Search results for: specific emitter identification
Commenced in January 2007
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Edition: International
Paper Count: 10243

Search results for: specific emitter identification

9073 Identification of microRNAs in Early and Late Onset of Parkinson’s Disease Patient

Authors: Ahmad Rasyadan Arshad, A. Rahman A. Jamal, N. Mohamed Ibrahim, Nor Azian Abdul Murad


Introduction: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex and asymptomatic disease where patients are usually diagnosed at late stage where about 70% of the dopaminergic neurons are lost. Therefore, identification of molecular biomarkers is crucial for early diagnosis of PD. MicroRNA (miRNA) is a short nucleotide non-coding small RNA which regulates the gene expression in post-translational process. The involvement of these miRNAs in neurodegenerative diseases includes maintenance of neuronal development, necrosis, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Thus, miRNA could be a potential biomarkers for diagnosis of PD. Objective: This study aim to identify the miRNA involved in Late Onset PD (LOPD) and Early Onset PD (EOPD) compared to the controls. Methods: This is a case-control study involved PD patients in the Chancellor Tunku Muhriz Hospital at the UKM Medical Centre. miRNA samples were extracted using miRNeasy serum/plasma kit from Qiagen. The quality of miRNA extracted was determined using Agilent RNA 6000 Nano kit in the Bioanalyzer. miRNA expression was performed using GeneChip miRNA 4.0 chip from Affymetrix. Microarray was performed in EOPD (n= 7), LOPD (n=9) and healthy control (n=11). Expression Console and Transcriptomic Analyses Console were used to analyze the microarray data. Result: miR-129-5p was significantly downregulated in EOPD compared to LOPD with -4.2 fold change (p = <0.050. miR-301a-3p was upregulated in EOPD compared to healthy control (fold = 10.3, p = <0.05). In LOPD versus healthy control, miR-486-3p (fold = 15.28, p = <0.05), miR-29c-3p (fold = 12.21, p = <0.05) and miR-301a-3p (fold = 10.01, p =< 0.05) were upregulated. Conclusion: Several miRNA have been identified to be differentially expressed in EOPD compared to LOPD and PD versus control. These miRNAs could serve as the potential biomarkers for early diagnosis of PD. However, these miRNAs need to be validated in a larger sample size.

Keywords: early onset PD, late onset PD, microRNA (miRNA), microarray

Procedia PDF Downloads 259
9072 Optimization of Process Parameters for Peroxidase Production by Ensifer Species

Authors: Ayodeji O. Falade, Leonard V. Mabinya, Uchechukwu U. Nwodo, Anthony I. Okoh


Given the high utility of peroxidase in several industrial processes, the search for novel microorganisms with enhanced peroxidase production capacity is of keen interest. This study investigated the process conditions for optimum peroxidase production by Ensifer sp, new ligninolytic proteobacteria with peroxidase production potential. Also, some agricultural residues were valorized for peroxidase production under solid state fermentation. Peroxidase production was optimum at an initial medium pH 7, incubation temperature of 30 °C and agitation speed of 100 rpm using alkali lignin fermentation medium supplemented with guaiacol as the most effective inducer and ammonium sulphate as the best inorganic nitrogen. Optimum peroxidase production by Ensifer sp. was attained at 48 h with specific productivity of 12.76 ± 1.09 U mg⁻¹. Interestingly, probable laccase production was observed with optimum specific productivity of 12.76 ± 0.45 U mg⁻¹ at 72 h. The highest peroxidase yield was observed with sawdust as solid substrate under solid state fermentation. In conclusion, Ensifer sp. possesses the capacity for enhanced peroxidase production that can be exploited for various biotechnological applications.

Keywords: catalase-peroxidase, enzyme production, peroxidase, polymerase chain reaction, proteobacteria

Procedia PDF Downloads 308
9071 Foreign Language Anxiety: Perceptions and Attitudes in the Egyptian ESL Classroom

Authors: Shaden S. Attia


This study investigated foreign language anxiety (FLA) and teachers’ awareness of its presence in the Egyptian ESL classrooms and how FLA correlates with different variables such as four language skills, students' sex, and activities used in class. A combination of quantitative and qualitative instruments was used in order to investigate the previously mentioned variables, which included five interviews with teachers, six classroom observations, a survey for teachers, and a questionnaire for students. The findings of the study revealed that some teachers were aware of the presence of FLA, with some of them believing that other teachers, however, are not aware of this phenomenon, and even when they notice anxiety, they do not always relate it to learning a foreign language. The results also showed that FLA was affected by students’ sex, different language skills, and affective anxieties; however, teachers were unaware of the effect of these variables. The results demonstrated that both teachers and students preferred group and pair work to individual activities as they were more relaxing and less anxiety-provoking. These findings contribute to raising teachers' awareness of FLA in ESL classrooms and how it is affected by different variables.

Keywords: foreign language anxiety, situation specific anxiety, skill-specific anxiety, teachers’ perceptions

Procedia PDF Downloads 155
9070 Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Bacteria against Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria: Isolation, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activity

Authors: Maryam Beiranvand, Sajad Yaghoubi


Background: Some microbes can colonize plants’ inner tissues without causing obvious damage and can even produce useful bioactive substances. In the present study, the diversity of the endophytic bacteria associated with medicinal plants from Iran was investigated by culturing techniques, molecular gene identification, as well as measuring them for antibacterial activity. Results: In the spring season from 2013 to 2014, 35 herb pharmacology samples were collected, sterilized, meshed, and then cultured on selective media culture. A total of 199 endophytic bacteria were successfully isolated from 35 tissue cultures of medical plants, and sixty-seven out of 199 bacterial isolates were subjected to identification by the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis method. Based on the sequence similarity gene and phylogenetic analyses, these isolates were grouped into five classes, fourteen orders, seventeen families, twenty-one genera, and forty strains. The most abundant group of endophytic bacteria was actinobacterial, consisting of thirty-two (47%) out of 67 bacterial isolates. Ten (22.3%) out of 67 bacterial isolates remained unidentified and classified at the genus level. The signature of the 16S rRNA gene formed a distinct line in a phylogenetic tree showing that they might be new species of bacteria. One (5.2%) out of 67 bacterial isolates was still not well categorized. Forty-two out of 67 strains were candidates for antimicrobial activity tests. Nineteen (45%) out of 42 strains showed antimicrobial activity multidrug resistance (MDR); thirteen (68%) out of 19 strains were allocated to classes actinobacteria. Four (21%) out of 19 strains belonged to the Bacillaceae family, one (5.2%) out of 19 strains was the Paenibacillaceae family, and one (5.2%) out of 19 strains belonged to the Pseudomonadaceae family. The other twenty-three strains did not show inhibitory activities. Conclusions: Our research showed a high-level phylogenetic diversity and the intoxicating antibiotic activity of endophytic bacteria in the herb pharmacology of Iran.

