Search results for: small cells
Commenced in January 2007
Frequency: Monthly
Edition: International
Paper Count: 7767

Search results for: small cells

6597 Fibroblast Compatibility of Core-Shell Coaxially Electrospun Hybrid Poly(ε-Caprolactone)/Chitosan Scaffolds

Authors: Hilal Turkoglu Sasmazel, Ozan Ozkan, Seda Surucu


Tissue engineering is the field of treating defects caused by injuries, trauma or acute/chronic diseases by using artificial scaffolds that mimic the extracellular matrix (ECM), the natural biological support for the tissues and cells within the body. The main aspects of a successful artificial scaffold are (i) large surface area in order to provide multiple anchorage points for cells to attach, (ii) suitable porosity in order to achieve 3 dimensional growth of the cells within the scaffold as well as proper transport of nutrition, biosignals and waste and (iii) physical, chemical and biological compatibility of the material in order to obtain viability throughout the healing process. By hybrid scaffolds where two or more different materials were combined with advanced fabrication techniques into complex structures, it is possible to combine the advantages of individual materials into one single structure while eliminating the disadvantages of each. Adding this to the complex structure provided by advanced fabrication techniques enables obtaining the desired aspects of a successful artificial tissue scaffold. In this study, fibroblast compatibility of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL)/chitosan core-shell electrospun hybrid scaffolds with proper mechanical, chemical and physical properties successfully developed in our previous study was investigated. Standard 7-day cell culture was carried out with L929 fibroblast cell line. The viability of the cells cultured with the scaffolds was monitored with 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) viability assay for every 48 h starting with 24 h after the initial seeding. In this assay, blank commercial tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS) Petri dishes, single electrospun PCL and single electrospun chitosan mats were used as control in order to compare and contrast the performance of the hybrid scaffolds. The adhesion, proliferation, spread and growth of the cells on/within the scaffolds were observed visually on the 3rd and the 7th days of the culture period with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CSLM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The viability assay showed that the hybrid scaffolds caused no toxicity for fibroblast cells and provided a steady increase in cell viability, effectively doubling the cell density for every 48 h for the course of 7 days, as compared to TCPS, single electrospun PCL or chitosan mats. The cell viability on the hybrid scaffold was ~2 fold better compared to TCPS because of its 3D ECM-like structure compared to 2D flat surface of commercially cell compatible TCPS, and the performance was ~2 fold and ~10 fold better compared to single PCL and single chitosan mats, respectively, even though both fabricated similarly with electrospinning as non-woven fibrous structures, because single PCL and chitosan mats were either too hydrophobic or too hydrophilic to maintain cell attachment points. The viability results were verified with visual images obtained with CSLM and SEM, in which cells found to achieve characteristic spindle-like fibroblast shape and spread on the surface as well within the pores successfully at high densities.

Keywords: chitosan, core-shell, fibroblast, electrospinning, PCL

Procedia PDF Downloads 177
6596 Influence of Settlements and Human Activities on Beetle Diversity and Assemblage Structure at Small Islands of the Kepulauan Seribu Marine National Park and Nearby Java

Authors: Shinta Holdsworth, Jan Axmacher, Darren J. Mann


Beetles represent the most diverse insect taxon, and they contribute significantly to a wide range of vital ecological functions. Examples include decomposition by bark beetles, nitrogen recycling and dung processing by dung beetles or pest control by predatory ground beetles. Nonetheless, research into the distribution patterns, species richness and functional diversity of beetles particularly from tropical regions remains extremely limited. In our research, we aim to investigate the distribution and diversity patterns of beetles and the roles they play in small tropical island ecosystems in the Kepulauan Seribu Marine National Park and on Java. Our research furthermore provides insights into the effects anthropogenic activities have on the assemblage composition and diversity of beetles on the small islands. We recorded a substantial number of highly abundant small island species, including a substantial number of unique small island species across the study area, highlighting these islands’ potential importance for the regional conservation of genetic resources. The highly varied patterns observed in relation to the use of different trapping types - pitfall traps and flight interception traps (FITs) - underscores the need for complementary trapping strategies that combine multiple methods for beetle community surveys in tropical islands. The significant impacts of human activities have on the small island beetle faunas were also highlighted in our research. More island beetle species encountered in settlement than forest areas shows clear trend of positive links between anthropogenic activities and the overall beetle species richness. However, undisturbed forests harboured a high number of unique species, also in comparison to disturbed forests. Finally, our study suggests that, with regards to different feeding guilds, the diversity of herbivorous beetles on islands is strongly affected by the different levels of forest cover encountered.

Keywords: beetle diversity, forest disturbance, island biogeography, island settlement

Procedia PDF Downloads 223
6595 The Methodology of Flip Chip Using Astro Place and Route Tool

Authors: Rohaya Abdul Wahab, Raja Mohd Fuad Tengku Aziz, Nazaliza Othman, Sharifah Saleh, Nabihah Razali, Rozaimah Baharim, Md Hanif Md Nasir


This paper will discuss flip chip methodology, in which I/O pads, standard cells, macros and bump cells array are placed in the floorplan, then routed using Astro place and route tool. Final DRC and LVS checking is done using Calibre verification tool. The design vehicle to run this methodology is an OpenRISC design targeted to Silterra 0.18 micrometer technology with 6 metal layers for routing. Astro has extensive support for flip chip placement and routing. Astro tool commands for flip chip are straightforward approach like the conventional standard wire bond packaging. However since we do not have flip chip commands in our Astro tool, no LEF file for bump cell and no LEF file for flip chip I/O pad, we create our own methodology to prepare for future flip chip tapeout. 

Keywords: methodology, flip chip, bump cell, LEF, astro, calibre, SCHEME, TCL

Procedia PDF Downloads 489
6594 Innovative Small and Medium Sized Firms: Intangible Investment and Financial Constraints - a Literature Review.

Authors: Eliane Abdo


Small and medium sized firms “SMEs” play essential role in the countries’ economic development mainly in terms of production, employment and equitable distribution of income. For innovative SMEs, the investment in the human capital and in research and development are crucial to survive in a competitive environment. In this paper we perform a literature review to underline the financing difficulties and constraints which innovative SMEs face while investing in intangible assets: not only when defining amount of the investments but also while choosing its financing methods. Literature review revealed that in order to finance their intangible assets, SMEs rely in first on their internal financing: the availability of internal cash flows can then determine their investment’s decision. Moreover SMEs face difficulties to finance their intangibles by financial debts due to the uncertainty of future cash flow and the absence of physical guarantees; they will therefore go for the issuance of new shares as a second choice, since innovative companies have high opportunity of growth that attract new shareholders.

