Search results for: gene expression profiles
2802 MicroRNA Profiling Reveals Novel Circulating Biomarkers in Acute Phase of Myocardial Infarction
Authors: A. Maciejak, M. Kiliszek, G. Opolski, D. Tulacz, A. Segiet, K. Matlak, S. Dobrzycki, G. Sygitowicz, B. Burzynska, M. Gora
Introduction and aims: Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is one of the most severe cardiovascular diseases affecting millions of patients each year worldwide. An early and accurate diagnosis of AMI is essential for optimal treatment. Therefore, new approaches that can complement and improve current strategies for AMI diagnosis are urgently needed. Recent studies have revealed the presence of stable circulating myocardial-derived microRNAs (miRNAs) in human peripheral blood, suggesting that such miRNAs could serve as potential biomarkers of infarction. The present study aimed to identify differentially expressed circulating miRNAs in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. Materials and methods: miRNA expression profile analysis was performed using Exiqon Serum/Plasma Focus microRNA PCR panel in plasma samples of n=16 patients on the first day of AMI (admission) and in samples from the same patients collected six months after AMI. Selected miRNAs were validated by RT-qPCR using serum samples from an independent set of n=14 AMI patients. Results: The profiling study identified 46 species of plasma miRNAs that were differentially expressed (p < 0.05) on admission compared to six months after AMI. The validation in the independent group of patients confirmed that miR-133b and miR-22-5p were significantly up-regulated upon AMI. Conclusions: Our results suggest that miRNA expression profiling provides better understanding of the changes that occur in the acute phase of MI in the myocardium and could be useful in determination of the potential role of extracellular miRNAs as paracrine signaling molecules. miR-22-5p represents a novel promising biomarker for the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction.Keywords: acute myocardial infarction, circulating microRNAs, microRNA expression profiling, miR-22-5p
Procedia PDF Downloads 3322801 The Influence of Aerobic Physical Exercise with Different Frequency to Concentration of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Brain Tissue of Wistar Rat
Authors: Rostika Flora, Muhammad Zulkarnain, Syokumawena
Background: Aerobic physical exercises are recommended to keep body fit and healthy although physical exercises themselves can increase body metabolism and oxygen and can lead into tissue hypoxia. Oxygen pressure can serve as Vascular Endhothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) regulator. Hypoxia increases gene expression of VEGF through ascendant regulation of HIF-1. VEGF is involved in regulating angiogenesis process. Aerobic physical exercises can increase the concentration of VEGF in brain and enables angiogenesis process. We have investigated the influence of aerobic physical exercise to the VGEF concentration of wistar rat’s brain. Methods: This was experimental study using post test only control group design. Independent t-test was used as statistical test. The samples were twenty four wistar rat (Rattus Norvegicus) which were divided into four groups: group P1 (control group), group P2 (treatment group with once-a-week exercise), group P3 (treatment group with three time-a-week exercise), and group P4 (treatment group with seven time-a-week exercise). Group P2, P3, and P4 were treated with treadmil with speed of 20 m/minute for 30 minutes. The concentration of VEGF was determined by ELISA. Results: There was a significant increase of VEGF in treatment group compared with control one (<0.05). The maximum increase was found in group P2 (129.02±64.49) and the minimum increase was in group P4 (96.98±11.20). Conclusion: The frequency of aerobic physical exercises influenced the concentration of Vascular Endhothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) of brain tissue of Rattus Norvegicus.Keywords: brain tissue, hypoxia, physical exercises, vascular endhothelial growth factor
Procedia PDF Downloads 4932800 Molecular Detection and Isolation of Benzimidazole Resistant Haemonchus contortus from Pakistan
Authors: K. Ali, M. F. Qamar, M. A. Zaman, M. Younus, I. Khan, S. Ehtisham-ul-Haque, R. Tamkeen, M. I. Rashid, Q. Ali
This study centers on molecular identification of Haemonchus contortus and isolation of Benz-imidazoles (BZ) resistant strains. Different abattoirs’ of two geographic regions of Punjab (Pakistan) were frequently visited for the collection of worms. Out of 1500 (n=1500) samples that were morphologically confirmed as H. contortus, 30 worms were subjected to molecular procedures for isolation of resistant strains. Resistant worms (n=8) were further subjected to DNA gene sequencing. Bio edit sequence alignment editor software was used to detect the possible mutation, deletion, replacement of nucleotides. Genetic diversity was noticed and genetic variation existing in β-tubulin isotype 1 of the H. contortus population of small ruminants of different regions considered in this study. H. contortus showed three different type of genetic sequences. 75%, 37.5%, 25% and 12.5% of the studied samples showed 100% query cover and identity with isolates and clones of China, UK, Australia and other countries, respectively. Interestingly the neighbor countries such as India and Iran haven’t many similarities with the Pakistani isolates. Thus, it suggests that population density of same genetic makeup H. contortus is scattered worldwide rather than clustering in a single region.Keywords: Haemonchus contortus, Benzimidazole resistant, β-tubulin-1 gene, abattoirs
Procedia PDF Downloads 1752799 Production of Insulin Analogue SCI-57 by Transient Expression in Nicotiana benthamiana
Authors: Adriana Muñoz-Talavera, Ana Rosa Rincón-Sánchez, Abraham Escobedo-Moratilla, María Cristina Islas-Carbajal, Miguel Ángel Gómez-Lim
The highest rates of diabetes incidence and prevalence worldwide will increase the number of diabetic patients requiring insulin or insulin analogues. Then, current production systems would not be sufficient to meet the future market demands. Therefore, developing efficient expression systems for insulin and insulin analogues are needed. In addition, insulin analogues with better pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics properties and without mitogenic potential will be required. SCI-57 (single chain insulin-57) is an insulin analogue having 10 times greater affinity to the insulin receptor, higher resistance to thermal degradation than insulin, native mitogenicity and biological effect. Plants as expression platforms have been used to produce recombinant proteins because of their advantages such as cost-effectiveness, posttranslational modifications, absence of human pathogens and high quality. Immunoglobulin production with a yield of 50% has been achieved by transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana (Nb). The aim of this study is to produce SCI-57 by transient expression in Nb. Methodology: DNA sequence encoding SCI-57 was cloned in pICH31070. This construction was introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens by electroporation. The resulting strain was