Search results for: supercritical CO₂ cycle
939 Interplay of Imaginary, Symbolic and Real In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Disturbance of Nature
Authors: Mahnaz Poorshahidi
This article is a psychological reading of Shakespeare’s Hamlet applying Lacan’s ideas to work with a new look. Lacan entitled Hamlet ‘tragedy of desire’. He believes that Hamlet is caught up in the desire of his mother. So he is the universal symbol of all human beings, regardless of their sex, who desire their mother, but based on the rules of Nature and Father, this unity is impossible. Hamlet hesitates in fulfilling the task of revenge and the text says nothing about the reasons and motives behind it. However, this essay tries to answer the question and justify Hamlet’s hesitation. There is one question for the readers, which is why Hamlet appears to delay in killing his uncle, despite the fact that this is precisely what he seems to want to do. In 1958-59 Lacan delivered a series of lectures on Hamlet entitled ‘Desire and Its Interpretations’ and called it ‘tragedy of desire’. However, this article will have a new representation of Hamlet’s decision not to take revenge. The research demonstrates that Hamlet has passed through imaginary, symbolic and real stages, which are the natural process of life. Eliminating father means disturbing this natural process. This essay is going to conclude that killing Claudius can break the natural order of life. On the other hand, Claudius has also disturbed nature and is regretful about his deed. Hamlet’s ever-present speech ‘To be or not to be’ reflects his mental turmoil and disturbance of the natural life cycle: Nature.Keywords: desire, father figure, lacan, nature
Procedia PDF Downloads 236938 Increasing Redness and Microbial Stability of Low Nitrite Chicken Sausage by Encapsulated Tomato Pomace Extract
Authors: Bung-Orn Hemung, Nachayut Chanshotigul, Koo Bok Chin
Tomato pomace (TP) is the waste from tomato processing plants and its utilization as food ingredient may provide sustainable industry by reducing waste. TP was extracted by ethanol using microwave-assisted method at 180W for 90s. The ethanol was evaporated out, and an extract was encapsulated with maltodextrin (1:10) by spray drying to obtain an encapsulated TP extract (ETPE). The redness (a value) of ETPE powder was 6.5±0.05, and it was used as natural ingredient in the low-nitrite chicken sausage. Chicken emulsion sausage was prepared at 25 mg/kg of nitrite for being control. Effect of ETPE (1.0%) was evaluated along with the reference (150 mg/kg of nitrite without ETPE). The redness (a value) of sausage with ETPE was found at 6.8±0.03, which was higher than those of reference and control, which were at 4.8±.022 and 5.1±0.15, respectively. However, hardness, expressible moisture content and cooking yield values were reduced slightly. During storage at 10 °C in the air packed condition for 1 week, changes in color, pH, redness, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances value were not significantly different. However, total microbial count of sausage samples with ETPE was lower than control for a 1 log cycle, suggesting microbial stability. Therefore, the addition of ETPE could be an alternative strategy to utilize TP as a natural colorant and antimicrobial agent to extend the shelf life of low-nitrite chicken sausage.Keywords: antimicrobial ingredient, chicken sausage, ethanolic extract, low-nitrite sausage, tomato pomace
Procedia PDF Downloads 209937 Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Radiosensitization of Breast- and Lung Cancer Cells by Agents Targeting Microtubule Dynamics
Authors: Elsie M. Nolte, Annie M. Joubert, Roy Lakier, Maryke Etsebeth, Jolene M. Helena, Marcel Verwey, Laurence Lafanechere, Anne E. Theron
Treatment regimens for breast- and lung cancers may include both radiation- and chemotherapy. Ideally, a pharmaceutical agent which selectively sensitizes cancer cells to gamma (γ)-radiation would allow administration of lower doses of each modality, yielding synergistic anti-cancer benefits and lower metastasis occurrence, in addition to decreasing the side-effect profiles. A range of 2-methoxyestradiol (2-ME) analogues, namely 2-ethyl-3-O-sulphamoyl-estra-1,3,5 (10) 15-tetraene-3-ol-17one (ESE-15-one), 2-ethyl-3-O-sulphamoyl-estra-1,3,5(10),15-tetraen-17-ol (ESE-15-ol) and 2-ethyl-3-O-sulphamoyl-estra-1,3,5(10)16-tetraene (ESE-16) were in silico-designed by our laboratory, with the aim of improving the parent compound’s bioavailability in vivo. The main effect of these compounds is the disruption of microtubule dynamics with a resultant mitotic accumulation and induction of programmed cell death in various cancer cell lines. This in vitro study aimed to determine the cellular responses involved in the radiation sensitization effects of these analogues at low doses in breast- and lung cancer cell lines. The oestrogen receptor positive MCF-7-, oestrogen receptor negative MDA-MB-231- and triple negative BT-20 breast cancer cell lines as well as the A549 lung cancer cell line were used. The minimal compound- and radiation doses able to induce apoptosis were determined using annexin-V and cell cycle progression markers. These doses (cell line dependent) were used to pre-sensitize the cancer cells 24 hours prior to 6 gray (Gy) radiation. Experiments were conducted on samples exposed to the individual- as well as the combination treatment conditions in order to determine whether the combination treatment yielded an additive cell death response. Morphological studies included light-, fluorescence- and transmission electron microscopy. Apoptosis induction was determined by flow cytometry employing annexin V, cell cycle analysis, B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) signalling, as well as reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Clonogenic studies were performed by allowing colony formation for 10 days post radiation. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage was quantified via γ-H2AX foci and micronuclei quantification. Amplification of the p53 signalling pathway was determined by western blot. Results indicated that exposing breast- and lung cancer cells to nanomolar concentrations of these analogues 24 hours prior to γ-radiation induced more cell death than the compound- and radiation treatments alone. Hypercondensed chromatin, decreased cell density, a damaged cytoskeleton and an increase in apoptotic body formation were observed in cells exposed to the combination treatment condition. An increased number of cells present in the sub-G1 phase as well as increased annexin-V staining, elevation of ROS formation and decreased Bcl-2 signalling confirmed the additive effect of the combination treatment. In addition, colony formation decreased significantly. p53 signalling pathways were significantly amplified in cells exposed to the analogues 24 hours prior to radiation, as was the amount of DNA damage. In conclusion, our results indicated that pre-treatment of breast- and lung cancer cells with low doses of 2-ME analogues sensitized breast- and lung cancer cells to γ-radiation and induced apoptosis more so than the individual treatments alone. Future studies will focus on the effect of the combination treatment on non-malignant cellular counterparts.Keywords: cancer, microtubule dynamics, radiation therapy, radiosensitization
