Search results for: numerical tests
6561 Application of a Hybrid Modified Blade Element Momentum Theory/Computational Fluid Dynamics Approach for Wine Turbine Aerodynamic Performances Prediction
Authors: Samah Laalej, Abdelfattah Bouatem
In the field of wind turbine blades, it is complicated to evaluate the aerodynamic performances through experimental measurements as it requires a lot of computing time and resources. Therefore, in this paper, a hybrid BEM-CFD numerical technique is developed to predict power and aerodynamic forces acting on the blades. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was conducted to calculate the drag and lift forces through Ansys software using the K-w model. Then an enhanced BEM code was created to predict the power outputs generated by the wind turbine using the aerodynamic properties extracted from the CFD approach. The numerical approach was compared and validated with experimental data. The power curves calculated from this hybrid method were in good agreement with experimental measurements for all velocity ranges.Keywords: blade element momentum, aerodynamic forces, wind turbine blades, computational fluid dynamics approach
Procedia PDF Downloads 676560 Railway Composite Flooring Design: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Studies
Authors: O. Lopez, F. Pedro, A. Tadeu, J. Antonio, A. Coelho
The future of the railway industry lies in the innovation of lighter, more efficient and more sustainable trains. Weight optimizations in railway vehicles allow reducing power consumption and CO₂ emissions, increasing the efficiency of the engines and the maximum speed reached. Additionally, they reduce wear of wheels and rails, increase the space available for passengers, etc. Among the various systems that integrate railway interiors, the flooring system is one which has greater impact both on passenger safety and comfort, as well as on the weight of the interior systems. Due to the high weight saving potential, relative high mechanical resistance, good acoustic and thermal performance, ease of modular design, cost-effectiveness and long life, the use of new sustainable composite materials and panels provide the latest innovations for competitive solutions in the development of flooring systems. However, one of the main drawbacks of the flooring systems is their relatively poor resistance to point loads. Point loads in railway interiors can be caused by passengers or by components fixed to the flooring system, such as seats and restraint systems, handrails, etc. In this way, they can originate higher fatigue solicitations under service loads or zones with high stress concentrations under exceptional loads (higher longitudinal, transverse and vertical accelerations), thus reducing its useful life. Therefore, to verify all the mechanical and functional requirements of the flooring systems, many physical prototypes would be created during the design phase, with all of the high costs associated with it. Nowadays, the use of virtual prototyping methods by computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) softwares allow validating a product before committing to making physical test prototypes. The scope of this work was to current computer tools and integrate the processes of innovation, development, and manufacturing to reduce the time from design to finished product and optimise the development of the product for higher levels of performance and reliability. In this case, the mechanical response of several sandwich panels with different cores, polystyrene foams, and composite corks, were assessed, to optimise the weight and the mechanical performance of a flooring solution for railways. Sandwich panels with aluminum face sheets were tested to characterise its mechanical performance and determine the polystyrene foam and cork properties when used as inner cores. Then, a railway flooring solution was fully modelled (including the elastomer pads to provide the required vibration isolation from the car body) and perform structural simulations using FEM analysis to comply all the technical product specifications for the supply of a flooring system. Zones with high stress concentrations are studied and tested. The influence of vibration modes on the comfort level and stability is discussed. The information obtained with the computer tools was then completed with several mechanical tests performed on some solutions, and on specific components. The results of the numerical simulations and experimental campaign carried out are presented in this paper. This research work was performed as part of the POCI-01-0247-FEDER-003474 (coMMUTe) Project funded by Portugal 2020 through COMPETE 2020.Keywords: cork agglomerate core, mechanical performance, numerical simulation, railway flooring system
Procedia PDF Downloads 1806559 Physical Characterization of a Watershed for Correlation with Parameters of Thomas Hydrological Model and Its Application in Iber Hidrodinamic Model
Authors: Carlos Caro, Ernest Blade, Nestor Rojas
This study determined the relationship between basic geo-technical parameters and parameters of the hydro logical model Thomas for water balance of rural watersheds, as a methodological calibration application, applicable in distributed models as IBER model, which represents a distributed system simulation models for unsteady flow numerical free surface. There was an exploration in 25 points (on 15 sub) basin of Rio Piedras (Boy.) obtaining soil samples, to which geo-technical characterization was performed by laboratory tests. Thomas model has a physical characterization of the input area by only four parameters (a, b, c, d). Achieve measurable relationship between geo technical parameters and 4 values of hydro logical parameters helps to determine subsurface, underground and surface flow more agile manner. It is intended in this way to reach some solutions regarding limits initial model parameters on the basis of Thomas geo-technical characterization. In hydro geological models of rural watersheds, calibration is an important process in the characterization of the study area. This step can require a significant computational cost and time, especially if the initial values or parameters before calibration are outside of the geo-technical reality. A better approach in these initial values means optimization of these process through a geo-technical materials area, where is obtained an important approach to the study as in the starting range of variation for the calibration parameters.Keywords: distributed hydrology, hydrological and geotechnical characterization, Iber model