used to infiltrate leaves of Nb. In order to isolate SCI-57, leaves from transformed plants were incubated 3 hours with the extraction buffer therefore filtrated to remove solid material. The resultant protein solution was subjected to anion exchange chromatography on an FPLC system and ultrafiltration to purify SCI-57. Detection of SCI-57 was made by electrophoresis pattern (SDS-PAGE). Protein band was digested with trypsin and the peptides were analyzed by Liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). A purified protein sample (20µM) was analyzed by ESI-Q-TOF-MS to obtain the ionization pattern and the exact molecular weight determination. Chromatography pattern and impurities detection were performed using RP-HPLC using recombinant insulin as standard. The identity of the SCI-57 was confirmed by anti-insulin ELISA. The total soluble protein concentration was quantified by Bradford assay. Results: The expression cassette was verified by restriction mapping (5393 bp fragment). The SDS-PAGE of crude leaf extract (CLE) of transformed plants, revealed a protein of about 6.4 kDa, non-present in CLE of untransformed plants. The LC-MS/MS results displayed one peptide with a high score that matches SCI-57 amino acid sequence in the sample, confirming the identity of SCI-57. From the purified SCI-57 sample (PSCI-57) the most intense charge state was 1069 m/z (+6) on the displayed ionization pattern corresponding to the molecular weight of SCI-57 (6412.6554 Da). The RP-HPLC of the PSCI-57 shows the presence of a peak with similar retention time (rt) and UV spectroscopic profile to the insulin standard (SCI-57 rt=12.96 and insulin rt=12.70 min). The collected SCI-57 peak had ELISA signal. The total protein amount in CLE from transformed plants was higher compared to untransformed plants. Conclusions: Our results suggest the feasibility to produce insulin analogue SCI-57 by transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. Further work is being undertaken to evaluate the biological activity by glucose uptake by insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistant murine and human cultured adipocytes.Keywords: insulin analogue, mass spectrometry, Nicotiana benthamiana, transient expression
Procedia PDF Downloads 3512798 IL-33 Production in Murine Macrophages via PGE2-E Prostanoid Receptor 2/4 Signaling
Authors: Sachin K. Samuchiwal, Barbara Balestrieri, Amanda Paskavitz, Hannah Raff, Joshua A. Boyce
IL-33, a recently discovered member of the IL-1 cytokine family, binds to the TLR/IL1R super family receptor ST2 and induces type 2 immune responses. IL-33 is constitutively expressed in structural cells at barrier sites such as skin, lung, and intestine, and also inducibly expressed by hematopoietic cells including macrophages. Stimulation of macrophages by Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) can induce de novo IL-33 expression, and also causes the production of prostaglandin-E2 (PGE2) via cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 and microsomal PGE2 synthase-1 (mPGES-1). Because PGE2 can regulate macrophage functions through both autocrine and paracrine mechanisms, the potential interplay of endogenous PGE2 on IL-33 production was explored. Bone-marrow derived murine macrophages (bmMF) that lack either mPGES-1 or EP2 receptor expression were stimulated with LPS in the absence or presence of exogenous PGE2 along with pharmacological agonists and antagonists. The study results demonstrate that endogenous PGE2 markedly enhances LPS-induced IL-33 production by bmMFs via EP2 receptors. Moreover, exogenous PGE2 can amplify LPS-induced IL-33 expression dominantly by EP2 and partly by EP4 receptors by a pathway involving cAMP and exchange protein activated by cAMP (EPAC), but not protein kinase A (PKA). Though both IL-33 production and PGE2 generation in response to LPS require activation of both p38 MAPK and NF-κB, PGE2 did not influence this activation. In conclusion, it is demonstrated that endogenous PGE2 signaling through EP2 and EP4 receptors is a prerequisite for LPS-induced IL-33 production in bmMFs and the underlying cAMP mediated pathway involves EPAC. Since IL-33 is a critical pro-inflammatory cytokine in various pathological disorders, this PGE2-EP2/EP4-cAMP mediated pathway can be exploited to intervene in IL-33 driven pathologies.Keywords: bone marrow macrophages, EPAC, IL-33, PGE2
Procedia PDF Downloads 1912797 Elucidating the Genetic Determinism of Seed Protein Plasticity in Response to the Environment Using Medicago truncatula
Authors: K. Cartelier, D. Aime, V. Vernoud, J. Buitink, J. M. Prosperi, K. Gallardo, C. Le Signor
Legumes can produce protein-rich seeds without nitrogen fertilizer through root symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia. Rich in lysine, these proteins are used for human nutrition and animal feed. However, the instability of seed protein yield and quality due to environmental fluctuations limits the wider use of legumes such as pea. Breeding efforts are needed to optimize and stabilize seed nutritional value, which requires to identify the genetic determinism of seed protein plasticity in response to the environment. Towards this goal, we have studied the plasticity of protein content and composition of seeds from a collection of 200 Medicago truncatula ecotypes grown under four controlled conditions (optimal, drought, and winter/spring sowing). A quantitative analysis of one-dimensional protein profiles of these mature seeds was performed and plasticity indices were calculated from each abundant protein band. Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) from these data identified major GWAS hotspots, from which a list of candidate genes was obtained. A Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis revealed an over-representation of genes involved in several amino acid metabolic pathways. This led us to propose that environmental variations are likely to modulate amino acid balance, thus impacting seed protein composition. The selection of candidate genes for controlling the plasticity of seed protein composition was refined using transcriptomics data from developing Medicago truncatula seeds. The pea orthologs of key genes were identified for functional studies by mean of TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions in Genomes) lines in this crop. We will present how this study highlighted mechanisms that could govern seed protein plasticity, providing new cues towards the stabilization of legume seed quality.Keywords: GWAS, Medicago truncatula, plasticity, seed, storage proteins
Procedia PDF Downloads 1422796 Biofilm Formation Due to the Proteome Changes Of Enterococcus Faecium in Response to Sub-Mic of Gentamicin
Authors: Amin Abbasi, Mahdi Asghari Ozma
