Search results for: software system
19823 Design of Functional Safe Motor Control Systems in Automotive Applications
Authors: Jae-Woo Kim, Kyung-Jung Lee, Hyun-Sik Ahn
This paper presents a design methodology for the motor driven automotive subsystems with the consideration of the functional safety. There are many such modules in vehicles which use DC/AC motors for an electronic throttle control system, a motor driven power steering, a motor driven seat belt systems and for HVAC systems. The functional safety for the automotive electrical and electronic parts are standardized as ISO 26262, but the development procedure is very complex to be followed. We focus on the functional safe motor controller design process and show the designed motor controller hardware satisfies the required safety integrity level by using metric calculations with the safety mechanism.Keywords: AUTOSAR, MDPS, Simulink, software component
Procedia PDF Downloads 41419822 Intelligent Adaptive Learning in a Changing Environment
Authors: G. Valentis, Q. Berthelot
Nowadays the trend to develop ever more intelligent and autonomous systems often takes its inspiration in the living beings on Earth. Some simple isolated systems are able, once brought together, to form a strong and reliable system. When trying to adapt the idea to man-made systems it is not possible to include in their program everything the system may encounter during its life cycle. It is, thus, necessary to make the system able to take decisions based on other criteria such as its past experience, i.e. to make the system learn on its own. However, at some point the acquired knowledge depends also on environment. So the question is: if system environment is modified, how could the system respond to it quickly and appropriately enough? Here, starting from reinforcement learning to rate its decisions, and using adaptive learning algorithms for gain and loss reward, the system is made able to respond to changing environment and to adapt its knowledge as time passes. Application is made to a robot finding an exit in a labyrinth.Keywords: reinforcement learning, neural network, autonomous systems, adaptive learning, changing environment
Procedia PDF Downloads 42419821 Seismic Fragility of Base-Isolated Multi-Story Piping System in Critical Facilities
Authors: Bu Seog Ju, Ho Young Son, Yong Hee Ryu
This study is focused on the evaluation of seismic fragility of multi-story piping system installed in critical structures, isolated with triple friction pendulum bearing. The concept of this study is to isolate the critical building structure as well as nonstructural component, especially piping system in order to mitigate the earthquake damage and achieve the reliable seismic design. Then, the building system and multi-story piping system was modeled in OpenSees. In particular, the triple friction pendulum isolator was accounted for the vertical and horizontal coupling behavior in the building system subjected to seismic ground motions. Consequently, in order to generate the seismic fragility of base-isolated multi-story piping system, 21 selected seismic ground motions were carried out, by using Monte Carlo Simulation accounted for the uncertainties in demand. Finally, the system-level fragility curves corresponding to the limit state of the piping system was conducted at each T-joint system, which was commonly failure points in piping systems during and after an earthquake. Additionally, the system-level fragilities were performed to the first floor and second floor level in critical structures.Keywords: fragility, friction pendulum bearing, nonstructural component, seismic
Procedia PDF Downloads 15219820 Estimation Atmospheric parameters for Weather Study and Forecast over Equatorial Regions Using Ground-Based Global Position System
Authors: Asmamaw Yehun, Tsegaye Kassa, Addisu Hunegnaw, Martin Vermeer
There are various models to estimate the neutral atmospheric parameter values, such as in-suite and reanalysis datasets from numerical models. Accurate estimated values of the atmospheric parameters are useful for weather forecasting and, climate modeling and monitoring of climate change. Recently, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements have been applied for atmospheric sounding due to its robust data quality and wide horizontal and vertical coverage. The Global Positioning System (GPS) solutions that includes tropospheric parameters constitute a reliable set of data to be assimilated into climate models. The objective of this paper is, to estimate the neutral atmospheric parameters such as Wet Zenith Delay (WZD), Precipitable Water Vapour (PWV) and Total Zenith Delay (TZD) using six selected GPS stations in the equatorial regions, more precisely, the Ethiopian GPS stations from 2012 to 2015 observational data. Based on historic estimated GPS-derived values of PWV, we forecasted the PWV from 2015 to 2030. During data processing and analysis, we applied GAMIT-GLOBK software packages to estimate the atmospheric parameters. In the result, we found that the annual averaged minimum values of PWV are 9.72 mm for IISC and maximum 50.37 mm for BJCO stations. The annual averaged minimum values of WZD are 6 cm for IISC and maximum 31 cm for BDMT stations. In the long series of observations (from 2012 to 2015), we also found that there is a trend and cyclic patterns of WZD, PWV and TZD for all stations.Keywords: atmosphere, GNSS, neutral atmosphere, precipitable water vapour
