Search results for: publication performance
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 13145

Search results for: publication performance

11915 The Effect of Protexin and Curcuma Longa on Growth Performance, Serum Lipid and Immune Organ Weight of Broilers at Starter Period

Authors: Farhad Ahmadi, Mehran Mohammadi Khah, Fariba Rahimi, N. Vejdani Far


The aim of present research was to investigate the effect of different levels of protexin (PRT) and Curcuma longa (CUR) on performance, serum lipid and indices of immune system in broiler chickens at the starter stage. A total of 300, one-day-old male broiler (Ross-308) were allotted, in a 2×2+1 factorial design contain 2 levels of protexin (10 and 40 mg/kg diet) and 2 levels of Curcuma longa (200 and 400 mg/kg diet) with four replicate and 15 birds per pens. Experimental diets were: T1 control (basal diet); T2 (2g/kg CUR+0.1g PRT/kg diet), T3 (2g CUR/kg+0.2g PRT/kg diet), T4 (4g CUR/kg+0.1g PRT/kg) and T5 (4g CUR/kg+0.2g PRT/kg). Results indicated that body weight gain and feed conversion ratio had significantly improved (P < 0.05) in birds that fed diet inclusion any levels of additive. The highest BWG and lowest FCR observed in T5 birds group as compared to control (P < 0.05). Relative bursa of Fabricius and spleen weight in T5 and T3 birds groups were higher than control (P > 0.05). The serum of cholesterol, TG, LDL had significantly decreased (P < 0.05). As well, HDL was higher (P < 0.05) in T5 birds group compared to control. In conclusion, results of present trial indicated that blend of mention additive was better than using individual of those and improved performance traits.

Keywords: broiler, Curcuma longa, performance, protexin, serum

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11914 Key External Causes of Poor Performance of Engineering and Technical Departments within Governmental Construction Projects in Saudi Arabia

Authors: Alaa A. Al-Harthi, Abdulrahman S. Bageis, Bingunath Ingirige


Poor levels of performance and low productivity were highlighted by many previous studies as a major cause of failure in the Saudi construction industry. This paper provides recommendations to address key external indicators that led to poor levels of performance and low productivity in Engineering and Technical Departments (ETDs) within the Saudi governmental agencies. The ETDs are client’s representative on behalf of the Saudi Ministries. This paper represents a part of an investigation which contained external and internal challenges that led to occurrence of the research problem. The paper is focusing on the external challenges which contain 14 indicators. These 14 external indicators had been examined carefully through comprehensive review of the literature then have been tested through quantitative and qualitative methods. 400 questionnaires were distributed to dozens of different bodies. The actual response rate was 47% completed responses. Four semi-structured interviews were conducted with senior practitioners from the Public Construction Sector. The finding showed that the 14 external indicators directly and/or indirectly influence the Public Construction Sector. It was noticed significantly that these indicators have prevented the ETDs from performing properly. It was also found that the 14 external indicators were constant with all kinds of Government Construction Projects in the Saudi context. Addressing the 14 external indicators requires to be planned over the long run which is responsible by relevant Saudi governmental authorities under the umbrella of the Saudi Council of Ministers. The study recommends that Project Management Office (PMO) should be considered in order to improve the performance of the ETDs.

Keywords: construction projects' performance, low engineering productivity, public construction sector

Procedia PDF Downloads 602
11913 Buckling Resistance of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Infill Panel Subjected to Elevated Temperatures

Authors: Viriyavudh Sim, Woo Young Jung


Performance of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) sandwich infill panel system under diagonal compression was studied by means of numerical analysis. Furthermore, the variation of temperature was considered to affect the mechanical properties of BFRP, since their composition was based on polymeric material. Moreover, commercial finite element analysis platform ABAQUS was used to model and analyze this infill panel system. Consequently, results of the analyses show that the overall performance of BFRP panel had a 15% increase compared to that of GFRP infill panel system. However, the variation of buckling load in terms of temperature for the BFRP system showed a more sensitive nature compared to those of GFRP system.

Keywords: basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP), buckling performance, numerical simulation, temperature dependent materials

Procedia PDF Downloads 200
11912 Control of Doubly Star Induction Motor Using Direct Torque DTC Based To on RST Regulator

Authors: Nadia Akkari


This paper presents the analysis and simulation of the control of double star induction motor, using direct torque control (DTC) based on RST regulator. The DTC is an excellent solution for general- purpose induction drives in very wide range the short sampling time required by the TC schemes makes them suited to a very fast torque and flux controlled drives as well the simplicity of the control algorithm. DTC is inherently a motion sensorless control method. The RST regulator can improve the double star induction motor performance in terms of overshoot, rapidity, cancellation of disturbance, and capacity to maintain a high level of performance. Simulation results indicate that the proposed regulator has better performance responses. The implementation of the DTC applied to a double star induction motor based on RST regulator is validated with simulated results.

