Search results for: software system
19793 Energy Harvesting with Zinc Oxide Based Nanogenerator: Design and Simulation Using Comsol-4.3 Software
Authors: Akanksha Rohit, Ujjwala Godavarthi, Anshua Mukherjee
Nanotechnology is one of the promising sustainable solutions in the era of miniaturization due to its multidisciplinary nature. The most interesting aspect about nanotechnology is its wide ranging applications from electronics to military and biomedical. It tries to connect individuals more closely to the environment. In this paper, concept of parasitic energy harvesting is used in designing nanogenerators using COMSOL 4.3 software. The output of the nanogenerator is optimized using following constraints: ease of availability of the material, fabrication process and cost of the material. The nanogenerator is optimized using ZnO based nanowires, PMMA as insulator and aluminum and silicon as metal electrodes. The energy harvested from the model can be used to power nanobots, several other biomedical sensors and eventually to replace batteries. Thus, advancements in this field can be very challenging but it is the future of the nano era.Keywords: zinc oxide, piezoelectric, PMMA, parasitic energy harvesting, renewable energy engineering
Procedia PDF Downloads 36519792 Home Legacy Device Output Estimation Using Temperature and Humidity Information by Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System
Authors: Sung Hyun Yoo, In Hwan Choi, Jun Ho Jung, Choon Ki Ahn, Myo Taeg Lim
Home energy management system (HEMS) has been issued to reduce the power consumption. The HEMS performs electric power control for the indoor electric device. However, HEMS commonly treats the smart devices. In this paper, we suggest the output estimation of home legacy device using the artificial neural fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). This paper discusses the overview and the architecture of the system. In addition, accurate performance of the output estimation using the ANFIS inference system is shown via a numerical example.Keywords: artificial neural fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), home energy management system (HEMS), smart device, legacy device
Procedia PDF Downloads 54619791 Introducing and Effectiveness Evaluation of Innovative Logistics System Simulation Teaching: Theoretical Integration and Verification
Authors: Tsai-Pei Liu, Zhi-Rou Zheng, Tzu-Tzu Wen
Innovative logistics system simulation teaching is to extract the characteristics of the system through simulation methodology. The system has randomness and interaction problems in the execution time. Therefore, the simulation model can usually deal with more complex logistics process problems, giving students different learning modes. Students have more autonomy in learning time and learning progress. System simulation has become a new educational tool, but it still needs to accept many tests to use it in the teaching field. Although many business management departments in Taiwan have started to promote, this kind of simulation system teaching is still not popular, and the prerequisite for popularization is to be supported by students. This research uses an extension of Integration Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) to explore the acceptance of students in universities of science and technology to use system simulation as a learning tool. At the same time, it is hoped that this innovation can explore the effectiveness of the logistics system simulation after the introduction of teaching. The results indicated the significant influence of performance expectancy, social influence and learning value on students’ intention towards confirmed the influence of facilitating conditions and behavioral intention. The extended UTAUT2 framework helps in understanding students’ perceived value in the innovative logistics system teaching context.Keywords: UTAUT2, logistics system simulation, learning value, Taiwan
Procedia PDF Downloads 11619790 Mapping of Electrical Energy Consumption Yogyakarta Province in 2014-2025
Authors: Alfi Al Fahreizy
Yogyakarta is one of the provinces in Indonesia that often get a power outage because of high load electrical consumption. The authors mapped the electrical energy consumption [GWh] for the province of Yogyakarta in 2014-2025 using LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system) software. This paper use BAU (Business As Usual) scenario. BAU scenario in which the projection is based on the assumption that growth in electricity consumption will run as normally as before. The goal is to be able to see the electrical energy consumption in the household sector, industry , business, social, government office building, and street lighting. The data is the data projected statistical population and consumption data electricity [GWh] 2010, 2011, 2012 in Yogyakarta province.Keywords: LEAP, energy consumption, Yogyakarta, BAU
Procedia PDF Downloads 59819789 Numerical Simulations of Frost Heave Using COMSOL Multiphysics Software in Unsaturated Freezing Soils
Authors: Sara Soltanpour, Adolfo Foriero
Frost heave is arguably the most problematic adverse phenomenon in cold region areas. Frost heave is a complex process that depends on heat and water transfer. These coupled physical fields generate considerable heave stresses as well as deformations. In the present study, a coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical (THM) model using COMSOL Multiphysics in frozen unsaturated soils, such as fine sand, is investigated. Particular attention to the frost heave and temperature distribution, as well as the water migrating during soil freezing, is assessed. The results obtained from the numerical simulations are consistent with the results measured in the full-scale tests conducted by Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL).Keywords: frost heave, numerical simulations, COMSOL software, unsaturated freezing soil