Keywords: Antibacterial activity, endophytic bacteria, multidrug-resistant bacteria, whole genom sequencing

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9069 Investigation of Enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus in Kitchen of Catering

Authors: Çiğdem Sezer, Aksem Aksoy, Leyla Vatansever


This study has been done for the purpose of evaluation of public health and identifying of enterotoxigenic Staphyloccocus aureus in kitchen of catering. In the kitchen of catering, samples have been taken by swabs from surface of equipments which are in the salad section, meat section and bakery section. Samples have been investigated with classical cultural methods in terms of Staphyloccocus aureus. Therefore, as a 10x10 cm area was identified (salad, cutting and chopping surfaces, knives, meat grinder, meat chopping surface) samples have been taken with sterile swabs with helping FTS from this area. In total, 50 samples were obtained. In aseptic conditions, Baird-Parker agar (with egg yolk tellurite) surface was seeded with swabs. After 24-48 hours of incubation at 37°C, the black colonies with 1-1.5 mm diameter and which are surrounded by a zone indicating lecithinase activity were identified as S. aureus after applying Gram staining, catalase, coagulase, glucose and mannitol fermentation and termonuclease tests. Genotypic characterization (Staphylococcus genus and S.aureus species spesific) of isolates was performed by PCR. The ELISA test was applied to the isolates for the identification of staphylococcal enterotoxins (SET) A, B, C, D, E in bacterial cultures. Measurements were taken at 450 nm in an ELISA reader using an Ridascreen-Total set ELISA test kit (r-biopharm R4105-Enterotoxin A, B, C, D, E). The results were calculated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A total of 50 samples of 97 S. aureus was isolated. This number has been identified as 60 with PCR analysis. According to ELISA test, only 1 of 60 isolates were found to be enterotoxigenic. Enterotoxigenic strains were identified from the surface of salad chopping and cutting. In the kitchen of catering, S. aureus identification indicates a significant source of contamination. Especially, in raw consumed salad preparation phase of contamination is very important. This food can be a potential source of food-borne poisoning their terms, and they pose a significant risk to consumers have been identified.

Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus, enterotoxin, catering, kitchen, health

Procedia PDF Downloads 403
9068 Design and Parametric Analysis of Pentaband Meander Line Antenna for Mobile Handset Applications

Authors: Shrinivas P. Mahajan, Aarti C. Kshirsagar


Wireless communication technology is rapidly changing with recent developments in portable devices and communication protocols. This has generated demand for more advanced and compact antenna structures and therefore, proposed work focuses on Meander Line Antenna (MLA) design. Here, Pentaband MLA is designed on a FR4 substrate (85 mm x 40 mm) with dielectric constant (ϵr) 4.4, loss tangent (tan ) 0.018 and height 1.6 mm with coplanar feed and open stub structure. It can be operated in LTE (0.670 GHz-0.696 GHz) GPS (1.564 GHz-1.579 GHz), WCDMA (1.920 GHz-2.135 GHz), LTE UL frequency band 23 (2-2.020 GHz) and 5G (3.10 GHz-3.550 GHz) application bands. Also, it gives good performance in terms of Return Loss (RL) which is < -10 dB, impedance bandwidth with maximum Bandwidth (BW) up to 0.21 GHz and realized gains with maximum gain up to 3.28 dBi. Antenna is simulated with open stub and without open stub structures to see the effect on impedance BW coverage. In addition to this, it is checked with human hand and head phantoms to assure that it falls within specified Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits.

Keywords: coplanar feed, L shaped ground, Meander Line Antenna, MLA, Phantom, Specific Absorption Rate, SAR

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9067 The Impact of the COVID-19 on the Cybercrimes in Hungary and the Possible Solutions for Prevention

Authors: László Schmidt


Technological and digital innovation is constantly and dynamically evolving, which poses an enormous challenge to both lawmaking and law enforcement. To legislation because artificial intelligence permeates many areas of people’s daily lives that the legislator must regulate. it can see how challenging it is to regulate e.g. self-driving cars/taxis/camions etc. Not to mention cryptocurrencies and Chat GPT, the use of which also requires legislative intervention. Artificial intelligence also poses an extraordinary challenge to law enforcement. In criminal cases, police and prosecutors can make great use of AI in investigations, e.g. in forensics, DNA samples, reconstruction, identification, etc. But it can also be of great help in the detection of crimes committed in cyberspace. In the case of cybercrime, on the one hand, it can be viewed as a new type of crime that can only be committed with the help of information systems, and that has a specific protected legal object, such as an information system or data. On the other hand, it also includes traditional crimes that are much easier to commit with the help of new tools. According to Hungarian Criminal Code section 375 (1), any person who, for unlawful financial gain, introduces data into an information system, or alters or deletes data processed therein, or renders data inaccessible, or otherwise interferes with the functioning of the information system, and thereby causes damage, is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment not exceeding three years. The Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic has had a significant impact on our lives and our daily lives. It was no different in the world of crime. With people staying at home for months, schools, restaurants, theatres, cinemas closed, and no travel, criminals have had to change their ways. Criminals were committing crimes online in even greater numbers than before. These crimes were very diverse, ranging from false fundraising, the collection and misuse of personal data, extortion to fraud on various online marketplaces. The most vulnerable age groups (minors and elderly) could be made more aware and prevented from becoming victims of this type of crime through targeted programmes. The aim of the study is to show the Hungarian judicial practice in relation to cybercrime and possible preventive solutions.

