Search results for: in vitro gas production
7478 The Integration of Cleaner Production Innovation and Creativity for Supply Chain Sustainability of Bogor Batik SMEs
Authors: Sawarni Hasibuan, Juliza Hidayati
Competitiveness and sustainability issues not only put pressure on big companies, but also small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs Batik Bogor is one of the local culture-based creative industries in Bogor city which is also dealing with the issue of sustainability. The purpose of this research is to develop framework of sustainability at SMEs Batik Indonesia case of SMEs Batik Bogor by integrating innovation of cleaner production in its supply chain. The approach used is desk study, field survey, in-depth interviews, and benchmarking best practices of SMEs sustainability. In-depth interviews involve stakeholders to identify the needs and standards of sustainability of SMEs Batik. Data analysis was done by benchmarking method, Multi Dimension Scaling (MDS) method, and Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) analysis. The results recommend the framework of sustainability for SMEs Batik in Indonesia. The sustainability status of SMEs Batik Bogor is classified as Moderate Sustainable. Factors that support the sustainability of SMEs Batik Bogor such is a strong commitment of top management in adopting cleaner production innovation and creativity approach. Successful cleaner production innovations are implemented primarily in the substitution of dye materials from toxic to non-toxic, reducing the intensity of non-renewable energy use, as well as the reuse and recycle of solid waste. “Mosaic Batik” is one of the innovations of solid waste utilization of batik waste produced by company R&D center that gives benefit to three pillars of sustainability, that is financial benefit, environmental benefit, and social benefit. The sustainability of SMEs Batik Bogor cannot be separated from the support of Bogor City Government which proactively facilitates the promotion of sustainable innovation produced by SMEs Batik Bogor.Keywords: cleaner production innovation, creativity, SMEs Batik, sustainability supply chain
Procedia PDF Downloads 2817477 Analysis of a Lignocellulose Degrading Microbial Consortium to Enhance the Anaerobic Digestion of Rice Straws
Authors: Supanun Kangrang, Kraipat Cheenkachorn, Kittiphong Rattanaporn, Malinee Sriariyanun
Rice straw is lignocellulosic biomass which can be utilized as substrate for the biogas production. However, due to the property and composition of rice straw, it is difficult to be degraded by hydrolysis enzymes. One of the pretreatment method that modifies such properties of lignocellulosic biomass is the application of lignocellulose-degrading microbial consortia. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of microbial consortia to enhance biogas production. To select the high efficient consortium, cellulase enzymes were extracted and their activities were analyzed. The results suggested that microbial consortium culture obtained from cattle manure is the best candidate compared to decomposed wood and horse manure. A microbial consortium isolated from cattle manure was then mixed with anaerobic sludge and used as inoculum for biogas production. The optimal conditions for biogas production were investigated using response surface methodology (RSM). The tested parameters were the ratio of amount of microbial consortium isolated and amount of anaerobic sludge (MI:AS), substrate to inoculum ratio (S:I) and temperature. Here, the value of the regression coefficient R2 = 0.7661 could be explained by the model which is high to advocate the significance of the model. The highest cumulative biogas yield was 104.6 ml/g-rice straw at optimum ratio of MI:AS, ratio of S:I, and temperature of 2.5:1, 15:1 and 44°C respectively.Keywords: lignocellulolytic biomass, microbial consortium, cellulase, biogas, Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
Procedia PDF Downloads 3997476 Response of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to Deficit Irrigation Management in the Semi-Arid Awash Basin of Ethiopia
Authors: Gobena D. Bayisa, A. Mekonen, Megersa O. Dinka, Tilahun H. Nebi, M. Boja
Crop production in arid and semi-arid regions of Ethiopia is largely limited by water availability. Changing climate conditions and declining water resources increase the need for appropriate approaches to improve water use and find ways to increase production through reduced and more reliable water supply. In the years 2021/22 and 2022/23, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of limited irrigation water use on bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production, water use efficiency, and financial benefits. Five irrigation treatments, i.e., full irrigation (100% ETc/ control), 85% ETc, 70% ETc, 55% ETc, and 40% ETc, were evaluated using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replicates in the semi-arid climate condition of Awash basin of Ethiopia. Statistical analysis showed a significant effect of irrigation levels on wheat grain yield, water use efficiency, crop water response factor, economic profit, wheat grain quality, aboveground biomass, and yield index. The highest grain yield (5085 kg ha⁻¹) was obtained with 100% ETc irrigation (417.2 mm), and the lowest grain yield with 40% ETc (223.7 mm). Of the treatments, 70% ETc produced the higher wheat grain yield (4555 kg ha⁻¹), the highest water use efficiency (1.42 kg m⁻³), and the highest yield index (0.43). Using the saved water, wheat could be produced 23.4% more with a 70% ETc deficit than full irrigation on 1.38 ha of land, and it could get the highest profit (US$2563.9) and higher MRR (137%). The yield response factor and crop-water production function showed potential reductions associated with increased irrigation deficits. However, a 70% ETc deficit is optimal for increasing wheat grain yield, water use efficiency, and economic benefits of irrigated wheat production. The result indicates that deficit irrigation of wheat under the typical arid and semi-arid climatic conditions of the Awash Basin can be a viable irrigation management approach for enhancing water use efficiency while minimizing the decrease in crop yield could be considered effective.Keywords: crop-water response factor, deficit irrigation, water use efficiency, wheat production
Procedia PDF Downloads 707475 Characterization of Fish Bone Catalyst for Biodiesel Production
Authors: Sarina Sulaiman, N.Khairudin , P.Jamal, M.Z. Alam, Zaki Zainudin, S. Azmi
In this study, fish bone waste was used as a new catalyst for biodiesel production. Instead of discarding the fish bone waste, it will be utilized as a source for catalyst that can provide significant benefit to the environment. Also, it can be substitute as a calcium oxide source instead of using eggshell, crab shell and snail shell. The XRD and SEM analysis proved that calcined fish bone contains calcium oxide, calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite. The catalyst was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD).Keywords: calcinations, fish bone, transesterification, waste catalyst