Procedia PDF Downloads 209936 Formulation of Mortars with Marine Sediments
Authors: Nor-Edine Abriak, Mouhamadou Amar, Mahfoud Benzerzour
The transition to a more sustainable economy is directed by a reduction in the consumption of raw materials in equivalent production. The recovery of byproducts and especially the dredged sediment as mineral addition in cements matrix represents an alternative to reduce raw material consumption and construction sector’s carbon footprint. However, the efficient use of sediment requires adequate and optimal treatment. Several processing techniques have so far been applied in order to improve some physicochemical properties. The heat treatment by calcination was effective in removing the organic fraction and activates the pozzolanic properties. In this article, the effect of the optimized heat treatment of marine sediments in the physico-mechanical and environmental properties of mortars are shown. A finding is that the optimal substitution of a portion of cement by treated sediments by calcination at 750 °C helps to maintain or improve the mechanical properties of the cement matrix in comparison with a standard reference mortar. The use of calcined sediment enhances mortar behavior in terms of mechanical strength and durability. From an environmental point of view and life cycle, mortars formulated containing treated sediments are considered inert with respect to the inert waste storage facilities reference (ISDI-France).Keywords: sediment, calcination, cement, reuse
Procedia PDF Downloads 181935 Temporal Variation of Shorebirds Population in Two Different Mudflats Areas
Authors: N. Norazlimi, R. Ramli
A study was conducted to determine the diversity and abundance of shorebird species habituating the mudflat area of Jeram Beach and Remis Beach, Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Direct observation technique (using binoculars and video camera) was applied to record the presence of bird species in the sampling sites from August 2013 until July 2014. A total of 32 species of shorebird were recorded during both migratory and non-migratory seasons. Of these, eleven species (47.8%) are migrants, six species (26.1%) have both migrant and resident populations, four species (17.4%) are vagrants and two species (8.7%) are residents. The compositions of the birds differed significantly in all months (χ2=84.35, p<0.001). There is a significant difference in avian abundance between migratory and non-migratory seasons (Mann-Whitney, t=2.39, p=0.036). The avian abundance were differed significantly in Jeram and Remis Beaches during migratory periods (t=4.39, p=0.001) but not during non-migratory periods (t=0.78, p=0.456). Shorebird diversity was also affected by tidal cycle. There is a significance difference between high tide and low tide (Mann-Whitney, t=78.0, p<0.005). Frequency of disturbance also affected the shorebird distribution (Mann-Whitney, t=57.0, p= 0.0134). Therefore, this study concluded that tides and disturbances are two factors that affecting temporal distribution of shorebird in mudflats area.Keywords: biodiversity, distribution, migratory birds, direct observation
Procedia PDF Downloads 393934 Integrated Process Modelling of a Thermophilic Biogas Plant
Authors: Obiora E. Anisiji, Jeremiah L. Chukwuneke, Chinonso H. Achebe, Paul C. Okolie
This work developed a mathematical model of a biogas plant from a mechanistic point of view, for urban area clean energy requirement. It aimed at integrating thermodynamics; which deals with the direction in which a process occurs and Biochemical kinetics; which gives the understanding of the rates of biochemical reaction. The mathematical formulation of the proposed gas plant follows the fundamental principles of thermodynamics, and further analysis were accomplished to develop an algorithm for evaluating the plant performance preferably in terms of daily production capacity. In addition, the capacity of the plant is equally estimated for a given cycle of operation and presented in time histories. A nominal 1500m3 biogas plant was studied characteristically and its performance efficiency evaluated. It was observed that the rate of biogas production is essentially a function of enthalpy ratio, the reactor temperature, pH, substrate concentration, rate of degradation of the biomass, and the accumulation of matter in the system due to bacteria growth. The results of this study conform to a very large extent with reported empirical data of some existing plant and further model validations were conducted in line with classical records found in literature.Keywords: anaerobic digestion, biogas plant, biogas production, bio-reactor, energy, fermentation, rate of production, temperature, therm
Procedia PDF Downloads 437933 Analyzing the Effects of Supply and Demand Shocks in the Spanish Economy
Authors: José M Martín-Moreno, Rafaela Pérez, Jesús Ruiz
In this paper we use a small open economy Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model (DSGE) for the Spanish economy to search for a deeper characterization of the determinants of Spain’s macroeconomic fluctuations throughout the period 1970-2008. In order to do this, we distinguish between tradable and non-tradable goods to take into account the fact that the presence of non-tradable goods in this economy is one of the largest in the world. We estimate a DSGE model with supply and demand shocks (sectorial productivity, public spending, international real interest rate and preferences) using Kalman Filter techniques. We find the following results. First of all, our variance decomposition analysis suggests that 1) the preference shock basically accounts for private consumption volatility, 2) the idiosyncratic productivity shock accounts for non-tradable output volatility, and 3) the sectorial productivity shock along with the international interest rate both greatly account for tradable output. Secondly, the model closely replicates the time path observed in the data for the Spanish economy and finally, the model captures the main cyclical qualitative features of this economy reasonably well.Keywords: business cycle, DSGE models, Kalman filter estimation, small open economy