Procedia PDF Downloads 12719788 Upgrading of Old Large Turbo Generators
Authors: M. Shadmand, T. Enayaty Ahangar, S. Kazemi
Insulation system of electrical machineries is the most critical point for their durability. Depending on generator nominal voltage, its insulation system is designed. In this research, a new stator insulation system is designed by new type of mica tapes which will consequently enables us to decrease the nominal ground-wall insulation thickness for the same voltage level. By keeping constant the slot area, it will be possible to increase the copper value in stator bars which will consequently able us to increase the nominal output current of turbo-generator. This will affect the cooling capability of machinery to some extent. But by considering the thermal conductivity of new insulating system which is improved, it is possible to increase the output power of generator up to 6% more. This research is done practically on a 200 MVA and 15.75 kV turbo-generators which its insulating system is Resin Rich (RR).Keywords: insulation system, resin rich, VPI, upgrading
Procedia PDF Downloads 50319787 Study of Mixing Conditions for Different Endothelial Dysfunction in Arteriosclerosis
Authors: Sara Segura, Diego Nuñez, Miryam Villamil
In this work, we studied the microscale interaction of foreign substances with blood inside an artificial transparent artery system that represents medium and small muscular arteries. This artery system had channels ranging from 75 μm to 930 μm and was fabricated using glass and transparent polymer blends like Phenylbis(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) phosphine oxide, Poly(ethylene glycol) and PDMS in order to be monitored in real time. The setup was performed using a computer controlled precision micropump and a high resolution optical microscope capable of tracking fluids at fast capture. Observation and analysis were performed using a real time software that reconstructs the fluid dynamics determining the flux velocity, injection dependency, turbulence and rheology. All experiments were carried out with fully computer controlled equipment. Interactions between substances like water, serum (0.9% sodium chloride and electrolyte with a ratio of 4 ppm) and blood cells were studied at microscale as high as 400nm of resolution and the analysis was performed using a frame-by-frame observation and HD-video capture. These observations lead us to understand the fluid and mixing behavior of the interest substance in the blood stream and to shed a light on the use of implantable devices for drug delivery at arteries with different Endothelial dysfunction. Several substances were tested using the artificial artery system. Initially, Milli-Q water was used as a control substance for the study of the basic fluid dynamics of the artificial artery system. However, serum and other low viscous substances were pumped into the system with the presence of other liquids to study the mixing profiles and behaviors. Finally, mammal blood was used for the final test while serum was injected. Different flow conditions, pumping rates, and time rates were evaluated for the determination of the optimal mixing conditions. Our results suggested the use of a very fine controlled microinjection for better mixing profiles with and approximately rate of 135.000 μm3/s for the administration of drugs inside arteries.Keywords: artificial artery, drug delivery, microfluidics dynamics, arteriosclerosis
Procedia PDF Downloads 29719786 Five Pitfalls in Defining a Health System and Implications for Research and Management
Authors: Macdonald Kanyangale, Sandram Naluso
Globally, researchers have struggled over time to adequately define the notion of health system to inform research. This study is significant because it proposes an integrative framework for a robust definition of the health system. The objective of this article is to examine major pitfalls in definitions of health system used in prior literature and implications of these for research and management. The study used methodological steps of a scoping review proposed by Arksey and O'Malley to identify and examine 24 definitions of a health system in articles selected from six databases and web search engines. Thematic analysis was used to delineate and categorise definitional pitfalls into broader themes. There are a plethora of five major pitfalls in the extant definitions of a health system which may easily scupper any unsuspecting researcher if not avoided or addressed in research. These definitional pitfalls are reductionist assumptions which ignore dynamic and complex connections, overly wide boundary and lack of specification of levels in a health system, and limited focus on process in a health system. In addition, there is the tendency of treating different components of the health system as equal and simplifying of the ontological complexity of the health system. Future scholars are advised to avoid or address the identified five major pitfalls if they are to develop robust definitions of an HS. The use of an integrative framework for a robust definition of a health system is recommended, while implications of the pitfalls are discussed as a basis and catalyst for complexity-informed research and managing interactively.Keywords: complexity management, health system, pitfalls, reductionism, research
Procedia PDF Downloads 13619785 Performance Analysis of Traffic Classification with Machine Learning
Authors: Htay Htay Yi, Zin May Aye