Keywords: small and medium sized firms, capital structure, intangible investment, financial constraints

Procedia PDF Downloads 123
6593 Formation of Nanochannels by Heavy Ions in Graphene Oxide Reinforced Carboxymethylcellulose Membranes for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Applications

Authors: B. Kurbanova, M. Karibayev, N. Almas, K. Ospanov, K. Aimaganbetov, T. Kuanyshbekov, K. Akatan, S. Kabdrakhmanova


Proton exchange membranes (PEMs) operating at high temperatures above 100 °C with the excellent mechanical, chemical and thermochemical stability have been received much attention, because of their practical application of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). Nowadays, a huge number of polymers and polymer-mixed various membranes have been investigated for this application, all of which offer both pros and cons. However, PEMFCs are still lack of ideal membranes with unique properties. In this work, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) based membranes with dispersive graphene oxide (GO) sheets were fabricated and investigated for PEMFCs application. These membranes and pristine GO were studied by a combination of XRD, XPS, Raman, Brillouin, FTIR, thermo-mechanical analysis (TGA and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis) and SEM microscopy, while substantial studies on the proton transport properties were provided by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. It was revealed that the addition of CMC to the GO boosts proton conductivity of the whole membrane, while GO provides good mechanical and thermomechanical stability to the membrane. Further, the continuous and ordered nanochannels with well-tailored chemical structures were obtained by irradiation of heavy ions Kr⁺¹⁷ with an energy of 1.75 MeV/nucleon on the heavy ion accelerator. The formation of these nanochannels led to the significant increase of proton conductivity at 50% Relative Humidity. Also, FTIR and XPS measurement results show that ion irradiation eliminated the GO’s surface oxygen chemical bonds (C=O, C-O), and led to the formation of C = C, C – C bonds, whereas these changes connected with an increase in conductivity.

Keywords: proton exchange membranes, graphene oxide, fuel cells, carboxymethylcellulose, ion irradiation

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6592 Application on Metastable Measurement with Wide Range High Resolution VDL Circuit

Authors: Po-Hui Yang, Jing-Min Chen, Po-Yu Kuo, Chia-Chun Wu


This paper proposed a high resolution Vernier Delay Line (VDL) measurement circuit with coarse and fine detection mechanism, which improved the trade-off problem between high resolution and less delay cells in traditional VDL circuits. And the measuring time of proposed measurement circuit is also under the high resolution requests. At first, the testing range of input signal which proposed high resolution delay line is detected by coarse detection VDL. Moreover, the delayed input signal is transmitted to fine detection VDL for measuring value with better accuracy. This paper is implemented at 0.18μm process, operating frequency is 100 MHz, and the resolution achieved 2.0 ps with only 16-stage delay cells. The test range is 170ps wide, and 17% stages saved compare with traditional single delay line circuit.

Keywords: vernier delay line, D-type flip-flop, DFF, metastable phenomenon

Procedia PDF Downloads 597
6591 Small Fixed-Wing UAV Physical Based Modeling, Simulation, and Validation

Authors: Ebrahim H. Kapeel, Ehab Safwat, Hossam Hendy, Ahmed M. Kamel, Yehia Z. Elhalwagy


Motivated by the problem of the availability of high-fidelity flight simulation models for small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). This paper focuses on the geometric-mass inertia modeling and the actuation system modeling for the small fixed-wing UAVs. The UAV geometric parameters for the body, wing, horizontal and vertical tail are physically measured. Pendulum experiment with high-grade sensors and data analysis using MATLAB is used to estimate the airplane moment of inertia (MOI) model. Finally, UAV’s actuation system is modeled by estimating each servo transfer function by using the system identification, which uses experimental measurement for input and output angles through using field-programmable gate array (FPGA). Experimental results for the designed models are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the methodology. It also gives a very promising result to finalize the open-loop flight simulation model through modeling the propulsion system and the aerodynamic system.

Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, geometric-mass inertia model, system identification, Simulink

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6590 The Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Genotype 2 (PRRSV-2)-derived Oncolytic Protein Reprograms Tumor-Associated Macrophages

Authors: Farrah Putri Salmanida, Mei-Li Wu, Rika Wahyuningtyas, Wen-Bin Chung, Hso-Chi Chaung, Ko-Tung Chang


Within the field of immunotherapy, oncolytic virotherapy (OVT) employs dual approaches that directly eliminate tumor cells while preserving healthy ones and indirectly reprogram the tumor microenvironment (TME) to elicit antitumor responses. Within the TME, tumor associated macrophages (TAMs) manifest characteristics akin to those of anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages, thus earning the designation of M2-like TAMs. In prior research, two antigens denoted as A1 (g6Ld10T) and A3 (ORF6L5), derived from a complete sequence of ORF5 with partial sequence of ORF6 in Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Genotype 2 (PRRSV-2), demonstrated the capacity to repolarize M2-type porcine alveolar macrophages (PAMs) into M1 phenotypes. In this study, we sought for utilizing OVT strategies by introducing A1 or A3 on TAMs to endow them with the anti-tumor traits of M1 macrophages while retaining their capacity to target cancer cells. Upon exposing human THP-1-derived M2 macrophages to a cross-species test with 2 µg/ml of either A1 or A3 for 24 hours, real time PCR revealed that A3, but not A1, treated cells exhibited upregulated gene expressions of M1 markers (CCR7, IL-1ß, CCL2, Cox2, CD80). These cells reacted to virus-derived antigen, as evidenced by increased expression of pattern-recognition receptors TLR3, TLR7, and TLR9, subsequently providing feedback in the form of type I interferon responses like IFNAR1, IFN-ß, IRF3, IRF7, OAS1, Mx1, and ISG15. Through an MTT assay, only after 15 µg/ml of A3 treatment could the cell viability decrease, with a predicted IC50 of 16.96 µg/ml. Interestingly, A3 caused dose-dependent toxicity to a rat C6 glial cancer cell line even at doses as low as 2.5 µg/ml and reached its IC50 at 9.419 µg/ml. Using Annexin V/7AAD staining and PCR test, we deduced that a significant proportion of C6 cells were undergoing the early apoptosis phase predominantly through the intrinsic apoptosis cascade involving Bcl-2 family proteins. Following this stage, we conducted a test on A3’s repolarization ability, which revealed a significant rise in M1 gene expression markers, such as TNF, CD80, and IL-1ß, in M2-like TAMs generated in vitro from murine RAW264.7 macrophages grown with conditioned medium of 4T1 breast cancer cells. This was corroborated by the results of transcriptome analysis, which revealed that the primary subset among the top 10 to top 30 significantly upregulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) dominantly consisted of M1 macrophages profiles, including Ccl3, Ccl4, Csf3, TNF, Bcl6b, Stc1, and Dusp2. Our findings unveiled the remarkable potential of the PRRSV-derived antigen A3 to repolarize macrophages while also being capable of selectively inducing apoptosis in cancerous cells. While further in vivo study is needed for A3, it holds promise as an adjuvant by its dual effects in cancer therapy modalities.