Procedia PDF Downloads 418932 Bacterial Flora of the Anopheles Fluviatilis S. L. in an Endemic Malaria Area in Southeastern Iran for Candidate Paraterasgenesis Strains
Authors: Seyed Hassan Moosa-kazemi, Jalal Mohammadi Soleimani, Hassan Vatandoost, Mohammad Hassan Shirazi, Sara Hajikhani, Roonak Bakhtiari, Morteza Akbari, Siamak Hydarzadeh
Malaria is an infectious disease and considered most important health problems in the southeast of Iran. Iran is elimination malaria phase and new tool need to vector control. Paraterasgenesis is a new way to cut of life cycle of the malaria parasite. In this study, the microflora of the surface and gut of various stages of Anopheles fluviatilis James as one of the important malaria vector was studied using biochemical and molecular techniques during 2013-2014. Twelve bacteria species were found including; Providencia rettgeri, Morganella morganii, Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas oryzihabitans, Citrobacter braakii، Citrobacter freundii، Aeromonas hydrophila، Klebsiella oxytoca, Citrobacter koseri, Serratia fonticola، Enterobacter sakazakii and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. The species of Alcaligenes faecalis, Providencia vermicola and Enterobacter hormaechei were identified in various stages of the vector and confirmed by biochemical and molecular techniques. We found Providencia rettgeri proper candidate for paratransgenesis.Keywords: Anopheles fluviatilis, bacteria, malaria, Paraterasgenesis, Southern Iran
Procedia PDF Downloads 495931 Permanent Deformation Resistance of Asphalt Mixtures with Red Mud as a Filler
Authors: Liseane Padilha Thives, Mayara S. S. Lima, João Victor Staub De Melo, Glicério Trichês
Red mud is a waste resulting from the processing of bauxite to alumina, the raw material of the production of aluminum. The large quantity of red mud generated and inadequately disposed in the environment has motivated researchers to develop methods for reinsertion of this waste into the productive cycle. This work aims to evaluate the resistance to permanent deformation of dense asphalt mixtures with red mud filler. The red mud was characterized by tests of X-ray diffraction, fluorescence, specific mass, laser granulometry, pH and scanning electron microscopy. For the analysis of the influence of the quantity of red mud in the mechanical performance of asphalt mixtures, a total filler content of 7% was established. Asphalt mixtures with 3%, 5% and 7% red mud were produced. A conventional mixture with 7% stone powder filler was used as reference. The asphalt mixtures were evaluated for performance to permanent deformation in the French Rutting Tester (FRT) traffic simulator. The mixture with 5% red mud presented greater resistance to permanent deformation with rutting depth at 30,000 cycles of 3.50%. The asphalt mixtures with red mud presented better performance, with reduction of the rutting of 12.63 to 42.62% in relation to the reference mixture. This study confirmed the viability of reinserting the red mud in the production chain and possible usage in the construction industry. The red mud as filler in asphalt mixtures is a reuse option of this waste and mitigation of the disposal problems, as well as being an environmentally friendly alternative.Keywords: asphalt mixtures, permanent deformation, red mud, pavements
Procedia PDF Downloads 290930 Development of an Energy Independant DC Building Demonstrator for Insulated Island Site
Authors: Olivia Bory Devisme, Denis Genon-Catalot, Frederic Alicalapa, Pierre-Olivier Lucas De Peslouan, Jean-Pierre Chabriat
In the context of climate change, it is essential that island territories gain energy autonomy. Currently mostly dependent on fossil fuels, the island of Reunion lo- cated in the Indian Ocean nevertheless has a high potential for solar energy. As the market for photovoltaic panels has been growing in recent years, the issues of energy losses linked to the multiple conversions from direct current to alternating current are emerging. In order to quantify these advantages and disadvantages by a comparative study, this document present the measurements carried out on a direct current test bench, particularly for lighting, ventilation, air condi- tioning and office equipment for the tertiary sector. All equipment is supplied with DC power from energy produced by photovoltaic panels. A weather sta- tion, environmental indoor sensors, and drivers are also used to control energy. Self-consumption is encouraged in order to manage different priorities between user consumption and energy storage in a lithium iron phosphate battery. The measurements are compared to a conventional electrical architecture (DC-AC- DC) for energy consumption, equipment overheating, cost, and life cycle analysis.Keywords: DC microgrids, solar energy, smart buildings, storage
Procedia PDF Downloads 163929 A Novel Multi-Objective Park and Ride Control Scheme Using Renewable Energy Sources: Cairo Case Study
Authors: Mohammed Elsayed Lotfy Elsayed Abouzeid, Tomonobu Senjyu
A novel multi-objective park and ride control approach is presented in this research. Park and ride will encourage the owners of the vehicles to leave their cars in the nearest points (on the edges of the crowded cities) and use public transportation facilities (train, bus, metro, or mon-rail) to reach their work inside the crowded city. The proposed control scheme is used to design electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS) to charge 1000 electric vehicles (EV) during their owners' work time. Cairo, Egypt is used as a case study. Photovoltaic (PV) and battery energy storage system (BESS) are used to meet the EVCS demand. Two multi-objective optimization techniques (MOGA and epsilon-MOGA) are utilized to get the optimal sizes of PV and BESS so as to meet the load demand and minimize the total life cycle cost. Detailed analysis and comparison are held to investigate the performance of the proposed control scheme using MATLAB.Keywords: Battery Energy Storage System, Electric Vehicle, Park and Ride, Photovoltaic, Multi-objective
Procedia PDF Downloads 145928 Application of a Generalized Additive Model to Reveal the Relations between the Density of Zooplankton with Other Variables in the West Daya Bay, China
Authors: Weiwen Li, Hao Huang, Chengmao You, Jianji Liao, Lei Wang, Lina An