Procedia PDF Downloads 3047474 Application of Powder Metallurgy Technologies for Gas Turbine Engine Wheel Production
Authors: Liubov Magerramova, Eugene Kratt, Pavel Presniakov
A detailed analysis has been performed for several schemes of Gas Turbine Wheels production based on additive and powder technologies including metal, ceramic, and stereolithography 3-D printing. During the process of development and debugging of gas turbine engine components, different versions of these components must be manufactured and tested. Cooled blades of the turbine are among of these components. They are usually produced by traditional casting methods. This method requires long and costly design and manufacture of casting molds. Moreover, traditional manufacturing methods limit the design possibilities of complex critical parts of engine, so capabilities of Powder Metallurgy Techniques (PMT) were analyzed to manufacture the turbine wheel with air-cooled blades. PMT dramatically reduce time needed for such production and allow creating new complex design solutions aimed at improving the technical characteristics of the engine: improving fuel efficiency and environmental performance, increasing reliability, and reducing weight. To accelerate and simplify the blades manufacturing process, several options based on additive technologies were used. The options were implemented in the form of various casting equipment for the manufacturing of blades. Methods of powder metallurgy were applied for connecting the blades with the disc. The optimal production scheme and a set of technologies for the manufacturing of blades and turbine wheel and other parts of the engine can be selected on the basis of the options considered.Keywords: additive technologies, gas turbine engine, powder technology, turbine wheel
Procedia PDF Downloads 3207473 Multimodal Discourse, Logic of the Analysis of Transmedia Strategies
Authors: Bianca Suárez Puerta
Multimodal discourse refers to a method of study the media continuum between reality, screens as a device, audience, author, and media as a production from the audience. For this study we used semantic differential, a method proposed in the sixties by Osgood, Suci and Tannenbaum, starts from the assumption that under each particular way of perceiving the world, in each singular idea, there is a common cultural meaning that organizes experiences. In relation to these shared symbolic dimension, this method has had significant results, as it focuses on breaking down the meaning of certain significant acts into series of statements that place the subjects in front of some concepts. In Colombia, in 2016, a tool was designed to measure the meaning of a multimodal production, specially the acts of sense of transmedia productions that managed to receive funds from the Ministry of ICT of Colombia, and also, to analyze predictable patterns that can be found in calls and funds aimed at the production of culture in Colombia, in the context of the peace agreement, as a request for expressions from a hegemonic place, seeking to impose a worldview.Keywords: semantic differential, semiotics, transmedia, critical analysis of discourse
Procedia PDF Downloads 2077472 Optimal Bayesian Chart for Controlling Expected Number of Defects in Production Processes
In this paper, we develop an optimal Bayesian chart to control the expected number of defects per inspection unit in production processes with long production runs. We formulate this control problem in the optimal stopping framework. The objective is to determine the optimal stopping rule minimizing the long-run expected average cost per unit time considering partial information obtained from the process sampling at regular epochs. We prove the optimality of the control limit policy, i.e., the process is stopped and the search for assignable causes is initiated when the posterior probability that the process is out of control exceeds a control limit. An algorithm in the semi-Markov decision process framework is developed to calculate the optimal control limit and the corresponding average cost. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the developed optimal control chart and to compare it with the traditional u-chart.Keywords: Bayesian u-chart, economic design, optimal stopping, semi-Markov decision process, statistical process control
Procedia PDF Downloads 5737471 Application of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) on the Virtual Process Hazard Analysis of Acetone Production Process
Authors: Princes Ann E. Prieto, Denise F. Alpuerto, John Rafael C. Unlayao, Neil Concibido, Monet Concepcion Maguyon-Detras
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) has been used in the virtual Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) of the Acetone production process through the dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol, for which very limited process risk assessment has been published. In this study, the potential failure modes, effects, and possible causes of selected major equipment in the process were identified. During the virtual FMEA mock sessions, the risks in the process were evaluated and recommendations to reduce and/or mitigate the process risks were formulated. The risk was estimated using the calculated risk priority number (RPN) and was classified into four (4) levels according to their effects on acetone production. Results of this study were also used to rank the criticality of equipment in the process based on the calculated criticality rating (CR). Bow tie diagrams were also created for the critical hazard scenarios identified in the study.Keywords: chemical process safety, failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), process hazard analysis (PHA), process safety management (PSM)
Procedia PDF Downloads 1387470 Co-Gasification Process for Green and Blue Hydrogen Production: Innovative Process Development, Economic Analysis, and Exergy Assessment
Authors: Yousaf Ayub