Procedia PDF Downloads 5226558 Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis to Test the Dimensional Structure of Tourism Service Quality
Authors: Ibrahim A. Elshaer, Alaa M. Shaker
Several previous empirical studies have operationalized service quality as either a multidimensional or unidimensional construct. While few earlier studies investigated some practices of the assumed dimensional structure of service quality, no study has been found to have tested the construct’s dimensionality using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). To gain a better insight into the dimensional structure of service quality construct, this paper tests its dimensionality using three CFA models (higher order factor model, oblique factor model, and one factor model) on a set of data collected from 390 British tourists visited Egypt. The results of the three tests models indicate that service quality construct is multidimensional. This result helps resolving the problems that might arise from the lack of clarity concerning the dimensional structure of service quality, as without testing the dimensional structure of a measure, researchers cannot assume that the significant correlation is a result of factors measuring the same construct.Keywords: service quality, dimensionality, confirmatory factor analysis, Egypt
Procedia PDF Downloads 5926557 Defining the Limits of No Load Test Parameters at Over Excitation to Ensure No Over-Fluxing of Core Based on a Case Study: A Perspective From Utilities
Authors: Pranjal Johri, Misbah Ul-Islam
Power Transformers are one of the most critical and failure prone entities in an electrical power system. It is an established practice that each design of a power transformer has to undergo numerous type tests for design validation and routine tests are performed on each and every power transformer before dispatch from manufacturer’s works. Different countries follow different standards for testing the transformers. Most common and widely followed standard for Power Transformers is IEC 60076 series. Though these standards put up a strict testing requirements for power transformers, however, few aspects of transformer characteristics and guaranteed parameters can be ensured by some additional tests. Based on certain observations during routine test of a transformer and analyzing the data of a large fleet of transformers, three propositions have been discussed and put forward to be included in test schedules and standards. The observations in the routine test raised questions on design flux density of transformer. In order to ensure that flux density in any part of the core & yoke does not exceed 1.9 tesla at 1.1 pu as well, following propositions need to be followed during testing: From the data studied, it was evident that generally NLC at 1.1 pu is apporx. 3 times of No Load Current at 1 pu voltage. During testing the power factor at 1.1 pu excitation, it must be comparable to calculated values from the Cold Rolled Grain Oriented steel material curves, including building factor. A limit of 3 % to be extended for higher than rated voltages on difference in Vavg and Vrms, during no load testing. Extended over excitation test to be done in case above propositions are observed to be violated during testing.Keywords: power transfoemrs, no load current, DGA, power factor
Procedia PDF Downloads 1046556 Numerical Analysis of Roughness Effect on Mini and Microchannels: Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer
Authors: El-Ghalia Filali, Cherif Gadouche, Mohamed Tahar
A three-dimensional numerical simulation of flow through mini and microchannels with designed roughness is conducted here. The effect of the roughness height (surface roughness), geometry, Reynolds number on the friction factor and the Nusselt number is investigated. The study is carried out by employing CFD software, CFX. Our work focuses on a water flow inside a circular mini-channel of 1 mm and microchannels of 500 and 100 μm in diameter. The speed entry varies from 0.1 m/s to 20 m/s. The general trend can be observed that bigger sizes of roughness element lead to higher flow resistance. It is found that the friction factor increases in a nonlinear fashion with the increase in obstruction height. Particularly, the effect of roughness can no longer be ignored at relative roughness height higher than 3%. A significant increase in Poiseuille number is detected for all configurations considered. The same observation can be done for Nusselt number. The transition zone between laminar and turbulent flow depends on the channel diameter.Keywords: hydrodynamics, heat transfer, minichannel, microchannel, roughness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3626555 The Exact Specification for Consumption of Blood-Pressure Regulating Drugs with a Numerical Model of Pulsatile Micropolar Fluid Flow in Elastic Vessel
Authors: Soroush Maddah, Houra Asgarian, Mahdi Navidbakhsh
In the present paper, the problem of pulsatile micropolar blood flow through an elastic artery has been studied. An arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulation for the governing equations has been produced to model the fully-coupled fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and has been solved numerically using finite difference scheme by exploiting a mesh generation technique which leads to a uniformly spaced grid in the computational plane. Effect of the variations of cardiac output and wall artery module of elasticity on blood pressure with blood-pressure regulating drugs like Atenolol has been determined. Also, a numerical model has been produced to define precisely the effects of various dosages of a drug on blood flow in arteries without the numerous experiments that have many mistakes and expenses.Keywords: arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian, Atenolol, fluid structure interaction, micropolar fluid, pulsatile blood flow
