Search results for: normal curing
1926 Cepstrum Analysis of Human Walking Signal
Authors: Koichi Kurita
In this study, we propose a real-time data collection technique for the detection of human walking motion from the charge generated on the human body. This technique is based on the detection of a sub-picoampere electrostatic induction current, generated by the motion, flowing through the electrode of a wireless portable sensor attached to the subject. An FFT analysis of the wave-forms of the electrostatic induction currents generated by the walking motions showed that the currents generated under normal and restricted walking conditions were different. Moreover, we carried out a cepstrum analysis to detect any differences in the walking style. Results suggest that a slight difference in motion, either due to the individual’s gait or a splinted leg, is directly reflected in the electrostatic induction current generated by the walking motion. The proposed wireless portable sensor enables the detection of even subtle differences in walking motion.Keywords: human walking motion, motion measurement, current measurement, electrostatic induction
Procedia PDF Downloads 3441925 Impact of Climate Change on Water Resource Systems in Taiwan
Authors: Chia-Ling Chang, Hao-Bo Chang
Global climate change alters rainfall characteristics, while the variation of these characteristics further influences environmental conditions, such as hydrologic responses, landslide areas, and the amounts of diffuse pollution. The variations of environmental conditions may impact the stability of water resource systems. The objective of this study is to assess the present conditions of major water resource systems in Taiwan. The impact of climate change on each system is also discussed herein. Compared to the water resource systems in northern Taiwan, the ratio of the precipitation during the rainy season to that during the dry season has a larger increase in southern Taiwan. This variation of hydrologic condition impacts the stability of water resource systems and increases the risk of normal water supply. The findings in this work can be important references for water resource management.Keywords: basin management, climate change, water resource system, water resource management
Procedia PDF Downloads 3801924 Islamic Equity Markets Response to Volatility of Bitcoin
Authors: Zakaria S. G. Hegazy, Walid M. A. Ahmed
This paper examines the dependence structure of Islamic stock markets on Bitcoin’s realized volatility components in bear, normal, and bull market periods. A quantile regression approach is employed, after adjusting raw returns with respect to a broad set of relevant global factors and accounting for structural breaks in the data. The results reveal that upside volatility tends to exert negative influences on Islamic developed-market returns more in bear than in bull market conditions, while downside volatility positively affects returns during bear and bull conditions. For emerging markets, we find that the upside (downside) component exerts lagged negative (positive) effects on returns in bear (all) market regimes. By and large, the dependence structures turn out to be asymmetric. Our evidence provides essential implications for investors.Keywords: cryptocurrency markets, bitcoin, realized volatility measures, asymmetry, quantile regression
Procedia PDF Downloads 1881923 Auditory Brainstem Response in Wave VI for the Detection of Learning Disabilities
Authors: Maria Isabel Garcia-Planas, Maria Victoria Garcia-Camba
The use of brain stem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) is a common way to study the auditory function of people, a way to learn the functionality of a part of the brain neuronal groups that intervene in the learning process by studying the behaviour of wave VI. The latest advances in neuroscience have revealed the existence of different brain activity in the learning process that can be highlighted through the use of innocuous, low-cost, and easy-access techniques such as, among others, the BAEP that can help us to detect early possible neurodevelopmental difficulties for their subsequent assessment and cure. To date and to the authors' best knowledge, only the latency data obtained, observing the first to V waves and mainly in the left ear, were taken into account. This work shows that it is essential to take into account both ears; with these latest data, it has been possible had diagnosed more precise some cases than with the previous data had been diagnosed as 'normal' despite showing signs of some alteration that motivated the new consultation to the specialist.Keywords: ear, neurodevelopment, auditory evoked potentials, intervals of normality, learning disabilities
Procedia PDF Downloads 1651922 Evaluating Residual Mechanical and Physical Properties of Concrete at Elevated Temperatures
Authors: S. Hachemi, A. Ounis, S. Chabi
This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the effects of elevated temperature on compressive and flexural strength of Normal Strength Concrete (NSC), High Strength Concrete (HSC) and High Performance Concrete (HPC). In addition, the specimen mass and volume were measured before and after heating in order to determine the loss of mass and volume during the test. In terms of non-destructive measurement, ultrasonic pulse velocity test was proposed as a promising initial inspection method for fire damaged concrete structure. 100 Cube specimens for three grades of concrete were prepared and heated at a rate of 3°C/min up to different temperatures (150, 250, 400, 600, and 900°C). The results show a loss of compressive and flexural strength for all the concretes heated to temperature exceeding 400°C. The results also revealed that mass and density of the specimen significantly reduced with an increase in temperature.Keywords: high temperature, compressive strength, mass loss, ultrasonic pulse velocity
Procedia PDF Downloads 3431921 An Owen Value for Cooperative Games with Pairwise a Priori Incompatibilities
