Search results for: south of Egypt
2318 Student Teachers' Experiences and Perceptions of a Curriculum Designed to Promote Social Justice
Authors: Emma Groenewald
In 1994, numerous policies of a democratic dispensation envisage social justice and the transformation of the South Africa society. The drive for transformation and social justice resulted in an increasing number of university students from diverse backgrounds, which in turn, lead to the establishment of Sol Plaatje University (SPU) in 2014. A re-curriculated B. Ed. programme at SPU aims to equip students with knowledge and skills to realise the aim of social justice and to enhance the transformation of the South African society. The aim of this study is to explore the experiences and perceptions of students at a diverse university campus on a curriculum that aims to promote social justice. Four education modules, with the assumption that it reflects social justice content, were selected. Four students, representative of different ethnic and language groupings found at the SPU, were chosen as participants. Data were generated by the participants through four reflective exercises on each of the modules, spread over a period of four years. The module aims, linked with the narratives of the participants' perceptions and experiences of each module, provided an overview of the enacted curriculum. A qualitative research design with an interpretivist approach informed by Vygotsky's theory of learning was used. The participants' experiences of the four modules were analysed, and their views were interpreted. The students' narratives shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of how the B.Ed. Curriculum works towards social justice and revealed student's perceptions of otherness. From the narratives it became apparent that module did promote a social justice orientation in prospective teachers trained at a university.Keywords: student diversity, social justice, transformation, teacher education
Procedia PDF Downloads 1412317 Forced Migrants in Israel and Their Impact on the Urban Structure of Southern Neighborhoods of Tel Aviv
Authors: Arnon Medzini, Lilach Lev Ari
Migration, the driving force behind increased urbanization, has made cities much more diverse places to live in. Nearly one-fifth of all migrants live in the world’s 20 largest cities. In many of these global cities, migrants constitute over a third of the population. Many of contemporary migrants are in fact ‘forced migrants,’ pushed from their countries of origin due to political or ethnic violence and persecution or natural disasters. During the past decade, massive numbers of labor migrants and asylum seekers have migrated from African countries to Israel via Egypt. Their motives for leaving their countries of origin include ongoing and bloody wars in the African continent as well as corruption, severe conditions of poverty and hunger, and economic and political disintegration. Most of the African migrants came to Israel from Eritrea and Sudan as they saw Israel the closest natural geographic asylum to Africa; soon they found their way to the metropolitan Tel-Aviv area. There they concentrated in poor neighborhoods located in the southern part of the city, where they live under conditions of crowding, poverty, and poor sanitation. Today around 45,000 African migrants reside in these neighborhoods, and yet there is no legal option for expelling them due to dangers they might face upon returning to their native lands. Migration of such magnitude to the weakened neighborhoods of south Tel-Aviv can lead to the destruction of physical, social and human infrastructures. The character of the neighborhoods is changing, and the local population is the main victim. These local residents must bear the brunt of the failure of both authorities and the government to handle the illegal inhabitants. The extremely crowded living conditions place a heavy burden on the dilapidated infrastructures in the weakened areas where the refugees live and increase the distress of the veteran residents of the neighborhoods. Some problems are economic and some stem from damage to the services the residents are entitled to, others from a drastic decline in their standard of living. Even the public parks no longer serve the purpose for which they were originally established—the well-being of the public and the neighborhood residents; they have become the main gathering place for the infiltrators and a center of crime and violence. Based on secondary data analysis (for example: The Israel’s Population, Immigration and Border Authority, the hotline for refugees and migrants), the objective of this presentation is to discuss the effects of forced migration to Tel Aviv on the following tensions: between the local population and the immigrants; between the local population and the state authorities, and between human rights groups vis-a-vis nationalist local organizations. We will also describe the changes which have taken place in the urban infrastructure of the city of Tel Aviv, and discuss the efficacy of various Israeli strategic trajectories when handling human problems arising in the marginal urban regions where the forced migrant population is concentrated.Keywords: African asylum seekers, forced migrants, marginal urban regions, urban infrastructure
Procedia PDF Downloads 2542316 Transesterification of Jojoba Oil Wax Using Microwave Technique
Authors: Moataz Elsawy, Hala F. Naguib, Hilda A. Aziz, Eid A. Ismail, Labiba I. Hussein, Maher Z. Elsabee
Jojoba oil-wax is extracted from the seeds of the jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis Link Schneider), a perennial shrub that grows in semi-desert areas in Egypt and in some parts of the world. The main uses of jojoba oil wax are in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry, but new uses could arise related to the search of new energetic crops. This paper summarizes a process to convert the jojoba oil wax to biodiesel by transesterification with ethanol and a series of aliphatic alcohols using a more economic and energy saving method in a domestic microwave. The effect of time and power of the microwave on the extent of the transesterification using ethanol and other aliphatic alcohols has been studied. The separation of the alkyl esters from the fatty alcohols rich fraction has been done in a single crystallization step at low temperature (−18°C) from low boiling point petroleum ether. Gas chromatography has been used to follow up the transesterification process. All products have been characterized by spectral analysis.Keywords: jojoba oil, transesterification, microwave, gas chromatography jojoba esters, jojoba alcohol
Procedia PDF Downloads 4622315 University Students’ Perceptions of the Influence of Cannabis Use on Mental Health
Authors: Konesh Navsaria, Itumeleng Ramodumo
