Search results for: hybrid concrete anchor piles
2602 The Effect of Masonry Infills on the Seismic Response of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Authors: Mohammad Reza Ameri, Ali Massumi, Behnam Mahboubi
The performance of masonry infilled frames during the past earthquakes shows that the infill panels play a major role as earthquake-resistant elements. The present study examines the influence of infill panels on seismic behavior of RC frame structures. For this purpose, several low- and mid-rise RC frames (two-, four-, seven-, and ten story) were numerically investigated. Reinforced masonry infill panels were then placed within the frames and the models were subjected to several nonlinear incremental static and dynamic analyses. The results of analyses showed that the use of reinforced masonry infill panels in RC frame structures can have beneficial effects on structural performance. It was confirmed that the use of masonry infill panels results in an increment in strength and stiffness of the framed buildings, followed by a reduction in displacement demand for the structural systems.Keywords: reinforced masonry infill panels, nonlinear static analysis, incremental dynamic analysis, low-rise reinforced concrete frames, mid-rise reinforced concrete frames
Procedia PDF Downloads 3222601 Sensitivity and Reliability Analysis of Masonry Infilled Frames
Authors: Avadhoot Bhosale, Robin Davis P., Pradip Sarkar
The seismic performance of buildings with irregular distribution of mass, stiffness and strength along the height may be significantly different from that of regular buildings with masonry infill. Masonry infilled reinforced concrete (RC) frames are very common structural forms used for multi-storey building construction. These structures are found to perform better in past earthquakes owing to additional strength, stiffness and energy dissipation in the infill walls. The seismic performance of a building depends on the variation of material, structural and geometrical properties. The sensitivity of these properties affects the seismic response of the building. The main objective of the sensitivity analysis is to found out the most sensitive parameter that affects the response of the building. This paper presents a sensitivity analysis by considering 5% and 95% probability value of random variable in the infills characteristics, trying to obtain a reasonable range of results representing a wide number of possible situations that can be met in practice by using pushover analysis. The results show that the strength-related variation values of concrete and masonry, with the exception of tensile strength of the concrete, have shown a significant effect on the structural performance and that this effect increases with the progress of damage condition for the concrete. The seismic risk assessments of the selected frames are expressed in terms of reliability index.Keywords: fragility curve, sensitivity analysis, reliability index, RC frames
Procedia PDF Downloads 3232600 A Hybrid Block Multistep Method for Direct Numerical Integration of Fourth Order Initial Value Problems
Authors: Adamu S. Salawu, Ibrahim O. Isah
Direct solution to several forms of fourth-order ordinary differential equations is not easily obtained without first reducing them to a system of first-order equations. Thus, numerical methods are being developed with the underlying techniques in the literature, which seeks to approximate some classes of fourth-order initial value problems with admissible error bounds. Multistep methods present a great advantage of the ease of implementation but with a setback of several functions evaluation for every stage of implementation. However, hybrid methods conventionally show a slightly higher order of truncation for any k-step linear multistep method, with the possibility of obtaining solutions at off mesh points within the interval of solution. In the light of the foregoing, we propose the continuous form of a hybrid multistep method with Chebyshev polynomial as a basis function for the numerical integration of fourth-order initial value problems of ordinary differential equations. The basis function is interpolated and collocated at some points on the interval [0, 2] to yield a system of equations, which is solved to obtain the unknowns of the approximating polynomial. The continuous form obtained, its first and second derivatives are evaluated at carefully chosen points to obtain the proposed block method needed to directly approximate fourth-order initial value problems. The method is analyzed for convergence. Implementation of the method is done by conducting numerical experiments on some test problems. The outcome of the implementation of the method suggests that the method performs well on problems with oscillatory or trigonometric terms since the approximations at several points on the solution domain did not deviate too far from the theoretical solutions. The method also shows better performance compared with an existing hybrid method when implemented on a larger interval of solution.Keywords: Chebyshev polynomial, collocation, hybrid multistep method, initial value problems, interpolation
Procedia PDF Downloads 1242599 Behavior Study of Concrete-Filled Thin-Walled Square Hollow Steel Stub Columns
Authors: Mostefa Mimoune