Keywords: cybercrime, COVID-19, Hungary, criminal law

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9066 Analysis and Identification of Trends in Electric Vehicle Crash Data

Authors: Cody Stolle, Mojdeh Asadollahipajouh, Khaleb Pafford, Jada Iwuoha, Samantha White, Becky Mueller


Battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) are growing in sales and popularity in the United States as an alternative to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). BEVs are generally heavier than corresponding models of ICEVs, with large battery packs located beneath the vehicle floorpan, a “skateboard” chassis, and have front and rear crush space available in the trunk and “frunk” or front trunk. The geometrical and frame differences between the vehicles may lead to incompatibilities with gasoline vehicles during vehicle-to-vehicle crashes as well as run-off-road crashes with roadside barriers, which were designed to handle lighter ICEVs with higher centers-of-mass and with dedicated structural chasses. Crash data were collected from 10 states spanning a five-year period between 2017 and 2021. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) codes were processed with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) VIN decoder to extract BEV models from ICEV models. Crashes were filtered to isolate only vehicles produced between 2010 and 2021, and the crash circumstances (weather, time of day, maximum injury) were compared between BEVs and ICEVs. In Washington, 436,613 crashes were identified, which satisfied the selection criteria, and 3,371 of these crashes (0.77%) involved a BEV. The number of crashes which noted a fire were comparable between BEVs and ICEVs of similar model years (0.3% and 0.33%, respectively), and no differences were discernable for the time of day, weather conditions, road geometry, or other prevailing factors (e.g., run-off-road). However, crashes involving BEVs rose rapidly; 31% of all BEV crashes occurred in just 2021. Results indicate that BEVs are performing comparably to ICEVs, and events surrounding BEV crashes are statistically indistinguishable from ICEV crashes.

Keywords: battery-electric vehicles, transportation safety, infrastructure crashworthiness, run-off-road crashes, ev crash data analysis

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9065 Finite Element Analysis of Resonance Frequency Shift of Laminated Composite Beam

Authors: Cheng Yang Kwa, Yoke Rung Wong


Laminated composite materials are widely employed in automotive, aerospace, and other industries. These materials provide distinct benefits due to their high specific strength, high specific modulus, and ability to be customized for a specific function. However, delamination of laminated composite materials is one of the main defects which can occur during manufacturing, regular operations, or maintenance. Delamination can bring about considerable internal damage, unobservable by visual check, that causes significant loss in strength and stability, leading to composite structure catastrophic failure. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is known to be the automated method for monitoring and evaluating the condition of a monitored object. There are several ways to conduct SHM in aerospace. One of the effective methods is to monitor the natural frequency shift of structure due to the presence of defect. This study investigated the mechanical resonance frequency shift of a multi-layer composite cantilever beam due to interlaminar delamination. ANSYS Workbench® was used to create a 4-plies laminated composite cantilever finite element model with [90/0]s fiber setting. Epoxy Carbon UD (230GPA) Prepreg was chosen, and the thickness was 2.5mm for each ply. The natural frequencies of the finite element model with various degree of delamination were simulated based on modal analysis and then validated by using literature. It was shown that the model without delamination had natural frequency of 40.412 Hz, which was 1.55% different from the calculated result (41.050 Hz). Thereafter, the various degree of delamination was mimicked by changing the frictional conditions at the middle ply-to-ply interface. The results suggested that delamination in the laminated composite cantilever induced a change in its stiffness which alters its mechanical resonance frequency.

Keywords: structural health monitoring, NDT, cantilever, laminate

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9064 Regulatory Frameworks and Bank Failure Prevention in South Africa: Assessing Effectiveness and Enhancing Resilience

Authors: Princess Ncube


In the context of South Africa's banking sector, the prevention of bank failures is of paramount importance to ensure financial stability and economic growth. This paper focuses on the role of regulatory frameworks in safeguarding the resilience of South African banks and mitigating the risks of failures. It aims to assess the effectiveness of existing regulatory measures and proposes strategies to enhance the resilience of financial institutions in the country. The paper begins by examining the specific regulatory frameworks in place in South Africa, including capital adequacy requirements, stress testing methodologies, risk management guidelines, and supervisory practices. It delves into the evolution of these measures in response to lessons learned from past financial crises and their relevance in the unique South African banking landscape. Drawing on empirical evidence and case studies specific to South Africa, this paper evaluates the effectiveness of regulatory frameworks in preventing bank failures within the country. It analyses the impact of these frameworks on crucial aspects such as early detection of distress signals, improvements in risk management practices, and advancements in corporate governance within South African financial institutions. Additionally, it explores the interplay between regulatory frameworks and the specific economic environment of South Africa, including the role of macroprudential policies in preventing systemic risks. Based on the assessment, this paper proposes recommendations to strengthen regulatory frameworks and enhance their effectiveness in bank failure prevention in South Africa. It explores avenues for refining existing regulations to align capital requirements with the risk profiles of South African banks, enhancing stress testing methodologies to capture specific vulnerabilities, and fostering better coordination among regulatory authorities within the country. Furthermore, it examines the potential benefits of adopting innovative approaches, such as leveraging technology and data analytics, to improve risk assessment and supervision in the South African banking sector.

Keywords: banks, resolution, liquidity, regulation

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9063 Using iPads and Tablets in Language Teaching and Learning Process

Authors: Ece Sarigul


It is an undeniable fact that, teachers need new strategies to communicate with students of the next generation and to shape enticing educational experiences for them. Many schools have launched iPad/ Tablets initiatives in an effort to enhance student learning. Despite their rapid adoption, the extent to which iPads / Tablets increase student engagement and learning is not well understood. This presentation aims to examine the use of iPads and Tablets in primary and high schools in Turkey as well as in the world to increase academic achievement through promotion of higher order thinking skills. In addition to explaining the ideas of school teachers and students who use the specific iPads or Tablets , various applications in schools and their use will be discussed and demonstrated in this study. The specific” iPads or Tablets” applications discussed in this presentation can be incorporated into the curriculum to assist in developing transformative practices and programs to meet the needs of a diverse student population. In the conclusion section of the presentation, there will be some suggestions for teachers about the effective use of technological devices in the classroom. This study can help educators understand better how students are currently using iPads and Tablets and shape future use.