Network security is role of the ICT environment because malicious users are continually growing that realm of education, business, and then related with ICT. The network security contravention is typically described and examined centrally based on a security event management system. The firewalls, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), and Intrusion Prevention System are becoming essential to monitor or prevent of potential violations, incidents attack, and imminent threats. In this system, the firewall rules are set only for where the system policies are needed. Dataset deployed in this system are derived from the testbed environment. The traffic as in DoS and PortScan traffics are applied in the testbed with firewall and IDS implementation. The network traffics are classified as normal or attacks in the existing testbed environment based on six machine learning classification methods applied in the system. It is required to be tested to get datasets and applied for DoS and PortScan. The dataset is based on CICIDS2017 and some features have been added. This system tested 26 features from the applied dataset. The system is to reduce false positive rates and to improve accuracy in the implemented testbed design. The system also proves good performance by selecting important features and comparing existing a dataset by machine learning classifiers.Keywords: false negative rate, intrusion detection system, machine learning methods, performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 11819784 Modeling the Impact of Controls on Information System Risks
Authors: M. Ndaw, G. Mendy, S. Ouya
Information system risk management helps to reduce or eliminate risk by implementing appropriate controls. In this paper, we propose a quantification model of controls impact on information system risks by automatizing the residual criticality estimation step of FMECA which is based on a inductive reasoning. For this, we defined three equations based on type and maturity of controls. For testing, the values obtained with the model were compared to estimated values given by interlocutors during different working sessions and the result is satisfactory. This model allows an optimal assessment of controls maturity and facilitates risk analysis of information system.Keywords: information system, risk, control, FMECA method
Procedia PDF Downloads 35519783 Description and Evaluation of the Epidemiological Surveillance System for Meningitis in the Province of Taza Between 2016 and 2020
Authors: Bennasser Samira
Meningitis, especially the meningococcal one, is a serious problem of public health. A system of vigilanceand surveillance is in place to allow effective actions to be taken on actual or potential health problems caused by all forms of meningitis. Objectives: 1. Describe the epidemiological surveillance system for meningitis in the province of Taza. 2. Evaluate the quality and responsiveness of the epidemiological surveillance system for meningitis in the province of Taza. 3. Propose measures to improve this system at the provincial level. Methods: This was a descriptive study with a purely quantitative approach by evaluating the quality and responsiveness of the system during 5 years between January 2016 and December 2020. We usedfor that the investigation files of meningitis cases and the provincial database of meningitis. We calculated some quality indicators of surveillance system already defined by the National Program for the Prevention and Control of Meningitis. Results: The notification is passive, the completeness of the data is quite good (94%), and the timeliness don’t exceed 71%. The quality of the data is acceptable (91% agreement). The systematic and rapid performance of lumbar punctures increases the diagnostic capabilities of the system. The local response actions are effected in 100%. Conclusion: The improvement of this surveillance system depends on strengthening the staff skills in diagnostic, reviewing surveillance tools, and encouraging judicious use of the data.Keywords: evaluation, meningitis, system, taza, morocco
Procedia PDF Downloads 16219782 Solar Heating System to Promote the Disinfection
Authors: Elmo Thiago Lins Cöuras Ford, Valentina Alessandra Carvalho do Vale
It presents a heating system using low cost alternative solar collectors to promote the disinfection of water in low income communities that take water contaminated by bacteria. The system consists of two solar collectors, with total area of 4 m² and was built using PET bottles and cans of beer and soft drinks. Each collector is made up of 8 PVC tubes, connected in series and work in continuous flow. It will determine the flux the most appropriate to generate the temperature to promote the disinfection. Will be presented results of the efficiency and thermal loss of system and results of analysis of water after undergoing the process of heating.Keywords: disinfection of water, solar heating system, poor communities, PVC
Procedia PDF Downloads 48119781 Assessment of the Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Potential Installation Area on Residential Buildings: Case Study of Amman, Jordan
Authors: Jenan Abu Qadourah
The suitable surface areas for the ST and PV installation are determined based on incident solar irradiation on different surfaces, shading analysis and suitable architectural area for integration considering limitations due to the constructions, available surfaces area and use of the available surfaces for other purposes. The incident solar radiation on the building surfaces and the building solar exposure analysis of the location of Amman, Jordan, is performed with Autodesk Ecotect analysis 2011 simulation software. The building model geometry within the typical urban context is created in “SketchUp,” which is then imported into Ecotect. The hourly climatic data of Amman, Jordan selected are the same ones used for the building simulation in IDA ICE and Polysun simulation software.Keywords: photovoltaic, solar thermal, solar incident, simulation, building façade, solar potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 14019780 Wireless Based System for Continuous Electrocardiography Monitoring during Surgery
Authors: K. Bensafia, A. Mansour, G. Le Maillot, B. Clement, O. Reynet, P. Ariès, S. Haddab
