Search results for: facility location selection problem
10510 Operating System Based Virtualization Models in Cloud Computing
Authors: Dev Ras Pandey, Bharat Mishra, S. K. Tripathi
Cloud computing is ready to transform the structure of businesses and learning through supplying the real-time applications and provide an immediate help for small to medium sized businesses. The ability to run a hypervisor inside a virtual machine is important feature of virtualization and it is called nested virtualization. In today’s growing field of information technology, many of the virtualization models are available, that provide a convenient approach to implement, but decision for a single model selection is difficult. This paper explains the applications of operating system based virtualization in cloud computing with an appropriate/suitable model with their different specifications and user’s requirements. In the present paper, most popular models are selected, and the selection was based on container and hypervisor based virtualization. Selected models were compared with a wide range of user’s requirements as number of CPUs, memory size, nested virtualization supports, live migration and commercial supports, etc. and we identified a most suitable model of virtualization.Keywords: virtualization, OS based virtualization, container based virtualization, hypervisor based virtualization
Procedia PDF Downloads 33110509 Explanatory Variables for Crash Injury Risk Analysis
Authors: Guilhermina Torrao
An extensive number of studies have been conducted to determine the factors which influence crash injury risk (CIR); however, uncertainties inherent to selected variables have been neglected. A review of existing literature is required to not only obtain an overview of the variables and measures but also ascertain the implications when comparing studies without a systematic view of variable taxonomy. Therefore, the aim of this literature review is to examine and report on peer-reviewed studies in the field of crash analysis and to understand the implications of broad variations in variable selection in CIR analysis. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the variance in variable selection and classification when modeling injury risk involving occupants of light vehicles by presenting an analytical review of the literature. Based on data collected from 64 journal publications reported over the past 21 years, the analytical review discusses the variables selected by each study across an organized list of predictors for CIR analysis and provides a better understanding of the contribution of accident and vehicle factors to injuries acquired by occupants of light vehicles. A cross-comparison analysis demonstrates that almost half the studies (48%) did not consider vehicle design specifications (e.g., vehicle weight), whereas, for those that did, the vehicle age/model year was the most selected explanatory variable used by 41% of the literature studies. For those studies that included speed risk factor in their analyses, the majority (64%) used the legal speed limit data as a ‘proxy’ of vehicle speed at the moment of a crash, imposing limitations for CIR analysis and modeling. Despite the proven efficiency of airbags in minimizing injury impact following a crash, only 22% of studies included airbag deployment data. A major contribution of this study is to highlight the uncertainty linked to explanatory variable selection and identify opportunities for improvements when performing future studies in the field of road injuries.Keywords: crash, exploratory, injury, risk, variables, vehicle
Procedia PDF Downloads 13710508 Prevalence of Oral Tori in Malaysia: A Teaching Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study
Authors: Preethy Mary Donald, Renjith George
Oral tori are localized non-neoplastic protuberances of maxilla and mandible. Torus palatinus (TP) is found on the midline of the roof of mouth existing as single growth or in clusters. Torus mandibularis(TM) is located on the lingual aspect of the mandible commonly between canine and premolar region. Etiology of their presence was not clear and was found to be multifactorial. Their variations in relation to age, gender, ethnicity and also the characteristics of TP and TM have become the interest of multiple studies. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of torus palatinus (TP) and torus mandibularis (TM) among patients who have visited outpatient department, Faculty of Dentistry, Melaka Manipal Medical College. 108 patients were examined for the presence of oral tori at the outpatient department, Faculty of Dentistry, Melaka-Manipal Medical College. Factors such as age, gender, ethnicity of the patients and size, shape, location of the oral tori were studied. For TP, Malays (62.96%) have been found to have the highest prevalence than Chinese (43.3%) and Indians (35.71%). For TM, Chinese (7.46%) had predominated compared to Malays (7.41%) and Indians (0%). There is no significant association between occurrence of TP and TM with age, gender and ethnicity. For Torus palatinus, the most common size was Grade 1(1-3mm), most common location was molar region, and the most common shape was spindle. For Torus mandibularis, the most frequent location was canine premolar region and exists in unilateral single or bilateral single fashion. The overall prevalence rates were 47.2% for TP and 6.48% for TM. However, there is no significant association between occurrence of TP and TM with age, gender and ethnicity. The results showed variations in clinical characteristics and support the findings that occurrence of tori is a dynamic phenomenon which is multifactorial owing to the environmental factors such as stress from occlusion and dietary habits. It could be due to the genetic make-up of the individual.Keywords: torus palatinus, torus mandibularis, age, gender
Procedia PDF Downloads 27910507 Decomposition-Based Pricing Technique for Solving Large-Scale Mixed IP
Authors: M. Babul Hasan
Management sciences (MS), big group of companies and industries or government policies (GP) is affiliated with a huge number of decision ingredients and complicated restrictions. Every factor in MS, every product in Industries or decision in GP is not always bankable in practice. After formulating these models there arises large-scale mixed integer programming (MIP) problem. In this paper, we developed decomposition-based pricing procedure to filter the unnecessary decision ingredients from MIP where the variables in huge number will be abated and the complicacy of restrictions will be elementary. A real life numerical example has been illustrated to demonstrate the methods. We develop the computer techniques for these methods by using a mathematical programming language (AMPL).Keywords: Lagrangian relaxation, decomposition, sub-problem, master-problem, pricing, mixed IP, AMPL