Procedia PDF Downloads 6219819 Optimization of the Energy Management for a Solar System of an Agricultural Greenhouse
Authors: Nora Arbaoui, Rachid Tadili, Ilham Ihoume
To improve the climatic conditions and increase production in the greenhouse during the winter season under the Mediterranean climate, this thesis project proposes a design of an integrated and autonomous solar system for heating, cooling, and conservation of production in an agricultural greenhouse. To study the effectiveness of this system, experiments are conducted in two similar agricultural greenhouses oriented north-south. The first greenhouse is equipped with an active solar system integrated into the double glazing of the greenhouse’s roof, while the second greenhouse has no system, it serves as a controlled greenhouse for comparing thermal and agronomic performance The solar system allowed for an average increase in the indoor temperature of the experimental greenhouse of 6°C compared to the outdoor environment and 4°C compared to the control greenhouse. This improvement in temperature has a favorable effect on the plants' climate and subsequently positively affects their development, quality, and production.Keywords: solar system, agricultural greenhouse, heating, cooling, storage, drying
Procedia PDF Downloads 10119818 Determination of Lithology, Porosity and Water Saturation for Mishrif Carbonate Formation
Authors: F. S. Kadhim, A. Samsuri, H. Alwan
Well logging records can help to answer many questions from a wide range of special interested information and basic petrophysical properties to formation evaluation of oil and gas reservoirs. The accurate calculations of porosity in carbonate reservoirs are the most challenging aspects of well log analysis. Many equations have been developed over the years based on known physical principles or on empirically derived relationships, which are used to calculate porosity, estimate lithology and water saturation; however these parameters are calculated from well logs by using modern technique in a current study. Nasiriya (NS) oilfield is one of giant oilfields in the Middle East, and the formation under study is the Mishrif carbonate formation which is the shallowest hydrocarbon bearing zone in the NS oilfield. Neurolog software (V5, 2008) was used to digitize the scanned copies of the available logs. Environmental corrections had been made as per Schlumberger charts 2005, which supplied in the Interactive Petrophysics software (IP, V3.5, 2008). Three saturation models have been used to calculate water saturation of carbonate formations, which are simple Archie equation, Dual water model, and Indonesia model. Results indicate that the Mishrif formation consists mainly of limestone, some dolomite and shale. The porosity interpretation shows that the logging tools have a good quality after making the environmental corrections. The average formation water saturation for Mishrif formation is around 0.4-0.6.This study is provided accurate behavior of petrophysical properties with depth for this formation by using modern software.Keywords: lithology, porosity, water saturation, carbonate formation, mishrif formation
Procedia PDF Downloads 37519817 Performance Evaluation of Construction Projects by Earned Value Management Method, Using Primavera P6 – A Case Study in Istanbul, Turkey
Authors: Mohammad Lemar Zalmai, Osman Hurol Turkakin, Cemil Akcay, Ekrem Manisali
Most of the construction projects are exposed to time and cost overruns due to various factors and this is a major problem. As a solution to this, the Earned Value Management (EVM) method is considered. EVM is a powerful and well-known method used in monitoring and controlling the project. EVM is a technique that project managers use to track the performance of their project against project baselines. EVM gives an early indication that either project is delayed or not, and the project is either over budget or under budget at any particular day by tracking it. Thus, it helps to improve the management control system of a construction project, to detect and control the problems in potential risk areas and to suggest the importance and purpose of monitoring the construction work. This paper explains the main parameters of the EVM system involved in the calculation of time and cost for construction projects. In this study, the project management software Primavera P6 is used to deals with the project monitoring process of a seven-storeyed (G+6) faculty building whose construction is in progress at Istanbul, Turkey. A comparison between the planned progress of construction activities and actual progress is performed, and the analysis results are interpreted. This case study justifies the benefits of using EVM for project cash flow analysis and forecasting.Keywords: earned value management (EVM), construction cost management, construction planning, primavera P6, project management, project scheduling
Procedia PDF Downloads 24419816 Impact of Harmonic Resonance and V-THD in Sohar Industrial Port–C Substation