The study explored university students’ perceptions of cannabis use on academic life at a higher education institution (HEI) in Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa. Cannabis is described as the most commonly-used drug by youth, especially those who are in tertiary institutions. The use of cannabis has both negative and positive effects; this is evident in different areas of human functioning. Cannabis usage has been debated upon in courts regarding its legalization and decriminalization, and on the 18th of September 2018, the South African High Court decriminalized cannabis for personal use. Cannabis use has increased in academic settings, and this has raised concerns about how it affects the mental health of students. A qualitative approach was used for the study with an explorative, descriptive design. Purposive sampling was used to select 15 participants for the study. Data were collected using focused-group interviews, following ethical clearance from the HEI. The collected data were analyzed and interpreted using thematic analysis, and cognitive behavioural theory was used as the theoretical framework. The research findings indicated both positive and negative influences of cannabis use on mental health. Most participants who expressed positive effects have used cannabis before, whereas most participants with negative perspectives of cannabis use on mental health are non-cannabis users. The findings revealed that participants perceived that the quantity of cannabis smoked determined whether there was a positive or negative effect on mental health; that is, large doses of cannabis were perceived as having negative effects. The research findings also revealed that the legalization of cannabis is very likely to increase its use and also highlighted precautionary measures users take to avoid the substance’s negative effects on mental health.Keywords: cannabis use, mental health, university students, legalization
Procedia PDF Downloads 1462314 Total and Leachable Concentration of Trace Elements in Soil towards Human Health Risk, Related with Coal Mine in Jorong, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Authors: Arie Pujiwati, Kengo Nakamura, Noriaki Watanabe, Takeshi Komai
Coal mining is well known to cause considerable environmental impacts, including trace element contamination of soil. This study aimed to assess the trace element (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn) contamination of soil in the vicinity of coal mining activities, using the case study of Asam-asam River basin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia, and to assess the human health risk, incorporating total and bioavailable (water-leachable and acid-leachable) concentrations. The results show the enrichment of As and Co in soil, surpassing the background soil value. Contamination was evaluated based on the index of geo-accumulation, Igeo and the pollution index, PI. Igeo values showed that the soil was generally uncontaminated (Igeo ≤ 0), except for elevated As and Co. Mean PI for Ni and Cu indicated slight contamination. Regarding the assessment of health risks, the Hazard Index, HI showed adverse risks (HI > 1) for Ni, Co, and As. Further, Ni and As were found to pose unacceptable carcinogenic risk (risk > 1.10-5). Farming, settlement, and plantation were found to present greater risk than coal mines. These results show that coal mining activity in the study area contaminates the soils by particular elements and may pose potential human health risk in its surrounding area. This study is important for setting appropriate countermeasure actions and improving basic coal mining management in Indonesia.Keywords: coal mine, risk, trace elements, soil
Procedia PDF Downloads 2622313 Thermal Comfort Study of School Buildings in South Minahasa Regency Case Study: SMA Negeri 1 Amurang, Indonesia
Authors: Virgino Stephano Moniaga
Thermal comfort inside a building can affect students in their learning process. The learning process of students can be improved if the condition of the classrooms is comfortable. This study will be conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Amurang which is a senior high school building located in South Minahasa Regency. Based on preliminary survey, generally, students were not satisfied with the existing level of comfort, which subsequently affected the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The purpose of this study is to analyze the comfort level of classrooms occupants and recommend building design solutions that can improve the thermal comfort of classrooms. In this study, three classrooms will be selected for thermal comfort measurements. The thermal comfort measurements will be taken in naturally ventilated classrooms. The measured data comprise of personal data (clothing and students activity), air humidity, air temperature, mean radiant temperature and air flow velocity. Simultaneously, the students will be asked to fill out a questionnaire that asked about the level of comfort that was felt at the time. The results of field measurements and questionnaires will be analyzed based on the PMV and PPD indices. The results of the analysis will decide whether the classrooms are comfortable or not. This study can be continued to obtain a more optimal design solution to improve the thermal comfort of the classrooms. The expected results from this study can improve the quality of teaching and learning process between teachers and students which can further assist the government efforts to improve the quality of national education.Keywords: classrooms, PMV, PPD, thermal comfort
Procedia PDF Downloads 3162312 Cissampelos capensis Rhizome Extract Induces Intracellular ROS Production, Capacitation, and DNA Fragmentation in Human Spermatozoa
Authors: S. Shalaweh, P. Bouic, F. Weitz, R. Henkel
More than 3000 plants of notable phyto-therapeutic value grow in South Africa; these include Cissampelos capensis, commonly known in Afrikaans as dawidjie or dawidjiewortel. C. capensis is the most significant and popular medicinal plant used by the Khoisan as well as other rural groups in the Western region of South Africa. Its rhizomes are traditionally used to treat male fertility problems. Yet, no studies have investigated the effects of this plant or its extracts on human spermatozoa. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the effects of C. capensis rhizome extract (CRE) fractions on ejaculated human spermatozoa in vitro. Spermatozoa from a total of 77 semen samples were washed with human tubular fluid medium supplemented with bovine serum albumin (HTF-BSA) and incubated for 2 hourswith 20 µg/ml progesterone (P4) followed by incubation with different concentrations (0, 0.05, 0.5, 5, 50, 200 µg/ml) of fractionated CRE (F1=0% MeOH, F2=30% MeOH, F3=60% MeOH and F4=100% MeOH) for 1.5 hours at 37°C. A sample without addition of CRE fractions served as control. Samples were analyzed for sperm motility, reactive oxygen species (ROS), DNA-fragmentation, acrosome reaction and capacitation. Results showed that F1 resulted in significantly higher values for ROS, capacitation and hyper-activation compared to F2, F3, and F4 with P4-stimulated samples generally having higher values. No significant effect was found for the other parameters. In conclusion, alkaloids present in F1 of CRE appear to have triggered sperm intrinsic ROS production leading to sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction induced by P4.Keywords: capacitaion, acrosome reaction, DNA fragmentation, ROS
Procedia PDF Downloads 3102311 Social Media as an Interactive Learning Tool Applied to Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University
Authors: Islam Elsayed Hussein
The aim of this paper is to discover the impact of students’ attitude towards social media and the skills required to adopt social media as a university e-learning (2.0) platform. In addition, it measures the effect of social media adoption on interactive learning effectiveness. The population of this study was students at Faculty of tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument to collect data from respondents, which had been selected randomly. Data had been analyzed using quantitative data analysis method. Findings showed that the students have a positive attitude towards adopting social networking in the learning process and they have also good skills for effective use of social networking tools. In addition, adopting social media is effectively affecting the interactive learning environment.Keywords: attitude, skills, e-learning 2.0, interactive learning, Egypt