Procedia PDF Downloads 51010506 Comparison of Student Grades in Dual-Enrollment Courses Taken Inside and Outside of Texas High Schools
Authors: Cynthia A. Gallardo, Kelly S. Hall, Kristopher Garza, Linda Challoo, Mais Nijim
Dual-enrollment programs have become more prevalent in college and high school settings. Also known as early college programs, dual-enrollment programs help students acquire a head start in earning college credit for post-secondary studies. The number and percentage of high school students who take college courses while in high school is growing. However, little is known about how dual-enrolled students fare. The classroom environment is important to learning. This study compares dually enrolled high school students who take courses that yield college credit either within their high school or at some other location. Mann-Whitney U was the statistical test used. Mean proportions were compared for each of the five standard letter grades earned across the state of Texas. Results indicated that students earn similar passing A, B, and C grades when they take dual-enrollment courses at their high school location but are more likely to fail if they take dual-enrollment courses at non-high school locations. Implications of results are that student success rate of dual-enrollment college courses may have a significant difference between the locations and student performance.Keywords: educational leadership, dual-enrollment, student performance, college
Procedia PDF Downloads 10010505 Research on Routing Protocol in Ship Dynamic Positioning Based on WSN Clustering Data Fusion System
Authors: Zhou Mo, Dennis Chow
In the dynamic positioning system (DPS) for vessels, the reliable information transmission between each note basically relies on the wireless protocols. From the perspective of cluster-based routing pro-tocols for wireless sensor networks, the data fusion technology based on the sleep scheduling mechanism and remaining energy in network layer is proposed, which applies the sleep scheduling mechanism to the routing protocols, considering the remaining energy of node and location information when selecting cluster-head. The problem of uneven distribution of nodes in each cluster is solved by the Equilibrium. At the same time, Classified Forwarding Mechanism as well as Redelivery Policy strategy is adopted to avoid congestion in the transmission of huge amount of data, reduce the delay in data delivery and enhance the real-time response. In this paper, a simulation test is conducted to improve the routing protocols, which turns out to reduce the energy consumption of nodes and increase the efficiency of data delivery.Keywords: DPS for vessel, wireless sensor network, data fusion, routing protocols
Procedia PDF Downloads 46910504 Development, Evaluation and Scale-Up of a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) in Nepal
Authors: Nagendra P. Luitel, Mark J. D. Jordans
Globally, there is a significant gap between the number of individuals in need of mental health care and those who actually receive treatment. The evidence is accumulating that mental health services can be delivered effectively by primary health care workers through community-based programs and task-sharing approaches. Changing the role of specialist mental health workers from service delivery to building clinical capacity of the primary health care (PHC) workers could help in reducing treatment gap in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). We developed a comprehensive mental health care plan in 2012 and evaluated its feasibility and effectiveness over the past three years. Initially, a mixed method formative study was conducted for the development of mental health care plan (MHCP). Routine monitoring and evaluation data, including client flow and reports of satisfaction, were obtained from beneficiaries (n=135) during the pilot-testing phase. Repeated community survey (N=2040); facility detection survey (N=4704) and the cohort study (N=576) were conducted for evaluation of the MHCP. The resulting MHCP consists of twelve packages divided over the community, health facility, and healthcare organization platforms. Detection of mental health problems increased significantly after introducing MHCP. Service implementation data support the real-life applicability of the MHCP, with reasonable treatment uptake. Currently, MHCP has been implemented in the entire Chitwan district where over 1400 people (438 people with depression, 406 people with psychosis, 181 people with epilepsy, 360 people with alcohol use disorder and 51 others) have received mental health services from trained health workers. Key barriers were identified and addressed, namely dissatisfaction with privacy, perceived burden among health workers, high drop-out rates and continue the supply of medicines. The results indicated that involvement of PHC workers in detection and management of mental health problems is an effective strategy to minimize treatment gap on mental health care in Nepal.Keywords: mental health, Nepal, primary care, treatment gap
Procedia PDF Downloads 29510503 Assessment of the Contribution of Geographic Information System Technology in Non Revenue Water: Case Study Dar Es Salaam Water and Sewerage Authority Kawe - Mzimuni Street
Authors: Victor Pesco Kassa
This research deals with the assessment of the contribution of GIS Technology in NRW. This research was conducted at Dar, Kawe Mzimuni Street. The data collection was obtained from existing source which is DAWASA HQ. The interpretation of the data was processed by using ArcGIS software. The data collected from the existing source reveals a good coverage of DAWASA’s water network at Mzimuni Street. Most of residents are connected to the DAWASA’s customer service. Also the collected data revealed that by using GIS DAWASA’s customer Geodatabase has been improved. Through GIS we can prepare customer location map purposely for site surveying also this map will be able to show different type of customer that are connected to DAWASA’s water service. This is a perfect contribution of the GIS Technology to address and manage the problem of NRW in DAWASA. Finally, the study recommends that the same study should be conducted in other DAWASA’s zones such as Temeke, Boko and Bagamoyo not only at Kawe Mzimuni Street. Through this study it is observed that ArcGIS software can offer powerful tools for managing and processing information geographically and in water and sanitation authorities such as DAWASA.Keywords: DAWASA, NRW, Esri, EURA, ArcGIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 8310502 Assessment of Very Low Birth Weight Neonatal Tracking and a High-Risk Approach to Minimize Neonatal Mortality in Bihar, India
Authors: Aritra Das, Tanmay Mahapatra, Prabir Maharana, Sridhar Srikantiah