Keywords: cancer cell apoptosis, interferon responses, macrophage repolarization, recombinant protein

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6589 Hot Carrier Photocurrent as a Candidate for an Intrinsic Loss in a Single Junction Solar Cell

Authors: Jonas Gradauskas, Oleksandr Masalskyi, Ihor Zharchenko


The advancement in improving the efficiency of conventional solar cells toward the Shockley-Queisser limit seems to be slowing down or reaching a point of saturation. The challenges hindering the reduction of this efficiency gap can be categorized into extrinsic and intrinsic losses, with the former being theoretically avoidable. Among the five intrinsic losses, two — the below-Eg loss (resulting from non-absorption of photons with energy below the semiconductor bandgap) and thermalization loss —contribute to approximately 55% of the overall lost fraction of solar radiation at energy bandgap values corresponding to silicon and gallium arsenide. Efforts to minimize the disparity between theoretically predicted and experimentally achieved efficiencies in solar cells necessitate the integration of innovative physical concepts. Hot carriers (HC) present a contemporary approach to addressing this challenge. The significance of hot carriers in photovoltaics is not fully understood. Although their excessive energy is thought to indirectly impact a cell's performance through thermalization loss — where the excess energy heats the lattice, leading to efficiency loss — evidence suggests the presence of hot carriers in solar cells. Despite their exceptionally brief lifespan, tangible benefits arise from their existence. The study highlights direct experimental evidence of hot carrier effect induced by both below- and above-bandgap radiation in a singlejunction solar cell. Photocurrent flowing across silicon and GaAs p-n junctions is analyzed. The photoresponse consists, on the whole, of three components caused by electron-hole pair generation, hot carriers, and lattice heating. The last two components counteract the conventional electron-hole generation-caused current required for successful solar cell operation. Also, a model of the temperature coefficient of the voltage change of the current–voltage characteristic is used to obtain the hot carrier temperature. The distribution of cold and hot carriers is analyzed with regard to the potential barrier height of the p-n junction. These discoveries contribute to a better understanding of hot carrier phenomena in photovoltaic devices and are likely to prompt a reevaluation of intrinsic losses in solar cells.

Keywords: solar cell, hot carriers, intrinsic losses, efficiency, photocurrent

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6588 Educational Attainment of Owner-Managers and Performance of Micro- and Small Informal Businesses in Nigeria

Authors: Isaiah Oluranti Olurinola, Michael Kayode Bolarinwa, Ebenezer Bowale, Ifeoluwa Ogunrinola


Abstract - While much literature exists on microfinancing and its impact on the development of micro, small and medium-scale enterprises (MSME), yet little is known in respect of the impact of different types of education of owner-managers on the performances as well as innovative possibilities of such enterprises. This paper aims at contributing to the understanding of the impact of different types of education (academic, technical, apprenticeship, etc) that influence the performance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME). This study utilises a recent and larger data-set collected in six states and FCT Abuja, Nigeria in the year 2014. Furthermore, the study carries out a comparative analysis of business performance among the different geo-political zones in Nigeria, given the educational attainment of the owner-managers. The data set were enterprise-based and were collected by the Nigerian Institute for Social and Economic Research (NISER) in the year 2014. Six hundred and eighty eight enterprises were covered in the survey. The method of data analysis for this study is the use of basic descriptive statistics in addition to the Logistic Regression model used in the prediction of the log of odds of business performance in relation to any of the identified educational attainment of the owner-managers in the sampled enterprises. An OLS econometric technique is also used to determine the effects of owner-managers' different educational types on the performance of the sampled MSME. Policy measures that will further enhance the contributions of education to MSME performance will be put forward.

Keywords: Business Performance, Education, Microfinancing, Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises

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6587 Designing a Thermal Management System for Lithium Ion Battery Packs in Electric Vehicles

Authors: Ekin Esen, Mohammad Alipour, Riza Kizilel


Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries have been replacing lead-acid batteries for the last decade due to their outstanding properties such as high energy density, long shelf life, and almost no memory effect. Besides these, being very light compared to lead acid batteries has gained them their dominant place in the portable electronics market, and they are now the leading candidate for electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). However, their performance strongly depends on temperature, and this causes some inconveniences for their utilization in extreme temperatures. Since weather conditions vary across the globe, this situation limits their utilization for EVs and HEVs and makes a thermal management system obligatory for the battery units. The objective of this study is to understand thermal characteristics of Li-ion battery modules for various operation conditions and design a thermal management system to enhance battery performance in EVs and HEVs. In the first part of our study, we investigated thermal behavior of commercially available pouch type 20Ah LiFePO₄ (LFP) cells under various conditions. Main parameters were chosen as ambient temperature and discharge current rate. Each cell was charged and discharged at temperatures of 0°C, 10°C, 20°C, 30°C, 40°C, and 50°C. The current rate of charging process was 1C while it was 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, and 5C for discharge process. Temperatures of 7 different points on the cells were measured throughout charging and discharging with N-type thermocouples, and a detailed temperature profile was obtained. In the second part of our study, we connected 4 cells in series by clinching and prepared 4S1P battery modules similar to ones in EVs and HEVs. Three reference points were determined according to the findings of the first part of the study, and a thermocouple is placed on each reference point on the cells composing the 4S1P battery modules. In the end, temperatures of 6 points in the module and 3 points on the top surface were measured and changes in the surface temperatures were recorded for different discharge rates (0.2C, 0.5C, 0.7C, and 1C) at various ambient temperatures (0°C – 50°C). Afterwards, aluminum plates with channels were placed between the cells in the 4S1P battery modules, and temperatures were controlled with airflow. Airflow was provided with a regular compressor, and the effect of flow rate on cell temperature was analyzed. Diameters of the channels were in mm range, and shapes of the channels were determined in order to make the cell temperatures uniform. Results showed that the designed thermal management system could help keeping the cell temperatures in the modules uniform throughout charge and discharge processes. Other than temperature uniformity, the system was also beneficial to keep cell temperature close to the optimum working temperature of Li-ion batteries. It is known that keeping the temperature at an optimum degree and maintaining uniform temperature throughout utilization can help obtaining maximum power from the cells in battery modules for a longer time. Furthermore, it will increase safety by decreasing the risk of thermal runaways. Therefore, the current study is believed to be beneficial for wider use of Li batteries for battery modules of EVs and HEVs globally.