Authors: Jose M. Gallardo, Nieves Jimenez, Andres Jimenez-Losada, Esperanza Lebron
A game with a priori incompatibilities is a triple (N,v,g) where (N,v) is a cooperative game, and (N,g) is a graph which establishes initial incompatibilities between some players. In these games, the negotiation has two stages. In the first stage, players can only negotiate with others with whom they are compatible. In the second stage, the grand coalition will be formed. We introduce a value for these games. Given a game with a priori incompatibility (N,v,g), we consider the family of coalitions without incompatibility relations among their players. This family is a normal set system or coalition configuration Ig. Therefore, we can assign to each game with a priori incompatibilities (N,v,g) a game with coalition configuration (N,v, Ig). Now, in order to obtain a payoff vector for (N,v,g), it suffices to calculate a payoff vector for (N,v, Ig). To this end, we apply a value for games with coalition configuration. In our case, we will use the dual configuration value, which has been studied in the literature. With this method, we obtain a value for games with a priori incompatibilities, which is called the Owen value for a priori incompatibilities. We provide a characterization of this value.Keywords: cooperative game, game with coalition configuration, graph, independent set, Owen value, Shapley value
Procedia PDF Downloads 1331920 Novel Steviosides Analogs Induced Apoptosis in Breast Cancers
Authors: Ahmed Malki
Breast cancer has been identified as the most lethal form of cancer today. In our study, we designed and screened 16 steviosides derivatives for their cytotoxic activities in MCF-7human breast cancer cells and normal MCF-12a cells. Our data indicated that steviosides derivatives 9 and 15 decreased cell proliferation and induced apoptosis in MCF-7 breast cancer cells more thannormal breast cells epithelial cells. Flow cytometric analysis showed that both steviosides, derivatives 9 and 15 arrested the MCF-7 cells in G1 phase, which is further confirmed by the increased expression level of p21. Moreover, both steviosides derivatives increased caspase-9 activity, and the induction of apoptosis was significantly reduced after treating cells with caspase-9 inhibitor LEHD-CHO. Both steviosides derivatives increased Caspase 3 activities and induced Parp-1 cleavage in H1299 cells. Based on previous results, we have identified two novel steviosides derivatives which provoked apoptosis in breast cancer cells by arresting cells in G1 phase and increasing caspase-9 and caspase-3 activities which merits further development and investigations.Keywords: steviosides, breast cancer, p53, cell cycle
Procedia PDF Downloads 1201919 The Evaluation of Subclinical Hypothyroidism in Children with Morbid Obesity
Authors: Mustafa M. Donma, Orkide Donma
Cardiovascular pathology is one of the expected consequences of excessive fat gain. The role of zinc in thyroid hormone metabolism is an important matter. The concentrations of both thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and zinc are subject to variation in obese individuals. Zinc exhibits protective effects on cardiovascular health and is inversely correlated with cardiovascular markers in childhood obesity. The association between subclinical hypothyroidism (SCHT) and metabolic disorders is under investigation due to its clinical importance. Underactive thyroid gland causes high TSH levels. Subclinical hypothyroidism is defined as the elevated serum TSH levels in the presence of normal free thyroxin (T4) concentrations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the associations between TSH levels and zinc concentrations in morbid obese (MO) children exhibiting SCHT. The possibility of using the probable association between these parameters was also evaluated for the discrimination of metabolic syndrome positive (MetS+) and metabolic syndrome negative (MetS-) groups. Forty-two children were present in each group. Informed consent forms were obtained. Institutional Ethics Committee approved the study protocol. Tables prepared by World Health Organization were used for the definition of MO children. Children, whose age- and sex-dependent body mass index percentile values were above 99, were defined as MO. Children with at least two MetS components were included in MOMetS+ group. Elevated systolic/diastolic blood pressure values, increased fasting blood glucose, triglycerides (TRG)/decreased high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) concentrations in addition to central obesity were listed as MetS components. Anthropometric measures were recorded. Routine biochemical analyses were performed. Thirteen and fifteen children had SCHT in MOMetS- and MOMetS+ groups, respectively. Statistical analyses were performed. p<0.05 was accepted as statistically significant. In MOMetS- and MOMetS+ groups, TSH levels were 4.1±2.9 mU/L and 4.6±3.1 mU/L, respectively. Corresponding values for SCHT cases in these groups were 7.3±3.1 mU/L and 8.0±2.7 mU/L. Free T4 levels were within normal limits. Zinc concentrations were negatively correlated with TSH levels in both groups. The significant negative correlation calculated in MOMetS+ group (r= -0.909; p<0.001) was much stronger than that found in MOMetS- group (r= -0.706; p<0.05). This strong correlation (r= -0.909; p<0.001) calculated for cases with SCHT in MOMetS+ group was much lower (r= -0.793; p<0.001) when all MOMetS+ cases were considered. Zinc is closely related to T4 and TSH therefore, it participates in thyroid hormone metabolism. Since thyroid hormones are required for zinc absorption, hypothyroidism can lead to zinc deficiency. The presence of strong correlations between TSH and zinc in SCHT cases found in both MOMetS- and MOMetS+ groups pointed out that MO children were under the threat of cardiovascular pathologies. The detection of the much stronger correlation in MOMetS+ group in comparison with the correlation found in MOMetS- group was the indicator of greater cardiovascular risk due to the presence of MetS. In MOMetS+ group, correlation in SCHT cases found higher than correlation calculated for all cases confirmed much higher cardiovascular risk due to the contribution of SCHT.Keywords: cardiovascular risk, children, morbid obesity, subclinical hypothyroidism, zinc