A co-gasification process, which involves the utilization of both biomass and plastic waste, has been developed to enable the production of blue and green hydrogen. To support this endeavor, an Aspen Plus simulation model has been meticulously created, and sustainability analysis is being conducted, focusing on economic viability, energy efficiency, advanced exergy considerations, and exergoeconomics evaluations. In terms of economic analysis, the process has demonstrated strong economic sustainability, as evidenced by an internal rate of return (IRR) of 8% at a process efficiency level of 70%. At present, the process has the potential to generate approximately 1100 kWh of electric power, with any excess electricity, beyond meeting the process requirements, capable of being harnessed for green hydrogen production via an alkaline electrolysis cell (AEC). This surplus electricity translates to a potential daily hydrogen production of around 200 kg. The exergy analysis of the model highlights that the gasifier component exhibits the lowest exergy efficiency, resulting in the highest energy losses, amounting to approximately 40%. Additionally, advanced exergy analysis findings pinpoint the gasifier as the primary source of exergy destruction, totaling around 9000 kW, with associated exergoeconomics costs amounting to 6500 $/h. Consequently, improving the gasifier's performance is a critical focal point for enhancing the overall sustainability of the process, encompassing energy, exergy, and economic considerations.Keywords: blue hydrogen, green hydrogen, co-gasification, waste valorization, exergy analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 677469 Enhancing Food Security through Cabbage Production by Local Fammers in Nkokobe Municipality
Authors: Sipumle Qapeshu, Bongiwe Mcata, Ajuruchukwu Obi
Subsistence farmers practice farming for survival while commercial farmers produce to feed themselves and larger society with the motive to achieve highest profit. These types of farmers are characterised by growing what they eat, live without making regular purchases in the markets. The main objective of subsistence/peasant farmers is to ensure food security at household level. Cabbage is a crop that has been identified to have vital food nutrient sources like Vitamin A, B and C, protein, calcium, iron and antioxidative compounds beneficial for preventing cancer. This paper, therefore, looks at the potential that cabbage production has in enhancing household food security and also the challenges encountered by these cabbage producers. Primary data was obtained from 50 respondents, and linear regression model was used to analyse the data used. Income was used as food security measure. The results showed that three variables were statistically significant and they are gender (10%), education (5%) and household size (5%). Meaning that these are variables that influenced cabbage production by these households, and it also affects their food security status since income is affected.Keywords: subsistence farmers, food security, cabbage, farming
Procedia PDF Downloads 3017468 Production of Buttermilk as a Bio-Active Functional Food by Utilizing Dairy Waste
Authors: Hafsa Tahir, Sanaullah Iqbal
Glactooligosaccharide (GOS) is a type of prebiotic which is mainly found in human milk. GOS belongs to those bacteria which stimulates the growth of beneficial bacteria in human intestines. The aim of the present study was to develop a value-added product by producing prebiotic (GOS) in buttermilk through trans galactosylation. Buttermilk is considered as an industrial waste which is discarded after the production of butter and cream. It contains protein, minerals, vitamins and a smaller amount of fat. Raw milk was pasteurized at 100º C for butter production and then trans galactosylation process was induced in the butter milk thus obtained to produce prebiotic GOS. Results showed that the enzyme (which was obtained from bacterial strain of Esecrshia coli and has a gene of Lactobacillus reuteri L103) concentration between 400-600µl/5ml can produce GOS in 30 minutes. Chemical analysis and sensory evaluation of plain and GOS containing buttermilk showed no remarkable difference in their composition. Furthermore, the shelf-life study showed that there was non-significant (P>0.05) difference in glass and pouch packaging of buttermilk. Buttermilk in pouch packaging maintained its stability for 6 days without the addition of preservatives. Therefore it is recommended that GOS enriched buttermilk which is generally considered as a processing waste in dairy manufacturing can be turned into a cost-effective nutritional functional food product. This will not only enhance the production efficiency of butter processing but also will create a new market opportunity for dairy manufacturers all over the world.Keywords: buttermilk, galactooligosaccharide, shelf Life, transgalactosylation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2927467 Encapsulation of Venlafaxine-Dowex® Resinate: A Once Daily Multiple Unit Formulation
Authors: Salwa Mohamed Salah Eldin, Howida Kamal Ibrahim
Introduction: Major depressive disorder affects high proportion of the world’s population presenting cost load in health care. Extended release venlafaxine is more convenient and could reduce discontinuation syndrome. The once daily dosing also reduces the potential for adverse events such as nausea due to reduced Cmax. Venlafaxine is an effective first-line agent in the treatment of depression. A once daily formulation was designed to enhance patient compliance. Complexing with a resin was suggested to improve loading of the water soluble drug. The formulated systems were thoroughly evaluated in vitro to prove superiority to previous trials and were compared to the commercial extended release product in experimental animals. Materials and Methods: Venlafaxine-resinates were prepared using Dowex®50WX4-400 and Dowex®50WX8-100 at drug to resin weight ratio of 1: 1. The prepared resinates were evaluated for their drug content, particle shape and surface properties and in vitro release profile in gradient pH. The release kinetics and mechanism were evaluated. Venlafaxine-Dowex® resinates were encapsulated using O/W solvent evaporation technique. Poly-ε-caprolactone, Poly(D, L-lactide-co-glycolide) ester, Poly(D, L-lactide) ester and Eudragit®RS100 were used as coating polymers alone and in combination. Drug-resinate microcapsules were evaluated for morphology, entrapment efficiency and in-vitro release profile. The selected formula was tested in rabbits using a randomized, single-dose, 2-way crossover study against Effexor-XR tablets under fasting condition. Results and Discussion: The equilibrium time was 30 min for Dowex®50WX4-400 and 90 min for Dowex®50WX8-100. The percentage drug loaded was 93.96 and 83.56% for both resins, respectively. Both drug-Dowex® resintes were efficient in sustaining venlafaxine release in comparison to the free drug (up to 8h.). Dowex®50WX4-400 based venlafaxine-resinate was selected for further encapsulation to optimize the release profile for once daily dosing and to lower the burst effect. The selected formula (coated with a mixture of Eudragit RS and PLGA in a ratio of 50/50) was chosen by applying a group of mathematical equations according to targeted values. It recorded the minimum burst effect, the maximum MDT (Mean dissolution time) and a Q24h (percentage drug released after 24 hours) between 95 and 100%. The 90% confidence intervals for the test/reference mean ratio of the log-transformed data of AUC0–24 and AUC0−∞ are within (0.8–1.25), which satisfies the bioequivalence criteria. Conclusion: The optimized formula could be a promising extended release form of the water soluble, short half lived venlafaxine. Being a multiple unit formulation, it lowers the probability of dose dumping and reduces the inter-subject variability in absorption.Keywords: biodegradable polymers, cation-exchange resin, microencapsulation, venlafaxine hcl