Zooplankton are a central issue in the ecology which makes a great contribution to maintaining the balance of an ecosystem. It is critical in promoting the material cycle and energy flow within the ecosystems. A generalized additive model (GAM) was applied to analyze the relationships between the density (individuals per m³) of zooplankton and other variables in West Daya Bay. All data used in this analysis (the survey month, survey station (longitude and latitude), the depth of the water column, the superficial concentration of chlorophyll a, the benthonic concentration of chlorophyll a, the number of zooplankton species and the number of zooplankton species) were collected through monthly scientific surveys during January to December 2016. GLM model (generalized linear model) was used to choose the significant variables’ impact on the density of zooplankton, and the GAM was employed to analyze the relationship between the density of zooplankton and the significant variables. The results showed that the density of zooplankton increased with an increase of the benthonic concentration of chlorophyll a, but decreased with a decrease in the depth of the water column. Both high numbers of zooplankton species and the overall total number of zooplankton individuals led to a higher density of zooplankton.Keywords: density, generalized linear model, generalized additive model, the West Daya Bay, zooplankton
Procedia PDF Downloads 153927 First Surveillance Results Bring No Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 Spillback in Bats of Central-Southern Italy
Authors: Hiba Dakroub, Danilo Russo, Luca Cistrone, Francesco Serra, Giovanna Fusco, Esterina De Carlo, Maria Grazia Amoroso
The question of the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the cycle of transmission between humans and animals is still unanswered. One serious concern associated with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is that the virus might spill back from humans to wildlife, which would render some animal species reservoirs of the human virus. The aim of the present study is to monitor the potential risk of SARS-CoV-2 reverse infection from humans to bats, by performing bat surveillance from different sites in Central-Southern Italy. We collected 240 droppings or saliva from 129 bats and tested them using specific and general primers of SARS-COV-2 and coronaviruses respectively. All samples, including 127 nasal swabs and 113 fecal droppings resulted negative for SARS-COV-2, and these results were confirmed by testing the samples with the Droplet Digital PCR. Also, an end-point RT-PCR was performed and no sample showed specific bands. The absence of SARS-CoV-2 in the bats we surveyed is a first step towards a better understanding of reverse transmission to bats of this virus. We hope our first contribution will encourage the establishment of systematic surveillance of wildlife, and specifically bats, to help prevent reverse zoonotic episodes that would jeopardize human health as well as biodiversity conservation and management.Keywords: coronaviruses, bats, zoonotic viruses, spillback, SARS-CoV-2
Procedia PDF Downloads 119926 Circular Tool and Dynamic Approach to Grow the Entrepreneurship of Macroeconomic Metabolism
Authors: Maria Areias, Diogo Simões, Ana Figueiredo, Anishur Rahman, Filipa Figueiredo, João Nunes
It is expected that close to 7 billion people will live in urban areas by 2050. In order to improve the sustainability of the territories and its transition towards circular economy, it’s necessary to understand its metabolism and promote and guide the entrepreneurship answer. The study of a macroeconomic metabolism involves the quantification of the inputs, outputs and storage of energy, water, materials and wastes for an urban region. This quantification and analysis representing one opportunity for the promotion of green entrepreneurship. There are several methods to assess the environmental impacts of an urban territory, such as human and environmental risk assessment (HERA), life cycle assessment (LCA), ecological footprint assessment (EF), material flow analysis (MFA), physical input-output table (PIOT), ecological network analysis (ENA), multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) among others. However, no consensus exists about which of those assessment methods are best to analyze the sustainability of these complex systems. Taking into account the weaknesses and needs identified, the CiiM - Circular Innovation Inter-Municipality project aims to define an uniform and globally accepted methodology through the integration of various methodologies and dynamic approaches to increase the efficiency of macroeconomic metabolisms and promoting entrepreneurship in a circular economy. The pilot territory considered in CiiM project has a total area of 969,428 ha, comprising a total of 897,256 inhabitants (about 41% of the population of the Center Region). The main economic activities in the pilot territory, which contribute to a gross domestic product of 14.4 billion euros, are: social support activities for the elderly; construction of buildings; road transport of goods, retailing in supermarkets and hypermarkets; mass production of other garments; inpatient health facilities; and the manufacture of other components and accessories for motor vehicles. The region's business network is mostly constituted of micro and small companies (similar to the Central Region of Portugal), with a total of 53,708 companies identified in the CIM Region of Coimbra (39 large companies), 28,146 in the CIM Viseu Dão Lafões (22 large companies) and 24,953 in CIM Beiras and Serra da Estrela (13 large companies). For the construction of the database was taking into account data available at the National Institute of Statistics (INE), General Directorate of Energy and Geology (DGEG), Eurostat, Pordata, Strategy and Planning Office (GEP), Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), Commission for Coordination and Regional Development (CCDR) and Inter-municipal Community (CIM), as well as dedicated databases. In addition to the collection of statistical data, it was necessary to identify and characterize the different stakeholder groups in the pilot territory that are relevant to the different metabolism components under analysis. The CIIM project also adds the potential of a Geographic Information System (GIS) so that it is be possible to obtain geospatial results of the territorial metabolisms (rural and urban) of the pilot region. This platform will be a powerful visualization tool of flows of products/services that occur within the region and will support the stakeholders, improving their circular performance and identifying new business ideas and symbiotic partnerships.Keywords: circular economy tools, life cycle assessment macroeconomic metabolism, multicriteria decision analysis, decision support tools, circular entrepreneurship, industrial and regional symbiosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 102925 Smart Polymeric Nanoparticles Loaded with Vincristine Sulfate for Applications in Breast Cancer Drug Delivery in MDA-MB 231 and MCF7 Cell Lines