In the absence of adequate well-equipped neonatal-care facilities serving rural Bihar, India, the practice of essential home-based newborn-care remains critically important for reduction of neonatal and infant mortality, especially among pre-term and small-for-gestational-age (Low-birth-weight) newborns. To improve the child health parameters in Bihar, ‘Very-Low-Birth-Weight (vLBW) Tracking’ intervention is being conducted by CARE India, since 2015, targeting public facility-delivered newborns weighing ≤2000g at birth, to improve their identification and provision of immediate post-natal care. To assess the effectiveness of the intervention, 200 public health facilities were randomly selected from all functional public-sector delivery points in Bihar and various outcomes were tracked among the neonates born there. Thus far, one pre-intervention (Feb-Apr’2015-born neonates) and three post-intervention (for Sep-Oct’2015, Sep-Oct’2016 and Sep-Oct’2017-born children) follow-up studies were conducted. In each round, interviews were conducted with the mothers/caregivers of successfully-tracked children to understand outcome, service-coverage and care-seeking during the neonatal period. Data from 171 matched facilities common across all rounds were analyzed using SAS-9.4. Identification of neonates with birth-weight ≤ 2000g improved from 2% at baseline to 3.3%-4% during post-intervention. All indicators pertaining to post-natal home-visits by frontline-workers (FLWs) improved. Significant improvements between baseline and post-intervention rounds were also noted regarding mothers being informed about ‘weak’ child – at the facility (R1 = 25 to R4 = 50%) and at home by FLW (R1 = 19%, to R4 = 30%). Practice of ‘Kangaroo-Mother-Care (KMC)’– an important component of essential newborn care – showed significant improvement in postintervention period compared to baseline in both facility (R1 = 15% to R4 = 31%) and home (R1 = 10% to R4=29%). Increasing trend was noted regarding detection and birth weight-recording of the extremely low-birth-weight newborns (< 1500 g) showed an increasing trend. Moreover, there was a downward trend in mortality across rounds, in each birth-weight strata (< 1500g, 1500-1799g and >= 1800g). After adjustment for the differential distribution of birth-weights, mortality was found to decline significantly from R1 (22.11%) to R4 (11.87%). Significantly declining trend was also observed for both early and late neonatal mortality and morbidities. Multiple regression analysis identified - birth during immediate post-intervention phase as well as that during the maintenance phase, birth weight > 1500g, children of low-parity mothers, receiving visit from FLW in the first week and/or receiving advice on extra care from FLW as predictors of survival during neonatal period among vLBW newborns. vLBW tracking was found to be a successful and sustainable intervention and has already been handed over to the Government.Keywords: weak newborn tracking, very low birth weight babies, newborn care, community response
Procedia PDF Downloads 16210501 An Analysis of the Panel’s Perceptions on Cooking in “Metaverse Kitchen”
Authors: Minsun Kim
This study uses the concepts of augmented reality, virtual reality, mirror world, and lifelogging to describe “Metaverse Kitchen” that can be defined as a space in the virtual world where users can cook the dishes they want using the meal kit regardless of location or time. This study examined expert’s perceptions of cooking and food delivery services using "Metaverse Kitchen." In this study, a consensus opinion on the concept, potential pros, and cons of "Metaverse Kitchen" was derived from 20 culinary experts through the Delphi technique. The three Delphi rounds were conducted for one month, from December 2022 to January 2023. The results are as follows. First, users select and cook food after visiting the "Metaverse Kitchen" in the virtual space. Second, when a user cooks in "Metaverse Kitchen" in AR or VR, the information is transmitted to nearby restaurants. Third, the platform operating the "Metaverse Kitchen" assigns the order to the restaurant that can provide the meal kit cooked by the user in the virtual space first in the same way among these restaurants. Fourth, the user pays for the "Metaverse Kitchen", and the restaurant delivers the cooked meal kit to the user and then receives payment for the user's meal and delivery fee from the platform. Fifth, the platform company that operates the mirror world "Metaverse Kitchen" uses lifelogging to manage customers. They receive commissions from users and affiliated restaurants and operate virtual restaurant businesses using meal kits. Among the selection attributes for meal kits provided in "Metaverse Kitchen", the panelists suggested convenience, quality, and reliability as advantages and predicted relatively high price as a disadvantage. "Metaverse Kitchen" using meal kits is expected to form a new food supply system in the future society. In follow-up studies, an empirical analysis is required targeting producers and consumers.Keywords: metaverse, meal kits, Delphi technique, Metaverse Kitchen
Procedia PDF Downloads 22210500 Prey Selection of the Corallivorous Gastropod Drupella cornus in Jeddah Coast, Saudi Arabia
Authors: Gaafar Omer BaOmer, Abdulmohsin A. Al-Sofyani, Hassan A. Ramadan
Drupella is found on coral reefs throughout the tropical and subtropical shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Drupella is muricid gastropod, obligate corallivorous and their population outbreak can cause significant coral mortality. Belt transect surveys were conducted at two sites (Bohairat and Baydah) in Jeddah coast, Saudi Arabia to assess prey preferences for D. cornus with respect to prey availability through resource selection ratios. Results revealed that there are different levels of prey preferences at the different age stages and at the different sites. Acropora species with a caespitose, corymbose and digitate growth forms were preferred prey for recruits and juveniles of Drupella cornus, whereas Acropora variolosa was avoided by D. cornus because of its arborescent colony growth form. Pocillopora, Stylophora, and Millipora were occupied by Drupella cornus less than expected, whereas massive corals genus Porites were avoided. High densities of D. cornus were observed on two fragments of Pocillopora damicornis which may because of the absence of coral guard crabs genus Trapezia. Mean densities of D. cornus per colony for each species showed significant differentiation between the two study sites. Low availability of Acropora colonies in Bayadah patch reef caused high mean density of D. cornus per colony to compare to that in Bohairat, whereas higher mean density of D. cornus per colony of Pocillopora in Bohairat than that in Bayadah may because of most of occupied Pocillopora colonies by D. cornus were physical broken by anchoring compare to those colonies in Bayadah. The results indicated that prey preferences seem to depend on both coral genus and colony shape, while mean densities of D. cornus depend on availability and status of coral colonies.Keywords: prey availability, resource selection, Drupella cornus, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Procedia PDF Downloads 14910499 Seismic Hazard Response of Bhairabi-Sairang Tunnel Due to the Effect of Faulting
