Search results for: porosity level
12040 A Model for Solid Transportation Problem with Three Hierarchical Objectives under Uncertain Environment
Authors: Wajahat Ali, Shakeel Javaid
In this study, we have developed a mathematical programming model for a solid transportation problem with three objective functions arranged in hierarchical order. The mathematical programming models with more than one objective function to be solved in hierarchical order is termed as a multi-level programming model. Our study explores a Multi-Level Solid Transportation Problem with Uncertain Parameters (MLSTPWU). The proposed MLSTPWU model consists of three objective functions, viz. minimization of transportation cost, minimization of total transportation time, and minimization of deterioration during transportation. These three objective functions are supposed to be solved by decision-makers at three consecutive levels. Three constraint functions are added to the model, restricting the total availability, total demand, and capacity of modes of transportation. All the parameters involved in the model are assumed to be uncertain in nature. A solution method based on fuzzy logic is also discussed to obtain the compromise solution for the proposed model. Further, a simulated numerical example is discussed to establish the efficiency and applicability of the proposed model.Keywords: solid transportation problem, multi-level programming, uncertain variable, uncertain environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 8412039 Aligning the Sustainability Policy Areas for Decarbonisation and Value Addition at an Organisational Level
Authors: Bishal Baniya
This paper proposes the sustainability related policy areas for decarbonisation and value addition at an organizational level. General and public sector organizations around the world are usually significant in terms of consuming resources and producing waste – powered through their massive procurement capacity. However, these organizations also possess huge potential to cut resource use and emission as many of these organizations controls supply chain of goods/services. They can therefore be a trend setter and can easily lead other major economic sectors such as manufacturing, construction and mining, transportation, etc. in pursuit towards paradigm shift for sustainability. Whilst the environmental and social awareness has improved in recent years and they have identified policy areas to improve the organizational environmental performance, value addition to the core business of the organization hasn’t been understood and interpreted correctly. This paper therefore investigates ways to align sustainability policy measures in a way that it creates better value proposition relative to benchmark by accounting both eco and social efficiency. Preliminary analysis shows co-benefits other than resource and cost savings fosters the business cases for organizations and this can be achieved by better aligning the policy measures and engaging stakeholders.Keywords: policy measures, environmental performance, value proposition, organisational level
Procedia PDF Downloads 15112038 Operation System for Aluminium-Air Cell: A Strategy to Harvest the Energy from Secondary Aluminium
Authors: Binbin Chen, Dennis Y. C. Leung
Aluminium (Al) -air cell holds a high volumetric capacity density of 8.05 Ah cm-3, benefit from the trivalence of Al ions. Additional benefits of Al-air cell are low price and environmental friendliness. Furthermore, the Al energy conversion process is characterized of 100% recyclability in theory. Along with a large base of raw material reserve, Al attracts considerable attentions as a promising material to be integrated within the global energy system. However, despite the early successful applications in military services, several problems exist that prevent the Al-air cells from widely civilian use. The most serious issue is the parasitic corrosion of Al when contacts with electrolyte. To overcome this problem, super-pure Al alloyed with various traces of metal elements are used to increase the corrosion resistance. Nevertheless, high-purity Al alloys are costly and require high energy consumption during production process. An alternative approach is to add inexpensive inhibitors directly into the electrolyte. However, such additives would increase the internal ohmic resistance and hamper the cell performance. So far these methods have not provided satisfactory solutions for the problem within Al-air cells. For the operation of alkaline Al-air cell, there are still other minor problems. One of them is the formation of aluminium hydroxide in the electrolyte. This process decreases ionic conductivity of electrolyte. Another one is the carbonation process within the gas diffusion layer of cathode, blocking the porosity of gas diffusion. Both these would hinder the performance of cells. The present work optimizes the above problems by building an Al-air cell operation system, consisting of four components. A top electrolyte tank containing fresh electrolyte is located at a high level, so that it can drive the electrolyte flow by gravity force. A mechanical rechargeable Al-air cell is fabricated with low-cost materials including low grade Al, carbon paper, and PMMA plates. An electrolyte waste tank with elaborate channel is designed to separate the hydrogen generated from the corrosion, which would be collected by gas collection device. In the first section of the research work, we investigated the performance of the mechanical rechargeable Al-air cell with a constant flow rate of electrolyte, to ensure the repeatability experiments. Then the whole system was assembled together and the feasibility of operating was demonstrated. During experiment, pure hydrogen is collected by collection device, which holds potential for various applications. By collecting this by-product, high utilization efficiency of aluminum is achieved. Considering both electricity and hydrogen generated, an overall utilization efficiency of around 90 % or even higher under different working voltages are achieved. Fluidic electrolyte could remove aluminum hydroxide precipitate and solve the electrolyte deterioration problem. This operation system provides a low-cost strategy for harvesting energy from the abundant secondary Al. The system could also be applied into other metal-air cells and is suitable for emergency power supply, power plant and other applications. The low cost feature implies great potential for commercialization. Further optimization, such as scaling up and optimization of fabrication, will help to refine the technology into practical market offerings.Keywords: aluminium-air cell, high efficiency, hydrogen, mechanical recharge