Keywords: Direct Torque Control (DTC), Double Star Induction Motor (DSIM), RST Regulator

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11911 Banks' Financial Performance in Pakistan from 2012-2015

Authors: Saima Akbar


The global financial crisis severely and adversely impacted the Pakistanis’ financial setups with far-reaching consequences for its victims. This study aimed to analyze the various determinants of the banks’ financial performance in Pakistan. The stepwise multiple regression analysis and pre-post analysis were carried out in this regard by using SPSS ver 22. The study found that the assets quality is the most influential determinant of return over assets followed by bank size and solvency. Advances, liquidity, investments, and size have positive while poor assets quality and deposits have a negative impact on the return over assets. The comparison of the pre-crisis and post-crisis coefficient values of the independent variables revealed that the global financial crisis had exerted a significant impact on the relative ability of the financial performance determinants to explain variations in return over assets.

Keywords: pre-crisis, post-crisis, coefficient values, determinants

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11910 The Influence of Concrete Pictorial Abstract Teaching Approach on Students' Concepts Understanding and Retention in Mathematics in Rwandan Lower Secondary Schools

Authors: Emmanuel Iyamuremye, Irenee Ndayambaje


This study investigated the influence of Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) teaching approach on mathematics achievement based on a sample of eighth-grade students (N = 10,345) from the Rwandan Lower Secondary School quasi-experimental study with pre-test and post-test control group of 2019 (RLSQES19). Key aspects studied included mathematics concept understanding and mathematics concept retention and how these are influenced by teacher's teaching approach. Specifically, the study aimed to a.) investigate students' concept understanding and concept retention in mathematics when exposed to CPA approach and to those exposed to non-CPA approach before and after the intervention, and b.) ascertain the significant difference between the performance of the students exposed to CPA approach and those exposed to non-CPA approach in terms of post-test scores and retention test scores. Two groups (control and experimental) undergone pre-test, post-test, and retention test. The assignment of control and experimental group among senior two classes from 10 schools was done randomly. The materials used to determine the performance of the students is a teacher-made test. Descriptive statistics and ANCOVA were used for the analysis of the study. For determining the improvement in concept understanding of mathematics, Hakes methods of calculating gain were used to analyze the pre-test and post test score. The level of performance of the two groups in the pre-test is below average level. During the post-test and retention test, the performance of students in non-CPA group is on average level, and students in CPA group are on above average level. Hakes methods of calculating gain revealed higher significant performance in the post-test and retention test of CPA group of students than non-CPA group of students.

Keywords: concept understanding, concept retention, performance, teaching approach

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11909 Optimal Performance of Plastic Extrusion Process Using Fuzzy Goal Programming

Authors: Abbas Al-Refaie


This study optimized the performance of plastic extrusion process of drip irrigation pipes using fuzzy goal programming. Two main responses were of main interest; roll thickness and hardness. Four main process factors were studied. The L18 array was then used for experimental design. The individual-moving range control charts were used to assess the stability of the process, while the process capability index was used to assess process performance. Confirmation experiments were conducted at the obtained combination of optimal factor setting by fuzzy goal programming. The results revealed that process capability was improved significantly from -1.129 to 0.8148 for roll thickness and from 0.0965 to 0.714 and hardness. Such improvement results in considerable savings in production and quality costs.

Keywords: fuzzy goal programming, extrusion process, process capability, irrigation plastic pipes

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11908 Appraisal of Incentive Schemes for Employees: A Case of Construction Smes

Authors: B. M. Arthur-Aidoo, C. O. Aigbavboa, W. D. Thwala


The performance of construction employees cannot be underestimated if the success of construction projects are to be achieved. This is because the construction industry has been characterised as labour oriented sector, which most of its activities being executed by labour. In the construction sector, employees are driven by incentive schemes which perform encourage and motivate workers for higher efficiency and higher output. The construction sector, however, depends mainly on its labour. In view of the sector's high dependency on its employees, that there must be a significant incentive scheme which must be established to act as a stimulus to drive high performance from employees among the various known incentive packages. This study, therefore, seeks to appraise the incentive packages adopted by construction SMEs. To establish reliable findings that will contribute to knowledge, the study utilised an exploratory approach via semi-structured interviews among sampled construction professionals with the requisite expertise on employees' incentive schemes. The study further established that although incentive schemes are classified in various ways and mediums that act as stimuli to encourage high performance among employees, some are more influential and impacts performance than others. Additionally, the study concludes that medical allowance, holiday with pay, free working tools, and training for employees were ranked the most influential incentives that promote high outputs by workers within the construction SME sector.

Keywords: appraisal, construction, employees, incentive, small and medium-sized enterprises, SMEs

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11907 Automatic Speech Recognition Systems Performance Evaluation Using Word Error Rate Method

Authors: João Rato, Nuno Costa


The human verbal communication is a two-way process which requires a mutual understanding that will result in some considerations. This kind of communication, also called dialogue, besides the supposed human agents it can also be performed between human agents and machines. The interaction between Men and Machines, by means of a natural language, has an important role concerning the improvement of the communication between each other. Aiming at knowing the performance of some speech recognition systems, this document shows the results of the accomplished tests according to the Word Error Rate evaluation method. Besides that, it is also given a set of information linked to the systems of Man-Machine communication. After this work has been made, conclusions were drawn regarding the Speech Recognition Systems, among which it can be mentioned their poor performance concerning the voice interpretation in noisy environments.