Procedia PDF Downloads 5272310 Creating Sustainable Human Settlements: An Analysis of Planning Intervention in Addressing Informal Settlements in South Africa
Authors: Takudzwa C. Taruza, Carel B. Schoeman, Ilse M. Schoeman
The proliferation of informal settlements remains one of the major planning challenges in democratic South Africa. In spite of the various local, national and international initiatives to promote the creation of sustainable human settlements, informal settlements continue to exist as spatially marginalised societies characterised by poverty, unemployment, squalor conditions and disaster risks. It is argued that, in practice, intervention is mainly directed at achieving set quantitative targets and goals rather than improving the lives of the inhabitants. The relevant planning instruments do not adequately address the integration of informal settlements into the broader planning framework. This paper is based on the analysis of the informal settlement intervention within the North West Province. Financial constraints, bureaucracy in housing delivery and lack of horizontal and vertical integration in spatial planning and programme implementation are amongst the major factors that caused stagnation in some of the upgrading programmes which in turn hindered the attainment of the target set as part of the Outcome 8 Delivery Agreement. Moreover, the absence of distinct indicators for the assessment of the qualitative progress of upgrading programmes indicates shortcomings in the intervention policies and programmes to promote the creation of sustainable human settlements. Thus, this paper seeks to proffer an assessment toolkit as well as a framework for the implementation of a Sustainable Informal Settlement Programme.Keywords: formalization of informal settlements, planning intervention, sustainable formalization indicators, sustainable human settlements
Procedia PDF Downloads 2562309 Conservation Status of a Lowland Tropical Forest in South-West, Nigeria
Authors: Lucky Dartsa Wakawa, Friday Nwabueze Ogana, Temitope Elizabeth Adeniyi
Timely and reliable information on the status of a forest is essential for assessing the extent of regeneration and degradation. However, when such information is lacking effective forest management practices becomes impossible. Therefore, this study assessed the tree species composition, richness, diversity, structure of Oluwa forest reserve with the view of ascertaining it conservation status. A systematic line transect was used in the laying of eight (8) temporary sample plots (TSPs) of size 50m x 50m. Trees with Dbh ≥ 10cm in the selected plots were enumerated, identified and measured. The results indicate that 535 individual trees were enumerated cutting across 26 families and 58 species. The family Sterculiaceae recorded the highest number of species (10) and occurrence (112) representing 17.2% and 20.93% respectively. Celtis zenkeri is the species with the highest number of occurrence of tree per hectare and importance value index (IVI) of 59 and 53.81 respectively. The reserve has the Margalef's index of species richness, Shannon-Weiner diversity Index (H') and Pielou's Species Evenness Index (EH) of 9.07, 3.43 and 0.84 respectively. The forest has a mean Dbh (cm), mean height (m), total basal area/ha (m2) and total volume/ha (m3) of 24.7, 16.9, 36.63 and 602.09 respectively. The important tropical tree species identified includes Diospyros crassiflora Milicia excels, Mansonia altisima, Triplochiton scleroxylon. Despite the level of exploitation in the forest, the forest seems to be resilience. Given the right attention, it could regenerate and replenish to save some of the original species composition of the reserve.Keywords: forest conservation, forest structure, Lowland tropical forest, South-west Nigeria
Procedia PDF Downloads 3472308 Orbital Tuning of Marl-Limestone Alternations (Upper Tithonian to Upper Berriasian) in North-South Axis (Tunisia): Geochronology and Sequence Implications
Authors: Hamdi Omar Omar, Hela Fakhfakh, Chokri Yaich
This work reflects the integration of different techniques, such as field sampling and observations, magnetic susceptibility measurement, cyclostratigaraphy and sequence stratigraphy. The combination of these results allows us to reconstruct the environmental evolution of the Sidi Khalif Formation in the North-South Axis (NOSA), aged of Upper Tithonian, Berriasian and Lower Valanginian. Six sedimentary facies were identified and are primarily influenced by open marine sedimentation receiving increasing terrigenous influx. Spectral analysis, based on MS variation (for the outcropped section) and wireline logging gamma ray (GR) variation (for the sub-area section) show a pervasive dominance of 405-kyr eccentricity cycles with the expression of 100-kyr eccentricity, obliquity and precession. This study provides (for the first time) a precise duration of 2.4 myr for the outcropped Sidi Khalif Formation with a sedimentation rate of 5.4 cm/kyr and the sub-area section to 3.24 myr with a sedimentation rate of 7.64 cm/kyr. We outlined 27 5th-order depositional sequences, 8 Milankovitch depositional sequences and 2 major 3rd-order cycles for the outcropping section, controlled by the long eccentricity (405 kyr) cycles and the precession index cycles. This study has demonstrated the potential of MS and GR to be used as proxies to develop an astronomically calibrated time-scale for the Mesozoic era.Keywords: Berriasian, magnetic susceptibility, orbital tuning, Sidi Khalif Formation
Procedia PDF Downloads 2672307 Role of Osmoregulators for Enhancing Salinity Stress Tolerance in Chickpea
Authors: Mahmoud Ahmed Khater
This study aimed to improve the deleterious effects of salinity stress in chickpeas using both proline and glycine betaine as osmoregulants. The aim was achieved using foliar spraying with different concentrations of proline (5 mM and 10 mM) and glycinebetaine (10 mM and 20 mM) to chickpea plants grown in pots under salinity stress (3000 mg/l NaCl) at the greenhouse of the National Research Centre, Egypt, during two successive seasons 2021/2022 and 2022/2023. Results indicated that all applied treatments caused significant increases in most of the investigated parameters of chickpea plants irrigated with either tap water or saline solution relative to the corresponding control. It is worth mentioning that proline treatments were more effective than glycine betaine treatments in increasing the salinity tolerance of chickpea plants, reflected in their quality and quantity. Moreover, proline treatment at 5mM was the most pronounced treatment in alleviating the deleterious effect of salinity on chickpea plants.Keywords: cicer arietinum L., osmoprotectant, proline, glycinebetaine salinity tolerance
Procedia PDF Downloads 502306 Tertiary Education Trust Fund Intervention Projects and Resource Utilization in Universities in South Western States, Nigeria
Authors: Oluwlola Felicia Kikelomo