This paper presents a system designed for wireless acquisition, the recording of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals and the monitoring of the heart’s health during surgery. This wireless recording system allows us to visualize and monitor the state of the heart’s health during a surgery, even if the patient is moved from the operating theater to post anesthesia care unit. The acquired signal is transmitted via a Bluetooth unit to a PC where the data are displayed, stored and processed. To test the reliability of our system, a comparison between ECG signals processed by a conventional ECG monitoring system (Datex-Ohmeda) and by our wireless system is made. The comparison is based on the shape of the ECG signal, the duration of the QRS complex, the P and T waves, as well as the position of the ST segments with respect to the isoelectric line. The proposed system is presented and discussed. The results have confirmed that the use of Bluetooth during surgery does not affect the devices used and vice versa. Pre- and post-processing steps are briefly discussed. Experimental results are also provided.Keywords: electrocardiography, monitoring, surgery, wireless system
Procedia PDF Downloads 37019779 Evaluation of Egg Quality Parameters in the Isa Brown Line in Intensive Production Systems in the Ocaña Region, Norte de Santander
Authors: Meza-Quintero Myriam, Lobo Torrado Katty Andrea, Sanchez Picon Yesenia, Hurtado-Lugo Naudin
The objective of the study was to evaluate the internal and external quality of the egg in the three production housing systems: floor, cage, and grazing of laying birds of the Isa Brown line, in the laying period between weeks 35 to 41; 135 hens distributed in 3 treatments of 45 birds per repetition were used (the replicas were the seven weeks of the trial). The feeding treatment supplied in the floor and cage systems contained 114 g/bird/day; for the grazing system, 14 grams less concentrate was provided. Nine eggs were collected to be studied and analyzed in the animal nutrition laboratory (3 eggs per housing system). The random statistical model was implemented: for the statistical analysis of the data, the statistical software of IBM® Statistical Products and Services Solution (SPSS) version 2.3 was used. The evaluation and follow-up instruments were the vernier caliper for the measurement in millimeters, a YolkFan™16 from Roche DSM for the evaluation of the egg yolk pigmentation, a digital scale for the measurement in grams, a micrometer for the measurement in millimeters and evaluation in the laboratory using dry matter, ashes, and ethereal extract. The results suggested that equivalent to the size of the egg (0.04 ± 3.55) and the thickness of the shell (0.46 ± 3.55), where P-Value> 0.05 was obtained, weight albumen (0.18 ± 3.55), albumen height (0.38 ± 3.55), yolk weight (0.64 ± 3.55), yolk height (0.54 ± 3.55) and for yolk pigmentation (1.23 ± 3.55). It was concluded that the hens in the three production systems, floor, cage, and grazing, did not show significant statistical differences in the internal and external quality of the chicken in the parameters studied egg for the production system.Keywords: biological, territories, genetic resource, egg
Procedia PDF Downloads 8419778 Realizing the Full Potential of Islamic Banking System: Proposed Suitable Legal Framework for Islamic Banking System in Tanzania
Authors: Maulana Ayoub Ali, Pradeep Kulshrestha
Laws of any given secular state have a huge contribution in the growth of the Islamic banking system because the system uses conventional laws to govern its activities. Therefore, the former should be ready to accommodate the latter in order to make the Islamic banking system work properly without affecting the current conventional banking system and therefore without affecting its system. Islamic financial rules have been practiced since the birth of Islam. Following the recent world economic challenges in the financial sector, a quick rebirth of the contemporary Islamic ethical banking system took place. The coming of the Islamic banking system is due to various reasons including but not limited to the failure of the interest based economy in solving financial problems around the globe. Therefore, the Islamic banking system has been adopted as an alternative banking system in order to recover the highly damaged global financial sector. But the Islamic banking system has been facing a number of challenges which hinder its smooth operation in different parts of the world. It has not been the aim of this paper to discuss other challenges rather than the legal ones, but the same was partly discussed when it was justified that it was proper to do so. Generally, there are so many things which have been discovered in the course of writing this paper. The most important part is the issue of the regulatory and supervisory framework for the Islamic banking system in Tanzania and in other nations is considered to be a crucial part for the development of the Islamic banking industry. This paper analyses what has been observed in the study on that area and recommends for necessary actions to be taken on board in a bid to make Islamic banking system reach its climax of serving the larger community by providing ethical, equitable, affordable, interest-free and society cantered banking system around the globe.Keywords: Islamic banking, interest free banking, ethical banking, legal framework
Procedia PDF Downloads 14919777 Infrared Thermography as an Informative Tool in Energy Audit and Software Modelling of Historic Buildings: A Case Study of the Sheffield Cathedral
Authors: Ademuyiwa Agbonyin, Stamatis Zoras, Mohammad Zandi
