Search results for: Muhammad Danyal Khan
700 Effects of Dietary E on Semen, Hormonal Profile and Testicular Biometry in Teddy Goat Bucks
Authors: Muhammad Zubair, Maqbool Ahmad, Al-Hafizah Shafia Tehseen Gul, Shujait Ali
The use of vitamins has significant effects on the reproductive system of mammals. The present study was conducted to investigate the useful effects of vitamin E on reproductive functions of Teddy bucks. For this purpose, 8 adult Teddy bucks were randomly divided into two treatment groups viz; A (control) and B (vitamin E with dose of 200 mg/kg BW/day). These treatments continued for 12 weeks. Semen quality parameters (volume, motility, sperm morphology and sperm DNA integrity) of experimental bucks of each group was evaluated on weekly basis, while testicular measurements (length, scrotal circumference and weights) were recorded at 0 and 12th week of experiment. Serum concentrations of male sex hormones (testosterone, LH, FSH) and cortisol were recorded fortnightly. Similarly, body weights of bucks were also measured fortnightly until completion of the study. The data were subjected to two-way analysis of variance, followed by Duncan test for multiple mean comparisons. Supplementation of vitamin E improved significantly (P<0.05) the semen quality parameter, body weights, testicular measurements and serum levels of sex hormones. However, there was no effect on serum cortisol. It was concluded from the present study that dietary supplementation of vitamin E has beneficial effects on the semen and hormones in male reproductive system.Keywords: hormones, semen, teddy bucks, testicular measurements
Procedia PDF Downloads 293699 Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Behavior and Performance of Youth Entrepreneurs in Malaysia
Authors: Mohd Najib Mansor, Nur Syamilah Md. Noor, Abdul Rahim Anuar, Shazida Jan Mohd Khan, Ahmad Zubir Ibrahim, Badariah Hj Din, Abu Sufian Abu Bakar, Kalsom Kayat, Wan Nurmahfuzah Jannah Wan Mansor
This study aimed and focused on the behavior of youth entrepreneurs’ especially entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the performance in micro SMEs in Malaysia. Entrepreneurship development calls for support from various quarters, and mostly the need exists to initiate a youth entrepreneurship culture and drive amongst the youth in the society. Although backed up by the government and non-government organizations, micro-entrepreneurs are still facing challenges which greatly delay their progress, growth and consequently their input towards economic advancement. Micro-entrepreneurs are confronted with unique difficulties such as uncertainty, innovation, and evolution. Reviews on the development of entrepreneurial characteristics such as need for achievement, internal locus of control, risk-taking and innovation and have been recognized as highly associated with entrepreneurial behavior. The data in this study was obtained from the Department of Statistics, Malaysia. A random sampling of 830 respondents was distributed to 14 states that involve of micro-entrepreneurs. The study adopted a quantitative approach whereby a set of questionnaire was used to gather data. Multiple regression analysis was chosen as a method of analysis testing. The result of this study is expected to provide insight into the factor affecting entrepreneurial behavior and performance of youth entrepreneurs in micro SMEs. The finding showed that the Malaysian youth entrepreneurs do not have the entrepreneurial self-efficacy within themselves in order to accomplish greater success in their business venture. The establishment of entrepreneurial schools to allow our youth to be exposed to entrepreneurship from an early age and the development of special training focuses on the creation of business network so that the continuous entrepreneurial culture is crafted.Keywords: youth entrepreneurs, micro entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 303698 The Occurrence of Depression with Chronic Liver Disease
Authors: Roop Kiran, Muhammad Shoaib Zafar, Nazish Idrees Chaudhary
Depression is known to be the second most frequently occurring comorbid mental illness among patients suffering from chronic physical conditions. Around the world, depression is associated with chronic liver diseases as one of the dominant symptoms. This evidence brings attention to the research about various predictors for short life expectancy and poor quality of life in patients suffering from comorbid depression and CLD. Following are the objectives of this study i) measure the occurrence rate of comorbid depression among patients with CLD and ii) find the frequency of risk factors between patients with and without depression comorbid with CLD. This is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. The research data was collected through a measure called Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) with a demographic Performa from 100 patients who visited the Department of Psychiatry for consultation at Mayo Hospital Lahore with a diagnosed CLD from the last four years. There were (42%) patients with CLD who had comorbid depression. Among depressed and non-depressed patients, significant differences were found (p<0.05) for unemployment in 25 (59.5%) males and 20 (34.5%) female patients, for co-morbidity in 25 (59.5%) males and 18 (31.0%) female patients, for illiteracy in 18 (42.9%) males and 13 (22.4%) female patients, for the history of CLD for more than the last 2years in 41 (97.6%) males and 47 (81.0%) female patients, for severity of CLD in 26 (61.9%) males and 20 (34.5%) female patients. This concludes that depression frequently occurs among patients with CLD. This study recommends considerable attention to plan preventative measures in the future and develop such intervention protocols that consider the management of risk factors that significantly influence comorbid depression with CLD.Keywords: psychiatry, comorbid, health, quality of life
Procedia PDF Downloads 203697 Mapping of Research Productivity of Balochistan University Faculty: A Bibliometric Study of Pakistan Studies Bilingual/Bi-annual Pakistan Studies, English/Urdu Research Journal from 2015 to 2020
Authors: Muhammad Anwar
The prime objective of the study is to investigate the research productivity of the PAKISTAN STUDIES Bilingual / Bi-annual Pakistan Studies, English / Urdu Research Journal from 2015 to 2020. The present study also finds the frequency of publications, author contributions; paper length, references and most productive authors and degree of collaboration also have been checked. The current study finds 271 research articles have been contributed by faculty members of university of Balochistan, Quetta. The highest number of papers has been published 75(27.67%) in 2020 and 59(21.77%) papers were published in 2019. The current study finds the vol.10 and vol.11 were Contributed 36(13.28%) and 45(16.00%) research articles respectively. This present study recognizes those 179(66.05%) two authors and 62(22.87%) authors were counted in three. The results revealed the degree of collaboration was 0.97. The study further discloses the length of the paper where the majority of the 122(45.07%) papers were range of 11-15 and 73(26.93%) articles were range of 6-10. The utmost prolfic author was Dr.Noor Ahmed from the Pakistan study center with 15 papers ranked 1st and Dr.Kaleem Bareach contributed 14 articles ranked 2nd.Keywords: research, bibliometric, bilingual, bi-annual, Pakistan, university, Balochistan