Procedia PDF Downloads 791918 Reading Comprehension in Profound Deaf Readers
Authors: S. Raghibdoust, E. Kamari
Research show that reduced functional hearing has a detrimental influence on the ability of an individual to establish proper phonological representations of words, since the phonological representations are claimed to mediate the conceptual processing of written words. Word processing efficiency is expected to decrease with a decrease in functional hearing. In other words, it is predicted that hearing individuals would be more capable of word processing than individuals with hearing loss, as their functional hearing works normally. Studies also demonstrate that the quality of the functional hearing affects reading comprehension via its effect on their word processing skills. In other words, better hearing facilitates the development of phonological knowledge, and can promote enhanced strategies for the recognition of written words, which in turn positively affect higher-order processes underlying reading comprehension. The aims of this study were to investigate and compare the effect of deafness on the participants’ abilities to process written words at the lexical and sentence levels through using two online and one offline reading comprehension tests. The performance of a group of 8 deaf male students (ages 8-12) was compared with that of a control group of normal hearing male students. All the participants had normal IQ and visual status, and came from an average socioeconomic background. None were diagnosed with a particular learning or motor disability. The language spoken in the homes of all participants was Persian. Two tests of word processing were developed and presented to the participants using OpenSesame software, in order to measure the speed and accuracy of their performance at the two perceptual and conceptual levels. In the third offline test of reading comprehension which comprised of semantically plausible and semantically implausible subject relative clauses, the participants had to select the correct answer out of two choices. The data derived from the statistical analysis using SPSS software indicated that hearing and deaf participants had a similar word processing performance both in terms of speed and accuracy of their responses. The results also showed that there was no significant difference between the performance of the deaf and hearing participants in comprehending semantically plausible sentences (p > 0/05). However, a significant difference between the performances of the two groups was observed with respect to their comprehension of semantically implausible sentences (p < 0/05). In sum, the findings revealed that the seriously impoverished sentence reading ability characterizing the profound deaf subjects of the present research, exhibited their reliance on reading strategies that are based on insufficient or deviant structural knowledge, in particular in processing semantically implausible sentences, rather than a failure to efficiently process written words at the lexical level. This conclusion, of course, does not mean to say that deaf individuals may never experience deficits at the word processing level, deficits that impede their understanding of written texts. However, as stated in previous researches, it sounds reasonable to assume that the more deaf individuals get familiar with written words, the better they can recognize them, despite having a profound phonological weakness.Keywords: deafness, reading comprehension, reading strategy, word processing, subject and object relative sentences
Procedia PDF Downloads 3391917 Cervical Cell Classification Using Random Forests
Authors: Dalwinder Singh, Amandeep Verma, Manpreet Kaur, Birmohan Singh
The detection of pre-cancerous changes using a Pap smear test of cervical cell is the important step for the early diagnosis of cervical cancer. The Pap smear test consists of a sample of human cells taken from the cervix which are analysed to detect cancerous and pre-cancerous stage of the given subject. The manual analysis of these cells is labor intensive and time consuming process which relies on expert cytotechnologist. In this paper, a computer assisted system for the automated analysis of the cervical cells has been proposed. We propose a morphology based approach to the nucleus detection and segmentation of the cytoplasmic region of the given single or multiple overlapped cell. Further, various texture and region based features are calculated from these cells to classify these into normal and abnormal cell. Experimental results on public available dataset show that our system has achieved satisfactory success rate.Keywords: cervical cancer, cervical tissue, mathematical morphology, texture features
Procedia PDF Downloads 5291916 Formulating the Stochastic Finite Elements for Free Vibration Analysis of Plates with Variable Elastic Modulus
Authors: Mojtaba Aghamiri Esfahani, Mohammad Karkon, Seyed Majid Hosseini Nezhad, Reza Hosseini-Ara
In this study, the effect of uncertainty in elastic modulus of a plate on free vibration response is investigated. For this purpose, the elastic modulus of the plate is modeled as stochastic variable with normal distribution. Moreover, the distance autocorrelation function is used for stochastic field. Then, by applying the finite element method and Monte Carlo simulation, stochastic finite element relations are extracted. Finally, with a numerical test, the effect of uncertainty in the elastic modulus on free vibration response of a plate is studied. The results show that the effect of uncertainty in elastic modulus of the plate cannot play an important role on the free vibration response.Keywords: stochastic finite elements, plate bending, free vibration, Monte Carlo, Neumann expansion method.