Background and Objective:Enterococcus faecium is a normal flora of the human gastrointestinal tract that causes infection in the host body under conditions such as biofilm formation, in which the use of antibiotics causes changes in these pathogenic mechanisms. In this study, we aimed to evaluate comprehensively the changes in E.faecium when exposed to sub-MIC of the gentamicin,especiallythe biofilm formation rate. Materials and Methods: For this study, the keywords "Enterococcus faecium ", "Biofilm", and "Gentamicin" in the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, Sid, and MagIran between 2015 and 2021 were searched, and 14 articles were chosen, studied, and analyzed. Results: Gentamicin significantly had increased biofilm formation in most of the isolates in the studies. Increased expression of the genes (efaA and esp) and proteins involved in biofilm formation and decreased expression of the genes (gelE and cylA) involved in spreading and proteins involved in metabolism and cell division in E.faecium were the most significant cause of the biofilm formation, which were increased in sub-MIC gentamicin-treated situation. Conclusion: Inadequate use of gentamicin intensify biofilm formation of E.faecium, which can make the treatment of infections caused by this bacterium difficult.Keywords: biofilm, enterococcus faecium, gentamicin, proteome
Procedia PDF Downloads 1112795 Milk Yield and Fingerprinting of Beta-Casein Precursor (CSN2) Gene in Some Saudi Camel Breeds
Authors: Amr A. El Hanafy, Yasser M. Saad, Saleh A. Alkarim, Hussein A. Almehdar, Elrashdy M. Redwan
Camels are substantial providers of transport, milk, sport, meat, shelter, fuel, security and capital in many countries, particularly Saudi Arabia. Identification of animal breeds has progressed rapidly during the last decade. Advanced molecular techniques are playing a significant role in breeding or strain protection laws. On the other hand, fingerprinting of some molecular markers related to some productive traits in farm animals represents most important studies to our knowledge, which aim to conserve these local genetic resources, and to the genetic improvement of such local breeds by selective programs depending on gene markers. Milk records were taken two days in each week from female camels of Majahem, Safara, Wathaha, and Hamara breeds, respectively from different private farms in northern Jeddah, Riyadh and Alwagh governorates and average weekly yields were calculated. DNA sequencing for CSN2 gene was used for evaluating the genetic variations and calculating the genetic distance values among four Saudi camel populations which are Hamra(R), Safra(Y), Wadha(W) and Majaheim(M). In addition, this marker was analyzed for reconstructing the Neighbor joining tree among evaluating camel breeds. In respect to milk yield during winter season, result indicated that average weekly milk yield of Safara camel breed (30.05 Kg/week) is significantly (p < 0.05) lower than the other 3 breeds which ranged from 39.68 for Hamara to 42.42 Kg/week for Majahem, while there are not significant differences between these three breeds. The Neighbor Joining analysis that re-constructed based on DNA variations showed that samples are clustered into two unique clades. The first clade includes Y (from Y4 to Y18) and M (from M1, to M9). On the other hand, the second cluster is including all R (from R1 to R6) and W (from W1 to W6). The genetic distance values were equal 0.0068 (between the groups M&Y and R&W) and equal 0 (within each group).Keywords: milk yield, beta-casein precursor (CSN2), Saudi camel, molecular markers
Procedia PDF Downloads 2162794 Oscillatory Electroosmotic Flow of Power-Law Fluids in a Microchannel
Authors: Rubén Bãnos, José Arcos, Oscar Bautista, Federico Méndez
The Oscillatory electroosmotic flow (OEOF) in power law fluids through a microchannel is studied numerically. A time-dependent external electric field (AC) is suddenly imposed at the ends of the microchannel which induces the fluid motion. The continuity and momentum equations in the x and y direction for the flow field were simplified in the limit of the lubrication approximation theory (LAT), and then solved using a numerical scheme. The solution of the electric potential is based on the Debye-H¨uckel approximation which suggest that the surface potential is small,say, smaller than 0.025V and for a symmetric (z : z) electrolyte. Our results suggest that the velocity profiles across the channel-width are controlled by the following dimensionless parameters: the angular Reynolds number, Reω, the electrokinetic parameter, ¯κ, defined as the ratio of the characteristic length scale to the Debye length, the parameter λ which represents the ratio of the Helmholtz-Smoluchowski velocity to the characteristic length scale and the flow behavior index, n. Also, the results reveal that the velocity profiles become more and more non-uniform across the channel-width as the Reω and ¯κ are increased, so oscillatory OEOF can be really useful in micro-fluidic devices such as micro-mixers.Keywords: low zeta potentials, non-newtonian, oscillatory electroosmotic flow, power-law model
Procedia PDF Downloads 1702793 LaeA/1-Velvet Interplay in Aspergillus and Trichoderma: Regulation of Secondary Metabolites and Cellulases
Authors: Razieh Karimi Aghcheh, Christian Kubicek, Joseph Strauss, Gerhard Braus
Filamentous fungi are of considerable economic and social significance for human health, nutrition and in white biotechnology. These organisms are dominant producers of a range of primary metabolites such as citric acid, microbial lipids (biodiesel) and higher unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs). In particular, they produce also important but structurally complex secondary metabolites with enormous therapeutic applications in pharmaceutical industry, for example: cephalosporin, penicillin, taxol, zeranol and ergot alkaloids. Several fungal secondary metabolites, which are significantly relevant to human health do not only include antibiotics, but also e.g. lovastatin, a well-known antihypercholesterolemic agent produced by Aspergillus. terreus, or aflatoxin, a carcinogen produced by A. flavus. In addition to their roles for human health and agriculture, some fungi are industrially and commercially important: Species of the ascomycete genus Hypocrea spp. (teleomorph of Trichoderma) have been demonstrated as efficient producer of highly active cellulolytic enzymes. This trait makes them effective in disrupting and depolymerization of lignocellulosic materials and thus applicable tools in number of biotechnological areas as diverse as clothes-washing detergent, animal feed, and pulp and fuel productions. Fungal LaeA/LAE1 (Loss of aflR Expression A) homologs their gene products act at the interphase between secondary metabolisms, cellulase production and development. Lack of the corresponding genes results in significant physiological changes including loss of secondary metabolite and lignocellulose degrading enzymes production. At the molecular level, the encoded proteins are presumably methyltransferases or demethylases which act directly or indirectly at heterochromatin and interact with velvet domain proteins. Velvet proteins bind to DNA and affect expression of secondary metabolites (SMs) genes and cellulases. The dynamic interplay between LaeA/LAE1, velvet proteins and additional interaction partners is the key for an understanding of the coordination of metabolic and morphological functions of fungi and is required for a biotechnological control of the formation of desired bioactive products. Aspergilli and Trichoderma represent different biotechnologically significant species with significant differences in the LaeA/LAE1-Velvet protein machinery and their target proteins. We, therefore, performed a comparative study of the interaction partners of this machinery and the dynamics of the various protein-protein interactions using our robust proteomic and mass spectrometry techniques. This enhances our knowledge about the fungal coordination of secondary metabolism, cellulase production and development and thereby will certainly improve recombinant fungal strain construction for the production of industrial secondary metabolite or lignocellulose hydrolytic enzymes.Keywords: cellulases, LaeA/1, proteomics, secondary metabolites