Procedia PDF Downloads 103696 Study on the Fabrication and Mechanical Characterization of Pineapple Fiber-Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Resin Based Composites: Effect of Gamma Irradiation
Authors: Kamrun N. Keya, Nasrin A. Kona, Ruhul A. Khan
Pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) reinforced polypropylene (PP) based composites were fabricated by a conventional compression molding technique. In this investigation, PALF composites were manufactured using different percentages of fiber, which were varying from 25-50% on the total weight of the composites. To fabricate the PALF/PP composites, untreated and treated fibers were selected. A systematic study was done to observe the physical, mechanical and interfacial behavior of the composites. In this study, mechanical properties of the composites such as tensile, impact and bending properties were observed precisely. It was found that 45wt% of fiber composites showed better mechanical properties than others. Maximum tensile strength (TS) and bending strength (BS) was observed, 65 MPa and 50 MPa respectively, whereas the highest tensile modulus (TM) and bending modulus (BM) was examined, 1.7 GPa and 0.85 GPa respectively. The PALF/PP based composites were treated with irradiated under gamma radiation (the source strength 50 kCi Cobalt-60) of various doses (2.5 kGy to 10 kGy). The effect of gamma radiation on the composites was also investigated, and it found that the effect of 5.0 kGy (i.e. units for radiation measurement is 'gray', kGy=kilogray ) gamma dose showed better mechanical properties than other doses. The values of TS, BS, TM, and BM of the irradiated (5.0 kGy) composites were found to improve by 19%, 23%, 17% and 25 % over non-irradiated composites. After flexural testing, fracture sides of the untreated and treated both composites were studied by scanning electron microscope (SEM). SEM results of the treated PALF/PP based composites showed better fiber-matrix adhesion and interfacial bonding than untreated PALF/PP based composites. Water uptake and soil degradation tests of untreated and treated composites were also investigated.Keywords: PALF, polypropylene, compression molding technique, gamma radiation, mechanical properties, scanning electron microscope
Procedia PDF Downloads 151695 Reinforcement of Local Law into Government Policy to Address Conflict of Utilization of Sea among Small Fishermen
Authors: Ema Septaria, Muhammad Yamani, N. S. B. Ambarini
The problem begins with the imposition of fine penalties by Ipuh small fishermen for customary fishing vessels encroaching catchment area in the Ipuh, a village in Muko-Muko, Bengkulu, Indonesia. Two main reasons for that are fishermen from out of Ipuh came and fished in Ipuh water using trawl as the gear and the number of fish decrease time by time as a result of irresponsible fishing practice. Such conflict has lasted since long ago. Indonesia Governing laws do not rule the utilization of sea territory by small fishermen that when the conflict appears there is a rechtvacuum on how to solve the conflict and this leads to a chaos in society. In Ipuh itself, there has been a local law in fisheries which they still adhere up to present because they believe holding to the law will keep the fish sustain. This is an empirical legal research with socio legal approach. The results of this study show even though laws do not regulate in detail about the utilization of sea territory by small fishermen, there is an article in Fisheries Act stating fisheries activity has to put attention to local law and community participation. Furthermore, constitution governs that the land, the waters and the natural resources within shall be under the powers of the State and shall be used to the greatest benefit of the people. With the power, Government has to make a policy that reinforces what has been ruled in Ipuh local law. Besides, Bengkulu Governor has to involve Ipuh community directly in managing their fisheries to ensure the fisheries sustainability therein.Keywords: local law, reinforcement, conflict, sea utilization, small fishermen
Procedia PDF Downloads 311694 Urgency of Islamic Economic System Implementation in Indonesian Banking
Authors: Muhammad Rifqi Hafizhudin Arif, Mukhamad Zulfal Faradis, Ahmad Hidayatullah
Indonesia is the country that uses conventional financial system adopted from European countries as a form of finance in the national banking system. Many of the derivative products of conventional banks either investment, buy and sell, saving and loan, which is not in accordance with Islamic Ethics. While the majority population in Indonesia are belief in Islam, which Islam has had financial management guide is written in the Quran, the Hadith, as well as the opinions of experts who strongly prohibits the use of interest in each transaction activities. Many different expert opinions on the application of the Islamic financial system in Indonesia. However, as the majority of the population of Indonesia, Islamic community have not been able to get the opportunities to choose the Islamic financial system that has mutual benefit between consumers and banks, particularly fairness in transactions, ethical investment, uphold the values of solidarity and brotherhood in every transaction activities, and avoid speculation. In this paper, we will discuss the reasons for the importance of providing an option for Islamic community as the majority of the population of Indonesia to use the banking system which adopted the Islamic ethical values that have been much discussed by other researchers in various countries. The existence of this research is expected to Government, academia and the general public aware of the urgency of Islamic economic system implementation in Indonesian banking as the solution and justice especially for the Islamic community to use the values which they held.Keywords: Islamic economic system, conventional system, Islamic value, banking
Procedia PDF Downloads 364693 Cloning, Expression and N-Terminal Pegylation of Human Interferon Alpha-2b Analogs and Their Cytotoxic Evaluation against Cancer Cell Lines
Authors: Syeda Kiran Shahzadi, Nasir Mahmood, Muhammad Abdul Qadir