This study examined the influence of Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETF) intervention projects and resource utilization in universities in South Western State of Nigeria. The study was a descriptive design of the correlation type. Purposive sampling technique was used to select six out of 14 beneficiary universities in the States. Instruments used to collect data were TETF Intervention Projects Checklist (TETFIPC), Educational Facilities Checklists (EFC) and Resources Utilization Checklists (RUC). The research questions raised were answered using percentage and utilization rates, while Pearson product-moment correlation statistic was used to test the hypotheses formulated to guide the study 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study indicated that building construction had the highest TETF allocation (64.5%), while staff development opportunities had the least (1.1%) in the sampled universities. Significant and positive relationship existed between time and space utilization rates and student academic performance in the universities (r (1,800) = 0.63 and r (1,800) = 0.59, p ≤ 0.05 respectively). Based, on these findings, it was recommended that there should be periodic evaluation of completed TETF projects and utilization to ensure that TETF funds are properly used for the approved projects; and that TETF should improve on the provision of educational facilities to universities for staff and students’ use through increase in education tax from 2% to 4% with collaboration with the world bank and other funding agencies as being practiced in other countries of the world such as Norway, Spain, and United Kingdom.Keywords: tertiary education trust fund, intervention, education, human development
Procedia PDF Downloads 3812305 Impact of Climate Change on Irrigation and Hydropower Potential: A Case of Upper Blue Nile Basin in Western Ethiopia
Authors: Elias Jemal Abdella
The Blue Nile River is an important shared resource of Ethiopia, Sudan and also, because it is the major contributor of water to the main Nile River, Egypt. Despite the potential benefits of regional cooperation and integrated joint basin management, all three countries continue to pursue unilateral plans for development. Besides, there is great uncertainty about the likely impacts of climate change in water availability for existing as well as proposed irrigation and hydropower projects in the Blue Nile Basin. The main objective of this study is to quantitatively assess the impact of climate change on the hydrological regime of the upper Blue Nile basin, western Ethiopia. Three models were combined, a dynamic Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) regional climate model (RCM) that is used to determine climate projections for the Upper Blue Nile basin for Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 4.5 and 8.5 greenhouse gas emissions scenarios for the period 2021-2050. The outputs generated from multimodel ensemble of four (4) CORDEX-RCMs (i.e., rainfall and temperature) were used as input to a Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrological model which was setup, calibrated and validated with observed climate and hydrological data. The outputs from the SWAT model (i.e., projections in river flow) were used as input to a Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) water resources model which was used to determine the water resources implications of the changes in climate. The WEAP model was set-up to simulate three development scenarios. Current Development scenario was the existing water resource development situation, Medium-term Development scenario was planned water resource development that is expected to be commissioned (i.e. before 2025) and Long-term full Development scenario were all planned water resource development likely to be commissioned (i.e. before 2050). The projected change of mean annual temperature for period (2021 – 2050) in most of the basin are warmer than the baseline (1982 -2005) average in the range of 1 to 1.4oC, implying that an increase in evapotranspiration loss. Subbasins which already distressed from drought may endure to face even greater challenges in the future. Projected mean annual precipitation varies from subbasin to subbasin; in the Eastern, North Eastern and South western highland of the basin a likely increase of mean annual precipitation up to 7% whereas in the western lowland part of the basin mean annual precipitation projected to decrease by 3%. The water use simulation indicates that currently irrigation demand in the basin is 1.29 Bm3y-1 for 122,765 ha of irrigation area. By 2025, with new schemes being developed, irrigation demand is estimated to increase to 2.5 Bm3y-1 for 277,779 ha. By 2050, irrigation demand in the basin is estimated to increase to 3.4 Bm3y-1 for 372,779 ha. The hydropower generation simulation indicates that 98 % of hydroelectricity potential could be produced if all planned dams are constructed.Keywords: Blue Nile River, climate change, hydropower, SWAT, WEAP
Procedia PDF Downloads 3552304 Unlocking New Room of Production in Brown Field; Integration of Geological Data Conditioned 3D Reservoir Modelling of Lower Senonian Matulla Formation, RAS Budran Field, East Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt
Authors: Nader Mohamed
The Late Cretaceous deposits are well developed through-out Egypt. This is due to a transgression phase associated with the subsidence caused by the neo-Tethyan rift event that took place across the northern margin of Africa, resulting in a period of dominantly marine deposits in the Gulf of Suez. The Late Cretaceous Nezzazat Group represents the Cenomanian, Turonian and clastic sediments of the Lower Senonian. The Nezzazat Group has been divided into four formations namely, from base to top, the Raha Formation, the Abu Qada Formation, the Wata Formation and the Matulla Formation. The Cenomanian Raha and the Lower Senonian Matulla formations are the most important clastic sequence in the Nezzazat Group because they provide the highest net reservoir thickness and the highest net/gross ratio. This study emphasis on Matulla formation located in the eastern part of the Gulf of Suez. The three stratigraphic surface sections (Wadi Sudr, Wadi Matulla and Gabal Nezzazat) which represent the exposed Coniacian-Santonian sediments in Sinai are used for correlating Matulla sediments of Ras Budran field. Cutting description, petrographic examination, log behaviors, biostratigraphy with outcrops are used to identify the reservoir characteristics, lithology, facies environment logs and subdivide the Matulla formation into three units. The lower unit is believed to be the main reservoir where it consists mainly of sands with shale and sandy carbonates, while the other units are mainly carbonate with some streaks of shale and sand. Reservoir modeling is an effective technique that assists in reservoir management as decisions concerning development and depletion of hydrocarbon reserves, So It was essential to model the Matulla reservoir as accurately as possible in order to better evaluate, calculate the reserves and to determine the most effective way of recovering as much of the petroleum economically as possible. All available data on Matulla formation are used to build the reservoir structure model, lithofacies, porosity, permeability and water saturation models which are the main parameters that describe the reservoirs and provide information on effective evaluation of the need to develop the oil potentiality of the reservoir. This study has shown the effectiveness of; 1) the integration of geological data to evaluate and subdivide Matulla formation into three units. 2) Lithology and facies environment interpretation which helped in defining the nature of deposition of Matulla formation. 3) The 3D reservoir modeling technology as a tool for adequate understanding of the spatial distribution of property and in addition evaluating the unlocked new reservoir areas of Matulla formation which have to be drilled to investigate and exploit the un-drained oil. 4) This study led to adding a new room of production and additional reserves to Ras Budran field. Keywords: geology, oil and gas, geoscience, sequence stratigraphy
Procedia PDF Downloads 1062303 Impacts of COVID-19 on Communal Based Natural Resources Management in Newtown, Bekezela Village, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Authors: James Donald Nyamahono, Kelvin Tinashe Pikirai