Procedia PDF Downloads 2722792 Enhanced Wound Healing Efficacy of Cordycepin-Melittin Nanoconjugate in Excised Wounds of Diabetic Rats
Authors: Mohammed Flaih Alotaibi, Rasheed Ahemad Shaik, Mohammed Z. Nasrullah
Diabetic foot ulcers are the foremost global healthcare burden. Hyperglycemia in diabetics is incriminating in impeding wound healing and it can allow for more severe medical issues. The study was intended to establish a nanoconjugate of cordycepin-melittin (COR-MEL) and evaluate its healing effects in wounded diabetic rats. Diabetes induced by injecting streptozotocin intraperitoneally (50 mg/kg, body weight). Therefore, animals were classified into various groups; diabetic untreated, vehicle-treated, COR alone, MEL alone, and COR-MEL nanoconjugate treated, respectively. Animals with diabetes were exposed to excision and treated with Vehicle, COR, MEL, or COR-MEL nanoconjugate topically. After 14 days, the wounded skin was sliced and subjected to histological and biochemical assessments. The formulated nanoconjugate has a particle size of 253.5± 17.4 nm by a polydispersity index of 0.36 ± 0.05, and a zeta potential of 1.72 ± 0.3 mV. The study demonstrated an accelerated wound contraction in COR-MEL-treated diabetic rats, which was further validated by histological analysis. The nanoconjugate further exhibited antioxidant activities by inhibiting the accumulation of malondialdehyde and exhaustion of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase enzymatic activities. The nanoconjugate further demonstrated an enhanced anti-inflammatory activity by retarding the expression of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6 and TNF-α). Additionally, the nanoconjugate exhibits a strong expression of growth factors (TGF-β1, VEGF-A, and PDGFR-β), indicating enrichment of proliferation. Likewise, nanoconjugate increased the concentration of hydroxyproline as well as the mRNA expression of collagen, type I, alpha 1. Thus, it is concluded that the nanoconjugate possesses a potent wound-healing activity in diabetic rats via antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pro-angiogenetic mechanisms.Keywords: diabetic wounds, cordycepin, melittin, nanoconjugate, wound healing
Procedia PDF Downloads 812791 Geographical Parthenogenesis in Plants
Authors: Elvira Hörandl
The term “Geographical parthenogenesis” describes the phenomenon that asexual organisms usually occupy larger and more northern distribution areas than their sexual relatives and tend to colonize previously glaciated areas. Several case studies in flowering plants confirm the geographical pattern, but the causal factors behind the phenomenon are still unclear. Previous authors regarded predominant polyploidy in asexual (apomictic) plants as the main factor. However, the geographical pattern is not the rule for sexual polyploids. Recent research confirmed a previous hypothesis of the author that a combination of factors is acting: Although uniparental reproduction provides better colonization abilities, it is most efficient in combination with polyploidy. I will present results on case studies in the genus Ranunculus of both autopolyploid and allopolyploid species and species complexes reproducing via facultative apomixis. Polyploidy seems to contribute mainly to a better tolerance of colder climates and temperate extremes, whereby epigenetic flexibility, changes in gene expression, and phenotypic plasticity play an important role in occupying ecological niches under harsh conditions. Phylogenomic studies entangle complex hybrid origins of asexual taxa, which increases intragenomic heterozygosity of asexual plants. Interestingly, our results suggest an association of sexuality with abiotic stresses, specifically with light stress, which might explain that still, most plants in high altitudes and in southern areas retain sexual reproduction despite other climatic conditions that would favor apomictic plants. We conclude that geographical parthenogenesis results from the complex interplay of the genomic constitution, mode of reproduction and environmental factors.Keywords: apomixis, polyploidy, hybridization, abiotic stress, epigenetics, phylogenomics
Procedia PDF Downloads 762790 Fatty Acids and Inflammatory Protein Biomarkers in Freshly Frozen Plasma Samples from Patients with and without COVID-19
Authors: Niharika Bala, Alaa Habib, Marianne Kozuch, Nancy Denslow, Sarah Glover, Abdel Alli
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a viral infection caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and associated with systemic inflammation. Inflammation is an important process that follows infection and facilitates the repair of damaged tissue. Polyunsaturated fatty acids play an important role in the inflammatory process. These lipids can target transcription factors to modulate gene expression and protein function. Here, we evaluated whether differences in basal levels of different types of biomarkers can be detected in freshly frozen plasma samples from patients with and without COVID-19. Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis showed a decrease in arachidic acid and myristic acid but an increase in caprylic acid, palmitic acid, and eicosenoic acid in the plasma of COVID-19 patients compared to non-COVID19 patients. Multiple chemokines, including IP-10, MCP-1, and MIP-1 beta, were increased in the COVID-19 group compared to the non-COVID-19 group. Similarly, cytokines, including IL-1 alpha and IL-8, and cell adhesion and inflammatory response markers, including ICAM-1 and E-selectin, were greater in the plasma of COVID-19 patients compared to non-COVID-19 patients. A baseline signature of specific polyunsaturated fatty acids, cytokines, and chemokines present in the plasma after COVID-19 viral infection may serve as biomarkers that can be useful in various applications, including determination of severity of infection, indication of disease prognosis, and consideration for therapeutic options.Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, fatty acids, inflammation, cytokines, chemokines
Procedia PDF Downloads 122789 The Association Between COL4A3 Variant RS55703767 With the Susceptibility to Diabetic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Results from the Cohort Study
Authors: Zi-Han Li, Zi-Jun Sun, Dong-Yuan Chang, Li Zhu, Min Chen, Ming-Hui Zhao