Keywords: lithium ion batteries, thermal management system, electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles

Procedia PDF Downloads 165
6586 DNA Prime/MVTT Boost Enhances Broadly Protective Immune Response against Mosaic HIV-1 Gag

Authors: Wan Liu, Haibo Wang, Cathy Huang, Zhiwu Tan, Zhiwei Chen


The tremendous diversity of HIV-1 has been a major challenge for an effective AIDS vaccine development. Mosaic approach presents the potential for vaccine design aiming for global protection. The mosaic antigen of HIV-1 Gag allows antigenic breadth for vaccine-elicited immune response against a wider spectrum of viral strains. However, the enhancement of immune response using vaccines is dependent on the strategy used. Heterologous prime/boost regimen has been shown to elicit high levels of immune responses. Here, we investigated whether priming using plasmid DNA with electroporation followed by boosting with the live replication-competent modified vaccinia virus vector TianTan (MVTT) combined with the mosaic antigenic sequence could elicit a greater and broader antigen-specific response against HIV-1 Gag in mice. When compared to DNA or MVTT alone, or MVTT/MVTT group, DNA/MVTT group resulted in coincidentally high frequencies of broadly reactive, Gag-specific, polyfunctional, long-lived, and cytotoxic CD8+ T cells and increased anti-Gag antibody titer. Meanwhile, the vaccination could upregulate PD-1+, and Tim-3+ CD8+ T cell, myeloid-derived suppressive cells and Treg cells to balance the stronger immune response induced. Importantly, the prime/boost vaccination could help control the EcoHIV and mesothelioma AB1-gag challenge. The stronger protective Gag-specific immunity induced by a Mosaic DNA/MVTT vaccine corroborate the promise of the mosaic approach, and the potential of two acceptably safe vectors to enhance anti-HIV immunity and cancer prevention.

Keywords: DNA/MVTT vaccine, EcoHIV, mosaic antigen, mesothelioma AB1-gag

Procedia PDF Downloads 242
6585 The Effect of the Epstein-Barr Virus on the Development of Multiple Sclerosis

Authors: Sina Mahdavi


Background and Objective: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common inflammatory autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS) that affects the myelination process in the CNS. Complex interactions of various "environmental or infectious" factors may act as triggers in autoimmunity and disease progression. The association between viral infections, especially Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and MS, is one potential cause that is not well understood. In this study, we aim to summarize the available data on EBV infection in MS disease progression. Materials and Methods: For this study, the keywords "Multiple sclerosis," "Epstein-Barr virus," and "central nervous system" in the databases PubMed, Google Scholar, Sid, and MagIran between 2016 and 2022 were searched, and 14 articles were chosen, studied, and analyzed. Results: Demyelinated lesions isolated from MS patients contain EBNAs from EBV proteins. The EBNA1 domain contains a pentapeptide fragment identical to B-crystallin, a heat shock peptide, that is increased in peripheral B cells in response to B-crystallin infection, resulting in myelin-directed autoimmunity mediated by proinflammatory T cells. EBNA2, which is involved in the regulation of viral transcription, may enhance transcription from MS risk loci. A 7-fold increase in the risk of MS has been observed in EBV infection with HLA-DR15 synergy. Conclusion: EBV infection along with a variety of specific genetic risk alleles, cause inflammatory cascades in the CNS by infected B cells. There is a high expression of EBV during the course of MS, which indicates the relationship between EBV and MS, that this virus can play a role in the development of MS by creating an inflammatory state. Therefore, measures to modulate the expression of EBV may be effective in reducing inflammatory processes in demyelinated areas of MS patients.

Keywords: multiple sclerosis, Epstein-Barr virus, central nervous system, EBNAs

Procedia PDF Downloads 95
6584 Improved Morphology in Sequential Deposition of the Inverted Type Planar Heterojunction Solar Cells Using Cheap Additive (DI-H₂O)

Authors: Asmat Nawaz, Ceylan Zafer, Ali K. Erdinc, Kaiying Wang, M. Nadeem Akram


Hybrid halide Perovskites with the general formula ABX₃, where X = Cl, Br or I, are considered as an ideal candidates for the preparation of photovoltaic devices. The most commonly and successfully used hybrid halide perovskite for photovoltaic applications is CH₃NH₃PbI₃ and its analogue prepared from lead chloride, commonly symbolized as CH₃NH₃PbI₃_ₓClₓ. Some researcher groups are using lead free (Sn replaces Pb) and mixed halide perovskites for the fabrication of the devices. Both mesoporous and planar structures have been developed. By Comparing mesoporous structure in which the perovskite materials infiltrate into mesoporous metal oxide scaffold, the planar architecture is much simpler and easy for device fabrication. In a typical perovskite solar cell, a perovskite absorber layer is sandwiched between the hole and electron transport. Upon the irradiation, carriers are created in the absorber layer that can travel through hole and electron transport layers and the interface in between. We fabricated inverted planar heterojunction structure ITO/PEDOT/ Perovskite/PCBM/Al, based solar cell via two-step spin coating method. This is also called Sequential deposition method. A small amount of cheap additive H₂O was added into PbI₂/DMF to make a homogeneous solution. We prepared four different solution such as (W/O H₂O, 1% H₂O, 2% H₂O, 3% H₂O). After preparing, the whole night stirring at 60℃ is essential for the homogenous precursor solutions. We observed that the solution with 1% H₂O was much more homogenous at room temperature as compared to others. The solution with 3% H₂O was precipitated at once at room temperature. The four different films of PbI₂ were formed on PEDOT substrates by spin coating and after that immediately (before drying the PbI₂) the substrates were immersed in the methyl ammonium iodide solution (prepared in isopropanol) for the completion of the desired perovskite film. After getting desired films, rinse the substrates with isopropanol to remove the excess amount of methyl ammonium iodide and finally dried it on hot plate only for 1-2 minutes. In this study, we added H₂O in the PbI₂/DMF precursor solution. The concept of additive is widely used in the bulk- heterojunction solar cells to manipulate the surface morphology, leading to the enhancement of the photovoltaic performance. There are two most important parameters for the selection of additives. (a) Higher boiling point w.r.t host material (b) good interaction with the precursor materials. We observed that the morphology of the films was improved and we achieved a denser, uniform with less cavities and almost full surface coverage films but only using precursor solution having 1% H₂O. Therefore, we fabricated the complete perovskite solar cell by sequential deposition technique with precursor solution having 1% H₂O. We concluded that with the addition of additives in the precursor solutions one can easily be manipulate the morphology of the perovskite film. In the sequential deposition method, thickness of perovskite film is in µm and the charge diffusion length of PbI₂ is in nm. Therefore, by controlling the thickness using other deposition methods for the fabrication of solar cells, we can achieve the better efficiency.