This paper investigates the extent to which building energy modelling can be informed based on preliminary information provided by infrared thermography using a thermal imaging camera in a walkthrough audit. The case-study building is the Sheffield Cathedral, built in the early 1400s. Based on an informative qualitative report generated from the thermal images taken at the site, the regions showing significant heat loss are input into a computer model of the cathedral within the integrated environmental solution (IES) virtual environment software which performs an energy simulation to determine quantitative heat losses through the building envelope. Building data such as material thermal properties and building plans are provided by the architects, Thomas Ford and Partners Ltd. The results of the modelling revealed the portions of the building with the highest heat loss and these aligned with those suggested by the thermal camera. Retrofit options for the building are also considered, however, may not see implementation due to a desire to conserve the architectural heritage of the building. Results show that thermal imaging in a walk-through audit serves as a useful guide for the energy modelling process. Hand calculations were also performed to serve as a 'control' to estimate losses, providing a second set of data points of comparison.Keywords: historic buildings, energy retrofit, thermal comfort, software modelling, energy modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 17119776 Trimma: Trimming Metadata Storage and Latency for Hybrid Memory Systems
Authors: Yiwei Li, Boyu Tian, Mingyu Gao
Hybrid main memory systems combine both performance and capacity advantages from heterogeneous memory technologies. With larger capacities, higher associativities, and finer granularities, hybrid memory systems currently exhibit significant metadata storage and lookup overheads for flexibly remapping data blocks between the two memory tiers. To alleviate the inefficiencies of existing designs, we propose Trimma, the combination of a multi-level metadata structure and an efficient metadata cache design. Trimma uses a multilevel metadata table to only track truly necessary address remap entries. The saved memory space is effectively utilized as extra DRAM cache capacity to improve performance. Trimma also uses separate formats to store the entries with non-identity and identity mappings. This improves the overall remap cache hit rate, further boosting the performance. Trimma is transparent to software and compatible with various types of hybrid memory systems. When evaluated on a representative DDR4 + NVM hybrid memory system, Trimma achieves up to 2.4× and on average 58.1% speedup benefits, compared with a state-of-the-art design that only leverages the unallocated fast memory space for caching. Trimma addresses metadata management overheads and targets future scalable large-scale hybrid memory architectures.Keywords: memory system, data cache, hybrid memory, non-volatile memory
Procedia PDF Downloads 8019775 Parametric Optimization of High-Performance Electric Vehicle E-Gear Drive for Radiated Noise Using 1-D System Simulation
Authors: Sanjai Sureshkumar, Sathish G. Kumar, P. V. V. Sathyanarayana
For e-gear drivetrain, the transmission error and the resulting variation in mesh stiffness is one of the main source of excitation in High performance Electric Vehicle. These vibrations are transferred through the shaft to the bearings and then to the e-Gear drive housing eventually radiating noise. A parametrical model developed in 1-D system simulation by optimizing the micro and macro geometry along with bearing properties and oil filtration to achieve least transmission error and high contact ratio. Histogram analysis is performed to condense the actual road load data into condensed duty cycle to find the bearing forces. The structural vibration generated by these forces will be simulated in a nonlinear solver obtaining the normal surface velocity of the housing and the results will be carried forward to Acoustic software wherein a virtual environment of the surrounding (actual testing scenario) with accurate microphone position will be maintained to predict the sound pressure level of radiated noise and directivity plot of the e-Gear Drive. Order analysis will be carried out to find the root cause of the vibration and whine noise. Broadband spectrum will be checked to find the rattle noise source. Further, with the available results, the design will be optimized, and the next loop of simulation will be performed to build a best e-Gear Drive on NVH aspect. Structural analysis will be also carried out to check the robustness of the e-Gear Drive.Keywords: 1-D system simulation, contact ratio, e-Gear, mesh stiffness, micro and macro geometry, transmission error, radiated noise, NVH
Procedia PDF Downloads 14919774 Seismic Analysis of Structurally Hybrid Wind Mill Tower
Authors: Atul K. Desai, Hemal J. Shah
The tall windmill towers are designed as monopole tower or lattice tower. In the present research, a 125-meter high hybrid tower which is a combination of lattice and monopole type is proposed. The response of hybrid tower is compared with conventional monopole tower. The towers were analyzed in finite element method software considering nonlinear seismic time history load. The synthetic seismic time history for different soil is derived using the SeismoARTIF software. From the present research, it is concluded that, in the hybrid tower, we are not getting resonance condition. The base shear is less in hybrid tower compared to monopole tower for different soil conditions.Keywords: dynamic analysis, hybrid wind mill tower, resonance condition, synthetic time history
Procedia PDF Downloads 15119773 Examination Scheduling System with Proposed Algorithm
Authors: Tabrej Khan