Aims: A genome-wide association study (GWAS) reported that patients with the rs55703767 minor allele in collagen type IV α3 chain encoding gene COL4A3 showed protection against diabetic kidney disease (DKD) in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). However, the role of rs55703767 in type 2 DKD has not been elucidated. The aim of the current study was to investigate the association between COL4A3 variant rs55703767 and DKD risk in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Methods: This nested case-control study was performed on 1311 patients who had T2DM for at least 10 years, including 580 with DKD and 731 without DKD. We detected the genotypes of all patients by TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assay and analyzed the association between COL4A3 variant rs55703767 and DKD risk. Results: Genetic analysis revealed that there was no significant difference between T2DM patients with DKD and those without DKD regarding allele or genotype frequencies of rs55703767, and the effect of this variant was not hyperglycemia specific. Conclusion: Our findings suggested that there was no detectable association between the COL4A3 variant rs55703767 and the susceptibility to DKD in the Chinese T2DM population.Keywords: collagen type IV α3 chain, gene polymorphism, type 2 diabetes, diabetic kidney disease
Procedia PDF Downloads 1122788 Efficient L-Xylulose Production Using Whole-Cell Biocatalyst With NAD+ Regeneration System Through Co-Expression of Xylitol Dehydrogenase and NADH Oxidase in Escherichia Coli
Authors: Mesfin Angaw Tesfay
L-Xylulose is a potentially valuable rare sugar used as starting material for antiviral and anticancer drug development in pharmaceutical industries. L-Xylulose exist in a very low concentration in nature and have to be synthesized from cheap starting materials such as xylitol through biotechnological approaches. In this study, cofactor engineering and deep eutectic solvent were applied to improve the efficiency of L-xylulose production from xylitol. A water-forming NAD+ regeneration enzyme (NADH oxidase) from Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 was introduced into E. coli with xylitol-4-dehydrogenase (XDH) of Pantoea ananatis resulting in recombinant cells harboring the vector pETDuet-xdh-SmNox. Further, three deep eutectic solvents (DES) including, Choline chloride/glycerol (ChCl/G), Choline chloride/urea (ChCl/U), and Choline chloride/ethylene glycol (ChCl/EG) have been employed to facilitate the conversion efficiency of L-xylulose from xylitol. The co-expression system exhibited optimal activity at a temperature of 37 ℃ and pH 8.5, and the addition of Mg2+ enhanced the catalytic activity by 1.19-fold. Co-expression of NADH oxidase with XDH enzyme resulted in increased L-xylulose concentration and productivity from xylitol as well as the intracellular NAD+ concentration. Two of the DES used (ChCl/U and ChCl/EG) show positive effects on product yield and the ChCl/G has inhibiting effects. The optimum concentration of ChCl/U was 2.5%, which increased the L-xylulose yields compared to the control without DES. In a 1 L fermenter the final concentration and productivity of L-xylulose from 50 g/L of xylitol reached 48.45 g/L, and 2.42 g/L.h respectively, which was the highest report. Overall, this study is a suitable approach for large-scale production of L-xylulose from xylitol using the engineered E. coli cell.Keywords: Xylitol-4-dehydrogenase, NADH oxidase, L-xylulose, Xylitol, Coexpression, DESs
Procedia PDF Downloads 272787 Phenotypic Characterization of Desi Naked Neck Chicken and Its Association with Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) Gene Polymorphism in Pakistan
Authors: Akbar Nawaz Khan, Abdul Ghaffar, Muhammad Naeem Riaz
The study was conducted to investigate the phenotypic features, morphometry and production potentialities of indigenous naked neck chicken (NN) of Pakistan under intensive management condition. A total of 35 NN chicks were randomly selected, and the experiment was performed at Poultry and wildlife research section NARC Islamabad for a period of 22 weeks. The predominant plumage color was black and golden while skin color was observed white. The average shank length, leg length, thigh length, keel length, chest breadth, head width, wing space, wing length, body length, body girth, body height and pubic bone width in adult males and females were 69.19 ± 3.34mm, 117.93 ± 4.42mm, 117.93 ± 4.42mm, 90.87 ± 6.53mm, 95.03 ± 4.56mm, 49.77 ± 2.53mm, 30.63 ± 1.50cm, 27.24 ± 2.71cm, 18.88 ± 0.65cm, 17.77 ± 1.01cm, 25.96 ± 0.56cm, 47.81 ± 1.41cm and 35.69 ± 4.09mm respectively. The average age and live body weight of NN chicken at sexual maturity were recorded as 165.85 days and 1269.38 g. While hen-day egg production of NN was recorded as 45%. The present study was aimed to investigate the existence of polymorphism at IGF-I gene in indigenous naked neck chicken through PCR based Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism. Based on restriction analysis using Hinf I restriction enzyme, three genotypes were detected designated as AA, AC, and CC. Restriction analysis of PCR amplified product showed the presence of DNA fragments of 622, 378, 244 and 191, (genotypes). The PCR-RFLP analysis is easy, cost effective method which permits the easy characterization of IGF-I gene. This showed the investigated IGF-I genes can serve as good molecular markers for marker assisted selection (MAS) concerning growth related traits in chicken.Keywords: Desi chicken, naked neck, morphology, morphometry, production potential, egg traits, egg geometry, IGF-I, growth, PCR- RFLP, chicken
Procedia PDF Downloads 3902786 Identification of Anaplasma Species in Cattle of Khouzestan Province from Iran by PCR
Authors: Ali Bagherpour
The aim of this study was to determinate the variety of Anaplasma species among cattle of Khuzestan province, Iran. From April 2013 to June 2013, a total of 200 blood samples were collected via the jugular vein from healthy cattle (100), randomly. The extracted DNA from blood cells were amplified by Anaplasma-all primers, which amplify an approximately 1468bp DNA fragment from region of 16S rRNA gene from various members of the genus Anaplasma. For raising the test sensivity, the PCR products were amplified with the primers, which were designed from the region flanked by the first primers. The amplified nested PCR product had an expected PCR product with 345 nucleotides in length. 44 out of 100 cattle blood samples were Anaplasma spp. positive by first PCR and nested PCR. All cattle positive samples were further analyzed for the presence of A. centrale, A. bovis and A. phagocytophilum by specific nested PCR. A.phagocytophilum was identified by specific nested PCR in 3% of cattle blood samples. The extracted DNA from positive Anaplasma spp. samples were amplified by Anaplasma marginale/ovis specific primers, which amplify an approximately 866bp DNA fragment from region of msp4 gene. 41 out of 100 cattle blood samples (41%) were positive for Anaplasma marginale and Anaplasma ovis, respectively.Keywords: Iran, Khuzestan, Anaplasma species, Cattle, A. marginale, A. ovis, A. phagocytophilum, PCR
Procedia PDF Downloads 5012785 Protective Effect of Essential Oil from Chamaecyparis obtusa on Anxiety-Related Behaviors and Cytokine Abnormalities Induced by Early Life Stress
Authors: Hae Jeong Park, Joo-Ho Chung