Keywords: methylammonium lead iodide, perovskite solar cell, precursor composition, sequential deposition

Procedia PDF Downloads 246
6583 Submicron Laser-Induced Dot, Ripple and Wrinkle Structures and Their Applications

Authors: P. Slepicka, N. Slepickova Kasalkova, I. Michaljanicova, O. Nedela, Z. Kolska, V. Svorcik


Polymers exposed to laser or plasma treatment or modified with different wet methods which enable the introduction of nanoparticles or biologically active species, such as amino-acids, may find many applications both as biocompatible or anti-bacterial materials or on the contrary, can be applied for a decrease in the number of cells on the treated surface which opens application in single cell units. For the experiments, two types of materials were chosen, a representative of non-biodegradable polymers, polyethersulphone (PES) and polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) as biodegradable material. Exposure of solid substrate to laser well below the ablation threshold can lead to formation of various surface structures. The ripples have a period roughly comparable to the wavelength of the incident laser radiation, and their dimensions depend on many factors, such as chemical composition of the polymer substrate, laser wavelength and the angle of incidence. On the contrary, biopolymers may significantly change their surface roughness and thus influence cell compatibility. The focus was on the surface treatment of PES and PHB by pulse excimer KrF laser with wavelength of 248 nm. The changes of physicochemical properties, surface morphology, surface chemistry and ablation of exposed polymers were studied both for PES and PHB. Several analytical methods involving atomic force microscopy, gravimetry, scanning electron microscopy and others were used for the analysis of the treated surface. It was found that the combination of certain input parameters leads not only to the formation of optimal narrow pattern, but to the combination of a ripple and a wrinkle-like structure, which could be an optimal candidate for cell attachment. The interaction of different types of cells and their interactions with the laser exposed surface were studied. It was found that laser treatment contributes as a major factor for wettability/contact angle change. The combination of optimal laser energy and pulse number was used for the construction of a surface with an anti-cellular response. Due to the simple laser treatment, we were able to prepare a biopolymer surface with higher roughness and thus significantly influence the area of growth of different types of cells (U-2 OS cells).

Keywords: cell response, excimer laser, polymer treatment, periodic pattern, surface morphology

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6582 Effect of Subsequent Drying and Wetting on the Small Strain Shear Modulus of Unsaturated Soils

Authors: A. Khosravi, S. Ghadirian, J. S. McCartney


Evaluation of the seismic-induced settlement of an unsaturated soil layer depends on several variables, among which the small strain shear modulus, Gmax, and soil’s state of stress have been demonstrated to be of particular significance. Recent interpretation of trends in Gmax revealed considerable effects of the degree of saturation and hydraulic hysteresis on the shear stiffness of soils in unsaturated states. Accordingly, the soil layer is expected to experience different settlement behaviors depending on the soil saturation and seasonal weathering conditions. In this study, a semi-empirical formulation was adapted to extend an existing Gmax model to infer hysteretic effects along different paths of the SWRC including scanning curves. The suitability of the proposed approach is validated against experimental results from a suction-controlled resonant column test and from data reported in literature. The model was observed to follow the experimental data along different paths of the SWRC, and showed a slight hysteresis in shear modulus along the scanning curves.

Keywords: hydraulic hysteresis, scanning path, small strain shear modulus, unsaturated soil

Procedia PDF Downloads 389
6581 Development and Characterization of Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles of Quercetin in Skin Cancer

Authors: Khusboo Agrawal, S. Saraf


Quercetin, a flavonol provides a cellular protection against UV induced oxidative damages due to its excellent free radical scavenging activity and direct pro-apoptopic effect on tumor cells. However, its topical use is limited due to its unfavorable physicochemical properties. The present study was aimed to evaluate the potential of mesoporous silica nanoparticles as topical carrier system for quercetin delivery. Complexes of quercetin with mesoporous silica was prepared with different weight ratios and characterized by thermo gravimetric analysis, X-ray diffraction, high resolution TEM, FT-IR spectroscopy, zeta potential measurements and differential scanning calorimetry The protective effect of this vehicle on UV-induced degradation of the quercetin was investigated revealing a certain positive influence of the inclusion on the photostability over time. Epidermal accumulation and transdermal permeation of this molecule were ex vivo evaluated by using Franz diffusion cells. The immobilization of Quercetin in mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) increased the stability without undermining the antioxidant efficacy.

Keywords: cancer, MSNs, quercetin, topical delivery

Procedia PDF Downloads 308
6580 Correlation between Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin Gene (Vgb) and Cadmium Uptake in the Heterologous Host Enterobacter Aerogenes in Response to Metabolic Inhibitors

Authors: Khaled Khleifat, Muayyad Abboud, Ahmad Almustafa


The effect of metabolic inhibitor/uncoupler(s) (CCCP and NaN3) and sulfhydryl reagents (dithiothreitol, 2 mercaptoethanol glutathione) on cadmium uptake was investigated in Enterobacter aerogenes strains. They include a transformed strain bearing the Vitreoscillahemoglobin gene, vgb as well as control strains that lack this transformed gene. The vgb-harboring strains showed better uptake of cadmium than vgb-lacking strains. Under low aeration, there was 2 fold enhancement of Cd+2 uptake in vgb-harboring strains compared with 1.6-fold enhancement under high aeration. The CCCP caused 36, 40 and 58% inhibition in cadmium uptake of parental, pUC9 harboring and VHb expressing cells, respectively. Similarly, the sodium azide exerted 44, 38 and 55% inhibition in Cd+2 uptake of parental, pUC9 harboring and VHb expressing cells, respectively. Less extensive inhibition of Cd+2 uptake in the range of 11 to 39% was observed with sulfhydryl reagents.

Keywords: bacterial hemoglobin, VHb, Cd uptake, biosorption

Procedia PDF Downloads 319
6579 Electromagnetic-Mechanical Stimulation on PC12 for Enhancement of Nerve Axonal Extension

Authors: E. Nakamachi, K. Matsumoto, K. Yamamoto, Y. Morita, H. Sakamoto


In recently, electromagnetic and mechanical stimulations have been recognized as the effective extracellular environment stimulation technique to enhance the defected peripheral nerve tissue regeneration. In this study, we developed a new hybrid bioreactor by adopting 50 Hz uniform alternative current (AC) magnetic stimulation and 4% strain mechanical stimulation. The guide tube for nerve regeneration is mesh structured tube made of biodegradable polymer, such as polylatic acid (PLA). However, when neural damage is large, there is a possibility that peripheral nerve undergoes necrosis. So it is quite important to accelerate the nerve tissue regeneration by achieving enhancement of nerve axonal extension rate. Therefore, we try to design and fabricate the system that can simultaneously load the uniform AC magnetic field stimulation and the stretch stimulation to cells for enhancement of nerve axonal extension. Next, we evaluated systems performance and the effectiveness of each stimulation for rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cells (PC12). First, we designed and fabricated the uniform AC magnetic field system and the stretch stimulation system. For the AC magnetic stimulation system, we focused on the use of pole piece structure to carry out in-situ microscopic observation. We designed an optimum pole piece structure using the magnetic field finite element analyses and the response surface methodology. We fabricated the uniform AC magnetic field stimulation system as a bio-reactor by adopting analytically determined design specifications. We measured magnetic flux density that is generated by the uniform AC magnetic field stimulation system. We confirmed that measurement values show good agreement with analytical results, where the uniform magnetic field was observed. Second, we fabricated the cyclic stretch stimulation device under the conditions of particular strains, where the chamber was made of polyoxymethylene (POM). We measured strains in the PC12 cell culture region to confirm the uniform strain. We found slightly different values from the target strain. Finally, we concluded that these differences were allowable in this mechanical stimulation system. We evaluated the effectiveness of each stimulation to enhance the nerve axonal extension using PC12. We confirmed that the average axonal extension length of PC12 under the uniform AC magnetic stimulation was increased by 16 % at 96 h in our bio-reactor. We could not confirm that the axonal extension enhancement under the stretch stimulation condition, where we found the exfoliating of cells. Further, the hybrid stimulation enhanced the axonal extension. Because the magnetic stimulation inhibits the exfoliating of cells. Finally, we concluded that the enhancement of PC12 axonal extension is due to the magnetic stimulation rather than the mechanical stimulation. Finally, we confirmed that the effectiveness of the uniform AC magnetic field stimulation for the nerve axonal extension using PC12 cells.