Procedia PDF Downloads 3957466 Fluctuations in Radical Approaches to State Ownership of the Means of Production Over the Twentieth Century
Authors: Tom Turner
The recent financial crisis in 2008 and the growing inequality in developed industrial societies would appear to present significant challenges to capitalism and the free market. Yet there have been few substantial mainstream political or economic challenges to the dominant capitalist and market paradigm to-date. There is no dearth of critical and theoretical (academic) analyses regarding the prevailing systems failures. Yet despite the growing inequality in the developed industrial societies and the financial crisis in 2008 few commentators have advocated the comprehensive socialization or state ownership of the means of production to our knowledge – a core principle of radical Marxism in the 19th and early part of the 20th century. Undoubtedly the experience in the Soviet Union and satellite countries in the 20th century has cast a dark shadow over the notion of centrally controlled economies and state ownership of the means of production. In this paper, we explore the history of a doctrine advocating the socialization or state ownership of the means of production that was central to Marxism and socialism generally. Indeed this doctrine provoked an intense and often acrimonious debate especially for left-wing parties throughout the 20th century. The debate within the political economy tradition has historically tended to divide into a radical and a revisionist approach to changing or reforming capitalism. The radical perspective views the conflict of interest between capital and labor as a persistent and insoluble feature of a capitalist society and advocates the public or state ownership of the means of production. Alternatively, the revisionist perspective focuses on issues of distribution rather than production and emphasizes the possibility of compromise between capital and labor in capitalist societies. Over the 20th century, the radical perspective has faded and even the social democratic revisionist tradition has declined in recent years. We conclude with the major challenges that confront both the radical and revisionist perspectives in the development of viable policy agendas in mature developed democratic societies. Additionally, we consider whether state ownership of the means of production still has relevance in the 21st century and to what extent state ownership is off the agenda as a political issue in the political mainstream in developed industrial societies. A central argument in the paper is that state ownership of the means of production is unlikely to feature as either a practical or theoretical solution to the problems of capitalism post the financial crisis among mainstream political parties of the left. Although the focus here is solely on the shifting views of the radical and revisionist socialist perspectives in the western European tradition the analysis has relevance for the wider socialist movement.Keywords: sate ownership, ownership means of production, radicals, revisionists
Procedia PDF Downloads 1227465 Enhanced Production of Nisin by Co-culture of Lactococcus Lactis Sub SP. Lactis and Yarrowia Lipolytica in Molasses Based Medium
Authors: Mehdi Ariana, Javad Hamedi
Nisin is a commercial bacteriocin that is used as a food preservative and produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis. Nisin production through co-culture fermentation can be performed for increasing nisin quantities. Since lactate accumulation in the fermentation medium can prevent L. lactis growth and therefore reduce nisin production, the simultaneous culture of microorganisms can enhance L. lactis growth by a reduction in the amount of lactic acid. In this study, conducted coculture of L.lactis subsp. lactic and the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Both strains are cultured in a molasses-based medium that is mainly constructed of sucrose. Y. lipolytica is not able to use sucrose as a carbon source but is able to consume lactate and decrease lactic acid in the medium. So, Lactic acid consumption can increase pH value and stimulate L. lactis growth. The results showed the mixed culture increased L. lactis growth 6 times higher than that of pure culture and could enhance nisin activity by up to 40%.Keywords: co-culture fermentation, lactococcus lactis subsp lactis, yarrowia lipolytica, nisin
Procedia PDF Downloads 1127464 Deterministic and Stochastic Modeling of a Micro-Grid Management for Optimal Power Self-Consumption
Authors: D. Calogine, O. Chau, S. Dotti, O. Ramiarinjanahary, P. Rasoavonjy, F. Tovondahiniriko
Mafate is a natural circus in the north-western part of Reunion Island, without an electrical grid and road network. A micro-grid concept is being experimented in this area, composed of a photovoltaic production combined with electrochemical batteries, in order to meet the local population for self-consumption of electricity demands. This work develops a discrete model as well as a stochastic model in order to reach an optimal equilibrium between production and consumptions for a cluster of houses. The management of the energy power leads to a large linearized programming system, where the time interval of interest is 24 hours The experimental data are solar production, storage energy, and the parameters of the different electrical devices and batteries. The unknown variables to evaluate are the consumptions of the various electrical services, the energy drawn from and stored in the batteries, and the inhabitants’ planning wishes. The objective is to fit the solar production to the electrical consumption of the inhabitants, with an optimal use of the energies in the batteries by satisfying as widely as possible the users' planning requirements. In the discrete model, the different parameters and solutions of the linear programming system are deterministic scalars. Whereas in the stochastic approach, the data parameters and the linear programming solutions become random variables, then the distributions of which could be imposed or established by estimation from samples of real observations or from samples of optimal discrete equilibrium solutions.Keywords: photovoltaic production, power consumption, battery storage resources, random variables, stochastic modeling, estimations of probability distributions, mixed integer linear programming, smart micro-grid, self-consumption of electricity.