Authors: R. S. Al Abri, M. H. Albadi, M. H. Al Abri, U. K. Al Rasbi, M. H. Al Hasni, S. M. Al Shidi
This paper presents an analysis study on the impacts of the changes of the capacitor banks, the loss of a transformer, and the installation of distributed generation on the voltage total harmonic distortion and harmonic resonance. The study is applied in a real system in Oman, Sohar Industrial Port–C Substation Network. Frequency scan method and Fourier series analysis method are used with the help of EDSA software. Moreover, the results are compared with limits specified by national Oman distribution code.Keywords: power quality, capacitor bank, voltage total harmonics distortion, harmonic resonance, frequency scan
Procedia PDF Downloads 61919815 Object-Oriented Modeling Simulation and Control of Activated Sludge Process
Authors: J. Fernandez de Canete, P. Del Saz Orozco, I. Garcia-Moral, A. Akhrymenka
Object-oriented modeling is spreading in current simulation of wastewater treatments plants through the use of the individual components of the process and its relations to define the underlying dynamic equations. In this paper, we describe the use of the free-software OpenModelica simulation environment for the object-oriented modeling of an activated sludge process under feedback control. The performance of the controlled system was analyzed both under normal conditions and in the presence of disturbances. The object-oriented described approach represents a valuable tool in teaching provides a practical insight in wastewater process control field.Keywords: object-oriented programming, activated sludge process, OpenModelica, feedback control
Procedia PDF Downloads 38619814 AIPM:An Integrator and Pull Request Matching Model in Github
Authors: Zhifang Liao, Yanbing Li, Li Xu, Yan Zhang, Xiaoping Fan, Jinsong Wu
Pull Request (PR) is the primary method for code contributions from the external contributors in Github. PR review is an essential part of open source software developments for maintaining the quality of software. Matching a new PR of an appropriate integrator will make the PR review more effective. However, PR and integrator matching are now organized manually in Github. To reduce this cost, we presented an AIPM model to predict highly relevant integrator of incoming PRs. AIPM uses topic model to extract topics from the PRs, and builds a one-to-one correspondence between topics and integrators. Then, AIPM finds the most suitable integrator according to the maximum entry of the topic-document distribution. On average, AIPM can reach a precision of 60%, and even in some projects, can reach a precision of 80%.Keywords: pull Request, integrator matching, Github, open source project, topic model
Procedia PDF Downloads 30219813 Performance and Breeding Potency of Local Buffalo in Kangean Island, Sumenep, East Java, Indonesia
Authors: A. Nurgiartiningsih, G. Ciptadi, S. B. Siswijono
This research was done to identify the performance and breeding potency of Local Buffalo in Kangean Island, Sumenep, East Java, Indonesia. Materials used were buffalo and farmer in Kangean Island. Method used was survey with purposive sampling method. Qualitative trait and existing breeding system including the type of production system were directly observed. Quantitative trait consisted of chest girth, body weight and wither height were measured and recorded. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance applying software GENSTAT 14. Results showed the purposes of buffalo breeding in Kangean Island were for production of calves, saving, religion tradition, and buffalo racing. The combination between grazing and cut and carry system were applied in Kangean Island. Forage, grass and agricultural waste product were available abundantly especially, during the wet season. Buffalo in Kangean Island was categorized as swamp buffalo with 48 chromosomes. Observation on qualitative trait indicated that there were three skin color types: gray (81.25%), red (10.42%) and white/albino (8.33%). Analysis on quantitative trait showed that there was no significant difference between male and female buffalo. The performance of male buffalo was 132.56 cm, 119.33 cm and 174.11 cm, for the mean of body length, whither height and chest girth, respectively. The performance of female buffalo were 129.8 cm, 114.0 cm and 166.2 cm, for mean of body length, wither height and chest girth (CG), respectively. The performance of local buffalo in Kangean Island was categorized well. Kangean Island could be promoted as center of buffalo breeding and conservation. For optimal improvement of population number and its genetics value, government policy in buffalo breeding program should be implemented.Keywords: chromosome, qualitative trait, quantitative trait, swamp buffalo
Procedia PDF Downloads 26919812 Soil Moisture Control System: A Product Development Approach
Authors: Swapneel U. Naphade, Dushyant A. Patil, Satyabodh M. Kulkarni