In the current research, three recombinant human interferon alpha-2b proteins (two modified and one normal form) were produced and Pegylated with an aim to produce more effective drugs against viral infections and cancers. The modified recombinant human interferon alpha-2b proteins were produced by site-directed modifications of interferon alpha 2b gene, targeting the amino acids at positions ‘R23’ and ‘H34’. The resulting chemically modified and unmodified forms of human interferon alpha 2b were conjugated with methoxy-polyethylene glycol propanealdehyde (400 KDa) and methoxy-polyethylene glycol succinimidyl succinate (400 KDa). Pegylation of normal and modified forms of Interferon alpha-2b prolong their release time and enhance their efficacy. The conjugation of PEG with modified and unmodified human interferon alpha 2b protein drugs was also characterized with 1H-NMR, HPLC, and SDS-PAGE. Antiproliferative assays of modified and unmodified forms of drugs were performed in cell based bioassays using MDBK cell lines. The results indicated that experimentally produced recombinant human interferon alpha-2b proteins were biologically active and resulted in significant inhibition of cell growth.Keywords: protein refolding, antiproliferative activities, biomedical applications, human interferon alpha-2b, pegylation, mPEG-propionaldehyde, site directed mutagenesis, E. coli expression
Procedia PDF Downloads 177692 The Role of Vitamin D Supplementation in Augmenting IFN-γ Production in Response to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Authors: Muhammad Imran Hussain, Ramisha Ibtisam, Tayyaba Fatima, Huba Khalid, Ayesha Aziz, Khansa, Adan Sitara, Anam Shahzad, Aymen Jabeen
Vitamin D supports the immune system fight TB by inhibiting Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and lowering host inflammation. The purpose of the research was to see if giving the vitamin D supplements to TB patients affected their prognosis. A randomized placebo control study of 200 TB patients was performed among which 106 received 400,000 IU of injectable vitamin D3 and 94 received placebo for 2 doses. Assessment was carried out at the end of every month for 3 months. IFN-γ responses to whole blood stimulation generated by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis sonicate (MTBs) antigen and early secreted and T cell activated 6 kDa (ESAT6) were assessed at 0 and 12 weeks. The statistical analysis used descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), Friedman's test and Fisher's test. The vitamin D group gained significantly more weight (+3.90 pounds) and had less persistent lung disease on imaging (1.33 zones vs. 1.84 zones). They also had a 50% decrease in cavity size. Additionally, patients with low baseline serum concentrations of 25-(OH)D had a significant increase in MTB-induced IFN-γ production after taking vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D administration in large amounts can hasten the recovery of TB patients. The findings point is a therapeutically useful activity of Vitamin D's in the management for tuberculosis.Keywords: tuberculosis, vitamin D, interferon gamma, protein, infection
Procedia PDF Downloads 54691 Highly Selective Conversion of CO2 to CO on Cu Nanoparticles
Authors: Rauf Razzaq, Kaiwu Dong, Muhammad Sharif, Ralf Jackstell, Matthias Beller
Carbon dioxide (CO2), a key greenhouse gas produced from both anthropogenic and natural sources, has been recently considered to be an important C1 building-block for the synthesis of many industrial fuels and chemicals. Catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 using a heterogeneous system is regarded as an efficient process for CO2 valorization. In this regard CO2 reduction to CO via the reverse water gas shift reaction (RWGSR) has attracted much attention as a viable process for large scale commercial CO2 utilization. This process can generate syn-gas (CO+H2) which can provide an alternative route to direct CO2 conversion to methanol and/or liquid HCs from FT reaction. Herein, we report a highly active and selective silica supported copper catalyst with efficient CO2 reduction to CO in a slurry-bed batch autoclave reactor. The reactions were carried out at 200°C and 60 bar initial pressure with CO2/H2 ratio of 1:3 with varying temperature, pressure and fed-gas ratio. The gaseous phase products were analyzed using FID while the liquid products were analyzed by using FID detectors. It was found that Cu/SiO2 catalyst prepared using novel ammonia precipitation-urea gelation method achieved 26% CO2 conversion with a CO and methanol selectivity of 98 and 2% respectively. The high catalytic activity could be attributed to its strong metal-support interaction with highly dispersed and stabilized Cu+ species active for RWGSR. So, it can be concluded that reduction of CO2 to CO via RWGSR could address the problem of using CO2 gas in C1 chemistry.Keywords: CO2 reduction, methanol, slurry reactor, synthesis gas
Procedia PDF Downloads 328690 Damage of Laminated Corrugated Sandwich Panels under Inclined Impact Loading
Authors: Muhammad Kamran, Xue Pu, Naveed Ahmed
Sandwich foam structures are efficient in impact energy absorption and making components lightweight; however their efficient use require a detailed understanding of its mechanical response. In this study, the foam core, laminated facings’ sandwich panel with internal triangular rib configuration is impacted by a spherical steel projectile at different angles using ABAQUS finite element package and damage mechanics is studied. Laminated ribs’ structure is sub-divided into three formations; all zeros, all 45 and optimized combination of zeros and 45 degrees. Impact velocity is varied from 250 m/s to 500 m/s with an increment of 50 m/s. The impact damage can significantly demolish the structural integrity and energy absorption due to fiber breakage, matrix cracking, and de-bonding. Macroscopic fracture study of the panel and core along with load-displacement responses and failure modes are the key parameters in the design of smart ballistic resistant structures. Ballistic impact characteristics of panels are studied on different speed, different inclination angles and its dependency on the base, and core materials, ribs formation, and cross-sectional spaces among them are determined. Impact momentum, penetration and kinetic energy absorption data and curves are compiled to predict the first and proximity impact in an effort to enhance the dynamic energy absorption.Keywords: dynamic energy absorption, proximity impact, sandwich panels, impact momentum
Procedia PDF Downloads 389689 Characterization of Carbon/Polyamide 6,6 (C/PA66) Composite Material for Dry and Wet Conditions
Authors: Tariq Bashir, Muhammad Waseem Tahir, Ulf Stigh, Behnaz Baghaie, Mikael Skrifvars