Communal based natural resource management (CBNRM) is regarded as one of the most significant methods for sustainable natural resource conservation. This is due to the fact that it entails the engagement of local communities as well as the use of indigenous knowledge and customary conservation. The emergence of COVID-19 had a devastating impact on this sector since it has resulted in the disbandment of all collective activities, such as group gatherings, including those with a good cause. This is supported by research, which demonstrates that throughout the era of full lockdowns, the coordination of diverse activities and the sustainability of various working groups were severely harmed. This study was undertaken in the CBNRM niche to examine how COVID-19 affected this sector. Data were gathered through focus group discussions with youths, women, and the elderly active in CBNRM in Newtown, Bekezela Village, Eastern Cape. The study concluded that the sustainability of indigenous knowledge in natural resource management was endangered due to the restricted movements and community participation in developmental initiatives. The study also revealed a 'environment-community divide,' since COVID-19 hindered local communities from holding their regular conservation meetings. The research, on the other hand, discovered that there were 'secret' gatherings in which local communities attempted to adopt Afrocentric ways in which the available natural resources would provide a remedy for COVID-19.Keywords: CBNRM, COVID-19, indigenous knowledge, South Africa
Procedia PDF Downloads 932302 Impact of Customer Experience Quality on Loyalty of Mobile and Fixed Broadband Services: Case Study of Telecom Egypt Group
Authors: Nawal Alawad, Passent Ibrahim Tantawi, Mohamed Abdel Salam Ragheb
Providing customers with quality experiences has been confirmed to be a sustainable, competitive advantage with a distinct financial impact for companies. The success of service providers now relies on their ability to provide customer-centric services. The importance of perceived service quality and customer experience is widely recognized. The focus of this research is in the area of mobile and fixed broadband services. This study is of dual importance both academically and practically. Academically, this research applies a new model investigating the impact of customer experience quality on loyalty based on modifying the multiple-item scale for measuring customers’ service experience in a new area and did not depend on the traditional models. The integrated scale embraces four dimensions: service experience, outcome focus, moments of truth and peace of mind. In addition, it gives a scientific explanation for this relationship so this research fill the gap in such relations in which no one correlate or give explanations for these relations before using such integrated model and this is the first time to apply such modified and integrated new model in telecom field. Practically, this research gives insights to marketers and practitioners to improve customer loyalty through evolving the experience quality of broadband customers which is interpreted to suggested outcomes: purchase, commitment, repeat purchase and word-of-mouth, this approach is one of the emerging topics in service marketing. Data were collected through 412 questionnaires and analyzed by using structural equation modeling.Findings revealed that both outcome focus and moments of truth have a significant impact on loyalty while both service experience and peace of mind have insignificant impact on loyalty.In addition, it was found that 72% of the variation occurring in loyalty is explained by the model. The researcher also measured the net prompters score and gave explanation for the results. Furthermore, assessed customer’s priorities of broadband services. The researcher recommends that the findings of this research will extend to be considered in the future plans of Telecom Egypt Group. In addition, to be applied in the same industry especially in the developing countries that have the same circumstances with similar service settings. This research is a positive contribution in service marketing, particularly in telecom industry for making marketing more reliable as managers can relate investments in service experience directly with the performance closest to income for instance, repurchasing behavior, positive word of mouth and, commitment. Finally, the researcher recommends that future studies should consider this model to explain significant marketing outcomes such as share of wallet and ultimately profitability.Keywords: broadband services, customer experience quality, loyalty, net promoters score
Procedia PDF Downloads 2682301 The Impact of Music on Social Identity Formation and Intergroup Relations in American-Born Korean Skaters in 2018 Winter Olympics
Authors: Sehwan Kim, Jepkorir Rose Chepyator Thomson
Music provides opportunities to affirm social identities and facilitate the internalization of one’s identity. The purpose of this study was to examine the role of music in breaking down boundaries between the in-group and out-of-group sport participants. Social identity theory was used to guide an understanding of two American-born South Korean skaters—Yura Min and Alexander Gamelin—who used a Korean representative traditional folk song, Arirang, at the 2018 Winter Olympics. This was an interpretive case study that focused on 2018 Winter Olympic participants whose performance and use of music was understood through the lenses of Koreans. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 Korean audiences who watched two American-born South Korean skaters’ performances. Data analysis involved the determination of themes in the data collected. The findings of this study are as follows: First Koreans viewed the skaters as the out-group based on ethnic appearances and stereotypes. Second, Koreans’ inter-group bias against the skaters was meditated after Koreans watched the skaters as they used Arirang song in performance. Implications for this study include the importance of music as an instrument of unity across diverse populations, including intergroup relations. Music can also offer ways to understand people’s cultures and bridge gaps between age and gender across categories of naturalization.Keywords: impact of music, intergroup relations, naturalized athletes, social identity theory
Procedia PDF Downloads 2072300 An Electronic and Performance Test for the Applicants to Faculty of Education for Early Childhood in Egypt for Measuring the Skills of Teacher Students
Authors: Ahmed Amin Mousa, Gehan Azam
The current study presents an electronic test to measure teaching skills. This test is a part of the admission system of the Faculty of Education for Early Childhood, Cairo University. The test has been prepared to evaluate university students who apply for admission the Faculty. It measures some social and physiological skills which are important for successful teachers, such as emotional adjustment and problem solving; moreover, the extent of their love for children and their capability to interact with them. The test has been approved by 13 experts. Finally, it has been introduced to 1,100 students during the admission system of the academic year 2016/2017. The results showed that most of the applicants have an auditory learning style. In addition, 97% of them have the minimum requirement skills for teaching children.Keywords: electronic test, performance, early childhood, skills, teacher student
Procedia PDF Downloads 2552299 The Portrayal of Journalists in K-dramas Leaves an Impression on Viewers
Authors: Susan Grantham, Emily S. Kinsky