In this work, we propose the concept and geometrical design of a soil moisture control system (SMCS) module by following the product development approach to develop an inexpensive, easy to use and quick to install product targeted towards agriculture practitioners. The module delivers water to the agricultural land efficiently by sensing the soil moisture and activating the delivery valve. We start with identifying the general needs of the potential customer. Then, based on customer needs we establish product specifications and identify important measuring quantities to evaluate our product. Keeping in mind the specifications, we develop various conceptual solutions of the product and select the best solution through concept screening and selection matrices. Then, we develop the product architecture by integrating the systems into the final product. In the end, the geometric design is done using human factors engineering concepts like heuristic analysis, task analysis, and human error reduction analysis. The result of human factors analysis reveals the remedies which should be applied while designing the geometry and software components of the product. We find that to design the best grip in terms of comfort and applied force, for a power-type grip, a grip-diameter of 35 mm is the most ideal.Keywords: agriculture, human factors, product design, soil moisture control
Procedia PDF Downloads 17219811 Power Management Strategy for Solar-Wind-Diesel Stand-Alone Hybrid Energy System
Authors: Md. Aminul Islam, Adel Merabet, Rachid Beguenane, Hussein Ibrahim
This paper presents a simulation and mathematical model of stand-alone solar-wind-diesel based hybrid energy system (HES). A power management system is designed for multiple energy resources in a stand-alone hybrid energy system. Both Solar photovoltaic and wind energy conversion system consists of maximum power point tracking (MPPT), voltage regulation, and basic power electronic interfaces. An additional diesel generator is included to support and improve the reliability of stand-alone system when renewable energy sources are not available. A power management strategy is introduced to distribute the generated power among resistive load banks. The frequency regulation is developed with conventional phase locked loop (PLL) system. The power management algorithm was applied in Matlab®/Simulink® to simulate the results.Keywords: solar photovoltaic, wind energy, diesel engine, hybrid energy system, power management, frequency and voltage regulation
Procedia PDF Downloads 45519810 Investigation on The Feasibility of a Solar Desiccant Cooling System in Libya
Authors: A. S. Zgalei, B. T. Al-Mabrouk
With a particularly significant growth rate observed in the Libyan commercial and residential buildings coupled with a growth in energy demand, solar desiccant evaporative cooling offers energy savings and promises a good sharing for sustainable buildings where the availability of solar radiation matches with the cooling load demand. The paper presents a short introduction for the desiccant systems. A mathematical model of a selected system has been developed and a simulation has been performed in order to investigate the system performance at different working conditions and an optimum design of the system structure is established. The results showed a technical feasibility of the system working under the Libyan climatic conditions with a reasonable COP at temperatures that can be obtained through the solar reactivation system. Discussion of the results and the recommendations for future work are proposed.Keywords: computer program, solar desiccant wheel cooling, system modelling, simulation, technical feasibility
Procedia PDF Downloads 54119809 Optimum Design of Photovoltaic Water Pumping System Application
Authors: Sarah Abdourraziq, Rachid El Bachtiri
The solar power source for pumping water is one of the most promising areas in photovoltaic applications. The implementation of these systems allows to protect the environment and reduce the CO2 gas emission compared to systems trained by diesel generators. This paper presents a comparative study between the photovoltaic pumping system driven by DC motor, and AC motor to define the optimum design of this application. The studied system consists of PV array, DC-DC Boost Converter, inverter, motor-pump set and storage tank. The comparison was carried out to define the characteristics and the performance of each system. Each subsystem is modeled in order to simulate the whole system in MATLAB/ Simulink. The results show the efficiency of the proposed technique.Keywords: photovoltaic water pumping system, DC motor-pump, AC motor-pump, DC-DC boost converter
Procedia PDF Downloads 32819808 Development and Clinical Application of a Cochlear Implant Mapping Assistance System
Authors: Hong Mengdi, Li Jianan, Ji Fei, Chen Aiting, Wang Qian