Procedia PDF Downloads 4246554 Optimization of Passive Vibration Damping of Space Structures
Authors: Emad Askar, Eldesoky Elsoaly, Mohamed Kamel, Hisham Kamel
The objective of this article is to improve the passive vibration damping of solar array (SA) used in space structures, by the effective application of numerical optimization. A case study of a SA is used for demonstration. A finite element (FE) model was created and verified by experimental testing. Optimization was then conducted by implementing the FE model with the genetic algorithm, to find the optimal placement of aluminum circular patches, to suppress the first two bending mode shapes. The results were verified using experimental testing. Finally, a parametric study was conducted using the FE model where patch locations, material type, and shape were varied one at a time, and the results were compared with the optimal ones. The results clearly show that through the proper application of FE modeling and numerical optimization, passive vibration damping of space structures has been successfully achieved.Keywords: damping optimization, genetic algorithm optimization, passive vibration damping, solar array vibration damping
Procedia PDF Downloads 4516553 Parameters Optimization of the Laminated Composite Plate for Sound Transmission Problem
Authors: Yu T. Tsai, Jin H. Huang
In this paper, the specific sound transmission loss (TL) of the laminated composite plate (LCP) with different material properties in each layer is investigated. The numerical method to obtain the TL of the LCP is proposed by using elastic plate theory. The transfer matrix approach is novelty presented for computational efficiency in solving the numerous layers of dynamic stiffness matrix (D-matrix) of the LCP. Besides the numerical simulations for calculating the TL of the LCP, the material properties inverse method is presented for the design of a laminated composite plate analogous to a metallic plate with a specified TL. As a result, it demonstrates that the proposed computational algorithm exhibits high efficiency with a small number of iterations for achieving the goal. This method can be effectively employed to design and develop tailor-made materials for various applications.Keywords: sound transmission loss, laminated composite plate, transfer matrix approach, inverse problem, elastic plate theory, material properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 3886552 Effects of Axial Loads and Soil Density on Pile Group Subjected to Triangular Soil Movement
Authors: Ihsan Al-Abboodi, Tahsin Toma-Sabbagh
Laboratory tests have been carried out to investigate the response of 2x2 pile group subjected to triangular soil movement. The pile group was instrumented with displacement and tilting devices at the pile cap and strain gauges on two piles of the group. In this paper, results from four model tests were presented to study the effects of axial loads and soil density on the lateral behavior of piles. The responses in terms of bending moment, shear force, soil pressure, deflection, and rotation of piles were compared. Test results indicate that increasing the soil strength could increase the measured moment, shear, soil pressure, and pile deformations. Most importantly, adding loads to the pile cap induces additional moment to the head of front-pile row unlike the back-pile row which was influenced insignificantly.Keywords: pile group, passive piles, lateral soil movement, soil density, axial loads
Procedia PDF Downloads 3286551 A Design for Customer Preferences Model by Cluster Analysis of Geometric Features and Customer Preferences
Authors: Yuan-Jye Tseng, Ching-Yen Chen
In the design cycle, a main design task is to determine the external shape of the product. The external shape of a product is one of the key factors that can affect the customers’ preferences linking to the motivation to buy the product, especially in the case of a consumer electronic product such as a mobile phone. The relationship between the external shape and the customer preferences needs to be studied to enhance the customer’s purchase desire and action. In this research, a design for customer preferences model is developed for investigating the relationships between the external shape and the customer preferences of a product. In the first stage, the names of the geometric features are collected and evaluated from the data of the specified internet web pages using the developed text miner. The key geometric features can be determined if the number of occurrence on the web pages is relatively high. For each key geometric feature, the numerical values are explored using the text miner to collect the internet data from the web pages. In the second stage, a cluster analysis model is developed to evaluate the numerical values of the key geometric features to divide the external shapes into several groups. Several design suggestion cases can be proposed, for example, large model, mid-size model, and mini model, for designing a mobile phone. A customer preference index is developed by evaluating the numerical data of each of the key geometric features of the design suggestion cases. The design suggestion case with the top ranking of the customer preference index can be selected as the final design of the product. In this paper, an example product of a notebook computer is illustrated. It shows that the external shape of a product can be used to drive customer preferences. The presented design for customer preferences model is useful for determining a suitable external shape of the product to increase customer preferences.Keywords: cluster analysis, customer preferences, design evaluation, design for customer preferences, product design
Procedia PDF Downloads 1916550 Numerical Investigation on Transient Heat Conduction through Brine-Spongy Ice
Authors: S. R. Dehghani, Y. S. Muzychka, G. F. Naterer