Authors: Tauhidur Rahman, Subhrajit Pathak
In this study, structural response of Bhairabi-Sairang Tunnel due to presence of seismic faults has been thoroughly examined. There may be several active faults located in and around the project. Faults are the key seismic sources from where earthquakes are originated. The magnitude of earthquake will depend on the length of the fault. A long fault more than 200 km can produce earthquake of magnitude (Mw ) more than 8.0 and smaller length less than 10 km will produce small magnitude earthquake. Now-a-days it is very much essential to identify the distance and length of a fault from the project site. Based on this, in the present paper, a case study of the Bhairabi Sairang Tunnel of 1.73 Km length located in the North Eastern Region of India has been selected to calculate the seismic hazard from the surrounding effect of faults. A comparative study of seismic hazard at the tunnel site has been made based on the location of faults with the seismic hazard obtained from the Indian Standards code of Practice. In this paper, a practical problem of a tunnel has been analysed based on the available faults around the project site accounting the soil factor.Keywords: seismic hazard, effect of fault, soil factor, Bhairabi Sairang tunnel
Procedia PDF Downloads 56610498 Machine Learning Facing Behavioral Noise Problem in an Imbalanced Data Using One Side Behavioral Noise Reduction: Application to a Fraud Detection
Authors: Salma El Hajjami, Jamal Malki, Alain Bouju, Mohammed Berrada
With the expansion of machine learning and data mining in the context of Big Data analytics, the common problem that affects data is class imbalance. It refers to an imbalanced distribution of instances belonging to each class. This problem is present in many real world applications such as fraud detection, network intrusion detection, medical diagnostics, etc. In these cases, data instances labeled negatively are significantly more numerous than the instances labeled positively. When this difference is too large, the learning system may face difficulty when tackling this problem, since it is initially designed to work in relatively balanced class distribution scenarios. Another important problem, which usually accompanies these imbalanced data, is the overlapping instances between the two classes. It is commonly referred to as noise or overlapping data. In this article, we propose an approach called: One Side Behavioral Noise Reduction (OSBNR). This approach presents a way to deal with the problem of class imbalance in the presence of a high noise level. OSBNR is based on two steps. Firstly, a cluster analysis is applied to groups similar instances from the minority class into several behavior clusters. Secondly, we select and eliminate the instances of the majority class, considered as behavioral noise, which overlap with behavior clusters of the minority class. The results of experiments carried out on a representative public dataset confirm that the proposed approach is efficient for the treatment of class imbalances in the presence of noise.Keywords: machine learning, imbalanced data, data mining, big data
Procedia PDF Downloads 13210497 Conflict Causes within Construction Projects; Conflict Interaction across Project Phases
Authors: Abdullah Mohammed Alshehri
The projects in the construction industry have significantly increased, given its contribution to the overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the countries. Reflecting upon the complex nature and involvement of various agents, the study aims to analyze the conflicts cause within construction projects. Therefore, the study strived to come out with understanding the levels of conflict interaction across project phases. However, this conducted by investigating the association between antecedents and apparent conflicts inherent in. The study used a qualitative approach for collecting the data through a quantitative, semi-structured method. Formation of a questionnaire survey has been conducted for over 30 respondents. However, the survey came out with the identification of 25 conflict cause categories, which can take place in different construction project phases, including pre-design phase, pre-construction phase, construction phase, commissioning, and completion phase. For example, conflicts associated with inconsistencies or discrepancies within or between project documents, which took place at tendering time in the pre-construction phase were relatable with the selection of material specifications that should be supplied or used in the construction projects at the construction phase. Its analysis can provide comprehensive understanding, trace the root of the problem, which offers a roadmap to deepen the understanding of the conflict conditions and ‘course of action’ necessary for project management strategy actions toward avoiding or minimizing conflict causes at project life.Keywords: construction, conflict causes, levels, interaction, phases
Procedia PDF Downloads 18010496 A Comparative Analysis of Classification Models with Wrapper-Based Feature Selection for Predicting Student Academic Performance
Authors: Abdullah Al Farwan, Ya Zhang
In today’s educational arena, it is critical to understand educational data and be able to evaluate important aspects, particularly data on student achievement. Educational Data Mining (EDM) is a research area that focusing on uncovering patterns and information in data from educational institutions. Teachers, if they are able to predict their students' class performance, can use this information to improve their teaching abilities. It has evolved into valuable knowledge that can be used for a wide range of objectives; for example, a strategic plan can be used to generate high-quality education. Based on previous data, this paper recommends employing data mining techniques to forecast students' final grades. In this study, five data mining methods, Decision Tree, JRip, Naive Bayes, Multi-layer Perceptron, and Random Forest with wrapper feature selection, were used on two datasets relating to Portuguese language and mathematics classes lessons. The results showed the effectiveness of using data mining learning methodologies in predicting student academic success. The classification accuracy achieved with selected algorithms lies in the range of 80-94%. Among all the selected classification algorithms, the lowest accuracy is achieved by the Multi-layer Perceptron algorithm, which is close to 70.45%, and the highest accuracy is achieved by the Random Forest algorithm, which is close to 94.10%. This proposed work can assist educational administrators to identify poor performing students at an early stage and perhaps implement motivational interventions to improve their academic success and prevent educational dropout.Keywords: classification algorithms, decision tree, feature selection, multi-layer perceptron, Naïve Bayes, random forest, students’ academic performance