Keywords: nerve cell PC12, axonal extension, nerve regeneration, electromagnetic-mechanical stimulation, bioreactor

Procedia PDF Downloads 265
6578 Design and Simulation High Sensitive MEMS Capacitive Pressure Sensor with Small Size for Glaucoma Treatment

Authors: Yadollah Hezarjaribi, Mahdie Yari Esboi


In this paper, a novel MEMS capacitive pressure sensor with small size and high sensitivity is presented. This sensor has the separated clamped square diaphragm and the movable plate. The diaphragm material is polysilicon. The movable and fixed plates and mechanical coupling are gold. The substrate and diaphragm are pyrex glass and polysilicon, respectively. In capacitive sensor the sensitivity is proportional to deflection and capacitance changes with pressure for this reason with this design is improved the capacitance and sensitivity with small size. This sensor is designed for low pressure between 0-60 mmHg that is used for medical application such as treatment of an incurable disease called glaucoma. The size of this sensor is 350×350 µm2 and the thickness of the diaphragm is 2µm with 1μ air gap. This structure is designed by intellisuite software. In this MEMS capacitive pressure sensor the sensor sensitivity, diaphragm mechanical sensitivity for polysilicon diaphragm are 0.0469Pf/mmHg, 0.011 μm/mmHg, respectively. According to the simulating results for low pressure, the structure with polysilicon diaphragm has more change of the displacement and capacitance, this leads to high sensitivity than other diaphragms.

Keywords: glaucoma, MEMS capacitive pressure sensor, square clamped diaphragm, polysilicon

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6577 Innovativeness of the Furniture Enterprises in Bulgaria

Authors: Radostina Popova


The paper presents an analysis of the innovation performance of small and medium-sized furniture enterprises in Bulgaria, accounting for over 97% of the companies in the sector. It contains advanced features of innovation in enterprises, specific features of the furniture industry in Bulgaria and analysis of the results of studies on the topic. The results from studies of three successive periods - 2006-2008; 2008-2010; 2010-2012, during which were studied 594 small and medium-sized furniture enterprises. There are commonly used in the EU definitions and indicators (European Commission, OECD, Oslo Manual), which allows for the comparability of results.

Keywords: innovation activity, competitiveness of innovation, furniture enterprises in Bulgaria

Procedia PDF Downloads 272
6576 Estimation of Small Hydropower Potential Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in Pakistan

Authors: Malik Abid Hussain Khokhar, Muhammad Naveed Tahir, Muhammad Amin


Energy demand has been increased manifold due to increasing population, urban sprawl and rapid socio-economic improvements. Low water capacity in dams for continuation of hydrological power, land cover and land use are the key parameters which are creating problems for more energy production. Overall installed hydropower capacity of Pakistan is more than 35000 MW whereas Pakistan is producing up to 17000 MW and the requirement is more than 22000 that is resulting shortfall of 5000 - 7000 MW. Therefore, there is a dire need to develop small hydropower to fulfill the up-coming requirements. In this regards, excessive rainfall, snow nurtured fast flowing perennial tributaries and streams in northern mountain regions of Pakistan offer a gigantic scope of hydropower potential throughout the year. Rivers flowing in KP (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) province, GB (Gilgit Baltistan) and AJK (Azad Jammu & Kashmir) possess sufficient water availability for rapid energy growth. In the backdrop of such scenario, small hydropower plants are believed very suitable measures for more green environment and power sustainable option for the development of such regions. Aim of this study is to estimate hydropower potential sites for small hydropower plants and stream distribution as per steam network available in the available basins in the study area. The proposed methodology will focus on features to meet the objectives i.e. site selection of maximum hydropower potential for hydroelectric generation using well emerging GIS tool SWAT as hydrological run-off model on the Neelum, Kunhar and the Dor Rivers’ basins. For validation of the results, NDWI will be computed to show water concentration in the study area while overlaying on geospatial enhanced DEM. This study will represent analysis of basins, watershed, stream links, and flow directions with slope elevation for hydropower potential to produce increasing demand of electricity by installing small hydropower stations. Later on, this study will be benefitted for other adjacent regions for further estimation of site selection for installation of such small power plants as well.

Keywords: energy, stream network, basins, SWAT, evapotranspiration

Procedia PDF Downloads 222
6575 Safety and Efficacy of RM-001, Autologous HBG1/2 Promoter-Modified CD34+Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells, in Transfusion-Dependent β-Thalassemia

Authors: Rongrong Liu, Li Wang, Hui Xu, Jianpei Fang, Sixi Liu, Xiaolin Yin, Junbin Liang, Gaohui Yan, Yaoyun Li, Yali Zhou, Xinyu Li, Yue Li, Lei Shi, Yongrong Lai, Junjiu Huang, Xinhua Zhang


Background: Beta-Thalassemia is caused by reduced (β+) or absent (β0) synthesis of the β-globin chains of hemoglobin. Transfusions and oral iron chelation therapy have improved the quality of life for patients with Transfusion-Dependent thalassemia (TDT). Recent advances in genome editing platforms of CRISPR-Cas9 have paved the way for induction of HbF by reactivating expression of γ-chain.Aims: We performed CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing of hematopoietic stem cells to mutate HBG1/HBG2 promoter sequence, thereby representing a naturally occurring HPFH-liked mutation, producing RM-001. Here, we present an initial assessment of safety and efficacy of RM-001 in patients with TDT. Methods: Patients (6–35 y of age) with TDT receiving packed red blood cell (pRBC) transfusions of ≥100 mL/kg/y or ≥10 units/y in the previous 2 y were eligible. CD34+ cells were edited with CRISPR-Cas9 using a guide RNA specific for the binding site of BCL11A on the HBG1/2 promoter. Prior to RM-001 product infusion (day 0), patients received myeloablative conditioning with Busulfan from day-7 to day-4. Patients were monitored for AEs Hb expression.Results: Data cut as of 28 Feb 2024, 16 TDT patients have been treated with RM-001 and followed ≥3 months. 5 of these 16 patients had finished their 24 months follow up. Eleven patients have β0/β0 genotype and five patients have β0/β+ genotype. In addition to β-thalassemia, two patients had α- deletion with the genotype of --/αα. Efficacy:All patients received a single dose intravenous infusion of RM-001 cells. 5 of them had been followed 24 months or longer. All patients achieved transfusion-independent (TI, total Hb continued ≥ 9g/dL) (Figure1). Patients demonstrated sustained and clinically meaningful increases in HbF levels since 4 month post-RM-001 infusion (Figure.2). Total hemoglobin in all patients was stable at 10-12g/dL during the follow-up period. Safety:The adverse events observed after RM-001 infusion were consistent with those that are typical of Busulfan-based myeloablation. The allelic editing analysis at 6-month visit showed that the on-target allelic editing frequency in bone marrow cells was 73.44% (64.65% to 84.6%, n=13).Summary/Conclusion: This interim analysis, in which all the 19 patients age from 7.9 to 25yo met the success criteria for the trial with respect to transfusion independence, showed that autologous HBG1/2 promoter-modified CD34+ HSPCs gene therapy resulted in an adequate amount of HbF as early as 2 months after infusion led to near-normal hemoglobin levels, remained transfusion-free through the reported period without product related SAE. After RM-001 infusion, high levels of HbF proportion and on-target editing in bone marrow cells were maintained. Submitted on behalf of the RM-001 Investigators.