Procedia PDF Downloads 3971915 Machine Learning Approach for Anomaly Detection in the Simulated Iec-60870-5-104 Traffic
Authors: Stepan Grebeniuk, Ersi Hodo, Henri Ruotsalainen, Paul Tavolato
Substation security plays an important role in the power delivery system. During the past years, there has been an increase in number of attacks on automation networks of the substations. In spite of that, there hasn’t been enough focus dedicated to the protection of such networks. Aiming to design a specialized anomaly detection system based on machine learning, in this paper we will discuss the IEC 60870-5-104 protocol that is used for communication between substation and control station and focus on the simulation of the substation traffic. Firstly, we will simulate the communication between substation slave and server. Secondly, we will compare the system's normal behavior and its behavior under the attack, in order to extract the right features which will be needed for building an anomaly detection system. Lastly, based on the features we will suggest the anomaly detection system for the asynchronous protocol IEC 60870-5-104.Keywords: Anomaly detection, IEC-60870-5-104, Machine learning, Man-in-the-Middle attacks, Substation security
Procedia PDF Downloads 3711914 The Development of Cardiac Tamponade after Spinal Surgery in a Patient with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Authors: Hacer Y. Teke, Sultan Pehlivan, Mustafa Karapırlı, Asude Gökmen, Sait Özsoy
The case is here presented of a patient with DMD with electrocardiograph findings within normal limits who underwent spinal surgery then developed the rarely seen complication of cardiac tamponade which resulted in death. A 17-year old male with DMD was admitted to hospital for spinal surgery. Due to a postoperative drop in hemoglobin, blood transfusion was administered to the patient, no complication developed and he was discharged on the third day. Four days after discharge, the patient worsened at home and an ambulance was called. Before the nearest hospital was reached, the patient died in the ambulance. An autopsy was performed. A fatal but rarely seen complication of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) is myocardial rupture. 85% of ruptures occur in the first week of AMI but just as they can be seen on the day of the infarct, they can also be seen 2 weeks later. The case presented here had infarction findings related to different times and in different areas.Keywords: duchenne muscular dystrophy, myocardial infarction, myocardial rupture, anesthesia
Procedia PDF Downloads 4841913 Applying Spanning Tree Graph Theory for Automatic Database Normalization
Authors: Chetneti Srisa-an
In Knowledge and Data Engineering field, relational database is the best repository to store data in a real world. It has been using around the world more than eight decades. Normalization is the most important process for the analysis and design of relational databases. It aims at creating a set of relational tables with minimum data redundancy that preserve consistency and facilitate correct insertion, deletion, and modification. Normalization is a major task in the design of relational databases. Despite its importance, very few algorithms have been developed to be used in the design of commercial automatic normalization tools. It is also rare technique to do it automatically rather manually. Moreover, for a large and complex database as of now, it make even harder to do it manually. This paper presents a new complete automated relational database normalization method. It produces the directed graph and spanning tree, first. It then proceeds with generating the 2NF, 3NF and also BCNF normal forms. The benefit of this new algorithm is that it can cope with a large set of complex function dependencies.Keywords: relational database, functional dependency, automatic normalization, primary key, spanning tree
Procedia PDF Downloads 3531912 Gravity and Geodetic Control of Geodynamic Activity near Aswan Lake, Egypt
Authors: Anwar H. Radwan, Jan Mrlina, El-Sayed A. Issawy, Ali Rayan, Salah M. Mahmoud
Geodynamic investigations in the Aswan Lake region were started after the M=5.5 earthquake in 1981, triggered by the lake water fluctuations. Besides establishing the seismological networks, also the geodetic observations focused on the Kalabsha and Sayal fault zones were started. It was found that the Kalabsha fault is an active dextral strike-slip with normal component indicating uplift on its southern side. However, the annual velocity rates in both components do not exceed 2 mm/y, and do not therefore represent extremely active faulting. We also launched gravity monitoring in 1997, and performed another two campaigns in 2000 and 2002. The observed non- tidal temporal gravity changes indicate rather the flood water infiltration into the porous Nubian sandstone, than tectonic stress effect. The station nearest to the lake exhibited about 60 μGal positive gravity change within the 1997-2002 period.Keywords: gravity monitoring, surface movements, Lake Aswan, groundwater change
Procedia PDF Downloads 5051911 Whale Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Solution Under Various Contingency Conditions
Authors: Medani Khaled Ben Oualid
Most of researchers solved and analyzed the ORPD problem in the normal conditions. However, network collapses appear in contingency conditions. In this paper, ORPD under several contingencies is presented using the proposed method WOA. To ensure viability of the power system in contingency conditions, several critical cases are simulated in order to prevent and prepare the power system to face such situations. The results obtained are carried out in IEEE 30 bus test system for the solution of ORPD problem in which control of bus voltages, tap position of transformers and reactive power sources are involved. Moreover, another method, namely, Particle Swarm Optimization with Time Varying Acceleration Coefficient (PSO-TVAC) has been compared with the proposed technique. Simulation results indicate that the proposed WOA gives remarkable solution in terms of effectiveness in case of outages.Keywords: optimal reactive power dispatch, metaheuristic techniques, whale optimization algorithm, real power loss minimization, contingency conditions
Procedia PDF Downloads 911910 Using Virtual Reality Exergaming to Improve Health of College Students
Authors: Juanita Wallace, Mark Jackson, Bethany Jurs