Procedia PDF Downloads 1107463 In vitro Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenolic Content of Dillenia indica and Garcinia penducalata, Commonly Used Fruits in Assamese Cuisine
Authors: M. Das, B. P. Sarma, G. Ahmed
Human diet can be a major source of antioxidants. Poly¬phenols, which are organic compounds present in the regular human diet, have good antioxidant property. Most of the diseases are detected too late and that cause irre¬versible damage to the body. Therefore food that forms the natural source of antioxidants can prevent free radi¬cals from damaging our body tissues. Dillenia indica and Garcinia penducalata are two major fruits, easily available in Assam, North eastern Indian state. In the present study, the in vitro antioxi¬dant properties of the fruits of these plants are compared as the decoction of these fruits form a major part of Assamese cuisine. DPPH free radical scavenging activity of the methanol, petroleum ether and water extracts of G. penducalata and D. indica fruits were carried out by the methods of Cotelle A et al. (1996). Different concentrations ranging from 10–110 ug/ml of the extracts were added to 100 uM of DPPH (2,2, Diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl) and the absor¬bance was read at 517 nm after incubation. Ascorbic acid was used as the standard. Different concentrations of the methanol, petroleum ether and water extracts of G. penducalata and D. indica fruits were mixed with sodium nitroprusside and incubated. Griess reagent was added to the mixtures and their optical density was read at 546 nm following the method of Marcocci et al. (1994). Ascorbic acid was used as the standard. In order to find the scavenging activity of the extracts against hydroxyl radicals, the method of Kunchandy & Ohkawa (1990) was followed.The superoxide scavenging activity of the methanol, petroleum ether and water extracts of the fruits was deter¬mined by the method of Robak & Gryglewski (1998).Six replicates were maintained in each of the experiments and their SEM was evaluated based on which, non linear regres¬sion (curve fit), exponential growth were derived to calculate the IC50 values of the SAWE and standard compounds. All the statistical analyses were done by using paired t test. The hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of the various extracts of D. indica exhibited IC50 values < 110 ug/ml concentration, the scavenging activity of the extracts of G. penducalata was surprisingly>110 ug/ml.Similarly the oxygen free radical scavenging activity of the different extracts of D. indica exhibited an IC50 value of <110 ug/ml but the methanolic extract of the same exhib¬ited a better free radical scavenging activity compared to that of vitamin C. The methanolic extract of D. indica exhibited an IC50 value better than that of vitamin C. The DPPH scavenging activities of the various extracts of D. indica and G. penducalata were <110 ug/ml but the methanolic extract of D. indica exhibited an IC50 value bet¬ter than that of vitaminc C.The higher amounts of phenolic content in the methanolic extract of D. indica might be one of the major causes for its enhanced in vitro antioxidant activity.The present study concludes that Dillenia indica and Garcinia penducalata both possesses anti oxidant activi¬ties. The anti oxidant activity of Dillenia indica is superior to that of Garcinia penducalata due to its higher phenolic contentKeywords: antioxidants, free radicals, phenolic, scavenging
Procedia PDF Downloads 5957462 Economic Analysis, Growth and Yield of Grafting Tomato Varieties for Solanum torvum as a Rootstock
Authors: Evy Latifah, Eko Widaryanto, M. Dawam Maghfoer, Arifin
Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is potential vegetables to develop, because it has high economic value and has the potential to be exported. There is a decrease in tomato productivity due to unfavorable growth conditions such as bacterial wilt, fusarium wilt, high humidity, high temperature and inappropriate production technology. Grafting technology is one alternative technology. In addition to being able to control the disease in the soil, grafting is also able to increase the growth and yield of production. Besides, it is also necessary to know the economic benefits if using grafting technology. A promising eggplant rootstock for tomato grafting is Solanum torvum. S. torvum is selected as a rootstock with high compatibility. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of grafting several varieties of tomatoes with Solanum torvum as a rootstock. The experiment was conducted in Agricultural Extension Center Pare. Experimental Garden of Pare Kediri sub-district from July to early December 2016. The materials used were tomato Cervo varieties, Karina, Timoty, and Solanum torvum. Economic analysis, growth, and yield including plant height, number of leaves, percentage of disease and tomato production were used as performance measures. The study showed that grafting tomato Timoty scion with Solanum torvum as rootstock had higher production. Financially, grafting tomato Timoty and Cervo scion had higher profit about. 28,6% and 16,3% compared to Timoty and Cervo variety treatment without grafting.Keywords: grafting technology, economic analysis, growth, yield of tomato, Solanum torvum
Procedia PDF Downloads 2377461 Advanced Data Visualization Techniques for Effective Decision-making in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
Authors: Deepak Singh, Rail Kuliev
This research article explores the significance of advanced data visualization techniques in enhancing decision-making processes within the oil and gas exploration and production domain. With the oil and gas industry facing numerous challenges, effective interpretation and analysis of vast and diverse datasets are crucial for optimizing exploration strategies, production operations, and risk assessment. The article highlights the importance of data visualization in managing big data, aiding the decision-making process, and facilitating communication with stakeholders. Various advanced data visualization techniques, including 3D visualization, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), interactive dashboards, and geospatial visualization, are discussed in detail, showcasing their applications and benefits in the oil and gas sector. The article presents case studies demonstrating the successful use of these techniques in optimizing well placement, real-time operations monitoring, and virtual reality training. Additionally, the article addresses the challenges of data integration and scalability, emphasizing the need for future developments in AI-driven visualization. In conclusion, this research emphasizes the immense potential of advanced data visualization in revolutionizing decision-making processes, fostering data-driven strategies, and promoting sustainable growth and improved operational efficiency within the oil and gas exploration and production industry.Keywords: augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), interactive dashboards, real-time operations monitoring
Procedia PDF Downloads 877460 Phytochemical Profile and in Vitro Bioactivity Studies on Two Underutilized Vegetables in Nigeria
Authors: Borokini Funmilayo Boede