Procedia PDF Downloads 16910495 Material Properties Evolution Affecting Demisability for Space Debris Mitigation
Authors: Chetan Mahawar, Sarath Chandran, Sridhar Panigrahi, V. P. Shaji
The ever-growing advancement in space exploration has led to an alarming concern for space debris removal as it restricts further launch operations and adventurous space missions; hence numerous studies have come up with technologies for re-entry predictions and material selection processes for mitigating space debris. The selection of material and operating conditions is determined with the objective of lightweight structure and ability to demise faster subject to spacecraft survivability during its mission. Since the demisability of spacecraft depends on evolving thermal material properties such as emissivity, specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, radiation intensity, etc. Therefore, this paper presents the analysis of evolving thermal material properties of spacecraft, which affect the demisability process and thus estimate demise time using the demisability model by incorporating evolving thermal properties for sensible heating followed by the complete or partial break-up of spacecraft. The demisability analysis thus concludes the best suitable spacecraft material is based on the least estimated demise time, which fulfills the criteria of design-for-survivability and as well as of design-for-demisability.Keywords: demisability, emissivity, lightweight, re-entry, survivability
Procedia PDF Downloads 11710494 Image Classification with Localization Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Authors: Bhuyain Mobarok Hossain
Image classification and localization research is currently an important strategy in the field of computer vision. The evolution and advancement of deep learning and convolutional neural networks (CNN) have greatly improved the capabilities of object detection and image-based classification. Target detection is important to research in the field of computer vision, especially in video surveillance systems. To solve this problem, we will be applying a convolutional neural network of multiple scales at multiple locations in the image in one sliding window. Most translation networks move away from the bounding box around the area of interest. In contrast to this architecture, we consider the problem to be a classification problem where each pixel of the image is a separate section. Image classification is the method of predicting an individual category or specifying by a shoal of data points. Image classification is a part of the classification problem, including any labels throughout the image. The image can be classified as a day or night shot. Or, likewise, images of cars and motorbikes will be automatically placed in their collection. The deep learning of image classification generally includes convolutional layers; the invention of it is referred to as a convolutional neural network (CNN).Keywords: image classification, object detection, localization, particle filter
Procedia PDF Downloads 30610493 Shopping Centers and Public Transport: Study of the Shopping Centres Trips of Algiers City
Authors: Bakhrouri Sarah
The city of Algiers constitutes the first commercial pole of the country; 56.3% of its economic entities come from the commercial sector. Shopping centers are the new form of commerce that has emerged in the city since the 2000s. They are considered to be commercial and leisure poles and major generators of travel. However, shopping centers in the capital Algiers are poorly served by public transport, and their choice of location is mainly conditioned by the availability of land; accessibility by public transport does not appear to be an important criterion in the choice of their location. As a result, travel to and from these commercial centers is mainly by car, which breaks with the sustainability objectives of national transportation policy. Our study attempts to examine the impact of public transport accessibility of shopping centers on consumers' travel behaviour. The main objective of this research is to determine the link between the accessibility of these facilities, the use of private cars, and public transport modes. To this end, we analyze the choice of travel mode of consumers and the different factors that determine it by focusing on the influence of accessibility. The results showed a considerable influence of the accessibility on the travel behavior of the consumer in Algiers, so it is recommended to improve the accessibility of shopping centers by public transport in order to contribute to a modal shift.Keywords: accessibility, shopping centers trips, public transportation, Algiers
Procedia PDF Downloads 10010492 Analysis of Noise Environment and Acoustics Material in Residential Building
Authors: Heruanda Alviana Giska Barabah, Hilda Rasnia Hapsari
Acoustic phenomena create an acoustic interpretation condition that describes the characteristics of the environment. In urban areas, the tendency of heterogeneous and simultaneous human activity form a soundscape that is different from other regions, one of the characteristics of urban areas that developing the soundscape is the presence of vertical model houses or residential building. Activities both within the building and surrounding environment are able to make the soundscape with certain characteristics. The acoustics comfort of residential building becomes an important aspect, those demand lead the building features become more diverse. Initial steps in mapping acoustic conditions in a soundscape are important, this is the method to determine uncomfortable condition. Noise generated by road traffic, railway, and plane is an important consideration, especially for urban people, therefore the proper design of the building becomes very important as an effort to bring appropriate acoustics comfort. In this paper the authors developed noise mapping on the location of the residential building. Mapping done by taking some point referring to the noise source. The mapping result become the basis for modeling the acoustics wave interacted with the building model. Material selection is done based on literature study and modeling simulation using Insul by considering the absorption coefficient and Sound Transmission Class. The analysis of acoustics rays is ray tracing method using Comsol simulator software that can show the movement of acoustics rays and their interaction with a boundary. The result of this study can be used to consider boundary material in residential building as well as consideration for improving the acoustic quality in the acoustics zones that are formed.Keywords: residential building, noise, absorption coefficient, sound transmission class, ray tracing