Examination Scheduling System (ESS) is a scheduling system that targets as an exam committee in any academic institute to help them in managing the exams automatically. We present an algorithm for Examination Scheduling System. Nowadays, many universities have challenges with creating examination schedule fast with less confliction compared to hand works. Our aims are to develop a computerized system that can be used in examination scheduling in an academic institute versus available resources (Time, Hall, Invigilator and instructor) with no contradiction and achieve fairness among students. ESS was developed using HTML, C# language, Crystal Report and ASP.NET through Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 as developing tools with integrated SQL server database. This application can produce some benefits such as reducing the time spent in creating an exam schedule and achieving fairness among studentsKeywords: examination scheduling system (ESS), algorithm, ASP.NET, crystal report
Procedia PDF Downloads 40519772 Automated Human Balance Assessment Using Contactless Sensors
Authors: Justin Tang
Balance tests are frequently used to diagnose concussions on the sidelines of sporting events. Manual scoring, however, is labor intensive and subjective, and many concussions go undetected. This study institutes a novel approach to conducting the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) more quantitatively using Microsoft’s gaming system Kinect, which uses a contactless sensor and several cameras to receive data and estimate body limb positions. Using a machine learning approach, Visual Gesture Builder, and a deterministic approach, MATLAB, we tested whether the Kinect can differentiate between “correct” and erroneous stances of the BESS. We created the two separate solutions by recording test videos to teach the Kinect correct stances and by developing a code using Java. Twenty-two subjects were asked to perform a series of BESS tests while the Kinect was collecting data. The Kinect recorded the subjects and mapped key joints onto their bodies to obtain angles and measurements that are interpreted by the software. Through VGB and MATLAB, the videos are analyzed to enumerate the number of errors committed during testing. The resulting statistics demonstrate a high correlation between manual scoring and the Kinect approaches, indicating the viability of the use of remote tracking devices in conducting concussion tests.Keywords: automated, concussion detection, contactless sensors, microsoft kinect
Procedia PDF Downloads 31819771 Teaching Audiovisual Translation (AVT):Linguistic and Technical Aspects of Different Modes of AVT
Authors: Juan-Pedro Rica-Peromingo
Teachers constantly need to innovate and redefine materials for their lectures, especially in areas such as Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) and Translation Studies (TS). It is therefore essential for the lecturers to be technically skilled to handle the never-ending evolution in software and technology, which are necessary elements especially in certain courses at university level. This need becomes even more evident in Audiovisual Translation (AVT) Modules and Courses. AVT has undergone considerable growth in the area of teaching and learning of languages for academic purposes. We have witnessed the development of a considerable number of masters and postgraduate courses where AVT becomes a tool for L2 learning. The teaching and learning of different AVT modes are components of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Universities, in which AVT is offered as part of their teaching programme or training, make use of professional or free software programs. This paper presents an approach in AVT withina specific university context, in which technology is used by means of professional and nonprofessional software. Students take an AVT subject as part of their English Linguistics Master’s Degree at the Complutense University (UCM) in which they are using professional (Spot) and nonprofessional (Subtitle Workshop, Aegisub, Windows Movie Maker) software packages. The students are encouraged to develop their tasks and projects simulating authentic professional experiences and contexts in the different AVT modes: subtitling for hearing and deaf and hard of hearing population, audio description and dubbing. Selected scenes from TV series such as X-Files, Gossip girl, IT Crowd; extracts from movies: Finding Nemo, Good Will Hunting, School of Rock, Harry Potter, Up; and short movies (Vincent) were used. Hence, the complexity of the audiovisual materials used in class as well as the activities for their projects were graded. The assessment of the diverse tasks carried out by all the students are expected to provide some insights into the best way to improve their linguistic accuracy and oral and written productions with the use of different AVT modes in a very specific ESP university context.Keywords: ESP, audiovisual translation, technology, university teaching, teaching
Procedia PDF Downloads 51819770 An Analysis of Innovative Cloud Model as Bridging the Gap between Physical and Virtualized Business Environments: The Customer Perspective
Authors: Asim Majeed, Rehan Bhana, Mak Sharma, Rebecca Goode, Nizam Bolia, Mike Lloyd-Williams
This study aims to investigate and explore the underlying causes of security concerns of customers emerged when WHSmith transformed its physical system to virtualized business model through NetSuite. NetSuite is essentially fully integrated software which helps transforming the physical system to virtualized business model. Modern organisations are moving away from traditional business models to cloud based models and consequently it is expected to have a better, secure and innovative environment for customers. The vital issue of the modern age race is the security when transforming virtualized through cloud based models and designers of interactive systems often misunderstand privacy and even often ignore it, thus causing concerns for users. The content analysis approach is being used to collect the qualitative data from 120 online bloggers including TRUSTPILOT. The results and finding provide useful new insights into the nature and form of security concerns of online users after they have used the WHSmith services offered online through their website. Findings have theoretical as well as practical implications for the successful adoption of cloud computing Business-to-Business model and similar systems.Keywords: innovation, virtualization, cloud computing, organizational flexibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 38419769 A Proposed Model of E-Marketing Service-Oriented Architecture (E-MSOA)