Test results on concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns under axial compression are presented. The study was mainly focused on square hollow section SHS columns; 27 columns were tested. The main experimental parameters considered were the thickness of the tube, columns length and cross section sizes. Existing design codes and theoretical model were used to predict load-carrying capacities of composite section to compare the accuracy of the predictions by using the recommendations of DTR-BC (Algerian code), CSA (Canadian standard), AIJ, EC4, DBJ, AISC, BS and EC4. Experimental results indicate that the studied parameters have significant influence on both the compressive load capacity and the column failure mode. All codes used in the comparison, provide higher resistance compared to those of tests. Equation method has been suggested to evaluate the axial capacity of the composite section seem to be in agreement with tests.Keywords: axial loading, composite section, concrete-filled steel tubes, square hollow section
Procedia PDF Downloads 3792598 Recovery of the Demolition and Construction Waste, Casablanca (Morocco)
Authors: Morsli Mourad, Tahiri Mohamed, Samdi Azzeddine
Casablanca is the biggest city in Morocco. It concentrates more than 60% of the economic and industrial activity of the kingdom. Its building and public works (BTP) sector is the leading source of inert waste scattered in open areas. This inert waste is a major challenge for the city of Casablanca, as it is not properly managed, thus causing a significant nuisance for the environment and the health of the population. Hence the vision of our project is to recycle and valorize concrete waste. In this work, we present concrete results in the exploitation of this abundant and permanent deposit. Typical wastes are concrete, clay and concrete bricks, ceramic tiles, marble panels, gypsum, scrap metal, wood . The work performed included: geolocation with a combination of artificial intelligence and Google Earth, estimation of the amount of waste per site, sorting, crushing, grinding, and physicochemical characterization of the samples. Then, we proceeded to the exploitation of the types of substrates to be developed: light cement, coating, and glue for ceramics... The said products were tested and characterized by X-ray fluorescence, specific surface, resistance to bending and crushing, etc. We will present in detail the main results of our research work and also describe the specific properties of each material developed.Keywords: déchets de démolition et des chantiers de construction, logiciels de combinaison SIG, valorisation de déchets inertes, enduits, ciment leger, casablanca
Procedia PDF Downloads 1152597 Fabrication Characteristics and Mechanical Behaviour of Fly Ash-Alumina Reinforced Zn-27Al Alloy Matrix Hybrid Composite Using Stir-Casting Technique
Authors: Oluwagbenga B. Fatile, Felix U. Idu, Olajide T. Sanya
This paper reports the viability of developing Zn-27Al alloy matrix hybrid composites reinforced with alumina, graphite and fly ash (a solid waste byproduct of coal in thermal power plants). This research work was aimed at developing low cost-high performance Zn-27Al matrix composite with low density. Alumina particulates (Al2O3), graphite added with 0, 2, 3, 4, and 5 wt% fly ash were utilized to prepare 10wt% reinforcing phase with Zn-27Al alloy as matrix using two-step stir casting method. Density measurement estimated percentage porosity, tensile testing, micro hardness measurement, and optical microscopy were used to assess the performance of the composites produced. The results show that the hardness, ultimate tensile strength, and percent elongation of the hybrid composites decrease with increase in fly ash content. The maximum decrease in hardness and ultimate tensile strength of 13.72% and 15.25% respectively were observed for composite grade containing 5wt% fly ash. The percentage elongation of composite sample without fly ash is 8.9% which is comparable with that of the sample containing 2wt% fly ash with percentage elongation of 8.8%. The fracture toughness of the fly ash containing composites was, however, superior to those of composites without fly ash with 5wt% fly ash containing composite exhibiting the highest fracture toughness. The results show that fly ash can be utilized as complementary reinforcement in ZA-27 alloy matrix composite to reduce cost.Keywords: fly ash, hybrid composite, mechanical behaviour, stir-cast
Procedia PDF Downloads 3352596 Photovoltaic Performance of AgInSe2-Conjugated Polymer Hybrid Systems
Authors: Dinesh Pathaka, Tomas Wagnera, J. M. Nunzib
We investigated blends of MdPVV.PCBM.AIS for photovoltaic application. AgInSe2 powder was synthesized by sealing and heating the stoichiometric constituents in evacuated quartz tube ampule. Fine grinded AIS powder was dispersed in MD-MOPVV and PCBM with and without surfactant. Different concentrations of these particles were suspended in the polymer solutions and spin casted onto ITO glass. Morphological studies have been performed by atomic force microscopy and optical microscopy. The blend layers were also investigated by various techniques like XRD, UV-VIS optical spectroscopy, AFM, PL, after a series of various optimizations with polymers/concentration/deposition/ suspension/surfactants etc. XRD investigation of blend layers shows clear evidence of AIS dispersion in polymers. Diode behavior and cell parameters also revealed it. Bulk heterojunction hybrid photovoltaic device Ag/MoO3/MdPVV.PCBM.AIS/ZnO/ITO was fabricated and tested with standard solar simulator and device characterization system. The best performance and photovoltaic parameters we obtained was an open-circuit voltage of about Voc 0.54 V and a photocurrent of Isc 117 micro A and an efficiency of 0.2 percent using a white light illumination intensity of 23 mW/cm2. Our results are encouraging for further research on the fourth generation inorganic organic hybrid bulk heterojunction photovoltaics for energy. More optimization with spinning rate/thickness/solvents/deposition rates for active layers etc. need to be explored for improved photovoltaic response of these bulk heterojunction devices.Keywords: thin films, photovoltaic, hybrid systems, heterojunction