Procedia PDF Downloads 24710491 Study for an Optimal Cable Connection within an Inner Grid of an Offshore Wind Farm
Authors: Je-Seok Shin, Wook-Won Kim, Jin-O Kim
The offshore wind farm needs to be designed carefully considering economics and reliability aspects. There are many decision-making problems for designing entire offshore wind farm, this paper focuses on an inner grid layout which means the connection between wind turbines as well as between wind turbines and an offshore substation. A methodology proposed in this paper determines the connections and the cable type for each connection section using K-clustering, minimum spanning tree and cable selection algorithms. And then, a cost evaluation is performed in terms of investment, power loss and reliability. Through the cost evaluation, an optimal layout of inner grid is determined so as to have the lowest total cost. In order to demonstrate the validity of the methodology, the case study is conducted on 240MW offshore wind farm, and the results show that it is helpful to design optimally offshore wind farm.Keywords: offshore wind farm, optimal layout, k-clustering algorithm, minimum spanning algorithm, cable type selection, power loss cost, reliability cost
Procedia PDF Downloads 38610490 Discrete Group Search Optimizer for the Travelling Salesman Problem
Authors: Raed Alnajjar, Mohd Zakree, Ahmad Nazri
In this study, we apply Discrete Group Search Optimizer (DGSO) for solving Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The DGSO is a nature inspired optimization algorithm that imitates the animal behavior, especially animal searching behavior. The proposed DGSO uses a vector representation and some discrete operators, such as destruction, construction, differential evolution, swap and insert. The TSP is a well-known hard combinatorial optimization problem, which seeks to find the shortest path among numbers of cities. The performance of the proposed DGSO is evaluated and tested on benchmark instances which listed in LIBTSP dataset. The experimental results show that the performance of the proposed DGSO is comparable with the other methods in the state of the art for some instances. The results show that DGSO outperform Ant Colony System (ACS) in some instances whilst outperform other metaheuristic in most instances. In addition to that, the new results obtained a number of optimal solutions and some best known results. DGSO was able to obtain feasible and good quality solution across all dataset. Procedia PDF Downloads 32410489 Determinants of Sustainable Supplier Selection: An Exploratory Study of Manufacturing Tunisian’s SMEs
Authors: Ahlem Dhahri, Audrey Becuwe
This study examines the adoption of sustainable purchasing practices among Tunisian SMEs, with a focus on assessing how environmental and social sustainability maturity affects the implementation of sustainable supplier selection (SSS) criteria. Using institutional theory to classify coercive, normative, and mimetic pressures, as well as emerging drivers and barriers, this study explores the institutional factors influencing sustainable purchasing practices and the specific barriers faced by Tunisian SMEs in this area. An exploratory, abductive qualitative research design was adopted for this multiple case study, which involved 19 semi-structured interviews with owners and managers of 17 Tunisian manufacturing SMEs. The Gioia method was used to analyze the data, thus enabling the identification of key themes and relationships directly from the raw data. This approach facilitated a structured interpretation of the institutional factors influencing sustainable purchasing practices, with insights drawn from the participants' perspectives. The study reveals that Tunisian SMEs are at different levels of sustainability maturity, with a significant impact on their procurement practices. SMEs with advanced sustainability maturity integrate both environmental and social criteria into their supplier selection processes, while those with lower maturity levels rely on mostly traditional criteria such as cost, quality, and delivery. Key institutional drivers identified include regulatory pressure, market expectations, and stakeholder influence. Additional emerging drivers—such as certifications and standards, economic incentives, environmental commitment as a core value, and group-wide strategic alignment—also play a critical role in driving sustainable procurement. Conversely, the study reveals significant barriers, including economic constraints, limited awareness, and resource limitations. It also identifies three main categories of emerging barriers: (1) logistical and supply chain constraints, including retailer/intermediary dependency, tariff regulations, and a perceived lack of direct responsibility in B2B supply chains; (2) economic and financial constraints; and (3) operational barriers, such as unilateral environmental responsibility, a product-centric focus and the influence of personal relationships. Providing valuable insights into the role of sustainability maturity in supplier selection, this study is the first to explore sustainable procurement practices in the Tunisian SME context. Integrating an analysis of institutional drivers, including emerging incentives and barriers, provides practical implications for SMEs seeking to improve sustainability in procurement. The results highlight the need for stronger regulatory frameworks and support mechanisms to facilitate the adoption of sustainable practices among SMEs in Tunisia.Keywords: Tunisian SME, sustainable supplier selection, institutional theory, determinant, qualitative study
Procedia PDF Downloads 1510488 Resolving a Piping Vibration Problem by Installing Viscous Damper Supports
Authors: Carlos Herrera Sierralta, Husain M. Muslim, Meshal T. Alsaiari, Daniel Fischer