Objective: To overcome the communication barriers that audiologists encounter during cochlear implant mapping, particularly the challenge of eliciting subjective feedback from recipients regarding electrical stimulation, and to enhance the capabilities of existing technologies, we teamed up with software engineers to design an interactive approach for patient-audiologist communication. This approach employs a tablet (PAD) as the interface for a communication and feedback system between patients and audiologists during the mapping process, known as the Cochlear Implant Mapping Assistance System. Methods: Capitalizing on the touchscreen functionality of the PAD, the recipients' subjective feedback during cochlear implant mapping is instantly transmitted to the audiologist's mapping computer. The system acts as a platform for auditory assessment instruments, facilitating immediate evaluation of recipients' post-mapping hearing and speech discrimination capabilities. Furthermore, the system is designed to augment the visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA) process. The system consists of six modules, including three testing projects: loudness testing, hearing threshold testing, and loudness balance testing; two assessment projects: warble tone testing and digit speech testing; and one VRA animation project. It also incorporates speech-to-text and text input display functions tailored to accommodate speech communication difficulties in hearing-impaired individuals, with pre-installed common exchange content between audiologists and recipients. Audiologists can input sentences by selecting options. The system supports switching between Chinese and English versions, suitable for audiologists and recipients who use English, facilitating international application of the system. Results: The Cochlear Implant Mapping Assistance System has been in use for over a year in the Auditory Implant Center of the Department of Otology and Neurotology, Medical Center of Otology and Head & Neck Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, with more than 300 recipients using this mapping system. Currently, the system operates stably, with both audiologists and recipients providing positive feedback, indicating a significant improvement over previous methods. It is particularly well-received by pediatric recipients, significantly enhancing the work efficiency of audiologists and improving the feedback efficiency and accuracy of recipients. The system enhances the comprehensibility for cochlear implant recipients, improves wearing comfort and user experience, facilitates cochlear implant auditory mapping, and increases the collection of previously challenging-to-obtain data during the existing assisted mapping process, such as loudness testing data, electrical stimulation testing data, warble tone testing data, loudness balance testing data, digit speech testing data, and visual reinforcement audiometry testing data. Real-time data recording improves the accuracy of assisted mapping. The interface design is meticulously crafted to accommodate patients of varying ages and cognitive abilities, featuring an intuitive design that allows for effortless, guidance-free use by patients.Keywords: audiologist, subjective feedback, mapping, cochlear implant
Procedia PDF Downloads 2219807 The Development of the Website Learning the Local Wisdom in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province
Authors: Bunthida Chunngam, Thanyanan Worasesthaphong
This research had objective to develop of the website learning the local wisdom in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province and studied satisfaction of system user. This research sample was multistage sample for 100 questionnaires, analyzed data to calculated reliability value with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient method α=0.82. This system had 3 functions which were system using, system feather evaluation and system accuracy evaluation which the statistics used for data analysis was descriptive statistics to explain sample feature so these statistics were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. This data analysis result found that the system using performance quality had good level satisfaction (4.44 mean), system feather function analysis had good level satisfaction (4.11 mean) and system accuracy had good level satisfaction (3.74 mean).Keywords: website, learning, local wisdom, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province
Procedia PDF Downloads 12219806 Road Traffic Noise Mapping for Riyadh City Using GIS and Lima
Authors: Khalid A. Alsaif, Mosaad A. Foda
The primary objective of this study is to develop the first round of road traffic noise maps for Riyadh City using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and software LimA 7810 predictor. The road traffic data were measured or estimated as accurate as possible in order to obtain reliable noise maps. Meanwhile, the attributes of the roads and buildings are automatically exported from GIS. The simulation results at some chosen locations are validated by actual field measurements, which are obtained by a system that consists of a sound level meter, a GPS receiver and a database to manage the measured data. The results show that the average error between the predicted and measured noise levels is below 3.0 dB.Keywords: noise pollution, road traffic noise, LimA predictor, GIS
Procedia PDF Downloads 40719805 Preparation Control Information and Analyzing of Metering Gas System Based of Orifice Plate
Authors: A. Harrouz, A. Benatiallah, O. Harrouz
This paper presents the search for errors in the measurement instruments in a dynamic system of metering liquid or gas and sees the tolerance defined by the international standards and recommendations. We will implement a program on MATLAB/Simulink which is calculated based on the ISO-5167. This program will take the system parameters on considerations such as: the willingness plates, the size of the orifice, the given design conditions, reference conditions, find pressure drop for a given flow, or flow for a loss of given load. The results are considered very good and satisfactory because the errors identified of measuring instruments system are within the margin of error limit by the regulations.Keywords: analyzing, control, gas, meters system