The ice accretion of salt water on cold substrates creates brine-spongy ice. This type of ice is a mixture of pure ice and liquid brine. A real case of creation of this type of ice is superstructure icing which occurs on marine vessels and offshore structures in cold and harsh conditions. Transient heat transfer through this medium causes phase changes between brine pockets and pure ice. Salt rejection during the process of transient heat conduction increases the salinity of brine pockets to reach a local equilibrium state. In this process the only effect of passing heat through the medium is not changing the sensible heat of the ice and brine pockets; latent heat plays an important role and affects the mechanism of heat transfer. In this study, a new analytical model for evaluating heat transfer through brine-spongy ice is suggested. This model considers heat transfer and partial solidification and melting together. Properties of brine-spongy ice are obtained using properties of liquid brine and pure ice. A numerical solution using Method of Lines discretizes the medium to reach a set of ordinary differential equations. Boundary conditions are chosen using one of the applicable cases of this type of ice; one side is considered as a thermally isolated surface, and the other side is assumed to be suddenly affected by a constant temperature boundary. All cases are evaluated in temperatures between -20 C and the freezing point of brine-spongy ice. Solutions are conducted using different salinities from 5 to 60 ppt. Time steps and space intervals are chosen properly to maintain the most stable and fast solution. Variation of temperature, volume fraction of brine and brine salinity versus time are the most important outputs of this study. Results show that transient heat conduction through brine-spongy ice can create a various range of salinity of brine pockets from the initial salinity to that of 180 ppt. The rate of variation of temperature is found to be slower for high salinity cases. The maximum rate of heat transfer occurs at the start of the simulation. This rate decreases as time passes. Brine pockets are smaller at portions closer to the colder side than that of the warmer side. A the start of the solution, the numerical solution tends to increase instabilities. This is because of sharp variation of temperature at the start of the process. Changing the intervals improves the unstable situation. The analytical model using a numerical scheme is capable of predicting thermal behavior of brine spongy ice. This model and numerical solutions are important for modeling the process of freezing of salt water and ice accretion on cold structures.Keywords: method of lines, brine-spongy ice, heat conduction, salt water
Procedia PDF Downloads 2176549 Heat and Mass Transfer in MHD Flow of Nanofluids through a Porous Media Due to a Permeable Stretching Sheet with Viscous Dissipation and Chemical Reaction Effects
Authors: Yohannes Yirga, Daniel Tesfay
The convective heat and mass transfer in nanofluid flow through a porous media due to a permeable stretching sheet with magnetic field, viscous dissipation, and chemical reaction and Soret effects are numerically investigated. Two types of nanofluids, namely Cu-water and Ag-water were studied. The governing boundary layer equations are formulated and reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations using similarity transformations and then solved numerically using the Keller box method. Numerical results are obtained for the skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number and Sherwood number as well as for the velocity, temperature and concentration profiles for selected values of the governing parameters. Excellent validation of the present numerical results has been achieved with the earlier linearly stretching sheet problems in the literature.Keywords: heat and mass transfer, magnetohydrodynamics, nanofluid, fluid dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 2916548 Evaluation of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate in Weldments
Authors: Pavel Zlabek, Vaclav Mentl
The fatigue crack growth rate evaluation is a basic experimental characteristic when assessment o f the remaining lifetime is needed. Within the repair welding technology project, the crack growth rate at cyclic loading was measured in base and weld metals and in the situation when cracks were initiated in base metal and grew into the weld metal through heat-affected zone and back to the base metal. Two welding technologies were applied and specimens in as-welded state and after heat treatment were tested. Fatigue crack growth rate measurement was performed on CrMoV pressure vessel steel and the tests were performed at room temperature. The crack growth rate was measured on CCT test specimens (see figure) for both the base and weld metals and also in the case of crack subsequent transition through all the weld zones. A 500 kN MTS controlled electro-hydraulic testing machine and Model 632.13C-20 MTS extensometer were used to perform the tests.Keywords: cracks, fatigue, steels, weldments
Procedia PDF Downloads 5226547 Study on Discontinuity Properties of Phased-Array Ultrasound Transducer Affecting to Sound Pressure Fields Pattern
Authors: Tran Trong Thang, Nguyen Phan Kien, Trinh Quang Duc
The phased-array ultrasound transducer types are utilities for medical ultrasonography as well as optical imaging. However, their discontinuity characteristic limits the applications due to the artifacts contaminated into the reconstructed images. Because of the effects of the ultrasound pressure field pattern to the echo ultrasonic waves as well as the optical modulated signal, the side lobes of the focused ultrasound beam induced by discontinuity of the phased-array ultrasound transducer might the reason of the artifacts. In this paper, a simple method in approach of numerical simulation was used to investigate the limitation of discontinuity of the elements in phased-array ultrasound transducer and their effects to the ultrasound pressure field. Take into account the change of ultrasound pressure field patterns in the conditions of variation of the pitches between elements of the phased-array ultrasound transducer, the appropriated parameters for phased-array ultrasound transducer design were asserted quantitatively.Keywords: phased-array ultrasound transducer, sound pressure pattern, discontinuous sound field, numerical visualization
Procedia PDF Downloads 5076546 Study of the Relationship between the Roughness Configuration of Channel Bottom and the Creation of Vortices at the Rough Area: Numerical Modelling
Authors: Youb Said, Fourar Ali