Procedia PDF Downloads 28412037 Numerical Study of Steel Structures Responses to External Explosions
Authors: Mohammad Abdallah
Due to the constant increase in terrorist attacks, the research and engineering communities have given significant attention to building performance under explosions. This paper presents a methodology for studying and simulating the dynamic responses of steel structures during external detonations, particularly for accurately investigating the impact of incrementing charge weight on the members total behavior, resistance and failure. Prediction damage method was introduced to evaluate the damage level of the steel members based on five scenarios of explosions. Johnson–Cook strength and failure model have been used as well as ABAQUS finite element code to simulate the explicit dynamic analysis, and antecedent field tests were used to verify the acceptance and accuracy of the proposed material strength and failure model. Based on the structural response, evaluation criteria such as deflection, vertical displacement, drift index, and damage level; the obtained results show the vulnerability of steel columns and un-braced steel frames which are designed and optimized to carry dead and live load to resist and endure blast loading.Keywords: steel structure, blast load, terrorist attacks, charge weight, damage level
Procedia PDF Downloads 36412036 Scalable Systolic Multiplier over Binary Extension Fields Based on Two-Level Karatsuba Decomposition
Authors: Chiou-Yng Lee, Wen-Yo Lee, Chieh-Tsai Wu, Cheng-Chen Yang
Shifted polynomial basis (SPB) is a variation of polynomial basis representation. SPB has potential for efficient bit-level and digit-level implementations of multiplication over binary extension fields with subquadratic space complexity. For efficient implementation of pairing computation with large finite fields, this paper presents a new SPB multiplication algorithm based on Karatsuba schemes, and used that to derive a novel scalable multiplier architecture. Analytical results show that the proposed multiplier provides a trade-off between space and time complexities. Our proposed multiplier is modular, regular, and suitable for very-large-scale integration (VLSI) implementations. It involves less area complexity compared to the multipliers based on traditional decomposition methods. It is therefore, more suitable for efficient hardware implementation of pairing based cryptography and elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) in constraint driven applications.Keywords: digit-serial systolic multiplier, elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), Karatsuba algorithm (KA), shifted polynomial basis (SPB), pairing computation
Procedia PDF Downloads 36312035 Role of Facade in Sustainability Enhancement of Contemporary Iranian Buildings
Authors: H. Nejadriahi
A growing demand for sustainability makes sustainability as one of the significant debates of nowadays. Energy saving is one of the main criteria to be considered in the context of sustainability. Reducing energy use in buildings is one of the most important ways to reduce humans’ overall environmental impact. Taking this into consideration, study of different design strategies, which can assist in reducing energy use and subsequently improving the sustainability level of today's buildings would be an essential task. The sustainability level of a building is highly affected by the sustainability performance of its components. One of the main building components, which can have a great impact on energy saving and sustainability level of the building, is its facade. The aim of this study is to investigate on the role of facade in sustainability enhancement of the contemporary buildings of Iran. In this study, the concept of sustainability in architecture, the building facades, and their relationship to sustainability are explained briefly. Following that, a number of contemporary Iranian buildings are discussed and analyzed in terms of different design strategies used in their facades in accordance to the sustainability concepts. The methods used in this study are descriptive and analytic. The results of this paper would assist in generating a wider vision and a source of inspiration for the current designers to design and create environmental and sustainable buildings for the future.Keywords: building facade, contemporary buildings, Iran, sustainability
Procedia PDF Downloads 33712034 Factors Affecting Employee Performance: A Case Study in Marketing and Trading Directorate, Pertamina Ltd.
Authors: Saptiadi Nugroho, A. Nur Muhamad Afif
Understanding factors that influence employee performance is very important. By finding the significant factors, organization could intervene to improve the employee performance that simultaneously will affect organization itself. In this research, four aspects consist of PCCD training, education level, corrective action, and work location were tested to identify their influence on employee performance. By using correlation analysis and T-Test, it was found that employee performance significantly influenced by PCCD training, work location, and corrective action. Meanwhile the education level did not influence employee performance.Keywords: employee development, employee performance, performance management system, organization
Procedia PDF Downloads 39012033 Critical Analysis of the Level of Subjectivity and Objectivity While Reporting Kashmir Conflict
Authors: Pardeep Singh, N. S. Johal
In this research paper the level of subjectivity and objectivity adopted by journalists of different newspapers of the two provinces of the Jammu and Kashmir state has been analysed. This research paper emphasized upon the professionalism of the journalists of two provinces in catering to readers of particular province. In this study it was found that Kashmir based reporters are subjective in their reporting while covering Kashmir sentiments and use hard language against New Delhi, whereas Jammu based reporters are subjective only when it comes to defend security forces and are also bitterly critical of Pakistan, accusing it of being a sponsor of violence in Kashmir.Keywords: conflict, Jammu and Kashmir, print media, reporter, critical, violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 29412032 Characterization of the Pore System and Gas Storage Potential in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Case of Study of the Cretaceous la Luna Formation, Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia
Authors: Carlos Alberto Ríos-Reyes, Efraín Casadiego-Quintero
We propose a generalized workflow for mineralogy investigation of unconventional reservoirs using multi-scale imaging and pore-scale analyses. This workflow can be used for the integral evaluation of these resources. The Cretaceous La Luna Formation´s mudstones in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin (Colombia) inherently show a heterogeneous pore system with organic and inorganic pores. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out the integration of high resolution 2D images of mapping by conventional petrography, scanning electron microscopy and quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electron microscopy to describe their organic and inorganic porosity to understand the transport mechanism through pores. The analyzed rocks show several pore types, including interparticle pores, organoporosity, intraparticle pores, intraparticle pores, and microchannels and/or microfractures. The existence of interconnected pores in pore system of these rocks promotes effective pathways for primary gas migration and storage space for residual hydrocarbons in mudstones, which is very useful in this type of gas reservoirs. It is crucial to understand not only the porous system of these rocks and their mineralogy but also to project the gas flow in order to design the appropriate strategies for the stimulation of unconventional reservoirs. Keywords: mudstones; La Luna Formation; gas storage; migration; hydrocarbon.Keywords: mudstones, La luna formation, gas storage, migration, hydrocarbon
Procedia PDF Downloads 7612031 Integrated Optimization of Vehicle Microscopic Behavior and Signal Control for Mixed Traffic Based on a Distributed Strategy
Authors: Siliang Luan
In this paper, an integrated-decentralized bi-level optimization framework is developed to coordinate intersection signal operations and vehicle driving behavior at an isolated signalized intersection in a mixed traffic environment. The framework takes advantage of both signal control and conflict elimination by incorporating an integrated level and a decentralized level. Two distinct signal control methods are introduced: the classical green phase control strategy and the white phase control strategy. The latter allows certain vehicles to pass through the intersection during a red phase, thereby reducing idle time. Besides, various vehicle trajectory optimization strategies are tailored to different vehicle-following types, leveraging the capabilities of CAV technology. Enhanced microscopic behavior control strategies, such as car-following and lane-changing controls, are also developed for CAVs to improve their performance in mixed traffic. These strategies are integrated into the proposed framework. The effectiveness of the framework is validated through numerical experiments and sensitivity analysis, demonstrating its advantages in terms of traffic effectiveness, stability, and energy economy.Keywords: traffic signal optimization, connected and automated vehicles, vehicle microscopic control, traffic control and information technology
Procedia PDF Downloads 712030 18 F-FDG PET/CT: Utility in Breast Cancer Surgery
Authors: R. Sonda, F. Pellini, A. Invento, S. Mirandola, F. Riolfatti, D. Grigolato, G. P. Pollini
The purpose of study is to assess utility of 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with breast heteroplasia and possibility of changing the surgery/therapeutic treatment. Among these "under fourty-five" candidated for NAC, the prevalence of change in therapeutic approach in comparison with first and second level exams has been: 43.75%, while by 22% among the "over forty-five". The surgical timing according to first-level exams have been deferred in 31.46% cases; PET/CT has led to a change in therapeutic treatment of 48.31% on the previous given; then the addition of MRI has led to a similar variation. For all the total patients, the prevalent choice was found to the debulking approach by increasing from a prevalence of 12.92% to 15.17%, resulting in a reduction of conservative one.The present study set itself the objective to demonstrate how the FDG PET/CT could improve on breast imaging according to a more appropriate surgery.Keywords: breast cancer, FGD PET/CT, preoperative staging, surgical approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 33912029 Digital Forgery Detection by Signal Noise Inconsistency
Authors: Bo Liu, Chi-Man Pun
A novel technique for digital forgery detection by signal noise inconsistency is proposed in this paper. The forged area spliced from the other picture contains some features which may be inconsistent with the rest part of the image. Noise pattern and the level is a possible factor to reveal such inconsistency. To detect such noise discrepancies, the test picture is initially segmented into small pieces. The noise pattern and level of each segment are then estimated by using various filters. The noise features constructed in this step are utilized in energy-based graph cut to expose forged area in the final step. Experimental results show that our method provides a good illustration of regions with noise inconsistency in various scenarios.Keywords: forgery detection, splicing forgery, noise estimation, noise
Procedia PDF Downloads 46212028 Soil Degradation Processes in Marginal Uplands of Samar Island, Philippines
Authors: Dernie Taganna Olguera
