transmission plays a critical role in the spread of HIV-1 infection in vitro and in vivo. Inhibition of HIV-1 cell-associated infection by antiretroviral drugs and neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) is more difficult compared to cell-free infection. Limited data exists on cell-associated infection by HIV-2 and its inhibition. In this work, we determined the ability of entry inhibitors to inhibit HIV-1 and HIV-2 cell-to cell fusion as a proxy to cell-associated infection. We developed a method in which Hela-CD4-cells are first transfected with a Tat expressing plasmid (pcDNA3.1+/Tat101) and infected with recombinant vaccinia viruses expressing either the HIV-1 (vPE16: from isolate HTLV-IIIB, clone BH8, X4 tropism) or HIV-2 (vSC50: from HIV-2SBL/ISY, R5 and X4 tropism) envelope glycoproteins (M.O.I.=1 PFU/cell).These cells are added to TZM-bl cells. When cell-to-cell fusion (syncytia) occurs the Tat protein diffuses to the TZM-bl cells activating the expression of a reporter gene (luciferase). We tested several entry inhibitors including the fusion inhibitors T1249, T20 and P3, the CCR5 antagonists MVC and TAK-779, the CXCR4 antagonist AMD3100 and several HIV-2 neutralizing antibodies (Nabs). All compounds inhibited HIV-1 and HIV-2 cell fusion albeit to different levels. Maximum percentage of HIV-2 inhibition (MPI) was higher for fusion inhibitors (T1249- 99.8%; P3- 95%, T20-90%) followed by co-receptor antagonists (MVC- 63%; TAK-779- 55%; AMD3100- 45%). NAbs from HIV-2 infected patients did not prevent cell fusion up to the tested concentration of 4μg/ml. As for HIV-1, MPI reached 100% with TAK-779 and T1249. For the other antivirals, MPIs were: P3-79%; T20-75%; AMD3100-61%; MVC-65%.These results are consistent with published data. Maraviroc had the lowest IC50 both for HIV-2 and HIV-1 (IC50 HIV-2= 0.06 μM; HIV-1=0.0076μM). Highest IC50 were observed with T20 for HIV-2 (3.86μM) and with TAK-779 for HIV-1 (12.64μM). Overall, our results show that entry inhibitors in clinical use are less effective at preventing Env mediated cell-to-cell-fusion in HIV-2 than in HIV-1 which suggests that cell-associated HIV-2 infection will be more difficult to inhibit compared to HIV-1. The method described here will be useful to screen for new HIV entry inhibitors.Keywords: cell-to-cell fusion, entry inhibitors, HIV, NAbs, vaccinia virus
Procedia PDF Downloads 310744 Metagenomics-Based Molecular Epidemiology of Viral Diseases
Authors: Vyacheslav Furtak, Merja Roivainen, Olga Mirochnichenko, Majid Laassri, Bella Bidzhieva, Tatiana Zagorodnyaya, Vladimir Chizhikov, Konstantin Chumakov
Molecular epidemiology and environmental surveillance are parts of a rational strategy to control infectious diseases. They have been widely used in the worldwide campaign to eradicate poliomyelitis, which otherwise would be complicated by the inability to rapidly respond to outbreaks and determine sources of the infection. The conventional scheme involves isolation of viruses from patients and the environment, followed by their identification by nucleotide sequences analysis to determine phylogenetic relationships. This is a tedious and time-consuming process that yields definitive results when it may be too late to implement countermeasures. Because of the difficulty of high-throughput full-genome sequencing, most such studies are conducted by sequencing only capsid genes or their parts. Therefore the important information about the contribution of other parts of the genome and inter- and intra-species recombination to viral evolution is not captured. Here we propose a new approach based on the rapid concentration of sewage samples with tangential flow filtration followed by deep sequencing and reconstruction of nucleotide sequences of viruses present in the samples. The entire nucleic acids content of each sample is sequenced, thus preserving in digital format the complete spectrum of viruses. A set of rapid algorithms was developed to separate deep sequence reads into discrete populations corresponding to each virus and assemble them into full-length consensus contigs, as well as to generate a complete profile of sequence heterogeneities in each of them. This provides an effective approach to study molecular epidemiology and evolution of natural viral populations.Keywords: poliovirus, eradication, environmental surveillance, laboratory diagnosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 282743 Assessment the Impact of Changes in Cultivation Pattern from Grape to Apple on Drying up of Urmia Lake
Authors: Nasser Karami