Absorption of moisture may cause many problems in a composite material, such as delamination, degradation of the strength and increase in the weight. For small coupons, the increase in weight may be negligible, however, for large structures increase in weight due to moisture absorption may be quite significant. Polyamides (PA6, PA66) absorb more moisture as compared to other thermoplastics. There are many parameters which affect the moisture absorption of the composite material for example temperature, pressure, type of matrix and fibers, thickness of the material and relative humidity (RH) etc. So, it is utmost important to investigate the impact of moisture on PA66 based composites which can be done by characterizing the mechanical properties of composite materials both for dry and wet conditions. In this study, laminates of C/PA66 composite are manufactured by first heating the commingled material in conventional oven at a temperature of 220 °C followed by pressing in a manual hot press for 20 minutes with preheated platen at 220 °C. To observe the moisture absorption of the composite, coupons of the material were placed in a climate chamber at five different conditions 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% RH for 24 hours. Five specimens were used for each condition. These coupons were weighed before placing in the climate chamber and just after removing from the chamber to observe the moisture absorption of the material. The mechanical characterization such as tensile strength, flexural modulus, impact strength and DMTA of C/PA66 material are performed at 0, 50 and 100 % RH. The work is going on for the testing of the material and results will be presented in full paper.Keywords: Carbon/Polyamide 66 composites, structural composites, mechanical characterizations, wet and dry conditions
Procedia PDF Downloads 235688 The Construction and Representation of Muslim Identity in Bollywood Commercial Films
Authors: Abonti Mehtaz
The utmost controversial issue that Bollywood movies deal with is religious conflicts and the representation of Islam and or Muslims. The main objective of this paper is to examine that, how Muslim identity is constructed in Bollywood commercial films through the representation of Muslims and/or Islam. Two hypotheses are developed for this study, i.e., (1) Bollywood commercial films often portray the stereotypical image of Muslims. (2) The portrayal of Muslims and Islam in Bollywood commercial films is often negative. (3) Bollywood commercial films frequently construct a wrong and fake identity of Muslims through an inappropriate representation of Muslims and Islam. This study employs qualitative research techniques. To examine the hypotheses of this paper, 10 Bollywood commercial films produced in between 2000-2018 are selected purposively such as Fiza (2000), Gadar: Ek Prem Katha (2001), Company (2002), Aamir (2008), Kurbaan (2009), Anwar (2010), My name is Khan (2010), Raanjhanaa (2013), Omerta (2017) and Pari (2018). By conducting textual analyses of the above mentioned Bollywood commercial films, this paper focuses on different approaches of Muslim identity and their construction as well as representation in Bollywood commercial films in the light of scholarly work in film and cultural studies. Though 10 Bollywood commercial films are selected for contextual analysis, other Bollywood films by other directors are also mentioned in order to establish the hypotheses of this study. Framing theory is used to analyze the media contents. Findings of this study show that all hypotheses are accepted. Bollywood commercial films continually represent Islam and Muslims in incorrect ways and by doing so Bollywood commercial films construct a fallacious Muslim identity. Though the sample size of contents can be considered as a limitation of this study, the findings of the study reveal that how Bollywood commercial film is setting agenda to manipulate the image of Muslims and Islam not only in India but all over the world.Keywords: Bollywood commercial films, Muslim identity, misrepresentation, representation, stereotypical
Procedia PDF Downloads 212687 Total Parenteral Nutrition Wastage: A Retrospective Cohort Study in a Small District General Hospital
Authors: Muhammad Faizan Butt, Maria Ambreen Tahir, Joshua James Pilkington, A. A. Warsi
Background: Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) use within the NHS is crucial in the prevention of malnourishment. TPN prescriptions are tailored to an individual patient’s needs. TPN bags come in fixed sizes, and minimizing wastage has financial and sustainability implications for the health service. The aim of the study is to assess current prescribing practices, look at the volume of TPN wastage and identify reasons for it. Methodology: A retrospective cohort study on TPN prescriptions over a period of 1 year (Jan-Dec 2022) was performed. All patients prescribed TPN that had been admitted under a general surgery consultant in a small district hospital were included. Data were extracted from hospital electronic records and dietician charts. Data were described, and reasons for TPN wastage were explored. Results: 49 patients were identified. The average length of TPN prescription was 8 days (median). This totaled 608 prescriptions. Of the bags prescribed, 258, 169, and 181 were 10g (2500ml), 14g (2000ml), and 18g (2000ml), respectively. The mean volume wasted from each type of bag was 634ml, 634ml, and 648ml, respectively. Reasons for TPN wastage identified were: no loss (25%), smaller bags not available (53.6%), step-down regime (8.1%), and other (12.2%). Conclusion: This study has identified that the current stocking and prescribing of TPN within a district general hospital leads to a significant wastage of 638.2ml (average). The commonest reason for wastage is the non-availability of a more appropriate sized bag.Keywords: general surgery, TPN, sustainability, wastage
Procedia PDF Downloads 75686 To Study the Effect of Drying Temperature Towards Extraction of Aquilaria subintegra Dry Leaves Using Vacuum Far Infrared
Authors: Tengku Muhammad Rafi Nazmi Bin Tengku Razali, Habsah Alwi
This article based on effect of temperature towards extraction of Aquilaria Subintegra. Aquilaria Subintegra which its main habitat is in Asia-tropical and particularly often found in its native which is Thailand. There is claim which is Aquilaria Subintegra contains antipyretic properties that helps fight fever. Research nowadays also shown that paracetamol consumed bring bad effect towards consumers. This sample will first dry using Vacuum Far Infrared which provides better drying than conventional oven. Soxhlet extractor used to extract oil from sample. Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer used to analyze sample to determine its compound. Objective from this research was to determine the active ingredients that exist in the Aquilaria Subintegra leaves and to determine whether compound of Acetaminophen exist or not inside the leaves. Moisture content from 400C was 80%, 500C was 620% and 600C was 36%. The greater temperature resulting lower moisture content inside sample leaves. 7 components were identified in sample T=400C while only 5 components were identified in sample at T=50C and T=60C. Four components were commonly identified in three sample which is 1n-Hexadecanoic acid, 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester (z,z,z), Vitamin E and Squalene. Further studies are needed with new series of temperature to refine the best results.Keywords: aquilaria subintegra, vacuum far infrared, SOXHLET extractor, gas chromatography mass spectrometer, paracetamol