Keywords: ipads, language teaching, tablets, technology

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9062 The Gasoil Hydrofining Kinetics Constants Identification

Authors: C. Patrascioiu, V. Matei, N. Nicolae


The paper describes the experiments and the kinetic parameters calculus of the gasoil hydrofining. They are presented experimental results of gasoil hidrofining using Mo and promoted with Ni on aluminum support catalyst. The authors have adapted a kinetic model gasoil hydrofining. Using this proposed kinetic model and the experimental data they have calculated the parameters of the model. The numerical calculus is based on minimizing the difference between the experimental sulf concentration and kinetic model estimation.

Keywords: hydrofining, kinetic, modeling, optimization

Procedia PDF Downloads 438
9061 Isolation, Characterization, and Antibacterial Activity of Endophytic Bacteria from Iranian Medicinal Plants

Authors: Maryam Beiranvand, Sajad Yaghoubi


Background: Some microbes can colonize plants’ inner tissues without causing obvious damage and can even produce useful bioactive substances. In the present study, the diversity of the endophytic bacteria associated with medicinal plants from Iran was investigated by culturing techniques, molecular gene identification, as well as measuring them for antibacterial activity. Results: In the spring season from 2013 to 2014, 35 herb pharmacology samples were collected, sterilized, meshed, and then cultured on selective media culture. A total of 199 endophytic bacteria were successfully isolated from 35 tissue cultures of medical plants, and sixty-seven out of 199 bacterial isolates were subjected to identification by the 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis method. Based on the sequence similarity gene and phylogenetic analyses, these isolates were grouped into five classes, fourteen orders, seventeen families, twenty-one genera, and forty strains. The most abundant group of endophytic bacteria was actinobacterial, consisting of thirty-two (47%) out of 67 bacterial isolates. Ten (22.3%) out of 67 bacterial isolates remained unidentified and classified at the genus level. The signature of the 16S rRNA gene formed a distinct line in a phylogenetic tree showing that they might be new species of bacteria. One (5.2%) out of 67 bacterial isolates was still not well categorized. Forty-two out of 67 strains were candidates for antimicrobial activity tests. Nineteen (45%) out of 42 strains showed antimicrobial activity multidrug-resistance (MDR); thirteen (68%) out of 19 strains were allocated to classes actinobacteria. Four (21%) out of 19 strains belonged to the Bacillaceae family, one (5.2%) out of 19 strains was the Paenibacillaceae family, and one (5.2%) out of 19 strains belonged to the Pseudomonadaceae family. The other twenty-three strains did not show inhibitory activities. Conclusions: Our research showed a high-level phylogenetic diversity and the intoxicating antibiotic activity of endophytic bacteria in the herb pharmacology of Iran.

Keywords: medical plant, endophytic bacteria, antimicrobial activity, whole genome sequencing analysis

Procedia PDF Downloads 124
9060 Correlation of Urinary Waxy Casts with Renal Pathology

Authors: Muner M. B. Mohamed, Vipin Varghese, Dustin Chalmers, Khalid M. G. Mohammed, Juan Carlos Q. Velez


Background: Urinary waxy casts (uWxC) are traditionally described in textbooks as indicative of chronic renal parenchymal disease. However, data supporting this contention is lacking. uWxC can be seen in the context of various renal syndromes, including acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (GN), and nephrotic syndrome. Thus, we investigated the correlation between the identification of uWxC and renal pathological findings. Methods: We prospectively collected data of patients seen in nephrology consultation with a urine specimen subjected to the microscopic examination of the urinary sediment (MicrExUrSed) over a 3-year period. Within this cohort, we identified cases in which a kidney biopsy was concomitantly performed. We assessed the association of uWxC with glomerular or tubular pathology and with chronicity [interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IFTA) and glomerular obsolescence (GO)]. Results: Among 683 patients with MicrExUrSed,103 (15%) underwent kidney biopsy and were included. The mean age was 55 years, 51% women, 50% white, and 38% self-identified black. Median serum creatinine was 3.2 (0-7-15.6) mg/dL and not significantly different between those with and without uWxC (4.7 vs 3.8 mg/dL, p=0.13). uWxC was identified in 35 (34%) cases. A glomerulopathy was diagnosed in 79 (77%). Among those with uWxC (n=35), a glomerulopathy was more likely to be found with concomitant acute tubular injury (ATI) than without ATI (57% vs. 23%, p=0.0006), whereas among those without uWxC, glomerulopathies were found with or without concomitant ATI with similar frequency (41% vs. 34%, p=0.48). Overall (n=103), more patients with uWxC had ≥ 20% IFTA compared to those without uWxC (74% vs 51%, p=0.03). Among those with glomerulopathy (n=79), more patients with uWxC had ≥ 20% IFTA compared to those without uWxC (89% vs. 56%, p=0.004). uWxC did not correlate with GO. Conclusion: Identification of uWxC denotes a greater likelihood of finding evidence of ATI superimposed with a glomerulopathy rather than finding an isolated glomerular lesion. uWxC is associated with a greater probability of finding ≥ 20% IFTA in a kidney biopsy specimen, particularly in those with a glomerular pathology. This observation may help clinicians weigh on the suitability of a kidney biopsy when chronicity or coexistence of ATI is in question.

Keywords: waxy cast, kidney biopsy, acute tubular injury, glomerulopathy

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9059 Remote Sensing and GIS Based Methodology for Identification of Low Crop Productivity in Gautam Buddha Nagar District

Authors: Shivangi Somvanshi


Poor crop productivity in salt-affected environment in the country is due to insufficient and untimely canal supply to agricultural land and inefficient field water management practices. This could further degrade due to inadequate maintenance of canal network, ongoing secondary soil salinization and waterlogging, worsening of groundwater quality. Large patches of low productivity in irrigation commands are occurring due to waterlogging and salt-affected soil, particularly in the scarcity rainfall year. Satellite remote sensing has been used for mapping of areas of low crop productivity, waterlogging and salt in irrigation commands. The spatial results obtained for these problems so far are less reliable for further use due to rapid change in soil quality parameters over the years. The existing spatial databases of canal network and flow data, groundwater quality and salt-affected soil were obtained from the central and state line departments/agencies and were integrated with GIS. Therefore, an integrated methodology based on remote sensing and GIS has been developed in ArcGIS environment on the basis of canal supply status, groundwater quality, salt-affected soils, and satellite-derived vegetation index (NDVI), salinity index (NDSI) and waterlogging index (NSWI). This methodology was tested for identification and delineation of area of low productivity in the Gautam Buddha Nagar district (Uttar Pradesh). It was found that the area affected by this problem lies mainly in Dankaur and Jewar blocks of the district. The problem area was verified with ground data and was found to be approximately 78% accurate. The methodology has potential to be used in other irrigation commands in the country to obtain reliable spatial data on low crop productivity.