Introduction: Exergames, VR games used as a form of exercise, are being used to reduce sedentary lifestyles in a vast number of populations. However, there is a distinct lack of research comparing the physiological response during VR exergaming to that of traditional exercises. The purpose of this study was to create a foundationary investigation establishing changes in physiological responses resulting from VR exergaming in a college aged population. Methods: In this IRB approved study, college aged students were recruited to play a virtual reality exergame (Beat Saber) on the Oculus Quest 2 (Facebook, 2021) in either a control group (CG) or training group (TG). Both groups consisted of subjects who were not habitual users of virtual reality. The CG played VR one time per week for three weeks and the TG played 150 min/week three weeks. Each group played the same nine Beat Saber songs, in a randomized order, during 30 minute sessions. Song difficulty was increased during play based on song performance. Subjects completed a pre- and posttests at which the following was collected: • Beat Saber Game Metrics: song level played, song score, number of beats completed per song and accuracy (beats completed/total beats) • Physiological Data: heart rate (max and avg.), active calories • Demographics Results: A total of 20 subjects completed the study; nine in the CG (3 males, 6 females) and 11 (5 males, 6 females) in the TG. • Beat Saber Song Metrics: The TG improved performance from a normal/hard difficulty to hard/expert. The CG stayed at the normal/hard difficulty. At the pretest there was no difference in game accuracy between groups. However, at the posttest the CG had a higher accuracy. • Physiological Data (Table 1): Average heart rates were similar between the TG and CG at both the pre- and posttest. However, the TG expended more total calories. Discussion: Due to the lack of peer reviewed literature on c exergaming using Beat Saber, the results of this study cannot be directly compared. However, the results of this study can be compared with the previously established trends for traditional exercise. In traditional exercise, an increase in training volume equates to increased efficiency at the activity. The TG should naturally increase in difficulty at a faster rate than the CG because they played 150 hours per week. Heart rate and caloric responses also increase during traditional exercise as load increases (i.e. speed or resistance). The TG reported an increase in total calories due to a higher difficulty of play. The song accuracy decreases in the TG can be explained by the increased difficulty of play. Conclusion: VR exergaming is comparable to traditional exercise for loads within the 50-70% of maximum heart rate. The ability to use VR for health could motivate individuals who do not engage in traditional exercise. In addition, individuals in health professions can and should promote VR exergaming as a viable way to increase physical activity and improve health in their clients/patients.Keywords: virtual reality, exergaming, health, heart rate, wellness
Procedia PDF Downloads 1881909 Somatic Hybridization of between Citrus and Murraya paniculata Cells Applied by Electro-Fusion
Authors: Hasan Basri Jumin
Protoplasts isolated from embryogenic callus of Citrus sinensis were electrically used with mesophyll protoplasts isolated from seedless Citrus relatives. Hybrid of somatic embryos plantlets was obtained after 7 months of culture. Somatic hybrid plants were regenerated into normal seedlings and successfully transferred to soil after strictly acclimatization in the glass pot. The somatic hybrid plants were obtained by screening on the basis of chromosomes count. The number of chromosome of root tip counting revealed plantlets tetraploids (2n = 4x = 36) and the other were diploids (2n = 2x = 18) morphologically resembling the mesophyll parent. This somatic hybrid will be utilized as a possible pollen parent for improving the Citrus sinensis. A complete protoplast-to-plant system of somatic hybrid was developed for Citrus sinensis and Citrus relatives which could facilitate the transfer of nuclear and cytoplasmic genes from this species into cultivated Citrus through protoplast fusion.Keywords: chromosome, Murraya paniculata, protoplast fusion, somatic hybrid, tetrapoliod
Procedia PDF Downloads 3411908 Auditory Function in Hypothyroidism as Compared to Controls
Authors: Mrunal Phatak
Introduction: Thyroid hormone is important for the normal function of the auditory system. Hearing impairment can occur insidiously in subclinical hypothyroidism. The present study was undertaken with the aim of evaluating audiological tests like tuning fork tests, pure tone audiometry, brainstem evoked auditory potentials (BAEPs), and auditory reaction time (ART) in hypothyroid women and in age and sex-matched controls to evaluate the effect of thyroid hormone on hearing. The objective of the study was to investigate hearing status by the audiological profile in hypothyroidism (group 1) and healthy controls (group 2) to compare the audiological profile between these groups and find the correlation of levels of TSH, T3 and T4 with the above parameters. Material and methods: A total sample size of 124 women in the age group of 30 to 50 years was recruited and divided into the Cases group comprising 62 newly diagnosed hypothyroid women and a Control group having 62 women with normal thyroid profiles. Otoscopic examination, tuning fork tests, Pure tone audiometry tests (PTA). Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potential (BAEP) and Auditory Reaction Time (ART) were done in both ears, i.e., a total of 248 ears of all subjects. Results: By BAEPs, hearing impairment was detected in a total of 64 years (51.61%). A significant increase was seen in Wave V latency, IPL I-V and IPL III-V, and the decrease was seen in the amplitude of Wave I and V in both the ears cases. A positive correlation of Wave V latency of the Right and Left ears is seen with TSH levels (p < 0.001) and a negative correlation with T3 (>0.05) and with T4 (p < 0.01). The negative correlation of wave V amplitude of the Right and Left ears is seen with TSH levels (p < 0.001), and a significant positive correlation is seen with T3 and T4. Pure tone audiometry parameters showed hearing impairment of conductive (31.29%), sensorineural (36.29%), as well as mixed type (15.32%). Hearing loss was mild in 65.32% of ears and moderate in 17.74% of ears. Pure tone averages (PTA) were significantly increased in cases than in controls in