Preventing piping fatigue flow induced vibration in the Oil & Gas sector demands not only the constant development of engineering design methodologies based on available software packages, but also special piping support technologies for designing safe and reliable piping systems. The vast majority of piping vibration problems in the Oil & Gas industry are provoked by the process flow characteristics which are basically intrinsically related to the fluid properties, the type of service and its different operational scenarios. In general, the corrective actions recommended for flow induced vibration in piping systems can be grouped in two major areas: those which affect the excitation mechanisms typically associated to process variables, and those which affect the response mechanism of the pipework per se, and the pipework associated steel support structure. Where possible the first option is to try to solve the flow induced problem from the excitation mechanism perspective. However, in producing facilities the approach of changing process parameters might not always be convenient as it could lead to reduction of production rates or it may require the shutdown of the system in order to perform the required piping modification. That impediment might lead to a second option, which is to modify the response of the piping system to excitation generated by the type of process flow. In principle, the action of shifting the natural frequency of the system well above the frequency inherent to the process always favours the elimination, or considerably reduces, the level of vibration experienced by the piping system. Tightening up the clearances at the supports (ideally zero gap), and adding new static supports at the system, are typical ways of increasing the natural frequency of the piping system. However, only stiffening the piping system may not be sufficient to resolve the vibration problem, and in some cases, it might not be feasible to implement it at all, as the available piping layout could create limitations on adding supports due to thermal expansion/contraction requirements. In these cases, utilization of viscous damper supports could be recommended as these devices can allow relatively large quasi-static movement of piping while providing sufficient capabilities of dissipating the vibration. Therefore, when correctly selected and installed, viscous damper supports can provide a significant effect on the response of the piping system over a wide range of frequencies. Viscous dampers cannot be used to support sustained, static loads. This paper shows over a real case example, a methodology which allows to determine the selection of the viscous damper supports via a dynamic analysis model. By implementing this methodology, it was possible to resolve the piping vibration problem throughout redesigning adequately the existing static piping supports and by adding new viscous dampers supports. This was conducted on-stream at the oil crude pipeline in question without the necessity of reducing the production of the plant. Concluding that the application of the methodology of this paper can be applied to solve similar cases in a straightforward manner.Keywords: dynamic analysis, flow induced vibration, piping supports, turbulent flow, slug flow, viscous damper
Procedia PDF Downloads 14410487 The Effect of Problem-Based Mobile-Assisted Tasks on Spoken Intelligibility of English as a Foreign Language Learners
Authors: Loghman Ansarian, Teoh Mei Lin
In an attempt to increase oral proficiency of Iranian EFL learners, the researchers compared the effect of problem-based mobile-assisted language learning with the conventional language learning approach (Communicative Language Teaching) in Iran. The experimental group (n=37) went through PBL instruction and the control group (n=33) went through conventional instruction. The results of quantitative data analysis after 26 sessions of treatment revealed that PBL could positively affect participants' knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, spoken fluency, and pronunciation; however, in terms of task achievement, no significant effect was found. This study can have pedagogical implications for language teachers, and material developers.Keywords: problem-based learning, spoken intelligibility, Iranian EFL context, cognitive learning
Procedia PDF Downloads 17510486 Impact of HIV/AIDS on Food Security in Pala Sub-Location, Bondo District, Kenya
Authors: S. B. Otieno, Were Fred, E. W. Kabiru, K. Waza
Background: HIV/AIDS is leading to the loss of labor through sickness and subsequent death, this is leading to the neglect of farm and off-farm activities, with the subsequent loss of potential income and food security. The situation is sensitive to seasonal labour peaks in agriculture. This study was done to determine the impact of high HIV prevalence in farming systems and food security in Pala Bondo District, Kenya. Methods: In this study, 386 respondents were randomly chosen in Pala Sub-Location. The respondents and key informants were interviewed using structured questionnaire. The data were entered and analyzed using SPSS version 16. Results: It was established that majority of respondents (67%) were between 18 and 35 years {χ2 = (1, N = 386) = 13.430, p = 0.000} (chimney effect). The study also established that 83.5% of respondents were married {χ2 = (1, N= 370) = 166.277 p = 0.000} and predominant occupation being farming and fishing (61%), while 52.8% of farm labour was by hand, 26% by oxen, and 4.9% mechanized. 73.2% of respondents only farm 0.25 to 2 acres, 48% mentioned lack of labour in land preparation {χ2 ((1,N = 321) = 113.146, p = 0.000), in planting {χ2 (1, N = 321) = 29.28, p = 0.000}. Majority of respondents lack food from January to June, during which 93% buy food. Conclusion: The high HIV prevalence in Pala has affected the farm labour leading to food insecurity.Keywords: food security, HIV, AIDS, labour
Procedia PDF Downloads 26910485 The Effectiveness of Water Indices in Detecting Soil Moisture as an Indicator of Mudflow in Arid Regions
Authors: Zahraa Al Ali, Ammar Abulibdeh, Talal Al-Awadhi, Midhun Mohan, Mohammed Al-Barwani, Mohammed Al-Barwani, Sara Al Nabbi, Meshal Abdullah
This study aims to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of six spectral water indices - derived from Multispectral sentinel-2 data - to detect soil moisture and inundated area in arid regions to be used as an indicator of mudflow phenomena to predict high-risk areas. Herein, the validation of the performance of spectral indices was conducted using threshold method, spectral curve performance, and soil-line method. These indirect validation techniques play a key role in saving time, effort, and cost, particularly for large-scale and inaccessible areas. It was observed that the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (mNDWI), and RSWIR indices have the potential to detect soil moisture and inundated areas in arid regions. According to the temporal spectral curve performance, the spectral characteristics of water and soil moisture were distinct in the Near infrared (NIR), Short-wave Infrared (SWIR1,2) bands. However, the rate and degree differed between these bands, depending on the amount of water in the soil. Furthermore, the soil line method supported the appropriate selection of threshold values to detect soil moisture. However, the threshold values varied with location, time, season, and between indices. We concluded that considering the factors influencing the behavior of water and soil reflectivity could support decision-makers in identifying high-risk mudflow locations.Keywords: spectral reflectance curve, soil-line method, spectral indices, Shaheen cyclone