In this study, the effect of essential oil from Chamaecyparis obtuse (EOCO) on early life stress using maternal separation (MS) rats was investigated. Anxiety-related behaviors were examined in MS rats using the elevated plus-maze (EPM) test. The changes of gene expressions by EOCO in the hippocampus of MS rats were analyzed using a microarray method. Rats in the MS groups were separated from their respective mothers from postnatal day (pnd) 14 to 28. Rats in the EOCO-treated groups were exposed to EOCO for 1 h or 2 h by inhalation from pnd 21 to 28. The EOCO-treated MS rats showed decreased anxiety-related behaviors compared to the MS rats in the EPM test. In the microarray analysis, EOCO downregulated the expressions of cytokine genes such as Ccl2, Il6, Cxcl10, Ccl19, and Il1rl in the hippocampus of MS rats, and it was also confirmed through RT-PCR. In particular, the expressions of Ccl2 and Il6 were predominantly decreased by EOCO in the hippocampus of MS rats. Interestingly, their protein expressions were also reduced by EOCO in MS rats. These results indicate that EOCO decreases MS-induced anxiety-related behaviors, and modulate cytokines, particularly Ccl2 and Il6, in the hippocampus of MS rats.Keywords: anxiety-related behavior, Chamaecyparis obtuse, cytokine gene, early-life stress, maternal separation
Procedia PDF Downloads 3892784 Impact of Tuberculosis Co-infection on Cytokine Expression in HIV-Infected Individuals
Authors: M. Nosik, I. Rymanova, N. Adamovich, S. Sevostyanihin, K. Ryzhov, Y. Kuimova, A. Kravtchenko, N. Sergeeva, A. Sobkin
HIV and Tuberculosis (TB) infections each speed the other's progress. HIV-infection increases the risk of TB disease. At the same time, TB infection is associated with clinical progression of HIV-infection. HIV+TB co-infected patients are also at higher risk of acquiring new opportunistic infections. An important feature of disease progression and clinical outcome is the innate and acquired immune responses. HIV and TB, however, have a spectrum of dysfunctions of the immune response. As cytokines play a crucial role in the immunopathology of both infections, it is important to study immune interactions in patients with dual infection HIV+TB. Plasma levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL-2, IFN-γ and immunoregulating cytokines IL-4, IL-10 were evaluated in 75 patients with dual infection HIV+TB, 58 patients with HIV monoinfection and 50 patients with TB monoinfection who were previously naïve for HAART. The decreased levels of IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-10 were observed in patients with dual infection HIV+TB in comparison with patients who had only HIV or TB which means the profound suppression of Th1 and Th2 cytokine secretion. Thus, those cytokines could possibly serve as immunological markers of progression of HIV-infection in patients with TB.Keywords: HIV, tuberculosis (TB), HIV associated with TB, Th1/ Th2 cytokine expression
Procedia PDF Downloads 3652783 Development of Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 Pathway-Associated Prognostic Biomarkers for Bladder Cancer Using Transcriptomic Databases
Authors: Shu-Pin Huang, Pai-Chi Teng, Hao-Han Chang, Chia-Hsin Liu, Yung-Lun Lin, Shu-Chi Wang, Hsin-Chih Yeh, Chih-Pin Chuu, Jiun-Hung Geng, Li-Hsin Chang, Wei-Chung Cheng, Chia-Yang Li
The emergence of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) targeting proteins like PD-1 and PD-L1 has changed the treatment paradigm of bladder cancer. However, not all patients benefit from ICIs, with some experiencing early death. There's a significant need for biomarkers associated with the PD-1 pathway in bladder cancer. Current biomarkers focus on tumor PD-L1 expression, but a more comprehensive understanding of PD-1-related biology is needed. Our study has developed a seven-gene risk score panel, employing a comprehensive bioinformatics strategy, which could serve as a potential prognostic and predictive biomarker for bladder cancer. This panel incorporates the FYN, GRAP2, TRIB3, MAP3K8, AKT3, CD274, and CD80 genes. Additionally, we examined the relationship between this panel and immune cell function, utilizing validated tools such as ESTIMATE, TIDE, and CIBERSORT. Our seven-genes panel has been found to be significantly associated with bladder cancer survival in two independent cohorts. The panel was also significantly correlated with tumor infiltration lymphocytes, immune scores, and tumor purity. These factors have been previously reported to have clinical implications on ICIs. The findings suggest the potential of a PD-1 pathway-based transcriptomic panel as a prognostic and predictive biomarker in bladder cancer, which could help optimize treatment strategies and improve patient outcomes.Keywords: bladder cancer, programmed cell death protein 1, prognostic biomarker, immune checkpoint inhibitors, predictive biomarker
Procedia PDF Downloads 792782 Isolation and Identification of Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase Type-2 (GAT2) Genes from Three Egyptian Olive Cultivars
Authors: Yahia I. Mohamed, Ahmed I. Marzouk, Mohamed A. Yacout
Aim of this work was to study the genetic basis for oil accumulation in olive fruit via tracking DGAT2 (Diacylglycerol acyltransferase type-2) gene in three Egyptian Origen Olive cultivars namely Toffahi, Hamed and Maraki using molecular marker techniques and bioinformatics tools. Results illustrate that, firstly: specific genomic band of Maraki cultivars was identified as DGAT2 (Diacylglycerol acyltransferase type-2) and identical for this gene in Olea europaea with 100 % of similarity. Secondly, differential genomic band of Maraki cultivars which produced from RAPD fingerprinting technique reflected predicted distinguished sequence which identified as DGAT2 (Diacylglycerol acyltransferase type-2) in Fragaria vesca subsp. Vesca with 76% of sequential similarity. Third and finally, specific genomic specific band of Hamed cultivars was indentified as two fragments, 1-Olea europaea cultivar Koroneiki diacylglycerol acyltransferase type 2 mRNA, complete cds with two matches regions with 99% or 2-PREDICTED: Fragaria vesca subsp. vesca diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 2-like (LOC101313050), mRNA with 86% of similarity.Keywords: Olea europaea, fingerprinting, diacylglycerol acyltransferase type-2 (DGAT2), Egypt
Procedia PDF Downloads 5032781 An Update on Linezolid against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Clinical Isolates from Pakistan
Authors: Tayaba Dastgeer, Farhan Rasheed, Muhammad Saeed, Maqsood Ahmad, Zia Ashraf, Abdul Waheed, Muhammad Kamran, Mohsin Khurshid
Objectives: The study aimed to determine the efficacy of linezolid against clinical isolates of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the microbiology department of Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore from August 2017 to September 2019. Isolates were confirmed as MRSA via the presence of the mec-A gene. Confirmed MRSA isolates were processed for susceptibility testing against different antimicrobials, especially linezolid, via the disc diffusion method. Zone sizes were interpreted according to CLSI guidelines. Results: Various types of clinical samples were included in the study; however, the highest frequency of MRSA isolates was found in pus samples, followed by other clinical samples. Among hospitalized patients, most MRSA isolates were obtained from patients in the surgical ward. Of 243 mec-A gene detected isolates, Vancomycin and linezolid showed 100% susceptibility, chloramphenicol showed declining resistance 78 (32.09%), and emerging sensitivity 165 (67.90%) against MRSA. Conclusion: Linezolid is a very efficient drug against MRSA, but the use of this novel drug must be conserved for vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or when more resistant pathogens are suspected.Keywords: MRSA, chloramphenicol, linezolid, nosocomial infections