Keywords: remote sensing, GIS, salt affected soil, crop productivity, Gautam Buddha Nagar

Procedia PDF Downloads 287
9058 The Redundant Kana: A Pragmatic Reading

Authors: Manal Mohammed Hisham Said Najjar


The Arab Grammarians shed light on the redundant kana (was) and gave it a considerable attention. However, their considerations and interpretations pertaining to using this verb varied: is it used to determine tense? Or used for further emphasis or for another function? Does it have a syntactic function? Morphologically, could it be used in other forms than the past? In addition, Arab Grammarians discussed the possibility of using kana to locate itself in between the syntactic constructs of a sentence, a phrase, or a collocation. Others questioned its position whether it is in initial or final. This study found out that the redundant kana (was) is cited in Quran and was used by the Arabs in their speech and poetry. This redundant kana, whether used in initial position or in a final position, or in between the constructs of a sentence, a phrase, or a collocation, implies pragmatic meanings intended by the speaker or the poet to serve different functions, such as to indicate the past tense, to provide emphasis, and to refer to the continuity of the effect and meaning of a verb or adjective. The study concludes that this verb kana can be utilized in different contexts to achieve a specific effect as did the old Arabs who used it to add specific shades of meanings. Kana as a redundant word could be added to further highlight the meaning aimed at in a specific utterance. In addition, this verb can be used in both the past and the present morphological form; and its availability in an utterance could be functional and could not be. In other words, the study found out that the redundant kana can be used in various positions in an utterance, initial, final, or in between a syntactic structure, provided that this use is pragmatically functional. In conclusion, this paper seeks to invite the scholars of the Arabic language to coin a new term which is the “pragmatic kana” to replace the term “kana alzae’da (redundant kana)” which might mean that its use is redundant and void of significance – a fact that is illogical due to its recurrent use in the Holy Quran. NOTE: Please take this study not the other one (sent by mistake) and titled kana alnaqisa

Keywords: redundan, kana, grammarians, quran

Procedia PDF Downloads 133
9057 Reproducibility of Dopamine Transporter Density Measured with I-123-N-ω-Fluoropropyl-2β-Carbomethoxy-3β-(4-Iodophenyl)Nortropane SPECT in Phantom Studies and Parkinson’s Disease Patients

Authors: Yasuyuki Takahashi, Genta Hoshi, Kyoko Saito


Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproducibility of I-123-N-ω-fluoropropyl-2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4- iodophenyl) nortropane (I-123 FP-CIT) SPECT by using specific binding ratio (SBR) in phantom studies and Parkinson’s Disease (PD) patients. Methods: We made striatum phantom originally and confirmed reproducibility. The phantom studies changed head position and accumulation of FP-CIT, each. And image processing confirms influence on SBR by 30 cases. 30 PD received a SPECT for 3 hours post injection of I-123 FP-CIT 167MBq. Results: SBR decreased in rotatory direction by the patient position by the phantom studies. And, SBR improved the influence after the attenuation and the scatter correction in the cases (y=0.99x+0.57 r2=0.83). However, Stage II recognized dispersion in SBR by low accumulation. Conclusion: Than the phantom studies that assumed the normal cases, the SPECT image after the attenuation and scatter correction had better reproducibility.

Keywords: 123I-FP-CIT, specific binding ratio, Parkinson’s disease

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9056 Excavation of Phylogenetically Diverse Bioactive Actinobacteria from Unexplored Regions of Sundarbans Mangrove Ecosystem for Mining of Economically Important Antimicrobial Compounds

Authors: Sohan Sengupta, Arnab Pramanik, Abhrajyoti Ghosh, Maitree Bhattacharyya


Newly emerged phyto-pathogens and multi drug resistance have been threating the world for last few decades. Actinomycetes, the most endowed group of microorganisms isolated from unexplored regions of the world may be the ultimate solution to these problems. Thus the aim of this study was to isolate several bioactive actinomycetes strains capable of producing antimicrobial secondary metabolite from Sundarbans, the only mangrove tiger land of the world. Fifty four actinomycetes were isolated and analyzed for antimicrobial activity against fifteen test organisms including three phytopathogens. Nine morphologically distinct and biologically active isolates were subjected to polyphasic identification study. 16s rDNA sequencing indicated eight isolates to reveal maximum similarity to the genus streptomyces, whereas one isolate presented only 93.57% similarity with Streptomyces albogriseolus NRRL B-1305T. Seventy-one carbon sources and twenty-three chemical sources utilization assay revealed their metabolic relatedness. Among these nine isolates three specific strains were found to have notably higher degree of antimicrobial potential effective in a broader range including phyto-pathogenic fungus. PCR base whole genome screen for PKS and NRPS genes, confirmed the occurrence of bio-synthetic gene cluster in some of the isolates for novel antibiotic production. Finally the strain SMS_SU21, which showed antimicrobial activity with MIC value of 0.05 mg ml-1and antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 0.242±0.33 mg ml-1 was detected to be the most potential one. True prospective of this strain was evaluated utilizing GC-MS and the bioactive compound responsible for antimicrobial activity was purified and characterized. Rare bioactive actinomycetes were isolated from unexplored heritage site. Diversity of the biosynthetic gene cluster for antimicrobial compound production has also been evaluated. Antimicrobial compound SU21-C has been identified and purified which is active against a broad range of pathogens.