Marginal uplands are fragile ecosystems in the tropics that need to be evaluated for sustainable utilization and land degradation mitigation. Thus, this study evaluated the dominant soil degradation processes in selected marginal uplands of Samar Island, Philippines; evaluated the important factors influencing soil degradation in the selected sites and identified the indicators of soil degradation in marginal uplands of the tropical landscape of Samar Island, Philippines. Two (2) sites were selected (Sta. Rita, Samar and Salcedo, Eastern, Samar) representing the western and eastern sides of Samar Island respectively. These marginal uplands represent different agro-climatic zones suitable for the study. Soil erosion is the major soil degradation process in the marginal uplands studied. It resulted in not only considerable soil losses but nutrient losses as well. Soil erosion varied with vegetation cover and site. It was much higher in the sweetpotato, cassava, and gabi crops than under natural vegetation. In addition, soil erosion was higher in Salcedo than in Sta. Rita, which is related to climatic and soil characteristics. Bulk density, porosity, aggregate stability, soil pH, organic matter, and carbon dioxide evolution are good indicators of soil degradation. The dominance of Saccharum spontaneum Linn., Imperata cylindrica Linn, Melastoma malabathricum Linn. and Psidium guajava Linn indicated degraded soil condition. Farmer’s practices particularly clean culture and organic fertilizer application influenced the degree of soil degradation in the marginal uplands of Samar Island, Philippines.Keywords: soil degradation, soil erosion, marginal uplands, Samar island, Philippines
Procedia PDF Downloads 42112027 Nanoparticles on Biological Biomarquers Models: Paramecium Tetraurelia and Helix aspersa
Authors: H. Djebar, L. Khene, M. Boucenna, M. R. Djebar, M. N. Khebbeb, M. Djekoun
Currently in toxicology, use of alternative models permits to understand the mechanisms of toxicity at different levels of cells. Objectives of our research concern the determination of NPs ZnO, TiO2, AlO2, and FeO2 effect on ciliate protist freshwater Paramecium sp and Helix aspersa. The result obtained show that NPs increased antioxidative enzyme activity like catalase, glutathione –S-transferase and level GSH. Also, cells treated with high concentrations of NPs showed a high level of MDA. In conclusion, observations from growth and enzymatic parameters suggest on one hand that treatment with NPs provokes an oxidative stress and on the other that snale and paramecium are excellent alternatives models for ecotoxicological studies.Keywords: NPs, GST, catalase, GSH, MDA, toxicity, snale and paramecium
Procedia PDF Downloads 28312026 Serum Potassium Before, During and After Exercise at 70% Maximal Heart Rate: The Safe Exercise Dosage Across Different Parameters of Health and Fitness Level
Authors: Omar bin Mihat
The number of sudden deaths is increasing over the past years. These deaths occur not during physical activities but upon cessation. Post-mortem confirms these deaths as cardiac arrest non-specifically. Congenital heart disease is a condition undiagnosed whereby only surface upon physical exertion leading to sudden death is unavoidable. Channelopathy, a condition that refers to any disease from the defect in iron-channel function, particularly the sodium-potassium pump, during the cessation of the exercise can be controlled. The derivation of heart rate return (HRrtn) is a procedure of a control cooling down process according to the heart rate (HR). Empirically, potassium rises linearly with intensity and falls sharply upon abrupt cessation of exertion, resulting in fatal arrhythmia due to hypokalaemia. It is vital that the flux of potassium should be maintained within the normal range during physical activities. To achieve this, the dosage of physical exertion (exercise) should be identified. Various percentages of the intensity of maximum heart rate (MHR) will precipitate different adaptations and remodeling of various organs. 70% of MHR will surface physiological adaptations, including enhancement of endurance, fitness level, and general health, and there was no significant rise of serum potassium (K+) during the entire phase of the treadmill brisk walk at a different rate of perceived exertion (RPE) from the subject of various fitness background. There was also no significant rise in blood pressure (BP) during the entire phase of the treadmill brisk walk, substantiating 70% MHR is the safe dosage across different parameters of health and fitness level.Keywords: potassium, maximal heart rate, exercise dosage, fitness level
Procedia PDF Downloads 6812025 Sales-Based Dynamic Investment and Leverage Decisions: A Longitudinal Study
Authors: Rihab Belguith, Fathi Abid
The paper develops a system-based approach to investigate the dynamic adjustment of debt structure and investment policies of the Dow-Jones index. This approach enables the assessment of relations among sales, debt, and investment opportunities by considering the simultaneous effect of the market environmental change and future growth opportunities. We integrate the firm-specific sales variance to capture the industries' conditions in the model. Empirical results were obtained through a panel data set of firms with different sectors. The analysis support that environmental change does not affect equally the different industry since operating leverage differs among industries and so the sensitivity to sales variance. Including adjusted-specific variance, we find that there is no monotonic relation between leverage, sales, and investment. The firm may choose a low debt level in response to high sales variance but high leverage to attenuate the negative relation between sales variance and the current level of investment. We further find that while the overall effect of debt maturity on leverage is unaffected by the level of growth opportunities, the shorter the maturity of debt is, the smaller the direct effect of sales variance on investment.Keywords: dynamic panel, investment, leverage decision, sales uncertainty
Procedia PDF Downloads 24312024 Investigating the Relationship of Age, Annual Income, and Education on Women's Investment Behavior in the Arab Region
Authors: Razan Salem
This study aims to investigate the investment behavior of Arab women (in regards to their herding behavior, risk tolerance, confidence and investment literacy levels). This study aims to investigate the relationship between three demographic factors (age, income, education) and the investment behavior of Arab women. On average, women in the Arab region face several obstacles that limit them from fully participating in stocks investments. In the context, this study focuses on extending the existing literature to include Arab women individuals and their investment behaviors. To achieve the study’s objective, the researcher distributed 600 close-ended online questionnaires to a sample of Arab male and female individual investors in both Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The researcher used quantitative statistical methods (frequency distribution along with the Kruskal-Wallis H Test and the Mann-Whitney U Test) to analyze the 550 questionnaire respondents. The findings indicated that only age, educational level, and annual