Procedia PDF Downloads 982780 Signs and Symbols of a Modern Sufi Ceremony in Istanbul
Authors: Antonio De Lisa
The aim of this contribution is to describe a Sufi ceremony personally observed and recorded in Istanbul. It is part of research on the semiotics of religion that has been going on for some time. Over the centuries, Sufism has produced remarkable literature, elaborated mainly in the context of Arabic literature and Persian literature, but has also found expression in many other languages (Turkish, Indian, Malayo-Indonesian, etc.). Among the genres cultivated are: devotional books (prayers, meditation, spiritual exercises, etc.); the hagiographic texts, containing the biographies and sentences of the best-known Sufis; the texts that illustrate the abodes or stations of the spiritual path; finally, the theoretical treatises on various topics, often of an apologetic nature. Another typical expression of Sufism is in the literature in verse, which includes first-rate poets of both Arabic (Ibn al-Farid, Ibn 'Arabi) and Persian (Farid al-Din al-Attar, Rumi, Hafez, Gohar Shahi) expression. To observe an authentic Sufi ceremony, we contacted the Silivrikapı Mevlana Cultural Center in Istanbul. The ceremony we will talk about is a characteristic of the brotherhood called Mevleviyye (Mawlawiyya), so called from Mawlānā ('our lord', in Turkish: Mevlānā) Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī (13th century) better known as the brotherhood of the Whirling Dervishes, founded in Konya. The characteristic of the order is to pray about one's love for Allah with music and dance in a ritual that has the name of Semà. The dance is a swirling movement in a group, representing a mystical journey of the spiritual ascent of man through the mind and love for the 'perfect'. Turning towards the truth, the follower of the group ascends towards love, passing beyond the World and Nothingness. After asceticism, he returns to the common world to communicate his own experience.Keywords: semiotics of religion, sufi, rumi, islamic philosophy
Procedia PDF Downloads 922779 Difficulties in the Emotional Processing of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators
Authors: Javier Comes Fayos, Isabel RodríGuez Moreno, Sara Bressanutti, Marisol Lila, Angel Romero MartíNez, Luis Moya Albiol
Given the great impact produced by gender-based violence, its comprehensive approach seems essential. Consequently, research has focused on risk factors for violent behaviour, linking various psychosocial variables, as well as cognitive and neuropsychological deficits with the aggressors. However, studies on affective processing are scarce, so the present study investigates possible emotional alterations in men convicted of gender violence. The participants were 51 aggressors, who attended the CONTEXTO program with sentences of less than two years, and 47 men with no history of violence. The sample did not differ in age, socioeconomic level, education, or alcohol and other substances consumption. Anger, alexithymia and facial recognition of other people´s emotions were assessed through the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI-2), the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) and Reading the mind in the eyes (REM), respectively. Men convicted of gender-based violence showed higher scores on the anger trait and temperament dimensions, as well as on the anger expression index. They also scored higher on alexithymia and in the identification and emotional expression subscales. In addition, they showed greater difficulties in the facial recognition of emotions by having a lower score in the REM. These results seem to show difficulties in different affective areas in men condemned for gender violence. The deficits are reflected in greater difficulty in identifying and expressing emotions, in processing anger and in recognizing the emotions of others. All these difficulties have been related to the use of violent behavior. Consequently, it is essential and necessary to include emotional regulation in intervention programs for men who have been convicted of gender-based violence.Keywords: alexithymia, anger, emotional processing, emotional recognition, empathy, intimate partner violence
Procedia PDF Downloads 2022778 The Mediating Role of Early Maladaptive Schemas in the Relationship between Attachment and Trait Anger and Anger Expression
Authors: Ayperi̇ Haspolat Özcan, Meltem Anafarta Şendağ
This study aimed to establish a model in the light of current approaches for understanding the mediating role of early maladaptive schemas in the relationship between attachment and anger. Accordingly, the proposed mediation model was tested by mediation with bootstrapping technique, considering gender and attachment figure differences. The university students (N= 444) with ages ranging from 17 to 28 participated in the study. Participants filled out Parental and Peer Attachment Scale Short Form, Young Schema Questionnaire - Short Form 3, Trait Anger and Anger Expression Scales. The mediating role of early maladaptive schemas (impaired autonomy, disconnection and rejection, unrelenting standards, other-directedness, and impaired limits) in the relationship between attachment (mother and father) and anger aspects (trait anger, anger in, anger out and anger control) were found to be significant for both male and female participants. Separate mediation analyses for both genders and different attachment figures have also drawn attention to noticeable differences in the results. Specifically, for females, various paths were discovered in predicting various aspects of anger (anger in, anger out, anger control, and trait anger). On the other hand, for males only anger directed inwards was found to be predicted by any source of attachment through disconnection and rejection schema only. These obvious gender differences in understanding the mechanism of anger are discussed in the light of cultural gender roles and the social acceptance of anger in males. In the area of application, the study of various aspects of anger with particular attention to attachment and early maladaptive schemas as well as the importance of distinguishing the gender differences are emphasized as important points.Keywords: anger expression, attachment, early maladaptive schemas, trait anger
Procedia PDF Downloads 2882777 Comparison of Rumen Microbial Analysis Pipelines Based on 16s rRNA Gene Sequencing
Authors: Xiaoxing Ye