Authors: Reynaldo Esquivel, Pedro Hernandez, Aaron Martinez-Higareda, Sergio Tena-Cano, Enrique Alvarez-Ramos, Armando Lucero-Acuna
Stimuli-responsive nanomaterials play an essential role in loading, transporting and well-distribution of anti-cancer compounds in the cellular surroundings. The outstanding properties as the Lower Critical Solution Temperature (LCST), hydrolytic cleavage and protonation/deprotonation cycle, govern the release and delivery mechanisms of payloads. In this contribution, we experimentally determine the load efficiency and release of antineoplastic Vincristine Sulfate into PNIPAM-Interpenetrated-Chitosan (PIntC) nanoparticles. Structural analysis was performed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1HNMR). ζ-Potential (ζ) and Hydrodynamic diameter (DH) measurements were monitored by Electrophoretic Mobility (EM) and Dynamic Light scattering (DLS) respectively. Mathematical analysis of the release pharmacokinetics reveals a three-phase model above LCST, while a monophasic of Vincristine release model was observed at 32 °C. Cytotoxic essays reveal a noticeable enhancement of Vincristine effectiveness at low drug concentration on HeLa cervix cancer and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer.Keywords: nanoparticles, vincristine, drug delivery, PNIPAM
Procedia PDF Downloads 156924 Coordinated Renewal Planning of Civil Infrastructure Systems
Authors: Hesham Osman
The challenges facing aging urban infrastructure systems require a more holistic and comprehensive approach to their management. The large number of urban infrastructure renewal activities occurring in cities throughout the world leads to social, economic and environmental impacts on the communities in its vicinity. As such, a coordinated effort is required to streamline these activities. This paper presents a framework to enable temporal (time-based) coordination of water, sewer and road intervention activities. Intervention activities include routine maintenance, renewal, and replacement of physical assets. The coordination framework considers 1) Life-cycle costs, 2) Infrastructure level-of-service, and 3) Risk exposure to system operators. The model enables infrastructure asset managers to trade-off options of delaying versus bringing forward intervention activities of one system in order to be executed in conjunction with another co-located system in the right-of-way. The framework relies on a combination of meta-heuristics and goal-based optimization. In order to demonstrate the applicability of the framework, a case study for a major infrastructure corridor in Cairo, Egypt is taken as an example. Results show that the framework can be scaled-up to include other infrastructure systems located in the right-of-way like electricity, gas and telecom, provided that information can be shared among these entities.Keywords: infrastructure, rehabilitation, construction, optimization
Procedia PDF Downloads 297923 Reconstruction of a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model to Simulate Uncoupled Growth of Zymomonas mobilis
Authors: Maryam Saeidi, Ehsan Motamedian, Seyed Abbas Shojaosadati
Zymomonas mobilis is known as an example of the uncoupled growth phenomenon. This microorganism also has a unique metabolism that degrades glucose by the Entner–Doudoroff (ED) pathway. In this paper, a genome-scale metabolic model including 434 genes, 757 reactions and 691 metabolites was reconstructed to simulate uncoupled growth and study its effect on flux distribution in the central metabolism. The model properly predicted that ATPase was activated in experimental growth yields of Z. mobilis. Flux distribution obtained from model indicates that the major carbon flux passed through ED pathway that resulted in the production of ethanol. Small amounts of carbon source were entered into pentose phosphate pathway and TCA cycle to produce biomass precursors. Predicted flux distribution was in good agreement with experimental data. The model results also indicated that Z. mobilis metabolism is able to produce biomass with maximum growth yield of 123.7 g (mol glucose)-1 if ATP synthase is coupled with growth and produces 82 mmol ATP gDCW-1h-1. Coupling the growth and energy reduced ethanol secretion and changed the flux distribution to produce biomass precursors.Keywords: genome-scale metabolic model, Zymomonas mobilis, uncoupled growth, flux distribution, ATP dissipation
Procedia PDF Downloads 488922 Development of a Complete Single Jet Common Rail Injection System Gas Dynamic Model for Hydrogen Fueled Engine with Port Injection Feeding System
Authors: Mohammed Kamil, M. M. Rahman, Rosli A. Bakar
Modeling of hydrogen fueled engine (H2ICE) injection system is a very important tool that can be used for explaining or predicting the effect of advanced injection strategies on combustion and emissions. In this paper, a common rail injection system (CRIS) is proposed for 4-strokes 4-cylinders hydrogen fueled engine with port injection feeding system (PIH2ICE). For this system, a numerical one-dimensional gas dynamic model is developed considering single injection event for each injector per a cycle. One-dimensional flow equations in conservation form are used to simulate wave propagation phenomenon throughout the CR (accumulator). Using this model, the effect of common rail on the injection system characteristics is clarified. These characteristics include: rail pressure, sound velocity, rail mass flow rate, injected mass flow rate and pressure drop across injectors. The interaction effects of operational conditions (engine speed and rail pressure) and geometrical features (injector hole diameter) are illustrated; and the required compromised solutions are highlighted. The CRIS is shown to be a promising enhancement for PIH2ICE.Keywords: common rail, hydrogen engine, port injection, wave propagation
Procedia PDF Downloads 426921 Building Bricks Made of Fly-Ash Mixed with Sand or Ceramic Dust: Synthesis and a Comparative Study
Authors: Md. R. Shattique, Md. T. Zaki, Md. G. Kibria