both ears. A significant positive correlation of PTA of Right and Left ears is seen with TSH levels (p<0.05). A negative correlation between T3 and T4 is seen. A significant increase in HF ART and LF ART is seen in cases as compared to controls. A positive correlation between ART of high frequency and low frequency is seen with TSH levels and a negative correlation with T3 and T4 (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The abnormal BAEPs in hypothyroid women suggest an impaired central auditory pathway. BAEP abnormalities are indicative of a nonspecific injury in the bulbo-ponto-mesencephalic centers. The results of auditory investigations suggest a causal relationship between hypothyroidism and hearing loss. The site of lesion in the auditory pathway is probably at several levels, namely, in the middle ear and at cochlear and retrocochlear sites. Prolonged ART also suggests an impairment in central processing mechanisms. The results of the present study conclude that the probable reason for hearing impairment in hypothyroidism may be delayed impulse conduction in the acoustic nerve up to the level of the midbrain (IPL I-V, III-V), particularly the inferior colliculus (wave V). There is also impairment in central processing mechanisms, as shown by prolonged ART.Keywords: hypothyroidism, deafness, pure tone audiometry, brain stem auditory evoked potential
Procedia PDF Downloads 401907 The Effect of Awareness-Raising on Household Water Consumption
Authors: R. Morbidelli, C. Saltalippi, A. Flammini, J. Dari
This work analyses what effect systematic awareness-raising of the population on domestic water consumption produces. In a period where the availability of water is continually decreasing due to reduced rainfall, it is of paramount importance to raise awareness among the population. We conducted an experiment on a large sample of homes in urban areas of Central Italy. In the first phase, lasting three weeks, normal per capita, water consumption was quantified. Subsequently, instructions were given on how to save water during various uses in the household (showers, cleaning hands, use of water in toilets, watering small green areas, use of water in the kitchen, ...), and small visual messages were posted at water dispensers to remind users to behave properly. Finally, household consumption was assessed again for a further three weeks. This experiment made it possible to quantify the effect of the awareness-raising action on the reduction of water consumption without the use of any structural action (replacement of dispensers, improvement of the water system, ...).Keywords: water saving, urban areas, awareness-raising, climate change
Procedia PDF Downloads 1071906 Influence of Tactile Symbol Size on Its Perceptibility in Consideration of Effect of Aging
Authors: T. Nishimura, K. Doi, H. Fujimoto, T. Wada
We conducted perception experiments on tactile symbols to elucidate the impact of the size of these letters on the level of perceptibility. This study was based on the accessible design perspective and aimed at expanding the availability of tactile symbols for the visually impaired who are unable to read Braille characters. In particular, this study targeted people with acquired visual impairments as users of the tactile symbols. The subjects (young and elderly individuals) in this study had normal vision. They were asked to participate in the experiments to identify tactile symbols while unable to see their hand during the experiments. This study investigated the relation between the size and perceptibility of tactile symbols based on an examination using test pieces of these letters in different sizes. The results revealed that the error rates for both young and elderly subjects converged to almost 0% when 12 mm size tactile symbols were used. The findings also showed that the error rate was low and subjects could identify the symbols in 5 s when 16 mm size tactile symbols were introduced.Keywords: accessible design, tactile sense, tactile symbols, bioinformatic
Procedia PDF Downloads 3531905 Copula Markov Switching Multifractal Models for Forecasting Value-at-Risk
Authors: Giriraj Achari, Malay Bhattacharyya
In this paper, the effectiveness of Copula Markov Switching Multifractal (MSM) models at forecasting Value-at-Risk of a two-stock portfolio is studied. The innovations are allowed to be drawn from distributions that can capture skewness and leptokurtosis, which are well documented empirical characteristics observed in financial returns. The candidate distributions considered for this purpose are Johnson-SU, Pearson Type-IV and α-Stable distributions. The two univariate marginal distributions are combined using the Student-t copula. The estimation of all parameters is performed by Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Finally, the models are compared in terms of accurate Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecasts using tests of unconditional coverage and independence. It is found that Copula-MSM-models with leptokurtic innovation distributions perform slightly better than Copula-MSM model with Normal innovations. Copula-MSM models, in general, produce better VaR forecasts as compared to traditional methods like Historical Simulation method, Variance-Covariance approach and Copula-Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (Copula-GARCH) models.Keywords: Copula, Markov Switching, multifractal, value-at-risk
Procedia PDF Downloads 1651904 Auditory Profile Function in Hypothyroidism
Authors: Mrunal Phatak, Suvarna Raut