To investigate complex rumen microbial communities, 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequencing is widely used. Here, we evaluated the impact of bioinformatics pipelines on the observation of OTUs and taxonomic classification of 750 cattle rumen microbial samples by comparing three commonly used pipelines (LotuS, UPARSE, and QIIME) with Usearch. In LotuS-based analyses, 189 archaeal and 3894 bacterial OTUs were observed. The observed OTUs for the Usearch analysis were significantly larger than the LotuS results. We discovered 1495 OTUs for archaea and 92665 OTUs for bacteria using Usearch analysis. In addition, taxonomic assignments were made for the rumen microbial samples. All pipelines had consistent taxonomic annotations from the phylum to the genus level. A difference in relative abundance was calculated for all microbial levels, including Bacteroidetes (QIIME: 72.2%, Usearch: 74.09%), Firmicutes (QIIME: 18.3%, Usearch: 20.20%) for the bacterial phylum, Methanobacteriales (QIIME: 64.2%, Usearch: 45.7%) for the archaeal class, Methanobacteriaceae (QIIME: 35%, Usearch: 45.7%) and Methanomassiliicoccaceae (QIIME: 35%, Usearch: 31.13%) for archaeal family. However, the most prevalent archaeal class varied between these two annotation pipelines. The Thermoplasmata was the top class according to the QIIME annotation, whereas Methanobacteria was the top class according to Usearch.Keywords: cattle rumen, rumen microbial, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, bioinformatics pipeline
Procedia PDF Downloads 892776 Precise Identification of Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats-Induced Mutations via Hidden Markov Model-Based Sequence Alignment
Authors: Jingyuan Hu, Zhandong Liu
CRISPR genome editing technology has transformed molecular biology by accurately targeting and altering an organism’s DNA. Despite the state-of-art precision of CRISPR genome editing, the imprecise mutation outcome and off-target effects present considerable risk, potentially leading to unintended genetic changes. Targeted deep sequencing, combined with bioinformatics sequence alignment, can detect such unwanted mutations. Nevertheless, the classical method, Needleman-Wunsch (NW) algorithm may produce false alignment outcomes, resulting in inaccurate mutation identification. The key to precisely identifying CRISPR-induced mutations lies in determining optimal parameters for the sequence alignment algorithm. Hidden Markov models (HMM) are ideally suited for this task, offering flexibility across CRISPR systems by leveraging forward-backward algorithms for parameter estimation. In this study, we introduce CRISPR-HMM, a statistical software to precisely call CRISPR-induced mutations. We demonstrate that the software significantly improves precision in identifying CRISPR-induced mutations compared to NW-based alignment, thereby enhancing the overall understanding of the CRISPR gene-editing process.Keywords: CRISPR, HMM, sequence alignment, gene editing
Procedia PDF Downloads 542775 Molecular Detection and Characterization of Infectious Bronchitis Virus from Libya
Authors: Abdulwahab Kammon, Tan Sheau Wei, Abdul Rahman Omar, Abdunaser Dayhum, Ibrahim Eldghayes, Monier Sharif
Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is a very dynamic and evolving virus which causing major economic losses to the global poultry industry. Recently, the Libyan poultry industry faced severe outbreak of respiratory distress associated with high mortality and dramatic drop in egg production. Tracheal and cloacal swabs were analyzed for several poultry viruses. IBV was detected using SYBR Green I real-time PCR detection based on the nucleocapsid (N) gene. Sequence analysis of the partial N gene indicated high similarity (~ 94%) to IBV strain 3382/06 that was isolated from Taiwan. Even though the IBV strain 3382/06 is more similar to that of the Mass type H120, the isolate has been implicated associated with intertypic recombinant of 3 putative parental IBV strains namely H120, Taiwan strain 1171/92 and China strain CK/CH/LDL/97I. Complete sequencing and antigenicity studies of the Libya IBV strains are currently underway to determine the evolution of the virus and its importance in vaccine induced immunity. In this paper, we documented for the first time the presence of possibly variant IBV strain from Libya which required a dramatic change in the vaccination program.Keywords: Libya, infectious bronchitis, molecular characterization, viruses, vaccine
Procedia PDF Downloads 4702774 Evaluation of Genetic Resistance to Haemonchus Contortus in Teddy and Beetal Goat Breeds of Punjab, Pakistan
Authors: Muhammad S. Sajid, Asim Shamim, Muhammad Nisar Khan, Ashfaq A. Chatta, Muhammad Saqib
Goats (Capra hircus) are a valued asset for resource poor farmers globally. But the parasitic infection especially Haemonchus contortus (Trichostrongylid), impact the health and production of goats globally. The present study intended to evaluate resilient and resistance to Haemonchus contortus in indigenous goat breeds (Teddy and Beetal) of Punjab, Pakistan. Out of 60, 30 goats of each breed were divided into 6 groups and each group contain five goats. Two group of each breed received challenged infection with 12000 and 18000 L3 (third stage) larvae of Haemonchus contortus under two infection protocol that is early and trickle and remaining two group of each breed was kept as control. Resilient and resistance of each breed was then measured on the basis of their phenotypic markers like: faecal egg counts, packed cell volume, FAMACHA score system, body weight, total protein, albumin and worm count on 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th week of post infection. Variation in response of each goat breeds to Haemonchus contortus was observed. Teddy breed showed significant (P < 0.05)resistance as compared to Beetal. It is probably first attempt to report an evaluation of goat breed response towards Haemonchus contortus in Pakistan. It was concluded that Teddy goats have a greater genetic tendency to resist against to the Haemonchus contortus infection and this breed could be kept and bred from the economic point of view. Evaluation of genetic markers are like: gene, protein expression, Immunoglobulin, Histamines and interleukins determination are recommended for future studies which can be helpful to be fined resistant breed of goats.Keywords: goat, beetal, teddy, haemonchus contortus, resistance, resilience, phenotypic markers
Procedia PDF Downloads 3632773 A Study on the Conspicuous Consumption, Involvement and Physical and Mental Health of Pet Owners
Authors: Chi-Yueh Hsu, Hsuan-Liang Hsu, Hsiu-Hui Chiang
This study is to explore the relationship between the conspicuous consumption, leisure involvement and physical and mental health, and to understand the prediction of conspicuous consumption and leisure involvement to physical and mental health. The data was collected and analysed by purposive sampling, and the research objects were the dog walkers in Taiwan area. A total of 300 questionnaires were issued and after shaving the invalid questionnaire, a total of 246 valid samples were collected, and the effective rate was 82%.. The data were analyzed by correlation analysis and multiple stepwise regression analysis. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between conspicuous consumption and leisure involvement, and the conspicuous consumption and leisure involvement of dog walkers have a significant impact on physical and mental health, especially in self-expression, attractiveness and centrality of leisure involvement have a significant impact on physical and mental health.Keywords: walking dog, attractiveness, self-expression, multiple stepwise regression analysis
Procedia PDF Downloads 262