Keywords: automatic speech recognition, man-machine conversation, speech recognition, spoken dialogue systems, word error rate

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11906 Effects of Raw Bee Propolis and Water or Ethanol Extract of Propolis on Performance, Immune System and Some Blood Parameters on Broiler Bredeers

Authors: Hasan Alp Sahin, Ergin Ozturk


The effects of raw bee propolis (RP) and water (WEP) or ethanol (EEP) extract of propolis on growth performance, selected immune parameters (IgA, IgY and IgM) and some blood parameters such as aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, trygliceride, total protein, albumin, calcium, phosphorus, total antioxidant status and total oxidant status were determined. The study was conducted between 15th and 20th weeks (6 weeks) and used a total of 48 broiler breeder pullets (Ross-308). The broiler breeder in control group was fed diet without propolis whereas the birds in RP, WEP and EEP groups were fed diets with RP, WEP and EEP at the level of 1200, 400 and 400 ppm, respectively. All pullets were fed mash form diet with 15% crude protein and 2800 ME kcal/kg. All propolis forms had not a beneficial effect on any studied parameters compared to control group (P > 0.05). The results of the study indicated that both the level of the active matters supplied from the bee propolis has no enough beneficial effect on performance, some immune and blood parameters on broiler breeders or they did not have such a level that would cause a beneficial effect on these variables.

Keywords: antioxidant, bee product , poultry breeders, growth performance, immune parameters, blood chemistry

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11905 Trauma-Informed Applied Theatre: Using Performance to Connect with Mental Dysfunction Using Physical Embodiment Begins with Ancient Civilizations

Authors: Stephanie Elizabeth Talder


Art therapy is a field that is growing exponentially with new groundbreaking discoveries that allow for embodying trauma and mental healing. Applied theatre and performance is a continuously growing and developing field that can help people who are struggling to work through traumatic experiences plaguing their life. By using performance, there is an ability to target sensitive topics in a manner that does not lead to re-traumatization. The use of theatre as a healing agent has been going on for centuries, with clear applications beginning in Greek theatre and tragedy. When working with complex mental illness, issues such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression can be managed and worked through. A central component of drama therapy is the connection to community and self. The ability to connect mind-body to stories as well as to other people allows for healing to occur. There is the opportunity for healing through emotional catharsis and community building. Applied theatre in connection to the medical field can allow for there to be a meaningful impact made on mental health. Though there is still a significant amount of progress to be made within the stigmatization of mental health problems, bringing in a varying option that allows for there to be movement and community building possesses a strong ability to impact people in a positive way.

Keywords: applied theatre, drama therapy, art therapy, performance, theatre

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11904 Enhancing the Piezoelectric, Thermal, and Structural Properties of the PVDF-HFP/PZT/GO Composite for Improved Mechanical Energy Harvesting

Authors: Salesabil Labihi, Adil Eddiai, Mounir El Achaby, Mounir Meddad, Omar Cherkaoui, M’hammed Mazroui


Piezoelectric materials provide a promising renewable energy source by converting mechanical energy into electrical energy through pressure and vibration. This study focuses on improving the conversion performance of poly (vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-HFP) by incorporating graphene oxide (GO) and lead zirconate titanate (PZT). The dispersion of PZT and GO within the PVDF-HFP matrix was found to be homogeneous, resulting in high piezoelectric performance with an increase in the β-phase content. The thermal stability of the PVDF-HFP polymer also improved with the addition of PZT/GO. However, as the percentage of PZT/GO increased, the young's modulus of the composite decreased significantly. The developed composite demonstrated promising performance as a potential candidate for energy harvesting applications.

Keywords: energy harvesting, mechanical conversion, piezoelectric composite, solvent casting method

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11903 Effects of Voltage Pulse Characteristics on Some Performance Parameters of LiₓCoO₂-based Resistive Switching Memory Devices

Authors: Van Son Nguyen, Van Huy Mai, Alec Moradpour, Pascale Auban Senzier, Claude Pasquier, Kang Wang, Pierre-Antoine Albouy, Marcelo J. Rozenberg, John Giapintzakis, Christian N. Mihailescu, Charis M. Orfanidou, Thomas Maroutian, Philippe Lecoeur, Guillaume Agnus, Pascal Aubert, Sylvain Franger, Raphaël Salot, Nathalie Brun, Katia March, David Alamarguy, Pascal ChréTien, Olivier Schneegans


In the field of Nanoelectronics, a major research activity is being developed towards non-volatile memories. To face the limitations of existing Flash memory cells (endurance, downscaling, rapidity…), new approaches are emerging, among them resistive switching memories (Re-RAM). In this work, we analysed the behaviour of LixCoO2 oxide thin films in electrode/film/electrode devices. Preliminary results have been obtained concerning the influence of bias pulses characteristics (duration, value) on some performance parameters, such as endurance and resistance ratio (ROFF/RON). Besides, Conducting Probe Atomic Force Microscopy (CP-AFM) characterizations of the devices have been carried out to better understand some causes of performance failure, and thus help optimizing the switching performance of such devices.