Procedia PDF Downloads 39919804 Ensuring Safe Operation by Providing an End-To-End Field Monitoring and Incident Management Approach for Autonomous Vehicle Based on ML/Dl SW Stack
Authors: Lucas Bublitz, Michael Herdrich
By achieving the first commercialization approval in San Francisco the Autonomous Driving (AD) industry proves the technology maturity of the SAE L4 AD systems and the corresponding software and hardware stack. This milestone reflects the upcoming phase in the industry, where the focus is now about scaling and supervising larger autonomous vehicle (AV) fleets in different operation areas. This requires an operation framework, which organizes and assigns responsibilities to the relevant AV technology and operation stakeholders from the AV system provider, the Remote Intervention Operator, the MaaS provider and regulatory & approval authority. This holistic operation framework consists of technological, processual, and organizational activities to ensure safe operation for fully automated vehicles. Regarding the supervision of large autonomous vehicle fleets, a major focus is on the continuous field monitoring. The field monitoring approach must reflect the safety and security criticality of incidents in the field during driving operation. This includes an automatic containment approach, with the overall goal to avoid safety critical incidents and reduce downtime by a malfunction of the AD software stack. An End-to-end (E2E) field monitoring approach detects critical faults in the field, uses a knowledge-based approach for evaluating the safety criticality and supports the automatic containment of these E/E faults. Applying such an approach will ensure the scalability of AV fleets, which is determined by the handling of incidents in the field and the continuous regulatory compliance of the technology after enhancing the Operational Design Domain (ODD) or the function scope by Functions on Demand (FoD) over the entire digital product lifecycle.Keywords: field monitoring, incident management, multicompliance management for AI in AD, root cause analysis, database approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 7719803 Automatic Integrated Inverter Type Smart Device for Safe Kitchen
Authors: K. M. Jananni, R. Nandini
The proposed wireless, inverter type design of a LPG leakage monitoring system aims to provide a smart and safe kitchen. The system detects the LPG gas leak using Nano-sensors and alerts the concerned individual through GSM system. The system uses two sensors, one attached to the chimney and other to the regulator of the LPG cylinder. Upon a leakage being detected, the sensor at the regulator actuates the system to cut off the gas supply immediately using a solenoid control valve. The sensor at the chimney checks for the permissible level of LPG mix in the air and when the level exceeds the threshold, the system sends an automatic SMS to the numbers saved. Further the sensor actuates the mini suction system fixed at the chimney within 20 seconds of a leakage to suck out the gas until the level falls well below the threshold. As a safety measure, an automatic window opening and alarm feature is also incorporated into the system. The key feature of this design is that the system is provided with a special inverter designed to make the device function effectively even during power failures. In this paper, utilization of sensors in the kitchen area is discussed and this gives the proposed architecture for real time field monitoring with a PIC Micro-controller.Keywords: nano sensors, global system for mobile communication, GSM, micro controller, inverter
Procedia PDF Downloads 47419802 Field Management Solutions Supporting Foreman Executive Tasks
Authors: Maroua Sbiti, Karim Beddiar, Djaoued Beladjine, Romuald Perrault
Productivity is decreasing in construction compared to the manufacturing industry. It seems that the sector is suffering from organizational problems and have low maturity regarding technological advances. High international competition due to the growing context of globalization, complex projects, and shorter deadlines increases these challenges. Field employees are more exposed to coordination problems than design officers. Execution collaboration is then a major issue that can threaten the cost, time, and quality completion of a project. Initially, this paper will try to identify field professional requirements as to address building management process weaknesses such as the unreliability of scheduling, the fickleness of monitoring and inspection processes, the inaccuracy of project’s indicators, inconsistency of building documents and the random logistic management. Subsequently, we will focus our attention on providing solutions to improve scheduling, inspection, and hours tracking processes using emerging lean tools and field mobility applications that bring new perspectives in terms of cooperation. They have shown a great ability to connect various field teams and make informations visual and accessible to planify accurately and eliminate at the source the potential defects. In addition to software as a service use, the adoption of the human resource module of the Enterprise Resource Planning system can allow a meticulous time accounting and thus make the faster decision making. The next step is to integrate external data sources received from or destined to design engineers, logisticians, and suppliers in a holistic system. Creating a monolithic system that consolidates planning, quality, procurement, and resources management modules should be our ultimate target to build the construction industry supply chain.Keywords: lean, last planner system, field mobility applications, construction productivity