Fly-ash bricks give a comprehensive solution towards recycling of fly-ash and since there is no requirement of firing to produce them, they are also eco-friendly bricks; little or no carbon-dioxide is emitted during their entire production cycle. As bricks are the most essential and widely utilized building materials in the construction industry, the significance of developing an alternate eco-friendly brick is substantial in modern times. In this paper, manufacturing and potential utilization of Fly-ash made building bricks have been studied and was found to be a prospective substitute for fired clay bricks that contribute greatly to polluting the environment. Also, a comparison between sand made and ceramic dust made Fly-ash bricks have been carried out experimentally. The ceramic dust made bricks seem to show higher compressive strength at lower unit volume weight compared to sand made Fly-ash bricks. Moreover, the water absorption capacity of ceramic dust Fly-ash bricks was lower than sand made bricks. Then finally a statistical comparison between fired clay bricks and fly-ash bricks were carried out. All the requirements for good quality building bricks are matched by the fly-ash bricks. All the facts from this study pointed out that these bricks give a new opportunity for being an alternate building material.Keywords: coal fly-ash, ceramic dust, burnt clay bricks, sand, gypsum, absorption capacity, unit volume weight, compressive strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 423920 Evaluation of Resting Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure of Staff of Multi-National Petroleum Company in Warri, Nigeria
Authors: Ekpon Oghenetega Philip, Tayire Okabare Favour, Boye Ejobowah Thomas
The study evaluated the resting systolic blood pressure (RSBP) and resting diastolic blood pressure (RDBP) of staff of a multi-national petroleum company in Nigeria with the aim of helping the staff maintain optimal health which is necessary to carry out their secular work. Eleven healthy male (age 36.9±10.48 years, mean±S.D) and 38 healthy female (39.99±12.23 years, mean±S.D) staff of the multi-national petroleum company performed an incremental exercise on a treadmill and cycle ergometers to determine RSBP and RDBP. An assessment of the health status of the staff of the company was carried out using a physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q) to determine their suitability for the program. Analysis of the t-test for male staff of RSBP shows that it was statistically significant with a calculated t value of 2.19, α = 0.05 and t-calculated for RSBP of female staff was 1.897, α = 0.05 showing a significance. While the t-calculated RSBP for male staff of the multi-national company is 0.44 with α =0.05 and the female RDBP is 4.129, α = 0.05 and they are all significant. It was recommended that staff of the company should regularly visit the company gym during their leisure hours to maintain optimum health.Keywords: systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, exercise, pressure staff
Procedia PDF Downloads 279919 A Hybrid Based Algorithm to Solve the Multi-objective Minimum Spanning Tree Problem
Authors: Boumesbah Asma, Chergui Mohamed El-amine
Since it has been shown that the multi-objective minimum spanning tree problem (MOST) is NP-hard even with two criteria, we propose in this study a hybrid NSGA-II algorithm with an exact mutation operator, which is only used with low probability, to find an approximation to the Pareto front of the problem. In a connected graph G, a spanning tree T of G being a connected and cycle-free graph, if k edges of G\T are added to T, we obtain a partial graph H of G inducing a reduced size multi-objective spanning tree problem compared to the initial one. With a weak probability for the mutation operator, an exact method for solving the reduced MOST problem considering the graph H is then used to give birth to several mutated solutions from a spanning tree T. Then, the selection operator of NSGA-II is activated to obtain the Pareto front approximation. Finally, an adaptation of the VNS metaheuristic is called for further improvements on this front. It allows finding good individuals to counterbalance the diversification and the intensification during the optimization search process. Experimental comparison studies with an exact method show promising results and indicate that the proposed algorithm is efficient.Keywords: minimum spanning tree, multiple objective linear optimization, combinatorial optimization, non-sorting genetic algorithm, variable neighborhood search
Procedia PDF Downloads 92918 The Discovery of Competitive Glca Inhibitors That Inhibits the Human Pathogenic Fungi Aspergillus Fumigatus and Candida Albicans
Authors: Reem Al-Shidhani, Isabelle S. R. Storer, Michael J. Bromley, Lydia Tabernero
Invasive fungal diseases are an increasing global health concern that contributes to the high mortality rates in immunocompromised patients. The rising of antifungal resistance severely lowers the efficacy of the limited antifungal agents available. New antifungal drugs that target new mechanisms are necessary to tackle the current shortfalls. Amongst post- modifications, phosphorylation is a predominant and an outstanding protein alteration in all eukaryotes. In fungi, protein phosphorylation plays a vital role in many signal transduction pathways, including cell cycle, cell growth, metabolism, transcription, differentiation, proliferation, and virulence. The investigation of Aspergillus fumigatus phosphatases revealed seven genes essential for viability. Inhibiting one of these phosphatases is a new interesting route to develop novel antifungal drugs. In this study, we carried out an early drug discovery process targeting oneessential phosphatase, GlcA. Here, we report the identification of new GlcA inhibitors that show antifungal activity. These important finding open a new avenue to the development of novel antifungals to expand the current narrow arsenal of clinical candidates.Keywords: invasive fungal diseases, phosphatases, GlcA, competitive inhibitors
Procedia PDF Downloads 123917 Optimized Marketing of Bidirectional Charging Capacities for Commercial Freight Transport
Authors: Luzie Krings
The electrification of the transport sector is increasingly recognized as a vital strategy for decarbonization. However, integrating electric vehicles (EVs) into the energy grid poses challenges due to decentralized power units and the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology offers a compelling solution by enabling EVs to function as mobile storage units, providing system services, reducing grid congestion, and offering economic incentives. This potential is particularly significant in freight transport, which accounts for 38% of transport-related emissions. The aggregated use of energy storage in this sector can facilitate grid stability and renewable energy integration. Despite this, existing optimization methods for energy markets frequently overlook operational constraints, such as fixed schedules and state-of-charge requirements, while redispatch markets remain underutilized. This study introduces a risk-averse optimization model for marketing EV flexibilities across multiple energy markets in Germany. Using a linear optimization framework, the model incorporates technical, regulatory, and user constraints. EVs are modeled as energy storage units, and the integration of renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic (PV) and wind energy, is evaluated. To benchmark performance, unidirectional