Keywords: non volatile resistive memories, resistive switching, thin films, endurance

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11902 Effect of Project Control Practices on the Performance of Building Construction Companies in Uganda: A Case Study of Kampala City

Authors: Tukundane Hillary


This research paper analytically evaluates the project control practice levels used by the building construction companies within Kampala, Uganda. The research also assesses the outcome of project control practices on the productivity of the companies. The research was performed to ascertain the current control practices among 160 respondents from various construction companies registered with the Uganda Registration Services Bureau. This research used amalgamation from multiple literature to obtain the variables. The research adopts 34 standard control practices from four vital project control duties: planning, monitoring, analyzing, and reporting. These project control tasks were organized using mean response ratings grounded on their relevance to the construction companies. Results showed that evaluating performance with the use of curves (4.32), timely access to information and encouragement (4.55), report representation using quantitative tools 4.75, and cost value comparison application during analysis (4.76) were rated least among the control practices. On the other hand, the top project control practices included formulation of the project schedule (8.88), Project feasibility validation (8.86), Budgeting for each activity (8.84), Key project route definition (8.81), Team awareness of the budget (8.77), Setting realistic targets for projects (8.50) and Consultation from subcontractors (8.74). From the results obtained by the sample respondents specified, it can be concluded that planning is the most vital project control task practiced in the building construction industry in Uganda. In addition, this research ascertained a substantial relationship between project control practices and the performance of building construction companies. Accordingly, this research recommends that project control practices be effectively observed by both contracting and consulting companies to enhance their overall performance and governance.

Keywords: cost value, project control, cost control, time control, project performance, control practices

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11901 Multi Objective Optimization for Two-Sided Assembly Line Balancing

Authors: Srushti Bhatt, M. B. Kiran


Two-sided assembly line balancing problem is yet to be addressed simply to compete for the global market for manufacturers. The task assigned in an ordered sequence to get optimum performance of the system is known as assembly line balancing problem mainly classified as single and two sided. It is very challenging in manufacturing industries to balance two-sided assembly line, wherein the set of sequential workstations the task operations are performed in two sides of the line. The conflicting major objective in two-sided assembly line balancing problem is either to maximize /minimize the performance parameters. The present study emphases on combining different evolutionary algorithm; ant colony, Tabu search and petri net method; and compares their results of an algorithm for solving two-sided assembly line balancing problem. The concept of multi objective optimization of performance parameters is now a day adopted to make a decision involving more than one objective function to be simultaneously optimized. The optimum result can be expected among the selected methods using multi-objective optimization. The performance parameters considered in the present study are a number of workstation, slickness and smoothness index. The simulation of the assembly line balancing problem provides optimal results of classical and practical problems.

Keywords: Ant colony, petri net, tabu search, two sided ALBP

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11900 Derivation of BCK\BCI-Algebras

Authors: Tumadhir Fahim M Alsulami


The concept of this paper builds on connecting between two important notions, fuzzy ideals of BCK-algebras and derivation of BCI-algebras. The result we got is a new concept called derivation fuzzy ideals of BCI-algebras. Followed by various results and important theorems on different types of ideals. In chapter 1: We presented the basic and fundamental concepts of BCK\ BCI- algebras as follows: BCK/BCI-algebras, BCK sub-algebras, bounded BCK-algebras, positive implicative BCK-algebras, commutative BCK-algebras, implicative BCK- algebras. Moreover, we discussed ideals of BCK-algebras, positive implicative ideals, implicative ideals and commutative ideals. In the last section of chapter 1 we proposed the notion of derivation of BCI-algebras, regular derivation of BCI-algebras and basic definitions and properties. In chapter 2: It includes 3 sections as follows: Section 1 contains elementary concepts of fuzzy sets and fuzzy set operations. Section 2 shows O. G. Xi idea, where he applies fuzzy sets concept to BCK-algebras and we studied fuzzy sub-algebras as well. Section 3 contains fuzzy ideals of BCK-algebras basic definitions, closed fuzzy ideals, fuzzy commutative ideals, fuzzy positive implicative ideals, fuzzy implicative ideals, fuzzy H-ideals and fuzzy p-ideals. Moreover, we investigated their concepts in diverse theorems and propositions. In chapter 3: The main concept of our thesis on derivation fuzzy ideals of BCI- algebras is introduced. Chapter 3 splits into 4 sections. We start with General definitions and important theorems on derivation fuzzy ideal theory in section 1. Section 2 and 3 contain derivations fuzzy p-ideals and derivations fuzzy H-ideals of BCI- algebras, several important theorems and propositions were introduced. The last section studied derivations fuzzy implicative ideals of BCI-algebras and it includes new theorems and results. Furthermore, we presented a new theorem that associate derivations fuzzy implicative ideals, derivations fuzzy positive implicative ideals and derivations fuzzy commutative ideals. These concepts and the new results were obtained and introduced in chapter 3 were submitted in two separated articles and accepted for publication.