income level are associated with the investment behavior of Arab women, where age is only negatively associated with their financial risk tolerance levels. Additionally, income level is positively associated with Arab women‘s confidence and investment literacy levels, while educational level is only associated positively with their investment confidence levels. According to annual income, Arab women with lower incomes have lower confidence and investment literacy levels. The limited income level might prevent the sample Arab women from investing in the financial information and advisors that may help in improving their investment literacy levels. Furthermore, Arab women with lower educational levels have lower investment literacy levels and thus, this may limit their stock investments. Overall, the study contributes to the existing literature by focusing directly on examining the investment behavior of Arab women and its association with age, annual income, and education. Generally, there are scarce existing studies that investigate the association of demographic factors with the investment behavior of women only in regards to their herding behavior, risk tolerance, investment confidence, and investment literacy levels (combined), especially Arab women investors.Keywords: Arab region, demographic factors, investment behavior, women investors
Procedia PDF Downloads 19012023 Carbon Aerogel Spheres from Resorcinol/Phenol and Formaldehyde for CO₂ Adsorption
Authors: Jessica Carolina Hernandez Galeano, Juan Carlos Moreno Pirajan, Liliana Giraldo
Carbon gels are materials whose structure and porous texture can be designed and controlled on a nanoscale. Among their characteristics it is found their low density, large surface area and high degree of porosity. These materials are produced by a sol-gel polymerization of organic monomers using basic or acid catalysts, followed by drying and controlled carbonization. In this work, the synthesis and characterization of carbon aerogels from resorcinol, phenol and formaldehyde in ethanol is described. The aim of this study is obtaining different carbonaceous materials in the form of spheres using the Stöber method to perform a further evaluation of CO₂ adsorption of each material. In general, the synthesis consisted of a sol-gel polymerization process that generates a cluster (cross-linked organic monomers) from the precursors in the presence of NH₃ as a catalyst. This cluster was subjected to specific conditions of gelling and curing (30°C for 24 hours and 100°C for 24 hours, respectively) and CO₂ supercritical drying. Finally, the dry material was subjected to a process of carbonization or pyrolysis, in N₂ atmosphere at 350°C (1° C / min) for 2 h and 600°C (1°C / min) for 4 hours, to obtain porous solids that retain the structure initially desired. For this work, both the concentrations of the precursors and the proportion of ammonia in the medium where modify to describe the effect of the use of phenol and the amount of catalyst in the resulting material. Carbon aerogels were characterized by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), N₂ isotherms, infrared spectroscopy (IR) and X-ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) showing the obtention of carbon spheres in the nanometric scale with BET areas around 500 m2g-1.Keywords: carbon aerogels, carbon spheres, CO₂ adsorption, Stöber method
Procedia PDF Downloads 13912022 Forecasting Nokoué Lake Water Levels Using Long Short-Term Memory Network
Authors: Namwinwelbere Dabire, Eugene C. Ezin, Adandedji M. Firmin
The prediction of hydrological flows (rainfall-depth or rainfall-discharge) is becoming increasingly important in the management of hydrological risks such as floods. In this study, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network, a state-of-the-art algorithm dedicated to time series, is applied to predict the daily water level of Nokoue Lake in Benin. This paper aims to provide an effective and reliable method enable of reproducing the future daily water level of Nokoue Lake, which is influenced by a combination of two phenomena: rainfall and river flow (runoff from the Ouémé River, the Sô River, the Porto-Novo lagoon, and the Atlantic Ocean). Performance analysis based on the forecasting horizon indicates that LSTM can predict the water level of Nokoué Lake up to a forecast horizon of t+10 days. Performance metrics such as Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), coefficient of correlation (R²), Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) agree on a forecast horizon of up to t+3 days. The values of these metrics remain stable for forecast horizons of t+1 days, t+2 days, and t+3 days. The values of R² and NSE are greater than 0.97 during the training and testing phases in the Nokoué Lake basin. Based on the evaluation indices used to assess the model's performance for the appropriate forecast horizon of water level in the Nokoué Lake basin, the forecast horizon of t+3 days is chosen for predicting future daily water levels.Keywords: forecasting, long short-term memory cell, recurrent artificial neural network, Nokoué lake
Procedia PDF Downloads 6412021 Determination of the Optimal DG PV Interconnection Location Using Losses and Voltage Regulation as Assessment Indicators Case Study: ECG 33 kV Sub-Transmission Network
Authors: Ekow A. Kwofie, Emmanuel K. Anto, Godfred Mensah
In this paper, CYME Distribution software has been used to assess the impacts of solar Photovoltaic (PV) distributed generation (DG) plant on the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) 33 kV sub-transmission network at different PV penetration levels. As ECG begins to encourage DG PV interconnections within its network, there has been the need to assess the impacts on the sub-transmission losses and voltage contribution. In Tema, a city in Accra - Ghana, ECG has a 33 kV sub-transmission network made up of 20 No. 33 kV buses that was modeled. Three different locations were chosen: The source bus, a bus along the sub-transmission radial network and a bus at the tail end to determine the optimal location for DG PV interconnection. The optimal location was determined based on sub-transmission technical losses and voltage impact. PV capacities at different penetration levels were modeled at each location and simulations performed to determine the optimal PV penetration level. Interconnection at a bus along (or in the middle of) the sub-transmission network offered the highest benefits at an optimal PV penetration level of 80%. At that location, the maximum voltage improvement of 0.789% on the neighboring 33 kV buses and maximum loss reduction of 6.033% over the base case scenario were recorded. Hence, the optimal location for DG PV integration within the 33 kV sub-transmission utility network is at a bus along the sub-transmission radial network.Keywords: distributed generation photovoltaic (DG PV), optimal location, penetration level, sub–transmission network