To describe the influence of bottom roughness on the free surface flows by numerical modeling, a two-dimensional model was developed. The equations of continuity and momentum (Naviers Stokes equations) are solved by the finite volume method. We considered a turbulent flow in an open channel with a bottom roughness. For our simulations, the K-ε model was used. After setting the initial and boundary conditions and solve the equations set, we were able to achieve the following results: vortex forming in the hollow causing substantial energy dissipation in the obstacle areas that form the bottom roughness. The comparison of our results with experimental ones shows a good agreement in terms of the results in the rough area. However, in other areas, differences were more or less important. These differences are in areas far from the bottom, especially the free surface area just after the bottom. These disagreements are probably due to experimental constants used by the k-ε model.Keywords: modeling, free surface flow, turbulence, bottom roughness, finite volume, K-ε model, energy dissipation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3826545 Numerical investigation of Hydrodynamic and Parietal Heat Transfer to Bingham Fluid Agitated in a Vessel by Helical Ribbon Impeller
Authors: Mounir Baccar, Amel Gammoudi, Abdelhak Ayadi
The efficient mixing of highly viscous fluids is required for many industries such as food, polymers or paints production. The homogeneity is a challenging operation for this fluids type since they operate at low Reynolds number to reduce the required power of the used impellers. Particularly, close-clearance impellers, mainly helical ribbons, are chosen for highly viscous fluids agitated in laminar regime which is currently heated through vessel wall. Indeed, they are characterized by high shear strains closer to the vessel wall, which causes a disturbing thermal boundary layer and ensures the homogenization of the bulk volume by axial and radial vortices. The hydrodynamic and thermal behaviors of Newtonian fluids in vessels agitated by helical ribbon impellers, has been mostly studied by many researchers. However, rarely researchers investigated numerically the agitation of yield stress fluid by means of helical ribbon impellers. This paper aims to study the effect of the Double Helical Ribbon (DHR) stirrers on both the hydrodynamic and the thermal behaviors of yield stress fluids treated in a cylindrical vessel by means of numerical simulation approach. For this purpose, continuity, momentum, and thermal equations were solved by means of 3D finite volume technique. The effect of Oldroyd (Od) and Reynolds (Re) numbers on the power (Po) and Nusselt (Nu) numbers for the mentioned stirrer type have been studied. Also, the velocity and thermal fields, the dissipation function and the apparent viscosity have been presented in different (r-z) and (r-θ) planes.Keywords: Bingham fluid, Hydrodynamic and thermal behavior, helical ribbon, mixing, numerical modelling
Procedia PDF Downloads 3066544 Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Channel with Delta Winglet Type Vortex Generators at Different Blade Angles
Authors: Nirmal Kant Singh, Anshuman Pratap Singh
In this study the augmentation of heat transfer in a channel with delta winglet type vortex generators is evaluated. Three-dimensional numerical simulations are performed in a rectangular channel with longitudinal triangular vortex generators (LVGs). The span wise averaged Nusselt number and mean temperature are compared with and without vortex generators in the channel. The effect of variation of blade angle (15°, 30°, 45°, and 60°) is studied at a Reynolds number of 10000. The numerical results indicate that the application of LVGs effectively enhances heat transfer in the channel. The Nusselt number and mean outlet temperature were found to be greater using LVGs than in the channel without LVGs. It is observed that heat transfer increases with increase in blade angle at the same Reynolds number.Keywords: heat transfer, rectangular channel, longitudinal vortex generators, effect of blade angle
Procedia PDF Downloads 6456543 The Effect of Shredded Polyurethane Foams on Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio of Sand
Authors: Javad Saeidaskari, Nader Khalafian
The undesirable impact of vibrations induced by road and railway traffic is an important concern in modern world. These vibrations are transmitted through soil and cause disturbances to the residence area and high-tech production facilities alongside the train/traffic lines. In this paper for the first time a new method of soil improvement with vibration absorber material, is used to increase the damping factor, in other word, to reduce the ability of wave transitions in sand. In this study standard Firoozkooh No. 161 sand is used as the host sand. The semi rigid polyurethane (PU) foam which used in this research is one of the common materials for vibration absorbing purposes. Series of cyclic triaxial tests were conducted on remolded samples with identical relative density of 70% of maximum dry density for different volume percentage of shredded PU foam. The frequency of tests was 0.1 Htz with shear strain of 0.37% and 0.75% and also the effective confining pressures during the tests were 100 kPa and 350 kPa. In order to find out the best soil-PU foam mixture, different volume percent of PU foam varying from 10% to 30% were examined. The results show that adding PU foam up to 20%, as its optimum content, causes notable enhancement in damping ratio for both shear strains of 0.37% (52.19% and 69% increase for effective confining pressures of 100 kPa and 350 kPa, respectively) and 0.75% (59.56% and 59.11% increase for effective confining pressures of 100 kPa and 350 kPa, respectively). The results related to shear modulus present significant reduction for both shear strains of 0.37% (82.22% and 56.03% decrease for effective confining pressures of 100 kPa and 350 kPa, respectively) and 0.75% (89.32% and 39.9% decrease for effective confining pressures of 100 kPa and 350 kPa, respectively). In conclusion, shredded PU foams effectively affect the dynamic properties of sand and act as vibration absorber in soil.Keywords: polyurethane foam, sand, damping ratio, shear modulus