Procedia PDF Downloads 11719801 Developing Digital Twins of Steel Hull Processes
Authors: V. Ložar, N. Hadžić, T. Opetuk, R. Keser
The development of digital twins strongly depends on efficient algorithms and their capability to mirror real-life processes. Nowadays, such efforts are required to establish factories of the future faced with new demands of custom-made production. The ship hull processes face these challenges too. Therefore, it is important to implement design and evaluation approaches based on production system engineering. In this study, the recently developed finite state method is employed to describe the stell hull process as a platform for the implementation of digital twinning technology. The application is justified by comparing the finite state method with the analytical approach. This method is employed to rebuild a model of a real shipyard ship hull process using a combination of serial and splitting lines. The key performance indicators such as the production rate, work in process, probability of starvation, and blockade are calculated and compared to the corresponding results obtained through a simulation approach using the software tool Enterprise dynamics. This study confirms that the finite state method is a suitable tool for digital twinning applications. The conclusion highlights the advantages and disadvantages of methods employed in this context.Keywords: digital twin, finite state method, production system engineering, shipyard
Procedia PDF Downloads 10019800 Thermal Effects of Disc Brake Rotor Design for Automotive Brake Application
Authors: K. Shahril, M. Ridzuan, M. Sabri
The disc rotor is solid, ventilated or drilled. The ventilated type disc rotor consists of a wider disc with cooling fins cast through the middle to ensure good cooling. The disc brakes use pads that are pressed axially against a rotor or disc. Solid and ventilated disc design are same which it free with any form, unless inside the ventilated disc has several ventilation holes. Different with drilled disc has some construction on the surface which is has six lines of drill hole penetrate the disc and a little bit deep twelve curves. From the thermal analysis that was conducted by using ANSYS Software, temperature distribution and heat transfer rate on the disc were obtained on each design. Temperature occurred on the drilled disc was lowest than ventilated and solid disc, it is 66% better than ventilated while ventilated is 21% good than solid disc.Keywords: disc brakes, drilled disc, thermal analysis, ANSYS software
Procedia PDF Downloads 38719799 A Multiobjective Damping Function for Coordinated Control of Power System Stabilizer and Power Oscillation Damping
Authors: Jose D. Herrera, Mario A. Rios
This paper deals with the coordinated tuning of the Power System Stabilizer (PSS) controller and Power Oscillation Damping (POD) Controller of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) in a multi-machine power systems. The coordinated tuning is based on the critical eigenvalues of the power system and a model reduction technique where the Hankel Singular Value method is applied. Through the linearized system model and the parameter-constrained nonlinear optimization algorithm, it can compute the parameters of both controllers. Moreover, the parameters are optimized simultaneously obtaining the gains of both controllers. Then, the nonlinear simulation to observe the time response of the controller is performed.Keywords: electromechanical oscillations, power system stabilizers, power oscillation damping, hankel singular values
Procedia PDF Downloads 59219798 Economical and Technical Analysis of Urban Transit System Selection Using TOPSIS Method According to Constructional and Operational Aspects
Authors: Ali Abdi Kordani, Meysam Rooyintan, Sid Mohammad Boroomandrad