Procedia PDF Downloads 2762595 Assessment of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Perlite Mortars with Recycled Cement
Authors: Saca Nastasia, Radu Lidia, Dobre Daniela, Calotă Razvan
In order to achieve the European Union's sustainable and circular economy goals, strategies for reducing raw material consumption, reusing waste, and lowering CO₂ emissions have been developed. In this study, expanded perlite mortars with recycled cement (RC) were obtained and characterized. The recycled cement was obtained from demolition concrete waste. The concrete waste was crushed in a jaw and grinded in a horizontal ball mill to reduce the material's average grain size. Finally, the fine particles were sieved through a 125 µm sieve. The recycled cement was prepared by heating demolition concrete waste at 550°C for 3 hours. At this temperature, the decarbonization does not occur. The utilization of recycled cement can minimize the negative environmental effects of demolished concrete landfills as well as the demand for natural resources used in cement manufacturing. Commercial cement CEM II/A-LL 42.5R was substituted by 10%, 20%, and 30% recycled cement. By substituting reference cement (CEM II/A-LL 42.5R) by RC, a decrease in cement aqueous suspension pH, electrical conductivity, and Ca²⁺ concentration was observed for all measurements (2 hours, 6 hours, 24 hours, 4 days, and 7 days). After 2 hours, pH value was 12.42 for reference and conductivity of 2220 µS/cm and decreased to 12.27, respectively 1570 µS/cm for 30% RC. The concentration of Ca²⁺ estimated by complexometric titration was 20% lower in suspension with 30% RC in comparison to reference for 2 hours. The difference significantly diminishes over time. The mortars have cement: expanded perlite volume ratio of 1:3 and consistency between 140 mm and 200 mm. The density of fresh mortar was about 1400 kg/m3. The density, flexural and compressive strengths, water absorption, and thermal conductivity of hardened mortars were tested. Due to its properties, expanded perlite mortar is a good thermal insulation material.Keywords: concrete waste, expanded perlite, mortar, recycled cement, thermal conductivity, mechanical strength
Procedia PDF Downloads 902594 Cloud Computing: Major Issues and Solutions
Authors: S. Adhirai Subramaniyam, Paramjit Singh
This paper presents major issues in cloud computing. The paper describes different cloud computing deployment models and cloud service models available in the field of cloud computing. The paper then concentrates on various issues in the field. The issues such as cloud compatibility, compliance of the cloud, standardizing cloud technology, monitoring while on the cloud and cloud security are described. The paper suggests solutions for these issues and concludes that hybrid cloud infrastructure is a real boon for organizations.Keywords: cloud, cloud computing, mobile cloud computing, private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud, SAAS, PAAS, IAAS, cloud security
Procedia PDF Downloads 3452593 Intrinsically Dual-Doped Conductive Polymer System for Electromagnetic Shielding Applications
Authors: S. Koul, Joshua Adedamola
Currently, the global concerning fact about electromagnetic pollution (EMP) is that it not only adversely affects human health but rather projects the malfunctioning of sensitive equipment both locally and at a global level. The market offers many incumbent technologies to solve the issues, but still, a processable sustainable material solution with acceptable limits for GHG emission is still at an exploratory stage. The present work offers a sustainable material solution with a wide range of processability in terms of a polymeric resin matrix and shielding operational efficiency across the electromagnetic spectrum, covering both ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiations. The present work offers an in-situ synthesized conducting polyaniline (PANI) in the presence of the hybrid dual dopant system with tuned conductivity and high shielding efficiency between 89 to 92 decibels, depending upon the EMI frequency range. The conductive polymer synthesized in the presence of a hybrid dual dopant system via the in-situ emulsion polymerization method offers a higher surface resistance of 1.0 ohms/cm with thermal stability up to 2450C in their powder form. This conductive polymer with a hybrid dual dopant system was used as a filler material with different polymeric thermoplastic resin systems for the preparation of conductive composites. Intrinsically Conductive polymeric (ICP) composites based on hybrid dual dopant systems were prepared using melt blending, extrusion, and finally by, compression molding processing techniques. ICP composites with hybrid dual dopant systems offered good mechanical, thermal, structural, weathering, and stable surface resistivity properties over a period of time. The preliminary shielding behavior for ICP composites between frequency levels of 10 GHz to 24GHZ offered a shielding efficiency of more than 90 dB.Keywords: ICP, dopant, EMI, shielding
Procedia PDF Downloads 822592 Studying the Theoretical and Laboratory Design of a Concrete Frame and Optimizing Its Design for Impact and Earthquake Resistance
Authors: Mehrdad Azimzadeh, Seyed Mohammadreza Jabbari, Mohammadreza Hosseinzadeh Alherd