Procedia PDF Downloads 4506542 Simulation of Red Blood Cells in Complex Micro-Tubes
Authors: Ting Ye, Nhan Phan-Thien, Chwee Teck Lim, Lina Peng, Huixin Shi
In biofluid flow systems, often the flow problems of fluids of complex structures, such as the flow of red blood cells (RBCs) through complex capillary vessels, need to be considered. In this paper, we aim to apply a particle-based method, Smoothed Dissipative Particle Dynamics (SDPD), to simulate the motion and deformation of RBCs in complex micro-tubes. We first present the theoretical models, including SDPD model, RBC-fluid interaction model, RBC deformation model, RBC aggregation model, and boundary treatment model. After that, we show the verification and validation of these models, by comparing our numerical results with the theoretical, experimental and previously-published numerical results. Finally, we provide some simulation cases, such as the motion and deformation of RBCs in rectangular, cylinder, curved, bifurcated, and constricted micro-tubes, respectively.Keywords: aggregation, deformation, red blood cell, smoothed dissipative particle dynamics
Procedia PDF Downloads 1746541 The Behavior of Dam Foundation Reinforced by Stone Columns: Case Study of Kissir Dam-Jijel
Authors: Toufik Karech, Abderahmen Benseghir, Tayeb Bouzid
This work presents a 2D numerical simulation of an earth dam to assess the behavior of its foundation after a treatment by stone columns. This treatment aims to improve the bearing capacity, to increase the mechanical properties of the soil, to accelerate the consolidation, to reduce the settlements and to eliminate the liquefaction phenomenon in case of seismic excitation. For the evaluation of the pore pressures, the position of the phreatic line and the flow network was defined, and a seepage analysis was performed with the software MIDAS Soil Works. The consolidation calculation is performed through a simulation of the actual construction stages of the dam. These analyzes were performed using the Mohr-Coulomb soil model and the results are compared with the actual measurements of settlement gauges implanted in the dam. An analysis of the bearing capacity was conducted to show the role of stone columns in improving the bearing capacity of the foundation.Keywords: earth dam, dam foundation, numerical simulation, stone columns, seepage analysis, consolidation, bearing capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 1906540 Numerical Study of Splay Anchors in CFRP-Strengthened Concrete Beams
Authors: Asal Pournaghshband, Mohammed A. Zaki
This paper presents a detailed numerical investigation into the structural performance of splay anchor configurations for strengthening concrete beams with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) sheets. CFRP is widely used in retrofitting concrete structures to improve flexural strength and extend service life. However, premature debonding limits the tensile capacity of CFRP sheets, reducing the effectiveness of these applications. This study addresses this limitation by exploring the potential of splay anchors as an emerging anchorage technique that mitigates debonding issues through improved load transfer mechanisms. Building on existing experimental studies, the research uses ABAQUS software to validate different splay anchor configurations and simulate real-world performance. The parametric study examines key anchor parameters, including diameter, spacing, and embedment depth, to evaluate their effects on bond strength, load distribution, and the flexural capacity of strengthened beams. Systematic analysis of these parameters allows for identifying configurations that enhance debonding resistance and increase the load-carrying capacity of CFRP-strengthened beams. Improved debonding resistance contributes to greater structural durability, reduced maintenance costs, and extended service life for retrofitted structures, particularly relevant for aging infrastructure like bridges and buildings. This approach not only advances sustainable retrofitting practices but also provides practical solutions tailored to infrastructure demands.Keywords: CFRP strengthening, splay anchors, concrete beams, structural retrofitting, numerical analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 136539 Dynamics and Advection in a Vortex Parquet on the Plane
Authors: Filimonova Alexanra
Inviscid incompressible fluid flows are considered. The object of the study is a vortex parquet – a structure consisting of distributed vortex spots of different directions, occupying the entire plane. The main attention is paid to the study of advection processes of passive particles in the corresponding velocity field. The dynamics of the vortex structures is considered in a rectangular region under the assumption that periodic boundary conditions are imposed on the stream function. Numerical algorithms are based on the solution of the initial-boundary value problem for nonstationary Euler equations in terms of vorticity and stream function. For this, the spectral-vortex meshless method is used. It is based on the approximation of the stream function by the Fourier series cut and the approximation of the vorticity field by the least-squares method from its values in marker particles. A vortex configuration, consisting of four vortex patches is investigated. Results of a numerical study of the dynamics and interaction of the structure are presented. The influence of the patch radius and the relative position of positively and negatively directed patches on the processes of interaction and mixing is studied. The obtained results correspond to the following possible scenarios: the initial configuration does not change over time; the initial configuration forms a new structure, which is maintained for longer times; the initial configuration returns to its initial state after a certain period of time. The processes of mass transfer of vorticity by liquid particles on a plane were calculated and analyzed. The results of a numerical analysis of the particles dynamics and trajectories on the entire plane and the field of local Lyapunov exponents are presented.Keywords: ideal fluid, meshless methods, vortex structures in liquids, vortex parquet.