Procedia PDF Downloads 35112020 Establishing Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Late Cretaceous Strata: A Case Study from Central Indus Basin, Pakistan
Authors: Bilal Wadood, Suleman Khan, Sajjad Ahmed
The Late Cretaceous strata (Mughal Kot Formation) exposed in Central Indus Basin, Pakistan is evaluated for establishing sequence stratigraphic framework and potential of hydrocarbon accumulation. The petrographic studies and SEM analysis were carried out to infer the hydrocarbon potential of the rock unit. The petrographic details disclosed 4 microfacies including Pelagic Mudstone, OrbitoidalWackestone, Quartz Arenite, and Quartz Wacke. The lowermost part of the rock unit consists of OrbitoidalWackestone which shows deposition in the middle shelf environment. The Quartz Arenite and Quartz Wacke suggest deposition on the deep slope settings while the Pelagic Mudstone microfacies point toward deposition in the distal deep marine settings. Based on the facies stacking patterns and cyclicity in the chronostratigraphic context, the strata is divided into two 3rd order cycles. One complete sequence i.e Transgressive system tract (TST), Highstand system tract (HST) and Lowstand system tract (LST) are again replaced by another Transgressive system tract and Highstant system tract with no markers of sequence boundary. The LST sands are sandwiched between TST and HST shales but no potential porosity/permeability values have been determined. Microfacies and SEM studies revealed very fewer chances for hydrocarbon accumulation and overall reservoir potential is characterized as low.Keywords: cycle, deposition, microfacies, reservoir
Procedia PDF Downloads 15112019 Human Capital Development, Foreign Direct Investment and Industrialization in Nigeria
Authors: Ese Urhie, Bosede Olopade, Muyiwa Oladosun, Henry Okodua
In the past three and half decades, aside from the fact that the contribution of the industrial sector to gross domestic product in Nigeria has nose-dived, its performance has also been highly unstable. Investment funds needed to develop the industrial sector usually come from both internal and external sources. The internal sources include surplus generated within the industrial sector and surplus diverted from other sectors of the economy. It has been observed that due to the small size of the industrial sector in developing countries, very limited funds could be raised for further investment. External sources of funds which many currently industrialized and some ‘newly industrializing countries’ have benefited from including direct and indirect investment by foreign capitalists; foreign aid and loans; and investments by nationals living abroad. Foreign direct investment inflow in Nigeria has been declining since 2009 in both absolute and relative terms. High level of human capital has been identified as one of the crucial factors that explain the miraculous growth of the ‘Asian Tigers’. Its low level has also been identified as the major cause for the low level of FDI flow to Nigeria in particular and Africa in general. There has been positive, but slow improvement in human capital indicators in Nigeria in the past three decades. In spite of this, foreign direct investment inflow has not only been low; it has declined drastically in recent years. i) Why has the improvement in human capital in Nigeria failed to attract more FDI inflow? ii) To what extent does the level of human capital influence FDI inflow in Nigeria? iii) Is there a threshold of human capital stock that guarantees sustained inflow of FDI? iv) Does the quality of human capital matter? v) Does the influence of other (negative) factors outweigh the benefits of human capital? Using time series secondary data, a system of equations is employed to evaluate the effect of human capital on FDI inflow in Nigeria on one hand and the effect of FDI on the level of industrialization on the other. A weak relationship between human capital and FDI is expected, while a strong relationship between FDI and industrial growth is expected from the result.Keywords: human capital, foreign direct investment, industrialization, gross domestic product
Procedia PDF Downloads 23612018 Sustainable Development: The Human Rights Approach to Environmental Protection in South Africa
Authors: CM van der Bank, Marjoné van der Bank
International and domestic environmental law has evolved quite rapidly in the last few decades. At the international level the Stockholm and Rio Declarations paved the way for a broad based consensus of the international community on environmental issues and principles. At the Domestic level also many states have incorporated environmental protection in their constitutions and even more states are doing the same at least in their domestic legislations. In this process of evolution environmental law has unleashed a number of novel principles such as; the participatory principle, the polluter pays principle, the precautionary principle, the inter-generational and intra-generational principles, the prevention principle, the sustainable development principle and so on.Keywords: environment, human rights, international law, protection
Procedia PDF Downloads 46312017 Stock Market Integration of Emerging Markets around the Global Financial Crisis: Trends and Explanatory Factors
Authors: Najlae Bendou, Jean-Jacques Lilti, Khalid Elbadraoui