This paper includes experimental results and analytical studies about increasing resistance of single-span reinforced concreted frames against impact factor and their modeling according to optimization methods and optimizing the behavior of these frames under impact loads. During this study, about 30 designs for different frames were modeled and made using specialized software like ANSYS and Sap and their behavior were examined under variable impacts. Then suitable strategies were offered for frames in terms of concrete mixing in order to optimize frame modeling. To reduce the weight of the frames, we had to use fine-grained stones. After designing about eight types of frames for each type of frames, three samples were designed with the aim of controlling the impact strength parameters, and a good shape of the frame was created for the impact resistance, which was a solid frame with muscular legs, and as a bond away from each other as much as possible with a 3 degree gradient in the upper part of the beam.Keywords: optimization, reinforced concrete, optimization methods, impact load, earthquake
Procedia PDF Downloads 1842591 Determination of Anchor Lengths by Retaining Walls
Authors: Belabed Lazhar
The dimensioning of the anchored retaining screens passes always by the analysis of their stability. The calculation of anchoring lengths is practically carried out according to the mechanical model suggested by Kranz which is often criticized. The safety is evaluated through the comparison of interior force and external force. The force of anchoring over the length cut behind the failure solid is neglected. The failure surface cuts anchoring in the medium length of sealing. In this article, one proposes a new mechanical model which overcomes these disadvantages (simplifications) and gives interesting results.Keywords: retaining walls, anchoring, stability, mechanical modeling, safety
Procedia PDF Downloads 3522590 Evaluation for Punching Shear Strength of Slab-Column Connections with Ultra High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Overlay
Authors: H. S. Youm, S. G. Hong
This paper presents the test results on 5 slab-column connection specimens with Ultra High Performance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) overlay including 1 control specimen to investigate retrofitting effect of UHPFRC overlay on the punching shear capacity. The test parameters were the thickness of the UHPFRC overlay and the amount of steel re-bars in it. All specimens failed in punching shear mode with abrupt failure aspect. The test results showed that by adding a thin layer of UHPFRC over the Reinforced Concrete (RC) substrates, considerable increases in global punching shear resistance up to 82% and structural rigidity were achieved. Furthermore, based on the cracking patterns the composite systems appeared to be governed by two failure modes: 1) diagonal shear failure in RC section and 2) debonding failure at the interface.Keywords: punching shear strength, retrofit, slab-column connection, UHPFRC, UHPFRC overlay
Procedia PDF Downloads 2592589 Behaviour of Beam Reinforced with Longitudinal Steel-CFRP Composite Reinforcement under Static Load
Authors: Faris A. Uriayer, Mehtab Alam
The concept of using a hybrid composite by combining two or more different materials to produce bilinear stress–strain behaviour has become a subject of interest. Having studied the mechanical properties of steel-CFRP specimens (CFRP Laminate Sandwiched between Mild Steel Strips), full size steel-CFRP composite reinforcement were fabricated and used as a new reinforcing material inside beams in lieu of traditional steel bars. Four beams, three beams reinforced with steel-CFRP composite reinforcement and one beam reinforced with traditional steel bars were cast, cured and tested under quasi-static loading. The flexural test results of the beams reinforced with this composite reinforcement showed that the beams with steel-CFRP composite reinforcement had comparable flexural strength and flexural ductility with beams reinforced with traditional steel bars.Keywords: CFRP laminate, steel strip, flexural behaviour, modified model, concrete beam
Procedia PDF Downloads 6912588 Technical Assessment of Utilizing Electrical Variable Transmission Systems in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Authors: Majid Vafaeipour, Mohamed El Baghdadi, Florian Verbelen, Peter Sergeant, Joeri Van Mierlo, Kurt Stockman, Omar Hegazy
The Electrical Variable Transmission (EVT), an electromechanical device, can be considered as an alternative solution to the conventional transmission system utilized in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs). This study present comparisons in terms of fuel consumption, power split, and state of charge (SoC) of an HEV containing an EVT to a conventional parallel topology and a series topology. To this end, corresponding simulations of these topologies are all performed in presence of control strategies enabling battery charge-sustaining and efficient power split. The power flow through the components of the vehicle are attained, and fuel consumption results of the considered cases are compared. The investigation of the results indicates utilizing EVT can provide significant added values in HEV configurations. The outcome of the current research paves its path for implementation of design optimization approaches on such systems in further research directions.Keywords: Electrical Variable Transmission (EVT), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), parallel, series, modeling
Procedia PDF Downloads 2382587 Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Effects of Nonstructural Brick Walls on Earthquake Response of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Authors: Hasan Husnu Korkmaz, Serra Zerrin Korkmaz