Keywords: BCK, BCI, algebras, derivation

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11899 Physical Exertion and Fatigue: A Breakthrough in Choking Sphere

Authors: R. Maher, D. Marchant, F. Fazel


Choking in sport has been defined as ‘an acute performance breakdown’, and is generally explained through a range of contributory antecedents, factors, and explanatory theories. The influence of mental antecedents on an athlete’s performance under pressure has been widely examined through numerous studies. Researchers have only recently begun to investigate the influence of physical effort and associated residual fatigue as a potential contributor to choking in sport. Consequently, the initial aim of the present study was to examine the extent to which both physical exertion and pressure affect free-throw shooting performance. It was hypothesized that the free-throw shooting scores would decline under manipulated conditions. Design and Methods: Using a within-subjects design, 50 student-athletes were assigned to four manipulated conditions: (a) higher pressure-running, (b) higher pressure-no running, (c) lower pressure-running, and (d) lower pressure-no running. The physical exertion was manipulated by including a 56 meter shuttle-run in two of the running conditions. The pressure was manipulated with the presence of an audience, video-recording, performance contingent rewards, and weighting successful shots in the higher pressure conditions. A repeated measure analysis of variance was used to analyse the data. Results: The free-throw performance significantly deteriorated under manipulated physical exertion F (1, 49) = 10.13, p = .003, ηp 2 = .17 and pressure conditions F (1, 49) = 5.25, p = .02, ηp 2 = .09. The lowest free-throw scores were observed in the higher pressure-running condition, whereas the highest free-throw scores were reported in the lower pressure-no running condition. Conclusions: Physical exertion and the associated residual fatigue were contributors to choking. The results of the present study herald a new concept in choking research and yield a practical platform for use by athletes, coaches, and sport psychologists to better manage the psychological and physiological aspects of performance under pressure.

Keywords: anxiety, basketball, choking, fatigue, free-throw shooting, physical exertion

Procedia PDF Downloads 286
11898 An Investigation of Prior Educational Achievement on Engineering Student Performance

Authors: Jovanca Smith, Derek Gay


All universities possess a standard by which students are assessed and administered into their programs. This paper considers the effect of the educational history of students, as measured by specific subject grades in Caribbean examinations, on overall performance in introductory engineering math and mechanics courses. Results reflect a correlation between the highest grade in the Caribbean examinations with a higher probability of successful advancement in the university courses. Alternatively, lower entrance grades are commensurate with underperformance in the university courses. Results also demonstrate that students matriculating with the Caribbean examinations will not necessarily possess a significant advantage over students entering through an alternative route, and while previous educational background of students is a significant indicator of tentative performance in the University level math and mechanics courses, it is not the sole factor.

Keywords: bimodal distribution, differential learning, engineering education, entrance qualification

Procedia PDF Downloads 363
11897 Defence Ethics : A Performance Measurement Framework for the Defence Ethics Program

Authors: Allyson Dale, Max Hlywa


The Canadian public expects the highest moral standards from Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and Department of National Defence (DND) employees. The Chief, Professional Conduct and Culture (CPCC) stood up in April 2021 with the mission of ensuring that the defence culture and members’ conduct are aligned with the ethical principles and values that the organization aspires towards. The Defence Ethics Program (DEP), which stood up in 1997, is a values-based ethics program for individuals and organizations within the DND/CAF and now falls under CPCC. The DEP is divided into five key functional areas, including policy, communications, collaboration, training and education, and advice and guidance. The main focus of the DEP is to foster an ethical culture within defence so that members and organizations perform to the highest ethical standards. The measurement of organizational ethics is often complex and challenging. In order to monitor whether the DEP is achieving its intended outcomes, a performance measurement framework (PMF) was developed using the Director General Military Personnel Research and Analysis (DGMPRA) PMF development process. This evidence-based process is based on subject-matter expertise from the defence team. The goal of this presentation is to describe each stage of the DGMPRA PMF development process and to present and discuss the products of the DEP PMF (e.g., logic model). Specifically, first, a strategic framework was developed to provide a high-level overview of the strategic objectives, mission, and vision of the DEP. Next, Key Performance Questions were created based on the objectives in the strategic framework. A logic model detailing the activities, outputs (what is produced by the program activities), and intended outcomes of the program were developed to demonstrate how the program works. Finally, Key Performance Indicators were developed based on both the intended outcomes in the logic model and the Key Performance Questions in order to monitor program effectiveness. The Key Performance Indicators measure aspects of organizational ethics such as ethical conduct and decision-making, DEP collaborations, and knowledge and awareness of the Defence Ethics Code while leveraging ethics-related items from multiple DGMPRA surveys where appropriate.

Keywords: defence ethics, ethical culture, organizational performance, performance measurement framework

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11896 Analysis on the Building Energy Performance of a Retrofitted Residential Building with RETScreen Expert Software

Authors: Abdulhameed Babatunde Owolabi, Benyoh Emmanuel Kigha Nsafon, Jeung-Soo Huh


Energy efficiency measures for residential buildings in South Korea is a national issue because most of the apartments built in the last decades were constructed without proper energy efficiency measures making the energy performance of old buildings to be very poor when compared with new buildings. However, the adoption of advanced building technologies and regulatory building codes are effective energy efficiency strategies for new construction. There is a need to retrofits the existing building using energy conservation measures (ECMs) equipment’s in order to conserve energy and reduce GHGs emissions. To achieve this, the Institute for Global Climate Change and Energy (IGCCE), Kyungpook National University (KNU), Daegu, South Korea employed RETScreen Expert software to carry out measurement and verification (M&V) analysis on an existing building in Korea by using six years gas consumption data collected from Daesung Energy Co., Ltd in order to determine the building energy performance after the introduction of ECM. Through the M&V, energy efficiency is attained, and the resident doubt was reduced. From the analysis, a total of 657 Giga Joules (GJ) of liquefied natural gas (LNG) was consumed at the rate of 0.34 GJ/day having a peak in the year 2015, which cost the occupant the sum of $10,821.