Keywords: actinomycetes, sundarbans, antimicrobial, pks nrps, phyto-pathogens, GC-MS

Procedia PDF Downloads 505
9055 Beyond Text: Unveiling the Emotional Landscape in Academic Writing

Authors: Songyun Chen


Recent scholarly attention to sentiment analysis has provided researchers with a deeper understanding of how emotions are conveyed in writing and leveraged by academic authors as a persuasive tool. Using the National Research Council (NRC) Sentiment Lexicons (version 1.0) created by the National Research Council Canada, this study examined specific emotions in research articles (RAs) across four disciplines, including literature, education, biology, and computer & information science based on four datasets totaling over three million tokens, aiming to reveal how the emotions are conveyed by authors in academic writing. The results showed that four emotions—trust, anticipation, joy, and surprise—were observed in all four disciplines, while sadness emotion was spotted solely in literature. With the emotion of trust being overwhelmingly prominent, the rest emotions varied significantly across disciplines. The findings contribute to our understanding of emotion strategy applied in academic writing and genre characteristics of RAs.

Keywords: sentiment analysis, specific emotions, emotional landscape, research articles, academic writing

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9054 The Effect of Calcining Temperature on Photocatalytic Activity of Porous ZnO Architecture

Authors: M. Masar, P. Janota, J. Sedlak, M. Machovsky, I. Kuritka


Zinc oxide (ZnO) nano crystals assembled porous architecture was prepared by thermal decomposition of zinc oxalate precursor at various temperatures ranging from 400-900°C. The effect of calcining temperature on structure and morphology was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffractometry, thermogravimetry, and BET adsorption analysis. The porous nano crystalline ZnO morphology was developed due to the release of volatile precursor products, while the overall shape of ZnO micro crystals was retained as a legacy of the precursor. The average crystallite size increased with increasing temperature of calcination from approximately 21 nm to 79 nm, while the specific surface area decreased from 30 to 1.7 m2g-1. The photo catalytic performance of prepared ZnO powders was evaluated by degradation of methyl violet 2B, a model compound. The significantly highest photo catalytic activity was achieved with powder calcined at 500°C. This may be attributed to the sufficiently well-developed crystalline arrangement, while the specific surface area is still high enough.

Keywords: ZnO, porous structure, photodegradation, methyl violet

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9053 Screening and Optimization of Conditions for Pectinase Production by Aspergillus Flavus

Authors: Rumaisa Shahid, Saad Aziz Durrani, Shameel Pervez, Ibatsam Khokhar


Food waste is a prevalent issue in Pakistan, with over 40 percent of food discarded annually. Despite their decay, rotting fruits retain residual nutritional value consumed by microorganisms, notably fungi and bacteria. Fungi, preferred for their extracellular enzyme release, are gaining prominence, particularly for pectinase production. This enzyme offers several advantages, including clarifying juices by breaking down pectic compounds. In this study, three Aspergillus flavus isolates derived from decomposed fruits and manure were selected for pectinase production. The primary aim was to isolate fungi from diverse waste sources, identify the isolates and assess their capacity for pectinase production. The identification was done through morphological characteristics with the help of Light microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Pectinolytic potential was screened using pectin minimal salt agar (PMSA) medium, comparing clear zone diameters among isolates. Identification relied on morphological characteristics. Optimizing substrate (lemon and orange peel powder) concentrations, pH, temperature, and incubation period aimed to enhance pectinase yield. Spectrophotometry enabled quantitative analysis. The temperature was set at room temperature (28 ºC). The optimal conditions for Aspergillus flavus strain AF1(isolated from mango) included a pH of 5, an incubation period of 120 hours, and substrate concentrations of 3.3% for orange peels and 6.6% for lemon peels. For AF2 and AF3 (both isolated from soil), the ideal pH and incubation period were the same as AF1 i.e. pH 5 and 120 hours. However, their optimized substrate concentrations varied, with AF2 showing maximum activity at 3.3% for orange peels and 6.6% for lemon peels, while AF3 exhibited its peak activity at 6.6% for orange peels and 8.3% for lemon peels. Among the isolates, AF1 demonstrated superior performance under these conditions, comparatively.

Keywords: pectinase, lemon peel, orange peel, aspergillus flavus

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9052 Kauffman Model on a Network of Containers

Authors: Johannes J. Schneider, Mathias S. Weyland, Peter Eggenberger Hotz, William D. Jamieson, Oliver Castell, Alessia Faggian, Rudolf M. Füchslin


In the description of the origin of life, there are still some open gaps, e.g., the formation of macromolecules cannot be fully explained so far. The Kauffman model proposes the existence of autocatalytic sets of macromolecules which mutually catalyze reactions leading to each other’s formation. Usually, this model is simulated in one well-stirred pot only, with a continuous inflow of small building blocks, from which larger molecules are created by a set of catalyzed ligation and cleavage reactions. This approach represents the picture of the primordial soup. However, the conditions on the early Earth must have differed geographically, leading to spatially different outcomes whether a specific reaction could be performed or not. Guided by this picture, the Kauffman model is simulated in a large number of containers in parallel, with neighboring containers being connected by diffusion. In each container, only a subset of the overall reaction set can be performed. Under specific conditions, this approach leads to a larger probability for the existence of an autocatalytic metabolism than in the original Kauffman model.

Keywords: agglomeration, autocatalytic set, differential equation, Kauffman model

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9051 Investigation of Specific Wear Rate of Austenitic and Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys in High Temperatures

Authors: Dler Abdullah Ahmed, Zozan Ahmed Mohammed


Wear as an unavoidable phenomenon in stainless steel contact sliding parts is investigated In this work. Two grades of austenitic AISI 304, and S31254, as well as duplexes of S32205, and AISI 2507, were chosen to compare their wear behavior in temperatures ranging from room temperature to 550°C. The experimental results show that AISI 304 austenitic and AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel had lower wear resistance compared with S31254 and AISI 2507 in various temperatures. When the temperature rose to 140°C, and the wear rate of all grades increased, AISI 304 had the highest at 7.028x10-4 mm3/Nm, and AISI 2507 had the lowest at 4.9033 x 10-4 mm3/Nm. At 300°C, the oxides began to form on the worn surfaces, causing the wear rate to slow. As a result, when temperatures exceeded 300°C, the specific wear rate decreased significantly in all specimens. According to the XRD patterns, the main types of oxides formed on worn surfaces were magnetite, hematite, and chromite.