The reinforced concrete (RC) framed structures composed of beams, columns, shear walls and the slabs. The other members are assumed to be nonstructural. Especially the brick infill walls which are used to separate the rooms or spaces are just handled as dead loads. On the other hand, if these infills are constructed within the frame bays, they also have higher shear and compression capacities. It is a well-known fact that, brick infills increase the lateral rigidity of the structure and thought to be a reserve capacity in the design. But, brick infills can create unfavorable failure or damage modes in the earthquake action such as soft story or short columns. The increase in the lateral rigidity also causes an over estimation of natural period of the structure and the corresponding earthquake loads in the design are less than the actual ones. In order to obtain accurate and realistic design results, the infills must be modelled in the structural design and their capacities must be included. Unfortunately, in Turkish Earthquake Code, there is no design methodology for the engineers. In this paper, finite element modelling of infilled reinforced concrete structures are studied. The proposed or used method is compared with the experimental results of a previous study. The effect of infills on the structural response is expressed within the paper.Keywords: seismic loading, brick infills, finite element analysis, reinforced concrete, earthquake code
Procedia PDF Downloads 3142586 Efficiency Validation of Hybrid Cooling Application in Hot and Humid Climate Houses of KSA
Authors: Jamil Hijazi, Stirling Howieson
Reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions are probably the greatest challenge now facing mankind. From considerations surrounding global warming and CO2 production, it has to be recognized that oil is a finite resource and the KSA like many other oil-rich countries will have to start to consider a horizon where hydro-carbons are not the dominant energy resource. The employment of hybrid ground-cooling pipes in combination with the black body solar collection and radiant night cooling systems may have the potential to displace a significant proportion of oil currently used to run conventional air conditioning plant. This paper presents an investigation into the viability of such hybrid systems with the specific aim of reducing cooling load and carbon emissions while providing all year-round thermal comfort in a typical Saudi Arabian urban housing block. Soil temperatures were measured in the city of Jeddah. A parametric study then was carried out by computational simulation software (DesignBuilder) that utilized the field measurements and predicted the cooling energy consumption of both a base case and an ideal scenario (typical block retro-fitted with insulation, solar shading, ground pipes integrated with hypocaust floor slabs/stack ventilation and radiant cooling pipes embed in floor). Initial simulation results suggest that careful ‘ecological design’ combined with hybrid radiant and ground pipe cooling techniques can displace air conditioning systems, producing significant cost and carbon savings (both capital and running) without appreciable deprivation of amenity.Keywords: cooling load, energy efficiency, ground pipe cooling, hybrid cooling strategy, hydronic radiant systems, low carbon emission, passive designs, thermal comfort
Procedia PDF Downloads 2312585 Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure Based on Plastic Rotation
Authors: Kahil Amar, Meziani Faroudja, Khelil Nacim
The principal objective of this study is the evaluation of the seismic performance of reinforced concrete frame structures, taking into account of the behavior laws, reflecting the real behavior of materials, using CASTEM2000 software. A finite element model used is based in modified Takeda model with Timoshenko elements for columns and beams. This model is validated on a Vecchio experimental reinforced concrete (RC) frame model. Then, a study focused on the behavior of a RC frame with three-level and three-story in order to visualize the positioning the plastic hinge (plastic rotation), determined from the curvature distribution along the elements. The results obtained show that the beams of the 1st and 2nd level developed a very large plastic rotations, or these rotations exceed the values corresponding to CP (Collapse prevention with cp qCP = 0.02 rad), against those developed at the 3rd level, are between IO and LS (Immediate occupancy and life Safety with qIO = 0.005 rad and rad qLS = 0.01 respectively), so the beams of first and second levels submit a very significant damage.Keywords: seismic performance, performance level, pushover analysis, plastic rotation, plastic hinge
Procedia PDF Downloads 1302584 Structural Behavior of Precast Foamed Concrete Sandwich Panel Subjected to Vertical In-Plane Shear Loading
Authors: Y. H. Mugahed Amran, Raizal S. M. Rashid, Farzad Hejazi, Nor Azizi Safiee, A. A. Abang Ali
Experimental and analytical studies were accomplished to examine the structural behavior of precast foamed concrete sandwich panel (PFCSP) under vertical in-plane shear load. PFCSP full-scale specimens with total number of six were developed with varying heights to study an important parameter slenderness ratio (H/t). The production technique of PFCSP and the procedure of test setup were described. The results obtained from the experimental tests were analysed in the context of in-plane shear strength capacity, load-deflection profile, load-strain relationship, slenderness ratio, shear cracking patterns and mode of failure. Analytical study of finite element analysis was implemented and the theoretical calculations of the ultimate in-plane shear strengths using the adopted ACI318 equation for reinforced concrete wall were determined aimed at predicting the in-plane shear strength of PFCSP. The decrease in slenderness ratio from 24 to 14 showed an increase of 26.51% and 21.91% on the ultimate in-plane shear strength capacity as obtained experimentally and in FEA models, respectively. The experimental test results, FEA models data and theoretical calculation values were compared and provided a significant agreement with high degree of accuracy. Therefore, on the basis of the results obtained, PFCSP wall has the potential use as an alternative to the conventional load-bearing wall system.Keywords: deflection curves, foamed concrete (FC), load-strain relationships, precast foamed concrete sandwich panel (PFCSP), slenderness ratio, vertical in-plane shear strength capacity