Keywords: energy efficiency, measurement and verification, performance analysis, RETScreen experts

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11895 A Mixed-Method Exploration of the Interrelationship between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance

Authors: Chen Xiatong


The study aims to explore the interrelationship between corporate governance factors and firm performance in Mainland China using a mixed-method approach. To clarify the current effectiveness of corporate governance, uncover the complex interrelationships between governance factors and firm performance, and enhance understanding of corporate governance strategies in Mainland China. The research involves quantitative methods like statistical analysis of governance factors and firm performance data, as well as qualitative approaches including policy research, case studies, and interviews with staff members. The study aims to reveal the current effectiveness of corporate governance in Mainland China, identify complex interrelationships between governance factors and firm performance, and provide suggestions for companies to enhance their governance practices. The research contributes to enriching the literature on corporate governance by providing insights into the effectiveness of governance practices in Mainland China and offering suggestions for improvement. Quantitative data will be gathered through surveys and sampling methods, focusing on governance factors and firm performance indicators. Qualitative data will be collected through policy research, case studies, and interviews with staff members. Quantitative data will be analyzed using statistical, mathematical, and computational techniques. Qualitative data will be analyzed through thematic analysis and interpretation of policy documents, case study findings, and interview responses. The study addresses the effectiveness of corporate governance in Mainland China, the interrelationship between governance factors and firm performance, and staff members' perceptions of corporate governance strategies. The research aims to enhance understanding of corporate governance effectiveness, enrich the literature on governance practices, and contribute to the field of business management and human resources management in Mainland China.

Keywords: corporate governance, business management, human resources management, board of directors

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11894 Effect of Media Reputation on Financial Performance and Abnormal Returns of Corporate Social Responsibility Winner

Authors: Yu-Chen Wei, Dan-Leng Wang


This study examines whether the reputation from media press affect the financial performance and market abnormal returns around the announcement of corporate social responsibility (CSR) award in the Taiwan Stock Market. The differences between this study and prior literatures are that the media reputation of media coverage and net optimism are constructed by using content analyses. The empirical results show the corporation which won CSR awards could promote financial performance next year. The media coverage and net optimism related to CSR winner are higher than the non-CSR companies prior and after the CSR award is announced, and the differences are significant, but the difference would decrease when the day was closing to announcement. We propose that non-CSR companies may try to manipulate media press to increase the coverage and positive image received by investors compared to the CSR winners. The cumulative real returns and abnormal returns of CSR winners did not significantly higher than the non-CSR samples however the leading returns of CSR winners would higher after the award announcement two months. The comparisons of performances between CSR and non-CSR companies could be the consideration of portfolio management for mutual funds and investors.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility, financial performance, abnormal returns, media, reputation management

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11893 Performance Evaluation of Hierarchical Location-Based Services Coupled to the Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Authors: Rania Khadim, Mohammed Erritali, Abdelhakim Maaden


Nowadays Wireless Sensor Networks have attracted worldwide research and industrial interest, because they can be applied in various areas. Geographic routing protocols are very suitable to those networks because they use location information when they need to route packets. Obviously, location information is maintained by Location-Based Services provided by network nodes in a distributed way. In this paper we choose to evaluate the performance of two hierarchical rendezvous location based-services, GLS (Grid Location Service) and HLS (Hierarchical Location Service) coupled to the GPSR routing protocol (Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing) for Wireless Sensor Network. The simulations were performed using NS2 simulator to evaluate the performance and power of the two services in term of location overhead, the request travel time (RTT) and the query Success ratio (QSR). This work presents also a new scalability performance study of both GLS and HLS, specifically, what happens if the number of nodes N increases. The study will focus on three qualitative metrics: The location maintenance cost, the location query cost and the storage cost.

Keywords: location based-services, routing protocols, scalability, wireless sensor networks

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11892 Corruption and Economic Performance in Nigeria: The Role of Forensic Accounting

Authors: Jamila Garba Audu, Peter Adamu


This study investigates the role of forensic accounting in the fight against corruption in Nigeria for better utilization of public funds and economic growth and development of the Country. We adopted a trend analysis to show the performance of the Nigerian economy as well as the quality of institutions which government economic and political activities in the country. It is an established fact that Nigeria has performed badly since the 1960s to date in terms of institutional quality and economic development despite large amount of money obtained from the export of crude oil. It was revealed also that the fight against corruption has not been very successful in recent times because experts in the field of forensic accounting have not been utilized. With the successes recorded in dealing with fraud and embezzlement using forensic accounting, it has become imperative for the EFCC to use forensic accountants in the fight against corruption in the country. Also, there is the need to introduce very seriously, the teaching of forensic accounting in Nigerian Universities to train experts.