Procedia PDF Downloads 486685 Assessment of Power Quality Impact of Photovoltaic Integration: A Case Study of a Government Building in Malaysia
Authors: Muhammad Nuqman Bin Anuar, Dalila Mat Said
The integration of photovoltaic (PV) systems in government buildings represents a crucial step toward enhancing energy efficiency and promoting sustainability. However, the adoption of PV systems can introduce challenges in maintaining power quality due to the intermittent nature of solar generation. The effect of a self-consumption photovoltaic system on the power quality characteristics of a Malaysian government building is examined in this study. Total harmonic distortion of current (THDi), total harmonic distortion of voltage (THDv), voltage (Vrms), current (Irms), and power factors are among the important parameters that were examined both before and after the PV system was installed. Power quality data were collected over several weeks by using a power quality analyzer Fluke 1750, and a comparative analysis was conducted to evaluate changes in these parameters. The results show significant fluctuations in the power factor, particularly during periods of high solar generation, with notable variations in THDi across the three phases. These fluctuations highlight the potential interactions between solar generation and load demand, emphasizing the need for harmonic mitigation. Despite these issues, Vrms and THDv remained within acceptable limits, ensuring compliance with power quality standards. This study provides insights into the power quality behaviour of self-consumption PV systems before and after the installation of photovoltaics.Keywords: power quality, power factor, harmonics, photovoltaic
Procedia PDF Downloads 10684 Chaos Analysis of a 3D Finance System and Generalized Synchronization for N-Dimension
Authors: Muhammad Fiaz
The article in hand is the study of complex features like Zero Hopf Bifurcation, Chaos and Synchronization of integer and fractional order version of a new 3D finance system. Trusted tools of averaging theory and active control method are utilized for investigation of Zero Hopf bifurcation and synchronization for both versions respectively. Inventiveness of the paper is to find the answer of a question that is it possible to find a chaotic system which can be synchronized with any other of the same dimension? Based on different examples we categorically develop a theory that if a couple of master and slave chaotic dynamical system is synchronized by selecting a suitable gain matrix with special conditions then the master system is synchronized with any chaotic dynamical system of the same dimension. With the help of this study we developed generalized theorems for synchronization of n-dimension dynamical systems for integer as well as fractional versions. it proposed that this investigation will contribute a lot to control dynamical systems and only a suitable gain matrix with special conditions is enough to synchronize the system under consideration with any other chaotic system of the same dimension. Chaotic properties of fractional version of the new finance system are also analyzed at fractional order q=0.87. Simulations results, where required, also provided for authenticity of analytical study.Keywords: complex analysis, chaos, generalized synchronization, control dynamics, fractional order analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 70683 Effects of Climate Change on Floods of Pakistan, and Gap Analysis of Existing Policies with Vision 2025
Authors: Saima Akbar, Tahseen Ullah Khan
The analysis of the climate change impact on flood frequency represents an important issue for water resource management and flood risk mitigation. This research was conducted to address the effects of climate change on flood incidents of Pakistan and find out gaps in existing policies to reducing the environmental aspects on floods and effects of global warming. The main objective of this research was to critically analyses the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP), National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), Federal Flood Commission (FFC) and Vision 2025, as an effective policy document which is not only hitting the target of a climate resilient Pakistan but provides room for efficient and flexible policy implementation. The methodology integrates projected changes in monsoon patterns (since last 20 years and overall change in rainfall pattern since 1901 to 2015 from Pakistan Metrological Department), glacier melting, decreasing dam capacity and lacks in existing policies by using SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) model in order to explore the relative impacts of global warming on the system performance. Results indicate the impacts of climate change are significant, but probably not large enough to justify a major effort for adapting the physical infrastructure to expected climatic conditions in Vision 2025 which is our shared destination to progress, ultimate aspiration to see Pakistan among the ten largest economies of the world by 2047– the centennial year of our independence. The conclusion of this research was to adapt sustainable measures to reduce flood impacts and make policies as neighboring countries are adapting for their sustainability.Keywords: climatic factors, monsoon, Pakistan, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 141682 Risk-Based Institutional Evaluation of Trans Sumatera Toll Road Infrastructure Development to Improve Time Performance
Authors: Muhammad Ridho Fakhrin, Leni Sagita Riantini, Yusuf Latief
Based on the 2015-2019 RPJMN data, the realization of toll road infrastructure development in Indonesia experienced a delay of 49% or 904 km of the total plan. One of the major causes of delays in development is caused by institutional factors. The case study taken in this research is the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS). The purpose of this research is to identify the institutional forms, functions, roles, duties, and responsibilities of each stakeholder and the risks that occur in the Trans Sumatra Toll Road Infrastructure Development. Risk analysis is implemented on functions, roles, duties, responsibilities of each existing stakeholder and is carried out at the Funding Stage, Technical Planning Stage, and Construction Implementation Stage in JTTS. This research is conducted by collecting data through a questionnaire survey, then processed using statistical methods, such as homogeneity, data adequacy, validity, and reliability test, continued with risk assessment based on a risk matrix. The results of this study are the evaluation and development of institutional functions in risk-based JTTS development can improve time performance and minimize delays in the construction process.Keywords: institutional, risk management, time performance, toll road