Keywords: thalassemian, genetherapy, CRISPR/Cas9, HbF

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6574 Energy Self-Sufficiency Through Smart Micro-Grids and Decentralised Sector-Coupling

Authors: C. Trapp, A. Vijay, M. Khorasani


Decentralised micro-grids with sector coupling can combat the spatial and temporal intermittence of renewable energy by combining power, transportation and infrastructure sectors. Intelligent energy conversion concepts such as electrolysers, hydrogen engines and fuel cells combined with energy storage using intelligent batteries and hydrogen storage form the back-bone of such a system. This paper describes a micro-grid based on Photo-Voltaic cells, battery storage, innovative modular and scalable Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM) electrolyzer with an efficiency of up to 73%, high-pressure hydrogen storage as well as cutting-edge combustion-engine based Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant with more than 85% efficiency at the university campus to address the challenges of decarbonization whilst eliminating the necessity for expensive high-voltage infrastructure.

Keywords: sector coupling, micro-grids, energy self-sufficiency, decarbonization, AEM electrolysis, hydrogen CHP

Procedia PDF Downloads 183
6573 Anthelminthic Effect of Clitoria Ternatea on Paramphistomum Cervi in Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

Authors: Bhanupriya Sanger, Kiran Roat, Gayatri Swarnakar


Helminths including Paramphistomum Cervi (P. cervi) are a major cause of reduced production in livestock or domestic ruminant. Rajasthan is the largest state of India having a maximum number of livestock. The economy of rural people largely depends on livestock such as cow, buffalo, goat and sheep. The prevalence of P. cervi helminth parasite is extremely high in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) of Udaipur, which causes the disease paramphistomiasis. This disease mainly affects milk, meat, wool production and loss of life of buffalo. Chemotherapy is the only efficient and effective tool to cure and control the helminth P. cervi infection, as efficacious vaccines against helminth have not been developed so far. Various veterinary drugs like Albendazole have been used as the standard drug for eliminating P. cervi from buffalo, but these drugs are unaffordable and inaccessible for poor livestock farmers. The fruits, leaves and seeds of Clitoria ternatea Linn. are known for their ethno-medicinal value and commonly known as “Aprajita” in India. Seed extract of Clitoria ternatea found to have a significant anthelmintic action against Paramphistomum cervi at the dose of 35 mg/ml. The tegument of treated P. cervi was compared with controlled parasites by light microscopy. Treated P. cervi showed extensive distortion and destruction of the tegument including ruptured parenchymal cells, disruption of musculature cells, swelling and vacuolization in tegumental and sub tegumental cells. As a result, it can be concluded that the seeds of Clitoria ternatea can be used as the anthelmintic agent. Key words: Paramphistomiasis, Buffalo, Alcoholic extract, Paramphistomum cervi, Clitoria ternatea.

Keywords: buffalo, Clitoria ternatea, Paramphistomiasis, Paramphistomum cervi

Procedia PDF Downloads 231
6572 Evaluating Therapeutic Efficacy of Intravesical Xenogeneic Urothelial Cell Treatment Alone and in Combination with Chemotherapy or Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in a Mouse Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer Model

Authors: Chih-Rong Shyr, Chi-Ping Huang


Intravesical BCG is the gold-standard therapy for high risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) after TURBT, but if not responsive to BCG, these BCG unresponsive patients face cystectomy that causes morbidity and comes with a morality risk. To provide the bladder sparing options for patients with BCG-unresponsive NMIBC, several new treatments have been developed to salvage the bladders and prevent progression to muscle invasive or metastatic, but however, most approved or developed treatments still fail in a significant proportion of patients without long term success. Thus more treatment options and the combination of different therapeutic modalities are urgently needed to change the outcomes. Xenogeneic rejection has been proposed to a mechanism of action to induce anti-tumor immunity for the treatment of cancers due to the similarities between rejection mechanism to xenoantigens (proteins, glycans and lipids) and anti-tumor immunities to tumor specific antigens (neoantigens, tumor associated carbohydrates and lipids). Xenogeneic urothelial cells (XUC) of porcine origin have been shown to induce anti-tumor immune responses to inhibit bladder tumor progression in mouse bladder cancer models. To further demonstrate the efficacy of the distinct intravesical XUC treatment in NMIBC, and the combined effects with chemotherapy and immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) as a alternate therapeutic option, this study investigated the therapeutic effects and mechanisms of intravesical XUC immunotherapy in an orthotopic mouse immune competent model of NMIBC, generated from a mouse bladder cancer cell line. We found that the tumor progression was inhibited by intravescial XUC treatment and there was a synergy between intravesical XUC with intravesical chemotherapeutic agent, gemcitabine or systemic ICI, anti-PD1 antibody treatment. The cancer cell proliferation was decreased but the cell death was increased by the intravecisal XUC treatment. Most importantly, the mechanisms of action of intravesical XUC immunotherapy were found to be linked to enhanced infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell as well as NK cells, but decreased presence of myeloid immunosuppressive cells in XUC treated tumors. The increased stimulation of immune cells of XUC treated mice to xenogeneic urothelial cells and mouse bladder cancer cells in immune cell proliferation and cytokine secretion were observed both as a monotherapy and in combination with intravesical gemcitabine or systemic anti PD-L1 treatment. In sum, we identified the effects of intravesical XUC treatment in monotherapy and combined therapy on tumor progression and its cellular and molecular events related to immune activation to understand the anti-tumoral mechanisms behind intravesical XUC immunotherapy for NMIBC. These results contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms behind successful xenogeneic cell immunotherapy against NMIBC and characterize a novel therapeutic approach with a new xenogeneic cell modality for BCG-unresponsive NMIBC.