charging with dynamic tariffs is used as the reference scenario. The research examines four distinct logistics depot fleets, each with varying capacities and schedules, to simulate commercial EV operations. The methodology employs a multi-market optimization model that integrates Day-Ahead, Intraday, and Redispatch energy markets, each with specific trading conditions and temporal offsets. The tool, developed using the Python-based library energy pilot by Fraunhofer IEE, also explores scenarios where proprietary renewable energy sources are incorporated to maximize benefits. By accounting for charging schedules, market requirements, and technical constraints, the study aims to enhance grid stability and improve economic outcomes and integration of renewable energies. The findings highlight the economic, environmental, and grid-related advantages of optimizing EV flexibility. Compared to the reference scenario of unidirectional charging, bidirectional strategies delivered an approximate economic benefit of 20%. Furthermore, the integration of proprietary renewable energy sources increased by 15%, demonstrating the potential for environmental gains. The study revealed that the duration of a single charging cycle has a greater impact on economic benefits than the total daily charging time spread across multiple cycles. This underscores the marketing potential of vehicles with extended idle times rather than frequent charging cycles. In conclusion, optimizing energy trading through flexible EV portfolios and efficient charging infrastructure offers substantial cost savings, particularly by increasing the number of charging stations and extending charging cycle durations. By leveraging multiple marketing options, high investment costs can be offset through enhanced revenues. Further gains could be achieved by simultaneously optimizing all trading options, though this approach introduces risks from price volatility and unreliable redispatch capacities. As electrified trucks are modeled as energy storage units, the study's findings are applicable to other forms of energy storage, offering a scalable and transferable framework for future energy systems.Keywords: electric vehicles, energy markets, energy storage, energy grid
Procedia PDF Downloads 14916 An Ontology-Based Framework to Support Asset Integrity Modeling: Case Study of Offshore Riser Integrity
Authors: Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Vahid Ebrahimipour, Amir Hossein Radman-Kian
This paper proposes an Ontology framework for knowledge modeling and representation of the equipment integrity process in a typical oil and gas production plant. Our aim is to construct a knowledge modeling that facilitates translation, interpretation, and conversion of human-readable integrity interpretation into computer-readable representation. The framework provides a function structure related to fault propagation using ISO 14224 and ISO 15926 OWL-Lite/ Resource Description Framework (RDF) to obtain a generic system-level model of asset integrity that can be utilized in the integrity engineering process during the equipment life cycle. It employs standard terminology developed by ISO 15926 and ISO 14224 to map textual descriptions of equipment failure and then convert it to a causality-driven logic by semantic interpretation and computer-based representation using Lite/RDF. The framework applied for an offshore gas riser. The result shows that the approach can cross-link the failure-related integrity words and domain-specific logic to obtain a representation structure of equipment integrity with causality inference based on semantic extraction of inspection report context.Keywords: asset integrity modeling, interoperability, OWL, RDF/XML
Procedia PDF Downloads 189915 Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Surface Temperature and Urban Heat Island Evaluation of Four Metropolitan Areas of Texas, USA
Authors: Chunhong Zhao
Remotely sensed land surface temperature (LST) is vital to understand the land-atmosphere energy balance, hydrological cycle, and thus is widely used to describe the urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon. However, due to technical constraints, satellite thermal sensors are unable to provide LST measurement with both high spatial and high temporal resolution. Despite different downscaling techniques and algorithms to generate high spatiotemporal resolution LST. Four major metropolitan areas in Texas, USA: Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, and Austin all demonstrate UHI effects. Different cities are expected to have varying SUHI effect during the urban development trajectory. With the help of the Landsat, ASTER, and MODIS archives, this study focuses on the spatial patterns of UHIs and the seasonal and annual variation of these metropolitan areas. With Gaussian model, and Local Indicators of Spatial Autocorrelations (LISA), as well as data fusion methods, this study identifies the hotspots and the trajectory of the UHI phenomenon of the four cities. By making comparison analysis, the result can help to alleviate the advent effect of UHI and formulate rational urban planning in the long run.Keywords: spatiotemporal analysis, land surface temperature, urban heat island evaluation, metropolitan areas of Texas, USA
Procedia PDF Downloads 418914 Effect of Key Parameters on Performances of an Adsorption Solar Cooling Machine
Authors: Allouache Nadia
Solid adsorption cooling machines have been extensively studied recently. They constitute very attractive solutions recover important amount of industrial waste heat medium temperature and to use renewable energy sources such as solar energy. The development of the technology of these machines can be carried out by experimental studies and by mathematical modelisation. This last method allows saving time and money because it is suppler to use to simulate the variation of different parameters. The adsorption cooling machines consist essentially of an evaporator, a condenser and a reactor (object of this work) containing a porous medium, which is in our case the activated carbon reacting by adsorption with ammoniac. The principle can be described as follows: When the adsorbent (at temperature T) is in exclusive contact with vapour of adsorbate (at pressure P), an amount of adsorbate is trapped inside the micro-pores in an almost liquid state. This adsorbed mass m, is a function of T and P according to a divariant equilibrium m=f (T,P). Moreover, at constant pressure, m decreases as T increases, and at constant adsorbed mass P increases with T. This makes it possible to imagine an ideal refrigerating cycle consisting of a period of heating/desorption/condensation followed by a period of cooling/adsorption/evaporation. Effect of key parameters on the machine performances are analysed and discussed.Keywords: activated carbon-ammoniac pair, effect of key parameters, numerical modeling, solar cooling machine