Procedia PDF Downloads 166681 Participation in Decision Making and Work Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Ethical Climate
Authors: Ali Muhammad
The study examines the consequences of decision making in Kuwait work organization. The framework used in this study proposes that participation in decision making improves organizational ethical climate, which in turn increases employee’s trust in supervisor and trust in the organization. Furthermore, the model suggests that allowing employees to voice their opinions positively effects their perceptions of organizational justice. Providing employees with the opportunity to participate in decision making (voice), enhances their perceptions of the fairness of those decisions. Allowing employees to express their opinions and feeling about decisions being made show that the organization respect appreciates their views. This feeling of respect and appreciation reflects positively on employee’s perception of justice. Survey data were collected from a sample of 292 employees working in Kuwaiti work organizations. Pearson correlation, non-parametric tests, and structural equation models were used to analyze the data. Results of the analysis show that participation in decision making enhances employee perception of ethical climate, which in turn increases perception organizational justice and organizational trust. Implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.Keywords: participation in decision making, organizational trust, trust in supervisor, organizational justice, ethical climate
Procedia PDF Downloads 113680 Use and Health Effects of Caffeinated Beverages in Omani Students
Authors: Nasiruddin Khan
The increased use of caffeinated beverages and energy drink is posing threat to all ages and gender especially, younger adults. There is a lack of scientific evidence in Oman regarding caffeine and energy drink consumption. Our study aims to demonstrate the prevalence, pattern, knowledge and awareness, and side effects of caffeine intake among university students. This cross-sectional study including (N=365) apparently healthy male and female Omani university students aged 18-30 years, was carried out from February 2018-June 2018. A self-administered questionnaire with various sections was used to obtain information. The prevalence of caffeinated beverage consumption was commonly high among participants (97%). The males preferred Nescafe, coffee (both p < 0.001), espresso (p < 0.022), and soda (p < 0.008) while females consumed more tea (p < 0.029). The awareness about negative health impact of caffeine intake was significantly higher in females rather than males (p < 0.002). The overall prevalence of energy drink consumption was 42.1% (n=149), and higher in males (75%, p < 0.001). More males consumed 3-5 and > 5 cans/day while females used 1-2 cans/day. The starting age of energy drink use was higher in females (16-20 years (51.1%)) as compared to males (11-15 years (33.3%)). Females were more aware of caffeine as energy drink ingredient (p < 0.036) than males. The major source of information about enery drink was family and friends (58.3%). Red Bull was the commonly used brand (55.5%) among participants. Common reasons for high energy drink consumption were energy boost (68.4 %), taste (62.9%), reduce fatigue (52.1%), and better performance (47.3%). Females reported breathing problem, and abnormal heart beat (p < 0.004, 0.054, respectively), while more males reported irritability than females (p < 0.052). The prevalence of caffeinated beverage and energy drink consumption is high among participants. The awareness, and knowledge among university student is not satisfactory and needs immediate action to avoid excess use of such consumption.Keywords: energy drink, caffeinated beverages, awareness, Oman
Procedia PDF Downloads 132679 Implementing Text Using Political and Current Issues to Create Choreography: “The Pledge 2.0”
Authors: Muhammad Fairul Azreen bin Mohd Zahid, Melissa Querk, Aimi Nabila bt Anizaim
For this particular research, the focus is based on the practice as research which will produce a choreography as the outcome. The ideas organically develop as an “epiphany” from the meeting, brainstorming, or situation that revolves around surroundings. In this study, the researchers are approaching the national pillar of Malaysia known as ‘Rukun Negara’ to develop a choreographic idea. The concept theory of Speech Act by J.L Austin is used to compose the choreography alongside with national pillar ‘Rukun Negara’ as a guideline for a contemporary work titled, The Pledge 2.0, besides fostering the spirit of unity. These approaches will offer flexibility in creating a choreography piece. The pledge has crossed the boundaries by using texts and heavy issues in choreography developments. It will emphasize the concept of delivering the speech via verbal and nonverbal body language. Besides using the Theory of Speech Acts, the development process of creating this piece will lay the bare normative structure implicit in performance practice. Converging current issues into the final choreographic piece for this research is vital as this research will explore a few choreography methods from different perspectives. Hence, the audience will be able to see the world of dance that always revolves in line with the diachronic process in many ways. The method used in this research is qualitative, which will be used in finding the movement that fits the given facts.Keywords: performing arts, speech act, performative, nationalism, choreography, politic in dance
Procedia PDF Downloads 85678 Isolation and Identification of Novel Escherichia Marmotae Spp.: Their Enzymatic Biodegradation of Zearalenone and Deep-oxidation of Deoxynivalenol
Authors: Bilal Murtaza, Xiaoyu Li, Liming Dong, Muhammad Kashif Saleemi, Gen Li, Bowen Jin, Lili Wang, Yongping Xu
Fusarium spp. produce numerous mycotoxins, such as zearalenone (ZEN), deoxynivalenol (DON), and its acetylated compounds, 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (3-ADON) and 15-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (15-ADON) (15-ADON). In a co-culture system, the soil-derived Escherichia marmotae strain degrades ZEN and DON into 3-keto-DON and DOM-1 via enzymatic deep-oxidation. When pure mycotoxins were subjected to Escherichia marmotae in culture flasks, degradation, and detoxification were also attained. DON and ZEN concentrations, ambient pH, incubation temperatures, bacterium concentrations, and the impact of acid treatment on degradation were all evaluated. The results of the ELISA and high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-high resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-HRMS) tests demonstrated that the concentration of mycotoxins exposed to Escherichia marmotae was significantly lower than the control. ZEN levels were reduced by 43.9%, while zearalenone sulfate ([M/z 397.1052 C18H21O8S1) was discovered as a derivative of ZEN converted by microbes to a less toxic molecule. Furthermore, Escherichia marmotae appeared to metabolize DON 35.10% into less toxic derivatives (DOM-1 at m/z 281 of [DON - O]+ and 3-keto-DON at m/z 295 of [DON - 2H]+). These results show that Escherichia marmotae can reduce Fusarium mycotoxins production, degrade pure mycotoxins, and convert them to less harmful compounds, opening up new possibilities for study and innovation in mycotoxin detoxification.Keywords: mycotoxins, zearalenone, deoxynivalenol, bacterial degradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 100677 Microbes in Aquaculture: New Trends and Application in Freshwater Fish Culture