The Urmia grapes have been famous for centuries and have been among the most desirable in the production of wine. Interestingly, evidence shows that the Urmia region was the first place in the world where wine was produced and consumed. In fact, the grapes known as “Shiraz” and made popular by “Shiraz Wine” are the grapes cultivated as a local species especially in the West Azerbaijan watershed basin and exported to Europe. But after the Islamic Revolution, because the production, usage, and sale of wine were unlawful (under Islamic rule), they decided to cultivate apples instead of grapes. Before Islamic revolution, about 50 percent of the gardens were producing grapes, but the apple groves took up less than 1.5 percent (100 hectares). Three years after the revolution, in 1982, people were swept up in the revolutionary excitement and grape cultivation decreased, using less than 10 percent of the garden area. Important is the fact that an apple tree needs 12 times more water than a grapevine, it should be noted that in terms of water usage in the area, the agricultural area has not been increased by 2 or 4 times but rather by 12 times. Evaluation of this study showed that contrary to official reports, climate change isn’t major cause of drying up Urmia Lake and 65 percent of this environmental crisis happened due to spreading unsustainable agricultural in basin of this lake.Keywords: cultivation pattern, unsustainable agriculture, urmia lake drying, water managment
Procedia PDF Downloads 344742 Seepage Modelling of Jatigede Dam Towards Cisampih Village Based on Analysis Soil Characteristic Using Method Soil Reaction to Water, West Java Indonesia
Authors: Diemas Purnama Muhammad Firman Pratama, Denny Maulana Malik
Development of Jatigede Dam that was the mega project in Indonesia, since 1963. Area of around Jatigede Dam is complex, it has structural geology active fault, and as possible can occur landslide. This research focus on soil test. The purpose of this research to know soil quality Jatigede Dam which caused by water seepage of Jatigede Dam, then can be made seepage modelling around Jatigede Dam including Cisampih Village. Method of this research is SRW (Soil Reaction to Water). There are three samples are taken nearby Jatigede Dam. Four paramaters to determine water seepage such as : V ( velocity of soil to release water), Dl (Ability of soil to release water), Ds (Ability of soil to absorb water), Dt (Ability of soil to hold water). meanwhile, another proscess of interaction beetween water and soil are produced angle, which is made of water flow and vertikal line. Called name SIAT. SIAT has two type is na1 and na2. Each samples has a value from the first sample is 280,333(degree), the second 270 (degree) and the third 270 (degree). The difference na1 is, water interaction towards Dt value angle, while na2 is water interaction towards Dl and Ds value angle. Result of calculating SRW method, first till third sample has a value 7, 11,5 and 9. Based on data, interpreted in around teritory of Jatigede Dam, will get easier impact from water seepage because, condition soil reaction too bad so, it can not hold water.Keywords: Jatigede Dam, Cisampih village, water seepage, soil quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 377741 Factors Influencing the General Public Intention to Be Vaccinated: A Case of Botswana
Authors: Meng Qing Feng, Otsile Morake
Background: Successful implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination ensures the prevention of virus infection. Postponement and refusal of the vaccination will threaten public health, which is now common among the general public across the world. In addition, an acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine appears as a decisive factor in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. Purpose: This study's objective is to explore the factors influencing the public intention to be vaccinated (ITBV). Design/methodology/approach: The web-based survey included socio-demographics and questions related to the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the health belief model (HBM). An online survey was administered using Google Form to collect data from participants of Botswana. The sample included 339 participants, half-half of the participants were female. Data analysis was run using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Findings: The study results highlight that perceived severity, perceived barriers, health motivation, and attitude have a positive and significant effect on ITBV, while perceived susceptibility, benefits, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control do not affect ITBV. Among all of the predictors, perceived barriers have the most significant influence on ITBV. Conclusion: Theoretically, this research stated that both HBM and TPB are effective in predicting and explaining the general public ITBV. Practically, this study offers insights to the government and health departments to arrange and launch health awareness programs and provide a better guide to vaccination so that doubts about vaccine confidence and the level of uncertainty can be decreased.Keywords: COVID-19, Omicron, intention to be COVID-19 vaccine, health behavior model, theory of planned behavior, Botswana