Authors: Hussein Moselhy, Islam Salam
There have been some challenges and problems which hinder the implementation of the e-marketing systems such as the high cost of information systems infrastructure and maintenance as well as their unavailability within the institution. Also, there is no system which supports all programming languages and different platforms. Another problem is the lack of integration between these systems on one hand and the operating systems and different web browsers on the other hand. No system for customer relationship management is established which recognizes their desires and puts them in consideration while performing e-marketing functions is available. Therefore, the service-oriented architecture emerged as one of the most important techniques and methodologies to build systems that integrate with various operating systems and different platforms and other technologies. This technology allows realizing the data exchange among different applications. The service-oriented architecture represents distributed computing concepts to demonstrate its success in achieving the requirements of systems through web services. It also reflects the appropriate design for the services to use different web services in supporting the requirements of business processes and software users. In a service-oriented environment, web services are deployed on the web in the form of independent services to be accessed without knowledge of the nature of the programs and systems with in. This Paper presents a proposal for a new model which contributes to the application of methods and means of e-marketing with the integration of marketing mix elements to improve marketing efficiency (E-MSOA). And apply it in the educational city of one of the Egyptian sector.Keywords: service-oriented architecture, electronic commerce, virtual retailing, unified modeling language
Procedia PDF Downloads 42819768 Preliminary Study of Water-Oil Separation Process in Three-Phase Separators Using Factorial Experimental Designs and Simulation
Authors: Caroline M. B. De Araujo, Helenise A. Do Nascimento, Claudia J. Da S. Cavalcanti, Mauricio A. Da Motta Sobrinho, Maria F. Pimentel
Oil production is often followed by the joint production of water and gas. During the journey up to the surface, due to severe conditions of temperature and pressure, the mixing between these three components normally occurs. Thus, the three phases separation process must be one of the first steps to be performed after crude oil extraction, where the water-oil separation is the most complex and important step, since the presence of water into the process line can increase corrosion and hydrates formation. A wide range of methods can be applied in order to proceed with oil-water separation, being more commonly used: flotation, hydrocyclones, as well as the three phase separator vessels. Facing what has been presented so far, it is the aim of this paper to study a system consisting of a three-phase separator, evaluating the influence of three variables: temperature, working pressure and separator type, for two types of oil (light and heavy), by performing two factorial design plans 23, in order to find the best operating condition. In this case, the purpose is to obtain the greatest oil flow rate in the product stream (m3/h) as well as the lowest percentage of water in the oil stream. The simulation of the three-phase separator was performed using Aspen Hysys®2006 simulation software in stationary mode, and the evaluation of the factorial experimental designs was performed using the software Statistica®. From the general analysis of the four normal probability plots of effects obtained, it was observed that interaction effects of two and three factors did not show statistical significance at 95% confidence, since all the values were very close to zero. Similarly, the main effect "separator type" did not show significant statistical influence in any situation. As in this case, it has been assumed that the volumetric flow of water, oil and gas were equal in the inlet stream, the effect separator type, in fact, may not be significant for the proposed system. Nevertheless, the main effect “temperature” was significant for both responses (oil flow rate and mass fraction of water in the oil stream), considering both light and heavy oil, so that the best operation condition occurs with the temperature at its lowest level (30oC), since the higher the temperature, the liquid oil components pass into the vapor phase, going to the gas stream. Furthermore, the higher the temperature, the higher the formation water vapor, so that ends up going into the lighter stream (oil stream), making the separation process more difficult. Regarding the “working pressure”, this effect showed to be significant only for the oil flow rate, so that the best operation condition occurs with the pressure at its highest level (9bar), since a higher operating pressure, in this case, indicated a lower pressure drop inside the vessel, generating lower level of turbulence inside the separator. In conclusion, the best-operating condition obtained for the proposed system, at the studied range, occurs for temperature is at its lowest level and the working pressure is at its highest level.Keywords: factorial experimental design, oil production, simulation, three-phase separator