Procedia PDF Downloads 255913 Fostering Fresh Graduate Students’ Confidence in Speaking English: An Action Research to Students of Muria Kudus University, Central Java, Indonesia
Authors: Farid Noor Romadlon
Welcoming the ASEAN Economic Community and globalization, people need to have a good communication skill. Being able to speak English is one of important qualification in this skill and as global citizen. This study focused on fostering fresh graduate students’ confidence in speaking English. So, students have good performance in speaking. There were thirty (30) students from first semester of English Education Department who joined Intensive Course class as the subject. They had poor motivation to speak English since English is a foreign language which is not exposed in their environment. This study used Three Communicative Activities technique in twelve successive meetings totally. It was done in two cycles (six meetings for each) since there were some activities should be improved in the first session (cycle). Oral test was administered to find the quantitative result and observation conducted to strengthen the finding. The result indicated that Three Communicative Activities improved students’ confidence in speaking English. They had significant progress in their performance in the class. The technique which allowed students to have more spaces to explore and express their ideas to their friends increased their confidence in their performance. The group or cooperative activities stimulated students to think critically in the discussion and promoted their confidence to talk more.Keywords: students’ confidence, three communicative activities, speaking, Muria Kudus University
Procedia PDF Downloads 213912 [Keynote Talk]: Three Key Ideas to Undergraduate Thesis Project Tutoring
Authors: M. T. Becerra-Traver, M. Montanero, R. Alejo, A. Antúnez, P. Cañamero, M. J. Fernández, M. Gómez, A. L. Medialdea, J. D. Martínez, A. M. Piquer-Píriz, M. J. Rabazo
The introduction of new subjects at university level, brought about with the implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), has meant changes for students and lecturers that, in the case of the latter, have also revealed a need for further training. In our context, one of the main changes has been the introduction of Undergraduate Thesis Projects (UTPs) in the degrees taught in our faculty: Pre-Primary and Primary Education. The aim of this paper is to analyze UTPs and to provide some suggestions that can help both students and lecturers in the process. UTPs complete the university training cycle of the Degree Studies and entail the elaboration of a written piece of work, supervised by a professor and presented to a panel in order to ensure that students acquire the required competences of these Degrees to develop an autonomous, responsible and comprehensive activity. In addition, UTPs develop students’ abilities for oral presentations and to defend and argue their own ideas. One of the first difficulties in the supervision of UTPs is that most of the students do not know how to write an academic text. To solve this problem, we propose a three-phase model based on planning, textualization and review. The implementation of this model has enabled us to see a successful evolution in the correct development of the academic dissertations that students submit at the end their degrees.Keywords: academic task, student, tutoring, university
Procedia PDF Downloads 265911 The Mechanical Response of a Composite Propellant under Harsh Conditions
Authors: Xin Tong, Jin-sheng Xu, Xiong Chen, Ya Zheng
The aim of this paper is to study the mechanical properties of HTPB (Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene) composite propellant under harsh conditions. It describes two tests involving uniaxial tensile tests of various strain rates (ranging from 0.0005 s-1 to 1.5 s-1), temperatures (ranging from 223 K to 343 K) and high-cycle fatigue tests under low-temperature (223 K, frequencies were set at 50, 100, 150 Hz) using DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer). To highlight the effect of small pre-strain on fatigue properties of HTPB propellant, quasi-static stretching was carried out before fatigue loading, and uniaxial tensile tests at constant strain rates were successively applied. The results reveal that flow stress of propellant increases with reduction in temperature and rise in strain rate, and the strain rate-temperature equivalence relationship could be described by TTSP (time-temperature superposition principle) incorporating a modified WLF equation. Moreover, the rate of performance degradations and damage accumulation of propellant during fatigue tests increased with increasing strain amplitude and loading frequencies, while initial quasi-static loading has a negative effect on fatigue properties by comparing stress-strain relations after fatigue tests.Keywords: fatigue, HTPB propellant, tensile properties, time-temperature superposition principle
Procedia PDF Downloads 295910 Investigation of the Effects of Biodiesel Blend on Particulate-Phase Exhaust Emissions from a Light Duty Diesel Vehicle
Authors: B. Wang, W. H. Or, S.C. Lee, Y.C. Leung, B. Organ
This study presents an investigation of diesel vehicle particulate-phase emissions with neat ultralow sulphur diesel (B0, ULSD) and 5% waste cooking oil-based biodiesel blend (B5) in Hong Kong. A Euro VI light duty diesel vehicle was tested under transient (New European Driving Cycle (NEDC)), steady-state and idling on a chassis dynamometer. Chemical analyses including organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), as well as 30 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 10 oxygenated PAHs (oxy-PAHs) were conducted. The OC fuel-based emission factors (EFs) for B0 ranged from 2.86 ± 0.33 to 7.19 ± 1.51 mg/kg, and those for B5 ranged from 4.31 ± 0.64 to 15.36 ± 3.77 mg/kg, respectively. The EFs of EC were low for both fuel blends (0.25 mg/kg or below). With B5, the EFs of total PAHs were decreased as compared to B0. Specifically, B5 reduced total PAH emissions by 50.2%, 30.7%, and 15.2% over NEDC, steady-state and idling, respectively. It was found that when B5 was used, PAHs and oxy-PAHs with lower molecular weight (2 to 3 rings) were reduced whereas PAHs/oxy-PAHs with medium or high molecular weight (4 to 7 rings) were increased. Our study suggests the necessity of taking atmospheric and health factors into account for biodiesel application as an alternative motor fuel.Keywords: biodiesel, OC/EC, PAHs, vehicular emission
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