Authors: Muhammad Younis Laghari
Microbial communities play the most important role in aquatic ecosystems. These microbes have a great role in fish growth and aquaculture production. Unfortunately, the farmers are unaware of these useful creatures. Nowadays, the trend of fish farming is developed to re-circulatory aquaculture system (RAS) to increase production and reduce the investment/management cost to increase the profit. However, sometimes, it has been observed that even the growth of fish is decreased in RAS without apparent changes in water quality. There is a great importance of microorganisms in aquaculture, where they occur naturally. However, they can be added artificially by applying different roles. Even these microbes play an important role in the degradation of organic matter and recycling nutrients, along with nutritional support to fish. Even some microorganisms may protect fish and larvae against diseases. But if not managed/utilized properly, they may cause to infect or kill the fish and their larvae. However, manipulating the microbes and monitoring them in aquaculture systems hold great potential to assess and improve the water quality as well as to control the development of microbial infections. While there is an utmost need for research to determine the microbiomes of healthy aquaculture systems, we also need to develop authentic methods for the successful manipulation of microbes as well as engineer these microbiomes. Hence, we should develop a plan to utilize and get full advantage from these microbial interactions for the successful management of aquaculture through advanced research and technology.Keywords: aquaculture, ecology system, degradation, microbes, nutrient recycling, water quality
Procedia PDF Downloads 84676 Comparative Study of Traditional Classroom Learning and Distance Learning in Pakistan
Authors: Muhammad Afzal Malik
Traditional Learning & Distance based learning are the two systems prevailing in Pakistan. These systems affect the level of education standard. The purpose of this study was to compare the traditional classroom learning and distance learning in Pakistan: (a) To explore the effectiveness of the traditional to Distance learning in Pakistan; (b) To identify the factors that affect traditional and distance learning. This review found that, on average, students in traditional classroom conditions performed better than those receiving education in and distance learning. The difference between student outcomes for traditional Classroom and distance learning classes —measured as the difference between treatment and control means, divided by the pooled standard deviation— was larger in those studies contrasting conditions that blended elements of online and face-to-face instruction with conditions taught entirely face-to-face. This research was conducted to highlight the impact of distance learning education system on education standard. The education standards were institutional support, course development, learning process, student support, faculty support, evaluation and assessment. A well developed questionnaire was administered and distributed among 26 faculty members of GCET, H-9 and Virtual University of Pakistan from each. Data was analyzed through correlation and regression analysis. Results confirmed that there is a significant relationship and impact of DLE system on education standards. This will also provide baseline for future research. It will add value to the existing body of knowledge.Keywords: distance learning education, higher education, education standards, student performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 280675 Market Value of Ethno-Medicinally Important Plants of the Dughalgay Valley District Swat, Pakistan
Authors: Akbar Zeb, Shujaul Mulk Khan, Habib Ahmad, Manzoor Hussain, Mujtaba Shah
An ethnobotanical project was carried out in the Dughalgay valley District Swat in Hindu Kush region. The Local population not only use indigenous knowledge to use medicinal plants for curing various diseases but also earn their live hood by selling some of them in the local markets. An ethnobotanical project was carried out in the Doghalgay valley of upper Swat. The Local population not only use indigenous medicinal plants for curing various diseases but also earn their live hood by selling some of them in the local market. 102 of these medicinal plants were reported to be used in the region during questionnaire survey in spring 2007. Out of them 10 species are used as diuretic, 9 in stomachic and laxative each. Similarly 6, 5, 5, 4, 4, and 4 species of them are used as antiseptic, Anthelmintic, Carminative, Expectorant, Astringent and purgative respectively, while the remaining species have one or more than one medicinal use in the local community. 30 of these species are collected for marketing purposes, in which these medicinal plants such as Berberis lycium, Origanum vulgare, Bergenia ciliata, Aesculus indica, Podophyllum emodi, Pteredium aquilinum, Bergenia himalyca, Viola spp., Ajuga bracteosa, Morchella esculenta, Paeonia emodi, Atropa acuminate, Aconitum violaceum, Polygonum amplexicaulis, Bupleurum longicaule, Juglans regia, Diospyrus lotus, and Mentha longifolia are important. Study concluded that availability of medicinal plants is decreasing day by day due to human population pressure, marketing pressure, grazing and unwise collection. Therefore it is recommended that Governmental organizations and non Governmental organization should pay possible attention to make aware the local people about the future threats.Keywords: indigenous knowledge, ethnomedicinal uses, marketing, Hindu Kush
Procedia PDF Downloads 504674 Sociological Analysis of Fulfillment Regarding Basic Needs of Females(Women) at Home with Special Reference of Balochistan (Pakistan)
Authors: Shabana Mohammad, Muhammad Irfan