Keywords: xenoantigen, neoantigen, rejection, immunity

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6571 Investigating the Viability of Small-Scale Rapid Alloy Prototyping of Interstitial Free Steels

Authors: Talal S. Abdullah, Shahin Mehraban, Geraint Lodwig, Nicholas P. Lavery


The defining property of Interstitial Free (IF) steels is formability, comprehensively measured using the Lankford coefficient (r-value) on uniaxial tensile test data. The contributing factors supporting this feature are grain size, orientation, and elemental additions. The processes that effectively modulate these factors are the casting procedure, hot rolling, and heat treatment. An existing methodology is well-practised in the steel Industry; however, large-scale production and experimentation consume significant proportions of time, money, and material. Introducing small-scale rapid alloy prototyping (RAP) as an alternative process would considerably reduce the drawbacks relative to standard practices. The aim is to finetune the existing fundamental procedures implemented in the industrial plant to adapt to the RAP route. IF material is remelted in the 80-gram coil induction melting (CIM) glovebox. To birth small grains, maximum deformation must be induced onto the cast material during the hot rolling process. The rolled strip must then satisfy the polycrystalline behaviour of the bulk material by displaying a resemblance in microstructure, hardness, and formability to that of the literature and actual plant steel. A successful outcome of this work is that small-scale RAP can achieve target compositions with similar microstructures and statistically consistent mechanical properties which complements and accelerates the development of novel steel grades.

Keywords: rapid alloy prototyping, plastic anisotropy, interstitial free, miniaturised tensile testing, formability

Procedia PDF Downloads 116
6570 Biophysical Features of Glioma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as Potential Diagnostic Markers

Authors: Abhimanyu Thakur, Youngjin Lee


Glioma is a lethal brain cancer whose early diagnosis and prognosis are limited due to the dearth of a suitable technique for its early detection. Current approaches, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and invasive biopsy for the diagnosis of this lethal disease, hold several limitations, demanding an alternative method. Recently, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been used in numerous biomarker studies, majorly exosomes and microvesicles (MVs), which are found in most of the cells and biofluids, including blood, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and urine. Remarkably, glioma cells (GMs) release a high number of EVs, which are found to cross the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) and impersonate the constituents of parent GMs including protein, and lncRNA; however, biophysical properties of EVs have not been explored yet as a biomarker for glioma. We isolated EVs from cell culture conditioned medium of GMs and regular primary culture, blood, and urine of wild-type (WT)- and glioma mouse models, and characterized by nano tracking analyzer, transmission electron microscopy, immunogold-EM, and differential light scanning. Next, we measured the biophysical parameters of GMs-EVs by using atomic force microscopy. Further, the functional constituents of EVs were examined by FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. Exosomes and MVs-derived from GMs, blood, and urine showed distinction biophysical parameters (roughness, adhesion force, and stiffness) and different from that of regular primary glial cells, WT-blood, and -urine, which can be attributed to the characteristic functional constituents. Therefore, biophysical features can be potential diagnostic biomarkers for glioma.

Keywords: glioma, extracellular vesicles, exosomes, microvesicles, biophysical properties

Procedia PDF Downloads 142
6569 Experimental and Finite Element Analysis for Mechanics of Soil-Tool Interaction

Authors: A. Armin, R. Fotouhi, W. Szyszkowski


In this paper a 3-D finite element (FE) investigation of soil-blade interaction is described. The effects of blade’s shape and rake angle are examined both numerically and experimentally. The soil is considered as an elastic-plastic granular material with non-associated Drucker-Prager material model. Contact elements with different properties are used to mimic soil-blade sliding and soil-soil cutting phenomena. A separation criterion is presented and a procedure to evaluate the forces acting on the blade is given and discussed in detail. Experimental results were derived from tests using soil bin facility and instruments at the University of Saskatchewan. During motion of the blade, load cells collect data and send them to a computer. The measured forces using load cells had noisy signals which are needed to be filtered. The FE results are compared with experimental results for verification. This technique can be used in blade shape optimization and design of more complicated blade’s shape.

Keywords: finite element analysis, experimental results, blade force, soil-blade contact modeling

Procedia PDF Downloads 321
6568 Evaluation of Airborne Particulate Matter Early Biological Effects in Children with Micronucleus Cytome Assay: The MAPEC_LIFE Project

Authors: E. Carraro, Sa. Bonetta, Si. Bonetta, E. Ceretti, G. C. V. Viola, C. Pignata, S. Levorato, T. Salvatori, S. Vannini, V. Romanazzi, A. Carducci, G. Donzelli, T. Schilirò, A. De Donno, T. Grassi, S. Bonizzoni, A. Bonetti, G. Gilli, U. Gelatti


In 2013, air pollution and particulate matter were classified as carcinogenic to human by the IARC. At present, PM is Europe's most problematic pollutant in terms of harm to health, as reported by European Environmental Agency (EEA) in the EEA Technical Report on Air quality in Europe, 2015. A percentage between 17-30 of the EU urban population lives in areas where the EU air quality 24-hour limit value for PM10 is exceeded. Many studies have found a consistent association between exposure to PM and the incidence and mortality for some chronic diseases (i.e. lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases). Among the mechanisms responsible for these adverse effects, genotoxic damage is of particular concern. Children are a high-risk group in terms of the health effects of air pollution and early exposure during childhood can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases in adulthood. The MAPEC_LIFE (Monitoring Air Pollution Effects on Children for supporting public health policy) is a project founded by EU Life+ Programme (LIFE12 ENV/IT/000614) which intends to evaluate the associations between air pollution and early biological effects in children and to propose a model for estimating the global risk of early biological effects due to air pollutants and other factors in children. This work is focused on the micronuclei frequency in child buccal cells in association with airborne PM levels taking into account the influence of other factors associated with the lifestyle of children. The micronucleus test was performed in exfoliated buccal cells of 6–8 years old children from 5 Italian towns with different air pollution levels. Data on air quality during the study period were obtained from the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection. A questionnaire administered to children’s parents was used to obtain details on family socio-economic status, children health condition, exposures to other indoor and outdoor pollutants (i.e. passive smoke) and life-style, with particular reference to eating habits. During the first sampling campaign (winter 2014-15) 1315 children were recruited and sampled for Micronuclei test in buccal cells. In the sampling period the levels of the main pollutants and PM10 were, as expected, higher in the North of Italy (PM10 mean values 62 μg/m3 in Torino and 40 μg/m3 in Brescia) than in the other towns (Pisa, Perugia, Lecce). A higher Micronucleus frequency in buccal cells of children was found in Brescia (0.6/1000 cells) than in the other towns (range 0.3-0.5/1000 cells). The statistical analysis underlines a relation of the micronuclei frequency with PM concentrations, traffic level near child residence, and level of education of parents. The results suggest that, in addition to air pollution exposure, some other factors, related to lifestyle or further exposures, may influence micronucleus frequency and cellular response to air pollutants.

Keywords: air pollution, buccal cells, children, micronucleus cytome assay

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