Procedia PDF Downloads 646538 Deformation of Metallic Foams with Closed Cell at High Temperatures
Authors: Emrah Ersoy, Yusuf Ozcatalbas
The aim of this study is to investigate formability of Al based closed cell metallic foams at high temperature. The foam specimens with rectangular section were produced from AlMg1Si0.6TiH20.8 alloy preform material. Bending and free bending tests based on gravity effect were applied to foam specimens at high temperatures. During the tests, the time-angular deformation relationships with various temperatures were determined. Deformation types formed in cell walls were investigated by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and optical microscopy. Bending deformation about 90° was achieved without any defect at high temperatures. The importance of a critical temperature and deformation rate was emphasized in maintaining the deformation. Significant slip lines on surface of cell walls at tensile zones of bending specimen were observed. At high strain rates, the microcrack formation in boundaries of elongated grains was determined.Keywords: Al alloy, Closed cell, Hot deformation, Metallic foam
Procedia PDF Downloads 3696537 Cellulose Supported Heterogeneous Pd(II) Catalyst for Synthesis of Biaryls
Authors: Talat Baran
The Suzuki C(sp2)-C(sp2) coupling reaction is considered to be one of the best ways for the synthesis of biaryl compounds. There are many studies reporting the catalytic performance of palladium catalyst in Suzuki coupling reactions. Natural biopolymer (such as zeolite, carbon, silica, and chitosan) supporting catalysts have been lately attracted interest because of their low-cost, nontoxicity, and eco-friendliness. One of the most important natural biopolymer is cellulose, which is widely considered as an eco-friendly biopolymer due to its biodegradable, non-toxic and renewable nature. In this study, (1) cellulose supported Pd(II) catalyst was synthesized (2) its chemical structure was characterized by FT-IR, SEM/EDAX, XRD, TG-DTG, ICP-OES techniques (3) to investigate the performance of the catalyst in Suzuki coupling reactions by using microwave irradiation technique (4) reusability of the catalyst was done under optimum conditions. This cellulose supported Pd(II) catalyst exhibited high selectivity and efficiency in Suzuki coupling reactions under mild conditions (50°C). High TON and TOF values were recorded for the catalyst. Also, the reusability tests showed the catalysts could be used for several times in consequence of reusability tests.Keywords: palladium, cellulose, Schiff base, reusability
Procedia PDF Downloads 2526536 Prediction of Unsteady Heat Transfer over Square Cylinder in the Presence of Nanofluid by Using ANN
Authors: Ajoy Kumar Das, Prasenjit Dey
Heat transfer due to forced convection of copper water based nanofluid has been predicted by Artificial Neural network (ANN). The present nanofluid is formed by mixing copper nano particles in water and the volume fractions are considered here are 0% to 15% and the Reynolds number are kept constant at 100. The back propagation algorithm is used to train the network. The present ANN is trained by the input and output data which has been obtained from the numerical simulation, performed in finite volume based Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) commercial software Ansys Fluent. The numerical simulation based results are compared with the back propagation based ANN results. It is found that the forced convection heat transfer of water based nanofluid can be predicted correctly by ANN. It is also observed that the back propagation ANN can predict the heat transfer characteristics of nanofluid very quickly compared to standard CFD method.Keywords: forced convection, square cylinder, nanofluid, neural network
Procedia PDF Downloads 3216535 Archetypes in the Rorschach Inkblots: Imparting Universal Meaning in the Face of Ambiguity
Authors: Donna L. Roberts
The theory of archetypes contends that themes based on universal foundational images reside in and are transmitted generationally through the collective unconscious, which is referenced throughout an individual’s experience in order to make sense of that experience. There is then, a profoundly visceral and instinctive agreement on the gestalt of these universal themes and how they apply to the human condition throughout space and time. The inherent nature of projective tests, such as the Rorschach Inkblot, necessitates that the stimulus is ambiguous and thus elicits responses that reflect the unconscious inner psyche of the respondent. As the development of the Rorschach inkblots was relatively random and serendipitous - i.e., the inkblots were not engineered to elicit a specifically defined response - it would stand to reason that without a collective unconscious, every individual would interpret the inkblots in an individualized and unique way. Yet this is not the case. Instead, common themes appear in the images of the inkblots and their interpretation that reflect this deeper iconic understanding. This study analyzed the ten Rorschach inkblots in terms of Jungian archetypes, both with respect to the form of images on each plate and the commonly observed themes in responses. Examples of the archetypes were compared to each of the inkblots, with subsequent descriptions matched to the standard responses. The findings yielded clear and distinct instances of the universal symbolism intrinsic in the inkblot images as well as ubiquitous throughout the responses. This project illustrates the influence of the theories of psychologist Carl Gustav Jung on the interpretation of the ambiguous stimuli. It further serves to demonstrate the merit of Jungian psychology as a valuable tool with which to understand the nature of projective tests in general, Rorschach’s work specifically, and ultimately the broader implications for our collective unconscious and common humanity.Keywords: archetypes, inkblots, projective tests, Rorschach