Keywords: corruption, economic performance, forensic accounting, Nigeria

Procedia PDF Downloads 379
11891 Impact of Legs Geometry on the Efficiency of Thermoelectric Devices

Authors: Angel Fabian Mijangos, Jaime Alvarez Quintana


Key concepts like waste heat recycling or waste heat recovery are the basic ideas in thermoelectricity so as to the design the newest solid state sources of energy for a stable supply of electricity and environmental protection. According to several theoretical predictions; at device level, the geometry and configuration of the thermoelectric legs are crucial in the thermoelectric performance of the thermoelectric modules. Thus, in this work, it has studied the geometry effect of legs on the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT of the device. First, asymmetrical legs are proposed in order to reduce the overall thermal conductance of the device so as to increase the temperature gradient in the legs, as well as by harnessing the Thomson effect, which is generally neglected in conventional symmetrical thermoelectric legs. It has been developed a novel design of a thermoelectric module having asymmetrical legs, and by first time it has been validated experimentally its thermoelectric performance by realizing a proof-of-concept device which shows to have almost twofold the thermoelectric figure of merit as compared to conventional one. Moreover, it has been also varied the length of thermoelectric legs in order to analyze its effect on the thermoelectric performance of the device. Along with this, it has studied the impact of contact resistance in these systems. Experimental results show that device architecture can improve up to twofold the thermoelectric performance of the device.

Keywords: asymmetrical legs, heat recovery, heat recycling, thermoelectric module, Thompson effect

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11890 The Influence of Green Supply Chain Management Practices' Implementation on Organizational Performance: An Empirical Case Study in Spain

Authors: Keivan Amirbagheri, Ana Nuñez-Carballosa, Laura Guitart-Tarrés


Over the last couple of decades, enterprises have begun to accept the need for environmental management and have started to implement environmental management programs to compete in the markets. The implementation of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices can provide valuable opportunities to improve firm performance. Through the prior investigations, the ascending tendency of the numbers of published papers in the field of green supply chain management practices has been reported and it shows the high interest level of the authors to work in this area. Besides, there is still a gap to study more about the relationship of GSCM to the organizational performance (OP). So, the purpose of this research is to study the practices related to green supply chain management that influence the results of the company as an organizational performance. Based on our previous works, from one part we have collected these GSCM practices (planning, operational, and communication practices) and classified them through conducting some literature reviews to analyze their effects on the OP’s factors (balanced scorecard’s perspectives). To do so we design a case study methodology through semi-structured interviews and secondary data from some multinational well-known companies based in Spain. The cases have been selected with the criterion of trying to collect members of the entire supply chain to have a vision as global as possible. The results report the considerable influence of green supply chain management practices on the organizational performance of the companies of the study. In addition, they represent that the implementation of green supply chain management practices especially in a long-term perspective can be economically justified. From the point of view of the personal, they feel better about being a member of this type of company that has been structured on environmental issues. Also, for these companies, the image that has been created by the implementation of these practices helps them to facilitate their marketing program.

Keywords: green supply chain management, organizational performance, case study, Spain

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11889 Wrist Pain, Technological Device Used, and Perceived Academic Performance Among the College of Computer Studies Students

Authors: Maquiling Jhuvie Jane R., Ojastro Regine B., Peroja Loreille Marie B., Pinili Joy Angela., Salve Genial Gail M., Villavicencio Marielle Irene B., Yap Alther Francis Garth B.


Introduction: This study investigated the impact of prolonged device usage on wrist pain and perceived academic performance among college students in Computer Studies. The research aims to explore the correlation between the frequency of technological device use and the incidence of wrist pain, as well as how this pain affects students' academic performance. The study seeks to provide insights that could inform interventions to promote better musculoskeletal health among students engaged in intensive technology use to further improve their academic performance. Method: The study utilized descriptive-correlational and comparative design, focusing on bona fide students from Silliman University’s College of Computer Studies during the second semester of 2023-2024. Participants were recruited through a survey sent via school email, with responses collected until March 30, 2024. Data was gathered using a password-protected device and Google Forms, ensuring restricted access to raw data. The demographic profile was summarized, and the prevalence of wrist pain and device usage were analyzed using percentages and weighted means. Statistical analyses included Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient to assess the relationship between wrist pain and device usage and an Independent T-test to evaluate differences in academic performance based on wrist pain presence. Alpha was set at 0.05. Results: The study revealed that 40% of College of Computer Studies students experience wrist pain, with 2 out of every 5 students affected. Laptops and desktops were the most frequently used devices for academic work, achieving a weighted mean of 4.511, while mobile phones and tablets received lower means of 4.183 and 1.911, respectively. The average academic performance score among students was 29.7, classified as ‘Good Performance.’ Notably, there was no significant relationship between the frequency of device usage and wrist pain, as indicated by p-values exceeding 0.05. However, a significant difference in perceived academic performance was observed, with students without wrist pain scoring an average of 30.39 compared to 28.72 for those with wrist pain and a p-value of 0.0134 confirming this distinction. Conclusion: The study revealed that about 40% of students in the College of Computer Studies experience wrist pain, but there is no significant link between device usage and pain occurrence. However, students without wrist pain demonstrated better academic performance than those with pain, suggesting that wrist health may impact academic success. These findings imply that physical therapy practices in the Philippines should focus on preventive strategies and ergonomic education to improve student health and performance.