Procedia PDF Downloads 2202583 Hybrid Wavelet-Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Model for a Greenhouse Energy Demand Prediction
Authors: Azzedine Hamza, Chouaib Chakour, Messaoud Ramdani
Energy demand prediction plays a crucial role in achieving next-generation power systems for agricultural greenhouses. As a result, high prediction quality is required for efficient smart grid management and therefore low-cost energy consumption. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of a hybrid data-driven model in day-ahead energy demand prediction. The proposed model consists of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). The DWT is employed to decompose the original signal in a set of subseries and then an ANFIS is used to generate the forecast for each subseries. The proposed hybrid method (DWT-ANFIS) was evaluated using a greenhouse energy demand data for a week and compared with ANFIS. The performances of the different models were evaluated by comparing the corresponding values of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). It was demonstrated that discret wavelet transform can improve agricultural greenhouse energy demand modeling.Keywords: wavelet transform, ANFIS, energy consumption prediction, greenhouse
Procedia PDF Downloads 902582 Magnetic Survey for the Delineation of Concrete Pillars in Geotechnical Investigation for Site Characterization
Authors: Nuraddeen Usman, Khiruddin Abdullah, Mohd Nawawi, Amin Khalil Ismail
A magnetic survey is carried out in order to locate the remains of construction items, specifically concrete pillars. The conventional Euler deconvolution technique can perform the task but it requires the use of fixed structural index (SI) and the construction items are made of materials with different shapes which require different SI (unknown). A Euler deconvolution technique that estimate background, horizontal coordinate (xo and yo), depth and structural index (SI) simultaneously is prepared and used for this task. The synthetic model study carried indicated the new methodology can give a good estimate of location and does not depend on magnetic latitude. For field data, both the total magnetic field and gradiometer reading had been collected simultaneously. The computed vertical derivatives and gradiometer readings are compared and they have shown good correlation signifying the effectiveness of the method. The filtering is carried out using automated procedure, analytic signal and other traditional techniques. The clustered depth solutions coincided with the high amplitude/values of analytic signal and these are the possible target positions of the concrete pillars being sought. The targets under investigation are interpreted to be located at the depth between 2.8 to 9.4 meters. More follow up survey is recommended as this mark the preliminary stage of the work.Keywords: concrete pillar, magnetic survey, geotechnical investigation, Euler Deconvolution
Procedia PDF Downloads 2622581 Structural Evaluation of Airfield Pavement Using Finite Element Analysis Based Methodology
Authors: Richard Ji
Nondestructive deflection testing has been accepted widely as a cost-effective tool for evaluating the structural condition of airfield pavements. Backcalculation of pavement layer moduli can be used to characterize the pavement existing condition in order to compute the load bearing capacity of pavement. This paper presents an improved best-fit backcalculation methodology based on deflection predictions obtained using finite element method (FEM). The best-fit approach is based on minimizing the squared error between falling weight deflectometer (FWD) measured deflections and FEM predicted deflections. Then, concrete elastic modulus and modulus of subgrade reaction were back-calculated using Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD) deflections collected at the National Airport Pavement Testing Facility (NAPTF) test site. It is an alternative and more versatile method in considering concrete slab geometry and HWD testing locations compared to methods currently available.Keywords: nondestructive testing, pavement moduli backcalculation, finite element method, concrete pavements
Procedia PDF Downloads 1672580 Laboratory Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Prepared with Over Burnt Brick Aggregate Treated by Zycosoil
Authors: D. Sarkar, M. Pal, A. K. Sarkar
Asphaltic concrete for pavement construction in India are produced by using crushed stone, gravels etc. as aggregate. In north-Eastern region of India, there is a scarcity o f stone aggregate. Therefore the road engineers are always in search of an optional material as aggregate which can replace the regularly used material. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the utilization of substandard or marginal aggregates in flexible pavement construction. The investigation was undertaken to evaluate the effects of using lower quality aggregates such as over burnt brick aggregate on the preparation of asphalt concrete for flexible pavements. The scope of this work included a review of available literature and existing data, a laboratory evaluation organized to determine the effects of marginal aggregates and potential techniques to upgrade these substandard materials, and a laboratory evaluation of these upgraded marginal aggregate asphalt mixtures. Over burnt brick aggregates are water susceptible and can leads to moisture damage. Moisture damage is the progressive loss of functionality of the material owing to loss of the adhesion bond between the asphalt binder and the aggregate surface. Hence, zycosoil as an anti striping additive were evaluated in this study. This study summarizes the results of the laboratory evaluation carried out to investigate the properties of asphalt concrete prepared with zycosoil modified over burnt brick aggregate. Marshall specimen were prepared with stone aggregate, zycosoil modified stone aggregate, over burnt brick aggregate and zycosoil modified over burnt brick aggregate. Results show that addition of zycosoil with stone aggregate increased stability by 6% and addition of zycosoil with over burnt brick aggregate increased stability by 30%.Keywords: asphalt concrete, over burnt brick aggregate, marshall stability, zycosoil
Procedia PDF Downloads 3592579 Optimal Design of Concrete Shells by Modified Particle Community Algorithm Using Spinless Curves
Authors: Reza Abbasi, Ahmad Hamidi Benam
Shell structures have many geometrical variables that modify some of these parameters to improve the mechanical behavior of the shell. On the other hand, the behavior of such structures depends on their geometry rather than on mass. Optimization techniques are useful in finding the geometrical shape of shell structures to improve mechanical behavior, especially to prevent or reduce bending anchors. The overall objective of this research is to optimize the shape of concrete shells using the thickness and height parameters along the reference curve and the overall shape of this curve. To implement the proposed scheme, the geometry of the structure was formulated using nonlinear curves. Shell optimization was performed under equivalent static loading conditions using the modified bird community algorithm. The results of this optimization show that without disrupting the initial design and with slight changes in the shell geometry, the structural behavior is significantly improved.Keywords: concrete shells, shape optimization, spinless curves, modified particle community algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 2342578 Life Cycle Cost Evaluation of Structures with Hysteretic Dampers
Authors: Jinkoo Kim, Hyungoo Kang, Hyungjun Shin
In this study, a hybrid energy dissipation device is developed by combining a steel slit plate and friction pads to be used for seismic retrofit of structures, and its effectiveness is investigated by comparing the life cycle costs of the structure before and after the retrofit. The seismic energy dissipation capability of the dampers is confirmed by cyclic loading tests. The probabilities of reaching various damage states are obtained by fragility analysis, and the life cycle costs of the model structures are computed using the PACT (Performance Assessment Calculation Tool) program based on FEMA P-58 methodology. The fragility analysis shows that the probabilities of reaching limit states are minimized by the seismic retrofit with hybrid dampers and increasing column size. The seismic retrofit with increasing column size and hybrid dampers results in the lowest repair cost and shortest repair time.Keywords: slit dampers, friction dampers, seismic retrofit, life cycle cost, FEMA P-58, PACT
Procedia PDF Downloads 3272577 Comparative Analysis of Hybrid Dynamic Stabilization and Fusion for Degenerative Disease of the Lumbosacral Spine: Finite Element Analysis
Authors: Mohamed Bendoukha, Mustapha Mosbah
The Radiographic apparent assumed that the asymptomatic adjacent segment disease ASD is common after lumbar fusion, but this does not correlate with the functional outcomes while compensatory increased motion and stresses at the adjacent level of fusion is well-known to be associated to ASD. Newly developed, the hybrid stabilization are allocated to substituted for mostly the superior level of the fusion in an attempt to reduce the number of fusion levels and likelihood of degeneration process at the adjacent levels during the fusion with pedicle screws. Nevertheless, its biomechanical efficiencies still remain unknown and complications associated with failure of constructs such screw loosening and toggling should be elucidated In the current study, a finite element (FE) study was performed using a validated L2/S1 model subjected to a moment of 7.5 Nm and follower load of 400 N to assess the biomedical behavior of hybrid constructs based on dynamic topping off, semi rigid fusion. The residual range of motion (ROM), stress distribution at the fused and adjacent levels, stress distribution at the disc and the cage-endplate interface with respect to changes of bone quality were investigated. The hybrid instrumentation was associated with a reduction in compressive stresses compared to the fusion construct in the adjacent-level disc and showed high substantial axial force in the implant while fusion instrumentation increased the motion for both flexion and extension.Keywords: intervertebral disc, lumbar spine, degenerative nuclesion, L4-L5, range of motion finite element model, hyperelasticy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1852576 Control of Base Isolated Benchmark using Combined Control Strategy with Fuzzy Algorithm Subjected to Near-Field Earthquakes
Authors: Hashem Shariatmadar, Mozhgansadat Momtazdargahi