As the popularity of K-drama viewership increases, the depiction of journalists’ news gathering and distribution behavior in these series can have an impact on viewers’ perceptions of journalism practices in Korea. Studies have shown that viewers are impacted both by their impressions of actual journalists delivering news, as well as by fictional portrayals of journalists they have seen. As mistrust in the media grows internationally, it is important to understand how journalists are viewed. K-dramas are an increasingly popular export and consumed across the globe. In 2021 Netflix had 74 million subscribers in the US/Canadian market, about 36% of its overall subscriber base, with an in- crease of about 16 million new subscribers during the pandemic. A Statista November 2023 survey found that K-dramas are moderately (27%) or very popular (41%). While Hallyu has grown increasingly in the past decade, between 2019 and 2021, viewership numbers for TV series produced in South Korea went up a staggering 200% in the U.S. Additionally, a 2023 KOCCA report about K-drama viewership in the U.S. found that, within the past year, male viewership became nearly equal to female viewership. This study evaluated how viewers perceive journalists and journalistic practices in South Korea as portrayed in eight K-drama series. Six in-depth interviews and two focus groups were conducted to evaluate viewer perceptions of journalism practices as portrayed in K-dramas. This study builds upon two previous research projects: a content analysis of the same eight K-dramas featuring journalists in a primary role and whose journalistic work is pivotal to the plot, followed by subsequent in-depth interviews with South Korean journalists. The K-dramas in the sample featured both print and broadcast journalists. Using clips from these K-drama series that featured journalistic practices, as well as pressure faced by journalists, participants were be asked a series of questions about their impressions of journalists and journalism in South Korea and how realistic they perceived these portrayals to be. The participants were comprised of viewers who frequently watched K-dramas and occasionally/seldom watched K-dramas. The initial findings show that regardless of how frequently the participants watched K-dramas, they indicated that the presentation of the journalists seemed pretty realistic, and that the journalists behaved ethically. Participants felt their portrayal was relatable to their impression of how journalists behaved in the United States. This was also true in terms of the internal pressure shown in the clips toward journalists that featured behavior by the journalists’ supervisors focused on supporting the media company’s political and business positions. The amount of negative feedback toward the journalists from the general public, as shown in the clips, seemed less realistic to the participants. The idea of ‘fake news’ as a function of the news consumer’s own personal beliefs, versus actual misinformation, resonated with the participants. Additional research is being conducted. Because Korea is an important source of news and information in East Asia, it is important to understand the potential perceptions of consumers and how they view journalistic practices in Korea.Keywords: ethical journalism, K-drama, Korean journalists, viewer perceptions
Procedia PDF Downloads 212298 Leadership Lessons from Female Executives in the South African Oil Industry
Authors: Anthea Carol Nefdt
In this article, observations are drawn from a number of interviews conducted with female executives in the South African Oil Industry in 2017. Globally, the oil industry represents one of the most male-dominated organisational structures as well as cultures in the business world. Some of the remarkable women, who hold upper management positions, have not only emerged from the science and finance spheres (equally gendered organisations) but also navigated their way through an aggressive, patriarchal atmosphere of rivalry and competition. We examine various mythology associated with the industry, such as the cowboy myth, the frontier ideology and the queen bee syndrome directed at female executives. One of the themes to emerge from my interviews was the almost unanimous rejection of the ‘glass ceiling’ metaphor favoured by some Feminists. The women of the oil industry rather affirmed a picture of their rise to leadership positions through a strategic labyrinth of challenges and obstacles both in terms of gender and race. This article aims to share the insights of women leaders in a complex industry through both their reflections and a theoretical Feminist lens. The study is located within the South African context and given our historical legacy, it was optimal to use an intersectional approach which would allow issues of race, gender, ethnicity and language to emerge. A qualitative research methodological approach was employed as well as a thematic interpretative analysis to analyse and interpret the data. This research methodology was used precisely because it encourages and acknowledged the experiences women have and places these experiences at the centre of the research. Multiple methods of recruitment of the research participants was utilised. The initial method of recruitment was snowballing sampling, the second method used was purposive sampling. In addition to this, semi-structured interviews gave the participants an opportunity to ask questions, add information and have discussions on issues or aspects of the research area which was of interest to them. One of the key objectives of the study was to investigate if there was a difference in the leadership styles of men and women. Findings show that despite the wealth of literature on the topic, to the contrary some women do not perceive a significant difference in men and women’s leadership style. However other respondents felt that there were some important differences in the experiences of men and women superiors although they hesitated to generalise from these experiences Further findings suggest that although the oil industry provides unique challenges to women as a gendered organization, it also incorporates various progressive initiatives for their advancement.Keywords: petroleum industry, gender, feminism, leadership
Procedia PDF Downloads 1662297 A Comparative Study of Essential Oils Used in Papyrus Sterilization: A Case Study from the Early Islamic Period
Authors: Bahaa Fawwaz
The study was conducted on a papyrus housed at the Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo, Egypt. This papyrus was inscribed with black ink. Twelve fungal species were isolated and identified. Five types of fungi were ultimately identified to complete the study. The isolated fungi were then incubated for three months after the aging procedure. This study investigates the in-vitro growth inhibition of Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium chrysogenum, Trichoderma longibrachiatum Rifai, and Paecilomyces variotii on papyrus. The hyphal growth was observed using the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM). Natural oils, such as lavender oil, lemongrass oil, and rosemary oil, were used. The impact of these natural oils on the newly aged papyrus was assessed using scanning electron microscopy and color analysis to identify the most effective oils for inhibiting fungus growth.Keywords: conservation, papyrus, fungi, growth, environmental, essential oils
Procedia PDF Downloads 482296 Social Discourses on Lone Motherhood in South Korea: Social Prejudice and Process of Resistance, Adaptation and Negotiation
Authors: Thi Thu Van Nguyen