Keywords: wear, stainless steel, temperature, groove, oxide

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9050 Investigation of Specific Wear Rate of Austenitic and Duplex Stainless Steel Alloys in High Temperatures

Authors: Dler Abdullah Ahmed, Zozan Ahmed Mohammed


Wear as an unavoidable phenomenon in stainless steel contact sliding parts is investigated In this work. Two grades of austenitic AISI 304, and S31254, as well as duplexes of S32205, and AISI 2507, were chosen to compare their wear behavior in temperatures ranging from room temperature to 550°C. The experimental results show that AISI 304 austenitic and AISI 2205 duplex stainless steel had lower wear resistance compared with S31254 and AISI 2507 in various temperatures. When the temperature rose to 140°C, and the wear rate of all grades increased, AISI 304 had the highest at 7.028x10-4 mm3/Nm, and AISI 2507 had the lowest at 4.9033 x 10-4 mm3/Nm. At 300°C, the oxides began to form on the worn surfaces, causing the wear rate to slow. As a result, when temperatures exceeded 300°C, the specific wear rate decreased significantly in all specimens. According to the XRD patterns, the main types of oxides formed on worn surfaces were magnetite, hematite, and chromite.

Keywords: wear, stainless steel, temperature, groove, oxide

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9049 The Creative Unfolding of “Reduced Descriptive Structures” in Musical Cognition: Technical and Theoretical Insights Based on the OpenMusic and PWGL Long-Term Feedback

Authors: Jacopo Baboni Schilingi


We here describe the theoretical and philosophical understanding of a long term use and development of algorithmic computer-based tools applied to music composition. The findings of our research lead us to interrogate some specific processes and systems of communication engaged in the discovery of specific cultural artworks: artistic creation in the sono-musical domain. Our hypothesis is that the patterns of auditory learning cannot be only understood in terms of social transmission but would gain to be questioned in the way they rely on various ranges of acoustic stimuli modes of consciousness and how the different types of memories engaged in the percept-action expressive systems of our cultural communities also relies on these shadowy conscious entities we named “Reduced Descriptive Structures”.

Keywords: algorithmic sonic computation, corrected and self-correcting learning patterns in acoustic perception, morphological derivations in sensorial patterns, social unconscious modes of communication

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9048 Acrylate-Based Photopolymer Resin Combined with Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean Oil for 3D-Printing

Authors: Raphael Palucci Rosa, Giuseppe Rosace


Stereolithography (SLA) is one of the 3D-printing technologies that has been steadily growing in popularity for both industrial and personal applications due to its versatility, high accuracy, and low cost. Its printing process consists of using a light emitter to solidify photosensitive liquid resins layer-by-layer to produce solid objects. However, the majority of the resins used in SLA are derived from petroleum and characterized by toxicity, stability, and recalcitrance to degradation in natural environments. Aiming to develop an eco-friendly resin, in this work, different combinations of a standard commercial SLA resin (Peopoly UV professional) with a vegetable-based resin were investigated. To reach this goal, different mass concentrations (varying from 10 to 50 wt%) of acrylated epoxidized soybean oil (AESO), a vegetable resin produced from soyabean oil, were mixed with a commercial acrylate-based resin. 1.0 wt% of Diphenyl(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl) phosphine oxide (TPO) was used as photo-initiator, and the samples were printed using a Peopoly moai 130. The machine was set to operate at standard configurations when printing commercial resins. After the print was finished, the excess resin was drained off, and the samples were washed in isopropanol and water to remove any non-reacted resin. Finally, the samples were post-cured for 30 min in a UV chamber. FT-IR analysis was used to confirm the UV polymerization of the formulated resin with different AESO/Peopoly ratios. The signals from 1643.7 to 1616, which corresponds to the C=C stretching of the AESO acrylic acids and Peopoly acrylic groups, significantly decreases after the reaction. The signal decrease indicates the consumption of the double bonds during the radical polymerization. Furthermore, the slight change of the C-O-C signal from 1186.1 to 1159.9 decrease of the signals at 809.5 and 983.1, which corresponds to unsaturated double bonds, are both proofs of the successful polymerization. Mechanical analyses showed a decrease of 50.44% on tensile strength when adding 10 wt% of AESO, but it was still in the same range as other commercial resins. The elongation of break increased by 24% with 10 wt% of AESO and swelling analysis showed that samples with a higher concentration of AESO mixed absorbed less water than their counterparts. Furthermore, high-resolution prototypes were printed using both resins, and visual analysis did not show any significant difference between both products. In conclusion, the AESO resin was successful incorporated into a commercial resin without affecting its printability. The bio-based resin showed lower tensile strength than the Peopoly resin due to network loosening, but it was still in the range of other commercial resins. The hybrid resin also showed better flexibility and water resistance than Peopoly resin without affecting its resolution. Finally, the development of new types of SLA resins is essential to provide new sustainable alternatives to the commercial petroleum-based ones.

Keywords: 3D-printing, bio-based, resin, soybean, stereolithography

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9047 Customizable Sonic EEG Neurofeedback Environment to Train Self-Regulation of Momentary Mental and Emotional State

Authors: Cyril Kaplan, Nikola Jajcay


We developed purely sonic, musical based, highly customizable EEG neurofeedback environment designed to administer a new neurofeedback training protocol. The training protocol concentrates on improving the ability to switch between several mental states characterized by different levels of arousal, each of them correlated to specific brain wave activity patterns in several specific regions of neocortex. This paper describes the neurofeedback training environment we developed and its specificities, thus can be helpful as a manual to guide other neurofeedback users (both researchers and practitioners) interested in our editable open source program (available to download and usage under CC license). Responses and reaction of first trainees that used our environment are presented in this article. Combination of qualitative methods (thematic analysis of neurophenomenological insights of trainees and post-session semi-structured interviews) and quantitative methods (power spectra analysis of EEG recorded during the training) were employed to obtain a multifaceted view on our new training protocol.