The purpose of control structure against earthquake is to dissipate earthquake input energy to the structure and reduce the plastic deformation of structural members. There are different methods for control structure against earthquake to reduce the structure response that they are active, semi-active, inactive and hybrid. In this paper two different combined control systems are used first system comprises base isolator and multi tuned mass dampers (BI & MTMD) and another combination is hybrid base isolator and multi tuned mass dampers (HBI & MTMD) for controlling an eight story isolated benchmark steel structure. Active control force of hybrid isolator is estimated by fuzzy logic algorithms. The influences of the combined systems on the responses of the benchmark structure under the two near-field earthquake (Newhall & Elcentro) are evaluated by nonlinear dynamic time history analysis. Applications of combined control systems consisting of passive or active systems installed in parallel to base-isolation bearings have the capability of reducing response quantities of base-isolated (relative and absolute displacement) structures significantly. Therefore in design and control of irregular isolated structures using the proposed control systems, structural demands (relative and absolute displacement and etc.) in each direction must be considered separately.Keywords: base-isolated benchmark structure, multi-tuned mass dampers, hybrid isolators, near-field earthquake, fuzzy algorithm
Procedia PDF Downloads 3052575 Hybrid Energy Harvesting System with Energy Storage Management
Authors: Lucian Pîslaru-Dănescu, George-Claudiu Zărnescu, Laurențiu Constantin Lipan, Rareș-Andrei Chihaia
In recent years, the utilization of supercapacitors for energy storage (ES) devices that are designed for energy harvesting (EH) applications has increased substantially. The use of supercapacitors as energy storage devices in hybrid energy harvesting systems allows the miniaturization of electronic structures for energy storage. This study is concerned with the concept of energy management capacitors – supercapacitors and the new electronic structures for energy storage used for energy harvesting devices. Supercapacitors are low-voltage devices, and electronic overvoltage protection is needed for powering the source. The power management device that uses these proposed new electronic structures for energy storage is better than conventional electronic structures used for this purpose, like rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors, and hybrid systems. A hybrid energy harvesting system with energy storage management is able to simultaneously use several energy sources with recovery from the environment. The power management device uses a summing electronic block to combine the electric power obtained from piezoelectric composite plates and from a photovoltaic conversion system. Also, an overvoltage protection circuit used as a voltage detector and an improved concept of charging supercapacitors is presented. The piezoelectric composite plates are realized only by pressing two printed circuit boards together without damaging or prestressing the piezoceramic elements. The photovoltaic conversion system has the advantage that the modules are covered with glass plates with nanostructured film of ZnO with the role of anti-reflective coating and to improve the overall efficiency of the solar panels.Keywords: supercapacitors, energy storage, electronic overvoltage protection, energy harvesting
Procedia PDF Downloads 862574 An Analysis of Conditions for Efficiency Gains in Large ICEs Using Cycling
Authors: Bauer Peter, Murillo Jenny
This paper investigates the bounds of achievable fuel efficiency improvements in engines due to cycling between two operating points assuming a series hybrid configuration . It is shown that for linear bsfc dependencies (as a function of power), cycling is only beneficial if the average power needs are smaller than the power at the optimal bsfc value. Exact expressions for the fuel efficiency gains relative to the constant output power case are derived. This asymptotic analysis is then extended to the case where transient losses due to a change in the operating point are also considered. The case of the boundary bsfc trajectory where constant power application and cycling yield the same fuel investigated. It is shown that the boundary bsfc locations of the second non-optimal operating points is hyperbolic. The analysis of the boundary case allows to evaluate whether for a particular engine, cycling can be beneficial. The introduced concepts are illustrated through a number of real world examples, i.e. large production Diesel engines in series hybrid configurations.Keywords: cycling, efficiency, bsfc, series hybrid, diesel, operating point
Procedia PDF Downloads 5062573 Stability of Composite Struts Using the Modified Newmark Method
Authors: Seyed Amin Vakili, Sahar Sadat Vakili, Seyed Ehsan Vakili, Nader Abdoli Yazdi
The aim of this paper is to examine the behavior of elastic stability of reinforced and composite concrete struts with axial loads. The objective of this study is to verify the ability of the Modified Newmark Method to include geometric non-linearity in addition to non-linearity due to cracking, and also to show the advantage of the established method to reconsider an ignored minor parameter in mathematical modeling, such as the effect of the cracking by extra geometric bending moment Ny on cross-section properties. The purpose of this investigation is not to present some new results for the instability of reinforced or composite concrete columns. Therefore, no kinds of non-linearity involved in the problem are considered here. Only as mentioned, it is a part of the verification of the new established method to solve two kinds of non-linearity P- δ effect and cracking together simultaneously. However, the Modified Newmark Method can be used to solve non-linearity of materials and time-dependent behavior of concrete. However, since it is out of the scope of this article, it is not considered.Keywords: stability, buckling, modified newmark method, reinforced
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