Introduction: Thyroid hormone is important for the normal function of the auditory system. Hearing impairment can occur insidiously in subclinical hypothyroidism. The present study was undertaken with the aims of evaluating audiological tests like tuning fork tests, pure tone audiometry, brainstem evoked auditory potentials (BAEPs), and auditory reaction time (ART) in hypothyroid women and in age and sex matched controls so as to evaluate the effect of thyroid hormone on hearing. The objective of the study was to investigate hearing status by the audiological profile in hypothyroidism (group 1) and healthy controls ( group 2) to compare the audiological profile between these groups and find the correlation of levels of TSH, T3, and T4 with the above parameters. Material and methods: A total sample size of 124 women in the age group of 30 to 50 years was recruited and divided into the Cases group comprising of 62 newly diagnosed hypothyroid women and the Control group having 62 women with normal thyroid profile. Otoscopic examination, tuning fork tests, Pure tone audiometry tests (PTA). Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Potential (BAEP) and Auditory Reaction Time (ART) were done in both ears, i.e. total 248 ears of all subjects. Results: By BAEPs, hearing impairment was detected in total 64 ears (51.61%). A significant increase was seen in Wave V latency, IPL I-V, and IPL III-V, and the decrease was seen in the amplitude of Wave I and V in both the ears in cases. Positive correlation of Wave V latency of Right and Left ears is seen with TSH levels (p < 0.001) and a negative correlation with T3 (>0.05) and with T4 (p < 0.01). Negative correlation of wave V amplitude of Right and Left ears is seen with TSH levels (p < 0.001), and a significant positive correlation is seen with T3 and T4. Pure tone audiometry parameters showed hearing impairment of conductive (31.29%), sensorineural (36.29%), as well as the mixed type (15.32%). Hearing loss was mild in 65.32% of ears and moderate in 17.74% of ears. Pure tone averages (PTA) were significantly increased in cases than in controls in both the ears. Significant positive correlation of PTA of Right and Left ears is seen with TSH levels (p<0.05). Negative correlation with T3 and T4 is seen. A significant increase in HF ART and LF ART is seen in cases as compared to controls. Positive correlation of ART of high frequency and low frequency is seen with TSH levels and a negative correlation with T3 and T4 (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The abnormal BAEPs in hypothyroid women suggest an impaired central auditory pathway. BAEP abnormalities are indicative of a nonspecific injury in the bulbo-ponto-mesencephalic centres. The results of auditory investigations suggest a causal relationship between hypothyroidism and hearing loss. The site of lesion in the auditory pathway is probably at several levels, namely, in the middle ear and at cochlear and retrocochlear sites. Prolonged ART also suggests the impairment in central processing mechanisms. The results of the present study conclude that the probable reason for hearing impairment in hypothyroidism may be delayed impulse conduction in acoustic nerve up to the level of the midbrain (IPL I-V, III-V), particularly inferior colliculus (wave V). There is also impairment in central processing mechanisms, as shown by prolonged ART.Keywords: deafness, pure tone audiometry, brain stem auditory evoked potential, hyopothyroidism
Procedia PDF Downloads 1331903 Computational Cell Segmentation in Immunohistochemically Image of Meningioma Tumor Using Fuzzy C-Means and Adaptive Vector Directional Filter
Authors: Vahid Anari, Leila Shahmohammadi
Diagnosing and interpreting manually from a large cohort dataset of immunohistochemically stained tissue of tumors using an optical microscope involves subjectivity and also is tedious for pathologist specialists. Moreover, digital pathology today represents more of an evolution than a revolution in pathology. In this paper, we develop and test an unsupervised algorithm that can automatically enhance the IHC image of a meningioma tumor and classify cells into positive (proliferative) and negative (normal) cells. A dataset including 150 images is used to test the scheme. In addition, a new adaptive color image enhancement method is proposed based on a vector directional filter (VDF) and statistical properties of filtering the window. Since the cells are distinguishable by the human eye, the accuracy and stability of the algorithm are quantitatively compared through application to a wide variety of real images.Keywords: digital pathology, cell segmentation, immunohistochemically, noise reduction
Procedia PDF Downloads 681902 SCR-Stacking Structure with High Holding Voltage for IO and Power Clamp
Authors: Hyun Young Kim, Chung Kwang Lee, Han Hee Cho, Sang Woon Cho, Yong Seo Koo
In this paper, we proposed a novel SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) - based ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) protection device for I/O and power clamp. The proposed device has a higher holding voltage characteristic than conventional SCR. These characteristics enable to have latch-up immunity under normal operating conditions as well as superior full chip ESD protection. The proposed device was analyzed to figure out electrical characteristics and tolerance robustness in term of individual design parameters (D1, D2, D3). They are investigated by using the Synopsys TCAD simulator. As a result of simulation, holding voltage increased with different design parameters. The holding voltage of the proposed device changes from 3.3V to 7.9V. Also, N-Stack structure ESD device with the high holding voltage is proposed. In the simulation results, 2-stack has holding voltage of 6.8V and 3-stack has holding voltage of 10.5V. The simulation results show that holding voltage of stacking structure can be larger than the operation voltage of high-voltage application.Keywords: ESD, SCR, holding voltage, stack, power clamp
Procedia PDF Downloads 5591901 Gravitational Frequency Shifts for Photons and Particles
Authors: Jing-Gang Xie
The research, in this case, considers the integration of the Quantum Field Theory and the General Relativity Theory. As two successful models in explaining behaviors of particles, they are incompatible since they work at different masses and scales of energy, with the evidence that regards the description of black holes and universe formation. It is so considering previous efforts in merging the two theories, including the likes of the String Theory, Quantum Gravity models, and others. In a bid to prove an actionable experiment, the paper’s approach starts with the derivations of the existing theories at present. It goes on to test the derivations by applying the same initial assumptions, coupled with several deviations. The resulting equations get similar results to those of classical Newton model, quantum mechanics, and general relativity as long as conditions are normal. However, outcomes are different when conditions are extreme, specifically with no breakdowns even for less than Schwarzschild radius, or at Planck length cases. Even so, it proves the possibilities of integrating the two theories.Keywords: general relativity theory, particles, photons, Quantum Gravity Model, gravitational frequency shift
Procedia PDF Downloads 3591900 Can Bone Resorption Reduce with Nanocalcium Particles in Astronauts?