In this paper, we examine stock market integration of emerging markets around the global financial turmoil of 2007-2008. Following Pukthuanthong and Roll (2009), we measure the integration of 46 emerging countries using the adjusted R-square from the regression of each country's daily index returns on global factors extracted from the covariance matrix computed using dollar-denominated daily index returns of 17 developed countries. Our sample surrounds the global financial crisis and ranges between 2000 and 2018. We analyze results using four cohorts of emerging countries: East Asia & Pacific and South Asia, Europe & Central Asia, Latin America & Caribbean, Middle East & Africa. We find that the level of integration of emerging countries increases at the commencement of the crisis and during the booming phase of the business cycles. It reaches a maximum point in the middle of the crisis and then tends to revert to its pre-crisis level. This pattern tends to be common among the four geographic zones investigated in this study. Finally, we investigate the determinants of stock market integration of emerging countries in our sample using panel regressions. Our results suggest that the degree of stock market integration of these countries should be put into perspective by some macro-economic factors, such as the size of the equity market, school enrollment rate, international liquidity level, stocks traded volume, tax revenue level, imports and exports volumes.Keywords: correlations, determinants of integration, diversification, emerging markets, financial crisis, integration, markets co-movement, panel regressions, r-square, stock markets
Procedia PDF Downloads 18312016 The Damage and Durability of a Sport Synthetic Resin Floor: A Case Study
Synthetic resin floorsare often used in sport infrastructure. These organic materials are often in contact with a bituminous substrate, which in turn is placed on the ground. In this work, the damage of a basket resin field surface was characterized by means of visual inspection, optical microscopy, resin thickness measurements, adhesion strength, water vapor transmission capacity, capillary water adsorption, granulometry of the bituminous conglomerate, the surface properties, and the water ground infiltration speed. The infiltration speed indicates water pemeability. This was due to its composition: clean sand mixed with gravel. Relatively good adhesion was present between the synthetic resin and the bituminous layer. The adhesion resistance of the bituminous layer was relatively low. According to the required bitumoniousasphalt-concrete mixes AC 11 S, the placed material was more porous. Insufficient constipation was present. The spaces values were above the standard limits, while the apparent densities were lower compared to the conventional AC 11 mixtures. The microstructure outlines the high permeability and porosity of the bituminous layer. The synthetic resin wasvapourproof and did not exhibit capillary adsorption. It exhibited a lower thickness as required, and no multiple placing steps were observed. Multiple cavities were detected along with the interface between the bituminous layer and the resin coating with no intermediate layers. The layer for the pore filling in the bituminous surface was not properly applied. The swelling bubbles on the synthetic pavement were caused by the humidity in the bituminous layer. Water or humidity were present prior to the application of the resin, and the effect was worsened by the upward movement of the water from the ground.Keywords: resin, floor, damage, durability
Procedia PDF Downloads 16212015 Pozzolanic Properties of Synthetic Zeolites as Materials Used for the Production of Building Materials
Authors: Joanna Styczen, Wojciech Franus
Currently, cement production reaches 3-6 Gt per year. The production of one ton of cement is associated with the emission of 0.5 to 1 ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which means that this process is responsible for 5% of global CO2 emissions. Simply improving the cement manufacturing process is not enough. An effective solution is the use of pozzolanic materials, which can partly replace clinker and thus reduce energy consumption, and emission of pollutants and give mortars the desired characteristics, shaping their microstructure. Pozzolanic additives modify the phase composition of cement, reducing the amount of portlandite and changing the CaO/SiO2 ratio in the C-S-H phase. Zeolites are a pozzolanic additive that is not commonly used. Three types of zeolites were synthesized in work: Na-A, sodalite and ZSM-5 (these zeolites come from three different structural groups). Zeolites were obtained by hydrothermal synthesis of fly ash in an aqueous NaOH solution. Then, the pozzolanicity of the obtained materials was assessed. The pozzolanic activity of the zeolites synthesized for testing was tested by chemical methods in accordance with the ASTM C 379-65 standard. The method consisted in determining the percentage content of active ingredients (soluble silicon oxide and aluminum).in alkaline solutions, i.e. those that are potentially reactive towards calcium hydroxide. The highest amount of active silica was found in zeolite ZSM-5 - 88.15%. The amount of active Al2O3 was small - 1%. The smallest pozzolanic activity was found in the Na-A zeolite (active SiO2 - 4.4%, and active Al2O3 - 2.52). The tests carried out using the XRD, SEM, XRF and textural tests showed that the obtained zeolites are characterized by high porosity, which makes them a valuable addition to mortars.Keywords: pozzolanic properties, hydration, zeolite, alite
Procedia PDF Downloads 8012014 Maturity Level of Knowledge Management in Whole Life Costing in the UK Construction Industry: An Empirical Study
Authors: Ndibarefinia Tobin
The UK construction industry has been under pressure for many years to produce economical buildings which offer value for money, not only during the construction phase, but more importantly, during the full life of the building. Whole life costing is considered as an economic analysis tool that takes into account the total investment cost in and ownership, operation and subsequent disposal of a product or system to which the whole life costing method is being applied. In spite of its importance, the practice is still crippled by the lack of tangible evidence, ‘know-how’ skills and knowledge of the practice i.e. the lack of professionals with the knowledge and training on the use of the practice in construction project, this situation is compounded by the absence of available data on whole life costing from relevant projects, lack of data collection mechanisms and so on. The aforementioned problems has forced many construction organisations to adopt project enhancement initiatives to boost their performance on the use of whole life costing techniques so as to produce economical buildings which offer value for money during the construction stage also the whole life of the building/asset. The management of knowledge in whole life costing is considered as one of the many project enhancement initiative and it is becoming imperative in the performance and sustainability of an organisation. Procuring building projects using whole life costing technique is heavily reliant on the knowledge, experience, ideas and skills of workers, which comes from many sources including other individuals, electronic media and documents. Due to the diversity of knowledge, capabilities and skills of employees that vary across an organisation, it is significant that they are directed and coordinated efficiently so as to capture, retrieve and share knowledge in order to improve the performance of the organisation. The implementation of knowledge management concept has different levels in each organisation. Measuring the maturity level of knowledge management in whole life costing practice will paint a comprehensible picture of how knowledge is managed in construction organisations. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify knowledge management maturity in UK construction organisations adopting whole life costing in construction project. Design/methodology/approach: This study adopted a survey method and conducted by distributing questionnaires to large construction companies that implement knowledge management activities in whole life costing practice in construction project. Four level of knowledge management maturity was proposed on this study. Findings: From the results obtained in the study shows that 34 contractors at the practiced level, 26 contractors at managed level and 12 contractors at continuously improved level.Keywords: knowledge management, whole life costing, construction industry, knowledge
Procedia PDF Downloads 24412013 Transformational Leadership and Structural Organizational Ambidexterity - The Mediating and Moderating Role of Social Astuteness and Status Incongruence
Authors: Ganesh Prasad Mishra, Kusum Lata Mishra
Structural, organizational ambidexterity influences along with transformational leadership (TL) in the firms to endure viability in conditions of environmental volatility, high level of uncertainty, and possible turbulence. Combining shreds of evidence from the study of N=693 employees of a large private multi-conglomerate organization in the Middle East, we tested whether social astuteness interceded the effects of (TL) on structural, organizational ambidexterity (SOA). Other tested areas were whether status incongruence moderated transformational leadership and structural, organizational ambidexterity relationships. After analyzing through Hierarchically Linear Modelling, we found that social astuteness interceded the effects of TL on SOA, and similarly, status incongruence moderated relationships between TL and SOA. The association between TL and SOA was found to be less encouraging with a high level of status incongruence, and their relationship was strengthened by a lower level of status incongruence. We tested the hypothesized theoretical framework that articulates the conditions under which the social astuteness ideology infused in transformational leadership for achieving higher structural and organizational ambidexterity will likely occur. Findings, suggestions, and future directions for research have been deliberated in detail.Keywords: transformational leadership, social astuteness, status incongruence, relationship, structural organizational ambidexterity.
Procedia PDF Downloads 11612012 Flood Scenarios for Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Modelling
Authors: M. Sharif Imam Ibne Amir, Mohammad Masud Kamal Khan, Mohammad Golam Rasul, Raj H. Sharma, Fatema Akram
Future flood can be predicted using the probable maximum flood (PMF). PMF is calculated using the historical discharge or rainfall data considering the other climatic parameter stationary. However, climate is changing globally and the key climatic variables are temperature, evaporation, rainfall and sea level rise (SLR). To develop scenarios to a basin or catchment scale these important climatic variables should be considered. Nowadays scenario based on climatic variables is more suitable than PMF. Six scenarios were developed for a large Fitzroy basin and presented in this paper.Keywords: climate change, rainfall, potential evaporation, scenario, sea level rise (SLR), sub-catchment
Procedia PDF Downloads 53312011 Differential Expression of GABA and Its Signaling Components in Ulcerative Colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Pathogenesis
Authors: Surbhi Aggarwal, Jaishree Paul
Background: Role of GABA has been implicated in autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, type1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis where they modulate the immune response but role in gut inflammation has not been defined. Ulcerative colitis (UC) and diarrhoeal predominant irritable bowel syndrome (IBS-D) both involve inflammation of gastrointestinal tract. UC is a chronic, relapsing and idiopathic inflammation of gut. IBS is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder characterised by abdominal pain, discomfort and alternating bowel habits. Mild inflammation is known to occur in IBS-D. Aim: Aim of this study was to investigate the role of GABA in UC as well as in IBS-D. Materials and methods: Blood and biopsy samples from UC, IBS-D and controls were collected. ELISA was used for measuring level of GABA in serum of UC, IBS-D and controls. RT-PCR analysis was done to determine GABAergic signal system in colon biopsy of UC, IBS-D and controls. RT-PCR was done to check the expression of proinflammatory cytokines. CurveExpert 1.4, Graphpad prism-6 software were used for data analysis. Statistical analysis was done by unpaired, two-way student`s t-test. All sets of data were represented as mean± SEM. A probability level of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results and conclusion: Significantly decreased level of GABA and altered GABAergic signal system was detected in UC and IBS-D as compared to controls. Significantly increased expression of proinflammatory cytokines was also determined in UC and IBS-D as compared to controls. Hence we conclude that insufficient level of GABA in UC and IBS-D leads to overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines which further contributes to inflammation. GABA may be used as a promising therapeutic target for treatment of gut inflammation or other inflammatory diseases.Keywords: diarrheal predominant irritable bowel syndrome, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), inflammation, ulcerative colitis
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