In South Korea, Confucianism has not only played a crucial position in Korean traditional culture but also deeply rooted in people’s mind. Confucianism bears a special emphasis on the traditional family pattern characterized by paternalism. Therefore, non-paternity families are barely recognized and unwed mothers are faced with numerous prejudices in their life. Prejudice to unwed mothers in Korea is believed to stem from social discourses against lone motherhood which is the way how people look and talk about unwed mothers and from the early time these social discourses have big impacts on their daily lives. However, after the 1990s, along with the rapid transformation of family pattern and support from social welfare organizations, unwed mothers have gradually got to escape from the social prejudice then established themselves as a new family form. This study is aimed at researching social discourses on lone motherhood in Korea and the process of resistance, adaptation and negotiation of unwed mothers in three different stages: the antenatal, postnatal stages and social inclusion. The anthropological method is employed. Twenty single young mothers of the Korean Unwed Mothers Families' Association were engaged in the author’s detailed interviews. The study’s frame analysis is based on the theoretical framework on social discourses on lone motherhood by Simon Duncan and Rosalind Edwards (1999). This study is an effort to comprehend and investigate the difficulties experienced by unwed mothers living in negative social discourses and the way they overcome the difficulties.Keywords: unwed mothers, gender, social discourses, social prejudice, Confucianism
Procedia PDF Downloads 2722295 Diversities, Antibiogram and Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Staphylococcus Species in Raw Meat from a Research Farm
Authors: Anthony Ayodeji Adegoke, Olayinka Ayobami Aiyegoro, Thor Axel Stenstrom
A study to investigate the species diversities, antibiogram and antibiotic resistance genes in Staphylococcus species from raw meat and dairy products collected from an abattoir and a farm shop of a research institute in Irene, South Africa over a six-month period was conducted. Polymerase Chain Reaction was used to speciate the bacteria and to detect the presence and otherwise of resistance genes. Antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion method on Mueller-Hinton agar according to the Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute standards. A total of twenty-six (26) antibiotics were used to determine the antibiotic susceptibility. S. xylosus was the predominant isolate with 30% total occurrence, followed by S. epidermis, S. aureus, S. saprophyticus and S. haemolyticus with 25%, 15%, 15%, and 10% abundance respectively. The isolates were resistant to ceftezidime, gentamycin, nalidixic acid, nortrafuration, ampicillin, penicillin, oxytetracycline, tetracycline, doxycycline, clindamycin and lincomycin. mecA genes was detected among the methicillin resistant Staphylococcus species (MRSS) but no vancomycin resistance genes (van A and van B) were detected in these isolates. The presence of MRSS and multidrug resistant Staphylococcus species in meat affirms the need to avoid consumption of partially cooked meat currently rampant in South Africa, to avoid the spread of difficult to control pathogens in epidemiological proportion.Keywords: Staphylococcus species, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance genes, food products, methicillin resistance, mecA gene
Procedia PDF Downloads 3022294 Community Perceptions and Attitudes Regarding Wildlife Crime in South Africa
Authors: Louiza C. Duncker, Duarte Gonçalves
Wildlife crime is a complex problem with many interconnected facets, which are generally responded to in parts or fragments in efforts to “break down” the complexity into manageable components. However, fragmentation increases complexity as coherence and cooperation become diluted. A whole-of-society approach has been developed towards finding a common goal and integrated approach to preventing wildlife crime. As part of this development, research was conducted in rural communities adjacent to conservation areas in South Africa to define and comprehend the challenges faced by them, and to understand their perceptions of wildlife crime. The results of the research showed that the perceptions of community members varied - most were in favor of conservation and of protecting rhinos, only if they derive adequate benefit from it. Regardless of gender, income level, education level, or access to services, conservation was perceived to be good and bad by the same people. Even though people in the communities are poor, a willingness to stop rhino poaching does exist amongst them, but their perception of parks not caring about people triggered an attitude of not being willing to stop, prevent or report poaching. Understanding the nuances, the history, the interests and values of community members, and the drivers behind poaching mind-sets (intrinsic or driven by transnational organized crime) is imperative to create sustainable and resilient communities on multiple levels that make a substantial positive impact on people’s lives, but also conserve wildlife for posterity.Keywords: community perceptions, conservation, rhino poaching, whole-of-society approach, wildlife crime
Procedia PDF Downloads 2382293 Influence of Urban Design on Pain and Disability in Women with Chronic Low Back Pain in Urban Cairo
Authors: Maha E. Ibrahim, Mona Abdel Aziz
Background: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) in urban communities represents a challenge to healthcare systems worldwide. The traditional biomedical approach to back pain has been particularly inadequate. Failure of the biomedical model to explain the poor correlation between pain and disability on the one hand, and biological and physical factors that explain those symptoms on the other has led to the adoption of the biopsychosocial model, to recognize the reciprocal influence of physical, social and psychological factors implicated in CLBP, a condition that shows higher prevalence among women residing in urban areas. Urban design of the built community has been shown to exert a significant influence on physical and psychological health. However, little research has investigated the relationship between elements of the built environment, and the level of pain and disability of women with CLBP. As Egypt embarks on building a new capital city, and new settlements proliferate, better understanding of this relationship could greatly reduce the economic and human costs of this widespread medical problem for women. Methods: This study was designed as an exploratory mixed qualitative and quantitative study. Twenty-Six women with CLBP living in two neighborhoods in Cairo, different in their urban structure, but adjacent in their locations (Old Maadi and New Maadi) were interviewed using semi-structured interviews (8 from Old Maadi and 18 from New Maadi). Located in the South of Cairo, New Maadi is a neighborhood with the characteristic modern urban style (narrow streets and tall, adjacent buildings), while Old Maadi is known for being greener, quieter and more relaxed than the usual urban districts of Cairo. The interviews examined their perceptions of the built environment, including building shapes and colors and street light, as well as their sense of safety and comfort, and how it affects their physical and psychological health in general, and their back condition in particular. In addition, they were asked to rate their level of pain and to fill the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) to rate their level of disability and psychological status, respectively. Results: Women in both districts had moderate to severe pain and moderate disability with no significant differences between the two districts. However, those living in New Maadi had significantly worse scores on the GHQ-12 than those living in Old Maadi. Most women did not feel that specific elements of the built environment affected their back pain, however, they expressed distress of the elements that were ugly, distorted or damaged, especially where there were no ways of avoiding or fixing them. Furthermore, most women affirmed that the unsightly and uncomfortable elements of their neighborhoods affected their mood states and were a constant source of stress. Conclusion: This exploratory study concludes that elements of the urban built environment do not exert a direct effect on CLBP. However, the perception of women regarding these elements does affect their mood states, and their levels of stress, making them a possible indirect cause of increased suffering in these women.Keywords: built environment, chronic back pain, disability, urban Cairo