Authors: Ravi Teja Mandapaka, Prasanna Kumar Kukkamalla
Poor absorption of calcium, elevated levels in serum and loss of bone are major problems of astronauts during space travel. Supplementation of calcium could not reveal this problem. In normal condition only 33% of calcium is absorbed from dietary sources. In this paper effect of space environment on calcium metabolism was discussed. Many surprising study findings were found during literature survey. Clinical trials on ovariectomized mice showed that reduction of calcium particles to nano level make them more absorbable and bioavailable. Control of bone loss in astronauts in critical important In Fortification of milk with nana calcium particles showed reduces urinary pyridinoline, deoxypyridinoline levels. Dietary calcium and supplementation do not show much retention of calcium in zero gravity environment where absorption is limited. So, the fortification of foods with nano calcium particles seemed beneficial for astronauts during and after space travel in their speedy recovery.Keywords: nano calcium, astronauts, fortification, supplementation
Procedia PDF Downloads 4951899 Use of In-line Data Analytics and Empirical Model for Early Fault Detection
Authors: Hyun-Woo Cho
Automatic process monitoring schemes are designed to give early warnings for unusual process events or abnormalities as soon as possible. For this end, various techniques have been developed and utilized in various industrial processes. It includes multivariate statistical methods, representation skills in reduced spaces, kernel-based nonlinear techniques, etc. This work presents a nonlinear empirical monitoring scheme for batch type production processes with incomplete process measurement data. While normal operation data are easy to get, unusual fault data occurs infrequently and thus are difficult to collect. In this work, noise filtering steps are added in order to enhance monitoring performance by eliminating irrelevant information of the data. The performance of the monitoring scheme was demonstrated using batch process data. The results showed that the monitoring performance was improved significantly in terms of detection success rate of process fault.Keywords: batch process, monitoring, measurement, kernel method
Procedia PDF Downloads 3231898 Reliable Line-of-Sight and Non-Line-of-Sight Propagation Channel Identification in Ultra-Wideband Wireless Networks
Authors: Mohamed Adnan Landolsi, Ali F. Almutairi
The paper addresses the problem of line-of-sight (LOS) vs. non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation link identification in ultra-wideband (UWB) wireless networks, which is necessary for improving the accuracy of radiolocation and positioning applications. A LOS/NLOS likelihood hypothesis testing approach is applied based on exploiting distinctive statistical features of the channel impulse response (CIR) using parameters related to the “skewness” of the CIR and its root mean square (RMS) delay spread. A log-normal fit is presented for the probability densities of the CIR parameters. Simulation results show that different environments (residential, office, outdoor, etc.) have measurable differences in their CIR parameters’ statistics, which is then exploited in determining the nature of the propagation channels. Correct LOS/NLOS channel identification rates exceeding 90% are shown to be achievable for most types of environments. Additional improvement is also obtained by combining both CIR skewness and RMS delay statistics.Keywords: UWB, propagation, LOS, NLOS, identification
Procedia PDF Downloads 2531897 In Vitro Evaluation of a Chitosan-Based Adhesive to Treat Bone Fractures
Authors: Francisco J. Cedano, Laura M. Pinzón, Camila I. Castro, Felipe Salcedo, Juan P. Casas, Juan C. Briceño
Complex fractures located in articular surfaces are challenging to treat and their reduction with conventional treatments could compromise the functionality of the affected limb. An adhesive material to treat those fractures is desirable for orthopedic surgeons. This adhesive must be biocompatible and have a high adhesion to bone surface in an aqueous environment. The proposed adhesive is based on chitosan, given its adhesive and biocompatibility properties. Chitosan is mixed with calcium carbonate and hydroxyapatite, which contribute to structural support and a gel like behavior, and glutaraldehyde is used as a cross-linking agent to keep the adhesive mechanical performance in aqueous environment. This work aims to evaluate the rheological, adhesion strength and biocompatibility properties of the proposed adhesive using in vitro tests. The gelification process of the adhesive was monitored by oscillatory rheometry in an ARG-2 TA Instruments rheometer, using a parallel plate geometry of 22 mm and a gap of 1 mm. Time sweep experiments were conducted at 1 Hz frequency, 1% strain and 37°C from 0 to 2400 s. Adhesion strength is measured using a butt joint test with bovine cancellous bone fragments as substrates. The test is conducted at 5 min, 20min and 24 hours after curing the adhesive under water at 37°C. Biocompatibility is evaluated by a cytotoxicity test in a fibroblast cell culture using MTT assay and SEM. Rheological results concluded that the average gelification time of the adhesive is 820±107 s, also it reaches storage modulus magnitudes up to 106 Pa; The adhesive show solid-like behavior. Butt joint test showed 28.6 ± 9.2 kPa of tensile bond strength for the adhesive cured for 24 hours. Also there was no significant difference in adhesion strength between 20 minutes and 24 hours. MTT showed 70 ± 23 % of active cells at sixth day of culture, this percentage is estimated respect to a positive control (only cells with culture medium and bovine serum). High vacuum SEM observation permitted to localize and study the morphology of fibroblasts presented in the adhesive. All captured fibroblasts presented in SEM typical flatted structure with filopodia growth attached to adhesive surface. This project reports an adhesive based on chitosan that is biocompatible due to high active cells presented in MTT test and these results were correlated using SEM. Also, it has adhesion properties in conditions that model the clinical application, and the adhesion strength do not decrease between 5 minutes and 24 hours.Keywords: bioadhesive, bone adhesive, calcium carbonate, chitosan, hydroxyapatite, glutaraldehyde
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