Procedia PDF Downloads 1076534 Enhancing Performance of Semi-Flexible Pavements through Self-Compacting Cement Mortar as Cementitious Grout
Authors: Mohamed Islam Dahmani
This research investigates the performance enhancement of semi-flexible pavements by incorporating self-compacting cement mortar as a cementitious grout. The study is divided into three phases for comprehensive evaluation. In the initial phase, a porous asphalt mixture is formulated with a target voids content of 25-30%. The goal is to achieve optimal interconnected voids that facilitate effective penetration of self-compacting cement mortar. The mixture's compliance with porous asphalt performance standards is ensured through tests such as marshal stability, indirect tensile strength, contabro test, and draindown test. The second phase focuses on creating a self-compacting cement mortar with high workability and superior penetration capabilities. This mortar is designed to fill the interconnected voids within the porous asphalt mixture. The formulated mortar's characteristics are assessed through tests like mini V funnel flow time, slump flow mini cone, as well as mechanical properties such as compressive strength, bending strength, and shrinkage strength. In the final phase, the performance of the semi-flexible pavement is thoroughly studied. Various tests, including marshal stability, indirect tensile strength, high-temperature bending, low-temperature bending, resistance to rutting, and fatigue life, are conducted to assess the effectiveness of the self-compacting cement mortar-enhanced pavement.Keywords: semi-flexible pavements, cementitious grout, self-compacting cement mortar, porous asphalt mixture, interconnected voids, rutting resistance
Procedia PDF Downloads 926533 Numerical Simulation of Structured Roughness Effect on Fluid Flow Characteristics and Heat Transfer in Minichannels
Authors: R. Chouatah, E. G. Filali, B. Zouzou
It has been well established that there are no differences between microscale and macroscale flows of incompressible liquids. However, surface roughness has been known to impact the transport phenomena. The effect of structured roughness on the dynamics and heat transfer of water flowing through minichannel was numerically investigated in this study. Our study consists in characterizing the dynamic field and heat transfer aspect of a flow in circular minichannel equipped with structured roughness using CFD software, CFX. The study is performed to understand the effect of various roughness elements (rectangular, triangular), roughness height and roughness pitch on the friction factor and heat transfer coefficient. Our work focuses on a water flow inside a circular mini-channel of 1 mm in diameter and 10 cm in length. The speed entry into the mini-channel varies from 0.1 m/s to 25 m/s. The wall of the mini-channel is submitted to a constant heat flux; q=100,000 W/m². The simulations results are compared to those obtained with smooth minichannel and the existing experimental and numerical results in the literature.Keywords: heat transfer, laminar and turbulent flow, minichannel, structured roughness
Procedia PDF Downloads 3436532 The Influence of Covariance Hankel Matrix Dimension on Algorithms for VARMA Models
Authors: Celina Pestano-Gabino, Concepcion Gonzalez-Concepcion, M. Candelaria Gil-Fariña
Some estimation methods for VARMA models, and Multivariate Time Series Models in general, rely on the use of a Hankel matrix. It is known that if the data sample is populous enough and the dimension of the Hankel matrix is unnecessarily large, this may result in an unnecessary number of computations as well as in numerical problems. In this sense, the aim of this paper is two-fold. First, we provide some theoretical results for these matrices which translate into a lower dimension for the matrices normally used in the algorithms. This contribution thus serves to improve those methods from a numerical and, presumably, statistical point of view. Second, we have chosen an estimation algorithm to illustrate in practice our improvements. The results we obtained in a simulation of VARMA models show that an increase in the size of the Hankel matrix beyond the theoretical bound proposed as valid does not necessarily lead to improved practical results. Therefore, for future research, we propose conducting similar studies using any of the linear system estimation methods that depend on Hankel matrices.Keywords: covariances Hankel matrices, Kronecker indices, system identification, VARMA models
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