B. alba L., commonly called ‘Amunututu’ and Solanecio biafrae called ‘Worowo’ among the Yoruba tribe in the southwest part of Nigeria are reported to be of great ethnomedicinal importance but are among many underutilized green leafy vegetables in the country. Many studies have established the nutritional values of these vegetables, utilization are very poor and indepth information on their chemical profiles is scarce. The aqueous, methanolic and ethanolic extracts of these vegetables were subjected to phytochemical screening and phenolic profiles of the alcoholic extracts were characterized by using high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array detector (HPLC-DAD). Total phenol and flavonoid contents were determined, antioxidant activities were evaluated using five in vitro assays to assess DPPH, nitric oxide and hydroxyl radical-scavenging abilities, as well as reducing power with ferric reducing antioxidant assay and phosphomolybdate method. The antibacterial activities of the extracts against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Salmonella typhi were evaluated by using agar well diffusion method and the antifungal activity evaluated against food-associated filamentous fungi by using poisoned food technique with the aim of assessing their nutraceutical potentials to encourage their production and utilization. The results revealed the presence of saponnin, steroids, tannin, terpenoid and flavonoid as well as phenolic compounds: gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, coumarin, rutin, quercitrin, quercetin and kaemferol. The vegetables showed varying concentration dependent reducing and radical scavenging abilities from weak to strong compared with gallic acid, rutin, trolox and ascorbic acid used as positive controls; the aqueous extracts which gave higher concentrations of total phenol displayed higher ability to reduce Fe (lll) to Fe (ll) and stronger inhibiting power against hydroxyl radical than the alcoholic extracts and in most cases exhibited more potency than the ascorbic acids used as positive controls, at the same concentrations, whereas, methanol and / or ethanol extracts were found to be more effective in scavenging 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picryl hydrazyl radical and showed higher ability to reduce Mo (VI) to Mo (V) in total antioxidant assay than the aqueous extracts. However, the inhibition abilities of all the extracts against nitric oxide were comparable with the ascorbic acid control at the same concentrations. There were strong positive correlations with total phenol (mg GAE/g) and total flavonoid (mg RE/g) contents in the range TFC (r=0.857- 0999 and r= 0.904-1.000) and TPC (r= 0.844- 0.992 and r= 0.900 -0.999) for Basella alba and Senecio biafrae respectively. Inhibition concentration at 50 % (IC50) for each extract to scavenge DPPH, OH and NO radicals ranged from 32.73 to 1.52 compared with control (0.846 - -6.42) mg/ml. At 0.05g/ml, the vegetables were found to exhibit mild antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Salmonella typhi compared with streptomycin sulphate used as control but appreciable antifungi activities against (Trichoderma rubrum and Aspergillus fumigates) compared with bonlate antibiotic positive control. The vegetables possess appreciable antioxidant and antimicrobial properties for promoting good health, their cultivation and utilization should be encouraged especially in the face of increasing health and economic challenges and food insecurity in many parts of the world.Keywords: antimicrobial, antioxidants, extracts, phytochemicals
Procedia PDF Downloads 3277459 Transporting the Setting of the Beloved Musical, Peter Pan, to Colonial India
Authors: R. Roznowski
This paper is an examination of a recent Michigan State University production of the classic musical, Peter Pan. In this production, approved by the licensor, the action was moved to Colonial India transforming the musical’s message to include themes of cultural identity, racism, classism and ultimately inclusion. Major character changes and casting decisions expanded the scope of the musical while still retaining the original book and score. Major changes included reframing the Darlings as British Colonials stationed in India. The Lost Boy’s as mixed race children of British officials and their Indian nannies, the Pirates were a female 'fishing fleet' a group of women sent from England to keep the British soldiers from mixing with the locals and the Michigan State University Bhangra Dance Team played the Indians in the production. Traditional Indian theatrical techniques were also employed in the storytelling. The presentation will cover the key changes to the musical, the rehearsal process, historical accuracy and audience reaction. A final analysis of cultural appropriation versus historical reframing will be examined.Keywords: directing, history, musical theatre, producing
Procedia PDF Downloads 2527458 Implications for Counseling and Service Delivery on the Psychological Trajectories of Women Undergoing in Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Treatment in Hong Kong
Authors: Tong Mei Yan
Introduction: The experience of infertility could be excruciating but has not received much attention in Hong Kong. The strong Confucian culture pressures couples to continue their family lineage resulting in women facing more stress than men in the social-cultural milieu. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment is one of the common ways to deal with the problem. Abundant literature exists the psychological trajectories of people receiving IVF treatment in Europe, the USA and other east Asian societies but not in Hong Kong. Aim: This study aims to highlight the circumstances and needs of the women before, during and after IVF treatment through examining their lived experiences. It is hoped that the public, once informed of regarding their tribulations and needs , would support the adequate provision of the required psychological support . Methods: Qualitative analysis was adopted in this study. In-depth interviews were conducted with six women who have undergone at least one complete cycle of IVF treatment within the past five years. Data was analyzed through thematic analysis and narrative analysis. Results: 4 broad themes were found, including (i) emotional responses; (ii) experiences in medical consultation; (iii) impacts of the treatment; and (iv) their coping strategies. Additionally, specific events in three cases were chosen for narrative analysis to further examine their unresolved emotional distress and the ethical issues. Conclusion: IVF treatment distressed the interviewees immensely, both physically and psychologically, with the negative emotions outweighing their physical strains, a result unexpected by all of the interviewees. The pressure for lineage continuation, the demanding treatment process and the dearth of support from health professionals all contribute to their emotional pain which could linger for both successful and unsuccessful cases. Although a number of coping strategies were attempted, most of them completely failed to ease their psychological tension. The findings of this study therefore evidence the need for psychological support for this population. A service model to cater their needs of IVF treatment before, during and after treatment is therefore proposed.Keywords: coping strategies, emotional experiences, impacts of IVF, infertility, IVF treatment, medical experiences