Procedia PDF Downloads 95740 Stability Assessment of Chamshir Dam Based on DEM, South West Zagros
Authors: Rezvan Khavari
The Zagros fold-thrust belt in SW Iran is a part of the Alpine-Himalayan system which consists of a variety of structures with different sizes or geometries. The study area is Chamshir Dam, which is located on the Zohreh River, 20 km southeast of Gachsaran City (southwest Iran). The satellite images are valuable means available to geologists for locating geological or geomorphological features expressing regional fault or fracture systems, therefore, the satellite images were used for structural analysis of the Chamshir dam area. As well, using the DEM and geological maps, 3D Models of the area have been constructed. Then, based on these models, all the acquired fracture traces data were integrated in Geographic Information System (GIS) environment by using Arc GIS software. Based on field investigation and DEM model, main structures in the area consist of Cham Shir syncline and two fault sets, the main thrust faults with NW-SE direction and small normal faults in NE-SW direction. There are three joint sets in the study area, both of them (J1 and J3) are the main large fractures around the Chamshir dam. These fractures indeed consist with the normal faults in NE-SW direction. The third joint set in NW-SE is normal to the others. In general, according to topography, geomorphology and structural geology evidences, Chamshir dam has a potential for sliding in some parts of Gachsaran formation.Keywords: DEM, chamshir dam, zohreh river, satellite images
Procedia PDF Downloads 482739 Natural Forest Ecosystem Services Provided to Local Populations
Authors: Mohammed Sghir Taleb
Located at the northwest corner of the African continent between 21 ° and 36 ° north latitude and between the 1st and the 17th degree of west longitude, Morocco, with a total area of 715,000 km2, enjoys a privileged position with a coastline of 3 446 km long opening to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. Its privileged location with a double coastline and its diverse mountain with four major mountain ranges: the Rif, Middle Atlas, High Atlas and Anti Atlas, with altitudes exceeding 2000 m in the Rif, 3000 m in the Middle Atlas and 4000 m in the High Atlas. Morocco is characterized by an important forest genetic diversity represented by a rich and varied flora and many ecosystems: forest, preforest, presteppe, steppe, Sahara that spans a range of bioclimatic zones: arid, semiarid, subhumid, and humid. The vascular flora of Morocco is rich and highly diversified, with a very significant degree of endemism. Natural flora and ecosystems provide important services to populations represented by grazing, timber harvest, harvesting of medicinal and aromatic plants. This work will be focused on the Moroccan biodiversity and natural ecosystem services and on the interaction between local populations and ecosystems and on the strategies developed by Morocco for restoring and conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services.Keywords: morocco, biodiversity, forest ecosystems, local population
Procedia PDF Downloads 85738 Antibacterial Activity of the Essential Oil of Origanum glandulosum on Bacterial Strains of Hospital Origin Most Implicated in Nosocomial Infections
Authors: A. Lardjam, R. Mazid, S. Y. Boudghene, A. Izarouken, Y. Dali, N. Djebli, H. Toumi
Origanum glandulosum is an aromatic plant, common in Algeria and widely used by local people for its medicinal properties. The essential oil from this plant, which grows in the west of Algeria, was studied to evaluate and determine its antibacterial activity. The extraction of the essential oil was performed by water steam distillation; the yield obtained from the aerial parts (1.78 %) is interesting, its chromatographic profile revealed by TLC showed the presence of phenolic compounds thymol and carvacrol. The evaluation of the activity of the essential oil of Origanum glandulosum on bacterial strains of hospital origin, ATCC, MRB, and HRB, most implicated in nosocomial infections (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 43300, Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Staphylococcus aureus resistant to meticillin, Enterococcus faecium, VA R and R TEC, Acinetobacter baumanii, IMP R and R CAZ, Klebsiella pneumonia carbapenemase-producing) by the method of aromatogramme and micro atmosphere, shows that the antibacterial potency of this oil is very high, expressed by significant inhibition diameters on all strains except Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and low MICs and is characterized by a bactericidal action.Keywords: antibacterial activity, essential oil, HRB, MBR, nosocomial infections, origanum glandulosum
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