Procedia PDF Downloads 7410484 Estimation of Missing Values in Aggregate Level Spatial Data
Authors: Amitha Puranik, V. S. Binu, Seena Biju
Missing data is a common problem in spatial analysis especially at the aggregate level. Missing can either occur in covariate or in response variable or in both in a given location. Many missing data techniques are available to estimate the missing data values but not all of these methods can be applied on spatial data since the data are autocorrelated. Hence there is a need to develop a method that estimates the missing values in both response variable and covariates in spatial data by taking account of the spatial autocorrelation. The present study aims to develop a model to estimate the missing data points at the aggregate level in spatial data by accounting for (a) Spatial autocorrelation of the response variable (b) Spatial autocorrelation of covariates and (c) Correlation between covariates and the response variable. Estimating the missing values of spatial data requires a model that explicitly account for the spatial autocorrelation. The proposed model not only accounts for spatial autocorrelation but also utilizes the correlation that exists between covariates, within covariates and between a response variable and covariates. The precise estimation of the missing data points in spatial data will result in an increased precision of the estimated effects of independent variables on the response variable in spatial regression analysis.Keywords: spatial regression, missing data estimation, spatial autocorrelation, simulation analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 38210483 Protection of Transformers Against Surge Voltage
Authors: Anil S. Khopkar, Umesh N. Soni
Surge voltage arises in the system either by switching operations of heavy load or by natural lightning. Surge voltages cause significant failure of power system equipment if adequate protection is not provided. A Surge Arrester is a device connected to a power system to protect the equipment against surge voltages. To protect the transformers against surge voltages, metal oxide surge arresters (MOSA) are connected across each terminal. Basic Insulation Level (BIL) has been defined in national and international standards of transformers based on their voltage rating. While designing transformer insulation, the BIL of the transformer, Surge arrester ratings and its operating voltage have to be considered. However, the performance of transformer insulation largely depends on the ratings of the surge arrester connected, the location of the surge arrester, the margin considered in the insulation design, the quantity of surge voltage strike, etc. This paper demonstrates the role of Surge arresters in the protection of transformers against over-voltage, transformer insulation design, optimum location of surge arresters and their connection lead length, Insulation coordination for transformer, protection margin in BIL and methods of protection of transformers against surge voltages, in detail.Keywords: surge voltage, surge arresters, insulation coordination, protection margin
Procedia PDF Downloads 6410482 Variation Theory and Mixed Instructional Approaches: Advancing Conceptual Understanding in Geometry
Authors: Belete Abebaw, Mulugeta Atinafu, Awoke Shishigu
The study aimed to examine students’ problem-solving skills through mixed instruction (variation theory based Geogerba assisted problem-solving instructional approaches). A total of 125 students divided into 4 intact groups participated in the study. The study employed a quasi-experimental research design. Three intact groups were randomly assigned as a treatment group, while one group was taken as a comparison group. Each of the groups took a specific instructional approach, while the comparison group proceeded as usual without any changes to the instructional process for all sessions. Both pre and post problem-solving tests were administered to all groups. To analyze the data and examine the differences (if any) in each group, ANCOVA and Paired samples t-tests were employed. There was a significant mean difference between students pre-test and post-test in their conceptual understanding of each treatment group. Furthermore, the mixed treatment had a large mean difference. It was recommended that teachers give attention to using variation theory-based geometry problem-solving approaches for students’ better understanding. Administrators should emphasize launching Geogebra software through IT labs in schools, and government officials should appreciate the implementation of technology in schools.Keywords: conceptual understanding, Geogebra, learning geometry, problem solving approaches, variation theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2910481 Minimization of Seepage in Sandy Soil Using Different Grouting Types
Authors: Eng. M. Ahmed, A. Ibrahim, M. Ashour
One of the major concerns facing dam is the repair of their structures to prevent the seepage under them. In previous years, many existing dams have been treated by grouting, but with varying degrees of success. One of the major reasons for this erratic performance is the unsuitable selection of the grouting materials to reduce the seepage. Grouting is an effective way to improve the engineering properties of the soil and strengthen of the permeability of the soil to reduce the seepage. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the efficiency of current available grouting materials and techniques from construction, environmental and economical point of view. The seepage reduction usually accomplished by either chemical grouting or cementious grouting using ultrafine cement. In addition, the study shows a comparison between grouting materials according to their degree of permeability reduction and cost. The application of seepage reduction is based on the permeation grouting using grout curtain installation. The computer program (SEEP/W) is employed to model a dam rested on sandy soil, using grout curtain to reduce seepage quantity and hydraulic gradient by different grouting materials. This study presents a relationship that takes into account the permeability of the soil, grout curtain spacing and a new performance parameter that can be used to predict the best selection of grouting materials for seepage reduction.Keywords: seepage, sandy soil, grouting, permeability
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