Procedia PDF Downloads 897457 Landcover Mapping Using Lidar Data and Aerial Image and Soil Fertility Degradation Assessment for Rice Production Area in Quezon, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Authors: Eliza. E. Camaso, Guiller. B. Damian, Miguelito. F. Isip, Ronaldo T. Alberto
Land-cover maps were important for many scientific, ecological and land management purposes and during the last decades, rapid decrease of soil fertility was observed to be due to land use practices such as rice cultivation. High-precision land-cover maps are not yet available in the area which is important in an economy management. To assure accurate mapping of land cover to provide information, remote sensing is a very suitable tool to carry out this task and automatic land use and cover detection. The study did not only provide high precision land cover maps but it also provides estimates of rice production area that had undergone chemical degradation due to fertility decline. Land-cover were delineated and classified into pre-defined classes to achieve proper detection features. After generation of Land-cover map, of high intensity of rice cultivation, soil fertility degradation assessment in rice production area due to fertility decline was created to assess the impact of soils used in agricultural production. Using Simple spatial analysis functions and ArcGIS, the Land-cover map of Municipality of Quezon in Nueva Ecija, Philippines was overlaid to the fertility decline maps from Land Degradation Assessment Philippines- Bureau of Soils and Water Management (LADA-Philippines-BSWM) to determine the area of rice crops that were most likely where nitrogen, phosphorus, zinc and sulfur deficiencies were induced by high dosage of urea and imbalance N:P fertilization. The result found out that 80.00 % of fallow and 99.81% of rice production area has high soil fertility decline.Keywords: aerial image, landcover, LiDAR, soil fertility degradation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2527456 Investigation into the Possibility of Using Recycled Polyethelene to Replace Natural Rubber in the Production of Different Products
Authors: Otokiti Mojeed Jimoh
This work investigates the possibility of using recycled polyethylene LDPE as a base polymer in production of different products (shoe sole, foot mat, and many more) using carbon black as a filler to improve its mechanical properties, like hardness, tensile stress properties and elongation at break properties, from the result so far gotten there is a possibility that there is an increase in the mechanical properties of the sample compare to natural rubber sample.Keywords: recycled polyethylene, base polymer, hardness, stress properties
Procedia PDF Downloads 4207455 Studies of Lactose Utilization in Microalgal Isolate for Further Use in Dairy By-Product Bioconversion
Authors: Sergejs Kolesovs, Armands Vigants
The use of dairy industry by-products and wastewater as a cheap substrate for microalgal growth is gaining recognition. However, the mechanisms of lactose utilization remain understudied, limiting the potential of successful microalgal biomass production using various dairy by-products, such as whey and permeate. The necessity for microalgae to produce a specific enzyme, β-galactosidase, requires the selection of suitable strains. This study focuses on a freshwater microalgal isolate's ability to grow on a semi-synthetic medium supplemented with lactose. After 10 days of agitated cultivation, an axenic microalgal isolate achieved significantly higher biomass production under mixotrophic growth conditions (0.86 ± 0.07 g/L, dry weight) than heterotrophic growth (0.46 ± 0.04 g/L). Moreover, mixotrophic cultivation had significantly higher biomass production compared to photoautotrophic growth (0.67 ± 0.05 g/L). The activity of β-galactosidase was detected in both supernatant and microalgal biomass under mixotrophic and heterotrophic growth conditions, showing the potential of extracellular and intracellular mechanisms of enzyme production. However, the main limiting factor in this study was the increase of pH values during the cultivation, significantly reducing the activity of the β-galactosidase enzyme after 3rd day of cultivation. It highlights the need for stricter control of growth parameters to ensure the enzyme's activity. Further research will assess the isolate's suitability for dairy by-product bioconversion and biomass composition.Keywords: microalgae, lactose, whey, permeate, beta-galactosidase, mixotrophy, heterotrophy
Procedia PDF Downloads 677454 NMR-Based Metabolomic Study of Antimalarial Plant Species Used Traditionally by Vha-Venda People in Limpopo Province, South Africa
Authors: Johanna Bapela, Heino Heyman, Marion Meyer
Regardless of the significant advances accomplished in reducing the burden of malaria and other tropical diseases in recent years, malaria remains a major cause of mortality in endemic countries. This is especially the case in sub-Saharan Africa where 99% of the estimated global malaria deaths occurs on an annual basis. The emergence of resistant Plasmodium species and the lack of diversified chemotherapeutic agents provide the rationale for bioprospecting for antiplasmodial scaffolds. Crude extracts from twenty indigenous antimalarial plant species were screened for antimalarial activity and then subjected to 1H NMR-based metabolomic analysis. Ten plant extracts exhibited significant in vitro antiplasmodial activity (IC50 ≤ 5 µg/ml). The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the acquired 1H NMR spectra could not separate the analyzed plant extracts according to the detected antiplasmodial bioactivity. Application of supervised Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures–Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) to the 1H NMR profiles resulted in a discrimination pattern that could be correlated to bioactivity. A contribution plot generated from the OPLS-DA scoring plot illustrated the classes of compounds responsible for the observed grouping. Given the preliminary in vitro results, Tabernaemontana elegans Stapf. (Apocynaceae) and Vangueria infausta Burch. subsp. infausta (Rubiaceae) were subjected to further phytochemical investigations. Two indole alkaloids, dregamine and tabernaemontanine possessing antiplasmodial activity were isolated from T. elegans. Two compounds were isolated from V. infausta subsp. infausta and identified as friedelin (IC50 = 3.01 µg/ml) and morindolide (IC50 = 18.5 µg/ml). While these compounds have been previously identified, this is the first account of their occurrence in the genus Vangueria and their antiplasmodial activity. Based on the results of the study, metabolomics can be used to globally identify classes of plant secondary metabolites that are responsible for antiplasmodial activity.Keywords: ethnopharmacology, Malaria, medicinal plants, metabolomics
Procedia PDF Downloads 3417453 Productivity Improvement of Faffa Food Share Company Using a Computerized Maintenance Management System
Authors: Gadisa Alemayehu, Muralidhar Avvari, Atkilt Mulu G.