Nowadays, one the most important problems in megacities is public transportation and satisfying citizens from this system in order to decrease the traffic congestions and air pollution. Accordingly, to improve the transit passengers and increase the travel safety, new transportation systems such as Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), tram, and monorail have expanded that each one has different merits and demerits. That is why comparing different systems for a systematic selection of public transportation systems in a big city like Tehran, which has numerous problems in terms of traffic and pollution, is essential. In this paper, it is tried to investigate the advantages and feasibility of using monorail, tram and BRT systems, which are widely used in most of megacities in all over the world. In Tehran, by using SPSS statistical analysis software and TOPSIS method, these three modes are compared to each other and their results will be assessed. Experts, who are experienced in the transportation field, answer the prepared matrix questionnaire to select each public transportation mode (tram, monorail, and BRT). The results according to experts’ judgments represent that monorail has the first priority, Tram has the second one, and BRT has the third one according to the considered indices like execution costs, wasting time, depreciation, pollution, operation costs, travel time, passenger satisfaction, benefit to cost ratio and traffic congestion.Keywords: BRT, costs, monorail, pollution, tram
Procedia PDF Downloads 17919797 Modelling and Control of Electrohydraulic System Using Fuzzy Logic Algorithm
Authors: Hajara Abdulkarim Aliyu, Abdulbasid Ismail Isa
This research paper studies electrohydraulic system for its role in position and motion control system and develops as mathematical model describing the behaviour of the system. The research further proposes Fuzzy logic and conventional PID controllers in order to achieve both accurate positioning of the payload and overall improvement of the system performance. The simulation result shows Fuzzy logic controller has a superior tracking performance and high disturbance rejection efficiency for its shorter settling time, less overshoot, smaller values of integral of absolute and deviation errors over the conventional PID controller at all the testing conditions.Keywords: electrohydraulic, fuzzy logic, modelling, NZ-PID
Procedia PDF Downloads 47119796 An E-Retailing System Architecture Based on Cloud Computing
Authors: Chanchai Supaartagorn
E-retailing is the sale of goods online that takes place over the Internet. The Internet has shrunk the entire World. The world e-retailing is growing at an exponential rate in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. However, e-retailing costs require expensive investment, such as hardware, software, and security systems. Cloud computing technology is internet-based computing for the management and delivery of applications and services. Cloud-based e-retailing application models allow enterprises to lower their costs with their effective implementation of e-retailing activities. In this paper, we describe the concept of cloud computing and present the architecture of cloud computing, combining the features of e-retailing. In addition, we propose a strategy for implementing cloud computing with e-retailing. Finally, we explain the benefits from the architecture.Keywords: architecture, cloud computing, e-retailing, internet-based
Procedia PDF Downloads 39719795 A Linear Relation for Voltage Unbalance Factor Evaluation in Three-Phase Electrical Power System Using Space Vector
Authors: Dana M. Ragab, Jasim A Ghaeb
The Voltage Unbalance Factor (VUF) index is recommended to evaluate system performance under unbalanced operation. However, its calculation requires complex algebra which limits its use in the field. Furthermore, one system cycle is required at least to detect unbalance using the VUF. Ideally unbalance mitigation must be performed within 10 ms for 50 Hz systems. In this work, a linear relation for VUF evaluation in three-phase electrical power system using space vector (SV) is derived. It is proposed to determine the voltage unbalance quickly and accurately and to overcome the constraints associated with the traditional methods of VUF evaluation. Aqaba-Qatrana-South Amman (AQSA) power system is considered to study the system performance under unbalanced conditions. The results show that both the complexity of calculations and the time required to evaluate VUF are reduced significantly.Keywords: power quality, space vector, unbalance evaluation, three-phase power system
Procedia PDF Downloads 18919794 Damping Function and Dynamic Simulation of GUPFC Using IC-HS Algorithm
Authors: Galu Papy Yuma
This paper presents a new dynamic simulation of a power system consisting of four machines equipped with the Generalized Unified Power Flow Controller (GUPFC) to improve power system stability. The dynamic simulation of the GUPFC consists of one shunt converter and two series converters based on voltage source converter, and DC link capacitor installed in the power system. MATLAB/Simulink is used to arrange the dynamic simulation of the GUPFC, where the power system is simulated in order to investigate the impact of the controller on power system oscillation damping and to show the simulation program reliability. The Improved Chaotic- Harmony Search (IC-HS) Algorithm is used to provide the parameter controller in order to lead-lag compensation design. The results obtained by simulation show that the power system with four machines is suitable for stability analysis. The use of GUPFC and IC-HS Algorithm provides the excellent capability in fast damping of power system oscillations and improve greatly the dynamic stability of the power system.Keywords: GUPFC, IC-HS algorithm, Matlab/Simulink, damping oscillation
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