Procedia PDF Downloads 29019767 Linux Security Management: Research and Discussion on Problems Caused by Different Aspects
Authors: Ma Yuzhe, Burra Venkata Durga Kumar
The computer is a great invention. As people use computers more and more frequently, the demand for PCs is growing, and the performance of computer hardware is also rising to face more complex processing and operation. However, the operating system, which provides the soul for computers, has stopped developing at a stage. In the face of the high price of UNIX (Uniplexed Information and Computering System), batch after batch of personal computer owners can only give up. Disk Operating System is too simple and difficult to bring innovation into play, which is not a good choice. And MacOS is a special operating system for Apple computers, and it can not be widely used on personal computers. In this environment, Linux, based on the UNIX system, was born. Linux combines the advantages of the operating system and is composed of many microkernels, which is relatively powerful in the core architecture. Linux system supports all Internet protocols, so it has very good network functions. Linux supports multiple users. Each user has no influence on their own files. Linux can also multitask and run different programs independently at the same time. Linux is a completely open source operating system. Users can obtain and modify the source code for free. Because of these advantages of Linux, it has also attracted a large number of users and programmers. The Linux system is also constantly upgraded and improved. It has also issued many different versions, which are suitable for community use and commercial use. Linux system has good security because it relies on a file partition system. However, due to the constant updating of vulnerabilities and hazards, the using security of the operating system also needs to be paid more attention to. This article will focus on the analysis and discussion of Linux security issues.Keywords: Linux, operating system, system management, security
Procedia PDF Downloads 11119766 Prospect and Challenges of Public Bicycle Sharing System in Indian Cities
Authors: Anil Kumar
Public Bicycle System (PBS), generally known as Public Bicycle Share System or Bike-Share, is a service provided to the everyday commuters in which several cycles are available on the shared system. The concept of PBS is new to the people of India and requires more study in the fields of essential requirements, major infrastructural requirements, social acceptability, and various challenges. In various Indian cities, MRTS, BRTS, Monorail, and other modes of transport have been adopted for the main haul of transport. These modes take more time, space and are also expensive to implement. At the same time, the PBS system is more economical and takes less time to implement. The main benefit of the PBS system is that it is more environmentally friendly. PBS is being implemented in many Indian cities for public use, but various challenges are associated with this. The study aims to determine what are the basic infrastructural requirements for PBS in India, as well as to determine to what extent a Public Bike Sharing System can provide a quality and efficient service to passengers as a primary method of transportation.Keywords: public bicycle sharing system, sustainable transport, infrastructure, smart city
Procedia PDF Downloads 19319765 Control Strategy of Solar Thermal Cooling System under the Indonesia Climate
Authors: Budihardjo Sarwo Sastrosudiro, Arnas Lubis, Muhammad Idrus Alhamid, Nasruddin Jusuf
Solar thermal cooling system was installed on Mechanical Research Center (MRC) Building that is located in Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia. It is the first cooling system in Indonesia that utilizes solar energy as energy input combined with natural gas; therefore, the control system must be appropriated with the climates. In order to stabilize the cooling capacity and also to maximize the use of solar energy, the system applies some controllers. Constant flow rate and on/off controller are applied for the hot water, chilled water and cooling water pumps. The hot water circulated by pump when the solar radiation is over than 400W/m2, and the chilled water is continually circulated by pump and its temperature is kept constant 7 °C by absorption chiller. The cooling water is also continually circulated until the outlet temperature of cooling tower below than 27 oC. Furthermore, the three-way valve is used to control the hot water for generate vapor on absorption chiller. The system performance using that control system is shown in this study results.Keywords: absorption chiller, control system, solar cooling, solar energy
Procedia PDF Downloads 27419764 Performance Evaluation of Flexible Manufacturing System: A Simulation Study
Authors: Mohammed Ali
In this paper, evaluation of flexible manufacturing system is made under different manufacturing strategies. The objective of this paper is to test the impact of pallets and routing flexibility on system performance operating at different sequencing rules, dispatching rules and at unbalanced load condition. A computer simulation model is developed to evaluate the effects of aforementioned manufacturing strategies on the make-span performance of flexible manufacturing system. The impact of number of pallets is shown with the different levels of routing flexibility. In this paper, the same manufacturing system is modeled under different combination of sequencing and dispatching rules. A series of simulation experiments are conducted and results analyzed. The result of the simulation shows that there is impact of pallets and routing flexibility on the performance of the system.Keywords: flexibility, flexible manufacturing system, pallets, make-span, simulation
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