Since 1962 EC, the Faffa Food Share Company has been producing and supplying flour (famix) and value-added flour (baby food) in Ethiopia. It meets nearly all of the country's total flour demand, both for relief and commercial markets. However, it is incompetent in the international market due to a poor maintenance management system. The results of recorded documents and stopwatches revealed that frequent failure machines, as well as a poor maintenance management system, cause increased production downtimes, resulting in a 29.19 percent decrease in production from the planned production. As a result, the current study's goal is to recommend newly developed software for use in and as a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). As a result, the system increases machine reliability and decreases the frequency of equipment failure, reducing breakdown time and maintenance costs. The company's overall manufacturing performance improved by 4.45 percent, particularly after the implementation of the CMMS.Keywords: CMMS, manufacturing performance, delivery, availability, flexibility, Faffa Food Share Company
Procedia PDF Downloads 1387452 Analysis of Farm Management Skills in Broiler Poultry Producers in Botswana
Authors: Som Pal Baliyan
The purpose of this quantitative study was to analyze farm management skills in broiler poultryproducers in Botswana. The study adopted a descriptive and correlation research design. The population of the study was the poultry farm operators who had been in broiler poultry farming at least for two years. Based on the information from literature, a questionnaire was constructed for data collection on seven areas of farm management skills namely; planning skills, accounting and financial management skills, production management skills, product procurement and marketing skills, decision making skills, risk management skills, and specific technical skills. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were accomplished by a panel of experts and by calculating the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, respectively. Data were collected through a survey of 60 randomly sampled poultry farm operators in Botswana. Data were analyzed through descriptive statistical tools whereby the level of farm management skills were determined by calculating means and standard deviations of the management skills among the broiler producers. The level of farm management skills in broilers producers was discussed. All the seven farm management skills were ranked based on their calculated means. The specific technical skills and risk management skills were the highest and the lowest ranked farm management skills, respectively.Findings revealed that the broiler producers had skills above the average level only in specific technical skills whereas the skill levels in the remaining six farm management skills under study were found below the average level. This prevailing low level of farm management skills can be justified asthe cause of failure or poor performance of the broiler poultry farms in Botswana. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency and productivityin broiler production in the country, it was recommended that the broiler poultry producers should be adequately trained in areas of planning skills, financial management skills, production management skills, product procurement and marketing skills, decision making skills and risk management skills.Keywords: poultry production, broiler production, management skills, levels of skills
Procedia PDF Downloads 4017451 Salmonella Spp. and Essential Oil of Laurus nobilis
Authors: Karima Oldyerou, B. Meddah, A. Tirtouil
The food borne infections have a significant impact on public health. Salmonella is the first bacterial cause, especially because of its general availability in the intestinal tract of poultry, pigs and cattle. This bacteria and essential oil of Laurus nobilis subject in this article. In vitro evaluation of the antibacterial activity shows a sensitivity of Salmonella spp. with a MIC of 2.5 -1 in vivo after infection of wistar rats and administered orally this essential oil, microbiological results fecal material shows the antibacterial effect of this oil on Salmonella spp.Keywords: Laurus nobilis, essential oil, salmonella, antibacterial activity, fecal matte
Procedia PDF Downloads 3657450 Laser Powder Bed Fusion Awareness for Engineering Students in France and Qatar
Authors: Hiba Naccache, Rima Hleiss
Additive manufacturing AM or 3D printing is one of the pillars of Industry 4.0. Compared to traditional manufacturing, AM provides a prototype before production in order to optimize the design and avoid the stock market and uses strictly necessary material which can be recyclable, for the benefit of leaning towards local production, saving money, time and resources. Different types of AM exist and it has a broad range of applications across several industries like aerospace, automotive, medicine, education and else. The Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) is a metal AM technique that uses a laser to liquefy metal powder, layer by layer, to build a three-dimensional (3D) object. In industry 4.0 and aligned with the numbers 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption) of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UNESCO 2030 Agenda, the AM’s manufacturers committed to minimizing the environmental impact by being sustainable in every production. The LPBF has several environmental advantages, like reduced waste production, lower energy consumption, and greater flexibility in creating components with lightweight and complex geometries. However, LPBF also have environmental drawbacks, like energy consumption, gas consumption and emissions. It is critical to recognize the environmental impacts of LPBF in order to mitigate them. To increase awareness and promote sustainable practices regarding LPBF, the researchers use the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) theory where people from multiple universities in France and Qatar process information in two ways: peripherally and centrally. The peripheral campaigns use superficial cues to get attention, and the central campaigns provide clear and concise information. The authors created a seminar including a video showing LPBF production and a website with educational resources. The data is collected using questionnaire to test attitude about the public awareness before and after the seminar. The results reflected a great shift on the awareness toward LPBF and its impact on the environment. With no presence of similar research, to our best knowledge, this study will add to the literature on the sustainability of the LPBF production technique.Keywords: additive manufacturing, laser powder bed fusion, elaboration likelihood model theory, sustainable development goals, education-awareness, France, Qatar, specific energy consumption, environmental impact, lightweight components
Procedia PDF Downloads 907449 Rapid Microwave-Enhanced Process for Synthesis of CdSe Quantum Dots for Large Scale Production and Manipulation of Optical Properties
Authors: Delele Worku Ayele, Bing-Joe Hwang
A method that does not employ hot injection techniques has been developed for the size-tunable synthesis of high-quality CdSe quantum dots (QDs) with a zinc blende structure. In this environmentally benign synthetic route, which uses relatively less toxic precursors, solvents, and capping ligands, CdSe QDs that absorb visible light are obtained. The size of the as-prepared CdSe QDs and, thus, their optical properties can be manipulated by changing the microwave reaction conditions. The QDs are characterized by XRD, TEM, UV-vis, FTIR, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, and fluorescence spectrophotometry. In this approach, the reaction is conducted in open air and at a much lower temperature than in hot injection techniques. The use of microwaves in this process allows for a highly reproducible and effective synthesis protocol that is fully adaptable for mass production and can be easily employed to synthesize a variety of semiconductor QDs with the desired properties. The possible application of the as-prepared CdSe QDs has been also assessed using deposition on TiO2 films.Keywords: CdSe QDs, Na2SeSO3, microwave (MW), oleic acid, mass production, average life time
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