Procedia PDF Downloads 1482292 Predictors of Academic Dishonesty among Serially Frustrated Students in Ogun State, Southwest, Nigeria
Authors: Oyesoji Aremu, Taiwo Williams
This study examined some factors (academic self-efficacy, locus of control, motivation and gender) that could predict academic dishonesty among serially frustrated students in Ogun State, South West, Nigeria. Serial academically frustrated students are students who are unable to attain and meet academic expectations set by themselves or significant others. A sample of 250 undergraduate students selected from two faculties from a University in Ogun State,South West Nigeria took part in the study. Multiple regression analysis was employed to determine the joint and relative contributions of the independent variables to the prediction of the dependent variable. T-test was used to test the hypothesis determining the gender difference between the independent variables (academic self-efficacy, locus of control and motivation) and academic dishonesty of serial academically frustrated male and female students. The results of the study showed all the independent variables jointly contributed to predicting academic dishonesty, while only academic self-efficacy and motivation had relative contributions to the dependent measure. There was no significant difference in the academic self-efficacy and motivation among males and females on academic dishonesty of the serial academically frustrated students but locus of control showed a significant difference between male and female students on academic dishonesty. Implications for counseling of the findings are discussed in the study.Keywords: academic dishonesty, serially frustrated students, academic self-efficacy, locus of control
Procedia PDF Downloads 2552291 Urbanization on Green Cover and Groundwater Relationships in Delhi, India
Authors: Kiranmay Sarma
Recent decades have witnessed rapid increase in urbanization, for which, rural-urban migration is stated to be the principal reason. Urban growth throughout the world has already outstripped the capacities of most of the cities to provide basic amenities to the citizens, including clean drinking water and consequently, they are struggling to get fresh and clean water to meet water demands. Delhi, the capital of India, is one of the rapid fast growing metropolitan cities of the country. As a result, there has been large influx of population during the last few decades and pressure exerted to the limited available water resources, mainly on groundwater. Considering this important aspect, the present research has been designed to study the effects of urbanization on the green cover and groundwater and their relationships of Delhi. For the purpose, four different land uses of the study area have been considered, viz., protected forest area, trees outside forest, maintained park and settlement area. Samples for groundwater and vegetation were collected seasonally in post-monsoon (October), winter (February) and summer (June) at each study site for two years during 2012 and 2014. The results were integrated into GIS platform. The spatial distribution of groundwater showed that the concentration of most of the ions is decreasing from northern to southern parts of Delhi, thus groundwater shows an improving trend from north to south. The depth was found to be improving from south to north Delhi, i.e., opposite to the water quality. The study concludes the groundwater properties in Delhi vary spatially with depending on the types of land cover.Keywords: groundwater, urbanization, GIS, green cover, Delhi
Procedia PDF Downloads 2892290 Satellite Statistical Data Approach for Upwelling Identification and Prediction in South of East Java and Bali Sea
Authors: Hary Aprianto Wijaya Siahaan, Bayu Edo Pratama
Sea fishery's potential to become one of the nation's assets which very contributed to Indonesia's economy. This fishery potential not in spite of the availability of the chlorophyll in the territorial waters of Indonesia. The research was conducted using three methods, namely: statistics, comparative and analytical. The data used include MODIS sea temperature data imaging results in Aqua satellite with a resolution of 4 km in 2002-2015, MODIS data of chlorophyll-a imaging results in Aqua satellite with a resolution of 4 km in 2002-2015, and Imaging results data ASCAT on MetOp and NOAA satellites with 27 km resolution in 2002-2015. The results of the processing of the data show that the incidence of upwelling in the south of East Java Sea began to happen in June identified with sea surface temperature anomaly below normal, the mass of the air that moves from the East to the West, and chlorophyll-a concentrations are high. In July the region upwelling events are increasingly expanding towards the West and reached its peak in August. Chlorophyll-a concentration prediction using multiple linear regression equations demonstrate excellent results to chlorophyll-a concentrations prediction in 2002 until 2015 with the correlation of predicted chlorophyll-a concentration indicate a value of 0.8 and 0.3 with RMSE value. On the chlorophyll-a concentration prediction in 2016 indicate good results despite a decline in the value of the correlation, where the correlation of predicted chlorophyll-a concentration in the year 2016 indicate a value 0.6, but showed improvement in RMSE values with 0.2.Keywords: satellite, sea surface temperature, upwelling, wind stress
Procedia PDF Downloads 1582289 Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among Egyptian Children Vaccinated during Infancy
Authors: Iman I. Salama, Samia M. Sami, Somaia I. Salama, Zeinab N. Said, Thanaa M. Rabah, Aida M. Abdel-Mohsin
This is a national community-based project to evaluate the effectiveness of HBV vaccination program in prevention of infection. HBV markers were tested in the sera of 3600 vaccinated children. Infected children were followed up for 1 year. Prevalence of HBV infection was 0.39 % (0.28% positive for anti-HBc, 0.03% positive for HBsAg and 0.08% positive for both). One year later, 50% of positive anti-HBc children turned negative with sustained positivity for positive HBsAg cases. HBV infection was significantly higher at age above 9 years (0.6%) compared to 0.2% at age 3-9 years and 0% at younger age (P < 0.05). Logistic analysis revealed that predictors for HBV infection were history of blood transfusion, regular medical injection, and family history of either HBV infection or drug abuse (adjusted odds ratios 6.2, 5.6, 7.6 & 19.1 respectively). HBV vaccination program produced adequate protection. Adherence to infection control measures and safe blood transfusion are recommended.Keywords: HBV infection, HBV vaccine, children, Egypt
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