The aim of this study was to bring out the facts regarding the effects of gender discrimination in fulfilling the basic needs of females at home. The purpose of the study was to observe whether gender discrimination affects the fulfillment of their basic needs in comparison to male siblings. Balochistan is the largest province of Pakistan geographically and has a tribal system. Due to having tribal systems, the women are not treated equally as men at home because males are considered the strength and privilege of tribes; males are more valuable because they support their families economically as well, and females are not allowed to work outside the home. That’s why females are deprived of their basic needs of life. The females (women) are neglected to have better nourishment, health facilities, easy access to get an education, safe house, and self-confidence. The type of research is quantitative, and data was collected from all government girls’ degree colleges of Quetta city (the capital of Balochistan province) under the age of 18. Two hundred (200) Students of all FA arts faculty (first year) were selected through simple random sampling (fishbowl draw). Data were analyzed by SPSS, and a coefficient test was applied to test the hypothesis. The regression of coefficient has a significant association between gender discrimination and basic needs (P-value =.000). The results showed that women are underprivileged from all basic needs (fundamental rights) of life, which are entitled to everyone by their birth because of male preference that creates gender disparity between men and women.Keywords: basic needs, discrimination, value of women at home, hurdles of women
Procedia PDF Downloads 115673 Inter-Departmental Survey to Check the Impact of Bio-Safety Training Sessions among Lab Employees
Authors: Noorulaine Maqsood, Saeed Khan
Background: Concern regarding incident reporting and bio-safety training in clinical laboratories in Pakistan has increased remarkably in the last few years due to rapid increase in diagnosis and research on infectious organisms. In order to ensure the safety of employees, this issue needs to be addressed immediately. Bio-safety training sessions and lectures are necessary for the protection of laboratory workers in order to ensure safe practices and minimize the count of incident reporting in the lab. Objective: To carry out an inter-departmental survey in lab regarding the awareness of bio-safety practices among lab employees before and after conducting bio-safety training sessions. Methodology: We conducted a 30 questions survey of laboratory workers in June 2013 (before training session) to gather information related to bio-safety awareness. Afterwards, we conducted another survey after training sessions and workshops related to bio-safety. Result: The survey regarding bio-safety level showed that before the training session 32% of the participants were aware of bio-safety level being used in their lab whereas after the session this percentage increased to 72%. 48% of the participants had information about the proper usage of PPE which increased to 76%. Awareness regarding proper management of hazardous waste increased from 32% to 64%. The incident reporting practice, sample handling and hand hygiene awareness was previously reported to be 40%, 65%, and 52% that increased to 80%, 85% and 88% respectively after the training session was completed. Conclusion: The first survey results showed lack of awareness that suggest nearly all senior scientists, faculty, medical technologist, lab attendant and housekeeping staff working in laboratories are required to have bio-safety training, and required inspection at least twice a year by a bio-safety officer and also required to renew their bio-safety training. After the training session, significant changes in awareness level and attitude of the participants regarding biosafety practices were observed. Therefore, such bio-safety sessions should be carried out regularly in clinical laboratories.Keywords: biosafety practices, clinical laboratory, Pakistan, survey
Procedia PDF Downloads 428672 Monitoring of Humoral Immune Response of Monovalent and Combined PPR and FMD Serotype 'O' Virus Vaccines in Goats
Authors: Mudassar Hameed, Khushi Muhammad, Aamir Ghafoor, Masood Rabbani, Momena Habib, Jawad Nazir
Comparative efficacy of three formulations (non-adjuvant, gel, and oil adjuvant) of monovalent and combined PPR and FMD virus vaccines was evaluated in goats. All kinds of monovalent PPRV vaccines elicited protective antibody titers at one-month post vaccination (PV) that remained so till six months PV. Monovalent non-adjuvant (NA) FMDV vaccine provoked non-protective antibody titers that declined to undetectable levels after three months. In case of combined vaccines, all of the formulations elicited protective antibody titers against PPRV in vaccinated animals which remained above that limit for six months. However, an exceptional immune response against FMDV was observed in combined NA vaccine group where antibody titers were extremely high and remained above protective level till 4 months PV in animals who received a single vaccine shot and till six months PV in booster group. Although, adjuvant or NA combined vaccines can induce protective antibody titers against both of the viruses within one month PV, but a booster vaccine shot is needed to retain protective antibody level for 6 months duration. Immune response elicited by combined vaccines is comparable or superior to the monovalent vaccines. Hence combined vaccine can be effectively used for the control and prevention of both of the diseases.Keywords: antibody titer, protective, combined vaccine, non adjuvant
Procedia PDF Downloads 205671 Efficient Model Order Reduction of Descriptor Systems Using Iterative Rational Krylov Algorithm
Authors: Muhammad Anwar, Ameen Ullah, Intakhab Alam Qadri
This study presents a technique utilizing the Iterative Rational Krylov Algorithm (IRKA) to reduce the order of large-scale descriptor systems. Descriptor systems, which incorporate differential and algebraic components, pose unique challenges in Model Order Reduction (MOR). The proposed method partitions the descriptor system into polynomial and strictly proper parts to minimize approximation errors, applying IRKA exclusively to the strictly adequate component. This approach circumvents the unbounded errors that arise when IRKA is directly applied to the entire system. A comparative analysis demonstrates the high accuracy of the reduced model and a significant reduction in computational burden. The reduced model enables more efficient simulations and streamlined controller designs. The study highlights IRKA-based MOR’s effectiveness in optimizing complex systems’ performance across various engineering applications. The proposed methodology offers a promising solution for reducing the complexity of large-scale descriptor systems while maintaining their essential characteristics and facilitating their analysis, simulation, and control design.Keywords: model order reduction, descriptor systems, iterative rational Krylov algorithm, interpolatory model reduction, computational efficiency, projection methods, H₂-optimal model reduction
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