Keywords: EEG neurofeedback, mixed methods, self-regulation, switch-between-states training

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9046 Assessment of Serum Osteopontin, Osteoprotegerin and Bone-Specific Alp as Markers of Bone Turnover in Patients with Disorders of Thyroid Function in Nigeria, Sub-Saharan Africa

Authors: Oluwabori Emmanuel Olukoyejo, Ogra Victor Ogra, Bosede Amodu, Tewogbade Adeoye Adedeji


Background: Disorders of thyroid function are the second most common endocrine disorders worldwide, with a direct relationship with metabolic bone diseases. These metabolic bone complications are often subtle but manifest as bone pains and an increased risk of fractures. The gold standard for diagnosis, Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA), is limited in this environment due to unavailability, cumbersomeness and cost. However, bone biomarkers have shown prospects in assessing alterations in bone remodeling, which has not been studied in this environment. Aim: This study evaluates serum levels of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (bone-specific ALP), osteopontin and osteoprotegerin biomarkers of bone turnover in patients with disorders of thyroid function. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study carried out over a period of one and a half years. Forty patients with thyroid dysfunctions, aged 20 to 50 years, and thirty-eight age and sex-matched healthy euthyroid controls were included in this study. Patients were further stratified into hyperthyroid and hypothyroid groups. Bone-specific ALP, osteopontin, and osteoprotegerin, alongside serum total calcium, ionized calcium and inorganic phosphate, were assayed for all patients and controls. A self-administered questionnaire was used to obtain data on sociodemographic and medical history. Then, 5 ml of blood was collected in a plain bottle and serum was harvested following clotting and centrifugation. Serum samples were assayed for B-ALP, osteopontin, and osteoprotegerin using the ELISA technique. Total calcium and ionized calcium were assayed using an ion-selective electrode, while the inorganic phosphate was assayed with automated photometry. Results: The hyperthyroid and hypothyroid patient groups had significantly increased median serum B-ALP (30.40 and 26.50) ng/ml and significantly lower median OPG (0.80 and 0.80) ng/ml than the controls (10.81 and 1.30) ng/ml respectively, p < 0.05. However, serum osteopontin in the hyperthyroid group was significantly higher and significantly lower in the hypothyroid group when compared with the controls (11.00 and 2.10 vs 3.70) ng/ml, respectively, p < 0.05. Both hyperthyroid and hypothyroid groups had significantly higher mean serum total calcium, ionized calcium and inorganic phosphate than the controls (2.49 ± 0.28, 1.27 ± 0.14 and 1.33 ± 0.33) mmol/l and (2.41 ± 0.04, 1.20 ± 0.04 and 1.15 ± 0.16) mmol/l vs (2.27 ± 0.11, 1.17 ± 0.06 and 1.08 ± 0.16) mmol/l respectively, p < 0.05. Conclusion: Patients with disorders of thyroid function have metabolic imbalances of all the studied bone markers, suggesting a higher bone turnover. The routine bone markers will be an invaluable tool for monitoring bone health in patients with thyroid dysfunctions, while the less readily available markers can be introduced as supplementary tools. Moreover, bone-specific ALP, osteopontin and osteoprotegerin were found to be the strongest independent predictors of metabolic bone markers’ derangements in patients with thyroid dysfunctions.

Keywords: metabolic bone diseases, biomarker, bone turnover, hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, euthyroid

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9045 Infrared Spectroscopy in Tandem with Machine Learning for Simultaneous Rapid Identification of Bacteria Isolated Directly from Patients' Urine Samples and Determination of Their Susceptibility to Antibiotics

Authors: Mahmoud Huleihel, George Abu-Aqil, Manal Suleiman, Klaris Riesenberg, Itshak Lapidot, Ahmad Salman


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are considered to be the most common bacterial infections worldwide, which are caused mainly by Escherichia (E.) coli (about 80%). Klebsiella pneumoniae (about 10%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (about 6%). Although antibiotics are considered as the most effective treatment for bacterial infectious diseases, unfortunately, most of the bacteria already have developed resistance to the majority of the commonly available antibiotics. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the infecting bacteria and to determine its susceptibility to antibiotics for prescribing effective treatment. Classical methods are time consuming, require ~48 hours for determining bacterial susceptibility. Thus, it is highly urgent to develop a new method that can significantly reduce the time required for determining both infecting bacterium at the species level and diagnose its susceptibility to antibiotics. Fourier-Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is well known as a sensitive and rapid method, which can detect minor molecular changes in bacterial genome associated with the development of resistance to antibiotics. The main goal of this study is to examine the potential of FTIR spectroscopy, in tandem with machine learning algorithms, to identify the infected bacteria at the species level and to determine E. coli susceptibility to different antibiotics directly from patients' urine in about 30minutes. For this goal, 1600 different E. coli isolates were isolated for different patients' urine sample, measured by FTIR, and analyzed using different machine learning algorithm like Random Forest, XGBoost, and CNN. We achieved 98% success in isolate level identification and 89% accuracy in susceptibility determination.

Keywords: urinary tract infections (UTIs), E. coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bacterial, susceptibility to antibiotics, infrared microscopy, machine learning

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9044 The Impact of Instructing Interpretation Specific Strategies on Interpretation Performance of Undergraduate Translation Students

Authors: Abolfazl Ghelichi, Ghasem Modarresi


The problem with interpretation courses arises from the fact that Interpretation Courses at University levels are presented by most of the instructors based on listening activities and testing listening performance while interpretation strategies have been underrated. The data are gathered from30 students majoring in Translation Studies to fulfill the major aims of the study including. The study aimed at: 1) examining the significant relationship between specific interpretation strategies and interpretation performance of translation students in interpretation courses, 2) investigating the significant difference between males and females in their interpretation performance, and 3) exploring the interpretation strategies which are more effective for the translation students to improve their interpretation performance from students’ opinions. The results of the study revealed that there was a statistically significant difference in the mean scores for the two groups. The experimental group outperformed the control group in their interpretation performance and the effect size was large. However, there was no significant difference between male and female with respect to their cognition [t (28) =.79, p<.05]. As for the results obtained from the interviews with the students, the commonalities emerged from the students’ responses were analyzed and reported by the researchers.

Keywords: anticipation, interpretation performance, interpretation strategy, shadowing

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