Keywords: wrist pain, frequency of use of technological devices, perceived academic performance, physical therapy

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11888 Implication of Attention Deficit and Task Avoidance on the Mathematics Performance of Pupils with Intellectual Disabilities

Authors: Matthew Bamidele Ojuawo


To some parents, task avoidance implies the time when argument ensues between parents and their children in order to get certain things done correctly without being forced. However, some children avoid certain task because of the fears that it is too hard or cannot be done without parental help. Laziness plays a role in task avoidance when children do not want to do something because they do not feel like it is easy enough or if they just want their parent help them get it over with more quickly. Children with attention deficit disorder more often have difficulties with social skills, such as social interaction and forming and maintaining friendships. The focus of this study is how task avoidance and attention deficit have effect on the mathematics performance of pupils in the lower basic classroom. Mathematics performance of pupils with learning disabilities has been seriously low due to avoidance of task and attention deficit posed as carried out in the previous researches, but the research has not been carried out in the lower basic classroom in Oyo, Oyo state, Nigeria.

Keywords: task avoidance, parents, children with attention deficit, mathematics

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11887 The Impact of Technology on Media Content Regulation

Authors: Eugene Mashapa


The age of information has witnessed countless unprecedented technological developments, which signal the articulation of succinct technological capabilities that can match these cutting-edge technological trends. These changes have impacted patterns in the production, distribution, and consumption of media content, a space that the Film and Publication Board (FPB) is concerned with. Consequently, the FPB is keen to understand the nature and impact of these technological changes on media content regulation. This exploratory study sought to investigate how content regulators in high and middle-income economies have adapted to the changes in this space, seeking insights into innovations, technological and operational, that facilitate continued relevance during this fast-changing environment. The study is aimed at developing recommendations that could assist and inform the organisation in regulating media content as it evolves. Thus, the overall research strategy in this analysis is applied research, and the analytical model adopted is a mixed research design guided by both qualitative and quantitative research instruments. It was revealed in the study that the FPB was significantly impacted by the unprecedented technological advancements in the media regulation space. Additionally, there exists a need for the FPB to understand the current and future penetrations of 4IR technology in the industry and its impact on media governance and policy implementation. This will range from reskilling officials to align with the technological skills to developing technological innovations as well as adopting co-regulatory or self-regulatory arrangements together with content distributors, where more content is distributed in higher volumes and with increased frequency. Importantly, initiating an interactive learning process for both FPB employees and the general public can assist the regulator and improve FPB’s operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Keywords: media, regulation, technology, film and publications board

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11886 Assessing the Validity and Reliability of Neuromuscular Performance Tests in Professional Basketball Players

Authors: Álvaro de Pedro Múñez, Óscar García García, Tania Álvarez Yates, Virginia Serrano Gómez


This study aimed to analyze professional basketball player´s neuromuscular behaviour. The main goal was to describe the neuromuscular performance of elite male basketball players and to analyze the validity and reliability of different tests. The tests used were Squat Jump (SJ), Countermovement Free), and 5m, 10m, and 20m sprint tests. All these tests were carried out during the preseason. 100 professional basketball players participated in this study; we used 2 classification variables: performance level (Leb Gold, BBL, and BCL), as well as position (Bigs and Guards). The application of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, in conjunction with the Lilliefors test, showed that the sample distribution was normal, linear, and homoscedastic. The relative reliability analysis was carried out by calculating the Intraclass Correlation Index (ICC). We found all variables to have a high validity and reliability. The coefficient of variation (CV) was calculated for raw data and after log-transformed and used as an absolute reliability indicator. The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and coefficient of variation (CV) for the various tests are the following. For the Countermovement Jump (CMJ), the right leg showed an ICC of 0.94 (CV: 7.8%), and the left leg had an ICC of 0.84 (CV: 11.2%). For the sprint tests, the 5m sprint demonstrated excellent reliability with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.81 and a coefficient of variation (CV) of 3.2%. The 10m sprint exhibited an ICC of 0.91 and a CV of 1.0%, while the 20m sprint achieved the highest reliability with an ICC of 0.92 and a CV of 0.8%. Regarding jump performance, the Squat Jump (SJ) displayed an ICC of 0.96 with a CV of 2.8%, and the Countermovement Jump (CMJ) showed a slightly lower but still strong reliability with an ICC of 0.93 and a CV of 6.7%. Lastly, the "CMJ free" test exhibited an ICC of 0.97 (CV: 5.2%). The tests demonstrated high reliability, with ICC values ranging from 0.81 to 0.97. The 5m, 10m, and 20m sprints, as well as the CMJ and SJ tests, showed strong consistency, particularly the 10m and 20m sprints (ICC 0.91-0.92). Coefficients of variation were low, indicating precise and stable measurements suitable for performance assessment.

Keywords: neuromuscular performance, basketball players, validity and reliability, intraclass correlation coefficient, vertical jump, sprint tests

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